What is ecological farming? Organic farming in the country from scratch - video. Where to start with natural farming and building smart beds. Without the use of mineral fertilizers

The agricultural technology of such farming is aimed at respect for the earth, as a living organism, to improve fertility through the return of organic matter, green manure, mulching, crop rotation, as well as to obtain natural, environmentally friendly food products without the use of chemical fertilizers and plant protection products.

And organic farming technologists promise us larger yields with less labor input than in classical farming

But is everything as simple as leading experts and promoters of organic farming tell us?

Organic farming in the country

When we first decided to put organic farming into practice at our dacha, we were naive people, like everyone else, we needed that very safe food, and at the same time we had little free time, but a great desire to grow plants. Therefore, we dug through a lot of literature to find out what it is: organic farming in the country and where to start mastering it. We needed to understand and comprehend all this. And we immediately set about an exciting and good thing: organic farming from scratch.

We took into use 12 acres of land near Odessa, which no one had cultivated for several years. Of these, 2 acres were under trees and bushes, 1 acres were under strawberries, and the remaining 9 acres were densely covered with weeds, so it was necessary to develop virgin land. A noble goal was ahead of us: we are putting into practice a careful and loving attitude towards the land, which is called in the literature “Organic farming in the countryside.”

First, we cut the weeds, then we laid out the area, dividing it into paths and beds. The beds were surface treated (loosening) to a depth of no more than 5 cm, as recommended in the books. We sown seeds, planted seedlings and mulched.

The plantings were, as expected, thickened and planned taking into account the allelopathic properties of neighboring plants. A week later, the first shoots appeared, and then weeds appeared, which had to be pulled out manually, since Fokina’s flat cutter did not work on mulch. And so several times a season.

We spent a lot of time and effort, but there was no result. Of those planted, about 7% survived cultivated plants, which gave, to put it mildly, a modest harvest, or rather, there was almost none (not counting 5 carrots and 5 watermelons weighing 100 g each).

Nevertheless, we continued to work, because we fell in love with work on the land and fresh air. And the experience gained was very useful.

Today we practice organic farming in our dacha on two hectares of land, where we harvest tons of crops. We also maintain several forest nurseries. We work according to the “Organic agro-forestry” system.

And the question “how to grow?” is no longer relevant, now the question is “what to do with the harvest?”

Well, now we will tell you about everything in order, how in reality you need to start organic farming in your dacha from scratch, and not what is told in books or at seminars. In life, it turns out, it’s not quite the same as on the pages of books. But how does everything actually happen in organic farming?

Harvest of Alexey and Nadezhda Chernyavsky

Myths of organic farming

1: “The earth cannot be stirred up.”

We called the process by which the earth does not turn, “wilding of the soil.” This means that there are so many insects, animals and weeds in it that they do not allow more than one cultivated plant to grow and bear fruit. So much for natural farming! In addition, if you have virgin soil on your plot, then you will have to plow it once, since virgin soil cannot be conquered manually. And after the first plowing, you can treat the soil superficially. Then there will be watermelons and corn.

Conclusion: a cultivated plant needs cultivated soil and appropriate care!

2: “Mulched plants do not need to be watered.”

After conducting many experiments, we came to the conclusion that mulch does retain moisture, but not for long, especially in dry places. Therefore, if you want to get a harvest by practicing organic farming in your country house, then you will have to water moisture-loving plants, even if they are mulched, you will just need to do this less often .

3: “All plants need to be mulched so that there is no bare soil left in the garden.”

In fact, not all plants like mulch. So, for corn, watermelons, melons, peanuts and chufa, mulch is unacceptable. These crops love “hot and clean soil.” In addition, corn, peanuts and chufa require hilling, which is very difficult to do if there is mulch on the ground.

Conclusion: when using organic farming in the country, it is certainly necessary to mulch, but selectively. Cover the soil only around those plants that really like it (tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, etc.)

4: “Organic farming for the lazy.”

Many people have heard the old proverb “You can’t catch a fish out of a pond without effort”; no one has yet canceled it. And for people for whom organic farming in the country has become a matter of life, they know exactly what this proverb is about. As we found out, If you want results, you have to work hard! Loosening the beds, planting seeds, extracting and laying mulch, digging and weeding weeds, hilling, planting, watering, collecting and processing crops, in the end, all this is work! If you give in to laziness, you won’t see a full harvest!

Conclusion: He who works, eats.

5: “Joint and dense plantings repel insect pests and attract insect predators » .

Fast, efficient, convenient and environmentally friendly, and therefore safe

Conclusion: You need to combine beds with crops, not crops in a bed.

6: “Biological plant protection products are better and safer than chemical ones.”

We do not use either one or the other. Today, humanity is already reaping the full benefits of using chemistry in agriculture (killed lands, mutant insects, dead bees, food poisoning and allergies in people, polluted waters of the world's oceans, etc.). And we still don’t know what fruits biological drugs will bring us, because it’s a matter of time. Remember, when chemical protective agents appeared on the market, people were very happy about it, it seemed to them that the problem had been solved. But they struggled with the consequences, but the cause - monoculture - remained. Today people rejoice in biological drugs! What will happen tomorrow?

Conclusion: by practicing organic farming in the country, we avoid the use of any drugs.

Chemical and biological means of protection have detrimental consequences for the ecology of the entire planet and every person. Nobody knows how it will all end, not even scientists!

7: “Do this and everything will be like ours”

Another sophisticated lie that gullible farmers are falling for. In the course of our numerous experiments and based on the experience gained, we came to the conclusion that nothing is the same in nature! And, repeating the experiment, it is unlikely that it will be possible to obtain exactly the same result. Even in the same bed, with the same agricultural technology, using the same farming, the same fertilizer, mulching, green manure, the same plants bear fruit differently.

There are different soils, different climates, microclimates, etc. in the world. Even the attitude and mood of the person working with the plant, using exclusively natural farming, plays a huge role and can affect the result! In general, you don’t need to expect results the same as in the pictures promoting organic farming in the country, and then if the result is inconsistent, disappointment will not discourage you from moving on!

Love your land, study its specifics and character, observe - and draw your conclusions with good thoughts. Don't believe it, check it. And then organic farming at your dacha will pay off, and you will definitely succeed!

Currently, the popularity of growing vegetables at home is growing rapidly. Many residents of large cities and megalopolises are beginning to buy suburban plots in order to provide themselves with healthy food products with a minimum content of pesticides. Such an activity does not require large investments and can be done by every average person. Therefore, every year the number of gardeners and gardeners is growing steadily.

About the technique

So that the future occupation brings good results, it is necessary to take care in advance about the correct preparation of the soil composition. Important, so that the soil in the selected area was breathable and fluffy with a high nutrient content. In this case, you will be able to grow strong and fertile crops.

If you intend to treat the soil composition with chemicals, then such an action will not only saturate all food products with unsafe toxins, but will also begin to kill valuable microorganisms in the substrate, which is why the development of plants will not be complete.

An important condition for proper organic growing is comfortable lighting. For this reason, when choosing a suitable place for planting vegetable or fruit crops, give preference to open areas where daylight lasts at least six hours.

When preparing a garden bed for an upcoming activity, it is not necessary to dig up the soil. Instead, the soil must be carefully loosened using a fork. For cleaning rows you can use a flat cutter to remove weeds and other unwanted plants.

All preparatory work includes leveling the beds and the space between them in a ratio of 1:2:

  • the optimal width of the bed is 40 centimeters;
  • row spacing is 80 centimeters;

If you are using the same bed, digging up the soil is not necessary, because... As crops grow and develop, humus will begin to accumulate in the soil, which will give it looseness and moisture.

An important feature of the treatment is the mulching of row spacing. In this case, you will have to use:

  • sawdust;
  • humus;
  • I will weed the grass;
  • peat;

Organic farming in the country should begin with a small bed, the size of which is constantly increasing.

Where to begin

You need to start organically growing vegetable and fruit crops by choosing the right one. planting material. It is highly not recommended to take any seeds that catch your eye, because you will not have any guarantees of their quality. The selection of suitable specimens should be taken with special responsibility.

Do not forget, What individual species plants require complex care and increased care. In addition, they are highly susceptible to all sorts of diseases and pests, which are quite difficult to get rid of. Among such plants are tomatoes.

To reduce hassle When growing plants organically, it is necessary to give preference to those varieties of vegetable crops that boast strong immunity and resistance to pathogens of infections and other diseases.

You can study the morphological features of specific plants using educational videos or instructions that come with a pack of seeds. In order for farming to be as successful as possible, it is necessary to provide the planted green spaces with a number of mandatory fertilizers:

When preparing a good substrate for farming in the country, it is not necessary to use fertilizers. When applying large amounts of fertilizer, there is a risk of the development of many pests, which is associated with an increase in the growth rate of the crop. Slow-growing individuals independently develop strong immunity and are able to withstand many dangers without additional intervention from the summer resident.

It is known that yields decrease when a crop is grown in the same place for several years. This is not strange, because in the place of constant planting, characteristic harmful microorganisms accumulate, which not only impair fruiting, but also pose a great danger to the plants themselves. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to change the planting location on a specific bed every year.

For such purposes, you can use a special diagram and table that mentions the order of planting plants in the beds. It is known that some green spaces are susceptible to the same diseases, so they cannot be planted in one place. To give you an idea, eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes and peppers are all vulnerable to the same problems. The same goes for watermelon, squash, cucumbers and pumpkin.

Caring for plants during organic farming in the country

If you intend to see the results of your work in the near future, your garden crops need to be provided with quality care. Mulch is used as good protection. In addition, this procedure effectively fights weeds and pests. It is important that the mulch layer is within 2.5-5 centimeters.

Mulch based on organic materials, because it can be decomposed. It is known that weeds attract all kinds of pests, which, in turn, carry various diseases and infections. Also, weed plantations reduce the content of nutrients and minerals in the soil, which negatively affects the growth and development of crops. For this reason, every gardener should know how to effectively control weeds.

An important condition for successful organic farming– balanced watering. It must be carried out taking into account some subtleties:

  • watering must be regular, otherwise the plant will not be able to develop well enough;
  • Watering is carried out directly under the trunk of the plants, because wet leaves and other green parts strongly attract pests;
  • Spraying and watering using the sprinkling method cannot be carried out. It is better to supply water with a hose, which is placed directly at the trunk;

In order for the crop to bloom fully and yield maximum, it is necessary to provide the plants with free access to a source of oxygen. This is also done using root fertilizing To make the procedure as successful as possible, it is better to plant plants at large distances from each other. It is not difficult to prevent the development of all kinds of fungal formations. It is enough to maintain a good air flow and regularly weed the bed.

If you plant flowering plants along the edges of the garden bed, they will begin to attract beneficial “guests” who will not only protect the crop from pests, but will also become good pollinators.

Organic growing of vegetable and fruit plants will be successful if you combine it with planting marigolds, zinnias, nasturtiums, purple coneflowers and other flowers. Despite a number of difficulties that may arise, you must understand that the end result is worth all the effort.

Mulching the soil

Starting to grow plants in your garden is easy. The main thing is to correctly follow the basic recommendations and not allow irreparable mistakes. An important principle for the successful development of planted crops is to mulch the soil. This action implies providing reliable protection with the help of covering materials. Mulching is not allowed severe hypothermia of the soil and does not allow it to overheat under the influence of direct sunlight. In addition, it protects the soil from moisture evaporation and rapid growth weed vegetation.

Under natural conditions, the ground is always covered with growing or dried grass, leaves and other organic deposits, so it practically never dries out. summer time, and does not succumb to intense frosts in winter. When using mulch, it is possible to provide favorable conditions similar to natural ones. Subsequently, the used layer rots and turns into humus, which increases soil fertility. Selecting good materials must be done responsibly. It is better to give preference to various natural raw materials, including fallen leaves, mown straw, sawdust, pine needles, peat, sand and other devices. Only organic mulch can become humus, and the use of a small layer of sand improves soil fertility.

Do not refuse to use green manure - special plants that have a positive effect on the soil composition and can be a good alternative to organic and mineral fertilizing. They are characterized by high speed growth and the ability to provide the soil with reliable protection from the harmful effects of direct sunlight and wind. In addition, such plants, as they grow, become food for beneficial living microorganisms, accumulating a number of certain substances. They also form channels in the soil through which moisture and air enter. It is better to plant green manure in temporarily empty areas, before and after planting the main garden crops.

When practicing organic farming in your dacha from scratch, be sure to enrich the soil with microorganisms. In our latitudes, cold climatic conditions reduce the number of such inhabitants, so it is restored only in mid-summer. With a lack of such substances in the soil, the growth of cultivated plants and yield indicators rapidly deteriorate. To reliably enrich the soil, it is enough to use special products based on living microorganisms. Among them, proven over years and experience Many gardeners use compost, which helps quickly saturate the substrate with useful elements. In addition, the active substances from the compost allow plants to absorb mineral fertilizers more efficiently.

Many summer residents and gardeners are accustomed to fertilizing the soil with organic fertilizers. For this reason, they often use organic mulch and water the plants with herbal infusions. During the process, you can leave potato tops on the beds and prepare compost from all plant waste.

If you want to engage in organic farming, you need to take into account such a feature as the influence of green spaces growing nearby. It is known that some plant species coexist freely with each other, while others cannot tolerate such “neighborhood” and negatively affect the soil and their neighbors.

For successful crop maintenance Crop rotation must be observed. It is known that not all plants are able to bear fruit annually in the same place without replanting.

Let's sum it up

Anyone can grow healthy vegetable and fruit crops in their dacha. To do this, you need to “roll up your sleeves” and start acting, despite any difficulties that may arise in the process.

Study the topic in as much detail as possible, watch training videos and take advice from professionals. This will definitely bear fruit.

Ecological farming is a biologically dynamic farming method, the main idea of ​​which is to conduct agricultural production in accordance with the laws of nature. At the same time, an agricultural enterprise is considered primarily as an organism with its components- man, animal, plant and earth. Organic farming methods, more than other cultivation methods, aim to:
- achieving as closed a cycle of nutrients on the farm as possible. The farm itself should be its own food and nutritional base;
- maintaining and increasing soil fertility;
- keeping animals in accordance with their species characteristics.
To achieve the goals of ecological farming, it is necessary first of all to carry out the following activities:
- refusal of plant protection products containing chemical-synthetic agents, cultivation of the least vulnerable varieties in a balanced crop rotation, use of beneficial organisms, mechanical methods of weed control (weeding, fire cultivation, etc.);
- the use of easily soluble mineral fertilizers, the application of organically bound nitrogen mainly in the form of manure and compost, green manure with plants capable of fixing nitrogen (grain legumes) and the use of slow-acting natural fertilizers;
- preservation of soil fertility through the preparation and use of humus soil;
- diverse, wide crop rotation with various links and intermediate crops;
- non-use of chemical-synthetic growth regulators or hormones;
- limited number of livestock strictly tied to the area;
- feeding animals with their own feed whenever possible, minimal purchase of feed; refusal of antibiotics.
Organic farming is designed to last for a very long time. It significantly preserves and preserves natural resources and has a multilateral positive impact on environment, for example, protection of soils and groundwater, protection of rare and endangered species of plants and animals.
Organic farming has been widely developed in Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and other countries Western Europe. And in different countries it received different names: “organic”, “organobiological”, etc., but its meaning and essence are the same - knowledge production activities in accordance with the laws of nature.
Organic farming is not an invention recent years. Its history goes back to the Middle Ages. At the early stage of its development, agriculture was primitive in nature and its interaction with the natural environment was limited. River floodplains or low terraces were more affected. Small settlements were built on watersheds and high river banks.
More profound changes in agriculture occurred during the Iron Age. This historical era coincides with a colder and wetter climate and is distinguished by the emergence of stone agriculture, which ensured the expansion of arable land. The largest fields were already located not only in river valleys and on valley slopes, but also on watersheds near settlements. The soil cultivation system was also improved, which led to the enlargement of arable plots. Abandoned fields began to be used for grazing.
In the early feudal period (VI-XIII centuries), during the period of stratification of society into classes, the expansion of arable land areas continued. The transition from the fallow farming system to the fallow system began. At this time, a management system is born that ensures a closed cycle of nutrients in the soil according to the principle: received a crop - fed it to animals - received manure - applied it to the fields - received a harvest, etc. The scientific principles of ecological farming were first developed in the 18th century by A. T. Bolotov.
In selected works on agronomy, fruit growing, forestry, and botany, in the section “On fertilizing land,” the issue of the correct preparation and use of manure was considered. “The importance of good maintenance of manure is based on not allowing the salty particles in the manure to waste in vain, but more importantly preserving them intact until such time as they, together with the things in which they are located, can be connected to the earth.” . Here the author also notes the need to maintain proportionality between the number of livestock and the amount of land. An analysis of the seven parts of arable farming mentioned by A. T. Bolotov gives an idea of ​​the consistent and strict scientific consistency of his reasoning. The entire annual farming process is considered in a strict system that reflects the annual cycle of field work.
An outstanding figure of science and culture, A. T. Bolotov, tried to improve the fallow farming system and in 1771 published the work “On the Division of Fields,” in which, for the first time in the history of agronomic science, he theoretically and economically substantiated the pasture farming system. Subsequently they were given practical recommendations on the organization of land use in a single farm using seven-field crop rotations. In 1988, for the 250th anniversary of the birth of A. T. Bolotov, Russian scientists prepared and published selected works in a separate volume, which included the main scientific works, published by the great scientist in the proceedings of the Free Economic Society. Analyzing the content of the above-mentioned works, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that the principles of ecological farming were laid down by A. T. Bolotov, and his followers expanded or deepened certain areas and principles of ecological farming.
Even in the West, A. T. Bolotov is recognized as the true father of ecological farming. Yu. Liebig, considered the founder of the theory of the use of mineral fertilizers, also primarily proceeded from the idea of ​​​​a closed cycle of nutrients. He observed a lack of phosphorus in plants, saw the reason for this in the constant removal of phosphorus from the soil with the harvest of agricultural crops, and promoted the idea of ​​returning it to the fields. In 1868, while studying the use of London wastewater, he found that the value of the nutrients it contained was two million. Using the example of farming in China and Japan, where all organic waste, including feces, was used and the soil retained its fertility, Liebig called for organic farming.
The scientific justification and prerequisites for organic-biological agriculture (OBF) were given by V.R. Williams, who created the doctrine of the biological cycle of plant food elements against the background of a large geological cycle of substances, as well as the doctrine of the grass-field farming system. However, industrialization and chemicalization of agricultural production ruined Williams' ideas, and organic-biological farming migrated to the West.
In 1921, Dr. Hans Miller founded the Tragidan Peasant Movement in Switzerland, the essence of which was to increase the self-awareness of peasants and the role of the peasant in society and improve their living conditions. Farmers united into groups to improve their skills, and H. Miller represented the interests of these groups in the Swiss Agrarian Commission. However, later H. Miller (obviously the peasants themselves) realized that the main issues of peasant existence cannot be resolved at the political level, and the peasants must help themselves first of all, which truly corresponds to the proverb: “The salvation of drowning people is the business of the drowning people themselves.”
As a result of such conclusions, H. Miller began to organize peasant mutual aid. He proceeded from the fact that peasants in their activities should be independent of both the loan capital market and trade markets. For the practical implementation of the principle of “independence peasant farm» Miller developed the principles of organic-biological farming. The main goal was to ensure the existence of agricultural enterprises, regardless of the purchase of production inputs (fertilizers, pesticides, feed), in order to reduce production costs and restore soil fertility themselves, as well as regardless of the market for the sale of products, since OBZ products allow farmers to create your own sales market.
“For the founders of the organic-biological farming movement, it was about the independence of peasants from property circumstances and market partners; they had to be freed to rise to the level of their tasks and responsibilities for the health of the soil, plants, animals and people. As part of this overall task, peasants, traders and consumers had to find the most effective ways food distribution."
Müller developed the OBZ system based on the results of bacteriological research by Dr. Hans Rusch, studied by his wife Maria Müller. As a doctor, G. Rush saw the relationship between human nutrition, plant growth and soil fertility. His book “Soil Fertility” is a comprehensive study of forward and backward connections in the system: agricultural production - humans - plants - animals. Thus, Dr. Hans Rusch, Hans Miller and Maria Müller can be considered the founders of organic-biological farming.
For the practical implementation of OBZ, H. Miller founded a production and trading cooperative (AVG) in Talmitz (Switzerland) in 1946, which was later named AVG “Biovegetable”.
Today's goals of organic-biological farming largely coincide with the requirements put forward by Miller:
- ensure the most closed production cycle;
- maintain soil fertility on our own x-va;
- use natural resources carefully;
- develop livestock farming in areas where fodder grows;
- keep animals in places where food grows;
- keep animals taking into account their specific characteristics;
- use natural regulatory mechanisms in the ecosystem;
- produce high quality products.
The most closed production cycle means that:
- to obtain food and feed crops, only local fertilizers are used (manure, composts, green manure);
- destruction of weeds is carried out by mechanical, thermal, preventive methods;
- to protect plants from pests and diseases, only biological, mechanical, and preventive methods are used, while the terminology and “pest and disease control” are excluded from use;
- only our own feed is used to feed animals without any artificial additives; the resulting manure is used only for the next year's harvest with obligatory heaping; since in modern conditions a complete closed cycle is practically unattainable, then the use of sparingly soluble phosphorus-potassium and lime fertilizers is allowed during OBZ;
- soil nitrogen fertilization is replenished by cultivating legumes;
- the idea of ​​a closed cycle in the economy is both an environmental and an economic principle;
- cost savings due to reduced purchases of capital goods can be partially allocated to environmentally oriented activities.

Today, the phrase “organic farming” is not just widely heard, but is the cause of numerous discussions. Some say that this is an extremely correct method of farming, others consider it only partially correct. Let's look at what organic, or natural, or nature-conforming farming is (these names are synonyms) and what its principles are based on.

Harvest obtained from organic farming. © Elina Mark

The term “Organic farming” has several more synonyms: ecological farming, biological farming. Organic or natural farming is primarily designed to maintain the health of ecosystems, soil, plants, animals and people.

A little history of organic farming

The theory of natural farming is not as new as it seems. The first to propose and test it was the scientist agronomist I. E. Ovsinsky. As a result of 10 years of work, in 1899, he wrote a book called “The New System of Agriculture”, in which he revealed the principles and evidence that a gentle approach to the soil is less aggressive towards nature, less labor intensive and ultimately more productive than an intensive farming system.

The study of natural farming did not stop there. Not to say that it has been popular all these years, it has always had both supporters and enemies, but research has been going on, and again and again, and again it has been proven that caring for the soil gives truly significant results. As a result, today the meaning of organic farming can be expressed as follows:

  • preservation and support of natural soil fertility,
  • ecosystem conservation,
  • obtaining environmentally friendly products,
  • investment of significantly lower costs to obtain a harvest.

Basic methods of organic farming

Based on the above, the principles of natural farming become clear:

  • refusal of deep tillage,
  • refusal of mineral fertilizers,
  • refusal to use pesticides,
  • promoting the development of microorganisms and worms.

Refusal of deep tillage

Refusal from deep tillage of the soil is based on the knowledge that in its upper layer lives great amount living organisms, whose vital activity contributes not only to the formation of humus, but also to the improvement of its structure. Plowing and deep digging disrupt their living conditions, as a result of which the microbiological composition of the arable layer changes, and with it the ability to naturally maintain soil fertility, and the risk of weathering and leaching of elements important for plants increases.

The negative impact of this agricultural practice does not appear immediately, but after several years, as a result of which there is a need to use mineral fertilizers and other chemicals to maintain yields at the proper level.

In accordance with natural farming, the soil does not need to be dug up, but if necessary, loosened to a depth of no more than 5-7 cm (ideally 2.5 cm).

Refusal of mineral fertilizers

The refusal of mineral fertilizers is based on the knowledge that almost all fertilizers (substances mixed into the soil to replenish the nutrients it lacks) have a hidden aftereffect. Under their influence, soil acidity gradually changes, the natural cycle of substances is disrupted, the species composition of soil-dwelling organisms changes, and the soil structure is destroyed.

In addition, certain mineral fertilizers have a negative impact on the environment (air, water), on the plants themselves and, as a consequence, the quality of products and human health.

In organic farming, instead of fertilizers, the use of green manure, mulching, composts and other organic matter is practiced.

Refusal to use pesticides

The refusal to use pesticides can be explained simply: there are no herbicides, insecticides, or fungicides that are not poisonous. All of them are included in the group of substances that are toxic to humans (for this reason, there are strict rules for working with pesticides) and tend to accumulate in the soil in the form of residual products.

So, for example, it is calculated that the percentage of yield loss as a result of using a number of herbicides for the main crop, and for subsequent crops in crop rotation, can be up to 25%.

In the fight against diseases and pests, nature-consistent agriculture recommends using preventive measures, but if the problem could not be prevented, folk remedies or biological products.

Organic vegetable garden © Randi Ragan

Promoting the development of microorganisms and worms

Promoting the development of microorganisms and worms in organic farming is based on the fact that these soil inhabitants are direct participants in their formation. Thanks to soil microorganisms and larger inhabitants (worms, beetles, spiders), the mineralization of organic residues, the transformation of important nutrients, the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, insect pests, the improvement of soil structure and much more occur, which ultimately characterizes it as healthy.

Healthy soil is the basis for the growth of healthy plants that can withstand unfavorable climatic conditions, diseases, and pests.

To implement this principle, natural farming recommends the use of organic matter, EM preparations and avoidance of deep digging to increase the fertility of the land.

Organic farming, (natural farming, biological farming, precision farming)- this is a method of conducting Agriculture, which excludes the use of pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, various plant growth regulators, as well as genetically modified seed.

Organic farming differs from traditional farming in that the soil is not dug or plowed, but only superficially loosened to a depth of 5-10 cm. For this I use various tools and devices. For example, such as the Fokina flat cutter, which has become popular among summer residents and gardeners. And to fertilize the soil and protect plants from diseases and pests, only organic biofertilizers and biological products are used.
In traditional farming, deep moldboard plowing (30 cm or more) is used, and in small summer cottages the earth is dug up by hand. A lot of time and effort is spent on loosening and watering, and weeding.

Natural farming has the following goals:

Grow as large a crop as possible at minimal cost
Grow organic crops with a positive impact on the environment
Increase soil fertility
Make work on earth easy and enjoyable.

Benefits of use:

  • Increased yields..
  • Improved taste.
  • Environmentally friendly harvest
  • Constant increase in humus.
  • Providing 100% plant nutrition.
  • Reduces weed growth.
  • Reduces the need for watering,
  • The soil becomes structured and loose.
  • Saving effort and time
  • Saving money.

Consequencesuse of Traditional Agricultural Technology

  • Increased yields (subject to the use of more pesticides, plant growth regulators, pesticides)
  • Pharmacists, doctors, healthcare system, receives regular customers. (after eating poisoned crops.)

Negative consequences of using Traditional Agricultural Technology.

  • Health suffers, accumulation of toxins in the body and its poisoning
  • Reduced yield and its taste.
  • Accumulation of toxic and carcinogenic compounds in the soil.
  • Pollution of groundwater, wells, wells, rivers.
  • Mineralization of humus, its constant decrease.
  • Soil compaction.
  • Destruction of the soil structure.
  • The need for frequent watering
  • Constant pest control.
  • Constant weed control.
  • Large labor costs.
  • Financial expenses.

HUMUS is the basis of soil fertility!
The main reason for soil depletion is that organic fertilizers (compost, plant residues) are not applied to the soil. As a result, the amount of humus in the soil is reduced.

What is humus?- is a complex complex of organic compounds, nutrients formed by worms, microbes, fungi and other soil organisms.

Humus has the following beneficial properties:

1. Accumulates nutrients for plant development
2. Loosens the soil, which is very important for the root system of plants and saturates the surface layer of soil with air.
3. Dissolves the mineral elements of the soil with the help of humic acids, resulting in the formation of a nutrient solution for plants.
4. The main nutrition of plants is carbon, which is formed as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms, as well as humus and organic matter.
5. Humus has a very useful property accumulate moisture.

For example: two kilograms of humus can contain up to four liters of water, this is important in dry summer conditions, for arid regions. If there is sufficient humus content in the soil, there is no need for watering. With low humus content, the soil becomes dense as “stone”. In such conditions, full development of plants is impossible. Therefore, most summer gardeners loosen the soil, water it, and apply mineral fertilizers, which takes a lot of time and effort.

But in the wild, these processes occur “on their own,” take, for example, a forest. No one plows, digs, loosens, fertilizes, or uses pesticides against diseases and pests in the forest. In autumn, leaves fall from the trees, plants die - all this biomass gradually rots, forming humus, which will serve as a source of nutrition for trees and plants in next year. And this “cycle”: new plants - fallen leaves - decomposition - humus - new plants - the natural cycle of organic matter in nature.

Some summer residents make a serious mistake - they remove weeds and crop residues from their plots and burn them, supposedly to destroy weed seeds and make the plot beautiful. But as practice shows, weeds don’t disappear anywhere next year... But all this organic matter can be used for compost heaps and mulching the soil.

(cut weeds, green manure, crop residues, grass, leaves, straw) is used to protect plants and soil from overheating and drying out. A sufficient layer of mulch suppresses weed growth. In nature, the ground is always covered with grass and plants. And the bare, uncovered soil quickly overheats, loses moisture, and is subject to erosion. The amount of humus decreases and air access to the roots stops. After rains, such soil turns into “mud, dough, cement.”

To increase humus, soil fertility are applied “green fertilizers - green manures”

Used as green manure a large number of plants such as mustard, rye, clover, turtle dove, oily radish, lupine, rapeseed, phacelia, sorghum and others...

After harvesting, in the fall, when organic residues are collected and placed in a compost heap, the beds are superficially processed (to a depth of 5-10 cm) with a flat cutter, a hoe and other tools, and green manure is sown. They are planted in grooves to a depth of 3-5 cm. The grooves are sprinkled with earth. Before winter, winter green manure rye and oats are planted... In early spring, before the main plantings begin, green manure gains organic mass. They must be cut and embedded in the soil three to four weeks before planting in place of the main crop. Green manure can be planted in early spring and throughout the season. Working with green manure is a creative matter, but it is important to remember the basic principles of green manure:

the soil on the site should not remain bare black. (need to sow thickly)
Green manure must be cut on time: the more powerful the plant, the earlier it needs to be pruned.

We all want to be healthy and energetic and feel good.
What is needed for this? The answer is obvious: proper nutrition and healthy food, a healthy lifestyle.
But is it possible to prepare healthy food by buying food in supermarkets? wholesale markets, at the markets? - answer: no, because the products there are degraded, chemical, without a characteristic smell and taste, in a word, GMO. What is the solution, where to get healthy, quality products?

Around the world and in Ukraine, such products can be purchased in specialized stores. They received various names:
"Organic products" (USA England)
"Bioproducts" (Switzerland Germany)
“Eco-products” (Norway, Holland), etc.

The term has taken root in Ukraine "organic products"
But the prices for such products are very high and inaccessible to the majority of the population of Ukraine.

A paradoxical situation has developed in our country: in 2009, Ukraine ranked 20th in the world in terms of area (270,000 hectares) occupied by organic crops, which is twice as much as in 2002. But most of the grown and manufactured products (cereals, legumes, oilseeds, as well as vegetables, fruits, berries) are exported. The processing of organic raw materials is also actively developing. Cereals, juices, jams, syrups, dairy products received the first certificates that meet European quality standards.

The domestic market of Ukraine is overflowing with low-quality food products. This encourages consumers to vigorously seek out products with a “clean reputation.” In our country, only 5% of the population can afford to pay “big money” for them. On average, organizational products in Europe are only 20-40% more expensive than regular ones, due to high labor productivity and local sales of products. In our country, the cost of such products increases 3-5 times, since they are imported by well-known foreign companies.

Many of us understand that it is better to eat healthy food or we will have to spend money on medicine. The best and cheapest way to provide yourself and your family with healthy nutrition is to grow and produce such products on your own plot of land, using natural farming techniques.

From the history of agriculture

The history of agriculture goes back more than 8 thousand years. In those distant times, humanity had not yet learned to mine iron and make iron tools. People of those times did not use animals for agricultural work. All work on the land was carried out with hand tools: ordinary wooden hoes and spades. Only small areas were cultivated with such tools - there was no need to cultivate large areas of land.

The population on the territory of modern Ukraine was small; there were no large settlements. Forests occupied about 80% of the territory, in which a large number of species of trees and plants grew. Nuts, berries, mushrooms, and wild edible roots grew in great abundance. An addition to the “forest diet” included ancient forms of wheat and other cereals, root crops grown on subsidiary plots.

The diversity of flora and fauna and minimal human intervention in natural processes supported a stable ecosystem and, as a result, people did not bother themselves with hard physical labor (digging, plowing, loosening, watering, etc.) and consistently provided themselves with food.

The founding of large settlements (cities) and the increase in population contributed to the emergence of field farming. The first “arable implement” was invented - a wooden plow (which only made a furrow for sowing seeds), using the traction force of animals (oxen, horses)

To introduce field gardening, additional territories were required. Areas for farming began to be cleared of forest and bushes. This became possible with the advent of the iron ax.

At the site of deforestation, the remaining stumps and tree roots were burned with fire, using the felled trees as fuel. The fire destroyed weeds, wild parsley and the most important element of fertility - humus. Such areas quickly became overgrown with weeds, soil fertility decreased, they were used for a maximum of three years...

The next stage in agriculture (1st millennium BC) was the ability of people to obtain harder iron and make better axes with a wide blade and other metal tools.
With their help, it became possible to more thoroughly clear new areas by uprooting stumps and roots. Gradually, the method of burning with fire was abandoned, which greatly destroyed the soil structure. Over time, ways were found to transform cultivated lands into regular arable land by changing the design of the plow...

The massive introduction of moldboard plowing with the help of a plow on the territory of the Russian Empire occurred in the 18th century under Peter I. Based on this fact, L.N. Gumelev wrote: “It was with his august reign that the ecological disaster of the fertile layer of Russian lands began.” Deforestation with the massive introduction of the moldboard plow caused destructuring of the soil layer in central Russia..

With the invention of mineral fertilizers (19th century), a gradual process of replacing natural organic fertilizers in agriculture began. Production of mineral fertilizers in pre-revolutionary Russia there were practically none - just a few small factories. In 1913, only 80 thousand tons were produced. Mass production and wide application mineral fertilizers began in 1924. Production volume increased especially after the Second World War and in 1964 amounted to 26 million tons.

The invention of mineral water formed new erroneous postulates in traditional farming that the lack of organic fertilizers can be replaced with cheap mineral fertilizers, provide adequate nutrition to plants, mineral water is safe for humans and can maintain good productivity.

So what do plants really eat?

From school textbooks it is known that the basis of life on Earth is carbon.
That the organic mass of plants consists of (50%) carbon.
So where do plants get their carbon?

From carbon dioxide, which is present in small quantities (0.03) in the air.
Through microscopic pores, the roots consume this gas. Under the influence of sunlight, the process of photosynthesis occurs - organic mass is formed (the plant grows). During the growing season of a plant, oxygen is released, which is used by humans and animals for breathing. The main suppliers of carbon for plants are soil microorganisms, which, in the process of processing organic matter, release carbon dioxide CO2 and form humus.

And so the plant diet consists of:

50% - carbon
20% - oxygen
15:% - nitrogen
8% - hydrogen
7% mineral elements

Traditional farming with the help of mineral fertilizers provides nutrition to plants (nitrogen 15% + mineral 7%) only 22% of what is needed. Plants partially compensate for the lack of nutrition from old soil reserves. With the massive use of mineral water and minimal use of organic fertilizers, humus and soil fertility are continuously declining.


Ideally, under certain conditions, in order to grow and provide yourself and your family with high-quality vegetables, fruits, berries, etc., you can do without the use of all kinds of fertilizers, drugs (even environmentally friendly ones), as well as without the regular use of most agricultural methods, such as loosening, weeding, watering, mulching, composting, green manure.

The fact that this is real was proven by his many years (50 years) of experience by the famous Austrian professor, revolutionary agrarian Sepp Holzer. He achieved unique results on his Krameterhoff estate on an area of ​​50 hectares, located at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level, with an average annual temperature of +6 °C.

In difficult climatic conditions and terrain, Sepp manages to successfully grow heat-loving fruit trees (cherries, cherries, apricots, kiwis, grapes), shrubs, medicinal plants, rare forms of cereals, melons... And all this grows where, according to the canons of traditional agricultural technology, absolutely impossible.

Holzer managed to create a unique ecosystem of more all kinds of trees, shrubs, rare plants, as well as mountain terraces and ponds.

The territory of the estate is home to a large number of animals, birds, insects, and the ponds are inhabited by many species of fish.

Sepp Holzer and his wife do only planting and harvesting. They do not have agricultural machinery (only one small tractor). There is one hired worker. They do not plow, do not dig, do not loosen, do not hill, do not mulch, do not water, do not fight pests and plant diseases, do not use any fertilizers or preparations - everything grows beautifully in natural symbiosis.

Its environmentally friendly products have exceptional taste and are very popular. Buyers come from different parts of Austria for such products.

The Austrian professor, using the example of his life, proves what success a person can achieve if he lives and grows up in unity with nature. In his estate, he combined the needs of modern man with the needs of all living things.

This wonder of the world was called - Permaculture(from English permanent, long-term culture).

Currently, organic farming is actively gaining popularity among summer residents. Seven years ago, the first consultation centers for summer residents and gardeners (OZ clubs) opened.

2007-2016 Smart Summer Resident dachnik.org.ua

Last week, a training seminar on organic farming for agricultural producers was held in the Simferopol region. All the advantages of this system were clearly demonstrated in the field by agronomists and scientists.

Everyone has known for a long time that mineral fertilizers are extremely harmful and dangerous, as well as expensive.

So For what same work to myself at a loss without getting a decent result at the end?

Moreover, a worthy solution has been found - organic farming, which will now be taught to all farmers in Crimea. And the seminar, organized last week by the leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea, is only the beginning of a whole strategic project, which is designed to return Crimea to its former glory as an agricultural region within the planned time period.

But for now, the first training seminar showed advantages of organic fertilizers over mineral ones.

The main motivation is that Crimeans should use natural products, A Not grown on chemicals. In this case, in conditions of water shortage, a worthy solution is to use green manure steam. With proper use of the green manure fallow technique, even the root of a weed can become a reservoir for the nitrogen that the soil needs.

Hopes were dashed in 2016... The Ministry of Agriculture hopes that the law on organic farming will be adopted in 2016

Russian Agriculture Minister Alexander Tkachev hopes that the law on organic farming will be adopted this year. He spoke about this in an interview with Gazeta.Ru and RNS.

“The law on organic food, which today, including at the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, is being coordinated with all interested departments, I really hope will be adopted this year,” Tkachev said.

Currently, the market for organic products in Russia is in in its infancy, Russia accounts for about 1% of world production, the minister believes.

According to the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea, Vitaly Polishchuk, last year there was a fairly good grain harvest, but nevertheless it was only 22-23 c/ha. But with a particularly reverent attitude towards the land in our region, you can get up to 35 c/ha. Moreover, Crimea really has all the conditions and good potential to increase grain yields. It is enough to use the right science-based technologies. According to experts and scientists, with an immediate transition to organic fertilizers, a decent result can be seen in the next 4 years.

“This is negligible, we are at the beginning of the journey,” he said. According to his estimates, the global market for organic products is now about $100 billion, but in five years it will be $200-250 billion.

The minister expressed hope that after the adoption of the law, the production of organic products will begin in Russia and the need for the supply of imported products, including for baby food, will disappear.

“We must feed our children the right quality foods. But after the law is adopted, after it comes into force, I think that we will close this niche in the future, although it will not be soon,” he noted.

The demand for organic products in Russia is still low, but these products will be in demand, including abroad, the minister is convinced.

"...1. For the purposes of this Federal Law agricultural producers admit organization, individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as the agricultural producer) carrying out:

  • agricultural production,
  • its primary and subsequent (industrial) processing (including on leased fixed assets) in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation,
  • and sales of these products,

provided that in the income of agricultural producers from the sale of goods (works, services) the share of income from the sale of these products is no less than 70% (seventy percent) for the calendar year. (as amended by Federal Law dated April 5, 2009 N 46-FZ)

2. Agricultural producers also recognized:

1) citizens, leading personal subsidiary farm , in accordance with the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 N 112-FZ “On personal subsidiary plots”;

2) agricultural consumer cooperatives(processing, marketing (trading), servicing (including credit), supply, procurement), created in accordance with the Federal Law of December 8, 1995 N 193-FZ "On Agricultural Cooperation" (hereinafter - the federal law"On Agricultural Cooperation");