Why do you need a working day photograph? What is a working day photograph: example of filling. What does the above photograph of a working day mean?

The productive functioning of an organization is impossible without increasing the efficiency of the labor resources of an individual employee or department. Improvement is achieved through analysis, which allows you to perform a photograph of the working day. It reflects absolutely all operations performed by employees. The result is analyzed, after which it is determined whether time resources are being used effectively.

Features, types and purpose of photography

Observation of normal work activities in an organization, the duration of which is a full shift, is called “workday photography.” The procedure is aimed at identifying the time spent on each operation, analyzing them, determining the reasons for failure to complete a task, and optimizing the work process. It can be divided into several types: individual (monitor one employee), group (supervision of several employees located next to each other), team, self-photography (a specialist independently takes time measurements of his activities).

How is workday photography done?

The study consists of three stages: preparatory, observation and analysis. At the first step, employees are informed of their intentions, the purpose of supervision is determined, and they become familiar with the peculiarities of labor operations and the place of work. The start of photographing must be approved by order, after which the personnel begin their normal duties. At the second stage, all actions performed, their start time, as well as their duration are recorded on an observation sheet. At the third stage, the received information is processed and the required calculations are performed.

Photo of the secretary's working day

Let's consider an example of photographing one working day of secretary L.I. Biryukova, working in private organization from 11.00-18.00, lunch from 13.00-14.00. Study period: September 17, 2013, observation began at 11:00 a.m. and ended at 6:00 p.m. The working conditions are normal, the location is an office. Job responsibilities: documentation, receiving visitors and interacting with technology. Work experience: 1 year.

Observation sheet

Present time (hh:min)


Coming to work

Preparation of documentation

Examination Email, familiarization with the contents

Telephone interviews

Execution of orders from the manager

Work with documents

Working with visitors

Searching for information needed by the boss

Exit for personal needs

Negotiations by phone

Conversation on a personal topic with a colleague

Working at the computer

Planning activities for tomorrow

Completion of work, turning off equipment, order in the workplace.

Leaving the workplace

Balance of time spent on secretary work

A photograph taken of a working day provides data on the basis of which a working time balance is compiled.

Activities during working hours

Total time, min

Organization of the workplace and final work

Operating time

Expenses for vacation and personal needs

Violation of labor order


The resulting photograph of the working day contains data from which a duration balance is created labor activity. After this, the coefficient is determined effective use temporary resources, equal to the ratio of the sum of the duration of work to the duration of the shift. The closer this indicator is to 100%, the more productive the staff’s work. In our example, K isp = (20+295+65)/420=90.4%. Using the same principle, a photograph of the working day of a manager, programmer, accountant or any other specialist of interest is taken.

It happens that an employee at the workplace does not have time to complete the tasks assigned to him. The reasons for this may be different - low qualifications, too much workload, or he is simply doing the wrong thing at work. Actually, this can be verified by conducting a special study. Working day photo: example of filling, and assignment cases should be considered in detail.

Workday Photography (WPD) is a tool that helps increase the productivity of any company, although at the first stage it helps to know where exactly the employee/employees spend their working hours.

Working time photography is a method that helps to study the time spent by a particular employee on certain actions during work. All observations and measurements obtained during the process are documented; a sample and example of filling out a photograph of a working day will be presented below.

If you successfully master the method, it will help you obtain unique data regarding the organization of the work process of any employee, and find out the productivity of each person. That is, in the future, adjust the workload and ensure that everything is done so that work tasks are completed.

An extremely detailed study and notation of the results will help find the answer to the following questions:

  1. How much time does the employee (researched) spend on each type of work he encounters daily?
  2. How long does it take different workers to perform the same tasks?
  3. Are there opportunities to improve labor efficiency and what is needed for this?
  4. Is it possible to simplify or eliminate any stages or transfer them to other structural units?
  5. Options for setting labor productivity standards.
  6. Reasons for non-compliance with existing work standards.
  7. How effectively does a particular employee use his work time?
  8. Are there technical problems that prevent you from completing your tasks?

Important! A photograph of working hours provides information that can be used in the future by economists and managers to draw up company plans and budgets, and adjust them.

Some features

Among the features of this process are the following:

  • FRD may occur after the introduction of new equipment that relieves some workers of their duties.
  • Performs similar work often an authorized HR employee.
  • Photographs can be taken throughout the day, as well as certain operations, stages, a team or one specialist.
  • Before starting FRD, it is necessary to determine the goals and job responsibilities of the subjects being studied.
  • Sometimes self-photography is allowed, that is, for the photograph of working hours to be taken by the employee whose activities need to be tracked. In this case, it is understood that he himself makes all the entries in the report and records the time periods spent on certain actions. This technique will help the employee determine in what periods his working time is wasted irrationally.

Types of FRD

There is a division into types depending on the number of objects that will be monitored. More specifically:

  1. Individual – concerns the study of the working time of a specific employee, while the detail of the effort expended will be as much as possible.
  2. Group photography – this photograph of a working day involves observing the activities of a group of employees who are connected by certain work processes. The main task of this study is to check how effective the interaction is, whether their actions are coordinated, how busy each of them is, and check other processes.
  3. Comprehensive – reveals the interrelationships of work processes. It turns out to study the rhythm of work, the rationality of using equipment. This method will be useful if you need to develop actions aimed at increasing labor efficiency.

Note! In order to obtain an extremely accurate picture and true data, photography is carried out over several days, weeks and even months.

Who benefits from FRD data?

A photograph of working hours will provide a lot of useful data for the manager and owner of the company. They get a picture of employee performance. Also, this data will be useful for the HR manager, the HR department for the formation of job descriptions, staff, etc.

Of course, the data obtained as a result of the EDF will help the employees themselves if they are interested in increasing the efficiency of their work and fulfilling job responsibilities.

Procedure for conducting FRD

Photographing working time is a process that requires the utmost scrupulousness and attentiveness from the performer. He literally needs to record everything, including telephone conversations on personal topics.

It all starts with preparation, defining a goal. So, if the purpose of observation is to determine whether employees are following the rules, then photographing groups of employees can be carried out at once. If labor discipline is violated, it will be noticeable immediately. For example, they often go on smoke breaks or drink tea outside the designated periods, instead of doing work.

In situations where it is necessary to optimize the working day of one employee, a photograph of the working day is taken individually for each. Not only what he does is recorded, but also the processes of interaction with other employees and their effectiveness.

Important! FRD can be carried out either explicitly or covertly, that is, without informing the employee about it. As practice shows, it is the second option that helps to identify where most of the working time is actually spent. If the second method is chosen, then at the preparation stage you should come up with a legend regarding the implementation of the observer.

It is worth noting that the final results depend on the instruction and training of those who will conduct the FRD. Also at this stage, you should agree on the forms on which the information will be entered.

Rules for entering data into the FRD

In order for the form to meet the requirements, you must enter the following information:

  • Company name, its structural unit.
  • Name of observation, number and date of its implementation.
  • The form itself contains data regarding the employee being monitored - full name, profession, position, work performed.
  • Brief description of his job responsibilities.

This is followed by a tabular part in which specific time costs and a description of the actions that took this time are entered. For example:

  1. Turning on the computer – 5 minutes.
  2. Smoke break – 10 minutes.
  3. Communication with clients – 45 minutes.

And such a chronology records all the actions performed by the employee during the working day. All observations are carried out in real time. At the end, a summary is made where the following important time costs are calculated:

  • Preparatory and final actions.
  • Time for workplace maintenance.
  • Operational time.
  • Time for breaks.

Important! The document must be signed by the head of the structural unit where the subject works.


Working time photography is effective tool checking what employees are doing and why they are not able to complete the tasks assigned to them. Such observation will help, among other things, identify applicants for dismissal or find out how many people need to be added to the staff.

Who at the enterprise takes a working day photograph? And how to do it correctly and what documents are used to document it.


Answer to the question:

A photograph of the working day is taken by those employees who will be entrusted with this and on whose job responsibilities such work is included. In practice, this work is performed by employees of the divisions of the department for organization and remuneration of labor (labor economists) (see " Qualification Handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees" (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 N 37) and the personnel department, the heads of the relevant departments can also be involved in this work.

If, based on the results of photographing a working day, labor standards for an employee will be changed, he will need to be notified 2 months in advance (Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), if other conditions change employment contract 2 months notice will also be required (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

A working day photograph (working time photograph) is a type of observation in which, throughout the entire working day, an independent specialist records all, without exception, the employee’s time spent on any of his actions: both work and personal. At the same time, depending on the requirements for the accuracy of the photograph, all matters are subject to recording, including small ones, such as a minute conversation on the phone, a coffee break, etc.

A photograph of a working day, as a rule, is needed in order to determine production norms for a particular employee (service norm: how many patients he must serve in the time norm established for him; or the time norm for serving 1 patient).

The general principles of compiling a working day photograph can be used by both commercial and other organizations.

Timing or photography of the working day is one of the elements of rationing the work of the organization’s employees.

Before the start of this work, the employer himself chooses the method by which he instructs employees to carry out the appropriate preliminary work: this can be either a protocol instruction or the issuance of an order.

Current legislation does not contain unified forms documents for carrying out timekeeping work. In any case, the order will be arbitrary.

At the same time, it is possible to create a general order on the development of labor standards, in which one paragraph is devoted to the issue of photography of the working day, or it is possible to issue a separate order on this topic.

Limited Liability Company "Alfa"

ORDER No. 56
on carrying out timekeeping when performing work by employees of the unit “_______________________”

Moscow 04/20/2015

In order to prepare empirical material for the development local act on establishing labor standards for employees of the “___________________________” department,


1. Create a commission to carry out work on the timing of work carried out by employees of the “_________________________” division, consisting of the following:

Chairman of the commission - Deputy Director for Personnel and Regime Kozhin I.B.

Members of the commission:

Head of HR Department R.M. Gromova

Head of the Labor and Wages Department Obkhodov M.I.

HR specialist E.V. Zaitseva

Economist of the Department of Labor and Wages Lipkin I.R.

2. The commission (clause 1 of the order) shall, within the period before “_____”__________________________, carry out a time-keeping of all work performed by employees of the division “_____________________”; tables, forms drawn up based on the results of the time-keeping shall be submitted for summarization to the head of the labor and wages department.

3. To the head of the labor and wages department based on the results of timing, taking into account the established standard standards labor, develop, within the period before “_____” _____________________, a draft order establishing labor standards for the positions of employees of the division “__________________________”, coordinate the draft order with the personnel department, accounting, legal service and send it trade union organization to obtain a reasoned opinion on the possibility of adopting such a local act.

4.To the head of the department "_____________________" :

Do not interfere with the work of the commission during timing;

Provide members of the commission with the documents necessary for work (Regulations on the department, job descriptions, time sheets for the period ____________________ and others);

Create the necessary conditions for the work of the commission in the department, including highlighting workplace, computer, telephone.

5. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

The forms of documents that you draw up during the working day photography period are given below in the answer.

More details in the System materials:

1. Answer: How to take a photo of a working day

To take a photo of a working day you need to:

define goals taking photographs of the working day;

develop rules for assessment standards working hours;

prepare an observation report form(working day photograph card);

give instructions observers and (or) employees whose workday photographs you plan to take;

take photos of the working day;

process photographing results;

analyze the observation result and develop activities to implement surveillance goals.

Photographing the working day is carried out mainly for the purpose of:

 determine the actual costs of the employee's working time;

 develop standards (volume of products, provision of services, etc.);

 identify and eliminate loss of working time;

 improve the motivation system;

 increase self-organization of employees;

 optimize the organization’s business processes, etc.

Before you start photographing your working day, you must:

determine who is responsible for photographing the working day;

determine the period to analyze employee working time;

determine the requirement for observation accuracy employee actions.

Observation and recording of an employee’s working time can be entrusted, for example, to a personnel service employee, immediate supervisor or colleague of the employee who will be monitored. It is advisable that this person knows well what the essence of the work of the observed person is. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the relationship between the observer and the employee being monitored: negative, neutral or benevolent. This can also affect the work results of both (reduce productivity due to stress or personal friendly conversations, etc.).

In addition, the responsibility for taking photographs of the working day can be assigned to the employee himself. In this case, take into account the employee’s degree of responsibility, make sure he understands the importance of the entire process, and develop a system for monitoring and checking the employee’s work.

To monitor the completion of this photograph, assign an inspector to the employee. The inspector can be the employee’s immediate supervisor, his colleague, or a personnel service specialist.

For a more reliable assessment of an employee’s activities, it is recommended to analyze photographs of several working days, or, if possible, complete working week or a full work cycle (if the employee’s work is cyclical). This is due to the fact that on different days the quality and volume of work of any employee often changes depending on the complexity of the tasks assigned, the impact on the volume of work of other team members, etc.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that in the first days of photographing working hours, the assessed employee may experience stress (internal resistance to the process of analyzing his time). In this regard, the report may contain actions that the employee does not perform in his natural working state, or performs at a different pace. Analyzing an employee’s time over several days gradually reduces the level of stress, the employee gets used to the process and begins to behave more naturally, which as a result provides more complete and adequate information about his activities.

Initially, determine with what time accuracy the observer should record changes in the type of activity of the monitored employee:

 every minute, i.e. the observer does not leave the employee for a minute and records all his actions the very minute they were performed;

 at a certain interval, i.e. the observer records the employee’s occupation at intervals of three, five, ten minutes, etc.

The requirements for time recording accuracy are affected by:

 type of employee’s activity (intensity of occupational shift);

 workload of the observer (observation of one or more employees in parallel);

 the need for precision for implementation surveillance purposes.

Also, initially determine how accurately the employee’s actions should be recorded, for example, “a telephone conversation with an organization’s client” or “a telephone conversation with an organization’s client regarding a marriage issue, the call was transferred to the sales department,” etc. The requirement for detailed description of the action also depends on the purpose of observation and the type of activity of the employee.

Before you start taking photographs, explain to the participants in the process (observer, employee, inspector) their functions and purposes of photographing.

If photographing is carried out by an outside observer, and not by the employee himself, familiarize him with the report form - working day photo card. Explain to the observer that he must record in it all the actions of the supervised employee (both work and personal), indicating the start time of the new action and its duration.

In turn, explain to the employee goals photographing. Emphasize that the result of the observation will be used to improve work, and not against the employee personally.

If the photograph is taken by the employee himself, then also explain to him the rules for working with the report and the purpose of photographing, so that the employee understands the importance and responsibility of the task and completes it conscientiously. Next, explain to the inspector, the assigned employee, his goal: periodically (once every half hour, hour, or other period convenient for both the employee and the inspector) to monitor the completion of the reporting form and the compliance of the recorded data with the actual actions of the controlled employee at the time of the inspection.

If the observer is entrusted with compiling a photograph of the working day, he is located next to the employee’s workplace at a distance that is comfortable for both participants in the observation. You should not stand behind an employee.

Strive to make the observation process less noticeable, so that it does not interfere with the monitored employee, because this can reduce the employee's performance and cause him psychological discomfort.

The observer takes a photograph of the employee's workday while observing his work during the entire period that was selected for analysis. In this case, the observer records each action in observation report form.

The observer should not interfere with the employee’s activities: help him, enter into negotiations with him, etc.

In the event that an employee independently photographs his working day, the inspector assigned to him periodically monitors the correct completion of the observation report form, in which the employee records his actions.

At the end of photographing the working day, the completed observation report form is transferred to the personnel management service for further processing the results.

Combine all the actions that the employee performed into groups, assigning each one its own index. Give similar operations the same index.

For example:

 T pz – time spent on preparatory and final work (came to the workplace, turned on the computer, waited for programs to load, etc.);

 T obs – time spent on the solution organizational issues, workplace maintenance;

 T op - the total time spent on performing official duties responsibilities (operational time);

 T per – the time at which the employee interrupted work.

For a more accurate analysis of an employee’s activities, divide his operational time into subgroups or highlight additional categories.

For example, for a payroll accountant, in accordance with his job description, assigned responsibilities for receiving, analyzing and monitoring time sheets; processing certificates of temporary incapacity for work; payroll for employees of the organization, etc. Select each of these actions into a separate group, write down the groups in the form working day photo cards and calculate the time an employee spends on each duty. This will allow you to identify areas with maximum time expenditure.

Next, make up employee's actual time balance. It is a table in which for each group the number of cases, duration (total time of operations for the group), percentage (share) of time spent on the duration of the entire working day or observed period are calculated.

After this, calculate the coefficients that will allow you to draw more accurate conclusions about the loss of time. For a list of coefficients and formulas for calculating them, see table.

Analysis of the results allows you to understand how much working time employees actually use for work purposes, how often employees take breaks from work, how much time they spend on lunch, how much time preparatory work takes, etc.

When analyzing a photograph of your workday, identify the reasons that prevent you from doing your job effectively. Having identified all the problems and difficulties, develop activities that will help resolve the problems.

The Alpha organization decided to take a photo of the working day of accountant A.V. Dezhnevoy. The purpose of observation is to determine the actual expenditure of working time by an employee and to identify its loss. HR manager I.A. was appointed as an observer. Ignatieva.

Based on the results of photographing from January 16 to January 20, 2013, a working day photo card. Ignatiev together with chief accountant V.N. Zaitseva (Dezhneva’s immediate supervisor) analyzed the information recorded in the map, developed and implemented the following activities:

 based on the coefficient of lost working time due to violation labor discipline(3.1 percent), a conversation was held with Dezhneva in order to use working time more efficiently;

 based on the coefficient of time loss for organizational and technical reasons (9.4 percent), it was carried out Maintenance Dezhneva’s computer, the cause of time loss has been eliminated;

 based on an analysis of the time required to provide methodological assistance to employees of the organization on accounting issues, the list of issues on which accountant Dezhneva is obliged to provide advice was reduced, which freed up her time for current work processes;

 based on the result of the analysis of the time spent on receiving, analyzing and monitoring time sheets and preparing them for counting processing, it was decided to assign these responsibilities to the HR manager Ignatieva.

Workday Photo Card

working day photos

Workplace organization
(workplace characteristics)

List of employee actions

Job title

Current time

hour – min.


1 Preparation for the working day (incl. PC, lighting equipment, etc.) 8-45 20
2 Participation in weekly meetings (planning meetings) 9-05 25
3 Telephone conversation with an employee of the organization (explanation of calculation of sick leave and salary) 9-30 15 Conversation is clear and to the point
4 Break (personal conversation with colleagues) 9-45 10 Personal questions
5 Processing incoming correspondence 9-55 15
... ... ... ... ...

Balance of actual employee time

Group Duration (total time of operations for the group) Number of cases Percentage of time spent from the time of the entire observed period
hour min just minutes
1 Preparatory and final time (T pz) 1 15 75 10 3,0
2 Workplace maintenance time (T o6s) 3 45 225 12 8,9
3 Operational time (T op) including: 36 5 2165 85,2
3.1 Reception, analysis and control of time sheets and preparation of them for counting processing (T op1) 3 15 195 2 7,7
3.2 Calculation and transfer of insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary social funds, wages workers and employees, other payments and payments, as well as the allocation of funds for material incentives for employees of the enterprise (T op2) 4 20 260 1 10,2
3.3 Registration of accounting entries and their posting (T op3) 6 10 370 1 14,6
3.4 Reception and control of the correct execution of temporary disability certificates, nursing certificates and other documents (T op4) 1 5 65 5 2,6
3.5 Calculation of wages to employees of the enterprise, monitoring the expenditure of the wage fund (T op5) 6 10 370 1 14,6
3.6 Preparation of accounting documents (T op6) 4 0 240 3 9,4
3.7 Preparation of reports on unified social tax (T op7) 4 10 250 1 9,8
3.8 Maintaining wage payments to employees of the enterprise on the basis of statements (T op8) 0 20 20 5 0,8
3.9 Monitoring compliance with cash discipline, settlements with accountable persons (T op9) 1 10 70 5 2,8
3.10 Preparation of data for drawing up balance sheets and operational summary reports of income and expenses Money(Top 10) 2 10 130 1 5,1
3.11 Development and implementation of rational planning and accounting documentation, progressive forms and methods of accounting based on the use of modern tools computer technology And information technologies(T op11) 0 0 0 0 0,0
3.12 Providing methodological assistance to employees of enterprise departments on issues of accounting, control, reporting and economic analysis(T op12) 3 45 225 15 8,9
3.13 Advanced training at courses and seminars on accounting(T op13) 1 0 60 0 2,4
3.14 Other actions (T op14) 1 30 90 3,5
4 Time of breaks in work (T per) of which: 1 15 75 3,0
4.1 Regulated breaks or due to production problems (T rper) 0 0 0 0 0,0
4.2 Unregulated breaks (T lper) 1 15 75 15 3,0
TOTAL total actual time of employee's stay at the workplace (Tf) 42 20 2540 100,0
Standard duration of the working period T d 40 00 2400

Odds calculation

No. Name Formula Meaning
1 Recycling rate K p = T f: T d = 2540: 2400 1,1
2 Working time utilization rate K isp = (T pz + T op + T o6s): T d =
100x(75+2165+225): 2400
3 Loss rate for organizational and technical reasons K pot = 100 x T o6s: T d =
100x225: 2400
4 Loss coefficient for preparatory and final work K ppz = 100 x T pz: T d =
100 x 75: 2400
5 Coefficient of lost working time due to violation of labor discipline K pnd = 100 x T lper: T f =
100 x 75:2400
6 Possible increase in labor productivity provided that direct losses of working time are reduced ΔPT = 100 x (T lper + T rper): T f =

T pz time spent on preparatory and final work (came to the workplace, turned on the computer, waited for the programs to load, etc.).

T o6s time spent on solving organizational issues and maintaining the workplace.

T op time spent performing duties (operational time).

T op = T op1 + T op2 +... T opn

T lane the time for which the employee interrupted work.

T lane = T rper + T lper

T lper the time for which the employee interrupted work on personal issues (violating labor discipline).

T rper the time for which the employee interrupted work for regulated needs or due to production problems.

T d – standard duration of the working period for compiling a photograph of a working day.

T f – the actual time the employee spent at the workplace during the period of taking the photograph of the working day.

T f = T pz + T op + T o6s + T per

Coefficients for analyzing a photograph of an employee’s working day

No. Name Formula

Drawing up is usually the first stage of staff labor standardization and is intended to analyze the structure of working time. At the next stages of standardization, the results of the analysis will be used to determine the composition of normalized operations, develop labor standards and calculate the target number of personnel.

Compilation working time photo cards provides the following stages of work:

  • Preparing for observation.

  • Actually observing the work process and recording costs in a photo card of working time.

  • Processing a working time photo card.

  • Analysis of results and elaboration of measures to increase labor productivity, eliminate existing losses and causes of decreased efficiency.

An example of working time photography would be a situation where a time period is carried out to improve the organization of work. In such cases, photography of working hours should be carried out without interfering with or changing established work organization practices. If the purpose of drawing up a photo map of working hours is to determine the current workload of workers and develop plans to increase labor productivity, then the FW is carried out after the implementation of pre-planned organizational measures to improve the efficiency of work processes.

Individual working time photo card example

The object of observation when compiling an individual working time photograph map is one worker at a certain area of ​​work.

The preparation stage for drawing up a photograph of working time consists of familiarizing yourself in advance (the day before the event) with the specific working conditions at the observed workplace.

On the day of observation, the rater must arrive at the workplace of the observed employee before the start of the work shift, and begin filling out the working time photo card exactly at the start of the working day. A regular stopwatch can be used to take measurements.

The standardizer records all the results of observation in the form of an individual photo card of working time:

  • What labor actions does the worker perform, their duration;

  • The amount of work performed as a result of each labor action;

  • Work breaks, their duration and reasons;

Each measurement (action or break) is assigned a special index indicating the category of working time spent.

Example of working time photograph, observation card

An example of a working time photograph card - a summary of the same costs

In the section of the working time photograph card “Cumulative costs of the same name”, the data for each recorded operation is summarized - time costs, indicating the corresponding index.

The next step is to analyze the results of filling out the working time photo card. At this step, the loss of working time is determined, the reasons for the irrational organization of labor are established, and actions are planned to increase labor productivity.

Working time photo map – example of working time balance

As a result of comparing the actual and projected working time balances, the following coefficients can be calculated:

Working time utilization rate:

Equipment utilization rate:

The coefficient of lost working time due to the fault of the employee himself:

Also, based on the results of the analysis of the photograph of working time, the potential for increasing labor productivity by eliminating irrational operations and wastage of working time is determined:

Analysis of the working time photograph map ends with the preparation of organizational measures to eliminate the causes of decreased labor productivity.

Group work time photo card - example

When performing work with a team of workers, it is advisable to draw up a photo map of working hours in a group format. If the number of people observed does not exceed three people, then the procedure for observations and measurements is the same as when drawing up an individual photograph of working time.

When more observed, the standardizer may not have time to record all the actions they perform. In such cases, a different method of recording data is used to compile a group photograph of working time.

Example of a group photo card of working hours

The group work time photograph card has a number of columns equal to the number of observed workers. In the “Current time” column, the sequence of observation intervals is indicated (after 1, 2 or 3 minutes). For example, when observing up to five employees, it is advisable to make notes every 1 minute, with 6-10 employees - every 2 minutes, with 11-15 observed people - every 3 minutes. The cells of the table indicate the indices of working time costs: OH - waiting for adjustments, PR - getting a job, OR - waiting for work, OM - workplace maintenance, RS - machine repair, OPR - being late for work, and so on.

The processing of a group working time photograph card is carried out according to the same principles as the processing of an individual card. A summary of the same costs is compiled, then conclusions are prepared on the actual use of working time and organizational measures are planned to increase labor productivity.

The productive functioning of an organization is impossible without increasing the efficiency of the labor resources of an individual employee or department. Improvement is achieved through analysis, which allows you to perform a photograph of the working day. It reflects absolutely all operations performed by employees. The result is analyzed, after which it is determined whether time resources are being used effectively.

Features, types and purpose of photography

Observation of normal work activities in an organization, the duration of which is a full shift, is called “workday photography.” The procedure is aimed at identifying the time spent on each operation, analyzing them, determining the reasons for failure to complete a task, and optimizing the work process. It can be divided into several types: individual (monitor one employee), group (supervision of several employees located next to each other), team, self-photography (a specialist independently takes time measurements of his activities).

How is workday photography done?

The study consists of three stages: preparatory, observation and analysis. At the first step, employees are informed of their intentions, the purpose of supervision is determined, and they become familiar with the peculiarities of labor operations and the place of work. The start of photographing must be approved by order, after which the personnel begin their normal duties. At the second stage, all actions performed, their start time, as well as their duration are recorded on an observation sheet. At the third stage, the received information is processed and the required calculations are performed.

Photo of the secretary's working day

Let's consider an example of photographing one working day of secretary L.I. Biryukova, working in a private organization from 11.00-18.00, lunch from 13.00-14.00. Study period: September 17, 2013, observation began at 11:00 a.m. and ended at 6:00 p.m. The working conditions are normal, the location is an office. Job responsibilities: documentation, receiving visitors and interacting with equipment. Work experience: 1 year.

Observation sheet

Present time (hh:min)


Coming to work

Preparation of documentation

Checking email, familiarizing yourself with the contents

Telephone interviews

Execution of orders from the manager

Work with documents

Working with visitors

Searching for information needed by the boss

Exit for personal needs

Negotiations by phone

Conversation on a personal topic with a colleague

Working at the computer

Planning activities for tomorrow

Completion of work, turning off equipment, order in the workplace.

Leaving the workplace

Balance of time spent on secretary work

A photograph taken of a working day provides data on the basis of which a working time balance is compiled.

Activities during working hours

Total time, min

Organization of the workplace and final work

Operating time

Expenses for vacation and personal needs

Violation of labor order


The resulting photograph of the working day contains data from which a balance of working hours is created. After this, the coefficient of effective use of time resources is determined, equal to the ratio of the sum of the duration of work to the duration of the shift. The closer this indicator is to 100%, the more productive the staff’s work. In our example, K isp = (20+295+65)/420=90.4%. Using the same principle, a photograph of the working day of a manager, programmer, accountant or any other specialist of interest is taken.