Job description of a HR specialist. Job Description of a HR Specialist I consider the job function of a HR specialist

We bring to your attention typical example job description of a HR specialist, sample 2019/2020. A person with a higher professional education can be appointed to this position without presenting any work experience requirements. Don’t forget, every instruction from a HR specialist is handed out against a signature.

The following provides typical information about the knowledge that a human resources specialist should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

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1. General Provisions

1. A HR specialist belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a higher education degree is accepted for the position of HR specialist. professional education without any work experience requirements.

3. A HR specialist is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The HR specialist must know:

— legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management;

— labor legislation;

— structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects;

— the procedure for determining future and current personnel requirements;

— sources of personnel supply for the enterprise;

— methods for analyzing the professional and qualification structure of personnel;

— provisions on certification and qualification tests;

— procedure for election (appointment) to a position;

— the procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement;

— the procedure for creating and maintaining a data bank about the enterprise’s personnel;

— the procedure for drawing up reports on personnel;

— basics of psychology and work;

— fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management;

— labor legislation;

— means of computer technology, communications and communications;

- internal rules labor regulations;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the HR specialist is guided by:

legislation of the Russian Federation,

Charter of the organization,

- orders and instructions of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions,

- this job description,

— Internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The HR specialist reports directly to the head of the HR department.

7. During the absence of a personnel specialist (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of a HR specialist

HR Specialist:

1. Performs work to staff the enterprise with personnel of the required professions, specialties and qualifications.

2. Participates in the work of recruiting, selecting, and placing personnel.

3. Conducts a study and analysis of the job and professional qualification structure of the personnel of the enterprise and its divisions, established documentation for personnel records related to admission, transfer, labor activity and dismissal of workers, results of certification of workers and their assessment business qualities in order to determine current and future personnel needs, prepare proposals for filling vacant positions and create a reserve for promotion.

4. Participates in the study of the labor market to determine sources of satisfying the need for personnel, establishing and maintaining direct connections with educational institutions, contacts with enterprises of a similar profile.

5. Informs enterprise employees about available vacancies.

6. Takes part in the development of promising and current plans by work.

7. Monitors the placement and arrangement of young specialists and young workers in accordance with the received information educational institution profession and specialty, conducting their internships, takes part in the adaptation work again hired workers to production activities.

8. Participates in the preparation of proposals for personnel development, business career planning, training and professional development of personnel, as well as in evaluating the effectiveness of training.

9. Participates in the organization of work, methodological and information support qualification, certification, competition commissions, registration of their decisions.

10. Analyzes the condition labor discipline and compliance by employees of the enterprise with internal labor regulations, personnel movement, participates in the development of measures to reduce turnover and improve labor discipline.

11. Controls the timely processing of the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees, the issuance of certificates about their current and past work activities, compliance with storage and filling rules work records, preparation of documents for establishing benefits and compensation, registration of pensions for employees and other established personnel documentation, as well as entering relevant information into the data bank about the enterprise’s personnel.

12. Prepares prescribed reports.

13. Complies with internal labor regulations and other local regulations organizations.

14. Complies with internal rules and standards of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

15. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace,

16. Performs within limits employment contract orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions.

3. Rights of the HR specialist

The HR specialist has the right:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

— to improve work related to those provided for herein instructions and duties,

- on encouraging distinguished employees subordinate to him,

- about attraction to material and disciplinary liability employees subordinate to him who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to fulfill his job responsibilities.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the HR specialist

The HR specialist is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage organizations - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description HR specialist - sample 2019/2020. Job responsibilities of a HR specialist, rights of a HR specialist, responsibilities of a HR specialist.

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I. General provisions

  1. An HR specialist is classified as a specialist.
  2. A person with a higher professional education is appointed to the position of HR specialist without presenting any work experience requirements.
  3. Appointment to the position of HR specialist and dismissal from it is made by order
  4. The HR specialist should know:
    1. 4.1. Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management issues.
    2. 4.2. Labor legislation.
    3. 4.3. The structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects.
    4. 4.4. The procedure for determining future and current personnel requirements.
    5. 4.5. Sources of supplying the enterprise with personnel.
    6. 4.6. Methods for analyzing the professional and qualification structure of personnel.
    7. 4.7. Regulations on certification and qualification tests.
    8. 4.8. Procedure for election (appointment) to a position.
    9. 4.9. The procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement.
    10. 4.10. The procedure for creating and maintaining a data bank about the personnel of the enterprise.
    11. 4.11. The procedure for drawing up reports on personnel.
    12. 4.12. Fundamentals of psychology and sociology of labor.
    13. 4.13. Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management.
    14. 4.14. Internal labor regulations.
    15. 4.15. Labor protection and safety rules and regulations.
  5. During the absence of a personnel specialist (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise, who is responsible for their proper execution.

II. Job responsibilities

HR Specialist:

  1. Performs work to staff the enterprise with personnel of the required professions, specialties and qualifications.
  2. Takes part in the recruitment, selection, and placement of personnel.
  3. Conducts study and analysis:
    1. 3.1. The official and professional qualification structure of the personnel of the enterprise and its divisions.
    2. 3.2. Established documentation for personnel records related to the hiring, transfer, employment and dismissal of employees.
    3. 3.3. Results of employee certification and assessment of their business qualities in order to determine current and future personnel needs, prepare proposals for filling vacant positions and create a reserve for promotion.
  4. Participates in the study of the labor market to determine sources of satisfying the need for personnel, establishing and maintaining direct connections with educational institutions, contacts with enterprises of a similar profile.
  5. Participates in the development of long-term and current labor plans.
  6. Monitors the placement and placement of young specialists and young workers in accordance with the specialty and profession obtained at the educational institution, and conducts their internships.
  7. Takes part in the adaptation of newly hired employees to production activities.
  8. Participates in the preparation of proposals for personnel development, business career planning, training and professional development of personnel, as well as in evaluating the effectiveness of training.
  9. Takes part in organizing the work, methodological and information support of qualification, certification, and competition commissions, and processing their decisions.
  10. Analyzes the state of labor discipline and compliance by employees of the enterprise with internal labor regulations, personnel movement, participates in the development of measures to reduce turnover and improve labor discipline.
  11. Controls:
    1. 11.1. Timely processing of hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees.
    2. 11.2. Issuance of certificates about their current and past work activities.
    3. 11.3. Compliance with the rules for storing and filling out work books.
    4. 11.4. Preparation of documents for the establishment of benefits and compensation, registration of pensions for employees and other established personnel documentation.
    5. 11.5. Entering relevant information into the enterprise personnel data bank.
  12. Prepares prescribed reports.
  13. Performs individual official assignments from his immediate superior.

III. Rights

The HR specialist has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.
  2. On issues within his competence, submit proposals for the management’s consideration to improve the activities of the enterprise and improve the forms and methods of work; comments on the activities of the enterprise personnel; options for eliminating existing shortcomings in the enterprise’s activities.
  3. Request personally or on behalf of the enterprise management from the heads of the enterprise departments and specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.
  4. Involve specialists from all (separate) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to it (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the head of the organization).
  5. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

IV. Responsibility

The HR specialist is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

HR specialist, HR inspector, HR manager, HR specialist personnel records management– the names are different, but the essence is the same. Many people have a very vague idea of ​​this profession, which gives rise to incorrect judgments like this: “He sits all day, does nothing, just moves papers from place to place.”

What exactly does a HR specialist do?

The answer is obvious: it maintains personnel records at a specific enterprise. Personnel documentation– these are all orders, contracts, notifications, additional agreements, regulations, etc. for employees of the enterprise. Also, the responsibilities of a HR specialist include: constituent documents, military registration, orders for the main personnel and much more. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Many applicants (especially the female half, although there are many men) find this profession suitable and attractive. Let's look at it from the inside.

Pros and cons of the profession "HR Specialist"


  • Working hours. Basically, this profession involves a five-day work week with two standard days off: Saturday and Sunday. Opening hours approximately: from 9.00 to 18.00 with lunch break. You will spend all public holidays (including the long New Year's) at home with your family.
  • Social package. Along with an attractive working regime, there is also a stable social package, with all official payments (of course, if this is a serious enterprise), which is also an important working condition.
  • The work itself is essentially paper., sedentary, which is also a plus for some.
  • Respect for employees, even with some sycophancy, since the HR specialist is a person close to the manager.
  • Quite dynamic work. You certainly won’t be bored with it. There are no impossible tasks - this is the motto of the HR manager.
  • If you prove yourself well, you can count on quite high wages.
  • Warm, bright, cozy office. For many this is of great importance. Come to this workplace quite nice.

And of course, the disadvantages of this profession:

  • “Between two fires” - employees and management.“Yulia Nikolaevna, ask Alexey Mikhailovich to sign my application for leave in July for a month. Well, please, what does it cost you!”, “How come I didn’t sign? So they asked badly.” This is a rather generalized situation, but it still occurs. And besides the disgruntled employee, you also listened to the boss’s angry tirade over the same vacation.
  • In addition to the main responsibilities, a HR specialist is assigned a bunch of others: military registration, labor protection, primary accounting, etc. And if you don’t have time or forget something, you get a portion of anger from the manager, or even a fine.
  • Sedentary, paperwork at the computer. For some it’s a plus, but for health it’s definitely a minus with associated diseases in the future.
  • "Clashes with the accounting office." HR specialist and accountant are professions that closely interact with each other. This implies: dissatisfaction with each other on various work issues, shifting responsibilities to each other, and even slander.
  • Monotony of work. The same actions every day, the same monitor in front of tired eyes - all this gets boring at a certain point.
  • HR Specialist is also a human resources manager(selects candidates for vacant positions). Conducting interviews where each person comes with their own mood and character. And if the selected candidate turns out to be dishonest, then the person to blame will be clear to everyone.

These are some of the few highlights of this profession. Naturally, every enterprise has its own laws and procedures, and there are simply no downsides to them. Good luck and success in this difficult, but still, interesting profession- HR specialist.