Active birthday contests. Birthday contests and games. "The alphabet is near us"

These competitions will help teachers and parents entertain their children. They can be carried out in classes, festive events, at home, on the street.


Turn out the sleeves of two jackets and hang them on the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter with their backs facing each other. Place a two-meter long rope under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. At the signal, they must take their jackets, turn out the sleeves, put them on, and fasten all the buttons. Then run around your opponent’s chair, sit on your chair and pull the string.

Who is faster

Children with skipping ropes in their hands stand in a line on one side of the playground so as not to interfere with each other. In 15 - 20 steps, a line is drawn or a cord with flags is laid down. Following the agreed signal, all children simultaneously jump in the direction of the placed cord. The one who gets near her first wins.

Hitting the ball on target

A pin or flag is placed at a distance of 8-10 m. Each team member gets the right to one throw, he must try to knock down the target. After each throw, the ball is returned to the team. If the target is shot down, it is replaced in its original place. The team with the most accurate hits wins.
- the ball does not fly, but rolls along the ground, launched by hand,
- players kick the ball,
- players throw the ball with both hands from behind their heads.

Ball in the ring

Teams are lined up in a single column, one at a time, in front of the basketball backboards at a distance of 2–3 meters. After the signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then puts the ball, and the second player also takes the ball and throws it into the ring, and so on. The team that hits the hoop the most wins.


In the center of the circle or stage are two easels with paper. The leader calls two groups of five people. At the signal from the leader, the first from the group take the coal and draw the beginning of the picture; at the signal, they pass the coal to the next one. The task is for all five competitors to draw a given drawing faster than their opponents. Everyone must participate in drawing.
The tasks are simple: draw a steam locomotive, a bicycle, a steamship, a truck, a tram, an airplane, etc.

Roll a ball

The players are divided into groups of 2 - 5 people. Each of them receives a task: within a set time (8 - 10 minutes) roll a snowball as large as possible. The group that rolls the largest snowball by the specified time wins.

Three ball run

At the starting line, the first person conveniently takes 3 balls (football, volleyball and basketball). At the signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and places the balls near it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, not reaching 1 m, places them on the floor.
- instead of large balls, you can take 6 tennis balls,
— instead of running, jumping.


In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer wins the competition.

Blow up the balloon

For this competition you will need 8 balloons. 8 people are selected from the audience. They are given balloons. At the leader’s command, the participants begin to inflate the balloons, but in such a way that the balloon does not burst when inflated. The one who completes the task first wins.


Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a turnip - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip.
Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, The mouse is caught by a turnip. The team that pulled out the turnip the fastest wins.

Hoop relay

Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, go back and pass the hoop to his friend. The team that completes the relay first wins.

Counter relay race with hoop and skipping rope

Teams line up as if in a relay race. The guide of the first subgroup has a gymnastic hoop, and the guide of the second subgroup has a jump rope. At the signal, the player with the hoop rushes forward, jumping through the hoop (like jumping rope). As soon as the player with the hoop crosses the starting line of the opposite column, the player with the jump rope starts and moves forward by jumping the rope. After completing the task, each participant passes the equipment to the next player in the column. This continues until the participants complete the task and change places in the columns. Jogging is prohibited.


4 players (2 from each team) stand on the starting line. Everyone gets 3 large balls. They must be carried to the final destination and returned back. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and picking up a fallen ball without outside help is also not easy. Therefore, porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too great). The team that completes the task faster wins.

Ball race underfoot

Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player throws the ball back between the players' spread legs. The last player of each team bends down, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between his spread legs, etc. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

Three jumps

Participants are divided into two teams. Place a jump rope and a hoop at a distance of 8-10 m from the starting line. After the signal, the first person, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The second person takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it and alternates between the jump rope and the hoop. The team that finishes it faster will win.

Hoop race

The players are divided into equal teams and lined up along the side lines of the court. On the right flank of each team there is a captain; he is wearing 10 gymnastic hoops. At the signal, the captain takes off the first hoop and passes it through himself from top to bottom, or vice versa and passes it to the next player. At the same time, the captain takes off the second hoop and passes it to his neighbor, who, having completed the task, passes the hoop on. Thus, each player, having passed the hoop to his neighbor, immediately receives a new hoop. The last player in the line puts all the hoops on himself. The team whose players complete the task faster receives a winning point. The team whose players win twice wins.

Quick threes

Players stand in a circle in threes, one after the other. The first numbers of each three join hands and form an inner circle. The second and third numbers, holding hands, form a large outer circle. At the signal, the guys standing in the inner circle run to the right with side steps, and those standing in the outer circle run to the left. At the second signal, the players release their hands and stand in their threes. Each time the circles move in a different direction. The three players who come together faster receive a winning point. The game lasts 4 - 5 minutes. The trio whose players score the most points wins.

Prohibited movement

The players and the leader stand in a circle. The leader takes a step forward to be more noticeable. If there are few players, then you can line them up and stand in front of them. The leader invites the children to perform all the movements after him, with the exception of those prohibited, which were previously established by him. For example, it is prohibited to perform the “hands on the belt” movement. The leader begins to do things to the music different movements, and all the players repeat them. Unexpectedly, the leader performs a prohibited movement. The player repeating it takes a step forward and then continues to play.

Courtesy check

This competition is tricky and is only held once. Before the start of the boys' competition, a girl passes in front of them and, as if by accident, drops her handkerchief. The boy who guessed to pick up the scarf and politely return it to the girl wins. After this it is announced that this was the first competition.
Option: if the competition is between two teams, then the point is awarded to the one from which the most polite boy was.

Good fairy tale

The basis is a fairy tale with a sad ending (for example, the Snow Maiden, the Little Mermaid, etc.). And the children are given the task of thinking about how this fairy tale can be remade, using characters from other fairy tales, so that it ends happily. The winner is the team that plays out the fairy tale in the form of a mini-play in the most funny and cheerful way.


The game participants are divided into two equal groups. The players of each group hold on to each other and form one chain with their arms bent at the elbows.
Stronger and more dexterous participants – “groovy” ones – become ahead of the chain. Standing opposite each other, the “clockwork” also takes each other’s arms bent at the elbows and each pulls in their own direction, trying to either break the opponent’s chain or pull it over the intended line.
Rule: start pulling exactly at the signal.

Story competition folk tales

Children are divided into two teams. The presenter says the first words from the title of folk tales; participants must say the entire title. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.
1. Ivan Tsarevich and the gray... (wolf)
2. Sister Alyonushka and brother... (Ivan)
3. Finist - Clear... (falcon)
4. Princess - ... (Toad)
5. Geese - ... (Swans)
6. By pike... (order)
7. Moroz... (Ivanovich)
8. Snow White and the seven... (dwarves)
9. Horse - ... (Humpbacked Little Humpback)

Speak without mistakes

Whoever pronounces these proverbs better will win:
Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack.
He reported, but didn’t report enough, but when he began to report more, he reported.

Night travel

The presenter says that the driver will have to drive at night without lighting, so the player is blindfolded. But first, the driver is introduced to a freeway made from sports pins. Handing the steering wheel to the driver, the presenter offers to practice and drive so that not a single post is knocked down. The player is then blindfolded and brought to the steering wheel. The presenter gives a command - a hint where to turn to the driver, warns about danger. When the path has been completed, the leader unties the driver's eyes. Then the next participants in the game “go”. The one who knocks down the pins the least wins.

Sharp shooters

There is a target mounted on the wall. You can use small balls or darts.
Each player has three tries.
After the game, the host rewards the winners and encourages the losers.

Keep your balance

With their arms extended to the sides, the players, like tightrope walkers, walk along the very edge of the carpet.
The last one to leave the race wins.


The conditions are as follows: there are five eggs in the cassette. One of them is raw, the presenter warns. And the rest are boiled. You need to break an egg on your forehead. Whoever comes across something raw is the bravest one. (But in general, the eggs are all boiled, and the prize is simply awarded to the last participant - he consciously took the risk of becoming everyone’s laughing stock.)

Game "Merry Orchestra"

An unlimited number of people participate in the game. A conductor is selected, the remaining participants are divided into balalaika players, accordionists, trumpeters, violinists, etc., depending on the number of participants. At a signal from the conductor, who points to a group of musicians, they begin to “play” to the tune of any famous song: balalaika players - “Trem, shake”, violinists - “tili-tili”, trumpeters - “turu-ru”, accordionists - “tra- la-la." The difficulty of the task is that the pace of change of musicians is constantly increasing, the conductor points first to one group, then to the other, and if the conductor waves both hands, then the musicians must “play” all together. You can make the task more difficult: if the conductor waves his hand strongly, then the musicians must “play” loudly, and if he waves his hand a little, then the musicians “play” quietly.

Game "Collect a bouquet"

2 teams of 8 people each participate. 1 child in the team is a gardener, the rest are flowers. On the heads of the flower children are hats with images of flowers. Flower children squat in a column, one at a time, at a considerable distance from each other. At a signal, the gardeners run to the first flower, which grabs the gardener’s back. Already the two of them run to the next flower, etc. The team that runs to the finish line first wins.


You will need a long cord and a ring. Thread the cord through the ring and tie the ends. Children sit in a circle and place a cord with a ring on their knees. In the center of the circle is the driver. Children, unnoticed by the driver, move the ring from one to another (not necessarily in one direction, you can move the ring in different directions). At the same time, music sounds, and the driver carefully monitors the movements of the ring. As soon as the music stops, the ring also stops. The driver must indicate who currently has the ring. If you guess right, you change places with the one who had the ring.

And I!

A game of attentiveness.
Rules of the game: the presenter tells a story about himself, preferably a fable. During the story, he pauses and raises his hand up. The rest should listen carefully and, when the leader raises his hand up, shout “and I” if the action mentioned in the story can be performed by a person or remain silent if the action is not suitable. For example, the presenter says:
“One day I went into the forest...
All: “Me too!”
I see a squirrel sitting on a tree...
The squirrel sits and gnaws nuts...
— ….
- She saw me and let’s throw nuts at me...
- I ran away from her...
- I went the other way...
— ….
- I’m walking through the forest, picking flowers...
— …
- I sing songs...
— ….
— I see a little goat nibbling the grass... -...? - As soon as I whistle...
— ….
— The little goat got scared and ran away...
- And I moved on...
— …
There are no winners in this game - the main thing is a cheerful mood.


Children stand in one line. By lot or counting, I choose the first participant. He faces everyone and performs some movement, for example: clapping his hands, jumping on one leg, turning his head, raising his arms, etc. Then he stands in his place, and the next player takes his place. He repeats the movement of the first participant and adds his own.
The third player repeats the two previous gestures and adds his own, and so do the rest of the game participants in turn. When the whole team has finished showing, the game can go on for the second round. A player who fails to repeat any gesture is eliminated from the game. The winner is the last child standing.

Sparrows and crows

You can play together with a child, but better company. Agree in advance what the sparrows will do and what the crows will do. For example, with the command “Sparrows,” children will lie down on the floor. And when the Crows command, climb onto the bench. Now you can start the game. An adult slowly pronounces, syllable by syllable, “Vo - ro - ... ny!” Children must quickly perform the movement that was assigned to the crows. Whoever completed it last or got it wrong pays a forfeit.

Plucking feathers

You will need clothespins. Several children will be catchers. They are given clothespins, which they attach to their clothes. If the catcher catches one of the children, he attaches a clothespin to his clothes. The first catcher to free himself from his clothespins wins.

Looking for the ball

The participants of the game stand in a circle and close their eyes. The leader takes a small ball or any other small item and throws it away to the side. Everyone listens carefully, trying to guess by the sound where the ball fell. At the command “Look!” children run away different sides, looking for the ball. The winner is the one who finds it, quietly runs up to a pre-agreed place and knocks with a stick with the words “The ball is mine!” If other players guess who has the ball, they try to catch up with him and grab him. Then the ball goes to the player who caught up. Now he is running away from the others.


Children are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a ball of thread and a thick pencil. At the leader’s signal, the children begin to rewind the ball onto a pencil. One of the children holds the ball, the second winds the thread around the pencil. The pair that completes the job the fastest wins. A second prize can be awarded for the neatest ball.

Two rams

This game can be played in pairs taking turns. Two children, with their legs spread wide apart, bend their torsos forward and rest their foreheads against each other. Hands clasped behind back. The task is to confront each other without budging for as long as possible. You can make the sounds “Bee-ee”.


Invite the children to test their attentiveness, observation and reaction speed. It's very easy to do. Let the guys answer any of your questions: “Potatoes.” Questions can be addressed to everyone, and sometimes it is better to ask one. For example: “What do you have in this place?” (pointing to his nose).
The reaction is not hard to imagine. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game. Do not forget to forgive the most inattentive ones after the first two questions, otherwise you will have no one to continue the game with. Here are some questions you can ask:
— What did you have for lunch today?
-What would you like to eat for dinner?
- Who is this who is late and is entering the hall now?
— What did your mother bring you as a gift?
-What do you dream about at night?
— What is the name of your favorite dog? … and so on.
At the end of the game, give the winners - the most attentive guys - a comic prize - a potato.


Plastic cups or small buckets of water filled to the brim are placed on children's trucks. Ropes of the same length (according to the child’s height) are tied to the cars. On command, you must quickly “carry the load” from start to finish, trying not to spill the water. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line the fastest and does not spill the water. You can make two prizes - for speed and for accuracy.

Crumple up the newspaper

You will need newspapers according to the number of participants. There is an unfolded newspaper on the floor in front of the players. The task is to crumple the newspaper at the presenter’s signal, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist.
Whoever can do this first is the winner.

Clever janitor

To play, you need to prepare a broom and “leaves” (You can use small pieces of paper). A circle is drawn - this is the place of the “janitor.” The janitor is selected. The “janitor” stands in a circle with a broom. At the leader’s signal, the rest of the participants pretend to be the “wind,” that is, they throw pieces of paper into the circle, and the “janitor” sweeps out the trash. The “janitor” is considered the winner if after the agreed time (1-2 minutes) there is not a single piece of paper in the circle.


Two slits for hands are made on a sheet of whatman paper or cardboard. Participants take each sheet of paper, insert their hands into the slots, and draw a portrait with a brush without looking. Whoever has the most successful “masterpiece” takes the prize.


Children are divided into two teams. After which the players of the first team confer and think of a word for one of the players of the second team. His task is to show this word to his team members only with gestures, without using any sounds or words. When the word is guessed, the teams change places.
Depending on the age of the participants, the complexity of the hidden words may vary. Beginning with simple words and concepts, such as “car”, “house”, and ending complex concepts, names of films, cartoons, books.


Each child is given a “snowflake”, i.e. a small ball of cotton wool. Children loosen their snowflakes and, at your signal, launch them into the air and begin to blow on them from below so that they stay in the air as long as possible. The most dexterous one wins.

Land - water

Participants of the competition stand in one line. When the leader says “land,” everyone jumps forward; when they say “water,” everyone jumps back. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word “water,” for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word “land” - shore, land, island. Those who jump at random are eliminated, the winner is the last player - the most attentive.

Drawing a portrait

Participants try to draw a portrait of any of those sitting opposite. Then the leaves are sent in a circle. Everyone will try to write on the reverse side who they recognize in this portrait. When the leaves go around the circle and return to the author, he will count the number of votes of the participants who recognized the one drawn. The best artist wins.


Players are given a bunch of keys and a locked padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch and open the lock as quickly as possible. You can put a lock on the cabinet where the prize is hidden.


All players close their eyes and pull matches from the pile one at a time. You cannot show your match to your neighbor. One of the matches is broken, and the one who takes it out becomes a sniper. Then everyone opens their eyes and the day begins. A sniper can kill a player by looking into his eyes and winking. The “killed” person leaves the game and loses the right to vote.
If one of the players witnesses a “murder”, he has the right to say loudly about it, at this moment the game stops (that is, the sniper cannot kill anyone), and the players find out if there are any more witnesses. If not, the game continues, and if there is, the angry players lynch the suspect, taking the match away from him and thus finding out whether they made a mistake. The sniper's task is to shoot everyone before he is exposed, and everyone else's task is to expose the sniper before he shoots everyone.

Chinese football

The players stand in a circle facing outward, with their feet shoulder-width apart, so that each foot stands close to the symmetrical leg of its neighbor. Inside the circle there is a ball, which the players try to score into each other’s goal (that is, roll the ball between their legs with their hands). The one between whose legs the ball rolls removes one hand, after the second goal - the second, and after the third - leaves the game.


The players stand in a circle, alternating by gender (that is, boy-girl-boy-girl, and so on), with the driver in the center. The players rhythmically clap their hands and say the following words in chorus: “Aram-shim-shim, aram-shim-shim, Arameya-Zufiya, point to me!” And again! And two! And three!”, at this time the driver, closing his eyes and pointing his hands forward, rotates in place, and when the text ends, he stops and opens his eyes. The representative of the opposite sex closest in the direction of rotation to the place shown to them also goes to the center, where they stand back to back. Then everyone else claps their hands again, saying in unison: “And once! And two! And three!". On the count of three, those standing in the center turn their heads to the sides. If they looked in different directions, then the driver kisses (usually on the cheek) the one who came out, if in one direction, they shake hands. After which the driver stands in a circle, and the one who leaves becomes the driver.
There is also a version of the game in which for the representatives of the stronger sex spinning in the center the words “Aram-shim-shim, ...” are replaced with “Wider, wider, wider circle! He has seven hundred girlfriends! This one, this one, this one, this one, and my favorite one is this one!”, although in general it doesn’t matter.
While playing the game younger age, it makes sense to replace kisses with scary faces that the two in the center make at each other.

And I'm going

The players stand in a circle facing inward. One of the seats remains free. The one standing to the right of the free space says loudly, “And I’m coming!” and goes over to him. The next one (that is, the one who is now standing to the right of the empty seat) loudly says “Me too!” and moves on to him, the next one says “And I’m a hare!” and also takes place on the right. The next one, moving on, says “And I’m with...” and names someone from those standing in the circle. The task of the one who was named is to run to an empty place. In this game, you can add a driver who will wedge into an empty seat when someone is thinking too long.

Game "Lanterns"

This game involves 2 teams. Each team has 3 yellow balls. At the command of the presenter, the audience begins to pass the balls from hand to hand from the first row to the last. You need to pass the balls (fire) with your hands raised and return them back in the same way, without extinguishing the fire (i.e. without bursting the ball).

Competition "Who can collect coins faster"

The competition is open to 2 people (more is possible). Game coins made of thick paper are scattered around the site. The participants' task is to collect money blindfolded. The one who collects the most coins the fastest wins. This competition can be repeated 2 - 3 times.


The players are free to sit in the room. When the text begins, everyone performs voluntary movements. With the last word “stopped,” all movements stop, the participants in the game seem to freeze. The presenter, passing by them, notices the one who moved. He leaves the game. A wide variety of movements can be used, but always while standing still. At the end of the game, the presenter also marks those who performed the most beautiful or complex movements.
Rain, rain, drop,
Water Saber,
I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,
Cut, cut, didn't cut
And he got tired and stopped!


A rope is stretched across the room, to which the
various small prizes. The children are blindfolded one by one and given
scissors and they cut off their prize with their eyes closed. (Be
Be careful, do not leave children alone while playing this game!).

Cockroach race

For this game you will need 4 matchboxes and 2 threads (for two participants). The thread is tied to the belt in front, and a matchbox is tied to the other end of the thread so that it hangs between the legs. The second box is placed on the floor. Swinging boxes between their legs like a pendulum, participants must push boxes lying on the floor. Whoever covers the pre-determined distance faster is considered the winner.


A deep plate is placed on a chair, participants must take turns throwing a button or a bottle cap into it from a distance of 2-3 meters, trying to hit it so that the button remains in the plate.
This simple game is very captivating and exciting for kids.


The guys sit on chairs so that a circle is formed. There must be a player behind each person sitting on a chair, and one chair must be free. The player standing behind him must discreetly wink at any of those sitting in the circle. All seated participants must face the player with an empty chair. A sitting participant, seeing that he has been winked at, must quickly take an empty seat. The functions of the players standing behind those sitting are to prevent their players from going to empty seats. To do this, they just have to put their hand on the shoulder of the person sitting. If the “guard” does not release the “fugitive”, they change places.

One - knee, two - knee

Everyone sits down on chairs again in a tight circle. Then everyone should place their hand on the right knee of the person on their left. Did you put it in? So, now, starting with the counselor, a light hand clap should pass clockwise across all knees in turn. First - the counselor’s right hand, then the left hand of his neighbor on the right, then the right hand of the neighbor on the left, then the counselor’s left hand, etc.
The first round is held so that the guys understand how to act. After this the game begins. The one who made a mistake during the game removes the hand that either delayed its clap or made it earlier. If a player removes both hands, he leaves the circle and the game continues. To complicate the task, the counselor gives the count faster and faster, under which the clap should be made. The last three players standing win.


The players stand in a circle. A rope is stretched inside the circle, which everyone holds on to with their hands. The presenter explains that it is necessary, with your eyes closed, without opening your hands, to build a square, an equilateral triangle, a star, using only oral conversations.

Each participant receives the same cucumber. You will need to strip your cucumber and gnaw off the skin. Whoever completes the task faster and who gets the most perfect “naked” cucumber wins.

Sweet straws

Sweets lovers will definitely love this competition. Each participant receives a long waffle tube with condensed milk inside. At the “start” command, participants begin sucking condensed milk using their lips and tongue. Whoever copes first wins.

If you like cabbage rolls, cut up the cabbage

Each participant receives a small head of cabbage. At the “start” command, participants begin to “peel” leaf from leaf, trying to do this carefully, without tearing a single leaf. Whoever finishes the cabbage faster and who has the most whole leaves of cabbage will earn a prize.

Crazy people with glasses

For this competition you will need a large number of glasses (not only sunglasses can be used, but also ordinary funny fake glasses from a joke store). Each participant receives the same number of points and, at the command of the leader, puts them on wherever he wants. Whichever child can create the best and most creative exhibit at the eyewear exhibition in a minute will receive a prize.


For this competition you will need accurate scales. Each participant receives an apple. Each apple is weighed and the weight is recorded. At the leader’s command, all participants begin to divide their apple equally using a knife. Whoever turns out to be the most accurate and divides the apple exactly in half (for example, if the apple weighs 300 grams, and the participant divided it into two parts of 150 grams each), will receive a prize.

Under the water

Each participant in turn pulls out his forfeit, in which any phrase will be indicated. As soon as all the guests have sorted out their forfeits and become familiar with their phrases, the host brings a basin of water into the room. Now each guest, in turn, must dip their face, or at least their mouth up to their cheeks, in water and say their phrase, and the rest of the guests must guess what the participant said. Participants whose phrases are guessed will receive prizes.

Chat and chew

Each participant receives an apple or an orange. At the command “start”, participants begin to eat their fruit and at the same time name the names of different countries of the world. The participant who eats his apple the fastest and names the most countries will become the winner and receive a world map (atlas) as a gift.

Encrypted phrase

The guests are divided into teams: a female team and a male team. Each team chooses its own “captain”. We play in turns. First, in the men's team, the participants close their eyes, and the captain of the men's team takes a pencil between his knees, and the woman also takes an eraser between her knees. A strip of paper is attached to the wall at a convenient distance. At the “start” command, the man begins to write an encrypted phrase (for example, “women love with their ears” or any other), and the captain of the women’s team tries to erase as much information as possible with an eraser. The woman erases, the man writes, and so on for one minute. The leader gives the command “stop” and the men’s team members open their eyes. They must understand what phrase their captain wrote. Then the team captains exchange pencils and erasers and the principle of the game is the same. Either the female gender, or the male gender, or friendship will win.

Ogoli cucumber

Each participant receives a cucumber (the cucumbers must be the same size). At the “start” command, participants begin to undress the cucumber with their teeth, i.e. gnaw off the peel, trying to do it as carefully as possible. The participant who can peel a cucumber with his teeth the fastest and most accurately will be the winner and receive a prize, such as a vegetable peeler.

Dangles between the legs - starts with “x” (answer: crispy vegetable)

Each participant has a carrot or cucumber tied to his belt on a rope of equal length (approximately at knee level). At the “start” command, participants begin to eat their vegetable. Whoever is first is well done.

In the article you will find many fun, funny, active and other competitions and games for children's parties.

How to have a fun children's party, birthday without an animator, at home: tips

A child's birthday is one of the most desired holidays for a family; it is a joyful and cheerful day. Most children look forward to this holiday and count the days until it.

Along with this, the holiday brings a lot of trouble. Parents are faced with the task of carefully thinking through the scenario for this day:

  1. Decide whether the celebration will take place in children's club, cafe, outdoors or at home.
  2. Decorate a room or hall in a holiday style.
  3. Decide on the menu and order/prepare food for guests.
  4. Agree with a photographer and/or videographer to film the event.

What do children expect from this holiday? You will hardly surprise them with treats, beautiful photo shoot will also not cause delight; first of all, children expect fun and unforgettable emotions. To achieve this, animators work during the holidays to entertain children and hold competitions and games.

Important: Parents can independently arrange an unforgettable holiday for their children, spend a lot of time on their own fun competitions and games. The most important resource for this is time. You will find ideas for competitions and games below.

Adviсe for organizing children's games:

  1. For an outdoor party, plan more outdoor games.
  2. In an apartment, on the contrary, table games are more suitable, there are also a lot of them.
  3. If adults will be present at the party in addition to children, play several games together so that parents don’t get bored either.
  4. Give children small prizes and souvenirs for participating in competitions. This, firstly, is pleasant, and secondly, it will arouse even greater interest in children.
  5. If during the games you notice that the children are not enthusiastic, remove games of this type. Replace this game with another, more fun one. To do this, you should have several game options in your arsenal, just in case.
Tips: how to organize a party for children

The best simple, easy games and competitions for children for a children's party, birthday: description

Important: When thinking through the holiday scenario, take into account the age of the children. This criterion will be decisive at your celebration. Children under 3 years old, preschoolers, schoolchildren, teenagers - children of these age groups have different interests.

It often happens that children of all ages gather at holidays. In this case, you should come up with universal games that everyone will like. Their main criterion is simplicity. Both toddlers and older children can participate in this simple game. Let's consider options for simple games and competitions.

Game "Disco"

A fun holiday without dancing is unimaginable! Gather the children in a circle. While listening to cheerful music, invite children to repeat simple movements after you. The highlight of the game is that each child in turn can offer dance moves, and everyone else will have to repeat after him. You should allocate literally 1-2 minutes for each dance.

Game "Air Combat"

Divide the guests into two teams, divide the room into two parts with chalk or some conventional line. Give each team balls of two colors, for example, some - pink, others - blue. Conditions of the game: to the music, each team will have to throw their balls to the other over the established line. As soon as the music stops, the game stops. The team with the fewest balls wins.

Game "River"

To play this game you need to prepare a long piece of blue or blue fabric. This will be a river. Two adults hold the cloth, at first there is a thin stream, the children must step over it. Then the river becomes wider, adults raise and lower the fabric, children must crawl and not touch the fabric.

Competition “Reel quickly”

To participate you will need 2 people, a long thread and two spools. Tie a bright, visible knot in the middle of the thread. Conditions of the competition: children must wind the thread onto a spool; whoever reaches the knot first wins.

Simple games for children for the holiday

Interesting games and competitions for children for children's parties, birthdays: description

Game "Joint Postcard"

Participants in this game will have to draw a common card for the birthday boy. Each participant takes turns a short time should draw something. The postcard will be original.

Competition "Architect"

Divide the children into 2 teams. Prepare a lot of children's blocks in advance. Participants line up in a chain, everyone must place the cube so that it does not fall. The team with the tallest tower will win.

Competition "Racing"

Give two participants the same typewriter. Children sit at the start and start their cars. Whose is further, he wins. Then the next couple can compete.

Video: Ideas for children's competitions and games

The best fun games and competitions for children for a children's party, birthday: description

Important: The most fun games at a children's party are those in which children can run, jump, and dance.

Game "Cat and mouse"

Traditional chase games, where a cat chases mice, will never go out of fashion. You can modernize this game a little, for example, instead of a cat there could be a dragon, a monster, a dog, etc. The main characters can be children's favorite characters.

Game "Overcome the obstacle"

Place the plastic cups in one row to begin with. Invite the children to take turns jumping over the obstacle. Then gradually complicate the task by placing the glasses higher and higher.

Bowling game

Children's bowling is a fun game in which children different ages will participate with interest. To do this, you will need to buy a children's set: skittles and a ball. The conditions are clear: the player must knock down all the pins with the ball.

Funny Games for a children's party

The best comic games and competitions for children for a children's party, birthday: description

“Choose a prize” competition

Small souvenirs are hung on a rope: a pencil, a balloon, a keychain, a magnet, etc. Each participant is blindfolded, and the presenter spins the participant (very carefully). After which the participant must select his prize by touch. The funny thing is that two people with a rope can move around and evade the participant.

Game "Kittens and Puppies"

Divide the children into two teams. From each team, choose two, these will be mothers - a cat and a dog. All other participants are kittens and puppies. All the children mix up and begin to bark and meow. And at this time the mother must find her cubs and gather them all together.

Game "Chamomile"

Make a daisy with large petals. Write some task on the petal: sing a song, crow, dance, jump on one leg, pretend to be one of the animals, etc. The child tears off the petal and completes the task.

Children's competitions

The best funny games and competitions for children for a children's party, birthday: description

Game "Young Artists"

Invite the children to draw. Let the children come up with a character they would like to draw together. After this, each participant is blindfolded in turn and must blindly draw some part (legs, arms, torso or something else). The picture will turn out very funny.

Competition "Extra Chair"

This game is already old, but remains beloved and funny to this day. There must be one more participants than chairs. Children run around the chairs to the music. As soon as the music stops, the participants take their chairs. The one who doesn't get a chair is eliminated.

Competition "Planet"

This competition requires children aged 8 years and older. At the very least, they should be able to inflate a balloon and tie it on their own. Two participants compete. Everyone must inflate a balloon and then use a felt-tip pen to draw as many people on it as possible. This ball will be the new planet. Whoever has more characters on the ball wins.

The best outdoor games and competitions for children for a children's party, birthday: description

Game "Paints"

The presenter and the participants conduct the following dialogue:

- Knock Knock.

- Who's there?

- Artist.

- Why did you come?

- For paint.

- For which one?

- For the red one.

At this moment, all the children who are not wearing red clothes run away. A child in red or with elements of red stands still at this moment.

Competition "Firemen"

The competition is suitable for hot weather. Two teams must line up in a row. Everyone has empty glasses in their hands. Water is poured into the glass of the last child in the row. He must pour the water to his neighbor as carefully as possible and run to the end of the line. The team with the most water left in the glass will win.

Accuracy game

Place a basin or other container. Children must throw small balls into the container from a distance.

You can come up with different games with throwing objects into containers to attract the interest of children. You can, for example, feed the dragon by throwing balls into its mouth.

Outdoor games

The best table games and competitions for children's parties, birthdays: description

Important: Table games are great for celebrations in a small room. In such a situation, you can’t really run around, so you need to interest the children on the spot.

Game "Unseen Beast"

This game develops imagination and lifts your spirits. Invite the children to fantasize about unseen animals. Let everyone answer the question: where does the musician fish live? What is the name of Murmurenok's mother? The chocolate bird's favorite dish?

Game "Don't say yes and no"

The conditions of the game are as follows: the presenter asks questions, and the children must answer without using the forbidden words “Yes” and “No.”

"Thumbs up" competition

When the presenter says who or what can fly, the children should raise their finger up. The presenter also raises his finger, thus confusing the children. The one who never loses his way will win.

The best games and competitions for boys for a children's party, birthday: description

Competition "Strongmen"

Announce that there will be a strongman competition now. Let the boys show off their biceps. The joke is that the boys will measure themselves not with their biceps, but with a pencil held between their nose and lip. The presenter will have to make them laugh so that the pencil falls. Whoever holds out the longest is the main strongman.

Competition "Kangaroo"

Divide the boys into 2 teams. Each team lines up in a line. The first participant holds the ball between his knees and jumps to the agreed line and back. Passes the ball to the next one. The team that jumps the fastest wins.

Air football game

Two boys stand on both sides of the table. A line is drawn in the middle. A light ball or ball must be blown off with your mouth towards your opponent.

The best games and competitions for girls for children's parties, birthdays: description

Game "Nesmeyana"

Choose one girl who will be the Princess-Never-Laughing. All the other girls will have to make her laugh. Whoever succeeds in this becomes the next Nesmeyanaya.

Competition "Who is faster"

Place two dolls and the same set of clothes on the table in front of the girls. To the music, girls must quickly dress up their doll.

Game "Find the Bear"

Hide the teddy bear in the room. Then invite the girls there and offer to look for the bear cub. If you notice that someone is approaching or moving away from the target, say: “warm”, “cold”.

Contests for a girl's birthday

The best games and competitions for the youngest children, kids for a children's party, birthday: description

Important: For children 2-3 years old, you need to come up with simple age-appropriate games. They will not be able to understand complex games, and the holiday risks turning into boring.

Round dance

Lead the kids in a round dance with the song “Loaf”, which has long been known to many. Place the birthday boy in the center and let him choose one of the children at the end.

Game "Complete the face"

Prepare pre-printed headless portraits. Invite the kids to finish drawing the characters’ eyes, nose, and mouth. You can also experiment and invite children to depict sadness, laughter, surprise, tears, etc.


Kids will be happy to run away from a wolf, a cat, a dragon, or a wasp that wants to sting them. A sea of ​​joy is guaranteed.

Game "Teremok"

An adult must play a clubfooted bear in this game. Take a blanket, it will be a mansion. Let the little ones hide under the roof of the tower. When the bear tries to sit on the roof, the children will have to run away from the tower.

Video: Birthday games for kids

The best games and competitions for teenagers for a children's party, birthday: description

Important: Teenagers are bored just sitting at the holiday table. They are active people and are not averse to having fun and playing at their birthday.

Game "Mummy"

To play, you will need several rolls of toilet paper, 2 participants per team. One will have to wrap the other in paper, like a mummy. Whoever manages it first wins.

Game "Chicken paw"

The game requires several participants. Let everyone hold a felt-tip pen between their toes and try to write something famous phrase or the phrase “Happy Birthday.” If nothing comes out at all, let them write with their left hand, and left-handed people write with their right.


Let each of the teenagers draw out a card on which will be written what he needs to depict with gestures and facial expressions, without words. Other teenagers will have to guess what it is.


Cheerful funny game, which can be played not only by adults, but also by teenagers. The main thing is to find a leader who will come up with moves for the players.

Games for teenagers

Mafia game for teenagers for their birthday: description

The game "Mafia" is popular among adults; it is often slightly altered, removing frankly vulgar characters, and adapted for teenagers.

Important: The essence of the game is that players are divided into two teams - the mafia and peaceful townspeople. Peaceful townspeople were tired of the mafia's tricks and decided to get rid of them. The mafia also declares war on the townspeople.

To play "Mafia" you need special cards that determine who belongs to the mafia and who belongs to peaceful citizens.

This game also requires a presenter who will know the script and rules of the game very well.

You can learn more about the scenario of the game “Mafia” by watching the video.

Video: Children play mafia

Carrying out children's party Can be done by cheerful, energetic people, those who know how to have fun and organize children. You can spend a holiday without an animator, now you know many options for games and competitions.

Video: Game "Mafia" for teenagers

In principle, most people know the difference between a children's party and an adult party. A children's holiday is a funny, elegant table, riddles and fairy-tale competitions, and an adult is a traditional feast, karaoke or TV and, at best, a few near-erotic games. I’m not suggesting doing the opposite - children are unlikely to appreciate TV and erotica, but serious uncles and aunts may well fall into childhood.

Children's party - for adults. How we celebrated our daughter's birthday

The first time the idea of ​​making a children's party for adults came to me when Stella Elizabeth was one year old. We already understood that we would have to celebrate in two stages - for the child himself and for the guests, whom, by the way, the child did not tolerate very well at that time. There were a lot of guests - firstly, relatives (from grandmother to second cousin), secondly, friends (starting from classmates) and their spouses, and thirdly, friends whom we met on a website about children during pregnancy. And, to be honest, they somehow accepted my strange idea without much enthusiasm - it’s good that I didn’t consult with everyone, otherwise I would never have decided.

My husband supported me, he is a cheerful man and a child at heart, thank him very much.

First of all, we read all the possible scenarios for children's parties on the Internet and realized that we needed to start with decorating the room and table. We didn’t bother with the room for long - in mid-December we can safely decorate the Christmas trees (and we had 5 of them - from the largest one under the ceiling to a tiny tabletop one with lighting), hang garlands and traditional newspapers on the walls.

The idea for the table was given by numerous American films - a bright tablecloth and napkins with bears, disposable elegant dishes with butterflies and hearts (boys and girls have different plates), multi-colored cocktail straws, and most importantly - caps, masks, straws, squeakers and pipers near each plate !

Most of all, I was worried about the guests - what if they didn’t accept this whole colorful table at all (in terms of dishes, it was quite traditional), but everything went surprisingly smoothly. The guests quickly put on masks of dogs, cats and bunnies, laughingly took apart the squeakers and pipes and rushed to enthusiastically try out their capabilities.

It was then that it turned out that, it turns out, many people had been interested in how all these things worked, and one mother even quietly tidied up the extra beepers after her sons’ birthday and tried them out in her spare time.

Of course, an adult holiday means champagne, wine and traditional toasts. I myself would probably have been offended if my friends hadn’t raised a glass to my daughter’s health and my maternal patience. But as part of the children's party, they managed to play up this moment with a wig, so there was no unnecessary pathos - it’s hard to be pathetic when you’re wearing a clown’s outfit. The wig quickly went from hand to hand, and for the first time it was possible to avoid embarrassment, crowding under the table and some vague tension when people understand that they should “make a speech”, but are either embarrassed, or simply do not know what else can be said under the sun.

The fun quickly reached the stage where everyone wanted to dress up in something else. At first, the guests unanimously took on the Christmas trees, since they provided ample scope for creativity, then they switched to cats. One of the cats was smarter and hid in advance, the other was caught and decorated together.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to foresee much the first time. For example, it didn’t occur to me to buy children’s gifts for all the guests - and large balloons in the shape of birds and animals were given only to those departing whose children were waiting at home. On next year I already decided to buy keychains, figurines and plush toys to give a gift to everyone.

Games and competitions for adults at a children's party

By the way, traditional children's competitions are held with a bang among adults. It turns out that after 20 years people forget even the simplest riddles and fairy tales, not to mention proverbs and sayings, so the most banal game of “guess something” will be crowned with success. Of the outdoor games, we had the best success with the simplest ones - “repeat after me”, similar to exercises on TV, when players repeat the movements of the presenter, gradually accelerating the pace and ... “hide and seek”.

By the way, ask someone not to participate, but to run after the players with a camera or camera, you will get an unforgettable experience. Have you ever seen a respectable mother of a family trying to get into the washing machine? Or how an adult man disguises himself in a closet with children's tights, squeezing himself into a space several times narrower than his shoulders? If you haven’t seen it, then the game of hide and seek will give you such a chance. True, several of my guests were very shy to play, but after a large bowl of mulled wine they decided to play.

"Great Artists" - another party idea

It turns out that it’s better to draw those same traditional home wall newspapers together. A few sheets of whatman paper, gouache, a set of brushes and a couple of old sheets - and within an hour your guests, wrapped in togas in the ancient Roman style, are enthusiastically creating a masterpiece. Last year I proposed doing this in the form of a competition - team against team. And since there were 2 nominations - “artistic value” and “warmth of soul”, friendship won, and everyone received prizes. The main thing is to make sure that the creators do not quarrel, since everyone’s artistic vision is different.

My friend took the issue of drawing even further - at her party, after painting the newspaper, the guests began to paint each other. But she has a big advantage over me - two bathrooms in the apartment, that is, two bathrooms, which significantly speeds up the laundering process. And she also has a lot of space, so she could leave her painted friends overnight and wash them gradually.

More about fun at birthday parties and more!

  1. If you think that the stupid game of mummy (that is, wrapping each other up with toilet paper at speed) only appeals to preschoolers, you've simply never tried it with adults.
  2. They say that most men are indifferent to sweets. Perhaps so - but this is the case when the sweets are folded in a vase. Try hanging sweets and small chocolates in garlands from the ceiling and hanging a poster on the wall that says “You can only pick sweets with your teeth.” You will be greatly entertained by your serious men, who for some reason will definitely need to get at least one piece of candy. But God forbid, they argue about something, as we did in the past - they tear and eat everything that was hung, and then some will be covered with red spots, for which the wives will make big claims.
  3. Don't give your guests balloons!!! Or figure out in advance what you can do to distract them later... You can’t even imagine (if you didn’t see it yourself, you wouldn’t believe it) how long your friends are able to invent various things with balloons, how many things in the room they are able to drop and break during this time and, most importantly, how much noise there will be.
  4. Puppet theater is entertainment not only for young children. In just an hour, your guests can enthusiastically cut out a scene from a shoebox, attach a curtain to it from the remnants of an old sheet, attach children's toys in the house to their fingers and strings and create a fairy tale.
  5. Remove everything that breaks and breaks, but is dear to you, in advance. Very far. Where guests can’t even think of hiding. Better take it out onto the balcony.

My dream is an impromptu performance

For the second year now, I have been dreaming of making an impromptu performance out of my birthday. That is, dress up the guests in partially pre-made, partially made-on-the-spot costumes, masks and wigs, paint each other with makeup and, on the fly, compose and act out a fairy tale. Something modern, but based on well-known material - for example, a little house where the mouse will be a call girl, the frog will be a businesswoman, the wolf will be a bandit, and so on. The only thing missing so far is space in the apartment... My friends are already aware and have also begun to dream with me.

Wish us luck, because we will definitely do this... may our apartment remain safe and sound... well, at least almost intact...

Stella Elena Chirkova