Lapwing oriole hazel grouse are migratory birds. How do migratory birds differ from wintering, sedentary birds: presentation for preschoolers. Why do migratory birds fly to warmer regions where they spend the winter, and why do they come back? Resident, wintering and migratory birds: sleep

According to statistics, in Russia there are more than 60 species of birds that fly to winter in warmer climes. Seasonal migrations are the prerogative of all migratory birds, without exception. Relocations take place both over long and fairly close distances. To understand which species of birds are migratory, it is necessary to understand that their migrations depend on what they, strictly speaking, do. Most of all insectivorous birds are found in nature. They are balanced by carnivorous and granivorous birds.

With the onset of cold weather, all the insects that many birds enjoy feasting on disappear. In connection with this, birds have to fly to places where there is never snow, where the abundance of tasty insects does not end all year round. Such migratory birds include robins, finches, and, of course, “spring messengers” - swallows.

Swallows feed on fairly large insects, including dragonflies and chafers. They catch them on the fly. They winter on the Mediterranean coast. It is curious that some of them even fly to hot Africa. Therefore, it is simply impossible to see swallows in Russia in winter.

In winter, rivers and lakes freeze, which poses a great threat, for example, to carnivorous herons that feed on frogs and fish. They also have to leave their native lands. “Vegetarians” who eat herbs and seeds also suffer, since in winter everything is covered with a white sheet of snow. One of the most famous “herbivorous” migratory birds are heat-loving cranes.

If you carefully observe the cranes, you will notice that already in September they are preparing to fly away. At this relatively early time for migration, they are already gathering in flocks. Cranes leave their native lands until spring, saying goodbye to people with their beautiful guttural cry. For complete objectivity, it is worth noting that not all types of cranes fly away. This is done only by those who are forced to nest and reproduce in the northern regions of Russia.

Who stays for the winter?

Only those birds that have managed to “find a common language” with humans remain for the winter. They are called sedentary. The most famous of them are pigeons, sparrows, and tits. The fact is that they have adapted to feed on waste found in landfills and trash cans. In addition, a person feeds them using special feeders.

Bird "compass"

Scientists have proven that migratory birds are well versed in the geography of their migrations. They can sense not only latitude, but also longitude, guided by the sun and stars. This is one version of this bird phenomenon.

According to another version, migratory birds return to their permanent nesting places, focusing on the Earth’s magnetic field. A corresponding article on this topic was published in the journal Nature. Additionally, this has been documented by ornithological scientists who banded migratory birds and then observed them in the same places for several years in a row.

However, despite this, there is still no consensus among ornithologists and researchers about the work of the so-called bird “compass”.

This summer I heard a nightingale sing for the first time: I woke up in the morning at the dacha to the sound of clear trills. How lovely! I went to the whole day in a great mood. Maybe, of course, I had heard the nightingale before, but I didn’t pay attention. Although it is difficult to hear them in the city - they settle there extremely rarely, and in winter you will not see them at all, nightingales are classified as migratory birds.

What birds fly to warmer climes

Unfortunately, in winter we have much fewer birds; not all of them are able to withstand the cold, and it is more difficult for many to feed themselves at this time of year. In general, birds are divided into:

  • sedentary;
  • nomadic;
  • migratory.

Migratory birds Not everyone immediately leaves their native land. The birds that feed on insects are the first to fly away. For example, nightingales, swifts, swallows, starlings, larks, goldfinches. When it is no longer possible to find plant food, the following go to the south: quail, wagtail, siskin, starling, oriole, and chaffinch. And the last to fly away are waterfowl; frozen bodies of water force them to leave their habitable places.

If the birds are in no hurry to fly away, it means that the autumn will be warm, but when they sense the approach of cold days, they quickly set off.

Where do migratory birds fly?

The birds fly away to regions where the weather conditions are not much different from their native places, so it is easier for them to feed themselves. Some, for example, the Arctic tern, cover distances of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Until now, scientists cannot unambiguously answer the question: how birds navigate in the air. It turns out that this information is stored at the genetic level. But not only instincts help birds navigate in flight. In order not to go astray, they use the heavenly bodies, the Earth's magnetic field, and air currents.

I recently read that even birds that cannot fly migrate.

For example, emperor penguins. As the weather gets colder and the polar night sets in, they sail into the Indian Ocean. It is believed that it is not only the harsh winter that forces them to do this, but also the darkness: more dangers await them there.

More from early years We know that in the fall many species of birds begin to appear in the sky, heading south. But often both children and adults find it difficult to answer what kind of birds they are. But before answering this question, let's find out what groups birds are divided into.

All scientists existing species The birds were divided into two groups. One included migrants, and the other wintered. All birds are warm-blooded, that is, their average body temperature is about 41 degrees.

Many people also believe that they have to leave their homes because they may freeze in winter. But this is not the main reason, just winter period It will be very difficult for them to find food for themselves. Thus, wintering birds include those species of birds that are able to get food for themselves during the cold season.

These species include woodpecker, capercaillie, tit, nuthatch, jay, pika, hazel grouse, and black grouse. In addition to them, some inhabitants of the cities also remain for the winter, who will be able to get food for themselves at any time.

What birds fly away in autumn?

In the fall, insectivorous bird species, such as the wagtail, fly away first. While it remains possible to find seeds or fruits, granivores are still in place. But as soon as the snow falls, or rather when the grains are hidden under a layer of snow, siskins, buntings and finches fly away. And many people probably know which birds are the last to fly away in the fall. Waterfowl ducks and geese begin to leave their homes when rivers and ponds begin to be frozen by ice floes.

In addition, some bird species, both wintering and migratory, leave their habitats depending on weather conditions. In cases where the year turned out to be fruitful, and there was little snow, bullfinch, redpoll, waxwing, and butternut may remain for the winter. But if the feeding situation is unfavorable, they begin to join the birds that are about to fly south.

Birds are also divided into migratory and wintering birds, depending on the area of ​​residence of these individuals. For example, in the northern regions, even crows and rooks begin to fly away towards the south, while their southern counterparts remain in place during this period. Blackbirds from Central Russia fly away for the winter, and in Western Europe they do not leave their habitats.

Complete list of migratory birds

1. Gray Heron - Ardea cinerea 30. Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris
2. Buzzard – Buteo buteo 31. Deryaba - Turdus viscivorus
3. Harrier - Circus cyaneus 32. White-browed - Turdus iliacus
4. Hobby - Falco subbuteo 33. Song Thrush - Turdus philomelos
5. Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus 34. Blackbird - Turdus merula
6. Quail - Coturnix coturnix 35. Meadow stonechat - Saxicola rubetra
7. Crake - Crex crex 36. Common redstart - Phoenicurus phoenicurus
8. Coot - Fulica atra 37. Robin - Erithacus rubecula
9. Lapwing - Vanellus vanellus 38. Common nightingale - Luscinia luscinia
10. Tie - Charadrius hiaticula 39. Bluethroat - Luscinia svecica
11. Blackling - Tringa ochropus 40. Garden Warbler – Sylvia borin
12. Woodcock -Skolopax rusticola 41. Gray warbler - Sylvia communis
13. Black-headed gull - Larus ridibundus 42. Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca
14. Common tern - Sterna hirundo 43. Black-headed Warbler - Sylvia atricapilla
15. Klintukh - Columbia oenas 44. Willow warbler - Phylloscopus trochilus
16. Common cuckoo - Cuculus canorus 45. Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collibita
17. Common nightjar - Caprimulgus europaeus 46. ​​Warbler - Phylloscopus sibilatrix
18. Black swift - Apus apus 47. Green warbler - Phylloscopus trochiloides
19. Spinner – Junx torquilla 48. Marsh warbler - Acrocephalus palustris
20. Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica 49. Garden warbler - Acrocephalus dumetorum
21. City swallow - Delichon urbica 50. Badger warbler - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
22. Shoreline - Riparia riparia 51. Common cricket - Locustella naevia
23. Sky lark - Alauda arvensis 52. River cricket - Locustella fluviatilis
24. Forest Pipit - Anthus trivialis 53. Gray flycatcher - Muscicapa striata
25. White wagtail - Motacilla alba 54. Pied Flycatcher - Ficedula hypoleuca
26. Common shrike - Lanius collurio 55. Lesser flycatcher - Ficedula parva
27. Common oriole Oreolus oreolus 56. Finch - Fringila coelebs
28. Wren - Troglodytes troglodytes 57. Common lentil - Carpodacus erythrinus
29. Wood Accentor - Prunella modularis 58. Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniculus

Organization: MBDOU Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 34

Locality: Primorsky Territory, Vladivostok

During the lesson, the entire space of the group room is dynamically used.

Forms of work: frontal, group, individual.

Lesson time: 30 minutes.

Goal: Expand and clarify ideas about living nature. Learn to observe, develop curiosity.

Objectives by educational areas:

Cognitive development:

Expand and consolidate children’s understanding of migratory birds;

Promote the independent use of experimental actions to identify hidden properties;

To cultivate a kind attitude towards all living things in nature, a sense of responsibility for the fate of birds, and arouse a desire to take care of them.

Speech development:

Improve question-and-answer conversation skills;

Exercise children in the formation of diminutive words;

Activate the dictionary: wintering, migratory.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Practice coloring without going beyond the outline.


Illustrations of migratory and wintering birds; audio recording of birds singing; medium rubber ball; 1 large magnet; magnets according to the number of children; large paper clips; coloring pages with pictures of birds for each child; sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, peas, small toys, corks; 2 containers; 4 bowls; 2 symbols on stands; bird feathers.

Progress of the lesson:

Children are in a group with a teacher.

Organizational moment: (1 min)

An introductory sedentary round dance game “Malanya” is held. As the game progresses, all children stand in a circle.

I. Introduction to the game situation.(1 min)

Guys, look what I found this morning when I was going to kindergarten.

(I show the children the feathers of various birds).

Children: - Feathers.

Guys, whose feathers are these?

Children: - Birds.

Right. And today we will talk about the birds that stay with us in winter, and remember those that have flown away.

I suggest you sit on the chairs.

II.Updating knowledge.(8 min)

Why do you think birds need feathers?

Children's answers.

Where can you find birds?

Answers 2-3 children. (I generalize the answers - everywhere)

Tell me where the birds live?

Answers 2-3 children. (I generalize the answers - they build nests)

Who can tell how birds are similar?

Answers 2-3 children. (I summarize the answers - they can fly, they have wings)

Winter will come tomorrow, and many birds have flown to warmer climes. These birds are called...

Children's answers. (I generalize the answers - migratory). Reinforce in children's speech - repeat 2 times.

Guys, what are the birds that stay in our area for the winter called?

Children's answers. (I generalize the answers - wintering), repeat 2 times.

Look how many birds have flown to us (pay attention to the board where the pictures with birds are located).

Together with the children we move closer to the board. Children look at the pictures for a while.

Name which ones you know.

Children's answers.

There are a lot of birds. The breeze accidentally mixed up the pictures of all the birds, let's figure out which of them are migratory and which are wintering.

I place two conventional signs on holders on the floor. We discuss each sign.

Guys, look what this sign means (picture No. 1 shows silhouettes of birds flying in a wedge).

Children: - Migratory birds.

Guys, look what this sign means (picture No. 2 shows a bird feeder).

Children: - Wintering birds.

Well done, you guessed correctly.

Let's line up in 2 teams. Wintering and migratory birds. Take one picture at a time, look at it carefully and think about what kind of bird you have and decide which sign you need to approach.

Children name the bird in their picture and move to the corresponding sign.

For example:

Child: - I have a Crow in the picture, this is a wintering bird, I will stand near the sign with the feeder..... etc.

All children stand near the signs.

Well done! You have correctly divided the birds into wintering and migratory.

Place pictures near the signs. (Photo No. 2)

Why do birds fly south, do you think?

Children's answers. (I summarize the answers - it’s cold, there is no food)

IIIDifficulty of the situation(1 min)

The birds have a difficult journey south, but in the spring they will return. I wonder how birds find their way to the south and back?

Children's answers.

It turns out that they navigate during the day by the sun, and at night by the stars and the moon. Scientists have also found that birds sense the magnetic fields that surround the Earth. Want to know how this happens?

IVIntroduction of new(1 min)

Together with the children, we move to the table, on which there are magnets in a box and paper clips scattered on the table.

Our planet Earth is a huge natural magnet. And a magnet can attract.

I have a magnet. (Showing it to the children).

Let's imagine that our magnet is the Earth. And paper clips are birds. What do you think will happen to paper clips if you bring a magnet to them?

Children offer different variants magnet action.

Let's try.

VIncorporating new knowledge into the knowledge system(10 min)

Magnet experiment. Children test the effect of a magnet. Explain what they saw.

See how the paper clips are drawn to the magnet. This is how the magnetic forces of the Earth operate. The earth attracts birds. (Photo No. 1)

Shall we play now? I will name the birds. If you hear the name of a migratory bird, wave your arms; if I name a wintering bird, sit down.

Great! Well done! Sit on the chairs.

Shall we play?

Didactic game “name it affectionately”.

I will throw the ball to you and name the bird, and you return the ball to me and call this bird affectionately.

Sparrow. Children: - Sparrow.

Tit. Children: - Titmouse.

Jackdaw. Children: - Little tick, little tick.

Crane. Children: - Crane. Etc.

Well done!

Now let's compare humans, animals and birds.

Humans have children, but what about birds? Children: - Chicks.

Cats have fur, but what about birds? Children: -Feathers.

A dog has a nose, but what about birds? Children: - Beak.

A person has hands, but what about birds? Children: - Wings.

The hare runs, and the birds? Children: - They fly.

The cow moos, and the birds?…..

Children make different sounds.

What sounds did you hear?

Guys, it turns out that different birds pronounce sounds differently. For example:

Geese are cackling.


The crow caws.

Woodpecker knocks.

The cuckoo is cuckooing.

The owl hoots.

Magpie chirps.

The nightingale is singing.

The dove is cooing.

The swallow is chirping.

The crane is cooing. Etc.

(You can add or remove the name of 2, 3 birds.)

Birds can also hiss, whistle, cackle and even speak like humans.

Physical education minute. (1 min)

Let's imagine that you and I are different birds and each speaks differently, and fly after me.

Children move around the group and pronounce various sounds, while simultaneously performing actions together with the teacher.

Warm-up: Small birds were flying.

All the people watched as they flew. Children run and wave their arms,

As they sat down, all the people were amazed. Children squat down

Sit down, sit, take off, fly.

They flew and flew, singing songs in the sky. Children run and wave their arms.

Well done!

Working in teams. (2 minutes)

Guys, do you know what birds eat?

Children's answers.

Right. In winter, it is very difficult for birds to find food, especially during snowfalls.

You and I must help our feathered friends survive the cold winter. How can we help?

Children's answers.

That's right, make feeders and pour food into them. I have some food for the birds, but it seems to me that the breeze has mixed everything up again. Let's prepare some food that we can take for a walk and feed the birds.

The children and the teacher move to the carpet.

Here is the task for the girls team.

Here is the task for the girls team.

Children sort through seeds, stones, buttons, etc. bird treats in one bowl, toys and other items in another bowl.

Well done boys. The birds will love your treat. (Photo No. 3)

I knew that you could handle it, and I prepared for you Alexander Yashin’s poem “Feed the Birds.”

Feed the birds in winter.

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

I need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

It will be winter for them.

It’s impossible to count how many of them die,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for the birds.

How can we forget:

They could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Together with people.

Train your birds in the cold

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring.

Reflection. (3 min)

I also have coloring pages for you. Take your seats at the tables.

I give coloring books to children. Children color the birds.

Work individually. (Photo No. 4)

What is the name of your bird? (Guess by the outline). Is it migratory or wintering? What color pencils will you need?

V Comprehension (Summary)(1-2 min)

Guys, tell me, what did we talk about today? What new did you learn? Who did you help? (Children comprehend their actions and record the achievement of the goal.)

- I really liked how you worked harmoniously in teams today, how friendly you played.

And now

The teacher hangs the finished work on a magnetic board and asks the children to come up.

The teacher asks the children to evaluate their work and the work of other children.

Praises children, celebrating interesting features each child's work.

List of used methodological literature:

O.S. Ushakova “Development of speech and creativity of preschool children”, Sfera, 2015

O.S.Ushakova “Come up with a word”, Moscow: Education, 1996

O.I. Krupenchuk “Teach me to speak correctly”, Litera, 2015

O.A. Solomennikova “Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten", Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014

Reader for older children, Moscow, 2000 O.A. Skorolupova “Classes with older children” preschool age» Moscow, 2016

O.V. Dybina, N.P. Rakhmanova, V.V. Shchetinina “The unknown is nearby” (experiments and experiments for preschoolers) Sphere 2016

Internet resources.