The feeling when you're tired of everything. I'm tired of everything and don't want anything. Volunteer

Sometimes we feel so tired and mentally exhausted that we can hardly remember when we were truly happy. Plus, the autumn gray sky and rain make the situation worse. If you feel that the internal battery is low, then it’s time to get out of the “darkness” in which you find yourself. Why? Because this condition pushed you to search for a solution to the problem on the Internet and you had enough willpower to start reading this article. This means that you are fully motivated to regain your former energy. We advise you to start as soon as possible. Take note of a proven strategy that will help you emerge from the swamp of helplessness and apathy.

Find inspiration in the things around you

If you want to get your power back, you need to find your true passion. So, what will make you get out of apathy and find ways to overcome all difficulties? Close people who need you, a goal or a life's work will help you overcome the state of sadness and apathy. However, this is not always enough. Try to take a closer look at the things and rituals with which you surround yourself. Buy a beautiful bouquet of flowers, finally hang a picture on the wall, get a festive service and brew your favorite tea.

Treat yourself. Little things will help you get out of this emotional impasse. Identify your main passion and move in that direction without giving in to fears of failure. If you feel on the verge of complete exhaustion, mentally return to your inner “beacon” to awaken in yourself the desire to get up and move, even if you have no strength left and you literally need to pick yourself up piece by piece.

Start with health

If something hurts, it’s even harder to cope with emotional stress. We recommend cleansing the body of waste and toxins, improving metabolism and normalizing blood pressure. Help in solving these problems will help mineral waters, which contain many macro- and microelements that are harmful to health.

Water with magnesium will help you calm down before bed, and light physical activity and a glass of active water will help you relieve stress throughout the working day. drinking water. It is also important not to forget about silicon - the element of life. It is necessary for balanced work and absorption of almost all macro- and microelements.

Identify your main opponent

To concentrate your efforts, directing the remaining energy directly to the goal, you need to know this goal in person. To start, focus on the most pressing problem you have. Step by step, you will gradually improve the situation on all fronts if you solve specific problems. Next, find and analyze the reason emotional burnout. To make things easier, we suggest conducting an audit of your emotions. Rank them from 1 to 10 according to ten main aspects:

  • family;
  • Love;
  • career;
  • Friends;
  • wealth;
  • health;
  • communication;
  • spiritual growth;
  • personal development;
  • rest.

This approach will allow you to find the “culprit” of emotional burnout. As you consider each aspect, ask yourself why it deserves this particular rating and answer this question in detail for yourself. Imagine what will happen if the rating of “two” or “three” is raised to “ten”.

How will your life change? Feel free to fantasize, imagine it as clearly as possible, compare it with the current state of affairs. As soon as you feel a strong loss of energy due to everyday worries and realize that you are completely exhausted, concentrate on the main point that most negatively affects your condition.

Remember that the main character of the story is you

You are the main character and are fully responsible for what happens, regardless of the circumstances. Most likely, you will not learn anything new, but we will still remind you once again that only you decide how and when to cope with the difficulties that arise.

Alas, no one but you can make your life easier. Someone else's opinion motivates us much less than our own determination - this is how the human psyche works. You can feel like a victim of circumstances, speaking out and listening to advice, but in order to mobilize the remaining strength you need to take risks and take full responsibility for your salvation.

Accept offered help

While heroically coping with difficulties, do not forget that you are a living person. After you pull yourself together and take action, look for support among loved ones, colleagues and friends. Contact specialists - trainers, coaches, psychotherapists and other doctors. Your depressed, exhausted state may be caused by physiological reasons - problems with immunity, low hemoglobin levels, frequent colds, lack of sleep and lack of proper rest.

To cope with a critical situation, you can and should seek help - there is nothing shameful in that. Voice specific requests and accept the help that is offered to you: moral support, skills and experience, financial assistance- to get out of the crisis, everything will come in handy.

Watch out for signs of impending apathy

Learn to recognize the very first signs to prevent the problem. Save energy, don’t waste it on any occasion. Don't forget to get plenty of rest, allow yourself to completely relax without any remorse. Concentrate your energy on what is important at the moment. If you feel fatigue creeping in, switch to something you love - this way you can restore your motivation.

There is a period in every person’s life when you say to yourself: “I’m tired of everything, I don’t want anything, I’m tired of everything...”. The daily routine drags you deeper and deeper, everything quickly gets boring, regardless of whether it is work or household chores, or maybe even communication with others. This may be a temporary phenomenon, it is much worse if the motto “I’m tired of everything, I’m tired” is an incipient sign of depression. Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon, why everything is boring and what to do when you're tired of everything.
If you're tired of work...
If in the morning you are visited by one obsessive thought that you are tired of everything and work too, then most likely it’s all about professional activity. You come to the office and realize that you are tired of everything around you. Usually this state haunts us when we have worked too hard and simply forgotten what rest is. Or, if all your thoughts, deeds and time are taken up only by work, then sooner or later you will definitely get tired of it. Think about it, if you’re tired of everything at work, what should you do? That's right - rest!
Plan your free time. Don't have any free time from work? Then highlight it! By any means, even to the detriment of work, or take a vacation. Sign up for relaxation treatments, yoga, massage, plan meetings with friends, trips to the cinema and shopping, and try to completely disconnect from the work process. After some time, you will definitely miss the hustle and bustle of working days, your desk and office, of course, provided that you value your work and you are appreciated at it.
If you cannot specifically answer the question of what exactly is wrong in your life, if you are simply tired of everything, and you cannot find an objective reason for this, then a few simple but effective tips will help you.
Don't suppress yourself. Change your lifestyle, do what you always wanted, but for some reason you didn’t dare to do it.
Give vent to the negativity that sits inside you and suppresses you: engage in active team play, shoot at a shooting range, hit a punching bag, scream to your heart's content in a deserted place, in general, let off some steam.
Evaluate yourself from the outside. If the assessment is positive, then everything is not so bad and you just need a rest. And if the assessment is negative, think about how you can improve yourself. Improve yourself, sign up for courses, get another one higher education, lose weight, learn a language, etc.
Change your surroundings, relax, get away from the routine. Change your social circle, meet new people, or retire from society altogether.
Add more light to your daily life; most often, its lack is the cause of seasonal blues. Go to the solarium and replenish your body's supply of vitamin D.

Life is becoming boring and uninteresting, are you tired of everything? What to do if you experience similar sensations? Take action, otherwise depression may develop. And this is a serious mental illness, the process of its treatment is quite long. In some cases, the patient is hospitalized.

What to do when depression tries to overcome you:

  1. Contact a qualified professional. He will be able to prescribe medication if needed. In addition, you will need to undergo a course of psychotherapy.
  2. The patient needs the support of loved ones and relatives.
  3. A person who is depressed needs positive emotions.

To prevent mild apathy from leading to the disease described above, you need to act quickly.

Stupid thoughts, unnecessary arguments, everything is boring. What to do to make the world sparkle with bright colors?

  1. Stop arguing with your neighbors, this will not lead to anything good, you will only get on your nerves once again.
  2. Don't just blame anyone.
  3. Stop drinking and smoking out of grief. It will be great if you say goodbye to these bad habits forever.

Stop doing something that disgusts you, and do it with a smile. If you don't like your job, then find another one, one that will only bring you

Anxiety, fear, everything is boring. What to do if you are overcome by anxiety?

Stop being afraid that people will look at you differently or think poorly of you. Feel that you are a god who makes your own decisions and lives by your own principles. Believe that everything you plan will work out. From now on, you are not a victim, but a hero.

Bad memories, negative thoughts, destructive emotions... That's it, I'm tired of it! More positive! Stop thinking about the bad, because everything is good, and it will be even better. Communicating with people who like to complain about their terrible lives will not lead to anything good, but will only further fuel your frustration. Find yourself optimistic friends who can find the good in everything, even the bad.

Watch and read books about victories and success in life, listen to pleasant music.

Enjoy the little things

Learn to enjoy the little things: a child’s smile, a funny animal, etc. Remember all the good things that happened to you before.

What to do to restore harmony and balance of the soul? Perhaps you are missing fresh air and sunlight.

Due to a lack of vitamin D in the body, a person’s mood worsens and apathy appears. To avoid such problems, you need to spend more time in the sun. Daytime walks in the park or embankment, with a dog - everything has a positive effect on a person.

Always keep the windows open to fill the room with fresh air.

Life has lost its colors, are you tired of everything? What to do to bring happiness back?

Make plans for the future. What do you want: to go to the sea this summer or visit some country? Think about the future and try with all your might to achieve your plans. If it didn’t work out the first time, it will definitely work out the second time!

Many people come to a point in their lives when such thoughts appear in their heads. At this moment people realize that their lives have reached a dead end -
nothing new happens in life, and everything old has become boring.

The question “What to do if you’re tired of living” has branches, as well as the reasons that influenced a person’s current depressed state. These are the reasons we need to fight...

When you're already tired of everything, you're tired of yourself.

Yuri Zarozhny

What to do if you're tired of your surroundings?

The environment can be your home, friends, environment. Approaches to solving the current situation are individual. Get to the root of the problem.

Tired of your friends, what to do in such a situation? Change your environment. I'm tired of calls, what should I do? Stop communicating.

People develop. What was normal before becomes unacceptable now. It's not strange that friends are annoying, let them go.

Find new friends or girlfriends with common interests. Don’t seriously think about what to do if you’re tired of a person, feel free to move on! This does not apply to your family and friends. Read about it below.

I'm tired of the guy, what should I do?

Tired of relationships, don't know what to do? Do the same as with your friends.

Tired of your favorite guy? Separate peacefully.

Don't force yourself to date. Pity should not contribute to this! The process of breaking up is a normal phenomenon, which should not be taken to heart.

Tired of neighbors, what should I do?

Conflicts with neighbors are very common. It's not easy for people to get along with each other.

Conversation rarely helps, and war will only make things worse. Try to resolve the conflict in court. Take advantage of civil rights.
Consider moving. This is a serious step, but it will definitely change your life for the better.

Meet new neighbors and discover new places for yourself. You will be able to visit new establishments, sports sections, clubs, and exhibitions. Develop comprehensively and open new horizons.

Moving requires finances. You can take money from your nest egg or save it up.

You need to find a new job before moving. This will prevent you from being left broke and wasting your saved money.

Tired of pets

Pets can also cause your apathy. I'm tired of my dog, what should I do if I'm fed up with constant care and morning walks?

Pets are not toys; you can’t just pick them up and throw them away.

It's worth reconsidering your attitude. Ask your friends if they can borrow your pet so you can relax. Find a shelter for the animal, do not leave it on the street.

If the pet is purebred and has documents, there will easily be people willing to purchase it.

What to do if you're tired of your family?

Tired of reading "Oblomov"
And expect good weather from women,
Tired of being soft, gentle, unnecessary,
Tired of living in the city
Where the authorities are afraid of snow,
And the traffic cops say hello
With expensive cars.
Tired of being an adult
who knows everything
But he can't do anything.
Alik Yakubovich. Flying fish

My wife is fed up, what should I do?

Over the years of living together, the spouses get tired of each other, and family life turns into hell. Many men experience this feeling.

Answer yourself, why is your wife tired? The answer will be constant screams and complaints from the wife? Constant conflicts aggravate family life. For them to disappear, something needs to change. Are the wife's claims substantiated?

A conflict of interest arises due to lack of attention. It is worth spending less time with friends or at work, and paying attention to your spouse. The home environment will become pleasant and will not irritate.

Conflicts also arise due to lack of money. How much money does your wife spend, what does she spend it on? Maybe she simply doesn’t have enough for small expenses. Women need to take care of themselves, they want to look attractive, which requires finance.

If you don’t find an option to solve the problem, think about divorce. Before making such a decision, weigh the pros and cons. This decision will radically change your life. It's not a fact that it's for the better.

What to do if your husband is tired of you?

Conflicts are easier to resolve with men; start a conversation on this topic.

Does your husband pay little attention, give you little money for expenses, or just annoy you? Talk to him, men love directness and rarely understand hints. Therefore, your husband may not even be aware of your differences.

How much time does your husband spend at work? This may take all his strength, which will explain the lack of attention on his part. Put yourself in his position and pay attention. He tries for the common good, and does not act only in personal interests.

Your husband has a mistress, is that why you get so little attention? Think about how much free time your husband has and whether he has enough time for another woman. When men take a mistress, they often “stay late at work” for a long time.

If you find out that your husband walks to the left, you need to do something about it. Whether to forgive betrayal or not is up to you. If measures are not taken, the husband will continue to deceive and everything will remain in the same place. Divorce - best option. It will significantly change the situation and become the beginning of a new stage of life.

Can't get along with your brother or sister?

What to do if your brother is fed up and won’t let you live? This thought arises in the minds of capricious teenage girls more often than in adults.

Adults are more reasonable and conflict much less often. The question “What to do if your sister is tired of you?” can be heard no less often.
As teenagers, brother and sister live in the same house or even share one room. Every person needs personal space. Nobody likes the destruction of an idyll.

Talk to your brother, discuss with him the boundaries of your house or room. And try not to disturb someone else's space.

You should understand that sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone. Your whole life will not be as you wish. The reason may not be in the brother/sister, but in you. Solve the problem with yourself, and don’t continue to complain that you’re tired of each other. What to do is up to you!

In adulthood, this can be solved easier - by moving. If this is not possible, and the conflict is so serious, try to resolve the problem in court.

I'm tired of everything, I don't want anything, what should I do?

I'm tired of everything, I don't want anything, I don't know what to do with it? Or are you just tired of doing nothing? The same action cannot lead to a different, new result. Look for new activities and hobbies. Life will sparkle with new colors.

Tired of games, what to do- find new ones or replace them. Do the same with other hobbies that are no longer interesting.

When was the last time you did something new? Do something out of character for yourself. For example:

  • Go to the cinema or theater if you do it very rarely
  • A museum or exhibition will help you unwind
  • A gym or other section will relieve stress and help you forget about problems
  • Meeting new people will open more new doors for you.

What to do if you're tired of work?

The work puts a big burden on your shoulders, and it’s difficult to get rid of it for several reasons:
  • Are you afraid that you won't be able to find a new job?
  • You don't want to quit your job.
  • You have no opportunity to find another job.
Remember that there will always be reasons. If you have difficulty finding a job, freelancing is a temporary option. Can't you do anything? Learn!

People are afraid to let go of work, holding on to their place. Residents of small towns find it difficult to find work due to cronyism. Everyone sticks to their place and works in one place almost all their lives.

Moving to a larger city will allow you to find a job with a more decent salary, better conditions. A big city will give you new acquaintances, work, connections, and development.

You shouldn’t put up with a low salary, even though you have plenty of free time at work. And vice versa, if the working conditions are terrible, but with a decent salary.

Work should be enjoyable and not cause inconvenience. Without trying, everything will remain as it is now! Start living differently now!

Stop complaining and asking what to do if you are fed up and tired of everything. Start acting right now, take the first step towards a new life now.

Even the simplest thing:

  • Delete photos that make it difficult to let go of your old life
  • Say goodbye to people you don't need
  • Buy new clothes
  • Do the cleaning
Any problems can be solved! The first step is the hardest! But the most important thing is to do it!

This condition does not arise out of nowhere. The constant thought - I'm tired of everything - slips through many people. But, despite the fact that the idea is the same, the reasons may be different. So what to do if you're tired of everything?

Man is the principle of pleasure

Take anyone and ask what he wants, but he wants only one thing - pleasure, to achieve the fulfillment of his desires. And desires always double after achievement - I want more. Our psyche is amazing in that if there is a desire, then there are all the necessary properties to achieve the goal. The only problem is ignorance of yourself. And as a result of this, we go through life in a trial way, getting bumps, injuries, falls and ups.

If the desire that arises is realized and achieved, it fills a person’s life with meaning and pleasure. This is a kind of engine that supports us. But when over and over again the desire is not satisfied or we do something that is not in our nature, life becomes hell, any desires gradually disappear and we begin to simply go with the flow, giving up on everything. This is at best, since there is still some kind of justification for one’s life.

Let's look at several situations from life and reveal the reasons. After reading, you will be able to understand the source of these conditions yourself and comment below the article.

  • Situation one: everything is the same, no emotions

I'm tired of everything. I can't live like before. More and more often I get up with the idea of ​​changing my life, leaving everything and moving somewhere far away, preferably to the mountains or forest. Wake up to the singing of birds and enjoy walks every day. Or travel, go somewhere as a volunteer, help people, find your true self. And there is no need to think that it is necessary, necessary, necessary. I want something positive: to live, to rejoice, to love as I once did for the first time, to simply lose my head.

  • Situation two: everything is the same, no variety

You know, just like a favorite dish that you eat often suddenly loses its appeal, so it is here. We're just talking about life. I don’t want to work in a monotonous job, doing the same thing over and over again. Come to work inside and out, dress appropriately. You become a robot, you’re just tired, you’re chasing something and you don’t understand what. There is no harmony in the soul. But by nature there was always activity, now there is some kind of stupor.

  • Situation three: life is like running non-stop

I'm so tired of everything that I get tired of absolutely everything - work, home, those around me, even the government and this weather. The boss at work is demanding more and more quickly, I’m already twitching, clutching at my heart. As soon as you start to deal with another emergency, run to change. Where is the justice? You can’t even rest properly at home, your wife nags and nags, nags and nags: when will there be a good salary? I ask you at least not to move my slippers, to leave them where they were, so no, it’s like hitting a wall. Am I asking too much?

  • Situation four: the birth of a bundle of happiness

I was really looking forward to the birth of my child. I gave birth and have been sitting at home with the baby for a whole year. Every day is the same - you get up, feed, change the diaper, play, put to bed. And so every single day. Quarrels began with my husband. Sometimes I’ll cry, how tired it all is! I want to leave, and just alone, and take a break from everyone. The feeling that with the birth of my child own life ended forever.

  • Situation five: life without meaning in life

Life has become like a vicious circle, no matter what you do, everything is the same, some kind of long and tedious quest with no visible end. I don't see the point in this. Tiredness in the eyes, but you have to get up, you have to work so that you have money... And why is this? I’m so tired of everything that I don’t want to eat, sleep, family, children, or anything at all. This gray city, gray faces with indifference and anger. Lock myself in a dark corner and don’t let anyone touch me. Friends don’t understand, they say, relax, everything will be fine, but over the years it gets worse, the hole inside gets bigger. I don’t know what to do when I’m so tired of everything that I don’t see the point in living. The road to self-destruction. And that makes it bad.

Eight pieces that make a mosaic of a person

It has been scientifically proven that our Universe consists of eight elements, and the psyche of the human species also consists of eight components - vectors. Each individual person can have from one to eight vectors, but they are the ones that make up the characteristics, intelligence, way of thinking, and desires of the psyche. A person can be defined by his desires, by what lives by him.

- Visual vector

“... Nothing in life brought me joy anymore, in fact, I didn’t see the point in continuing to live like this... Every day brings me joy, because now I’m not afraid to leave the house and communicate with people, or rather, it doesn’t bother me anymore, it used to I just didn’t want to “listen to someone’s stupidity”, now, on the contrary, you run to listen and understand what motivates a person, what is telling them, what kind of psyche he has: to hear Him, and not the deep bottomless silence of your lonely depressing thoughts about the worthlessness of life and your being..."

“...When I first attended a free lecture, I quickly realized that system-vector psychology has answers to questions about the human soul that have always haunted me. Finally found something that makes sense! I couldn’t tear myself away from the free classes and dreamed of taking the full course someday. But when is “someday”? As a result, I came to the training at a very difficult time for myself. I suddenly realized that if not now, then never. And immediately there were those who were ready to help me, when it seemed to me that I was alone and no one cared about me.

There are many people who do not miss a single free training and have read the entire forum, but put off the paid course until better times. That's the catch: better times you will get it when you complete the training! I also thought that first I needed to buy this and that, save a lot of money, wait until I had more free time... in general, live my life in suffering, knowing that happiness was so close. To spend years getting ready, but in the end never completing the training - this is the biggest thing you can miss in life...”

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