What does an accountant do in agriculture? Accountant job description. Accountant's responsibilities

These labor safety instructions have been developed specifically for grain warehouse (silo) workers.


1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination are allowed to work independently in a grain warehouse, as well as:
- induction training;
— fire safety briefing;
— initial training at the workplace;
— training in safe labor methods and techniques for at least a 10-hour program;
— briefing on electrical safety in the workplace and checking the mastery of its content.
1.2. A grain warehouse worker must undergo:
— repeated instructions on occupational safety in the workplace at least every three months;
— unscheduled briefing: when changing the technological process or labor safety rules, replacing or upgrading production equipment, fixtures and tools, changing working conditions and organization, violating labor safety instructions, breaks in work for more than 60 calendar days (for work which are subject to increased security requirements - 30 calendar days);
- dispensary medical examination.
1.3. A grain warehouse employee is obliged to:
— comply with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise;
— comply with the requirements of this instruction, instructions on fire safety measures, instructions on electrical safety;
— comply with the requirements for the operation of equipment;
- use the personal protective equipment provided for its intended purpose and treat it with care.
1.4. A grain warehouse worker must:
- be able to provide first aid to a victim in an accident;
— know the location of first aid facilities, primary fire extinguishing equipment, main and emergency exits, evacuation routes in the event of an accident or fire;
- perform only the assigned work and do not transfer it to others without the permission of the foreman or site manager;
— while working, be attentive, do not be distracted or distract others, do not allow persons unrelated to work to enter the workplace;
- keep the workplace clean and tidy.
1.5. A grain warehouse worker must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, and rest only in specially designated rooms and places. Drink water only from specially designed installations.
1.6. If you find malfunctions of equipment, devices, tools or other shortcomings or dangers in the workplace, immediately inform the foreman or workshop manager. You can begin work only with their permission after eliminating all deficiencies.
1.7. If a fire is detected or in the event of a fire:
— turn off the equipment;
- inform the fire department and administration;
- begin to extinguish the fire using the primary fire extinguishing agents available in the workshop in accordance with the fire safety instructions. If there is a threat to life, leave the premises.
1.8. In the event of an accident, provide the victim with first (pre-medical) aid, immediately report the incident to the foreman or workshop manager, take measures to preserve the situation of the incident (condition of the equipment), if this does not create a danger to others.
1.9. For failure to comply with the safety requirements set out in these instructions, the worker is liable in accordance with current legislation.
1.10. In accordance with the “Model standards for the free issuance of personal protective equipment to workers and employees of textile and light industry enterprises,” a grain warehouse employee must be provided with:
— cotton suit, wear period 12 months;
— combined mittens — 3 months;
- leather boots;
- an apron with a bib;
- safety glasses.
In winter, when working in unheated rooms and outdoor work, additionally:
— a cotton jacket with an insulating lining;
— cotton trousers with insulating lining;
- felt boots.
1.11. The main dangerous and harmful production factors under certain circumstances may be:
— vehicles;
— increased dust content in the air of the working area;
— reduced air temperature in the working area;
— insufficient illumination of the working area;
— location of the workplace at a height relative to the ground surface.
1.12. Do not use open fire (matches, lighters) and do not smoke in the grain warehouse premises. Remember that grain dust is explosive.
1.13. It is prohibited to crawl under the conveyor or stand on its belt or rollers.
1.14. To avoid electric shock:
— do not come closer than 10 m to broken wires lying on the ground;
- Immediately report to the technician any exposed or disconnected ground wires found.
1.15. When walking through the territory of the industrial zone, be careful, be careful when crossing places where vehicles pass, repair and construction works, slippery sections of the road, places where ice flows (icicles) hang.


2.1. Inspect protective clothing and other personal protective equipment, put on proper protective clothing.
2.2. Inspect the work area. Make sure that it is sufficiently lit, that the floors and coverings are clean, free of potholes, passages and driveways are not blocked by foreign objects, and hatches are closed. Take measures to eliminate them.
2.3. Check availability, serviceability and reliability:
— fire extinguishing equipment and personal protective equipment.
— loading and unloading mechanisms.
— presence of tags or stamps on lifting mechanisms indicating the load capacity and test date.
— guards for moving parts of equipment.
— grounding contacts for electric motors, lifting mechanisms and conveyors.
— metal gratings and manhole covers on receiving silos.
2.4. Make sure that the platforms and platforms have railings and ladders for accessing the platforms and are in good condition.
2.5. Check the availability of garbage bins and special metal boxes for used cleaning materials.
2.6 Check the availability and serviceability of fire fighting equipment.
2.7. Look and make sure that there are no foreign objects on the machines and conveyors, that there are fences and other means of collective protection and grounding conductors.
2.8. If any deficiencies are found, take measures to eliminate them.


3.1. Do only the work that is assigned to you.
3.2. Be careful when performing any work, do not be distracted yourself and do not distract others.
3.3. Do not allow unauthorized persons into the loading and unloading area.
3.4. Do not work on faulty equipment, faulty tools or inventory.
3.5. When working with two people or a team, coordinate your actions to move grain according to the instructions of the foreman.
3.6. When receiving a new job, request training on the assigned work.
3.7. Do not walk or stand under a raised load.
3.8. When loading and unloading on road transport, observe the following safety precautions:
— do not perform work on vehicles with faulty floors, sides and body locks;
— do not sit on the sides of the body or on the cabin;
— do not stand in the back or on the step of the car and do not carry out loading and unloading operations while they are moving;
— when climbing into the body, use ladders.


4.1. If a fire occurs, immediately call the fire department by calling 101, remove people and, if possible, flammable substances to a safe place, and begin extinguishing the fire using the available primary fire extinguishing equipment. Notify management about the fire.
4.2. Provide first aid to victims of injury and call emergency medical assistance by calling 103 or send the victim to a medical center and notify the manager.
4.3. Do not leave vehicles in aisles or driveways.


5.1. Tidy up your workspace.
5.2. Work areas must be thoroughly cleaned and washed.
5.3. Remove and store protective clothing and other protective equipment in the designated area.
5.4. Wash your face and hands, and take a shower if possible.
5.5. Warn the shift worker about deficiencies noticed and not corrected during work.

Profession accountant widespread in the production sector and in large warehouse enterprises. The main job responsibilities of the employee are to carry out operations to account for work, operations and other material assets (fuel, fuels and lubricants, electricity, etc.).

The employee registers all accounting transactions in magazines and statements, records of which are one of the main responsibilities. In addition to current accounting, he is obliged to draw up general reporting of material assets (their arrival and departure) for the reporting period.

Qualification Requirements

Unlike other professions, accountant is not obliged to have experience in the position upon employment. The main requirements for applicants for employment are secondary education. The applicant must have either a diploma of secondary specialized technical education or a diploma of complete secondary education.

If the applicant has only a document on incomplete secondary education, before employment under a contract from the organization, he must undergo special course on basic responsibilities and general operating principles. After completing a special course, the applicant passes qualifying exam, which at the same time is “introductory” for him - allowing or not allowing him to work.

The training that an employee with primary secondary education undergoes is one-time (taken once) and does not require repeated passage or additional examination upon re-employment in this specialty (unless this is provided for by local regulations of the enterprise).

After completing a special course, even if the employee took it from the enterprise as directed, it is mandatory to hand over certificate of completion.

What you should know

It is difficult to specifically answer the question posed, since the accountant in production acts both as a simple accountable manager of the employee’s warehouse, and warehouse manager with maintaining absolutely all reporting with full financial responsibility for the property located on the territory of the warehouse or under its jurisdiction.

The main regulatory document for familiarization is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF), since it is on the basis of it that all labor relations between an employee and management are conducted. The second most important document is the employee’s job descriptions, because it is from them that the employee receives complete and reliable information about work activity, and management evaluates work only according to the list of responsibilities.

During work, the accountant often encounters reports, notes, statements, which implies an urgent need for the employee to know at least basics of legal writing. An important (but not mandatory) requirement would be knowledge of accounting programs, for example, 1C.

With the help of programs, accounting operations are carried out much faster and easier; there is no need to maintain some paper records and reporting.

Legal powers and responsibilities

An accountant is not a managerial position; accordingly, he does not and cannot have personnel subordinate to him. In the legal field, this is an ordinary employee with a list of responsibilities.

In general practice, the accountant is allocated plot, on which he manages. The accountant is responsible for the safety of goods and material assets located in the area entrusted to him.

Working conditions and remuneration

An accountant is an ordinary employee whose working conditions are not dangerous. In this regard, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is used to regulate activities. Working conditions must come first safe, and therefore fully meet the requirements of the fire department and the workers' union. Employees are required to undergo training at the expense of the employer and learn the rules of industrial and fire safety.

To ensure safety at work there must be certified protective equipment, which all employees of the enterprise must be able to use. This is especially true for an accountant, since in his work he interacts with a huge amount of fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants), which significantly increases the level of fire danger in the entrusted territory.

According to SanPin, the workplace of an enterprise’s employees must be suitable for work without a threat to the life and health of the employee. If there is a threat, personal protective equipment or measures to reduce the threat from production to the health of workers must be used.

For an employee, piecework wages are not provided, since there is no unit of measurement for his work. Possible hourly payment, it is applied if the enterprise operates around the clock, and to ensure operation it is necessary to have such an employee.

The main registration of employees for the position of accountant is carried out on full time work, according to which wages cannot be less than the minimum wage (minimum wage).

The minimum wage in Russia is 9,489 rubles, respectively, and wages for full-time work are greater than or equal to this amount.

Possible for an accountant underemployment(0.5 - “half the bet”, 0.25 - “a quarter of the bet”).

Labor protection instructions
for an accountant


1.1. This instruction is intended for an accountant whose work involves receiving and entering information on a personal computer for more than half of his working time.
1.2. Persons who have the appropriate qualifications, who have undergone introductory and initial training in the workplace on labor protection and fire safety, electrical safety instruction, internship, trained in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims of industrial accidents, are allowed to work independently. .
Within a month from the date of hiring, employees must undergo training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
1.3. An employee who has not undergone timely repeated instruction on labor protection (at least once every 3 months) should not start work. You cannot begin performing one-time work that is not related to direct responsibilities in your specialty without receiving targeted instruction.
1.4. When starting a job, an employee must undergo a preliminary medical examination, and subsequently periodic medical examinations within the prescribed period.
1.5. The employee is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations approved by ____________ LLC.
1.6. Working hours should not exceed 40 hours per week.
The duration of daily work (shift) is determined by the internal labor regulations of LLC "______________".
1.7. During the course of their work, an accountant may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:
-increased levels of electromagnetic radiation;
-increased level of static electricity;
-increased or decreased level of illumination;
-increased brightness of the light image;
-increased voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
-vision strain;
- tension of attention;
- long-term static loads;
- monotony of work.
1.8. The employee must comply with fire safety rules, be able to use fire extinguishing equipment, and know their location.
1.9. Smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas (smoking room).
1.10. The employee must observe the rules of personal hygiene. At the end of work, before eating or smoking, you must wash your hands with soap.
1.11. For drinking, use water from special devices (cooler). The use of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, drugs at work, as well as going to work while intoxicated is prohibited. It is not allowed to store or consume food and drinks in workplaces.
1.12. The employee must comply with the requirements of this labor protection instruction.
1.13. Having noticed a violation of labor protection requirements by other employees, the employee must warn them of the need to comply with them.
1.14. The employee must also follow the lawful instructions of the person authorized for labor protection from the labor collective and the labor protection engineer.
1.15. For failure to comply with the requirements of this labor protection instruction, the employee is liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Before starting work, the accountant must:
-inspect and tidy up the workplace;
-adjust the lighting in the workplace, make sure there is sufficient illumination, no reflections on the screen, and no oncoming light flow;
-check the correct connection of the equipment to the electrical network;
- make sure there is protective grounding;
-wipe the surface of the screen with a special cloth;
- make sure that there are no floppy disks in the drives of the personal computer processor;
-check the correct installation of the table, chair, footrest, music stand, equipment position, screen tilt angle, keyboard position and, if necessary, adjust the desktop and chair, as well as the arrangement of computer elements in accordance with ergonomic requirements and in order to eliminate inconvenient postures and prolonged body tension.
2.2. When turning on the computer, you must follow the following sequence of turning on the equipment:
- turn on the uninterruptible power supply;
-turn on peripheral devices (printer, monitor, scanner, etc.);
-turn on the system unit
2.3. An employee is prohibited from starting work if:
- detection of equipment malfunction;
- lack of a carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.
2.4. There should be no equipment, equipment or other auxiliary materials not in use at the workplace.
2.5. The accountant must report all comments and equipment malfunctions to his supervisor - the chief accountant.


3.1. Perform only the work for which you have been trained and which is specified in the job description, instructions on labor protection and for which you are authorized by the chief accountant.
3.2. While working, the accountant must be careful, avoid haste and perform the work using safe methods.
3.3. Do not entrust your work to strangers.
3.4. While at the workplace, employees must not perform actions that could lead to an accident:
-do not swing on the chair;
-do not touch exposed wires;
-do not work on equipment with wet hands;
-do not swing sharp or cutting objects.
-do not consume food or drinks of any nature or content.
3.5. Follow the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of ____________ LLC, use only designated passages. Do not block designated passages and passages.
3.6. Store documentation in cabinets or in a specially equipped room (archive, warehouse).
3.7. When using various devices and devices, you must follow the rules (instructions) set out in the technical data sheets attached to the devices. An accountant should not use certain instruments without prior training in how to use them.
3.8. Due to the fact that most of the time is devoted to working on the computer, it is necessary to be distracted every two hours and take a break of 15 minutes to reduce general physical fatigue.
3.9. During work you must:
-keep the workplace tidy and clean throughout the working day;
-keep all ventilation openings of the devices open;
-if it is necessary to stop work for a while, correctly close all active tasks;
- turn off the power only if during a break from working on the computer you need to be in close proximity to the video terminal (less than 2 meters), otherwise the power may not be turned off;
-comply with sanitary standards and observe work and rest schedules;
-follow the rules for operating computer equipment in accordance with the operating instructions;
- when working with text information, choose the most physiological mode for presenting black symbols on a white background;
-observe the regulated breaks in work established by the working hours and perform the recommended exercises for the eyes, neck, arms, torso, and legs during physical education breaks and physical education minutes;
-maintain a distance from the eyes to the screen within 60 - 80 cm.
3.10. During work it is prohibited:
-touch the back panel of the system unit when the power is on;
-switching connectors of interface cables of peripheral devices when the power is on;
-clutter the top panels of devices with papers and foreign objects;
-allow the workplace to be cluttered with paper in order to prevent the accumulation of organic dust;
- turn off the power while performing an active task;
- make frequent power switches;
-allow moisture to get on the surface of the system unit, monitor, working surface of the keyboard, disk drives, printers and other devices;
- turn on highly cooled equipment (brought from outside in winter);
- independently open and repair equipment.


4.1. The employee must immediately report to the chief accountant about every accident of which he was an eyewitness, and provide first aid to the victim, call a doctor or help transport the victim to the nearest medical facility. If an accident occurs to the employee himself, he should, if possible, go to a medical facility, report the incident to the chief accountant, or ask someone around him to do this.
4.2. In an emergency situation, notify people around you about the danger, report to your immediate supervisor - the chief accountant about the incident and act in accordance with the instructions received.
4.3. In the event of equipment breakdown, the employee must turn off the equipment and report this to the chief accountant.
4.4. In case of detection of a fire or signs of combustion (smoke, burning smell, increase in temperature, etc.), each employee of LLC "__________" must:
- stop working;
- if possible, turn off electrical equipment;
- press the fire alarm button and give a fire signal;
- report the incident to the head of the unit (indicate position);
-immediately call the fire department by phone 0-01 (in this case, you must give the address of the facility, the location of the fire, and also provide your last name, first name, patronymic, tel.);
-take measures to evacuate people;
- take, if possible, measures to extinguish the fire (using available fire extinguishing means) and preserve material assets.


5.1. Upon completion of work, the following sequence of shutting down computer equipment must be observed:
- close all active tasks;
- make sure that there are no floppy disks in the drives;
- shut down the operating system;
- turn off the power to the system unit (processor);
-turn off the power to all peripheral devices;
- disconnect the uninterruptible power supply.
5.2. Upon completion of work, it is necessary to inspect and put the workplace in order.
5.3. Report any malfunctions that arise during work to the chief accountant.
5.4. Take off overalls and other personal protective equipment and put them in a specially designated place.
5.5. At the end of the working day, wash your face and hands with warm water and soap, and take a shower if necessary.
5.6. Report any shortcomings identified during work to the head of the administrative and economic department.

Labor protection instructions– a normative act establishing labor protection requirements when performing work in production.

Construction and content of labor protection instructions

Occupational safety instructions can be developed both for workers in certain professions and for certain types of work.

Instructions for workers are developed on the basis of inter-industry and sectoral labor protection rules, standard instructions, safety requirements set out in the technical documentation of the equipment manufacturer, taking into account specific production conditions.

Labor safety instructions are developed on the basis of an order from the head of the enterprise and the List of current instructions at the enterprise approved by the head.

Labor safety instructions for workers servicing facilities under the jurisdiction of Gosgortekhnadzor (elevators, boilers, cranes, etc.) are developed on the basis of the relevant rules and approved in the manner established by these bodies.

Labor safety instructions must contain the following sections:

  1. General labor protection requirements
  2. Labor protection requirements before starting work
  3. Labor protection requirements during work
  4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations
  5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

Each instruction must be assigned a name and number. The instructions must be approved by the employer, agreed upon with the trade union organization, signed by the head of the unit, agreed upon with the labor protection service, and specialists of the enterprise (chief power engineer, chief mechanic, chief technologist).

The labor protection instructions must specify the requirements for the safe operation of equipment, the safe execution of technological processes and general issues of working conditions, define safe work methods and techniques, and the sequence of their implementation.

The instructions must be specific. The instructions should not include requirements that are not related to labor safety issues, as well as words that reinforce the meaning of individual requirements (for example, “categorically”, “strictly”, “strictly”), since all requirements of the instructions are mandatory for compliance .

  • Conditions for allowing employees to work independently in the relevant profession or to perform the relevant type of work (age, gender, health status, training, etc.).
  • Instructions on the need to comply with internal regulations.
  • Requirements for compliance with work and rest schedules.
  • A list of dangerous and harmful production factors that can affect an employee during work.
  • A list of workwear, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment issued in accordance with established standards, indicating the designations of state, industry standards or technical conditions for them.
  • Requirements for ensuring fire and explosion safety.
  • The procedure for notifying the administration about cases of injury to an employee and malfunction of equipment, devices and tools.
  • Instructions for providing first (pre-medical) aid.
  • Rules of personal hygiene that an employee must know and observe when performing work.

2. It is recommended to include in the section “Occupational Safety Requirements for Starting Work”:

  • The procedure for preparing the workplace, personal protective equipment.
  • The procedure for checking the serviceability of equipment, devices and tools, fences, alarms, blocking and other devices, protective grounding, ventilation, local lighting, etc.
  • The procedure for checking source materials (blanks, semi-finished products).
  • The procedure for receiving and handing over shifts in the case of a continuous technological process and equipment operation.

3. It is recommended to include in the section “Occupational safety requirements during work”:

  • Methods and techniques for the safe performance of work, the use of technological equipment, vehicles, lifting mechanisms, devices and tools.
  • Requirements for safe handling of starting materials (raw materials, blanks, semi-finished products).
  • Guidelines for maintaining a safe workplace.
  • Actions aimed at preventing emergency situations.
  • Requirements for the use of personal protective equipment for workers.

4. It is recommended to include in the section “Occupational Safety Requirements in Emergency Situations”:

  • List of main possible emergency situations and their causes.
  • Actions of workers in the event of accidents and situations that may lead to undesirable consequences.
  • Actions to provide first aid to victims of injury, poisoning and sudden illness.

Labor safety instructions must be reviewed at least once every 5 years.

Labor safety instructions are revised ahead of schedule:

  1. When revising legislation, standards, regulations.
  2. As directed by higher authorities.
  3. When introducing new equipment, technology, new materials.
  4. When working conditions change.
  5. Based on the results of the investigation of the accident and accidents.

Control over the timely revision of instructions is assigned to the enterprise's labor protection service.

Requirements for the development, execution, presentation, approval, recording, storage and circulation of occupational safety instructions of enterprises are contained in the Industry Guideline Document RD 11 12.0035-94 “System of Occupational Safety Standards. Labor protection instructions. Requirements for development, design, presentation and circulation.”

This labor safety instruction has been developed specifically for personnel involved in receiving and shipping milk.


1.1. Physically healthy people of at least 18 years of age who have no medical contraindications, who have undergone on-the-job training, induction and initial instruction at the workplace are allowed to work as dairy workers, and must also undergo hygienic training and take a test once every 2 years according to the established program .
1.2. A dairy worker must know:
— devices, design, principle of operation and rules of technical operation of milking equipment, milk receiving equipment;
— main types of problems with bottom equipment, ways to eliminate them;
— rules for washing tanks;
— internal labor regulations.
1.3. Personnel allowed to work must be provided with and familiarized with labor safety instructions against receipt.


2.1. Wear the required protective clothing.
2.2. Check the arrangement of the equipment, make sure it is in working order and test it at idle speed; if damage or malfunction is detected, notify management.
2.3. Check driveways to ensure that electric lighting is working.
2.4. To ensure safe operation, it is necessary to conduct weekly medical inspections of devices and equipment that do not have a regulated maintenance period (inlet and outlet gates, railings, trawls, foot gratings).
2.5. Prepare cleaning and disinfecting solutions using rubber gloves and safety glasses.
2.6. Moving and rotating parts of the equipment must have protective covers and guards to prevent injury to operating personnel.


3.1. The arrangement of equipment and fixtures should avoid blocking passages.
3.2. Tankers should be washed with hot water at a special site.
3.3. When pumping milk, pay attention to the operation of the transfer pump.
3.4. Centrifuges (laboratory, dairy) must be loaded symmetrically. Do not open the centrifuge lid until it has completely stopped. The process of determining fat in dairy products must be carried out in accordance with labor safety instructions.
3.5. Containers and tanks must be washed in ways that eliminate the need for a worker to be in them.
3.6. The pit for installing the milk pump of milking installations must be fenced with railings at least 1 m high.
3.7. Machines and equipment intended for processing milk must be equipped with automation devices that provide reliable control and regulation of the specified technological process.


4.1. If voltage is detected on the metal parts of the equipment (feeling of electric current), the electric motor operates in two phases (hums), the grounding wire is broken, you should stop the machine and immediately report this to management.
4.2. If a malfunction is detected in the operation of the equipment, a spontaneous stop, or an accident, it is necessary to turn off the power supply, inform the responsible person about it and do not turn it on until the malfunction is eliminated.
4.3. If you are injured, you must go to the first aid station and notify management.
4.4. If a fire is detected, you must call the fire department by calling 01 and notify management.


5.1. Upon completion of work, all equipment and mechanisms are transferred to a position that prevents them from being started by unauthorized persons, the power supply is turned off, and the equipment is wiped down. Sanitation, disassembly, cleaning and washing are carried out only after disconnecting the equipment from the power supply.
5.2. Take off your overalls, report any comments on the operation of the installation to your supervisor, do not carry out repairs to the equipment yourself, and take a shower.