Alexander Ponomarenko sexton. Alexander Ponomarenko: biography. Bankers from the highway

The 18th birthday of Nikita’s son cost Russian oligarch Alexander Ponomarenko (co-owner of Sheremetyevo Airport) 35 million. The guests were entertained by the group, Bianca, and the group “Serebro”.

Russian businessman Alexander Ponomarenko celebrated his son's birthday in a big way.

Nikita's 18th birthday cost him 35 million rubles.

The co-owner of Sheremetyevo Airport paid for the celebration at the Fusion restaurant. About 150 people attended the party. The guests, sitting at 13 tables surrounded by cardboard figures of the birthday boy, were entertained by Dmitry Nagiyev, the Serebro group, rapper Mot, Comedy Club member Dmitry Grachev, illusionists the Safronov brothers and singer Bianca.

This banquet cost 20 million rubles.

The performance of the stars cost the oligarch almost nine million rubles: the services of presenter Dmitry Nagiyev cost 3.5 million rubles, an hour-long show of the group “Serebro” - 2.5 million rubles, rapper MOT - 1 million rubles, singer Bianca - 600 thousand rubles, performance of the brothers Safronov - 700 thousand rubles and a 10-minute congratulations from a Comedy resident - 300 thousand rubles.

The family decided to abandon the restaurant staff, inviting cooks and waiters from another company. Guests were treated to pasta with octopus and squid, scallop salad, shrimp risotto and baked salmon with potatoes.

Closer to night, the birthday boy and his friends went to the capital’s Gipsy club, where rapper L’One performed. The waiters barely had time to bring champagne to the VIP area worth 55 thousand rubles per bottle and trays filled with shots with robin.

The party was attended by close friends of Nikita Ponomarenko, among whom were the daughters of tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov, singer Dmitry Malikov, former owner“Spartak” Andrey Chervichenko and the sons of Oleg Gazmanov, Vladimir Kiselyov. The 18-year-old hero of the occasion paid 1 million 700 thousand rubles for alcohol, snacks and hookah.

Russian entrepreneur and investor in the field of transport infrastructure and commercial real estate. Multi-billionaire, one of the richest people peace. Personal wealth in 2016, according to Forbes magazine, was $2.3 billion. Chairman of the boards of directors of Sheremetyevo International Airport JSC, Sheremetyevo Holding LLC, TPS Group and TPS Real Estate OJSC, formerly chairman of the board of directors of Novorossiysk OJSC sea ​​trade port." Doctor of Economics (2001).



In 1982, Alexander entered the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Simferopol State University at the department physical education. There he studied for a year and was drafted into the army.

In 1988 he graduated from the physics department of the same university.



Oysters for growth: why their production in Russia has increased 265 times

For three years food embargo In Russia, the production of seafood delicacies has increased sharply: mussels - more than 12 times, oysters - 265 times. Crimea has increased production the most

The rise of mariculture

The production of mussels and oysters in Russia has increased since the introduction of food counter-sanctions by more than 17 times, to 1.7 thousand tons, according to data prepared by Rosrybolovstvo at the request of RBC.

“We are thinking about selling a 10% stake in Sheremetyevo”

First working week year, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sheremetyevo Alexander Ponomarenko gave Vedomosti a tour of the new airport facilities: the largest cargo complex in Russia, the world's first tunnel under the airfield between the northern and southern zones and the V. terminal. Ponomarenko almost does not communicate with journalists, but now he has something to tell and show: the cargo complex was launched at the end of December, it is designed in corporate gray-orange colors, and has a unique automation level for Russia of 60%; Cable-pulled trains are already running through the tunnels, accelerating almost silently to 60 km; The new terminal is undergoing interior finishing and installation of equipment; its design will be in the style of the Russian avant-garde, with a portrait of Vladimir Mayakovsky covering the entire wall; another feature will be a huge 3D media screen.

“Paradise” archives: Usmanov, Milner, Sechin’s ex-wife and a minister from the USA

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) published an investigation on November 5 based on an analysis of an archive of Bermuda documents. law firm Appleby.

Jets of Maine

Like Deripaska, Rotenberg, Tinkov and others Russian businessmen hiding from luxury tax

Value added tax (VAT) is paid by buyers of coffee and tea, milk and wine, cars and scooters; buyers of medicines, wheelchairs and... private jets do not pay. How did the luxury jets of the oligarchs become de facto equivalent to medical goods?

Back to the Future. The real estate market sets anti-records for the third year in a row

Rental rates continue to fall, and rentiers are forced to engage in other business

“We will produce automobile parts, this is very interesting.” Forbes' interviewee, a Moscow developer with more than twenty years of experience, looks inspired. The equipment is already there, and there is a future buyer - structures associated with the Ministry of Defense.

Sheremetyevo postponed reckoning for the future

As Kommersant learned, Sheremetyevo Airport and its main creditor VEB agreed to restructure the debt in the amount of about $500 million. The loan was issued for the construction of terminal D and went to the airport in 2012 during the consolidation of assets. According to Kommersant, it was decided to extend the loan term during the restructuring by ten years, and lower the rate to 7.4%. In the near future, the airport may also restructure the VTB loan for $97 million.

Perm Right Russia elected the bureau of the regional council and the council of the regional chamber of deputies

The regional branch of the A Just Russia party yesterday held its first meeting after the change of leadership regional council, during which the bureau of the regional council and the council of the regional chamber of deputies were elected.

The bureau of the regional council included the leader of the regional branch, deputy of the City Duma of Perm Veronika Kulikova, entrepreneur from Tchaikovsky Alexey Butuzov, senior teacher of Perm State National Research University Ksenia Domozhirova, general director of Triumphneftegaz LLC Alexander Ponomarenko, deputy head of the regional branch apparatus Alexander Repin, as well as heads of local party branches in the Dzerzhinsky district of Perm and Nytvensky district Eduard Kovalev and Vladimir Shchukin.

Arkady Rotenberg became a developer

A close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, in addition to infrastructure projects, decided to master the management of retail real estate, Forbes magazine found out.

Rotenberg, as the businessman himself said in an interview with the magazine, started a new business - the construction and management of shopping and entertainment centers - together with former partners in the Novorossiysk sea trade port Alexander Ponomarenko (owner of a complex of buildings near Gelendzhik known as “Putin’s palace”) and State Duma deputy Alexander Skorobogatko. For these purposes, entrepreneurs created the company TPS Real Estate Holding Ltd and have already invested $1.5 billion in it.

Alexander Ponomarenko and Alexander Skorobogatko under the roof of “Putin’s palace”

Alexander Ponomarenko and Alexander Skorobogatko started not even in the dashing 1990s, but in the gangster 1980s. Then they were bankers, owners of the largest Russian port. But Ponomarenko’s most mysterious investment is “Putin’s palace” on the Black Sea.

One “friend of the prime minister” Nikolai Shamalov sold “Putin’s palace” to Alexander Ponomarev, a partner of another “friend of the prime minister” Rotenberg

In the fight for Russia's largest port, one Putin acquaintance defeated another

The Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP) company is the largest port in Russia in terms of cargo turnover. The lion's share passes through it Russian exports oil and grain. Currently, the port itself, ship repair yards, grain, oil, timber terminals, stevedoring company and port fleet are 50.1% owned by Kadina Ltd. This company, writes the Vedomosti newspaper, belongs to the families of the chairman of the board of directors of NCSP Alexander Ponomarenko and State Duma deputy Alexander Skorobogatko. Of the controlling stake, 16.5% are controlled by Russian Railways. The remaining 20% ​​belongs to the state, 5% belongs to Russian Railways structures. Another 20% of shares are in free float following the company's IPO in November 2007.

However, in the near future, 20% of the Kadina company (that is, control over 10% of the Novorossiysk port) may be sold to the structures of Arkady Rotenberg. This man has been since the 1960s. practiced judo in the same section with Vladimir Putin. He is now the chairman supreme council National Judo Union of Russia and general director of the NP “Yavara-Neva Judo Sports Club” (St. Petersburg), whose honorary president is Vladimir Putin, and whose board of trustees includes Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov. According to a source in the presidential administration, Rotenberg is still one of Putin’s close acquaintances, and they still “meet and communicate in person.”

Distribution of packages. Companies close to the Kremlin are rushing to dismantle assets

Putin met the founder and general director of the Yavara-Neva judo club, Arkady Rotenberg, as a child - they trained together in the same section. Already in the 1990s, when Putin became a major St. Petersburg official, Rotenberg was his coach. And on April 14 of this year, it became known that 10% of the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP) was about to be added to the approximately two dozen companies owned by Rotenberg. More precisely, Rotenberg bought a 20% stake in the offshore Kadina Ltd, the beneficiaries of which are businessmen Alexander Ponomarenko and Alexander Skorobogatko and which owns 50.1% of the shares of NCSP. Based on the current capitalization of the port, Rotenberg had to pay 10.5 billion rubles.

Unfinished “sanatorium” with three helipads for $350 million

Alexander Ponomarenko, who last year, together with partners, including Arkady Rotenberg, received over $2 billion for the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP), acquired a hotel complex near Gelendzhik, known as “Putin’s palace.” Businessman Sergei Kolesnikov, who claimed that the luxury construction was being carried out for the prime minister, insists that the resale of the property will not change its intended purpose.

Mr. Ponomarenko himself told Kommersant about the purchase: his structure acquired two companies - Lazurnaya Yagoda LLC and Idokopas LLC, which own the unfinished hotel complex on Cape Idokopas in the Gelendzhik region of the Krasnodar Territory (see blitz interview). According to him, Idokopas owns about 67 hectares of recreational land in the village of Praskoveevka (see picture): a boarding house consisting of several buildings with a total area of ​​approximately 26 thousand square meters is being built on the site. m. Lazurnaya Yagoda owns approximately 60 more hectares of agricultural land in the area of ​​the village of Divnomorskoye (located 13 km from Praskoveevka), of which approximately 27 hectares are used for vineyards, 33 hectares are undeveloped. In addition, Lazurnaya Yagoda leases recreational land plots with a total area of ​​approximately 160 hectares, on which temporary non-permanent structures are located - a fence, a highway, etc. On the territory of these plots it is planned to build several tourist facilities - a chateau, a winery.

Divorce after divorce

Trend recent years: long-time acquaintances and equal partners actively share joint business. In addition to Vladimir Potanin (No. 6) and Mikhail Prokhorov (No. 7), who are in the process of disengagement, one can recall Andrei Melnichenko (No. 17) and Sergei Popov (No. 22), Igor Zyuzin (No. 25] and Vladimir Iorikh (No. 71). But this already in the past. Who is at risk? Co-owners of the PIK group Yuri Zhukov (No. 28) and Kirill Pisarev (No. 29), shareholders of the Novorossiysk commercial sea port Alexander Ponomarenko (No. 75) and Alexander Skorobogatko (No. 76), owners of the Don- build" Maxim Blazhko (No. 96] and Dmitry Zelenov (No. 97).

Bankers from the highway

The Rossiya weekly publishes its version of the reasons for the merger of two commercial banks: the Investment and Savings Bank and the Russian General Bank. A new “Investsberbank” will be created on the ruins of two banks.

This deal seems surprising only at first glance. If you delve a little into the history of the two credit institutions, it becomes clear that changing the signs is necessary for the people behind the banks in order to once again leave with money. Moreover, last year there was already a report in the press that Investsberbank was acquired by the shareholders of the RSL. Thus, the RSL made a “spare” airfield for itself.

For the founders of the Russian General Bank, Alexander Skorobogatko and Alexander Ponomarenko, this is not the first business project. Skorobogatko has now gone under the banner of the LDPR party, Ponomarenko is the chairman of the board of directors of the RSL. Just a few years ago, both headed the notorious Yalosbank, a bank that left behind hundreds of millions of debts and several criminal cases.

Getting information about Ponomarenko and Skorobogatko is not easy, but very simple. It is enough to open the book by Konstantin Chernetsov “Gangster Crimea”. Much has been written in this book about the bankers who hailed from Crimea and who at the beginning of perestroika bore the nicknames Champion and Sexton. For example, about how they were “top” in the group of thimble-makers. Both had to pretend to be outside players, and if anything happened, they had to fight off the thimble twirler from the angry public.

Only the most high-profile cases of Yalosbank reached law enforcement agencies. In total, more than 2 trillion rubles were stolen from Yalosbank in 1994–1995. Refusals to return borrowed money were almost par for the course. Among those deceived are Campomos, Udmurtneft, Izh-Ladabank. When the Central Bank revoked Yalosbank's license in 1997, it was left with hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, and its assets were transferred abroad. But there was no one to ask the creditors. Babek Seruf died with a diagnosis of poisoning, Roman Frumson was killed in Spain, and Alexander Goltsev was shot in his native Moscow. IN law enforcement agencies We were sure that these murders were the responsibility of our two heroes. However, this time there was not enough evidence.

Putin's judo coach will receive a billion for lobbying the Novorossiysk port

The controlling shareholders of Russia's largest Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP), Alexander Ponomarenko, Alexander Skorobogatko and Arkady Rotenberg, are selling 50.1% of its shares to Transneft and Summa Capital. They will own NCSP on a parity basis. Transneft wanted to regain the NCSP oil terminal, but analysts do not understand why a stevedoring company needs a pipeline monopoly. But the ex-owners of the port can earn about $1.8 billion from the deal.

Who bought “Putin’s dacha” and why?

The facility under construction near Gelendzhik, dubbed “Putin’s Palace” in the media, was sold for $350 million. Probably, the previous owners decided in this way to cut off the trail of scandals that trails behind this object.

Hasty purchase

But it seems that the new owner of the palace is a representative of the same “narrow circle”. The buyer of the Gelendzhik estate is non-public businessman Alexander Ponomarenko, who until last year, together with businessman and “Putin’s friend” Arkady Rotenberg, was a co-owner of Novorossiysk seaport. Last year they sold the port quite successfully. The estimated revenue from the deal was about $2.5 billion. Alexander Ponomarenko used part of this money to buy the Gelendzhik palace.

Last week, Ponomarenko gave an interview to Kommersant, in which he actually admitted that the deal to purchase the palace was carried out at an accelerated pace: the businessman said that he purchased the Gelendzhik estate “at some discount” and had not yet decided on the purpose of the scandalous object. The latter is especially strange: an entrepreneur makes a purchase worth hundreds of millions of dollars and does not think about the economic benefits?

Skorobogatko – “werewolf” with the badge of a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Then Skorobogatko and Ponomarenko appear in Moscow. The first is as a member of the Board of Directors of Yalosbank, the second is appointed deputy chairman of the board. Thus, real owners come to the bank...

Yalosbank has a long trail of large, dubious transactions. Yalosbank was suspected of embezzling 5 billion rubles from the federal contract corporation Roskhleboproduct. The Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate then opened a criminal case on the fact of theft. Then Yalosbank refused to repay its bills in the amount of 1.6 billion rubles to the state sanatorium named after. Sergo Ordzhonikidze in the Krasnodar region. Then the bank did not return the money to the Campomos plant, Udmurtneft, and Izh-Ladabank. In 1994-1995, Yalosbank facilitated a number of operations to embezzle budget funds amounting to over 2 trillion. undenominated rubles. The Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District of Moscow opened a criminal case N101056 under Part 3 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the fact of fraudulent actions and non-receipt of 23 billion rubles into the budget of the capital. In 1997, Yalosbank’s license was revoked and bankruptcy management was introduced into the institution. Yalosbank, which had been dying for 4 years, left hundreds of millions of dollars in debt to depositors, the budget and creditors.

At the same time, businessmen have long and well known that if large funds have left one problem bank, then sooner or later they should surface elsewhere...

At that moment in the history of Yalosbank, when the time has come to answer to the law, deceived depositors and clients for what they have done, a series of unforeseen events occurs. The founding fathers of a financial institution do not die by natural causes. B. Seruf died of poisoning, A. Goltsev was shot in Moscow by unknown assailants. R. Frumson was found dead in a villa in Spain with signs of violent death. As they say, there is no judgment. True, one can say differently, the ends were dipped into the water. And on the surface, as always, are Skorobogatko and Ponomarenko.

Meanwhile, the surviving assets and funds that mysteriously disappeared from Yalosbank, of course, do not evaporate. They should be looked for in the Russian General Bank (RGB), where, as if on command, almost the entire top management of Yalosbank is transferred. The founders of the RSL are Skorobogatko and Ponomarenko...


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Alexander Anatolyevich Ponomarenko(born October 27, 1964, Belogorsk, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - entrepreneur, ex-chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port.


In 1988 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Simferopol State University.

In 1983-1985 he served in military units of the Airborne Forces.

In 1987-1992, together with his partner Alexander Skorobogatko, he was engaged in private business in Ukraine, organizing the production of perfume products in Crimea.

In 1992-1994, together with his partner, he moved to Moscow.

In 1992-1998 he worked as a chief researcher in (Moscow).

He received a Candidate of Economic Sciences degree by writing a dissertation on the topic: “Government regulation of medium and small businesses using the example of Moscow.”

In 1998, he became vice-rector of the ANO International Institute of Corporations.

In 1998, the partners began buying shares of the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP) and stevedoring companies.

In 2001 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “State regulation of integrated corporate systems» .

In 2003, he became chairman of the board of directors of Novorossiysk Grain Terminal LLC.

In 2004, he became chairman of the board of directors of Novorossiysk Bulk Complex LLC.

In 2004, he became chairman of the board of directors of OJSC Novoroslesexport.

Since 2004, he has held the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port.

In 2004, he took the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Baltic Stevedoring Company LLC.

Since 2004 - President of OJSC Investment Company TPS.

In 2006, the partners sold the banking business to the Hungarian OTP Bank.

In 2007, the partners became owners of 70% of NCSP shares and held an IPO of the company on the London Stock Exchange, MICEX and RTS.

In the spring of 2008, the co-owners of the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port made a strategic deal - they sold 10% of the company's shares to the structures of Arkady Rotenberg, who in his youth practiced judo in the same group with Vladimir Putin.




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Excerpt characterizing Ponomarenko, Alexander Anatolyevich

“They told me it was dangerous from the enemy.” Darling, I can’t do anything, I don’t understand anything, there’s no one with me. I definitely want to go at night or early tomorrow morning. – The drone was silent. He glanced at Princess Marya from under his brows.
“There are no horses,” he said, “I told Yakov Alpatych too.”
- Why not? - said the princess.
“It’s all from God’s punishment,” said Dron. “Which horses there were were dismantled for use by the troops, and which ones died, what year it is today.” It’s not like feeding the horses, but making sure we don’t die of hunger ourselves! And they sit like that for three days without eating. There is nothing, they are completely ruined.
Princess Marya listened carefully to what he told her.
- Are the men ruined? Do they have no bread? – she asked.
“They’re dying of starvation,” said Dron, “not like the carts...”
- Why didn’t you tell me, Dronushka? Can't you help? I will do everything I can... - It was strange for Princess Marya to think that now, at such a moment, when such grief filled her soul, there could be rich and poor people and that the rich could not help the poor. She vaguely knew and heard that there was master's bread and that it was given to the peasants. She also knew that neither her brother nor her father would refuse the needs of the peasants; she was only afraid of somehow making a mistake in her words about this distribution of bread to the peasants, which she wanted to dispose of. She was glad that she was presented with an excuse for concern, one for which she was not ashamed to forget her grief. She began asking Dronushka for details about the needs of the men and about what was lordly in Bogucharovo.
– After all, we have the master’s bread, brother? – she asked.
“The master’s bread is all intact,” Dron said proudly, “our prince did not order it to be sold.”
“Give him to the peasants, give him everything they need: I give you permission in the name of my brother,” said Princess Marya.
The drone said nothing and took a deep breath.
“You give them this bread if it is enough for them.” Give everything away. I command you in the name of my brother, and tell them: what is ours is also theirs. We will spare nothing for them. So tell me.
The drone looked intently at the princess while she spoke.
“Dismiss me, mother, for God’s sake, tell me to accept the keys,” he said. “I served for twenty-three years, I didn’t do anything bad; leave me alone, for God's sake.
Princess Marya did not understand what he wanted from her and why he asked to dismiss himself. She answered him that she never doubted his devotion and that she was ready to do everything for him and for the men.

An hour after this, Dunyasha came to the princess with the news that Dron had arrived and all the men, by order of the princess, gathered at the barn, wanting to talk with the mistress.
“Yes, I never called them,” said Princess Marya, “I only told Dronushka to give them bread.”
“Only for God’s sake, Princess Mother, order them away and don’t go to them.” It’s all just a lie,” Dunyasha said, “and Yakov Alpatych will come and we’ll go... and if you please...
- What kind of deception? – the princess asked in surprise
- Yes, I know, just listen to me, for God’s sake. Just ask the nanny. They say they do not agree to leave on your orders.
- You're saying something wrong. Yes, I never ordered to leave... - said Princess Marya. - Call Dronushka.
The arriving Dron confirmed Dunyasha’s words: the men came on the orders of the princess.
“Yes, I never called them,” said the princess. “You probably didn’t convey it to them correctly.” I just told you to give them the bread.
The drone sighed without answering.
“If you order, they will leave,” he said.
“No, no, I’ll go to them,” said Princess Marya
Despite the dissuading of Dunyasha and the nanny, Princess Marya went out onto the porch. Dron, Dunyasha, the nanny and Mikhail Ivanovich followed her. “They probably think that I am offering them bread so that they will remain in their places, and I will leave myself, abandoning them to the mercy of the French,” thought Princess Marya. – I will promise them a month in an apartment near Moscow; I’m sure Andre would have done even more in my place,” she thought, approaching the crowd standing in the pasture near the barn in the twilight.
The crowd, crowded, began to stir, and their hats quickly came off. Princess Marya, with her eyes downcast and her feet tangling in her dress, came close to them. So many different old and young eyes were fixed on her and there were so many different faces that Princess Marya did not see a single face and, feeling the need to suddenly talk to everyone, did not know what to do. But again the consciousness that she was the representative of her father and brother gave her strength, and she boldly began her speech.
“I’m very glad that you came,” Princess Marya began, without raising her eyes and feeling how quickly and strongly her heart was beating. “Dronushka told me that you were ruined by the war.” This is our common grief, and I will not spare anything to help you. I’m going myself, because it’s already dangerous here and the enemy is close... because... I give you everything, my friends, and I ask you to take everything, all our bread, so that you don’t have any need. And if they told you that I am giving you bread so that you can stay here, then this is not true. On the contrary, I ask you to leave with all your property to our Moscow region, and there I take it upon myself and promise you that you will not be in need. They will give you houses and bread. - The princess stopped. Only sighs were heard in the crowd.

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Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

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Alexander Anatolyevich Ponomarenko(born October 27, 1964, Belogorsk, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - entrepreneur, ex-chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port.


In 1988 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Simferopol State University.

In 1983-1985 he served in military units of the Airborne Forces.

In 1987-1992, together with his partner Alexander Skorobogatko, he was engaged in private business in Ukraine, organizing the production of perfume products in Crimea.

In 1992-1994, together with his partner, he moved to Moscow.

In 1992-1998 he worked as a chief researcher in (Moscow).

He received a Candidate of Economic Sciences degree by writing a dissertation on the topic: “Government regulation of medium and small businesses using the example of Moscow.”

In 1998, he became vice-rector of the ANO International Institute of Corporations.

In 1998, the partners began buying shares of the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP) and stevedoring companies.

In 2001, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Government regulation of integrated corporate systems.”

In 2003, he became chairman of the board of directors of Novorossiysk Grain Terminal LLC.

In 2004, he became chairman of the board of directors of Novorossiysk Bulk Complex LLC.

In 2004, he became chairman of the board of directors of OJSC Novoroslesexport.

Since 2004, he has held the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port.

In 2004, he took the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Baltic Stevedoring Company LLC.

Since 2004 - President of OJSC Investment Company TPS.

In 2006, the partners sold the banking business to the Hungarian OTP Bank.

In 2007, the partners became owners of 70% of NCSP shares and held an IPO of the company on the London Stock Exchange, MICEX and RTS.

In the spring of 2008, the co-owners of the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port made a strategic deal - they sold 10% of the company's shares to the structures of Arkady Rotenberg, who in his youth practiced judo in the same group with Vladimir Putin.




Loves hunting [[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] . Collects antique books about hunting. He also collects paintings by the Itinerants, paintings of the “Silver Age”, paintings by Aivazovsky, Bogolyubov.

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Excerpt characterizing Ponomarenko, Alexander Anatolyevich

– Don’t worry, dear Isidora, without you it wouldn’t even be so “funny”! I promise you will see everything, and I am very glad that you have expressed such a desire.
And smiling contentedly, he turned to the door, but suddenly remembering something, he stopped:
– Tell me, Isidora, when you “disappear” – does it matter to you where you do it from?..
– No, Your Holiness, it does not. I don't go through walls. I simply “melt” in one place in order to immediately appear in another, if such an explanation gives you at least some kind of picture,” and, in order to finish him off, she deliberately added, “Everything is very simple when you know how to do it... Holiness.
Caraffa devoured me with his black eyes for another moment, and then turned on his heels and quickly left the room, as if afraid that I would suddenly stop him for something.
I understood perfectly why he asked the last question... From the very minute he saw that I could suddenly just disappear, he racked his proud head, how to “tie me somewhere” more firmly, or , for reliability, put him in some kind of stone bag, from which I would certainly have no hope of “flying away” anywhere... But, with my answer, I deprived him of peace, and my soul sincerely rejoiced at this small victory, since I knew for sure that from that moment on Caraffa would lose sleep, trying to figure out where to hide me more reliably.
These, of course, were just funny moments that distracted me from the terrible reality, but they helped me, at least in front of him, in front of Karaff, to forget for a moment and not show how painful and deeply wounded what was happening to me. I wildly wanted to find a way out of our hopeless situation, wanting this with all the strength of my tormented soul! But my desire to defeat Karaffa was not enough. I had to understand what made him so strong, and what was this “gift” that he received in Meteora, and which I could not see, since it was completely foreign to us. For this I needed a father. But he didn’t respond. And I decided to try to see if the North would respond...
But no matter how I tried, for some reason he also did not want to contact me. And I decided to try what Caraffe had just shown - to go “by blow” to Meteora... Only this time I had no idea where the desired monastery was located... It was a risk, because without knowing my “point of manifestation “, I could not “collect” myself anywhere at all. And that would be death. But it was worth a try if I hoped to get any kind of answer in Meteor. Therefore, trying not to think about the consequences for a long time, I went...
Having tuned in to Sever, I mentally ordered myself to appear where he could be at that moment. I never walked blindly, and this, naturally, did not add much confidence to my attempt... But I still had nothing to lose except victory over Karaffa. And because of this it was worth the risk...
I appeared on the edge of a very steep stone cliff, which “hovered” above the ground, like a huge fairy-tale ship... There were only mountains around, large and small, green and simply stone, somewhere in the distance turning into flowering meadows. The mountain on which I stood was the highest and the only one, on the top of which there was snow in places... It proudly towered above the others, like a sparkling white iceberg, the base of which hid a mysterious secret invisible to the rest...
The freshness of the clean, crisp air was breathtaking! Sparkling and sparkling in the rays of the burning mountain sun, it burst into flashing snowflakes, penetrating into the very “depths” of the lungs... One breathed easily and freely, as if not air, but an amazing life-giving force was pouring into the body. And I wanted to breathe it in endlessly!..
The world seemed beautiful and sunny! As if there was no evil and death anywhere, people did not suffer anywhere, and as if he did not live on earth scary man, named Karaffa...
I felt like a bird, ready to spread its light wings and soar high, high into the sky, where no Evil could reach me!..
But life mercilessly brought me back to earth, with cruel reality reminding me of the reason why I came here. I looked around - right behind me stood a gray stone rock, licked by the winds, sparkling in the sun with fluffy frost. And on it... luxurious, large, unprecedented flowers swayed in a white scattering of stars!.. Proudly exposing their white, waxy, pointed petals to the sun's rays, they looked like pure, cold stars that mistakenly fell from the sky onto this gray , a lonely rock... Unable to take my eyes off their cold, wondrous beauty, I sank onto the nearest stone, enthusiastically admiring the mesmerizing play of chiaroscuro on the blinding white, flawless flowers... My soul rested blissfully, greedily absorbing the wonderful peace of this bright , an enchanting moment... A magical, deep and affectionate silence hovered all around...

Today Sheremetyevo Airport is the largest airport in Russia. And the chairman of the board of directors of JSC MASH and LLC Sheremetyevo Holding, Alexander Ponomarenko, is confidently one of the thousand richest people in the world. In the ranking of the Russian-language version of Forbes magazine, the businessman occupies 37th position, his fortune is estimated at $3,000 million. On the next, 38th line of the list is Ponomarenko’s closest associate, business partner and good friend, former State Duma deputy Alexander Skorobogatko. How young entrepreneurs started, what hardships they had to go through, how many universities they graduated from before achieving success in business and life - in short biography businessman.

  • FULL NAME: Ponomarenko Alexander Anatolievich.
  • Date of Birth: October 27, 1964
  • Education: Simferopol State University, State Academy of Management named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze.
  • start date entrepreneurial activity/age: 1987
  • Type of activity at start: Multidisciplinary entrepreneurship.
  • Current view activities: International air transportation, development.
  • Current state:$3,000 million, according to Forbes.
  • Link to pages on social networks: No.

A paratrooper with an entrepreneurial spirit

Russian billionaire businessman Alexander Ponomarenko was born in 1964 in the city of Belogorsk, a small town in the foothills of the Crimean peninsula. Since childhood, the boy admired the world around him, learned to appreciate and protect the riches of nature, absorbed beauty and greatness native land. This is where the short biography of the future dollar billionaire began.

Figure 1. White Rock in Belogorsk (Crimea).
Source: Code of Life website

When the time came to join the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces, Alexander enlisted in the airborne troops (1983-1985). Paratroopers are usually called elite soldiers for their high training, moral and physical endurance, and advanced weapons. The qualities developed during his service remained in the character of Alexander Anatolyevich for the rest of his life, allowing him to achieve enormous heights in entrepreneurial activity and live his own success story, unlike anyone else.

Like a real paratrooper, he knows how to penetrate behind enemy lines, analyze the situation and instantly engage in combat with the enemy. Usually our hero wins because nationality is not as important for a person as fighting qualities are. At the end of the 80s of the last century, Alexander Ponomarenko became a candidate for master of sports (boxing), and once the winner of the Ukrainian junior boxing championship.

From student to doctorate

Higher education Alexander Anatolyevich began receiving in 1982 in Simferopol state university at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports, but a year later military conscription canceled out the student’s plans, and he had to interrupt his studies. A few years later, the matured Ponomarenko returned to his native university, graduating in 1988 from a different department - physics. At the same time, the man started doing business at the same time.

Second educational institution, which played an important role in the biography of the entrepreneur, is the Moscow State Academy of Management named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Alexander graduated from the university in 1997, defending his Ph.D. thesis and receiving a Candidate of Economic Sciences degree. For many years the scientist studied the problem government regulation medium and small businesses, Moscow served as an example. For five years, the future billionaire worked as chief researcher, and then as vice-rector. International Institute corporations in Moscow. He became a Doctor of Economic Sciences in 2001. The short biography of Alexander Ponomarenko serves as a striking example of the fact that science is not a hindrance to business, but a reliable help.

From perfumery to banking with a partner

The year 1987 played, perhaps, a decisive role in the fate of Alexander Ponomarenko. It was then that he met and became acquainted with a man who became his reliable assistant, comrade and partner throughout his life. Together they opened their first business in Crimea. It was a cooperative for the production of building materials, perfumes, cosmetics and many other goods. Entrepreneurs were engaged in trucking, catering, and everything that generated income. In the early 90s, they again moved together to the Russian capital, Moscow, where they went into banking.

For reference. Alexander Ivanovich Skorobogatko is a statesman and political figure, State Duma deputy, scientist and businessman. Member of the Board of Directors of JSC SIA. At the end of 2017, A. I. Skorobogatko’s fortune totals $3,000 million.

Figure 2. Alexander Ponomarenko with Alexander Skorobogatko
at a gala event (second and third from left).
Source: dating site for MPs “no corruption”

Yalosbank, co-owned by Alexander Ponomarenko in 1993, went bankrupt three years later. Russian General Bank turned out to be a more successful enterprise. The value of banking assets of the RSL in 1998, according to information news agency Interfax corresponded to 96th place in the rating of Russian banks. And a year later, the RSL rose by 34 positions, to 62nd place.

Statements about A. A. Ponomarenko. Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, and then chairman of the board of the Russian State Library Valery Aksyonov says: “We weighed the risks very carefully; there was no such thing as loans not being repaid, with the exception of some cases. Alexander Anatolyevich had strict requirements for the design of a loan portfolio. Time has shown that he was not mistaken: we survived economic crisis 1998 without failures and even succeeded in development.”

For one year, Alexander Ponomarenko was the second person after the president at Nikoil Bank, and from the beginning of the 2000s, for five years he headed the board of directors of Russian General Bank. This is not where the entrepreneur’s success story ends. One day, partners Alexander Anatolyevich and Alexander Ivanovich decided that it was time to consolidate and create a universal banking system with an emphasis on the retail sector. They bought retail banks, which became part of the RSL. This is how Investsberbank and its developed network of branches appeared.

When Investsberbank's assets amounted to 24.8 billion rubles, it was bought out by OTP Bank (Hungary). According to the Vedomosti newspaper, the transaction amount exceeded $470 million. And the investment in creating the bank was estimated at approximately $100 million. One can imagine how much profit the business partners received. Ponomarenko left the chair of the bank's board of directors in 2007.

The business associated with the commercial port has attracted a new partner

Since the late 90s, Ponomarenko and Skorobogatko began to acquire shares in the Novorossiysk commercial sea port and at the same time direct investments into stevedoring companies associated with the port. Thanks to investments, the piers were expanded, a tank farm was built, and the port as a whole was reconstructed. By 2010, NCSP's cargo turnover increased to 82 million tons.

Figure 3. In the Novorossiysk commercial sea port.
Source: website

All this time, the partners gradually bought out the shares of MSTP from smaller owners. By 2006, they concentrated more than 63%, and a year later the owners decided to hold an IPO of the company on the world's largest exchanges, put up 20% of the shares and earned more than $900 million. In 2008, 10% of the shares of NCSP were acquired by Arkady Rotenberg's companies. Alexander Ivanovich and Alexander Anatolyevich left the number of owners of the Novorossiysk commercial sea port in 2011, when, together with Rotenberg, they sold a controlling stake in one of Transneft and the Summa Group for $2 billion. Owner - . This deal is still considered the largest in the country's transport sector.

Advertising business and development

There is a time in the short biography of Alexander Ponomarenko when he was a beneficiary of the agency outdoor advertising"Olympus", together with the owner of AFK "Sistema". The advertising agency entered into a long-term contract for the right to place advertising in the metro with the Moscow government. By 2005, they became leaders in the outdoor advertising market, occupying almost 7% of it.

Informational. SPARK-Interfax provides the following data on financial activities Olymp company. In 2003, the agency's revenue amounted to about $30 million, and in 2004 - almost $40 million.

In 2008 advertising agency bought out the company Rekart 31, which entered into a contract with Mosgortrans for advertising at almost 6 thousand bus stops in Moscow. When all the contracts expired, Alexander Ponomarenko’s structures controlled 62.5% of the shares. The partners invested most of the proceeds from the sale of the commercial port into a company engaged in the construction and operation of the shopping center. At first, Alexander Anatolyevich was president " Investment company TPS", then headed TPS Real Estate, and in 2012 began managing TPS Real Estate Holding. Authorized capital holding - $1.5 billion. The success story continued.

From an interview with Alexander Ponomarenko:“We are developing only the direction of shopping centers. The main strategy is to build modern facilities in the center of large cities that are attractive for investment. To be honest, this is not easy, but I am convinced that we will not give up and will cope.”

Birth and development of Sheremetyevo Holding

Sheremetyevo International Airport is the largest in Russia. Five years ago, long-time partners Rotenberg, Skorobogatko and Ponomarenko founded the TPS Avia Holding project. In order to invest in the development of Sheremetyevo International Airport. This is how the subsidiary limited liability company Sheremetyevo Holding appeared. Alexander Anatolyevich headed the board of directors.

In 2016, the Russian government transfers 68.44% of Sheremetyevo Airport to Sheremetyevo Holding, and Alexander Anatolyevich works as chairman of the board of directors of the airport operator - joint stock company"Sheremetyevo International Airport".