Job description for assembler of PVC structures. Installer's job description. Job description for window and shutter installer

We bring to your attention typical example job description for an installer, sample 2019/2020. Don’t forget, each installer’s instructions are handed out against a signature.

Typical information about the knowledge that an installer must have is provided. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

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Job description installer depends on the specifics of it labor activity. Typical sample This departmental document contains several sections - general provisions, duties, rights and responsibilities.

1. General provisions

The instruction section establishes the employee’s position in the organization’s structure, the requirements for his education and professional qualifications:

The installer is a worker and reports to the head of the department, as well as the head of the organization;

He must have a secondary specialized education confirmed by a diploma;

The installer knows and is guided in his current activities by work safety rules. He knows the methods of installation operations, knows how to set up the appropriate equipment, use protective equipment and hand tools;

In daily work, the installer is based on the laws of Russia, internal regulations of the organization, and these instructions;

During his absence from work due to another vacation, temporary disability or other reasons, his functions are performed by another employee of the same department, appointed by a separate order of management.

2. Job responsibilities of the installer

This instruction contains an exhaustive list of responsibilities of this employee. It can be interpreted broadly:

Installs equipment and performs startup work;

Provides repairs to equipment necessary to perform his duties;

Performs installation of welded and other metal structures;

Starts and stops equipment. Before starting work, he is obliged to check the operability of the equipment, and after completion of work, he is obliged to check the condition of the equipment;

Carry out any types of installation actions on behalf of management within the limits of his competence and education;

Complies with safety requirements, undergoes introductory, primary and other established types of instruction;

Treats the organization's property with care, takes measures to prevent its breakdown or destruction;

Carrying out assembly and laying works, dismantling structures and structures;

Responsible for reporting emergency situations to immediate superiors. work injuries, equipment failure.

3. Installer rights

In order to ensure the interests of the employer and exercise the powers of this specialist, the installer is vested with the following rights:

The right to perform work safely and to be provided with personal protective equipment;

He has the right to receive reliable information about the risks associated with his performance of the relevant work;

The right to demand that management provide him with the necessary technical means and hand tools to solve assigned tasks;

Has the right to know about management decisions relating to his immediate activities;

Has the right to propose to the manager measures to improve the organization’s activities and increase labor efficiency.

4. Responsibility of the installer

The installer bears full responsibility for the work performed, its quality and timeliness. In case of damage to equipment or other property of the organization due to his fault, the installer bears financial liability within the limits established by the additional agreement.

In case of failure to perform or improper performance of duties, violation of rules labor discipline, the worker may be subject to disciplinary action.

Job description for an installer - sample 2019/2020. Job responsibilities of the installer, rights of the installer, responsibility of the installer.

Job description for the installation team of plastic windows

Ensure installation of structures, components, slopes, etc. according to requirements technical documentation and methodology; 4.3 Use only recommended consumables (foam, fasteners, etc.); 4.4 If defects are detected during work, report to the company’s office, as well as to the Head of the installation and service department; 4.5 In case of unfinished work at the site, immediately report to the company’s office; 5. Upon completion of the work, the installer is obliged to: 5.1 Check and show the Customer the functionality of the fittings and other elements; 5.2 Briefly inform and show the Customer the rules for operating the product (adjusting the “winter” - “summer” fittings, slot ventilation, places for lubrication of the rubbing elements of the fittings, cleaning the drainage holes); 5.3 Remove construction debris and waste construction materials in the work area; 5.4 Sign bilateral Work Completion Certificates. 6.

Job description for an installer of PVC structures

Rights A mechanic who assembles window structures has the right to: 4.1. Perform only the work assigned by the foreman. 4.2. Submit proposals to improve the operation of the site for consideration by the production foreman and deputy. 4.3. Suspend work on faulty equipment, when using raw materials and supplies of inadequate quality until the deficiencies are eliminated. 4.4. Require the master to assist in the execution of his job responsibilities and right. 5. Responsibility The fitter of window structures is responsible for: 5.1. Violation of technological discipline.

5.2. Violation of safety and labor protection rules. 5.3. Non-compliance with standards for double-glazed windows. 5.4. Failure to comply with these instructions. 6.

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Rights The installer of PVC structures has the right to: 4.1. Perform only the work assigned by the foreman. 4.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work of the team for consideration by the foreman and the production deputy. 4.3. Suspend work on faulty equipment or when using raw materials of inadequate quality until the deficiencies are eliminated. 4.4. Demand that the foreman provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and rights. 5. Responsibility The installer of PVC structures is responsible for: 5.1. Violation of technological discipline. 5.2. Violation of safety and labor protection rules. 5.3. Failure to comply with installation standards. 5.4. Failure to comply with these instructions.


Job description for a PVC window assembler

An installer of PVC structures must be able to: - sharpen, thread, adjust, adjust the tools used; — use the necessary devices and measuring instruments; - read sketches and drawings directly used in the work process. 2. Job responsibilities The installer of PVC structures is assigned the following job responsibilities: 2.1.

Receiving a daily shift assignment from [name of immediate supervisor]. 2.2. Receiving finished structures from the site foreman and checking their quality.


Checking the order contents (products, accessories and their sizes). 2.4. Receiving the necessary tools, components and materials from the warehouse.

2.5. Carrying out work on loading and unloading finished PVC structures. 2.6.

Job Descriptions


Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees. 4.6. Failure to comply with labor and production discipline.

5. PROCEDURE FOR REVISING JOB DESCRIPTION 5.1. The job description is reviewed, amended and supplemented as necessary, but at least once every five years. 5.2. All employees of the organization who are subject to this instruction are familiarized with the order to make changes (additions) to the job description against signature.

The job description was developed in accordance with the order of the General Director dated 2015-01-03 No. 78. APPROVED by the Head of the HR Department V.E. Gorbachev 2015-01-03 I have read these instructions.

I received one copy in my hands and undertake to keep it at my workplace. PVC window assembler B.V.

Job description for an installer of PVC profile products

Job responsibilities A mechanic-assembler of window structures is obliged to: 3.1. Come to work 10 minutes before the start of the working day, change into special clothing, prepare workplace to work. 3.2.Daily, before starting work, obtain a daily shift assignment from the foreman. 3.3. Obtain from the warehouse the necessary components and materials for the work. 3.4.Cut the reinforcement and assemble window and other types of PVC structures in accordance with the KVE technological instructions. 3.5.Perform work in accordance with terms of reference for a specific order. 3.5. Clean your workplace at the end of the working day. 3.6. Observe safety precautions, fire safety rules, industrial sanitation standards.

3.7.Treat the equipment with care; materials provided for work. 3.8. Treat the issued protective clothing with care. 3.9.Ensure quality of work and rhythm. 4.

Job Descriptions

JOB DESCRIPTION 00.00.0000 No. 00installer of PVC structures I APPROVED (signature) (last name, initials) 1. Objectives 1.1.Work in a team of installers of PVC structures, perform your work with high level quality and on time.1.2.Work for people who have a desire to live with the times; who know how to appreciate comfort, coziness and warmth.
Offer each client a modern level of service. Do everything to ensure that a person building his own house has a desire to trust the reputation of the company, order windows, doors and cabinets from the company for his home and office. 1.3. Strictly comply with labor protection requirements and safety regulations.
Requirements for the employee 2.1. An employee who is at least 18 years old and has completed a technical training course is allowed to work; for starters independent work you must have practical skills in assembling PVC window structures; 2.2. A fitter of window structures must know: - mission, company standards; — organizational structure firms; — design, purpose, design features, technical and operational data of equipment on the site; - equipment of the site and its rules technical operation; — features of window production from PVC and aluminum profiles; — rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection. 2.3. A mechanic-assembler of window structures is hired and released from it by order of the director on the recommendation of the deputy director for production.

Installer's instructions for plastic windows

The installation foreman must know: - design features, technical specifications, operating modes and purpose of climate control equipment supplied by the enterprise; -rules for the technical operation of the relevant climate control equipment; -methods of installation, adjustment and adjustment of climate control equipment; -methods and procedures for planning installation, testing and commissioning work; -organization of installation and commissioning work, as well as testing and maintenance equipment; - labor organization; -labor legislation; - norms and rules of labor protection. 2. Functions The installation foreman is assigned the following functions: 2.1. Organization vocational training and training of newly hired team members (installers).

2.2. Monitoring compliance by subordinates with labor protection requirements in accordance with the type of work performed.
Arrival at the installation site, execution installation work for installation of structures, components, slopes in accordance with technical documentation and technical specifications for a specific order. 2.7. Use only those recommended consumables(foam, fasteners, etc.)

d.). 2.8. Cleaning up construction debris and waste construction materials in the work area. 2.9. Handing over the work to the client and signing the transfer deed. 2.10. Elimination of all deficiencies identified during the transfer process. 2.11. Compliance with safety regulations, fire safety rules, industrial sanitation standards.
2.12. [Other job responsibilities]. 3. Rights The installer of PVC structures has the right: 3.1. For all provided by law Russian Federation social guarantees.

3.2. On free issue special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment. 3.3.

Professional requirements The foreman must know: 3.1 Regulations, instructions, orders, methodological and regulatory materials on organizing equipment repairs. 3.2 Unified system scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment. 3.3 Organization and technology of repair work. 3.4 Organization of the repair service of the workshop. 3.5 Technical characteristics, design features, purposes, operating modes of workshop equipment. 3.6 Basics of production technology for serviced workshops. 3.7 Rules for handing over equipment for repair and putting it into operation. 3.8 Requirements rational organization labor during operation, repair and modernization of equipment. 3.9 Advanced domestic and foreign experience repair service at the enterprise. 3.10 Fundamentals of labor legislation. 3.11 Internal rules labor regulations.

Job Descriptions

Please inform the Customer additionally about delays. 3.13. Ensure installation of structures, components, etc. in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation. 3.14. Perform the work independently without the involvement of other installation teams (unless otherwise specified in the technical specifications) and unauthorized persons. 3.15. Be constantly available mobile communications and (or) regularly report your location, schedule delays, arrival at the Customer’s site, completion of work at the site in any other available way.

4. RIGHTS The installer of PVC profile products has the right to: 4.1. Require the creation of normal conditions for the performance of job duties provided for in these instructions. Including providing necessary equipment, equipment, personal protective equipment, benefits and compensation for work in working conditions that deviate from normal. 4.2.

Job Description for Installation Foreman

Raise the question of bringing to justice in the prescribed manner persons who violated the rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial safety and security environment. 2.28 Conduct training for workers in safe techniques and work methods, on-the-job training, as well as maintaining relevant documentation, organize special training and testing knowledge on labor protection. 2.29 Comply with and monitor compliance by subordinate personnel regulatory acts in the field of industrial safety, environmental protection, labor protection. 2.30 Suspend from work an employee who appears at work in a state of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication and who has not undergone training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection and mandatory medical examination in accordance with the established procedure.


Get acquainted with the decisions of the organization’s management regarding its activities. 4.3. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions. 4.4. Request through your immediate supervisor information and documents necessary to perform your job duties.

4.5. Improve your professional qualifications. 5. RESPONSIBILITY The installer of PVC profile products is responsible for: 5.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation Russian Federation. 5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.3. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.4. In the event that the customer makes justified claims to the quality of the work performed by the team, subject to the discovery of significant deficiencies in the result of the work (deviations from the requirements stipulated in the technical documentation and mandatory construction standards and rules), the installation foreman bears financial responsibility jointly and severally with his subordinates (members of the installation team) in the amount of damage caused to the enterprise, and also, within the period agreed with the customer, organizes the correction of identified deficiencies by the team. The job description of the installation foreman is developed in accordance with.

Job description of the head of the installation site


The job description of the foreman is local act, describing the main features of the work of this specialist in a specific organization. You will learn from our article how to draw up a job description for a foreman and what provisions to include in it. What are the job responsibilities of a production foreman? Structure of the job description for a foreman The main job responsibilities of a foreman Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen! Subscribe to the channel What are the job responsibilities of a production foreman? Brigadier is not a profession, but a lower one leadership position, the range of job responsibilities of which is determined primarily by the direction of production where the employee works.

That is, a foreman in one organization can perform job responsibilities that are completely different from the job responsibilities of the same specialist in another.

Job description for an installer of PVC structures

You can download the job description for Installation Foreman for free. Job responsibilities of the Installation Foreman I approve (Last name, initials) (name of the organization, its organizational - legal form) (director; other person authorized to approve the job description) 00.00.201_g. m.p. JOB DESCRIPTION FOR INSTALLATION FOREMAN (name of institution) 00.00.201_g.
№00 1. General provisions 1.1. This job description defines the rights, duties and responsibilities of the Installation Foreman (hereinafter referred to as the “enterprise”). Name of the institution 1.2. A person with secondary vocational education and work experience as an installer of climate control equipment and systems for at least 3 years is accepted for the position of Installation Foreman. 1.3.The installation foreman is subordinate to the head of the climate control equipment department.

Job description for an installer of PVC profile products

This part of the document contains the conditions:

  • about the required education;
  • work experience;
  • rules for hiring, dismissing and replacing employees;
  • place of position in the organizational chart of the enterprise;
  • the employee's immediate supervisor.

At the same time special requirements the foreman’s education is not required, since this position is usually filled by an employee who has the same education as the main part of the team that the foreman will lead. If we talk about experience, then it requires from a year to 3 years of work in lower positions.

  • Job rights and responsibilities of the employee. This section lists the main official rights foreman, which are traditional for a managerial specialist at this level.

Job description for a PVC window assembler

A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 3 years or a secondary specialized (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 5 years is appointed to the position of head of the installation site. . 1.3. The head of the installation site reports/ 1.4. In his activities, the head of the installation site is guided by:

  • regulatory documents regarding the work being performed;
  • — methodological materials concerning relevant issues;
  • — the charter of the enterprise;
  • — labor regulations;
  • - orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise (direct manager);
  • - this job description.

The most common job responsibilities of foremen include:

  • management of the activities of entrusted teams (teams);
  • quality control of work performed;
  • ensuring labor discipline in teams.

Each foreman can find out a more specific and complete list of job responsibilities from the job description adopted for him at the enterprise. Each organization develops this document individually, however, the main sections of the instructions, as a rule, remain unchanged, since they allow taking into account all important points labor functioning of the employee within the framework of this particular enterprise. Structure of the job description for a foreman In most cases, the job description for a foreman includes the following sections:

  1. Basic provisions.

Submits proposals for punishment and rewards to employees to the Deputy Director for Production. 4.15. Submits reports on the work performed for the required period to the Deputy Director for Production upon request. 4.16. Informs the Deputy Director for Production about problems for which solutions cannot be found, and also represents possible options their decisions. 4.17.Ensures compliance with trade secrets regarding clients, work methods, technical solutions, problems, technologies, internal documents, etc. 5. Rights The installation foreman has the right: 5.1. To exclude from performing work persons who are at the workplace in a state of alcoholic, toxic or drug intoxication. 5.2.Suspend installation if a defect is discovered and report this to the deputy production manager and senior manager.
General provisions. The installation foreman belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise upon the recommendation of the head of the climate control equipment department. A person with a secondary education is appointed to the position of installation foreman. vocational education and work experience as an installer of climate control equipment and systems for at least 3 years. The installation foreman reports directly to: the head of the climate equipment department. In his activities, the installation foreman is guided by: - ​​the charter of the enterprise; - labor regulations; - orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise; - orders of the deputy director - financial manager; - orders of the immediate supervisor (head of the HVAC equipment department); - this job description.

A PVC window assembler is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the head of the organization.

Limited Liability Company "Bystraya Lan"

I APPROVED General manager _________ R.B. Kondachkov 2015-01-03

Job description No. 25 for PVC window assembler

Moscow 2015-01-03


1.1. PVC window assembler belongs to the category of workers.

1.2. A PVC window assembler is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the head of the organization.

1.3. The PVC window assembler reports to the immediate supervisor.

1.4. A person with specialized professional education without work experience requirements is appointed to the position of PVC window assembler.

1.5. A PVC window installer must know:

– technology for the assembly process of plastic products, including PVC windows;

– design and operating rules of the equipment being serviced;

– rules for using control and measuring instruments, tools and devices;

– methods for selecting parts of plastic products for assembly;

– rules for testing assembled products;

– product range;

– requirements for finished products;

– basics of composition and color science;

– rules for using personal protective equipment;

– requirements for the quality of work performed;

– production alarm;

– requirements for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

– labor protection rules;

– techniques first aid;

– location of fire extinguishing equipment and how to use them.


The PVC window assembler is obliged to:

2.1. Assemble and install PVC windows in accordance with the approved standard, model, sketch, drawings, including:

– engage in selection of parts (blocks) according to configuration and color relationships;

– prepare adhesive materials;

– receive, transport and check the quality of parts for assembly;

– prepare window parts for assembly: apply adhesive material to the joints, wipe, clean the joining surfaces, seal the ends with a sealant, polish the parts, etc.;

– seal fastening points and seams;

– carry out marking, manual and mechanical processing of mating parts;

– assemble window units.

2.2. Hand over finished products.

2.3. Participate in the repair of serviced equipment.

2.4. Comply with safety regulations and rules for drawing up internal documents.

2.6. Know and follow safety instructions, fire safety, and industrial sanitation when working.

2.7. Report to your immediate supervisor:

– about identified malfunctions of equipment, devices,

– about each case of injury, poisoning, burn received personally or by other workers, as well as about fire, explosion or emergency situation,

– about persons violating safety and fire safety instructions;

– participate in providing assistance to victims during liquidation of the consequences of an accident, fire or other incident (calling an ambulance, fire department).

To ensure high-quality and timely performance of duties, the PVC window assembler has the right:

3.1. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to issues of its activities.

3.2. Interact with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues production activities within its competence.

3.3. Make proposals for improving the work provided for in these instructions.


The PVC window installer is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to fulfill assigned functional duties.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the head of the organization.

1. Goals
1.1.Work in a team of installers of PVC structures, perform your work with a high level of quality and on time.
1.2.Work for people who have a desire to live with the times; who know how to appreciate comfort, coziness and warmth. Offer each client a modern level of service. Do everything to ensure that a person building his own house has the desire to trust the reputation of the company and order windows, doors and cabinets from the company for his home and office.
1.3.Strictly comply with labor protection requirements and safety regulations.

2. Requirements for the employee
2.1.An employee who is at least 18 years old and has completed a technical training course is allowed to work; To start working independently, you must have practical skills in installing PVC window structures.
2.2.The installer of PVC structures must know:

  1. mission, corporate standards, business plan of the company;
  2. organizational structure, Regulations on the administrative system;
  3. features of window production from PVC and aluminum profiles;
    brands and types window profiles PVC and aluminum;
  4. installation technology;
  5. equipment and tools necessary for the work;
  6. rules and standards established by the company for the process of interaction with clients and partners.

2.3. An installer of PVC structures is hired and released from work by order of the director on the recommendation of the deputy director for production.
2.4. The installer of PVC structures reports on all issues to the installation foreman.
2.5. The work efficiency of an installer of PVC structures is assessed by the following indicators:

  1. fulfillment of all duties provided for in the job description without exception;
  2. constant improvement of the level of one’s qualifications;
  3. high level of official discipline;
  4. a friendly attitude towards all work processes, the ability to prevent conflicts;
  5. performing work with a high level of quality and on time;
  6. compliance with safety requirements.

2.6. The director of the company enters into an employment contract with the installer of PVC structures for a period of at least 1 (one) year. Upon conclusion labor contract the director has the right to establish additional requirements for a candidate for work as an installer of PVC structures.

3. Job responsibilities
The installer of PVC structures is obliged to:
3.1.Come to work 10 minutes before the start of the working day, change into overalls, and prepare to go to the installation site.
3.2.Receive a daily shift assignment from the installation foreman.
3.3. Obtain from the warehouse the tools, components and materials necessary for the work.
3.4.Together with the team, perform the work of loading and unloading finished PVC structures.
3.5. Having arrived at the installation site, carry out work in accordance with the instructions of the installation foreman and the technical specifications for a specific order.
3.6. Upon completion of installation, together with the team, wait for the work to be handed over to the client and the consulting engineer to sign the transfer certificate. Eliminate all deficiencies identified during the transfer process as directed by the foreman and consulting engineer.
3.7. In all cases of relationships with clients, act technologically, observing the established standards for the relationship between the company’s employees and clients.
3.8. Prevent the emergence of conflict issues with the company’s clients, trying in all cases to satisfy the clients’ requirements and maintain their friendly attitude towards the company.
3.9. Observe safety precautions, fire safety rules, industrial sanitation standards.
3.10.Treat the equipment with care; materials provided for work.
3.11. Treat the issued protective clothing with care.
3.12.Ensure quality of work and rhythm.

4. Rights
The installer of PVC structures has the right:
4.1.Perform only the work assigned by the foreman.
4.2.Submit proposals to improve the work of the team for consideration by the foreman and production deputy.
4.3. Suspend work on faulty equipment or when using raw materials of inadequate quality until the deficiencies are eliminated.
4.4. Require the foreman to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and rights.

5. Responsibility
The installer of PVC structures is responsible for:
5.1.Violation of technological discipline.
5.2. Violation of safety and labor protection rules.
5.3. Failure to comply with installation standards.
5.4. Failure to comply with these instructions.

7. Working conditions
work schedule:
equipment provided for work.