Job description of an adaptive physical education methodologist instructor. Professional training under the program “Instructor-methodologist in adaptive physical culture” (144 hours). Adaptive physical education instructor

Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees (UN), 2019
Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees in the field of physical culture and sports”
The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 2011 N 916n

Senior coach of the Russian Federation sports team (by sport)

Instructor-methodologist for adaptive physical culture

Job responsibilities. Organizes the methodological work of educational and other institutions carrying out adaptive physical education activities with disabled people and persons with health problems of all age and nosological groups in order to create real opportunities for their integration into society. Analyzes the state of educational, educational, training, recreational, recreational and correctional work in the institution, develops proposals to improve its effectiveness. Provides methodological assistance to trainers-teachers in adaptive physical education in recruiting groups for classes, determining the content, forms, means and methods of physical education for working with students. Organizes active recreation for students in institutions during the working day, school and extracurricular hours. Organizes and conducts, with the participation of employees of the institution, parents (persons in their stead), family members involved in physical education and sports festivals, competitions, health days and other leisure and recreational activities. Liaises with institutions additional education sports orientation and sports institutions. Carries out educational work in the field of adaptive physical culture among parents (persons replacing them), family members involved, teaching staff with the involvement of relevant specialists. Takes part in organizing and conducting events aimed at preventing and combating doping in sports. Ensures the introduction of the latest methods of training athletes in sports into the practice of the training process. Gives proposals to the management of the institution for advanced training in the field of adaptive physical culture of trainers, teachers, and other specialists of the institution. Monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, ensuring conditions that prevent injuries during classes and exclude the use of doping. Maintains primary records, analyzes and summarizes the results of the institution’s work. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Must know: Constitution Russian Federation; laws and other regulations legal acts regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports; normative legal acts federal bodies executive power on health care, education of the disabled, adaptive physical culture; fundamentals of comprehensive (medical, professional and social) rehabilitation of disabled people; basics of medical control and first aid methods; the procedure for ensuring the safety of competitions and training sessions; fundamentals of psychology, developmental and special pedagogy, physiology and sports hygiene; theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture; doping control procedures and anti-doping rules; modern methods of organizing physical exercises for various disorders of body functions; indications and contraindications for conducting adaptive physical education classes; the procedure for drawing up and maintaining accounting and reporting documentation; regulations regulating work with official documentation; basics of working on a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of adaptive physical culture or higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports and additional professional education in the field of adaptive physical culture, work experience in the field professional activity in specialist positions for at least 1 year or secondary vocational education in the field of adaptive physical culture or secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports and additional professional education in the field of adaptive physical culture, work experience in the field of professional activity in specialist positions for at least 3 years.

Must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports; regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities on issues of health care, education of the disabled, adaptive physical culture; fundamentals of comprehensive (medical, professional and social) rehabilitation of disabled people; basics medical control and methods of first aid; the procedure for ensuring the safety of competitions and training sessions; fundamentals of psychology, developmental and special pedagogy, physiology and sports hygiene; theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture; doping control procedures and anti-doping rules; modern methods of organizing physical exercises for various disorders of body functions; indications and contraindications for conducting adaptive physical education classes; the procedure for drawing up and maintaining accounting and reporting documentation; regulatory documents regulating work with official documentation; basics of working on a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Requirements to qualification. Higher professional education in the field of adaptive physical culture or higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports and additional professional education in the field of adaptive physical culture, work experience in the field of professional activity in specialist positions for at least 1 year or secondary vocational education in the field of adaptive physical culture or secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports and additional professional education in the field of adaptive physical culture, work experience in the field of professional activity in specialist positions for at least 3 years.

^ Instructor-methodologist for physical education and sports organizations

Officials responsibilities. Organizes physical education, recreation and sports activities. Ensures that athletes comply with safety regulations at sports facilities. Recruits into sections, sports and health-improving groups of people who want to engage in physical education and sports and do not have medical contraindications, and provides counseling to those involved. Participates in the organization and conduct of mass sports and physical education and recreation events, takes part in the training of athletes and judges qualification categories"Young Sports Judge" and "Sports Judge of the Third Category". Participates in organizing events to strengthen and develop the material and technical base for physical education and sports. Provides organizational and methodological guidance to the activities of community instructors. Analyzes the results of the organization's activities and participates in planning its work. Promotes physical culture and sports, healthy lifestyle. Studies, generalizes and implements best practices in physical education, health and mass sports work. Takes part in organizing and conducting events aimed at preventing and combating doping in sports. Ensures compliance with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports; basics of physical education and health work; methods of organizing and conducting sports and physical culture events; methods of teaching swimming; procedure for medical supervision; first aid methods; rules for the operation of sports facilities, equipment and sports equipment; fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology; advanced experience in physical education, recreation and sports activities; doping control procedures and anti-doping rules; the procedure for drawing up and maintaining accounting and reporting documentation; regulatory documents regulating work with official documentation; basics labor legislation; basics of working on a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Requirements to qualification. Higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports, work experience in the field of professional activity in specialist positions for at least 1 year or secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports, work experience in the field of professional activity in specialist positions for at least 3 years.

^ Adaptive physical education instructor

Officials responsibilities. Conducts group and individual classes with disabled people and people with health problems of all age and nosological groups in the prescribed manner. Conducts educational, recreational, leisure, and health-improving work aimed at maximizing the correction of deviations in the development and health of those involved, eliminating or possibly more fully compensating for life limitations in accordance with individual program rehabilitation of disabled people. Analyzes individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people and the initial data on the physical fitness of students in order to complete a group for classes, taking into account the main defect and psychophysical state of the students, draws up a plan and selects the most effective methods of conducting classes. Carries out step-by-step monitoring of students’ preparedness and correction of this process. Contributes to the socialization of students, expansion of their circle of contacts in the process of training and competitive activities, the formation of general culture and physical culture of the individual, maximum self-development and self-improvement of students by developing programs for their individual classes. Develops annual and current plans theoretical, physical, technical, moral-volitional and sports training of those involved. Conducts selection and sports orientation of the most promising athletes for further sports improvement. Creates conditions that prevent cases of injury during exercise and exclude the use of doping. Takes part in organizing and conducting events aimed at preventing and combating doping in sports. Ensures the introduction of the latest methods of training athletes in sports into the practice of the training process. Maintains primary records, analyzes and summarizes the results of the work carried out, makes proposals to the management of the institution for its improvement. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports; regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities on issues of health care, education of the disabled, adaptive physical culture; fundamentals of comprehensive (medical, professional and social) rehabilitation of disabled people; theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture; fundamentals of psychology, developmental and special pedagogy, physiology and sports hygiene; theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture; modern methods of organizing physical exercises for various disorders of body functions; indications and contraindications for conducting adaptive physical education classes; the specifics of the development of interests and needs of students; doping control procedures and anti-doping rules; basics of medical control; first aid methods; basics of working on a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Requirements to qualification. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of adaptive physical education without requirements for work experience, or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports and additional professional education in the field of adaptive physical culture without requirements for work experience.

^ Sports instructor

Officials responsibilities. Plans, organizes and conducts physical education classes, conducts training sessions according to approved programs, taking into account the age composition of groups; controls the motor activity of those involved. Conducts sports and recreational work, develops plans for sports and recreational activities for these purposes; attracts the population to perform physical exercises in order to physically prepare them for systematic sports; monitors the physical condition of those involved, advises educators, parents and other interested parties on improving the physical fitness of the population, in particular the creation of sports sections and clubs, and provides them with practical and methodological assistance. Takes part in organizing and conducting events aimed at preventing and combating doping in sports. Ensures compliance with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities on development issues physical education V preschool institutions; fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology of preschool education of children; fundamentals of the theory and practice of physical education of children; methods of teaching swimming and sports games; anatomy and physiology of children; basics of sports medicine and sports hygiene; the procedure for medical supervision and methods of providing first aid; doping control procedures and anti-doping rules; modern methods of holding mass sports events and children's sports games; advanced experience in physical education, recreation and sports activities; the procedure for drawing up established reporting; regulatory documents regulating work with official documentation; basics of working on a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Requirements to qualification. Higher professional education in the field of physical education and sports without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports without requirements for work experience.

^ Instructor-methodologist of the Russian Federation sports team in adaptive physical culture

Officials responsibilities. Conducts group and individual classes in adaptive physical culture with members of the Russian Federation sports team for adaptive physical culture - disabled people with severe damage to the musculoskeletal system, aimed at their physical rehabilitation and adaptation, expansion and improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities in self-care. Provides constant support for athletes when staying together in hotels. Constantly stays with athletes during training sessions and competitions, assists in changing clothes, transferring from a wheelchair to a sports wheelchair and back, accompanies during in-depth medical examinations, doping control, testing, and other activities provided for in preparation plans for all-Russian and international competitions . Provides transportation for athletes to training camps and competitions, assists them in complying with sanitary and hygienic requirements, changing clothes, satisfying physiological needs, and implementing sanitary and hygienic measures. Takes an active part in conducting physical therapy (physical therapy) and general physical training (GP) before, during and after special training and competitive activities. Works closely with a sports medicine doctor, coach, sports psychologist, and team massage nurse for the effective recovery of athletes. Monitors the safe use of modern, including intensive, sports techniques and technologies in the training process. Develops and implements an individual adaptation course for each athlete. Carries out educational, educational, recreational and leisure activities aimed at maximizing the correction of deviations in the development and health of athletes, eliminating or possibly more fully compensating for life limitations in accordance with their individual rehabilitation program. Analyzes individual rehabilitation programs and initial data on the physical fitness of athletes, taking into account their main defect of the musculoskeletal system and psychophysical state, draws up a plan and selects the most effective methods of conducting classes. Promotes the socialization of athletes, expanding their circle of contacts in the process of educational, training and competitive activities, the formation of a general culture and physical culture of the individual, maximum self-development and self-improvement by developing programs for their individual classes. Monitors conditions that prevent injuries to athletes during sports activities and competitions. Takes part in organizing and conducting events aimed at preventing and combating doping in sports. Maintains primary records, analyzes and summarizes the results of the work done, makes proposals to the management of the sports team for its improvement. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations. Organizes active recreation for athletes during the day of the sports team, including sports festivals, competitions, health days and other leisure and recreational activities. Carries out educational work in the field of adaptive physical education among parents (persons replacing them) and family members of athletes.

Must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports; regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities on issues of health care, education of the disabled, adaptive physical culture; Olympic Charter of the International Olympic Committee; Charter of the Russian Olympic Committee; fundamentals of comprehensive (medical, professional and social) rehabilitation of disabled people; theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture; fundamentals of psychology, developmental and special pedagogy, physiology and sports hygiene; theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture; modern methods of organizing physical exercises for various disorders of body functions; indications and contraindications for conducting sports activities, including elite sports; specifics of development of interests and needs of athletes highly qualified; the specific requirements determined by the relevant Paralympic sport; anti-doping rules; basics of medical control and first aid methods; basics of working on a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Requirements to qualification. Higher professional education in the field of adaptive physical culture or higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports and additional professional education in the field of adaptive physical culture, work experience in the field of professional activity in specialist positions for at least 2 years or secondary vocational education in the field of adaptive physical culture or secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports and additional professional education in the field of adaptive physical culture, work experience in the field of professional activity in specialist positions for at least 3 years.

^ Nurse for massage of the sports team of the Russian Federation

Officials responsibilities. Carries out its activities as part of an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental group of specialists of a sports team, headed by the head coach. Directly reports to the sports medicine doctor of the sports team, and in his absence, to the coach. Monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of the massage room and the massage therapist’s workplace. Prepares athletes for massage. As prescribed by a sports medicine doctor, he performs therapeutic (classical), segmental, acupressure, sports, hygienic, cosmetic, hardware and other types of massage. Monitors the condition of athletes during procedures. Makes proposals for the development of current and future work plans for medical and biological support for athletes. Teaches athletes self-massage techniques. Ensures compliance with the rules for combining massage with physical therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, traction, and manual therapy. Ensures infectious safety of athletes and medical personnel, meets infection control requirements in the massage room. Maintains medical records. Conducts sanitary education work. Provides first aid in emergency situations. Carries out the collection and disposal of medical waste. Carries out measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the premises, the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, the conditions for sterilization of instruments and materials, and the prevention of post-injection complications, hepatitis, and HIV infection. On behalf of the sports medicine doctor (coach) of the sports team, he carries out other activities related to the organization of work on medical and biological support of the sports team.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare, regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports; theoretical basis nursing; organization of sports medicine in medical organizations and physical education and sports organizations; anti-doping rules, WADA International Standard "Prohibited List"; WADA International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions; main causes, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods, principles of treatment and prevention of diseases and injuries; types, forms and methods of rehabilitation of athletes; organization and rules for carrying out activities for the rehabilitation of athletes; indications and contraindications for the use of main groups medicines; nature of interaction, complications during use medicines; rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical organizations; basics of valeology and sanology; methods and means of hygienic education; basics of medical examination; social significance of diseases; infection control system, infection safety of patients and medical personnel medical organization; a system of interaction between a medical organization and sanitary and epidemiological institutions; rules for maintaining accounting and reporting documentation; main types of medical documentation; medical ethics; psychology of professional communication; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Requirements qualifications: Secondary vocational education in the specialty “General Medicine”, “Midwifery”, “Nursing” and a specialist certificate in the specialty “Medical massage” without presenting requirements for work experience.

^ Mechanic of the Russian Federation sports team

Officials responsibilities. Repairs and adjusts sports equipment, equipment, equipment used by an athlete - a member of a sports team during the educational, training and competitive processes. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the athlete, it ensures the optimal operating mode of sports equipment to achieve sports results. Takes direct part in the technical support of educational, training and competitive processes. According to design and technological developments a specialist of a sports team makes changes and fine-tunes sports equipment, equipment and inventory and creates their unique samples in accordance with the established rules of competitions. Interacts and collaborates with technical services of sports bases and sports training centers. Keeps records of all types of sports equipment, machinery and equipment. Makes proposals for the development of current, future and individual plans preparation of sports teams in terms of equipping the sports team with the necessary sports equipment, machinery and equipment. Ensures compliance with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports; standards and requirements for the approval of sports equipment, equipment and technology for use in international and all-Russian competitions; organization of operation, repair work and maintenance of sports equipment and equipment; fundamentals of production technology for sports equipment, equipment and machinery; design and operating rules of sports equipment; basics of labor legislation; basics of working on a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Requirements to qualification. Higher professional education (technical), work experience in physical education and sports organizations for at least 1 year.

^ Video operator of the Russian Federation sports team

Officials responsibilities. Makes video recordings of the educational, training and competitive processes of athletes - members of the sports team. Edits footage in order to improve performance programs, identify errors and inaccuracies made by athletes when performing programs in general and individual exercises and combinations in particular. Makes proposals for the development of current, future and individual training plans for athletes. Participates in the creation of programs for their performances. Analyzes video material and makes recommendations to coaches of the sports team on adjusting individual training plans. Ensures the safety of equipment accepted for use and footage. Ensures compliance with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports; provisions, rules and regulations for holding international sports competitions adopted international federations by type of sport; technical modes of shooting and processing video material; design and operating rules of equipment used during operation; basics of labor legislation; basics of working on a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Requirements to qualification. Secondary vocational education (technical) and additional vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports, work experience as a video recording operator for at least 1 year or secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports, additional vocational education in the specialty "Theater and audiovisual technology", At least 2 years of experience in training a member of a sports team.

^ Specialist in the preparation of sports equipment

Officials responsibilities. Organizes the formation and implementation of the technical support process for educational, training and competitive processes. Determines the optimal mode of operation of sports equipment, equipment, equipment by athletes - members of the sports team during the educational, training and competitive processes. Makes proposals for the development of current, long-term and individual plans for preparing athletes - members of sports teams for sports competitions. Makes proposals for adjusting individual plans for preparing athletes - members of sports teams for sports competitions in terms of equipping them with the necessary sports equipment, machinery and equipment. Defines a specific model necessary equipment and sports equipment for conducting the optimal training process of an athlete - a member of a sports team of the appropriate level. Participates in the development of projects of particularly complex, complex and medium complexity products, taking into account the individual physiological characteristics of an athlete - a member of a sports team of the appropriate level. Conducts technical calculations for the proposed project, draws up operating instructions technical designs. During the educational and training process, directly determines the effectiveness and feasibility of changes made to the standard design of sports equipment. Makes proposals for design and technological changes sports equipment, machinery and equipment in order to comply with the standards established by the rules of competitions. Participates in the development of projects for unique sports equipment (know-how). Determines the need of the sports team for sports equipment, inventory and equipment that meets world standards, and draws up an application for their purchase. Carries out operational control over suppliers' compliance with contractual obligations. Participates in the preparation of complaints for the supply of substandard goods. Ensures compliance with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports; provisions, rules and regulations for holding international sports competitions adopted by international federations for sports; fundamentals of sports training methods; rules for operation, repair work and maintenance of sports equipment and machinery; fundamentals of the technology for the production of sports equipment, the equipment and machinery used, the preparation and maintenance of primary accounting and reporting documentation; regulatory documents regulating work with official documentation; basics of labor legislation; basics of working on a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Requirements to qualification. Higher professional education (technical) and additional professional education in the field of physical culture and sports, work experience in physical culture and sports organizations for at least 3 years, of which at least 1 year in performing the functions of operating sports equipment, equipment and machinery, or secondary vocational education education (technical) and additional professional education in the field of physical culture and sports, work experience in physical culture and sports organizations for at least 5 years, of which at least 1 year in performing the functions of operating sports equipment, inventory and equipment.

^ Specialist of the Russian Federation sports team (by sport)

Officials responsibilities. Ensures the operation of sports equipment, equipment and machinery during the educational, training and competitive processes of sports teams. Organizes repair work and Maintenance sports equipment, inventory and technology. Interacts with the coaching staff on technical support for sports teams. Promotes the implementation of activities aimed at preventing and combating doping in sports. Develops measures to improve and technically re-equip sports equipment for sports teams, create safe conditions training sessions and competitions of sports teams. Ensures compliance with labor safety rules during training sessions.

Must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports; provisions, rules and regulations for holding international sports competitions adopted by international federations for sports; modern methods of sports training and competitive activity; specifications, design features, purpose and operating modes of sports equipment, its rules technical operation; doping control procedures and anti-doping rules; procedure for developing long-term and annual plans for economic, financial and production activities; regulatory documents regulating work with official documentation; basics of psychology, pedagogy, sports medicine, hygiene, tax and labor legislation; basics of economics; basics of working with a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Requirements to qualification. Higher professional education (technical) and additional professional education in the field of physical culture and sports, work experience in the field of professional activity in performing the functions of operating sports equipment and machinery for at least 3 years.

^ Technician for operation and repair of sports equipment

Officials responsibilities. Repairs sports equipment and equipment in accordance with the schedule (plan). Keeps records of equipment, identifies sports equipment, sports equipment and equipment in need of repair, determines the causes of malfunctions or violations of their original condition and possible ways to eliminate identified defects. Restores the performance of sports technical equipment, guaranteeing the safety of their use during training sessions. Gives proposals for improving the technology of repair work, increasing labor productivity, reducing labor intensity and material costs for repairing sports equipment, equipment and inventory. Takes part in checking the technical condition of sports equipment and equipment that require repair. Participates in the preparation of applications for the purchase of materials, equipment and spare parts necessary to carry out repair work. Meets the requirements of production and labor discipline, labor protection and fire safety regulations. Prepares necessary reports. Makes proposals to management to improve their work.

Must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; rules for the operation of sports technical equipment and structures; guidelines for organizing the repair of sports equipment and equipment; technical characteristics, design features, operating modes of the equipment of the workshop for the repair of sports equipment and equipment and the rules of its operation; materials used in the process of repair work; basics of labor legislation; basics of working on a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Requirements to qualification. Secondary vocational education (technical) without requirements for work experience.

^ Trainer - teacher of adaptive physical education

Officials responsibilities. Conducts group and individual classes with disabled people and people with health problems of all age and nosological groups. Uses the means and methods of physical culture to carry out educational, educational, recreational and leisure activities aimed at maximizing the correction of deviations in the development and health of those involved, at eliminating or possibly more fully compensating for life limitations in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled. Analyzes individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people and the initial data on the physical fitness of those involved and, on the basis of this, completes groups for classes, taking into account the main defect and the psychophysical state of the students, draws up a plan and selects the most effective methods of conducting classes. Carries out step-by-step monitoring of students’ preparedness and, on its basis, correction of this process. Promotes the socialization of students, expansion of their circle of communication in the process of educational, training and competitive activities, the formation of general culture and physical culture of the individual, maximum self-development and self-improvement of students by developing programs for their individual classes. Develops annual and current plans for theoretical, physical, technical, moral-volitional and sports training of students. Conducts selection and sports orientation of the most promising athletes for further sports improvement. Monitors compliance with anti-doping rules. Maintains primary records, analyzes and summarizes the results of work, makes proposals to the management of the institution for its improvement. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

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Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees (UN), 2019
Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees in the field of physical culture and sports”
The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 2011 N 916n

Adaptive physical education instructor

Job responsibilities. Conducts group and individual classes with disabled people and people with health problems of all age and nosological groups in the prescribed manner. Conducts educational, recreational, leisure, health work aimed at maximizing the correction of deviations in the development and health of those involved, at eliminating or possibly more fully compensating for life limitations in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled. Analyzes individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people and the initial data on the physical fitness of students in order to complete a group for classes, taking into account the main defect and psychophysical state of the students, draws up a plan and selects the most effective methods of conducting classes. Carries out step-by-step monitoring of students’ preparedness and correction of this process. Contributes to the socialization of students, expansion of their circle of contacts in the process of training and competitive activities, the formation of general culture and physical culture of the individual, maximum self-development and self-improvement of students by developing programs for their individual classes. Develops annual and current plans for theoretical, physical, technical, moral-volitional and sports training of students. Conducts selection and sports orientation of the most promising athletes for further sports improvement. Creates conditions that prevent cases of injury during exercise and exclude the use of doping. Takes part in organizing and conducting events aimed at preventing and combating doping in sports. Ensures the introduction of the latest methods of training athletes in sports into the practice of the training process. Maintains primary records, analyzes and summarizes the results of the work carried out, makes proposals to the management of the institution for its improvement. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports; regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities on issues of health care, education of the disabled, adaptive physical culture; fundamentals of comprehensive (medical, professional and social) rehabilitation of disabled people; theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture; fundamentals of psychology, developmental and special pedagogy, physiology and sports hygiene; theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture; modern methods of organizing physical exercises for various disorders of body functions; indications and contraindications for conducting adaptive physical education classes; the specifics of the development of interests and needs of students; doping control procedures and anti-doping rules; basics of medical control; first aid methods; basics of working on a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of adaptive physical education without requirements for work experience, or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports and additional professional education in the field of adaptive physical culture without requirements for work experience.

  • Cover for a certificate of profession of a worker, position of an employee (established sample). Purchase (optional).
  • Attention! Students are required to undergo practical training at their place of residence (the training organization does not provide a basis for practical training) and submit the necessary reports on practical training for admission to the final certification.

    Professional training under the program “Instructor-methodologist in adaptive physical culture” (144 hours) provides the opportunity to master additional professional competencies in matters of studying the fundamentals of pedagogy and methodology in the field of adaptive physical education and obtain a certificate of the established standard.
    The program was developed in accordance with Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012 “On education in the Russian Federation in the current version, on the basis of the Unified qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and employees, section “ Qualification characteristics positions of education workers", approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 916n dated August 15, 2011, Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 04.08.2014 N 526n "On approval professional standard"Instructor-methodologist in adaptive physical culture" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 20, 2014 N 33674).
    The content of the program includes studying the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle and life safety, the theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture, the fundamentals of sports medicine, medical control and methods of providing pre-medical medical care, as well as mandatory practical training in providing first aid(the organization does not provide a practice base!).
    Listener category: citizens with secondary vocational education in the field of physical education and sports.
    Issued document: Certificate of the established form.
    Final certification form: qualifying exam.
    Tags: physical education instructor, healthy lifestyle, life safety, adaptive physical education, sports medicine, pre-medical health care.

    • Section 1. Fundamentals of correctional pedagogy and correctional psychology
      • Fundamentals of correctional pedagogy and correctional psychology
    • Section 2. Theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture
      • Theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture. Modern methods organization of physical exercises for various disorders of body functions.
      • Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture (APC). Private methods of adaptive physical education
      • Independent work listeners
    • Section 3. Fundamentals of sports medicine, medical control and methods of providing pre-medical care
      • Sports medicine as a branch of scientific knowledge about medical support for physical culture and sports.
      • Fundamentals of sports medicine: methods for studying physical performance
      • Fundamentals of sports medicine: medical and pedagogical observations
      • Physical education and sports: first aid
    • Section 4. Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle and life safety
      • A healthy lifestyle and individual human safety as the basis for longevity
      • Daily routine and balanced diet the most important factors healthy lifestyle
      • Bad habits and their impact on the physical, mental, social health of a person and society as a whole
      • Physical activity and health of modern man: characteristics of basic health-improving exercises
      • Independent work of students
    • Section 5. Information technology
      • Introduction to information technology and its evolution
      • Hardware platform and software information technologies
      • Basic information processing capabilities in word processor MS Word
      • Creating presentations using MS PowerPoint
      • Independent work of students
    • Educational practice. Providing first aid
    • Methodical practice