Bazarov tyu personnel management read online. Personnel management - Bazarova T.Yu., Eremina B.L. Workshop. I dedicate it to the blessed memory of my mother

Human Resource Management (HRM) area of ​​knowledge and practical activities aimed at providing the organization with quality personnel and their optimal use. Optimal use of personnel from the point of view... Wikipedia

Crisis management- (Crisis management) Contents Contents 1. Concept "" 2. Principles of strategic crisis management 3. Crisis factors 4. Directions of crisis management 5. Universal means of crisis management 6. Change of orientation... ... Investor Encyclopedia

Personnel policy is a set of rules and regulations, goals and ideas that determine the direction and content of work with personnel. Through personnel policy, the goals and objectives of personnel management are realized, therefore it is considered... ... Wikipedia

- (Italian carriera run, life path, field, from Latin carrus cart, carriage) moving up the career ladder. In the theory of personnel management, a career is the result of a person’s conscious position and behavior... ... Wikipedia

Characteristics of organic organizational culture The organization is guided by agreement with a common idea Problems are solved on the basis of an initial agreement with goals and objectives Leadership is based on shared views about the direction of the general movement ... ... Wikipedia

This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles. A participatory culture is a culture in which private people (the public) do not act only as consumers, but ... ... Wikipedia

This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Fatkhutdinov. Rais Akhmetovich Fatkhutdinov (June 26, 1938, Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region June 26, 2009, Moscow) Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Academician of the Academy quality problem... Wikipedia

Compiled on the basis of the reference book by S. D. Miliband “Orientalists of Russia” (in 2 volumes. M.: Vost. lit., 2008) The list, as a rule, does not include translators of Japanese literature (except for cases when the translation is accompanied by a commentary and has ... ... Wikipedia

Institute of Business and Technology Management of Belarusian State University state university(IBMT BSU) International name School of Business and Management of Technology of Belarusian State University (SBMT BSU) Motto Responding to the challenges of the present, ... ... Wikipedia

The "Manager" request is redirected here; see also other meanings. Management (from the English management, management, leadership, management, administration, direction, ability to own) means development (modelling), creation ... ... Wikipedia

Omicron, a midsize electronics firm, had a practice of having current and future middle managers attend company-sponsored university training programs. The company paid the students a small stipend, but the classes should not interfere with their main work. Although only half of all managers completed these courses, the company believed that those who completed them were better prepared to assume leadership roles. By the way, this belief was based on the points of view of management, the students themselves and the instructors.

The situation with the courses did not change until the new company president, Kevin Hartman, raised questions about the effectiveness of the training programs. It is worth noting that he assumed that, from a leadership potential perspective, there was no difference between those who took the course and those who did not. In this case, the costs of implementing programs are significantly higher than the benefits that can be derived from them.

Human Resources Director John Walker disagreed with this position. He believes the programs should continue, although he cannot prove their effectiveness with numbers. To reinforce this point, he hired a consultant familiar with HRM principles to evaluate the effectiveness of executive development programs in terms of their individual value to the company.

Definition of service states. At the first stage of applying the model, a set of service states or positions was defined:

“Engineer” is precisely the position that management wanted to know about changes in cost as a result of training programs. In accordance with this, the above positions were selected.

Determination of positional value. Next, the consultant attempted to determine the cost to the organization of each item. The contracts adopted by the company indicated hourly rate payment for each employee. By multiplying the individual rate by the number of hours an employee works on average during the year, the cost of each position was obtained:

Positional value

Project Manager

Department head

Calculation of the transition matrix. The consultant was able to collect information on the transitions of more than two hundred employees over the past 10 years, and also divided this information into those who completed the courses and those who did not. Based on statistics, two transition matrices were compiled for each group of employees separately:

Workers who have not completed the training program:

Department head

Project Manager

Head of Department

Project Manager

Employees who have completed the training program:





Task 2

Compare the two tables above and determine:

1. To what extent does participation in training programs increase the likelihood of an employee moving up the career ladder?

2. To what extent is the likelihood of an employee leaving the organization reduced if he participated in training programs.

Section I Methods formation Personnel composition Topic 1 Method concept analysis Topic 2 Analysis of the situation with labor resources in the region Topic 3 Analysis of activities Topic 4 Planning of personnel requirements Topic 5 Attraction candidates to work in organization Topic 6 Formation culture organizations Topic 7 Design organizational structure Topic 1 Method concept analysis Why does it make sense to argue about concepts?<...>Theoretical HONOR Concept analysis(from the English concept - concept) - method qualitative analysis content of documents in order to identify various facts and trends reflected in these documents.<...>In other words, concept analysis is based on a paradigmatic approach, according to which the studied features of texts (the content of the problem, the reasons for its occurrence, the problem-creating subject, the degree of intensity of the problem, ways to solve it, etc.) are considered as a structure organized in a certain way.<...> Methods formation personnel composition- analysis of the text by each of the participants from the position of the given role of the general concept - hypotheses, answers to questions (difficulties, contradictions, problems and ways to solve them), characteristics of the elements of the system, questions to the text, new ideas, etc.; - recording of results - sequential presentation of results by participants, making additions, recording on a flipchart/board.<...> Methods formation personnel composition Categorization: four management roles (manager, organizer, administrator and leader).<...> Methods formation staffing d Use of industry technologies from vendor companies (suppliers of telecommunications and IT equipment). d Compliance of the organizational structure with the requirements of the company’s business processes; ease of changing it along with changes in business processes. Mastering the skills of effective and disciplined use of resources. d Development of staff teamwork skills and skills<...>

Personnel management._Workshop._Training_book._Grif_UMC_Professional_textbook..pdf

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T.Yu. Bazarov ѝ ѝ ѝ ѝ ѝ ѝ ѝ Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Center “Professional Textbook” as a teaching aid for higher education students educational institutions students studying in the specialties “Human Resources Management”, “Organization Management” Moscow 

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UDC 005.95/.96(075.8)(076.5) BBK 65.291.6-21ÿ73-1 Á17 Reviewers: Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education E.A. Klimov; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor H.A. Bekov Editor-in-chief of the publishing house N.D. Eriashvili, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology Bazarov, Tahir Yusupovich. Á17 Personnel management. Workshop: textbook. manual for university students studying in the specialties “Human Resources Management”, “Organization Management” / Ò.Þ. Bashkarov. - M.: ÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ, - 239 s. ISBN 978-5-238-01500-2 Agency CIP RSL The manual is based on such principles as methodological and psychological. Each topic contains theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part reveals the concept, the practical part contains practical tasks, methodological applications for the teacher, and test questions. The methodological apparatus of the workshop is structured so that the reader has the opportunity to test himself in a variety of activities, the opportunity to feel like both a theorist and a practitioner. For university students studying in the specialties “Human Resources Management”, “Enterprise Management”, as well as for specialists in the field of personnel management. BBK 65.291.6-21ÿ73-1 ISBN 978-5-238-01500-2 © PUBLISHING HOUSE UÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ, 2009 Owns the exclusive right to use and distribute the publication (FÔÇ No. 94-ÔÇ dated July 21, 2005). Reproduction of the entire book or any part thereof by any means or in any form, including on the Internet, is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher. © Design by “UÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ”, 2009

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Contents From the author 3 Introduction 5 Section I. Methods for forming personnel Topic 1. Method of concept analysis Topic 2. Analysis of the personnel situation with labor resources in the region Topic 3. Analysis of activities Topic 4. Planning of personnel requirements Topic 5. Attracting candidates for work in the organization Topic 6. Formation of the culture of the organization Topic 7. Design of the organizational structure Section II. Methods for maintaining staff performance Topic 8. Study of motivation Topic 9. Career planning. Typology of careers Topic 10. Professional self-determination Topic 11. Conflict in the organization Topic 12. Labor incentive system Topic 13. Formation personnel reserve Topic 14. Team building Topic 15. Personnel adaptation Section III. Methods of reforming an organization Topic 16. Personnel management in times of crisis Topic 17. Helping an employee leaving the organization Instead of a conclusion Bibliography 18 27 50 55 60 78 85 86 109 130 141 161 176 185 215 221 222 225 233 237 10 9

Personnel Management- Ed. Bazarova T.Yu., Eremina B.L. - 2002.

Based on domestic and foreign experience effective approaches to working with personnel in modern conditions(team management, responsibility contracting, crisis management). The fundamentals of management organization, personnel management concepts, personnel management strategies, technologies and methods of personnel management are considered. Problems of personnel management are considered taking into account the specifics of organizational culture and phases of the organization's life.
The second edition (1st ed. - UNITI, 1998) is supplemented with conflictological foundations of personnel management and corporate PR.

Table of contents
I Personnel management as a profession
Chapter 1. Genesis professional culture HR management
1.1. Three professional revolutions and the mission of the HR manager
1.2. Evolution of forms joint activities and the development of personnel management
1.3. Main types of professional culture of personnel management
Chapter 2. Evolution of personnel management
2.1. Models and features of personnel management
2.2. Personnel management: challenges of the 21st century.
Chapter 3. Professional profile HR Manager: Ethical Dimension
3.1. Basic professional roles of an HR manager
3.2. Ethics business relations in the work of a personnel manager
Chapter 4. Business ethics- architectonics of personnel management
4.1. Corporate Code of Ethics
4.2. Informal levels of moral regulation of employee behavior

II Organizational context of personnel management
Chapter 5. Organization as a phenomenon
5.1. Organization as an "implicit" model
5.2. Elements of the organization's internal environment
Chapter 6. Life stages and cycles of an organization
6.1. Life cycle organizations
6.2. Stages and cycles of development

III Human Resource Management Concepts
Chapter 7. Basic approaches to personnel management
7.1. Economic approach
7.2. Organic approach
7.3. Humanistic approach
7.4. Organizational cultures as an object management activities
Chapter 8. Concept " human capital"
8.1. Human capital theory
8.2. Concept "Human Resource Analysis"
8.3. Models for measuring individual employee value
IV HR Strategies
Chapter 9. Personnel policy
9.1. Types personnel policy
9.2. Stages of designing personnel policy
9.3. Personnel activities and personnel strategy
9.4. Conditions for developing personnel policy
Chapter 10. Personnel management at different stages of organization development
10.1. Historical excursion into conflictology
10.2. Intensive growth stage
10.3. Stabilization stage
10.4. Decline stage (crisis situation)

V Personnel management methods
Chapter 11. Methods for forming personnel
11.1. Historical excursion into conflictology
11.2. Personnel requirement planning
11.3. Analysis of the personnel situation in the region
11.4. Activity analysis. Job Descriptions
11.5. Attracting job candidates to the organization
11.6. Evaluation of candidates when hiring
11.7. Personnel adaptation
Chapter 12. Methods for maintaining staff performance
12.1. Increasing productivity and rationing labor
12.2. Job evaluation
12.3. Ensuring labor quality
12.4. Labor assessment: levels, approaches, methods
12.5. Personnel certification
12.6. Formation of personnel reserve
12.7. Career planning
12.7. Development of labor incentive programs
Chapter 13. Methods of reforming an organization
13.1. Reorganization processes
13.2. Organizational and personnel audit
13.3. Non-directive methods of staff reduction

VI Control Technologies by human resourses organizations
Chapter 14. Personnel consulting
14.1. The concept of personnel consulting as a means of organization development
14.2. HR Consultant Toolkit
Chapter 15. Assessment Center as a Technology personnel work
15.1. Preparing an assessment center program
15.2. Implementation of the assessment center program
Chapter 16. Competition as a technology for attracting personnel
16.1. Organization and holding of the competition
16.2. Stages of the competition
Chapter 17. In-house training as a development technology human resources organizations
17.1. In-house training as a process of continuous education and its features
17.2. Requirements to staffing curricula and characteristics of trainees
Chapter 18. Team building as a technology for forming the management potential of an organization
18.1. Team how organizational form collective management
18.2. Stages of team building and methods of team formation
Chapter 19. Personnel psychodiagnostics
19.1. Personnel psychodiagnostics: stages and methodological basis of the test
19.2. Requirements for psychodiagnostic methods
19.3. Requirements for a personnel psychodiagnostician

VII Conflictological foundations of personnel management
Chapter 20. Conflict as a tool for development
20.1. Historical excursion into conflictology
20.2. What is conflict?
20.3. Formal-logical models of conflicts
20.4. Basic Concepts
20.5. How to deal with destructiveness?
20.6. When does the conflict start?
20.7. What to do with the conflict?
Chapter 21. Conflict in the organization
21.1. Conflict in the organizational structure
21.2. Intergroup conflicts
21.3. Interpersonal conflicts

VIII Corporate PR
Chapter 22. PR - communication management in conflict: (methodological foundations)
22.1. PR: the problem of defining misconceptions in a world
22.2. PR, propaganda and mathematical justification
22.3. PR and marketing: the evolution of the development of conflict between consumer and manufacturer
Chapter 23. PR management: technological fundamentals
23.1. PR: technological work to create an adequate image
23.2. PR: and project
Dictionary of concepts

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2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2002. - 560 p.

Based on domestic and foreign experience, effective approaches to working with personnel in modern conditions are proposed (team management, contracting responsibility, crisis management). The fundamentals of management organization, personnel management concepts, personnel management strategies, technologies and methods of personnel management are considered. Problems of personnel management are considered taking into account the specifics of organizational culture and phases of the organization's life.

The second edition (1st ed. - UNITI, 1998) is supplemented with conflictological foundations of personnel management and corporate PR.

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Table of contents
I Personnel management as a profession
Chapter 1. Genesis of professional culture of personnel management
1.1. Three professional revolutions and the mission of the HR manager
1.2. The evolution of forms of joint activities and the formation of personnel management
1.3. Main types of professional culture of personnel management
Chapter 2. Evolution of personnel management
2.1. Models and features of personnel management
2.2. Personnel management: challenges of the 21st century.
Chapter 3. Professional profile of an HR manager: ethical dimension
3.1. Basic professional roles of an HR manager
3.2. Ethics of business relations in the work of an HR manager
Chapter 4. Business ethics - architectonics of personnel management
4.1. Corporate Code of Ethics
4.2. Informal levels of moral regulation of employee behavior
II Organizational context of personnel management
Chapter 5. Organization as a phenomenon
5.1. Organization as an "implicit" model
5.2. Elements of the organization's internal environment
Chapter 6. Life stages and cycles of an organization
6.1. Life cycle of an organization
6.2. Stages and cycles of development
III Human Resource Management Concepts
Chapter 7. Basic approaches to personnel management
7.1. Economic approach
7.2. Organic approach
7.3. Humanistic approach
7.4. Organizational cultures as an object of management activity
Chapter 8. The concept of “human capital”
8.1. Human capital theory
8.2. Concept "Human Resource Analysis"
8.3. Models for measuring individual employee value
IV HR Strategies
Chapter 9. Personnel policy
9.1. Types of personnel policies
9.2. Stages of designing personnel policy
9.3. Personnel activities and personnel strategy
9.4. Conditions for developing personnel policy
Chapter 10. Personnel management at different stages of organization development
10.1. Historical excursion into conflictology
10.2. Intensive growth stage
10.3. Stabilization stage
10.4. Decline stage (crisis situation)
V Personnel management methods
Chapter 11. Methods for forming personnel
11.1. Historical excursion into conflictology
11.2. Personnel requirement planning
11.3. Analysis of the personnel situation in the region
11.4. Activity analysis. Job Descriptions
11.5. Attracting job candidates to the organization
11.6. Evaluation of candidates when hiring
11.7. Personnel adaptation
Chapter 12. Methods for maintaining staff performance
12.1. Increasing productivity and rationing labor
12.2. Job evaluation
12.3. Ensuring labor quality
12.4. Labor assessment: levels, approaches, methods
12.5. Personnel certification
12.6. Formation of personnel reserve
12.7. Career planning
12.7. Development of labor incentive programs
Chapter 13. Methods of reforming an organization
13.1. Reorganization processes
13.2. Organizational and personnel audit
13.3. Non-directive methods of staff reduction
VI Technologies for managing human resources of an organization
Chapter 14. Personnel consulting
14.1. The concept of personnel consulting as a means of organization development
14.2. HR Consultant Toolkit
Chapter 15. Assessment center as a HR technology
15.1. Preparing an assessment center program
15.2. Implementation of the assessment center program
Chapter 16. Competition as a technology for attracting personnel
16.1. Organization and holding of the competition
16.2. Stages of the competition
Chapter 17. In-house training as a technology for developing the organization’s human resources potential
17.1. In-house training as a process of continuous education and its features
17.2. Requirements for staffing of training programs and characteristics of trainees
Chapter 18. Team building as a technology for forming the management potential of an organization
18.1. Team as an organizational form of collective management
18.2. Stages of team building and methods of team formation
Chapter 19. Personnel psychodiagnostics
19.1. Personnel psychodiagnostics: stages and methodological basis of the test
19.2. Requirements for psychodiagnostic methods
19.3. Requirements for a personnel psychodiagnostician
VII Conflictological foundations of personnel management
Chapter 20. Conflict as a tool for development
20.1. Historical excursion into conflictology
20.2. What is conflict?
20.3. Formal-logical models of conflicts
20.4. Basic Concepts
20.5. How to deal with destructiveness?
20.6. When does the conflict start?
20.7. What to do with the conflict?
Chapter 21. Conflict in the organization
21.1. Conflict in the organizational structure
21.2. Intergroup conflicts
21.3. Interpersonal conflicts
VIII Corporate PR
Chapter 22. PR - communication management in conflict: (methodological foundations)
22.1. PR: the problem of defining misconceptions in a world
22.2. PR, propaganda and mathematical justification
22.3. PR and marketing: the evolution of the development of conflict between consumer and manufacturer
Chapter 23. PR management: technological fundamentals
23.1. PR: technological work to create an adequate image
23.2. PR: and project
Dictionary of concepts