Window block GOST 30673. PVC profiles for window and door blocks, technical conditions. Carrying out tests and evaluating results

PVC profiles for window and door blocks. Specifications

GOST 30673-2013 PVC profiles for window and door units. Specifications

Categories of GOST 30673-2013 according to OKS:
83. Rubber, rubber, asbestos and plastic industries
83.140 Rubber and plastic products
83.140.01 Rubber and plastic products in general

Document status: valid, entered into force on 05/01/2015
Name on English language: Polyvinylchloride profiles for windows and door blocks. Specifications
Number of pages: 28

This standard applies to polyvinyl chloride profiles used in the manufacture of window and door blocks, produced by extrusion from a composition based on unplasticized polyvinyl chloride.
This standard specifies technical requirements, control methods, rules for accepting profiles.
This standard does not apply to profiles subjected to additional processing after manufacturing by painting.

1 area of ​​use
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Main types
4.2 Indicators and characteristics
4.3 Material requirements
4.4 Safety requirements
4.5 Environmental requirements
4.6 Marking
5 Acceptance rules
6 Test methods
6.1 General provisions
6.2 Definition of markings
6.3 Determination of dimensions and shape
6.4 Determination of the mass of 1 m of profile
6.5 Determination of appearance indicators
6.6 Determination of changes in linear dimensions after thermal exposure
6.7 Determination of heat resistance
6.8 Determination of impact resistance
6.9 Determination of corner strength welded joints
6.10 Determination of Vicat softening point
6.11 Determination of tensile strength and modulus of elasticity
6.12 Determination of Charpy impact strength
6.13 Determination of color (colorimetric) characteristics
6.14 Determination of resistance to UV irradiation
6.15 Determination of durability
6.16 Determination of reduced heat transfer resistance
6.17 Testing of co-extruded gaskets
6.18 Adhesion strength
7 Packaging, transportation and storage
Appendix A (for reference) Examples of design solutions (sections) of main profiles.
Appendix B (recommended) Composition technical documentation manufacturer
Appendix B (recommended) Calculation of strength of welded corner joints
Appendix D (recommended) Parameters of incoming control of raw materials

The full text of GOST 30673-2013 with all tables and formulas in pdf format is available for download on the website.






(EN 12608:2003, NEQ)

Official publication

Rtiiform 2015 stand


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 * Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 to the Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application. updates and cancellations"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Union of Polymer Profile Manufacturers (USPP)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated November 14, 2013 N9 44)

4 By order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated October 22, 2014 Nv 1372-st interstate standard GOST 30673-2013 put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from May 1, 2015

5 This standard is in accordance with the European regional standard EN 12608:2003 Unplastici2ed polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for the fabrication of windows and doors - Classification, requirements and test methods. doors. Classification, technical requirements and test methods) regarding tolerances on wall thicknesses, testing methods for raw materials and PVC profiles.

The degree of compliance is nonequivalent (NEQ).

6 INSTEAD GOST 30673-99

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standardinform. 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be reproduced in whole or in part. replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

Appendix A (for reference) Examples of design solutions (sections) of main profiles. . 19




Potyvinytchtortde profiles for window end door blocks. Specifications

Date of introductions - 201S-OS-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to polyvinyl chloride profiles (PVC profiles) used in the manufacture of window and door blocks (hereinafter referred to as profiles), produced by extrusion from a composition based on unplasticized polyvinyl chloride.

This standard establishes technical requirements, control methods, and rules for accepting profiles.

This standard does not apply to profiles subjected to additional processing by painting after manufacturing.

8 of this standard are used Normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 166-89 (ISO 3599-76) Calipers. Specifications

GOST 427-75 Metal measuring rulers. Specifications

GOST 3749-77 Test squares 90 e. Technical conditions

GOST 4647-80 Plastics. Charly impact strength determination method

GOST 5378-88 Protractors with vernier. Specifications

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications

GOST 8026-92 Calibration rulers. Specifications

GOST 9416-83 Construction levels. Specifications

GOST 9550-81 Plastics. Methods for determining the modulus of elasticity in tension, compression and bending

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Technical specifications GOST 10905-86 Testing and marking plates. Technical specifications GOST 11262-80 Plastics. Tensile test method GOST 11529-86 Polyvinyl chloride materials for hollow. Control methods GOST 15088-83 (ST SEV 3760-82) Plastics. Vicat method for determining the softening point of thermoplastics

GOST 19111-2001 Molded profile polyvinyl chloride products for interior decoration. Technical conditions.

GOST 26433.0-85 Accuracy assurance system geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. General provisions

GOST 26433.1 -89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Factory-made elements

GOST 26602.1-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining heat transfer resistance GOST 24643-81 Basic standards of interchangeability. Tolerances of shape and location of surfaces. Numeric values

Official publication

GOST 30244-94 Construction materials. Flammability Test Methods

GOST 30402-96 Construction materials. Flammability test method

GOST 30778-2001 Sealing gaskets made of elastomeric materials for window and door units. Specifications

GOST 30973-2002 Profiles and polyvinyl chloride for window and door blocks. Method for determining resistance to climatic influences and assessing durability

GOST 31362-2007 Sealing gaskets for window and door units. Method for determining resistance to operational influences

GOST OIML R 76-1-2011 State system ensuring uniformity of measurements. Non-automatic scales. Part 1. Metrological and technical requirements. Tests

Note: When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or in the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index “National Standards” for this year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision to which a reference is made to it is applied to the extent that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

3.1 profile: A product manufactured by extrusion, with specified dimensions and cross-sectional shape.

3.2 main profile: A profile whose main purpose is to ensure the strength characteristics of window and door units (profiles of frames, sashes, imposts, etc.).

3.3 auxiliary profile: A profile whose purpose is not to ensure the strength characteristics of window and door units (glazing beads, connecting, expansion, stand profiles, platbands, decorative trims, etc.).

3.4 connecting profile: An auxiliary profile (or set of profiles) that provides a connection (including a corner connection) of window (door) units.

3.5 shtulpovy profile (shtulp): A profile that is rigidly fixed to the sash and provides an impenetrable rebate.

3.6 stand profile: An auxiliary profile rigidly fixed to the lower profile of the frame to improve the installation conditions of the window unit.

3.7 glazing bead: A profile designed for fastening glass, double-glazed windows or other filling of frame elements of a window (door) structure.

3.8 additional profile: An accessory profile that is not part of the window (door) structure and is intended to protect the mounting units from various influences or to finish wall openings (flashing, flashings, details of window slopes, etc.).

3.9 profile wall: The wall of the outer contour of the profile, having a given configuration and thickness.

3.10 front profile wall: The profile wall that is visible in the mounted window or door block when the sashes are closed.

3.11 non-facial profile wall: The profile wall that is not visible in the mounted window or door unit when the sashes are closed.

3.12 profile partition: A profile wall located in the intra-profile space. limited by the outer walls of the profile.

3.13 profile width (depth): The largest cross-sectional dimension of the profile between the front surfaces (outer surfaces of the front walls).

3.14 profile height: The largest cross-sectional dimension of a profile, measured in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis and width of the profile.

3.15 chamber: The cavity of a profile limited by its walls and partitions. The cameras are positioned sequentially along the profile width. The chamber may consist of subchambers separated by partitions. usually according to its height.

3.16 main camera: A chamber designed to accommodate an intensifying liner.

3.17 base (primary) material: Material (raw material) for extruding profiles with a composition specified in the manufacturer’s technical documentation, in the form of granules or powder without the addition of reused or recycled polyvinyl chloride.

3.18 secondary material: Material (raw materials) used for extrusion processing, free from impurities and traces of destruction, obtained from profiles that are not suitable for use own production or obtained by crushing used or not used for a long time profiles or window (door) blocks that have not been significantly exposed to the environment.

3.19 co-extrusion: A method of combined (simultaneous) extrusion that ensures that a profile consisting of two or more dissimilar materials (raw material compositions) exits the extruder.

3.20 strength of corner welded joints: The ability of corner joints of profiles to withstand external mechanical loads without destruction.

durability: A characteristic (parameter) of products that determines their ability to maintain operational properties for a given period, confirmed by the results of laboratory tests and expressed in standard test cycles or conditional years of operation (service life).

(GOST 23166-99. Appendix A]

Note - The number of conventional years of operation cannot be considered as guarantee period products. a is an indicative characteristic confirming economic feasibility application of products in construction.

3.22 profile system: A set of main and auxiliary profiles that define the structural system of window (door) units.

3.23 combination of profiles: Connection nodes of mating profiles (for example, a frame profile - a sash profile with a glazing bead). defining the main technical parameters of the profile system.

3.24 profile article: Alphanumeric designation of the profile included in the profile system, established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

3.25 lamination (kashirovami): Application of a coating in the form of a decorative film to the predominantly front surfaces of a PVC profile.

3.26 pulled sealing gasket: A sealing gasket installed mechanically in a special profile groove.

3.27 co-extruded sealing gasket: A sealing gasket made by co-extrusion simultaneously (single technological cycle) with the profile.

3.28 standard sample: A measured section of a profile, up to 1 m long, approved at the enterprise as a sample for visual control of the quality of products.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Main types

4.1.1 The profile for window and door units is manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the manufacturer’s technical documentation, as well as in accordance with the reference sample. approved by the enterprise.

4.1.2 Depending on the functional purpose in the designs of window and door window units, profiles are divided into main and auxiliary. The design of the main profiles must provide for the installation of a reinforcing liner. Examples of design solutions (sections) of profiles are given in Appendix A.

4.1.3 The design of eye profiles must provide for the possibility of installing sealing gaskets. In the case of using co-extruded seals, it must be possible to replace the seals during the operation of the products. The use of non-replaceable seals is permitted subject to confirmation of their equal durability with the base profile or the possibility of their repair during operation.

4.1.4 Depending on the design, profiles may have a different number of internal chambers along the profile cross-section.

4.1.5 According to operating conditions (resistance to climatic influences), the main profiles are divided according to Table 1 into universal products - I (U). frost-resistant - II (M). heat-resistant - III (T) and normal IV (I) types of execution.

Table 1 - Types of profiles according to operating conditions

Type of execution

Total solar radiation on the 1st and 2nd horizontal surfaces and behind the goal

The average monthly air temperature is the most

1 minus 20 *С

< 5 ГДж/м 2

S minus 20 ‘C

2 minus 10 *С

< 5 ГДж/м 2

2 minus 10 *С

extreme climatic influences, namely, the maximum possible solar radiation on the territory of Russia and winter temperatures below minus 20 ‘C.

4.1.6 Depending on the thickness of the walls, the main profiles are divided into the types indicated in Table 2. The thickness of the partitions of the profile chambers is not standardized.

Table 2 - Types of main profiles depending on the thickness of the machine

* Introduced from 01/01/201 until 2018, tolerance +0.1/-0.3 mm.


1 The division of profiles by wall thickness does not make any difference in the requirements for the quality of profiles or window structures made from them. Wall thickness is an indirect characteristic of the dimensional stability and strength of welded joints of profiles.

2 The table shows the nominal wall thicknesses.

4.1.7 Based on the color of the wall surfaces, extrusion options and type of coating, profiles are divided into the following:

White, colored in mass;

White, with decorative coating using lamination method;

White with a co-extruded front cover;

Colored profiles, dyed in the mass:

Colored profiles with decorative coating made by lamination;

Colored profiles with a front coating made by co-extrusion.

4.1.8 Based on the type of sealing gasket, profiles are divided into the following:

Profiles with extended sealing gaskets:

Profiles with co-extruded sealing gaskets.

4.1.9 Based on the given heat transfer resistance (recommended indicator), combinations of frame and sash profiles with installed sealing gaskets and reinforcing liners are divided into types shown in Table 3.

Table 3 - Types of profiles based on reduced heat transfer resistance

4.1.10 The composition of the manufacturer’s technical documentation for PVC profile systems is given in Appendix B.

4.1.11 The symbol of the profiles must consist of: the name of the manufacturer or his trademark, profile article according to the manufacturer's technical documentation, type according to wall thickness, type according to operating conditions, number of chambers, designation of this standard.

An example of a PVC profile symbol. manufactured by Plast LLC, article number of technical documentation - 1107. type according to wall thickness - A. type according to operating conditions - II. number of cameras - 5:

LLC "PLAST" 1107 GL - // - 5) GOST 30673-2013

In the case of the manufacture of profiles with a co-extruded coating or co-extruded walls, the letter “K” is added to the article designation: 1107 K. and in the manufacture of profiles using a composition of secondary material in the formulation - the letter “vm”: 1107 K vm.

8 symbol may additionally indicate the name of the profile system according to the technical documentation.

For export-import deliveries symbol profiles may be established in the contract for the supply of products.

4.2 Indicators and characteristics

4.2.1 Profiles must be supplied in measured lengths. The length of the profile and maximum deviations in length are established in the supply contract. Maximum deviations in length should not have negative values.

4.2.2 The shape, cross-sectional dimensions and weight of 1 m of profile length must correspond to the nominal values ​​specified in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

The deviation from the weight of 1 m of profile length should be within the range of minus 5% - plus 10% of the value. specified in the technical documentation.

4.2.3 Limit deviations of the nominal dimensions of height, width, as well as functional dimensions of grooves for sealing gaskets and glazing beads. locking devices and other dimensions of the main profiles are given in Table 4. Requirements for the dimensions and maximum deviations of additional profiles are established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

Table 4 - Limit deviations of nominal dimensions

In millimeters

4.2.4 Maximum deviations from the profile shape should be no more than:

10.3 mm per 100 mm - from the straightness of the front walls to the cross section:

0.5 mm per 50 mm of profile height - from the perpendicularity of the outer walls of the box profiles:

1 mm per 100 mm - from the parallelism of the front walls along the cross section of the profile:

1.0 mm per 1000 mm of length - from the straightness of the sides of the profile along the length.

Deviations in the shape of the profiles are shown in Figure 1.

4.2.5 The ends of the measured sections of the profile must be evenly cut at a right angle (90 ± 2)° to their axis.

4.2.6 Indicators of physical and mechanical properties of profiles must comply with the requirements of the manufacturer’s technical documentation and be not lower than the requirements specified in Table 5.

Table S - Physical and mechanical properties of profiles



Tensile strength. MPa. no less

Tensile modulus of elasticity. MPa. no less

Impact strength according to Charlie. kDx/m 2


Vicat softening point. *WITH. no less

Change in linear dimensions after thermal exposure, %, no more:

For main profiles and pants located on the outside of the product

For auxiliary and additional profiles

Difference in changes in the linear dimensions of the main profiles on the front sides

Heat resistance at 150 * C

No swelling, cracks or delaminations

Impact resistance at negative profile temperatures

Destruction of no more than one sample out of ten, and for a laminated profile, additionally, peeling of the film from the profile and the polyacrylate protective layer from the base film is not allowed

Strength of fillet welded joints

According to 4.2.13

The adhesion strength of the decorative laminated coating to the profile. I/mm

From 2.5 keys.

UV resistance:

Change your appearance

Color change: white profile

color profile

Change in Charlie impact strength, no more. %

No blisters, bubbles, stains or cracks

l£ (L. v. b) s 3.5 l £ (L. e. bjs 5.0 30


1 The heat resistance of profiles with co-extruded coating is tested at 120 * C.

2 Charlie impact strength value is 40-75 kDm/m 2 - when testing samples with a double V-shaped notch. The upper value of the indicator is recommended.

4.2.7 Co-extruded layers of walls (or walls) of the profile must be homogeneous with the base material of the profile (delamination along the profile cross-section during heat resistance tests is not allowed).

4.2.8 Indicators of the appearance of profiles: color, gloss, quality of surfaces - must correspond to the color, gloss and quality of surfaces of the reference samples.

The color of all profile surfaces must be uniform, without color spots, inclusions or variations in color. if this is not provided for by the type of coating.

Defects on the front surfaces: marks, holes, blisters, scratches, cracks, bubbles, etc. visible to the naked eye are not allowed.

On the non-facial surfaces of products, minor extrusion defects are allowed: stripes, scratches, color variations, etc., which do not affect the operational and mechanical characteristics of the profiles.

4.2.9 The color colorimetric characteristics of white profiles must be in the range:

Walls visible during operation. L to 90: -2.5 £ a £ 3.0: -1.0 £ b £ 5.0;

For walls that are invisible during operation, color colorimetric characteristics are not regulated.

The color characteristics of profiles (including profiles of other colors and profiles intended for lamination) are established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

Deviations from the nominal values ​​of the color characteristics of white profiles, established in the manufacturer’s documentation, must not exceed: AL £ 1.0: yes £0.5: L £0.8: d £ l6 £1.0.

4.2.10 The ends of the measuring segments should not have any mechanical processing defects (chips, fringes, etc.).

4 2 11 Profiles must be resistant to UV radiation.

Profiles of types I and III, according to operating conditions (see Table 1), must withstand a UV radiation dose of 0.3 GJ/m2. profiles of types II and IV - 0.2 GJ/m 2. The resistance of color profiles to UV irradiation is determined according to the manufacturer's technical documentation.

4.2.12 Profiles must be resistant to harsh climatic and operational influences (including mildly aggressive acid, alkali and salt influences). The durability of profiles, determined according to GOST 30973, must be at least 40 conventional years of operation for white profiles, and for colored ones - at least 20 conventional years.

The type of profiles according to operating conditions is determined based on the results of successive tests for resistance to UV irradiation (6.14) and durability in accordance with GOST 30973.

4.2.13 Welded corner connections of profiles must have the necessary strength and withstand the action of destructive loads calculated in accordance with Appendix B and given in the manufacturer’s technical documentation, while the load values ​​must be no less than the values ​​​​given in Table 6 (the load application diagram is shown in Figure 4 ). Uncleaned corner joints are used for testing.

Table b - Values ​​of destructive loads when testing welded joints

4.2.14 Values ​​of the reduced heat transfer resistance of the profile combination (recommended indicator) with installed sealing gaskets and reinforcing liners for various types profiles are given in Table 3. If, when testing the heat transfer resistance of a combination of profiles, it is impossible to carry out a thermal effect directly on the surface of the profiles (for example, when testing window blocks with complex gluing of double-glazed windows into the sashes), it is recommended to use the calculation method in accordance with GOST 26602.1.

4.2.15 The front surfaces of the main profiles must be covered with a protective film to protect them from damage during transportation, as well as during the production and installation of window and door units. The width of the protective film is set to working documentation manufacturer.

Removal of the film should occur freely, by hand, without the help of auxiliary devices. After removing the protective film, the appearance of the products must comply with the requirements of this standard.

4.2.16 Co-extruded sealing gaskets must be resistant to atmospheric influences and meet the requirements of GOST 30776 and GOST 31362.

4.3 Material requirements

4.3.1 Materials, products and raw materials used for the manufacture of profiles must meet the requirements of the standards, technical specifications and supply agreements (contracts).

4.3.2 Requirements for the composite mixture for extrusion are established in the technical documentation for the manufacture of profiles. When using recycled material in a composite mixture in an amount of more than 25%, it is necessary to check the quality of the mixture according to the current regulatory and technical documentation for testing profiles using recycled material.

4.4 Safety requirements

4.4.1 The profile and during operation and storage should not cause harmful effects on the human body and environment. Profiles must have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate. When changing the formulation of the extruded mixture, the products should be re-hygienically assessed.

4.4.2 When producing profiles, as well as during their storage and processing, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of fire and electrical safety rules, sanitary standards, and the system of occupational safety standards (OSSS). current safety standards and regulations.

4.4.3 Industrial premises must be equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation system. Maximum permissible concentrations harmful substances in the air of the work area, the procedure and frequency of their monitoring are established in accordance with the regulatory documentation of health authorities.

4.4.4 For all technological operations and production processes safety instructions must be developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure (including loading and unloading, transport operations, as well as operations related to the operation of production equipment).

4.4.5 Fire-technical indicators of profiles are determined in accordance with GOST 30244 and GOST 30402.

Fire-technical indicators of profiles are confirmed by carrying out appropriate tests in testing centers (laboratories) accredited for the right to conduct them.

4.5 Environmental requirements

4.5.1 Profiles must be environmentally friendly. During the processes of processing, transportation, storage and operation, profiles (and materials for their production) should not release toxic substances into the environment in concentrations exceeding permissible standards.

4.5.2 Disposal of waste profiles is carried out by their industrial processing in accordance with the conditions of current regulatory and legal documents.

4.6 Marking

4.6.1 Each main profile shall be legibly marked no more than every 1000 mm along the entire length of the profile.

The marking should be applied to the surfaces of the profiles in such a way that it can be visually inspected.

It is allowed to apply markings in areas of the profile that are accessible visual inspection after dismantling the double-glazed window or filling the door leaf. Auxiliary and additional profiles may be marked on the packaging (the label in this case must include information according to 4.6.3).

4.6.2 Profile markings must be waterproof, clearly visible and contain:

Manufacturer brand name:

Information about that. whether recycled material is used or not;

Manufacturer code that allows you to restore the origin of the product (for example, date, process equipment number and/or lot number).

example - XXX - GOST 306T3 - R - 12 04.17 - 38 - 2.

The following optional information may be included in the labeling:

Hades/profile code:

Compliance confirmation mark.

It is allowed not to include the word “Profile” in the marking.

It is allowed to include additional information in the marking in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer’s technical documentation or the terms of the supply agreement.

4.6.3 A waterproof label with markings is attached to each package (pack, pallet, pallet), which should include;

Profile symbol;

Number of profiles, (pcs.);

Length of profiles, (m);

Packing date:

Packer (receiver) number.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Profiles must be accepted technical control manufacturer.

Profiles are accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be the number of profiles of one article produced on one production line in a volume of no more than daily output.

5.2 The quality of raw materials for the manufacture of PVC profiles is confirmed by incoming inspection. Incoming inspection is carried out according to the parameters specified in Appendix D.

5.3 Quality of profiles established in this standard. confirmed by incoming control of raw materials, operational production control, control acceptance tests of a batch of products carried out by the manufacturer’s quality service, periodic and certification tests in independent centers.

5.4 Acceptance tests

5.4.1 Acceptance tests are carried out by the quality service (laboratory) of the company that manufactures the profiles.

5.4.2 To check the compliance of the profiles with the requirements of this standard, at least five profiles are selected from each batch using a random selection method, on which the markings and length are checked. the quality of the edges, the presence of a protective film. It is allowed to select profiles directly from the production line.

5.4.3 At least five samples with a length of (1000 + 5) mm are cut from the selected profiles to check the maximum deviations from the shape.

5.4.4 After checking according to 5.4.3, samples are cut from meter sections of profiles to determine physical and mechanical parameters (points 5-8 of Table 7). mass, appearance and maximum deviations of the geometric dimensions of the section. The number and dimensions of samples, as well as the testing procedure are given in Section 6.

Table 7 - Indicators monitored during acceptance inspection and periodic testing

Name of the indicator

Standard item

Type of test




Acceptance tests


1 Profile marking, presence of protective film

Each batch

2 Dimensions, shape tolerances and maximum deviations from nominal dimensions

3 Weight 1 m length

4 Appearance indicators (including color based on reference samples)

S Change in linear dimensions after thermal aerodynamics

6 Heat resistance

7 Impact resistance

8 Strength of fillet welded joints

9 Vicat softening point

Once every three years

10 Strength and tensile modulus

11 Charlie impact strength

12 Color colorimetric characteristics (coordinate method)

13 UV resistance

14 Adhesive strength of decorative laminated coating

15 Profile durability

End of table 7


1 The main profiles are checked according to all the indicators provided for in this table: auxiliary and additional profiles - by markings, dimensions, appearance, weight, change in linear dimensions. heat resistance.

2 The manufacturer has the right to expand the requirements of the table for quality control in its technical documentation (for example, to supplement color control during acceptance tests with the coordinate method: to use an instrumental method for determining gloss, etc.).

5.4.5 If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one of the verified indicators, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples taken from other profiles of the same batch. If unsatisfactory results of repeated tests are obtained, the batch of profiles is not subject to acceptance.

5.5 Periodic and type tests

5.5.1 Periodic tests are carried out when the technology (formulation) and profile design changes, but not less than once every three years.

5.5.2 Selection of samples for testing - according to 5.4.2. 5.4.3.

5.5.3 Periodic and type tests are carried out in testing laboratories(centers) accredited for the right to conduct them.

5.5.4 It is recommended to determine the reduced heat transfer resistance of a combination of profiles by carrying out type tests when setting up in production, making changes to the design of profiles or a reinforcing liner.

5.5.5 The durability of profiles (including type according to operating conditions) is determined by conducting type tests when setting up in production or changing the technology (formulation) for manufacturing profiles.

5.5.6 The consumer has the right to carry out quality control checks of profiles, while observing the established procedure for sampling and test methods specified in this standard. In case of disagreement when assessing the color and gloss of profiles by comparison with the standard, these indicators should be assessed using instruments.

5.5.7 Each batch of profiles must be accompanied by a quality document (passport), which indicates:

Name and address of the manufacturer or its trademark;

Name and address of the supplier (seller);

Symbol of profiles;

Batch number and (or) production change;

Shipment date;

Number of profiles in pieces and (or) meters, packs (pallets, pallets);

Designation of this standard:

Manufacturer's warranties and other requirements (at the discretion of the manufacturer).

The quality document must have a sign (stamp) confirming the acceptance of the batch of products by the manufacturer’s technical control.

It is allowed to accompany one vehicle, which includes several brands of profiles. one quality document.

During export-import operations, the content of the accompanying quality document is specified in the contract for the supply of products.

6 Test methods

6.1 General provisions

6.1.1 Profiles after manufacturing and before acceptance tests must be kept at a temperature of (21 ± 4) °C for at least 2 hours. Before periodic testing, as well as if the profiles were stored (transported) at a temperature different from test temperatures, before testing they are kept at a temperature of (2114) e C for 24 hours.

6.1.2 Tests (preparation for tests) of profiles, unless otherwise indicated, are carried out at a temperature of (2114) °C.

6.1.3 Selection of samples for testing is carried out in accordance with 5.4.2-5.4.4. Samples for periodic testing are selected from a batch of profiles that have passed acceptance tests.

6.1.4 During testing, the use of testing equipment and measuring instruments is allowed. not specified in this section, if their use satisfies established requirements to measurement error and test conditions.

6.1.5 During acceptance tests, the inspection results are recorded in a journal in which the profile designation is indicated; view. test mode and result; batch number (date) of production and testing of samples; signature and surname of the tester. Storage of test results in electronic form is allowed.

6.2 Definition of markings

The markings and the presence of the protective film are checked visually, and the conditions for removing the film are checked manually. Control of markings and the presence of protective film can be carried out on the production line.

6.3 Determination of dimensions and shape

6.3.1 Measuring instruments:

Ruler according to GOST 427;

Tape measure according to GOST 7502, class 3;

Metal probes with a thickness of 0.1-1.0 mm according to the current regulatory and technical documentation;

Vernier calipers according to GOST 166;

Construction level with a length of at least 1000 mm according to GOST 9416:

Straight edge with a length of at least 1000 mm according to GOST 8026:

Test square 90 e according to GOST 3749;

Verification plate according to GOST 10905.

When controlling the size and shape of profiles, they are guided by the requirements of GOST 26433.0 and GOST 26433.1.

6.3.2 The length of the profiles is measured in five measuring segments using a tape measure.

The test result is considered positive if each measurement result meets the requirements of 4.2.1

6.3.3 Deviations from the profile shape are determined on three meter samples. The result of measuring each parameter is taken as the arithmetic mean of the measurement results of three samples. In this case, the value of each result must be within the tolerances established in 4.15. Deviations from straightness and perpendicularity of the profile walls along the cross section of the boxes are measured with a feeler gauge, determining the largest gap between the profile surface and the side of the square (see Figures 1a. 16).

To determine deviations from parallelism of the front walls of the profile along the cross section, two metal rulers are used, which are pressed with ribs one above the other perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the sample (see Figure 1c). Measure the distances between the edges of the rulers with a caliper per 100 mm of length. Deviation from parallelism of the front walls is defined as the difference between the largest and smallest dimensions. Measurements are carried out at three points along the length of the sample. The measurement result for each sample is taken to be the value of the largest deviation.

Instead of metal rulers, it is allowed to use two 90 e calibration squares. To determine deviations from the straightness of the sides of the profile along the length, the sample* is applied alternately with all outer surfaces to the surface plate and using a feeler gauge, measure the distance between the profile and the surface of the surface plate. The maximum value of this distance is taken as the deviation from straightness [Figure 1d].

Note - For testing, it is allowed to use the surface of any measuring instrument (for example, a building level according to GOST 9416) with a flatness tolerance of at least the ninth degree of accuracy according to GOST 24643

6.3.4 The deviation of the cross-sectional dimensions is determined on five sections of the profile 50-100 mm long. Dimensions are measured at each end of the segment with a caliper.

It is recommended to monitor deviations in the nominal dimensions of cross-sections of profiles using optical and other instruments that provide a measurement accuracy of at least 0.1 mm. 8 in this case, the length of the segments is set in accordance with technical characteristics testing equipment.

The arithmetic mean value of the measurement results is taken as the test result for each measurement parameter, and each result must not exceed the permissible maximum deviations.

6.3.5 The procedure for determining the quality of cutting profiles along the length is established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

Yes - deviation from straightness of the front wall along the cross section of the profile,

Db - deviation from perpendicularity of the outer walls of the profile of the boxes along the cross section:

Dh - deviation from parallelism of the front walls of the profile along the cross section (DY * - I 2).

Dc - deviation from straightness of the sides of the profile along the length

Figure 1 - Determination of profile shape deviations

6.4 Determination of the mass of 1 m of profile

6.4.1 Test (measurement) equipment:

Laboratory scales according to GOST OIML R 76-1 general purpose measurement error no more

0.1 g:

Metal ruler in accordance with GOST 427 or other measuring instrument providing a measurement error of 1 mm.

6.4.2 Testing and processing of results Tests are carried out on three samples with a length of (200 ± 2) mm.

The actual length L is measured and the sample is weighed, determining its mass - M.

The mass of 1 m of profile M, g. is calculated by the formula

M*?ZL. (D

where m is the mass of the sample, g:

L - sample length equal to 1 m:

L ) - actual length of the sample, m.

Results are rounded to the nearest 1 g.

The arithmetic mean of the test results of three samples is taken as the test result, and the value of each result must comply with the requirements of 4.2.2.

6.5 Determination of appearance indicators

the appearance of profiles (color, gloss, surface quality 4.2.8) is determined visually by comparison with reference samples.

Tests are carried out on three samples with a length of at least 250 mm under uniform illumination of at least 300 lux. directed at an angle of 45° to the surface of parallel samples.

Samples are examined with the naked eye from a distance of 0.5-0.8 m. The direction of the line of sight should be perpendicular to the surface and axis of the sample.

The test result is considered satisfactory if each sample meets the established requirements.

6.6 Determination of changes in linear dimensions after thermal exposure

The change in linear dimensions after thermal exposure (thermal shrinkage) is carried out according to GOST 11529 using the “by risks” method, on three samples with a length of (220 ± 5) mm in the longitudinal direction with the following additions:

The distance between the marking template needles is (200 ± 0.2) mm:

Marks are applied to the front surfaces of the sample:

The sample is placed on a glass plate coated with talc:

Thermal exposure temperature - (100 ± 2) °C. time - (60 ± 2) min.

Changes in the linear dimensions of each sample must not exceed the established values.

6.7 Determination of heat resistance

6.7.1 Test equipment and auxiliary devices:

Thermal cabinet ensuring temperature maintenance (150 ± 2) °C;

Length meter with an error of no more than ± 0.5 mm;

Glass plate.

6.7.2 Test procedure and evaluation of results

Tests are carried out on three samples with a length of (200 ± 2) mm.

The samples are placed horizontally on a glass plate previously sprinkled with talc. and placed in a heating cabinet heated to a temperature of (15012) °C. for 30 min.

After thermostatting, the samples are cooled in air for 1 hour.

The test result is considered satisfactory if there is no damage on all surfaces of each sample (swells, bubbles, cavities, cracks, delaminations).

Note - A positive test result is an indirect confirmation of the suitability of the profile for the bending operation.

6.8 Determination of impact resistance

6.8.1 Test equipment and auxiliary devices:

Device (Figure 2). including a guide device mounted on a tripod and ensuring that the striker falls from a height of (1500 ± 10) mm; steel striker weighing (1000 ± 5) g with a lolus-spherical impact surface with a radius of (25 ± 0.5) mm: steel supports fixed to a foundation (table) weighing at least 50 kg;

A freezer that maintains temperatures down to minus 25 °C.

1 - sample: 2 - pipe with an internal diameter (50* 1)we; 3 - striker: 4 - shgatio; S - support. b - foundation

Figure 2 - Device for determining the resistance of profiles to impact

6.8.2 Preparation for testing

Tests are carried out on ten samples with a length of (300 ± 5) mm.

Samples of profiles before testing types III and IV (table 1.4.5) are kept in freezer at a temperature of minus (10 ± 1) °C. and profiles of types I and II - minus (20 ± 1) °C for at least 1 hour. The profile must be located in such a way that the impact of the striker falls on the front wall, which is exposed to climatic influences (street side), in the middle of one from the chambers closer to the axis of the center of gravity of the cross section of the profile, indicated on the drawings of the profile sections. Tests are carried out no later than 10 s after removing the sample from the freezer.

6.8.3 Test procedure and evaluation of results

Raise the striker and, using a locking screw, set it at a height of 1500 ± 10 mm from the profile surface. The striker is released, which falls freely onto the sample. The firing pin must be secured upon rebound (repeated impact is not permitted), then the firing pin is lifted and the sample is removed and inspected.

The sample is considered to have passed the test if, upon inspection, no cracks, damage, or delaminations are found on its surface. At the point of impact, dents on the surface of the sample are allowed. The test result is considered satisfactory if at least nine out of ten tested samples passed the tests.

6.9 Determination of the strength of fillet welded joints

6.9.1 Test equipment and auxiliary devices:

A testing machine that provides forces from 2 to 20 kN with a measurement error of no more than 2% and a moving speed of the pressure punch (50 ± 5) mm/min. with a device for installing the sample, consisting of a support traverse and two movable support carriages with a hinged attachment to the traverse (Figure 3):

Protractor with vernier according to GOST 5378;

Metal ruler according to GOST 427 with 1 mm division.

The length of the neutral axis of the profile, equal to 400f^2 "(263 ± 1) mm:

£, is the length of the side along the inner surface.

L)Ln-<2е) - (283 - <2е) * 1) мм

Figure 3 - Test scheme for determining the strength of corner joints and geometric parameters for calculating the breaking force f p

6.9.2 Sample preparation

Samples of profiles are welded using equipment and according to the modes established in the technological regulations. For testing, three samples of equilateral corner joints, welded at an angle of (9011)°, are used. Weld deposits are not removed.

Before testing, the samples are kept for at least 3 hours. The free ends of the samples are cut at an angle of (45 ± 1)°.

6.9.3 Test performance and evaluation of results The sample is installed on the fixture in such a way that the free ends of the sample are located on the carriages, and the longitudinal axis of the loading punch and the top of the corner joint sample coincide with each other. The neutral axes of the profile section must be located above the axes of rotation of the test carriage. In the case of testing profiles with an asymmetrical side profile, counter-profile inserts and spacers are used to achieve uniform loading of the cross-section of the sample. The force is applied to the sample until it is destroyed. The breaking force is recorded in the test log. Test results are considered positive if the value of the breaking load when testing each sample exceeds the values ​​of the control load established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation in accordance with 4.2.13 (geometric parameters for calculating breaking forces are shown in Figure 3).

6.10 Determination of Vicat softening point

The Vicat softening temperature is determined according to GOST 15088 (method B. heating option 1, heat transfer medium - silicone oil and liquid paraffin) on three samples cut from the front outer walls of the profile. Testing in air is allowed.

The arithmetic mean of the test results of three samples is taken as the test result.

6.11 Determination of tensile strength and modulus of elasticity

Strength and tensile modulus of elasticity are determined according to GOST 11262 and GOST 9550, respectively, on five samples with the following additions:

Type of sample - 3. sample width - (15.0 ± 0.5) mm: length - (100 ± 1) mm: samples are cut from the front wall of the profile in the direction of its longitudinal axis: the thickness is equal to the thickness of the profile at the place where the sample is cut:

The speed of movement of the grips when determining tensile strength is (50 ± 5) mm/min and (2 ± 0.2) mm/min when determining the elastic modulus.

The arithmetic mean of the test results of five samples is taken as the test result.

6.12 Determination of Charly impact strength

Charly impact strength is determined according to GOST 4647 on ten samples with a type B notch [radius of the base of the notch (1.00 ± 0.05) mm] with the following additions:

Samples are cut from the outer front wall of the profile in the direction of its longitudinal axis;

Sample size: length - (50 ± 1) mm; width - (6.0 ± 0.2) mm. thickness is equal to the thickness of the profile wall;

The notch is made from the inside of the sample, the thickness of the sample under the notch must be at least 2/3 of the total thickness of the sample, the blow is made on the outer plane of the sample;

It is allowed to determine the impact strength on samples with a double V-shaped cut (notch type C) on opposite edges in the middle of the sample, the radius of the cuts is (0.10i 0.02) mm. distance between cuts along the body of the sample - (3.0 ± 0.1) mm:

The arithmetic mean of the test results of ten samples is taken as the test result. In this case, each test result must be at least 12 kJ/m 2. and on samples with a double V-shaped cut - 20 kJ/m 2.

6.13 Determination of color (colorimetric) characteristics

Color colorimetric characteristics according to the coordinate method are determined using achromatic radiation devices (spectrophotometer with a measurement error of the color coordinate ratio of no more than 0.01), certified in the prescribed manner, in accordance with the operational documentation attached to the device and according to methods approved by the head of the testing center (laboratory). Basic calculated color coordinates are taken according to the international system

CIELA8. Measuring the ratio of the corresponding color coordinates of the original sample to the color coordinates of the standard is carried out at least three times. installing the sample again each time.

The arithmetic mean of three measurements is taken as the test result.

6.14 Determination of resistance to UV irradiation

Resistance to UV irradiation is determined according to GOST 30973.

The test result is considered satisfactory if the samples do not have defects in appearance and maintain color characteristics within acceptable limits (Table 5). and the color difference between the tested samples is no more than half the dE range. indicated in table 5.

Then the impact strength of samples exposed and not exposed to climatic influences is determined. according to 6.12 (test samples are cut from control samples that have undergone UV irradiation). their arithmetic mean is calculated and compared. The test result is considered satisfactory if the following conditions are met:

The test result of samples not exposed to climatic influences meets the requirements of Tables 5 and 6.12;

The test result of samples exposed to climatic influences is reduced in comparison with the result of tests of samples not exposed to climatic influences by no more than 30%.

6.15 Determination of durability

The durability of profiles is determined according to GOST 30973. When tested according to this standard, the values ​​of tensile strength and Charpy impact strength are simultaneously determined. changes in linear dimensions and color colorimetric characteristics, and also confirm the resistance of profiles to critical alternating temperatures. UV irradiation and mildly aggressive chemical exposure.

To determine the type based on operating conditions, sample profiles that have undergone cycles of exposure to UV irradiation according to 6.14. submitted for durability testing in accordance with GOST 30973. The number of samples and test cycle mode are established in the test program, taking into account the expected operating conditions of the profiles.

6.16 Determination of reduced heat transfer resistance

The reduced heat transfer resistance of profiles (combinations of profiles) is determined according to GOST 26602.1.

Tests are carried out using a calibration sandwich panel whose thermal resistance is close to the calculated thermal resistance value of the profile combination. The thickness of the panel should be as close as possible to the thickness of the intended glazing element. When reporting test results, it is recommended to provide the values ​​of the reduced heat transfer resistance of the combination of profiles with an installed reinforcing liner, thermal resistance, as well as a cross-sectional drawing of the tested combination of profiles.

6.17 Testing of co-extruded gaskets

Periodic testing of co-extruded replaceable (removable) sealing gaskets is carried out in accordance with GOST 30778 and GOST 31362.

Fixed gaskets are tested according to GOST 31362 with the following clarifications.

For testing, at least thirty samples of profiles with a length of (300 ± 1) mm are selected from one batch of profiles.

Tests are carried out in the following sequence:

For 15 profile samples, the outer part of the seals is cut off; the seal bundles thus obtained are checked for characteristic indicators;

Another 15 samples of profiles with seals are tested for the resistance of the seals to cyclic compression and the presence of a color imprint, then the outer part of the seals is cut off from the profiles and the resulting bundles are submitted for climatic testing; after completion of climatic tests, the characteristic parameters of the samples are determined;

The relative change in aging indicators is calculated by comparing the values ​​of characteristic indicators of the first and second groups of samples.

6.18 Adhesion strength

The adhesion strength of the decorative laminated coating to the base profile is tested according to GOST 19111.

7 Packaging, transportation and storage

7.1 Packaging, transportation and storage conditions must ensure the protection of profiles from contamination, deformation and mechanical damage.

7.2 Profiles are placed in bundles. When laying profiles of complex cross-sections, it is recommended to use special transport spacers. Packs are packed in polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354. It is allowed to use other packaging materials in accordance with current standards and technical documents.

7.3 Profiles are transported by all types of transport on pallets or pallets in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for each type of transport. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to transport profiles in stacks in closed containers.

7.4 Profiles should be stored in covered storage areas away from heating devices and direct sunlight. Temporary storage of white profiles packaged in UV-protective film in the open air is allowed for no more than six months.

7.5 When storing, profiles are laid on a flat surface along their entire length or on spacers; the distance between support pads should not exceed 1 m. The length of the freely hanging ends of the profile should not exceed 0.5 m. The maximum height of the stack when stored in bulk is no more than 0.8 m.

7.6 Guaranteed shelf life - 1 year from the date of shipment of products from the manufacturer's warehouse.

Appendix A (for reference*)

Examples of design solutions (sections) of main profiles Sections of box profiles

B.1.1 Sizes, configuration and characteristics of PVC profiles:

Drawings of sections and nodes of profiles, article numbers of profiles:

Basic and functional dimensions of profiles with tolerances; weight 1 m length.

Physical and mechanical characteristics and durability of PVC profiles.

Color colorimetric characteristics of profiles.

Strength values ​​of all welded joints;

Types of profiles (combinations of profiles).

B.1.2 Characteristics of reinforcement inserts:

Liner material, type and thickness of anti-corrosion coating;

Sections with main dimensions and calculated values ​​of moments of inertia and flexural rigidity.

B.1.3 Information on the use of recycled polyvinyl chloride.

B.1.4 Characteristics of sealing gaskets;

Material, shapes and sizes of sections, technical indicators.

b.i.S Requirements for window and door units, including design solutions of the main components, opening methods and diagrams, tables (diagrams) of the maximum permissible dimensions of sashes and leaves, drawings of the location of functional openings, information about locking devices and hinges.

B.1.6 Results of technical laboratory tests. fire, sanitary characteristics of PVC profiles.

B.2 The documentation set out in B.1 includes a minimum amount of technical information. which can be expanded by the manufacturer.

Calculation of the strength of welded corner joints

6.1 Calculation of the strength of welded corner joints includes the determination of the calculated breaking force

Design breaking force F p . N. is determined by the formula

where is the calculated breaking force. N:

W is the moment of resistance in the direction of application of the load, mm 3, equal to MV. where J is the moment of inertia of the profile section, mm 4, established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation; and ym is the value of the minimum breaking stress.<т ыин ■ 37 МПа: а - расстояние между осями вращения, з * 400 мм (рисунок 3):

e is the distance from the neutral axis of the profile to the critical line, determined from the drawing of the profile section.

Geometric parameters for calculating the breaking force are shown in Figure 3.

B.2 6 of the manufacturer's technical documentation must contain the values ​​of the calculated breaking force of welded joints of all profile assemblies provided for by the manufacturer's profile system.

Parameters of incoming raw material control

Incoming control of raw materials in production is carried out by taking samples from each batch of raw materials. Incoming inspection is carried out according to the following parameters:


Bulk porosity;


Presence of foreign inclusions:

Particle size.

The control results are processed and stored in accordance with 6.1.5.

UDC 692.8*42-036.5 (083.74) MKS 83.140.01 Zh35 NEO

Key words: polyvinyl chloride profiles, main profiles, additional profiles, external front wall, chamber

SD editor. Kirilenko Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Corrector M.S. Kabashova Computer layout L.A. Circular

Slano and recruitment 06/01/2015. Signed on 06/15/2015. Format 60*64^ Typeface Arial. Usp. oven l. 3.26. Uch-iad. l. 2.75. Circulation 46 eo. Zach. 2139.

Published and printed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "STANDARTINFORM*". 123995 Moscow. Pomegranate lor.. 4.






(EN 12608:2003, NEQ)

Official publication



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application. updates and cancellations"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Union of Polymer Profile Manufacturers (USPP)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated November 14, 2013 No. 44)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 22, 2014 No. 1372-st, the interstate standard GOST 30673-2013 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on May 1, 2015.

5 This standard is in accordance with the European regional standard EN 12608:2003 Unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for the fabrication of windows and doors - Classification, requirements and test methods. doors. Classification, technical requirements and test methods) regarding tolerances on wall thicknesses, testing methods for raw materials and PVC profiles.

The degree of compliance is nonequivalent (NEQ).

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”. and the text of changes and amendments is in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In the event of a revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standardinform. 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be reproduced in whole or in part. replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

4.4.3 Production premises must be equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation system. Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area, the procedure and frequency of their control are established in accordance with the regulatory documentation of health authorities.

4.4.4 For all technological operations and production processes, safety instructions must be developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure (including loading and unloading, transport operations, as well as operations related to the operation of production equipment).

4.4.5 Fire-technical indicators of profiles are determined in accordance with GOST 30244 and GOST 30402.

Fire-technical indicators of profiles are confirmed by carrying out appropriate tests in testing centers (laboratories) accredited for the right to conduct them.

4.5 Environmental requirements

4.5.1 Profiles must be environmentally friendly. In processing and transportation processes. storage and operation, profiles (and materials for their production) should not release toxic substances into the environment in concentrations exceeding permissible standards.

4.5.2 Disposal of waste profiles is carried out by their industrial processing in accordance with the conditions of current regulatory and legal documents.

4.6 Marking

4.6.1 Each main profile shall be legibly marked no more than every 1000 mm along the entire length of the profile.

The marking should be applied to the surfaces of the profiles in such a way that it can be visually inspected.

It is allowed to apply markings in profile areas accessible to visual inspection after dismantling the double-glazed window or filling the door leaf. Auxiliary and additional profiles may be marked on the packaging (the label in this case must include information according to 4.6.3).

4.6.2 Profile markings must be waterproof, clearly visible and contain:

Manufacturer brand name:

Information about that. whether recycled material is used or not;

Manufacturer code that allows you to restore the origin of the product (for example, date, process equipment number and/or lot number).

Example - XXX - GOST 30673 - R - 12 04.17- 38 - 2.

The following optional information may be included in the labeling:

Profile type/code;

Compliance confirmation mark.

It is allowed not to include the word “Profile” in the marking.

It is allowed to include additional information in the marking in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer’s technical documentation or the terms of the supply agreement.

4.6.3 A waterproof label with markings, which should include, is attached to each package (pack, pallet, pallet) of profiles.

Profile symbol;

Number of profiles, (pcs.);

Length of profiles, (m);

Packing date:

Packer (receiver) number.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Profiles must be accepted by the manufacturer's technical control.

Profiles are accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be the number of profiles of one article produced on one production line in a volume of no more than daily output.

5.2 The quality of raw materials for the manufacture of PVC profiles is confirmed by incoming inspection. Incoming inspection is carried out according to the parameters specified in Appendix D.

GOST 30673-2013

1 Scope of application...................................................1

3 Terms and definitions...................................................2

4 Technical requirements...................................................3

4.1 Main types...................................................3

4.2 Indicators and characteristics...................................................5

4.3 Material requirements...................................................7

4.4 Safety requirements..... 7

4.5 Environmental requirements...................................8

4.6 Marking.........................................................8

5 Acceptance rules...................................................8

6 Test methods...................................................11

6.1 General provisions...................................................11

6.2 Definition of marking...................................................11

6.3 Determination of dimensions and shape...................................11

6.4 Determination of the mass of 1 m of profile....................................13

6.5 Determination of appearance indicators...................................13

6.6 Determination of changes in linear dimensions after thermal exposure..........13

6.7 Determination of heat resistance...................................13

6.8 Determination of impact resistance...................................13

6.9 Determination of the strength of fillet welded joints....................................15

6.10 Determination of Vicat softening point....................................16

6.11 Determination of tensile strength and modulus of elasticity.................................16

6.12 Determination of Charpy impact strength....................................16

6.13 Determination of color (colorimetric) characteristics.................................16

6.14 Determination of resistance to UV irradiation....................................17

6.15 Determination of durability...................................17

6.16 Determination of reduced heat transfer resistance..................................17

6.17 Testing of co-extruded sealing gaskets...................................17

6.18 Adhesion strength...................................................17

7 Packaging, transportation and storage...................................18

Appendix A (for reference) Examples of design solutions (sections) of main profiles. . 19




Polyvinylchloride profiles for window and door Mocks. Specifications

Date of introduction - 2015-05-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to polyvinyl chloride profiles (PVC profiles) used in the manufacture of window and door blocks (hereinafter referred to as profiles), produced by extrusion from a composition based on unplasticized polyvinyl chloride.

This standard establishes technical requirements, control methods, and rules for accepting profiles.

This standard does not apply to profiles subjected to additional processing by painting after manufacturing.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 166-89 (ISO 3599-76) Calipers. Specifications

GOST 427-75 Metal measuring rulers. Specifications

GOST 3749-77 Test squares 90°. Specifications

GOST 4647-80 Plastics. Charly impact strength determination method

GOST 5378-88 Protractors with vernier. Specifications

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications

GOST 8026-92 Calibration rulers. Specifications

GOST 9416-83 Construction levels. Specifications

GOST 9550-81 Plastics. Methods for determining the modulus of elasticity in tension, compression and bending

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Technical specifications GOST 10905-86 Testing and marking plates. Technical specifications GOST 11262-80 Plastics. Tensile test method GOST 11529-86 Polyvinyl chloride materials for floors. Control methods GOST 15088-83 (ST SEV 3760-82) Plastics. Vicat method for determining the softening point of thermoplastics

GOST 19111-2001 Molded profile polyvinyl chloride products for interior decoration. Technical conditions.

GOST 26433.0-85 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. General provisions

GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Factory-made elements

GOST 26602.1-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining heat transfer resistance GOST 24643-81 Basic standards of interchangeability. Tolerances of shape and location of surfaces. Numeric values

Official publication

GOST 30244-94 Construction materials. Test methods for flammability GOST 30402-96 Construction materials. Flammability test method GOST 30778-2001 Sealing gaskets made of elastomeric materials for window and door units. Specifications

GOST 30973-2002 PVC profiles for window and door blocks. Method for determining resistance to climatic influences and assessing durability

GOST 31362-2007 Sealing gaskets for window and door units. Method for determining resistance to operational influences

GOST OIML R 76-1-2011 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Non-automatic scales. Part 1. Metrological and technical requirements. Tests

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index “National Standards” for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the extent that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

3.1 profile: A product manufactured by extrusion, with specified dimensions and cross-sectional shape.

3.2 main profile: A profile whose main purpose is to ensure the strength characteristics of window and door units (profiles of frames, sashes, imposts, etc.).

3.3 auxiliary profile: A profile whose purpose is not to ensure the strength characteristics of window and door units (glazing beads, connecting, expansion, stand profiles, platbands, decorative trims, etc.).

3.4 connecting profile: An auxiliary profile (or set of profiles) that provides a connection (including a corner connection) of window (door) units.

3.5 shtulpovy profile (shtulp): A profile that is rigidly fixed to the sash and provides an impost-free vestibule.

3.6 stand profile: An auxiliary profile rigidly fixed to the lower profile of the frame to improve the installation conditions of the window unit.

3.7 glazing bead: A profile designed for fastening glass, double-glazed windows or other filling of frame elements of a window (door) structure.

3.8 additional profile: An accessory profile that is not part of the window (door) structure and is intended to protect the mounting units from various influences or to finish wall openings (flashing, flashings, details of window slopes, etc.).

3.9 profile wall: The wall of the outer contour of the profile, having a given configuration and thickness.

3.10 front profile wall: The profile wall that is visible in the mounted window or door block when the sashes are closed.

3.11 non-facial profile wall: The profile wall that is not visible in the mounted window or door unit when the sashes are closed.

3.12 profile wall: Profile wall located in the internal profile space. limited by the outer walls of the profile.

3.13 profile width (depth): The largest cross-sectional dimension of the profile between the front surfaces (outer surfaces of the front walls).

3.14 profile height: The largest cross-sectional dimension of a profile, measured in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis and width of the profile.

3.15 chamber: The cavity of a profile limited by its walls and partitions. The cameras are positioned sequentially along the profile width. The chamber may consist of subchambers separated by partitions. usually according to its height.

3.16 main chamber: A chamber designed for installation of a reinforcing liner.

GOST 30673-2013

3.17 base (primary) material: Material (raw material) for extruding profiles with the composition established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation, in the form of granules or powder without the addition of reused or recycled polyvinyl chloride.

3.18 secondary material: Material (raw materials) used for extrusion processing, free from impurities and traces of destruction, obtained from unusable profiles of our own production or obtained by crushing profiles or window (door) blocks that have been in use or have not been used for a long time , not exposed to significant environmental influences.

3.19 co-extrusion: A method of combined (simultaneous) extrusion that ensures that a profile consisting of two or more dissimilar materials (raw material compositions) exits the extruder.

3.20 strength of corner welded joints: The ability of corner joints of profiles to withstand external mechanical loads without destruction.

durability: A characteristic (parameter) of products that determines their ability to maintain operational properties for a given period, confirmed by the results of laboratory tests and expressed in standard test cycles or conditional years of operation (service life).

[GOST 23166-99. Appendix A]_

Note - The number of conditional years of operation cannot be considered as the warranty period of the product. a is an indicative characteristic confirming the economic feasibility of using products in construction.

3.22 profile system: A set of main and auxiliary profiles that define the structural system of window (door) units.

3.23 combination of profiles: Connection nodes of mating profiles (for example, a frame profile - a sash profile with a glazing bead), which determine the main technical parameters of the profile system.

3.24 profile article: Alphanumeric designation of the profile included in the profile system, established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

3.25 lamination (lamination): Application of a coating in the form of a decorative film to the predominantly front surfaces of a PVC profile.

3.26 pulled sealing gasket: A sealing gasket installed mechanically in a special profile groove.

3.27 co-extruded sealing gasket: A sealing gasket made by co-extrusion simultaneously (single technological cycle) with the profile.

3.28 standard sample: A measured section of a profile, up to 1 m long, approved at the enterprise as a sample for visual control of the quality of products.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Main types

4.1.1 Profiles for window and door units are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the manufacturer’s technical documentation, as well as in accordance with the reference sample. approved by the enterprise.

4.1.2 Depending on the functional purpose in the designs of window and door window units, profiles are divided into main and auxiliary. The design of the main profiles must provide for the installation of a reinforcing liner. Examples of design solutions (sections) of profiles are given in Appendix A.

4.1.3 The design of the main profiles must provide for the possibility of installing sealing gaskets. In the case of using co-extruded seals, it must be possible to replace the seals during the operation of the products. The use of non-replaceable seals is permitted subject to confirmation of their equal durability with the base profile or the possibility of their repair during operation.

4.1.4 Depending on the design, profiles may have a different number of internal chambers along the profile cross-section.

4.1.5 According to operating conditions (resistance to climatic influences), the main profiles are divided according to Table 1 into products of universal - I (U), frost-resistant - II (M), heat-resistant - III (T) and normal IV (H) types of execution.

Table 1 - Types of profiles according to operating conditions

4.1.6 Depending on the thickness of the walls, the main profiles are divided into the types indicated in Table 2. The thickness of the partitions of the profile chambers is not standardized.

Table 2 - Types of main profiles depending on wall thickness

* Introduced from 01/01/2018, until 2018 tolerance +0.1/-0.3 mm.


1 The division of profiles by wall thickness does not make any difference in the requirements for the quality of profiles or window structures made from them. Wall thickness is an indirect characteristic of the dimensional stability and strength of welded joints of profiles.

2 The table shows the nominal wall thicknesses.

4.1.7 Based on the color of the wall surfaces, extrusion options and type of coating, profiles are divided into the following:

White, colored in mass:

White, with decorative coating using lamination method;

White with a co-extruded front cover;

Colored profiles, dyed in the mass:

Colored profiles with decorative coating made by lamination:

Colored profiles with a front coating made by co-extrusion.

4.1.8 Based on the type of sealing gasket, profiles are divided into the following:

Profiles with extended sealing gaskets:

Profiles with co-extruded sealing gaskets.

4.1.9 Based on the given heat transfer resistance (recommended indicator), combinations of frame and sash profiles with installed sealing gaskets and reinforcing liners are divided into types shown in Table 3.

GOST 30673-2

Table 3 - Types of profiles based on reduced heat transfer resistance

4.1.10 The contents of the manufacturer’s technical documentation for PVC profile systems are given in Appendix B.

4.1.11 The symbol of the profiles must consist of: the name of the manufacturer or his trademark, the profile article according to the manufacturer’s technical documentation, the type for wall thickness, the type for operating conditions, the number of chambers, the designation of this standard.

An example of a PVC profile symbol. manufactured by Plast LLC. article according to technical documentation - 1107. type according to wall thickness - A. type according to operating conditions - II. number of cameras - 5:

LLC "PLAST" 1107 (A - II - 5) GOST 30673-2013

In the case of the manufacture of profiles with a co-extruded coating or co-extruded walls, the letter “K” is added to the article designation: 1107 K. and in the manufacture of profiles using a composition of secondary material in the formulation - the letter “vm”: 1107 K vm.

In the symbol it is allowed to additionally indicate the name of the profile system according to the technical documentation.

For export-import deliveries, the symbol of the profiles may be established in the contract for the supply of products.

4.2 Indicators and characteristics

4.2.1 Profiles must be supplied in measured lengths. The length of the profile and maximum deviations in length are established in the supply contract. Maximum length deviations should not have negative values.

4.2.2 The shape, cross-sectional dimensions and weight of 1 m of profile length must correspond to the nominal values ​​specified in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

The deviation from the mass of 1 m of profile length should be within the range of minus 5% - plus 10% of the value. specified in the technical documentation.

4.2.3 Limit deviations of the nominal dimensions of height, width, as well as functional dimensions of grooves for sealing gaskets and glazing beads. locking devices and other dimensions of the main profiles are given in Table 4. Requirements for the dimensions and maximum deviations of additional profiles are established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

Table 4 - Limit deviations of nominal dimensions

In millimeters

4.2.4 Maximum deviations from the profile shape should be no more.

■ ± 0.3 mm per 100 mm - from the straightness of the front walls along the cross section,

0.5 mm per 50 mm of profile height - from the outer walls of the profile boxes.

1 mm per 100 mm - from the parallelism of the front walls along the cross section of the profile.

1.0 mm per 1000 mm of length - from the straightness of the sides of the profile along the length.

Deviations in the shape of the profiles are shown in Figure 1.

4.2.5 The ends of the measured sections of the profile must be evenly cut at a right angle (90 i2y to their axis.

4.2.6 Indicators of physical and mechanical properties of profiles must comply with the requirements of the manufacturer’s technical documentation and be not lower than the requirements specified in Table 5.

Table 5 - Physical and mechanical properties of profiles



Tensile strength. MPa. no less

Tensile modulus of elasticity. MPa. no less

Charpy impact strength, kJ/m 2


Vicat softening point. *C, no less

Change in linear dimensions after thermal exposure. %, no more:

For main profiles and glazing beads located on the outside of the product

For auxiliary and additional profiles

b>go o o

Difference in changes in the linear dimensions of the main profiles on the front sides

Heat resistance at 150 ‘C

No swelling, cracks or delaminations

Impact resistance at negative profile temperatures

Destruction of no more than one sample out of ten, and for a laminated profile, in addition, peeling of the film from the profile and the popiacrylate protective layer from the base film is not allowed

Strength of fillet welded joints

According to 4.2.13

Adhesion strength of the decorative laminated coating to the profile, N/mm

From 2.5 in the key.

UV resistance:

Change your appearance

Color change, white profile

color profile

Change in Charpy impact strength. no more. %

No blisters, bubbles, stains or cracks

l£ (L. a. b) s 3.5 d£ (L. a. b) s 5.0 30


1 The heat resistance of profiles with co-extruded coating is tested at 120 °C.

2 Charpy impact strength value 40-75 kJGm 2 - when testing samples with a double V-shaped notch. The upper value of the indicator is recommended.

4.2.7 Co-extruded layers of walls (or walls) of the profile must be homogeneous with the base material of the profile (delamination along the profile cross-section during heat resistance tests is not allowed).

4.2.8 Indicators of the appearance of profiles: color, gloss, quality of surfaces - must correspond to the color, gloss and quality of surfaces of the reference samples.

The color of all profile surfaces must be uniform, without color spots, inclusions or variations in color. if this is not provided for by the type of coating.

Defects on the front surfaces: marks, holes, blisters, scratches, cracks, bubbles, etc. visible to the naked eye are not allowed.

On the non-facial surfaces of products, minor extrusion defects are allowed: stripes, scratches, color variations, etc., which do not affect the operational and mechanical characteristics of the profiles.

4.2.9 The color colorimetric characteristics of white profiles must be in the range:

Walls visible during operation. L:>90; -2.5 5 a £ 3.0; -1.0 £ b £ 5.0;

For walls that are invisible during operation, color colorimetric characteristics are not regulated.

The color characteristics of profiles (including profiles of other colors and profiles intended for lamination) are established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

Deviations from the nominal values ​​of the color characteristics of white profiles established in the manufacturer’s documentation, but must exceed: &L £ 1.0; yes £0.5; L £ 0.8; le ab £ 1.0.

4.2.10 The ends of the measuring segments should not have any mechanical processing defects (chips, fringes, etc.).

GOST 30673-2013

4.2.11 Profiles must be resistant to UV irradiation.

Profiles of types I and III, according to operating conditions (see Table 1), must withstand a UV radiation dose of 0.3 GJ/m2. profiles of types II and IV - 0.2 GJ/m 2. The resistance of color profiles to UV irradiation is determined according to the manufacturer's technical documentation.

4.2.12 Profiles must be resistant to long-term climatic and operational influences (including mildly aggressive acid, alkaline and salt influences). Durability of profiles, determined according to GOST 30973. must be at least 40 conventional years of operation for white profiles, and for colored ones - at least 20 conventional years.

The type of profiles according to operating conditions is determined based on the results of successive tests for resistance to UV irradiation (6.14) and durability in accordance with GOST 30973.

4.2.13 Welded corner connections of profiles must have the necessary strength and withstand the action of destructive loads calculated in accordance with Appendix B and given in the manufacturer’s technical documentation, and the load values ​​must be no less than the values ​​​​given in Table 6 (the load application diagram is shown in Figure 4 ). Uncleaned corner joints are used for testing.

Table c - Values ​​of destructive loads when testing welded joints

4.2.14 The values ​​of the reduced heat transfer resistance of a combination of profiles (recommended indicator) with installed sealing gaskets and reinforcing liners for various types of profiles are given in Table 3. In the event that when testing the heat transfer resistance of a combination of profiles it is impossible to carry out thermal effects directly on the surface of the profiles (for example , when testing window blocks with complex gluing of double-glazed windows into the sashes), it is recommended to use the calculation method in accordance with GOST 26602.1.

4.2.15 The front surfaces of the main profiles must be covered with a protective film to protect them from damage during transportation, as well as during the production and installation of window and door units. The width of the protective film is established in the manufacturer's working documentation.

Removal of the film should occur freely, by hand, without the help of auxiliary devices. After removing the protective film, the appearance of the products must comply with the requirements of this standard.

4.2.16 Co-extruded sealing gaskets must be resistant to atmospheric influences and meet the requirements of GOST 30778 and GOST 31362.

4.3 Material requirements

4.3.1 Materials, products and raw materials used for the manufacture of profiles must meet the requirements of standards, technical specifications and supply agreements (contracts).

4.3.2 Requirements for the composite mixture for extrusion are established in the technical documentation for the manufacture of profiles. When using recycled material in a composite mixture in an amount of more than 25%, it is necessary to check the quality of the mixture according to the current regulatory and technical documentation for testing profiles using recycled material.

4.4 Safety requirements

4.4.1 Profiles during operation and storage should not have a harmful effect on the human body and the environment. Profiles must have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate. When changing the formulation of the extruded mixture, the products should be re-hygienically assessed.

4.4.2 When producing profiles, as well as during their storage and processing, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of fire and electrical safety rules, sanitary standards, and the system of occupational safety standards (OSSS). current safety standards and regulations.

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(EN 12608:2003, NEQ)

Official publication

Moscow Sc a 2015

GOST 30673-2013


Goals. the basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Development rules. acceptance. applications. updates and cancellations"

Information about the standard 1 DEVELOPED by the Union of Polymer Profile Manufacturers (USPP) 2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization. metrology and certification (protocol dated November 14, 2013 No. 44)

Short name of the country. Calculation of the country according to the Sozreshennaya nanmensvaniye of the national body MKIISO 31E6, 004 97 MKIISO 3168,004 97 for standardization

Armenia Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia

Kazakhstan Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstandart

Moldova Moldova-Standard

Russia Rosstandart

Uzbekistan UEstandard

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 22, 2014. No. 1372-st interstate standard GOST 30673-2013 entered into force as a national standard of the Russian Federation on May 1, 2015.

5 This standard corresponds to the European regional standard EM 12608:2003 Unplastiazed polyvinytchloride (PVC-U) profiles for the fabricauon of windows and doors - Classification, requirements and . technical requirements and test methods) regarding tolerances on wall thicknesses, testing methods for raw materials and PVC profiles.

The degree of compliance is non-equivalent (MEC).

6 INSTEAD GOST 30673-99

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”. and the text of changes and amendments is in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information. notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology in Soti Internat

© Standardinform, 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be reproduced in whole or in part. replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST 30673-2013

Contents 1 Scope of application... ee 1 2 Normative references... 1 3 Terms and definitions. ...... yen 2 4 Technical requirements. ..... ee ee 3 4.1 Ocnosuble Tune ee 3 4.2 Indicators and characteristics... ee. 5 4.3 Requirements for materials... eee eee 7 4.4 Safety requirements eee eee eee not. 7 4.5 Environmental requirements.._... eeee 8 4.6 Mapeupoana . 2 2 eee eee. 8 5 Acceptance rules. 2 2. 8 6 Test methods ee ee ee 11 6.1 General provisions ee 11 6.2 Definition of markings. (...... eee eee: 11 6.3 Onpenenenne paamepos 4 dopmb!. 11 6.4 Determination of the mass of 1 m of profile.... eee n. 13 6.5 Determination of appearance indicators. eee 13 6.6 Determination of changes in linear dimensions after thermal exposure. ......... 13 6.7 Determination of heat resistance..... ee not 13 6.8 Determination of impact resistance... ee 13 6.9 Determination of the strength of fillet welded joints (.. ee. 15 6.10 Determination of the Vicat softening point ... ... ee 16 6.11 Determination of tensile strength and modulus of elasticity 16 6.12 Determination of Charpy impact strength .... ee 16 6.13 Onpegenenme uBeTOBbIx (KONOPUMETPMYNECKMX) MAPAKTEPMCTMK.© 2 2. ee 16 6.14 Onpegenenne ctonKoctw x Y ® 17 6.15 Determination of durability... ee 17 6.16 Determination of reduced heat transfer resistance... 17 6.17 Testing of co-extruded sealing gaskets... ee 17 6.18 Adhesive strength (eeee 17 7 Packaging, transportation and storage... .... eee 18 Appendix A (reference) Examples of design solutions (sections) of main profiles.. 19 Appendix B (recommended) Contents of the manufacturer's technical documentation. (........ 21 Appendix B (recommended) Calculation of the strength of welded corner joints. 22

GOST 30673-2013



Poiyvinytchionde profiles for window and door dlocks Specifications

Date of introduction - 2015-05-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to polyvinyl chloride profiles (PVC profiles). used in the manufacture of window and door blocks (hereinafter referred to as profiles). produced by extrusion from a composition based on unpastified polyvinyl chloride.

This standard establishes technical requirements, control methods, and rules for accepting profiles.

This standard does not apply to profiles subjected to additional processing by painting after manufacturing.

This standard uses normative references to subsequent interstate standards.

GOST 166-89 (ISO 3599-76)) Calipers. Specifications

GOST 427-75 Metal measuring rulers. Specifications

GOST 3749-77 Test squares 90°. Specifications

GOST 4647-80 Pastes. Method for determining impact strength according to Charpy

GOST 5378-88 Protractors with vernier. Specifications

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications

GOST 8026--92 Calibration rulers. Specifications

GOST 9416-83 Construction levels. Specifications

GOST 9550-81 Plastics. Methods for determining the modulus of elasticity in tension, compression and bending

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Specifications

GOST 10905-86 Testing and marking plates. Specifications

GOST 11262-80 Plastics. Tensile test method

GOST 11529-86 Polyvinyl chloride materials for floors. Control methods

GOST 15088-83 (ST SEV 3760-82) Plastics. Vicat method for determining the softening point of thermoplastics

GOST 19111-2001 Molded profile polyvinyl chloride products for interior decoration. Technical conditions.

GOST 26433.0-85 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. General provisions

GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Factory-made elements

GOST 26602.1-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining heat transfer resistance

GOST 24643-81 Basic standards of interchangeability. Tolerances of shape and location of surfaces. Numeric values

Official publication

GOST 30673-2013

GOST 30244-94 Construction materials. Flammability Test Methods

GOST 30402-96 Construction materials. Flammability test method

GOST 30778-2001 Sealing gaskets made of epastomer materials for window and door units. Specifications

GOST 30973-2002 PVC profiles for window and door blocks. Method for determining resistance to climatic influences and assessing durability

GOST 31362-2007 Sealing gaskets for window and door units. Method for determining resistance to operational influences

GOST K 76-1-2011 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Non-automatic scales. Part 1. Metrological and technical requirements. Tests

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of bulk standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index “National Standards. “which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to issues of the monthly information index “National Standards” for the current year If the reference standard is replaced (changed). then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision to which reference is made to it. applies to the extent not affected by this reference

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard.

3.1 profile: Product. made by extrusion. with given dimensions and section shape.

3.2 main profile: Profile. the main purpose of which is to ensure the strength characteristics of window and door blocks (frame profiles, mullions and AP.).

3.3 auxiliary profile: Profile. the purpose of which is not to ensure the strength characteristics of window and door blocks (glazing beads, connecting, expansion, stand profiles, platbands, decorative overlays, etc.).

3.4 connecting profile: An auxiliary profile (or set of profiles) that provides connection (including corner) of window (door) units.

3.5 shtulpovy profile (shtulp): Profile. rigidly fixed to the sash and providing an impost-free vestibule.

3.6 stand profile: An auxiliary profile rigidly fixed to the lower profile of the frame to improve the installation conditions of the window unit.

3.7 glazing bead: Profile. intended for fastening glass, double-glazed windows or other filling of frame elements of a window (door) structure.

3.8 additional profile: Accessory profile. which is not part of the window (door) structure and is intended to protect mounting units from various influences or finishing wall openings (flashing, flashings, details of window slopes, etc.).

3.9 profile wall: The wall of the outer contour of the profile, having a given configuration and thickness.

3.10 front profile wall: Profile wall. which is visible in the mounted window or door block when the sashes are closed.

3.11 non-facial profile wall: The profile wall that is not visible in the mounted window or door unit when the sashes are closed.

3.12 profile partition: Profile wall. located in the internal profile space limited by the external walls of the profile.

3.13 profile width (depth): The largest cross-sectional dimension of the profile between the front surfaces (outer surfaces of the front walls).

3.14 profile height: The largest cross-sectional dimension of a profile, measured in direction. perpendicular to the longitudinal axis and width of the profile.

3.15 chamber: The cavity of a profile limited by its walls and partitions. The cameras are positioned sequentially across the profile width. The camera may consist of sub-chambers. separated by partitions, as a rule. according to its height.

3.16 main camera: Camera. designed for installation of a reinforcing liner.

GOST 30673-2013

3.17 base (primary) material: Material (raw material) for extruding profiles with the composition specified in the manufacturer’s technical documentation. in the form of granules or powder without the addition of reused or recycled polyvinyl chloride.

3.18 secondary material: Material (raw materials) used for extrusion processing. free from impurities and traces of destruction. obtained from unusable profiles of our own production or obtained by crushing profiles or window (door) blocks that have been in use or have not been used for a long time. not exposed to significant environmental influences.

3.19 co-extrusion: A method of combined (simultaneous) extrusion that provides a profile exiting the extruder. consisting of two or more dissimilar materials (raw material compositions).

3.20 strength of corner welded joints: The ability of corner joints of profiles to withstand external mechanical loads without destruction.

durability: Characteristics (parameter) of products. determining their ability to maintain operational properties for a given period. confirmed by laboratory results

tests and expressed in standard test cycles or conditional years of operation (service life). [GOST 23166-99, Appendix 4]

Note --- The number of authorized years of operation cannot be considered as the warranty period of the product, but is an indicative characteristic confirming the economic feasibility of using the product in construction

3.22 profile system: A set of main and auxiliary profiles that define the structural system of window (door) units.

3.23 combination of profiles: Connection units of mating profiles (for example, a frame profile - a sash profile with a glazing bead), which determine the main technical parameters of the profile system.

3.24 profile article: Alphanumeric designation of the profile. included in the profile system. are established in the manufacturer's technical documentation.

3.25 laminating (laminating): Application of a coating in the form of a decorative film to the predominantly front surfaces of a PVC profile.

3.26 stretched sealing gasket: Sealing gasket. mechanically installed in a special profile groove.

3.27 co-extruded sealing gasket: A sealing gasket made by co-extrusion simultaneously (single technological cycle) with the profile.

3.28 standard sample: A measured section of a profile. up to 1 m long. approved at the enterprise as a sample for visual control of the quality of manufactured products.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Main types

4.1.1 Profiles for window and door units are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the manufacturer’s technical documentation, as well as in accordance with the standard model. approved by the enterprise.

4.1.2 Depending on the functional purpose in the designs of window and door window units, profiles are divided into main and auxiliary. The design of the main profiles must provide for the installation of a reinforcing liner. Examples of design solutions (sections) of profiles are given in Appendix A.

4.1.3 The design of the main profiles must provide for the possibility of installing sealing gaskets. In the case of using co-extruded seals, it must be possible to replace the seals during the operation of the products. The use of non-replaceable seals is permitted subject to confirmation of their equal durability with the base profile or the possibility of their repair during operation.

GOST 30673-2013

4.1.4 Depending on the design, profiles may have a different number of internal chambers along the profile cross-section.

4.1.5 According to operating conditions (resistance to climatic influences), the main profiles are divided according to Table 1 into universal products - | (U), frost-resistant - 1! (M). heat-resistant - And! (T) and normal M (N) types of execution.

Table 1 - Type of profiles according to conditions

Total solar radiation ma 1 ut Average monthly air temperature narbopev MP ISGOGNENMYA

horizontal surface 38 years old

Note - The universal type of execution is a profile that is resistant to the most extreme climatic influences. and Imencho - to the maximum possible solar radiation on the territory of Russia and winter temperatures below minus 20 `C

4.1.6 Depending on the wall thickness, the main profiles are divided into types. indicated in Table 2. The thickness of the partitions of the profile chambers is not standardized.

Table 2 - Types of main profiles depending on wall thickness

The thickness of the walls, we

* Introduced from 01/01/2018 until 2018 tolerance +0.1; -0 Z we Notes 4 The division of profiles according to the thickness of the walls does not make any differences in the requirements

and window structures made from them. Topshchina wall

2 The table shows the nominal values ​​of wall thickness

4.1.7 Based on the color of the wall surfaces, extrusion options and type of coating, profiles are divided into the following.

White, colored in mass;

White. with decorative coating using lamination method:

White with front cover. manufactured by coextrusion method;

Colored profiles, dyed in the mass:

Colored profiles with decorative coating. made by lamination method:

Colored profiles with front coating. manufactured by coextrusion method.

4.1.8 Based on the type of sealing gasket, profiles are divided into the following:

Profiles with extended sealing gaskets:

Profiles with co-extruded sealing gaskets.

4.1.9 Based on the reduced heat transfer resistance (recommended indicator), combinations of frame and sash profiles with installed sealing gaskets and reinforcing liners are divided into types shown in Table 3.

GOST 30673-2013

Table 3 - Types of profiles based on reduced heat transfer resistance

Given ogre: ‘infusion Given resistance

Tig number. Tag number ae: eppotransfer, ы* S zeplopereda, ‘С

Over 1.2 Over 0.7 to 0.8 inclusive 1.0 40 1.2 inclusive 0600.7 ° 5 Less than 0.6

4.1.10 The composition of the manufacturer’s technical documentation for PVC profile systems is given in Appendix B.

4.1.11 The symbol for profiles must consist of: the name of the manufacturer or its trademark, the profile article according to the manufacturer’s technical documentation. type according to wall thickness. type according to operating conditions. number of cameras. symbols of this standard.

An example of a PVC profile symbol. manufactured by Plast LLC. article according to technical documentation - 1107. type according to wall thickness - A, type according to operating conditions - I. number of chambers - 5:

LLC "PLAST" 1107 (A - No. - 5) GOST 30673-2013

In the case of the manufacture of profiles with a co-extruded coating or co-extruded walls, the letter “K” is added to the designation of the article: 1107 K, and in the manufacture of profiles using a composition of secondary material in the formulation - the letter “vm”: 1107 K vm.

In the symbol it is allowed to additionally indicate the name of the profile system according to the technical documentation.

For export-import deliveries, the symbol of the profiles may be established in the contract for the supply of products.

4.2 Indicators and characteristics

4.2.1 Profiles must be supplied in measured lengths. The length of the profile and maximum deviations along the length are established in the supply contract. Maximum length deviations should not have negative values.

4.2.2 Form. The cross-sectional dimensions and weight of 1 m of the profile length must correspond to the nominal values ​​​​specified in the manufacturer's technical documentation.

The deviation from the weight of 1 m of profile length should be within the range of minus 5% - plus 10% of the value. specified in the technical documentation.

4.2.3 Limit deviations of nominal dimensions of height and width. as well as the functional dimensions of the grooves for sealing gaskets. glazing beads locking devices and other dimensions of the main profiles are given in Table 4. Requirements for the dimensions and maximum deviations of additional profiles are established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

Table 4 - Limits of nominal sizes

In millimeters

4.2.4 Maximum deviations from the shape of the profiles should be no more than: - + 0.3 mm per 100 mm - from the straightness of the front walls along the cross section. 0.5 mm per 50 mm of profile height - perpendicular to the outer walls of the box profiles. 1 mm per 100 mm - from the parallelism of the front walls along the cross section of the profile.

1.0 mm per 1000 mm of length - from the straightness of the sides of the profile along the length.

Deviations in the shape of the profiles are shown in Figure 1.

4.2.5 The ends of the measured sections of the profile must be evenly cut at a right angle (90 - 2)° to their axis.

4.2.6 Indicators of physical and mechanical properties of profiles must comply with the requirements of the manufacturer’s technical documentation and not be lower than the requirements. indicated in table 5.

GOST 30673-2013

Table 5 - Physico-mechanical properties of propipea

Strain tensile strength. MPa. not less than Tensile modulus of elasticity, MPa. not less than 2200

Impact strength according to Charpy, (20-55(40-- 75? Softening temperature according to Vicat. `C. not less

Change in linear dimensions after thermal exposure, %. no faster

For main profiles and glazing beads located on the outside of the product

For auxiliary and additional profiles?

The difference in the change in pineal dimensions of the main profiles along the pinae

| Heat resistance at 1506 | at 150 °C | No swelling or cracks. bundles | bloated, cracked. bundles

Resistance to impact at negative temperatures of the profile. Destruction of no more than one sample out of ten. and for a laminated profile, additionally, peeling of the film from the profile and the popiacrylate protective layer from the base film is not allowed

Transparency of corner welded joints According to 4.2 13

Adhesion strength of decorative pamanted coating with a profile from 2.5 V, N; mm

Resistance to UV staining No swelling or bubbles. spots, - change in the appearance of cracks - change in the light of the white profile AE (L, 9. DI. 3.5 of the colored profile WE (E. a. 515.0 - change in Sharp impact strength. not more than, % 30

Notes * The hermetic resistance of profiles with strudated coating is tested at 120 °C

4.2.7 Co-extruded layers of walls (or walls) of the profile must be homogeneous with the base material of the profile (delamination along the profile cross-section during heat resistance tests is not allowed).

4.2.8 Indicators of the appearance of profiles: color. shine. quality of surfaces - must match the color. gloss and surface quality of reference samples.

The color of all profile surfaces must be the same color. without color spots, inclusions and variations in color, if this is not provided for by the type of coating.

Defects on the front surfaces. risks. shells. bloating. scratches. cracks. bubbles etc. etc. visible to the naked eye are not allowed.

On non-facial surfaces of products, minor extrusion defects are allowed: stripes, scratches, variations in color, etc. d_, which do not affect the operational and mechanical characteristics of the profiles.

4.2.3 Color coporimetric characteristics of white profiles must be in the range:

Walls. visible during operation, E = 90; -2.5 per = 3.0. -1.0=6=5.0.

For walls that are invisible during operation, color colorimetric characteristics are not regulated.

The color characteristics of profiles (including profiles of other colors and profiles intended for lamination) are established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

Deviations from the nominal values ​​of the color characteristics of white profiles established in the manufacturer’s documentation must not exceed. M = 1.0. la 10.5. Wb = 0.8. = 1.0.

4.2.10 The ends of the measuring segments should not have any mechanical processing defects (chips, fringes, etc.).

GOST 30673-2013

4.2.11 Profiles must be resistant to UV irradiation.

Type Profiles | and Ш according to operating conditions (see Table 1) must withstand a UV radiation dose of 0.3 GJ/m2, profiles of types Ni M - 0.2 GJ/m?. The resistance of color profiles to UV irradiation is determined according to the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

4.2.12 Profiles must be resistant to long-term climatic and operational influences (including mildly aggressive acid, alkali and salt influences). The durability of profiles, determined according to GOST 30973, must be at least 40 conventional years of operation for white profiles. and for people of color - at least 20 suspended years.

The type of profiles according to operating conditions is determined based on the results of successive tests for resistance to UV irradiation (6.14) and durability in accordance with GOST 30973.

4.2.13 Welded corner connections of profiles must have the necessary strength and withstand destructive loads. calculated in accordance with application B and given in the manufacturer’s technical documentation, while the load values ​​must not be less than the values. given in Table 6 (the load application diagram is shown in Figure 4). Uncleaned angular joints are used for testing.

Table 6 - Values ​​of destructive loads for welded joints

Designation of the explosive element Destructive load value N. no less

Window (balcony door) unit sash 2600 Window or door frame 2000

Door trim 4600

Note - The values ​​of breaking loads for corner connections of profiles of sliding and special window structures (for example, with glued-in double-glazed windows) are established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation

4.2.14 The values ​​of the reduced heat transfer resistance of a combination of profiles (recommended indicator) with installed sealing gaskets and reinforcing liners for various types of profiles are given in Table 3. In that case. If, when testing the heat transfer resistance of a combination of profiles, it is impossible to carry out a thermal effect directly on the surface of the profiles (for example, when testing window blocks with complex gluing of double-glazed windows into the sashes), it is recommended to use the calculation method in accordance with GOST 26602.1.

4.2.15 The front surfaces of the main profiles must be covered with a protective film to protect them from damage during transportation, as well as during the production and installation of window and door units. The width of the protective film is established in the manufacturer's working documentation.

The film must be removed freely. hands, without the help of auxiliary devices. After removing the protective film, the appearance of the products must comply with the requirements of this standard.

4.2.16 Co-extruded sealing gaskets must be resistant to atmospheric influences and meet the requirements of GOST 30778 and GOST 31362.

4.3 Material requirements

4.3.1 Materials, products and raw materials. used for the manufacture of profiles must meet the requirements of the standards. technical conditions and supply agreements (contracts).

4.3.2 Requirements for the composite mixture for extrusion are established in the technical documentation for the manufacture of profiles. When using recycled material in a composite mixture in an amount of more than 25%, it is necessary to check the quality of the mixture according to the current regulatory and technical documentation for testing profiles using recycled material.

4.4 Safety requirements

4.4.1 Profiles during operation and storage should not have a harmful effect on the human body and the environment. Profiles must have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate. When changing the formulation of the extruded mixture, the products should be re-hygienically assessed.

4.4.2 During the production of profiles. and also during their storage and processing, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of fire and electrical safety rules, sanitary standards. Occupational Safety Standards System (OSSS). current safety standards and regulations.

GOST 30673-2013

4.4.3 Production premises must be equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation system. Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area, the procedure and frequency of their control are established in accordance with the regulatory documentation of health authorities.

4.4.4 Safety instructions must be developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure for all technological operations and production processes (including loading and unloading and transport operations, as well as operations related to the operation of production equipment).

4.4.5 Fire-technical indicators of profiles are determined in accordance with GOST 30244 and GOST 30402.

The fire-technical performance of profiles is confirmed by conducting appropriate tests in testing centers (laboratories). accredited to conduct them.

4.5 Environmental requirements

4.5.1 Profipi must be environmentally friendly. In processing and transportation processes. storage and operation, profiles (and materials for their production) should not release toxic substances into the environment in concentrations. exceeding permissible standards.

4.5.2 Disposal of waste profiles is carried out by their industrial processing in accordance with the conditions of current regulatory and legal documents.

4.6 Marking

4.6.1 Each main profile must be legibly marked no more than every 1000 mm along the entire length of the profile.

Markings should be applied to the profile surfaces in this manner. to ensure the possibility of visual inspection.

Marking is allowed in profile areas. accessible to visual inspection after dismantling the double-glazed window or filling the door leaf. Auxiliary and additional profiles may be marked on the packaging (the label in this case must include information according to 4.6.3).

4.6.2 The profile marking must be waterproof, clearly visible and contain: the name of the manufacturer’s trademark: a link to GOST 30673;

Information about whether recycled material is used or not; manufacturer code. allowing you to restore the origin of the product (for example, date, number of technological equipment and/or batch number).

Example - XXX - GOST 30673 - B - 1204.17 - 38 - 2.

The following optional information may be included in the labeling. profile widget:

Compliance confirmation mark.

It is allowed not to include the word “Profile” in the marking.

It is allowed to include additional information in the marking in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer’s technical documentation or the terms of the supply agreement.

4.6.3 A waterproof label with markings is attached to each package (pack, pallet, pallet) of profiles. which should include.

Profile symbol.

Number of profiles. (PC.);

Profile length, (m).

Packing date.

Packer (receiver) number.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Profiles must be accepted by the manufacturer's technical control.

Profiles are accepted in batches. Partivis count the number of profiles of one article manufactured on one production line in a volume of no more than daily production

5.2 The quality of raw materials for the manufacture of PVC profiles is confirmed by incoming inspection. Input control is carried out according to parameters. specified in Appendix G.

GOST 30673-2013

5.3 The quality of the profiles established in this standard is confirmed by incoming inspection of raw materials. operational production control, control acceptance testing of product batches. carried out by the manufacturer's quality service. periodic and certification tests in independent centers.

5.4 Acceptance tests

5.4.1 Acceptance tests are carried out by the quality service (laboratory) of the company that manufactures the profiles.

5.4.2 To check the compliance of the profiles with the requirements of this standard, at least five profiles are selected from each batch by random selection. on which the markings are checked. dpinu. quality of cut ends, presence of protective film. It is allowed to select profiles directly from the production line.

5.4.3 At least five samples with a length of (1000 + 5) mm are cut from the selected profiles to check the maximum deviations from the shape.

5.4.4 After checking 5.4.3, samples are cut from meter sections of profiles to determine physical and mechanical parameters (points 5-8 of Table 7). mass, appearance and maximum deviations of the geometric dimensions of the section. Number and sizes of samples. as well as the testing procedure are given in section 6.

Gablitsa 7 - Pokzeateli. "monitored during acceptance control and periodic testing

Act Frequency Name of indicator Testing Gerkody Metal pr priv test Requirements tests wet test control 1 Profile marking presence of protective - 4 2.15 + Each batch of film 2 Dimensions. shape tolerances and limits | 4.2 1-4 2.5 + Same deviations from nominal dimensions

$ Appearance indicators, (including |4 2.8-4.2.10 + color according to standard images | E NIY

5 Change in linear dimensions after 26 thermal exposure 6 Heat resistance |426 |

8 Strength of fillet welded joints

3 Vicat softening point

10 Strength and tensile modulus at 4.26 tensile

11 Charpy impact strength 12 Color “colorimetric xa- 4.2.3 characteristics (coordinate method]

13 Resistance to UV damage 4 2.6. 4 2.11

14 Adhesive strength of decorative 426 laminated coating 4

15 Profile durability 2.12

GOST 30673-2013

End of table D

Standard Clause Test Type

gy, Frequency Name Testing Permodn R Method of testing Requirements tests wet tests control

*6 Heat transfer resistance proGOST When installing system 266021 in Filnsi production, yes - when changing -

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‹ The main profiles are checked according to all the indicators provided for in this table; The omnipotent and extra-competent ones loved the sizes. out. I lead him, mass, pine sizes. heat resistance

2 Manufacturer etravé ext; Write down the requirements for tables for quality control in your technical documentation (for example, supplement the control of water during acceptance tests using the coordinated method, use an instrumental method for distributing alcohol, etc. |

5.4.5 If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one of the verified indicators, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples selected from other profiles of the same batch. If unsatisfactory results are obtained from repeated tests, the batch of profiles is not subject to acceptance.

5.5 Periodic and type tests

5.5.1 Periodic tests are carried out when the technology (formulation) and profile design changes. but but less than once every three years.

5.52 Selection of samples for testing - according to 5.4.2. 5.4 3.

5.5.3 Periodic and type tests are carried out in testing laboratories (centers). accredited for the right to conduct them

5.5.4 It is recommended to determine the reduced heat transfer resistance of a combination of profiles by conducting type tests during production. making changes to the design of profiles or reinforcing liners.

5.5.5 The durability of profiles (including the type according to operating conditions) is determined by conducting type tests when setting up in production or changing the technology (formulation) for manufacturing profiles.

5.5.6 The consumer has the right to carry out quality control checks of the profiles. while observing the established sampling procedure and test methods specified in this standard. In case of disagreement when assessing the color and gloss of profiles by comparison with a standard, these indicators should be assessed using instruments.

5.57 Each batch of profiles must be accompanied by a quality document (passport), which indicates:

Name and address of the manufacturer or its trademark;

Name and address of the supplier (seller).

Profile designation:

Batch number and (or| production change);

Shipment date;

Number of profiles in pieces and (or) meters. packs (pallets, pallets).

Designation of this standard:

Manufacturer's warranties and other requirements (at the discretion of the manufacturer).

The quality document must have a sign (stamp) confirming the acceptance of the batch of the product by the manufacturer's technical control.

It is allowed to accompany one vehicle, which includes several stamps, with one quality document.

GOST 30673-2013

During export-import operations, the content of the accompanying quality document is specified in the contract for the supply of products

6 Test methods

6.1 General provisions

6.1.1 Profiles after manufacturing and before acceptance tests must be kept at a temperature of (21 ‚ 4) "C for at least 2 hours. Before periodic testing, as well as immediately if the profiles were stored (transported) at a temperature different from temperature testing: before testing, they are kept at a temperature of (21: 4) °C for 24 hours.

6.1.2 Testing (preparation for testing) of profiles. unless otherwise indicated. carried out at a temperature of (21: 4) °C.

6.1.3 Selection of samples for testing is carried out in accordance with 5.4.2-5.4.4. Samples for periodic testing are taken from a batch of profiles. passed acceptance tests.

6.1.4 During testing, it is allowed to use test equipment and measuring instruments not specified in this section. if their use satisfies the established requirements for measurement error and test conditions.

6.1.5 During acceptance tests, the inspection results are recorded in a journal in which the profile designation is indicated; type, mode and result of the test; batch number (date) of production and testing of samples. signature and surname of the tester. It is allowed to store test results in epochtronic form.

6.2 Definition of markings

I check the markings and the presence of the protective film visually. and the conditions for film removal are manual. Control of markings and the presence of a protective film can be carried out on the technological pin

6.3 Determination of dimensions and shape

6.3.1 Measurement means.

Linear according to GOST 427;

Tape according to GOST 7502. class 3:

Metal probes with a thickness of 0.1-1.0 mm according to the current regulatory and technical documentation

Vernier calipers according to GOST 166.

The building level is at least 1000 mm long according to GOST 9416.

Straight edge with a length of at least 1000 mm according to GOST 8026:

Test square 90? according to GOST 3749;

Verification plate according to GOST 10905

When adjusting the size and shape of profiles, they are guided by the requirements of GOST 26433.40 and GOST 26433.1.

6.3.2 The length of the profiles is measured in five measuring segments using a tape measure.

The test result is considered positive. if each measurement result meets the requirements of 4.2.1

6.3.3 Deviations from the profile shape are determined on three meter samples. The result of measuring each parameter is taken as the arithmetic mean of the measurement results of three samples. In this case, the value of each result must be within tolerances. set at 4.15. Deviations from straightness and perpendicularity of the profile walls along the cross section of the boxes are measured with a feeler gauge. determining the largest gap between the surface of the profile and the side of the square (see figures Ta, 16).

To determine deviations from parallelism of the front walls of the profile along the cross section, two metal rulers are used. which press the ribs one above the other perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the sample (see Figure 1c). Measure the distances between the edges of the rulers with a caliper per 100 mm of length. Deviation from parallelism of the front walls is determined by the difference between the largest and smallest clearances. Measurements are carried out at three points along the length of the sample. The measurement result for each sample is taken to be the value of the largest deviation.

6.3.4 The deviation of the cross-sectional dimensions is determined on five sections of the profile with a length of 50-100 mm. Dimensions are measured at each end of the segment with a caliper.

It is recommended to monitor deviations in the nominal dimensions of cross-sections of profiles using optical and other instruments that provide a measurement accuracy of at least 0.1 mm. In this case, the length of the segments is set in accordance with the technical characteristics of the testing equipment.

The arithmetic mean value of the measurement results is taken as the test result for each measurement parameter. Moreover, each result should not exceed the permissible maximum deviations.

6.3.5 The procedure for determining the quality of cutting profiles along the length is established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

a 5 1000 yj c) from the primordiality of the front wall along the transverse cross-section of the profile Me connection from the perpendicularity of the external profile of the box along the cross section Mh c "composition from the paraglennos-to the front walls of the punch-fill to the bare-transverse cutout tsa 7 et pa! \E deviation from the primolinnity of the sides loliche profiles Figure 1 - Determination of profile shape deviations

GOST 30673-2013

6.4 Determination of the mass of 1 m of profile

6.4.1 Testing (measurement) instruments: - laboratory scales in accordance with GOST OME V 76-1 for general purpose with a measurement error of no more than 0.1 g; - metal ruler in accordance with GOST 427 or other measuring instrument providing a measurement error of 1 mm. 6.4.2 Testing and processing of results Tests are carried out on three samples with a length of (200! 2) mm. The actual length [ is measured, and the sample is weighed, determining its mass - M. The mass of 1 m of profile M. g. is calculated using the formula Mim (1) s,

where m is the mass of the sample, g. E is the length of the sample. equal to 1 m. E, is the actual length of the sample. m. The results are rounded to the nearest 1 g. The arithmetic mean of the test results of three samples is taken as the test result. in this case, the value of each result must comply with the requirements of 42.2.

6.5 Determination of appearance indicators

The appearance of the profiles (color, gloss, quality of surfaces according to 4.2.8) is determined visually by comparison with reference samples.

Tests are carried out on three samples with a length of at least 250 mm under uniform illumination of at least 300 lux. directed at an angle of 45: to the surface of parallel samples.

Samples are examined with the naked eye from a distance of 0.5-0.8 m. The direction of the line of sight should be perpendicular to the surface and axis of the sample.

The test result is considered satisfactory. as long as each sample meets the established requirements.

6.6 Determination of changes in linear dimensions after thermal exposure

Changes in linear dimensions after thermal exposure (thermal shrinkage) are carried out according to GOST 11529 using the “risk-based” method. on three samples with a length of (220:5) mm in the longitudinal direction with the following additions:

The distance between the marking template needles is (200 + 0.2) mm.

Marks are applied to the face surfaces of the sample.

The sample is placed on a glass plate coated with talc.

Heat exposure temperature - (100:2) °C. time - (60 + 2) min.

Changes in the linear dimensions of each sample must not exceed the established values.

6.7 Determination of heat resistance

6.7.1 Testing equipment and auxiliary devices. heating cabinet ensuring temperature maintenance (150 + 2) °C; length meter with an error of no more than: 0.5 mm,

Glass plate:

6.7.2 Test procedure and evaluation of results

Tests are carried out on three samples with a length of (200: 2) mm.

The samples are laid horizontally on a glass plate, previously sprinkled with tal-KOM, and placed in a heating cabinet. heated to a temperature of (150 + 2) °C. for 30 min.

Nocne temperature control, samples are cooled in air for 1 hour.

The test result is considered satisfactory. If there is no damage on all surfaces of each sample (swelling, bubbles, cavities, cracks, delaminations).

Note - A positive result of the test is a definitive confirmation of the suitability of the profile for the bending operation.

6.8 Determination of impact resistance

6.8.1 Test equipment and auxiliary devices. - a device (Figure 2), including a guide device. sprinkled on a tripod and ensuring that the striker falls from a height of (1500 - 10) mm; steel striker weighing (1000: 5) gf semi-

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The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards. Rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Union of Polymer Profile Manufacturers (USPP)

2 INTRODUCED by the technical committee for standardization TK 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the interstate council for standardization, metrology and certification (protocol No. 44-2013 of November 14, 2013)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 22, 2014 No. 1372-st, the interstate standard GOST 30673-2013 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on May 1, 2015.

5 This standard is in accordance with the European regional standard EN 12608:2003 Unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for the fabrication of windows and doors - Classification, requirements and test methods. doors. Classification, technical requirements and test methods) regarding tolerances on wall thicknesses, testing methods for raw materials and PVC profiles.

The degree of compliance is nonequivalent (NEQ).

6 INSTEAD GOST 30673-99

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

Application area

This standard applies to polyvinyl chloride profiles (PVC profiles) used in the manufacture of window and door blocks (hereinafter referred to as profiles), produced by extrusion from a composition based on unplasticized polyvinyl chloride.

This standard establishes technical requirements, control methods, and rules for accepting profiles.

This standard does not apply to profiles subjected to additional processing by painting after manufacturing.

Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 166-89 (ISO 3599-76) Calipers. Technical conditions.

GOST 427-75 Metal measuring rulers. Technical conditions.

GOST 3749-77 Test squares 90°. Technical conditions.

GOST 4647-80 Plastics. Method for determining impact strength according to Charpy.

GOST 5378-88 Protractors with vernier. Technical conditions.

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Technical conditions.

GOST 8026-92 Calibration rulers. Technical conditions.

GOST 9416-83 Construction levels. Technical conditions.

GOST 9550-81 Plastics. Methods for determining the modulus of elasticity in tension, compression and bending.

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Technical conditions.

GOST 10905-8 Testing and marking plates. Technical conditions.

GOST 11262-80 Plastics. Tensile test method.

GOST 11529-86 Polyvinyl chloride materials for floors. Control methods

GOST 15088-83 Plastics. Vicat method for determining the softening point of thermoplastics

GOST 19111-2001 Molded profile polyvinyl chloride products for interior decoration. Technical conditions.

GOST 26433.0-85 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. General provisions

GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Factory-made elements

GOST 26602.1-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining heat transfer resistance

GOST 24643-81 Basic standards of interchangeability. Tolerances of shape and location of surfaces. Numeric values.

GOST 30244-94 Construction materials. Flammability Test Methods

GOST 30402-96 Construction materials. Flammability test method

GOST 30778-2001 Gaskets, sealing from elastomeric materials for window and door blocks. Specifications

GOST 30973-2002 PVC profiles for window and door blocks. Method for determining resistance to climatic influences and assessing durability

GOST 31362-2007 Sealing gaskets for window and door units. Method for determining resistance to operational influences

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index “National Standards” for the current year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the extent that does not affect this reference.

Terms and Definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

3.1 profile

A product made by extrusion with specified dimensions and cross-sectional shape.

3.2 main profile

A profile whose main purpose is to ensure the strength characteristics of window and door units (profiles of frames, sashes, imposts, etc.).

3.3 auxiliary profile

A profile whose purpose is not to ensure the strength characteristics of window and door blocks (glazing beads, connecting, expansion, stand profiles, platbands, decorative trims, etc.).

3.4 connection profile

An auxiliary profile (or set of profiles) that provides a connection (including a corner connection) of window (door) units.

3.5 shtulpovy profile (shtulp)

A profile that is rigidly fixed to the sash and provides an impostless vestibule.

3.6 stand profile

An auxiliary profile, rigidly fixed to the lower profile of the frame to improve the installation conditions of the window unit.

3.7 glazing bead

A profile designed for fastening glass, double-glazed windows or other filling of frame elements of a window (door) structure.

3.8 additional profile

An accessory profile that is not part of the window (door) structure and is intended to protect mounting units from various influences or to finish wall openings (shutters, flashings, details of window slopes, etc.).

3.9 profile wall

The wall of the outer contour of a profile, having a given configuration and thickness.

3.10 profile front wall

The profile wall that is visible in a mounted window or door block when the sashes are closed.

3.11 non-facial profile wall

A profile wall that is not visible in a mounted window or door block when the sashes are closed.

3.12 profile partition

A profile wall located in the internal profile space limited by the external walls of the profile.

3.13 profile width (depth)

The largest cross-sectional dimension of a profile between the front surfaces (outer surfaces of the front walls).

3.14 profile height

The largest cross-sectional dimension of a profile, measured in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis and width of the profile.

3.15 camera

The cavity of a profile, limited by its walls and partitions. The cameras are positioned sequentially along the profile width. The chamber may consist of subchambers separated by partitions, usually along its height.

3.16 main camera

A chamber designed for installing an intensifying liner.

3.17 base (primary) material

Material (raw material) for extruding profiles with the composition specified in the manufacturer’s technical documentation, in the form of granules or powder without the addition of reused or recycled polyvinyl chloride.

3.18 recycled material

Material (raw materials) used for extrusion processing, free from impurities and traces of destruction, obtained from unusable profiles of our own production or obtained by crushing used or not used for a long time profiles or window (door) blocks that have not been subjected to significant impact environment.

3.19 coextrusion

A method of combined (simultaneous) extrusion, ensuring the exit from an extruder of a profile consisting of two or more dissimilar materials (raw material compositions).

3.20 strength of corner welded joints

The ability of profile corner connections to withstand external mechanical loads without destruction.

3.21 durability

A characteristic (parameter) of products that determines their ability to maintain operational properties for a given period, confirmed by the results of laboratory tests and expressed in standard test cycles or conditional years of operation (service life).

see GOST 23166-99, Appendix A

Note - The number of conditional years of operation cannot be considered as the warranty period of the product, but is an indicative characteristic confirming the economic feasibility of using products in construction.

3.22 profile system

A set of main and auxiliary profiles that define the structural system of window (door) blocks.

3.23 combination of profiles

Connection nodes of mating profiles (for example, a frame profile - a sash profile with a glazing bead), which determine the main technical parameters of the profile system.

3.24 profile article number

Alphanumeric designation of a profile included in the profile system, established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

3.25 lamination (laminated)

Application of a coating in the form of a decorative film to the predominantly front surfaces of the PVC profile.

3.26 extended sealing gasket

A sealing gasket installed mechanically in a special profile groove.

3.27 co-extruded sealing gasket

A sealing gasket made by co-extrusion simultaneously (single technological cycle) with the profile.

3.28 reference sample

A measured section of a profile up to 1 m long is approved at the enterprise as a sample for visual control of the quality of products.

Technical requirements

Main types

4.1.1 Profiles for window and door units are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the manufacturer’s technical documentation, as well as in accordance with the standard sample approved at the enterprise.

4.1.2 Depending on the functional purpose in the designs of window and door window units, profiles are divided into main and auxiliary. The design of the main profiles must provide for the installation of a reinforcing liner. Examples of design solutions (sections) of profiles are given in.

4.1.3 The design of the main profiles must provide for the possibility of installing sealing gaskets. In the case of using co-extruded seals, it must be possible to replace the seals during the operation of the products. The use of non-replaceable seals is permitted subject to confirmation of their equal durability with the base profile or the possibility of their repair during operation.

4.1.4 Depending on the design, profiles may have a different number of internal chambers along the profile cross-section.

4.1.5 According to operating conditions (resistance to climatic influences), the main profiles are divided according to Table 1 into products of universal - I (U), frost-resistant - II (M), heat-resistant - III (T) and normal IV (H) types of execution.

Table 1 - Types of profiles according to operating conditions
Type of execution Total solar radiation per 1 m 2 of horizontal surface per year Average monthly air temperature of the coldest month
I (U) 1 ≥ 5 GJ/m2 ≤ minus 20℃
II (M) < 5 ГДж/м 2 ≤ minus 20℃
III (T) ≥ 5 GJ/m2 ≥ minus 10℃
IV (H) < 5 ГДж/м 2 ≥ minus 10℃
Note 1. Under the universal (U) type of execution, a profile is taken that is resistant to the most extreme climatic influences, namely, the maximum possible solar radiation on the territory of Russia and winter temperatures below minus 20 ℃.

4.1.6 Depending on the thickness of the walls, the main profiles are divided into the types indicated in Table 2. The thickness of the partitions of the profile chambers is not standardized.

4.1.7 Based on the color of the wall surfaces, extrusion options and type of coating, profiles are divided into the following:

  • white, colored in mass;
  • white, with decorative coating using lamination method;
  • white with a co-extruded face covering;
  • colored profiles, dyed in the mass;
  • colored profiles with decorative coating made by lamination;
  • colored profiles with a front coating made by co-extrusion;

4.1.8 Based on the type of sealing gasket, profiles are divided into the following:

  • profiles with extended sealing gaskets;
  • profiles with co-extruded sealing gaskets;

4.1.9 Based on the given heat transfer resistance (recommended indicator), combinations of frame and sash profiles with installed sealing gaskets and reinforcing liners are divided into types shown in Table 3.

4.1.10 The composition of the manufacturer’s technical documentation for PVC profile systems is given in.

4.1.11 The symbol of the profiles must consist of: the name of the manufacturer or his trademark, the profile article according to the manufacturer’s technical documentation, the type for wall thickness, the type for operating conditions, the number of chambers, the designation of this standard.

An example of a symbol for a PVC profile manufactured by Plast LLC, article number according to technical documentation - 1107, type for wall thickness - A, type for operating conditions - II, number of chambers - 5:

LLC "PLAST" 1107 (A–II–5) GOST 30673

In the case of producing profiles with a co-extruded coating or co-extruded walls, the letter “K” is added to the article designation: 1107 K, and in the production of profiles using a composition of secondary material in the formulation - the letter “vm”: 1107 K vm.

In the symbol it is allowed to additionally indicate the name of the profile system according to the technical documentation.

For export-import deliveries, the symbol of the profiles may be established in the contract for the supply of products.

Indicators and characteristics

4.2.1 Profiles must be supplied in measured lengths. The length of the profile and maximum deviations along the length are established in the supply contract. Maximum length deviations should not have negative values.

4.2.2 The shape, cross-sectional dimensions and weight of 1 m of profile length must correspond to the nominal values ​​specified in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

The deviation from the mass of 1 m of profile length must be within the range of minus 5% - plus 10% of the value specified in the technical documentation.

4.2.3 Maximum deviations of the nominal dimensions of height, width, as well as functional dimensions of grooves for sealing gaskets, glazing beads, locking devices and other dimensions of main profiles are given in Table 4. Requirements for the dimensions and maximum deviations of additional profiles are established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

4.2.4 Maximum deviations from the profile shape should be no more than:

  • ± 0.3 mm per 100 mm - from the straightness of the front walls along the cross section;
  • 0.5 mm per 50 mm of profile height - from the perpendicularity of the outer walls of the box profiles;
  • 1 mm per 100 mm - from the parallelism of the front walls along the cross section of the profile;
  • 1.0 mm per 1000 mm of length - from the straightness of the sides of the profile along the length.

Deviations in the shape of the profiles are shown in Figure 1.

4.2.5 The ends of the measured sections of the profile must be evenly cut at a right angle (90 ± 2)° to their axis.

4.2.6 Indicators of physical and mechanical properties of profiles must comply with the requirements of the manufacturer’s technical documentation and be not lower than the requirements specified in Table 5.

Table 5 - Physical and mechanical properties of profiles
Index Meaning
Tensile strength, MPa, not less 37
Tensile modulus of elasticity, MPa, not less 2200
Charpy impact strength, kJ/m 2 (20–55) /
(40–75) 2)
Vicat softening temperature, ℃, not less 75
Change in linear dimensions after thermal exposure, %, no more: - for main profiles and glazing beads located in the product on the outside - for auxiliary and additional profiles
Difference in changes in the linear dimensions of the main profiles on the front sides 0,4
Heat resistance at 150℃ 1) No swelling, cracks or delaminations
Impact resistance at negative profile temperatures Destruction of no more than one sample out of ten, and for a laminated profile, in addition, peeling of the film from the profile and the polyacrylate protective layer from the base film is not allowed
Strength of fillet welded joints According to 4.2.13
Adhesion strength of the decorative laminated coating to the profile, N/mm From 2.5 incl.
Resistance to UV irradiation: - change in appearance - change in color: white profile colored profile - change in Charpy impact strength, no more than, %

No blisters, bubbles, stains or cracks

ΔE(L, a, b) ≤ 3,5

ΔE(L, a, b) ≤ 5,0


1). The heat resistance of co-extruded coated profiles is tested at 120℃.

2). Charpy impact strength value (40–75) kJ/m 2 - when testing samples with a double V-shaped notch. The upper value of the indicator is recommended.

4.2.7 Co-extruded layers of the walls (or walls) of the profile must be homogeneous with the base material of the profile (delamination along the profile cross-section during heat resistance tests is not allowed).

4.2.8 Indicators of the appearance of profiles: color, gloss, quality of surfaces - must correspond to the color, gloss and quality of surfaces of the reference samples.

The color of all profile surfaces must be uniform, without color spots, inclusions or variations in color, unless this is provided for by the type of coating.

Defects on the front surfaces: marks, holes, swellings, scratches, cracks, bubbles, etc., visible to the naked eye, are not allowed.

On non-facial surfaces of products, minor extrusion defects are allowed: stripes, marks, color variations, etc., which do not affect the operational and mechanical characteristics of the profiles.

4.2.9 The color colorimetric characteristics of white profiles must be in the range:

  • walls visible during operation, L ≥ 90; -2,5 ≤ A ≤ 3,0; -1,0 ≤ b ≤ 5,0;
  • for walls that are invisible during operation, color colorimetric characteristics are not regulated

The color characteristics of profiles (including profiles of other colors and profiles intended for lamination) are established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

Deviations from the nominal values ​​of the color characteristics of white profiles, established in the manufacturer’s documentation, must not exceed: ΔL ≤ 1,0; Δa ≤ 0,5; Δb ≤ 0,8; ΔE ab ≤ 1,0.

4.2.10 The ends of the measuring segments should not have any mechanical processing defects (chips, fringes, etc.).

4.2.11 Profiles must be resistant to UV irradiation.

Profiles of types I and III, according to operating conditions (see Table 1), must withstand a UV radiation dose of 0.3 GJ/m2, profiles of types II and IV - 0.2 GJ/m2. The resistance of color profiles to UV irradiation is determined according to the manufacturer's technical documentation.

4.2.12 Profiles must be resistant to long-term climatic and operational influences (including those slightly aggressive to acid, alkali and salt influences). The durability of profiles, determined according to GOST 30973, must be at least 40 conventional years of operation for white profiles, and for colored ones - at least 20 conventional years.

The type of profiles according to operating conditions is determined based on the results of successive tests for resistance to UV irradiation (6.14) and durability in accordance with GOST 30973.

4.2.13 Welded corner connections of profiles must have the necessary strength and withstand the action of destructive loads calculated in accordance with and given in the manufacturer’s technical documentation, and the load values ​​must be no less than the values ​​given in Table 6 (the load application diagram is shown in Figure 4). For testing, unprotected corner joints are used.

4.2.14 The values ​​of the reduced heat transfer resistance of a combination of profiles (recommended indicator) with installed sealing gaskets and reinforcing liners for various types of profiles are given in Table 3. In the event that when testing the heat transfer resistance of a combination of profiles it is impossible to carry out thermal effects directly on the surface of the profiles (for example , when testing window blocks with complex gluing of double-glazed windows into the sashes), it is recommended to use the calculation method in accordance with GOST 26602.1.

4.2.15 The front surfaces of the main profiles must be covered with a protective film to protect them from damage during transportation, as well as during the production and installation of window and door units. The width of the protective film is established in the manufacturer's working documentation.

Film removal should occur freely, by hand, without the help of auxiliary devices. After removing the protective film, the appearance of the products must comply with the requirements of this standard.

4.2.16 Co-extruded sealing gaskets must be resistant to atmospheric influences and meet the requirements of GOST 30778 and GOST 31362.

Material requirements

4.3.1 Materials, products and raw materials used for the manufacture of profiles must meet the requirements of standards, technical specifications and supply agreements (contracts).

4.3.2 Requirements for the composite mixture for extrusion are established in the technical documentation for the manufacture of profiles. When using recycled material in a composite mixture in an amount of more than 25%, it is necessary to check the quality of the mixture according to the current regulatory and technical documentation for testing profiles using recycled material.

Safety requirements

4.4.1 Profiles during operation and storage should not have a harmful effect on the human body and the environment. Profiles must have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate. When changing the formulation of the extruded mixture, the products should be re-hygienically assessed.

4.4.2 During the production of profiles, as well as during their storage and processing, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of fire and electrical safety rules, sanitary standards, the system of occupational safety standards (OSSS), current safety standards and regulations.

4.4.3 Production premises must be equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation system. Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area, the procedure and frequency of their control are established in accordance with the regulatory documentation of health authorities.

4.4.4 Safety instructions must be developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure for all technological operations and production processes (including loading and unloading, transport operations, as well as operations related to the operation of production equipment).

4.4.5 Fire-technical indicators of profiles are determined in accordance with GOST 30244 and GOST 30402.

Fire-technical indicators of profiles are confirmed by carrying out appropriate tests in testing centers (laboratories) accredited for the right to conduct them.

Environmental requirements

4.5.1 Profiles must be environmentally friendly. During the processes of processing, transportation, storage and operation, profiles (and materials for their production) should not release toxic substances into the environment in concentrations exceeding permissible standards.

4.5.2 Disposal of waste profiles is carried out by their industrial processing in accordance with the conditions of current regulatory and legal documents.


4.6.1 Each main profile shall be legibly marked no more than every 1000 mm along the entire length of the profile.

The marking should be applied to the surfaces of the profiles in such a way that it can be visually inspected.

It is allowed to apply markings in profile areas accessible to visual inspection after dismantling the double-glazed window or filling the door leaf. Auxiliary and additional profiles may be marked on the packaging (the label in this case must include information according to 4.6.3).

4.6.2 Profile markings must be waterproof, clearly visible and contain:

  • manufacturer's brand name;
  • reference to GOST 30673;
  • whether recycled material is used or not;
  • manufacturer code that allows you to restore the origin of the product (for example, date, process equipment number and/or batch number).

EXAMPLE: XXX-GOST 30673-R-12 04.17-38-2.

The following optional information may be included in the labeling:

  • profile type/code;
  • mark confirming compliance.

It is allowed not to include the word “Profile” in the marking.

It is allowed to include additional information in the marking in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer’s technical documentation or the terms of the supply agreement.

4.6.3 A waterproof label with markings is attached to each package (pack, pallet, pallet), which should include:

  • profile symbol;
  • number of profiles (pcs.);
  • length of profiles (m);
  • packing date;
  • packer (receiver) number.

Acceptance rules

5.1 Profiles must be accepted by the manufacturer's technical control. Profiles are accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be the number of profiles of one article produced on one production line in a volume of no more than daily production.

5.2 The quality of raw materials for the manufacture of PVC profiles is confirmed by incoming inspection. Incoming inspection is carried out according to the parameters specified in.

5.3 The quality of profiles established in this standard is confirmed by incoming inspection of raw materials, operational production control, control acceptance tests of a batch of products carried out by the manufacturer’s quality service, periodic and certification tests in independent centers.

Acceptance tests

5.4.1 Acceptance tests are carried out by the quality service (laboratory) of the profile manufacturer.

5.4.2 To check the compliance of the profiles with the requirements of this standard, at least five profiles are selected from each batch using a random selection method, on which the markings, length, quality of cutting of the ends, and the presence of a protective film are checked. It is allowed to select profiles directly from the production line.

5.4.3 At least five samples with a length of (1000 +5) mm are cut from the selected profiles to check the maximum deviations from the shape.

5.4.4 After checking according to 5.4.3, samples are cut from meter sections of profiles to determine physical and mechanical parameters (points 5–8 of Table 7), mass, appearance and maximum deviations of the geometric dimensions of the section. The number and dimensions of samples, as well as the testing procedure are given in Section 6.

Table 7 - Indicators monitored during acceptance inspection and periodic testing
Indicator name Standard item Type of test Test frequency
Requirement Test method Acceptance inspection tests Periodic testing
1 Profile marking, presence of protective film 4.2.15 6.2 + - Each batch
2 Dimensions, shape tolerances and maximum deviations from nominal dimensions 4.2.1–4.2.5 6.3 + - »
3 Weight 1 m length 4.2.2 6.4 + - »
4 Appearance indicators (including color based on reference samples) 4.2.8–4.2.10 6.5 + - »
5 Change in linear dimensions after thermal exposure 4.2.6 6.6 + + »
6 Heat resistance 4.2.6 6.7 + + »
7 Impact resistance 4.2.6 6.8 + + »
8 Strength of fillet welded joints 4.2.6 6.9 + + »
9 Vicat softening point 4.2.6 6.10 - + Once every three years
10 Strength and tensile modulus 4.2.6 6.11 - + »
11 Charpy impact strength 4.2.6 6.12 - + »
12 Color colorimetric characteristics (coordinate method) 4.2.9 6.13 - + »
13 UV resistance 4.2.6,4.2.11 6.14 - + »
14 Adhesive strength of decorative laminated coating 4.2.6 6.18 - + »
15 Profile durability 4.2.12 GOST 30973 - + When putting into production, then when changing the recipe
16 Heat transfer resistance of the profile system 4.2.14 GOST 26602.1 - + »

1. The main profiles are checked according to all the indicators provided for in this table; auxiliary and additional profiles - by marking, size, appearance, weight, change in linear dimensions, heat resistance.

5.4.5 If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one of the verified indicators, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples taken from other profiles of the same batch. If unsatisfactory results of repeated tests are obtained, the batch of profiles is not subject to acceptance.

Periodic and type tests

5.5.1 Periodic tests are carried out when the technology (formulation) and profile design changes, but not less than once every three years.

5.5.2 Selection of samples for testing - according to 5.4.2, 5.4.3.

5.5.3 Periodic and type tests are carried out in testing laboratories (centers) accredited for the right to conduct them.

5.5.4 The reduced heat transfer resistance of a combination of profiles is recommended to be determined by carrying out type tests when setting up in production, making changes to the design of profiles or a reinforcing liner.

5.5.5 The durability of profiles (including the type according to operating conditions) is determined by conducting type tests when setting up in production or changing the technology (formulation) for manufacturing profiles.

5.5.6 The consumer has the right to carry out quality control checks of profiles, while observing the established procedure for sampling and test methods specified in this standard. In case of disagreement when assessing the color and gloss of profiles by comparison with the standard, these indicators should be assessed using instruments.

5.5.7 Each batch of profiles must be accompanied by a quality document (passport), which indicates

  • name and address of the manufacturer or its trademark;
  • name and address of the supplier (seller);
  • symbol of profiles;
  • batch number and (or) production change;
  • date of shipment;
  • number of profiles in pieces and (or) meters, packs (pallets, pallets);
  • designation of this standard;
  • manufacturer's warranties and other requirements (at the discretion of the manufacturer).

The quality document must have a sign (stamp) confirming acceptance of the batch of products by the manufacturer’s technical control.

It is allowed to accompany one vehicle, which includes several brands of profiles, with one quality document.

During export-import operations, the content of the accompanying quality document is specified in the contract for the supply of products.

Test methods

General provisions

6.1.1 Profiles after manufacturing and before acceptance tests must be kept at a temperature of (21 ± 4) ℃ for at least 2 hours. Before periodic tests, as well as if the profiles were stored (transported) at a temperature different from the temperature tests, before testing they are kept at a temperature of (21 ± 4) ℃ for 24 hours.

6.1.2 Tests (preparation for tests) of profiles, unless otherwise indicated, are carried out at a temperature of (21 ± 4) ℃.

6.1.3 Selection of samples for testing is carried out in accordance with 5.4.2–5.4.4. Samples for periodic testing are selected from a batch of profiles that have passed acceptance tests.

6.1.4 During testing, the use of testing equipment and measuring instruments not specified in this section is allowed if their use satisfies the established requirements for measurement error and test conditions.

6.1.5 During acceptance tests, the inspection results are recorded in a journal in which the profile designation is indicated; type, mode and test result; batch number (date) of production and testing of samples; signature and surname of the tester. Storage of test results in electronic form is allowed.

Definition of marking

The markings and the presence of the protective film are checked visually, and the conditions for removing the film are checked manually. Control of markings and the presence of protective film can be carried out on the production line.

Determination of sizes and shapes

6.3.1 Measuring instruments:

  • ruler according to GOST 427;
  • tape measure according to GOST 7502, class 3;
  • metal probes with a thickness of 0.1–1.0 mm;
  • caliper according to GOST 166;
  • building level with a length of at least 1000 mm according to GOST 9416;
  • straight edge with a length of at least 1000 mm according to GOST 8026;
  • testing square 90° according to GOST 3749;
  • calibration plate according to GOST 10905.

When controlling the size and shape of profiles, they are guided by the requirements of GOST 26433.0 AND GOST 26433.1.

6.3.2 The length of the profiles is measured in five measuring segments using a tape measure. The test result is considered positive if each measurement result meets the requirements of 4.2.1

6.3.3 Deviations from the profile shape are determined on three meter samples. The result of measuring each parameter is taken as the arithmetic mean of the measurement results of three samples. In this case, the value of each result must be within the tolerances established in 4.15. Deviations from straightness and perpendicularity of the profile walls along the cross section of the boxes are measured with a feeler gauge, determining the largest gap between the profile surface and the side of the square (see Figures 1 a, 1 b).

To determine deviations from parallelism of the front walls of the profile along the cross section, two metal rulers are used, which are pressed with ribs one above the other perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the sample (see Figure 1 c). Measure the distances between the edges of the rulers with a caliper per 100 mm of length. Deviation from parallelism of the front walls is defined as the difference between the largest and smallest dimensions. Measurements are carried out at three points along the length of the sample. The measurement result for each sample is taken to be the value of the largest deviation.

Instead of metal rulers, it is allowed to use two 90° calibration squares. To determine deviations from the straightness of the sides of the profile along the length, the sample is applied alternately with all outer surfaces to the surface plate and using a probe, measure the distance between the profile and the surface of the surface plate. The maximum value of this distance is taken as the deviation from straightness (Figure 1d).

Note - For testing, it is allowed to use the surface of any measuring instrument (for example, a building level according to GOST 9416) with a flatness tolerance of at least the ninth degree of accuracy according to GOST 24643.

6.3.4 The deviation of the cross-sectional dimensions is determined on five sections of the profile with a length of 50–100 mm. Dimensions are measured at each end of the segment with a caliper.

It is recommended to monitor deviations in the nominal dimensions of cross-sections of profiles using optical and other instruments that provide a measurement accuracy of at least 0.1 mm. In this case, the length of the segments is set in accordance with the technical characteristics of the testing equipment.

The arithmetic mean value of the measurement results is taken as the test result for each measurement parameter, and each result must not exceed the permissible maximum deviations.

6.3.5 The procedure for determining the quality of cutting profiles along the length is established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation.

Determination of the mass of 1 meter of profile

6.4.1 Test (measurement) equipment:

  • general purpose laboratory scales with a measurement error of no more than 0.1 g;
  • metal ruler in accordance with GOST 427 or other measuring instrument providing a measurement error of 1 mm.

6.4.2 Testing and processing of results

Tests are carried out on three samples with a length of 200 ± 2 mm.

Measure actual length L 1 and weigh the sample, determining its mass - M.

Weight of 1 meter profile M, g, is calculated using the formula:

\mathit(M) = \frac(mL)(L_1) (1)

Where m- sample mass, g;

L- sample length equal to 1 m;

L 1- actual length of the sample, m.

Results are rounded to the nearest 1 g.

The arithmetic mean of the test results of three samples is taken as the test result, and the value of each result must comply with the requirements of 4.2.2.

Determination of appearance indicators

The appearance of the profiles (color, gloss, surface quality according to 4.2.8) is determined visually by comparison with reference samples.

Tests are carried out on three samples with a length of at least 250 mm under uniform illumination of at least 300 lux, directed at an angle of 45° to the surface of parallel samples.

Samples are viewed with the naked eye from a distance of 0.5–0.8 m; the direction of the line of sight should be perpendicular to the surface and axis of the sample.

The test result is considered satisfactory if each sample meets the established requirements.

Determination of changes in linear dimensions after thermal exposure

The change in linear dimensions after thermal exposure (thermal shrinkage) is carried out according to GOST 11529, using the “by risks” method, on three samples with a length of (220 ± 5) mm in the longitudinal direction with the following additions:

  • the distance between the marking template needles is (200 ± 0.2) mm;
  • marks are applied to the front surfaces of the sample;
  • the sample is placed on a glass plate coated with talc;
  • thermal exposure temperature - (100 ± 2) ℃, time - (60 ± 2) min.

Changes in the linear dimensions of each sample must not exceed the established values.

Determination of heat resistance

6.7.1 Test equipment and auxiliary devices:

  • a heating cabinet that maintains temperature (150 ± 2) ℃;
  • length meter with an error of no more than ±0.5 mm;
  • glass plate;
  • talc.

6.7.2 Test procedure and evaluation of results

Tests are carried out on three samples with a length of (200 ± 2) mm.

The samples are laid horizontally on a glass plate, previously sprinkled with talc, and placed in a heating cabinet heated to a temperature of (150 ± 2) ℃ for 30 minutes.

After thermostatting, the samples are cooled in air for 1 hour.

The test result is considered satisfactory if there is no damage on all surfaces of each sample (swells, bubbles, cavities, cracks, delaminations).

Note - A positive test result is an indirect confirmation of the suitability of the profile for the bending operation.

Determination of impact resistance

1 - sample, 2 - pipe with an internal diameter of (50+1) mm; 3 - striker; 4 - tripod; 5 - support, 6 - foundation
Figure 2 - Diagram of a device for determining the impact resistance of profiles

6.8.1 Test equipment and auxiliary devices:

  • device (Figure 2), which includes a guide device mounted on a tripod and ensuring that the striker falls from a height of (1500 ± 10) mm; steel striker weighing (1000 ± 5) g with a hemispherical impact surface with a radius of (25 ± 0.5) mm; steel supports fixed to a foundation (table) weighing at least 50 kg;
  • freezer that maintains temperatures down to minus 25 ℃.

6.8.2 Preparation for testing

Tests are carried out on ten samples with a length of (300 ± 5) mm.

Before testing, samples of profiles of types III and IV (Table 1, 4.5) are kept in a freezer at a temperature of minus (10 ± 1) ℃, and profiles of types I and II - minus (20 ± 1) ℃ for at least 1 hour. Profile must be located in such a way that the impact of the striker falls on the front wall, which is exposed to climatic influences (street side), in the middle of one of the chambers closer to the axis of the center of gravity of the cross section of the profile, indicated on the drawings of the profile sections. Tests are carried out no later than 10 s after removing the sample from the freezer.

6.8.3 Test procedure and evaluation of results

Raise the striker and, using a locking screw, set it at a height of 1500 ± 10 mm from the profile surface. The striker is released, which falls freely onto the sample. The firing pin must be secured upon rebound (repeated impact is not permitted), then the firing pin is lifted and the sample is removed and inspected.

The sample is considered to have passed the test if, upon inspection, no cracks, damage, or delaminations are found on its surface. At the point of impact, dents on the surface of the sample are allowed. The test result is considered satisfactory if at least nine out of ten tested samples passed the tests.

Determination of the strength of fillet welded joints

6.9.1 Test equipment and auxiliary devices:

  • a testing machine that provides forces from 2 to 20 kN with a measurement error of no more than 2% and a moving speed of the pressure punch (50 ± 5) mm/min, with a device for installing the sample, consisting of a support cross-beam and two movable support carriages with a hinged fastening to the traverse (Figure 3).
  • protractor with vernier according to GOST 5378;
  • metal ruler according to GOST 427 with a division price of 1 mm.

6.9.2 Sample preparation

Samples of profiles are welded using equipment and according to the modes established in the technological regulations. For testing, three samples of equilateral corner joints welded at an angle of (90 ± 1)° are used. Weld deposits are not removed.

Before testing, the samples are kept for at least 3 hours. The free ends of the samples are cut at an angle of (45 ± 1)°.

6.9.3 Test performance and evaluation of results The sample is installed on the fixture in such a way that the free ends of the sample are located on the carriages, and the longitudinal axis of the loading punch and the top of the corner joint sample coincide with each other. The neutral axes of the profile section must be located above the axes of rotation of the test carriage. In the case of testing profiles with an asymmetrical side profile, counter-profile inserts and spacers are used to achieve uniform loading of the cross-section of the sample. The force is applied to the sample until it is destroyed. The breaking force is recorded in the test log. Test results are considered positive if the value of the breaking load when testing each sample exceeds the values ​​of the control load established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation in accordance with 4.2.13 (geometric parameters for calculating breaking forces are shown in Figure 3).

Vicat softening point determination

The Vicat softening temperature is determined according to GOST 15088 (method B, heating option 1, heat transfer medium - silicone oil and liquid paraffin) on three samples cut from the front outer walls of the profile. Testing in air is allowed.

The arithmetic mean of the test results of three samples is taken as the test result.

Determination of tensile strength and modulus of elasticity

Strength and tensile modulus of elasticity are determined according to GOST 11262 and GOST 9550, respectively, on five samples with the following additions:

  • sample type - 3, sample width - (15.0 ± 0.5) mm; length - (100 ± 1) mm;
    samples are cut from the front wall of the profile in the direction of its longitudinal axis; the thickness is equal to the thickness of the profile at the place where the sample is cut;
  • the speed of movement of the grips when determining tensile strength is (50 ± 5) mm/min and (2 ± 0.2) mm/min when determining the elastic modulus.

The arithmetic mean of the test results of five samples is taken as the test result.

Determination of Charpy impact strength

Charpy impact strength is determined according to GOST 4647 on ten samples with a type B notch [notch base radius (1.00 ± 0.05) mm] with the following additions:

  • samples are cut from the outer front wall of the profile in the direction of its longitudinal axis;
  • sample size: length - (50 ± 1) mm; width - (6.0 ± 0.2) mm, thickness equal to the thickness of the profile wall;
  • the notch is made from the inside of the sample, the thickness of the sample under the notch must be at least 2/3 of the total thickness of the sample, the blow is made on the outer plane of the sample;
  • It is allowed to determine the impact strength on samples with a double V-shaped cut (notch type C) on opposite edges in the middle of the sample, the radius of the cuts is (0.10 ± 0.02) mm, the distance between the cuts along the body of the sample is (3.0 ± 0 ,1) mm.
  • The arithmetic mean of the test results of ten samples is taken as the test result. In this case, each test result must be at least 12 kJ/m 2, and on samples with a double V-shaped cut - 20 kJ/m 2.

Determination of color (colorimetric) characteristics

Color colorimetric characteristics using the coordinate method are determined using achromatic radiation instruments (spectrophotometer with a measurement error of the color coordinate ratio of no more than 0.01), certified in the prescribed manner, in accordance with the operational documentation attached to the device and according to methods approved by the head of the testing center (laboratory) . Basic calculated color coordinates are taken according to the international CIELAB system. Measuring the ratio of the corresponding color coordinates of the original sample to the color coordinates of the standard is carried out at least three times, setting the sample anew each time.

The arithmetic mean of three measurements is taken as the test result.

Determination of resistance to UV irradiation

Resistance to UV irradiation is determined according to GOST 30973.

The test result is considered satisfactory if all samples do not have defects in appearance and maintain color characteristics within acceptable limits (Table 5), and the color difference between the tested samples is no more than half the range Δ E, indicated in table 5.

Then the impact strength of samples exposed and not exposed to climatic influences is determined according to 6.12 (test samples are cut from control samples that have undergone UV irradiation), their arithmetic mean value is calculated and compared. The test result is considered satisfactory if the following conditions are met:

  • the test result of samples not exposed to climatic influences meets the requirements of Tables 5 and 6.12;
  • the test result of samples exposed to climatic influences is reduced in comparison with the result of tests of samples not exposed to climatic influences by no more than 30%.

Definition of Durability

The durability of profiles is determined according to GOST 30973. When tested according to this standard, they simultaneously determine the values ​​of tensile strength, Charpy impact strength, changes in linear dimensions and color colorimetric characteristics, and also confirm the resistance of profiles to critical alternating temperatures, UV irradiation and mildly aggressive chemical exposure.

To determine the type based on operating conditions, samples of profiles that have undergone cycles of exposure to UV irradiation according to 6.14 are submitted for durability testing in accordance with GOST 30973. The number of samples and test cycle mode are established in the test program, taking into account the expected operating conditions of the profiles.

Determination of reduced heat transfer resistance

The reduced heat transfer resistance of profiles (combinations of profiles) is determined according to GOST 26602.1.

Tests are carried out using a calibration sandwich panel whose thermal resistance is close to the calculated thermal resistance value of the profile combination. The thickness of the panel should be as close as possible to the thickness of the intended glazing element. When reporting test results, it is recommended to provide the values ​​of the reduced heat transfer resistance of the combination of profiles with an installed reinforcing liner, thermal resistance, as well as a cross-sectional drawing of the tested combination of profiles.

Testing of co-extruded sealing gaskets

Periodic testing of co-extruded replaceable (removable) sealing gaskets is carried out in accordance with GOST 30778 and GOST 31362.

Fixed gaskets are tested according to GOST 31362 with the following clarifications.

For testing, at least thirty samples of profiles with a length of (300 ± 1) mm are selected from one batch of profiles.

Tests are carried out in the following sequence:

  • The outer part of the seals is cut off from 15 profile samples, and the seal bundles obtained in this way are checked for characteristic indicators;
  • another 15 samples of profiles with seals are tested for the resistance of the seals to cyclic compression and the presence of a color imprint, then the outer part of the seals is cut off from the profiles and the resulting bundles are submitted for climatic testing; after completion of climatic tests, the characteristic parameters of the samples are determined;
  • the relative change in aging indicators is calculated by comparing the values ​​of characteristic indicators of the first and second groups of samples.

Adhesion strength

The adhesion strength of the decorative laminated coating to the base profile is tested according to GOST 19111.

Packaging, transportation and storage

7.1 Packaging, transportation and storage conditions must ensure the protection of profiles from contamination, deformation and mechanical damage.

7.2 Profiles are placed in bundles. When laying profiles of complex cross-sections, it is recommended to use special transport spacers. Packs are packed in polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354. It is allowed to use other packaging materials in accordance with current standards and technical documents.

7.3 Profiles are transported by all modes of transport on pallets or pallets in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for each type of transport. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to transport profiles in stacks in closed containers.

7.4 Profiles should be stored in covered storage areas away from heating devices and direct sunlight. Temporary storage of white profile film packaged in UV-protective film in the open air is allowed for no more than six months.

7.5 When storing, profiles are laid on a flat surface along their entire length or on spacers; the distance between support pads should not exceed 1 m. The length of freely hanging ends of the profile should not exceed 0.5 m. The maximum stack height when stored in bulk is no more than 0.8 m

7.6 Guaranteed shelf life - 1 year from the date of shipment of products from the manufacturer's warehouse.

Appendix A (reference)

Examples of design solutions (sections) of main profiles

Contents of the manufacturer's technical documentation

B.1 The manufacturer’s technical documentation for PVC profile systems must include the following data, which must be provided to the consumer (processor, design or control organization) upon his request.

B.1.1 Sizes, configuration and characteristics of PVC profiles:

  • drawings of sections and assemblies of profiles, article numbers of profiles;
  • basic and functional dimensions of profiles with tolerances; weight 1 m length;
  • physical and mechanical characteristics and durability of PVC profiles;
  • color colorimetric characteristics of profiles;
  • strength values ​​of all welded joints;
  • types of profiles (combinations of profiles).

B.1.2 Characteristics of reinforcement inserts:

  • liner material, type and thickness of anti-corrosion coating;
  • sections with main dimensions and calculated values ​​of moments of inertia and flexural rigidity.

B.1.3 Information on the use of recycled polyvinyl chloride.

B.1.4 Characteristics of sealing gaskets:

  • material, shapes and sizes of sections, technical indicators.

B.1.5 Requirements for window and door units, including design solutions of the main components, opening methods and diagrams, tables (diagrams) of the maximum permissible dimensions of sashes and leaves, drawings of the location of functional openings, information about locking devices and hinges.

B.1.6 Results of laboratory tests of technical, fire, sanitary characteristics of PVC profiles.

B.2 The documentation set out in B.1 includes a minimum amount of technical information that can be expanded by the manufacturer.

Calculation of the strength of welded corner joints

B.1 Calculation of the strength of welded corner joints includes the determination of the calculated breaking force.

Design breaking force F p, H, is determined by the formula:

F_p = \frac(\text(2 )W\sigma _\text(min))(\frac (a)(2) - \frac(e)(\sqrt(2)))

Where F p - calculated breaking force, N;

W- moment of resistance in the direction of load application, mm 3, equal to J/e, Where J- moment of inertia of the profile section, mm 4, established in the manufacturer’s technical documentation; σ min - the value of the minimum breaking stress, σ min = 37 MPa; A- distance between the axes of rotation, A= 400 mm (Figure 3); e- the distance from the neutral axis of the profile to the critical line, determined from the drawing of the profile section.

Geometric parameters for calculating breaking force F p are shown in Figure 4.

B.2 The manufacturer’s technical documentation must contain the values ​​of the calculated breaking force of welded joints of all profile assemblies provided for by the manufacturer’s profile system.

Parameters of incoming raw material control

Incoming control of raw materials in production is carried out by taking samples from each batch of raw materials.

Incoming inspection is carried out according to the following parameters:

  • humidity;
  • bulk density;
  • flowability;
  • presence of foreign inclusions;
  • particle size.

The control results are processed and stored in accordance with 6.1.5.

Key words: polyvinyl chloride profiles, main profiles, profiles, additional, external front wall, chamber