Coffee machine business: how profitable is it? Making money from vending - business on coffee machines Coffee and food vending machines business

Selling services through automated systems is called vending. In our country, coffee, snack products, chocolate, carbonated drinks are sold through vending - these products are popular among the population. Machines for preparing coffee drinks are installed in crowded places, such as supermarkets or business centers, so that employees and customers have the opportunity to drink a cup of aromatic coffee at any time.

To sell machine-made coffee, you need to purchase or rent a machine. When renting a coffee machine, you will have to comply with the terms of the contract and purchase consumables from a specific manufacturer, the prices of which are often inflated. If the entrepreneur does not know bandwidth trading place and you’re not sure how the drink will be sold, it’s better to rent a machine.

Installing your own machine is more cost-effective. You can choose any supplier of goods, refusing to purchase branded coffee, which will reduce the cost of each cup of drink sold. Imported devices purchased in Germany, Spain or Italy are highly reliable, which is why most entrepreneurs give preference to them. But they have a significant disadvantage - the high price, which is prohibitive for beginning entrepreneurs. Therefore, when starting a vending business, businessmen purchase used European devices or analogues from China or Korea.

To attract regular customers It is important that the machine makes delicious coffee. The device, located in a walk-through location, requires monthly about 20 kg of consumable products, 300 liters of water, plastic or paper cups. To attract regular customers, it is desirable that all ingredients be High Quality, and the coffee was brewed with excellent taste characteristics.

Required documents and choice of tax system

If a businessman has purchased one or more coffee machines and intends to service them himself, it is more profitable to register his activities as an individual entrepreneur. When the business takes off and the need to hire staff arises, it is advisable to open a limited liability company.

An entrepreneur who has opened an individual entrepreneur or LLC has several options for choosing a tax system:

  1. Simplified system: 6% of turnover
  2. Simplified system: 15% income minus expenses
  3. Imputed tax on vending machines

If an entrepreneur cannot confirm his expenses and income (cash equipment is not installed on the device), choosing the first taxation option is optimal. When it is possible to confirm all expenses and income, the second scheme is suitable. And the choice of imputed tax will be beneficial only when the company or entrepreneur achieves significant profits or the amount of imputed tax on the machine turns out to be less than the percentage of turnover.

How to choose a place to install the device?

Places with high traffic and a waiting area that is constantly filled with people are suitable for installing a coffee machine. For example, a railway or bus station, a public transport stop, a car service station, a shopping center, a clinic, a hall of an institute or any administration are suitable for installing a coffee machine.

A shopping center is an ideal place for vending machines

If a place is chosen that is passable, queues may form at the device. Under such conditions, it is important that the machine prepares drinks quickly while maintaining the same level of coffee taste. IN good location the machine prepares 80–100 cups of coffee per day, bringing income to the business owner in the amount of 30–50% of the cost of the drink. With low sales volumes, the owner’s profit is noticeably lower - 10–20% of the price of a glass of coffee.

To install the machine in the selected premises, you need to agree with its administration to rent 1 meter of space and protect the coffee machine.

Coffee machine maintenance

To ensure uninterrupted operation of the coffee machine, it must be refilled with coffee raw materials, repaired and money withdrawn. At the initial stage of the project, the machine is serviced daily: the operation of all mechanisms, the supply of ingredients are checked, and they are cleaned of dust and dirt. Over time, the frequency of visits is reduced to once every two days, and then consumables are changed once every three days.

A service specialist visits an average of ten points of sale per day, checks the condition of the machine, and obtains proceeds in small bills and coins.

Requirements for consumables

In order for the machine to prepare delicious coffee, it is better to purchase high quality ingredients. Even if a glass of drink costs 5–10 rubles more, delicious coffee will attract a significant number of customers.

Consumables that need to be replenished regularly:

  • Various coffee compositions.
  • Granulated sugar.
  • Dry cream in granules.
  • Water.
  • Plastic or paper cups.
  • Sugar stirrers.

Most coffee machines do not need a water connection - it is poured inside the machine. It is better to fill in purified water. Some entrepreneurs try to save money by pouring water from the tap, which greatly spoils the taste of the drinks. Consumables are purchased in special stores that sell raw materials for vending - regular coffee cannot be poured into the machine.

How to choose a device?

Experienced businessmen have come to the conclusion that for a vending business to be profitable, it is necessary to rent/purchase and service at least 5 coffee machines. First, you should rent one device and evaluate its performance. After this, several more coffee machines are installed in public places, without waiting for the first machine to pay for itself.

Also, experts do not recommend purchasing previously used machines for people who do not have experience in their repair and adjustment. New device will be under warranty, but a used coffee machine will have to be repaired on your own. On average, a coffee machine becomes profitable after just a year of operation.

Possible risks and business prospects

The first thing a novice entrepreneur should be wary of is damage to property by hooligans. To minimize these risks, devices should be placed inside a secure area. If you decide to install an outdoor coffee machine, you can insure it against damage and loss.

The area where the coffee machine is installed may not be crowded enough. If the device does not become profitable within 2-3 months, move it to another location.

It is believed that a coffee machine brings in more income if a machine selling snack products is installed next to it: chocolate bars, cookies, nuts, and sweets. A person will drink coffee and at the same time have a snack.

Offer to clients big choice coffee drinks - so that everyone can find their favorite

Despite the saturation of the market today in many educational institutions or office premises There are no coffee machines installed. While residents of megacities are accustomed to the presence of such machines in crowded places, residents of the regions have only recently tried and fallen in love with machine coffee, so regional vending has good potential for development.

Cost calculation and payback forecast

To understand the costs of placing the device, you need to make calculations. The cost of one new machine, depending on the characteristics, ranges from 200–250, used - from 60 to 200, rental of a coffee machine - 1.5–3 thousand rubles. per month. The price for renting a square space in the lobby of an office building or shopping center is from 1 to 10 thousand rubles, the cost of ingredients is 5–10 thousand rubles. If you service the device yourself at first, you can save on labor costs for maintenance personnel.

Table: initial costs

In order for a vending business to generate stable profits, the following conditions must be met:

  • The cost of 1 coffee drink should not exceed 10–13 rubles.
  • The cost of a finished glass of coffee should be at least 30–40 rubles, i.e. trade margin per serving should be 20 rubles or more.
  • It is necessary that at least 20–30 servings of the drink are sold per day, and better - from 50 pieces.

Based on the data provided, the possible income is calculated. If we take the minimum profitability indicators (20 drinks per day and a price of 30 rubles), daily revenue should be at least 600 rubles, of which 200 rubles. – only the cost of drinks. The monthly income from one coffee machine should be 30*600=18 thousand rubles. and more. With small sales volumes, additional costs (rent, raw materials) can be kept at a low level within 10–15 thousand rubles, and already in the first months of installing the device you can receive a small (3–8 thousand rubles) but stable profit .

Table: pros and cons of organizing a vending business in Moscow and the regions

Moscow, Saint Petersburg Regions
  • Many crowded places;
  • Popularity of coffee machines among residents;
  • High wages, high demand for coffee;
  • Large trade margin;
  • There are many organizations that sell and service coffee machines;
  • It's easy to buy consumables.
  • Growing popularity of coffee machines;
  • Cheap rent;
  • Low competition;
  • Few coffee machines big potential for business development.
  • Expensive rent;
  • High level of competition;
  • Risks of raider attacks.
  • Low salaries, demand for coffee is lower than in big cities;
  • Lack of sales points for coffee machines and service;
  • There is nowhere to buy consumables;
  • Small trade markup for the same cost.

Business plan for organizing a network of coffee machines in a city with a population of 250 thousand inhabitants.

How much money do you need to start a business?

According to preliminary calculations, the entrance ticket to the business is coffee machines of 10 trading machines will be 2,230,000 rubles:

  • Deposit for renting premises - 80,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of machines (10 units) - RUB 2,000,000.
  • Materials and ingredients - 100,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - RUB 50,000.

Capital for starting a business, according to the business plan, will be formed from the personal funds of the project initiator (40%) and borrowed money- bank loan (15% per annum for 5 years). Monthly loan payments will be 19,725 rubles.

Description of the object

Vending in English means the sale of goods and services through a vending machine. Today, this is one of the fastest growing areas of business. Especially if we're talking about on the sale of coffee and drinks through a machine. These products are in constant demand, regardless of the time of year. The advantage of vending is that the outlet does not need sellers, a counter and a cash register. The machine combines all these functions. You just need to choose a good location and the business will generate income. The machine does not get tired, it works for the entrepreneur 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. She will never cheat, steal money, run away from work early, or be rude to a client. Promising places for installing coffee machines are bus and railway stations, shopping and entertainment centers, higher educational establishments, office and business centers, cinemas, fitness centers.

Step-by-step plan for organizing a network of coffee machines

  1. Finding advantageous locations for installing coffee machines
  2. Business registration
  3. Conclusion of lease agreements
  4. Purchase of vending machines and ingredients
  5. Installation of machines at the point of sale
  6. Hiring operators

Download a business plan for coffee machines from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

What equipment to choose for business

At the first stage, it is planned to create a small network of vending machines, consisting of 10 machines. For this purpose, coffee machines from the Italian brand Veneto will be purchased. The machine has an attractive design, a self-cleaning program and a large selection of products. The device offers a choice of 8 drinks at once:

  • Coffee with milk;
  • Espresso coffee;
  • Cappuccino;
  • Hot chocolate;
  • Frothed milk;
  • Latte;
  • Mochaccino;

Ingredient loading volume includes:

  • Instant coffee - 1.5 kg;
  • Chocolate - 3.1 kg;
  • Milk - 2.2 kg;
  • Sugar - 5.3 kg;
  • Coffee beans - 3.5 kg.

How much can you earn from coffee machines?

The average bill according to preliminary calculations will be 25 rubles. Depending on the traffic of the point, one machine will sell an average of 80 drinks per day. 10 machines will sell 800 drinks per day, per month (30 days) - 24,000.

Expected monthly revenue (on average for the year) will be 600,000 rubles.

Production plan

Vending machines are planned to be installed in local shopping centers, at the university, at the railway station and in two cinemas. The average rent will be 8,000 rubles per month (in a shopping center it will be slightly higher, in a university a little lower). To service the network of coffee machines, it is planned to employ one operator with a personal car. His responsibilities will include daily monitoring of the operation of the machines, timely loading of ingredients and withdrawal of proceeds, maintaining the external condition of the machines, and resolving disputes with customers. The salary will be 15 thousand rubles. per month + fuel and lubricants. Monthly bonuses are possible for exceeding the plan.

Which tax system to choose for an organization

Organizational form business will be as usual individual entrepreneurship. It is planned to use the simplified taxation system as a taxation system. Tax payments will be 15% of the organization’s profit per month.

Business risks

During the conduct of this business The following negative aspects may occur:

  • Vandalism and theft of equipment;
  • Increased competition, emergence of major players in the market;
  • Falling demand in summer period time;
  • Equipment breakdown, downtime;
  • Increased rental payments, decreased business profitability.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators economic efficiency business. Fixed monthly costs for the coffee machine chain will include:

  • Rent - 80,000 rub.
  • Operator salary - 15,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions - 5,000 rubles.
  • Loan payments—RUB 19,725.
  • Fuel and lubricants - 20,000 rub.
  • Depreciation - 10,000 rubles.
  • Other unforeseen expenses - RUB 15,000.

The total expenses according to the plan will be 164,725 rubles. Variable expenses

  • Raw materials (sugar, coffee, cups) - 25% of turnover or 150,000 rubles. per month.


  • Average check - 25 rubles.
  • Number of sales in 24 hours - 800
  • Revenue in 24 hours - 20,000 rubles.
  • Revenue per month - 600,000 rubles.

Hence the profit: 600,000 - 164,725 (fixed costs) - 150,000 ( variable expenses) = 285,275 rub. Minus taxes (USN, 15% of profit), net profit will be 242,483 rubles per month. Business profitability is 77%. The return on investment, with such indicators, will occur after 10 months of work.

This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

  • Rent amount
  • Audience of buyers
  • Presence of competitors
  • Safety
  • Registration of activities
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Ingredients and suppliers

Just 10-15 years ago, the vending business in Russia was just emerging and not every entrepreneur wanted to start it. The market was still poorly studied and poorly understood by many operators. In this regard, we are far behind the USA, Japan and developed European countries. Today the picture is changing dramatically. The activity of operators is visible against the backdrop of an increase in the number of vending machines, and the consumer is becoming more and more discerning - the amount of products consumed through vending machines is gradually increasing.

Vending is one of the types of business

According to the general director of the VALEO Firm, Valery Rakitsky, in Japan, where vending is most developed, there is one vending machine for every 23 residents, in the USA - for 35, in Western Europe- for 110 people. In Russia, there are about 2200-2400 people per vending machine, which indicates huge potential industry development.

Why coffee machines? The answer is simple - coffee machines are considered the most profitable in the vending industry. This is achieved due to the low price of ingredients and high price sales of ready-made coffee. Moreover, coffee machines are quite easy to install - such a machine can be “attached” anywhere, from the entrance to the metro to a bus stop, office or government agency.

Let's consider the main issues that arise when organizing a business with coffee machines.

Selecting a location for the machine

Before purchasing a machine, it is important to determine its location. The location where the machine is installed is the most important thing, because the income of the entire business depends on it. The more sales the coffee machine makes, the more profit we will receive.

Of course, the conclusion suggests itself that the greater the cross-country ability point of sale, the higher the income of the coffee pot. This is partly true, but not always. In addition to cross-country ability, indicators such as:

Rent amount

A retail outlet can be highly trafficked, but at the same time have a “non-raising” rental rate. Often, the landlord will guess the expected income of your coffee pot and will try to set the maximum price per 1 m2. For example, in megacities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, it is almost impossible to find a place with low rent (up to 2000 rubles / m2). In the regions, the rental rate is lower, but the price of the final product is somewhat lower.

The most unpleasant thing is that during a period of decline in demand, you will still have to pay high rent.

There is an option to reduce the risks of high rent - by installing a vending machine in a new location, you can offer the owner a fee not for 1 m2, but a percentage of the machine’s revenue. Often, this option can be beneficial to both parties.

Audience of buyers

When choosing a location for installing the machine, you should determine: Who will be the main buyer of coffee? How often does he consume coffee? What is his solvency? The answer to these questions will help you understand the expected demand and turnover of the coffee machine.

Presence of competitors

According to experienced operators, real business begins with the installation of at least 10 coffee pots. On 1-2 devices you will count pennies, and most likely, you will work with your own hands, since it will not be profitable to pay the operator’s salary.

If there are other coffee machines or outlets in the immediate vicinity Catering, then you should think about looking for another location. Or you will have to offer a better product, and perhaps at a lower price.


We live in Russia, not in Europe - when installing a coffee pot for 200-300 thousand rubles somewhere at a street stop, you must assess all the risks from invasions of “vandals”. And they certainly will be. What is important is the presence of security, the type of coffee pot body (vandal resistance), the ratio of profit to risks (the coffee pot must earn a lot to cover the costs of possible equipment repairs).

The most common locations for installing coffee machines are: bus and railway stations, universities, office and shopping centers, bus stops, entertainment centers, banks, airports, government agencies. Gas station, as some operators claim, is not the best option for installing a coffee pot.

Registration of activities

Once you have decided on the intended location of the coffee machine, you can begin registering the business. The organizational form can be either a regular individual entrepreneur or entity (OOO).

What OKVED code to indicate when registering machines OKVED code - 52.63 “Other retail trade outside stores.” No operating licenses are required. As tax systems A single tax on imputed income (UTII) is applied. The amount of tax directly depends on the size of the retail space. In our case, this is only 1-2 m2 per vending machine.

Which equipment to choose

There are no exact recommendations for choosing equipment. There is a market a large number of different manufacturers, from well-known - “oldest” European brands, to newcomers Russian companies. The main thing that a novice businessman should pay attention to is the price, technical characteristics of the device and real reviews operators (on forums and Internet portals). It would be a good idea to personally visit the machines installed in your city, check their operation, and conduct a coffee tasting. Thus, you can understand which devices are given the greatest preference.

The choice of a specific coffee machine manufacturer must meet the following criteria:

1. What kind of machine do you need (depending on the installation location): anti-vandal, street or office mode.

2. The capacity of the machine (number of cups, assortment of coffee) depends on the traffic of the outlet. As a rule, the more spacious the machine, the more expensive it is. However, there is no point in overpaying for the capacity of the cups if your machine will be located in a low-traffic area (office, government institution), where the majority of customers are regular consumers. Universities, shopping centers, bus stations, etc. are another matter, where the capacity and assortment of the coffee pot are very important.

3. Region and city of the equipment supplier - the closer, the better.

4. Specifications apparatus. Sometimes it’s better to pay an extra 20-30 thousand rubles, but get a more reliable and functional device.

5. Supplier guarantees and service maintenance. Also no less important question. Coffee pots tend to break. It’s doubly offensive if this happens with a new device. Therefore, the larger guarantee period the supplier suggests, the better for you.

6. Reviews existing operators(as noted above). You shouldn’t put too much faith in all sorts of magazines and reviewers. Articles in such publications may be purely advertising in nature. The best opinion is the opinion of the real owner of the machine network. And these can be found either on forums/social media. networks, or in personal meetings.

7. Price (everything is clear here).

8. How many years has the company been operating on the market - the longer, the better. The age of the company should tell us about its experience, proven technology and customer trust.

The Coffeemar-G546 coffee machine has good reviews from operators (on thematic forums). The device is an older brother no less successful model G250. It has a large supply of water and cups (500 pieces), an increased assortment of coffee (5 buttons), automatic grinding adjustment and electronic control of coffee extraction. It also has increased resistance to vandalism due to its durable 1.5 mm steel body.

This device is perfect for installation in any place: in offices, government. institutions, shopping centers, universities, etc. The average cost of a new machine is 150 thousand rubles.

Ingredients and suppliers

You will select ingredients by trial and error. All new vendors go through this. Much depends on the specific point. This is especially noticeable in office settings - where there are regular customers at the coffee pot. The quality of the drink in this case becomes crucial. It is necessary to select ingredients that appeal to the end consumer. Otherwise, you may face a lack of sales and a general loss of the outlet.

Choosing an ingredient supplier doesn't seem like a cakewalk either. The first step is to request samples of the ingredients to test their taste and quality. When starting to use the machine, you should compare at least 3 suppliers. You should alternately add the ingredients from the first manufacturer, then the second and third - and ask the consumer’s opinion. Whichever option is purchased more often, such a supplier may be the one you should work with.

Maintenance of the coffee machine

Maintenance of the machine depends on the traffic of a particular point and the volume of sales - on average once every 2-3 days. If the point is extremely passable, a daily visit to the coffee pot is possible. In any case, frequent visits to the device cannot be superfluous. Proper Maintenance involves: collection of the device, replenishment of the bunker with ingredients, checking the functionality of payment systems, sanitary cleaning of the device (inside and outside).

Speaking about the number of operators required to service coffee pots, the calculation is as follows - one operator for 30 vending machines. Average wage by region 15-20 thousand rubles, plus bonuses are possible depending on revenue volumes.

Coffee is one of the most popular tonic drinks, the love for which unites many people around the world. Few of us can imagine starting the day without a cup of aromatic and invigorating Arabica. Coffee helps you wake up in the morning, cheer up during your lunch break, take your mind off the usual hustle and bustle and enjoy a rich and subtle taste.

Due to the fact that no other drink can replicate the taste of natural coffee, and therefore compete with it, its preparation and sale seems to be quite a profitable activity. Coffee can be offered in cafes and bars, shops and pavilions, you can even organize a coffee shop on wheels - all this requires considerable investment. financial investments and labor costs. Business on coffee machines is the easiest, and at the same time, very profitable option for making money on such a popular drink. However, even such a seemingly simple business requires some preparation and planning.

The advantages of vending - selling goods using special automated systems- before traditional trade are obvious, which is why it has become so widespread throughout the world. In our country, this area is still poorly developed, especially in small cities. Therefore, for those who are planning to open their own business, coffee machines, as one of the vending options in conditions of moderate (and in some regions low or completely absent) competition, can serve as an excellent start to an entrepreneurial career.

Advantages of such a business:

  • relatively small investment at the start;
  • no need for large retail areas(for 1 machine there is enough space of 1 sq. m), therefore, the opportunity to save on rent;
  • no working personnel are needed - the entrepreneur can perform administrative functions independently;
  • no advertising is needed, you just need to choose the right place to place the device;
  • mobility - the machine can be moved if necessary;
  • high profitability of the coffee machine and quick payback investments.

Among the disadvantages of coffee vending, one can only highlight the risk of suffering losses due to a hacking attempt, since street vending machines often attract the attention of intruders. If the coffee machine is located on the territory of a guarded store or office, then there is no risk.

Having noted the main features of a business idea, let’s talk about how to implement it with maximum benefit.

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How to set up a coffee vending business

Coffee machines as a business will bring good income only if you choose a suitable location for their installation. Therefore, it is advisable to start implementing this commercial idea by searching for a site. In this case, it is worth relying on your own observations, data from population surveys, as well as reviews from entrepreneurs who are already engaged in coffee vending machines as a business.

As practice shows, the following placement locations are the most effective:

  • airports and train stations, waiting rooms;
  • clinics and hospitals;
  • places where young people gather - colleges, technical schools, universities, cinemas, etc.;
  • shopping, business and entertainment establishments;
  • parking lots and car parks;
  • markets;
  • rest areas for motorists, so-called truckers.

At the same time as deciding on the location, you should consider choosing the coffee machine itself.

Important! When looking for a device, read reviews online, find out if there is one in your city service centers of the manufacturers in question. Pay attention to the price, functionality, loading capabilities and warranty period of the coffee machine.

You can start a business with one vending machine, then as you develop and reach self-sufficiency, you can expand your activities by installing several machines at once in the busiest places. If your financial capabilities do not allow you to buy the device, consider renting.

Business documents

When considering coffee machines as a business, it is important to understand that any entrepreneurial activity subject to mandatory state registration. To engage in trading on an official basis, you should collect a package of documents and contact the tax service.

Coffee vending can be implemented using any organizational and legal form of activity. In other words, you have the right to decide for yourself. If you act independently and plan to start a business by installing one or two machines, then the optimal choice would be the one available on our website. With its help, you can quickly and easily go through all the necessary procedures.

Important! include a statement in the established form P21001, in which you need to indicate the code for the type of planned economic activity. For business on coffee machines, you should indicate 47.99.2 - “Activities for trading through machines.”

In addition to the State Certificate. registration as an individual entrepreneur, you will also need a rental agreement for a place to place the machine.

Important! Some novice entrepreneurs install vending machines based on oral agreements with the owner. However, this option is extremely undesirable, since in this case the lessor can at any time, without any approval, increase the fee or completely stop cooperation and demand that your equipment be removed from the rented area. To avoid troubles, enter into a written agreement that specifies the obligations of the parties, the payment procedure and responsibilities.

Additionally, you will need the following documents:

  • certificates for the device itself, as well as for all products that will be sold with its help and for accessories (cups);
  • information about the product (place on the machine itself);
  • information about what actions the buyer must take in order to purchase the desired product, as well as what needs to be done if the device does not dispense the product (place it on the machine itself);
  • information about the seller - name, location, operating mode (place on the machine);
  • waste removal agreement (if this obligation is not assigned to the lessor under the agreement);
  • honey. book of the employee servicing the coffee machine (if you plan to carry out the activity yourself, then your personal medical book).

To prepare everyone necessary documents in total it can take from 1 to 2 weeks. Next, let's look at a brief business plan for a coffee machine.

How much profit can you get from a coffee machine - calculations for a business plan

To find out how much profit a coffee machine brings, you need to draw up a business plan in which you indicate the volume of required starting and current expenses, as well as the amount of potential income. When planning your own coffee vending, you can use the following approximate data.

Composition of expenses

Start-up costs:

  • preparation of documents and conclusion of necessary agreements – 3,000 rubles;
  • purchase of one coffee machine – 200,000 rubles. – the average price of a machine with modes for preparing 16 types of hot drinks, including coffee, tea, chocolate, as well as the ability to sell snacks, built-in bill and coin acceptors and a terminal for paying with bank cards;
  • delivery and installation of the device – 2,000 rubles;
  • formation of inventory (5 kg of coffee of different varieties, 2 kg of cream, 3 kg of tea and 2 kg of chocolate) – 2,400 rubles. – the average price of professional ingredients for coffee vending is 200 rubles. for 1 kg;
  • purchase of related products (600 cups and 600 stirrers) – 1140 rubles. at a price of 1.4 rubles. for 1 glass and 0.5 rub. for 1 stirrer;
  • purchase of sugar, water and snacks – 3,000 rubles.

If you sum up all these expense items, you get about 212,000 rubles.

Current costs include:


Amount, rub./month.

replenishment of inventory and consumables

electricity payment

machine maintenance costs

taxes and fees *


* - For the information of businessmen, for retail Through the machines you can choose one of the special tax regimes, which will greatly simplify interaction with the Federal Tax Service and allow you to save on payments.

One of the preferred options is to use . In this case, the tax will be 15% of the imputed income. The amount of the latter can be calculated using the following formula:

basic profitability (4,500 rubles) * number of machines (in our case 1) * deflator coefficient (1.798) * adjustment factor (national average - 1) = 8,091 rubles.

Calculating 15% of this amount, we get about 1,214 rubles. This will be the tax amount per month. In addition, individual entrepreneurs are obliged to make contributions for themselves to extra-budgetary funds in the total amount of 23,153.33 rubles. per year (works out to almost 1,930 rubles/month).

Income planning

How much does a coffee machine bring in per month? Let's make an approximate calculation.

The average selling price of one serving of coffee is 35-40 rubles, tea – 25 rubles, chocolate – 30 rubles. If an entrepreneur manages to find a good place to place a machine with high traffic, then he can sell from 50 to 100 servings of hot drinks per day.

Thus, monthly income can vary from 35,000 to 120,000 rubles. depending on workload and demand for specific drinks. Let's add about 5,000 rubles to this. for the sale of snacks.

To determine the profit from a coffee machine, you should subtract the amount of expenses from the amount of income. It turns out that even with the minimum income from our example – 40,000 rubles, the entrepreneur’s profit will be more than 27,000 rubles. Consequently, it will be possible to fully recoup the investment in installing one machine in 7-8 months of work.

Often business ideas lie on the surface, but people do not notice them or underestimate them. But in vain, sometimes you can make good money on familiar and ordinary things. One such idea is a coffee machine business. They do not require the constant presence of an operator and bring good money. That is, the owner of the devices has passive income with minimal effort and time.

Sale of drinks and goods through automated systems (vending machines) - vending. It's pretty profitable business With short term payback and guaranteed profit. To open your own business, you only need to buy a coffee machine, ingredients and choose a location for installation. With proper organization, business profitability can reach 130-150%.

Where is the best place to buy equipment?

There are many sellers of coffee machines. An Internet user just needs to enter the corresponding query in a search engine and select an acceptable option. It doesn’t hurt to study the reviews and capabilities of the device before purchasing. The leading positions in this business are occupied by European and Korean equipment. In the first case, you will have to pay 130-150 thousand rubles for a high-quality device, in the second – 100-120 thousand. If for no starting investments, then the equipment can be rented.

You need to request the availability of documents for the machines from the seller or lessor. Their absence can lead to problems with regulatory authorities. A license is not required to operate this business.

Beginning entrepreneurs often wonder: how to properly organize a coffee vending business - buy or rent? Each solution has its pros and cons:

  1. A significant start-up capital is required for the purchase, but from the very beginning the businessman works only for himself, and he will not have to share part of the profit for rent. At the same time, a lot of effort should be made to find a profitable place for equipment, otherwise there is a high risk of going into the red.
  2. The monthly rental fee for a machine is about 10,000 rubles, while repairs and maintenance are at the expense of the owner. This approach makes it possible to study the business and check the profitability of the point without the risk of going broke and losing your hard-earned money. True, every month you will have to pay 10-15% of the profit for the device itself.

Where to install the coffee machine?

Vending may well become a business if you find suitable places to install equipment. This should not just be a building with a large crowd of people, but a place where people spend a lot of time. It is advisable that there are no other coffee machines or catering establishments near the property.

The most promising options are:

  • shopping and entertainment centers;
  • universities and schools, where there are always a lot of students;
  • beauty and spa salons, fitness rooms;
  • hospitals and clinics;
  • airports, bus and railway stations;
  • car dealerships;
  • metro, markets and stops;
  • libraries and information centers.

Important: profit depends on the point of sale. If the device does not make a profit for several months, you should find a new place for it.

Installation of one coffee machine requires 1-2 m² of space, depending on the size of the unit. At the same time, it is worth taking care of the availability of free space near the device so that several people can sit next to it.

Attention: You should place a waste basket next to the coffee machine. Its absence may provoke a refusal to buy coffee due to the impossibility of recycling used cups.

In what form should I register a business?

Any business activity must be registered, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s vending or. To open a business with coffee machines, you just need to register as an individual entrepreneur. When choosing a taxation system, preference should be given to UTII or simplified tax system.

A license is not required, as are permissions from various authorities. You just need to make sure that you have certificates confirming the quality of the fillers - you will need to request them from the supplier. Another document that a businessman should have on hand is a lease agreement with the owner of the site where the device will be installed.