Design thinking pdf. Tim Brown: Design Thinking. From developing new products to designing business models. Design Thinking and You


Your own awareness shows that your deepest, almost unconscious prayers are organized by things that capture your attention, connections with the infinite, with the mind of nature. Your mind is linked with the mind of God. Bringing these prayers and associated flirtations into consciousness informs you of what Einstein called “the thoughts of God” in his famous statement “I want to know the thoughts of God... everything else is details.”

Remember Paulie's dream about the magic ring with the letter "i" on it? Remember that “teacher” who spoke from the middle of this ring. This leader is always, all the time speaking to you through the “quantum mind.”

Quantum mind is a non-conventional, non-local, timeless sensory experience. In that world are magic shoes and answers to your prayers. To be realistic means to recognize that the infinite is not somewhere in the distance, but is the very foundation of reality, shimmering in your current experience. It is always there, ready to support you, the stars in the sky are closer than you thought.

At the end of our journey, we find a new answer to those periodically arising questions about why we are here. The point is that “you” are not here; there is only a dream. From this dreaming perspective, this quantum mind, you and I, is not just ourselves, but the entire Universe. In other words, we have always been here.

I have tried to show consistently that not only physics, but also medicine, psychology and politics are also on the threshold of a new kind of awareness. Understanding and realizing that we are not only real people with limited bodies, but also non-local dream entities, the quantum mind, allows us to appreciate the conventional reality, as well as to move beyond it. We can transform into that quantum mind, becoming what we notice. I predict that such a transformation will not only free the body from its most enormous problems, but also contribute to the improvement of world history through the realization that the “other” is not me and, at the same time, really me.

I predict that this double awareness will create the new kind a social movement - undoubtedly as vibrant as the idea of ​​a new millennium. Just as the essence of a person is not only contained in the name or the role he plays in life, the essence of any material object is not an object, but an omnipresent quantum mind. Our world is currently at a threshold. The world we live in believes that people are material objects with a finite lifespan, people who must live and die. From this point of view, it is clear that we have individuals, belong to given families, cultures and traditions. We need to clearly understand and appreciate our differences. This kind of clarity is desperately needed.

However, such clarity alone will never be able to solve the problems of diversity and conflicts of this world - just as the problems of classical physics could not be solved without quantum thinking. As physics, psychology, medicine, and politics overcome the barrier separating material reality from quantum mind in the new millennium, people will have greater freedom to be whole—both real and imagined. Then the world we have always prayed and dreamed about will be closer to reality.

The publication in Russian of Arnold Mindell's main theoretical book will have a stimulating effect on the development of intellectual and, in particular, humanitarian approaches, and will also help clarify their own foundations, language, subject and interaction. In any case, the intellectual-spiritual vision proposed here provides a vast space for communication, correlation and development for a wide variety of intellectual projects.

V. Maikov

What is “quantum mind?”

Translator's Preface

Having completed the long and hard work of translating this wonderful book, I want to make a few clarifications that may make it easier for readers to understand. Despite the popular style of presentation, "The Quantum Mind" should certainly be considered as a fundamental work in which A. Mindell for the first time substantiates in detail the parallels between modern physics and psychology (as well as shamanism) and introduces basic concepts that were further developed in his subsequent works . He offers a new and very non-trivial look at many things that seem to be well known to us from school, starting with simple counting and elementary arithmetic, and shows the forgotten “back side” of familiar concepts, after which, in the same way, what is called “on the fingers” , explains the ingenious principles of quantum mechanics and relativity. However, don't be fooled by the name "Quantum Mind" - you won't find a quantum mechanical "theory of mind" or "equation of consciousness" here. For those who are interested in this approach, I can recommend Amit Goswami’s book “The Self-Aware Universe”, mentioned in the bibliography and recently translated into Russian. Mindell himself successfully avoids such, as C. Wilber puts it, “subtle reductionism” and constantly emphasizes that he uses the ideas of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity only as metaphors. But metaphors for what? What is “quantum mind”?

Hello! I want to start an internal column in which I will write short reviews of interesting books I have read in the field of design, business, psychology and the world around us. I will also try to correlate the author’s main thoughts with the current situation in the web design and interface design market. Let's start!

The first guest of the column will be Tim Brown, author of the book “Design Thinking in Business.” He is the CEO of the largest design company IDEO, which collaborates with global giants like Apple, PepsiCo and others.

Design thinking by example

Imagine that you have the following task: to make the process of traveling by train more comfortable. The designer will begin to think about the ergonomics of the seats, comfort and other local problems of the cabin. The design thinker will take a different path. First of all, he will observe where the journey begins. During the study, he will understand that a person faces the main problems while buying a ticket, waiting for a train, or searching for a platform. And it is these factors, based on surveys of travelers, that influence the overall impression of the trip the most. The design of the chairs takes a backseat.

  1. The industrial revolution gave birth to a consumer society and many useless and unnecessary things for people (reference to Victor Papanek).
  2. A designer designs a thing, and a design thinker designs the interaction process (looks at the problem more broadly).
  3. In the modern world, the services of design thinkers are becoming very popular, because... There are many areas that need optimization (for example, almost any hospital).
  4. Every person can become an innovator by applying design thinking to their domain, regardless of their role in the company.
  5. Problem solving should be carried out by a team of people consisting not only of designers, but also of people from related professions to the subject area.
  6. The accumulated knowledge should be publicly available; this contributes to progress as a whole.
  7. The top management of every large company should have designer-managers who will contribute to the implementation of innovation.

About interface design

If we talk about the industrial revolution in a modern way, I want to say the following: the availability of graphic editors and a small threshold for entry into the profession have given rise to many beautiful, but absolutely useless interfaces. Redesigns of large portals on behance do not bring any value, because it is necessary to understand what processes take place within the company, to study the accumulated experience and knowledge. Only then will the work done make sense.

A UI/UX designer must first and foremost be a design thinker in order to design products that will solve the true problems of users, making them enjoy not only the external image, but the interaction process itself. Design begins not with Photoshop, but with a deep study of the subject area and identifying the main problems.


Think globally within the product, identify problems and come up with solutions. Don't be afraid to involve other people in your research and share your experiences. Think about processes first, not appearance. Only in this case can you become not just a designer, but a powerful Jedi, or rather a design thinker.