Achievements in engineering. Engineering in WOW Battle for Azeroth - leveling guide. Features of the formation and development of engineering activities and the engineering profession in Russia

Dorothy Garlock

Path to Eden

The legend begins -

Missouri, 1811

Jason Pickett was fascinated. No, I'm fascinated. No, I'm bewitched. He forgot about everything in the world. Sky, earth, forests, fields, rivers - the world ceased to exist for him. Only there, ahead...

She was standing by a tree. Goddess... Forest fairy... Fragile, slender... Now she will notice him and disappear into the green foliage. Her blue skirt seemed like a cloud: a movement of her leg would take this little princess to the heavens. Her face, which she wanted to admire forever, was framed by luxurious blue-black hair. Jason felt as if this heavenly creature was beckoning him.

The horse snorted - and Picket came to his senses.

“Damn, what a beauty,” he muttered. – With such a companion you can do a lot of things.

Jason imagined what would happen in New Orleans if such a beauty appeared there. All the men would do is stare at her. Then it would not be difficult for him, Picket, to beat even the best players at cards. The girl by the tree is his path to wealth.

Jason Pickett was leaving his brother Jefferson's farm today. He decided to go alone, and leave his wife Kelly and two sons with his brother: Jefferson would take care of them.

Jason worked (or rather, thought he worked) for Hartley Van Buren. A week ago, it turned out that the owner was an agent of Aaron Burr and that they only needed Picket so that his brother would not report Burr’s betrayal. Burr entered into a secret alliance with General James Wilkinson, the ruler of the Louisiana Territory, and with his help wanted to seize these lands. But Burr's plan failed, Hartley Van Buren died, and now nothing kept Jason here, in this God-forsaken wilderness.

The picket languished with melancholy in this outback. But now, as a reward for his torment, fate gave him a real treasure. This girl in New Orleans will make him a fortune! The stories about the beautiful Maggie turned out to be not fiction. Jason immediately realized that it was she in front of him.

The girl was alone. Come and take it.

Jason jerked the reins so hard that the horse reared. He cursed quietly and tried to calm the animal, and when he looked again in the direction where the beauty was standing, there was no one there. Jason became annoyed and pulled the bridle with all his might. The animal twisted in place in pain.

Jason figured Maggie couldn't have gone far. Most likely she was now watching him from behind some bush or tree. "We'll outsmart you, beauty." He smiled and dismounted. Then he began to walk around the horse, patting it affectionately and quietly saying something, at the same time carefully watching the edge of the forest. The fish will definitely fall into his net.

Jason pictured Maggie in a green dress with a full skirt that would further accentuate her tiny waist. Hair should be pulled back into a bun and decorated with a ribbon. It is in this form that she will appear before the eyes of the Orleans rich. The girl will return him a hundredfold everything he has to spend to get her. Now the most important thing is to restrain yourself, not to lose your head, not to pounce on her like a hungry dog ​​for a bone. Jason slowly turned his head. Maggie was walking straight towards him. Suddenly she stopped and froze, like a doe sensing danger.

“Hello, Maggie,” Jason smiled. “It seems you scared my horse.”

He glanced at her and immediately looked away. When the girl was so close, it took incredible effort for him to restrain himself. He tried to distract himself, listened to the sounds of the forest: the trees rustled with leaves, a nightjar called in the distance, and closer the jays began to quarrel with the thrush. Jason had almost calmed down, and then the girl spoke:

- Why did you hurt your horse?

Picket's mouth was dry. The blood boiled in his veins. Never before had any beauty aroused such strong desire in him. “Stop, stand! - he said to himself. “How can you take her to New Orleans if you are ready to take possession of her right now!”

Maggie walked up to the horse, pulled its muzzle towards her and began to whisper something in its ear. The animal immediately calmed down.

“Damn you, witch! Why did you come? I would wander through my forests and not show myself to people!..” - flashed through Jason’s head. And at that moment Maggie looked at him. Her eyes were emerald green - as if precious stones sparkled between her thick and long eyelashes. "Witch! Witch! Witch!" Jason felt like he was losing control of himself.

- Why are you looking at me like that? – she asked.

Jason would have been glad not to look at her, but he couldn't. He would like to jump on his horse and rush away from this place, but his willpower left him. For the rest of his life, he is now a prisoner of the forest fairy. With her gaze, her voice, her movements, she called Jason, promised him unearthly bliss.

- I like looking at you. You are very beautiful.

- How old are you?

- I'm not little anymore. – The girl smiled coquettishly. – Maybe a thousand, maybe two. Guess for yourself. - And she laughed loudly.

Like a bell, Jason thought.

“I never doubted for a minute that you were an adult,” he said. -How old are you, anyway?


Young Maggie had a mysterious gift of communicating with animals, which was the reason to declare the timid beauty a witch. It’s scary to even imagine what fate awaited her if it weren’t for the meeting with the fearless tracker Lightbody, who became everything for Maggie - a friend, protector, husband. But on the way to happy life The newlyweds face many dangers and difficult trials...

Dorothy Garlock

Dorothy Garlock

The legend begins -

Missouri, 1811

Chapter 1

Jason Pickett was fascinated. No, I'm fascinated. No, I'm bewitched. He forgot about everything in the world. Sky, earth, forests, fields, rivers - the world ceased to exist for him. Only there, ahead...

She was standing by a tree. Goddess... Forest fairy... Fragile, slender... Now she will notice him and disappear into the green foliage. Her blue skirt seemed like a cloud: a movement of her leg would take this little princess to the heavens. Her face, which she wanted to admire forever, was framed by luxurious blue-black hair. Jason felt as if this heavenly creature was beckoning him.

The horse snorted - and Picket came to his senses.

“Damn, what a beauty,” he muttered. – With such a companion you can do a lot of things.

Jason imagined what would happen in New Orleans if such a beauty appeared there. All the men would do is stare at her. Then it would not be difficult for him, Picket, to beat even the best players at cards. The girl by the tree is his path to wealth.

Jason Pickett was leaving his brother Jefferson's farm today. He decided to go alone, and leave his wife Kelly and two sons with his brother: Jefferson would take care of them.

Jason worked (or rather, thought he worked) for Hartley Van Buren. A week ago, it turned out that the owner was an agent of Aaron Burr and that they only needed Picket so that his brother would not report Burr’s betrayal. Burr entered into a secret alliance with General James Wilkinson, the ruler of the Louisiana Territory, and with his help wanted to seize these lands. But Burr's plan failed, Hartley Van Buren died, and now nothing kept Jason here, in this God-forsaken wilderness.

The picket languished with melancholy in this outback. But now, as a reward for his torment, fate gave him a real treasure. This girl in New Orleans will make him a fortune! The stories about the beautiful Maggie turned out to be not fiction. Jason immediately realized that it was she in front of him.

The girl was alone. Come and take it.

Jason jerked the reins so hard that the horse reared. He cursed quietly and tried to calm the animal, and when he looked again in the direction where the beauty was standing, there was no one there. Jason became annoyed and pulled the bridle with all his might. The animal twisted in place in pain.

Jason figured Maggie couldn't have gone far. Most likely she was now watching him from behind some bush or tree. "We'll outsmart you, beauty." He smiled and dismounted. Then he began to walk around the horse, patting it affectionately and quietly saying something, at the same time carefully watching the edge of the forest. The fish will definitely fall into his net.

Jason pictured Maggie in a green dress with a full skirt that would further accentuate her tiny waist. Hair should be pulled back into a bun and decorated with a ribbon. It is in this form that she will appear before the eyes of the Orleans rich. The girl will return him a hundredfold everything he has to spend to get her. Now the most important thing is to restrain yourself, not to lose your head, not to pounce on her like a hungry dog ​​for a bone. Jason slowly turned his head. Maggie was walking straight towards him. Suddenly she stopped and froze, like a doe sensing danger.

“Hello, Maggie,” Jason smiled. “It seems you scared my horse.”

He glanced at her and immediately looked away. When the girl was so close, it took incredible effort for him to restrain himself. He tried to distract himself, listened to the sounds of the forest: the trees rustled with leaves, a nightjar called in the distance, and closer the jays began to quarrel with the thrush. Jason had almost calmed down, and then the girl spoke:

- Why did you hurt your horse?

Picket's mouth was dry. The blood boiled in his veins. Never before had any beauty aroused such strong desire in him. “Stop, stand! - he said to himself. “How can you take her to New Orleans if you are ready to take possession of her right now!”

Maggie walked up to the horse, pulled its muzzle towards her and began to whisper something in its ear. The animal immediately calmed down.

“Damn you, witch! Why did you come? I would wander through my forests and not show myself to people!..” - flashed through Jason’s head. And at that moment Maggie looked at him. Her eyes were emerald green - as if precious stones sparkled between her thick and long eyelashes. "Witch! Witch! Witch!" Jason felt like he was losing control of himself.

- Why are you looking at me like that? – she asked.

Jason would have been glad not to look at her, but he couldn't. He would like to jump on his horse and rush away from this place, but his willpower left him. For the rest of his life, he is now a prisoner of the forest fairy. With her gaze, her voice, her movements, she called Jason, promised him unearthly bliss.

- I like looking at you. You are very beautiful.

- How old are you?

- I'm not little anymore. – The girl smiled coquettishly. – Maybe a thousand, maybe two. Guess for yourself. - And she laughed loudly.

Like a bell, Jason thought.

“I never doubted for a minute that you were an adult,” he said. -How old are you, anyway?

She did not answer and, humming something under her breath, began to walk around the horse.

- Carefully! She might kick! – Jason suddenly became afraid for the girl.

The nymph laughed.

And then Pickett remembered where he had already seen such a smile: in a painting in one of the richest houses in New Orleans. Some artist painted a portrait of a girl he saw in a dream. They said that the painter never parted with his creation and did not agree to sell it for any money. All over the world the master searched for a living embodiment of his brush, and when he despaired of finding it, he committed suicide.

“It’s a pity for the artist. It turns out he was looking in the wrong place.”

The girl from the picture was here, next to Jason. Damn it, he will still fight this witch. He will definitely bring her to New Orleans!

- He will lie down, I tell you! Jason repeated.

- She won't hurt me. Do you see?

Maggie gently tugged the horse's tail and patted its rump and hind legs. The animal stood completely calm.

God! He had never seen anything like this in his life. If she beckons, any man will follow her to the ends of the earth.

The beauty quickly turned around, while her skirt rose slightly. All Jason saw were ankles and tiny moccasin-clad feet. A new wave of feelings overwhelmed him. Jason wanted to become her dog, to lick her feet and to be stroked and caressed by his owner. “Stop! - his mind screamed. - This is the spawn of the devil! She will destroy you! But the captive of the lovely fairy brushed aside these thoughts. He wanted to possess the charming mistress of the forests at all costs.

- Do you have a horse?

- Do you want it to be?

- No. I like running.

-Can you dance, Maggie? Jason asked with mock nonchalance.

-Will you dance for me?

- I'll give you something nice.

“I don’t dance for pay,” she snorted.

- I did not mean that. I just think that this beautiful girl like you, there must be many beautiful things.

“Damn, what nonsense am I spouting!”

- I do not need anything.

– Where did you live before coming to Missouri? “It seemed to Jason that if he kept quiet, Maggie would disappear and he would never see her again.

- In Kentucky.

– Have you been to cities larger than St. Louis?

– I don’t like cities. The people there are bad. Evil.

- Evil? I didn't notice something. Ordinary people.

-Women hate me. In Kentucky they called me a witch and wanted to set our house on fire. We managed to escape.

"Witch! Witch! Witch!" – Jason was pounding in his head.

-Are you really a witch? - came out of his mouth.

- Don't know. – She shrugged. “As soon as I looked at a man, he would leave his wife, his children, his home and follow me. Sometimes I took revenge on women who offended me or my parents. I took their husbands away.

Jason understood perfectly why the men followed her. He still had control of himself, but he felt that he was losing his head. The thirst for possession of this heavenly being became unbearable. The blood was boiling. My head was burning.

- Maggie, come with me to New Orleans. There you will have many beautiful silk dresses. Men will bow at your feet and give you jewelry. You will begin to bask in luxury. Let's go.

– Why do I need jewelry?

- Well... you will become even more beautiful. – Jason took the ring off his finger. - This is a good stone. Very expensive. Do you see how it shines? “He turned the ring and the stone sparkled. - Do you want to get it? – Jason didn’t understand very well what he was saying: I wanted...

“The genius of our twentieth century is expressed in engineering,” said Albert Einstein. Indeed, engineering plays an increasingly important role in the life of modern society. Modern society with a developed market economy requires an engineer to be more focused on marketing and sales issues, taking into account socio-economic factors and consumer psychology. The need for deep transformations in all spheres of the economy and social life of Russia, the technical equipment of production, the introduction of new progressive technologies, the achievement top level labor productivity, increasing the production of highly efficient equipment also determines the need to train specialists capable of effectively solving these problems.

In light of these tasks, the decline in the level of prestige of engineering work cannot be considered normal. The decline in the prestige of this once glorious profession in Russia is a symptom of trouble in society, evidence of negative processes affecting the largest and fastest growing socio-professional group.

What is it - an engineer? Is it a position, profession, title or qualification? Can any work aimed at technical creativity be considered engineering? What does it mean to be a good or not so good engineer? What is the place of an engineer in modern production and society? These are all problems that need to be answered.

The objectives of this special course are:

Familiarize yourself with the main stages of development of engineering activities;

To trace how the position of people involved in engineering creativity has changed in various societies and to establish some determinants of this situation;

Highlight the stages of development of the engineer profession as an institution;

Take a look at current state affairs of the development of the engineering profession, taking into account historically natural trends in its development;

Encourage sustainable aspirations to obtain solid fundamental knowledge to solve problems of searching (inventing) new, more effective design and technological solutions, problems related to saving labor resources, raw materials, materials and energy;

To focus students on the need to prepare for mastering the intensive technology of engineering creativity.

As a result of studying the special course, a holistic system of historical knowledge should be formed that interprets the professional mission of engineers as innovators who create and improve equipment and technologies, the effectiveness of which is closely correlated with the innovative activity of society as a whole.

1. The origins of the engineering profession

1.1. The essence of engineering activity

Nature has long acted as an element, a force immeasurably superior to man, on which the entire existence and well-being of the human race depends. Man has been at the mercy of nature and natural processes for a long time, and the transition from the appropriation of ready-made objects of nature to labor played a decisive role in the process of human formation. Directly invading the processes of nature with his practical transformative activity in the material sphere, a person in the process of labor influences an object with an object, thus creating something new, which is so necessary for him in a given historical period.

The history of human development is, first of all, the history of invention, creation and improvement of various products and technologies. Probably, the first “engineers” can be called those unknown inventors who began to adapt stones and sticks for hunting and protection from predators, and the first engineering task was to process these tools. And, undoubtedly, the primitive “engineer” who attached a stone to a stick in order to defend himself more effectively and attack more effectively should be recognized as a brilliant inventor. The systematic use and processing of stone and stick by our distant ancestors, which began about a million years ago, the technology of making and using fire, which arose about 100 thousand years ago, bows and arrows with flint tips, which appeared about 10 thousand years ago, a cart with wheels, appeared 3500 BC. e., bronze smelting, a water wheel, a lathe, a violin, a steam engine, plastics, a television, a computer, a spacecraft, an artificial heart, a kidney, an artificial lens of the eye, laser and plasma and countless other things - all this is the result of an amazing, painful and the majestic process called human creativity.

Even 8 centuries BC. Golden lions were installed on the sides of the throne of Emperor Theophilus. When the emperor sat on the throne, the lions stood up, roared and lay down again. Isn't this a brilliant example of engineering creativity?

In the ruins of a palace in Peru, a “telephone” was found, the age of which is determined to be 1000 years old. It consisted of two pumpkin flasks connected by a tightly stretched string. Perhaps this is one of the first prototypes of current wired communications?

The above examples quite convincingly illustrate man's desire to find original solutions to technical problems long before our time.

Thousands of famous and anonymous inventors and innovators have given birth to the vast world of engineering and technology. This world is really big. In Russia alone, the range of manufactured products exceeds 20 million items.

However, the unknown inventors of the world's first tools did not call themselves engineers and could not transmit information over long distances.

Speaking in general about the history of human creativity, what is first of all surprising is the rate of its growth, which is illustrated in Table 1, where the class of products means technical objects that have the same or very similar functions (for example, the class of hammers, bolts, chairs, washing machines, refrigerators , lathes, sewing machines, etc.).

Table 1

Increasing number of products and their complexity

When looking at Table 1, the question involuntarily arises: what indicators for the number of product classes and their complexity will be in almost 100 years?

Analyzing the historical process of the origin, formation and development of engineering in a retrospective aspect, we can distinguish several stages characteristic of engineering activity along the entire path of historical development:

Intuitive creation of technical structures without relying on natural science (from its inception to the 14th century);

Indirect use of natural science in the creation of technical structures and technological processes (XV-XVII centuries);

The origin of technical knowledge (technical sciences) and its use in engineering activities (pre-industrial era, VI-XVIII centuries);

Engineering activities based on fundamental scientific theories (industrial era, XIX-mid XX centuries);

Engineering activities based on an integrated and systematic approach to solving problems (post-industrial era, second half of the 20th century to the present).

Moving on to the description of the stages of development of the “engineer” profession, let’s consider what constitutes the essence of engineering activity, what are its functions in the system of social production.

Engineering activity consists, first of all, in technical creativity, the purpose of which is to create new and improve existing means to satisfy the material and spiritual needs of man. Food products and radio equipment, clothing, shoes and audio equipment, telephone exchanges and television centers, bridges and thermal power plants - all these are objects of engineering activity. And, of course, their creation is preceded by the production of tools - tools and instruments, machine tools and engines - all those various machines and production devices with which engineering begins.

In other words, we can say that a characteristic feature of human life is the transformation of the natural environment in order to create favorable conditions for one’s existence. Constant influence on nature in order to create favorable conditions for one’s life is the basis of human life, and at the same time it is an engineering activity.

The word “engineer” first began to be used in the ancient world, around the third century BC, and originally was the name given to individuals who invented military machines and controlled them during military campaigns.

In different countries, the concept of engineer had different meanings. So, among the British the engineer was called a captain, among the French - a meter, and among the Germans - a meister. But in all countries, the concept of engineer meant: master, owner, owner, teacher, master of his craft.

In Russian sources, the word engineer first appears in the middle of the 17th century in the “Acts of the Moscow State”.

The word “engineer” comes from the Latin ingenium, which can be translated as ingenuity, ability, ingenuity, talent, genius, knowledge.

A modern engineer is defined in a completely different way: as “a person capable of inventing,” “a learned builder,” but not of residential buildings (this is an architect, a builder), but of other structures of various kinds, “a specialist with a higher technical education.”

Despite some differences in these definitions, they also have some meaning common to both interpretations. The commonality of these interpretations is connected, firstly, with technology, and secondly, with receiving a certain education. In solving technical problems, the first engineers and inventors turned to mathematics and mechanics for help, from which they borrowed knowledge and methods for carrying out engineering calculations. The first engineers were at the same time artists-architects, consultant engineers in fortifications, artillery and civil engineering, natural scientists and inventors. These are, for example, Leon Batista Alberti, Leonardo da Vinci, Girolamo Cardano, John Napier and others.

Time changed, the productive forces of society developed, the scope of the concepts “engineer” and “engineering” expanded, but one thing remained unchanged - educated technicians were called engineers.

Among the paradoxes of history is the fact that initially only specialists in the creation of military vehicles were called engineers. This can be confirmed by the fact that many historians consider the first engineer to be the inventor of the lever, Archimedes, who was designing military vehicles to protect Syracuse (Sicily) from Roman legionnaires.

But from ancient times man did not live by wars alone. Such a creation as a water mill was already known before our chronicle. The same Archimedes became famous not only for his military machines, but also for his screw water lifts for irrigating fields.

In the ancient world, not only military fortifications were built, but also peaceful engineering structures, for example, the Lighthouse of Alexandria. On the facing of this lighthouse, the ambitious ruler ordered the inscription to be carved: “Caesar Ptolemy - to the savior gods for the benefit of seafarers.” But the creator of the lighthouse knew the secrets of facing materials. At the time specified by him, the unnecessary part of the cladding crumbled and a marble slab was revealed. But on it people read another inscription, which glorified the name of the true creator: “Sostratus, from the city of Cnidus, son of Dexiplian - to the savior gods for the benefit of seafarers.”

The list of engineering achievements could be continued many times over, from primitive hand tools to automated machine lines of modern robotic production.

A characteristic feature of the development of engineering is its continuous improvement and complication. The development and complication of technical means is determined by the growth of human material and spiritual needs as human society develops.

The evolution of engineering, reflecting the stages of formation and development of crafts and handicraft production, is increasingly linked to practical activities based on the achievements of their predecessors, who used mathematical calculations and technical experiments, the results of which were presented in the first handwritten books (treatises). Thus, engineering begins to rely on technical and technological structures, and, at a later stage of development, on scientific knowledge.

Considering engineering activity as a certain system, it is necessary to determine the main components of this system. These components are: technology, technology, science, engineering (Fig. 1).

The word technology comes from the Greek tecuu, which translates as “art”, “skill”, “skill”. In Russian, the concept of technology includes a set of devices and means created to meet the production needs of society, i.e. these are tools, machines, devices, units, etc.

It is no coincidence that in the “Concise Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” the concept of “technique” has a multi-valued interpretation: “Technique:

    A set of means of labor, tools with the help of which something is created.

    Machines, mechanical tools.

    The body of knowledge, means, methods used in any business.”

The concept of “technology” in a philosophical sense is a set of technical structures (in the initial period of human development, quite primitive) with the help of which a person transforms the world around him, creates “artificial nature”.

In the scientific literature of our time, technology is classified as the sphere of material culture: it is the environment of our lives, means of communication and exchange of information, means of ensuring comfort and coziness in everyday life, means of transportation, attack and defense, all instruments of action in a variety of fields. Defining technology at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, domestic researcher P.K. Engelmeyer noted: “With its devices, it has enhanced our hearing, vision, strength and dexterity, it reduces distance and time and generally increases labor productivity. Finally, by facilitating the satisfaction of needs, it thereby contributes to the birth of new ones... Technology has conquered space and time, matter and force for us, and itself serves as the force that uncontrollably drives the wheel of progress forward.”

The concept of technology is inextricably linked with the concept of technology.

“The Great Soviet Encyclopedia” interprets the concept of “technology” as follows: “Technology (from the Greek texve - art, skill, skill and locos - word, knowledge), a set of techniques and methods for obtaining, processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products in various industries industry, construction, etc.; a scientific discipline that develops and improves such methods and techniques.

The term “technology” includes the procedural side of production, i.e. the sequence of operations carried out during the production process indicates the type of processes - mechanical, chemical, laser technologies. The subject of technology at its inception was the issue of organizing production on the basis of available, labor, financial, energy, natural resources, on the basis of available technical means and methods of influencing the subject of labor.

The creation of technical structures (tools, machines, devices) and the application of methods and techniques for using them for processing natural and other materials as production developed (handicraft, manufacturing, factory, etc.) was more and more based on knowledge and experience predecessors, establishing principles and patterns inherent in new technical structures and related technologies. Thus, engineering activities begin to be based on a scientific basis.

What is science?

Science is a system of knowledge that deals with identifying and establishing patterns and principles occurring in various processes and formulating laws.

With the help of this knowledge, we understand and explain the world around us that exists independently of us.

Science is a certain type of human activity, which is highlighted in the process of division of labor and is aimed at obtaining knowledge.

Technique Technology

Fig. 1 System “technology - technology - science - engineering activity”

In modern conditions, technology, on the one hand, technology, on the other, act as objects of engineering activity, based on knowledge of laws, patterns and principles developed by science. Moreover, the system-forming role in the quartet “technology - technology - science - engineering activity” belongs to engineering activity, which was formed during the complex process of changing the nature of the life activity of human society and is a cognitive and creative form of labor activity.

The entire process of creating technical structures can be divided into a number of stages and thus trace the sequence of human engineering activity.

The first and most important of them is the stage - the birth of an idea.

The second is the embodiment of the idea in a drawing or model.

The third is the materialization of the idea in the finished product.

A natural question arises: are all stages the prerogative of the engineer, or does he provide only part of the process of creating equipment? Undoubtedly the latter. Engineering activity arose and began its path to recognition and approval only when in the sphere of material production there was a separation of mental labor from physical labor. In other words, the essence of an engineer’s activity from ancient times to the present day should be considered intellectual support for the process of solving technical and technological problems. For an engineer, as a rule, does not create a technical structure, but uses the skills of artisans and workers to realize his plan, i.e. materializes it, developing methods, techniques and technological processes for creating a real object, using his knowledge, and this is precisely the main difference between a professional group of engineers and artisans and workers.

It is precisely this dual orientation of engineering activity, on the one hand, to scientific research of natural phenomena, and, on the other hand, to production, or reproduction of one’s design by the purposeful activity of a human creator, that forces him to look at his product differently than the artisan and natural scientist do. . If, at the same time, technical activity involves organizing the manufacture of a technical structure (tool, machine, unit), engineering activity first determines the material conditions and artificial means that influence nature in the right direction, forcing it to function as it is necessary for humans, and only then based on the knowledge gained, sets the requirements for these conditions and means, and also indicates the methods and sequence of their provision and production. Thus, the process of creating technology is an endless cycle of human efforts to translate his ideas into a material object, where once a solution is found, it can be repeated the required number of times. However, the source of the technical cycle is always something fundamentally new, original, leading to the achievement of the set goal. In other words, we can say that the nature of human engineering activity consists of technical innovation, the constant search for more and more new solutions in technical creativity.

Prepared guide to Engineering 1-800 in WOW Battle for Azeroth: how to quickly and cheaply level up Engineering, what materials to use, where to get recipes.

Engineering in WOW

Engineering is one of the main professions in World of Warcraft. Engineering is rightfully considered the most unusual and fun profession in the game - thanks to various devices and devices that will make your character's life easier.

While most other professions create unremarkable objects, Engineering opens up the possibility of creating interesting mechanisms: bombs and dynamites, mechanical networks and exploding sheep, cloak linings and boot boosters, guns, satellites and much more.


When your Engineering skill reaches 200 points (level 20 is also required), you can choose one of the specializations: Gnomish Engineering or Goblin Engineering.

What is the difference between engineering specializations? By choosing a specialization, you will gain access to goblin or gnome recipes. Goblins are focused mainly on the production of explosives, and gnomes are focused on creating various devices. However, these recipes are not very valuable and have nothing to do with leveling up the profession, so you don’t have to choose a specialization at all.

If you do decide to choose a specialization, you will need to complete a short quest chain that begins in the capital of your faction with the quest Gnomish Engineering / Goblin Engineering.

Darkmoon Faire

In patch 4.3, the Darkmoon Faire was completely redesigned. Players can now complete profession quests during the fair. A pleasant reward for completing the task will be +5 skill points.

Thus, you can easily level up a small stage of the profession. To do this, you will need to complete a simple task: Flags, flags everywhere. We recommend completing this task at more difficult stages of leveling, for example, at skill level 580-595, or at stage 350-400 (if you have problems getting cobalt). The Darkmoon Fair takes place every month for a week, starting on the first Sunday of the month.

Engineering 1-800


  • 75x Powder Charge – Lv. 3 – 75x Leystone Ore, 1500x Huge Fuses.

Fuses will cost 1725 gold, but know that the recipe will turn green between 770-779, so you may have to buy more ingredients.

It's important to stop at 779 because the next recipe gives more skill points while it's orange. It turns yellow at skill level 780, so you can use it at 779 and jump straight to 784 - those 4 bonus skill points will save you a ton of gold.

In the last step we will use 4 recipes. They all turn yellow in the 790-800 range, so not every crafted item will provide skill points and it is difficult to say with certainty how many ingredients you will need specifically in your case. One thing is certain - you will need to create 10-13 items, no less.

  • 10x Double Barrel Skull Cannon – Lv. 3 – 300x Stormscale, 20x Fel-Infused Hide, 20x Blood of Sargeras
  • 10x Skull Cannon with Front Sight – Lv. 3 – 150x Demonsteel Ingot, 20x Infernal Brimstone, 20x Blood of Sargeras
  • 10x Sawed-off Skull Cannon – Lv. 3 – 300x Stonehide Leather, 20x Fel-Infused Hide, 20x Blood of Sargeras
  • 10x Semi-Automatic Skull Cannon – Lv. 3 – 300x Durable Silkweave, 20x Felwort, 20x Blood of Sargeras

You will also need 2x Sniper Scope, 2x Loose Trigger and 1x Earth-Infernal Rocket Launcher. All of these items can be purchased from Hobart Dreck in Dalaran.

You have already received the first level of all the recipes mentioned above if you completed the task Working with full dedication, while the second level recipes are sold by Fargo Flintlock in Azsuna.

Where to get level 3 Inzha recipes:

  • Scheme: sawed-off cranial cannon – lvl. 3 and Schematic: Semi-automatic cranial cannon - Lv. 3 – purchase Sharp Wing from Marin. Requires exalted status with the Guardian faction.
  • Scheme: skull cannon with front sight – lvl. 3 – found in a treasure chest during the walkthrough
Engineering in the pre-Petrine era

Essentially, engineering problems and the need to solve them have faced humanity since its inception. Ancient civilizations would have been impossible without the use of technical knowledge, because even then huge cities were built, the design of which used engineering thought. A striking example of the use of engineering knowledge in that period is the Egyptian pyramids. Many engineering structures created before our era are considered wonders of the world: the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

The birth and formation of Rus' would also have been impossible without the use of engineering ideas. Rus' was already called the country of cities in the 5th-6th centuries. Meanwhile, given the warlike nature of that era, the construction of cities and villages was subject to special requirements. The location for the construction of the city was chosen in such a way that the surrounding terrain would make the enemy’s attack as difficult as possible. The city or village itself was necessarily surrounded by a fortress wall, capable of withstanding enemy attacks and protecting the inhabitants. The location of houses inside the village corresponded to wartime - key structures were erected in the center of the fortress wall. Watchtowers were needed around the city. All these problems were solved with the help of technical knowledge and skills that were modern for that time. The masters who dealt with these issues were called “rozmysl” in Ancient Rus'. The very word “reflections” surprisingly accurately reflects the essence of the engineering profession and the requirements for masters: you need to think about solving a problem, and then the right solution will come.

“Rozmysly” were engaged not only in urban planning, they could make technical structures, bridges, mills, produce tools and weapons. However, despite a fairly broad profile of activity, the “rozmysly” could not feed only on this profession - as a rule, they participated in the construction of capital structures, some of which have survived to this day. After major construction, the craftsmen needed to do other work, which was abundant at that time. Therefore, engineering skills in Ancient Rus' were, rather, an additional skill of workers - “intelligence” was never identified as a separate profession. Nevertheless, individual principalities of Ancient Rus' were famous for their craftsmen, as evidenced, in particular, by the ancient tales of the mining Urals and Tula, which talk a lot about various craftsmen.

The first semblance of an engineering community in Rus' appeared during the time of Ivan the Terrible (1530-1584). As a result of the development of military needs, Ivan the Terrible established the Pushkarsky order - a military command body for which the first engineering tasks were defined. Gunners were in charge of gunpowder factories, cannon yards, artillery, the construction of fortresses, monitored the technical condition of fortifications in cities and were responsible for the condition of abatis - defensive structures made of wood with notched heads. Also, the duties of the gunners included many important civil affairs, for example, casting bells, building harbors, ports and much more.

In the Pushkar order, people were recruited for service, salaries were assigned, ranks were assigned, detachments were sent on campaigns, they were judged, they were demoted or released from service. One of the outstanding leaders of the Pushkarsky order was Prince Yuri Alekseevich Dolgoruky.

Through the efforts of the Pushkarsky order and the Russian master Akin, in 1648 the first gun factory was built in Russia on the Yauza River - the “Barrel Mill”.

Under Ivan the Terrible, the first categories for military people in construction and engineering were introduced. Thus engineering profession arose in Russia during the formation of the state under the leadership of Ivan the Terrible as a response to the challenges of that time associated with the need to protect the fatherland and build military and industrial infrastructure. However, in that era, builders were more military than engineers - their key task was to protect the state from enemies. The separation of engineering as a separate profession occurred much later.

Engineering in the Russian Empire

The broad development of engineering in Russia was started by Peter I. It was during Peter’s era that the process of becoming acquainted with the leading inventions of Western scientists began. At first, our masters simply copied the designs, and then began to creatively transform their ideas and improve the inventions. At the same time, engineering schools were formed in the Russian Empire. The first engineering and technical educational institution in Russia to begin providing systematic education was the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences, founded in 1701 by Peter I, where they trained military engineers for the army and navy. The school was liquidated in 1752, however, successors appeared in the field of engineering: the Nikolaev Engineering School, then the Nikolaev Engineering Academy, the Military Engineering and Technical University (VITU), which still operates and is one of the oldest educational institutions in modern Russia.

In 1810, the Institute of Railway Engineers was opened in St. Petersburg, one of whose teachers was the outstanding Russian mathematician and mechanic Mikhail Vasilyevich Ostrogradsky (1801-1861). He is known mainly for his work on the calculus of variations and his contributions to the theory of elasticity. Due to the fact that the organization of the Institute of Railway Engineers was a great success, the government used this educational institution as a model for the further development of engineering education in Russia. In 1828, the Technological Institute was organized in St. Petersburg to train mechanical engineers.

The development of engineering was associated not only with the training of engineers in higher educational institutions, but also with the creation of the first scientific organizations dedicated to engineering. The most famous among them is the Russian Technical Society, founded in 1866 in St. Petersburg, which set itself the task of promoting the development of technology and industry in Russia. It is these traditions of the Russian Technical Society that are now being developed in the Russian Union of Engineers. The society held congresses, exhibitions, conferences dedicated to engineering achievements in a variety of sectors of the economy, and participated in the creation secondary schools and specialized technical classes. At community events and in the works of other scientific societies, the most important discoveries of Mendeleev, Popov and Tsiolkovsky were made public for the first time.

Of course, the development of engineering at first was associated with St. Petersburg, but Moscow also made its contribution to the training of engineers and the development of engineering in Russia. A special place in the development of the profession is occupied by the Higher Technical School, which in the 1st half of the 19th century was called the Craft School, and in the 2nd - the Imperial Moscow Technical School. It was here that aerodynamics was taught for the first time in the world, and students performed work in the aerodynamic laboratory. This began largely thanks to the activities of Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky (1847-1921). In the first years of Soviet power, this educational institution was renamed the Moscow Higher Technical School (MSTU), and today it is known throughout the world as MSTU. Bauman.

First World War significantly crippled personnel composition engineers in Russia. In general, priority has always been given to military engineering; specialists were mainly trained in military universities and sent to the army and navy. During the First World War, Russia lost many engineering specialists.

Engineering in the Soviet Union

Complex design and survey organizations began to appear in our country immediately after the Civil War. Large-scale plans for electrification and then industrialization of the country required large quantity engineering specialists. All this opened up broad prospects for the development of engineering in the Soviet Union.

In the 1930s, as a result of large-scale purges, a significant part of the engineering and technical specialists suffered. However, many of their developments were preserved and developed after the Great Patriotic War, when the task was to quickly restore the economy, restore and create new industrial enterprises.

The contribution of Soviet engineers to the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War is enormous. During the war, the basis of combat aviation was aircraft developed by Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev. At the beginning of the war these were combat aircraft SB and TB-3, and in service since 1944 Russian troops Tu-2, the best front-line bomber, began to be delivered. Huge development during the period Patriotic War Got a connection. Under the leadership of Alexander Lvovich Mints, a medium-wave broadcasting station with a fantastic power of 1200 kW for those years was designed, which helped cover the entire occupied territory.

The decision to create a powerful navy in the Soviet Union was adopted in 1938; before that, the USSR did not have a powerful fleet capable of repelling enemy combat strikes. In 1940, Russian designers focused on the construction of small and medium-sized warships and submarines, and destroyers. Among the design engineers who made a huge contribution to the creation of the Soviet navy, it is necessary to name Yunovidov, Koperzhinsky, Loschinsky.

Immediately after the end of the Patriotic War, enormous work on rocket science and space exploration began in the USSR. Since 1946, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev began developing long-range ballistic missiles. Sergei Korolev is a major figure not only in domestic, but also in world rocket and shipbuilding, thanks to his development the USSR won for many decades world leadership in the field of production of rocket and space technology and space exploration. In 1953, work began on the creation of the first artificial earth satellite under the leadership of Mikhail Klavdievich Tikhonravov, Korolev’s closest associate.

The 50s of the 20th century saw a dramatic increase in the potential of civil industries and the design complex - specialized structures were formed by industry National economy and types of design. In the mid-70s. There were about 1,500 design and survey organizations in our country, employing more than 750,000 employees.

Thanks to engineering organizations in the USSR, projects that were most important for the development of the country for the construction of hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants, power lines, etc. were implemented. Thus, the development of engineering services in the Soviet Union was due to the creation of large design organizations, capable of implementing large-scale state plans for the construction of strategic facilities in various areas of domestic industry.

Engineering in modern Russia

Since the late 80s and especially in the 90s, as a result of the decline in the engineering and construction sector, the number of design organizations has decreased significantly, and a technological lag behind world standards has begun.

This caused a massive outflow of highly qualified engineering specialists and young scientists to the West, where their work was more in demand and decently paid. The most popular countries for migration were the USA, Canada, France, Germany, and Israel. In the 90s, about 80,000 scientists and engineers left Russia for various countries, for whose training, according to estimates, Russian Fund Fundamental research, our country spent approximately 60 billion dollars.

As a result of these processes, engineering and education, research and industrial production entered a stage of deep stagnation. Society has almost completely lost interest in engineers and scientists. The largest factories and research organizations where engineering labor could be in demand either ceased their activities or reduced the scale of production.

The beginning of the 2000s was marked by the state's turn towards Russian scientists and engineers. In the early 2000s, as a result of the revival construction industry there was a stable demand for services engineering companies, But Russian companies There were almost no companies capable of fulfilling large orders with the required level of quality. Domestic construction organizations, involved in the field of industrial and civil construction, were forced to turn to foreign specialists.

The situation with engineering in Russia still remains quite difficult. And this worries active citizens who understand that engineering is the only basis on which our economy must move forward. The Russian Union of Engineers is an organization created for the purpose of developing engineering science, industry and forming a new base for the Russian economy.