Baltic star cycling club. Regulations of the Russian Bicycle Tourist Marathon. Cycling clubs and informal groups

In this section we publish brief information about clubs and informal groups that, to one degree or another, profess a philosophy of active recreation similar to ours, and in one way or another share our hobbies.

Naturally, we are all different, we all understand “what is good and what is bad” a little differently. That is why there are many of us - good and different.

We publish this information regardless of whether we, as a club, are listed as friends of the local activists (management) or not.

First of all, because we intersect in one way or another: either we have (were, will be) common trips with star treks, or some people regularly ride there and with CARAVAN, and secondly, to demonstrate that we above petty grievances and private quarrels, demonstrating one’s, as it is now fashionable to say, “tolerance.”

Marathon clubs (randonneurs)

Cycling clubs and informal groups

Club 3x9, Moscow - the cycling club was first based at MSTU. Bauman (organizer - Leonid Isakov). Then he expanded his borders beyond MSTU. Gravitates towards formal sports cycling tourism (MCC, route books, reports).

"Velobol" is a cycling and volleyball club from the town of Korolev near Moscow.

Club "Velomania" (Moscow) Amateur Internet club for riding and tourism. It began at the end of the 20th century as an Internet project by Masha Sotova (Strawberries), and grew into a fairly large association of cyclists. Mostly (for now) young people, up to 30-35, but rapidly gaining experience in organizing both weekend hikes and multi-day hikes. By 2010, it became the most visited cycling forum in the Moscow region.

Gvozdev & Co. is a popular leader of weekend hikes in the Moscow region and long-distance hikes in a measured style (90-110 km per day). The travel routes run mostly on asphalt, but also include a significant number of dirt roads and trails.
In recent years (2005-2007), it has been gathering up to 50 people on weekend hikes precisely because it “signed up” to conduct such hikes almost every weekend. He grew up from the Russian Bicycle Travel Club. He does not call his company a club (2007), like Nikolai Kazymov (Nik), but in essence it is a one-man club.
He runs the extremely useful project “Non-trivial roads of the Moscow region” - today - the best resource about non-obvious roads of the Moscow region, writes many reports and stories about his trips.

Dobrovolsky and Co.. An independent cycling touring group that grew out of the MKV.
Every week throughout the season (and even beyond) one- or two-day bicycle trips are organized for educational, educational and entertainment purposes for people who are not alien to adventurism and curiosity, capable of covering at least 50-70 km in a day with the following “aggravating conditions”: circumstances":

  • driving (at an average pace) not only on asphalt, but also on country roads, forest paths, clearings;
  • obligatory long stop for lunch;
  • Also, mandatory stops in places convenient for swimming (in warm weather);
  • and no less obligatory sightseeing of all sorts of sights encountered along the way.

You can find out about the route of your next trip by calling Alexander Dobrovolsky the day before (preferably on Wednesday or Thursday, from 19 to 23 hours). 161-36-72

The Moscow Cycling Club (MCC) is a former tourist club in the Baumansky district of Moscow. Its history dates back to 1978 - from the beginning of mass weekend hikes (MWH). From here many years ago (1985) "KARAVAN" separated. In 1990, the Moscow Cycling Club was officially registered as public organization. MKV rents the basement of the former district tourist club of the Baumansky district of Moscow (MGCTK) from the city independently. There is a second version of the site. Both options work (2010), but the first one seems more relevant.

Group "Ellen and the guys". - in fact no longer exists.

Club "Vel" ("Nick and Co." Former cycling touring group of the club "Diocles" under the leadership of Nikolai Kazymov - NIK 8-916-675-54-92. Club of one person.) - exists virtually. "Diocles" no longer exists (2007).

"Orion" cycling club. (Volgograd") In fact, on the basis of this club, "ORVM" operates - an organization of Russian cycling tourists from Marfon (founder V. Komochkov).
The “Russian Cycling Club” has grown, this is how they write about themselves: “[The Russian Cycling Club] was first created in 1895 as Russian society cyclists-tourists. IN modern Russia recreated by the decision of the All-Russian founding conference in May 1990 under the name: Russian Club of Cycling Tourists. In December 1992, it was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation under the name Russian Cycling Club. It received its current name in 2003." Founders Pavel Protopopov and Valery Komochkov.

KOMOCHKOV Valery Anatolyevich born in 1948.
Associate Professor of Volgograd State Technical University, Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Head of the university section of cycling tourism since 1993.
He speaks French quite fluently.
Director of the Orion cycling club since the founding of the Club, Chairman of the club ICC since 1994, President of the Orion cycling club since 2004. Member of the Russian ICC for cycling tourism since 1998. Initiator of the development of the randonneur movement in Russia since 1994; since 1995 - responsible for coordinating the cycling movement in Russia from the Paris Club Audax Club Parisien (ACP) and the World Association of Randonneurs RANDONNEURS MONDIAUX (RM).
Editor of the newsletter of Russian cycling marathons "Russian randonneur" since 1987. Organizer of the first participation of Russian randonneurs in the International supercycling marathon "Paris-Brest-Paris" in 1995.
Developer of the Regulations on holding RM cycling marathons in Russia based on the ACP Rules.

"Peleton-Tour" (Cycling section of the Peleton cycling union.) - no longer exists.

Russian Cycling Club - a cycling club based at MIEM. Head Nalimov Igor Petrovich. It spun off from the MKV in the 90s of the 20th century. Gravitates towards the TSSR (Tourist and Sports Union of Russia) and the FST-OTM FEDERATION OF SPORTS TOURISM OF MOSCOW - an association of Moscow tourists. Conducts cycling schools and long-distance category hikes. Currently, the official website of the RKV is

There is also Vladimir Filippov’s personal website, and in the future it will become an international part of the club website (2009). However, the necessary links are already available on the veloru website.

Smyslov Nikolay (Nikolas) Head of the Moscow region PVP sporty style, mainly in Meshchera. Recent years drives little (information from summer 2008).

ROO "COLOR" (Center for Bicycle Tourism) is a cycling club in the south of Moscow. (Regional public organization "Center for Bicycle Tourism". Group in the south of Moscow.). Leaders: Dmitry Kalabushkin (Susanin) - tel. 954-39-45, dima9000(artaban); Ilya Galaktionov - pinacolada(artaban)
The club was created in 2000 as an association of bicycle and outdoor enthusiasts. A special feature of the organization is the creation of the potential for mutual understanding and trust, which helps people open up, feel that they are not alone, realize their strength and realize their potential. The club is focused not so much on achieving sports results, but on creating a truly friendly environment.
All year round, on weekends, 1-2 day hikes are held around the Moscow region, with various groups, types of trips, but always with a stop, a fire and tea.

Ski groups

Ganelin group. Ganelin Vladimir Ilyich conducts training trips with a length of 30-35 km (on foot and on skis). The goal of Vladimir Ilyich Ganelin’s group is to travel along the paths of the Moscow region. Unlike “extreme sports”, the group covers no more than 30 - 37 km per day. This distance is accessible to all physically healthy people of all age categories. The routes pass through various types of terrain found in the Moscow region. Tempo Medium. Both in winter and summer it is 5-7 km/h. This and periodic “smoke breaks” allow the group to stay together throughout the route.
The risk of getting lost is minimal. Hikes are held weekly, usually on Saturdays. During Vladimir Ilyich's vacations, unscheduled trips are carried out (see section TO THE LEFT).

Ski tourist super marathon Dmitriev and Co (Dmitriev Group)
Supermarathon Dmitriev and Co. Training group. They ski on virgin soil from 35 to 100 km a day. The main event of the season is the 100 km ski marathon. In summer, the group does not announce hikes.
Leaders: V.N. Dmitriev (died on May 12, 2008. The group council decided to name the group “Dmitriev Group” and permanently include him in the list of current leaders), S.E. Bulychev, A.V. Zaitsev.

Ski group of Alexander Safronov.
Training group. Hiking occurs all year round from 30 to 100 km per day. When hiking, they jog. At the rest stop they play volleyball over a net.

The groups of Safronov and especially Dmitriev walk a lot on virgin soil, but after them there is a good ski track.

Dmitriev’s group and the core of Safronov’s group are very strong - the apotheosis of their season is the “100 km in one day” marathon (each group has its own, held at different times and along different routes). So, join them with caution - it may be impossible to leave the route.

Ski trips of these groups attract many participants (up to 70 and even 100 people)

Ryzhavsky's group. Training group. Leaders G. Ya. Ryzhavsky, M. B. Shargorodsky, A. F. Enduraev. They walk all year round from 30 to 40 km per day. They are distinguished by their early return.

On a bicycle you can enjoy the delights of nature, see the sights of the city and simply relax with your loved one or the whole family. Why ride in a car, inhaling exhaust fumes, if there is such a type of transport as a bike.

Why has cycling become so much more popular than football lately? Yes, because this type of transport is accessible to everyone: elderly and middle-aged people, young people and children. Every second St. Petersburg resident raves about creating a cycling infrastructure.

The development of cycling communities in St. Petersburg has contributed to the opening of many rental shops. The most famous St. Petersburg cycling clubs are “Veloput”, “VeloPiter”. They practice leading a healthy lifestyle, spending time together in nature, and participating in cyclocross competitions.

Any city resident can become a regular participant in the organization, which helps to escape from the bustle of the city and bring health back to normal.

Just imagine, you, being a fan of one of the St. Petersburg cycling clubs, ride out with a group of like-minded people on a bright morning along a road that promises a surge of energy, mood and health. The main goal is self-development, self-improvement and life in harmony with nature.

This type of vacation allows you to forget about troubles at work, troubles in the family and existing political problems. These people are not afraid of depression, stress and psycho-emotional tension. They know how to fully relax. They don’t need alcohol; they can get maximum energy by simply unwinding the pedals.

By joining such a community, you will have a lot of advantages: the opportunity to have a good rest both on your own and with your family, the opportunity to bring your physical condition back to normal, weight stabilization, the opportunity to live a healthy life

In addition, there are provisions for everyone certain discounts and bonus systems that can make your vacation happy and economical. Cycling can save the family budget by traveling on two wheels.

You don’t need to think about what to choose: a car or a bicycle, cast your vote in favor of a safe mode of transport that does not cause harm environment and cares about human health.

By becoming a member, new opportunities in the world of travel open up for you. You can not only relax, but also travel on a bike. All participants are happy, cheerful travelers who value nature and sports rather than a mattress lifestyle.

When entering, you will have the opportunity to feel all the positive and negative factors of nature at a speed of 15-20 km/h.

If you doubt your capabilities and strengths, or hesitate to join, we suggest you try your hand at renting a bike. After driving this type of transport once, you will understand that it is for you. A team of enthusiasts who value health, nature and harmony.

Overview of the main cycling clubs in St. Petersburg

Are you a fan of cycling and have already ridden a lot on your own? You have a desire to find like-minded people and want to join the same reckless cyclists, but you don’t know where they gather and where they ride around St. Petersburg. We will help you figure it out by reviewing the most famous active cycling movements in St. Petersburg.

Let's highlight the main ones

  • cycling club "VeloPiter"
  • club "Veloput"
  • cycling club "Baltic Star"


One of the largest in the Russian Federation. Activities are aimed at organizing gatherings, cycling trips, participating in competitions and holding competitions related to cycling topics. They are actively fighting for the development of cycling infrastructure and cycling throughout the country.

In order to take part in one of the bike rides, it is not necessary to join it. All you need to do is come to a certain place on your bike or use bicycle rental in St. Petersburg. The main cycling season opens at the end of April. The community participates in the following events each year.

  1. Run along the Road of Life

Occurs at the end of January, and is timed to coincide with the Day of Lifting the Siege.

  1. Bicycle Maslenitsa

Venue - suburbs of St. Petersburg on Maslenitsa week. The participants of the festival are given funny competitions, they burn a scarecrow at the stake, fry lengths and swim in an ice hole with a bicycle.

  1. White Nights

A bike ride starting on the longest night of June. The start of cyclists begins at 23:00 from the Bronze Horseman and ends at the Champ de Mars. Next, individual participants disperse to watch the sunrise.

  1. Festival of cyclists club

Starts on Saturday or Sunday in October. Provides competitions on bikes for both professionals and amateurs. The evening ends with gatherings and singing around the fire.

  1. Daily evening rides in St. Petersburg

The route of rides takes place along the Lomanosovo-Peterhof-Strelny route. It involves fans of road bikes with a speed limit. If the specified transport is not available, you can use the services of Prokatsky.

  1. Ride "There is a lake behind the dunes"

Daily gatherings begin at 19:30 on the eastern part of the city near the corner of the street. Otechestvennaya and st. Communes.

Information about longer bike rides can be found on the official website. There are also announcements of upcoming gatherings at which the necessary equipment, difficulties and route of the future bike trip are discussed.

"Bike Path"

The main directions are:

  • Maximum communication

Provides for the replacement of TV, computer and iPhone with a healthy lifestyle, aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle through cycling.

  • Maximum care for each other

Cycling is used as a means of promoting health and harmony with nature.

  • Lack of focus on the civilian category

Anyone can join, regardless of age. It doesn’t matter if he has his own bike or if he used the bike rental service. Practices cycling trips to the Caucasus and Crimea.

  • Participation in environmental projects

You automatically become fighters against the destructive impact of humans on the environment.

Cycling club "Baltic Star"

Invites cyclists with experience who can handle long road trips.

Upon arrival, certain time restrictions must be observed. Among cyclists, such rides are called brevets. The opening of the season begins at the end of April with a brevet along the route Poklonnaya Gora - Zelenograd - St. Petersburg. The length of the bike ride is 100-120 km. There is no vehicle support during the movement and no road closures.

It is very difficult to list all the cycling movements and clubs in St. Petersburg, since there are many of them. Cycling life does not stand still, new organizations are opening, the number of participants is increasing. Anyone who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle can find one of these companies. Live happily, ride to your health!

Club name: "Baltic Star"
City: St. Petersburg
Founded: 1996

Cycling marathon club - lovers of long cycling rides, seems to be a fairly specific and succinct definition of what the club does. But nevertheless, since 2004, i.e. Since the beginning of the club's rise in activity, it began to organize its own competitions and expand participation in other sporting events.

We would formulate today’s concept this way: “Baltic Star” is a club of people who love and are able to travel for a long time on a bicycle, who have completed a certain minimum of brevets carried out according to the AUDAX rules, who want to take part in the activities of the club and events organized by it. The main focus of the club is organizing and holding brevets, but along with this, road racing and CC competitions are held. Club members are encouraged to participate in any competition related to cycling, multisport or marathon competitions.

This concept makes the club's objectives broader than those of a purely randonneur club. At the same time, it provides greater freedom to the club member. He can quite decide for himself what he wants today - to go to the brevet or defend the club's colors in third-party competitions. It is also obvious that such a definition does not make it possible to increase the entry threshold to serious marathon distances (from 400 km). Despite the fact that, according to experienced randonneurs, only participation in such long brevets allows you to most fully experience the meaning of the marathon movement, we believe that there is no need to artificially increase interest in such distances. We respect the current and future members of the club, those who currently or in principle do not set such goals for themselves. There is no limit set on the mandatory participation of a club member in brevets and competitions - he independently decides on his personal contribution to the activities of the club.

Responsibilities of a club member:

  • Share the main ideas of the club, promote the randonneur movement
  • Participate in as much as possible more brevets.
  • When participating in competitions, a club member should, where possible (for example, if this does not conflict with membership in other clubs or teams closer to the competition profile), indicate the club.
  • A club member must behave correctly in personal interactions. This rule also applies to communication on the Internet; in particular, it is prohibited to make claims against the organizers of brevets if the marathon or part of it is not organized by BZ, except by personal mail, with a copy to the club president. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to completely unnecessary problems for the entire club.
  • A club member is required to pay annual dues. Accordingly, a club member who has not paid the annual fee is considered frozen for that season.
  • A club member must help the club management and express his suggestions on the forum or in other ways.

Breakfast on weekdays is delicious some mornings, not so tasty some mornings. A banal omelette - it was not an omelette, but some kind of dry piece of overcooked egg mass. How can it be ruined in a restaurant setting? Red fish is not only not very fresh, but even with a smell, but for the appearance of freshness it is soaked in oil. Olivier with salmon was served in the room with the same fish in the evening. On the previous day everything was ok, including the fish. And breakfast service that day was 40 minutes. Excessive for breakfast. The waiters are friendly some mornings, not others. The staff on the floor is the same. One shift is ok, the other is not. The ironing board was brought into the room, all lopsided, so you can iron on it - you need to hold it with one hand so that it doesn’t fall. I asked for a replacement, the maid brought another one, but said with obvious dissatisfaction that I was wrong and a flat board was worse because it was heavy.)) The morning maid, in my opinion, was also too insistent, she clarified twice when she could clean up and we would leave . They did not add tea, coffee, sugar, or cream in the same shift. I had to ask. In the fitness area, one morning there was a very kind administrator, another - I would even say shameless, with someone’s wet underpants drying on the door handle. That day the sauna was dirty - there were crumbs on the shelves, and along the side of the pool there was hair left over from the previous day, because... We were the first in the morning. The porcelain seller in the hotel lobby cannot say anything about porcelain. Neither about the manufacturer, nor about the coating, nor about the characteristics. In general, one shift is super, the other is the opposite. Doesn't concern the staff at the counter - everything here was always on the level. Rubber smell from pastel linen.

A very decent place. The hotel borders the territory of the Constantine Palace, but the area near the hotel where you can walk freely is not very large and is limited. Own large parking lot, for unloading/loading you can drive directly to the entrance. The hotel is wonderful and comfortable. The reception staff is extremely helpful and the interior is up to par with the hotel. The room is comfortable, there is enough of everything, there is sound insulation. The bathroom is a good size, everything is comfortable, the mattress is comfortable and elastic. The view of the park of the Konstantinovsky Palace is romantic and serene. Incredibly beautiful sunsets. Hotel guests are escorted and greeted to the park by federal security officers and must be notified in advance of their desire to take a walk in the park. The Palace Park with access to the Gulf of Finland is very beautiful in the Versailles style. We walked there alone - in general, the entire park was at our service - the feeling was very cool. I liked the swimming pool with hydromassage and sauna at the hotel, in addition to the aroma of the shower product in the shower, I recommend replacing it - it smells organic. Restaurant with an open terrace and views of the Palace. The menu is very tasty and the buffet breakfasts on weekends are very varied and tasty; on weekdays, unfortunately, not everything is clear.

Length of stay: May 2019



as amended on February 18, 2011


1.1. Popularization of the cycling marathon as a component of extreme sports
sports tourism. Attracting bicycle enthusiasts and cycling veterans to
organized cycling tourism.
1.2. Testing your physical and spiritual capabilities in conditions close to
extreme; development of endurance during long cycling.
1.3. Dissemination of experience in conducting cycling marathons across Russian regions. Organization
all-Russian cycling marathons (1000, 1200 km and more) within the framework of the calendar of the Society of Russian
marathon cyclists "Russian randonneurs" (hereinafter referred to as ORVM).
1.4. Participation of ORVM in the global movement of cycling marathons, united by the World
the association of randonneurs LES RANDONNEURS MONDIAUX (hereinafter LRM or RM) and the Paris
cycling club AUDAX CLUB PARISIEN (hereinafter ACP). Conducting large cycling marathons with
participation of world randonneurs; participation in cycling marathons organized by RM member clubs, in
incl. super cycling marathons Boston-Montreal, London-Edinburgh, Sofia-Varna, Scandinavia, etc.
1.5. Organization of qualifying marathons (brevets), preparation and selection of the strongest
athletes and formation of the ORVM team to participate in the International Super Cycling Marathon
Paris-Brest-Paris (PBP - held since 1891, since 1948 every four years), held in
August 2011.

Cycling marathons are held in accordance with the annual LRM International Calendar,
approved and published by the Paris Club ACP.
General coordination of the organization of Russian cycling marathons and registration
results in the ACP are carried out by the authorized representative of the Paris Club ACP in Russia
(representative of the national organization of Russian cycling marathons in the World Association
LRM) since 1994, president of ORVM since 2001 - Komochkov Valery Anatolyevich (Volgograd, VVK
"Orion"), operating on the basis of a cooperation agreement with ACP (Convention de Partenariat,
10.15.05) and received the right to control the conduct of Russian
clubs of official cycling marathon series (qualifying Brevets: 200, 300, 400, 600, and
also 1000, 1200 km and more) on approved routes, according to the approved schedule, in
in accordance with the ACP Rules and these Regulations.
The direct organization of cycling marathons is carried out by regional Clubs,
registered in ORVM and received the ACP code. Organizing clubs have the right to count
to support local Sports Tourism Federations, as well as regional committees for
physical culture, sports and tourism.
Such Randonneur Clubs for 2011 in Russia are:
1 Cycling club “Orion-randonneur” - code ACP 511001 (Volgograd, head V. Komochkov - 1994);
2 Moscow Cycling Club "Caravan" - code ACP 511002 (res. V. Kudin - 1995);
3 Cycling club “Ural Marathon” - code ACP 511007 (Ekaterinburg, head P. Misnik - 1996);
4 Cycling club “Baltic Star” - code ACP 511020 (St. Petersburg, head. M. Kamentsev - 1998);
5 Cycling club “Sura Marathon” - code ACP 511024 (Penza, led by A. Solovyov - 2004);
6 Cycling club “Neoskifs” – code ACP 511025 (Rostov on Don, A. Klimenko – 2006);
7 Cycling club “M8” - code ACP 511026 (Arkhangelsk, head A. Boldyrev - 2006);
8 Cycling club “Hundred” – code ACP 511029 (Kirovo-Chepetsk, head S. Semakin – 2007);
9 Cycling club “Novosibirsk Marathon” - code ACP 511030 (Novosibirsk, I. Berezenkov - 2008);
10 Cycling club “Balakovo-Volga” - code ACP 511031 (Balakovo, led by I. Krasnoperov - 2008);
11 Cycling club “Velozhirans” - code ACP 511032 (Moscow, responsible D. Bondarchuk - 2009);
12 Cycling club “Velo Kursk” - code ACP 511033 (Kursk, head A. Khodov - 2009);
13 Cycling club “Knights of the Highway” - code ACP 511034 (Vladimir, responsible V. Besedin - 2009);
14 Cycling club “Velo-Ra” - code ACP 511035 (Tolyatti, head A. Shatalin - 2009);
15 Cycling club “Continent” - code ACP 511036 (Chelyabinsk, head D. Kozitsin - 2009);
16 Cycling club “Peus” – ASR code 511037 (Tuapse, responsible I. Kuzminov – 2010).
17 Cycling club “Westland randonneur” - code ACP 511038 (Kaliningrad, head. V. Sapunov - 2010)
18 Cycling club "Altair" - code ACP 511039 (Ufa, head. V. Lazarev - 2010)
19 Cycling club “Saratov-marathon” - code ACP 511040 (Saratov, led by E. Moiseev - 2010)
20 Cycling club “Burevestnik” – code ACP 511041 (Nizhny Novgorod, head. E. Sedinina – 2011)


3.1. Members of the above clubs are allowed to participate in cycling marathons
randonneurs, cyclists and other bicycle enthusiasts from any region of Russia, as well as
foreign countries, subject to timely submission of the application and compliance with this
Regulations, as well as Conditions for holding cycling marathons. Participation in selected events is allowed
stages of the qualifying brevet series, but this excludes the possibility of participation in
International PBP run in the year it was held.
3.2. Applications of participants are registered in the club protocol. Run results
randonneurs are formalized with a special ACP protocol. Mileage registration in ASR
provides a fee for membership in the World LRM Association and for registration in the ACP
completed mileage, which are covered by the membership fee to ORVM.
3.3. The age of participants in 1000 km marathons and more is limited to 18 years on the start day.
The age of participants in marathons 200-300 km is from 14 years old, when moving in a group with an adult
randonneur. Participants over 16 years of age are allowed to participate in 400-600 km marathons.


4.1. Organizing your own cycling marathons (the entire series or individual Brevets) in other
regions of Russia is possible on routes registered and approved in ORVM with
timely registration in the ACP of the Run Calendar. ORVM guarantees the specified
registration upon receipt of the relevant materials: cards with the indicated (new)
routes and control points (CP); CP passage schedules; mileage calendar
another year; information on the organizing club and the person responsible for organizing brevets
(Name of the club, full name, postal and email address of the person in charge).
The specified materials should be sent to Valery Anatolyevich Komochkov by
address: 400078 Volgograd, PO Box 2009 – until September 30 of the year preceding the planned
events. The deadline for registering the Russian Calendar with the ACP is October 15.
The ORVM calendar is published in the newsletter of Russian cycling marathons “Russian Randonneur” and
on the website General Calendar LRM is published in the annual magazine
ACP and on the Internet (,
4.2. Application for a marathon of 1200 km or more, as well as registration of results
carried out through ORVM directly from the President of the World Association
randonneurs LRM. Submission of calendar information must be carried out within the same time frame.
4.3. When planning dates for marathons, it is necessary to take into account that per year PBP
(next – 2011, next – 2015) ORVM is obliged to send the results for registration to the ACP
completion of Brevets within the following deadlines:
- 200 km until April 22 (for northern regions you can
reserve a deferment until the beginning of May);
- 300 km until May 20;
- 400 km until June 3;
- 600 km until June 17.
When creating the Mileage Calendar, keep in mind that per year the RVR ACP registers
brevets in sequence from 200 to 1000, i.e. if one of the participants does not complete 200 km,
he will not receive credit for 300, etc. (As a rule, the 1000 km brevet is not a replacement for the 600 km brevet).
4.4. After the approval of the routes and the Marathon Calendar in the ACP, the regional club
the organizer, as a Russian member of LRM, participates (on shares with other Russian
clubs) in paying annual membership fees to LRM, paying for registration of their brevets in the ACP
last season, as well as compensation for postal, communication and other organizational expenses
Society of Russian Randonneurs.
4.5. If it is impossible to hold any of the planned calendar marathons
the organizer is obliged to notify the Responsible for Russia in advance
in accordance with ACP requirements.


Protocols with the results of marathons (Brevets) in a special format, electronic
are sent by mail for registration at the Paris ACP Club to the person responsible for LRM (since 2004
year Jean-Galbert Faburel, vice-president of ACP). Leaders of organizing clubs
send the results to the responsible coordinator for Russia by email by the address
within 2 days after completing the marathon. Responsible for LRM in ASR
registers brevets and assigns registration numbers to participants
(serial numbers of runs of the corresponding category during the existence of the ASR) and
sends an electronic copy of the protocol to the national representative, as well as a sheet of tear-off notes
“notification stamps” with the mileage registration number, seal and signature of the president
ASR for pasting into the participant’s road card.


These Rules are based on the Rules (REGLEMENT ACP) developed by
Paris Club ACP and are absolutely mandatory for the organizing clubs
qualifying brevets in other countries.
6.1. AUDAX CLUB PARISIEN is the only one authorized to register these mileages.
Each individual Brevet (mileage) since 1921 is registered and has the corresponding
registration number.
6.2. Brevets are available to every cyclist, whether belonging to a club or society
or Federation. A bicycle with or without speeds, propelled only by
muscular strength. When participating in PBP, the participant's age is at least 18 YEARS OLD.
6.3. To participate in the marathon, each cyclist must fill out an application (see 9.1.) and
pay the entry fee determined by the organizer. A written application must be submitted
in advance of the start of the next marathon (to prepare the relevant documents).
6.4. Each participant must be INSURED and have a medical clearance.
6.5. Each participant is considered to be completing an individual run. He must
follow the traffic rules and strictly comply with all road signs. ACP
and the organizing societies cannot under any circumstances be responsible for possible
6.6. When driving at night, bicycles must be equipped with LIGHTING
(FRONT, REAR) in good condition (duplication is desirable). Organizers
should not allow participation in the absence of it. (Provide spare batteries).
Turn on the lights when night falls or there is insufficient visibility, even in a group. Required
reflectors. Light-colored clothing and reflective headbands or slings are recommended.
6.7. Each cyclist must take care of what is necessary for the mileage.
Help and support is not allowed outside checkpoints(possibly secret
control). Violators may be expelled without warning.
6.8. Each participant at the start receives a road card (ACP card or
national card in the form approved by the ASR) and a route, which indicate some
number of checkpoints where the participant MUST make a mark in
card. Organizers may also provide several secret control points. Participant
must adhere to the route given at the start.
6.9. If there is no judicial control at the checkpoint, the participant must receive a stamp with
name of the control area (post offices, merchants, service stations, etc.).
At each control, indicate exactly the time of passage and day. If this is not possible (at night),
postal card bearing the name of the control place, day and hour of travel, full name, participant’s club,
should be addressed to the person responsible for organizing this marathon. On the road map
in this case, the participant makes a note “KP”, the day and time of sending the postcard.
Any regional Russian club joining the society of Russian randonneurs and
beginner to perform marathons within international program LRM, must send
two or three road cards of participants of the first marathons with marks on completion of the checkpoint
(postcards, etc.) in order to check the correctness of filling out to the person responsible for
coordination of the Russian cycling marathon from LRM and ACP: 400078 Volgograd, p.o.
2009, V. Komochkova ().
RESULTS IN LOSS OF MILEAGE REGISTRATION. Each participant has a personal interest in
The ACP code of the participant's club is indicated.
6.10. Regional Randonneur Clubs register the result of participation in the cycling marathon,
as “all-around cycling touring distances”, based on the athlete’s actual arrival at the finish line,
regardless of the timing of checkpoints and the distance as a whole. But for
Registration of results in ASR requires fulfillment of certain standards. Deadlines
passing distances (Brevets): 13 hours 30 minutes – 200 km, 20 hours – 300 km, 27 hours – 400 km and 40 hours – 600 km
(75 hours – 1000 km, 90 hours – 1200 km). Passage through each control must be made between
time marked "ouverture - opening" and time "fermeture - closing" marked
on the road map. Interim time stamps must be observed
(calculated using a special ACP table) to avoid withdrawal from Brevet.
6.11. All gross violations Rules entail exclusion from all ACP activities.
6.12. At the finish line, the participant must sign his road card and return it to the organization.
congestion Road cards for participants in the official marathon series after registration
mileage in ACP are returned to participants along with ACP “notification stamps”,
containing the registration number of the personal brevet. A duplicate in case of loss is not
issued. Participants who complete the marathon may be given a special
certificate of completion of this marathon. The ACP Club provides a special medal
for participants with a registered brevet. Those interested must make an application and pay
the corresponding amount when handing in the road card at the finish line.
6.13. Medals indicate successful completion of brevets: bronze for 200, silver
for 300, scarlet for 400, gilded for 600, silver for 1000 km (medals are ordered at
sending the mileage results to ACP, the cost of an ACP medal is 5 Eus, an RM medal for 1200 km and
more – 8 Eus). Models change after the next PBP. Medal SUPER RANDONNEUR (6 Eus) –
distinctive recognition to each LRM member who completes all four in one year
qualifying distances.
6.14. Distances (200,300,400,600) cannot be combined when performing one
marathon and are performed sequentially.
6.15. The fact of participation in Brevets implies unconditional acceptance of these Rules. All
complaints and objections must be expressed in writing and addressed 48 hours in advance
run to the organizers (or the GSK of the organizing club) who review and forward them
with your opinion to the authorized representative of the ACP in Russia and further to the ACP Commission for
making a decision.
6.16. The ACP Directorate resolves disputes not covered by these

7. Additions to the Rules for Organizers.

7.1. The Brevet route may be several kilometers longer than the norm, but
never less. At the same time, control of the finishing time at the standard must be ensured.
mark (300 km, but not 306 km).
Recommended number of CPs
at 200: 2-4, at 300: 3-5, at 400: 4-6,
at 600: 5-7, at 1000: 6-10.
It is recommended to organize 1-2 secret controls in places where the route may be shortened.
7.2. Road cards must be ordered from the coordinator of Russian randonneurs for
at least 3 months in advance. The order must be paid to "ACP - Randonneur Mondiaux".
The cost of an ACP travel card is 0.65 Eus. The organizing club can use
national road maps of ORVM, agreed with ACP. Travel card cost
ORVM is determined at the beginning of the year. The organizer must enter the participant’s details on the card.
(name, surname, club, club ACP code), date and place of start, mileage and opening/closing hours
all checkpoints, start and finish, name of the organizing club, ACP code of the organizing club.


8.1. All participants who have covered the distance from the start to
finish without violating the Rules. Each participant may be given an appropriate
certificate (diploma) of the organizing club.
8.2. With the participation of the regional committee for physical education, sports and tourism in the development
sports tourism, the first three places can be awarded medals, certificates and prizes.
8.3. Results of LRM member participants meeting the deadlines
According to the ACP Rules (see clause 6.10 of the Rules), they are registered with the Paris ACP Club. Participants
become members of the International LRM Association and receive for each marathon
the corresponding registration number, and are also entitled to receive the corresponding
Medals (see clause 6.13). Registration of each brevet participant costs 0.45 Eus (for the marathon 1200
km or more – 1.5 Eus). This amount is part of the annual LRM fee and is included in the club's
next year's account.
8.5. Randonneurs who registered four runs (200 –
600 km), are eligible to apply for participation in the PARIS-BRESTPARIS International Cycling Marathon
(PBP - 1200 km in 90 hours), held every four years by the Paris Club ACP (17th
PBP 20 - 25 August 2011) and receive the appropriate Invitation.
8.6. Due to the constant growth in the popularity of the event and the number of participants
(4500 in 2007) and with the aim of improving the safety and quality of the organization. ASR Administration
introduces certain restrictions on the quota of national representation since 2011.
The ORVM quota depends on the number of participants in 2007 (46), and the progress of activity between 2006
and 2010s. The same formula will be used to calculate the club quota.
In addition, there are benefits for the terms of preliminary application via the Internet, for
potential RVR participants who showed their activity in 2010: the more
registered as a brevet participant in 2010, the earlier an application for participation in the brevet can be submitted
RVR in 2011 (see Rules of the 17th RVR). In case of exceeding the quota, the final list
admitted participants are confirmed by the ACP Representative in Russia in accordance with
additional criteria approved by the ORVM Council.
8.7. A participant who completes four distances during one season is awarded
honorary title: Supermarathoner (in terms of ACP - Super Randonneur) and receives
the corresponding medal (with participation in PBP - free of charge, without participation in PBP the medal is ordered
with sending the results of passing the last Brevet-600 and paid in the usual
order - 6 Eu through an authorized representative in the ASR from Russia).


Authorized representative
ACP and RM in Russia, President of ORVM V. Komochkov (Volgograd)