Buy tickets for train RZD 477. What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

  • How to buy a train ticket?

    • Indicate the route and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost.
    • Choose the train and seats that suit you best.
    • Pay for your ticket using one of the suggested methods.
    • Payment information will be instantly transmitted to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.
  • How to return a purchased train ticket?

  • Is it possible to pay for a ticket by card? Is it safe?

    Yes, sure. Payment occurs through the payment gateway of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a secure channel.

    The gateway was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international security standard PCI DSS. Software The gateway has successfully passed the audit according to version 3.1.

    The system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.

    The payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.

    Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

  • What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

    Buying an electronic ticket to the site is modern and quick way issuing a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.

    When purchasing an electronic train ticket, seats are redeemed immediately at the time of payment.

    After payment, to board the train you need:

    • or complete electronic registration;
    • or print your ticket at the station.

    Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, you can complete it by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk it.

Munira: Good afternoon! There is no need to blame everything on the Stasiks! There are a lot of students who work great, and a lot of staff who work carelessly. In any situation, it all depends on the person, as long as the house is clean and tidy. same in the workplace!!!

Evgeniy: every summer we recruit heaps of such STASIKs from among higher education students to work educational institutions, and then the personnel guides have to take the rap for them. No one wants to work as guides because it is very mentally difficult labor and salary it’s miserable, and you can’t please every passenger. Well, the way the students work is terrible, because as they say, we came to earn money and not to wash floors and toilets, you have to plow.

Yulia: I would like to tell you about the Chelyabinsk - Adler train. We went on a business trip as a group, I want to emphasize, all of them were adults, serious people, this was not the first time they had gone on such trips. The order of tickets was for a group, so there was a group leader with one ticket and a list of passengers listed by name. The first question of the pale and thin conductor Stas (he stubbornly hid his last name) was the following: “Are you taking a group of children?” and looked at my over-aged “children,” the eldest of whom was 60 and the youngest 21. I jokingly replied: “Look, can’t you see the kids?” The conductor Stas looked at me with a dull, tired look, but did not interfere with our loading. As soon as the train started moving, he informed me that he would now conduct a serious briefing due to the fact that we were a group. Imagine everyone’s surprise when he began to enter each compartment and repeat the same thing with the following content: “My name is Stas. I am your conductor. I immediately warn you that you do not have the right to drink alcohol on the train. I am a non-drinker and If I smell alcohol, I will immediately call the police and take you off the train. I will allow you to smoke in the corridor in front of the vestibule. We will clean up the bulls and grubs you make there together. I am not going to do this after you. “I forbid you to go into the neighboring carriages. You are a group of children and you must behave quietly. I am responsible for you not to litter in the compartment; To be honest, at first, it looked funny and was perceived as a playful vigilance. But after an hour it became clear that he really did not allow entry at the stations. Everyone was patient while we were talking about short stops, but then it turned out that he didn’t want to do this even at the 20-minute stop in Kavkazskaya. At this point I couldn’t stand it anymore and demanded to let the people out. Someone wanted to breathe fresh air, someone wanted to go buy food or water (not alcohol, because the time is after 12 at night). With a dissatisfied look, he finally released the people. After half an hour, he began to walk around and herd everyone into the compartments so that no one dared to go to the toilet, into the corridor or into the neighboring compartments. Since the group occupied half a carriage, there was naturally some movement, but not noisy, and none of the other passengers complained. Then he walked up to our shop and solemnly declared: “That means we’re finishing all our walks, since I’m going to bed, and you’re disturbing me. Therefore, at the next station I won’t let you out. I’ll sleep.” This was an original statement. For the first time I saw a conductor who slept at night, skipping stations. Like “the soldier is sleeping, the service is going on.” In the morning, naturally, they began to ask, as always, for tea and coffee. Moreover, upon boarding he offered: “I have for sale confectionery and lemonade." However, when asked to bring coffee and tea, he said, now I’ll have breakfast, and then I’ll make it for you. It seemed to us that we had done something wrong... After a while, he came and asked to sign a handwritten document about that we refused some tea products on the train. To be honest, I signed in a sleepy state without going into details. But then I realized that he was most likely packaging the required tea, and instead selling some of his own. The next joke was a hysteria about a dirty towel. One of the guys apparently had the temerity to spill tea and wipe it with a towel, the conductor, Stas, threw a tantrum and began to demand trust rubles (by the way, for 300 rubles, they could have given a bigger towel, but not a napkin, for that matter), due to the fact that they don’t accept such towels for washing, I wonder why they should be given at all if I can’t use them, I stood up and said, that the towel is not torn or burnt, so you can wash it and the guy won’t pay anything. To which the conductor told us: “Now I’ll come to your city. I’ll come to you in the theater in the first row and I’ll forget everything.” One of my employees could not stand this rudeness and demanded to give me a review book. He was very scared and began to persuade her to voice all her complaints against him. And when she said that he did not have the right to talk to honored people like they were children, he said: “Do you think they don’t like me? I’m already the eldest of three carriages, and will soon be the head of the train. Everyone here loves me too.” But my colleague decided not to continue the conversation, as she realized that this was a diagnosis. Another group (already a full car) was traveling through with the same conductor. They told me that he asked them for phone numbers with the request that if they called, they would say that he was a very good guide. He did not let them into the toilets from time to time, citing stops and a sanitary zone, but he offered them to go to the neighboring “supposedly dry toilet”, but for money, 10 rubles each. Although in fact there were dry closets in this carriage, apparently he came up with the idea of ​​starting such a business. I can’t understand why we have such a personnel selection system at Russian Railways that people like these are kept at work with mental problems and a complete lack of understanding of their place. They leave a terrible impression of trains. There is no desire to get on such a train again. Why are flight attendants always friendly, and why do the conductors get into such a situation? Horror! I wish he never became a train manager. Otherwise, everyone will become sad, both passengers and his subordinates.

Road to Adler


The way home


For the first time in our lives, we went on a long trip with the whole family for our long-awaited vacation by train 477U Chelyabinsk → Adler. It suited us very well in all respects, departure time was 20-50 local time, and arrival was at 10 am, which is perfect for a journey that takes two days and 15 hours, we loaded up, looked out the window a little and went to sleep, slept for 2 nights and were there, The road is easier to travel at night than during the day, especially with children. Tickets were purchased for reserved seats.
When I got into the carriage and looked a little closer, I was pleasantly surprised: the carriage was modern and clean. Both toilets worked, they were not just cleaned, but simply sparkled and shone with cleanliness, there were two conductors, in beautiful, neat uniforms, throughout the entire journey they washed everyone, wiped up after the passengers (there were many children who every now and then either spilled something or spilled) twice a day there was wet cleaning, and once sweeping. The dust was also wiped off. We turned on the air conditioning at night (this is mandatory) and a couple of times during the day when the car was heating up from the heat. The seats themselves (well, I don’t know what they are called correctly) are wide, soft, and comfortable. In general, I was glad that for many years I had not used the services railways our dear Russian Railways has changed so much!
But my joy lasted until the way back... the same train, tickets at the same price, but the carriage... as if I was from the USSR (I immediately remembered my little self) Old, creaky, foul-smelling, it was impossible to sleep, it was difficult It was easy to fit in a sleeping place, there was dirt all around, there was only one toilet, and it was in such a state that when you go in... well, when will it really press you down. There was only one guide, a poor little girl, 18-19 years old at most, who on the second night simply collapsed from fatigue. The heat was incredible, the children simply cried incessantly, it was really impossible to wash themselves, the water flowed in a thin trickle.
The question arises, why is there such a difference? Why do we get such different services for our hard-earned money, despite the fact that it costs the same?! What this is connected with will always remain a mystery to me.
It’s good that all the bad things turned out to be on the way back, and we came to rest, satisfied and happy!




To buy a train ticket for train 477U, you must enter the date and other necessary parameters, including the number and type of passengers, on the websites of sellers from our rating. Then you will know the exact cost of a ticket for train 477U and the availability of seats in each carriage.

Please note that children under 5 years old can travel for free without a seat, and for children under 9 years old a seat is only half price.

Trains following the same route Chelyabinsk - Adler:

Sale and delivery of tickets to 477U:

How to buy a ticket for train number 477U? Many services provide this opportunity. Many of them provide a ticket delivery service.

But you don’t even have to get a paper ticket, because now many Russian Railways trains support electronic registration . Thanks to it, you can board the train simply by showing your ID to the conductor.

If you need reporting, select electronic ticket on train 477U and exchange the received code for a paper ticket at the station at the self-service terminal or at the ticket office.