Business plan for opening a cafe, writing example. Opening your own cafe (example of a business plan with calculations of costs and profitability). Reviews from our clients

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

How can a mini-cafe generate maximum income? In this article, we understand all the intricacies of the restaurant business, plan a budget and share secrets on how to earn more than 200 thousand rubles a month.

A cozy, authentic cafe can become a favorite place for meetings and leisure for many people. Despite the abundance of such establishments, not all of them find regular customers and are forced to close. This is due to improper planning, management errors and ignorance of the nuances of business. To avoid such mistakes, we have prepared detailed guide on opening a cafe from scratch.

Market analysis and idea development

Every year culture Catering is developing more and more actively. The demand for eating out is growing, and so is the number of establishments and variety of offers. As a result, an active and very capacious catering market is being formed, which is not afraid of even a financial crisis. Statistics indicate that during periods of economic instability, Russians, although they save on eating out, do not give it up altogether. From which the conclusion follows: the catering sector is very relevant and promising.

The prospect of high and stable profits brings many players to the market who have to work in a highly competitive environment. Nevertheless, participants in the restaurant business find their clients, because everyone’s gastronomic preferences are different. Restaurants of national cuisines, bars, pizzerias, burger shops, dumpling shops - choose what you like.

Today we have chosen a mini-cafe and will tell you how to turn 100 sq.m. into a source of income.

Increase sales without investment!

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The zero stage of opening a mini-cafe should be defining the concept. When the market offers many different establishments, only those who offer an interesting concept and are ready to surprise can stand out and attract their customers.

RBC statistics, which reflect the structure of the domestic catering market, will help you decide on the direction. From this information it is clear that competition in the field of cafes with national cuisine will be much higher than, for example, dumplings. If you are new to business, we recommend choosing a niche that is more open. Although if available interesting idea, which will definitely “shoot”, it is possible to gain a foothold in a popular direction.

Figure 1 – Structure of the public catering market in terms of establishment concepts (data from RBC)

Development of the concept of the establishment

Let's start by choosing a cafe concept. When deciding this issue, you should clearly understand what kind of establishment its owner wants to have and for whom he wants to open it. These positions are key and determine the future of the institution. It will depend on them:

  • identifying the target audience;
  • selection of premises;
  • menu;
  • visitor service form;
  • territorial location;
  • competitive advantages.

The scope for imagination is truly limitless. You can focus on the original kitchen or create a cozy, creative environment. You can choose a specific theme for the establishment, come up with an original way of serving or serving dishes, and serving guests.

The main thing to remember is that any idea must be well thought out and calculated.
The restaurant concept includes all components of the enterprise’s activities: choice of establishment format, target audience, location, promotion, menu, type of service, necessary equipment, technology production processes etc.

For example, if you plan to open a family cafe, then it is better to locate it in a residential area and develop a children's menu. If the chosen location is located next to an office center or public establishment, the cafe should have a sufficient number of seats and a wide selection of snacks, while the design does not play an important role. And if you plan to open a themed establishment, for example, a cafe based on a film, then significant investments will be required in the design of the premises.

Consequently, the concept of an establishment is a single whole, the foundation on which the entire business is built.

Finding a suitable location, planning room renovations

For any catering establishment, the right location plays an important role. The search for premises for a mini-cafe is determined nearby important nuances. One of the most common options is non-residential premises located on the ground floor of a multi-storey building. Its location itself is not so important, although it must meet certain requirements. On the one hand, good traffic will attract the attention of new visitors. On the other hand, with proper organization of the establishment itself, the location can be somewhat neglected and save on rental costs. The main condition for the location of a cafe is the convenience and safety of the entrance or approach to the establishment.

But for the premises of the future cafe there are more requirements; it should be selected especially carefully. Each premises intended for a catering establishment undergoes a thorough inspection by government agencies– sanitary and epidemiological station, Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection. Strict requirements are imposed on the arrangement of the kitchen and ventilation, compliance with working area standards, finishing materials, organization of food storage, etc. In addition, one should evaluate functionality premises - the possibility of redevelopment, the presence of all communications (water supply and sewerage, electricity, gas), which will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the establishment. Particular attention should be paid to the power of electricity, since food equipment consumes a lot of electricity.

Ready ideas for your business

Another frequently asked question: whether to buy a property or rent it. As practice shows, on initial stage It is not practical to buy a building. It is better to invest the initial investment in the acquisition good equipment, creating an attractive interior, promoting the establishment. However, when drawing up a lease agreement, it is recommended to immediately stipulate the possible purchase of real estate in the future. Also pay attention to the length of the rental period. It will not be profitable for you to move to another place in a year or two: firstly, you will have to spend a significant amount on the move; secondly, the loss of a “promoted” place can deprive the establishment of a share of the clientele. Therefore, it is worth discussing in detail with the tenant all the nuances of the contract.

The area of ​​the room depends on how compactly the clients will be accommodated and on the total capacity. We agreed that the mini-cafe will fit on 100 sq.m. From this area you need to subtract 35 sq.m., which the kitchen will occupy, 10 sq.m. – utility rooms, 3 sq.m. – bathroom. That is, we will have 52 sq.m. left for the hall for visitors. What can be placed in this area? A cozy coffee shop or pastry shop, a themed establishment with a beautiful interior, a self-service snack bar like a dumpling shop or a pancake shop.

Depending on the layout and method of arranging furniture, such a room can comfortably accommodate from 20 to 40 people.

Ready ideas for your business

The average rent for a normal premises for a mini-cafe is about 50-70 thousand rubles, depending on the location and features of the premises.

He advises you to pay attention to the premises that previously housed catering establishments. This will avoid unnecessary expenses and speed up the process of opening a cafe. Now you can find many options for suitable premises, in which the space is divided into zones, the kitchen is equipped with ventilation and hoods, and the living room is equipped with an air conditioning system. Renting such premises may cost a little more, but the benefits will be greater. It's easier than starting to arrange everything from scratch.

Also, when choosing a room, you should focus on how the cafe’s interior is supposed to look. Different concepts will require different planning solutions.

During the renovation process, you need to focus, first of all, on convenience and comfort for visitors. After all, a cafe is a place to relax and have a good time. And the atmosphere must be appropriate, so it is worth paying attention to the interior of the establishment. It is advisable that each table be in relative isolation from each other, because the privacy of a group is also a kind of comfort.

Ready ideas for your business

The interior of the establishment plays not only an aesthetic role, but also allows you to create the “features” of the establishment and a memorable corporate identity. It makes the interior effective tool in promoting catering establishments. It is better to entrust the creation of an interior to a professional designer. Then you will be able to create a unique space in the bar where people will want to spend time and where they will want to return.

Repair costs can be completely different: it all depends on the idea, the materials used and whether you use the services of a designer or not. That is why it is quite difficult to name the exact amount of repair costs. The average cost of repairing and finishing the premises is about 200 thousand rubles.

For any catering establishment, especially small cafes, properly selected premises play an important role. The cafe should be located in a crowded place: markets, parks, around shopping and entertainment complexes or within them, near business centers, office buildings and educational institutions, on the central streets.

When choosing a location, you should also consider the presence of competitors nearby. When studying the competitive environment, you need to pay attention to prices, services offered, quality of service and menu.

Here is a classic list of requirements for an ideal cafe location that every restaurateur should know:

    Entrance from the street. The line of houses from the highway is the first.

    Close to pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

    Location at a crossroads. Goal: the cafe's windows face TWO streets at once, which is how the establishment is advertised. It would be ideal if you also build your own separate entrance from each street.

    Proximity to transport stops.

    Beautiful design of WIDE windows. The more convenient it is for a person sitting in a cafe to look at the street from the window, the more popular the cafe.

    Avoid “labyrinths” indoors. This exerts unpleasant psychological pressure—discomfort. The hall should be a simple and uncomplicated rectangle, or better yet, a square.

    Avoid rooms with low ceilings. The ceiling must be at least 3 meters. Other options (minus the ceiling height) will attract only marginal audiences.

    Beautiful view from the window.

    First floor.

Collection necessary documentation

Having decided on the premises for the future cafe, you need to start collecting all the necessary documentation. This process is quite labor-intensive and includes several areas. For convenience, we will consider each separately.

    Registration of an organization. You can register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC - there are no special nuances here. As a type of activity, according to the new OKVED classification, you should choose 56.10.1 Activities of restaurants and cafes with full restaurant service, cafeterias, restaurants fast food and self-service

    Preparation of documents for premises

    Registering a cash register and registering it with the tax authorities.

    Obtaining permits from the SES and fire service.

    Registration of all necessary documentation at the sanitary and epidemiological station, which is required to start the operation of a catering establishment.

If the cafe does not plan to sell alcoholic beverages, then purchasing a license will not be required. If alcohol is included in the menu, you will have to obtain the appropriate permit. Many cafes refuse to sell strong alcohol because the license is expensive.

Purchase of equipment

The specific list of equipment depends on the concept of the establishment and the menu. For example, for a sushi bar you should purchase a special sushi table, for a pizzeria - expensive ovens, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to provide an exhaustive list of equipment. However, Table 1 contains the main items that can be useful in the kitchen of any catering establishment.

Table 1 – Approximate list of equipment for a mini-cafe


Cost, rub.

Heating equipment:

Combi oven

Electric stove with oven

Refrigeration equipment:

Refrigerated cabinet

Freezer cabinet

Cooled table

Ice maker

Auxiliary equipment:

Meat grinder

Vegetable cutter


Coffee machine

Equipment for cleanliness and order:

2 washing baths

Industrial wall and island tables

2 racks

Island table for waste collection

Crockery and kitchen utensils:

Kitchen tools

Dishes for visitors

To save on equipment, you can purchase it second-hand. However, you should be careful with this, since there is a risk of running into unscrupulous sellers and buying equipment that will quickly break down. However, you can often find offers on the market when an entrepreneur who is closing an unprofitable business sells at the minimum price quality equipment included.

In addition, you will need to purchase furniture. The cost of furniture and decor for a mini-cafe will be about 150 thousand rubles.

Menu creation, supply organization

At this stage, you should determine the composition of the menu, the list of dishes, their cost and selling price. To calculate the cost of a dish, you will need a technological map, which is also necessary to obtain permission from the SEN. The flow chart indicates the consumption of products per serving and the volume of this serving.

When the menu is ready, you should decide on suppliers and establish supply channels. What categories of suppliers for cafes can be:

    supplier of meat, poultry, fish;

    supplier of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs;

    tea/coffee/beverage suppliers

    grocery supplier.

It should be noted that when signing partnership agreements, you can count on additional bonuses for the company - for example, beverage suppliers usually provide the establishment with branded glassware and equipment.

When agreeing on cooperation with suppliers, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. Typically, shipping costs for ingredients will be borne by your operation. To reduce this cost item, you need to choose suppliers that are closer to your establishment.

The required amount of raw materials is determined based on the menu, technological map product preparation and expected sales volume. It is important that the recipe of the dishes complies with GOSTs or separately adopted specifications.

Since in restaurant practice there is often a supply agreement with deferred payment terms, the initial investment in working capital should be no more than 30% of the total cost of dishes of the first billing month. You can learn more about organizing supplies and working with suppliers of cafes and restaurants from this article.

We are planning promotion

The advertisement is engine of the trade. Advertising for a cafe is a supplier of customers. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to developing a marketing strategy. It will be formed depending on the concept of the establishment, target audience and budget.

What should it include marketing strategy? Development of the name of the establishment, its logo and corporate identity; organization advertising campaign(promotions, promotion tools).

A bright and memorable name will make the establishment stand out from the many offers on the catering market. Services for developing a corporate identity for an establishment will cost an average of 10,000 rubles. A catchy, eye-catching sign, including its installation or window design, will cost about 30,000 rubles.

To promote a cafe, you can use various marketing tools: promotional videos in the cinema; online promotion; sponsorship participation in cultural projects; installation billboards and signs; distributing business cards, flyers or menu brochures; event marketing; advertising in the media; radio advertising; participation in food exhibitions and fairs; loyalty programs, promotions and so on.

Also effective method is advertising on social networks aimed at young people. Within social networks you can hold a “happy repost” campaign, “review competition”, etc. This tool is aimed at attracting additional audiences. You can also provide for a “happy hour” promotion - the time during which the establishment offers discounts, special menus, etc. The use of this advertising tool should be subject to the following recommendations:

    planning promotions for weekdays;

    increasing the price of the most popular menu items to cover cost differences;

    a short and clear slogan for the campaign;

    one group of participating drinks or food;

    tracking stock profitability.

The use of a particular tool depends on the target audience of the establishment and the project budget.

On average, you should budget about 50 thousand rubles for promotion in order to quickly gain an audience.

Determination of service format and personnel selection

Before defining required amount working personnel, you should choose the service format in your establishment. This could be the principle of a cafe with a menu and waiters, self-service with cashiers, or a prototype of a traditional canteen. Everything again comes down to the concept of the establishment.

For a mini-cafe with 30-40 seats you will need to hire:

    4 waiters (shift work);

    4 cooks (shift work);

    2 dishwashers (shift work);


    accountant-cashier (outsourcing).

Chefs coordinate the work of the kitchen, develop recipes for dishes and menus, control food costs, are responsible for preparing dishes, storing food, and work at one or more kitchen stations depending on the distribution of responsibilities.

Waiters take orders in the hall, provide customer service, monitor the cleanliness of the hall, set the table, accept payment for the order, are well versed in the menu and can give recommendations to visitors.

Dishwashers are responsible for the use and maintenance of dishwashing equipment, ensuring the cleanliness of dishes, the kitchen and the living room.

The accountant maintains financial records of all transactions and works remotely.

The administrator organizes the work process, hires and manages staff, and is responsible for marketing policy, monitors the ratio of profits and losses, accepts and plans reservations and pre-orders, and controls the work of staff. The owner of the establishment can act as an administrator in order to reduce costs. When things go smoothly for the cafe, you can delegate these powers to a hired employee.
Please note that the cafe is open seven days a week, so you need to provide employees shift work work.

Requirements for public institution staff:

    all employees must have sanitary records with appropriate marks;

    cooks must have professional education and work experience;

    all employees before admission to workplace must undergo training and study safety instructions when operating the equipment.

The size of the payroll with such a staff will be about 220 thousand rubles.

Calculation of income and expenses

On at this stage We answer the most important question - how much does it cost to open a mini-cafe from scratch? To get an accurate calculation, it is recommended to develop a business plan that will take into account all costs in terms of current prices for a specific region and a specific idea.

Table 2 shows the initial costs of the project. Thus, to open a mini-cafe you will need about 850 thousand rubles.

Table 2. Initial investments for opening a mini-cafe

In addition to the initial costs, the project has monthly costs that should also be planned for. Monthly costs are divided into variable and fixed costs. Variable costs consist of the costs of ingredients that are used in preparing dishes, as well as payment for the facilities consumed during the production process (water, gas, electricity, sewerage). To simplify financial calculations cost variables can be calculated based on the amount of the average check (1000 rubles) and a fixed trade margin of 250%.

Fixed expenses consist of rent, utility payments, fund wages, advertising expenses, taxes and depreciation. The amount of depreciation charges is determined by the linear method, based on the period beneficial use fixed assets in 5 years.

Table 3. Fixed costs

Now let's calculate how much a mini-cafe can earn? With a capacity of 30-40 people and a occupancy rate of 70% per month, visitors can be expected. With an average check of 800 rubles per person, monthly revenue will be 672,000 rubles, and net profit will be approximately 200,000 rubles. At this level of profit, the initial investment will be able to pay off in six months. In this case, the profitability will be 43%. For catering establishments maximum term payback period is 2-2.5 years. Therefore, the prospect of recouping the business within the first year is quite optimistic.

Risk accounting

Any type of business is characterized by risks. What difficulties can you encounter when opening your own establishment? Mini-cafes may have serious problems, so you should predict them in advance and develop measures to eliminate them.

    poor choice of location and bar premises. Visit traffic may be overestimated or underestimated competitive environment. When choosing a room, some nuances may be missed that will appear during work. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the analysis point of sale and take into account various factors;

    rising prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers, low-quality raw materials. In the first case, there is a risk of increased costs and, as a consequence, the selling price, which may negatively affect demand. In the second case, the risk is associated with interruptions in production. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of these threats by choosing suppliers wisely and including in the contract all the necessary conditions that include financial liability the supplier in case of their violation;

    reaction of competitors. Since the food service market is quite saturated and competitive, the behavior of competitors can have a strong impact. To minimize it, it is necessary to form your own client base, constantly monitor the market, have a customer loyalty program, create competitive advantages And unique offers;

    refusal to provide rental premises or increase in rental costs. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to enter into a long-term lease agreement and carefully select the landlord;

    fall in effective demand. This risk can be mitigated by developing effective programs loyalty programs, including discounts, happy hours, etc.;

    problems with personnel, which mean low qualifications, staff turnover, lack of motivation of employees. This may lead to a decrease in sales efficiency, a reduction in revenue, and the formation of a negative image of the establishment. The easiest way to reduce this risk is at the recruitment stage by hiring employees who meet all the requirements. A bonus system for staff should also be provided;

    equipment breakdown and production downtime. Regular maintenance of equipment in order to maintain its performance will help mitigate the risk;

    food spoilage due to low demand, breakdown of storage equipment, improper storage, planning errors. For the restaurant business, this risk is highly probable. Surplus food can occur for two reasons: first, due to low sales and unpopularity of certain dishes; and secondly, due to errors in forecasting sales volume. This risk can be reduced through competent planning and forecasting, reviewing the assortment, and excluding unprofitable dishes from the menu. Product storage errors, breakdown refrigeration equipment may lead to food spoilage. This threat can be avoided by training personnel and monitoring their work, as well as regular maintenance equipment;

    decrease in the reputation of the establishment among the target audience due to errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk by constantly monitoring product quality, receiving feedback from the establishment’s customers and taking corrective measures.

Having compiled detailed business plan, by competently organizing work at each stage of the project and providing for the main risks, you can build a profitable and promising business in the field of public catering.

Like any business, a mini-cafe has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is the increased demand for food outside the home, the establishment of a catering culture and a high markup on products, which ensures significant profitability. The negative point is the high competition in the market, large start-up capital, difficulties in preparing documentation, the need for constant participation of the owner in business processes.

However, the growing popularity of small, authentic establishments and the fashion for cozy spaces with beautiful interiors leave room for businessmen to realize their potential: not only entrepreneurial, but also creative. The key to success is to come up with an original concept that will set your establishment apart from its competitors. However, one idea is not enough. Implementation must also be at a decent level so that customers want to return to you.

If you manage to win over your customers, then a mini-cafe can become profitable within 3-4 months after opening, and the initial investment will pay off within a year. A mini-cafe can earn more than 1 million rubles a year.

Get current calculations for your business plan

Every third entrepreneur dreams of opening his own cafe. And this is not surprising, since owning a cafe is a very interesting and profitable business.

Dozens of new offices appear every month, huge ones are built, and retail spaces are rented out. Office employees daily need to solve a nutrition problem. Organizing a cafe is a profitable and promising type of business. And having a business plan for opening a cafe in hand, it immediately becomes clear what and how to do.

A cafe is a place for meeting friends, for negotiations and romantic dates. More and more consumers are willing to pay for this service. That is why new cafes, coffee shops, pizzerias and restaurants are springing up at every step like mushrooms after rain.

Before opening an establishment, you need to have an idea of ​​how to draw up a business plan for a cafe.

Type of establishment and its location

Let's start with the most important thing - let's decide on the market segment. You can open a cafe:

  • elite type;
  • cafe for the middle class;
  • evening cafe, etc.

You can purchase an extended cafe business plan for only 490 rubles. Find out more

Analyzing competitors and working on mistakes

A business plan for opening a cafe involves a detailed description of the market for similar establishments in a given locality; the level of competition should be established, errors and the slightest shortcomings of competitors should be identified in order to prevent them from occurring in your business.

When you have thought through all the nuances of the location of the establishment, you can move on to the description of the enterprise. Consider what the capacity of the hall will be, what operating hours of the establishment will be optimal, for example, from 8.00 to 00.00, or from 10.00 to 02.00.

Think about the main service of your cafe, what kind of cuisine you will offer:

  • national;
  • European;
  • eastern;
  • or it could be a mixed type kitchen.

We buy premises, build them or rent them

The premises can be rented, purchased or built. It all depends on the availability of funds, desire and time available to the businessman. It is worth considering that the area of ​​the cafe must be consistent with the requirements of legislation at the local level. For example, you can choose a cafe with 50 seats on an area of ​​280 square meters.

The name of the cafe should be memorable, the interior should be pleasant, and the cuisine should be delicious.

Name and interior - the general concept of the establishment

Carefully consider the design of your premises; this also determines whether the cafe will appeal to the audience. You may want to set up a themed establishment, cafe-bar, pizzeria (), sushi bar, coffee shop or children's cafe. It’s worth keeping abreast of events - check out the offers of competitors in your segment. This will allow you to choose a unique design of furniture, the room itself, and choose an unusual method of service.

Read also: Example of a business plan for opening a restaurant

It is desirable that the name of the establishment and its design somehow relate to each other. The interior should reflect the concept of the cafe.

It’s best to come up with your own “trick”, something that will make you recognizable in the market and attract potential clients.

Contact designers, florists, decorators, if you have enough funds for this. One secret - fresh flowers on tables will always attract the attention of visitors. Inexpensive and win-win trick!

Naturally, the interior design should correspond to the direction you have chosen, here are a few options:


The tables are arranged in rows; it is possible to combine an area with tables and a separate area with sofas. Waiter service. Prices are above average. This format is often used to organize coffee shops. The coffee shop menu includes coffee, cocoa, hot chocolate, big choice desserts.

"Russian format"

The menu includes alcoholic drinks, salads and main courses. The cafe resembles a restaurant in its wide range dishes and strong drinks. The format is in demand and relevant.

"Fast food"

A business plan for a fast food cafe is a separate topic, because self-service saves enough money on staff. The cafe format involves “eating on the run”, the dishes are disposable (production of disposable tableware), food is prepared in the shortest possible time. In parking lots, train stations, and in the catering areas of supermarkets, this cafe format is in wide demand.

Equipment installation

As soon as you decide on the thematic and general focus of your establishment, you can begin installation production equipment and its installation. Developing a cafe business plan involves covering all the details in detail.

For a regular cafe you will need:

  • slabs;
  • grill;
  • frying and cooking cabinets;
  • sinks;
  • refrigerators;
  • dishes;
  • production tables;
  • tables for visitors;
  • chairs, etc.

Equipment for cooking should be of high quality and convenient; it is best to give preference to an imported manufacturer.

We select qualified personnel

When all of the above points have been implemented, you need to start searching for personnel. Interchangeability – most important factor when selecting and hiring staff for a cafe. It is risky to hire only one or two experienced waiters, and other workers with absolutely no qualifications. If you expect to work in two shifts, for an average cafe you will need 2-4 cooks, 2 administrators, 6-8 waiters, 2 bartenders, 2-4 support workers.

The key to the prosperity of any cafe is the professionalism, culture and qualifications of the establishment’s staff. You can contact a professional agency that will help you find qualified employees or do the search yourself.

It all depends on your availability of time and funds. Drawing up a business plan involves discussing employee salaries. You should prepare for the fact that you will have to pay salaries monthly, as well as make contributions to the social fund. These expense items will become permanent.

Pay attention to the taxation system; with the right choice, these expenses will be reduced common base taxation.

We are working on the menu in detail

The next point in the business plan for organizing a cafe is a detailed elaboration of the menu. Visitors to your establishment should have a fairly wide choice. Each of your clients should have the opportunity to choose a dish to their liking. The menu should be varied, ideally it should include first and second courses, dishes of national, European and oriental cuisine etc.

In this material:

A business plan for a mini-cafe is the first step in organizing your own business. It allows you to evaluate whether it is worth doing such a business at all or whether it is better to think about another activity. When you plan to open a mini-cafe or mini-coffee shop, it is important to take into account all the expenses and realistically assess the planned income.

How the plan is developed

Any business plan is a document in which a complete analysis and calculation of the expected entrepreneurial activity. It must be based on real figures and data, taking into account possible changes On the market. The future of the proposed business depends on the correctness of the business plan.

Like any document of this kind, a business plan for a mini-cafe or mini-coffee shop includes a number of mandatory sections that allow you to assess the capabilities and effectiveness of the establishment being opened. The draft plan includes the following sections: description of the type of service; market (demand) analysis; competitiveness; development strategy; production plan; organizational plan; financial plan.

Ensuring competitiveness and development strategy

The third section of the business plan is assessing competitors. At this stage, you should calculate how many catering establishments are located nearby and what specialization they have. It is important to correctly assess whether competitors are able to satisfy all demand and whether potential visitors can be taken away from them. In other words, you should understand whether it makes sense to open a cafe in this area. At the same time, the possible emergence of new competitors should be assessed.

Adjacent to the section discussed is the next part of the project: development of a development strategy. Here it is important to adhere to the main principle of effective marketing - you need to sell what is bought, and not impose what is produced. In other words, the development strategy should take into account the mistakes of competitors and target products that are most in demand specifically in the given area where the cafe is opening. The most important direction of development should be not simply increasing the volume of dishes offered, but reducing their prices and improving quality. The most realistic step in increasing competitiveness is to offer what competitors cannot or do not want to provide.

Drawing up a production plan

The production plan for a mini-cafe only seems to be an insignificant section (this is not an enterprise). In fact, it can be considered an important element in the organization of such a business. In this section, calculations are made that determine the following parameters: how many dishes can be prepared in existing areas; how many products and how can you store at the same time; how many people can be served? The most important question— how to organize food quality control.

At this stage, the following calculations are made: the range and required quantity of kitchen equipment; required area and quantity of refrigeration equipment; required quantity and range of products. When calculating equipment, both main installations (ovens, ovens, meat grinders, mixers, blenders, grill cabinets, coffee machines, etc.) and auxiliary equipment (dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, etc.) are taken into account.

Organizational plan

The next important section of the business plan is the organizational plan. This plan should clearly define how the mini-cafe will be opened and its uninterrupted functioning will be organized. Organizational work begin with obtaining all permitting documents and registering the establishment ( self employed, LLC and other forms). Please note that some services require special permission, for example, the sale of alcoholic beverages.

The next step is choosing and decorating the premises for the cafe. Of course, this could be purchased private property, but most often the establishment opens on rented premises. The cost of renting a premises depends significantly on the proximity to central regions cities, proximity to crowded places (train stations, parks, shopping centers, etc.). It should be borne in mind that even the most modest option will cost no less than 50 thousand rubles. per month.

An important stage is staff recruitment. Of course, if a mini-cafe can be organized in the form of a family contract, then these problems can be avoided. However, as a rule, you still have to invite an accountant, cooks, waiters, cleaners, watchmen and other workers to work. The business plan must clearly define the material incentive fund, not forgetting the possibility of periodic incentives. The staff of the establishment should be optimal, and it should not be inflated by lawyers, drivers, etc. It will be cheaper to conclude a service agreement with specialized organizations. At the same time, with all the savings, practice shows that the salary fund (taking into account social contributions and taxes) cannot be less than 200-250 thousand rubles. per month.

Financial justification

The financial plan is the most important section of the entire business project. It is in this last section All costs for the previous sections are summed up and the planned revenue is calculated. Based on these figures, the possible profit of the business and the payback period of the establishment are determined.

First of all, the financial plan must determine the source of financing for the business organization. Such financing can be provided with personal funds in the form of an authorized fund, sponsorship funds or a bank loan. In the latter case, you should not forget about interest on loans.

Generally economic justification represents the balance of financial income and expenses. In the revenue part, it is necessary to clearly define the quantity of products planned for sale and, accordingly, the amount of revenue for it.

Income and expenses are compared in tabular form. As a result of balancing, there should be a profit from the business. At the initial stage, a planned loss may arise due to increased organizational costs. In this case, it is necessary to draw up a schedule for an unprofitable business.

Another important parameter of the feasibility study is the payback period initial costs, if it exceeds 2-3 years, then it is worth thinking about the reality of the plans.

In addition, when drawing up a business plan, it is recommended to assess possible inflationary processes and changes in the market environment.

A business plan is the most important document, without which it is impossible to imagine organizing any business. Mini-cafes are no exception, but they have their own specific features, which should be taken into account when preparing a feasibility study. The most important thing: in order not to miss opening your own business, it is necessary that the business plan is based on real numbers and market analysis.

Investments: Investments 2,700,000 - 3,500,000 ₽

We are a team of professionals with more than 10 years of experience in the food market. During this time, we have implemented more than 40 regional and federal projects in 15 different concepts. In 2017, we launched the “Bakery No. 21” project and now we manage a network of cafe-bakeries, which we want to expand, because we believe that our product is new level in the world…


The “Khomyak” franchise is a chain of cafes and a turnkey workshop for family celebrations, and a cake-confectionery shop. We offer an alternative to relaxing in front of the TV, boring children's shows with the same scenarios. For modern parents, we provide a quality service - organization family holiday on high level and at reasonable prices. "Family" and "uniqueness" are distinctive features Hamster services. The cafe menu includes…

Investments: Investments 5,000,000 - 7,000,000 rubles.

The official start of the project is scheduled for March 2017. Famous restaurant critic, whose name still remains a mystery, will announce the creation of its network in 2017. According to experts, the project will become one of the most significant events in the Russian restaurant business in 2017. The chain’s establishments will be presented in the format of city cafes, the service of which will be carried out in…

Investments: from 600,000 rubles.

The basis for the profitability of any business is a constant influx of clients. What can attract a buyer? First of all, this is the novelty and uniqueness of the product. And many beginners and even successful businessmen are trying to find a niche that has not yet been developed and can easily be filled. This approach can almost always guarantee the success of the business and, accordingly, significant profits. At…

Investments: Investments 3,000,000 - 6,500,000 ₽

Bright notes of taste and fresh emotions - people come to Joly Woo for healthy, moderately exotic food and a unique atmosphere. The cafe creators have caught on to a new trend - the era of simplification has arrived, so guests choose fast service instead of waiting in expensive restaurants. People want to get a high-quality and tasty product for little money. The Joly Woo format met the expectations of the audience:...

Investments: Investments 29,500,000 - 47,500,000 ₽

“MU-MU” is a chain of democratic cafes in the free floy format with a distribution line, barbecue and bar areas, with dishes and drinks of home-made Russian cuisine familiar and loved since childhood. Currently, the network has 42 cafes, of which 6 cafes are open at airports as franchises. The first MU-MU cafe opened in 2000, it was a confident step towards…

Investments: Investments 28,000,000 - 50,000,000 ₽

Zamania is a family active recreation park. It combines in one concept a number of active play elements: trampoline areas, labyrinths, colorful nets, a rope park, bungee jumping, trolls, a football court, sandbox, tubing and a specially designated area for children, rooms for birthdays and master classes, a family cafe, etc. Zamania is... Adventures in any weather The most unusual and interesting...

Investment: Investment 200,000 ₽

The Global Wedding is a wedding agency that has been providing wedding planning services in St. Petersburg since 2009 and abroad since 2014. In 2017, a representative office was opened in Moscow. The agency's clients are couples who want to organize a bright, memorable wedding. They value their time, often cannot be physically present in the city where the wedding is taking place, and they...

Investment: Investment 950,000 ₽

In 2018, the “Tutti Frutti Russia” Company is launching in Russia and the CIS countries and invites you to join the new franchise project “Sweet Me”! “Sweet Ya” is a new, unique for Russia, conceptual project of an island soft-serve ice cream cafe-bar with an investment of up to 1 million rubles! Description of the franchise - This project is led by the same team that, over 6 years of work...

Investment: Investment 2,000,000 ₽

The creators of Tutti Frutti are introducing a new format of the Cream Bar cafe to the Russian market with a bright and modern design, thoughtful concept and well-functioning service. Cream Bar is a new gelateria format on the Russian market with a completely new approach to the production and sale of frozen desserts. The development of Cream Bar is a step into the future. Directly in front of guests every day there will be…

Investment: Investment 1,500,000 ₽

What associations do you have when you hear the word healthy lifestyle? Of course, Fresh! We present to you “FreshUp” - the first professional network of cafe-bars with freshly squeezed juices, smoothies, detox drinks and milkshakes, developing through franchising. This is a new brand from the creators of Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt - the undisputed leader in the frozen yogurt market and one of the main brands of frozen desserts in Russia. “FreshUp”…

Catering business, like a century ago, remains a highly profitable investment if you approach this business with all seriousness. This is evidenced by the global and all-Russian tendency to increase the number of such institutions by an average of 3%. And even the crisis, which affected all areas of the economy, only partially reduced the demand for such services. Restaurants with a good reputation are not left without their visitors. The decrease in the value of the average bill occurred only briefly, returning to the pre-crisis values ​​of 2013 within six months. But restaurants, which were not very “afloat” even before the economic situation of 2015-16, at this time closed completely due to lack of profit.

Such data suggests that great importance in all organizational activities should be given to a business plan before opening a restaurant. Only a competent project, including consideration of the production and financial components, and calculation of payback, will give an idea of ​​​​the prospects of such an idea and determine the steps necessary to achieve the goal.

Difficult to create ready business restaurant plan with calculations that would suit any type of establishment. This can be done either by the owner himself or by a consultant who understands this issue in cooperation with the future owner. It will be sorted out here general example business plan for a restaurant, highlighting the most significant points and calculating payback.

Project implementation plan:

  • Define the concept of the restaurant and its target audience;
  • Conduct marketing analysis market: main competitors, market capacity (what is the maximum number of customers you can count on), availability of premises in the city or region suitable for your restaurant;
  • Draw up a detailed business plan for the restaurant, including calculation of initial and future expenses, expected monthly revenue, determining the period when the enterprise will begin to make a profit and the payback time of the restaurant business project;
  • Based on the concept, decide what will be included in the list of dishes offered, and what additional services can be provided (especially with regard to entertainment);
  • Work out pricing policy, restaurant income level (low, medium or high);
  • Rent or build a building for a restaurant;
  • Decide in what style the guest room will be decorated;
  • Carry out repair work;
  • Complete all required documents;
  • Recruit staff and organize their training:
  • Agree with suppliers on regular purchases of ingredients for dishes;
  • Launch an advertising campaign.

Each of the points includes many subtleties and nuances, which it is advisable to reflect in individual business restaurant plan.


Let's start with the most basic thing - the concept; all subsequent steps will depend on its choice. This point is usually referred to as marketing plan restaurant, an example of which we will consider.

All catering establishments are divided into elite, middle class and budget. They have their own categories within them, for example, high-class establishments (fine-dinning), casual dinning, etc. Having decided what type your restaurant will belong to, it will be easier to choose its variety. It is also now fashionable to open themed establishments specializing in a certain cuisine, for example, Japanese, Italian or one type of dish, the most common of which are pizzerias. This is done to stand out among numerous competitors and find your audience. But such formats work well only in large cities; for small cities, a varied menu is suitable, say, European cuisine. We will focus on this option in our example of a restaurant business plan.

The target audience is people of average and slightly above average income. These could be employed professionals or small and medium-sized businesses.

Place for a restaurant.

When choosing a room, make sure that it is located in an area with a large flow of people; the ideal option is a crowded street or shopping mall, where there are no restaurants of a similar plan yet.

The premises for a restaurant can be rented or built independently. The second option is more expensive, but more profitable if there is sufficient investment of your own or there are no suitable areas in a particular city. We will rent the premises for our calculations. To calculate the suitable area, you need to estimate the number of seats and multiply by 5 m2. (in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).

Let's say the establishment is small, with 30 seats. That is, the hall will require 150 m2, plus industrial premises- at least 100 m2. Additionally, we need more space in the hall to accommodate a small stage. In total, the required area for our restaurant will be 300 m2.

In accordance with the selected target audience, which prefers traditional interior design, the furnishing design will be classic. But there will be no dance floor in the restaurant.

Additional services.

In addition to catering, the establishment, according to a ready-made business plan, will hold corporate events and organize children's parties.

The highlight of the restaurant will be the performance of live classical music; two monitors will also be installed, where it is planned to show old films from world cinema without sound. In our restaurant we plan to have performances by dancers (like a variety show), we can organize fashion shows, and hold competitions on various topics (for example, singing).

Repair work.

According to SES standards, the room must have appropriate finishing, a ventilation and air conditioning system, a sewerage system, hot and cold water supply. All norms required by law can be found in the relevant service. Moreover, without carrying out all the necessary measures, the restaurant will not be able to obtain a sanitary passport, as well as permits from Rospotrebnadzor and the State Fire Service.

The range of repair work includes:

  • Architectural and design events:
  • Electrical;
  • Installation of air conditioning and ventilation systems, hot and cold water supply;
  • Sewerage installation;
  • Finishing work;
  • Installation of television, video surveillance, alarm.

Purchase of equipment and inventory.

To prepare dishes from the menu, you will need professional equipment, including stoves, refrigerators, display cases, cutting devices and other specific items, tableware and tea sets for clients, glasses for various drinks, serving items, cooking utensils and other kitchen and household equipment.

Additionally, you need two LCD TVs, video surveillance and alarm equipment, equipment for performing musical compositions (microphones, sound amplifiers, speakers, player, etc.)

Each of the listed equipment must be included in the restaurant business plan with calculations for the expense item.


The more elite the establishment is planned, the greater the responsibility for the selection of employees. The number of employees must include:

  • Administrator (this may also be the owner);
  • Chef;
  • Cooks;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • Wardrobe attendant;
  • Waiters.

This is just the bare minimum. As the business develops, it is desirable to increase the number and narrow the specialization. For example, divide the food preparation process into stages from preparation to finished dishes and allocate hotel employees for each. It’s good if the chef has a deputy (sous chef).

When offering specific dishes, say from Japanese or Korean cuisine, it is recommended to provide a separate person who prepares exactly this type of food.

Registration of activities.

To get started, as in any business, you need to register entity LLC or individual entrepreneur and receive a document confirming that the establishment is included in the register.

The next step is to obtain a whole spectrum permitting documents:

  • Approval of a restaurant business project in Rospotrebnadzor and fire service;
  • Obtaining a SES passport confirming compliance with all stated standards, a license to sell alcoholic beverages and documents for advertising signs.

If it is necessary to redevelop the premises, you will have to “negotiate” with local architecture, the State Border Service, the Housing Inspectorate and other authorities.


  • Production of signs and other advertising structures located near the establishment;
  • Development and printing of brochures with special menus, promotions and inverse offers, and, of course, contacts and directions.

Payback calculation.

Let's move directly to the financial part of our business plan. An example of a calculation for a restaurant will be presented below. But first, let’s define the main routes of commodity and cash flow.

There are only three links in the chain: suppliers, the restaurant itself and clients:

  • Suppliers organize the sale of their goods to the restaurant;
  • The cooks of the establishment prepare dishes from the received products; alcoholic drinks are either poured into glasses, or cocktails are additionally mixed from them;
  • Visitors place an order and pay with money that goes to the restaurant’s account;
  • Suppliers receive their money for shipped products by transfer from the restaurant.

This simple diagram shows well the principle of operation of a catering establishment.

We must remember that opening a restaurant is not a quick process. It may take from six months to two or more years. It all depends on your knowledge and the knowledge of your lawyers. Let's calculate the planned initial expenses:

  • Registration of activities – 300 thousand rubles;
  • Room design and technical project– 50 thousand rubles;
  • Repair of the premises and installation of air conditioning and ventilation systems, sewerage and other measures - 1 million rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment and inventory – 2 million rubles;
  • Purchase of furniture – 500 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of food and alcoholic beverages – 100 thousand rubles;
  • Signboard – 20 thousand rubles.

Let's put all the data in a table, supplementing the initial investments with working capital for the first two quarters of business.

Current expenses. The main expenses of the enterprise are rent, staff salaries, utility costs, taxes, food and alcohol costs, advertising and other expenses. Others include the purchase of detergents, costs for garbage removal, deratization, disinfection, and bank services. When considering this expense item, one should not forget about the norms of operating losses.

Let's move on to determining revenue. There are 30 seats in our restaurant. Let's say that at first the hall will be occupied 100% at lunch (business lunch) from 12 to 15 o'clock and 50% in the evening from 18 to 22 o'clock; after six months, lunch will be 300%, and evening 100%. Our restaurant's markup is 200%.

Total revenue

By comparing the planned revenue and costs, we will determine the projected net profit.

According to our calculations, in order to launch our restaurant, in addition to the funds listed above for repairs and equipment, we will need working capital in the amount of about 1.7 million rubles. Free working capital will appear only six months after the restaurant is launched.

The payback in our calculations was 17 months.

A few secrets for those who want to get into the restaurant business.

No matter how promising a ready-made restaurant business plan with calculations may look, in each case it is necessary to consider the project separately. Start with an idea and analysis of the market situation, since the characteristics of a particular territory can play a significant role in obtaining the predicted profit.

For example, you can save a lot by not including bar drinks on the menu at all, presenting the restaurant concept as “alcohol-free.” Most likely, this will attract those who resolutely refuse such drinks, including many women, students and the elderly. On the other hand, you will lose the main contingent that prefers to drink a glass of wine with dinner.

It is important not to forget that all profits directly depend on how satisfied the client is. With the right presentation, the establishment in the first days and weeks of opening attracts many visitors who want to see what the new restaurant is all about. And based on their first impression, they will decide whether to become yours. regular customers and recommend the restaurant to friends or, on the contrary, spread “unflattering reviews” about it. Therefore, the level of service, regardless of the circumstances, should always be at its best, as well as the quality of the dishes themselves.

More often than not, it happens that satisfied visitors return to their favorite places quite quickly, that is, the demonstrated example of a restaurant business plan with calculations does not reflect the full picture, but only shows fairly roughly what the minimum and for how long can be expected. There are examples where such projects began to bring good profits in the first year.

Conclusion. The restaurant business can be a winning or losing business. You can’t open a restaurant based only on your own taste; the market sets its own priorities. Therefore, we remind you once again, study the market, see how your competitors work. Having chosen a niche, do not skimp on finishing, equipment, locations common use. Remember the saying - the miser pays twice. In this business, if a client leaves not satisfied with the dirt in the toilet, then he will never return. Last, and probably no less important, is the staff. If your employees are gloomy and reluctant to accept orders, do not know the dishes that are on the menu, are unable to tell you everything deliciously and at the same time, smile friendly, do not treat the client as a long-awaited guest, then no expensive renovations and interior design will not return the client.

In this material I will tell you how to write restaurant business plan. However, most of the positions in a restaurant business plan are common to all catering establishments. Thus, after carefully studying this article, you will be able to draw up a business plan for a cafe, a business plan for a canteen, a business plan for a cafeteria, a business plan for a bar, a business plan for a children’s cafe, etc. on one's own!

How to write a business plan for a restaurant, cafe, bar

Opening any restaurant, cafe, bar (and, indeed, any catering establishment) begins with understanding the idea and careful planning. The restaurant owner must decide what target audience the restaurant will be aimed at, where it is best to locate the establishment, what the attendance will be and the size of the average check. Thus, even at the idea stage, the entrepreneur makes a preliminary restaurant business plan.

The restaurant business in general is characterized by fairly high competition. And yet, despite the saturation of the market, there is and always will be a demand for catering services. Especially in establishments with more affordable prices, which include inexpensive fast-food restaurants and cafes.

If we divide the market for inexpensive cafes into segments, then in each of them the picture of saturation changes somewhat. According to statistics, the most promising are Internet cafes, cafeterias, literary, children's and vegetarian (a tribute to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle) cafes. There are not very many similar niche cafes yet, and their opening provides a chance to reach their audience fairly quickly. However, much depends on the specific city or even district in which it is planned to organize such a council establishment. In general, what should be done first, choosing a location or a cafe concept is a moot point. If you have a great idea, it can be difficult to find the right space and vice versa.

Perhaps it makes sense for a novice entrepreneur to turn to the services consulting companies. There you will be offered several options for purchasing or renting premises or (if necessary) land. If you want to purchase a ready-made business, then this opportunity may be provided. Specialists of the consulting company will carry out your order marketing research market, analyze the prospects of the chosen business idea or find a more profitable one, in accordance with your financial capabilities.

There you can also order a business plan for your future cafe. If it is necessary to attract additional funding, the development of a cafe business plan is carried out in two copies, which are slightly different from each other. One copy of the business plan is for the customer, and the second is for investors and credit institutions. The future owner of the cafe receives a document containing information about the main stages of organizing a business, described in detail, as well as long-term and short-term planning for the future development of the enterprise. Investors, first of all, are interested in the efficiency of capital investments, guarantees of repayment of the loan on time with due interest and profitability of investments.

In principle, even the future business owner can draw up a business plan for a cafe for his own use. You can find and download ready business plan restaurant, regular cafe, children's cafe, Internet cafe or any other similar catering establishment on the Internet, including on our website. Only then will it need to be adjusted to suit your specific conditions. You can do this yourself or resort to the services of specialists.

How to write a business plan for a restaurant or cafe. Template and recommendations.

The main thing is to take into account the main key points and subtleties required for a business plan. A good business plan should contain detailed description both the project itself and its financial component.

For example, let's take business plan for a small cafe. These are the points you should include in your business plan.

Project Description
Opening of a small democratic cafe with 40 seats.

Providing quality catering services for middle-income visitors.

The main flow of visitors is during the lunch break and after work, in the evening. Serving both individual visitors and providing services for organizing small banquets and festive events.

Marketing and sales
Beautifully designed sign and showcases, original design. Advertising on the Internet, radio, television and in the press. Informing employees of nearby enterprises about the work of the establishment, carrying out promotions. Concluding long-term contracts with heads of organizations for corporate services for employees.

Obtaining the necessary permits and licenses from the inspection authorities.

Production part
Location. The area where several enterprises are located, characterized by good traffic. The area of ​​the premises is about 200 sq.m.

Number of employees: 12 people (cooks – 2, waiters – 4, bartenders – 2, administrators – 2, accountant – 1, support workers – 2, cleaner – 1).

Equipment: tables and chairs for the hall and utility rooms, bar counters, display cases, refrigeration units, stoves, ovens and other cooking equipment, dishwasher, dishes, stereo system, TV.

The menu should include: salads, appetizers, first courses, hot meat dishes, side dishes, soft and alcoholic drinks, desserts.

Suppliers. Implementing organizations food products. They must offer a quality product at an affordable price and deliver it to customers themselves.

Financial part
Upfront costs depend on the type of property ownership, the cost of renovations and the quality of equipment. It is also necessary to take into account: payroll, purchase of products, advertising. Registration of all permitting documents will also cost a certain amount, which should not be forgotten. The profitability of a business is directly characterized by traffic and check size. The payback period for investments is 1.5-2 years. For accurate financial calculations, it is better to contact specialists.

Business development prospects
Opening summer cafe, installing a canopy near the establishment in the warm season and placing tables under it. To do this, you need to fill out a package of documents for opening a summer cafe.

Be sure to analyze the level of competition: how many similar cafes are nearby, what their strengths and weak sides, what needs to be done to get their customers to come to your cafe, and how to retain your own visitors.

To summarize, I want to say that in fact cafe business plan, like any other service business, is not that difficult, especially using ready-made templates and developments. Well, don’t forget that you can always turn to specialists!