Black palm cockatoo. Palm black, or arabic cockatoo. Excerpt characterizing the Black Cockatoo

In this article we will talk about such as the black cockatoo (lat. probosciger aterrimus aterrimus). The body length of this magnificent handsome man can reach an incredible eighty centimeters. The weight of the bird fluctuates around one kilogram.

The parrot received its name - black cockatoo - for a reason, but because of the characteristic color of its plumage. The entire body of the bird is black with a barely noticeable shade of green. There is also a small area with red coloring on the bird's head.

The male and female look almost identical. However, they can be distinguished by their body dimensions. Females are somewhat smaller than males and do not have as developed and massive a beak as they do.


Like most other species of parrots, black cockatoos live primarily in Australia. It can also be found in New Guinea and its adjacent islands.

They inhabit both small savannas and forests. However, unlike many species of birds, they prefer to stay alone or in the company of several of their relatives.

For food they are content with the seeds of some plant species and small insects.

However, what makes these birds truly unique is not their appearance, but unusual habits. As a rule, all birds strive to enter into a relationship with a female and have offspring as early as possible. In the case of black cockatoos, this rule does not work.

These species of birds create pairs only when they are quite old, which makes them very different from most of their relatives. However, they have plenty of time to prolong the race. These large birds live quite a long time. Some individuals can survive up to a hundred years. Formed pairs remain for the rest of their lives.

To prolong their genus, they first build a nest placed in the hollow of a tall tree. In the clutch of this bird, as a rule, there is only one egg, which is carefully cared for by both parents.

The black cockatoo chick is born only after a month of incubation. After which, he needs a whole lot more time, about three months, to get stronger and learn to fly independently.

Despite the fact that some are easily tamed and kept at home. This view will most likely be too tough for you. And it’s not just the bad character of this parrot, characterized by aggressive behavior and a squeaky, unpleasant voice.

This type of bird is accustomed to a certain type of diet, which is quite problematic to replace with anything else. In connection with this, this type in captivity they prefer to be kept exclusively in zoos.

In addition, you are unlikely to be able to create living conditions suitable for the bird. He will destroy most of the cells he sells in a matter of days.

Cockatoos are an independent family of large parrots, including 21 species. They live in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, the Philippine and Solomon Islands. These unusually interesting and beautiful birds are distinguished not only by their size, but also by the huge crests (tufts) on their heads, which they spread like a fan when excited or frightened. Cockatoos are also distinguished by their massive and strong beaks, curved towards the bottom. The green color so common among parrots is not found in the plumage of cockatoos. Most parrots of this family are white; gray and even black colors are less common. We will talk about the black red-tailed cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii, Calyptorhynchus magnificus) in this article.

The black red-tailed cockatoo is native to Australia and Tasmania, where it lives in eucalyptus and tropical forests, coastal and mountain forests, woodlands, and savannas. He spends most of his time in trees. It feeds in the crowns of eucalyptus and acacia trees, sometimes on the ground. It feeds mainly on seeds, as well as nuts, flowers, cereals, grains, insects and their larvae.

The black red-tailed cockatoo has practically no enemies in nature, with the exception of possums, which are not averse to eating eggs.


Black red-tailed cockatoos are large and strong birds. The body size (including the long tail) reaches 55–63 cm, the wing is 39–45 cm, and these birds weigh 570–870 g. The male’s beak is dark gray, the female’s is light gray. The periorbital ring is black, without feathers. The iris of the eyes is dark brown, the paws are brown-gray. The male has a red stripe on his tail, the females have a red-orange stripe. The plumage of the male is black; the female has feathers with a brown-golden frame on her head, wings, chest and belly. The huge crest of feathers on its head rises when the parrot is excited or alarmed, giving it the classic appearance of John Silver's favorite talking parrot.

Family matters

An interesting fact is that married couple Cockatoos, like swans, mate for life.

The black red-tailed cockatoo nests in the hollows of eucalyptus trees growing near water. The depth of the nest in the trunk can reach two meters. When the female incubates the eggs, the male brings her food.

There are one or two eggs in a clutch, but only one chick survives. The little parrot fledges at the age of 75–96 days, but is fed by its parents for several more months. It becomes an adult only after 4–5 years.

Black red-tailed cockatoos in captivity

You rarely see black red-tailed cockatoos in the home. Keeping these birds is quite troublesome. A sharp, loud voice (and cockatoos are perhaps the loudest of parrots) and ineradicable vandal behavior in relation to the home environment require enormous patience and desire from the owners to constantly engage with the pet. Cockatoos scream, and birds can start training their vocal abilities early in the morning. They sometimes do this just for fun, especially when they are not given attention. The loud cries of a bird can become a problem not only for the owners, but also for neighbors, and it is almost impossible to wean a feathered friend from screaming.

In addition, they destroy everything that comes under their powerful beak: furniture, indoor plants. They can easily unscrew the bolts, like a wrench, and can damage electrical wiring and die from electric shock, or start a fire. It is necessary to give the parrot branches to chew on, otherwise the damage will be great.

Cockatoo bites are very deep and painful, and an ill-mannered bird simply loves to bite people it doesn’t like. As a rule, this is due to jealousy of the owner. A cockatoo can also show aggression during the breeding season, therefore, in particular, small children should not be left with a cockatoo flying freely around the room. By the way, male red-tailed black cockatoos are less prone to bites, for this reason they make more affectionate pet birds, which is valuable especially for inexperienced owners. However, in skillful and loving hands they remain prestigious and respected birds.

Cockatoos are born entertainers. When they hear the music, they begin to dance and shout louder than the music itself. However, cockatoos are reluctant to speak, despite the widespread belief that a large parrot is simply obliged to talk.


Cockatoos are kept in spacious cages measuring at least 120x90x120 cm with steel bars 4–5 mm thick or in enclosures with horizontal bars (the distance between the bars is no more than 2.5 cm).

The parrot loves to play with different objects, so in addition to the perches, the cage should have a ladder and toys (bells, strings, boxes, pine cones).

Cockatoos love to take baths, and they especially enjoy being sprayed with a spray bottle. A pond for daily swimming is also a must.


The basis of the black cockatoo's diet is grain mixtures - they will provide the bird with carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and fiber.Basically, this mixture is represented by oat and corn grains, millet, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, canary seed, etc.

In addition, offer your pet fruits (pears, apples, peaches), berries (raspberries, strawberries, grapes) and vegetables (corn, cucumbers, zucchini, sweet peppers, beets).

The main thing when feeding cockatoos is to avoid monotony.

You should not offer the bird sweets, salty and fatty foods, or cabbage. You can give meat, but not fatty and only a little at a time, the same applies to dairy products. It is better to prefer low-fat cottage cheese and cheeses.

Adult birds are fed 1-2 times a day, young birds - 3-4 times.

The feeder must be stable, steel or ceramic.

LifespanA cockatoo is 60–100 years old, so we can say that it is connected with a person for life. These extremely intelligent and beautiful parrots require very dedicated and patient owners who can give them a large number of time, attention and love.

In contact with

Probosciger aterimus

300,000 - 530,000 rub.

Palm like hell or black cockatoo, or Arabian cockatoo(Probosciger aterrimus)

Class - Birds

Order - Parrots

Family – Cockatoo

Genus – Black cockatoo


Quite a large parrot with a body length of 70-80 cm, tail 25 cm; weight 500-1000 g. Its color is slate black with a barely noticeable green tint. The beak is very large, up to 9 cm, powerful, black, very similar to the beak of a macaw. The crest is large, made of narrow, long, curled back, ribbon-like feathers. The cheeks are not feathered and have a fleshy color, and when excited they are scarlet-red in color. The bare areas around the eyes are black. The iris is dark brown. Legs are grey. The female is smaller, with a smaller beak.


It lives in the north of Australia, Cape York Peninsula, New Guinea and nearby islands. This species is the oldest species of cockatoo in Australia. He was the first to populate the northern part of this continent. They inhabit tall tropical forests and savannas with separate groups of trees.

In nature

They live alone or in small groups. They feed on seeds of eucalyptus, acacia, fig trees and insect larvae, which they easily take out from under the bark of trees and branches with their strong beak. In search of food, they very deftly climb the branches of large and tall trees. The voice, even in a calm state, is rather unpleasant, creaky; in an excited state it is very loud, harsh and very unpleasant.

Males enter into relationships with females in adulthood. This makes this species generally unique among most birds and parrots, which usually strive to begin a relationship as early as possible in order to breed offspring. Pairs last a lifetime.


They nest in spacious hollows of old trees located high above the ground. There is usually one egg in a clutch. Incubation lasts about 30 days, and at the age of 10-12 weeks the chick flies out of the nest and is under the care of its parents for up to 4-5 months.

The courtship ritual for the female is unique among all parrots in the world. The male, having prepared a hollow, sometimes more than one, defiantly selects a stick, bites it off with his extremely powerful beak, clears it of leaves and begins to knock on the nest. If he doesn’t like the sound, then he chooses the second one. the third stick until both he and the female like the sound. It is also surprising that at the beginning of the tapping, the parrot clearly tries to catch the rhythm of the sounds. Upon completion of the knocking, the male chips the stick with his beak and throws the chips into the hollow. Such a meaningful use of foreign objects is practically not found in other birds, and especially in terms of courting a female.

The water bowl and feeder are cleaned daily. Perches and toys are washed as they become dirty. The enclosure is washed and disinfected once a month. Complete disinfection of the enclosure is carried out twice a year. The floor in the enclosure is cleaned twice a week, and the bottom of the cage is cleaned daily. Household items (feeders, toys, perches, etc.) are replaced when they become unusable.

Minimum temperature at night - 10°C

The enclosure must always have branches of fruit trees or eucalyptus, as well as a pond, because Cockatoos love to bathe every day. You can spray birds with a spray bottle.

The enclosure should have less than three perches (diameter 5-10 cm, depending on the size of the cockatoo), placed at different heights. One perch should be placed near the feeder and water, but not above it. As well as ropes, ladders, bamboo rings, a house for sleeping, three stable feeders (steel or ceramic).

The cockatoo's diet includes: nuts (pine, hazelnuts, walnuts, macadamia, pandas, pecans, pine, almonds, peanuts, coconuts - daily, in limited quantities), seeds (sunflower, safflower, millet, hashish, oats, millet, wheat) ; greens (shoots of trees, shrubs, grass, sprouted grains, lettuce, dandelion leaves, chard, celery); vegetables (milk corn, green peas, dried red peppers, broccoli, beans); fruits: (apples, yellow and red root vegetables, cucumbers, berries (rowanberries), oranges, bananas, pomegranate); dog biscuits. The tubers are boiled for 30 minutes, allowed to cool, and then cut into small pieces.

Do not give: cabbage, coffee, avocado, chocolate, parsley, alcohol, sugar, dairy products (except yogurt), salt, fried foods.

Adult parrots are fed 1-2 times a day.

Fresh water should always be poured. The bowl of water should be heavy and stable. The water is changed as it gets dirty.

Birds are offered lime, eggshells, white chalk, and cuttlefish shells as additional calcium.

At first, the cockatoo will be shy and distrustful, but as it acclimatizes, it will become calm and trusting. Perfectly amenable to taming and training. Requires a lot of attention (at least two hours a day). With a lack of communication, he attracts attention to himself by constant screaming or self-plucking.

He loves to play, climb, stomp, swing; constant physical and mental stress is required.

It is necessary to ensure big amount various toys - ropes, ladders, bells, various perches, paper bags, boxes, tree branches, etc.

Use toys made only for large parrots. Once a week, toys are replaced with new ones.

When leaving, leave the radio or TV on.

Never leave small children or cockatoos alone outside their cage! Some individuals can be very jealous


In captivity they breed all year round. To do this, the couple is isolated from other birds. It is not recommended to allow wild-caught birds under three years of age to breed, and birds bred in captivity under 6-8 years of age. Breeding period: spring and autumn. Many male cockatoos become very aggressive during the breeding season. To reduce aggressiveness, their wings are clipped, and the nesting house is made with two entrances. The nesting house can be two hollow logs (length 1-1.3 m, internal diameter 30-35 cm, entrance 30 cm) or birdhouses (from 80x60x120 cm, summer 30 cm), placed vertically at a height of 1 m from the bottom, with an entrance near the top, in front of the entrance, a perch is made, sawdust, dirt and sphagnum are poured onto the bottom.

The incubation period of eggs is 30-33 days. The chicks are fed by their parents. Separation from parents occurs at the age of 70-100 days.

In captivity they live up to 90 years.

The black cockatoo is a large parrot that has a luxurious appearance. He speaks poorly and can only learn a few words. He often screams loudly. In a bad mood, it can bite a person's finger. Its charcoal plumage and high crest distinguish it from other species. Its homeland is Australia and Indonesia.

The palm cockatoo (its second name) is quite large in size. It grows up to 80 cm in length. Weight is up to 1 kg. Males are smaller in size than females and have red stripes on their chest. The black plumage has a green and gray tint in places. Distinctive feature birds have a large crest with sharp ends. There are no feathers around the eyes. The tail is large. The massive black beak is curved at the end and reaches 9 cm. Wrinkled red cheeks without feathers darken when the bird is scared or angry.

Wild Lifestyle

The birds live in tropical forests and savannas of New Guinea, northern Australia and neighboring islands. This species of parrot is one of the oldest species of cockatoos. They live in small flocks or alone.

They feed on various fruits, nuts, eucalyptus and acacia seeds and insects. Thanks to their sharp claws, black cockatoos can nimbly climb trees. They nest on the treetops. They don't fly much. They settle near water sources.

The male does not allow other individuals to approach his girlfriend. The couple takes turns incubating one large egg for 30 days. The chick is born without feathers and weighs only 18 g. It begins to see after 2 weeks. Plumage appears after 40 days. Leaves his parents and gets food himself after he learns to fly.

The Palm Cockatoo can produce offspring for 40 years, starting at age 8. When a male wants to find a mate, he makes a nest and attracts a female by knocking on a branch. The formed couple is not separated until death. Together they care for the chick and look for food. The breeding season lasts from August to January.

This is interesting! The lifespan of a black cockatoo is up to 90 years.

Those who decide to purchase an unusual bird will have to face certain difficulties. The black cockatoo parrot has a capricious character. He sometimes becomes aggressive and can bite. It is difficult to get used to other pets in the house and people. The black cockatoo makes loud noises. He has an unpleasant voice, like the creak of an ungreased door. When a bird gets angry, it screams.

The black cockatoo has a large wingspan, so it is better to keep it in an enclosure measuring 4 by 2 m. It is also necessary to arrange a place to sleep - a house with a diameter of at least 0.5 m.

The cage must be made of durable material. At home, a pet can damage rods with a diameter of 5 mm, so it is necessary to make them wider. The floor is made of concrete. You can put several branches on it. Do not cover the surface with newspapers or magazines, as this can cause intoxication of the body. In the habitat area, hang at least 3 wooden perches at different heights, a ladder, a rope, and bamboo rings.

Drinkers and feeders should be chosen from ceramics or steel. It is important to fix them well and wash them thoroughly every day. The black parrot loves to swim. To do this, use a special spraying device or a small bath. The bird takes water treatments daily.

Health and life expectancy are affected by how well the food is selected. The diet should include:

  • vegetables (peas, beets, broccoli, cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini);
  • nuts (cedar, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, peanuts);
  • greens (celery, lettuce);
  • fruits (oranges, raspberries, peaches, strawberries, apples, bananas, grapes).

Small pets are fed up to 4 rubles, and adults - 1-2 rubles. per day. The water must be changed every day. The root vegetables are boiled for half an hour and then cut into small pieces. To prevent calcium deficiency, birds are given lime, eggshells or chalk.

Industrial mixtures can shorten the life of a bird. He should also not be given:

  • candies, chocolate;
  • salt, sugar;
  • avocado;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • parsley;
  • cabbage


The black cockatoo parrot is a rare and expensive bird species. The average price is 200 thousand rubles. If you equip a spacious aviary indoors and regularly fulfill all the care requirements, an exotic bird can become an original decoration, staying close to its owners for many years.

Squad: Parrots Family: Cockatoo Genus: Black cockatoos View: Black cockatoo Latin name Probosciger aterimus
(Gmelin, ) Area
NCBI Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
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Least Concern
IUCN 3.1 Least Concern:

Black cockatoo(lat. Probosciger aterimus listen)) is a bird of the cockatoo family. The only species of the genus.


Quite a large parrot with a body length of 70-80 cm, tail 25 cm; weight 500-1000 g. Its color is slate black with a barely noticeable green tint. The beak is very large, up to 9 cm, powerful, black, very similar to the beak of a macaw. The crest is large, made of narrow, long, curled back, ribbon-like feathers. The cheeks are not feathered and have a fleshy color, and when excited they are scarlet-red in color. The bare areas around the eyes are black. The iris is dark brown. Legs are grey. The female is smaller, with a smaller beak.


It lives in northern Australia, Cape York Peninsula, New Guinea and nearby islands. This species is the oldest species of cockatoo in Australia. He was the first to populate the northern part of this continent.


They inhabit tall tropical forests and savannas with separate groups of trees. They live alone or in small groups. They feed on seeds of eucalyptus, acacia, fig trees and insect larvae, which they easily take out from under the bark of trees and branches with their strong beak. In search of food, they very deftly climb the branches of large and tall trees. The voice, even in a calm state, is rather unpleasant, creaky; in an excited state it is very loud, harsh and very unpleasant.

These parrots live extremely long - up to 90 years. Black cockatoos have more than enough time to learn the most difficult things. Males enter into relationships with females in adulthood. This makes this species generally unique among most birds and parrots, which usually strive to begin a relationship as early as possible in order to breed offspring. Pairs last a lifetime.


They nest in spacious hollows of old trees located high above the ground. There is usually one egg in a clutch. Incubation lasts about 30 days, and at the age of 10-12 weeks the chick flies out of the nest and is under the care of its parents for up to 4-5 months. The courtship ritual for the female is unique among all parrots in the world. The male, having prepared a hollow, sometimes more than one, defiantly selects a stick, bites it off with his extremely powerful beak, clears it of leaves and begins to knock on the nest. If he doesn’t like the sound, then he chooses the second one. the third stick until both he and the female like the sound. It is also surprising that at the beginning of the tapping, the parrot clearly tries to catch the rhythm of the sounds. Upon completion of the knocking, the male chips the stick with his beak and throws the chips into the hollow. Such a meaningful use of foreign objects is practically not found in other birds, and especially in terms of courting a female.

In captivity they are most often kept in zoos. Keeping him at home is quite difficult for the reason that he can quickly break the cage, biting through a metal mesh 4-5 mm thick. In addition, in nature, the black cockatoo feeds on Canary tree nuts. They are very difficult to replace with anything, so even in zoos black cockatoos live relatively short lives.

It has a bad character; with the slightest mistakes in taming, this cannot be corrected and the parrot becomes aggressive. Like all large cockatoos, the black cockatoo is vindictive and will not forget anything that a person has done wrong to it.


The species includes 4 subspecies:

  • Probosciger aterrimus aterrimus(Gmelin, 1788)
  • Great Palm Cockatoo Probosciger aterrimus goliath (Kuhl, 1820)
  • Probosciger aterrimus macgillivrayi(Mathews, 1912)
  • Van Oort cockatoo Probosciger aterrimus stenolophus(Oort, 1911)


    Stavenn Probosciger atterrimus 00.jpg

    Probosciger aterrimus.jpg

    Probosciger aterrimus -Washington -zoo-2p.jpg

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  • Ierusalimsky I.- Rostov-on-Don: Vladis, 2001. - 320 p. - ISBN 5-94194-073-4
  • / Auto-comp. A. P. Umeltsev. - M.: Lockid-Press, 2002. - 368 p. - ISBN 5-320-00436-2


  • (unavailable link)
  • Documentary: Australia - the land of parrots.

Excerpt characterizing the Black Cockatoo

At that same moment, in the gray sky, the sun suddenly appeared from behind the clouds, as if illuminating last way unfortunate victim... It gently touched her pale, terribly emaciated cheek, as if affectionately saying the last earthly “I’m sorry.” There was a bright flash on the scaffold - a heavy knife fell, scattering bright scarlet splashes... The crowd gasped. The blond head fell into the basket, it was all over... The beautiful queen went to a place where there was no more pain, no more bullying... There was only peace...

There was deadly silence all around. There was nothing else to see...
This is how the gentle and kind queen died, until the very last minute she managed to stand with her head held high, which was then so simply and mercilessly demolished by the heavy knife of the bloody guillotine...
Pale, frozen, like a dead man, Axel looked with unseeing eyes out the window and it seemed that life was flowing out of him drop by drop, painfully slowly... Carrying his soul far, far away, so that there, in the light and silence, he could forever merge with the one whom he loved so deeply and selflessly...
“My poor... My soul... How did I not die with you?.. Everything is over for me now...” Axel whispered with dead lips, still standing at the window.
But everything will be “over” for him much later, after some twenty long years, and this end will, again, be no less terrible than that of his unforgettable queen...
– Do you want to watch further? – Stella asked quietly.
I just nodded, unable to say a word.
We saw another, raging, brutal crowd of people, and in front of it stood the same Axel, only this time the action took place many years later. He was still just as handsome, only almost completely gray-haired, in some magnificent, very important military uniform, he still looked just as fit and slender.

And now, the same brilliant one, the smartest person stood in front of some half-drunk, brutal people and, hopelessly trying to shout them down, tried to explain something to them... But none of those gathered, unfortunately, wanted to listen to him... Stones flew at poor Axel, and the crowd, disgusting Inciting her anger with swearing, she began to press. He tried to fight them off, but they threw him to the ground, began to brutally trample him, tear off his clothes... And some big guy suddenly jumped on his chest, breaking his ribs, and without hesitation, easily killed him with a blow to his temple. Axel's naked, mutilated body was dumped on the side of the road, and there was no one who at that moment would want to feel sorry for him, already dead... There was only a rather laughing, drunk, excited crowd around... who just needed to throw it out on someone - your accumulated animal anger...
Axel’s pure, suffering soul, finally freed, flew away to unite with the one who was his bright and only love, and who had been waiting for him for so many years...
This is how, again, very cruelly, an almost stranger to Stella and I, but who became so close, a man named Axel, ended his life, and... the same little boy who, having lived only a short five years, managed to accomplish an amazing and unique feat in his life, of which any adult living on earth could be honestly proud...
“What horror!..” I whispered in shock. - Why is he doing this?
“I don’t know...” Stella whispered quietly. “For some reason people were very angry back then, even angrier than animals... I looked a lot to understand, but I didn’t understand...” the little girl shook her head. “They didn’t listen to reason, they just killed.” And for some reason everything beautiful was destroyed too...
– What about Axel’s children or wife? – Having come to my senses after the shock, I asked.
“He never had a wife - he always loved only his queen,” said little Stella with tears in her eyes.

And then, suddenly, a flash seemed to flash in my head - I realized who Stella and I had just seen and for whom we were so sincerely worried!... It was the French queen, Marie Antoinette, about whose tragic life we ​​had very recently (and very briefly!) took place in a history lesson, and the execution of which our history teacher strongly approved, considering such a terrible end to be very “correct and instructive”... apparently because he mainly taught “Communism” in history. .
Despite the sadness of what happened, my soul rejoiced! I simply could not believe the unexpected happiness that had fallen upon me!.. After all, I had been waiting for this for so long!.. This was the first time when I finally saw something real that could be easily verified, and from such a surprise I almost squealed from the puppyish delight that gripped me!.. Of course, I was so happy not because I didn’t believe in what was constantly happening to me. On the contrary, I always knew that everything that happened to me was real. But apparently I, like any ordinary person, and especially a child, sometimes still needed some kind of, at least the simplest confirmation that I was not yet going crazy, and that now I could prove to myself, that everything that happens to me is not just my sick fantasy or invention, but a real fact, described or seen by other people. That’s why such a discovery was a real holiday for me!..