Beads made of polymer clay with salt. You are here: Working with polymer clay: salt technique. Sugar and salt technology: master class

Master classes on modeling from polymer clay: Salt technique

A technique that every beginner should know. Salt technology You can use it not only for making round beads. It is often used when modeling baked goods. My master class uses large salt. You can also use sugar or fine salt. If you don't have a machine to drill beads, then place the beads on toothpicks. More details in "Step 5" .

Let's get started:

Step 1. We tear off a piece of clay and knead it well. To make sausages, first roll a ball in your hands, then simply roll it out either between your palms or on a work surface to make sausages as in the photo. You can see how this is done below. Step 3.

Step 2. Using a blade, cut the sausage into equal parts (“by eye”). This is done in order to get identical balls afterwards.

Step 3. We roll balls. First, slightly crush the piece on all sides, place it between your palms and, without pressing too much, make rotational movements 3 times to the left, 3 to the right, continue until a ball is formed. We feel the clay, we don’t crush our ball. There is no need to make a perfect ball.

Step 4. Now we need salt. You can throw the ball into salt and roll it thoroughly in the container, pressing the salt into it, let it deform, no big deal. Or pour salt into your hand and roll it, pressing on all sides, letting it deform a little. Afterwards we simply roll it between our palms to even it out. As shown in " Step 3"

Step 5. The beads are ready, you can bake them (temperature and time depend on the clay manufacturer, see packaging). For polymer clays (plastics) of the brands Fimo, Cernit, Sculpey, Sonet - 130 g. 30 minutes. If you don’t have anything to drill beads with, then first put the blanks in the refrigerator so that they freeze, then put them on toothpicks. After baking, while they are still hot, remove them from the toothpicks. If you forgot to remove it, reheat the pieces in the oven.

Step 6. Let our beads cool in the oven. Place in a container and fill with hot water. To make the salt dissolve faster, actively stir the beads and the salt will quickly dissolve in the water. We take out the beads and dry them. The result is below. You don’t have to varnish them, they look great anyway.

Good afternoon dear accomplices!

I decided to post a couple of master classes for beginners: beads using the salt technique and 2 ways to sculpt oranges

In my opinion, the journey into the magical world of polymer clay jewelry should begin with the salt technique: it is quite simple and effective:

1. Necessary materials:plastic (in this case Polish), stationery knife, toothpick, sugar, container with water on the stove.
2.3. cut the plastic into pieces the right size and warm up.
4. make balls (I hope everyone understands how to roll the balls in your palms) here the accuracy of the figure is not the most important thing.
5. Dip our blank bead into a container with sugar, press the sugar into it a little
6. Roll the ball, rolling in the sugar.
Next, we repeat steps 5 and 6 several times so that the plastic “takes” more sugar (the more, the more interesting and varied the pattern)
7. We put the sugar balls in the refrigerator for a while so that the plastic cools down from our hands and hardens a little, this will make it easier to make a hole. At this time, turn on the gas under the saucepan with water and heat it to a boil.
8. Use a toothpick (a needle, a syringe, an awl, or basically anything sharp) to make a hole using gentle medical movements.
9. Place one ball at a time (so they don’t stick to each other) into boiling water. And leave them to cook for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the beads. Then we give them and let them cool.
10. We collect beads into beads and get an exclusive decoration.

OK it's all over Now. There is no need to varnish.

As a result, we can assemble the following decoration:

Now oranges, this is a little more complicated:

1 way is easier

1. Necessary materials: white and orange plastic, stationery knife
2. We form a ball from orange plastic and flatten it to form a cylinder.
3. We divide the office. cut in half with a knife
4. We put a white strip between the two halves and connect them together, compact them a little, returning the shape of the cylinder.
5. Cut across and insert the white strip again. Repeat the steps until you get 8 slices. Recommendation: before each cutting, it is better to put the plastic in the refrigerator for a while so that it cools from the warmth of your hands, then it will be easier to cut and the shape will not be lost.
6. We wrap our cylinder with slices in white plastic.
7. We wrap our cylinder with slices in orange plastic.
8. Press the resulting sausage
9. Result: orange slices.

Method 2 - the slices are more realistic

Because There are too many photos, so I optimized everything as much as possible, but I’ll tell you more in the description:
1. Required materials: plastic in two colors - orange and white
2. Roll a sausage out of orange plastic, wrap it in a white stripe and cut into 8 equal parts - orange slices.
3. Flatten each part on one side, obtaining the shape of a droplet.
4. We roll a small sausage out of white plastic - this is our middle. And we collect slices around it.
5. Roll a thin white sausage and divide it into 8 parts equal to the height of our orange. We put them between the slices.
6. Wrap the resulting sausage in white plastic
7. Wrap the resulting sausage in orange plastic
8. Gently compress the sausage to the required size
9. Result.
I remind you that before cutting the sausage, it must be cooled from the warmth of your hands, then it will be easier to cut the pieces evenly.

Creative success!

For example, you can make beads from orange sausage:

Thank you for your attention!

The master class was prepared by Stella Zateinitsa from Surgut especially for the Casket website.

Good afternoon dear needlewomen!

My name is Stella, a lover of needlework and everything connected with it. I would like to present to you a master class on making beads from polymer clay using the salt technique. Why salt? Because to make beads, in addition to plastic, ordinary table or sea cosmetic salt is used.

I would like to note that it is worth paying attention to this technique for those needlewomen who are just starting to work with polymer clay. Good results at the beginning, they are a great incentive for further work. When I started sculpting with polymer clay myself, I lacked good advice from knowledgeable people, not to start with heavy techniques. I got tired of sculpting flowers and creating complex designs very quickly. Trying complex techniques that I had not yet understood in detail and subtleties, I abandoned this matter for 2 whole years.
Start easy, improve gradually and you will see good results very quickly.

Necessary materials:
- glass or plastic work surface;
- polymer clay (you can start with one color, I used two - white metallic and blue);
- stationery knife;
- salt or sugar;
- toothpick, awl or needle;
- a stove and a pan of water (we will not bake the beads, but boil them);

So let's get started.
Step 1. Knead the plastic well and roll it into a thin sausage. I took two colors, so I should have two sausages. The blue one is twice as long, since it is the main color; I add metallic white to lightly lighten and shine the beads.

Step 2. Using a utility knife, cut the sausages into equal pieces and form equal balls. I have small balls with a diameter of about 6 -7 mm, since I add white color in different proportions. If you are working with one color, you can immediately cut it into large balls and form beads. The size is at your discretion, most often it is 1-1.5 cm. Also, instead of balls, you can form cubes, triangles, cones, rhombuses and other shapes.

Step 3. Take salt (I replaced it with sugar) and roll all the balls in it. Using sugar or fine salt, we subsequently obtain even and neat holes. If you need large holes with the structure of a sponge, use sea cosmetic salt.
Leave the beads for 30 minutes. cool in our hands or put in the refrigerator for 7-10 minutes.

Step 4. Using a toothpick, awl or needle, make holes all the way through each ball. But you can also drill holes using a thin drill and in baked beads.

Step 5. Boil water in a saucepan, drop one bead at a time (so as not to stick together) into the water and cook for 12-15 minutes over medium heat. Remove and place in cold water to cool quickly.

Our beads are ready!

Sanding with sandpaper is not recommended; it can ruin the relief. If there is a need to add shine to the product, you can sand it with fine sandpaper or coat it acrylic varnish for plastics.
From ready-made beads, you can collect: beads, bracelets, earrings, keychains, etc.

Using only made beads and a thin cord, I assembled charming beads for a summer dress.

Beads made of polymer clay are perfectly combined with beads, glass beads and metal fittings.

Thank you for your attention. I wish you great success in your endeavors!

They are practically no different from each other - in both cases the beads are obtained with a rough surface, but if sugar is used, the indentations and texture will be more voluminous.

To work you will need:

Polymer clay orange;
red polymer clay;
extra salt;
granulated sugar;
pasta machine;

Sugar and salt technology: master class

To make beads from polymer clay using the sugar and salt technique, prepare deep plates with sugar and salt so that it is convenient to roll the plastic in them.

Let's make the beads two-color. Mix the red and orange colors together using a pasta machine. Don't mix it too much - just leave some streaks of color.

Form several identical beads. We will make half using sugar and the other half with salt.

Dip the first part of the beads in sugar (sugar technique), and the second in salt (salt technique), carefully press the particles into the surface of the polymer clay and roll between your palms. If you feel that the texture is not enough, dip it again.

To make a neat hole, place the bead on the table and carefully screw a toothpick into it, then pull it out, turn the bead over and screw the toothpick in on the other side. The hole will be symmetrical on both sides and will go slightly deeper into the bead. You can also drill a hole in a ready-made bead.

We will boil plastic beads using the sugar technique and bake them using the salt technique. The fact is that sugar beads cannot be baked - the sugar will start to burn and leave unpleasant marks on the surface of the plastic.

Cook the beads in boiling water for 10 minutes and cool. Bake the beads with salt in the oven for 10-15 minutes at the temperature indicated on the polymer clay packaging.

After baking and boiling, it is not necessary to coat the beads with varnish, but if you want them to be shiny, use a special varnish for plastic products. The master class on creating sugar and salt beads from polymer clay is over. We hope it helps you create many beautiful and stylish handmade items!

February 6th, 2013 , 11:58 am

Original taken from lizkin_bizkit in Beads in the "salt" technique. Master Class.

We will make beads using the salt (or sugar) technique and then assemble them into a bracelet.

We will need:

Baked polymer clay

Blade from a stationery knife


Sugar or salt

Glass of water


Decorative beads for decoration.

So let's begin!

We take three colors, you don’t have to worry too much about kneading at this stage. We form triangles, which, when added to each other, will give a rectangle (or almost a rectangle)

Then we cut our rectangle into as many strips as we want to make beads. Each strip will contain pieces of both colors, in different proportions. When mixed, it gives us a smooth color transition

Mix the colors thoroughly. At first the plastic will be quite hard, so I got used to warming it up on the radiator - I put small pieces on a couple of sheets of paper and in 5 minutes they become warm and it is much easier to knead them. Then we roll the balls. The accuracy of the figure is not very important here. These are the balls we got:

Now pour in sugar (or salt, the larger the crystals, the more spectacular the surface will be) and roll our balls one at a time. The more you press the ball with your palm against the sugar, the more of it will be imprinted into the surface. And the more beautiful the bead will be.

Now put the sugar balls in the freezer for literally 5 minutes so that the polymer clay cools down and hardens a little. This will make it easier to make a hole in the ball.

At the same time, heat the oven to 110-130 degrees (I bake at 120)

One by one, we take out the cooled balls, and, with a twisting motion, pierce them with a toothpick. The more actively you rotate the toothpick around its axis, the less deformation of the bead will be. It's better to twist than to push! Let's form a round shape of beads.

We leave the beads on our toothpicks and bake them in this form. I stick the loose ends of the toothpicks into a piece of foil so that the beads bake vertically without touching anything. Is it possible to buy corn starch, pour it into a heat-resistant container and bake the beads directly on it. This method allows you to bake non-flat parts without the formation of “bedsores” (smooth spots left from the contact of the plastic with what the product is lying on)

If you use a conventional oven, I recommend using a large jar with a screw-on iron lid (necessarily with a wide mouth!). In such a jar, fumes from the plastic will not settle on the walls of the oven and you will not have to wash it after each time. But please note that because of the jar, the baking time will need to be increased by 10-15 minutes. In this case, the jar was not used, so bake for only 15-20 minutes, let it cool and then wash the sugar off the beads in a glass of water and dry. What a beauty we have!

I found suitable beads made of wood and felt in the bins of the Motherland and decided to complement the bracelet with them.

We assemble our product with an elastic band. The bracelet is ready!

You see, absolutely nothing complicated!) By the way, for those who especially doubt their abilities - even 5-year-old children have coped with this work!) You simply have no chance not to succeed!)

Wish you creative success! Don't be afraid to experiment, because only the fearless achieve greatness!

Elizaveta Novikova.