Large nuclear submarine project 971. "Cheetah" underwater hunter. Guards multipurpose nuclear submarine "Gepard"

Boats of this class have become the main type of multi-purpose nuclear submarines in the Russian Navy: possessing a set of advantages - primarily low noise levels and the ability to use a whole range of weapons - they successfully carry out wide range tasks in various areas of the World Ocean. In the next episode of the program airing on the Zvezda TV channel, journalist Alexey Egorov will continue the story about these unique ships. Viewers will learn about some of their daring campaigns, when our sailors deprived NATO of hopes of invulnerability, will see how submariners live and serve, how their life works and what it takes to become a real conqueror of the depths. Visit "quietly" This operation was carried out in 1987. Then, off the coast of one of the foreign countries, a whole group of submarines from the submarine forces of our Navy suddenly appeared. Photographs taken through a periscope have been preserved, where the coastline of a country located on the opposite side of the planet is clearly visible. Our boats managed not only to reach the North Atlantic undetected, but also to approach one of the NATO naval bases. And this despite the fact that on the way of the submarines an anti-submarine line was placed in the form of ships and aircraft plying through patrol areas and the use of hydroacoustic search equipment. However, the NATO members were in for an embarrassment: Soviet submarines slipped through their “sieve” as if invisible. And after all, that campaign was carried out on boats of a not yet perfect design. The submarines of the next, 971st series turned out to be much quieter, more powerful, and more armed. The general designer of the project, winner of the State Prize of Russia, Yuri Farafontov, recalls how, during the tests of the first ship of this project, boats of foreign countries tried to approach ours in order to determine its characteristics. However, search tools immediately detected uninvited guests without giving themselves away. Another strong point of the ships of the Shchuka-B project is their impressive arsenal. For example, only four dozen torpedoes can be loaded here, including 650 mm caliber, and these are the most powerful torpedoes in the world. With just one shot you can sink an aircraft carrier. It is no coincidence that when the West learned about the existence of such weapons in our country, they instantly changed the logic of constructing a marching order, placing destroyers in the wake. Their functions are prosaic: these ships will simply have to take the blow, because there is simply no other protection against such torpedoes. In addition to torpedo weapons, our submarines also have missile weapons in their arsenal. In fact, as the commander of the submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Captain 1st Rank Sergei Starshinov, admits, if the task is set to destroy the enemy located in a given area on the shore, this task will also be solved. Algorithms for perfection The Russian design bureau "Malachite" is one of the main centers engaged in the design of ships for the domestic submarine fleet. Once upon a time, it was here that the country's first nuclear submarine was developed. As Vladimir Dorofeev, general director of Malachite, recalls, that boat was equipped with one torpedo tube and was intended to destroy coastal infrastructure. Then ships of the second, third, fourth generation appeared. Boats of the 885 series (Yasen-M project, fourth generation) perform the function of strategic deterrence; they have the ability to use cruise missiles from vertical launchers.
Even the process of designing such ships is organized according to the latest technology: for example, 3D technologies are actively used, when it is possible to more fully evaluate the parameters of the product. By the way, thanks to this technology, crew members can perform virtual tour on their future ship together with the designers. It is worth taking into account that the third generation boats (and this is the Shchuka-B) are not yet expected to be sent to reserve. Experts say that the possibilities for modernizing these ships are unlimited. Such procedures are carried out regularly - with the replacement of acoustics and communication systems, and updating of other elements. At the Nerpa shipyard, where boats undergo routine maintenance, many mechanisms are tested under much greater loads than they will actually face. In their work, specialists use original technologies, machines, tools, including non-standard ones. All this is necessary so that the boat does not fail at depth. With the character of winners The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Korolev, is a professional submariner. He calls his craft a real man's work. “More than a hundred years have passed since it appeared, and nothing has changed about it,” admits the admiral. “There are elements of romance and elements of surprise.” Admiral Korolev considers the character of sailors serving in the submarine fleet to be “the character of winners.” “This is very important for a submariner,” the commander-in-chief emphasizes. In a special situation that can happen at depth, special algorithms are used. The commander of the Guards nuclear submarine "Gepard", Guard Captain 1st Rank Dmitry Maslov, understands his responsibility like no one else - both for the lives of the crew and for the accomplishment of the assigned task. Finding a target and using a weapon on it is one algorithm. Getting out from under the retaliatory strike is another.
In an underwater duel, it is extremely important to timely detect the launch of an enemy torpedo. The hydroacoustic complex is responsible for this. And if a strike is detected, then hydraulic countermeasures are used - something like heat traps that are used in aviation against MANPADS. “If you hear the sound of a noisy torpedo, you need to use skill and evade, but at the same time hit the enemy submarine,” says the officer. “The sound of a torpedo cannot be confused with anything - it squeals like a pig: the propellers of torpedoes spin very quickly.” A submariner must have a lightning-fast reaction to other suddenly arising circumstances. For example, the ingress of sea water in the event of a hole or a sudden fire. Sailors learn to counteract these adversities in survivability classes, which are held up to twice a week. Equipped training points make it possible to recreate a situation of real danger, while work is carried out in special suits and sealed masks. Conquerors of the Deep A submarine is a more complex device than a spaceship. And this is not a sonorous metaphor: this is exactly how the first cosmonaut of the planet, Yuri Gagarin, spoke about one of our submarines after an excursion conducted for him. Even the set of sailors’ uniforms here is such that all its elements cannot be listed offhand. The submariner's equipment includes a uniform jacket, a work suit, warm woolen underwear, and a warm pea coat (in case of surfacing in ice). And also a rescue diving suit (for passing through a torpedo tube), a hydrothermal suit - it is needed for staying on the raft during an emergency ascent. Let's add here a life jacket, an insulating gas mask, and a portable breathing apparatus. The set of property and equipment turns out to be decent.
At the same time, life on a boat is not the most demanding. Although everything you need is available here. There is even a doctor’s office that can become an operating room if necessary. During autonomous navigation, the ship's doctor performs the functions of a therapist, infectious disease specialist, and surgeon. It can also treat teeth if someone suddenly gets sick. By the way, doctors recognize the benefits of wine, which is given to crew members on a nuclear submarine. The sailors' diet also includes granular caviar, chocolate, prunes, and honey. IN special conditions and the ration must be special... Conquerors of the depths do not know unnecessary sentimentality. Except, perhaps, for one thing - thoughts about family, about loved ones, about home. In the wardroom of one of the boats there are hanging drawings made by the children of the crew members. These touching moments, like the pastoral landscapes that also decorate the cabins, are perceived here completely differently than on the shore.

The nuclear submarine fleet forms the basis of strategic weapons Russian Federation. According to the latest version of military doctrine, Russia may resort to a nuclear strike in response to an attack with nuclear weapons. In addition to nuclear submarines with ballistic missiles, there are submarines in service whose purpose is to combat strategic submarines and enemy ships.

Huge deep-sea cruisers move unnoticed under the thickness of sea water, which makes their service mysterious and enigmatic. Among the multi-purpose missile carriers, Project 971 Shchuka B submarines are on combat watch.

History of creation

In July 1976, the command of the USSR Navy recognized the need for mass production of a series of third-generation submarines with a nuclear reactor. Above all, the military leadership set the task of reducing the noise of movement characteristic of Project 945 Barracuda submarines, which belong to the second generation.

The founder of the project was G. N. Chernyshev, who holds the position of chief designer of SKB-143. The brilliant engineer Gennady Nikolaevich died in 1997, and the project was headed by Yu. I. Fedorov.

According to the new plan, the modern submarine was no different from Project 945, which made it possible to avoid the preliminary design stage. The difference between the Pike and Barracuda projects was the replacement of material in the manufacture of the hull.

To build a new submarine cruiser, it was decided to use low-magnetic steel instead of titanium.

The abandonment of titanium was due to economic considerations. Firstly, there was a significant shortage of paramagnetic and high-strength metal. Secondly, its processing and joining of parts was high-cost and too labor-intensive.

In the Soviet Union there were enterprises specializing in titanium processing, Sevmash and Krasnoye Sormovo, but they did not have sufficient capacity to produce a large batch of submarines in a short time.

The use of steel in the construction of submarine hulls helped to load the Far Eastern factories with new production, which by that time had increased the required capacity to carry out such a serious task.

The approved project 971, dated September 13, 1977, had to be unexpectedly returned for revision. The United States indirectly adjusted the plans of the Soviet military and design engineers by starting the construction of Los Angeles-class submarines.

Modern Western models were equipped with the latest generation hydroacoustic system complexes.

It took two years to finalize the Soviet project, and in 1980 updated drawings of the Shchuka-B submarine were presented. The first stage of submarine construction took place in Komsomolsk-on-Amur; its shipyards had significant potential to complete the task.

Towards the start of large-scale production, the Soviet Union purchased a batch of high-precision machine tools from Toshiba in Japan. Modern equipment used the latest technology to produce propellers.

Despite the secrecy of the deal, information about the purchase was leaked to the media, which seriously angered the United States. The propellers manufactured on Japanese equipment were distinguished by extremely low operating noise, which was one of the main quality parameters of the technical specifications for this nuclear submarine.

Submarines of the Shchuka-B class of Project 971 were codified by NATO under the designation Akula. Over time, the project was modernized several times, and the modified submarines received a new name from the Western military “Improved Akula”, which means “Improved Shark”.


The revised project 971 was filled with innovative solutions. In the structure of the submarine they used automated system for managing technical complexes and combat arsenal.

The submarine cruiser was equipped with a propeller with a reduced rotation speed, which helps reduce noise.

The seven blades have reduced noise levels, and the formation of cavitation noise is reduced to a minimum. For the emergency evacuation of the crew from the emergency vessel, a rescue capsule was placed in the hull.


Project 971 nuclear submarine has a double steel hull High Quality. The yield strength parameters of the metal used are 100 kgf/mm2.

Inner space The submarine is divided into zonal modules in the form of deck compartments. This:

  • central post;
  • deckhouses and cabins;
  • combat duty posts;
  • bow equipment (weapons)
  • feed equipment
  • power point

All zonal modules are equipped with shock absorption, which significantly reduces the acoustic background of the ship, the dynamics of deck spaces during (or) maneuvers, and the influence of a blast wave from the outside. The modular system facilitates the production of the boat itself.

The blocks are built separately in workshops and, upon completion of work, are placed in the submarine’s hull on a shock-absorbing foundation, where they are then joined together and connected to control and life support systems.

To more effectively reduce noise, Shchuka-B type submarines were equipped with double-stage shock absorption. Between the shock-absorbing foundation and the modules there is another row of rubber-cord pneumatic shock absorbers, which creates a second layer to absorb vibrations.

Integrated automation of ship control made it possible to reduce the crew size to 73 people, including the 31st officer. A similar boat of the US Navy, Los Angeles, has a crew of 141 people. The new ship differed significantly in improved habitability conditions from its predecessor, Project 671RTM.

Power point

The heart of the submarine is the OK-650B nuclear reactor using thermal, slow neutrons. The nuclear plant produces an impressive power of 190 megawatts. output power the shaft has a mark of 50,000 l/s, capable of accelerating a submarine at a depth of 500 meters to 33 knots, which equals 61 km/h.

Part power plant includes four steam generators with seven circulation pumps: first, third and fourth circuits, providing heat exchange.

Additionally, a modular steam turbine was installed to reserve the generated power. Two turbogenerators provide the battery station of two modules with alternating current. The battery station consumes and supplies direct current; there are two flyback converters to supply consumers and charge.

Emergency power

If problems are detected in the nuclear power plant, the ship will be able to continue moving due to two emergency engines driven by a propeller with a total power of 820 l/s. Backup electric motors are capable of providing the boat with speeds of up to five knots.

The Shchuka-B nuclear submarine is equipped with two DG-300 generators running on diesel fuel, with a two-way mechanical converter, with a total power of 1500 l/s. The fuel resource is designed for 10-12 days of continuous operation. The main task of the DG-300 generators is to supply power to important consumers of automated ship control, including power to emergency propulsion units.

Hydroacoustics and communications

To track enemy submarines and ships, Shchuka-B is equipped with the MGK-540 Skat-3 sonar system. Incoming information is processed using digital technologies. The sonar and noise direction finding system includes:

  • reinforced nose antenna;
  • onboard antennas of considerable length;
  • aft towed antenna, protruded from the boule/radome on the vertical tail.

When noisy objects are detected, the acoustician reports to the senior commander of the combat post. The watch officer monitors the underwater and surface situation in order to avoid a collision with a submarine or ship upon surfacing. During military exercises or in a combat situation, identifying the target is necessary for the use of appropriate weapons.

New complex The sonar system is capable of detecting a target at a distance three times higher than similar sonar systems used in the design of second-generation submarines. Moreover, the time for calculating target dynamics and related parameters has decreased significantly.

In addition to the acoustic system, highly efficient sensors are installed to track submarines and surface vessels along the wake left behind, which remains stable for a long time.

Determining the time of movement of a submarine or ship, high-precision equipment can determine up to 5 hours after the ship passes. In addition, the Shchuka-B nuclear submarine is equipped with the most important equipment for navigation and communications:

  • Navigation equipment "Symphony-U";
  • Radio station "Molniya-MC";
  • Means of space communication "Tsunami".


The nuclear-powered submarine carries impressive modern weapons on board. The torpedo-missile system includes four torpedo tubes with 12 torpedoes of 533 mm caliber and four torpedo launchers with 28 torpedoes of 650 mm caliber.

Surface targets can be attacked by the S-10 Granat missile system with KS-122 strategic cruise missiles.

According to NATO codification, they are designated SS-N-21 “Sampson”. A missile fired from the Granat complex is capable of carrying a nuclear charge weighing 200 kg to a distance of 3000 km, skirting the terrain at a subsonic altitude.

Such characteristics of the KS-122 have not in vain worried the Western military, because not only naval facilities, but also ground forces facilities may be under threat. Also on the Shchuka-B boat it is possible to use the following systems for shooting:

  • Waterfall;
  • Wind.

It is worth adding that the submarine has barrage mines for installation during tactical maneuvers.

In the 1990s, the missile submarine's combat arsenal was modernized. Entered service new development Research Institute of Marine Thermal Engineering and State Research and Production Enterprise "Region", universal deep-sea homing torpedo - UGST. It replaced the electrically driven torpedoes TEST-71M and high-speed torpedoes 53-65K.

The main task for a modern torpedo was to destroy enemy surface and underwater vessels.

The design features of the UGST made it possible to attack high-speed enemy targets at a considerable distance.

This endurance was ensured by an impressive supply of fuel and a powerful thermal power plant. The UGST propulsion system consists of a water jet unit and an axial piston engine with a small noise range. Granulated unitary fuel is used to power the power unit.

The homing torpedo freely reaches speeds above 50 knots. The water-jet installation and the engine do not have a gear mechanism in connection with each other, which significantly reduces noise and increases the secrecy of the use of UGST.

When a torpedo exits the TA tube, the body of the underwater missile extends two-plane fins to guide its movement.

The acoustic homing system identifies an underwater target in location mode, and surface ships by its wake.

Another torpedo coordination system is carried out from on board a submarine using wire control. The cable reel holds 25,000 meters of wire. When an enemy is detected, the torpedo goes to kill on command and is completely controlled by the on-board processor, which coordinates the direction to the target.

Characteristics of the universal deep-sea torpedo:

  • UGST length – 7200 mm;
  • warhead weight – 300 kg;
  • torpedo weight – 2200 kg;
  • speed – 50 knots;
  • application depth – 500 m;
  • maximum range – 50,000 m.

The weapons control of the Project 971 nuclear submarine uses the “Tablet” guidance system. This type shooting correction helps to simulate the tactical layout of the water area: bottom topography, depths and fairways. After the attack, the torpedo transmits on board data about the area where it was used, updating the digital terrain map.

The submarine's missile-torpedoes are also undergoing design modernization. Nowadays, the modernized systems are equipped with an underwater carrier – the MPT-1M(E) torpedo:

  • weight – 256 kg;
  • warhead weight – 76 kg;
  • caliber - 324 mm.

The design of this missile includes hydroacoustic search and homing within a radius of 2,000 meters. The targeting method using adaptive lead angle allows you to hit the target closer to the center of the underwater vessel.

The MPT-1M torpedo is equipped with a turbine water-jet engine running on high-quality fuel, which allows it to develop significant speed on the way to the target, making it much more difficult for the enemy to detect itself.

Based on the signed partial disarmament agreement between the USSR and the USA in 1989, a command was received from senior management to remove tactical nuclear warheads from missile systems:

  • Squall;
  • Waterfall;
  • Pomegranate.

The nuclear submarine Shchuka-B became a pioneer among multi-purpose nuclear submarines, whose serial production began not in Leningrad and Severodvinsk, but in the Far Eastern District, in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Having entered the ranks of the USSR Navy on December 30, 1984, the ship showed an impressive achievement of hydroacoustic evasion.

According to original document, K-284 has become more than four times quieter than the previous generation Project 671RTM submarines. This fact undoubtedly gave the USSR a leading place among competing fleets.

Characteristics with comparative analysis

Project 971 Shchuka-B submarines were able to outperform similar-class deep-sea cruisers. The Russian third-generation K-284 submarine has been repeatedly compared to the fourth-generation American-made Virginia and Seawolf submarines, and not to the competing type, the Improved Los Angeles.

One of those who claimed that the Shchuka-B nuclear submarine corresponded to a higher class was Admiral Jeremy M. Boorda.

While in the leadership position of the US Navy from 1994-1996, he emphasized that the ships of the American fleet admitted their powerlessness to detect the Russian Project 971 nuclear submarine; it moved so silently at a speed of 7-9 knots that it can be safely ranked among the fourth generation submarines.

The third generation of Project 971 can quietly bypass the SOSUS submarine locating system.

Los AngelesPike-AShchuka-BBarracudaCondorFinRyuby
A countryUSAUSSRRussiaUSSRRussiaUSSRFrance
date of manufacture1972-96 1976-92 1983/2009 1979-87 1986-93 1978-83 1976-83
Date of service1976- 1977- 1984- 1984- 1990- 1983/1989 1984-
Amount62 15 15 2 2 1 6
Speed, knots

Displacement, t
Immersion depth, m


1996 The Bosnian war is in full swing. Serbia is subject to aggression from NATO led by the United States. The Project 971 “Wolf” nuclear boat was on combat watch in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The British managed to find direction to the Russian submarine while crossing the Strait of Gibraltar. Coming out of the strait, the submarine disappeared and appeared off the coast of Yugoslavia.

project 971 in winter

The combat mission of the multi-purpose boats "Wolf" and "Panther" of Project 971 was as defenders aircraft-carrying cruiser"Admiral Kuznetsov", from enemy submarines. Performing a protection function, Russian submarines conducted technical surveillance of several foreign submarines, including Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines.

In the same 1996, the Shchuka-B submarine was sent to carry out a combat watch in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Suddenly, Russian missile carrier discovered a submarine cruiser strategic purpose US Navy. The combat task was set to keep secret surveillance of the combat duty of the American submarine.

This decision was made by the captain himself. The commander of the submarine, A. V. Burilichev, was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for secretly conducting an operation to spy on SSBNs in the waters of the Atlantic in 1996.

Mark on history

The new type was able to continue the important path of Project 971 “Pike-B”. The submarines belong to the fourth generation. The chief designer of the new Yasen project, Vladimir Pyalov, led the development of his series of submarines, based on the developments and implemented technologies in the Lyra and Shchuka-B projects.

The main task was not related to the modernization of existing submarines; it was a fundamentally new creation, which was intended to replace the basic models 971 and subsequently. The development uses completely new solutions that have not previously been used in any of the deep-sea cruisers.

The unfinished production of Project 971 K-337 “Cougar” and K-333 “Lynx” hulls at the Sevmash plant has found application in the production of deep-sea. He was given the name “Yuri Dolgoruky”.

The last nuclear cruiser of Project 971 “Nerpa” was completed with incredible effort, and on January 23, 2012, it was delivered to the customer by the Indian Navy, under a leasing contract with a payment period of 10 years.

The ship was given the name "Chakra".

As they fade into history, the Shchuka-B multi-purpose missile carriers and serial copies of Project 971 have left an unforgettable memory in the life of the nuclear submarine fleet and domestic shipbuilding. The 80s of the last century clearly remind us of the superpower of the USSR, which surpassed its potential enemy in the person of the United States in terms of noiselessness and power of its nuclear weapons. submarine cruisers.

For true connoisseurs of this model of vessel, you can find on sale a wristwatch “submarine SHCHUKA-B AKULA” of the “Submarine Fleet” series, with a 24-hour dial.

Multipurpose nuclear submarine. The development of the submarine pr.971 was started by SKB-143 "Malachite" (Leningrad, chief designer Georgy Nikolaevich Chernyshov, from August 1976, after 1997 - Yu.I. Farafontov) according to the TTZ 1972 "development of a large nuclear multi-purpose submarine of the 3rd generation" as an analogue of the Project 945 submarine with the replacement of titanium in the design steel alloys. The project used developments on low-noise submarines pr.991 and pr.958. A brief preliminary design (preliminary design) was developed by the beginning of 1976. The Central Research Institute took part in the development of the technical design, work on which began by a joint decision of the SME and the Navy of July 27, 1976. Academician A.N. Krylov (especially in terms of reducing the noise of submarines). The chief designer's group was formed in August 1976.

Since 1968, NITI, using the Krasnoye Sormovo plant, began the installation of a coastal prototype of the power compartments of the submarine pr.971 - stand KV-1. Since 1972, work on the construction of the prototype has been continued by LAO. Construction of the installation was completed on December 25, 1975, and final commissioning due to a mass of faults discovered during hot tests occurred on December 24, 1976. System installation automatic control The GEM was carried out by representatives of the NPO Aurora ( ist. - Shumakov).

Design: the development of the technical design of the boat was carried out from September 1976 to May 1977. One of the main tasks that the developers faced was to keep the submarine within the displacement stated in preliminary design. Technical project reviewed by the 1st Central Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense (shipbuilding) in June 1977 and approved on September 13, 1977 with the reservations that in the process of developing drawings and construction it is necessary to ensure an even greater reduction in noise, placement of SGPD launchers, placement of CRBD with the possibility of use against coastal targets . After receiving information about innovations on the American Los-Angeles type submarine, which were expressed in the installation of a sonar system with digital signal processing, which reduces the influence of the submarine’s own noise, and also taking into account the wishes of the Navy leadership to equip the submarine with a CBRD " " (resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated May 26, 1978 d.) the project was further reworked for the installation of the Skat-3 SJSC, which required a change in the hull design. The project was completed in 1980.

Production: preparations for the production of a series of boats pr.971 at the Shipbuilding Plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (plant No. 199) have been carried out since 1978. Head submarine K-284:
- laid down at the end of 1980
- the first unit of equipment was installed in a durable housing in June 1983.
- the mortgage board was installed on November 6, 1983.
- the official laying date is November 11, 1983.
- assembly of the durable hull was completed in February 1984.
- Submarine K-284 was removed from the workshop to the transport and launching floating dock "Amur" on July 16, 1984.
- the beginning of transportation of the submarine in the floating dock to the delivery base in the village of Bolshoy Kamen - October 16, 1984.
- launching from the floating dock in Chikhachev Bay, launching the PUF - until October 25, 1984.
- arrived under its own power at the plant's delivery base in the village of Bolshoi Kamen and was run aground (the circulation lines were clogged with mud) on October 25, 1984.
- two unsuccessful stages of factory sea trials - due to the failure of the PPU to reach more than 50% power (due to circulation lines clogged with dirt) - from December 7, 1984.
- cleaning of circulation routes - December 7-20, 1984
- the third successful stage of factory sea trials - until the end of December 1984.
- signing of the acceptance certificate for submarine K-284 - December 30, 1984 (indicating the list of works transferred to 1985)

Testing and adoption. Factory tests of the K-284 began on December 7, 1984 and the submarine K-284 was officially delivered to the Navy by signing the Acceptance Certificate on December 30, 1984, after which, based in the village of Bolshoy Kamen, it began fine-tuning the equipment and testing the systems. Acoustic development of the submarine K-284 was carried out in the period from 1985 to 1987. Final finishing and painting - 1986. Since 1986, the lead submarine also provided testing of serial submarines pr.971. Sea trials were carried out in 1986-1987. The first launches of the Granat CRBD - January 1987. Testing of the technology and labor intensity of navigation and dock repairs was carried out in 1987 and 1989. The main landing gear and part of the weapon systems were finalized and put into operation in 1988, the first dive to the maximum depth took place July 1, 1989. By this time, the K-284 submarine had covered more than 50,000 miles and had about 10,000 hours of operating time for its main mechanisms. Testing of all PLA systems was completed only in 1990.

Probably the first Western photo of the submarine K-284 "Shark" pr.971 AKULA, May 1985 (photo - US NAVY,).

One of the first photographs of the submarine pr.971 AKULA (K-284 "Shark") published in Western media (Soviet Military Power 1987. USA. 1987).

SSN pr.971 AKULA (probably K-284 "Shark") published in Western media (09/29/1989, photo US NAVY, ).

Head submarine K-284 "Shark" pr.971 AKULA on lay-up in Pavlovsky Bay, Pacific Fleet, November 1996 (photo by V. Lemonos,

The second in the series of submarines pr.971 AKULA - K-263 "Barnaul" / "Dolphin" in the 45th submarine division of the Pacific Fleet (Sazhaev M.I., Navigation roads "Barsov". Website

Project 971 submarines were built at factories in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (plant No. 199, from 1983 to the present) and in Severodvinsk (Sevmash - plant No. 402, workshop No. 50, from 1985 to 2001. ) and according to the initial plans it was planned to build 25 submarines (20 submarines were laid down). By default, PLA data pr.971.

Rolling out of the Sevmash production facility the submarine pr.971 K-480 "Bars", April 16, 1988 (panorama from the footage of the documentary "Strike Force. Underwater Hunter", ORT, 2007-2008)

SSN "Sperm Whale" K-322, October 1993, Pacific Ocean (photo US NAVY, ).

Submarine design- double-hulled, aft tail with a fairing of a towed sonar antenna on the upper vertical rudder. The durable body is made of new grade steel with a yield strength of 100 kgf/ (thickness up to 48 mm, processed on FUJICAR presses) and is divided into 7 compartments. At the design stage, the task of significantly (about 5 times compared to 2nd generation submarines) noise reduction was solved using developments of the low-noise submarine pr.991. The hull is assembled using a block method: the PLA equipment is installed inside the hull on shock absorbers and in multi-deck shock-absorbing blocks (“shelves”), which are part of the general structural system of two-stage damping (each block is isolated from the hull by rubber-cord pneumatic shock absorbers). The PLA body is covered with a rubber anti-hydroacoustic coating. Vibration-absorbing and vibration-isolating coatings are used outside and inside the durable PLA body. According to some reports, active means of noise reduction are used. The PLA equipment meets the standards of vibroacoustic characteristics Vakh-74. The crew's living conditions on the submarine have been improved.

External devices and layout of PLA pr.971 AKULA. The numbers indicate: 1 - SGPD launchers, 2 - emergency pop-up buoy, 3 - SOKS antennas, 4 - GAS antennas, 5 - periscope, 6 - VSK unit - pop-up rescue chamber, 7 - radar, direction finder and communications antennas, 8 - exhaust diesel generator, 9 - scuppers (holes in the light hull), 10 - container of the towed GAS antenna, 11 - propeller, 12 - water outlet, 13 - cover of the thruster auxiliary screw column, 14 - intake fittings of the "Fin" type, 15 - drain holes, 16 - horizontal rudder, 17 - torpedo tube covers (

The reactor compartment of the durable PLA body was designed with an isolated room above the reactor and pump enclosures with biological protection. The room housed the shields of the second echelon of the PLA electrical power system.

Starting with the K-322 submarine (serial number 513), 25 noise reduction measures were introduced, including a damped main shafting bearing.

Starting with the K-391 submarine (serial number 514), powder generators are installed for purging the main ballast tanks. Starting from the K-391 submarine, outboard fittings for circulation routes of the "Fin" type are installed on the submarine - the shape of the intake becomes flat in cross-section instead of round.

Starting with the submarine K-461 (production No. 831, Sevmash Production Association) and K-295 (production No. 517, SZLK), 34 new mechanisms are installed on the boats in compliance with the standards of vibroacoustic characteristics VAX-80.

According to some data, the Project 971 submarine uses a system for influencing the boundary layer of water washing the hull in order to reduce drag, which was probably tested on the experimental submarine Project 1710 "Mackerel" (there is no confirmation of this information).

PLA Project 971 AKULA assembly shop at the Amur Shipbuilding Plant (Ships and destinies. Amur Shipbuilding Plant is 70 years old. Khabarovsk, "Priamurskie Vedomosti", 2002)

Construction of the hull of the submarine pr.971 AKULA at the Amur Shipbuilding Plant (Ships and destinies. The Amur Shipbuilding Plant is 70 years old. Khabarovsk, "Priamurskie Vedomosti", 2002)

One of the hulls of the Project 971 AKULA submarine produced by Sevmash (probably K-328 Leopard or a later submarine,


A nuclear power plant with a water-cooled thermal neutron reactor VM-5 with a steam generating unit (SPU) OK-650M.01 (on K-284 and other submarines) with a power of 190 MW (created on the basis of the basic model OK-650.BZ). Two two-section steam generators. PPU designers - Simonov R.I., Farafontov Yu.I., Bogdanovich V.P., Rynsky M.V. The PPU is installed on U-shaped cantilever beams embedded in the transverse bulkheads (including the water protection tank). PPU was later used on submarines of other projects. The PPU is equipped with an emergency battery-free cooling system with outboard titanium heat exchangers, a lightweight sealed water biological protection tank with a compensation system.

OK-650 series reactors were developed by NIKIET in the late 1960s ( ist. - Shumakov).

1 x steam block single-shaft steam turbine unit (STU) with GTZA OK-9M (on the first submarines produced by the plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur) and OK-9VM with improved shock absorption with a power of 43,000-50,000 hp. (according to various sources, most likely 50,000 hp). On the head submarine K-284 - PTU OK-9V. The steam turbine unit is mounted on a shock-absorbed intermediate frame resting on intercompartment bulkheads with the main circulation pumps located in adjacent compartments.

2 x thruster submersible 2-speed propulsion electric motors with a power of PG-160 (?) 410 hp each (370 hp according to other data). Located in retractable columns OK-300 (chief designer - A.M. Kuzmin).

Retractable thruster OK-300 with electric motor PLA pr.971 AKULA (still from a documentary film,

Propulsors- one shaft, one 7-bladed fixed-pitch propeller with improved hydroacoustic characteristics and reduced rotation speed. The main shaft stern tube bearing is equipped with a self-flow cooling system, which significantly reduces noise levels. Two tilting thrusters OK-300. The screws for Project 971 were manufactured using high-precision metal-working machines purchased from Toshiba, bypassing the restrictions of COCOM (they were also used for submarines of other 3rd generation projects). Bow horizontal rudders with flaps, retractable. Cooling system with water intakes into the central line (starting from K-391 of the “Fin” type - more efficient).

The main propeller of the SSN pr.971 AKULA is a 7-bladed propeller (from left to right - one of the “Komsomol” hulls in the floating dock, and the rollout of the K-335 Gepard SSN from the Sevmash software, all photos from http://forums. and from the film "Sevmash Submarine Squadron", 2006)

Propeller PLA K-480 "Ak Bars" pr.971, installed as a monument near the "Zvezdochka" center in Severodvinsk. The edges of the screw are processed and differ from the original ones. September-October 2013 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov,

Intakes of the circulation routes of the first buildings (on the left, K-480 "Bars") and the "Fin" type (on the right, all photos from

Energy- two OK-2 alternating current turbogenerators with a power of 3200 kW each, two reversible DC converters.

Backup power supply - two groups of lead-acid batteries, 2 x diesel generator DG-300 with a power of 750 hp each. (according to other data, 1 x ASDG-800-1 or ASDG-1000 is possible. Different subseries have different diesel generators) with a reversible converter, fuel reserve - 10 days.
Starting from the submarine K-391, emergency power networks are installed, and starting from the submarine K-461 (plant No. 831, Sevmash Production Association) and K-295 (plant No. 517, SZLK), outboard emergency power networks are installed.

Rescue and life support system- pop-up rescue chamber (VSK) - VSK unit - development and analogue of VSK PLA pr.705. VSK installed on K-152 "Nerpa" submarine pr.971I new design(see figure). Fire extinguishing system LOKH (boat volumetric anti-chemical) with the working substance-fire extinguisher freon 114B2 (freon). Rescue universal complex KSU-600N-4 for remote automatic release of PSNL-20 life rafts (4 pieces, only on the K-335 Gepard submarine, the system was developed by the Lazurit Central Design Bureau).

Air regeneration system "Astra-3". A new combined system of electro-chemical air regeneration (ECAR) - starting with PLA K-461 (plant No. 831, Sevmash Production Association) and K-295 (plant No. 517, SZLK).

VSK unit - pop-up rescue camera PLA pr.971I "Irbis" Improved AKULA K-152 "Nerpa" (

Demonstration of the operation of the KSU-600N-4 universal rescue complex for releasing life rafts on the K-335 Gepard submarine (

Submarine performance characteristics:

Crew - 73 people (including 33 officers)

108.25 m (according to technical design May 1977)

110.3 m (AKULA, Improved AKULA)

113.3 m (AKULA-II / pr.971U and K-335 AKULA-III)

Width - 13.5-13.6 m

Width along the aft horizontal rudders - 15.4 m

Average draft - 9.68 m
The diameter of the pressure vessel (using the example of the reactor compartment) is 10.9 m

Surface displacement:

7540 tons (according to TTZ preliminary design)

7740 tons (according to technical design May 1977)

8140 tons (project 971 AKULA, produced by Sevmash Production Association)

8470-8500 tons (according to various sources AKULA-II / K-335 AKULA-III)

Underwater displacement:

12770 tons (project 971 AKULA, produced by Sevmash Production Association)

13400-13800 tons (according to various sources AKULA-II / K-335 AKULA-III)

Surface speed:

20 knots (according to Western data)

11.6 knots according to other data (including K-152 "Nerpa"?)

12 knots (project 971U)

Submerged speed:

6-9 knots (quiet running)
- 33 knots

35 knots (according to Western data)

Underwater speed on thruster electric motors - 5 knots

Maximum diving depth - 600 m

Operating immersion depth:

480 m (AKULA, Improved AKULA)

520 m (AKULA-II and including K-152 "Nerpa"?, but possibly for all submarines of the project)

Autonomy - 100 days (according to reserves)

Noise and detection range PLA pr.971 according to various fragmentary data:
- The maximum detection range of the boat pr.971 GAK AN/BQQ-5 (SSBN Los-Angeles) is 10 km (data from 1995, Jeremy Boord).

At a speed of 6-9 knots, the first Project 971 submarine hulls were not detected by US anti-aircraft defense systems (data from 1995, Jeremy Boord).
- The noise level of PLA K-284 is 12-15 dB or 4-4.5 times lower than the noise level of PLA pr.671RTM VICTOR-III (Jane's)

The noise level of the K-335 submarine is 3.5 times lower than the noise level of the K-284 (Alekseev A.P., Samarkin L.A.)

With a natural background of 40-45 dB in calm conditions, the noise level of the PLpr.971 was 60-70 dB - the submarine series and measurement conditions are unknown, Kamchatka (
- At the same time, Project 971 submarines are considered noisier than SeaWolf or Improved Los-Angeles submarines (without specification). According to Western data (1994), the noise level of the Project 971 Improved AKULA submarine at speeds of 5-7 knots is similar to or lower than the noise level of the Improved Los-Angeles (

The estimated cost of the submarine pr.971 is 1.55 billion USD (in 1995 prices)


TA training system "Grinda"

Ammunition - total - 40 torpedoes, missiles, missile-torpedoes or self-transporting mines.

According to the Soviet-American agreements of 1989, ammunition with nuclear warheads is not used in weapons.

On one of the submarines, tests of the Splash missile launcher were carried out (not confirmed, no data).

Starting from SSN K-391 (production number 514) Project 971 / 09710 AKULA, boats are equipped with 6 x 533 mm disposable non-rechargeable launchers REPS-324 "Barrier" for launching hydroacoustic countermeasures, located in the superstructure (starting from SSN K- 391 - serial number 514) - i.e. part of AKULA, Improved AKULA, AKULA-II and AKULA-III, except K-152 "Nerpa"). Ammunition - 6 SGAPD. Initially in the West, these launchers were perceived as vertical launchers for the Granat CRBD / SS-N-21 SAMPSON.

MG-114 "Beryl"

Replacement insert-launcher SGAPD "Barrier" and SGAPD MG-104 "Throw" (Shipbuilding magazine,

MANPADS "Strela-3" or "Igla" - 3 launchers, 12 missiles.


Hydroacoustic equipment and BIUS:
Project 971 AKULA

Project 971 Improved AKULA

Project 971 AKULA-II

Project 971 / Project 971M (?) (K-335) - AKULA-III

BIUS MVU-132 (?) "Omnibus" developed by the Central Research Institute "Agat". On the submarine pr.971M K-335 "Gepard" - "Omnibus-U".

The hydroacoustic complex (HAS) MGK-540 "Skat-3" SHARK GILL with digital information processing was developed by the Morfizpribor Central Research Institute, St. Petersburg, chief designer V.A. Kakalov. R&D has been carried out since 1980 on the basis of the MGK-500 Skat. In terms of its capabilities, the MGK-540 is not inferior to its American counterparts - the modernized AN/BQQ-5 and AN/BQQ-6. Tests of the final configuration of the GAK were carried out in 1986-1987. in the Sea of ​​Japan and completed only in 1988 (Submarine K-284 "Shark" pr.971 AKULA):
- commissioning and factory tests of a prototype GAK on the head submarine K-284 - 1985-1986.
- state tests of the prototype GAK, incl. in ocean conditions - 1986-1987.
- finalization of the sonar system and testing in sea conditions - 1988.
- comprehensive testing of the combat properties of the submarine - 1988

On the submarines of the second series - planned for construction after the K-335 "Gepard" - it was planned to modernize the SAC.

Composition of GAK:

1. Equipment general purpose with information output to the control panel;

2. Noise direction finding equipment in the audio frequency range and echo direction finding (hydrolocation) equipment;

Device No. 1 - nasal passive-active search and attack sonar (SHARK GILL), operating at medium and low frequencies; The radome of the main antenna of the SAC is made of fiberglass.

4. Equipment for detecting hydroacoustic signals from operating sonars (hydroacoustic reconnaissance) with a sonar detection sonar system of the enemy MG-70 (the designation MT-70 is found - doubtful);

5. Sound-underwater communication and state recognition equipment MGK-80;

6. Subsystem No. 6 - noise direction finding equipment at low frequencies using a towed extended antenna MGBS-541 "Skat-3" (located in the UPV-1-3 fairing-gondola on the upper vertical rudder).

7. Target classification equipment using a digital noise library; Research work "Osnova", "Melody", "Method", "Cape", "Signal" was carried out by the Central Research Institute "Morphyspribor" in 1979-1987. At the same time, the MGK-540 SAC solved the problem of classifying targets based on information from all subsystems of the SAC;

8. Equipment for monitoring the operation of the complex.

In addition, the following GAS work together with the complex:

Mine detection sonar MG-519 "Arfa-M"

GAS for measuring the speed of sound in water MG-543 "Reflector" or "Zhgut-M" (?)

GAS for determining the beginning of cavitation of MG-512 "Vint-M" propellers

Echo-ledometer MG-518 "Sever-M"

NOR-1 navigational ice break detector

Circular navigation detector NOK-1

The detection range of the SAC is 3 times greater than the detection range of the 2nd generation SSN.

Target detection range - 220-230 km (according to various sources)

Number of simultaneously tracked hydroacoustic targets - 30

Main passive antenna GAK MGK-540 "Skat-3" SHARK GILL UAV pr.971 (

Project 971I "Irbis" Improved AKULA (K-152 "Nerpa") - BIUS "Omnibus-E", SJSC "Skat-3" export version (there was also data on the installation of MGK-400ME-3 with the SJSC "Skat-3" antenna, but this data is considered dubious).

During the repair and modernization of the submarine "Kashalot" (plant No. 513) pr.971 at the Amur Shipyard, it is planned to replace the SJSC with the SJSC "Kizhuch". As of the end of 2012, the timing of completion of the boat's repairs is unclear ().

Non-acoustic means:

Equipment for detecting submarines and enemy ships by their wake - SOKS (wake detection station) MNK-200-1 "Tukan". SOKS equipment records the movement parameters of ships and submarines for approximately 30 minutes to several hours after passage. Installed on boats starting from K-322 (serial number 513) as standard MNK-200-1 "Tukan". A sample of the SOKS MNK-200 Tukan device with protective petals is installed on the K-480 Bars submarine. There are no SOKS devices on the K-461 and K-328 submarines (most likely, the submarine was not equipped with equipment during construction; it was planned to be installed during a mid-life repair). SOX was not installed on the K-152 Nerpa submarine due to the export purpose of the ship.

SOKS sensors MNK-200 "Tukan" on the superstructure and in the fence of the cabin of the K-157 "Vepr" submarine project 971 AKULA-II

SOKS sensors on the vertical panel of the submarine pr.671RTM VICTOR-III (possibly MNK-100 Kolos, chronicle frame no earlier than 1982, from the documentary "Strike Force. Underwater Hunter", ORT, 2007-2008. )

Radar equipment:
Radian radar / SNOOP PAIR MRKP-58 or "Radian-U" ("simplified") MRKP-59 with one antenna (starting with PLA K-461 / serial no. 831, Sevmash and K-295 / serial no. 517, SZLK).

Name modification Radar MRKP-58
Radar MRKP-59 Note
K-284 (plant No. 501) Project 971 AKULA There is -

K-263 (plant No. 502) Project 971 AKULA There is -
K-322 (plant No. 513) Project 971 AKULA There is -
K-480 (serial number 821) Project 971 AKULA - There is?
it is possible to replace it with MRKP-59 during operation, maybe for testing (?)
K-391 (plant No. 514) Project 971 AKULA There is -
K-317 (serial number 822) Project 971 AKULA There is -
K-331 (plant No. 515) Project 971 AKULA There is -
K-461 (serial number 831) Project 971 Improved AKULA - There is
K-328 (production number 832) Project 971 Improved AKULA - There is
K-154 (serial number 833) Project 971 Improved AKULA - There is
K-419 (plant No. 516) Project 971 Improved AKULA There is?
K-295 (plant No. 517) Project 971 Improved AKULA - There is
K-157 (serial number 834) Project 971 AKULA-II - There is
K-335 (production number 835) Project 971 AKULA-III - There is
K-152 (plant No. 518) Project 971I Improved AKULA ?

Electronic warfare system "Buhta"
State identification radar "Nichrom-M" / AMBER LIGHT
Radio direction finder "Zone" / RIM HAT

Other systems:
Automated integrated control system for PLA technical equipment.

Navigation inertial complex "Symphony-071" (K-284, K-253, K-322 at least) with a gyro-corrector "Scandium" and on-board digital computer or complex "Symphony-U" (possibly the K-335 "Gepard" submarine?). Perhaps the prototype of the system or the research topic on which the complex was developed was called “Bear-971” (found in the media). The maximum storage time for navigation data to ensure a given navigation accuracy is more than 7 days (in a submerged position without determining the location). One of the best results in the accuracy of the NK operation was obtained in 2002 during the combat service of the K-295 submarine - for 6.5 days in a submerged position without determining the location, the position error of the submarine did not exceed 10 cable cables (1852 m). The main operating mode of the navigation complex is “Special”.

Satellite navigation system "Sintez".

Automated radio communication complex "Molniya-MC" / KREMMNY-3 consisting of:

Satellite communication system "Tsunami-BM" with a towed antenna - device K-659 "Zalom" (located in the superstructure behind the wheelhouse fence)

And the long-distance communication antenna system "Kora" / PERT SPRING

VHF radio station "Anis" / PARK LAMP

Radio stations R-790 (various modifications), R-143, R-855UM (3 sets), R-159 (6 sets), product P-405, "Call", "Prichal" (3 sets), R-105M ( the data is not accurate, the configuration of the submarine pr.971 AKULA of the first releases).

Emergency signal buoy B-600-1.

Optical surveillance TV system MTK-110 (allows optical observation at depths of up to 50-60 m). Commander's periscopes PZKE-11 or PZKE-21 (according to various sources) "Swan" and navigational astro-navigation periscope "Signal-3".

Cabin fencing and retractable devices on the submarine pr.971 K-157 "Vepr" AKULA-II (below is a model, author - Kuznetsov A.F., Severodvinsk).

Towed device K-659 "Zalom" (


pr.971 / 09710 "Bars" / "Pike-B" - AKULA(1984) - basic design of the submarine (K-284, K-263, K-322, K-391, K-331, K-480, K-317, K-461). Boats can be divided into several subclasses:

Name modification noisiness SOKS circulation
K-284 (plant No. 501) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA basic - - - head
K-263 (plant No. 502) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA basic - - - 1st serial
K-322 (plant No. 513) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA reduced There is - -
K-480 (serial number 821) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA reduced There is - - SOKS with protection
K-391 (plant No. 514) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA reduced There is There is There is
K-317 (serial number 822) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA completed
Navy requirements
according to the project
There is There is There is
K-331 "Magadan" (production number 515) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA completed
Navy requirements
according to the project
There is There is There is

Project 971 - Improved AKULA(1992) - a transitional submarine project with improved hydroacoustic characteristics and updated avionics; according to some sources, the official name of the project did not change (K-328, K-154, K-419, K-295). In Western media the name of the project “Project 971U” is found.

Name modification noisiness SOKS circulation
K-461 "Wolf" (production number 831) Project 971
Improved AKULA
piece of equipment with VAC-80 - There is There is
K-328 (production number 832) Project 971
Improved AKULA
piece of equipment with VAC-80 - There is There is installed new system EHRV (see above)
K-154 "Tiger" (production number 833) Project 971
Improved AKULA
part of the equipment with VAC-80, the requirements are stricter
There is There is There is a new EHRV system was installed (see above)
K-419 (plant No. 516) Project 971
Improved AKULA
There is There is There is ?
K-295 (plant No. 517) Project 971
Improved AKULA
part of the equipment with VAC-80, the requirements are stricter There is There is There is a new EHRV system was installed (see above)

SSN K-461 "Wolf" pr.971 Improved AKULA in the Kola Bay. Northern Fleet, March 2001 (photo by Ilya Kurganov,

Presumably SSN K-154 "Tiger" (production number 833) pr. 971 - Improved AKULA (

K-154 "Tiger" (serial number 833) Project 971 - Improved AKULA near the PLA carrier of the ultra-small submarines "Orenburg" in Olenya Bay, photos from June 1 and 5, 2005 (photo author - Den, http://

K-154 "Tiger" (serial number 833) Project 971 - Improved AKULA there in 2010. SOX sensors or part of the sensors were probably dismantled on the submarine (photo from the alex1976 archive,

Project 971 / Project 971U (?) - AKULA-II
(1995) - a transitional PLA project with a modified (3 m longer) durable hull for installation of new equipment; according to some sources, the official name of the project did not change. According to the project, the only submarine built at Sevmash is the K-157 Vepr. Structurally and in terms of the composition of the equipment, the submarine corresponds to the AKULA-III class, but without changing the shape of the fencing of the retractable devices and the fairing of the towed sonar antenna. Active equipment has been installed to reduce the acoustic signature of the submarine (probably SAG - an active noise suppression system in the range of 50-500 Hz). In Western media the name of the project “Project 971A” is found.

SSN K-157 "Vepr" pr.971 AKULA-II in Motovsky Bay. Northern Fleet, June 1998 (photo by Ilya Kurganov,

Project 971 / Project 971M (?) - AKULA-III(2001) - it was assumed that this project would be a large-scale “second basic” PLA project with a more modern avionics, a modified radome of the container of the towed antenna of the GAK and a different design of the wheelhouse fencing in terms of interface with the PLA body. The only K-335 Gepard submarine was built at Sevmash Production Association according to the project. According to some sources, the official name of the project also did not change (project 971).

Submarine K-335 "Geetah" pr.971M AKULA-III in front of workshop No. 50 of Sevmash Production Association, October 1999, Severodvinsk (photo - S. Kundyvus, Sevmash Production Association,

SSN K-335 "Geetah" pr.971 AKULA-III in Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea during sea trials. Northern Fleet, July 2001 (photo by Ilya Kurganov,

SSN K-335 "Cheetah" pr.971 AKULA-III in the Dvina Bay. Northern Fleet, July 2001 (photo by Ilya Kurganov,

Project 971I / 09719 "Irbis" - Improved AKULA(2009) - modification of the Project 971 submarine for the Indian Navy (K-152 "Nerpa"). According to media reports - “with an unclassified avionics composition”, an export version of the Skat-3 SJSC - the boat does not have SGPD launchers and the SOKS system. Transferred to the Russian Navy on December 28, 2009. The transfer of the submarine to the Indian Navy took place in 2012.

SSN K-152 "Nerpa" pr.971I - Improved AKULA during testing, 10/31/2008 (photo from the tsonyo archive,

SSN Chakra / K-152 "Nerpa" pr.971I - Improved AKULA on the way to India, end of March 2012 (

SSN Chakra / K-152 "Nerpa" pr.971I - Improved AKULA on the way to India, end of March 2012 (

Project 971M -AKULA-IV(name AKULA-IV conditional.) - modernization project for submarine pr.971. The lead boat is K-328 "Leopard" (serial number 832), repairs and modernization of the boat according to the project are being carried out by the Zvezdochka shipyard (Severodvinsk), the contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense was signed on December 27, 2012. The ship's responsible deliverer is Nikolai Yasny. The modernization will affect almost all systems - navigation, navigation, hydroacoustics, other radio-electronic systems, weapons complex, main power plant, turbines. As a result of these works, “Leopard” will be classified as generation “3+”. In total, it is planned to modernize 6 submarines pr.971 by the Zvezdochka shipyard. "Leopard" arrived at the Zvyozdochka Center at the end of June 2011. Over the course of five months, the bulk of the work on surveying the material part of the submarine was completed. At the end of April 2012, the ship was raised onto solid ground. At the dock, work was completed to survey the dock part, the hull was cleaned, and the inhibitor was unloaded. Two weeks after the docking operation, the Leopard took its place in the boathouse and intensive work began on the ship to dismantle the equipment. It is planned to complete the unloading of equipment in June 2013. As of early April 2013, the Zvezdochka shipyard does not yet have a complete set of working design documentation, which the designer should have provided the shipyard with six months ago. The lack of design documentation slows down the development of technological processes for equipment dismantling and repair (). 02/13/2014 it is reported that in 2015 the modernized Leopard submarine is planned to be transferred to the Russian Navy, while it is also noted that the work is behind schedule due to a delay in the design documentation. Following the first submarine, it is planned to modernize another 1 submarine from the Northern Fleet and 2 submarines from the Pacific Fleet.

Projections of PLA pr.971 from the booklet of SPMBM "Malachite" from the IMDS-2011 salon (from the Gogs archive,

Projections of PLA variants pr.971 (drawing by Diletant2010, corrections, version 04/29/2010)

Status: USSR and Russia

One of the first Western photos of the submarine pr.971 AKULA (K-284 "Shark"), March 25, 1986 (photo - US NAVY,).

- 1987 January - first launches of the Granat CRBD from the head submarine pr.971 K-284.

1988 - after modifications, the MGK-540 "Skat-3" SJSC was adopted on the head submarine K-284.

1990 - tests of the head submarine K-284 and all systems of Project 971 were completed.

1990 April 6 - submarine K-480 (the future "Bars") dives to a maximum depth of more than 400 m (Norwegian Sea).

1990 summer - first combat service of submarine pr.971 - Pacific Fleet, 45th submarine division, submarine K-322 - senior campaign deputy division commander, captain 1st rank Sidenko Konstantin Semenovich. The duration of tracking foreign submarines on a voyage was more than 14 days (354 hours). It was best result- the tracking time for a foreign submarine exceeded the best achievements of submarines of the USSR Navy. Incl. through the SOKS system.

1990 - second combat service of submarine pr.971 - Pacific Fleet, 45th submarine division, submarine K-263 under the command of captain 1st rank Mishin Alexey Egorovich. This was the first and last combat service of the K-263 submarine; later, combat training tasks were practiced on the submarine by the crews of the formation. Since 1998, the PLA has stood next to the PLA in “sludge.”

1991 summer - third combat service of submarine pr.971 - Pacific Fleet, 45th submarine division, submarine K-391 - senior campaign deputy division commander captain 1st rank Sidenko Konstantin Semenovich.. The results of tracking foreign submarines are better than in the first combat PLA service pr.971.

1992 - combat service of the submarine pr.971 K-331 (Pacific Fleet, 45th submarine division, senior campaign - deputy division commander, captain 1st rank Vasin Sergey Egorovich). A new record has been set for the Russian Navy in tracking foreign submarines.

1993 - on the submarine K-391 (plant No. 514) the last missile firing in the Navy was carried out with the Granat complex, the senior on board was Rear Admiral Yu.V. Kirillov.

1995 spring - K-419 "Walrus" (production No. 516) during combat service solved problems in remote areas of the Pacific Ocean off the western coast of the United States. The senior campaigner is the division commander, Rear Admiral K.S. Sidenko. The submarine operated in a strict anti-submarine warfare system on the part of the US PLA. The campaign was partly of a demonstrative nature. This was the first contact of US NAVY with the Improved AKULA submarine (K-419 "Walrus"), which showed that at a speed of less than 6-9 knots, tracking a submarine with hydroacoustic means of anti-aircraft defense is impossible (Jeremy Boord, admiral, head of the US NAVY operational department).

1996 - Last year during which the K-317 Patner submarine last launched the power plant in the operating mode of the main turbogenerators.

1997 October 6 - the unfinished submarine "Lynx" (production number 837) was removed from construction at the Sevmash Production Association and expelled from the Navy.

1997 - at the Pacific Fleet, from the 45th submarine division, Project 971 boats were transferred to the 10th anti-aircraft submarine division of the Pacific Fleet.

1997 - the efficiency of the K-335 "Gepard" SSN is more than 80%, there is information about the disposal of SSN Nos. 520 and 521.

1998 January 22 - the unfinished Cougar submarine (serial number 836) was removed from construction at the Sevmash Production Association and expelled from the Navy.

1998 September 11 - on the K-157 Vepr submarine, sailor Kuzminykh killed 8 colleagues and wounded an officer. The sailor was shot by an FSB special group during an assault on the compartment in which he tried to barricade himself, threatening to explode a rocket.

1998 - The submarine K-328 "Leopard" of the Northern Fleet made a long voyage, as a result of which the submarine commander, captain of the first rank S.V. Spravtsev, was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

1999 September - the K-317 Panther submarine of the Northern Fleet was delivered to Severodvinsk towed by the rescue ship Admiral Chiker for scheduled maintenance and repair.

January 29, 2000 - on the submarine K-461 "Wolf" two officers were washed overboard during a storm while trying to fix a malfunction. It was not possible to save.

2000, beginning of the year - as part of the 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet of Russia, submarines K-317 "Panther", K-461 "Wolf", K-328 "Leopard", K-154 "Tiger", K-157 "Vepr", K-335 "Cheetah". SSN K-480 "Ak Bars" is located in Gadzhievo in the sludge division.

2000-2005 - hull structures of the Cougar and Lynx submarines (serial numbers 836 and 837, as well as No. 838 of the Sevmash Production Association), at the suggestion of the Sevmash management, were used in the completion of the SSBN Project 955 Yuri Dolgoruky (according to an interview with Kovalev in the film "Sevmash Submarine Squadron", 2006).

Use of hull structures of submarines No. 836 and 837 of the Sevmash Production Association for the construction of the SSBN "Yuri Dolgoruky" pr.955. The bottom picture shows the turbine and reactor block (Stills from the film “Sevmash Submarine Squadron.” Sevmashfilm Studio, 2006)

2001 - The Gepard submarine was delivered to the Navy through the use of Sevmash software. own funds in the amount of 542 million rubles. At the same time, in the state budgets of 2001-2002. no funds were provided to pay off the debt. As of May 2002, the company's debt had not been repaid despite the order of the Russian Government dated December 26, 2001 ().

2002 - after a long break, the submarine K-295 "Samara" (plant No. 517), under the command of captain 1st rank Viktor Nikolaevich Chuvashev, enters combat service in the Pacific Ocean. The senior officer of the campaign is the deputy division commander, Captain 1st Rank Alexander Konstantinovich Zaika. The submarine returned from a cruise, having lost part of the sonar fairing as a result of a collision with an unidentified submerged object.

2002 October 1 - the K-480 "Ak Bars" submarine was excluded from the Navy's operational service and put into storage in Sayda Bay (Northern Fleet).

January 2004 - a contract was concluded with India for the completion and modernization of the submarine pr.971I (K-152 "Nerpa") for subsequent sale on lease for 10 years. In the Indian Navy, the submarine should be named INS "Chakra".

2005-2009 - PLA pr.971 and modifications are based in Yagelnaya Bay (Northern Fleet) and Krasheninnikov Bay (Rybachy village, Pacific Fleet).

November 2, 2006 - in Severodvinsk at the Sevmash Production Association, during repairs on the K-317 Panther submarine, due to the negligence of the welders, a fire occurred in the cable wiring and a fire in the third compartment. The submarine was restored and, after completion of mid-term repairs and modernization (avionics and sonar were modernized), entered service on January 28, 2008.

2007 - readiness of the submarine K-152 "Nerpa" (serial number 518) 86.5%, the nuclear reactor was loaded on the submarine in 1998. The submarines "Samara" and "Kuzbass" are actually combat-ready - at the Pacific Fleet (the rest are either under repair, either in reserve or in retirement), in the Northern Fleet - "Gepard", "Vepr", "Leopard", "Tiger" (the rest are similar to the Pacific Fleet).

SSN K-152 "Nerpa" pr.971I Improved AKULA goes out for testing in the waters of the Bolshoi Kamen Shipyard (furnishing base of the Amur Shipyard) from the Zeya transport dock, July 2008 (photo by A. Silkin ,

SSGN K-222 pr.661 - PAPA between SSN K-480 "Ak Bars" pr.971 and missile cruiser"Admiral Nakhimov" near the wall of the Sevmash production facility in Severodvinsk, photo no later than 2008 (

- 2008 November 8 - on the submarine K-152 "Nerpa" during tests in the Sea of ​​Japan, 20 people were killed as a result of an abnormal activation of the fire extinguishing system in the bow compartment.

2008-2009 - the Russian Navy has 12 Project 971 submarines, 6 each for the Northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet.

2009 May 11 - during the visit of Russian Prime Minister V.V. Putin to the Amur Shipyard, the unfinished building of factory No. 519 (Irbis) was inspected. It is stated that there is a hull, there are “shelves”, there is equipment, there is no order from the Navy for submarines.

Hull and propeller of the submarine pr.971I factory No. 519 in workshop No. 19 of the Amur Shipyard in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, May 11, 2009 (

- 2009 July 10-27 - SSN "Nerpa" (K-152) pr.971I re-entered sea trials (Bolshoy Kamen settlement, Pacific Fleet).

SSBN "Borisoglebsk" PR.667BDR and SSN K-480 "Ak Bars" PR.971 at the wall of the Zvezdochka shipyard awaiting dismantling. Severodvinsk, summer 2009 (

- September 2009 - SSN "Nerpa" (K-152) Project 971I successfully completed the third stage of sea trials.

2009 December 28 - SSN "Nerpa" K-152 was accepted into the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy. The ship's reception ceremony took place in the village of Bolshoy Kamen on the territory of the Vostok Shipyard. The transfer of the submarine to India is scheduled for 2010.

SSN K-480 "Ak Bars" pr.971 at the Zvezdochka shipyard for disposal. Probably a photo from 2009 (photomontage from images from the alex1976 archive,

- 2010 February 19 - at the Zvezdochka shipyard (Severodvinsk) a fire occurred on the dismantled K-480 Ak Bars submarine. The fire has been extinguished. Apparently, during the disposal of the K-480 "Ak Bars" submarine (serial number 821) at the Zvyozdochka shipyard, the boat was stripped down to the strong hull shells, the light hull and giblets were disposed of, and the strong hull shells were transferred to Sevmash Production Association for use during the construction of the 3rd hull of SSBN pr.955.

- 2010 August 20-26 - SSN pr.971 AKULA tried to take an acoustic portrait of a Vanguard class SSBN at the exit from the British Navy base Faslane. A Trafalgar-class submarine was sent to protect the SSBN.

PLA K-335 "Cheetah" pr.971, Gadzhievo, December 2010 (photo - Rustem Adagamov,

SSN K-461 "Wolf" pr.971, Gadzhievo, December 2010 (photo - Rustem Adagamov,

- September 2011 - SSN K-154 "Tiger" was brought into the dock of Shipyard No. 10 "Nerpa" to undergo scheduled repairs.

November 2011 - the submarine K-328 "Leopard" pr.971 arrived at the Zvezdochka shipyard to undergo medium repairs and equipment modernization.

2011 February 28 - contract No. R/1/2/0216/GK-11-DGOZ was concluded between the Russian Ministry of Defense and Zvezdochka Center for repairs of orders pr.971 ( ist. - Annual report 2011).

2012 January 19 - information appeared in the media about the fire of vapors of alcohol-containing liquids that took place on January 14, 2012 on the submarine K-335 "Gepard" pr.971M AKULA-III, which was undergoing a technical inspection at shipyard No. 10 in Aleksandrovsk (Murmansk region) . The fire allegedly occurred in the 4th compartment of the submarine, there were no casualties. On the same day - January 19, 2012 - this information was corrected by the head of the press service of the Western Military District, Andrei Bobrun - on January 14, a broken standard portable lighting lamp on the Gepard ignited during work in the interior. According to the instructions, the LOX (boat volumetric chemical) fire extinguishing system was immediately turned on, the fire was extinguished without casualties and material damage. The ignition of the light bulb did not cause any damage, so the incident, according to Bobrun, is not classified as a fire or fire. The Gepard crew continues to work according to plan.

The incident occurred on January 14 in the village of Gadzhievo, and not in the water area of ​​the 10th shipyard, as previously reported by the media. After returning from a trip, during which problems arose on the boat with two reversible converters located in the 4th (reactor) compartment in the auxiliary equipment enclosure (a reversible converter is an electrical machine that converts one type of current into another), a decrease in insulation resistance was detected. To eliminate the problem, the crew of the boat called the factory warranty team by written notice, whose specialists, together with the submariners, planned the work in accordance with existing guidelines and began to carry it out. When conducting technical work on one of the converters, while drying it, one of the members of the factory team dropped a portable lamp of non-explosion and fireproof design, the lamp broke, and as a result of the resulting spark, the vapors of the alcohol-acetone mixture instantly ignited - working fluid, with the help of which the electric machine was dried. The burst of vapor did not lead to a fire in the compartment, but caused the automatic activation of the LOX volumetric fire extinguishing system. The vapor outbreak also caused minor injuries to a plant specialist who contacted medical institution only at the insistence of the SRZ management, the left hand and left cheek were smoked. After rendering medical care the outpatient worker was released (

SSN K-328 "Leopard" pr.971 enters the Zvezdochka shipbuilding center, Severodvinsk, April 17, 2012 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov,

SSN K-328 "Leopard" pr.971 under repair in the docking chamber of the CS "Zvezdochka", Severodvinsk, summer 2012 ().

SSN K-328 "Leopard" pr.971 under repair in the docking chamber of the CS "Zvezdochka", Severodvinsk, July 2012 (

SSN K-335 "Cheetah" pr.971 AKULA-III, presumably autumn 2012 (photo from the tsonyo archive,

2012 December 27 - the media reported that in 2012, the Zvezdochka Center signed a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense for the repair of two Project 971 submarines - the first Leopard submarine (production No. 832) has already arrived at the Zvezdochka Center " in November 2011. In the future, repairs and modernization at the Zvezdochka shipbuilding center are planned to be carried out on all combat boats of the project - incl. and from the Pacific Ocean. Also in December 2012, the CA signed a contract for the repair of all titanium submarines of the "Barracuda" type - work with them is planned to be carried out in workshop No. 10 after its re-equipment. Note - the implementation of the repair program for Pacific submarines pr.971 at the Zvezdochka Shipyard means that the Far Eastern shipbuilding and ship repair plants (Amur Shipyard, Zvezda Shipyard) will not be loaded with this work.

SSN K-335 "Geetah" pr.971 AKULA-III in the PD-50 floating dock at SRZ-82, January 2013 (photo from the avsky archive,

- 2013 March 27 - Russian Defense Minister S.K. Shoigu, while on a visit to Kamchatka, visited the nuclear submarine pr. 971 "Bratsk", which has been under repair since 2007. Since 2008, more than 250 million rubles have been allocated for the repair of the Bratsk submarine, but the repairs have not begun. Even an inventory of the upcoming repairs has not been carried out. The boat has a duty crew of 37 people. Previously, it was planned to complete the repairs and bring the boat out for mooring trials in December 2012. Now SRZ proposes to modernize the boat, the cost of which is estimated at several billion rubles. As a result, in the summer of 2013, the Bratsk submarine will be sent for repairs to another shipyard ().

- 2013 October 08 - in July-August 2014 it is planned to transfer the K-391 "Bratsk" and K-295 "Samara" submarines pr.971 from the Pacific Fleet to Severodvinsk to the Zvezdochka CS. The transfer of boats will be carried out via the Northern Sea Route. The boats will undergo medium repairs with deep modernization (). Also in 2014, the Volk submarine will go to the Zvezdochka Center for repairs. Transportation of Pacific boats will be carried out using a docking vessel. Relevant negotiations with the Doquise company have been carried out. The dock submission schedules have been agreed upon. By August next year it is necessary to complete the work on sealing the Bratsk hull - this ship has been in the floating dock for a very long time. The Samara nuclear submarine is afloat, and it is necessary to carry out work on it to transfer the main power plant to a nuclear-safe state. At the beginning of August, in Avacha Bay of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, both ships will be placed on the deck of a docking vessel, which will deliver them to the Zvezdochka water area along the Northern Sea Route. This transition will take about three weeks ().

SSN K-263 "Barnaul" pr.971 at the Zvezda Shipyard, 2012-2013. (

K-461 "Wolf" near the wall of the shipyard "Zvezdochka", summer 2014 (

Submarines K-391 "Bratsk" and K-461 "Wolf" at the wall of the shipyard "Zvezdochka", December 2014 (

Submarines K-391 "Bratsk" and K-461 "Wolf" at the wall of the shipyard "Zvezdochka", April 2015 (

Boats of the project in the Fleets:

Year Pacific Fleet K-284
"Sperm whale"
("The Dragon")
Head 501 502 513 514 515 516 517 518
Board 985 997 951 970
Project 971 / 09710 971 / 09710 971 / 09710 971 / 09710 971 / 09710 971 971 971I / 09719
1985 1 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine, B. Kamen
- - - - - - -
1986 1 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine - - - - - - -
1987 1 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine - - - - - - -
1988 2 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine Pacific Fleet
11.01 the Navy Flag was raised, 72 brigade submarine, B. Kamen
31.12 - 45 div.PL Vilyuchinsk
- - - - - -
1989 3 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL
Pacific Fleet, 45th division submarine Vilyuchinsk - - - - -
1990 4 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45th division submarine Vilyuchinsk - - - -
1991 5 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45th division submarine Vilyuchinsk - - -
1992 5 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL - - -
1993 5
Went in for repairs at the Zvezda Shipyard
Pacific Fleet, 45 div submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45th division submarine Vilyuchinsk - -
1994 5 DVZ "Zvezda" Pacific Fleet, 45 div submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL
01.04 withdrawn from the permanent readiness forces
Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL - -
1995 6 Fokino sucks Pacific Fleet, 45 div submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45th division submarine Vilyuchinsk -
1996 6
Fokino sucks Pacific Fleet, 45 div submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL -
1997 6
Fokino sucks Pacific Fleet, 45 div submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL
25.02 introduced into the permanent readiness forces
Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL -
1998 4
Fokino sucks Pacific Fleet from 01.05 - 10 div submarines, sucks Pacific Fleet from 01.05 - 10 days submarine, Rybachy, Krasheninnikov Bay, Kamchatka

due to the expiration of the operational period. batteries has been withdrawn from the permanent readiness forces and is awaiting repairs

Pacific Fleet from 01.05 - 10 days submarine, Rybachy, Krasheninnikov Bay, Kamchatka Pacific Fleet from 01.05 - 10 days submarine, Rybachy, Krasheninnikov Bay, Kamchatka Pacific Fleet from 01.05 - 10 days submarine, Rybachy, Krasheninnikov Bay, Kamchatka -
1999 4
Fokino sucks 10 div PL, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines, sucks
Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
2000 4 Fokino sucks 10 div PL, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
2001 4
Fokino sucks 10 div PL, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
2002 4
Fokino sucks 10 div PL, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
2003 3 Fokino sucks 10 div PL, sucks Pacific Fleet, from 01.06 - 16th submarine squadron, transported for repair to the ASZ
October - delivered to the shipyard in Vilyuchinsk Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
2004 3 DVZ "Zvezda" recycling
10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs Shipyard, Vilyuchinsk Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
2005 3 DVZ "Zvezda" recycling 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs Shipyard, Vilyuchinsk Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
2006 2 DVZ "Zvezda" recycling 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs Shipyard, Vilyuchinsk Shipyard, Vilyuchinsk Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
2007 1 DVZ "Zvezda" recycling 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs Shipyard, Vilyuchinsk Shipyard, Vilyuchinsk Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines

August - moved to B. Kamen to support testing of the Nerpa submarine.

September-December - emergency repairs at the Zvezda plant

Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
2008 2 DVZ "Zvezda" recycling 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs delivered to PD-71 to restore technical readiness and repair Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines DVZ "Zvezda", repair Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
2009 2 - 10 div submarines, sucks, waiting for repairs (?)
ASZ, waiting for repairs PD-71 Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines DVZ "Zvezda", repair

August 17 - a contract was signed to restore technical readiness with completion in 2011. Cost 1.01 billion rubles

Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
2010 3 - 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs PD-71 Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines DVZ "Zvezda", repair Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet
2011 3 - 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs PD-71 Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines DVZ "Zvezda", repair

It was planned to complete the VTG under the 2009 contract.

Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet
2012 1 - 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs PD-71 28.09 - DVZ "Zvezda" DVZ "Zvezda", repair Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Indian Navy
2013 1 - a recycling competition has been announced
ASZ, waiting for repairs it was announced that the repair of the Zvezdochka CS would be carried out starting in 2014. DVZ "Zvezda", repair

December - it was planned to complete the renovation

Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Indian Navy
2014 0 - disposal ASZ, waiting for repairs DVZ "Zvezda" - restoration of technical readiness DVZ "Zvezda", repair repairs and modernization are planned at the Zvyozdochka CS Indian Navy
2015 0 / 2 - - ASZ, waiting for repairs CS "Zvezdochka" as of April, preparations are underway for transfer for repairs

November - CS "Zvezdochka", external pier

end of November - completion of repairs is planned, amount - 163 million rubles (2014, 2015) end of November - renovation is planned to be completed (2014, 2015) CS "Zvezdochka" as of April, preparations are underway for transfer for repairs Indian Navy

Year SF K-480
"AK Bars"
821 822 831 832 833 834 835
Board 878 867 872 853 890 835
Project 971 / 09710 971 / 09710 971 971 971 971U 971M
1989 1 - - - - - -
1990 1
SF, 24 div PL - - - - - -
1991 2
SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL, Gadzhievo, Yagelnaya Bay - - - - -
1992 3
SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL, Gadzhievo, Yagelnaya Bay - - - -
1993 4 SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL, Gadzhievo, Yagelnaya Bay - - -
1994 4 Due to the current conditions, trips to sea have been stopped SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL, Gadzhievo, Yagelnaya Bay - -
1995 4 Gadzhievo, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL - -
1996 5 Gadzhievo, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL, Gadzhievo, Yagelnaya Bay -
1997 3 Gadzhievo, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL Severodvinsk, repair April - power plant accident at the test site SF, 24 div PL -
1998 4 Gadzhievo, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL October - towed to Severodvinsk SF, 24 div PL -
1999 3 Gadzhievo, it sucks withdrawn from permanent readiness forces SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL Software Sevmash, repair SF, 24 div PL -
2000 3 Gadzhievo, it sucks 06.09 - towed to Severodvinsk to Sevmash Production Association SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL Software Sevmash, repair SF, 24 div PL -
2001 3 Gadzhievo, it sucks Sevmash software, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL Software Sevmash, repair SF, 24 div PL -
2002 4 Gadzhievo, it sucks Sevmash software, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL Software Sevmash, repair SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL, Gadzhievo, Yagelnaya Bay
2003 4 Gadzhievo, it sucks Sevmash software, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
March - SRZ-10, Polyarny, factory repair
SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
2004 5 Gadzhievo, it sucks Sevmash software, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL January - left SRZ-10
SF, 24 div PL
SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
2005 5 Gadzhievo, it sucks May - docked at Sevmash SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
2006 4 Gadzhievo, it sucks Sevmash software, repairs and modernization of avionics
SF, 24 div PL Severodvinsk, repair SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
2007 5 Severodvinsk, it sucks Sevmash software, repairs and modernization of avionics SF, 24 div PL Severodvinsk, repair
SF, 24 div PL

a practical 3M10 rocket was fired

SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL

summer - warranty repair at PA "Sevmash"

SF, 24 div PL
2008 6 CS "Zvezdochka" SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
2009 6 CS "Zvezdochka", recycling SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
2010 6 CS "Zvezdochka", recycling SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
2011 6 - SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL

July - arrived at

SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
2012 4 - SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL April - CS "Zvezdochka" docked, medium repair and modernization SF, 24 div PL According to unconfirmed data, in reserve due to the exhaustion of the reactor core resource SF, 24 div PL
2013 4 - SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div submarines,

repairs and modernization are planned at the Zvyozdochka CS

CS "Zvezdochka", medium repair and modernization SF, 24 div PL refurbishment (?)
SF, 24 div PL
2014 4 ? - SF, 24 div PL August - came to Severodvinsk for repairs and modernization at the Zvezdochka Center
CS "Zvezdochka", medium repair and modernization SF, 24 div PL
refurbishment at the shipyard "Nerpa"

SF, 24 div PL August - the beginning of repairs and modernization at the Zvyozdochka CS, docked at the external pier completion of renovation?
SF, 24 div PL
27.11 - The submarine left the Nerpa shipyard, where it was undergoing repairs to restore technical readiness

SF, 24 div PL

Number of Project 971 submarines in the USSR and Russian Navy by year:

Total Pacific Fleet SF
1985 1 1 -
1986 1 1 -
1987 1 1 -
1988 2 2 -
1989 4 3 1
1990 5 4 1
1991 7 5 2
1992 8 5 3
1993 9 5 4
1994 9 5 4
1995 10 6 4
1996 11 6 5
1997 9 6 3
1998 8 4 4
1999 7 4 3
2000 7 4 3
2001 7 4 3
2002 8 4 4
2003 7 3 4
2004 8 3 5
2005 8 3 5
2006 6 2 4
2007 6 1 5
2008 8 2 6
2009 8 2 6
2010 9 3 6
2011 9 3 6
2012 5 1 4
2013 5 1 4
2014 4 0 2
2015 5 ? 2 ?
2016 6 ? 4 ?

- 2010 February 03 - according to media reports, the transfer of the K-152 Nerpa submarine to India should take place before the end of June 2010.

2010 August 24 - a representative of the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet stated that the transfer of the Nerpa submarine to India will occur at the end of 2010.

2010 October 01 - the transfer of the Nerpa submarine to India has been postponed to the 1st quarter of 2011. Currently, the Indian crew is undergoing training on the submarine. According to media reports, the submarine is being leased to India for 10 years for 650 million USD ( if it's not a media mistake).

October 7, 2010 - Director General of Rosoboronexport Anatoly Isaikin stated that the transfer of the Nerpa submarine to India will take place as planned - i.e. until the end of 2010

2011 October 4-5 - in Moscow, during the work of the intergovernmental commission, the timing of acceptance tests and acceptance of the submarine by the Indian Navy was agreed upon. The launch of acceptance tests for which it is planned to test the weapon systems is scheduled for 10/30/2011. Acceptance of the boat by the Indian Navy is expected on November 22-23, 2011.

October 30, 2011 - The Nerpa submarine did not go to sea for testing - the release date has not been announced. but there is information about its transfer. Information was also released that the reliability of the boat’s weapon systems during testing was no more than 35%. The deadline for transferring the submarine to India will also apparently be postponed.

2011 December 30 - the Act on the transfer of the K-152 "Nerpa" submarine pr.971I to India for leasing was signed at the General Staff of the Russian Navy. On January 20, 2012, the boat will leave for India.

2012 January 19 - deadline for the planned transfer of the K-152 Nerpa submarine to the Indian Navy. On January 16, 2012, the deadline was announced to be postponed to January 23, 2012.

2012 January 23 - SSN K-152 "Nerpa" pr.971I was transferred to the Indian Navy on the territory of the Zvezda plant in Bolshoi Kamen. The name of the boat in the Indian Navy is Chakra.

February 10, 2012 - before the specified date, the Chakra submarine (K-152 "Nerpa") will depart from Vladivostok to its permanent location - the Visakhapatnam base on the east coast of India.

- 2012 March 30-31 - expected time of arrival of the Chakra submarine (K-152 Nerpa) at the Visakhapatnam base on the east coast of India (02/21/2012).

- 2013 March 12 - with reference to a representative of the Russian military-industrial complex, the media report that India is ready to finance the completion of the second submarine pr.971I - "Irbis" (plant No. 519) - at the Amur Shipyard (Komsomolsk-on-Amur) with subsequent transfer to the Indian Navy. The durable hull of the boat is ready and is in storage at the Amur Shipyard.

December 17, 2014 - The Times of India newspaper reports that the Indian Navy has decided to lease a second Project 971 submarine from Russia.

Registry PLA pr.971 and modifications (data is constantly being updated, sorted by launch date, version as of 02/13/2014): U_96. Quo vadis, Russian fleet, part 2. Website

Name Project NATO Factory.
Factory Bookmark date Launch date Date entered. into operation Note
1 K-284 "Shark" 971 / 09710
AKULA 501 K-n-A No. 199 11.11.1983 27.07.1984 30.12.1984 Pacific Fleet, withdrawn from the Navy, there are many discrepancies regarding the dates of laying and descent
2 K-263 "Barnaul"
971 / 09710 AKULA 502 K-n-A No. 199 09.05.1985 28.05.1986 30.12.1987 Pacific Fleet

1998 - the boat was put into storage.
- 2002 - the boat was renamed "Barnaul".
- 2006 - the boat “for repairs” was delivered to the wall of the Zvezda Shipyard.
- 2011 - according to Western PLA data not in the Navy.
- 2011 - due to US funding, transported to PA Mayak for disposal nuclear fuel NPP boats ().
- 2013 - a decision was made to dismantle the submarines at the Zvezda Shipyard.

3 K-322 "Sperm Whale" 971 / 09710 AKULA 513 K-n-A No. 199 05.09.1986 18.07.1987 30.12.1988 Pacific Fleet, under repair with modernization (2009-2012 - at the Amur Shipyard).
4 K-391 "Bratsk"
971 / 09710 AKULA 514 K-n-A No. 199 23.02.1988 23.02.1988 29.12.1989 there are discrepancies in dates
Pacific Fleet, in service (?), according to Western data - as of 2011, not in the Navy. Since 2007, the boat has been taken to the shipyard "SVRTs" (Kamchatka) for repairs. As of March 2013, repairs have not been carried out, but are planned after the transfer to the Zvezdochka Shipyard in 2014.
5 K-480
"AK Bars"
971 / 09710 AKULA 821 Sevmash, responsible delivery person - V.M. Chuvakin, delivery mechanic - V.P. Pastukhov
22.02.1985 04/16/1988 (withdrawal from the workshop)
29.12.1988 SF, 10.10.1990, the boat was given the name "Bars". According to the Sevmash PO booklet, during its service the boat performed two autonomous combat missions and one search operation. On April 27, 1996, after concluding a patronage agreement with the Republic of Tatarstan, the boat was renamed "Ak Bars". 2000 - according to unconfirmed reports - Gadzhievo sludge division. Decommissioned in 2002, 2009-2010. disposal at the Zvezdochka Shipyard, structural elements were used in the construction of the 3rd hull of the SSBN Project 955
6 K-317 "Panther" 971 / 09710 AKULA 822 Sevmash, responsible delivery person - V.N. Sorokin, delivery mechanic - V.P. Pastukhov 06.11.1986 05/11/1990 (withdrawal from the workshop)

05/21/1990 (launching)

12/27/1990 (Act signed)

12/28/1990 (USSR Navy Flag raised)

SF, in service. On October 10, 1990, the boat was given the name “Panther”. According to the Sevmash PO booklet, during its service the boat performed two autonomous combat missions and one search operation. In 2000 - 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Yagelnaya Bay. In 2006-2007 underwent repairs with modernization of avionics at the SMP. According to Western data - as of 2011, as part of the Navy.
7 K-331 "Magadan"
971 / 09710 AKULA 515 K-n-A No. 199 28.12.1989 23.06.1990 31.12.1990 Pacific Fleet, in service (?). According to Western data - as of 2011, as part of the Navy
8 K-461
971 Improved AKULA 831 14.11.1987 06/11/1991 (withdrawal from the workshop)
12/29/1991 (Acceptance Certificate signed)

01/27/1992 (Navy Flag raised)

SF, July 26, 1991, the boat was given the name “Wolf”. According to the Sevmash PO booklet, during its service the boat performed two autonomous combat duties. In service (2010). In 2000 - 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Yagelnaya Bay. According to Western data - as of 2011, as part of the Navy
9 K-419 "Kuzbass"
971 / 09710
Improved AKULA 516 K-n-A No. 199 28.07.1991 18.05.1992 31.12.1992 Pacific Fleet Under repair at the Zvezda shipyard in Bolshoy Kamen (as of 2010, for several years).
- 01/14/2010 - agreement to extend the life of systems and equipment ( ist. - NIPT "Onega" for 2010).
- 2013 - renovation is expected to be completed (media, April 2013).
10 K-328 "Leopard" 971 Improved AKULA 832 Sevmash, responsible delivery person - V.I. Kuznetsov, delivery mechanic - V.P. Pastukhov 26.10.1988 06/28/1992 (withdrawal from the workshop)
12/30/1992 (Act signed)

01/15/1993 (Navy Flag raised)

SF, 01/24/1991, the boat was given the name “Leopard”. According to the Sevmash PO booklet, during its service the boat performed four autonomous combat duties.
- 2000 - 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Yagelnaya Bay.
- 2006 - standing still.
- 2011 - according to Western data, as part of the Navy.
- June 2011 - arrived at the Zvezdochka Center for repairs.
- 12/27/2012 - a contract was signed for repairs and modernization on Project 971M - the lead ship of the project (the first of 6).
11 K-154
971 Improved AKULA 833 Sevmash, responsible delivery person - L.V. Berezovsky, delivery mechanic - S.M. Khviyuzov 10.09.1989 06/26/1993 (withdrawal from the workshop)
12/29/1993 (Act signed)

01/05/1994 (Navy Flag raised)

SF, July 24, 1991, the boat was given the name "Tiger". According to the Sevmash PO booklet, during its service the boat performed two autonomous combat services, according to the results of one of which the commander, Captain 1st Rank Burilichev A.V. awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. In 2000 - 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Yagelnaya Bay. In service (2010), according to Western data - as of 2011 as part of the Navy.
12 K-157
971U AKULA-II 834 Sevmash, responsible delivery person - V.N. Sorokin, delivery mechanic - S.A. Belopolsky 13.07.1990 12/10/1994 (withdrawal from the workshop)
11/25/1995 (Act signed)

11/30/1995 (Navy Flag raised)

SF, 04/06/1993, the boat was given the name "Vepr". According to the Sevmash PO booklet, during its service the boat performed one autonomous combat service and one search operation. In service (2010), in 2000 - 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Yagelnaya Bay. In the summer of 2007, the submarine underwent warranty repairs at SMP. According to Western data - as of 2011, as part of the Navy
13 K-295
("The Dragon")
971 Improved AKULA 517 K-n-A No. 199 07.11.1993 15.08.1994 17.07.1995 there are discrepancies in dates
The Pacific Fleet is in service (?), according to Western data - as of 2011, as part of the Navy. In 2014, it is planned to transfer it to the Zvezdochka shipyard for repairs.
14 K-335
971M AKULA-III 835 Sevmash 23.09.1991 17.10.1999 03.12.2001 tests completed on December 20, 2000, Northern Fleet, in service (2010), in 2000 - 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Yagelnaya Bay. According to Western data - as of 2011, as part of the Navy
15 K-152 "Nerpa" 971I / 09719
Improved AKULA 518 K-n-A No. 199 actual start of construction - 1987 ()

bookmark - 1991 (?)

24.06.2006 28.12.2009 There are discrepancies in dates

2001 - with allocated funding, readiness over the year could change by 0.6% ().

2002 - technical readiness as of January 1 - 83.4%, state funding for construction was not provided for 2002 ().

The Pacific Fleet is in service and is planned to be transferred to India at the end of 2010.
The submarine was handed over to India on January 23, 2012. The official ceremony of commissioning the submarine into service with the Indian Navy will take place on April 4, 2012.

16 K-337 "Cougar" 971U AKULA-II 836 Sevmash 18.08.1992 removed from construction on January 22, 1998 AKULA-III 838 Sevmash 1992-1993 plan withdrawn from construction in 1997 or earlier at the stage of preparing the groundwork - Construction was stopped according to Decree No. 937-73 of December 7, 2000 ().

structures used in the construction of SSBN pr.955

19 K-"Irbis" 971I / 09719
Improved AKULA 519 K-n-A No. 199 1994 (?) - - Construction was frozen in 1996.

Construction was stopped according to Decree No. 937-73 of December 7, 2000. Readiness 56.5% ().

Readiness for 2007 is 60%, located at the Amur Shipyard (2009-2010). The name of the boat "Irbis" is probably unofficial.

20 TO- 971M AKULA-III 520 K-n-A No. 199 1990(?) - - dismantled on the slipway at 25% completion and sold for metal by the plant management
21 TO- 971M AKULA-III 521 K-n-A No. 199 1991 (?) - - sold for metal (?)
10A K-328 "Leopard" 971M AKULA-IV 832 CS "Zvezdochka" 2013 - plan - 2015 (02/13/2014) - 12/27/2012 - a contract was signed for repairs and modernization on Project 971M - the lead ship of the project (the first of 6)

A feature of the new nuclear submarine, the development of which was entrusted to the Leningrad SKV Malakhit, was a significant, approximately five times reduction in noise level compared to the most advanced domestic torpedo boat of the 2nd generation. This result was supposed to be achieved through the implementation of earlier developments in the field of increasing stealth of both the design team of the Design Bureau (where the ultra-low-noise nuclear submarine project was developed in the early 70s) and the scientists of the Central Research Institute named after. Academician A.N. Krylova.

The torpedo-missile system includes four torpedo tubes with a caliber of 533 mm and four torpedo tubes with a caliber of 533 mm (the total ammunition load is more than 40 units of weapons, including 28 with a caliber of 533 mm). It is equipped to fire Granat cruise missiles, underwater missiles and missile-torpedoes (Shkval, Vodopad and Veter), as well as torpedoes and self-transporting mines. In addition, the boat can lay conventional mines. The firing of Granat cruise missiles is controlled by a special hardware complex.

In the 90s, the universal deep-sea homing torpedo UGST, created by the Research Institute of Marine Thermal Engineering and the State Research and Production Enterprise Region, entered service with submarines. It replaced the TEST-71M electric anti-submarine torpedo and the 53-65K high-speed anti-ship torpedo. The new torpedo is designed to destroy enemy submarines and surface ships. A powerful thermal power plant and a significant fuel supply provide it with a wide range of travel depths, as well as the ability to hit high-speed targets at long distances. An axial piston engine running on unitary fuel and a low-noise water-jet propulsion system allow the UGST to reach speeds of more than 50 knots. The propulsion unit without a gearbox is directly connected to the engine, which, along with other measures, has significantly increased the stealth use of the torpedo.

The UGST uses two-plane rudders that extend beyond the contours of the torpedo after it exits the tube. The combined acoustic homing equipment has modes for locating an underwater target and searching for a surface ship using its wake. There is a wired telecontrol system (torpedo coil length is 25 km). A complex of onboard processors ensures reliable control of all torpedo systems when searching for and hitting a target. An original solution is the presence in the guidance system of the “Tablet” algorithm, which simulates the tactical picture on board the torpedo at the time of firing, superimposed on a digital picture of the water area (depths, bottom topography, fairways). After the shot, the data is updated from the mother ship. Modern algorithms give the torpedo the properties of an artificial intelligence system, which makes it possible, in particular, to use several torpedoes simultaneously against one or more targets in a complex target environment and with active enemy counteraction. Torpedo length UGST-7.2 m, weight - 2200 kg, weight explosive- 200 kg, running depth - up to 500 m, speed - more than 50 knots, firing range - up to 50 km.

The improvement of the missile-torpedoes that are part of the armament of the Project 971 nuclear submarine continues. Currently, they are equipped with a new second stage, which is an APR-ZM underwater missile (caliber 355 mm, weight 450 kg, warhead weight 76 kg) with a hydroacoustic homing system with a capture radius of 2 km. The use of the guidance law with an adaptive lead angle made it possible to shift the center of the group of missile hits to the middle of the underwater target, hitting it in a durable hull. The torpedo uses an adjustable turbo-jet engine running on mixed high-calorie fuel, providing APR-ZM high speed approaching a target that makes it difficult for the enemy to use hydroacoustic countermeasures. The missile's underwater speed is 18-30 m/s, the depth of target destruction is up to 800 m, the probability of hitting a target with a root-mean-square target designation error of 300-500 m is 0.9.

At the same time, on the basis of the Soviet-American agreements of 1989, weapons systems with nuclear equipment were excluded from the armament of multi-purpose nuclear submarines - the Shkval and Vodopad missile-torpedoes with SBP, as well as the Granat-type missile-torpedoes.

The efforts of the ship's creators were crowned with success: in terms of stealth level, the new nuclear-powered submarine for the first time in the history of domestic submarine shipbuilding surpassed the best American analogue - the 3rd generation multi-purpose nuclear submarine Los Angeles.

The Project 971 nuclear submarine received powerful strike weapons, significantly superior (in the number and caliber of torpedo tubes, as well as missile and torpedo ammunition) to the potential of domestic and foreign submarines of similar purposes. Like the Project 945 ship, the new boat was supposed to fight enemy submarines and naval groups, carry out mine laying, conduct reconnaissance and participate in special-purpose operations.

The technical design of "Pike-B" was approved on September 13, 1977. However, it was later subjected to modifications caused by the need to "pull up" the technological level of the hydroacoustic complex to the level of the Americans, who had once again taken the lead in this area. Their 3rd generation boats (Los Angeles type) were equipped with the AM/VSYU-5 sonar system with digital information processing, which ensured a much more accurate selection of the useful signal from the background noise. Another new “introduction” that necessitated changes to the project was the military’s requirement to equip new generation nuclear submarines with Granat strategic cruise missiles.

During the modification, which was completed in 1980, the boat received a new digital hydroacoustic system with improved characteristics, as well as a weapons control system that allows the use of cruise missiles.

The design of the Project 971 nuclear submarine included such innovative solutions as integrated automation of combat and technical means, concentration of control of the ship, its weapons and armament in a single center - the main command post (MCP), the use of a pop-up rescue camera (which was successfully tested on 705 boats -th project).

The Project 971 submarine is of the double-hull type. The durable body is made of high-strength steel with a yield strength of 100 kgf/mm2. All main equipment, main command post, combat posts and wheelhouses are located in shock-absorbing zone blocks, which are spatial frame structures with decks. Shock absorption significantly reduces the acoustic field of the ship, and also helps protect the crew and equipment from dynamic overloads that occur during underwater explosions. In addition, the block layout made it possible to rationalize the ship construction process: the installation of equipment was moved from the cramped conditions of the compartment directly to the workshop, to a zone block accessible from all sides. After installation is completed, the zone unit is “rolled” into the boat’s hull and connected to the main cables and pipelines of the ship’s systems.

The submarine uses a developed two-stage damping system, which significantly reduces structural noise. All mechanisms are placed on shock-absorbing foundations. Each zonal block is isolated from the nuclear submarine hull by rubber-cord pneumatic shock absorbers, forming a second cascade of vibration isolation.

Through implementation complex automation The crew of the boat was reduced to 73 people (including 31 officers), which is almost half the size of the crew of the American Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine (141 people). Compared to the Project 671RTM nuclear submarine, the habitability conditions on the new ship are somewhat improved. Hydroacoustic complex MGK-540 "Skat-3" with digital system information processing has a powerful system of noise direction finding and sonar. It consists of a developed nose antenna, two long-range onboard antennas, as well as a towed long antenna located in a container located on the vertical tail.

The target detection range using the new complex has increased threefold compared to the GAS installed on second-generation boats. The time required to determine target motion parameters has also been significantly reduced.

In addition to the SAC, Project 971 nuclear submarines are equipped with a highly effective, unparalleled worldwide system for detecting enemy submarines and surface ships using their wake (the equipment installed on the boat makes it possible to record such a wake many hours after the passage of an enemy submarine).

The ship is equipped with the Symphony-U navigation system, as well as the Molniya-MC radio communication system with the Tsunami space communications system and a towed antenna.

"Shchuka-B" became the first type of multi-purpose nuclear submarine, serial construction of which was initially organized at a plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and not in Severodvinsk or Leningrad, which indicated an increased level of development of the ship's structure in Far East. The lead nuclear-powered icebreaker of Project 971 - K-284 - was laid down on the banks of the Amur in 1980 and entered service on December 30, 1984. Already during its testing, the achievement of a qualitatively higher level of acoustic stealth was demonstrated. The noise level of the K-284 was 12-15 dB (i.e. 4-4.5 times) lower than the noise level of the “quiest” domestic boat of the previous generation - 671RTM, which gave reason to talk about our country becoming a world leader in this regard the most important indicator of underwater shipbuilding. During the serial construction process, the ship's design was continuously improved, and its acoustic testing was carried out. This made it possible to strengthen the achieved position in the field of secrecy, finally eliminating the former superiority of the United States.

According to the NATO classification, the new nuclear submarines received the designation Akula (which caused some confusion, since the name of another submarine began with the letter “A”) Soviet boat- Alfa (project 705).

On October 10, 1990, an order was issued by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy V.N. Chernavin about assigning the name “Panther” to the K-317 boat. Subsequently, other nuclear-powered ships received names. of this project. The first "Severodvinsk" boat - K-480 - received the name "Bars", which soon became a common name for all nuclear-powered ships of Project 971. The first commander of the "Bars" was captain 2nd rank S.V. Efremenko. In December 1997, at the request of Tatarstan, “Bars” was renamed “Ak-Bars”.

In 1996, the cruiser nuclear submarine (KAPL) Vepr, built in Severodvinsk, entered service. While maintaining the same contours, it had a new design of a durable hull and internal “filling”. Once again, a serious leap forward was made in the field of noise reduction. In the West, this ship (as well as subsequent nuclear submarines of the 971st project) was called Akula-2.

According to the now deceased chief designer of the project G.N. Chernyshev (who died in July 1997), Bars retains great modernization capabilities. In particular, the reserves available at Malachite make it possible to increase the search potential of the nuclear-powered icebreaker approximately three times.

According to US naval intelligence, the durable hull of the modernized Barsa has a 4 m long insert. The additional tonnage made it possible, in particular, to equip the boat with “active” systems for reducing vibration of the power plant, almost completely eliminating its impact on the ship’s hull. According to American experts, in terms of stealth characteristics, the modernized Project 971 boat is approaching the level of the American 4th generation multi-purpose nuclear submarine SSN-21 Seawolf. In terms of speed characteristics, diving depth and armament, these ships are also approximately equivalent. Thus, the improved Project 971 nuclear submarine can be considered as a submarine close to the 4th generation level. In the Northern Fleet, the Leopards have been consolidated into a division based in Yagelnaya Bay. In particular, in December 1995 - February 1996. The nuclear submarine "Wolf" (on board was the regular crew of the nuclear submarine "Panther" led by Captain 1st Rank S. Spravtsev, the senior on board was the deputy division commander, Captain 1st Rank V. Korolev), while on combat service in the Mediterranean Sea, carried out long-range anti-submarine provision of aircraft carrier "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov". At the same time, long-term monitoring of several NATO submarines was carried out, including the American Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine. High stealth and combat stability give the Bars the ability to successfully overcome anti-submarine lines equipped with stationary long-range hydroacoustic surveillance systems, as well as counter anti-submarine forces. They can operate in the enemy’s zone of dominance and deliver sensitive missile and torpedo strikes. The armament of the Bars allows them to fight submarines and surface ships, as well as hit ground targets with high precision with cruise missiles.

In the event of an armed conflict, each boat of Project 971 is capable of creating a threat and pinning down a significant group of enemy forces, preventing attacks on Russian territory.

According to scientists from MIPT, given in the brochure “The Future of Russia’s Strategic Nuclear Forces: Discussion and Arguments” (Dolgoprudny, 1995), even under the most favorable hydrological conditions characteristic of Barents Sea V winter period Project 971 nuclear submarines can be detected by American Los Angeles-class boats with the AM/BQQ-5 sonar system at a range of no more than 10 km. Under less favorable conditions in this area of ​​the world's oceans, it is almost impossible to detect the Bars using hydroacoustic means.

The emergence of ships with such a high combat potential changed the situation and forced the US Navy to reckon with the possibility of serious opposition from the Russian fleet even in conditions of complete superiority of American offensive forces. "Leopards" can attack both the strike forces of the US Navy themselves and their rear areas, including coastal control centers, basing and supply points, no matter how far away they are. Secretive and therefore inaccessible to the enemy, Project 971 nuclear submarines turn a potential war on the oceans into a kind of attack through a minefield, where any attempt to move forward threatens with an invisible but real danger.

It is appropriate to give a description of the submarines of the 971st project, given by the prominent American naval analyst N. Polmar at a hearing in the National Security Committee of the US House of Representatives: “The appearance of submarines of the D/sh/a type, as well as other Russian nuclear submarines 3- generation demonstrated that Soviet shipbuilders were closing the noise gap faster than expected." A few years later, in 1994, it became known that this gap had been completely eliminated.

According to representatives of the US Navy, at operational speeds of the order of 5-7 knots. The noise of the Improved Akula class boats, recorded by hydroacoustic reconnaissance, was less than the noise of the most advanced US Navy nuclear submarines of the Improved Los-Angelos class. According to the Chief of Operations of the US Navy, Admiral D. Burd: American ships were unable to accompany the Improved Akula nuclear submarine at speeds less than 6-9 knots (contact with the new Russian submarine took place in the spring of 1995 off the east coast of the United States). According to the admiral, the improved Akula-2 nuclear submarine meets the requirements for 4th generation boats in terms of low noise characteristics. The appearance of new super-stealthy nuclear-powered ships in the Russian fleet after the end of the Cold War caused serious concern in the United States. In 1991, this issue was raised in Congress. Several proposals were put forward for discussion by American legislators aimed at rectifying the current situation in favor of the United States. In accordance with them, it was planned, in particular: to demand from our country to make public its long-term programs in the field of submarine shipbuilding, to establish agreed upon limits for the Russian Federation and the United States on the quantitative composition of multi-purpose nuclear submarines, to provide assistance to Russia in re-equipping shipyards building nuclear submarines for the production of non-military products .

An international non-governmental organization has also joined the campaign to combat Russian submarine shipbuilding. environmental organization Greenpeace, which actively advocated the banning of submarines with nuclear power plants (primarily, of course, Russian ones, which, according to the “greens,” pose the greatest environmental danger). In order to “exclude nuclear disasters,” Greenpeace recommended that Western governments make the provision of financial assistance to Russia dependent on the resolution of this issue.

However, the rate of replenishment of the Navy with new multipurpose submarines slowed down sharply by the mid-90s, which removed the urgency of the problem for the United States, although the efforts of “environmentalists” (many of whom, as is known, are closely associated with NATO intelligence services) directed against the Russian fleet did not have ceased to this day.

Currently, all multi-purpose nuclear submarines of Project 971 are part of the Northern (Yagelnaya Bay) and Pacific (Rybachy) fleets. They are quite actively (of course, by the standards of the present time) used for combat service.

In the seas and oceans from navy The USSR needed to take adequate steps all the time to eliminate the likely threat. It was necessary not only to maintain parity in nuclear submarines that carried nuclear missiles, but also to have effective means of countering strike formations of a potential enemy’s fleet. After a long search for an effective anti-submarine warfare weapon, it was decided to build Project 971 multi-purpose attack submarines.

The new ships were supposed to secretly conduct underwater reconnaissance, monitoring the movements of missile submarines of Western countries, and, if necessary, act proactively.

How the new Project 971 Shchuki nuclear submarines were created

It should be noted that the idea of ​​​​creating a submarine ship capable of effectively fighting the submarines of a potential enemy at sea appeared immediately after the entry into service of the American fleet of Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines. Available Soviet fleet submarines were unsuitable for searching for enemy ships in the depths of the world's oceans. The main disadvantage of the second generation Soviet nuclear submarines was the high noise level of the underwater operation. This especially affected the combat effectiveness of Soviet nuclear submarines, which could no longer compete on equal terms with the 3rd generation submarines that appeared in foreign fleets.

Project 971 was a continuation of the practical implementation of the construction of titanium nuclear attack submarines of Project 945. The main goal of the project was to expand the scale of construction of cheaper multi-purpose submarines. The new project was based on the main components and assemblies of Project 945 submarines. Instead of a titanium hull, the new nuclear submarines were to have steel hulls of a similar shape, similar tactical and technical data, including autonomy and range. In terms of speed, diving depth and armament, Project 971 submarines should have had similar parameters. Particular emphasis in Project 971 was placed on significantly reducing the noise level of the boat. This factor was to play a key role in the subsequent operation of the new class of submarines.

The Project 971 submarine received the code "Pike-B", thereby repeating the glorious combat history of the "Pikes", medium-sized submarines of the Second World War. Project documentation provided for the construction of multi-purpose 3rd generation submarines in a large series, which were supposed to replace the outdated Project 671 Pike-class boats in the fleet. Technical task for the new “Pike” appeared in the summer of 1976. A year later, the new submarine received its shape through the efforts of SKB-143 Malachite. This design bureau already had experience in building ocean-going submarines, so the “Gorky project” did not have to be adjusted to new factory conditions.

Only in 1980 were the final technical improvements completed and production documentation drawn up. In 1983, the first nuclear submarine of Project 971 was laid down, which received the formidable name “Shark”. The submarine was supposed to mark the beginning of a large series of multi-purpose submarines with improved seaworthiness and hydroacoustic characteristics.

Stages of construction of new nuclear submarines "Pike"

The situation that developed at sea in the mid-80s forced the country's top naval leadership to make every effort to increase the combat capability of the ocean-going submarine fleet. Tasks aimed at reducing noise levels and increasing the firepower of submarines formed the basis of the new project. The first submarine received serial number No. 501 and was laid down at the shipbuilding plant named after. Lenin Komsomol in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In the summer of 1984, the ship was launched and entered service in the new year of 1985.

All subsequent ships of the new series, the Shchuka-B multipurpose submarines of Project 971, were simultaneously built at two shipyards in the country, in Komsomolsk on the Amur and at Sevmash in Severodvinsk. A total of 15 ships were launched, of which 8 became part of the Pacific Fleet, and the other 7 formed the strike core of the Northern Fleet.

The first ship of the series, the Akula submarine, showed unique results already on its first voyage. In terms of underwater noise, the Soviet submarine surpassed its direct competitor, the American Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine.

For reference: The secret of the success of Soviet designers and shipbuilders was a new technique for processing propellers. For the first time, high-precision foreign equipment was used at shipyards involved in the construction of submarines - Japanese milling machines of the Toshiba brand. As a result, it was possible to significantly improve the quality of metalworking of the propeller blades of the submarine, which was reflected in the reduction in the noise level of the rotating propeller.

Project 971, according to the Western classification "Akula -II", became for the American naval forces an unpleasant surprise. From now on, American attack submarines and missile carriers could not freely sail near Soviet shores. Every movement of a potential enemy submarine was controlled by the new Soviet pikes.

At the government level, it was decided to give the new ships names similar to the names of Soviet cities. For example, the sixth nuclear submarine of the Shchuka-B type received the name Magadan after launching. However, three years later the submarine received a new name, K-331 Narwhal. The ship sailed with this name until January 2001.

All nuclear submarines of the Shchuka-B type commissioned in the Far East as part of the Pacific Fleet were named after the names of Russian cities. So, after the Akula boat, the lead ship of Project 971, the Far Eastern shipbuilders followed the Barnaul nuclear submarine and in 1989 the Bratsk nuclear submarine. Then it was the turn of the nuclear-powered icebreaker Magadan, which was launched in December 1990. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, already in 1992, the Kuzbass multi-purpose submarine entered service with the Pacific Fleet. Laid down in 1993 on a slipway in Komsomolsk on the Amur, the K-419 Samara submarine was already being completed to replace the Soviet era. The submarine entered service in July 1995.

The only ship that stood out among the group of new ships by its name was the K-322 Sperm Whale nuclear submarine, which entered service with the Pacific Fleet in 1988.

Having received the first real confirmation of the correctness of the selected technical solutions As a result of the implementation of Project 971, the construction of submarines of the Shchuka-B type began at the Severodvinsk Machine-Building Enterprise. Sevmash became home to most Soviet nuclear-powered ships. The fate of the second series of Project 971 boats, assembled at the Sevmash shipyards and commissioned by the Northern Fleet, was no exception.

Design features of Project 971 nuclear submarines

Project 971 nuclear submarines were initially built as fighters of enemy submarine missile carriers, so powerful weapons were installed on the ships. In terms of combat potential, modern “Pikes” were significantly superior to all domestic analogues and were much stronger than foreign combat submarines of the same class.

Together with the Barracuda-class submarines, the new attack nuclear submarines were supposed to form the backbone of the USSR Navy to counter the potential enemy’s naval strike groups on the Northern and Eastern flanks. Using their high tactical and technical characteristics, stealth and greater autonomy, the new “Pikes” could be successfully used for special operations throughout the world’s oceans.

Nuclear submarines were to be armed with new Granat cruise missiles and a digital sonar system.

The main design features of Project 971 nuclear-powered ships were the complete automation of the main technological and combat processes. All control of the ship was concentrated in a single main command post. The automation system for ship processes and control made it possible to significantly reduce the crew on the Project 971 Pike. The warship was served by 73 sailors and officers, which is almost two times less than on the main multi-purpose nuclear submarine of the US Navy Los Angeles class. The living conditions of the personnel on the new ships have also improved, and the living conditions for the crew at sea for a long time have improved.

One of the innovative solutions applicable to the design of the ship is the organization of a rescue system for the ship’s crew in emergency situations. Boats of the Shchuka-B type were equipped with a pop-up rescue chamber designed for the entire crew (73 people).

Hull and power plant of the nuclear submarine "Pike"

The first nuclear-powered icebreaker of Project 971, the Shchuka-B type, was a double-hulled ship. The main strong hull of the ship is steel, made of high-strength steel. The hull of the boat was divided into compartments in such a way that all combat posts and main control units of the ship were located in separate isolated areas. The interior of the boat had a frame, stacked structure with passages and decks. Due to the two-stage depreciation of each block, it was possible to achieve a significant reduction in production noise and reduce the acoustic signal emitted by working mechanisms and the crew. Each block in the ship was isolated from the pressure hull by pneumatic shock absorbers, creating a second level of vibration isolation.

For example, on the Northern Fleet submarine K-317 “Panther”, rubber shock absorbers and silicone gaskets were tested for the first time on the main operating mechanisms. As a result, the noise of the operating steam turbine unit of the nuclear reactor and electric motors decreased by 30-40%.

On all subsequent ships launched from the Sevmash slipways, parts and mechanisms made of synthetic materials were installed. The noise levels produced by Project 971 submarines of the Northern Fleet remain the lowest today.

During the construction of the boats, the technology of block assembly of the main ship structures was used. Installation of equipment was now carried out not in the cramped conditions of the boat hull, but directly on stands in the factory workshops. Upon completion of assembly, the unit was installed in the ship’s hull, after which it was connected to the main communications of the boat. Innovations introduced into the project, the presence of a rescue chamber for the crew and a hull made of high-strength steel led to an increase in the ship's displacement to 8 thousand tons.

For reference: the submarine's original design displacement was 6-7 thousand tons, but subsequent changes led to the weight of the ship when loaded.

The ship's propulsion system and energy supply system were based on the operation of one OK-650B nuclear reactor, which communicated with four steam generators. As a backup power unit, the boat was equipped with a single-shaft steam turbine, which had a complete backup set of mechanization of all processes. The total power of the power plant is 50 thousand hp. As a result, the nuclear-powered ship could develop a surface speed of 11 knots, and under water, at least 33 knots.

The seven-blade propeller with improved hydrodynamics was driven by two electric motors.

The backup power plant consisted of two DG-300 diesel engines, which provided power supply and propulsion of the ship in emergency situations. The supply of diesel fuel was designed for a 10-day voyage on backup engines.

Ship armament and navigation equipment

All the first boats in the series were produced with mine and torpedo armament and were equipped with RK-55 Granat missile systems. The torpedo armament consisted of 4 533 mm torpedo tubes and 4 650 mm caliber torpedo tubes. The main difference between the new class of submarines was the versatility of their weapons. The Granat missile system made it possible to fight all types of naval weapons. The mine and torpedo group was responsible for anti-submarine defense. Cruise missiles and rocket-torpedoes were launched through underwater torpedo tubes from any position of the ship.

Project 971 submarines “Wolf” and “Leopard”, which served in the Northern Fleet, like their counterparts in the Pacific Ocean, carried the new SKAT-KS sonar systems. Basic information was processed digitally. In addition to the SKAT sonar system, the new nuclear submarines were equipped with a unique system for detecting enemy ships by their wake.

Since the beginning of the 90s, new navigation equipment began to be installed on the Pike. The K-154 Tiger submarine has recently undergone modernization and is considered by Western experts to be a ship with increased stealth. The nuclear submarines Vepr and Samara are currently undergoing modernization propulsion system and re-equipment with new sonar equipment. The ships are equipped with new navigation complexes “Medveditsa-971” and the space radio communication complex “Symphony”.

Today, all Project 971 ships that are in service in the Northern and Pacific Fleet are re-equipped with missile systems"Caliber". Some of the boats have undergone modernization. The K-328 Leopard submarine, as well as the K-461 Volk nuclear-powered submarine, have undergone a radical modernization and are back in service. Nuclear-powered ships of a later production, the submarines K-335 “Gepard”, K-317, K-154 are considered today the main ships of the Northern Fleet.


The appearance of new Soviet nuclear submarines of the Shchuka-B type at sea came as a surprise to the fleets of Western countries. From that moment on, American submarines lost the ability to secretly conduct reconnaissance in the Northern Seas and the Pacific Ocean. The collapse of the Soviet Union prevented the massive construction and deployment of new nuclear-powered ships. However, despite their small numbers, first Soviet and then Russian Project 971 submarines continue to be the most powerful attack submarines of the Russian Navy today.

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