Ten rules of business correspondence. Basic rules for business correspondence by e-mail. Procedure for consideration of the appeal


Hello! In this article we will talk about business letters.

Today you will learn:

  1. Why business correspondence has not lost its relevance;
  2. What types of business letters are there and how they are formatted;
  3. How to write a business letter correctly.

Now outside our windows is time high technology and the Internet. But business correspondence has not lost its importance and relevance, it has simply moved to other media. Let's talk today about why it is important to be able to compose and format business letters.

Why do you need business correspondence?

First of all, this is an opportunity to exchange opinions, suggestions and thoughts with employees or business partners. With the help of correspondence, they state complaints, requests, and clarify misunderstandings between companies.

Business correspondence is one of the official varieties.

Differences between business letters and others

The main differences are as follows:

  • Stylistics of presentation;
  • Vocabulary that does not allow clear expression of emotions;
  • Done on the official letterhead of the company;
  • The font is not too small, but not large either, and is the same throughout the text;
  • Rarely occupy more than 1 page;
  • Presence of strict official chain of command.

Types of business letters

All business letters can be divided into several groups. We will dwell on each in more detail and give a brief description.

Letters that do not need to be answered.

  • Letter of guarantee;
  • Accompanying;
  • Informational;
  • Warning letter;
  • Reminder letter.

Letters that require a response.

  • Appeal;
  • Offer;
  • Request;
  • Requirement;
  • Petition.

Non-commercial letters.

  • Invitation letter;
  • Letters expressing condolences;
  • Letters expressing gratitude;
  • Letters informing about something;
  • Letters containing recommendations;
  • Letters of guarantee;
  • Letters confirming that the goods have been received, the service has been provided, and so on;
  • Letters of congratulations on various occasions;
  • Letter of request;
  • Letters of instructions;
  • Covering letters.

Commercial letters.

They are usually used before entering into an agreement, as well as during the validity of the contract.

These include:

  • Letters responding to inquiries;
  • Direct request;
  • – a letter in which it is proposed to make a transaction or conclude an agreement;
  • Claim;
  • Reminder;
  • A letter containing a warning about the termination of agreements or the need to fulfill obligations, etc.

If we talk about classification by structure, there are 2 types of business letters:

  • Containing the author's text and written in free form;
  • Compiled according to a strict pattern.

By addressee.

  • Circular – a letter that is sent to several addressees;
  • Regular – sent to one recipient on behalf of one person;
  • Collective – sent to one recipient, but from several persons.

Letters are also divided according to the form in which they were sent:

  • Sent as a fax message;
  • Sent by email;
  • Those sent in regular envelopes.

There are types of letters that, for ethical reasons, should be handwritten rather than typed. This applies to condolences and congratulations.

Secrets of proper design

The text of the letter is divided into introductory, main and final parts. They are logically connected to each other. The introductory part includes the circumstances that led to the creation of the letter, and the main part represents the content itself. The final part summarizes the results, which express the request, refusal, etc.

In general, business correspondence with all responsibility can be called an art, because it is necessary to learn how to conduct it correctly, in compliance with all requirements. After all, most often we only think about the information being presented clearly, and we forget about the fact that the letter can be considered the face of the company.


Each letter is strictly maintained business style, means of speech characteristic of official documents are used.

Requirements for presentation of information.

All information contained in the letter is presented as follows:

  • Addressed, intended for a specific person;
  • All information must be current as of the date of writing;
  • Reliable;
  • Impartially;
  • Reasoned;
  • As completely as possible, so that a decision can be made based on it.


First of all, the letter is drawn up on letterhead that is proprietary to the company.

  • To write a business letter, A4 size sheets are used;
  • The left margin of the form must be at least 3 cm, since after some time they will be sent to the file;
  • The name of the company, its legal and actual address, and email address are indicated;
  • It's better to use a standard font Times New Roman, size 12. It is the most optimal and is well perceived when reading;
  • It is allowed to write business letters without using letterhead, then you still need to provide the information from the form.

If in a letter we're talking about O major transactions related to finances or confidential information of another nature, send such letters by fax or in electronic format Not recommended. It’s better the old fashioned way, in a regular paper envelope.


If the letter consists of several pages, then they are numbered starting from the second. The numbers are marked at the top in the middle in Arabic numerals. There are no dots next to the number.

Division into parts.

This means dividing the letter into paragraphs. The text should not flow in a continuous stream, otherwise it simply will not be perceived. Thanks to the division into paragraphs, you can see where one thought ends and another begins.

Availability of fixes.

It is not advisable to allow corrections, typos, or erasures. The letter must be written correctly, and the text must be printed at intervals of 1.5 - 2.

Details used.

We will indicate only the main ones, since we already briefly talked about them a little earlier:

  • If the enterprise is state-owned, the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation is used. It is located in the middle of the official form;
  • Full company name;
  • Fax and telephone numbers;
  • Bank account number;
  • Addressee - and the name of the addressee company is used in nominative case, to indicate the position and surname of the recipient, use the dative case;
  • If the recipient has an academic degree or title, indicate it before the person’s last name;
  • Any details are written on a new line and with a capital letter.

Business letter after a meeting

You held a business meeting, there was some prospect for. We will discuss further how to reflect this in a letter.

  1. First of all, at the beginning of the letter, refer to the date and time of your communication with your potential partner, even if a couple of days have passed since the meeting.
  2. Avoid mistakes or overly complex phrases: keep the letter short and clear, but in such a way that the recipient will want to read it.
  3. Mention what the conversation was about. Eg: " We discussed how much a Venetian-style vase would cost.”
  4. Make sure that the recipient of the letter expresses his/her opinion on the topic of the meeting.
  5. Indicate a time when you can communicate by phone or meet in person.
  6. Let the recipient know that you are looking forward to working with him: “ I hope for further business relationship with you«.
  7. End your letter with the following or similar phrase: “ WITH Best wishes to you...».

Electronic business letters

It is impossible to ignore the requirements for their design, since now more and more letters are issued in electronic form rather than in paper form. After all, it’s the 21st century.

Preparing an electronic business letter is not difficult; the formatting requirements are identical traditional letters. The only thing is that such a letter should always have a title (or subject line) so that it simply does not get lost in the flow of documentation.

In addition, when such a letter is answered, it is better not to change the subject of the letter, so you will quickly understand what is being said if you receive a lot of emails.

Also, you should not use state-of-the-art software when creating attachments to such letters; it is far from a fact that your recipient has the same. If it is not there, the letter simply will not open.

Don't use emoticons when writing a business letter electronically. Technology is great, but keep it business-like when writing.

What is the deadline for replying to a letter?

If the letter is classified as requiring a response, then when to respond depends on the information contained in the letter:

  • If you receive a request, please confirm that it has been received within the next three days of receipt. And the final answer can be given within a month;
  • If we are talking about condolences, it can be sent within ten days after the sad event happened;
  • It is permissible to send congratulations within 8 days from the moment you learned about the special date;
  • If we talk about the general rules of good manners, then it is better to respond to letters within seven days.

How to write a business letter: in simple language about complex things

Distinguish between a business letter and personal correspondence. We have already talked more than once today about what these differences are, we should not forget about them. Now let’s look at writing a letter step by step.

Stage 1. We indicate the addressee.

In the upper right corner of the form we write the surname, initials and position of the person to whom we are addressing the letter. If the addressee is an organization, indicate its legal address.

Stage 2. Appeal.

We place it in the middle of the form. It is carried out in a respectful manner, without abbreviations or erasures.

Example: Dear (name, patronymic)! Also, the addressee can be addressed by indicating his position. But when you address a person by name, it reduces psychological stress and indicates that the business relationship is stable and established.

Stage 3. Statement of purpose.

Explain the purpose of the letter, its essence and main ideas. This part is the main one. Write about what you want to say, what is the reason for your appeal. But do not forget about the official and neutral style.

Stage 4. Making proposals and recommendations.

Almost any business letter implies that the addressee will respond to it. This is generally not required only by letters of an informational nature. Therefore, do not just describe the problem, but also suggest how it can be solved.

If you file a complaint, ask for certain measures to be taken; if you offer to cooperate, tell us what options are available.

Simply put, the one who receives the letter must see that they not only want something from him, but also understand how this can be accomplished.

How to end a business letter

A business letter must be written perfectly. If writing rules are not followed, it can negatively affect the company's reputation as a whole. Therefore, we now propose to dwell in more detail on the design of the final part of a business letter.

At the end of the letter, summarize everything that was discussed earlier. But you shouldn’t stretch your conclusions into 10 sentences; after all, brevity and conciseness are valued in business letters. It's better to limit yourself to simple phrases.

We will base the ending on 2 indicators: it should be as polite and correct as possible. There are different options for how to build it.

Here are some examples:

  • Thank you for your attention or help: Thank you! (Let me thank you...);
  • Express your hopes for the future: We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation (We hope to receive an answer in the near future...);
  • You can construct a phrase to assure the addressee of something: We would be glad to cooperate with you;
  • Make a request: We ask you to report the results;
  • Apologize for any inconvenience caused: I apologize for the unexpected delay in payment for the material.

How to say goodbye to the recipient.

Despite the fact that the correspondence is official, you can say goodbye in different ways.

Here are a few options:

  • With respect to you...;
  • With wishes of success...;
  • Best wishes…

We sign correctly.

When signing the letter, indicate your position, first and last name. If you doubt the appropriateness of a phrase like: “ Yours sincerely" - just don't use it.

You can indicate your contacts, additional phone number or email address in the signature, so you demonstrate to the recipient that you are ready to communicate and cooperate with him.

In the next part of our article I would like to talk about business letters in English.

Business letters in English

There is no regulated form for composing such letters. Everything will depend on the purpose of the letter and who its addressee is. Here are some brief recommendations for drafting.

Date of writing.

If we are writing in the USA, then when indicating the date we put the month first, then the day and only then the year. If to the UK, the date is entered as in the Russian Federation. In this case, write the month in letters to avoid confusion.

Recipient details.

  • If you write to a man, contact him like this: Mr (insert last name);
  • If a woman who is married: Mrs (insert last name);
  • To an unmarried lady: Miss (indicate last name);
  • If you don't know the lady's status: Ms (insert last name).

Specifying the address.

The order is the opposite of that accepted in the Russian Federation: office, house number, street name, zip code, state name (if writing in the USA), county name and country name (if writing in the UK).

How to contact the recipient.

Standard calls:

  • Dear Madam;
  • Dear Sir;
  • Dear Sir or Madam;
  • Dear Mrs;
  • Dear.

After the address we put a comma (if writing to the UK) or a colon (if writing to the USA). It is not customary to put an exclamation mark.


Be sure to indicate the subject of the letter, just like in the Russian Federation.

Main text.

Divide it into paragraphs. Or write each sentence on a new line.

How to say goodbye.

For example, like this: “ Thanking you for assistance, we remain Yours truly"– Thank you, my devoted one..., although perhaps less formally.

Signature registration.

We put our signature under the farewell paragraph, indicate our first and last name, company name and position.

Design of applications.

If you are enclosing any documents, please indicate this at the end of the letter: “ Enc." and list applications.

What to write with a capital letter.

  • Last names and initials;
  • Company names;
  • Names of cities, states, etc.;
  • Any words that indicate the position held;
  • The first words in farewell;
  • Opening addresses.

Before we end the conversation, here are some examples of business letters in Russian and English.

Samples of business letters in Russian and English


To summarize, I would like to say that a business letter is a tool for communication in any field of activity. If it is written correctly, it will definitely present your company in a positive light.

On the other hand, a letter written sloppily and with errors can completely destroy the very promising business. Write letters correctly, and we tried to tell you how to do it.

All the elementary rules outlined below relate primarily to business correspondence with your partners, colleagues, customers and performers. Using them in personal correspondence is a private matter for everyone. However, following these rules in personal correspondence will only create a good impression of you.

Ethics in business email

If you suddenly do not want to read further, limit yourself to at least the following basic rules:

  • When answering, use the “Reply All” button. This will cc the recipients of the initial email so your reply doesn't get past them. I strongly recommend hiding the “Reply” button in the interface settings. If necessary, you can delete unwanted recipients manually.
  • Do not leave the Subject field blank. The people you correspond with may receive hundreds of emails a day, and they use this field to quickly assess the importance and content of the email.
  • Quote letters. Don't start your reply with a new email, click "Reply All" on the received email, and don't disable the quote when replying and forwarding feature in your email client settings.
  • With full citation(if your answer is to the entire letter) write the text of the answer at the BEGINNING of the letter, and not at the end, below.


Receiving letters

  1. The letters received must be read. If you received a letter, it means that someone sent it for some reason (of course, spam is not considered here). If a person has letters marked as unread, and they are older than one day, he does not know how to work with mail. However, this can be forgiven if:
    • the person died or unexpectedly fell ill;
    • working with mail is not part of it job responsibilities(then he has no need for a service e-mail).
  2. If you are not a manager, check your email at least 2 times a day: in the morning and in the afternoon. Not answering a production question from you can stall other people's work and delay the resolution of issues.
  3. If you are a manager, your workday should start by launching an email client that stays on all day and automatically checks your email. Set up automatic mail delivery/receipt at least every 10 minutes (preferably 1-3 minutes).
  4. You have received a letter. If you are very busy, immediately assess who it is from, the subject and skim it - this will help you quickly decide whether the letter requires an urgent response or can wait a bit.
  5. If you can, please respond immediately. This is the simplest and effective method move things along and avoid collecting mail.
  6. If you understand that you cannot answer within 24 hours, it is better to immediately write “I will answer within a couple of days” or at least “I will answer a little later.”

Fields “To”, “Cc”, “Bcc”

  1. Remember that there are To, CC, and BCC fields. Your further actions (and the actions of your correspondence partners) upon receiving the letter depend on them:
    • “To” (“To”) - the letter and the information or questions contained in it are addressed directly to the recipient. If you send a question, you expect a response from the addressee specified in the “To” field. If you are the recipient, then you should be the one to respond.
    • “CC” (“Copy”) - recipients appearing in copies receive a letter “for your information”, for information or are “invited to witness”. The recipient of the copies should not generally respond to the letter; Moreover, it is considered polite if, if there is such a need, you begin with the phrase “Sorry for interfering.”
    • “BCC” (“Blind Copy”) is a field for “palace intrigues.” By indicating a recipient in this field, you “secretly” send this letter to him: the fact that the letter was sent to this person will not be known to the main recipient or those in the copies. It is also used for mass mailing so that your address book is not known to all recipients.
  2. When answering, use the “Reply All” button. This will save a copy to the recipients of the initial email so your response will not pass them by.
  3. DO NOT remove people added by your correspondent from copies of the letter. If you want to answer something personal so that other correspondents do not receive your answer, then delete everyone from the copies except the one who wrote the letter (yes, we never use the “Reply” button).
  4. If there are more than two recipients in the “To” field in a letter received, this means that both of these correspondents or any of them must respond. Consider that BOTH should answer - if the letter is addressed to you and someone else, answer too (even if it is an answer like “This question is definitely not for me, let so-and-so answer”).
  5. In turn, it is highly recommended NOT to include more than one addressee in the “To” field. To a letter sent to two, you will not receive an answer from either, since each will think that the other will answer. Not everyone read this article.
  6. Forwarding private correspondence to a mailing list without the consent of the participants in the correspondence is unethical!

Subject field

  1. Don't leave it blank.
  2. The subject line of the letter should be brief, but reflecting the main content and topic of the letter. Titles like “Question”, “Hello!” or empty headings reveal that you are a beginner who lacks basic business writing skills.
  3. When you respond to one of several emails with different subject lines, respond to the correct ones. Reply to the letter with the subject “Meeting on Tuesday, April 18” about the meeting and to the letter “Printing Materials” about printing materials. This involves quoting previous correspondence (see Letter Writing section below).
  4. If you need to periodically send e-mails such as weekly reports, try to keep the header constant, or at least part of it should be constant, so that the recipient can set up automatic rules for sorting such mail.

The importance of writing

  1. If the letter contains information about urgent changes, the text of the contract or other information that you need to pay attention to first, use the “high” importance, this will highlight the letter in the inbox.
  2. Do not use “high” importance in vain - “noisy” people are annoying, be more modest.
  3. For a personal letter to a business correspondent or a letter with a funny picture or link, mark the importance as “low.”

Writing letters (responses)

  1. Start with a greeting, it's polite. "Hello, Gria!" indicates that you are too lazy to write the person’s name. Even just “Andrey!” or “Good afternoon!” quite polite and sufficient.
  2. Speak the same language with the person. This applies not only to the Russian/English language, but also to the form of the text. If you receive a formal letter, an informal response to it will be disrespectful to the respondent and a demonstration of your own low culture. A formal response to an informal appeal is either a call to comply with regulations, or this is simply required by corporate rules.
  3. Try to always respond to the last letter in the correspondence chain, and not to some intermediate one.
  4. Ne ispolzuyte translit except for cases of sending letters from conditions in which it is difficult to type text differently (for example, from a mobile phone or from a computer without a Russian keyboard layout).
  5. If your email client does not support the Russian language or spoils the encodings, then attach the text of the response as an attachment.
  6. A business letter should be precise, concise and specific:
    • Accuracy - be sure to include the exact details you are referring to (date and subject of another email, meeting date, meeting agenda item, file name, link to online document, etc.).
    • Conciseness - some outline in three pages what could be written in three sentences. He who thinks clearly speaks clearly, and your correspondent sees this.
    • Specificity - from the letter it should be clear exactly WHAT EXACTLY is required from the recipient, what actions they want from him.
  7. Business correspondence is not a place for exercises in the epistolary genre and not a place for expressing emotions. For this purpose, there are forums, chats and other means of electronic interpersonal communication. Laconic business text- this is not dryness, but saving time and accuracy of thought.
  8. If the letter contains several questions, topics or tasks, structure them and separate them into paragraphs with or without numbering. A continuous “stream of thought” is difficult to read, and it is easy to miss the main point of the letter. Moreover, some people tend to immediately throw a poorly structured letter into the trash bin (although this is probably extremism).
  9. Keep in mind that the answer to a request or task is “Let’s do it!” incomplete “We’ll do it by such and such a date,” “in so many days,” “after such and such an event” are more definite and accurate answers.
  10. If the letter is worded in such a way that it can be answered with a simple “ok”, then the answer will most likely be received much faster. For example, if there are several options for what to do, offer some default option.
  11. The text must not contain errors. Ochepyatki are not scary, but if you write and spell a word incorrectly in every letter, it becomes noticeable very quickly, and your “C” with a minus in Russian becomes obvious (as well as speculative further conclusions about your general level of education and culture).
  12. Try not to use html formatting of the letter. Unfortunately, this format for writing letters is the default in Outlook, but when using it, especially when quoting (replying and forwarding), a lot of questions arise.
  13. If you received a letter in html format, DO NOT change it to plain text, this breaks the sender’s perception of information when receiving your response. The more important your correspondent is to you, the more important it is to maintain an adequate perception of him. You can handle highlighting your answers in html citations using color, or you can also use the “Reduce indentation” button on the html formatting panel (although there are capricious nuances there).
  14. Quote the text of the original letter. What do you think this would mean? I don’t know either: To: AIST is a creative bird Subject: Re: Re: Re: Question Ok! Vasya
  15. Never edit another person's text when quoting it! This is a kind of forgery of letters.
  16. When quoting in full (if your response is to the entire letter), write the text of the response at the BEGINNING of the letter, not at the end.
  17. If you are answering point by point using a quotation, separate the quotation with blank lines at the TOP and BOTTOM and use Capital Letters at the beginning of sentences. Try to find the answers here: > we suggest replacing the logo with the one included, > since this very colorful background did not find the logo in the attachment > correct the inscription - instead of “fish” you should write “slave”! > otherwise we will be misunderstood, the inscription has been corrected, sorry > and the last thing...

    Communication via email is an integral part of the work of any modern office worker. And accountants are no exception. How to communicate in such a way that business conversation was it productive, emotionally comfortable and extremely ethical? I offer readers some practical advice.

    TIP 1. Do not neglect personal appeal to the addressee in your letters

    By doing this, you will demonstrate your attention to the person’s personality. If a letter is written to a specific recipient, then the lack of a personal address in it looks incorrect and impolite.

    When you write one of your first letters to the addressee, the question often arises: what is the best way to address him - simply by his first name or by his first and patronymic? In this case, you need to look at what is written in the signature that ends the person’s letter to you. If the name is indicated there (without patronymic), for example "Svetlana Kotova", then feel free to contact me by name. And if the signature says "Svetlana Vasilievna Kotova, Chief Accountant LLC "Trenzor", then you need to address the recipient accordingly. In any case, the second option is extremely correct, and therefore a win-win.

    I do not recommend relying on the information in the “From” field. After all, it is often initially filled out not by the owner of the email address, but by the company’s IT specialist when setting up email.

    By the way, I strongly advise you not to use the short form of the name when addressing a business partner or client (“Sash” instead of “Sasha”, “An” instead of “Anya”), no matter how democratic the writing style and no matter how old your correspondence. What sounds familiar in spoken speech looks too simple in written speech.

    TIP 2. Pay special attention to the form of your greeting

    You should not use the phrase "Good day!". Even if you have the good intention of matching the recipient's time zone, this phrase sounds tasteless, I would even say vulgar. It is better to use neutral options: "Hello...", "Good afternoon...". And of course, add the recipient's name to the greeting if you know it. Personally, for example, I find it much more pleasant instead of a faceless "Hello!" get personal “Hello, Tamara!”.

    Remember that in this way you save the recipient’s time. After all, he will be able to immediately assess the content of the received letter and quickly decide on its priority and importance.

    The subject line should be brief, but at the same time accurately reflect the subject of the correspondence. For example, “Agreement, invoice, act from Alpha LLC” instead of "Documents". As aspects of the issue under discussion change, clarify the topic. For example, “Cooperation with Perm” → “Cooperation with Perm. Date of negotiations" → "Cooperation with Perm. Draft agreement".

    If during the correspondence you see that the “Subject” field is filled in randomly by your addressee or is not filled in at all, take the initiative and try one of two scenarios.

    SCENARIO 1. When replying, fill out the “Subject” field yourself. If the recipient is attentive, perhaps this will already be enough to bring your correspondence into an adequate form.

    SCENARIO 2. If the recipient continues to ignore filling out the “Subject” field, write him a letter with something like the following: “Alla, I suggest that you immediately indicate the subject of the letter in the “Subject” field. I think this way we will significantly increase the effectiveness of our communication.”.

    TIP 4. Pay attention to the “To” and “Cc” fields

    You need to clearly understand the generally accepted purpose of these fields in a business environment:

    • <если>in the “To” field only you are listed - this means that the sender of the letter is waiting for a reaction from you to his question or request;
    • <если>there are several recipients in the field - the sender is waiting for a response from each or any of the recipients. In this case, when replying, save the list of recipients set by the sender using the “Reply all” function (of course, provided that you do not deliberately want to respond only to the author of the letter, hiding the essence of your response from the rest of the correspondence participants);
    • <если>your name appears in the “Copy” field - the sender wants you to be aware of the question, but he does not expect an answer from you. This means that you should not enter into correspondence on this issue. If you still decide to do this, then a sign of good form would be to start the letter with one of the following phrases: “If possible, I would like to join the discussion of this issue...”, “Let me express my opinion...”.

    As for the "Bcc" field, from the point of view business ethics it is the most controversial email tool. Sometimes it is perceived as a tool of almost secret observation and information. After all, recipients placed in BCC are not visible to other recipients. In some, usually large companies, which are particularly scrupulous in matters of ethics, it is strictly forbidden to use this field in corporate correspondence, except for mass mailings. But in most companies they use it, observing the following rules:

    • sending a letter with the “Bcc” field filled in assumes that the author of the letter has notified the hidden recipients (or is going to do so) about the reason and purpose of this form of message;
    • the hidden recipient does not need to enter into correspondence.

    During trainings, I am often asked the question: are there any generally accepted standards regarding the time within which it is necessary to respond to a letter from a client or colleague? But you can’t give a universal answer to it.

    If we talk about internal correspondence, everything here is determined by the speed and rhythm of life of the company itself. There are companies in which a delay in response of more than an hour and a half is considered bad manners. And somewhere the answer during the day is in the order of things.

    By general rule The most acceptable response time to a letter is considered to be within 2-3 hours. This is the so-called comfortable waiting time, when the sender waits for a response and does not experience internal discomfort from the silence of his addressee.

    But what if, having received and read the letter, you realize that you cannot give a full answer to it within 24 hours? Then, according to the rules of good manners, notify the sender of your receipt of the letter and the approximate time frame for responding to it. For example: “Hello, Sergey Vasilievich! I received your letter. I’ll answer in the next couple of days” or “Andrey, I received the letter. Thank you! To answer I need more information. I will try to answer no later...”.

    TIP 6. Follow the basic rules for presenting information in a letter

    There are not many of them:

    • when reading a letter, the most comfortable volume fits “on one screen”, maximum - on an A4 page;
    • The volume of sent attachments should not exceed 3 MB. Larger files may cause mail to freeze at the recipient;
    • When “packaging” attachments, use the universal zip or rar encoding. Other extensions may be blocked or cut off during transmission and create problems for the recipient;
    • never start a reply as a new letter (without saving the correspondence history). Otherwise, the recipient will be forced to waste time searching for the original message;
    • write in a language that is as understandable to the recipient as possible. Many people wonder whether it is appropriate to use professional or internal corporate vocabulary, slang, abbreviations and anglicisms.

    This must be decided separately in each specific case.

    Thus, internal corporate correspondence in a company is almost always replete with slang and abbreviations: they are familiar and understandable to all participants and save time. But you need to use them carefully in correspondence with counterparties.

    There was such a case in my practice. A colleague was preparing materials for a publishing house and in her last letter they wrote to her: “Masha, please send all your materials asap”. Masha decided that this was a designation of a format unknown to her, into which the text needed to be translated. She killed a lot of time, by hook or by crook, figuring out how to satisfy the publisher's request. Imagine the Machine's annoyance when, 2 days later, it learns that the mysterious “asap” is an abbreviation for the widely used English-speaking word “as soon as possible.” But Masha could send materials within half an hour from the moment she received the request!

    TIP 7. End each letter with a block of signature and your contacts

    Regardless of how closely you know the recipient and how long your correspondence has been going on, each of your letters should contain a block consisting of a signature and contact information. This is an integral element of the culture of business communication.

    The block must contain:

    • your first and last name. There is no need to use abbreviations. Instead of “T.L. Vorotyntsev" in my signature I indicate "Tamara Leonidovna Vorotyntseva" or "Tamara Vorotyntseva" so that the addressee understands how to contact me in a reply letter;
    • your position. This gives the recipient the opportunity to understand the boundaries of your authority and professional competence when resolving issues;
    • contact information (phone, email, company name, website). This way you will provide the recipient with the opportunity for additional operational communication if necessary.

    To all that has been said, I want to add: your emails are the very clothes by which you are greeted. In other words, by observing the etiquette of business correspondence, you will make the most pleasant impression on your recipient.

    According to the laws Russian Federation Citizens of the country have the right to contact any government authority with issues within their jurisdiction. Often, trying to solve problems on the ground, people are faced with violations of the law by officials, bureaucracy, and negligence. This is grounds to write a letter personally to the President.

    Sending a letter through the official website

    In the age of the Internet, sending a letter electronically is the most convenient, fastest and most reliable way. To write a letter to Putin over the Internet, you need to use the official website of the President of the Russian Federation:

    By clicking on the tab that most matches your problem, you open the letter form. In general, all 3 forms are similar. Letters are drawn up according to the specified template.

    It is necessary to fill out a form in which the required fields are “Last Name”, “First Name” and “Email”. The sender can indicate more detailed information about himself, including the name of the organization he represents, social status and telephone number.

    This will create conditions for a more objective considerationIstatements, and if it is necessary to clarify details, a service representative will be able to contact you personally.

    The letter sample includes a large drop-down list of topics, from which it is recommended to choose the one that most matches your question.

    On the “Send a letter” and “Report corruption” tabs, it is possible to select the addressee: “President of the Russian Federation” or “Administration of the President of the Russian Federation”.

    At the request of the sender, he can receive a response to email or in writing. The selection is made using the corresponding switch. To track the stages of consideration of the letter, it is recommended to create an account. Login Personal Area on the website of the President of the Russian Federation will be carried out through a password.

    The letter is written in Russian. The use of Latin characters, as well as writing all text in capital letters, is not allowed. Illiterate registration is the reason for refusal of consideration. The text volume is allowed within 2 thousand characters. This is about 250-300 words, which is quite enough to present the issue. If necessary, documents are attached to the letter. The list of extensions includes text, graphic, audio and video files.

    Sending a letter by Russian Post

    You can also write a message to the head of the Russian Federation in traditional paper form. Not everyone has access to the Internet, and older people may have difficulty filling out forms and typing. Therefore, despite the development of high technologies, paper letters are still relevant.

    A single sample for letters to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin does not exist, but the rules for writing a letter in paper form generally coincide with the recommendations for writing electronic appeals. The question should be presented in a businesslike manner and not contain personal emotions or third-party information. The text begins with a greeting, for example, “Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!”, and not with a title, as in the electronic version. Then the essence of the problem is described, and the letter ends with a request for assistance in the current situation. The sender must indicate his full name, age, and place of residence.

    Putin's address for letters by Russian Post: 103132, Russia, Moscow, st. Ilyinka, 23.

    It is mandatory to write the index and sender's address on the envelope.

    Procedure for consideration of the appeal

    According to the law of the Russian Federation, the period for consideration of a complaint is 30 days from the date of its receipt. This applies to all government bodies, including the President of the Russian Federation. In a month, the poisoner should receive an answer. If necessary, the letter is also forwarded to the appropriate authorities for further proceedings.

    Refusal to consider a complaint to the President occurs in the following cases:

    • content in the letter of insults and profanity;
    • misrepresentation of personal information;
    • the undisclosed essence of the problem.
    • an incorrectly composed letter.

    When contacting the head of the Russian Federation, it should be taken into account that his competence does not extend to decisions of judicial bodies. Complaints on this topic will also remain unanswered.

    Getting an answer on a direct line

    Several times a year, the President of the Russian Federation communicates with residents of the country on. You can ask a question to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin personally by phone, send it by mail or write it on the official website. Questions sent in the form of SMS messages are also subject to consideration.

    Open letter to the president

    Letters sent to the official website or to President's reception room Russian Federation, are subject to review and response. But only officials have access to them. It should be understood that the head of state receives hundreds of letters, and Putin is not able to personally consider each of them. A special service under the President of the Russian Federation is engaged in processing, sorting by topic and preparing responses.

    Below is an example of an open letter to V.V. Putin, you can take it as a sample. With this form of writing and execution of the appeal, it will be considered and the issue will be dealt with.

    If you want to express your problem publicly, you can use the services of special social networks and write an open letter. Open letters to V.V. Putin is not subject to consideration, but they have wide audience access, which means discussion and public outcry are guaranteed.

    Alternatively, you can send an appeal to the official website of the head of state, and publish a copy of it in open letters. This good way increase the attention of the authorities of the Russian Federation to their problem.

    To write an open message, you need to fill out a special form at the top of this page. The style of presentation should be the same as in official letters To the President. You can use letters already available on the site as a sample. After drafting, the letter is sent for moderation and then published.

    A question letter is one of the most common types of official email correspondence. Despite their simplicity, it is question letters that create a lot of difficulties for both the sender and the recipient.

    Mistakes when writing question letters

    1. A question hanging in the air.

    The problem with this question is that it is asked to someone unknown, for what purpose and in connection with what.

    For example: “Will you accept a family of three?” This was the first letter. Even the addressee of this letter could not adequately answer this question letter. The fact is that some time ago the addressee posted an advertisement on several resources that the employer was ready to provide work in his specialty with the provision of housing. There were different conditions for different vacancies. When a month later a letter arrives with such a question without any preamble, you don’t even want to answer it. Why such an employee? Even if he is a genius in his field, in his letter he showed himself at his worst.

    2. A question burdened with unnecessary details.

    If you are asking a question in the context of previous correspondence, then in the body of the letter it is enough to refer to the previous letter, and not burden it with unnecessary details.

    For example: “You said that you can make a translation remotely. You can also send an electronic copy. And they told me that... How much does a notarized translation of a birth certificate or marriage certificate from Ukrainian into Russian cost?” In this case, it was possible to get by with one sentence or phrase: “You said that it is possible to make a translation remotely. How much does a notarized translation of a birth certificate or marriage certificate from Ukrainian into Russian cost?”

    3.A question taken out of the context of previous correspondence.

    Very often the work process requires various clarifications, clarifications, and solutions to problems that arise along the way. In such cases, clarifying questions are used. But it happens that some people ask such questions every time in a new letter, without saving the correspondence history. This greatly complicates the response process and the recipient’s life. Every time he is forced to rummage through his mailbox and look for previous letters and his answers to them. Keep previous correspondence on each project or issue.

    How to write a question letter correctly?

    1. Address the recipient by name. If the letter is addressed to a team, contact the person in charge.

    Dear Sergey Anatolyevich!

    2. Set the context. What was the reason for writing and why are you addressing the addressee specifically?

    During our personal meeting, we discussed possible topics for the issue for Victory Day and settled on life stories veterans.

    3. State the problem. Briefly formulate the essence of the problem.

    However, during personal communication, I was able to collect interesting material from the memories of children of the war.

    4. Ask a question. Formulate it as briefly and clearly as possible. The better the question is formulated, the more accurate the answer will be.

    Can we include an article about children of war in the issue?

    5. Thank you for your help.

    I would be grateful for your quick response.

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