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Isaac Adizes. Ideal manager

Isaac Adizes is one of the world's leading experts in improving the efficiency of business and government by making fundamental changes that do not create confusion and destructive conflicts, preventing change.

Challenges of an aging organization

Seventh episode of the series. In this series, Isaac Adizes will tell you how to grow old large companies. The company has reached its peak and firmly established itself in its niche. The organization begins to acquire aristocratic features: employees dress in uniforms, corporate souvenirs are ordered from famous designers, paintings by famous masters hang in the managers' office... Isaac Adizes will tell you why prosperity kills business.

How organizations are born and die

The fourth episode of the series. In this series, Isaac Adizes will talk about the life cycle of an organization. Organizations, like living organisms, are born, mature, develop, grow old and die. And each of these stages has its own problems. How to solve them? How to keep your business in its prime and not let it grow old?

Life cycle of an organization

Dr. Adizes is an outstanding lecturer and author. Fluent in four languages, he has lectured in more than 40 countries. He was a tenured faculty member at the UCLA School of Management for thirty years and served as a visiting faculty member at Columbia University, Stanford University, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv University.

PAEI - code for effective management

Third episode of the series. In this series, Isaac Adizes will talk about his typology of leaders. There are only 4 types of managers: performer, administrator, entrepreneur and integrator. Each individual can ruin a business; success requires a combination of all these qualities in one person. Is this possible?

How to evaluate a startup

Fifth episode of the series. In this series, Isaac Adizes will talk in detail about the infant stage in an organization - a startup. What is the most important thing at the start? Without which business cannot exist? Why do many businessmen, when opening a business, lose their family, and after a divorce marry their secretaries?

Organizational structure of the company

Eighth episode of the series. In this series, Isaac Adizes will tell you how to save an aging business. The secret to recovery is in the organizational structure. It is enough to make the company structure transparent, correctly distribute profit centers and force each employee to think about the well-being of the entire company. How can this be achieved? Isaac Adizes will reveal main secret a good manager.

Mistakes of leaders of young organizations

Sixth episode of the series. In this series, Isaac Adizes will talk about typical mistakes leaders of young organizations. After the business has stabilized and finally began to generate income, the manager is tempted to expand his company and develop new niches in the market. Isaac Adizes will explain why rapid growth leads to ruin, and why you should be wary of multi-industry businesses?

How to improve management efficiency in Russia

Dr. Itzhak Adizes, a world-famous business technologist and scientific consultant for the RANEPA IBDA programs, held a master class on February 17, 2012 specifically for students and graduates of the Executive MBA. This time the expert shared his thoughts on “How to improve the effectiveness of management in Russia.” It turned out - without reducing costs in any way!

Dr. Itzhak Calderon Adizes is one of the world's unsurpassed business consultants, a brilliant specialist in the field effective management business processes. Founder of the Adizes Institute, which is in the top 10 consulting companies peace. Branches of the Adizes Institute exist in 15 countries. Dr. Adizes is a scientific consultant for the Executive MBA and MBA programs of the IBDA, honorary doctor of the Russian Academy of Economy and civil service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Isaac Adizes has been leading his professional activity. During this time, he was a teacher at the University of California, Stanford and Jerusalem Universities, acted as a business consultant for several hundred leading companies, and collaborated as a political consultant with the governments of the heads of Sweden, Brazil, Greece, Israel, Iceland, Mexico and Macedonia. Among the companies with which Adizes worked are Bank of America, Coca-Cola Bottling, IBM Brazil and many more companies in 52 countries.

Author of 29 books translated into 26 languages. One of scientific theories Adizes's theory of company life cycles is described in his book “Corporate Life Cycle Management”. The essence of the theory is that any company, like any living organism, goes through different stages of development: birth, childhood, adolescence, etc. The company experiences growing pains and all the problems that any living organism faces during its life. Adizes' theory is a kind of elixir of eternal youth for the corporation.

Another well-known Adizes theory that explains the typologies of managers is described in the book “How to overcome management crises.” According to Dr. Adizes, there is no ideal leader. According to his PAEI model, to achieve effectiveness, a leader needs four qualities: P - producer of results (producer), A - administrator (administrator), E - entrepreneur (entrepreneur), I - integrator (integrator). All this cannot be combined in one person, so it is necessary to have several strong managers at the helm of the corporation.

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Dr. Itzhak Calderon Adizes is one of the world's unsurpassed business consultants, a brilliant specialist in the field of effective business process management. Founder of the Adizes Institute, which is one of the top 10 consulting companies in the world. Branches of the Adizes Institute exist in 15 countries. Dr. Adizes is a scientific consultant for the Executive MBA and MBA IBDA programs, an honorary doctor of the Russian Academy of Economy and civil service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Isaac Adizes has been conducting his professional activities for almost 40 years. During this time, he was a teacher at the University of California, Stanford and Jerusalem Universities, acted as a business consultant for several hundred leading companies, and collaborated as a political consultant with the governments of the heads of Sweden, Brazil, Greece, Israel, Iceland, Mexico and Macedonia. Among the companies with which Adizes worked are Bank of America, Coca-Cola Bottling, IBM Brazil and many more companies in 52 countries.

Author of 29 books translated into 26 languages. One of Adizes' scientific theories - the theory of company life cycles - is described in his book "". The essence of the theory is that any company, like any living organism, goes through different stages of development: birth, childhood, adolescence, etc. The company experiences growing pains and all the problems that any living organism faces during its life. Adizes' theory is a kind of elixir of eternal youth for the corporation.

Another well-known Adizes theory that explains the typologies of leaders is described in the book “”. According to Dr. Adizes, there is no ideal leader. According to his PAEI model, to achieve effectiveness, a leader needs four qualities: P - producer of results (producer), A - administrator (administrator), E - entrepreneur (entrepreneur), I - integrator (integrator). All this cannot be combined in one person, so it is necessary to have several strong managers at the helm of the corporation.

List of books by Isaac Adizes in order of writing (publication)

Year Book title
2017 Adizes for leaders
2015 Union of Dissimilars. How to create a happy family not despite, but because of your differences
Adizes. The best. Food for thought. About change and leadership, about management and what is important in life
2014 New thoughts on personal development
New thoughts on politics
New thoughts on management
2009 Management in times of crisis. How to save key people and the company
Integration. Survive and become stronger in times of crisis
2005 The desire to flourish. How to achieve business success using the Adizes methodology
2004 The ideal leader. Why you can’t become one and what follows from this
Corporate life cycle management
Development of leaders. How to understand your management style and communicate effectively with people of other styles
Management styles - effective and ineffective
1992 Managing change. How to effectively manage change in society, business and personal life
1979 How to overcome management crises. Diagnosis and solution of management problems

Here you can download all the books of Isaac Adizes for free for review, read online or buy the full electronic version in FB2, PDF, EPUB, TXT, DOC, MOBI formats.

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Isaac Calderon Adizes is one of the world's leading experts in improving the efficiency of business and government by making dramatic changes that do not create confusion and destructive conflicts that impede change.

Over the past 35 years, Dr. Yitzhak Calderon Adizes has worked with many leading commercial organizations world, was a consultant on political issues to the governments of many heads of state.

Dr. Adizes is the founder and general director Adizes® Academy of Management, an organization specializing in change management with branches in the United States and 14 other countries. He currently holds the post of Director of the Adizes Institute. He is also a featured author and lectures in more than 40 countries.

He is the author of seven books, translated into 22 languages. His book "Corporate Processes: How Organizations Grow and Die and What to Do About It?" Considered a classic in management theory, it was selected as one of the top 10 business books in the Library Journal. According to the results of the rating of “100 Best Consultants in the Sphere of Leadership” by the publication “Executive Excellence” (2005), one of the most prestigious business magazines in the USA, Dr. Adizes is ranked 29th.

The Adizes method is used all over the world in companies with sales volumes from millions to billions (Coca-Cola, Bank of America, Volvo, Visa Group, etc.)

Books by Adizes Isaac

Author's video

What is leadership

Ideal leader

How to become an effective manager?

Second episode of the series. How to evaluate the effectiveness of your business? The answer is simple: calculate the revenue. But Isaac Adizes is sure that many entrepreneurs incorrectly estimate their income, and therefore lose profit in the long term. Isaac Adizes will explain how to orient a business towards long-term profit.

What is management?

First episode of the series. In the first episode, Isaac Adizes will explain what the concept of management means. Management is the correct reaction to changes occurring both in the market and within the company. Business is a very dynamic system, and you need to have time to respond correctly to the constant changes taking place in it. To understand the essence of the problems, ask yourself the question: “What has changed?” and you will find a starting point for integrating new solutions.

How to improve management efficiency in Russia

Dr. Itzhak Adizes, a world-famous business technologist and scientific consultant for the RANEPA IBDA programs, held a master class on February 17, 2012 specifically for students and graduates of the Executive MBA. This time the expert shared his thoughts on “How to improve the effectiveness of management in Russia.” It turned out - without reducing costs in any way!

Mistakes of leaders of young organizations

Sixth episode of the series. In this series, Isaac Adizes will talk about typical mistakes of leaders of young organizations. After the business has stabilized and finally began to generate income, the manager is tempted to expand his company and develop new niches in the market. Isaac Adizes will explain why rapid growth leads to ruin, and why you should be wary of multi-profile businesses?

Organizational structure of the company

Eighth episode of the series. In this series, Isaac Adizes will tell you how to save an aging business. The secret of recovery is in the organizational structure. It is enough to make the company structure transparent, correctly distribute profit centers and force each employee to think about the well-being of the entire company. How can this be achieved? Isaac Adizes will reveal the main secret of a good manager.

How to evaluate a startup

Fifth episode of the series. In this series, Isaac Adizes will talk in detail about the infant stage in an organization - a startup. What is the most important thing at the start? Without which business cannot exist? Why do many businessmen, when opening a business, lose their family, and after a divorce marry their secretaries?

PAEI - code for effective management

Third episode of the series. In this series, Isaac Adizes will talk about his typology of leaders. There are only 4 types of managers: performer, administrator, entrepreneur and integrator. Each individual can ruin a business; success requires a combination of all these qualities in one person. Is this possible?

Life cycle of an organization

Dr. Adizes is an outstanding lecturer and author. Fluent in four languages, he has lectured in more than 40 countries. He was a tenured faculty member at the UCLA School of Management for thirty years and served as a visiting faculty member at Columbia University, Stanford University, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv University.

How organizations are born and die

The fourth episode of the series. In this series, Isaac Adizes will talk about the life cycle of an organization. Organizations, like living organisms, are born, mature, develop, grow old and die. And each of these stages has its own problems. How to solve them? How to keep your business in its prime and not let it grow old?

Challenges of an aging organization

Seventh episode of the series. In this series, Isaac Adizes will tell you how large companies are aging. The company has reached its peak and firmly established itself in its niche. The organization begins to acquire aristocratic features: employees dress in uniforms, corporate souvenirs are ordered from famous designers, paintings by famous masters hang in the managers' office... Isaac Adizes will tell you why prosperity kills business.

Open lecture by Isaac Adizes 01/16/13

On the first day of the Gaidar Forum, January 16, 2013, Honorary Professor of RANEPA Dr. Adizes gave an open lecture-discussion “Leadership in a period of constant and rapid change.”

Transition to professional management

Lecture by Isaac Adizes on management and leadership

Video with Russian translation about management, leadership and leaders from Isaac Adizes.

Who is a leader?

Video lecture by Dr. Ichak Adizes from the TopLeaf series. TopLeaf is a series of 30 video lectures on leadership and management.

Management styles

Management styles. Based on the works of Isaac Adizes.



Scientific field: Place of work:

Adizes Institute

Academic degree: Alma mater:

Isaac Calderon Adizes(English) Ichak Kalderon Adizes) is one of the experts in the field of improving the efficiency of business and government activities by introducing fundamental changes that do not create confusion and destructive conflicts that impede change.


Over the past 35 years, Dr. Itzhak Calderon Adizes has worked with many commercial organizations in the world, and has been a consultant on political issues to the governments of heads of state such as Israel, Sweden, Greece, Brazil, Ghana, Iceland, Mexico, Macedonia, etc. Adizes is the founder and CEO of the Adizes Institute, a change management organization with affiliates in the United States and 14 other countries.

He was a tenured faculty member at the UCLA Anderson School of Management for thirty years and has served as a visiting faculty member at Stanford and Columbia Universities, as well as at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University. Dr. Adizes holds a Ph.D and MBA from Columbia University and a BA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

He currently holds the post of Director of the Adizes Institute. He is also a featured author and lectures in more than 40 countries. Adizes' work has been covered in magazines such as Fortune, New York Times, Financial Times, and maintains close ties with investors in Daily Nation Business and World Digest.

He is the author of seven books, translated into 22 languages. His book "Corporate Processes: How Organizations Grow and Die, and What to Do About It?" It is considered a classic textbook in management theory, and was selected as one of the top 10 business books in the Library Journal. According to the results of the rating of “100 best consultants in the field of leadership” by the publication “Executive Excellence” (2008-2009), Adizes takes 28th place.

Adizes is known for his theory of company life cycles, as well as his approach to the typology of managers. In his opinion, the ideal leader - a super-boss who can do everything - simply does not exist. This is impossible because such an “ideal” person must combine qualities that, according to Adizes, are incompatible. These qualities are necessary and sufficient to fulfill the purpose of the business. Here is what Adizes himself writes in the book “The Ideal Leader”:

…the ultimate goal of the management process is to make the organization effective and efficient in the short and long term - no more and no less. If we ensure effectiveness and efficiency in the short and long term, this is enough for the well-being and success of any organizational structure, be it a marriage, a government, a multinational corporation or a candy store.

Adizes lists four such qualities that are needed to achieve short-term and long-term effectiveness and efficiency: producer of results (P, producer), administrator (A, administrator), entrepreneur (E, entrepreneur) and integrator (I, Integrator). By initial letters With these four English words, the model of leadership types forms the acronym PAEI. These qualities contradict each other, since, for example, a good producer of results will be intolerant of excessive order, which an administrator is prone to, and an entrepreneur will always come up with something new, which can interfere with both the producer of results and the integrator aimed at harmonizing relationships in the team. Thus, the company should not be headed by a super-boss, but by a group of super-bosses, each of whom perfectly performs one of the four roles and has a normal understanding of the others.

The Adizes method is used all over the world in companies with sales volumes from $2 million to $2 billion (Coca-Cola, Bank of America, Volvo, Visa Group, etc.).

Since 2010, the Adizes Institute has an official partner in Moscow. It became the company "BEST-Training" (director - M. E. Kukushkin)


  • Isaac Adizes The ideal leader. Why you can’t become one and what follows from this = English. The Ideal Executive: Why You Cannot Be One and What To Do About It ),. - M.: "Alpina Publisher", 2011. - P. 272. - ISBN 978-5-9614-1561-2
  • Isaac Adizes Development of leaders. How to understand your management style and communicate effectively with speakers of other styles = English. Leading The Leaders: How To Enrich Your Style of Management and Handle People Whose Style Is Different From Yours . - M.: "Alpina Publisher", 2011. - P. 259. - ISBN 978-5-9614-1374-8
  • Isaac Adizes Management styles. Effective and ineffective = English. Leading Management/Mismanagement Styles: How to Identify a Style and What to Do about It . - M.: "Alpina Publisher", 2009. - P. 200. - ISBN 978-5-9614-0939-0
  • Isaac Adizes Integration. Survive and become stronger in times of crisis = English. How to Manage In Times of Crisis: And How to avoid it in the First Place . - M.: "Alpina Publisher", 2009. - P. 128. - ISBN 978-5-9614-1032-7
  • Isaac Adizes Managing Change Mastering Change: The Power of Mutual Trust and respect in Personal Life, Family Life, Business and Society ), St. Petersburg, 2008, 224 pp., ISBN 978-5-91180-486-2, 0-937120-04-9
  • Isaac Adizes Corporate Life Cycle Management Managing Corporate Lifecycles), Peter, 2008, 384 pp., ISBN 978-5-469-01523-9, 5-469-01523-8
  • Isaac Adizes How to overcome management crises. Diagnosis and solution of management problems (eng. How to Solve the Mismanagement Crisis: Diagnosis and Treatment of Management Problems ) Stockholm School of Economics, St. Petersburg, 2007, 294 pp., ISBN 978-5-91171-008-8, 5-315-00046-X



  • Guest lecture at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University “How an organization develops and dies, and what to do about it”
  • Interview with Itskakh Adizes in Expert magazine


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Scientists by alphabet
  • Born on October 22
  • Born in 1937
  • Born in Skopje
  • Writers of Israel

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