Business idea: sale of spare parts for special equipment. Auto parts store for trucks and specialized equipment in a small town New directions in the trade of spare parts for special equipment

It is no secret that the global crisis of 2008-2009 had an extremely negative impact on the warehouse equipment market, but, apparently, the peak of the crisis has passed. Research company World Material Handling Products predicts that demand for material handling and warehouse equipment will grow at an average annual rate of 4% to reach $123.6 billion in 2016.

This trend is also clearly visible in Russia. If in 2009 there was a catastrophic decrease in the volume of imports of warehouse equipment (more than 5 times), then in 2011 3,268 units of used equipment and 23,749 units of new were already imported. That is, demand has recovered to the 2007 level. And there is every reason to assume that the results of 2012 will confirm this positive trend: the stable dynamics of recovery will continue, and the warehouse equipment market will gradually move into a growth phase.

Premium warehouse equipment or the stingy one pays twice

The demand of buyers and tenants of warehouse space is gradually shifting towards high-quality Class A warehouses, which cannot but have a significant impact on the market for sales and rental of warehouse equipment. In the pre-crisis years, quite a lot of development projects for the construction of such warehouses were started, but then most of the projects were suspended. Today, the share of vacant space in high-quality warehouses extremely low. As a result, previously frozen projects are being unfrozen, but the demand for premium warehouses is still outpacing supply.

Companies are gradually changing their preferences regarding warehouse equipment: preference is increasingly being given to equipment from the premium segment. Leading manufacturing companies continually invest heavily in research and development to achieve compelling results in the reliability and cost-effectiveness of their products. And if you compare the acquisition cost and the total cost of ownership, which includes all expenses over the entire life of the equipment, it may turn out that it is more profitable to buy more expensive equipment.

And the domestic consumer has plenty to choose from: almost all the world’s manufacturers of warehouse equipment are represented on the markets of the CIS countries.

The head of the sales department of STILL Forklifttruks LLC, D. Ostanin, reported an increase in sales and rental transactions for STILL equipment in 2012 (compared to 2011). The company has also exceeded pre-crisis sales figures in these areas of activity and continues to increase its presence in many market segments: retail, warehouse Logistics, industrial production etc.

Sales of another well-known manufacturer, Jungheinrich, were also stable in 2012 (according to information from the head of the key account department B. Voloshin of Jungheinrich Lifting and Loading Equipment LLC).

At Linde MH, sales of warehouse equipment did not show significant growth compared to 2011, but thanks to the start of direct sales, the company's position is expected to strengthen.


In 1995, the STILL company began operating in Russia as a representative office. In 2005, STILL Forklifttruks LLC was registered.

Jungheinrich began operations in Russia in 1993. In 2003, a direct sales office was opened in Moscow.

Linde Material Handling (Linde MH) began operating on the Russian market without intermediaries in 2011.

Golden mean

The growing interest in premium technology is not an indicator of falling demand in the middle segment.

According to information general director KAYRUS company, which works with such manufacturers of warehouse equipment as Nissan, EP Cayman, Hyundai, EP Cayman forklifts are in greatest demand on the market. The company's management noted that sales and rental transactions for warehouse equipment increased by this year not too significant.

Although the company offers both new and used equipment, the number of consumers who are exclusively interested in new equipment has grown significantly. warehouse equipment, preferring it to buying used equipment or renting for a certain period.

In this regard, for many companies it is a completely justified decision to concentrate their efforts on sales of new equipment.

Used equipment - demand is stable, but small

Expensive equipment from the point of view of “total cost of ownership” has a number of undeniable advantages, but there is one caveat - not all companies can afford such luxury. The solution can be found in purchasing used, but high-quality equipment.

The previously mentioned company "STILL Forklifttruks" LLC, for example, is ready to offer a choice of used loaders with different operating hours, including refurbished ones.

Jungheinrich Lifting and Loading Equipment LLC provides the following figures: direct sales of Jungheinrich equipment account for 65%, rental - 30%, and used equipment - 5% of transactions. However, in 2012 the ratio of consumers did not change significantly.

Linde MH follows a different policy and is actively increasing its presence in the market for warehouse and used equipment.

The Atlet company, which operates in two segments at once - medium and premium, admits that there are requests for used equipment. But many buyers still choose new cars because of the warranty. Buyers decide to invest in new equipment and forget about repairs and downtime. Among such clients, purchasing used equipment and renting are not popular. Of course, it is also worth considering an option such as leasing. If a choice is possible between the long-term lease of non-new equipment and the leasing of new equipment, then there is no doubt: the same payments are made as for the lease, but upon completion of payment of all contributions, the equipment remains with the lessee.

Equipment rental is not losing ground, its popularity is growing

Every consumer faces a choice: whether to purchase new equipment, whether to give preference to used equipment, or to rent (short-term or long-term). To make a decision, an analysis of a number of factors is always necessary, and, most often, the choice is determined not only by the operating conditions, but also by habits. For example, European partners of the company "STILL Forklift Trucks" LLC, when entering the Russian market, show interest in long-term rentals and the opportunity to receive the "full service" service, which allows them to plan expenses as accurately as possible. Domestic consumers, on the contrary, prefer leasing or purchasing equipment.

Mr. Voloshin (Junghainrich Lifting and Loading Equipment LLC) notes that in 2012 there was a noticeable trend in the market towards a single-digit increase in the number of transactions for short-term and long-term rental of equipment. Consumers of long-term leases are mainly large “buyers” of equipment from various business segments.

According to Linde MH company representative S. Kriushev, the comparison of rental and sales is not correct, since the rental market exists and develops in parallel with the market for new equipment, while the rental service often exists as an important addition that increases the overall level of customer service. But the desire of large customers to optimize business processes, financial statements and taxation leads to an increase in the market's need to purchase new equipment based on long-term lease agreements.

ICE VS Electric motors

Currently, there is a tendency to gradually replace gas and diesel forklifts with electric ones. The reason for this is seen in the opening of a large number of logistics centers, medium-sized and high level. In addition, the operating costs of electric forklifts are significantly lower. The environmental component of the issue also plays an important role.

But there is no clear opinion about how strong this trend is, and also what the relationship is between sales of equipment with internal combustion engines and electric motors.

According to information from STILL Forklift Trucks LLC, the trend towards customers replacing equipment with internal combustion engines with electric forklifts has become more pronounced, but gas and diesel forklifts are still in demand by customers, especially if the equipment is planned to be used in open areas.

Jungheinrich Lifting and Loading Technology sees no visible shift in consumer preferences: for every unit of Jungheinrich internal combustion engine forklifts sold, there are four electric forklifts.

Is it possible to talk about the trend of displacement of ICE-powered equipment on the Russian market? Mr. Kriushev (Linde MH company) provides the following data on the Russian market:

2007 Sales of equipment with internal combustion engines account for 65%. Gradually reduced to 40% as a result of the crisis. Within 2 recent years The share of orders for new vehicles with internal combustion engines is gradually growing - now this segment occupies about 45%.

Since during the crisis of 2008-2009, sales of vehicles with internal combustion engines declined more than others, now we can only talk about restoring the share of this market segment.

Many experts have long predicted a confident victory for technology with electric engines over technology with internal combustion engines. But in Russian realities this will not happen soon. Although on the territory Western Europe The share of vehicles with internal combustion engines does not exceed 20% of the market.

The amount of premium warehouse space in Russian cities is still very small. And in the Russian expanses, forklifts will remain the “kings of the market” for a long time, in demand by consumers who are forced to process and store products in more unpretentious premises compared to their Western colleagues.

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Carrying out most types construction work cannot be done without the use of special equipment. And since any equipment breaks down from time to time, replacement of spare parts is necessary. For this reason, starting a business selling spare parts for special equipment seems to be a profitable idea.

How to open a business from scratch: spare parts for special equipment

The business of selling spare parts for special equipment has a considerable number of advantages.

The following positive points should be highlighted:

  • industry prospects: all large quantity enterprises are turning to automation of their work in order to make manufacturing process faster and more efficient. Consequently, the demand for spare parts for used machines will constantly increase;
  • high level of profitability: spare parts for special equipment have a high cost, which allows you to achieve a high level of profit in the shortest possible time;
  • development opportunity: by selling special equipment, the company can eventually become an official dealer of one of the large international companies, which will not only increase the company’s income level, but also earn a certain reputation and take a leading position in the market.

Some difficulties in selling spare parts for special equipment should also be taken into account. The most important among them are the high costs that an entrepreneur expects when purchasing goods, especially if delivery is carried out from abroad, as well as the saturation of the market with competitors. A particular danger posed by competitors is due to the fact that most enterprises, having chosen a suitable reliable dealer, do not seek to change suppliers of goods. Therefore, in order to enter the market from scratch, you should carefully monitor the chosen area, study the areas of influence of competing companies, and also think about which enterprises can become potential clients in the first place.

When planning to open a store selling spare parts for special equipment, you should think about what the store’s assortment will be. Thus, among the existing special equipment, loaders and mini-loaders, excavators, bulldozers, truck cranes, etc. are widely used.

Thus, the following spare parts will be most in demand:

  • generators;
  • starters;
  • different types of pumps (fuel, oil, hydraulic pump);
  • torque converters;
  • cardan shafts;
  • filters and others.

In order to increase profits and secure new customers, it makes sense, in addition to selling spare parts, to include an offer in the service Maintenance special equipment. But this will require staff expansion and additional costs.

The main stages of creating a business selling spare parts for special equipment

After monitoring the existing market for spare parts for special equipment, they draw up a business plan.

It includes the following items:

  • analysis of the selected market area: the level of demand and supply, main areas of activity requiring development and other features;
  • the costs that will have to be incurred at the stage of starting a business, and the subsequent monthly costs of maintaining the activity. The largest expenses usually include the purchase of goods, rental of premises, payment wages employees, advertising campaign. If the enterprise has the form legal entity, certain expenses are expected when registering a company;
  • expected profit of the enterprise. At this point, it is necessary to calculate what the store’s income will be, taking into account the cost of the goods, other costs and the established pricing policy. It is also necessary to calculate the period in which the funds invested in opening and promoting the store will pay off and the company will begin to generate a stable income.

Having determined the specifics and scale of future activities, you should select premises for opening a store selling spare parts. At first, you can sell goods through an online store, but in order to achieve a certain level of profit and develop your business, over time you will still have to open a stationary store outlet. The size of the store itself can be small - to accommodate the main assortment, you can use a room measuring up to 50 sq.m. The arrangement and design of the store will be important: all goods must be placed in thematic groups, accompanied by the information the buyer needs and in free access. The store should be equipped with shelves, racks and display cases to display goods, as well as a noticeable sign that will attract customers. Besides commercial premises, it is mandatory to rent a warehouse, the area of ​​which will depend on the planned sales volumes. The correctly chosen territorial location of the store is another factor in the success of the business: due to the specifics of the product, it is better to set up a retail outlet selling spare parts in an area saturated with construction and transport enterprises: that is where a larger number of people will be able to see it potential buyers, and the cost of renting the premises will be lower.

Purchasing goods will be the next mandatory stage of opening a store: the volume of purchased lots will depend on the enterprise’s budget and the scale of sales. At this stage it is important to do right choice supplier of spare parts: as a rule, first they enter into an agreement with one or more wholesale companies, then, as the company develops, it makes sense to obtain the status of an official dealer of one of the well-known manufacturers of special equipment. This will allow you to occupy a special place in the chosen business sector, beating your competitors.

The next step is to recruit employees for the store staff. If the company is engaged exclusively in the sale of spare parts, the only people needed will be salespeople (their number is determined by the scale of sales), managers for working with suppliers and potential clients, an accountant, a driver for delivery of goods and a cleaner. If the company offers repair services for special equipment, it is necessary to supplement the staff with qualified specialists in this profile.

The advertising campaign will important factor enterprise development. For maximum effect, you should combine the dissemination of information about the new enterprise on the Internet and the media, it is also advisable to use external advertising - use the placement of banners and billboards near the store, it is also useful to distribute leaflets. A sign as one of the types of outdoor advertising will become effective tool in attracting buyers. At the stage of opening a store, a good method of attracting customers is to offer discounts and promotions to new customers. It is also advisable to develop a flexible discount system for regular and wholesale customers.

Creating a company website will be important method attracting customers: it is necessary to develop an official resource that will not only inform about the existing assortment, but also provide the opportunity to purchase goods online. In order for potential customers to quickly find a store’s website in a search, you need to contact specialists in the optimization and promotion of Internet resources.

How to open a business from scratch: registration

To sell spare parts for special equipment, no special permits or licenses are required. It is only necessary to register the enterprise in accordance with the existing regulations of the Federal Tax Service. The sale of specialized spare parts provides the possibility of registering both a legal entity and the status of an individual entrepreneur.

The individual entrepreneurship format will be more suitable for small-scale activities. So, a small store or website may well sell as an individual entrepreneur. If the founder of a business plans to open an enterprise that will cooperate with large, including international companies, a legal entity will be the preferred option. Among other features, LLCs can be opened by several persons in partnership, which reduces the financial burden, and the presence of authorized capital as mandatory condition To start the activities of a legal entity, it removes personal financial responsibility from the founders of the company.

Both to open an individual entrepreneur and to register an LLC, you must submit an application, filled out in a special form, to the Federal Tax Service office, providing the required package of documents.

In the case of registration of an individual entrepreneur, the number of documents will be minimal:

  • copy of the passport;
  • copy of identification number;
  • a copy of payment of the state duty, amounting to 800 rubles.

The list of documents for a legal entity will be more extensive. In addition to the main points, it also includes the charter of the future LLC, the decision to create an enterprise, the appointment of persons to leadership positions, and if there are two or more founders of the company, you will need to draw up a protocol on the meeting of founders and a special agreement.

The financial costs of opening an LLC will also be large: the amount of state duty in this case increases to 4 thousand rubles, and the mandatory authorized capital is 10 thousand.

When submitting an application, it indicates OKVED codes, thereby informing the tax authority about the specifics of future activities. It is important that the declared type of activity coincides with the actual one, therefore, at the application stage, you should carefully consider all aspects of the future enterprise. To more accurately match the stated directions, you can provide several different codes.

The registration period for an individual entrepreneur is up to 5 working days, while an LLC is registered within 14 days after submitting the application.

May 20, 2017 Sergey

* The calculations use average data for Russia

8,200,000 ₽

Starting investments (3 types of equipment)

840,000 ₽

290,000 ₽

Net profit

30 months

Payback period

Despite the high costs of initial stage, with the right approach, a business that rents out special equipment can reach the breakeven point quite quickly. In this article - about key points this niche of the auto business.

How profitable is it to open a special equipment rental business in 2020? It would seem that, given the difficult economic situation in the country, there is little point in investing tens of millions of rubles in expensive loaders, excavators and bulldozers. Large construction projects on a national scale are behind us, the fanfare of the World Cup has died down along with the accompanying large orders, and now it is quite common to see special equipment gathering dust along the road with offers for rent.

However, judging by the results of sales of special equipment in Russia, the situation looks much more optimistic. Accurate data on sales volumes of road construction and special equipment for the entire past 2019 have not yet been made public, however, according to the analytical agency Autostat, in the first half of 2019 the market showed an 11% growth. Moreover, domestic manufacturers of special equipment are doing better and better - a preferential leasing program has allowed Russian companies ensure an increase of 30% compared to the same indicators last year.

Pros and cons of a business project for renting special equipment

The first thing you need to remember when planning to open a business in this niche is a significant amount of investment. To form even a relatively small fleet of special equipment, you will need an amount with six or even seven zeros. For example, the cost of a running model of a CAT 434F2 backhoe loader will be at least 7,100,000 rubles. A crawler excavator of the same brand will cost 8,450,000 rubles. The price list for the 922nd model grader starts at 10,500,000 rubles.

Therefore, we recommend that in order to reduce the investment threshold, pay attention to the market for used equipment with operating time. For example, a JCB front loader can be purchased for 4,000,000 rubles, and a Katov grader with about 7,000 hours of operating time is valued at 7,000,000 rubles.

Thus, by choosing previously used units, you will save from 30 to 50 percent of the original cost of the equipment at the dealer.

A wide range of special equipment items that you can offer is extremely important to the customer. It makes no sense for a large B2B client to rent a grader from one company and dump trucks from another. As a rule, representatives of this niche, who have been renting special equipment for several years, have the following items in their arsenal:

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The second disadvantage of a business project is that special equipment must be constantly in use, otherwise the business will simply turn out to be unprofitable. It is likely that difficulties may arise with this at first, and therefore there is no point in immediately equipping your fleet with numerous DST options - you will simply freeze the money, and in the worst case scenario, you will not be able to cover the cost of leasing payments at all.

If necessary, you can find the remaining items missing for the project from other landlords, acting as an intermediary. Yes, in this case, the earnings in the amount of the commission will be significantly less, but the risks will be minimized.

The advantages of a business that rents special equipment include the fairly high cost of renting equipment and the opportunity to earn significant sums provided there is a stable flow of orders.

For example, the cost of renting a backhoe loader from popular brands Volvo or Terex in a city with a population of over a million is about 12,000 rubles per shift. The minimum period for which this type of equipment can be rented is 4 hours, and it will cost the client 6,000 rubles. The cost of changing the operation of a standard aerial platform on a GAZON cargo chassis with a maximum cabin lift height of up to 18 meters will be 9,000 rubles. A dump truck based on the most common KamAZ chassis will cost the customer 7,000 rubles per shift or 3,000 rubles per trip.

Registration of a business for rental of special equipment

For the most part, the clients who rent special equipment for their needs are municipal or commercial structures. Share individuals in the total volume of orders is extremely low. Therefore, the optimal form for this type of business is LLC.

OKVED codes To rent special equipment according to the classifier, the following are required:

    71.21.1 - Rental of cargo vehicles.

    77.39.23 - Rental and leasing of handling equipment.

    77.3.2 - Renting and leasing construction machines and equipment. This group includes the following types of activities: rental of construction machinery and equipment without an operator, including cranes, scaffolding and working platforms without installing or dismantling them.

    77.3.9 Renting and leasing of other machinery and equipment not included in other groups. This includes all types of construction equipment and mechanisms on wheels and tracks, as well as all equipment used in construction, but not included in the two groups that we indicated above.

Additionally, we note that there is no need to obtain a license to rent out special equipment. Immediately after registering a company, you can purchase a minimum fleet of vehicles and get down to business.

Purchase of special equipment. What to buy at the start

At first, the assortment of various special-purpose units makes your eyes wide open. However, as we said earlier, it is better to become more familiar with the list of offers and market demand specifically in your region. It is better to take those positions for which there will obviously be a large flow of clients at the moment, and it is better to leave highly specialized machines for further development.

The most popular and almost win-win options for starting a business are a backhoe loader, a dump truck and an aerial platform.

    Backhoe loader. This option is good for its versatility. A backhoe loader is indispensable during construction work such as laying pipelines, when excavating pits, and simply when cleaning up areas or construction waste. This type of special equipment is also good because it can be “upgraded” with additional equipment, for example, for 150-200,000 rubles, you can buy a hydraulic hammer and get another popular service for potential clients.

    An integral attribute of any construction site, which is needed during the repair work of road workers and public utilities, and during the construction of real estate, and during the extraction of natural resources, including for work in quarries for the extraction of sand, crushed stone and coal.

    It is useful not only for construction work, but also for servicing the needs of advertising agencies (placing and changing banners, installing signs) and high-altitude work of electrical installation crews.

When purchasing equipment, you can rely on seasonality. The greatest demand is observed in the spring; it is better to hire special equipment for work during this period of time. However, if you want to save as much as possible when purchasing, and not recoup the costs as quickly as possible, you should buy special equipment during the downtime period - it will be better to bargain on favorable terms.

How much will the purchase cost?

    Tower. A used aerial platform after a complete overhaul based on the GAZon 3307 chassis will cost approximately 1,000,000 rubles.

    Taking into account the large planned mileage, it is better to take a dump truck new, especially since there are now quite a few a large number of profitable leasing programs from manufacturers. The most popular options are domestic KamAZ trucks and their Chinese analogues. The cost of a new dump truck will be approximately 4,000,000 rubles.

    Backhoe loader. And finally, we recommend spending about 3,000,000 rubles on a backhoe loader. For this amount you can buy either a new device made in the Middle Kingdom, or a used one from a famous brand. It could be a 7-8 year old John Deere or JCB. Equipment with the Made in China label comes with a dealer warranty and inexpensive spare parts, while Europeans have made a name for themselves on high quality.

Ready ideas for your business

In total, we will meet the relatively modest 8 million rubles by the standards of the special equipment market. In the future, if you gain experience in this area, you can think about expanding the range by purchasing more expensive options on lease - such as a grader and an asphalt paver.

Selection of premises and site

You can store purchased special equipment in a fenced, guarded, flat area. To accommodate an administrator and 24-hour security, you can put a change house made from a sea container on the site - the cost of the modular option will be about 80,000 rubles. Renting the site itself will be inexpensive - around 20,000 rubles.

Marketing and advertising

    Notice boards. In the case of renting special equipment, various federal bulletin boards, such as Avito and Yula, work well to attract potential clients. We recommend spending small amounts on placing paid advertisements, which are published in the top or in a prominent place on the site - the costs will be recouped from the first hours of the order.

Some owners of special equipment stop there. However, you need to think about other ways to promote online.

    One-pager. To present a company, you will need a simple one-page website with a list and photographs of the proposed equipment options. In the future, when “sounding” customers appear, you can add a list of clients and work performed for them. These may be municipal customers (administrations of nearby settlements, housing and communal services), large networks grocery stores, well-known advertising agencies, etc. A list of such clients will add points to your image as a proven and reliable service provider.

    Platforms about tenders. Large platforms that publish information about ongoing tenders for special equipment services can be a good help for generating leads. This is for example,, and others. Many landlords find their first large regular customers through such portals, who later become regular customers.

    contextual advertising. For settings contextual advertising You can find a freelancer with experience in setting up similar cases, or contact a specialized IT agency. Services for setting up Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords will cost approximately 10-15 thousand rubles, and further support of online advertising companies costs about 8 thousand rubles per month.

And, of course, we shouldn’t forget that we live in Russia. In many ways, the success of a business at the initial stage will be determined by connections, acquaintances among potential clients, or recommendations from major market players.


    Sales Manager. You can search for clients as a business owner or as a hired employee of the sales department. As a rule, most of the salesperson’s income comes from motivation for fulfilling the revenue plan or from interest on turnover from attracted clients. It is better to hire employees with experience in active sales to corporative clients(B2B) who are not afraid to make a lot of cold calls and at the same time know how to work CRM system. Payroll manager - salary in the amount of 20-25 thousand rubles plus a percentage for transactions, the average income will be from 50,000 rubles.

    Drivers-operators of special equipment They receive piecework pay based on hours worked, on average 300 rubles for 60 minutes of work. The cost of work varies depending on the experience and skills of candidates in working with special equipment. An eight-hour shift will cost approximately 2,400 rubles. The minimum number of driver-operators for our case is three people, but it is better to have a reserve of replacements, since the main employee may get sick, ask for time off for family reasons, or not come to work for other reasons.

    Mechanic. And finally, another important employee is a mechanic with experience in maintenance and repair. Yes, work that requires expensive equipment and special skills can be carried out at dealers or at specialized service stations, but for minor repairs and routine maintenance of the fleet it is quite possible to do it yourself. Payroll starts at a minimum of 25-30,000 rubles; in the future, with the expansion of the fleet and, accordingly, an increase in the number of equipment serviced, we can talk about an increase in wages.

Financial indicators

So, the main component of the initial investment is the purchase of the necessary special equipment: 8,000,000 rubles.

Other expense items are insignificant against this background:

    Site rental: 20,000 rubles

    Purchase of a change house: 80,000 rubles

Total start-up investment the project will amount to 8,200,000 rubles.

Variable costs consist of the following items:

    Costs for fuels and lubricants (150 thousand rubles depending on the volume of work);

    Site rental: 20,000 rubles;

    It wouldn’t hurt to set aside about 150,000 rubles for depreciation of purchased equipment.

Total variable costs will average 550,000 rubles per month of work.

Profit from the project:

A fleet of three types of special equipment that we have planned for purchase is capable of bringing in 28,000 rubles per work shift, or 840,000 rubles per month. Thus, minus expenses, the profit from renting out a tower, backhoe loader and dump truck will be 290,000 rubles per month.

The payback period for the project will be about two and a half years.


So, it's time to sum up briefly. Despite the rather high costs at the initial stage, with the proper approach, a business can reach the breakeven point quite quickly. Moreover, in our calculations we relied only on “our own resources”, but in addition to renting out your own equipment, you can earn money on commissions as intermediaries!

Another significant advantage of renting special equipment compared to other types of similar activities (renting wedding cars, car sharing, car rental, renting retro cars for filming) is the possibility of purchasing on lease. That is, at the end of the period of use you will not have a headache, how to sell old equipment and get working capital to buy a new one. This service will also provide an opportunity to start a business renting special equipment without having the entire amount on hand to start.

Ready ideas for your business