“Operator operator in the production of non-ferrous metals (smelter, electrolyzer of aqueous solutions)” - presentation. Operator in the production of precious metals Operator operator in the production of non-ferrous metals


The main goal of the hydrometallurgist's activity is the separation of heavy non-ferrous metals from aqueous solutions by conducting processes for processing ores, concentrates, and industrial waste from the production of non-ferrous metals using chemical reagents.

The hydrometallurgist operator performs preparatory and auxiliary work: checks the performance of the equipment, conducts it Maintenance, eliminates minor malfunctions, inspects and cleans sensors of instrumentation, cleans, replaces and prepares filter materials and elements, flushes installations, cleans gutters, pipelines and other communications, receives, stores, prepares and dispenses reagents and materials. During the technological process of metal extraction, the hydrometallurgist regulates the supply of solutions, raw materials, chemical reagents of the required concentration, compressed air, and steam to hydrometallurgical installations (units); conducts the processes of purification of solutions by deposition of the base metal or impurities, conducts the processes of thickening, washing, evaporation, filtration, and drying of products. The operator controls whether impurities are completely removed from the pulp (a mixture of minerals and water) and solutions, and checks the quality of the products.

The profession presupposes the possession of skills " lean manufacturing"and participation in the optimization of business processes, the ability to work in a team with a team organization of work.

Shift work, on a continuous schedule, requires high performance discipline in order to prevent accidents at hazardous production facilities.

Education and work experience requirements:

Professional education- programs vocational training by professions of workers, retraining programs for workers, advanced training programs for workers. Average professional education- training programs for mid-level specialists.

The release was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2006 N 492

Operator in the production of precious metals

§ 4. Operator in the production of precious metals of the 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of obtaining precious metals, their salts, powders and other products by calcination, roasting, leaching, etching, evaporation, crystallization of salts, filtration and cementation of solutions, sulfation of products and separation of impurities under the guidance of an operator in the production of precious metals of higher qualification. Drying, grinding, washing, packaging, transportation of intermediate products and reagents. Maintenance of drying ovens, cabinets, mills, sieves and other serviced equipment and participation in its repair.

Must know: arrangement of equipment and devices used; composition of the solutions, acids, and intermediates used; material consumption standards; production alarm.

§ 5. Operator in the production of precious metals of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of obtaining precious metals, their salts, powders and other products by calcination, roasting, leaching, etching, evaporation, sulfitization of products and separation of impurities, crystallization of salts, filtration and cementation of solutions. Metal recovery and grinding. Pumping solutions and acids. Preparation of reagents of the required concentrations, solutions, electrolyte. Loading materials into furnaces, reactors, tanks. Monitoring the temperature and specific gravity of solutions and products. Maintenance of roasting, shaft, hearth and other furnaces, filter presses, centrifuges, pickling and evaporation tanks and other serviced equipment and participation in their repair.

Must know: arrangement of serviced equipment; production process technology; composition and properties of reagents, acids, alkalis; consumption standards for reagents and materials; rules for storing reagents, acids, alkalis and materials containing precious metals.

§ 6. Operator in the production of precious metals of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of obtaining pure precious metals, their salts, powders and other standard products by refining, dissolving metals and heavy alloys, concentrates, intermediates, scrap, finishing solutions and deposition of impurities under the guidance of an operator in the production of precious metals more highly qualified. Loading materials and reagents into tanks, mixers, filters. Monitoring the temperature and specific gravity of solutions and reagents. Sampling, checking the completeness of precipitation of precious metal salts and impurities. Unloading (release) of products from devices. Maintenance of electrical installations, mixers, filters, communications and other equipment, participation in their repair.

Must know: installation of various types of equipment; chemical reactions of technological operations; composition and properties of finished products, semi-finished products and technical specifications on them; methods for determining acids, solid reagents and precious metals by their properties and external signs.

§ 7. Operator in the production of precious metals, 6th category

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of obtaining pure precious metals, their salts, powders and other standard products by refining, dissolving metals and heavy alloys, concentrates, finishing solutions and deposition of impurities. Monitoring the quality of produced metals and semi-products. Recording performance indicators of serviced equipment.

Must know: design features of the equipment being serviced; fundamentals of chemistry and metallurgy; requirements for the quality of finished products, reagents, acids, alkalis, and intermediates; methods for achieving a rational processing regime for various types of heavy alloys, concentrates and intermediates; types of product defects; norms for the loss of metals with dust, in solutions, gases and methods for their prevention.


by order of the Ministry of Education

and science Russian Federation






1.1. This federal state educational standard for secondary vocational education is a set of mandatory requirements for secondary vocational education in the profession 150402.01 Operator in the production of non-ferrous metals for a professional educational organization and an educational organization of higher education, which have the right to implement state accreditation training programs for this profession on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the educational organization).

1.2. An educational organization has the right to implement a training program for skilled workers in the profession 150402.01 Operator in the production of non-ferrous metals if it has an appropriate license to carry out educational activities.

A network form of implementing a training program for qualified workers and employees using the resources of several educational organizations is possible. Along with educational organizations, educational organizations can also participate in the implementation of the program for training skilled workers and employees using a network form. medical organizations, cultural organizations, physical culture, sports and other organizations that have the resources necessary to carry out training, conduct educational and industrial practice and carry out other types of educational activities provided for by the training program for qualified workers and employees.


The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

SPO - secondary vocational education;

Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education - federal state educational standard for secondary vocational education;

PPKRS - training program for skilled workers, employees by profession;

OK - general competence;

PC - professional competence;

PM - professional module;


3.1. Deadlines for obtaining secondary vocational training in profession 150402.01 Operator in the production of non-ferrous metals in full-time training and related qualifications are listed in Table 1.

Table 1

Level of education required for admission to training in PPKRS

Name of qualification (professions according to All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories)

Deadline for obtaining SPO on PPKRS in full-time education

secondary general education

Operator professions included in ETKS, issue 8


Oven professions included in ETKS, issue 8

Electrolysis plant for aqueous solutions

Molten salt electrolysis plant

10 months

basic general education

2 years 10 months

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 04/09/2015 N 390)

3.2. Recommended list of possible combinations of blue-collar professions, employee positions according to the All-Russian Classifier of blue-collar professions, white-collar positions and tariff categories (OK 016-94) when forming the basic professional educational training program for vocational training professions:

operator (by type of production);

converter - furnace (by type of production);

electrolyzer of aqueous solutions - electrolyzer of molten salts.

The time frame for obtaining SVE in PPKRS, regardless of the educational technologies used, increases:

a) for full-time and part-time students:

based on average general education- no more than 1 year;

on the basis of basic general education - no more than 1.5 years;

b) for disabled people and persons with disabilities health - no more than 6 months.



4.1. Region professional activity graduates: management of technological equipment and control over its operation in the production of non-ferrous metals.

4.2. The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

technological processes for the production of non-ferrous metals;

main and auxiliary equipment;

raw materials, intermediate and final products in the production of non-ferrous metals;

technical, technological and regulatory documentation.

4.3. A student trained in profession 150402.01 Operator in the production of non-ferrous metals prepares for the following types of activities:

4.3.1. Preparation and maintenance of operations of the technological cycle for the production of non-ferrous metals.

4.3.2. Maintenance of main and auxiliary technological equipment and communications in the production of non-ferrous metals.

4.3.3. Control of intermediate and final products in the production of non-ferrous metals for compliance with their technological parameters.



5.1. A graduate who has mastered PPKRS must have general competencies, including the ability to:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance future profession, show a steady interest in her.

OK 2. Organize your own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager.

OK 3. Analyze the work situation, carry out current and final monitoring, evaluation and correction of one’s own activities, and be responsible for the results of one’s work.

OK 4. Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and clients.

OK 7. Perform military duties, including using received professional knowledge(for boys)<*>.

<*>In accordance with the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

5.2. A graduate who has mastered PPKRS must have professional competencies corresponding to the following types of activities:

5.2.1. Preparation and maintenance of operations of the technological cycle for the production of non-ferrous metals.

PC 1.1. Prepare raw materials for processing.

PC 1.2. Carry out technological operations based on the results of analyzes and readings of control and measuring instruments (CIS).

PC 1.3. Control and regulate technological process manually and using automated systems process control (APCS).

5.2.2. Maintenance of main and auxiliary technological equipment and communications in the production of non-ferrous metals.

PC 2.1. Prepare main and auxiliary equipment for work.

PC 2.2. Perform routine maintenance of main and auxiliary equipment and communications.

PC 2.3. Manage the operation of main and auxiliary technological equipment.

PC 2.4. Identify and eliminate malfunctions in the operation of main and auxiliary equipment.

5.2.3. Control of intermediate and final products in the production of non-ferrous metals for compliance with their technological parameters.

PC 3.1. Assess the quality of raw materials and finished products.

PC 3.2. Prepare technical, technological and regulatory documentation.



6.1. PPKRS provides for the study of the following educational cycles:

general professional;


and sections:

Physical Culture;

educational practice;


intermediate certification;

state final certification.

6.2. The mandatory part of PPKRS should be about 80 percent of the total time allotted for its development. The variable part (about 20 percent) provides the opportunity to expand and (or) deepen training, determined by the content of the mandatory part, to obtain additional competencies, skills and knowledge necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the graduate in accordance with the demands of the regional labor market and opportunities for continuing education. Disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules of the elective part are determined educational organization.

The general professional educational cycle consists of general professional disciplines, the professional educational cycle consists of professional modules in accordance with the types of activities corresponding to the assigned qualification(s). A professional module includes one or more interdisciplinary courses. When students master professional modules, educational and (or) practical training is carried out.

A mandatory part of the professional educational cycle of PPKRS must include the study of the discipline “Life Safety”. The volume of hours for the discipline "Life Safety" is 2 hours per week during the period of theoretical training (mandatory part of the educational cycles), but not more than 68 hours, of which 70 percent of the total time allocated for the specified discipline is for mastering the basics of military service.

6.3. An educational organization, when determining the structure of PPKRS and the labor intensity of its development, can use a system of credit units, with one credit unit corresponding to 36 academic hours.

Structure of the training program for qualified

workers, employees

table 2

Name of educational cycles, sections, modules, requirements for knowledge, skills, practical experience

Total maximum student workload (hours/week)

Incl. hours of compulsory training

Codes of formed competencies

Mandatory part of the training cycles of PPCRS and section " Physical Culture"

General professional training cycle

As a result of studying the mandatory part of the educational cycle, the student must:

compile and calculate the material balance of the metallurgical process;

physical and Chemical properties non-ferrous metals;

basic physical and chemical processes in the production of non-ferrous metals.

OP.01. Fundamentals of metallurgical production of non-ferrous metals

comply with labor protection and industrial safety requirements; choose personal protective equipment;

use personal protective equipment;

comply with sanitary and technological requirements at the workplace and in the production area;

features of support safe conditions labor in the workplace and production;

prescription of personal protective equipment;

occupational health requirements.

OP.02. Occupational Safety and Health

organize and carry out measures to protect workers and the population from the negative impacts of emergency situations;

take preventive measures to reduce the level of hazards various types and their consequences in professional activity and everyday life;

use means of individual and collective protection against weapons of mass destruction;

use primary fire extinguishing agents;

navigate the list of military specialties and independently identify among them related professions;

apply professional knowledge during the performance of military service duties in military positions in accordance with the acquired profession;

master methods of conflict-free communication and self-regulation in everyday activities and extreme conditions of military service;

provide first aid to victims;

principles of ensuring the sustainability of economic objects, forecasting the development of events and assessing the consequences of man-made emergency situations and natural phenomena, including in the context of countering terrorism as a serious threat to the national security of Russia;

the main types of potential hazards and their consequences in professional activities and everyday life, principles for reducing the likelihood of their implementation;

fundamentals of military service and state defense;

tasks and main activities of civil defense;

ways to protect the population from weapons of mass destruction; fire safety measures and rules for safe behavior in case of fires;

organization and procedure for conscripting citizens into military service and entering it on a voluntary basis;

main types of weapons, military equipment and special equipment in service (equipment) of military units in which there are military specialties related to the professions of the secondary vocational education profession;

the scope of application of the acquired professional knowledge in the performance of military service duties;

procedure and rules for providing first aid to victims.

OP.03. Life safety

Professional training cycle

Professional modules

Preparation and maintenance of operations of the technological cycle of non-ferrous metals production

have practical experience:

preparation of raw materials for processing;

conducting technological operations based on the results of analyzes and readings of control and measuring instruments;

control and regulation of the technological process manually and using automated process control systems;

carry out unloading of raw materials, their transportation, loading of technological equipment, mechanical processes of processing raw materials;

analyze instrument readings and test results;

control and regulate process parameters based on instrumentation readings and analysis results;

regulate the technological process automatically and manual mode locally and from the control panel;

production flow diagram;

technological production processes;

consumption standards for raw materials;

purpose, device, operating principle of instrumentation;

purpose, design and principle of operation of automation equipment;

rules for using instrumentation and their indications;

methods of control and regulation of technological processes;

process control, automation and blocking scheme;

ways to prevent and eliminate defects.

MDK.01.01. Technology of production of non-ferrous metals and alloys (by type of production)

Maintenance of main and auxiliary technological equipment and communications in the production of non-ferrous metals

As a result of studying the professional module, the student must:

have practical experience:

preparing main and auxiliary equipment for work;

performing routine maintenance of main, auxiliary equipment and communications;

managing the operation of main and auxiliary technological equipment, identifying and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of main and auxiliary equipment;

prepare equipment for work;

start and stop process equipment;

maintain main and auxiliary equipment, communications during normal operation and in emergency situations;

identify and eliminate malfunctions in the operation of serviced equipment;

purpose, design, operating principle of technological equipment;

rules technical operation and equipment care;

signs of deviation from normal operation;

methods for identifying and eliminating equipment malfunctions;

safe techniques for servicing main, auxiliary equipment and communications.

MDK.02.01. Technological equipment for metallurgical processes (by type of production)

Control of intermediate and final products in the production of non-ferrous metals for compliance with their technological parameters

As a result of studying the professional module, the student must:

have practical experience:

assessing the quality of raw materials, intermediate products and finished products;

preparation of technical, technological and regulatory documentation;

evaluate the quality of raw materials various types based on test results;

take samples for analysis;

carry out simple tests;

maintain production and technical documentation;

state standards and technical specifications for raw materials and finished products;

properties of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

requirements for raw materials and finished products;

methods of control of raw materials and finished products;

rules for accounting for raw materials and finished products;

sampling rules;

methods of technical analysis;

requirements for the preparation of production and technical documentation.

MDK.03.01. Technical and technological measurements

Physical Culture

As a result of mastering the section, the student must:

use physical education and recreational activities to improve health, achieve life and professional goals;

about the role of physical culture in general cultural, professional and social development person;

the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

Variable part of the educational cycles of PPCRS

(determined by the educational organization)

Total for the mandatory part of PPKRS, including the section “Physical Education”, and the variable part of PPKRS

22 weeks/34 weeks

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 04/09/2015 N 390)

1 week/2 weeks

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 04/09/2015 N 390)

2 weeks/3 weeks

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 04/09/2015 N 390)

Table 3

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 04/09/2015 N 390)

The period for obtaining secondary vocational education in full-time education is 43/65 weeks, including:

Training according to educational cycles and the section "Physical Education"

Educational practice of students on the basis of secondary general education/on the basis of basic general education

22 weeks/42 weeks

Industrial practice of students on the basis of secondary general education/on the basis of basic general education

Interim certification of students on the basis of secondary general education/on the basis of basic general education

1 week/2 weeks

State final certification of students on the basis of secondary general education/on the basis of basic general education

2 weeks/3 weeks


43 weeks/65 weeks



7.1. The educational organization independently develops and approves the PPKRS in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education, defining a profession or group of professions of workers (employee positions) according to OK 016-94 (based on the recommended list of their possible combinations in accordance with clause 3.2 of the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education), and taking into account the corresponding approximate PPKRS .

Before starting the development of the PPKRS, an educational organization must determine its specifics, taking into account the focus on meeting the needs of the labor market and employers, and specify the final learning results in the form of competencies, skills and knowledge, and acquired practical experience.

The specific types of activities for which the student is preparing must correspond to the qualification(s) assigned and determine the content of the educational program developed by the educational organization together with interested employers.

When forming the PPKRS, the educational organization:

has the right to use the amount of time allotted for the variable part of the educational cycles of the PPKRS, while increasing the amount of time allotted for disciplines and modules of the compulsory part, for practice, or introducing new disciplines and modules in accordance with the needs of employers and the specifics of the activities of the educational organization;

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 04/09/2015 N 390)

is obliged to update the PPKRS annually, taking into account the requests of employers, the peculiarities of the development of the region, science, culture, economics, engineering, technology and social sphere within the framework established by this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education;

is obliged in the work programs of all disciplines and professional modules to clearly formulate the requirements for the results of their development: competencies, acquired practical experience, knowledge and skills;

must ensure effective independent work students in combination with improving its management on the part of teachers and industrial training masters;

is obliged to provide students with the opportunity to participate in the formation of an individual educational program;

is obliged to form a socio-cultural environment, create the conditions necessary for the comprehensive development and socialization of the individual, preserve the health of students, promote the development of the educational component of the educational process, including the development of self-government, participation of students in work public organizations, sports and creative clubs;

when implementing a competency-based approach, should include the use of educational process active forms of conducting classes using electronic educational resources, business and role playing games, individual and group projects, analysis of production situations, psychological and other trainings, group discussions in combination with extracurricular work for the formation and development of general and professional competencies students.

7.2. When implementing PPKRS, students have academic rights and responsibilities in accordance with Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

7.3. The maximum volume of a student’s academic load is 54 academic hours per week, including all types of classroom and extracurricular (independent) academic work on the development of PCPRS and consultations.

7.4. The maximum volume of classroom teaching load in full-time education is 36 academic hours per week.

7.5. The maximum volume of classroom teaching load in full-time and part-time education is 16 academic hours per week.

7.6. The total duration of the holidays is at least 10 weeks in the academic year for periods of study of more than 1 year and at least 2 weeks in winter period with a duration of study of 1 year.

7.7. In the discipline “Physical Education”, 2 hours of independent study load may be provided weekly, including game types of training (at the expense of various forms extracurricular activities in sports clubs, sections).

7.8. An educational organization has the right for subgroups of girls to use 70 percent of the teaching time in the discipline “Life Safety”, allocated for studying the basics of military service, for mastering the basics of medical knowledge.

7.9. Obtaining a secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education is carried out with the simultaneous receipt of secondary general education within the limits of PKRS. In this case, PPKRS, implemented on the basis of basic general education, is developed on the basis of the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards of secondary general and secondary vocational education, taking into account the acquired vocational education profession.

The period for mastering PPKRS in full-time education for persons studying on the basis of basic general education is increased by 82 weeks based on:

Theoretical training (with a mandatory teaching load of 36 hours per week) 57 weeks. intermediate certification 3 weeks. holidays 22 weeks

7.10. Consultations for students in full-time and part-time forms of study are provided by the educational organization at the rate of 4 hours per student for each academic year, including during the implementation of the educational program of secondary general education for persons studying on the basis of basic general education. The forms of consultations (group, individual, written, oral) are determined by the educational organization.

7.11. During the training period, training camps are held for young men.

7.12. Practice is a mandatory section of PCPRS. It is a type of educational activity aimed at forming, consolidating, and developing practical skills and competencies in the process of performing certain types of work related to future professional activities. When implementing PPKRS, the following types of practices are provided: educational and production.

Educational practice and practical training are carried out by an educational organization when students master professional competencies within the framework of professional modules and can be implemented either concentrated in several periods or dispersed, alternating with theoretical classes within the framework of professional modules.

Goals and objectives, programs and reporting forms are determined by the educational organization for each type of practice.

Industrial practice should be carried out in organizations whose activities correspond to the profile of students’ training.

Certification based on the results of industrial practice is carried out taking into account (or based on) the results confirmed by documents of the relevant organizations.

7.13. The implementation of PCPRS should be ensured by teaching staff with secondary vocational or higher education, corresponding to the profile of the taught discipline (module). Industrial training masters must have 1 - 2 categories in the worker's profession higher than those provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education for graduates. Experience in relevant organizations professional sphere is mandatory for teachers responsible for students’ mastery of the professional educational cycle; these teachers and industrial training masters receive additional professional education through advanced training programs, including in the form of internships in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years.

Extracurricular work should be accompanied methodological support and justification for calculating the time spent on its implementation.

The implementation of PPKRS should be ensured by each student’s access to databases and library collections formed according to the full list of disciplines (modules) of PPKRS. During self-study, students must be provided with access to the Internet.

Each student must be provided with at least one educational printed and/or electronic publication for each discipline of the general professional educational cycle and one educational and methodological printed and/or electronic publication for each interdisciplinary course (including electronic databases of periodicals).

The library fund must be equipped with printed and/or electronic publications basic and additional educational literature on disciplines of all educational cycles, published over the past 5 years.

The library collection, in addition to educational literature, should include official, reference and bibliographic and periodicals based on 1 - 2 copies for every 100 students.

Each student must be provided with access to library collections consisting of at least 3 titles of domestic journals.

An educational organization must provide students with the opportunity to quickly exchange information with domestic organizations, including educational organizations, access to modern professional bases data and information resources Internet networks.

7.15. Admission to training in PPKRS at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets is publicly available, unless otherwise provided by Part 4 of Article 68 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation". Financing for the implementation of PCPRS must be carried out in an amount not lower than the established state regulatory costs for the provision of public services in the field of education for this level.

An educational organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software.

7.17. The implementation of PPKRS is carried out by an educational organization in the state language of the Russian Federation.

The implementation of PPKRS by an educational organization located on the territory of a republic of the Russian Federation can be carried out in the state language of the republic of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the republics of the Russian Federation. The implementation of PPKRS by an educational organization in the state language of the republic of the Russian Federation should not be carried out to the detriment of the state language of the Russian Federation.



8.1. Assessing the quality of mastering PPKRS should include ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate and state final certification of students.

8.2. Specific forms and procedures for ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification for each discipline and professional module are developed by the educational organization independently and brought to the attention of students within the first two months from the start of training.

8.3. To certify students for compliance with their personal achievements Funds are created to meet the step-by-step requirements of the relevant PPKRS (ongoing progress monitoring and intermediate certification) valuation means, allowing to evaluate skills, knowledge, practical experience and mastered competencies.

Funds of assessment tools for intermediate certification in disciplines and interdisciplinary courses as part of professional modules are developed and approved by the educational organization independently, and for intermediate certification in professional modules and for state final certification - developed and approved by the educational organization after the preliminary positive conclusion of employers.

For intermediate certification of students in disciplines (interdisciplinary courses), except for teachers of a specific discipline ( interdisciplinary course) teachers of related disciplines (courses) should be actively involved as external experts. To bring intermediate certification programs for students in professional modules as close as possible to the conditions of their future professional activities, educational organizations should actively involve employers as freelance experts.

8.4. Assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates is carried out in two main directions:

assessment of the level of mastery of disciplines;

assessment of students' competencies.

For young men, an assessment of the results of mastering the basics of military service is provided.

8.5. Students who do not have academic debt and have fully completed the syllabus or an individual curriculum for PPKRS, unless otherwise established by the procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education.

8.6. State final certification includes the defense of final qualifying work (final practical qualifying work and written examination work). Mandatory requirements- compliance of the subject of the final qualifying work with the content of one or more professional modules; The final practical qualifying work must provide for the complexity of the work not lower than the category in the worker’s profession, provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education.

The state exam is introduced at the discretion of the educational organization.

8.7. PPKRS students who do not have a secondary general education, in accordance with Part 6 of Article 68 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, have the right to undergo free state final certification, which completes the development educational programs secondary general education. Upon successful completion of the specified state final certification by an accredited educational organization, students are issued a certificate of secondary general education.

Conducts the technological process in accordance with technological instructions based on the readings of instrumentation. Performs startup and shutdown of process equipment. Conducts automatic and manual process control locally and from the control panel. Monitors and regulates the parameters of the technological regime of processes according to the readings of instrumentation and analysis results. Evaluates the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products based on analysis results. Maintains records of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Takes samples for analysis and performs simple tests. Maintains production and technical documentation. Prepares equipment for use.

Conducts the process of smelting, remelting, refining non-ferrous metals and alloys, pulverizing aluminum to obtain aluminum powder, smelting ores, sinter, cinder, concentrators, servicing furnaces, outlets. Prepares materials for melting. Composes the charge according to the specified composition. Feeds and loads charge, fluxes and other materials to the furnace and feeders. Produces metal, slag, matte and casting. "Melter"

Maintains auxiliary equipment. Inspects and cleans the taphole tuyeres, monitors their operation, blasting conditions, and the level of slag and metal in the furnaces. Performs cutting and sealing of tapholes. Determines the readiness of metal and slag. Regulates the position of the electric conduits of electric furnaces, the temperature or intensity of the combustion process, and the flow of water into the caissons.

Gives signals about the release of slag. Gives signals about the release of slag. Opens and closes the outlets of furnaces and tuyeres. Opens and closes the outlets of furnaces and tuyeres. Carries out sampling. Carries out sampling. Performs melting, chipping, cupellation of samples in laboratory conditions. Performs melting, chipping, and cupellation of samples in laboratory conditions. Prepares ligatures and babbits. Prepares ligatures and babbits. Produces granulation of metal and slag. Produces granulation of metal and slag. Refills slopes, walls, thresholds, gutters, slag windows and outlets. Refills slopes, walls, thresholds, gutters, slag windows and outlets.

Builds up and replaces electrodes when melting in electric furnaces. Builds up and replaces electrodes when melting in electric furnaces. Cleans anodes from slag inclusions and transfers them to the electrolysis department. Cleans anodes from slag inclusions and transfers them to the electrolysis department. Carries out preparation and lining of chutes for receiving liquid ferrous metal and releasing refined metal. Carries out preparation and lining of chutes for receiving liquid ferrous metal and releasing refined metal.

VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 105 PU 105 PU 105 prepares qualified workers in many specialties for industrial enterprises the city of Norilsk and for the enterprises of the Norilsk Metallurgical Plant. PU 105 was founded in 1990. Thousands of highly qualified workers have graduated from the school over the years in various specialties. These include builders, mechanics - repairmen, installers, computer operators, electricians, carpenters, concrete workers, tunnelers, smelters, instrumentation mechanics and equipment.