That the owner of the parquet hall company. Parquet Hall Company. Energy for nanomoney. The development of new generation biofuels led Ilya Golubovich to manage hundreds of millions of dollars

They do not fulfill delivery obligations, they respond to complaints and letters with “we don’t know anything, management is changing, there is no money.” If you want to buy something, then “may the force be with you in the courts.”

When installing the baseboards, they broke through the sewer, realized this - drove in a chopper and left without saying a word. As a result, part of the repairs and the parquet flooring previously installed by their colleagues were damaged. CEO A.F. Liner sent a mocking letter in response to the complaint with gratitude that they had turned to their company for services, and “You, the customer, cannot distinguish a chopik from a dobel.” In the photographs I presented, both the chopik and the dowel were photographed.

Parquet Hall is a wonderful company with an excellent selection of high-quality products at competitive prices. They did everything for us quickly and accurately, it was a pleasure to work with them. I was satisfied, I recommend it to everyone)))

We decided to make repairs and for laying laminate flooring and, of course, purchasing, we contacted Parquet Hall, they have established themselves as reliable suppliers and of course have wide range services. It was necessary to level the surface on which the laminate was laid. The surface was prepared very well, the expected installation period was as close as possible to what was desired for us, the clients. They worked very clearly and harmoniously, I think the selection of personnel in the company is carried out very carefully. No tricks and impeccable quality...

The Parquet Hall company left only positive impressions about itself. It was a pleasure to work with them. If you are interested in quality and reliability, then I advise you Parquet Hall.

We bought flooring for a fitness club here. Everything was done to us to the highest standard. They showed us everything that was available, explained what fit where and helped us make a choice. We really liked the approach to clients.

Very good store. Friendly sellers, they don’t overcharge, they say what’s best. We took laminate flooring for our apartment. They have a wide selection of flooring, but we liked the paminate flooring, it was delivered the next day!

It was necessary to carry out parquet work, namely, sanding the old parquet and replacing it with a new one in one room. And a technologist named Evgeniy Pavlovich came from the Parquet Hall company and “qualifiedly” assessed the amount of work, with the words “Replace everything.” To my reassurances that the floor was good, I received the answer - “Bye!” Therefore, it is better for you to contact not Parquet Hall, but the former specialist Konstantin, his friend and colleague. Was at the site for no more than 10 minutes, took 3 thousand rubles. I measured only one room and went.

The team of the company that laid parquet throughout our entire apartment during our major renovation did an excellent job! They worked smoothly and did not miss deadlines. The fact that the company has a very well-established service became clear during the first visit to the office; we received a very warm welcome and competent advice. There were no schedule conflicts, despite the large volume of orders. We also bought some cool parquet care products from them, and we’re already enjoying walking around and using them.

The guys from Parquet Hall restored the parquet floor, which had turned dark after a neighbor's riser broke. I quickly agreed to the price, since it was on par with other offers, but only this company has such a history finished projects and they give a guarantee. I chose them to protect myself from surprises. And I didn’t regret it. They did everything perfectly.

We rented several grinding machines from Parquet Hall for different stages of work. After all, Lagler, German technology, a priori inspires trust, and according to reviews, the equipment of this brand is the best among parquet machines. And then we found out that there is a rental service in more than one store. Service centers There are five stores in Moscow for grinding machines, it’s very convenient, they start working at 8.00. We won’t go into details, but I liked the fact that Parquet Hall, despite the scale of the company itself...

The terrace board in the country house is exactly what we have been dreaming about for so long. We actually started a massive renovation, as is usually the case, we installed a terrace by the summer, and now we are planning to order the flooring itself. In Parquet Hall, which our friends once recommended to us, we picked up the necessary decking or simply a decking board, and the managers offered to arrange a technologist’s visit over the phone. At the appointed time, a specialist arrived in an equipped vehicle, took all the necessary measurements, and gave recommendations. After talking with the technologist...

Review written Anonymous user

So, I registered on one of the job search sites, subscribed to the newsletter and began to wait for offers and vacancies to start pouring into my email like from a cornucopia. We didn't have to wait long. many offers came. Including from quite well-known company"Parquet Hall". And the best part is that the office of this company (at the VDNKh metro station) is located literally a few houses away from my own. I carefully read the criteria that, according to the “parquet specialists,” a system administrator must meet:

Fairy tale, isn't it? I have two higher educations behind me (and in my specialty), work experience for over seven years, managing the IT department for more than two years and sooo much knowledge that many have never even dreamed of.
I'm calling. At the other end of the telephone wire they are surprised: “How did you find out our phone number???” Interesting, I think. Where do company phone numbers come from? Anyway. Further more. The following questions simply blow me away: “Are you Russian? Do you live in Moscow? Do you have a residence permit? Were you born in Moscow?” (And all this in SUCH TONE! Perhaps in colonial Africa they spoke to black slaves more politely!!!) When asked about my place of birth, I begin to quietly seethe. What two higher educations are there!!! The girl is interested in my nationality. Not work experience, not knowledge, but my “Russianness” or lack thereof. Why should I be ashamed - according to my passport I am Russian, with an Armenian name and an Austrian surname. Well, what can you do - my grandmother was Armenian. And, in my opinion, there is nothing strange that she asked to name her beloved grandson after her father. So, my name played a decisive role in Mrs. Ovchinnikova N.’s attitude towards me as a potential employee.
OK. I arrange an interview (every other day, towards the evening. And this despite the fact that the company “URGENTLY” needs a system administrator!). I'm coming. I'm bringing my resume. Do you think anyone has read it? No matter how it is! My “interview” lasted only 4 minutes and consisted of transferring my printed work record from my hands to the hands of the hiring manager.
I'll call in an hour and a half to hear the answer. And, of course, I get a refusal. No justification, no regret. Just “you are not suitable for our company” and short beeps. If I understand correctly, the policy of the Parquet Hall company is not to recruit non-Russian workers into its ranks? Although, I repeat, the non-Russian in me is only a name. It’s enough just to look at me or read what’s written in my passport.
And I just decided to find a job closer to home. Isn't it a natural desire? It turned out to be completely unnatural!!! That’s what the “nice” girl, HR manager Natalya Ovchinnikova, told me. She said that it’s better not to mention “proximity to home” at all... when applying for ANOTHER job.
So. Stop. TO ANOTHER? Yes, it turns out that no one was going to hire me. And I wouldn’t be surprised if my resume didn’t even fall into the hands of the head of the IT department, where they promised to take it.
The situation is starting to amuse me. Okay, I think. They don't want to, they don't need to. Are there a lot of organizations in Moscow? But finally, I decide to ask this same Natalya a question (based on Article 64 Labor Code RF dated 12/30/01. No. 197-F3. Guarantees upon conclusion employment contract) about the reasons for refusal. And what do I hear? “You DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to ask such questions. And I don’t have to explain anything to you!!!” I would like to draw the young lady’s attention to the fact that the law guarantees me the right to justify a refusal. And any lawyer will not deny this. Ms. Ovchinnikova N. demanded a written request, to which she would respond (although they usually don’t talk in this tone with applicants, or with anyone else). Well... I shouldn't work at Parquet Hall. But I’m not going to give up my rights either. After all, we are moving by leaps and bounds towards civil society.
P.S. I in no way want to offend the employees and management of the entire Parquet Hall company. I'm talking about what I had to face.

"The Secret of the Firm" found out what plans for life are made by those who, in the minds of millions of Russians, live happily ever after. The heirs of the second generation Russian entrepreneurs have their own problems and tasks, and they do not always lie in the business sphere.

Text: Sergey Kashin

Maria Liner, student at University College London

Father: Andrey Liner, co-owner of the Parquet Hall company

From prestigious private school in Moscow, Maria Liner had not so pleasant memories: “I can’t say that this school, despite the loud words and high ratings, gave me a lot academically. Rather, it taught me life: how to build relationships with peers and teachers.” When the time came to go to university, the choice was between UCL, King's College and LSE. Maria and her father took a tour of the places of potential study in the summer. “The first was UCL, and I just felt: “Mine!” - Maria recalls. “I had nothing to do at LSE, there is an emphasis on economics, and that was not interesting to me. There was no suitable faculty at King's College." The Faculty of Language and Culture meant mastering two languages ​​and the opportunity to study art, literature, cinema or linguistics. Maria gave preference to visual art. “I get tremendous pleasure from studying, everything is wildly interesting to me,” Maria Liner describes her feelings from studying. She says that a graduate can successfully work in PR, in the media, and in the field of culture: “I’m interested in the art market, I already have some ideas about the work in which I see myself in a couple of years, but now I’m talking It’s too early to talk about her."

Maria has no plans to start a business, including a family one, yet. And her parents do not require her to make any plans for the future. “My dad and I didn’t talk about running the family business, except as a joke,” says Maria.

Anton Fedun, co-owner and director of The Ampersand Hotel in London

Father: Leonid Fedun, co-owner of Lukoil and chairman of the board of directors of IFD Capital

Anton Fedun has never been involved in the oil business. He began to prepare himself quite early for a career in the hospitality industry. “The University of Surrey, where I studied management and tourism, was at that time the best in England in this subject,” says Anton. After Surrey there was a master's degree at Regents Business School and Bond University in Australia, where Anton took a course in hotel management.

Why hotel business? “Even before entering the university, I knew that our family had plans to develop the hotel business, since at that time my father’s company was opening a hotel in Crimea, which is now managed by Rezidor,” recalls Fedun Jr.

After completing his studies and internship, Anton and his father decided to open a hotel in London, where the average annual hotel occupancy exceeds 80%. After a long - more than a year - search, a suitable building was found. “In central London it is very difficult to buy something at a normal price, but in the end I found a hotel in a good location that was in terrible condition, which allowed us to negotiate a sale with the owners,” says Anton Fedun.

After purchasing the building, Anton received carte blanche from his father and restored the house, creating a new hotel brand, Ampersand: “It was very important for me to delve into all the details and personally make all decisions, from choosing plumbing to developing a brand and recruiting staff.”

According to the results of the first year, Ampersand won a large number of awards, received excellent reviews from hotel guests and good press. But the most important thing is that his income is ahead of his business plan. Now Anton plans to open two hotels in Moscow near the Spartak stadium.

“I’ll be honest: Ampersand is not only my first experience of doing business, but also my first serious job. Before that, I worked in a travel agency, helped with a hotel in Crimea, worked as a cashier in a charity store in Oxford, and was an intern at law firm and traded on the financial exchange via the Internet,” Anton lists. “I wasn’t sure that I could do it right away own business, but my father believes that until you start doing everything yourself, you won’t learn anything.”

Ilya Golubovich, managing partner of the venture group I2BF Global Ventures

Energy for nanomoney. The development of new generation biofuels led Ilya Golubovich to manage hundreds of millions of dollars

Father: Alexey Golubovich, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Arbat Capital Group

Mother: Olga Mirimskaya, owner of Russian Product OJSC, chairman of the board of Bank BKF

Ilya Golubovich studied at the Moscow School of Economics, then graduated from Stanford University. “My father would probably want me to study financial and mathematical disciplines, but I was always drawn towards technology and science,” says Ilya, who received a diploma in industrial engineering. After graduating from university, he specialized in the study of new generation biofuels produced from algae and cyanobacteria.

His family's acquaintances, a group of Israeli-Russian oil and gas entrepreneurs, came to the United States in 2006 to invest in local biofuels companies. “At first they hired me as a technology consultant, but in the end it turned out that I was leading these transactions,” recalls Ilya.

After the completion of the transactions, the idea arose of creating a specialized venture fund, renewable energy was a hot topic back then. In 2006, the I2BF company appeared, of which Ilya Golubovich is still the managing partner. The volume of funds under its management today amounts to $350 million, most of which is money from Rusnano and development institutions from Russia and other countries. 15 projects were invested.

His father, according to Ilya, did not invest money in his fund: being involved in hedge funds in Russia, Alexey Golubovich still prefers to make investments that are more liquid than venture capital ones.

Ilya says that he was never particularly interested in his parents’ business: “Outside of I2BF, I have projects with all family members. At some level, I am still involved in the family business, but still my main focus is on I2BF - the business that I I did it myself."

70% family businesses in the world still cannot survive the transition from the first to the second generation. During the transition to the third generation, only 5% of the original number survive

Maria Presnova-Boiko, employee of the corporate relations department of the Group of Companies "Your Financial Trustee"

Your trustee. Maria Presnova-Boiko is ready to develop the family business for the rest of her life

Photo: Konstantin Salomatin, Kommersant

Father: Vasily Boyko-Veliky, owner of the group of companies "Your Financial Trustee"

In the Boyko-Velikikh family there is a family council where they discuss important questions. “Since I was 10 years old, I have been participating in such discussions. We, children, were impressed that we were taken seriously and that serious non-childish answers were expected from us; this gives rise to responsibility,” recalls Maria. The children - and Maria also has an older sister and a younger brother - came up with, for example, the name for the entertainment and hotel complex "Emerald City" on Kazakova Street (it, however, was never built). The same applies to the project "Ruzskaya Switzerland" (later renamed to "Blagodatnaya Ruza"). When he started thinking about it, his father took the family to Ruza and asked the children if they liked the idea.

Maria studied in Russia - and this was a fundamental decision. “I went to short language programs in England several times, but my parents did not seriously consider the option of receiving higher education abroad. I have an Orthodox patriotic family, and I agreed with my parents,” says Maria.

After graduating with a bachelor's degree from MGIMO, she entered the HSE master's program in corporate finance, where she is now a second-year student. At the same time, Maria works for the WFTU. She started in the international department. “In my first project, I took part in negotiations, seeking a refutation of a slanderous article that was published in Spiegel. As a result, we insisted that they publish a refutation and compensate our legal costs,” recalls Maria.

Since August 2013, she has been working in the Corporate Relations Department. In total, there are about 40 companies in the group, many JSCs, where it is necessary to hold meetings of shareholders and meetings of boards of directors. The department ensures that everything happens in accordance with the law. “A lot has become clearer to me. Previously, I only heard people talking about business at home, but now I have a direct connection to it,” describes Maria Presnova-Boiko.

Although Maria’s brother is considered the main successor in the family (he already worked in the legal department of the WFTU), she also connects her professional future only with her father’s business. “From infancy, one might say, I observed how much effort my father put into business, and I don’t want his efforts to disappear without a trace. I have a desire to continue what he does,” says Maria.

Mikhail Rodzianko, Polo Club Manager

Mister part-timer. Mikhail Rodzianko managed to happily combine a serious passion for sports and the development of a family business

Photo: Grigory Sobchenko, Kommersant

Father: Alex Rodzianko, head of the American Chamber of Commerce

Mikhail was born in the USA and came to Russia only at the age of eight, in 1996. He says that parents in America strictly ensured that their children spoke only Russian at home. Although he still has a slightly noticeable American accent.

In high school, Mikhail studied at MES. He recalls that the requirements were strict: teachers literally locked him in the classroom, forcing him to complete assignments. And he admits that he had a complex character: “If I had not studied at MES, I would hardly have graduated from school.” In the end, everything ended well. He was accepted into UCL, but in August his mother fell ill and he remained in Moscow. The substitute for UCL was Moscow Touro University.

Already at that time, Mikhail was seriously involved in equestrian polo (Alex Rodzianko is a great enthusiast of this sport and the owner of a polo club). In January 2011, Mikhail transferred to Lynn University in Florida, where he studied international Business and management. After graduation, he could stay and become an employee of a financial company or manage a polo club in Moscow. My father supported the idea of ​​the club. You will always have time to get to the office, he told his son.

So now Mikhail manages the family business. He considers the British Polo Day held last September to be his greatest achievement. These meetings are organized by a group of English aristocrats, including members of the royal family. During their stay in Moscow, several centimeters of rain fell, but the guests, says Mikhail, were satisfied with the field, saying that there is only better food in the UK.

As a club manager, Rodzianko Jr. hoped to continue meetings with the players of the crowned team. sports organization. After all, it is their passion for this sport that helps attract new rich players and business growth. The British are going to come again this July.

Mikhail Bakaleynik, specialist consultant in the EY risk management department

Father: Joseph Bakaleynik, project manager of Renova Management AG

Mikhail Bakaleynik spent most of his childhood in Vladimir. His father then headed the Vladimir Tractor Plant. Mikhail recalls that in his first educational institution- Lyceum N17 - it was a rather strange course in English: “The theme was strictly Catholic, you couldn’t ask to go to the toilet without mentioning the Lord, and each lesson began with a pledge to the American flag.” Mikhail spoke English fluently, because he was born and lived his first years in the USA, when his father came there to study for a master's degree at Harvard.

After graduating from the Vladimir Industrial and Commercial Lyceum, Mikhail entered High school business of Moscow State University. He says that VSB provides enough skills to survive in a business environment. “From the first year, we were forced to function in conditions of sterile confrontation, first as a team, then as an individual. Toughly, without mincing words, we had to “bury” opposing points of view and defend our own,” recalls Mikhail.

His habits came in handy at the consulting company EY (formerly Ernst & Young), where he came to work after HSB. Last year I completed an internship at the company's London office. Mikhail plans to someday start working “for himself”, considering his current occupation preparatory stage. “But specifically for myself, I wouldn’t want to be perceived as a person who successfully came out with a last name,” summarizes Mikhail Bakaleinik.

Martial arts became a serious part of his life. The long-standing practice of Kyokushinkai karate was supplemented by classes in Iaido (the art of swordsmanship), Go, the study of the tea ceremony and the Japanese language. “I summarize these practices with the term “hei ho,” “method of warfare,” and try to understand the unifying principle that can be transferred to other contexts and scales, including business,” says Bakaleinik Jr.

Elena Ordovskaya-Tanaevskaya, owner of Catering Via delle Rose

Father: Dmitry Ordovsky-Tanaevsky, owner of the Di Style restaurant holding

In the mid-1990s, while still very young, Elena studied in the UK at Oakham School. The main reason It was not even getting a good education and improving the language, but the ability to make decisions independently. Her older sister studied with her at Oakham Svetlana and cousin Konstantin, son Rostislav Ordovsky-Tanaevsky. But her sisters and brother rarely saw each other, and her parents could not fly in often, so at first Elena felt very lonely in the UK. After two years I got used to it and no longer wanted to return to Russia.

After graduating from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Elena Ordovskaya-Tanaevskaya entered the master's program with a degree in management in higher education. “Dad never tried to drag us by the ears into catering business- although he lived this at home, outside the home, and on vacation,” says Elena. Ordovskaya-Tanaevskaya studied existing models of online universities, their programs and ways to create a similar form of education in Russia. As a personal achievement, Elena remembers entering into negotiations - she was 22 years old at the time - with a Spanish university. The story, however, did not end with anything - RUDN University was not satisfied with some discrepancy with Russian legislation in the franchise agreement, which had to be signed in order to take advantage of the achievements of the Spaniards.

After six months of working at RUDN, Elena came to her father: “That’s it, dad, I’ve played enough and am returning (to family business. — SF)". Explains that after many efforts made by her family for her to receive a good education, it would be unfair to sit on her father’s neck, and with the 17 thousand rubles that she was paid at the university at that time, there was no other option. Elena passed a series of exams at Rosinter and took the position of director of one of the Planet Sushi restaurants. A year later, she went on maternity leave, from which she never returned to Di Style (her second child recently turned one).

While still working at Di Style, Elena helped her sister Svetlana with her personal business - the catering company Via delle Rose. “Svetlana was involved in restaurants while still a student, starting from the basics. She is a business person, has an iron grip, I am different.” But Via delle Rose has now become her business and her favorite pastime. Svetlana focused on managing Di Style.

Via delle Rose is a chamber company, no streaming method. He holds no more than a dozen events a month, carefully selecting clients. Recently, for example, Via delle Rose accompanied a meeting in memory of Bulat Okudzhava in the concert hall. Tchaikovsky and organized a reception for charitable foundation Elena And Gennady Timchenko. “There are a lot of little cogs in this business, so if you want to get good result, you can’t forget about a single one,” Elena describes the intricacies of doing business. The company is often recommended by relatives - in September there was an anniversary of the First Moscow Cadet Corps, for which their uncle Rostislav, himself a former cadet, recommended their company. Elena has enough time to combine raising children and running a business - she has no plans to change anything in the near future.

Ilya Voloshin, member of the Board of Directors of Regional Credit Bank

Father: Alexander Voloshin, ex-chief of the presidential administration, chairman of the Board of Directors of Freight One OJSC, member of the Board of Directors of Public Limited Liability Company Yandex N.V.

Ilya decided on his profession long before his father became a prominent figure in Russian politics. Then Voloshin Sr. was an entrepreneur. An employee of the All-Union Market Research Institute, which studied prices on Western markets during Soviet times, in post-Soviet Russia he created consulting company AK&M. One of its main activities was the publication of a price bulletin on the over-the-counter stock market - a securities exchange did not exist at that time. “People were already trading shares on the secondary market and they needed at least some kind of price guide,” explains Ilya Voloshin.

After school, Ilya worked at AK&M: “I started by sending out faxes that I dreamed about at night. They sent out 100-150 pieces a day; with the communication lines of that time, this required heroic efforts.” He was a sales manager and offered the company's services to clients. A little later I started writing analytical reviews. “Back then there was little choice in the market: there were inexperienced analysts like me and also technical analysis specialists who were juggling with a lot of terms that were incomprehensible to me, like stochastic oscillators.”

It was the mid-1990s. At that time, all the current large companies were still small, and the founding fathers themselves often came to buy AK&M products. “Aton”, “Center Invest Securities”, “Soyuzkontraktinvest”, Ilya recalls those clients of that time. He communicated with them, all the people were “pleasant and adequate” and Ilya more and more associated himself with them. When did the Russian trading system, he became a trader at Intrust, one of AK&M's sister companies.

Then there was an invitation to the newly created securities department of the European Trust Bank. “One of AK&M’s clients, who knew that I had already been working as a trader for a reasonable period of time, called me there. There were about 200-300 traders in the market, everyone knew each other, they regularly gathered for parties at Bublik, which was not yet owned by Ksenia Sobchak“recalls Ilya Voloshin.

He compares himself then to the hero of the film “The Wolf of Wall Street,” which he recently watched. True, in Russia, trading in illiquid shares flourished for the reason that there were practically no others: “We sold everything that we had or in our clients’ portfolios. There was no clear indicator and this gave the opportunity to jump in price by any distance. The most liquid securities were oil companies and Gazprom.

When the market collapsed in 1998, Ilya’s father suggested that he take a break from his studies. After school, Ilya was not a student at Moscow State Law Academy for long, but his relationship with higher education things didn't work out then. From 1999 to 2003, Voloshin Jr. spent in the UK - at a private university in the Buckinghamshire region, where he studied psychology. “I’ve been into this for a long time. By the way, the profession turned out to be even closer to business than I imagined. In the UK, psychology is the statistical analysis of behavioral abnormalities. 75% of the entire training time is devoted to collecting and processing data, mathematics in its purest form,” says Voloshin Jr.

When Ilya returned to Russia, he decided to try his hand at oil trading. Created with a friend small company. Then, as now, the priority for oil workers was export. The domestic market received the product with difficulty, according to orders from above. And Ilya recalls that at this stage of his career he used his surname immodestly: “Dad was already the head of the administration, and I was young and arrogant. “I could call directly, say, Transneft and make an appointment with Semyon Vainshtok, although I didn’t know him personally.” This way of promoting a business has not gone unnoticed. “My father called me and asked why I was visiting his friends. I said that I can justify why, but if he wants, I can notify him who I am going to see. And he will give a summary of whether it is worth doing or not. From that time on, I began to act this way,” says Ilya.

Voloshin Jr. says that, despite the shameless use of his last name, no one gave large volumes. Customers always needed more oil than the company had limits. Therefore, Ilya decided that he needed to move to the next level and become a dealer, buying oil several months in advance for own funds— before that, his company existed on commission, purchasing oil with clients’ money. To implement the plan, a loan was needed. Through acquaintances, Voloshin Jr. reached Conversbank. And he justified his idea directly at the credit committee in the presence Vladimir Antonov, owner of the bank. The matter ended with Antonov inviting Ilya to engage in oil trading within the bank. Nothing came of this venture; it was not possible to achieve serious volumes that were interesting to the bank. But Voloshin Jr. ended up working in the client department of Converse Bank. Then there was NOMOS Bank and UniCredit Bank. Everywhere Ilya was a “client” - a manager responsible for attracting and supporting transactions with certain corporate clients. “Customers have always been the banking aristocracy; in Russia, relationships are very personalized and personal relationships are very important in business, so the salary by banking standards is very decent,” explains Ilya.

The job of a client manager is not only well paid, but also full non-standard situations. Ilya recalls how at Unicreditbank the work on creating a joint investment fund with Rusnano stalled at the verification stage legal conditions transactions. Compliance officers check all bank documents for compliance federal legislation and regulator requirements. But this time the compliance officer gave an unconventional reason for the refusal: “Go to hell with that redhead, he sold out the country.” It later turned out that the real ill compliance manager at this Italian bank was replaced by a security officer. The failed deal never reached the implementation stage.

The penultimate place of work of Ilya Voloshin was the Bank of Moscow of the “post-Borodin” period. Friends from NOMOS Bank invited him there to head the network in Moscow and in the region in the context corporate sales. The Bank of Moscow has always specialized in retail services and servicing small businesses. And there were very few clients from medium-sized businesses. “It was the very beginning of 2011. I was a client, and then they gave me several hundred people to report to me. It was not boring at all - 200-300 letters a day and 100-150 calls were guaranteed. I have never worked at such a frantic pace before,” recalls Ilya. But he says he is proud that the time was not wasted. For the first six months we had to “close” the plan with our own big deals, and when he left in 2013, the network was almost autonomously generating 300-500 million rubles. credit growth monthly.

Now Ilya is 37 years old, he has his own business - consulting in the field of providing bank guarantees. He passed the exams for the executive MBA course at Skolkovo. He says that last year he realized that, professionally, he had reached the limit of what was possible with his current education. And he adds that he has not yet seen a single person who passed the e-MBA and did not change his life.

The Russian company Parquet Hall began its activities in the 90s. For more than twenty years it has become a large trading network with its own production base and service department. More than 1000 people work for the benefit of the company; these are responsible and qualified specialists.

Initially, the assortment of Parquet Hall stores included only flooring and chemicals for caring for it. Currently available at points of sale big choice goods. These are professional tools and equipment for parquet sanding, adjustable floors and baseboards, artistic parquet and air humidifiers. You can also purchase interior doors and furniture from Italian and American manufacturers.

The company is rapidly opening new Parquet Hall addresses in cities and regions of Russia. But you can get a free consultation regarding any product category on the official website. Online support is available around the clock, and a feedback service is offered. All the exact addresses of Parquet Hall in the Moscow region are also indicated here, as well as their opening and closing times.

Since 1997, the company has been laying parquet. For this purpose, a whole specialized department has been organized, which is equipped the latest technology for woodworking.