The Barysh meat processing plant could provoke a religious conflict in the Russian Guard. "Voentorg" haggled over Barysh meat processing plant scandal

More than half a million rations worth 320.7 million rubles. supplied by Voentorg for the needs of the Ministry of Defense in 2016, turned out to be “inadmissible” for consumption due to components dangerous to the lives of soldiers

Voentorg purchased for the Ministry of Defense half a million unedible rations produced by the Barysh meat processing plant for 321 million rubles, the Main Military Prosecutor's Office established. The Ministry of Defense said that these rations are already being replaced.

First Deputy Chief Military Prosecutor, Lieutenant General Andrei Nikulishchin, reported this in a presentation to Deputy Minister of Defense General Dmitry Bulgakov. RBC has a copy of the document; it is dated June 7, 2017. Nikulishchin, in a conversation with RBC, confirmed the authenticity of the presentation. The fact that the deputy minister received such a document was confirmed by the Ministry of Defense.

As Nikulishchin writes, unacceptable components were identified in canned food produced by BMK - gelling agent, cellulose, locust bean gum, etc. In the canned food “Salted Lard” (batch dated January 27, 2016), “natural pork lard is completely replaced by an artificially created emulsion fat product (mixture fats of various origins) made using special equipment,” Nikulishchin points out.

Nikulishchin turned to the Ministry of Defense with a proposal to consider the submission with the participation of an employee of the military prosecutor’s office and “take measures to eliminate these violations of the law.” Nikulishchin also proposed that the Ministry of Defense carry out work to compensate for damage from the supply of low-quality products and consider the issue of liability of officials who “violated the law.”

Inadmissible components were identified in canned food produced by BMK

Contractual relationship

The rations that caused the prosecutors' claims were supplied to the military department in pursuance of the state contract dated November 28, 2014 for the provision of catering services in 2015–2017 in the amount of more than 115.1 billion rubles, concluded between the Ministry of Defense and JSC Voentorg (copy of the document RBC has it). To implement it, Voentorg entered into agreements with co-executors - the Gryazinsky food processing plant and the Baryshsky meat processing plant, which produced over 8 million rations for the troops.

What is Voentorg?

Joint Stock Company Voentorg was registered in 2009, 99.9% of the company belongs to JSC Garrison (successor of Oboronservis). And 100% of the shares of Garrison belong to the Ministry of Defense. The general director of Voentorg is Vladimir Pavlov.

At the end of 2016, the company’s net revenue amounted to more than 66.3 billion rubles, net profit - 29.7 million rubles, follows from information from SPARK-Interfax.

Voentorg, as stated on its website, provides catering services, bath and laundry services and other household services for the Ministry of Defense and other departments and organizations. Voentorg also carries out individual tailoring of military uniforms. Since last year, the company has been the only supplier of clothing service equipment for the Russian Armed Forces.

The Barysh meat processing plant supplied Voentorg with over 4 million rations worth more than 2.5 billion rubles. The agreement between Voentorg and the Barysh meat processing plant was signed on December 23, 2015 (RBC has a copy of the agreement); representatives of the meat processing plant confirmed the existence of such an agreement.

The inspection of these rations for the Ministry of Defense took place after violations were discovered in the supply of food rations to the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (transferred to the Russian Guard in 2016), which RBC wrote about. Rations for the Russian Guard were produced by the same Barysh plant, deliveries to the troops were carried out by the Oboronprodkomplekt company - in total it was supposed to provide more than a million food rations worth 680 million rubles. After a random check of 189 thousand rations worth more than 110 million rubles. The main military prosecutor's office concluded that they were “unsuitable for food.” After this, the Association of Combat Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and internal troops Russia asked Nikulishchina to check food rations for the Ministry of Defense.

What is Barysh meat processing plant

Barysh Meat Processing Plant (BMK) was founded in 1958. The company produces and supplies canned meat and meat-and-vegetables, individual food rations for the needs of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB, FSO and SVR, according to the company’s website. The Voentorg company owns a blocking stake (26%) in BMK. The plant is accredited Federal agency By state reserves. At the end of 2015, according to SPARK-Interfax, the company’s revenue amounted to 618 million rubles, net profit - about 16 million rubles.

Military prosecutors checked the rations with the involvement of specialists from the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology” and the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry named after V.M. Gorbatov, says Nikulishchin’s submission.

He also points out that, according to the documentation prepared by the Ministry of Defense for the state contract with Voentorg, the individual diet contains 283.3 g of fat instead of the required 150–160 g, 20 g of salt instead of the required 10, and its calorie content (4600 kcal) is 25% higher than recommended. This can lead to an increased risk of developing obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases and is a violation of the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” sums up the Deputy Chief Military Prosecutor.

Problems with examination

Quality control of products purchased under government contracts is the direct responsibility of the customer, as follows from the laws “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” and “On the supply of products for federal government needs.”

As Nikulishchin points out, all six veterinary and sanitary examination centers operating in the Ministry of Defense and their territorial branches are not accredited to conduct research on raw materials for canned food due to “insufficient technical equipment" Because of this, “inspections of the IRP entering the troops to the extent of all the tests provided for in the contracts were not carried out,” Nikulishchin emphasizes. He concludes that Voentorg, which is the main supplier, should strengthen quality control of rations for the Ministry of Defense.

Nikulishchin told RBC that he had not yet received a response from the Ministry of Defense to his submission. “A month is given for consideration of the submission from the date of its receipt, but allowances must be made for bureaucratic delays and the work of the post office. The answer, as a rule, comes within 70 days,” explained the lieutenant general.


In response to the submission of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, “all necessary measures response,” the Ministry of Defense assured RBC.

Now, as the department explained, individual food rations, some components of which are considered to be of poor quality, are stored in warehouses of logistics centers of military districts (fleets) and are not issued to personnel. “In order to protect the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense, upon the supply of low-quality IRP, a claim work has been organized and, in parallel, work is underway to replace them,” the Ministry of Defense told RBC.

The Ministry of Defense emphasized that all centers of veterinary and sanitary examination and laboratory diagnostics military districts already have accreditation. Additionally, in the town of Naro-Fominsk near Moscow, veterinary and sanitary examination laboratories of the Nara complex are being equipped. “Soon, specialists from Nara will be able to carry out the same detailed analysis that is currently being done only by specialists from the Gorbatov Institute,” the ministry noted.

The press service of the Baryshsky meat processing plant stated to RBC that “harassment is underway against a conscientious Russian manufacturer”, since all products produced by the meat processing plant “undergo multi-stage quality checks.” A representative of the plant emphasized that the IRPs were checked three times: first in the BMK laboratory, then in Voentorg, and then “in the laboratories of the Ministry of Defense and other government services.”

“We guarantee that the supplied food rations and components for them within the framework of the concluded agreement with Voentorg dated December 23, 2015 meet all requirements state standards And technical specifications manufacturer, as well as the requirements of the above agreement,” says the BMK press service. The plant assures that if violations are detected “in the quality of our products, which is impossible in principle,” BMK is ready to replace the goods.

RBC is awaiting a response from Voentorg to a request regarding the fate of the remaining rations produced by BMK, which remained untested.

The Main Military Prosecutor's Office has not yet responded to RBC's request to clarify whether it will send a resolution to initiate a criminal case based on the violations identified to the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Main investigative department Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) or Main Military Investigation Department of the ICR.


In addition to the quality of rations produced by BMK and supplied by Voentorg of the Ministry of Defense, their price also raises questions, the head of the company noted in a conversation with RBC public organization"Civil control public procurement» Dmitry Dobroshtan. The Ministry of Defense does not conduct competitive procurement; the state order is given to one person - Voentorg, notes Dobroshtan. “There are no principles of openness, transparency and ensuring competition when purchasing food rations. Violation of these principles leads to a lack of healthy competition, proper quality control and inflated prices for food rations,” noted RBC’s interlocutor.

In March 2017, Dobroshtan gives an example, the FSB concluded a contract at an open auction with the participation of several bidders with the defense industry company for the amount of 180 million rubles, the cost of one ration was 499 rubles. The cost of one ration for the Ministry of Defense is from sole supplier is 636 rubles, which is 27% higher.

Purchasing food from a single supplier is not a violation; when concluding such government contracts, the Ministry of Defense is guided by government orders, which designate Voentorg as the only supplier of food for the Ministry of Defense. “But we believe that this order does not apply to purchases that are carried out in accordance with the law “On the Contract System”, namely, it was under this law that the contracts that raised questions for the GWP were concluded,” Dobroshtan points out. To reduce prices for products supplied to the Ministry of Defense, it is necessary to conduct competitive bidding. The law on the contract system provides for the right, and not the obligation, of the customer to purchase from a single supplier, and this right is often abused, the expert summarizes.

Case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale) was brought against several large manufacturers food for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard and the Ministry of Defense after an inspection carried out by the Main Military Prosecutor's Office.

Currently under investigation are the founder of Barysh Meat Processing Plant LLC and CEO LLC "Agrosoyuz "Lyubava" Mikhail Lakshin, Executive Director last structure Mikhail Rodnikov and General Director of Mtsensk Meat Processing Plant LLC, a member of the Agrosoyuz Lyubava Group of Companies Dmitry Atroshchenko. At the request of the investigation, all three were arrested by the Tverskoy District Court of the capital, and the Moscow City Court refused to release them.

According to the prosecution, in 2015, the defendants in the case supplied 1.251 million individual food rations to various structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Among the canned food there was porridge with meat, stew, pate, etc. The investigation believes that during the supply of products worth 681 million rubles, about 100 million rubles were stolen. The theft occurred by replacing the ingredients of canned food with cheaper ones, which was not specified in the contract. Evidence of a possible crime was DNA testing of chicken meat. As a result of the inspection, not only lower quality meat was found in the cans, but also potato starch, which should not have been in them at all. It was also revealed that the mass fraction of meat in canned food was only 4% instead of the contractual 37%.

A similar contract was concluded with the Russian Ministry of Defense. Barysh Meat Processing Plant supplied military units with more than 4 million rations with a total value of over 2.5 billion rubles. In this case, according to investigators, the accused could have stolen more than 122 million rubles by replacing ingredients.

Despite the fact that the situation looks more or less transparent, the defendants’ lawyers attribute the conflict to the authorities’ reluctance to objectively understand the situation.

“In our opinion, now the investigation will try, including with the help of our clients, to bring to justice some of the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense who were involved in the contracts. Since persons from these departments are special subjects, the investigative department could not do this,”

Said one of the lawyers.

The defender argues that such a situation could have arisen after Arbitration court In October 2017, the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs refused to satisfy a claim to replace 3.36 thousand rations worth about 2 million rubles. due to the “unfoundedness of the claims.” In addition, the court considered the claim unfounded given the fact that out of the entire batch, only 3 cans of canned food were subjected to examination.

By the way, after the scandal, the Baryshkinsky Meat Processing Plant without wrangling replaced more than 440 thousand cans of canned food for the Ministry of Defense, to which the department had complaints, and, in theory, after replacing the products, the dispute should be settled, but this is not the case. The prosecution continues to insist on multimillion-dollar compensation and the detention of the defendants. Defenders of the accused suggest that this may be due to an attempt to radically change the entire food market in security forces. In particular, this is stated in a letter sent by the defenders to the President of Russia. In it, the lawyers draw the attention of the head of state to the fact that no claims from the investigation arose against other suppliers under the same contracts, although their canned food also contained ingredients not provided for in the agreements.

Co-owner of the Barysh meat processing plant (Ulyanovsk region) Mikhail Lakshin and owner of the Barysh cannery Mikhail Rodnikov were arrested in Moscow as suspects in the case of fraud on an especially large scale in the supply of rations through Oboronprodkomplekt for the Ministry of Defense and the Russian National Guard. At the same time, the Moscow Arbitration Court refused to satisfy the claim of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation against Oboronprodkomplekt, considering the allegations of inadequate quality of rations unproven. Lawyers defending the interests of BMK believe that there is unfair competition for the product supply market.

At the end of last week in Moscow, on suspicion of fraud in the supply of food rations to the structures of the Russian Guard and the Ministry of Defense, the owner of a 74% stake in Baryshsky Meat Processing Plant LLC (BMK, Barysh, Ulyanovsk Region), Mikhail Lakshin, owner of Baryshsky Cannery LLC ( BKZ) Mikhail Rodnikov, as well as the owner of OPK LLC (Moscow region) Dmitry Atroshchenko. Lawyer Vladimir Sidyakin, who defends the interests of BMK, told Kommersant about this. All of them are suspected of fraud committed by a group of persons on an especially large scale when supplying rations through Oboronprodkomplekt for the Ministry of Defense and the National Guard (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, up to 10 years in prison). Already on Saturday, according to Mr. Sidyakin, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow granted the investigation’s request and arrested the suspects for a month and 14 days.

As Kommersant has already reported, BMK, through Oboronprodkomplekt, supplied products for rations to the Russian Guard under the state defense order. According to, a blocking stake of 26% of BMK belongs to JSC Voentorg (100% - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), 74% - to Mikhail Lakshin (the owner of a number of different companies in the Moscow region). The company is constantly executing government contracts for structural divisions Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations and FSB both directly and through Oboronprodkomplekt. Oboronprodkomplekt LLC was created in 2013, but since July, after an inspection of the GVP, it has been in the process of liquidation. Previously, the founders were Lyudmila Atroshchenko (according to unofficial information, she is the mother of the arrested Dmitry Atroshchenko), Denis Barinov and Oleg Chugunov, now 100% owned offshore company"Kaita Partnership Limited".

A criminal case was opened at the end of September by the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation based on data from inspections of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office (GVP), carried out after a complaint from representatives of the Association of Combat Veterans of the Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops of Russia.

As stated in the GVP’s response to Kommersant’s inquiry, the inspection showed that “part of the rations included food products produced by Baryshsky Meat Processing Plant LLC does not meet the requirements regulatory documents, provided for by the terms of the above-mentioned contract, in connection with which IRP (individual diets) amounting to more than 110 million rubles. cannot be used for their intended purpose." For example, in the canned “Premium Stewed Beef” there was a lack of protein, and the mass fraction of meat products was 10% instead of the required 48%. According to investigators, in 2015, the owners of Oboronprodkomplekt, “for the purpose of stealing budget funds” under a government contract, having agreed with the co-owner of BMK, organized the replacement of expensive raw materials at BMK with cheaper ones, thereby stealing budget funds in the amount of at least 98 million rubles. when supplying rations to the Russian Guard and at least 122 million rubles. - for the Ministry of Defense.

BMK General Director Alexander Kotlinsky, having provided copies of the examinations, told Kommersant that “GVP’s claims are erroneous,” and the plant’s products “meet all quality requirements, which was confirmed by Rospotrebnadzor.” At the same time, he noted that the investigative authorities did not contact him and did not interrogate him personally. Mr. Kotlinsky does not know what KBZ has to do with the matter (until 2016, the plant belonged to Oleg Lakshin), who did not even participate in the supplies.

Lawyer Igor Andrianov (Moscow), specializing in cases under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and intends to become Mikhail Lakshin’s defender (he has already familiarized himself with the information on the case), believes that the mentioned complaints and inspections “could be related to the redistribution of the supply market after the appearance of the Russian Guard.” In his opinion, “everything that happens around these rations is an ordinary business matter, but they are now trying to transform civil law relations into criminal ones, with the participation of the FSB.” The lawyer notes that Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation presupposes the presence of deliberate malice for theft, and in this case all deliveries under the government contract would not comply with the standards, and not the small part indicated in the checks. The defense intends to further demand an independent examination, since the previous one was carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is worth noting that a week ago, the Moscow Arbitration Court rejected the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs’ claim against Oboronprodkomplekt to replace 3,360 rations with new ones due to the inconsistency of their quality. The court found the evidence presented by the police unconvincing.

ElvisS EgorkaSJJ

It happens like this: you have loaded the drum washing machine laundry, but for some unknown reason the hatch door does not close. Naturally, the first thing you need to do is make sure that no obstacle in the form of a shirt sleeve or sweater falling out of the drum has anything to do with it and the door does not want to slam shut for another reason. Most often, there may be several reasons for such an incident. Mechanical - in this case, the hatch door does not lock, and you do not hear the sound of the lock latching; Electric - in this case, the lock tongue is fixed, and you hear a characteristic click. But then the hatch is not electrically locked while the washing machine is running. It should be noted that if problems arise with the electrical part of the hatch lock, the display of a modern washing machine usually displays an error symbol with the corresponding code. At the same time, the occurrence of simultaneous problems with the mechanical and electronic parts of the device is extremely unlikely. Let's look separately at each malfunction option, its characteristic symptoms and possible solutions. If the door cannot press tightly against the opening of the washing machine, the following options are possible: Malfunction of the hatch hinges. Most often, this problem occurs in front-loading washing machines. Due to improper use of the door, its hinges warp, and the door itself sags and does not allow the lock tongue to get into the reciprocal groove on the body of the washing machine. In this case, you should check with a level that the door is positioned correctly, and if necessary, level it by adjusting the hinges. Skewed hatch fixing tongue. If the door is aligned correctly, but the tongue does not fit into the mating groove intended for it, then the problem may be with the tongue itself. Often, the metal rod that secures the lock tongue in the correct position simply falls out. To fix this problem, you will have to disassemble the machine door and install the rod in place. In more complex cases, you will need to replace the entire door handle. The door is pressed, but the lock does not mechanically latch. Damage to the plastic lock guide. The design of the locking mechanisms of many modern washing machines includes plastic guides, which are responsible for the correct movement of the lock tongue and its reliable engagement. If the hinges of the hatch become loose, and the hatch itself slams shut for a long time in a sagging state, then the walls of the guides are deformed and do not allow the lock tongue to lock in the groove intended for it. In this case, you will need to disassemble the lock and mechanically replace the plastic guide. The door latches but does not lock. electronic system: The hatch locking device is broken. This electromechanical device prevents the mechanical lock from suddenly opening the door while washing clothes. In the event of a malfunction, the entire device must be replaced. Locking device jammed. It happens that a foreign object accidentally gets into the hole of the locking device, preventing it from functioning properly. In this case, the device should be disassembled and the foreign object removed. Control system errors. Due to periodic surges and voltage drops in electrical network Software failures of the washing machine control system may occur. In this case, testing will be required software module in the service center, re-flashing it, or complete replacement. You can find the nearest service center, get advice on repairs or order a visit from a technician through our rating service centers for repair of washing machines.

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The basis for initiating the case was the inspection by the Main Military Prosecutor's Office of the rations produced by the Barysh meat processing plant and supplied to and. They showed that some of these products are “not suitable for food.” The checks were carried out by the first deputy chief military prosecutor, Lieutenant General Andrei Nikulishchin, who retired in August of this year.


In addition to 42-year-old Mikhail Lakshin, Voentorg, a company controlled by the Ministry of Defense, has a share in the authorized capital of BMK (26%), as follows from the SPARK-Interfax database. As the investigation suggests, he is related to the Oboronprodkomplekt company, which, as part of a contract with the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the amount of 680 million rubles. over 1 million rations, a source close to the Ministry of Internal Affairs told RBC. Lakshin is the general director and owner of two more companies - Vertikal-L (rent and management of own or leased real estate) and Agrosoyuz Lyubava (wholesale trade of meat and meat products), he also has 50% of the Teykovsky garment factory.

46-year-old Dmitry Atroshchenko, according to SPARK-Interfax, is the general director and owner of 100% of the military-industrial complex company, formerly Oboronprodkomplekt, which supplied rations for internal troops under a contract with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the head of the public organization Civil Control of Public Procurement indicated on July 17 Dmitry Dobroshtan in a letter addressed to FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov (available from RBC). According to SPARK-Interfax, Oboronprodkomplekt is owned by 71-year-old Lyudmila Savelyevna Atroshchenko - according to an RBC source close to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this is the mother of Dmitry Atroshchenko. The company only changed its sign, Dobroshtan wrote in a letter to Bortnikov.

“At the same time, the infrastructure, production of components at the Barysh meat processing plant and the workers quickly installed remained the same,” noted the head of the organization.

Oboronprodkomplekt itself is in the process of liquidation. The defense industry, according to SPARK-Interfax, is engaged in wholesale trade meat and meat products. The company’s net profit at the end of 2016 amounted to 21 thousand rubles, as follows from the database. Dmitry Atroshchenko is also the general director and owner of 50% of the shares of the Voensnab company (trades machinery and equipment) and the Mtsensk meat processing plant.

Seized documents from BMK and OPK companies (Photo: courtesy of RBC)

40-year-old Mikhail Rodnikov, in a conversation with RBC as a representative of the Baryshsky meat processing plant, is the owner of 100% of the shares of the Baryshsky cannery, as follows from the SPARK-Interfax database. The plant’s net profit at the end of 2016 amounted to only 8 thousand rubles.

Both enterprises - BMK and the Baryshsky cannery - are registered at the same address: Ulyanovsk region, Baryshsky district, village. Lesnaya Dacha, st. Central, 28.

Rodnikov also owns the BMF company, which produces workwear, as indicated in SPARK-Interfax. According to the company's annual report, its net profit at the end of 2016 amounted to 2.1 million rubles. In addition, Rodnikov is a co-owner (9%) of a company with exactly the same name, but registered in St. Petersburg (Repischeva St., 14, lit. Shch). The company (for the FSO, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Gazprom), but is now in the process of liquidation. BMF, registered in St. Petersburg, is owned, according to a source close to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, by the brother of the arrested Mikhail Lakshin, Oleg Lakshin (82%) and the British company Hawkins Engineering Services Ltd (9%), registered in London. BMF's net profit at the end of 2016 amounted to 12.5 million rubles.​