Business plan for a secondary school. Download a free private school business plan. Premises, SanPin and fire service requirements

The goal of the project is to open a non-state educational institution (NOU), providing services in primary general and secondary general education in a city with a population of more than 1 million people. According to Russian legislation, the activities of non-profit educational institutions relate to non-profit organizations, therefore the purpose of profit is to expand activities and pursue the mission of developing education in the region.

The project involves the creation of a paid private school(half board), which is a comprehensive format, including primary school(grades 1-4), secondary school (grades 5-9), as well as courses in English, preparation courses for the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination, sections. The advantages of the project include the presence of its own building, and, therefore, the absence of rent as an expense item, which for competing establishments can amount to up to half of the entire budget. The school's potential clients are children of parents with high level wealthy people who want to provide their children with a decent future, as well as children for some reason who are inconvenient for public school (speech therapy problems, developmental delays, etc.).

The demand for the project is explained by the need to improve quality educational services in the country. In the face of a loss of trust in public educational institutions, parents' preference is increasingly leaning towards private schools with an individual approach to the student and an emphasis on learning foreign languages mainly English.

The main educational services of non-state educational institutions include:

  1. Primary general education
  2. Secondary general education
  3. Preparatory courses for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam
  4. English language courses
  5. Dance, choreography, vocal classes

The cost of the project will be 14,530,000 rubles, of which 10,530,000 will be the initial investment in the opening, and 4,000,000 rubles. - working capital. To implement the project, it will be necessary to raise borrowed funds in the amount of RUB 2,000,000. The loan is issued for a period of 24 months. The loan rate is 22%. Deferred payment of payments - 3 months. Volume own funds will be 12,530,000 rubles. or 86% of the required amount.

Key financial indicators project

* — data for the 3rd year of work

The project is planned to be implemented within 9 months. The start of activities of the non-state educational institution is planned for September 2016.

Description of the industry and company

Free concept public education is increasingly losing the trust of his parents. Poor quality educational services, low degree of immersion in the subject due to the need to constantly slow down the educational process in order to catch up with lagging students, incompetence of schools in preparing for the Unified State Exam (USE) and further education in prestigious educational institutions - these are just some of the factors for choosing in favor of private education. Often, parents also give preference to a non-state school due to the characteristics of their child, for example, speech therapy problems, physical disabilities, and developmental delays. The number of private schools in Russia does not exceed 1%. They are mainly located in Moscow and the Moscow region, in St. Petersburg, as well as in cities with a population of over a million. The level of competition in this market is minimal.

The company is a private comprehensive school (half board), which provides services in primary general education, secondary general education, and also conducts additional classes in preparation for school, English language courses, preparation for the Unified State Exam (USE) and the main state exam ( OGE). Classes are held in small groups of up to 8-10 people. The maximum number of students in the school (excluding additional education) is 150 people. The educational process is based on an individual approach to each student and an in-depth study of all subjects. Full board with additional education includes training from 8.00 to 18.30 hours.

Classes are taught by qualified teachers exclusively with higher education, including teachers of the first and second categories. The number of teaching staff is 15 people. Of these, 10 are full-time employees, 10 are part-time employees. The total number of employees of the institution is 26. The school is open from Monday to Friday from 8 to 18.30 from September to June. Additional individual and group classes are offered on Saturday and Sunday.

The area of ​​the school premises is 1500 square meters. meters. The building has two above-ground floors and one ground floor. The number of classrooms is 9. The school is equipped with a computer room, a music room, a gym, and a dining room. The functions of ensuring the safety of children are provided by a security guard.

The organizational and legal form of the school is a non-state educational institution (NOU). Since NOU is a non-profit organization, the profit received is distributed to expand activities, improve the quality of services provided: purchasing new equipment, opening new classes, attracting teachers from higher educational institutions to open new disciplines. The taxation system is simplified (STS).

Description of services

The private school organizes education from grades 1 to 9. The core subjects of the institution are physics and mathematics, which are studied in the most in-depth. Particular attention is paid to learning English, which is a response to one of the most common requirements of parents. Children from 7 to 15 years of age are taught in small groups of 3 to 8 people with the same level of knowledge. The courses are taught according to the methods of US universities. The study is conducted in several main aspects, including speaking, writing, grammar, reading. The training is aimed at removing the so-called spoken language barrier, at the ability to clearly and understandably express one’s thoughts and think in English. In contrast to the result of studying at school, when the graduate speaks only “English with a dictionary,” studying at a private school aims to achieve a specific result, for example, further study abroad, moving abroad for permanent residence. Students are given practical recommendations on preparation for TOEFL, GRE, SAT, GMAT exams.

The school also offers courses in preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in the following subjects: social studies, physics, mathematics, Russian, chemistry, and English. Since the work of the school is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child and the disclosure of creative potential, active attention is paid to additional classes (piano, vocals, dancing). Unlike school classes, students are given health exercises. The cost of training includes three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner). In addition to all of the above, the institution is working with preschoolers to prepare for the educational process. A complete list of services with prices is presented in Table. 1.

The price segment of the school is average at high quality, which is confirmed by the qualifications of the teaching staff.

Table 1. List of services




Primary general education

1-4 grades. From 8.00 to 18.30

+20,000 entry fee

Basic general education

5-9 grades. From 8.00 to 15.00

+15,000 entry fee

Preparation for school

School preparation courses

Day care center

Day care center

Individual lesson

Individual lessons on the subject, academic hour - 45 minutes.

Preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam

Group classes to prepare for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, academic hour - 45 minutes.

English for schoolchildren

Group classes for learning English 4 times a week for schoolchildren in grades 1-9

English language.
Intensive course

Intensive English course for schoolchildren in grades 10-11

Individual English

Individual lessons in English, academic hour - 45 minutes.

Piano lessons

Individual piano lessons, academic hour - 45 min.

Vocal lessons

Vocal lessons

Dancing, choreography

Individual dance lessons, academic hour - 45 minutes.

Dancing, choreography
(in groups)

Group dance classes, academic hour - 45 min.

The activities of a private school are regulated by the Law “On Education”, as well as the following regulatory documents: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services"; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval Model provision on a general educational institution"; Order on the certification procedure teaching staff; SanPiN; Technical regulations on fire safety requirements; Federal Law No. 7 "On Non-Profit Organizations".

The organizational and legal form of the school is a non-state educational institution (NOU). According to Russian legislation, educational activities are subject to mandatory licensing, which is carried out by the state educational authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The cost of the state duty since 2015 is 7.5 thousand rubles. The period for consideration of an application for a license is 2 months. Codes by OKVED classifier - 80.10.1, 80.10.2, 80.10.3., 80.21.1.

After the first graduation of students, but not earlier than 3 years after receiving a license, the institution has the right to apply to the Ministry of Education to obtain state certification for subsequent accreditation and issuance of documents to students state standard. Before undergoing accreditation, graduates of the institution have the opportunity to take external exams at another educational institution that has passed accreditation. In addition to a license to conduct educational activities, you will need a medical license to open a medical office in a school.

Sales and Marketing

The private education market in Russia has emerged since the early 90s. According to marketing research, the number of private schools remains approximately at the same level. So, if in 1998 there were 520 schools, by 2010 their number was about 550. This is due to the fact that closed schools are being replaced by new ones. The share of non-state educational institutions in Russia is estimated at around 1%. Among the factors slowing down the development of private education in Russia are the high level of school costs for rent, the weak level of state support for socially responsible businesses, and the abolition of tax benefits.

Today, the city in question has about 35 private educational institutions. Among them there are kindergartens, private schools, and institutions that combine several types of activities. Given the generally low level of competition, each establishment strives to occupy a certain niche. When choosing a specification of this project Two factors were decisive: parental demand, as well as trends in the domestic labor market. According to the first factor, emphasis was placed on in-depth study of the English language and targeted preparation of students for passing the Unified State Exam in this subject, as well as for passing foreign exams. According to the second factor, it was decided to focus on in-depth study of physics and mathematics due to the noticeable shortage of qualified specialists in technical specialties in the country.

Thus, the educational schedule is formed by groups of three types: groups from the physics and mathematics direction, groups of in-depth study of the English language, groups additional education. It is the school’s specialization, as well as the quality of the services provided, that is the main way to attract clients. Before enrolling in courses, the child and parents undergo a survey procedure to more fully understand the level of knowledge of the former and take into account the wishes of the latter.

At the start of activities, to attract the first clients, an advertising campaign in the media (television and print) and an interview with the director of a private school about the opening of a new institution are planned. According to opinion polls, parents choose a school based on the following criteria: school reputation (57%), teacher qualifications (55%), proximity to home (43%), reviews from friends (35%), material resources (11%). Due to the fact that at the start of its activities it is not appropriate for an institution to talk about its reputation, the emphasis on introductory media materials is planned to be on the development plans and mission of the new institution, the main pain points of modern public education that will be overcome in the process of activity, and teaching methods.

On the Internet, the private school will be represented by an official website, where parents will be able to find comprehensive information about the school, teachers, the mission of the school, its educational programs, and ask questions that interest them through electronic form. Information on prices for educational services will also be publicly available on the school’s website. The cost of the opening promotion, taking into account the creation of the website, will be 70 thousand rubles.

Production plan

Geographically, the private school is located in a large residential area of ​​the city, in direct access to public transport. The bus stop is 300 meters away. Half-board classes run from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 18.30 from September to June, with additional classes and courses available on Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 to 21.00. IN summer time enrollment in additional education groups (intensive courses) is expanding.

For repairs and furnishing of the building, as well as equipment local area you will need 10.5 million rubles. The building area is 1500 sq. m. meters. The area of ​​classrooms is 400 sq. meters, the number of classrooms is 10, which fits into the accepted standards for the number of square meters. meters per student (from 2.5-3.5 square meters per student). The costs of equipping the school are shown in Table. 2. In addition to the above expenses, the purchase of equipment for the courtyard area and the installation of a fire alarm are provided.

Table 2. Equipment costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.



Interactive board + multimedia projector


Educational literature, educational and methodological material

Split system

School desk

Educational devices for the physics classroom, set

Floor carpet

Adjustable student chair

Book shelf

Book rack

Computer table-desk

Teacher's desk


Indoor flower


Audio system for listening programs + set of educational CDs

Wall-mounted educational table

Teacher's chair

Magnetic chalk school board

Teacher's room and director's office


Split system

Refrigerator two-chamber

Landline phone


Office chair

Indoor flower

Medical office

Pharmacy with a basic range of medicines for schools (32 items)

Stationery cabinet

Tube quartz

Single chamber refrigerator

Two-section medical cabinet


Medical scales


Medical table with glass lid


Manual dynamometer

Table lamp for ophthalmological and otolaryngological examinations

Height meter

Medical screen


Bix big

Wash basin

Table for determining visual acuity

Bix is ​​small


Medical thermometer

Mat 1 x 1.5 m

Disposable syringes with needles 2,5,10

Rubber tourniquet

Glasses in children's frames 56-58 mm with 1 diopter lenses

Rubber heating pad

Ice pack

Kidney-shaped tray

Metal spatula

Upper limb splints

Dining room

Cooking boiler

Three-section oven


Electric stove

Dining table

Distribution line

Cutlery set

Meat grinder for catering department

Rack for table trays

Cutlery counter

Electric boiler

Ventilation suction

Table with wash tub

Kitchen rack

Cutting table

Washing tub

First course plate

Plate for main courses

Wall shelf



Kitchen knife

Cutting board


Basketball backboard with hoop

Portable football goals

Swedish wall


Tennis table with net


Individual rug

Soccer ball

Gymnastic goat

Sports mat

Rigid gymnastic bench

Wall hanger

Fitness ball

Dumbbells, set

Gymnastic hoop

Volleyball net

Table tennis rackets and balls, set

Horizontal bars for wall bars

Jump rope

Climbing rope with fasteners




Equipment for educational corridors (carpets, wall signs and posters, curtains, door signs, mirrors, flowers, aquarium, etc.)

Household cleaning equipment

School wardrobe (floor hangers, benches)

Security guard work area equipment

up to 10% of the total amount


4 063 000

Management functions are assigned to the director (project founder) and the deputy for educational and methodological work. The full-time teaching staff is represented by 10 teachers (see Table 3). Another 5 teachers of the school (a teacher of Russian language and literature, a teacher of history and social studies, a choreographer teacher, a physics teacher and a mathematics teacher), as well as a speech therapist and a psychologist, work part-time. Also, to meet the needs of students, the school has a nurse, cooks and school canteen employees, a caretaker, a cleaner, and a security guard on staff.

Table 3. Staffing and wage fund

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.


Deputy Director for Educational Work


Teacher primary classes

Mathematic teacher

Physics teacher


English teacher

Music teacher


Manager of the economic department

Cleaning woman

Canteen employee

Security guard



Total with deductions:

Current period expenses include: wages teachers and other employees, purchasing food for the school canteen, maintaining the building and paying for utilities.

Organizational plan

The planned launch period for the project is 9 months. The start of activities is scheduled for the beginning of the school year - September 2016.

The management of the educational institution is carried out by the school director, who has the right, within the limits of his competence, to give binding instructions to any employee or student. The director carries out general management of all areas of the school’s activities in accordance with the Charter of the institution and the laws of the Russian Federation. He is in charge of strategic planning, school development, setting goals and objectives. The director approves and implements educational programs, curricula, courses, disciplines, annual calendar educational schedules, carries out personnel selection and determines job responsibilities employees.

The deputy director for educational work reports directly to the school director. His responsibilities include organizing and long-term planning of school activities, the educational process and methodological work, coordinating the work of teachers to implement curricula, development of educational, methodological and other documentation necessary for the activities of the school, preparation of reporting documentation, educational work with parents, control and analysis of the educational process, etc.

The functions of providing educational services are performed by teachers. The requirements for the teaching staff of the school are not only the presence of a state diploma of higher education and the appropriate level of qualifications, but also the presence of qualities necessary for work, which are not always required in government institutions: communication skills, ability to find an approach to each child and parents, high level of personal responsibility, initiative.

Financial plan

The costs of the preparatory period include: repair and redevelopment of the premises - 4,837,000 rubles; equipment of the school yard territory - 1,500,000 rubles, school equipment - 4,063,000 rubles, creation of an official website - 30,000, obtaining permits - 60,000 rubles, advertising campaign for the opening - 40,000 rubles.

Costs of the main period include: salaries of school staff (including social contributions), school maintenance and payment of utilities, purchase of food for the school canteen - at the rate of 210 rubles. for 1 student per day, telephone and Internet. Appendix 1 shows the main financial indicators for revenue, cash flow and net profit for a five-year period. Calculations are made based on the load in the first academic year of 50%, the second year - 85%, the third and subsequent years - 90%.

Project effectiveness assessment

Opening a private school will require a high level of start-up costs, which is due to the large amount of repair work and the need to purchase a large list of equipment, including at least 32 items. The payback period for the project will be 32 months from the date of opening. The discounted payback period is 38 months. Project effectiveness indicators calculated for a five-year period are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Project performance indicators



Discount rate, %

Net present value (NPV), rub.

Payback period (PP), months.

Discounted payback period (DPP), months.

Profitability Index (PI)

Risks and guarantees

Unlike most similar projects, the project of this private school does not fall into the category of a high-risk educational business. One of its main advantages is the availability of premises and the absence of rent. The absence of this expense item allows us to pay more attention to the material support of the school, invest in improving the educational process, attracting new personnel, and purchasing modern equipment. However economic activity School management requires the ability to competently distribute available funds, anticipate new possible expenses, and respond flexibly to the market situation and changes in legislation.

As the school's recognition grows and certain tangible results are achieved, it is possible to increase average prices for services by up to 20-30% without significant negative changes in the elasticity of demand. The main risks are reflected in Table. 5.

Table 5. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences




on prevention

Attracting an insufficient number of students, “cutting” the number of services provided

Active presence in the media, closer work with potential clients, use competitive advantages

Delay in the preparatory period (difficulties in obtaining documents, repairs)

Following developed work algorithms, using the services of a lawyer, hiring a contractor with a set deadline for completing the work

Natural disasters, fires, etc.

Following the requirements of fire supervision, using a warning system, safety instructions for students, conducting extra-curricular life safety classes, equipping an emergency exit

Growing number of competitors in the region

Using competitive advantages, expanding the range of services, working to improve quality indicators


Key financial indicators for revenue, cash flow and net profit for a five-year period

The phrase “More expensive” is gaining more and more relevance these days. paid education only free." It is more profitable for parents to send their child to a private school, where he will receive high-quality educational services. To open a private school, you need to truly love pedagogical activity, since collecting documents and other bureaucratic ordeals will drive anyone crazy. Below is a business plan for a private school, which is suitable as an example for a similar regional center.

Legal information

Form legal entity: OOO.

Main activity: provision of paid educational services to students in grades 8-9 and 10-11.

Target users: parents of teenage children with average and above average income.

Tuition price: 8,800 rubles per month. An agreement is concluded with parents for two academic years, which stipulates payment by month from September to May. The summer months are not paid, the months of winter and autumn holidays are paid in full.

Lyceum opening hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00-17:00; Saturday: 08:00-15:00.

The Lyceum provides the following paid educational services:

A written agreement is concluded with each parent. Payment is made through the bank or school accounting department. The cost of services in each region is selected individually, depending on the presence of competitors and the average income of the population.

Location: rented premises in the central part of the city, area 450 sq. m. A sublease agreement is concluded between the owner and the owner of the school, since in 5 years the premises are planned to be purchased in full.

Taxation: simplified taxation system (income minus expenses).

Registration and registration

To register, you need to collect a package of documents:

  • Charter documentation of LLC.
  • License to provide educational services.
  • Accreditation.
  • Financial and economic plan.
  • Rules for admission to school for students.
  • School schedule.
  • Student certification forms, frequency.
  • Conclusion from local authorities control (fire, sanitary service).
  • Copies of the passport and TIN of the entrepreneur or all founders (if the LLC is organized by several persons).
  • Documentation confirming ownership of the premises.
  • Confirmation of legal address.
  • Application for registration.

In the application for registration of a private school, OKVED 85.13 “Basic education” and 85.14 “Secondary education” are indicated. If you plan to operate a private primary school in the future or open a professional courses, then it is recommended to indicate general form activity 85 “Education”.

To obtain a license for educational services, you need to prepare a number of documents:

  • List of teaching staff and management of the lyceum (with supporting documentation: diplomas, licenses, permits, etc.).
  • Program for general and secondary education.
  • Curriculum for 8-9th and 10-11th grades.
  • Study schedule.
  • Training programs.
  • Conclusions from the fire and sanitary services.
  • Agreement with private security company.
  • A contract for rent or ownership of premises.

The commission can consider the application in a matter of weeks or send an inspection commission to the place where the school is located and wait for three months. Without obtaining a license, your school will be able to provide educational services, but you will not be able to issue state-issued certificates upon completion of your studies.

Logistics plan

Location Features

Rentable area is 450 sq.m. m is divided into the following rooms:

  • Hall (locker room, school security location).
  • 8 equipped classrooms: Russian and literature, physics, mathematics, biology and chemistry, geography, computer science, labor room, English.
  • Gym.
  • Library.
  • 4 toilet rooms.
  • Sanitary room.
  • Teacher's room.
  • Director's office.
  • Manager's office.
  • Corridor.

The building is two-story, so all classrooms are located on the second floor. On the first floor there is a manager's office and a sanitary room where cleaning supplies are stored.

The building underwent cosmetic repairs, windows and doors were replaced in the amount of RUB 270,000. The owner is paid monthly rent in the amount of RUB 90,000. Communal payments are paid by the tenant independently, which is reflected in the sublease agreement.

The building is located in the central part of the city, with public transport stops nearby. This allows students to easily get to school from anywhere in the city.

Material support

Cabinet name Equipment Total price, rub.
Russian language, literature Educational furniture, table stand, reference materials, test tasks to prepare for the OGE and the Unified State Exam 120 000
English language Study furniture, projector, computer included, speakers, EER: “English in Focus” (Spotlight 8) 154 000
Computer science-programming Educational furniture, classroom whiteboard, projector, screen, computers (workstation: 11 pcs.), set of posters “Informatics and ICT” 320 000
Mathematics (algebra, geometry) Educational furniture, computer included, projector, speakers, drawing set for blackboard 127 000
Physics Educational furniture, projector, computer included, speakers, adjustable student laboratory table with plastic covering and side, set of weights on mechanics, set of springs with different stiffness, set of wirewound resistors, laboratory rheostat, physics tables for grades 8-10, laboratory alcohol thermometer, laboratory tribometer, laboratory ammeter, barometer, electronic scales, laboratory voltmeter, laboratory dynamometer, laboratory set “Geometric Optics”, laboratory set “Magnetism”, laboratory set “Thermal Phenomena”, laboratory set “Electricity”, stands: “ International System of Units SI”, “Basic physical constants”, “Prefixes and multipliers”, “Periodical table”, “Scale of electromagnetic oscillations”, EOR: “Collection of demonstration experiments for environments. general education school." 155 000
Chemistry-biology Educational furniture, projector, computer included, speakers, adjustable student laboratory table with plastic coating and side, demonstration table with side, sink, fume hood, thermometers, electronic scales, flasks, test tubes, funnels, glasses, bottles, pipettes, droppers, cylinders, a set of reagents for conducting a student experiment in chemistry, tripods, clamps, alcohol lamps, mortar, pestle, glass rods, stand “Periodic Table”, collections “Fibers” and “Metals” 157 000
Geography Educational furniture, projector, computer, speakers, political and administrative wall map of Russia, wall political map of the world 125 000
Technology Mechanical tools: lathes, milling machine, drilling machines, sharpening machines, grinding machine, circular saw, electric drill, grinder, band saw, assorted hand tools 240 000
Gym, sports ground (locker rooms for boys, girls, training room) Gymnastic mat (10 pcs.), mounted backboard for throwing a ball at a target (4 pcs.), volleyball net (1 pc.), gymnastic bridge (2 pcs.), gymnastic parallel bars (1 pc.), gymnastic crossbar (1 pc. .), wall crossbar (1 pc.), goal for playing football with a net (1 pair), table tennis table with a net (3 pcs.), gymnastic jumping goat of variable height (1 pc.) 210 000
Teacher's room Desk (6 pcs.), bookcases (4 pcs.), shelves (6 pcs.), computer (2 pcs.), chairs (8 pcs.) 110 000
Office of the director and manager Desk (2 pcs.), computer chair (2 pcs.), regular chair (4 pcs.), wardrobe (2 pcs.), bookshelf (4 pcs.), safe (2 pcs.), computer (2 pcs. .). 170 000
Accounting Desk (1 pc.), computer (1 pc.), chair (2 pcs.) 112 000

In total, the amount of 2,000,000 rubles will be needed to equip all offices. Only high-quality equipment is purchased, since the prestige of your educational institution will depend on it. To this amount add the cost of stationery and other household needs in the amount of 20-25 thousand rubles.

Company personnel

The private school has a linear management system. Management personnel include: school owner, director, head teacher. The employees are teachers, accountants, and service personnel. Work is carried out according to employment contract, remuneration includes salary + bonus.

Number of personnel and wage costs in the table:

In addition to the basic salary, every month deductions are made for employees to funds (pension, insurance) in the amount of 252,000 rubles. In total, an amount of 827,000 rubles will be needed per month for deductions and salaries.

Project implementation

You can implement a private school business plan with calculations within six months. It will take a long time to collect documents, recruit personnel and advertise the project. Offered next plan implementations:

Since the school year begins in September, the project must be implemented in the summer months. Advertising is carried out during the entire implementation process through social networks and the school’s own website.

Investments and income

Starting infusions

For a private school business plan to start generating income, you will need the following investments:

Planning income

The average number of students planned for the school is:

8th grade – 25 people.

9th grade – 25 people.

10th grade – 50 people.

11th grade – 50 people.

Tuition fees are taken without taking into account the summer months, that is, from September to May inclusive. The monthly tuition fee is 8,800 rubles. The school's monthly revenue will be:

150 x 8,800 = 1,320,000 rubles. Additional income will come from paid courses (on average, 450,000 rubles/month).

Total profit per month will be:

1,320,000 + 450,000 = 1,770,000 rub.

To find out the school’s net profitability, subtract monthly expenses from revenue:

1,770,000 – 1,057,000 = 713,000 rubles.

The profitability of the project, on average, will be 14%.

Payback: 2.5-3 years.


A private school business plan with calculations is suitable for a medium-sized region with low competition. There is no point in opening a project in a small city where a major competitor is already operating. It will be difficult to attract students to pay tuition to a little-known school. You will have to invest at least 3,527,000 in the business. The average return will be 713,000 rubles. During the summer months, the business will not generate income unless you come up with options for generating additional income.

Education is one of the important components of human success. Most believe that constant memorization of material is an indicator of quality learning. Many parents believe that in regular schools they do not pay enough attention to the child’s personal characteristics and that they are not taken into account when constructing the educational process. individual characteristics. Therefore, if possible, parents choose paid educational institutions. Is it possible to open a private school in Russia? What documents will be needed for this?

Why are such educational institutions popular?

This is mainly due to the fact that in many ordinary schools, teachers do not pay attention to the individual characteristics of the child when constructing the educational process. This is due to the fact that teachers need to prepare students for the Unified State Exam, and this requires memorizing the material rather than understanding it.

Also, many schools do not have a good material and technical base. But any parent wants their child to study in comfortable conditions. In most secondary schools there are neither speech therapists nor psychologists, which are especially needed for primary school students. Private schools provide the opportunity to attend interesting places, invite successful people so that children have additional motivation to learn. Employees of such paid educational institutions have more opportunities to implement interesting ideas and the child's potential.

Difficulties in opening a private educational institution

Opening a private school is not as easy as some entrepreneurs think. Its features:

  • Taxation. Previously, private schools received a discount on the rental of premises and land, but now it has been cancelled. This measure led to increased rent, which increased the cost of training.
  • The administration of a private school cannot spend funds independently. Any paid educational institution is registered as a non-profit, so the expenditure of funds is controlled by the education department and the tax service. For this reason, it is difficult to find investors to open a private school, because they cannot directly receive dividends from their investments. But an investor can take his child to this school, thereby investing in his education.
  • In a paid educational institution, you need to teach the same subjects as in a regular school. Teaching staff it is required to implement an educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. At the same time, parents need the institution to implement other, more interesting and diverse programs. Therefore, employees must find a balance between the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and parental ones.

It is quite difficult to create a private school in Russia. If you have taken as a basis an interesting program that will comprehensively develop children, and hired qualified teachers, then it will be a success. To do this you need to properly organize educational process.

List of required documents

How to open a private school in Russia? To do this you need to build a package necessary documents:

  • First, register the school as non-profit organization and choose your preferred tax option.
  • Get a license - without it you will not be able to operate educational activities. They receive it from Rosobrnadzor.
  • Get a medical license. The school must have a nurse's office. To obtain this document, you need to contact the Ministry of Health. You can also cooperate with a certain medical organization.
  • Accreditation. It is needed so that students can receive diplomas from this educational institution. But it is issued only after several years and after several students have graduated. At the same time, their academic performance must be at least 50%. If a private institution does not have accreditation, then students can take exams at public schools in their area of ​​residence.
  • Certification. Teachers are required to undergo certification, which confirms their qualifications. If the teacher fails, he will have to be fired. If the entire teaching staff does not have certification, then the institution’s license may be taken away.
  • School charter.

Of course, employees must have medical books and diplomas confirming their qualifications. There must also be a price list for the provision of educational services. Having all the necessary documents, the institution can conduct educational activities.

Search for premises

How to open a private school in Russia? In addition to the necessary documents, you need to select a room that meets certain requirements. It is better to look for it before you receive a license. You can find a complete list of requirements for school premises in SanPin. Here are the main ones:

  • The school building should be located away from roads, garages and other transport facilities.
  • The surrounding area should be sufficiently landscaped (about 50%), surrounded by a fence and have artificial lighting.
  • The school should have convenient access both by car and by public transport.
  • The territory of an educational institution should be divided into zones for sports, student recreation and household needs.
  • The required ceiling height is at least 3.6 m, and for the gym - at least 6 m.
  • The required area of ​​each class is at least 2.5 square meters. m per student.
  • If you want to open a boarding school, then the size of the bedrooms must be at least 6 m per student.
  • It is necessary to equip a locker room, a gym and a medical office.
  • Separate toilets for boys and girls are required on each floor.
  • All rooms must maintain a certain temperature - from 18 to 22 degrees.
  • The school building must have fire extinguishing equipment and an alarm button.

The school building must be equipped in such a way as to protect students as much as possible. The design of the classes should be kept in the same style, but some bright accents can be added. There must be a stand with useful information for parents.

Equipment purchase

How to open a private school in Russia? You need to draw up a business plan that includes all expenses and income. One of the expense items is the purchase of equipment. You will need:

  • Furniture is tables, desks, chairs. They all must meet sanitary standards and be made of quality materials. You can also place sofas and benches in the corridors for a comfortable rest for students.
  • Computers, tablets, interactive whiteboards, projector and other modern technology. We need to try to make sure that there are computers in every classroom. This is especially true if you plan to focus on computer science in your educational program.
  • Equipment for chemistry, biology, physics classrooms.
  • Sport equipment.
  • Various stationery.

Classrooms must be decorated in strict accordance with sanitary requirements. Students must have everything they need to study. This is one of the main factors why parents choose a paid educational institution. They do not need to look for various stationery, textbooks themselves and constantly donate money for the needs of the school. Therefore, in your classes everything should be done not only for productive learning, but also for a comfortable stay.


How to open a private school? It is imperative to select qualified teachers. These should be professionals in their field, interested in raising the child to be a self-sufficient and versatile personality. The advantage of a private school is that teachers can be creative in the teaching process.

Your staff should include experienced teachers. This will give parents more confidence in your school. Be sure to hire young specialists too. This way you can implement a mentoring program. In addition, young staff often take an unconventional approach to implementing the curriculum, which will be an additional bonus to the popularity of your school.

Your staff should consist of the administration of the educational institution and the teaching staff. It will include:

  • Head teacher.
  • Deputy directors for educational work, two people.
  • Deputy Director for Economic Affairs.
  • Secretary.
  • Subject teachers.
  • Primary school teacher.
  • Nurse.
  • Speech therapist.
  • Psychologist.
  • Cooks.
  • Security guards.
  • Cleaners.

All employees must be responsible, polite, ready for self-development, love and respect children. In addition, a creative approach to teaching children is encouraged.

Choosing an educational program

How to open a private school? A very important point is the choice of educational program. It depends on her whether she will receive educational institution license. This program must comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Why do some parents choose private school? Because it is possible to give a child a decent education using proprietary methods. But they must be approved by the Ministry of Education. Therefore, you will need to hire a methodologist who will deal with all these organizational issues.

In addition, private schools offer in-depth study of some subjects. But you need to justify why you will emphasize, for example, mathematics. Remember that an interesting educational program is one of the important factors for parents when choosing an educational institution.


How to open your own school? Of course, this requires large financial investments. Therefore, opening a paid educational institution is not suitable for beginning entrepreneurs with little starting capital. Costs should include:

  • Purchase of a building with an area of ​​at least 1,500 sq. m - about 12,000,000 rubles.
  • Repair and improvement of the area adjacent to the school - from 3,000,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of furniture - from 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of educational equipment - from 3,000,000 rubles.
  • Kitchen and medical office equipment - from 500,000 rubles.

Thus, initial investment for the opening of a paid educational institution will amount to about 19,000,000 rubles. Of course, you can save money if you rent the building instead of buying it. But finding something like this for school is quite difficult. First, it must satisfy the location requirements described above. Secondly, you need to be sure that the owner will not terminate the lease after a few years. In addition, the interior must comply with SanPin requirements. Otherwise, you will have to do redevelopment, which will also require dozens of approvals. It is easier to invest in the construction of a new building.

Expenses and income

In a business plan for opening a private school, you need to note expenses and income in order to calculate the profitability of your institution. TO fixed costs relate:

  • Teachers' salaries.
  • Staff salaries.
  • Equipment update and Maintenance building.
  • Organization of meals for schoolchildren and employees.
  • Payment of utility services.

The total amount depends on the number of teaching staff and the scale of repairs. The business plan for a private school should also include an approximate income. Your profit depends on the number of students. It consists of tuition fees and a down payment, which goes towards purchasing the necessary textbooks, uniforms and stationery. You also need to take into account the fact that educational institutions do not work in the summer, and you have to pay public utilities and rent (if any) is needed. Therefore, it is advisable to leave a certain amount to pay for these services.

Additional profit

A private school in Russia as a business is not the most profitable direction. This situation is due to the fact that investors cannot make a large profit in monetary terms, because all expenses are controlled by the education department and the tax office. If you want to earn income from your business, then you should take care of additional sources of income:

  • Organizing courses is not tutoring, but training programs. For example, a programming or editing course. You can teach it both to school students and to anyone who wants to.
  • Summer camp - the cost may be the same as monthly tuition, and students at this school may be given a discount.
  • Sponsorship.
  • Subsidies from the local city budget.
  • Winning grants.

A private school as a business can be quite profitable. This is only possible if you have a sufficient number of students and additional sources of income.

Marketing campaign

When answering the question of how to open your own school, you should not forget about the marketing campaign. The popularity of your educational institution will depend on advertising. You can provide information about your institution in the following ways:

  1. Advertising in the media - it can reach immediately a large number of of people. It is especially worth paying attention to specialized thematic programs.
  2. Leave booklets at preschool educational institutions and children's development centers. This is especially true if you are planning to open a private elementary school.
  3. Be sure to create a website for the educational institution, which will contain all the necessary information about its work, employees, student achievements and interesting events.
  4. Create a group in in social networks.
  5. Communicate on thematic forums.

A marketing campaign is an important component of success, but it only helps to attract customers. To get more of them, you must provide quality services.

Other types of educational institutions

How to open a private primary school in Russia? This will not require much expense. To open such an educational institution, you will need the same documents and equipment as to create a regular school. You should also take care of the after-school program and the relaxation room. This will allow young students to quickly adapt to their studies.

The business plan of a private music school does not differ much from other paid educational institutions. Only you need to take care of soundproofing the premises so as not to disturb your neighbors. You also need to purchase the necessary musical instruments for conducting training sessions.

A private school is an opportunity to provide students not only with a quality education, but also with comprehensive development, taking into account their individual characteristics. Teachers can also apply a creative approach to their work and try out interesting techniques. Therefore, private educational institutions are becoming popular. How to open a school? It is necessary to choose a suitable educational program, hire qualified employees and select suitable premises, as well as improve the level of educational services.

We will describe in detail how to open a private school and what is needed for this. After all, teachers and directors often dream of such an institution, and many parents are ready to pay any money so that their child has the best, including an education.

True, in our country it is quite difficult to organize such an institution. In addition, it is necessary to take into account at the same time the requirements of the law, government agencies, wishes of parents and children. It is believed that such a project can only be undertaken if the efforts of an experienced teacher and manager are combined in order to be able to resolve all emerging issues using diverse skills.

Relevance of the idea

Today many parents are unhappy general education system in our country. After all, the level of knowledge that the child receives there is insufficient, the teachers’ attention is scattered over a large number of students in the class, and individual characteristics and inclinations are not taken into account. And you won’t find additional classes for in-depth study of any subject in the average school.

And although in Russia, Ukraine and other neighboring countries only 1-2% of children are covered by private education, the market is still not full enough. Similar institutions are located mainly in Moscow, St. Petersburg and cities close to them. While remote regions suffer from their complete absence.

Let's first understand what a private school is. This is a non-profit, non-governmental institution where highly qualified teachers teach children. Educational services are provided on a paid basis, but the range of subjects is much wider and more interesting than in a regular school.

Since you have to pay for training, only families with high or middle incomes can afford such education. And parents will have much greater demands on teachers and principals. Therefore, this project should only be undertaken by a person who really wants to improve the education system, is able to fully immerse himself in the organizational process and will be able to find a compromise between different requirements.

We list the main requests to such institutions:

  1. Classes consist of a strictly limited number of students (no more than 15 people).
  2. It is imperative to create as much comfortable conditions for children.
  3. It is important to pay attention to the equipment of classrooms, computerization of the school, and the presence of extensive infrastructure on the territory of the educational institution.
  4. Flexible and thoughtful school program.
  5. The teaching staff should be distinguished by professional and experienced teachers with a good reputation.
  6. Often, at a private school, special teaching methods are used to develop not only knowledge in basic subjects, but also to improve personal qualities students (leadership, communication skills, business activity etc.).
  7. They try to expand as much as possible the range of additional classes, clubs, and optional disciplines (theater arts, chess class, football team, boxing, advanced study of English, etc.).
  8. Often such institutions work in close cooperation with universities, designing the curriculum in such a way as to prepare graduates for entry into a particular specialty.

When choosing a private school, parents pay most attention to the following indicators:

  • proximity to home;
  • cost of education;
  • class sizes by number of students;
  • teacher qualifications;
  • general reputation of the establishment;
  • level of accreditation;
  • material resources, that is, equipment of offices and halls;
  • reviews from other families.

If we consider the practice of private schools around the world, we can distinguish the following variations:

  1. Located outside the city or inside the metropolis.
  2. Where children come to study only during classes or stay with accommodation (full board).
  3. Classic and elite.
  4. General education, which follows a standard program, or with developed methods for in-depth study of individual subjects.

It is better to decide which project to implement in practice before drawing up a business plan, since it will be much more difficult to change anything in the process later. After all, each case has its own requirements, costs and nuances.

It is worth clarifying the reasons why a private school is being opened. For the most part, there are three factors:

  • Individual entrepreneurs or sponsors decide to create such an institution in order to educate their children in an institution where highly qualified teaching staff and the program was well thought out. After their children graduate from school, funding gradually subsides.
  • Some large companies create similar institutions for the families of their employees. In this case, the project does not bring money, but only helps to prepare a worthy replacement of personnel and retain professionals within the system.
  • And only a small part of such institutions are focused on the profitability of the project and build the reputation of a private school for a long time.

What do you need to open?

All organizational matters starts with registration. To do this, you must register with the tax service. Theoretically, it is possible to do this as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), but an LLC, that is, a legal entity, will have much more opportunities and privileges.

To do this, they submit statutory documents, write down the address of the future location of the establishment, and pay a state fee. It is important to point out that the institution is non-profit, since this is the only way private schools can operate in our country.

Please note that there used to be a special tax provision. But today most discounts and benefits have been cancelled. However, when paying taxes, you can count on the absence of VAT, for which, when submitting documents, indicate a zero rate in the appropriate column.

OKVED codes are prescribed depending on the direction of future activity and the chosen specifics:

  1. 10.2 – primary grades.
  2. 10.3 – additional training programs.
  3. 21.1 – general system.
  4. 21.2 – secondary education.

Next you need to get a license. To do this, you need to confirm that you are going to provide high-quality classroom equipment, you will work according to the approved methodology, the lesson schedule is drawn up in accordance with norms and standards, taking into account age characteristics, etc. Documents are submitted to the Ministry of Education.

Every school must have a medical center, so you will also have to obtain a medical license from the relevant authority. Usually, if all the requirements are met, which are best known in advance, there will be no problems with the issuance of such documents. But keep in mind that these organizations spend a lot of time reviewing each case.

When preparing the premises, you will also need other papers:

  • Permission from the SES, which can be obtained only after a thorough inspection of each classroom and other rooms.
  • Permission from the fire inspectorate, for which you need to ensure the safety of the building, several emergency exits, use fire-resistant materials during repairs, install fire extinguishers, draw up an evacuation plan, etc.
  • Rental agreements, for garbage removal, disinfection measures, with suppliers of products for kitchen work and much more.

To conduct school activities according to all regulations You need to carefully study the following documents:

  1. Law on Education No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012.
  2. Special resolution on granting paid services in this system.
  3. “Model regulations on a general education institution.”
  4. SanPin
  5. A normative act regulating the procedure for certification of teachers.
  6. Federal Law No. 7, where we're talking about about non-profit projects.
  7. Technical regulations for ensuring fire safety.


Another issue that needs to be resolved soon. But keep in mind that in the first years you will have to work without such a status, since only those educational institutions that have been operating for at least three years and have graduated at least one stream of students ready for admission are eligible for accreditation.

This procedure is considered voluntary, but without it it will be difficult to attract wealthy families to the school. In addition, until accreditation is completed, children will have to take final exams in other schools, which also creates certain difficulties.

And only after a positive decision from the Ministry of Education can you count on the fact that your private school will take its rightful place in the list of educational institutions in the region or country, students will be able to receive certificates, and parents will consider the institution as competitive.

Preparing the room

Finding a suitable building for a private school is not an easy task. There are many nuances here that are worth paying attention to. First, consider whether you can rent it or whether you will have to start construction.

In each case, this entails large financial expenses, but with the first option there is a risk of ending up on the street and urgently looking for a new premises if the tenant breaks the contract or does not want to renew it. Such risks can be eliminated by drawing up a document for 10 years, which is almost unattainable in modern conditions.

It is also important to have a free area around the building itself, most of which will be planted with trees, bushes, etc. At the same time, it is desirable to organize open sports grounds for physical education, install benches for relaxation, and create walking areas.

The school should be located in such a way that it is easy to reach. Proximity to home is one of the most important factors an educational institution pays attention to. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that there is a public transport stop near the institution, and it is also advisable to create convenient parking for parents who bring their children on their own.

Make sure that the premises meet all norms and standards. Let us indicate the most basic ones:

  • The building is located at some distance from various car services, factories, and large transport facilities.
  • In the adjacent territory, landscaping has been carried out on at least 50% of the area.
  • A fence and artificial lighting are needed around the perimeter.
  • It is mandatory to equip sports stadiums, children's entertainment areas and places for recreation on fresh air.
  • All educational activities organized in such a way that classes take place in one shift.
  • The ceiling height in the classroom should be at least 3.6 meters, and in the gym - up to 6.
  • The dimensions of each room are calculated so that there is at least 2.5 square meters per student. m.
  • When creating a full boarding school, where children stay for the entire school year, sleeping quarters are arranged, where up to 6 square meters are allocated per child. m.
  • Be sure to organize additional rooms such as a locker room, a first-aid post, and a gym.
  • Bathrooms are separated for girls and boys on each floor.
  • Must be observed and temperature regime indoors – 18°-22°.
  • You will also have to organize security for the territory and the building.
  • Also pay attention to fire safety.

All private schools must be provided with good electrical wiring, hot and cold water, heating, gas, telephone communication, Internet. The classes themselves are also organized in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, which stipulates the order of lessons, their duration and number per day, the maximum number of students in a class, etc.

School arrangement

A private institution must have good equipment. To do this, they purchase high-quality furniture, blackboards, computers, office equipment, electronic magazines, interactive systems training, various multimedia tools, connect to the Internet.

It is important that all approved educational methods are carried out taking into account the material base. You will have to think through each lesson in advance and purchase everything you need for this. They also equip a gym, sports ground, swimming pool, if there is one, dance classes, etc. The equipment is selected according to the requirements of each area.

Don’t forget to purchase refrigerators, stoves and kitchen appliances for the dining room, medical equipment for the first-aid post, stationery, teaching aids, manuals, sports equipment, equipment game rooms and arrange bathrooms.

Lesson plan

In order for a private school to stand out from the rest, you need to carefully consider the curriculum. Decide on the direction of education:

  1. General classes with standard set disciplines.
  2. In-depth study of individual subjects (for example, foreign languages).
  3. Specific, narrowly focused activity (if you want to open a private music school or art school).
  4. Availability of additional clubs (theater, sports, dance).
  5. In order to prepare for admission to certain universities, etc.

The equipment of the classes and the required documents will entirely depend on this. educational materials, personnel are selected. It is important to consider that in order to implement proprietary programs, they will need to be prepared in a special way and approved by the Ministry of Education. To do this, it is better to have a methodologist on staff who will help harmonize teachers’ ideas with the requirements of the law.

The biggest difficulty that one has to face when organizing a private educational institution is trying to simultaneously meet the standards of the Ministry of Education, the wishes of parents and the needs of children. So, in order not to lose your license, you must always take the standard program for most disciplines as a basis. It includes the mandatory presence of the following items:

  • Russian language and literature;
  • mathematics;
  • English or any other foreign language;
  • basics of computer science;
  • physical training.

And in order to attract the maximum number of wealthy parents and not lose students, you need to come up with original teaching methods, supplement the program with interesting and popular areas, and focus on European training standards.

Often such institutions provide training in economics, linguistics, and open literary clubs, art, theater, and sports sections. Today, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is also popular, and several at once - English, German, French, etc. Certain institutions are able to prepare their students to pass exams according to international standards, which opens up many paths in the future.

In addition, one should not forget about the load on the child. The number of assignments and lessons should not exceed certain standards; students should not be forced to study all day long. At the same time, it is desirable to organize their leisure time, provide rest, entertain and stimulate them to the maximum for achievements and the discovery of internal potential.

It is worth noting that if a school takes part in various events, competitions, festivals, competitions, and, moreover, periodically takes prestigious places, then this has a positive effect on the motivation of children and on the desire of parents to send their child to such an institution.

Often one of the requirements for a private school is the ability to leave a child for an extended day. In this case, on the territory of one institution, full-fledged supervision, training, development, walks in the fresh air, food and help with homework are provided.

We are recruiting staff

The private school staff consists of many specialists:

  1. A teaching staff that provides education to children in all disciplines.
  2. The school principal and his deputy.
  3. Methodist.
  4. Accountant.
  5. Security guards.
  6. Cleaners.
  7. Nurse.
  8. Kitchen workers.
  9. Psychologist.

Teachers are selected for work through a competition or are invited individually. It is important to hire professionals in their field and ensure that they are certified every 5 years. The higher the reputation of specialized specialists, the more people want to study at your school.

Only a person with a pedagogical diploma and relevant experience can manage an educational institution. But to keep track of everyone organizational issues, it is better to get additional advice or take an experienced manager or entrepreneur as a partner.

In order for professional teachers to want to work in your institution, you need to properly stimulate them. To achieve this, high wages are required. But such measures are not always enough.

Gifted teachers often want the opportunity to develop their own methods, proprietary programs, experiment, or be creative in their work. If you can provide this to them, then good specialists will become the basis of the team for many years.

Where can I get money?

According to the Education Law, private schools are required to register as non-profit institutions. This means that even if funds are received from various sources, they can only be spent on the needs of the institution itself. Therefore, it can be difficult to attract any sponsors, since it becomes impossible to pay them direct dividends.

Investment in a private school is usually 80% at the expense of the parents. They pay entrance fees (in the amount of 2-3 months of training), educational services, additional sections, special training in selected areas, charitable contributions, etc. But this does not always cover all the needs of the school.

Therefore, we often have to look for sponsors. They can be large organizations that want to train specialists for their own needs, higher educational institutions, when students are specially prepared for certain exams and admission, etc.

In order to increase funding, additional services can be provided:

  • organize specialized courses, sections, clubs and invite not only school students to them, but also children from other institutions;
  • create summer camps for everyone;
  • consulting services or tutoring based on proprietary programs;
  • publish your own teaching aids;
  • participate in the grant draw.

Pay attention to the price aspect as well. Tuition fees are calculated using precise figures. It must cover the costs of wages, rent, utilities, teaching aids, classroom equipment, food, etc. In our country, the range of prices ranges from 35 thousand rubles to 200 thousand. The more prestigious the school, the higher the pay.

In this case, you need to carefully think about what price to set for training. After all, minimum tariffs may indicate low qualifications of specialists or other shortcomings of the school. Too much high price tuition fees will discourage the middle class, who simply cannot afford it. If you are not opening an elite private school, then try to stick to the middle segment when pricing.

Perhaps things will be a little easier with organizational and financial issues if you purchase a franchise. In this case, it will be possible to create an educational institution according to the European standard with a fully developed system. You don’t have to think about what and how to do, what to pay attention to, although the investment in the project will be serious.

Here you can download a free example as a sample.

Financial questions

Opening a private school is an expensive proposition. Even if we do not consider the construction of a separate building, then initial costs very significant.

Fixed costs will not be less. After all, it is necessary to ensure the functioning of all systems at a high level.

All this requires a constant supply of funds or financing from outside. Therefore, it is very important that the director or owner of a private school constantly pays attention to finding investors, sponsors, participating in grants, subsidies, etc. With the right approach, within a year you can reach the full payback of the project and establish all work processes.

Video: how to open a private school?

The article discusses the features of compiling private school business plan. All large quantity parents are thinking about the need to receive good education for your children. State free schools do not always provide the proper level of training for their students, not to mention providing decent learning conditions.

Due to this, private school can become a profitable and in-demand business. But for this it is necessary to provide for everything at the planning stage and develop a detailed business plan, where the concept will be described and the effectiveness of the project implementation will be calculated.

Key Features private school business plan

Creating a private school business plan

Before operation private school within business plan it is necessary to analyze supply and demand in the market for these types of services.

When analyzing demand, special attention should be paid to determining target audience, identifying their wishes and preferences.

When studying the offer, it is important to identify the main competitors, the peculiarities of their work and create a competitive advantage.

The considered aspects should be reflected in the concept of the future project.



The main function of such a business is to provide educational services to schoolchildren. In this case, primary, secondary and secondary schools are distinguished.

Private school differs from the usual one in the following positions, which is reflected in business plan:

  • Individual approach to each student;
  • More highly qualified personnel;
  • The best conditions for the learning and development of children;
  • More attention to discipline, etc.

In addition, it is possible to provide a focus on the development of certain knowledge and skills, for example:

  • To study a foreign language;
  • Mathematics and computer science;
  • Biology;
  • Sports bias.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Amount of investment to start a private school

1.3. Work results

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Private School Sales Plan

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of a private school

7 – Conclusions

The private school business plan is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


Reviews from our clients

Feedback on the business planprivate kindergarten

We bought a ready-made business plan on the website, We adjusted it a little and got a loan from the bank. Received 30 million rubles we will spend on opening a private kindergarten for 100 places. Many thanks to the specialists from for a job well done!

Olga Veronkina, director of a private kindergarten

Feedback on a dance studio school business plan

To open a dance studio, we needed investments and private investments. The result exceeded our expectations - the document turned out to be exemplary, and we managed to receive investment in the amount of 5 million rubles. Thank you very much to the specialists from the site for a job well done!

Irina Petrenko, Nikolaev

Feedback on the business plan of an educational training center

To start and medium-term planning the activities of the training center required a business plan, and we bought it on the websiteplanpro. ru. The plan turned out to be very meaningful. The financial schemes are clear, it is possible to substitute any numbers into the formulas, and simply make any changes. Special thanks for the beautiful design.

Natalya V.Sh., deputy director of the training center

Feedback on a private school business plan

The idea arose to open private school for girls. During the planning stage, problems arose with forecasting profits. We decided to download the finished one business plan in Plan-Pro. I liked the quality of the business plan, the structured presentation of the material, the financial model, which has all the calculations with the parameters of each component of the business, which can be changed, which is very convenient. At the moment, the business plan of a private school has helped to obtain a loan in the amount of 20 million rubles.

Melnikova Angelina, Krasnodar.

Opening a private school as a business

Carrying out competitive analysis within business plan allows you not only to study your main competitors private school, but also to identify a competitive advantage.

The main competitor is secondary schools. They are free and available to everyone, but they have a number of disadvantages, such as:

  • Not always qualified teachers;
  • Neglect of children;
  • Low levels of funding lead to unsuitable conditions, including a lack of necessary equipment to study scientific phenomena;
  • Lack of discipline control;
  • Rare excursions and open lessons;
  • Inability to give due attention to each student.

After studying competitive environment, it is necessary to analyze the demand for such services on the part of parents, since they are the ones who determine where their child will study.

Among potential clients in a private school, the following groups of parents can be identified:

  • Children whose children have above average learning abilities;
  • High income parents;
  • Parents who do not have enough time to take their children to additional courses;
  • Parents working abroad.

On at this stage it is important to identify the main requirements of these groups for private school and take them into account when forming the concept in business plan.

Licensing of private school activities

General educational activities in accordance with current legislation are subject to mandatory licensing. A license can only be obtained if the following requirements are met:

  • Following federal educational programs or developing your own programs;
  • Registration as a legal entity, or individual entrepreneur, or non-state educational institution;
  • Owned or leased there is a non-residential premises that meets the requirements of fire and sanitary supervision;
  • Teachers have higher specialized education and work experience;
  • Health protection is ensured;
  • The premises are equipped in accordance with federal standards;
  • Electronic and printed training materials are available;
  • The state fee in the amount of 7,500 rubles was paid.

Accounting for these requirements must be reflected in the concept private school within business plan.

All documents confirming compliance with these requirements, as well as an application for a license, must be submitted to Rosobrnadzor, which, after carrying out the appropriate checks, makes a decision on issuing or refusing to issue a license within 60 days.

After this, no earlier than 3 years later, you can apply for accreditation, which gives the right to issue state-issued certificates of completion.

If you are not yet ready to deal with issues related to licensing, pay attention to. At the same time, the focus of the establishment can be different: for adults and children, in addition to dancing, you can also launch yoga, Pilates and other areas.

The sequence of opening a private school in a business plan

  1. Market analysis, concept description private school, carrying out calculations, forming business plan.
  2. Business registration.
  3. Selection of premises, carrying out repair work.
  4. Room equipment.
  5. Selection and hiring of personnel.
  6. If necessary, drawing up educational programs.
  7. Obtaining a license.
  8. Organization of marketing events, reception of students.
  9. Starting a business.

Ready private school business plan, which already contains all the necessary information, is available for download using the link below. We've included calculations and an easy-to-use financial model. Thanks to this, it is possible not only immediately, bypassing preparatory stage, start implementing the idea, but also receive additional financing from banks and investors.

Calculation of investments in opening a private school in a business plan

Opening will require significant investments in the amount of 5 to 50 million rubles. depending on scale and concept private school. IN business plan The following main articles stand out:

  • Rent of premises – xxx rub.;
  • Registration of activities and registration of permits – xxx;
  • Repair work – xxx;
  • Material and technical equipment – ​​xxx;
  • Purchase of educational materials and creation of educational programs - xxx;
  • Marketing and advertising – xxx;
  • Stock Money- xxx.

Requirements for premises for a private school in a business plan

IN business plan provision is made for the premises to be suitable for private school the following requirements:

  • The ability to highlight areas such as a locker room, bathrooms, classrooms, administrative offices, a gym, a dining room, a medical office and others, depending on the project;
  • A separate building with a fenced area;
  • Location either in the central part of the city or near the area where most of the target audience lives, for example cottage village or luxury new buildings;
  • Compliance with fire and sanitary supervision requirements;
  • Availability of necessary communications.

Costs of equipping a private school in a business plan

To open and obtain a license, you will need to purchase the following equipment: private school, the costs of which are included in business plan:

  • For classrooms and locker rooms - desks, chairs, blackboard, projector, computers, cabinets, shelving;
  • For administrative premises - furniture, computers;
  • For a medical office - table, chair, couch, shelving, pharmacy, washbasin, medical supplies;
  • For the gym - sports equipment;
  • For the dining room - kitchen equipment, dining tables, chairs, serving line;
  • For toilets and showers - plumbing.

In addition, it is necessary to provide for the costs of purchasing training materials and installing a security system, alarm system, and fire extinguishing system.

Private School Business Plan Financial Plan

Operation private school does not imply the presence of a wide variety of sources of cash flows in business plan. Speaking of costs, they are all related to a greater extent to maintaining the required conditions.

Running costs of a private school in a business plan

To maintain performance private school the following monthly costs are required, provided business plan:

  • Taxes and fees – xxx rub.;
  • Rent – ​​xxx;
  • Utilities – xxx;
  • Salary – xxx;
  • Marketing activities – xxx;
  • Others - xxx.

Total amount from xxx rub. per month.

Personnel composition of a private school in a business plan

IN business plan It is planned to hire the following employees for private school:

  • Director;
  • Head of Education;
  • Accountant;
  • Administrator;
  • Psychologist;
  • Medical worker;
  • Teachers;
  • Security guard;
  • Cleaning woman.

Profit of a private school in a business plan

The main source of funds is the fees charged for the provision of educational services. Revenue can reach up to xxx rub. monthly. In this case, the profit private school, calculated in business plan how the difference between revenue and costs will be from xxx rub. per month. a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its

A necessary component of a full-fledged business plan is a flexible sales plan. It is important, on the one hand, to have a forecast for the business as a whole, and on the other hand, to be able to look at profitability in the context of a separate profit center or even a separate product.

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download a ready-made private school business plan with financial calculations and an Excel financial model

Opening a private school involves complex bureaucratic procedures for obtaining a license and taking into account all legal requirements.

In this case, a well-developed business plan is needed. Ready private school business plan with calculations and fully structured information you can download from the link below. This document will be a decisive factor in negotiations with creditors and investors and will demonstrate your professional approach to the point. At your request, we can draw up an individual turnkey business plan.