What regulates the activities of a petting zoo? Petting zoo how to open a business. The Smart Approach – Animal Guardianship

A petting zoo is often called a mini-zoo or a rural zoo. All names determine the features of this type of zoo. Firstly, it is permissible to touch and feed animals, there is no point in recruiting a large number of animals (it is better to focus on non-aggressive, kind birds and animals, reptiles), and the primary source of such a zoo was farms outside the city. Indeed, such zoos used to be offered to visitors by farmers such as additional view earnings.

Further, in connection with high level payback, petting zoos moved out of town. Now this type of activity - profitable business for their owners. That's just competitive environment may be filled. If your city already has a petting zoo, but you really want to organize a similar type of activity, you should consider changing the focus of the zoo. For example, you can collect breeds of dwarf animals. These are miniature ponies, rabbits, goats or dogs. All of them are sure to please visitors and attract the attention of customers.

Choosing a room.

It is best to rent a room in the center. If this is not possible, then any other busy area of ​​the city will do. A spacious room is required. So that animals can move freely in enclosures. It is best to open such zoological centers near parks or recreation areas. But, there is an option for organizing this type of activity even on floors entertainment center. The only thing is that you should immediately be aware of possible frequent checks. But this is only suitable for a small number of animals and birds. But if you have dozens of copies, then you won’t be able to get by with small areas, even just one room.

The total area of ​​the room must be at least 200 square meters. The ability to air condition and ventilate the room is important here, since any animal has its own smell and not every visitor may like to be in a confined space with heavy air for a long time.

It is also very important to have room heating in winter period, for a comfortable stay for visitors and animals, lighting and water supply. It is important for each type of animal to have its own area for an enclosure; it is permissible to keep two species of animals that are similar in behavior. These are goats and sheep, dogs of different breeds, and so on.

In total to pay for the rent of the premises and utilities About $1.4 thousand is allocated per month.

Equipment for a petting zoo.

For a petting zoo you need to purchase the following equipment:

1. Equipment or place for keeping an animal (enclosures, cages, aquariums, terrariums, etc.) - $2.5 thousand;
2. Lighting system - $800;
3. Exhaust system - $1.4 thousand;
4. Office equipment - $2 thousand;
5. Household appliances and supplies (for cleaning, for washing animals) - $1.8 thousand;

Total cost is minimal necessary list work for a petting zoo is $9-11 thousand.

Purchasing animals.

The entire area of ​​the petting zoo will be divided into two areas. The first will include animals that can be touched, the usual goats, sheep, piglets, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, ostriches, ponies and so on. In another part it is advantageous to place those animals that you can only look at. These are wild animals, reptiles, which may pose some danger upon contact, but will nevertheless be enjoyed by visitors. It is better to buy in a percentage ratio of 90 to 10. Since a “touching” zoo must provide the opportunity for close contact with animals. When buying birds and animals, it is very important to examine their general condition, get the results from a veterinarian and give them all vaccinations. Generally speaking, buying animals is the most expensive part of this type of business.

Therefore, on this type expenses must be prepared from $7 thousand.

Feed and preparations.

It is important to stock up on all the necessary (and most importantly healthy) animal food. It is best if the diet is compiled individually by a veterinarian. Because a sick animal will look lethargic, inactive and sick, which will discourage visitors. This is why it is so important to invest in good nutrition. This will be specialized food, cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat, bones and so on. It is very important that the animals remain well-fed. Vitamin supplements will be no less useful. It is also important to have a minimum quantity on hand. medicines for animals.

It is worth preparing about $4 thousand for this aspect.


To work you do not need a large number of staff, 5-7 people. These are two administrators for shift work, an accountant and a veterinarian, three caretakers. Administrators will offer tickets, monitor the number of people in the rooms, perform an explanatory function, ensure that visitors wash their hands, put on shoe covers, and take off before entering outerwear. The accountant will conduct cash transactions, the veterinarian will supervise the animals, and caretakers will be in the hall to monitor the animals and clients. Their responsibilities will also include washing animals and sanitation of premises.

With all deductions, workers will receive about $1.5-2 thousand.

The main audience of the zoo is children, so it is they who need to be influenced first. It can be standard set marketing - publications, advertising on television and radio, distribution and posting of leaflets and posters. It will help to put up posters in kindergartens and schools, recreation areas, parks, outdoor advertising. Suitable for work in in social networks, popular forums. You will also be attracted by the possibility of a discount for a group visit to the zoo. For example, when there is a whole class or group there will be a 10-20% discount. But word of mouth will be most effective.

Basic costs.

To create a petting zoo business, you need to provide for the following expenses:

1. Premises - $1.4 thousand;
2. Equipment - $9-11 thousand;
3. Feed and medications - $4 thousand;
4. Purchase of animals - $7 thousand;
5. Staff - $1.5-2 thousand;
6. Advertising - $700.

In total, you need to invest about $22 thousand to create such a business.

Calculation of profit and payback.

The main source of income will be a paid ticket to the zoo, which will be about $3 for an adult, $2 for a child ticket, for children under three years old you can offer a free visit, for birthday people you can also do it for free. Group visits include a 20% discount. Separately, you can offer to buy animal food to feed them. The amount should be small, about $1 per bag. You can also offer drinks, souvenirs, and the opportunity to take pictures with animals. On average, about 500 people will pass through per day, and the daily profit will fluctuate between 1-1.5 thousand $. Working in this mode, you can raise about $22 thousand a month.

After deducting all monthly investments, the business owner will receive at least $7 thousand. Payback will take place in one year.

Development options and clients.

Clients include people with children of different ages, as well as people of retirement age. The main options for development are investments such as selling rabbits and other animals, shearing wool from sheep, eggs, and so on. It is also possible to offer individual visits and organize holidays on the territory of the petting zoo.

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A contact or “touching” zoo is an institution with animals that do not pose a direct danger to humans. Every visitor to such an establishment can freely touch, stroke and feed the animal. If you are planning to open your own petting zoo or are partial to animals, then be sure to read this business idea. She is perhaps the only one in Runet who will reveal all the intricacies of the petting zoo business.

Most Russian petting zoos contain domestic and farm animals of traditional and exotic breeds. Rabbits, hens and chicks, ducks and others Domestic bird, piglets, kids. Sometimes there are also calves. Kittens and dog puppies are found everywhere. A number of such establishments can also keep raccoon and fox puppies, turtles, hedgehogs, peacocks, non-venomous snakes, ferrets and other “wild” exotics.

The opening of such a zoo, according to its owners, has good goals. Since, they refer to the opinion of scientists, constant contact with animals has a beneficial effect on human well-being.

There is a scientific term - pet therapy. It characterizes the positive therapeutic effect of animals on humans. Contact with animals is in the human blood. Even in primitive times, humans had their first domestic animals. It is therefore not surprising that petting zoos are very popular. This means that there is a stable demand in this area! And strives to satisfy him private business in all its manifestations.

Turning to the statistics of search queries from Yandex, we will see that the topic of petting zoo business is very popular. Here are five popular phrases requested in the search engine:

  • Open petting zoo,
  • how to open a petting zoo,
  • petting zoo business plan,
  • business plan for a petting zoo with calculations,
  • how to open a petting zoo documents.
  • To open a private petting zoo, you need to purchase all the necessary animals. Each such animal must have a veterinary passport or certificate. These documents can be provided by Veterinary Control or veterinary clinics authorized to issue such documents. As a rule, the animal must undergo a full examination and medical examination with the necessary vaccinations.

    The internal structure of the zoo should be designed so that animals cannot leave their place or enclosure, and visitors have unhindered access to pets. You can check the list with local authorities of the Federal Tax Service and SES necessary documents to open a petting zoo. Since the form of such a business at the place of work falls under the rules and requirements local authorities self-government.

    The truth and features of opening a petting zoo in Russia

    While visiting petting zoos, you may have noticed that such establishments usually house young animals - puppies, kittens, chickens, and the like. Have you ever wondered why? Where are the adult animals?

    A close contact between an animal and a stranger is stressful for both. But the meeting does not always have a negative connotation. Even when guarding territory, the animal first warns and tries to scare off the enemy. In other cases, a living creature, obeying instincts, strives to run away and hide. Only a rabid animal usually attacks first.

    Cubs of wild nature are deprived of such an instinct; they are not yet capable and do not know how to defend themselves. This is what the owners of touching zoos take advantage of. Young animals used in the business guarantee that the animals are not aggressive, and therefore increase the safety of visitors. And let's be honest - small animals are so cute!

    The second factor responsible for the number of animals in a zoo is the mortality of the latter. Animals that are constantly stressed do not live long. Refusal internal organs(heart, kidneys, liver, etc.) due to stress in animals from petting zoos is the most common phenomenon. Unfortunately, the truth is that animals very often die in such establishments. Never became adults. This “staff turnover” is the main factor in the exceptional availability of young animals in petting zoos.

    What about domesticated animals? One owner to whom the animals are accustomed does not cause them stress. On the contrary, they love him, wait and rejoice at his appearance. Therefore, it is one thing when a four-legged friend lives with one owner, and another when every day the animal “passes” through the hands of dozens of different children and adults. Perhaps some (we are talking about people) can be more aggressive than representatives of the fauna.

    Many owners of such establishments forget that their animals are not toys. They, like all living individuals, want to walk, sleep, eat, and be alone when they need it. Also, not a single petting zoo respects the natural cycles of animals. It’s a waste of money if you let a nocturnal animal (of which the majority are, for example, cats, foxes, raccoons) sleep in a shelter during the day. In order for them to bring in money, the animals must be constantly “in the hands” of visitors. Which guarantees stress for the “zoo population.” Or, to put it simply, animals in “touching” zoos begin to get very sick. “Touching,” isn’t it? And the owners do not particularly treat such animals. Treatment costs more than a new puppy. Why would the owner of a touching zoo spend money when he could replace the animal?

    The business portal site opposes the opening of petting zoos as a business where animals are treated poorly, as a way to earn money, and not our smaller brothers.

    This is blasphemy. For all animals, such zoos are a lifelong prison with only one outcome. the site harshly condemns all Internet sources that describe in detail instructions for opening petting zoos as a business idea. Money has no smell, as the famous saying goes. But mass cruelty to animals for the sake of profit cannot be justified by any words, promises or actions.

    Detailed instructions on the opening of contact establishments can be compared to a call for violence against animals. Take a cat, a dog, a turtle and give them to a group of people who will cuddle these animals 12 hours a day. How many minutes later will you regret and take your pet? The key characteristic of such animals is that you love them, you are the owners. In petting zoos, unfortunately, the owners do not take care of the poor babies. Zoo owners see only profit walking on paws, but not living creatures. Let's be honest, zoos have owners, the animals they keep do not!

    Law on animals in Russia

    To the general joy of animal lovers in Russian Federation Federal Law No. 498-FZ of December 27, 2018 “On the responsible treatment of animals and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” came into effect, prohibiting the direct activities of petting zoos and mobile dolphinariums.

    Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Ecology and Protection environment Vladimir Panov believes that such establishments are not humane, and keeping animals is unfavorable for the latter.

    Vladimir Panov supervised the finalization of the bill on the responsible treatment of animals. The parliamentarian noted that in petting zoos there is inhumane interaction between humans and animals. A person is commercially given the right to have physical contact with a pet, but the animal is not given the right to avoid that contact if it does not want to. From which animals experience extreme stress and die prematurely.

    There has been controversy in society for a relatively long time about the need to adopt such a law. In the fall of 2016, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, an ardent defender and lover of animals, pointed out the importance of adopting such a law and gave appropriate instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation. After long discussions and decisions, this federal law No. 498-FZ was adopted.

    The editors of the portal site advocate the adoption of such legislative act. Petting zoos where animals are oppressed have no place in modern society. If you want to pet an animal and feed it. Get yourself a kitten, puppy, turtle, parrot. You don't have to pay for them! In any newspaper of free advertisements there are many offers that animals are given away for free. Please do not miss the opportunity to acquire a true friend.

    On December 18, 2018, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a bill on the responsible treatment of animals in the second main reading. The head of the relevant State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection, Vladimir Burmatov, noted that the bill establishes a complete ban on the killing of animals, as well as keeping them in bars, restaurants and petting zoos.

    Especially for ardent “defenders” of business in petting zoos, the site reminds of the most resonant tragedy of 2018 - a fire in mall“Winter Cherry” (Kemerovo, Russia). That day, over 200 animals burned at the local petting zoo located in the shopping center.

    On December 19, 2018, the law was fully adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Approved by the Federation Council on December 21, 2018. On December 27, 2018, after the law was approved and signed by the President of the Russian Federation, the law on the responsible treatment of animals came into force.

    Touching zoos within the scope of the animal law

    According to Federal Law No. 498-FZ of December 27, 2018, if animals are used for cultural and entertainment purposes, the possibility of their physical contact with visitors is excluded. In the same law there is a rule according to which, during events, animals must have shelters that are inaccessible to visitors, where the animal can hide. That is, the operation of a petting zoo is possible if all conditions for comfortable living are organized for the animals - cozy houses where they can live and sleep, without contact with people.

    Formally, in Russia the operation of touching zoos in the area of ​​shopping and entertainment centers is not prohibited. Article 15, paragraph 4 prohibits direct contact between visitors and animals if this is the only purpose of the event, but paragraph 5 of the same article stipulates partial permission for interaction if a number of conditions are met. It is also worth paying attention to the clause that allows the display of animals strictly at their place of residence, which imposes a ban on, for example, outdoor events and other movements of animals. Each animal must be registered with the relevant veterinary services of the city at the place of detention and shown only there - at the address of the petting zoo.

    Also, according to the new federal law, the owner is responsible for the fate of the animal. And all animals are considered creatures capable of experiencing emotions and physical suffering, they must be protected from harsh treatment. Article 13, paragraph 2 notes the ban on the use of domestic animals in entrepreneurial activity, except for cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation. It is also worth noting that according to Article 15, paragraph 8, the owner is obliged to ensure the maintenance of the animal until its natural death occurs (or transfer it to someone else for maintenance - physical or legal entities, or to a special shelter), even if further use of the animal for cultural and entertainment purposes is impossible.

    Activities for keeping and using animals in zoos, zoos, circuses, zoo theaters, dolphinariums, oceanariums are subject to licensing in accordance with Federal Law of May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ “On Licensing” individual species activities."

    In the realities of the existence of new legislative acts of the Russian Federation, it takes some time to assess the effectiveness of the law in each individual case and clarify all the subtle points. That is, owners of petting zoos should refrain from radical actions related to their animals in their care or closing the establishment. For now, it will be enough to bring the business into compliance with the new standards established by the federal law on animals. It is difficult to predict anything further; most likely, there will be a wave of mass closures of similar establishments that do not comply with the law. But we hope that every petting zoo owner loves his animals and tries to create for them best conditions residence, which is what is required of them under the new law. This means that such a business will continue to exist.

    And don't forget to watch this great video from Kaspersky Lab. It's much better than a touching zoo.

    Sincerely, great animal lovers and defenders
    Thanks to our readers for providing the photos!

    The love of many people for animals is undeniable, so why not take advantage of this and open a private zoo? Some analysts believe that this type of business cannot be profitable, but will only bring losses.

    In fact, if you approach this issue wisely, you can get quite a decent income. In this article we will tell you how to open a petting zoo, buy animals, choose a location for the establishment, draw up a business plan and much more.

    Choosing a location for a zoo

    One of the significant success factors is the availability of parking and access. The zoo should be located in a convenient location for public transport. Of course, it is not at all necessary that the bus or tram stop be located right next to the entrance to the zoo.

    But in any case, visitors should not travel more than 300 meters. After all, if you don't think about visitors who travel by bus or tram, you could lose a significant portion of your profits. It would be very good if the zoo was located next to a city park.

    Before you open the petting zoo, also remember to take care of guests who will arrive by car. It is necessary to provide ample parking and convenient access. To increase your income a little, you can make parking paid. If you are primarily interested in the prestige and popularity of your establishment, then it is better to allow parking for customers for free.

    Animal variety

    Of course, the main condition for the success of a zoo is animals, or rather, their number, rarity and diversity. However, many owners of private zoos do not understand this. Even if you are planning to open a mini-zoo, you still need to first think about the “range” of animals. In most establishments you can find a standard list: monkeys, horses, tigers, deer, lions, foxes, camels, wolves, peacocks and eagles. Few people strive to really surprise their visitors, and in vain.

    Which animals to choose?

    Your key task is to think about which animals will become the trump card of your zoo. These include, for example:

    • mountain gorilla;
    • maned wolf;
    • rhino;
    • camel;
    • okapi;
    • capybara (the largest rodent on the planet);
    • wolverine;
    • Pallas's cat (this is a fluffy wild cat);
    • panda;
    • koala;
    • sloth and others.

    The above animals are considered quite rare. If your zoo has at least a couple of such animals, your establishment will be guaranteed a stir. Who wouldn’t be curious to look at representatives of the fauna that are almost gone in the world?

    Naturally, the cost of such animals will be simply astronomical. But if you want to attract enormous attention to the zoo and, accordingly, make a big profit, you will have to spend a lot of money first.

    If your goal is to attract only residents of your city and surrounding area to the contact mini-zoo, you can purchase the traditional “arsenal” of animals, which were already discussed above.

    In addition, you can go another way - open a so-called rural zoo. The concept of “village” is alien to many residents of megalopolises, so for such a contingent pigs, rabbits, cows, goats, donkeys, horses, geese, and ducks will be truly exotic. It will be much easier to keep these animals than lions and antelopes, because they are the indigenous inhabitants of our latitudes.

    Where to buy animals for the zoo?

    The most common way is to purchase animals from other zoos. After a certain time, when your animals multiply and there are more of them, you can also exchange them for other representatives or sell your pets.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning the keeping of animals. The biggest expense is, of course, food. It is necessary, first of all, to include this particular expense item in the zoo’s business plan. As experienced zoo owners say, the most voracious of all is the walrus. To feed him, you need to spend 3,000 rubles daily, which is as much as 90,000 a month!

    Maintaining an elephant also requires a lot of expenses - approximately 3,127 rubles per day. A lion has lunch for 1,200 rubles, a giraffe for 1,560 rubles. The brown bear's appetites are much more modest. His daily ration will cost 330 rubles. Peacocks and some other species of birds and herbivores are considered the most “economical” - 20 rubles per day.

    For comparison, we can say that in large zoos, where about 8,000 animals live, approximately 250 thousand rubles are spent on food every day.

    If you decide to open a contact mini-zoo, then, naturally, the costs will be 3-4 times less, but at the same time you should remember that keeping animals is not only a huge expense, but also a big responsibility.

    The Smart Approach – Animal Guardianship

    Most zoos practice guardianship of animals by guests. In other words, a person comes to you and says that he would like to take on this or that animal. You give him the opportunity to be the guardian of his chosen pet. This does not mean that he will personally feed the animal and clean up after it. He will just be his sponsor.

    So before you open a petting zoo, consider this option. You may even know people who would like to take care of one of the animals that will live in your establishment. Such a proposal can even be placed in a newspaper, leaflets, posters posted. By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to advertise the zoo in a variety of media to attract not only sponsors, but also visitors. You can also invite schoolchildren on a tour and post leaflets around the city.


    Animals for a mini-zoo are, of course, the main source of profit. However, to increase income, you can offer guests a variety of entertainment. For example, in addition to observing the inhabitants of the zoo, you can add paid excursions for children, selling souvenirs, organizing animal performances, etc. to the list of services.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning video and photography. In many menagerie these procedures are not encouraged and even prohibited. To increase the flow of guests, allow filming (you can even pay a small fee).

    It is possible to allow the feeding of some non-dangerous animals, and sell the food at reasonable prices. It is very profitable to open a cafe on the territory of the zoo, where everyone can refresh themselves. This way you will increase your income several times. If you really want, you can come up with other original types of entertainment.

    Price issue

    As you know, many entrepreneurs dream of opening a zoo. A menagerie business plan must be very well thought out. On average, you will need at least 300 thousand rubles to start. You can start with a small collection of animals and gradually increase their number. In addition, you will need to buy cages, enclosures and other equipment.

    The costs of a petting mini-zoo also greatly depend on its location. Renting a place in the city center will be much more expensive than in remote areas or outside the city.

    It’s also worth thinking about the staff. Even a small establishment will require an administrator, a tour guide, an animal care specialist, a veterinarian and an animator (conducts activities with children).

    It is worth noting that the largest flow of visitors to zoos is observed from April to October, since in winter some of the animals hibernate.

    Spin off

    Take note: to get additional benefits, purchase animals that can generate income on their own. For example, you can sell ostrich and quail eggs, rabbit fur, sheep wool, etc. You can also give preference to those species that you can hold or at least touch. It is very profitable to keep ponies or horses. Children are delighted to ride them.

    Underwater rocks

    Before opening a petting zoo, you will have to go through several dozen authorities. You will need quite a lot of documents. Firstly, it will be necessary to register the emergency with the tax office, and secondly, to obtain many permits from various authorities. In addition, all zoo animals must be examined by a veterinarian and also have the necessary vaccinations.

    In general, if you think through your zoo business plan wisely, its profitability can be very high. If you ensure constant high interest in the establishment, think over the work schedule, location, adequate pricing policy, then your petting zoo will bring good and stable profits.

    An individual entrepreneur decided to organize a mini-nursery (zoo), the entrance to which is planned to be paid by tickets or receipts. What tax system should an individual entrepreneur be on in order not to install an online cash register, but to issue tickets or receipts to zoo visitors? Are there any requirements for the mandatory details of the document confirming payment for entry to the zoo? What actions need to be taken and what documents does an individual entrepreneur need to prepare so that he can allow visitors to use tickets?

    Apply cash register equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation, all organizations and individual entrepreneurs are obligated when making payments, with the exception of cases established by N 54-FZ ( Federal Law dated May 22, 2003 N 54-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law N 54-FZ)).
    At the same time, N 54-FZ clearly defines the circle of persons who are allowed not to use CCP. And this possibility does not depend on the taxation system, but on the specifics of the activity or the location of the person (Law No. 54-FZ, Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 20, 2017 No. 03-11-11/9772).
    Certain categories of persons were given a deferment in the transition to online cash registers. These include:
    - individual entrepreneurs using the patent taxation system;
    - UTII payers;
    - organizations and individual entrepreneurs whose duties did not include the use of cash register systems until July 15, 2016;
    - organizations and individual entrepreneurs performing work and providing services to the population (Law No. 290-FZ).
    These persons may not use online cash registers until July 1, 2018. Instead, they must issue a BSO, sales receipt or receipt upon request by the buyer. After this date, the uniform procedure for using online cash registers will apply to everyone.
    From 07/01/2018 it is possible to use a form for calculations strict reporting(BSO) will be retained only by organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing services (Law No. 54-FZ). At the same time, in N 54-FZ we're talking about on the provision of any services (Federal Tax Service dated 03/07/2014 N ED-4-2/4329@).
    In this situation individual entrepreneur organizes a contact mini-zoo (OKVED 91.04 - zoo services). Thus, when carrying out this type of activity, an individual entrepreneur, in our opinion, has the right to use strict reporting forms both before 07/01/2018 and after this date, regardless of the chosen tax system when registering.
    At the same time, the choice of system can only be made between the general taxation regime and the simplified taxation system, since, by virtue of legislation, the chosen type of activity does not imply the possibility application of UTII or PSN.
    Regarding the requirements for the mandatory details of the document confirming payment for entry to the zoo, we inform you as follows.
    Currently, Order No. 257 of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated December 17, 2008 (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 257) is in force, which approved the forms of strict reporting forms “Ticket”, “Subscription”. These forms must be used by all theatrical and entertainment enterprises, concert organizations, philharmonic groups, circus enterprises, zoos, museums, cultural and recreational parks (gardens), etc.) (clause 1 of Order No. 257).
    At the same time, until July 1, 2018, a strict reporting form can be produced in a printing house or generated using automated systems. In the latter case, in order to simultaneously fill out the document form and issue it, the following requirements must be met (clause 11 of Regulations No. 359):
    a) the automated system must be protected from unauthorized access, identify, record and store all operations with the document form for at least 5 years;
    b) when filling out a document form and issuing a document by an automated system, the unique number and series of its form are stored.
    A simple computer cannot be used to generate strict reporting forms (Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 03.02.2009 N 03-01-15/1-43, dated 07.11.2008 N, clause 3 of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 10.09.2012 N AS-4-2 /14961@). The production of a strict reporting document, equivalent to a cash receipt, on a computer and printer, without contacting a printing house, is illegal (Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 25, 2010 N 03-01-15/8-250).
    Correspondence automated system, generating strict reporting forms, the requirements of Regulation No. 359 must be confirmed technical documentation on the formation, filling out and printing of strict reporting forms equated to cash receipts(Clause 1, Article 4.7 of Law No. 54-FZ.

    Prepared answer:
    Expert of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
    Member of the Chamber of Tax Consultants Elena Titova

    The answer has passed quality control

    The material was prepared on the basis of individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service.

    In this material:

    Many people, especially children, love animals, so entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a zoo. A petting zoo business plan will help in this difficult and interesting matter. Some experts consider this business unprofitable, but with the right approach to organizing it, you can earn a good income.

    Choosing a place to place animals

    The main criterion for choosing a location for a zoo is the availability of access roads and parking. The location should be close to public transport stops, but it is not necessary that the entrance to the zoo opens directly onto the stop. In any case, clients should not walk more than 300 meters. If you do not take this point into account, you risk losing a significant part of your profit. It would be very good if the zoo would be located in the city park of culture and recreation. Before opening an organization, do not forget to arrange a parking lot; paid parking can be a way additional income. However, at first it is better to abandon this idea; this may negatively affect the attendance of your establishment.

    The key to the success of your business is the variety of animals on display. Some zoo owners do not pay enough attention to the selection of animals. Even when opening a small establishment, you need to think about the range of animals. Most zoos display the standard list: horses, lions, deer, camels, foxes and eagles. Some owners don't try to surprise their customers.

    The main task of proper business management is the acquisition of animals that can become business card your zoo. If your establishment has at least a few rare animals, attendance will increase many times over. Everyone will want to look at rare representatives of the fauna. You will have to spend a significant amount of money to purchase such animals. If you want to attract maximum attention to your establishment, you will have to invest a lot of money. If your zoo is designed for residents of your city and nearby villages, you can get by with purchasing a standard assortment of animals.

    In a large city you can open a so-called rural zoo. City dwellers have little knowledge about farm animals, so pigs, cows, sheep and rabbits will become exotic to them. Caring for such pets is much easier than, for example, lions and tigers, because they are adapted to life in our climate.

    Where to buy animals?

    The easiest way is to purchase animals from another zoo. After a certain period of time, your animals will begin to bear offspring; the cubs can be exchanged for representatives of other species or sold. When opening a petting zoo, you should remember that keeping animals is not as easy as it might seem. The main expense item is feeding the pets. A zoo business plan must first take these costs into account. Elephants are considered the most expensive in this regard; their maintenance requires at least 100 thousand rubles; walruses are not far behind - their food will cost the zoo owner 90 thousand. Small herbivores and birds are considered the most economical.

    Many petting zoos provide the opportunity to guard the animal. The visitor turns to the owner and expresses a desire to keep the animal himself. The owner provides him with this opportunity. This does not mean that the person himself will do the cleaning and feeding; he can act as a sponsor of these activities. Before opening the zoo, be sure to consider this option. You may find people who would like to take care of the animal while living on the zoo grounds. Advertisements with such an offer can be placed in the media.

    Animals are the main source of income for the petting zoo. To increase profits, in addition to observing their lives, visitors can be offered paid excursions, organize circus acts with the participation of animals, and sell souvenirs. Allow photography in the zoo: this will increase the flow of customers. You can provide the opportunity to feed non-dangerous species of animals by selling food on the territory of the zoo. You can also earn additional income through a cafe operating at your establishment.

    Will the business be profitable?

    In order for a petting zoo to generate the desired profit, it is necessary to properly think through a business plan. Minimum start-up capital required to open such an establishment is 300 thousand rubles. You can start with a small assortment of fauna representatives, gradually expanding it. In addition to animals, you will need to purchase enclosures and equipment. The cost of renting a site will depend on its location. You also need to think about finding workers. Even a small establishment will require a guide, administrator, veterinarian, cleaners and animators. The largest number of visitors is observed in summer period, in winter, some animals hibernate.

    Place your bet on purchasing animals that can bring additional profit. You can sell ostrich eggs, rabbit fur, sheep wool. In a petting zoo, the number of animals that can safely interact with humans should prevail. It is very profitable to purchase horses: riding delights children.

    Such a business is not without its drawbacks.

    Before opening a petting zoo, you will have to obtain a large number of permits.

    Firstly, the enterprise must be registered with the tax office, and secondly, it will be necessary to obtain permission from local authorities. All animals must be examined by a veterinarian and up to date on vaccinations. With the right approach to organizing a business, its profitability can be quite high. If you do it right advertising campaign, draw up a work schedule, set reasonable prices, your business will be a success.

    Investments: Investments from RUB 360,000.

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