Dragoon battle near a clean river, a brief retelling. Victor Dragunsky - Battle of a Clean River: A Fairy Tale. What does Mishka like?


All the boys of 1st class "B" had pistols.
We agreed to always carry weapons. And each of us has
I always had a nice pistol in my pocket and a supply of piston tapes for it.
And we really liked it, but it didn’t last long. And all because of the movie...
One day Raisa Ivanovna said:
- Tomorrow, guys, is Sunday. And you and I will have a holiday. Tomorrow
our class, both the first "A" and the first "B", all three classes together, will go to
cinema "Artistic" watch the film "Scarlet Stars". This is very
an interesting picture about the struggle for our just cause... Bring it tomorrow with
ten kopecks each. Meeting near the school at ten o'clock!
I told my mother all this in the evening, and my mother put it in my left pocket
ten kopecks for a ticket and on the right a few coins for water with syrup. AND
she ironed my clean collar. I went to bed early to quickly
Tomorrow came, and when I woke up, my mother was still sleeping. Then I became
dress. Mom opened her eyes and said:
- Sleep, it's still night!
And what a night - as bright as day!
I said:
- How not to be late!
But mom whispered:
- Six o'clock. Don't wake up your father, please sleep!
I lay down again and lay there for a long, long time, the birds were already singing, and the wipers were
sweeping, and a car began to hum outside the window. Now it was definitely necessary
get up. And I started getting dressed again. Mom stirred and raised her head:
- Why are you, restless soul?
I said:
- We'll be late! What time is it now?
“It’s five minutes past six,” my mother said, “you go to sleep, don’t worry, I’ll help you.”
I'll wake you up when necessary.
And sure enough, she then woke me up, and I got dressed, washed, ate and went to
school. Misha and I became a couple, and soon everything with Raisa Ivanovna in front and with
Behind Elena Stepanovna we went to the cinema.
There our class took the best seats in the first row, then the hall became
It got dark and the picture began. And we saw how in the wide steppe, not far from
forests, red soldiers sat as they sang songs and danced to the accordion.
One soldier was sleeping in the sun, and beautiful horses were grazing not far from him,
they plucked grass, daisies and bluebells with their soft lips. And it blew
a light breeze, and a clear river ran, and a bearded soldier near the little
The campfire was telling a fairy tale about the Firebird.
And at this time, out of nowhere, white officers appeared, there were
a lot, and they started shooting, and the Reds began to fall and defend themselves,
but there were many more of them...
And the red machine gunner began to fire back, but he saw that he had
very few cartridges, and gnashed his teeth and cried.
Here all our guys made a terrible noise, stomped and whistled, some at two
finger, and who just like that. And my heart just sank, I couldn’t stand it,
He pulled out his pistol and shouted as loud as he could:
- First class "B"! Fire!!!
And we started firing with all the pistols at once. We wanted anything
began to help the Reds. I kept shooting at one fat fascist, he kept
ran ahead, all in black crosses and various epaulets; I spent on
He probably had a hundred rounds of ammunition, but he didn’t even look in my direction.
And the gunfire all around was unbearable. Valka hit from the elbow, Andryushka
in short bursts, and Mishka was probably a sniper, because after
every shot he shouted:
- Ready!
But the whites still did not pay attention to us, and everyone climbed forward.
Then I looked around and shouted:
- For help! Help out your own!
And all the guys from “A” and “B” took out scarecrows with corks and let’s bang like that,
that the ceilings shook and there was a smell of smoke, gunpowder and sulfur.
And there was a terrible commotion going on in the hall. Raisa Ivanovna and Elena Stepanovna
ran through the rows, shouting:
- Stop acting up! Stop it!
And behind them ran gray-haired controls

Translation of the song Victor Dragunsky - Battle of a Clear River

(Translation of the lyrics of the song Viktor Dragunsky - The Battle of a Clear River into English #english version, in English)


All the boys of the 1st class "In" had guns.
So we agreed, that always walk around with weapons. And every one of us in
pocket always lay a pretty pistol and to him reserve pistol tapes.
And we liked it very much, but it was short-lived. And all because of the movie...
Once Raisa Ivanovna said:
- Guys tomorrow, Sunday. And we with you will be a holiday. Tomorrow
our class, and the first "And" first "B", all three classes together, go to the
movie "the Art of" watch the movie "the Red star". This is a very
an interesting picture of the fight for our right cause... Bring tomorrow
a ten kopecks. Gathering near the school at ten o"clock!
In the evening I told all this to mother, and my mother put me in the left pocket
ten kopecks for the ticket and to the right a few coins on the water with syrup. And
she ironed me a clean collar. I soon went to sleep, to get
come tomorrow, and when I woke up, my mother was still asleep. Then I began to
dress up. My mother opened her eyes and said:
"Go to sleep, still night!
And what a night - light as day!
I said:
Don't be late!
But my mother whispered:
- Six hours. Don't Wake you father, sleep, please!
I lay down again and lay for a long time-a long time already the birds sang, and the windshield wipers were
sweep, and outside the window of a car. Now you probably need to
to get up. And I again began to dress. Mother stirred and lifted his head.
"Well what are you a warrior?
I said:
- "ll miss it! What time is it?
- Five minutes past six, "said the mother, "you go to sleep, don"t worry, I got you
Wake up, when necessary.
And it is true, then she woke me up, and I got dressed, showered, ate and went to
school. We Misha became the couple, and soon all with Raisa Ivanovna ahead and with
Elena Stepanovna went behind to a movie.
There our class took the best seats in the first row, then the room was
dark and started painting. And we saw, as in the steppe, near the
forests, sat red soldiers, as they sang songs and danced to the accordion.
One of the soldiers slept in the sun, and not far from it grazed beautiful horses
they pinched her soft lips grass, flowers and bells. And blew
the light breeze, and ran clean river, and the bearded soldier at a small
fire telling a story about the Fire-bird.
And at this time, out of nowhere, came the white officers, they were
very much, and they began to shoot, and the Reds began to fall and defend,
but those were much more...
And red gunner was shot, but he saw that he had
very few rounds, and gritted his teeth, and began to cry.
Here all our guys are scared to shout, pounded and whistled, who in two
finger, and who is just so. And I have a right heart was filled, I couldn't resist,
whipped out his pistol and shouted that there were forces:
- First class "In"! Fire!!!
And we began to shoot out all of the guns at once. We would like to whatever
it became help red. All the time I was firing on in one of Tolstoy's fascist, he all
running ahead, all in black crosses and different epaulettes; I spent on
it, like, a hundred rounds of ammunition, but he didn't even glance in my direction.
A firing range was unbearable. Valya hit with the elbow, Andryushka
short bursts, a Teddy bear, I suppose, was a sniper, because after
each shot, he shouted:
But the white still had not paid any attention to us, and everyone climbed forward.
Then I looked back and cried:
"Help! Help as their own!
And all the guys from the "And" and "B" got the nasties with traffic jams and let's bang so,
the ceilings were shaking and the smell of smoke, sulfur and sulfur.
And in the hall was being made a terrible fuss. Raisa Ivanovna and Elena Stepanovna
running up the aisle, shouting:
"Stop acting up! Stop!
And behind them fledged grey,

Battle of the Clear River

All the boys of 1st class "B" had pistols.

We agreed to always carry weapons. And each of us always had a nice pistol in our pocket and a supply of piston tapes to go with it. And we really liked it, but it didn’t last long. And all because of the movie...

One day Raisa Ivanovna said:

Tomorrow, guys, is Sunday. And you and I will have a holiday. Tomorrow our class, first “A” and first “B”, all three classes together, will go to the “Khudozhestvenny” cinema to watch the film “Scarlet Stars”. This is a very interesting picture about the struggle for our just cause... Bring ten kopecks with you tomorrow. Meeting near the school at ten o'clock!

I told my mother all this in the evening, and my mother put ten kopecks in my left pocket for a ticket and in my right pocket a few coins for water and syrup. And she ironed my clean collar. I went to bed early so that tomorrow would come quickly, and when I woke up, my mother was still sleeping. Then I started getting dressed. Mom opened her eyes and said:

Sleep, another night!

And what a night - as bright as day!

I said:

How not to be late!

But mom whispered:

Six o'clock. Don't wake up your father, please sleep!

I lay down again and lay there for a long, long time, the birds were already singing, and the wipers began to sweep, and a car began to hum outside the window. Now I definitely had to get up. And I started getting dressed again. Mom stirred and raised her head:

Why are you, restless soul?

I said:

We'll be late! What time is it now?

“It’s five minutes past six,” my mother said, “go to sleep, don’t worry, I’ll wake you up when necessary.”

And sure enough, she then woke me up, and I got dressed, washed, ate and went to school. Misha and I became a couple, and soon everyone, with Raisa Ivanovna in front and Elena Stepanovna behind, went to the cinema.

There our class took the best seats in the first row, then the hall began to get dark and the picture began. And we saw how red soldiers were sitting in the wide steppe, not far from the forest, how they sang songs and danced to the accordion. One soldier was sleeping in the sun, and beautiful horses were grazing not far from him; they were nibbling grass, daisies and bells with their soft lips. And a light breeze blew, and a clear river ran, and a bearded soldier by a small fire told a fairy tale about the Firebird.

And at that time, out of nowhere, white officers appeared, there were a lot of them, and they began to shoot, and the Reds began to fall and defend themselves, but there were much more of them...

And the red machine gunner began to fire back, but he saw that he had very little ammunition, and he ground his teeth and began to cry.

First class "B"! Fire!!!

And we started firing with all the pistols at once. We wanted to help the Reds at all costs. I kept firing at one fat fascist, he kept running ahead, all in black crosses and various epaulets; I probably spent a hundred rounds on him, but he didn’t even look in my direction.

And the gunfire all around was unbearable. Valka fired from the elbow, Andryushka fired in short bursts, and Mishka must have been a sniper, because after each shot he shouted:

But the whites still did not pay attention to us, and everyone climbed forward. Then I looked around and shouted:

For help! Help out your own!

And all the guys from “A” and “B” took out guns with corks and started banging so hard that the ceilings shook and smelled of smoke, gunpowder and sulfur.

And there was a terrible commotion going on in the hall. Raisa Ivanovna and Elena Stepanovna ran through the rows, shouting:

Stop messing around! Stop it!

And the gray-haired controllers ran after them and kept stumbling... And then Elena Stepanovna accidentally waved her hand and touched the elbow of a citizen who was sitting on a side chair. And the citizen had a popsicle in her hand. It took off like a propeller and landed on the bald head of one guy. He jumped up and shouted in a thin voice:

Calm down your madhouse!!!

But we continued to fire with all our might, because the red machine gunner had almost fallen silent, he was wounded, and red blood was flowing down his pale face... And we, too, had almost run out of percussion caps, and it is unknown what would have happened next, but at this time, because Red cavalrymen jumped out of the forest, sabers sparkling in their hands, and they crashed into the very thick of the enemies!

And they ran wherever they looked, to distant lands, and the Reds shouted “Hurray!” And we, too, all as one, shouted “Hurray!”

And when the whites were no longer visible, I shouted:

Stop shooting!

And everyone stopped shooting, and music started playing on the screen, and one guy sat down at the table and began to eat buckwheat porridge.

And then I realized that I was very tired and also hungry.

Then the picture ended very well, and we went home.

And on Monday, when we came to school, all of us, all the boys who had been to the cinema, were gathered in the large hall.

There was a table there. Fyodor Nikolaevich, our director, was sitting at the table. He stood up and said:

Hand over your weapons!

And we all took turns coming to the table and handing over our weapons. On the table, in addition to the pistols, there were two slingshots and a tube for shooting peas.

Fedor Nikolaevich said:

This morning we discussed what to do with you. There were different proposals... But I give you all a verbal reprimand for violating the rules of conduct in enclosed spaces of entertainment enterprises! In addition, you will likely have your behavior grades reduced. Now go and study well!

And we went to study. But I sat and studied poorly. I kept thinking that a reprimand was very bad and that mom would probably be angry...

But during recess Mishka Slonov said:

Still, it’s good that we helped the Reds hold out until our own people arrived!

And I said:

Certainly!!! Even though it’s a movie, maybe they wouldn’t have lasted without us!

Who knows…

Pets' corner

Before the end of the lesson, our teacher, Raisa Ivanovna, said:

Well, congratulations to you guys! The school council decided to establish a living corner in our school. Such a small zoo. You will care for and observe the animals yourself.

I just jumped! This is very interesting! I said:

Where will the living corner be located?

On the third floor,” answered Raisa Ivanovna, “near the teachers’ room...

But how, I say, will the bison climb to the third floor?

What bison? - asked Raisa Ivanovna.

Shaggy, I said, with horns and a tail.

No,” said Raisa Ivanovna, “we won’t have bison, but we will have hedgehogs, birds, fish and mice.” And let each of you bring such a small animal to our living corner. Goodbye!

And I went home, and then into the yard, and kept thinking about how to get an elk, a yak, or at least a hippopotamus in our living corner, they are so beautiful...

But then Mishka Slonov came running and shouted:

On Arbat in the pet store they give you white mice!!

I was terribly happy and ran to my mother.

Mom,” I shout to her, “Mom, shout “hurray”!” On Arbat they give you white mice.

Mom says:

Who gives, to whom, why, and why should I shout hurray?

I speak:

At the pet store they give it for living corners, give me money, please!

Mom took her purse and said:

Why do you need white mice for your living corner? Why aren’t simple little gray mice good for you?

Well, what are you, mom, - I said, what comparison can there be? Gray mice are like simple mice, and white mice are like diet mice, you know?

There are already quite a few people there. Of course, this is understandable, because, as you know, who doesn’t like white mice?! Therefore, there was a crush in the store, and Mishka Slonov began to keep order at the counter. But still I was unlucky! The mice ran out right before my nose.

I tell the saleswoman:

When will there be more mice?

When they send it from the base. In the fourth quarter, I think.

I speak:

You are doing a poor job of supplying the population with essential mice.

And left. And, probably, he began to lose weight out of frustration. And my mother, when she saw my expression, clasped her hands and said:

Don't be upset, Denis, about the mice. No and no need! Let's go buy you some fish! The best thing for a first grader is a fish! Which one do you want, huh?

I speak:

Nile crocodile!

What if it's smaller? - says mom.

Then molly? - I say. - Mollies are a small fish, the size of half a match.

And we returned to the store. Mom says:

How much do you buy these mollies? I want to buy a dozen of these little ones for a living corner.

And the saleswoman says:

A ruble fifty little thing!

Mom grabbed her head.

“I couldn’t even imagine this,” said my mother! Let's go home, son.

And what about mollies, mom?

We don’t need them,” says mom. - Let's go home. And mollies, well, they... They bite.

But still, tell me, what should I bring to this living corner? The mice are gone, but the fish are biting. One frustration!

Blue dagger

This was the case. We had a lesson - work. Raisa Ivanovna told us to each make a tear-off calendar, depending on how we figure it out. I took a piece of cardboard, covered it with green paper, cut a slit in the middle, attached a matchbox to it, and put a stack of white leaves on the box, adjusted it, glued it, trimmed it, and on the first leaf wrote: “Happy May Day!”

The result is a very beautiful calendar for small children. If, for example, someone has dolls, then for these dolls. In general, a toy. And Raisa Ivanovna gave me five.

She said:

I like.

And I went to my place and sat down. And at this time Levka Burin also began to hand over his calendar, and Raisa Ivanovna looked at his work and said:

It's messed up.

And she gave Levka a C.

And when the break came, Levka remained sitting at his desk. He looked rather sad. And at that time I was just blotting the blot, and when I saw that Levka was so sad, I went straight up to Levka with the blotter in my hand. I wanted to cheer him up because we are friends and he once gave me a coin with a hole. And he also promised to bring me a spent hunting cartridge so that I could use it to make an atomic telescope.

I approached Levka and said:

Oh you, Lyapa!

And he made cross-eyed eyes at him.

And then Levka, out of the blue, hits me in the back of the head with a pencil case. That's when I realized how sparks were flying from my eyes. I got terribly angry with Levka and hit him on the neck as hard as I could with a blotter. But, of course, he didn’t even feel it, but grabbed his briefcase and went home. And I even had tears dripping from my eyes - Levka gave it to me so well - they dripped straight onto the blotter and spread across it like colorless blots...

And then I decided to kill Levka. After school, I sat at home all day and prepared weapons. I took his blue plastic cutting knife from my dad's desk and spent the whole day sharpening it on the stove. I sharpened it persistently and patiently. It sharpened very slowly, but I kept sharpening it and kept thinking about how I would come to class tomorrow and my faithful blue dagger would flash in front of Levka, I would raise it over Levka’s head, and Levka would fall to his knees and beg me to give him life, and I I’ll say: “Apologize!”

And he will say: “Sorry!”

And I will laugh with a thunderous laugh, like this: “Ha-ha-ha-ha!”

And the echo will repeat this ominous laughter in the gorges for a long time. And the girls will crawl under their desks out of fear.

And when I went to bed, I kept tossing and turning from side to side and sighing, because I felt sorry for Levka - he is a good person, but now let him bear the well-deserved punishment, since he hit me on the head with a pencil case. And the blue dagger lay under my pillow, and I squeezed its handle and almost moaned, so my mother asked:

What are you groaning there?

I said:

Mom said:

Does your stomach hurt?

But I didn’t answer her, I just turned to the wall and began to breathe, as if I had been sleeping for a long time.

In the morning I couldn't eat anything. I just drank two cups of tea with bread and butter, potatoes and sausage. Then I went to school.

I put the blue dagger in my briefcase from the very top so that it would be easy to get it out.

And before going to class, I stood at the door for a long time and could not enter, my heart was beating so hard. But still, I overcame myself, pushed the door and entered. In the classroom everything was as usual, and Levka stood at the window with Valerik. As soon as I saw him, I immediately began to unfasten my briefcase to take out the dagger. But Levka ran towards me at that time. I thought that he would hit me again with a pencil case or something else, and I began to unfasten my briefcase even faster, but Levka suddenly stopped near me and somehow stomped on the spot, and then suddenly leaned close to me and said:

And he handed me a golden spent cartridge case. And his eyes looked as if he still wanted to say something, but was embarrassed. And I didn’t need him to speak at all, I just suddenly completely forgot that I wanted to kill him, as if I had never intended to, even surprisingly.

I said:

What a good sleeve.

I took it. And he went to his place.

What does Mishka like?

One day Mishka and I entered the hall where we have singing lessons. Boris Sergeevich was sitting at his piano and playing something quietly. Mishka and I sat on the windowsill and didn’t bother him, and he didn’t notice us at all, but continued to play for himself, and different sounds very quickly jumped out from under his fingers. They splashed, and the result was something very welcoming and joyful. I really liked it, and I could have sat and listened for a long time, but Boris Sergeevich soon stopped playing. He closed the lid of the piano, and saw us, and said cheerfully:

ABOUT! What people! They sit like two sparrows on a branch! Well, what do you say?

I asked:

What were you playing, Boris Sergeevich?

He replied:

This is Chopin. I love him so much.

I said:

Of course, since you are a singing teacher, you love different songs.

He said:

This is not a song. Although I love songs, this is not a song. What I played is called much more than just a “song”.

I said:

What kind? In a word?

He answered seriously and clearly:

Music. Chopin is a great composer. He composed wonderful music. And I love music more than anything in the world.

Well, what do you like? More than anything else?

I answered:

I like a lot of things.

And I told him what I love. And about the dog, and about the planing, and about the baby elephant, and about the red cavalrymen, and about the little doe on pink hooves, and about the ancient warriors, and about the cool stars, and about the horse faces, everything, everything...

He listened to me carefully, he had a thoughtful face as he listened, and then he said:

Look! I didn’t even know. Honestly, you’re still little, don’t be offended, but look - you love so much! The whole world.

And I love Deniska’s different varieties even more! Big deal!!

Boris Sergeevich laughed:

Very interesting! Come on, tell the secret of your soul. Now it's your turn, take up the baton! So, get started! What do you love?

Mishka fidgeted on the windowsill, then cleared his throat and said:

I love buns, buns, loaves and cupcakes! I love bread, cake, pastries, and gingerbread, whether Tula, honey, or glazed. I also love sushi, bagels, bagels, pies with meat, jam, cabbage and rice. I dearly love dumplings, and especially cheesecakes, if they are fresh, but stale ones are okay. You can have oatmeal cookies and vanilla crackers. I also love sprat, saury, pike perch in marinade, gobies in tomato, some in their own juice, eggplant caviar, sliced ​​zucchini and fried potatoes. I absolutely love boiled sausage, if it’s a doctor’s sausage, I bet I’ll eat a whole kilo! I love the canteen, and the tea room, and brawn, and smoked, and half-smoked, and raw smoked! I actually love this one the most. I really love pasta with butter, noodles with butter, horns with butter, cheese with holes or without holes, with red or white rind - it doesn’t matter. I love dumplings with cottage cheese, salty, sweet, sour cottage cheese; I love apples, grated with sugar, or just apples on their own, and if the apples are peeled, then I like to eat the apple first, and then, as a snack, the peel! I love liver, cutlets, herring, bean soup, green peas, boiled meat, toffee, sugar, tea, jam, Borzhom, soda with syrup, soft-boiled eggs, hard-boiled, in a bag, mogu and raw. I like sandwiches with just about anything, especially if thickly spread with mashed potatoes or millet porridge. So... Well, I won’t talk about halva - what fool doesn’t like halva? I also love duck, goose and turkey. Oh yes! I love ice cream with all my heart. For seven, for nine. For thirteen, for fifteen, for nineteen. Twenty-two and twenty-eight.

Mishka looked around the ceiling and took a breath. Apparently he was already pretty tired. But Boris Sergeevich looked at him intently, and Mishka drove on.

He muttered:

Gooseberries, carrots, chum salmon, pink salmon, turnips, borscht, dumplings, although I already said dumplings, broth, bananas, persimmons, compote, sausages, sausage, although I also said sausage...

The bear was exhausted and fell silent. It was clear from his eyes that he was waiting for Boris Sergeevich to praise him. But he looked at Mishka a little dissatisfied and even seemed stern. He, too, seemed to be waiting for something from Mishka: what else would Mishka say? But Mishka was silent. It turned out that they both expected something from each other and were silent.

The first one could not stand it, Boris Sergeevich.

Well, Misha,” he said, “you love a lot, no doubt, but everything you love is somehow the same, too edible, or something.” It turns out that you love the whole grocery store. And only... And the people? Who do you love? Or from animals?

Oh,” he said embarrassedly, “I almost forgot!” Also - kittens! And grandma!

You must have a sense of humor

One day Mishka and I were doing homework. We put notebooks in front of us and copied. And at this time I was telling Mishka about lemurs, that they have big eyes, like glass saucers, and that I saw a photograph of a lemur, how he was holding a fountain pen, he was small and terribly cute.

Then Mishka says:

Did you write it?

I speak:

“You check my notebook,” says Mishka, “and I’ll check yours.”

And we exchanged notebooks.

And as soon as I saw what Mishka wrote, I immediately began to laugh.

I look, and Mishka is also rolling, he’s just turned blue.

I speak:

Why are you rolling around, Mishka?

I'm rolling that you wrote it off wrong! What are you doing?

I speak:

And I say the same thing, only about you. Look, you wrote: “The moses have arrived.” Who are these “mozes”?

The bear blushed:

The moses are probably the frosts. And you wrote: “Natal winter.” What is it?

Yes, - I said, - it’s not “natal”, but “has arrived”. There's nothing you can do about it, you have to rewrite it. It's all the lemurs' fault.

And we began to rewrite. And when they rewrote it, I said:

Let's set tasks!

“Come on,” said Mishka.

At this time dad came. He said:

Hello fellow students...

And he sat down at the table.

I said:

Here, dad, listen to the problem I’ll ask Mishka: I have two apples, and there are three of us, how can we divide them equally among us?

The bear immediately pouted and began to think. Dad didn’t pout, but he also thought about it. They thought for a long time.

I then said:

Are you giving up, Mishka?

Mishka said:

I said:

So that we all get equally, we need to make a compote from these apples. - And he began to laugh: - Aunt Mila taught me this!..

The bear pouted even more. Then dad narrowed his eyes and said:

And since you’re so cunning, Denis, I’ll give you a task.

“Let’s ask,” I said.

Dad walked around the room.

“Well, listen,” said dad. - One boy is studying in first grade “B”. His family consists of five people. Mom gets up at seven o'clock and spends ten minutes getting dressed. But dad brushes his teeth for five minutes. Grandma goes to the store as much as mom gets dressed, plus dad brushes his teeth. And grandpa reads the newspapers, how long does grandma go to the store minus what time does mom get up. When they are all together, they begin to wake up this boy from first grade "B". This takes time from reading grandpa's newspapers plus grandma's going to the store. When a boy from first grade “B” wakes up, he stretches for as long as his mother gets dressed plus his father brushes his teeth. And he washes himself as much as his grandfather’s newspapers divided by his grandmother’s. He is late for classes by as many minutes as he stretches plus washes his face minus his mother's getting up multiplied by his father's teeth. The question is: who is this boy from the first “B” and what threatens him if this continues? All!

I said:

I cannot solve this problem right away, because we have not gone through this yet.

And I didn’t say another word, but left the room, because I immediately guessed that the answer to this problem would turn out to be a lazy person and that such a person would soon be kicked out of school. I left the room into the corridor and climbed behind the hanger and began to think that if this task was about me, then it was not true, because I always get up quite quickly and stretch for a very short time, just as much as needed. And I also thought that if dad wants to make up stories about me so much, then please, I can leave home straight into the virgin lands. There will always be work there, people are needed there, especially young people. I will conquer nature there, and dad will come with a delegation to Altai, see me, and I will stop for a minute, say: “Hello, dad,” and go on to conquer.

And he will say: “Greetings from your mother...”

And I’ll say: “Thank you... How is she doing?”

And he will say: “Nothing.”

And I’ll say: “Perhaps she forgot her only son?”

And he will say: “What are you talking about, she’s lost thirty-seven kilos!” That’s how bored he is!”

Oh, there he is! What kind of eyes do you have? Have you really taken this task personally?

He picked up his coat and hung it back and said further:

I made it all up. There is no such boy in the world, let alone in your class!

And dad took me by the hands and pulled me out from behind the hanger.

Then he looked at me intently again and smiled:

“You have to have a sense of humor,” he told me, and his eyes became cheerful and cheerful. - But this is a funny task, isn’t it? Well! Laugh!

And I laughed.

And he too.

And we went into the room.

Puss in Boots

Boys and girls! - said Raisa Ivanovna. - You finished this quarter well. Congratulations. Now you can rest. During the holidays we will organize a matinee and a carnival. Each of you can dress up as anyone, and a prize will be given for the best costume, so get ready. - And Raisa Ivanovna collected her notebooks, said goodbye to us and left.

And when we were walking home, Mishka said:

I'll be a gnome at the carnival. Yesterday they bought me a rain cape and a hood. I just cover my face with something, and the gnome is ready. Who will you dress up as?

It will be visible there.

And I forgot about this matter. Because at home my mother told me that she was going to a sanatorium for ten days and that I should behave well and watch my dad. And she left the next day, and my dad and I were completely exhausted. It was one thing, then another, and it was snowing outside, and all the time I was wondering when my mother would return. I crossed off the boxes on my calendar.

And suddenly Mishka suddenly comes running and shouts right from the doorway:

Are you going or not?

I'm asking:

The bear shouts:

How - where? To school! Today is a matinee, and everyone will be in costumes! Don't you see that I'm already a gnome?

Indeed, he was wearing a cape with a hood.

I said:

I don't have a suit! Our mother left.

And Mishka says:

Let's come up with something ourselves! Well, what's the weirdest thing you have at home? You put it on, and it will be a costume for the carnival.

I speak:

We have nothing. Here are just my dad's shoe covers for fishing.

Shoe covers are so high rubber boots. If it’s raining or muddy, shoe covers are the first thing to do. There's no way you'll get your feet wet.

Mishka says:

Well, put it on, let's see what happens!

I fit right into my dad's boots. It turned out that the shoe covers almost reached my armpits. I tried to walk around in them. Nothing, quite inconvenient. But they shine great. Mishka really liked it. He says:

And what kind of hat?

I speak:

Maybe my mother's straw, which is from the sun?

Give it quickly!

I took out my hat and put it on. It turned out to be a little too big, it slides down to the nose, but still there are flowers on it.

Mishka looked and said:

A good suit. I just don't understand what it means?

I speak:

Maybe it means “fly agaric”?

Mishka laughed:

What are you talking about, the fly agaric has a red hat! Most likely, your costume means “old fisherman”!

I waved at Mishka:

Said it too! “Old fisherman”!.. Where is the beard?

Oh! A real puss in boots!

I immediately guessed what my costume meant! I am “Puss in Boots”! It's just a shame there's no tail! I'm asking:

Vera Sergeevna, do you have a tail?

And Vera Sergeevna says:

Do I really look like the devil?

No, not really, I say. - But that’s not the point. You said that this costume means “Puss in Boots,” but what kind of cat can be without a tail? Need some kind of tail! Vera Sergeevna, help, please?

Then Vera Sergeevna said:

One minute…

And she brought me a rather tattered red tail with black spots.

“Here,” he says, “this is the tail from an old boa.” I've been cleaning kerosene gas with it lately, but I think it will suit you just fine.

I said “thank you very much” and gave Mishka a tail.

When Mishka saw him, he said:

Quickly give me a needle and thread, I'll sew it on for you. This is a wonderful ponytail.

And Mishka began sewing my tail on from behind. He sewed quite deftly, but then suddenly he pricked me!

I shouted:

Be quiet, brave little tailor! Don't you feel like you're sewing right to the quick? After all, you're injecting!

I miscalculated this a little! - And again it stings!

Bear, you better plan, otherwise I’ll crack you!

I'm sewing for the first time in my life!

And again - what!..

I just shouted:

Don’t you understand that after you I will be completely disabled and will not be able to sit?

But then Mishka said:

Hooray! Ready! What a ponytail! Not every cat has one!

Then I took mascara and with a brush I drew a mustache for myself, three mustaches on each side - long, long, reaching to my ears!

And we went to school.

There were a lot of people there, and everyone was in suits. There were about fifty gnomes alone. And there were also a lot of white “snowflakes”. This is the kind of costume where there is a lot of white gauze around, and some girl sticks out in the middle.

And we all had a lot of fun and danced.

And I danced too, but I kept stumbling and almost falling because of my big boots, and, as luck would have it, my hat was constantly sliding down almost to my chin.

And then our counselor Lucy came on stage and said in a ringing voice:

We ask Puss in Boots to come out here to receive the first prize for best costume!

And I went on stage, and when I entered the last step, I tripped and almost fell. Everyone laughed loudly, and Lyusya shook my hand and gave me two books: “Uncle Styopa” and “Riddled Fairy Tales.” Then Boris Sergeevich started playing the tunes, and I left the stage. And when he got down, he stumbled again and almost fell, and again everyone laughed.

And when we were walking home, Mishka said:

Of course, there are many gnomes, but you are alone!

Yes,” I said, “but all the gnomes were so-so, and you were very funny, and you also need a book.” Take one from me.

Mishka said:

No need for that!

I asked:

Which one do you want?

- “Uncle Styopa.”

And I gave him “Uncle Styopa”.

And at home I took off my huge shoe covers, and ran to the calendar, and crossed out today’s box. And then I crossed out tomorrow too.

I looked and there were three days left before my mother’s arrival!

Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky

I only have A's on my report card. Only in penmanship is a B. Because of the blots. I really don't know what to do! Blots always jump off my pen. I only dip the very tip of the pen into ink, but the blots still jump off. Just some miracles! Once I wrote a whole page that was pure, pure, and delightful to look at - a real A page. In the morning I showed it to Raisa Ivanovna, and there was a blot right in the middle! Where did she come from? She wasn't there yesterday! Maybe it was leaked from some other page? Don't know…

And so I only have A's. Only a C in singing. This is how it happened. We had a singing lesson. At first we all sang in chorus “There was a birch tree standing in the field.” It turned out very beautifully, but Boris Sergeevich kept wincing and shouting:

Pull out your vowels, friends, pull out your vowels!..

Then we began to draw out the vowels, but Boris Sergeevich clapped his hands and said:

A real cat concert! Let's deal with each one individually.

And Boris Sergeevich called Mishka.

Mishka went up to the piano and whispered something to Boris Sergeevich.

Then Boris Sergeevich began to play, and Mishka quietly sang:

Like on thin ice
A little white snow fell...

Well, Mishka squeaked funny! This is how our kitten Murzik squeaks. Is that really how they sing? Almost nothing can be heard. I just couldn't stand it and started laughing.

Then Boris Sergeevich gave Mishka a high five and looked at me.

He said:

Come on, laugher, come out!

I quickly ran to the piano.

Well, what will you perform? - Boris Sergeevich asked politely.

I said:

Song of the Civil War “Lead us, Budyonny, boldly into battle.”

Boris Sergeevich shook his head and began to play, but I immediately stopped him:

Please play louder! - I said.

Boris Sergeevich said:

You won't be heard.

But I said:

Will. And how!

Boris Sergeevich began to play, and I took in more air and started drinking:

High in the clear sky
The scarlet banner flutters...

I really like this song.

I can see the blue, blue sky, it’s hot, the horses are clattering their hooves, they have beautiful purple eyes, and a scarlet banner is flying in the sky.

We are racing there on horseback,
Where is the enemy visible?
And in a delightful battle...

I sang well, probably even heard on the other street:

A swift avalanche!
We are rushing forward!.. Hurray!..
Reds always win!
Retreat, enemies! Give it!!!

I pressed my fists on my stomach, it came out even louder, and I almost burst:

We crashed into Crimea!

And although Boris Sergeevich was playing, he was somehow leaning towards the piano, and his shoulders were also shaking...

I said:

Monstrous! - Boris Sergeevich praised.

Good song, right? - I asked.

“Good,” said Boris Sergeevich and covered his eyes with a handkerchief.

It’s just a pity that you played very quietly, Boris Sergeevich,” I said, “you could have been even louder.”

Okay, I’ll take it into account,” said Boris Sergeevich. - Didn’t you notice that I played one thing, and you sang a little differently!

No,” I said, “I didn’t notice that!” Yes, it doesn’t matter. I just needed to play louder.

Well,” said Boris Sergeevich, “since you didn’t notice anything, let’s give you a three for now.” For diligence.

How - three? I was even taken aback. How can this be? Three is very little! Mishka sang quietly and then got an A... I said:

Boris Sergeevich, when I rest a little, I’ll be able to get even louder, don’t think so. I didn't have a good breakfast today. Otherwise I can sing so hard that everyone’s ears will be covered. I know one more song. When I sing it at home, all the neighbors come running and ask what happened.

Which one is this? - asked Boris Sergeevich.

“Compassionate,” I said and started:

I loved you…
Love still, perhaps...

But Boris Sergeevich hastily said:

Okay, okay, we'll discuss all this next time.

And then the bell rang.

Mom met me in the locker room. When we were about to leave, Boris Sergeevich approached us.

Well,” he said, smiling, “perhaps your boy will be Lobachevsky, maybe Mendeleev.” He may become Surikov or Koltsov, I would not be surprised if he becomes known to the country, as Comrade Nikolai Mamai or some boxer is known, but I can assure you absolutely firmly of one thing: he will not achieve the fame of Ivan Kozlovsky. Never!

Mom blushed terribly and said:

Well, we'll see about that later!

And when we walked home, I kept thinking: “Does Kozlovsky really sing louder than me?”

"Where has this been seen, where has this been heard..."

During recess, our October leader Lyusya ran up to me and said:

Deniska, will you be able to perform in the concert? We decided to organize two kids to be satirists. Want?

I speak:

I want it all! Just explain what satirists are.

Lucy says:

You see, we have various problems... Well, for example, poor students or lazy people, we need to catch them. Understood? We need to speak about them so that everyone laughs, this will have a sobering effect on them.

I speak:

They're not drunk, they're just lazy.

That’s what they say: “sobering,” Lucy laughed. - But in fact, these guys will just become thoughtful, they will feel awkward, and they will correct themselves. Understood? Well, in general, don’t delay: if you want, agree, if you don’t want, refuse!

I said:

Okay, let's go!

Then Lucy asked:

Do you have a partner?

Lucy was surprised:

How can you live without a friend?

I have a friend, Mishka. But there is no partner.

Lucy smiled again:

It's almost the same thing. Is he musical, your Mishka?

No, ordinary.

Can he sing?

Very quiet. But I'll teach him to sing louder, don't worry.

After lessons, drag him to the small hall, there will be a rehearsal there!

And I set off as fast as I could to look for Mishka. He stood in the buffet and ate a sausage.

Bear, do you want to be a satirist?

And he said:

Wait, let me eat.

I stood and watched him eat. He is small, and the sausage is thicker than his neck. He held this sausage with his hands and ate it straight whole, without cutting it, and the skin cracked and burst when he bit it, and hot, fragrant juice splashed out from there.

And I couldn’t stand it and said to Aunt Katya:

Please give me some sausage too, quickly!

And Aunt Katya immediately handed me the bowl. And I was in a hurry so that Mishka wouldn’t have time to eat his sausage without me: it wouldn’t have been so tasty for me alone. And so I, too, took my sausage with my hands and, without cleaning it, began to gnaw on it, and hot, fragrant juice sprayed out of it. And Mishka and I chewed on the steam, and got burned, and looked at each other, and smiled.

And then I told him that we would be satirists, and he agreed, and we barely made it to the end of the lessons, and then we ran to the small hall for a rehearsal.

Our counselor Lyusya was already sitting there, and with her was one boy, about a fourth year old, very ugly, with small ears and big eyes.

Lucy said:

Here they are! Meet our school poet Andrei Shestakov.

We said:


And they turned away so that he wouldn’t wonder.

And the poet said to Lucy:

What are these, performers, or what?

He said:

Was there really nothing bigger?

Lucy said:

Just what you need!

But then our singing teacher Boris Sergeevich came. He immediately went to the piano:

Well, let's begin! Where are the poems?

Andryushka took a piece of paper out of his pocket and said:

Here. I took the meter and chorus from Marshak, from a fairy tale about a donkey, grandfather and grandson: “Where has this been seen, where has this been heard...”

Boris Sergeevich nodded:

Dad decides, but Vasya gives in?!

Mishka and I burst into tears. Of course, children quite often ask their parents to solve a problem for them, and then show the teacher as if they were such heroes. And at the board, boom-boom - a deuce! The matter is well known. Wow Andryushka, that was great!

The asphalt is drawn into squares with chalk,
Manechka and Tanya are jumping here.
Where has this been seen, where has this been heard -
They play “classes”, but don’t go to class?!

Great again. We really enjoyed! This Andryushka is just a real fellow, like Pushkin!

Boris Sergeevich said:

Nothing, not bad! And the music will be very simple, something like that. - And he took Andryushka’s poems and, playing quietly, sang them all in a row.

It turned out very cleverly, we even clapped our hands.

And Boris Sergeevich said:

Well, sir, who are our performers?

And Lyusya pointed at Mishka and me:

Well, - said Boris Sergeevich, - Misha has a good ear... True, Deniska does not sing very correctly.

I said:

But it's loud.

And we began to repeat these verses to the music and repeated them probably fifty or a thousand times, and I screamed very loudly, and everyone calmed me down and made comments:

Do not worry! You're quiet! Calm down! Don't be so loud!

Andryushka was especially excited. He completely slowed me down. But I only sang loudly, I didn’t want to sing more quietly, because real singing is when it’s loud!

... And then one day, when I came to school, I saw an announcement in the locker room:


Today at the big break in the small hall there will be a performance by the flying patrol of the “Pioneer Satyricon”!

Performed by a duet of kids!

One day!

Come everyone!

And something immediately clicked inside me. I ran to class. Mishka was sitting there and looking out the window.

I said:

Well, we're performing today!

And Mishka suddenly mumbled:

I don’t feel like performing...

I was completely taken aback. What - reluctance? That's it! After all, we rehearsed? But what about Lyusya and Boris Sergeevich? Andryushka? And all the guys, they read the poster and will come running as one? I said:

Are you crazy or what? Letting people down?

And Mishka is so pitiful:

I think my stomach hurts.

I speak:

This is out of fear. It hurts too, but I don’t refuse!

But Mishka was still somewhat thoughtful. At the big break, all the guys rushed into the small hall, and Mishka and I barely trailed behind, because I, too, had completely lost the mood to perform. But at that time Lucy ran out to meet us, she grabbed us tightly by the hands and dragged us along, but my legs were soft, like a doll’s, and they were tangled. I probably got the infection from Mishka.

In the hall there was a fenced-off area near the piano, and children from all classes, nannies, and teachers crowded around.

Mishka and I stood near the piano.

Boris Sergeevich was already in place, and Lyusya announced in an announcer’s voice:

We begin the performance of the “Pioneer Satyricon” on topical topics. Text by Andrei Shestakov, performed by world famous satirists Misha and Denis! Let's ask!

And Mishka and I went a little ahead. The bear was white as a wall. But I didn’t mind, but my mouth felt dry and rough, as if there was sandpaper lying there.

Boris Sergeevich began to play. Mishka had to start, because he sang the first two lines, and I had to sing the second two lines. Boris Sergeevich began to play, and Mishka threw his left hand to the side, as Lyusya taught him, and wanted to sing, but was late, and while he was getting ready, it was my turn, so it turned out according to the music. But I didn’t sing since Mishka was late. Why on earth?

Mishka then lowered his hand into place. And Boris Sergeevich began loudly and separately again.

He struck the keys three times, as he should, and on the fourth Mishka again threw back his left hand and finally sang:

Vasya's dad is good at mathematics,
Dad studies for Vasya all year.

I immediately picked it up and shouted:

Where has this been seen, where has this been heard -
Dad decides, but Vasya gives in?!

Everyone who was in the hall laughed, and this made my soul feel lighter. And Boris Sergeevich went further. He struck the keys three times again, and on the fourth, Mishka carefully threw his left hand to the side and, for no apparent reason, began to sing first:

Vasya's dad is good at mathematics,
Dad studies for Vasya all year.

I immediately realized that he was lost! But since this is the case, I decided to finish singing until the end, and then we’ll see. I took it and finished it:

Where has this been seen, where has this been heard -
Dad decides, but Vasya gives in?!

Thank God, it was quiet in the hall - everyone, apparently, also realized that Mishka had lost his way, and thought: “Well, it happens, let him continue to sing.”

And when the music reached its destination, he again waved his left hand and, like a record that has been “stuck,” wound it for the third time:

Vasya's dad is good at mathematics,

I really wanted to hit him on the back of the head with something heavy, and I screamed with terrible anger:

Where has this been seen, where has this been heard -
Dad decides, but Vasya gives in?!

Bear, you're obviously completely crazy! Are you dragging out the same thing for the third time? Let's talk about girls!

And Mishka is so impudent:

I know without you! - And politely says to Boris Sergeevich: - Please, Boris Sergeevich, continue!

Boris Sergeevich began to play, and Mishka suddenly became bolder, again put out his left hand and on the fourth beat began to shout as if nothing had happened:

Vasya's dad is good at mathematics,
Dad studies for Vasya all year...

Then everyone in the hall just screamed with laughter, and I saw in the crowd what an unhappy face Andryushka had, and I also saw that Lyusya, all red and disheveled, was making her way to us through the crowd. And Mishka stands with his mouth open, as if surprised at himself. Well, while the trial and the case are going on, I finish shouting:

Where has this been seen, where has this been heard -
Dad decides, but Vasya gives in?!

Deniska, sing alone! Don't let me down!.. Music! AND!..

And I stood at the piano and decided not to let him down. I felt that I didn’t care anymore, and when the music came, for some reason I suddenly also threw my left hand to the side and completely unexpectedly screamed:

Vasya's dad is good at mathematics,
Dad studies for Vasya all year...

I'm even surprised that I didn't die from this damn song.

I probably would have died if the bell hadn’t rung at that time...

I won't be a satirist anymore!

Exactly 25 kilos

Hooray! Mishka and I were given an invitation card to the Metalist club, children's party. Aunt Dusya did her best: she is the main cleaner in this club. She gave us one ticket, but it said on it: “For two persons”! On my face, that is, and on Mishkino’s. We were very happy with him, especially since it was not far from us, around the corner. Mom said:

Just don't fool around there.

And she gave us money, fifteen kopecks each.

And we went with Mishka.

There was a terrible crowd and queue in the locker room. Mishka and I were the last ones up. The line was moving too slowly. But suddenly music started playing upstairs, and Mishka and I rushed from side to side to quickly take off our coats, and many of the guys, too, as soon as they heard this music, ran around like they had been shot, and even began to roar that they were late for the most interesting thing.

But then, out of nowhere, Aunt Dusya jumped out:

Deniska and Mishka! Why are you sweating there? Let's go here!

And we ran to her, and she has her own separate office under the stairs, there are brushes and buckets. Aunt Dusya took our things and said:

And Mishka and I rushed up the stairs, through the steps, to the top. Well, it really was beautiful there! You can't say anything! All the ceilings were hung with multi-colored paper ribbons and lanterns, beautiful lamps made of mirror shards were burning everywhere, music was playing, and dressed up artists walked in the crowd: one played a trumpet, the other played a drum. One lady was dressed as a horse, and there were also hares, and distorting mirrors, and Parsley.

And at the end of the hall there was another door, and on it was written: “Amusement Room.”

I asked:

What is it?

These are different ideas.

Indeed, there were different ideas there. For example, there was an apple hanging on a thread, and you had to put your hands behind your back and gnaw the apple without your hands. But it spins on a thread and does not give in any way. This is very difficult and even offensive. I grabbed this apple with my hands twice and bit it. But they didn’t let me chew it, they just laughed and took it away. There was also archery, and at the end of the arrow there is not a tip, but a rubber patch, it sticks, and whoever gets into the cardboard, in the center where the monkey is drawn, gets a prize - a cracker with a secret.

The bear shot first, he aimed for a long time, and when he shot, he broke one distant lamp, but did not hit the monkey...

I speak:

Hey, shooter!

I haven't shot yet! If they had given me five arrows, I would have shot. And then they gave me one - where to get here!

I repeat:

Come on, come on! Look, I'm about to hit the monkey!

And the uncle who was in charge of this bow gave me an arrow and said:

Well, shoot, sniper!

And he himself went to correct the monkey, because it was somehow askew. And I had already taken aim and was still waiting for him to straighten it, and the bow was very tight, and I kept saying: “Now I’ll kill this monkey,” and suddenly the arrow went off, and bang! It pierced the uncle's shoulder blade. And there, on the shoulder blade, it began to tremble.

Everyone around clapped and laughed, and the uncle turned around as if stung and shouted:

What's so funny? I don't understand! Go away, mischief maker, you no longer have any bow!

I said:

I did not mean to! - and left this place.

It’s just amazing how unlucky we were, and I was very angry, and Mishka, of course, too.

And suddenly we see - there are scales. And there is a small cheerful line towards them, which moves quickly, and everyone is joking and laughing. And there is a clown near the scales.

I'm asking:

What kind of scales are these?

And they tell me:

Stand up, weigh yourself. If you turn out to be twenty-five kilos in weight, then your happiness. You will receive a bonus: an annual subscription to the Murzilka magazine.

I speak:

Bear, let's try?

I look, but Mishka is not there. And where he went is unknown. I decided to try one. What if I weigh exactly 25 kilos? That will be good luck!..

And the line keeps moving, and the clown in the hat deftly clicks the levers and jokes and jokes:

You have seven extra kilos - eat less flour! - Click-click! - And you, dear comrade, haven’t eaten much porridge yet, and you only weigh nineteen kilos! Come back in a year. - Click-click!

I climbed onto the scales - the levers click-click, and the clown says:

Wow! Do you know the game of hot and cold?

I speak:

Who doesn't know!

He says:

You got it pretty hot. Your weight is twenty-four kilos, five hundred grams, exactly half a kilo is missing. It's a pity. Be healthy!

Just think, only half a kilo is missing!

My mood completely deteriorated. What an unlucky day!

And then Mishka appears.

I speak:

Where is your mercy?

Mishka says:

He drank citro.

I speak:

Okay, nothing to say. I’m trying hard here, I’m winning Murzilka, and he’s drinking soda.

And I told him everything. Mishka says:

Come on, come on!

And the clown clicked the lever and laughed:

A little overkill! Twenty-five kilos, five hundred grams. You need to lose weight. Next!

The bear gets down and says:

Eh, I shouldn’t have drank soda...

I speak:

I drank the whole bottle! Understand?

I speak:

So what?

Mishka even got angry:

Don't you know that a bottle holds exactly half a liter of water?

I speak:

I know. So what?

And half a liter of water is half a kilo. Five hundred grams! If I didn't drink, I would weigh exactly twenty-five kilos!

I speak:

Mishka says:

That's it!

And then it seemed to dawn on me.

Mishka,” I said, “and Mishka!” “Murzilka” is ours!

Mishka says:


And like this. It's my time to drink soda. I'm just five hundred grams short!

The bear even jumped up:

Everything is clear, let's go to the buffet!

And we quickly bought a bottle of water, the saleswoman uncorked it, and Mishka asked:

Auntie, is there always exactly half a liter in the bottle, is it never underfilled?

The saleswoman blushed.

You're still too young to tell me such nonsense!

I took the bottle, sat down at the table and started drinking. The bear stood nearby and watched. The water was very cold. But I drank a full glass in one gulp. Mishka immediately poured me a second one, but there was still quite a lot left at the bottom, and I didn’t want to drink any more.

Mishka said:

Let's not delay.

And I said:

It's very cold. No matter how you get a sore throat.

Mishka says:

Don't be suspicious. Tell me, you chickened out, right?

I speak:

It's probably you who chickened out.

And he began to drink a second glass.

It poured into me quite hard. As soon as I drank three quarters of this second glass, I realized that I was already full. To the brim.

All the boys of 1st class "B" had pistols.

We agreed to always carry weapons. And each of us always had a nice pistol in our pocket and a supply of piston tapes to go with it. And we really liked it, but it didn’t last long. And all because of the movie...

One day Raisa Ivanovna said:

- Tomorrow, guys, is Sunday. And you and I will have a holiday. Tomorrow our class, first “A” and first “B”, all three classes together, will go to the “Khudozhestvenny” cinema to watch the film “Scarlet Stars”. This is a very interesting picture about the struggle for our just cause... Bring ten kopecks with you tomorrow. Meeting near the school at ten o'clock!

I told my mother all this in the evening, and my mother put ten kopecks in my left pocket for a ticket and in my right pocket a few coins for water and syrup. And she ironed my clean collar. I went to bed early so that tomorrow would come quickly, and when I woke up, my mother was still sleeping. Then I started getting dressed. Mom opened her eyes and said:

- Sleep, it’s still night!

And what a night - as bright as day!

I said:

- How not to be late!

But mom whispered:

- Six o'clock. Don't wake up your father, please sleep!

I lay down again and lay there for a long, long time, the birds were already singing, and the wipers began to sweep, and a car began to hum outside the window. Now I definitely had to get up. And I started getting dressed again. Mom stirred and raised her head:

- Why are you, restless soul?

I said:

- We'll be late! What time is it now?

“It’s five minutes past six,” my mother said, “you go to sleep, don’t worry, I’ll wake you up when necessary.”

And sure enough, she then woke me up, and I got dressed, washed, ate and went to school. Misha and I became a couple, and soon everyone, with Raisa Ivanovna in front and Elena Stepanovna behind, went to the cinema.

There our class took the best seats in the first row, then the hall began to get dark and the picture began. And we saw how red soldiers were sitting in the wide steppe, not far from the forest, how they sang songs and danced to the accordion. One soldier was sleeping in the sun, and beautiful horses were grazing not far from him; they were nibbling grass, daisies and bells with their soft lips. And a light breeze blew, and a clear river ran, and a bearded soldier by a small fire told a fairy tale about the Firebird.

And at that time, out of nowhere, white officers appeared, there were a lot of them, and they began to shoot, and the Reds began to fall and defend themselves, but there were much more of them...

And the red machine gunner began to fire back, but he saw that he had very little ammunition, and he ground his teeth and began to cry.

Then all our guys made a terrible noise, stomped and whistled, some with two fingers, and some just like that. And my heart sank, I couldn’t stand it, I pulled out my pistol and shouted with all my might:

– First class “B”! Fire!!!

And we started firing with all the pistols at once. We wanted to help the Reds at all costs. I kept firing at one fat fascist, he kept running ahead, all in black crosses and various epaulets; I probably spent a hundred rounds on him, but he didn’t even look in my direction.

And the gunfire all around was unbearable. Valka fired from the elbow, Andryushka fired in short bursts, and Mishka must have been a sniper, because after each shot he shouted:

But the whites still did not pay attention to us, and everyone climbed forward. Then I looked around and shouted:

- For help! Help out your own!

And all the guys from “A” and “B” took out guns with corks and started banging so hard that the ceilings shook and smelled of smoke, gunpowder and sulfur.

And there was a terrible commotion going on in the hall. Raisa Ivanovna and Elena Stepanovna ran through the rows, shouting:

- Stop acting up! Stop it!

And the gray-haired controllers ran after them and kept stumbling... And then Elena Stepanovna accidentally waved her hand and touched the elbow of a citizen who was sitting on a side chair. And the citizen had a popsicle in her hand. It took off like a propeller and landed on the bald head of one guy. He jumped up and shouted in a thin voice:

– Calm down your madhouse!!!

But we continued to fire with all our might, because the red machine gunner had almost fallen silent, he was wounded, and red blood was flowing down his pale face... And we, too, had almost run out of percussion caps, and it is unknown what would have happened next, but at this time, because Red cavalrymen jumped out of the forest, sabers sparkling in their hands, and they crashed into the very thick of the enemies!

And they ran wherever they looked, to distant lands, and the Reds shouted “Hurray!” And we, too, all as one, shouted “Hurray!”

And when the whites were no longer visible, I shouted:

-Stop shooting!

And everyone stopped shooting, and music started playing on the screen, and one guy sat down at the table and began to eat buckwheat porridge.

And then I realized that I was very tired and also hungry.

Then the picture ended very well, and we went home.

And on Monday, when we came to school, all of us, all the boys who had been to the cinema, were gathered in the large hall.

There was a table there. Fyodor Nikolaevich, our director, was sitting at the table. He stood up and said:

- Hand over your weapons!

And we all took turns coming to the table and handing over our weapons. On the table, in addition to the pistols, there were two slingshots and a tube for shooting peas.

Fedor Nikolaevich said:

“We discussed this morning what to do with you.” There were different proposals... But I give you all a verbal reprimand for violating the rules of conduct in enclosed spaces of entertainment enterprises! In addition, you will likely have your behavior grades reduced. Now go and study well!

And we went to study. But I sat and studied poorly. I kept thinking that a reprimand was very bad and that mom would probably be angry...

But during recess Mishka Slonov said:

“Still, it’s good that we helped the Reds hold out until our own people arrived!”

And I said:

- Certainly!!! Even though it’s a movie, maybe they wouldn’t have lasted without us!

Victor Dragunsky
Deniska's stories

"The Battle of a Clear River"

Performer: Evgeniy Vesnik

Evgeny Yakovlevich Vesnik (January 15, 1923, Petrograd - April 10, 2009, Moscow) - theater and film actor, theater director, author of a number of scripts for radio and television, People's Artist of the USSR (1989).

The name of Victor Dragunsky is known to children in our country and abroad. He wrote about a hundred stories from the life of the boy Deniska. These stories, told, as the author himself said, “in secret to the whole world,” are known to our readers as “Deniska’s stories.” Viktor Dragunsky lived a long, interesting life. But not everyone knows that before becoming a writer, in his early youth he was a worker, then an actor, a “red” clown in the arena of the Moscow Circus, acted in films, and directed the small Blue Bird Parody Theater.
He devoted himself to every task that Viktor Dragunsky was involved in until the end. He treated any work he did in his life with equal respect. He was a kind, cheerful person, but irreconcilable with injustice and lies. Viktor Yuzefovich loved children very much, and the children were drawn to him, feeling in him an older, kind comrade and friend. I would like to quote a few lines from Viktor Yuzefovich’s letter to Japanese children for a book published in Tokyo. “I was born quite a long time ago and quite far away, one might even say, in another part of the world. As a child, I loved to fight and never let myself get hurt. As you understand, my hero was Tom Sawyer, and never, under any circumstances, Sid. I'm sure you share my point of view. To put it bluntly, I didn’t study well at school. Once, when I was twelve years old, I ended up in the police. And it was like this: I sat at home and pretended to do my homework. And suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound. A stone flew into the room through the glass... Needless to say, a few moments later I grabbed the drunkard, who was constantly trying to bite me, and dragged him to the police station. Since then, the cheerful policemen have fallen in love with me.
From early childhood I fell deeply in love with the circus and still love it. I was a clown. I wrote a story about the circus, “Today and Everyday.” Besides the circus, I really love young children. I write about children and for children. This is my whole life, its meaning.” His “adult” stories invariably feature children. This is a touching little village boy from the story “He Fell on the Grass.” Tatka, the trainer’s daughter, the so-called “circus boy” at a rehearsal in the arena and, finally, a boy near the circus with a ticket in his hands (“Today and Everyday”). The boy’s question: “Will there be a clown?” brings the hero of the story, clown Nikolai Vetrov, out of a terrible state after the death of Irina. “There will be a clown! Necessarily will!" - answers Vetrov. In one of his monologues he says: “...I must bring joy to children every day. Laughter is joy. I give it with both hands. The pockets of my clown pants are filled with laughter... Not a single day without work for children, not a single child without joy. Hurry to bring joy to children. Children have enemies, it’s monstrous, but it’s true. Today and every day there is a performance on the convex arena of the earth, and there is no need for gloomy military interludes! We must protect children! Today and every day!” When Viktor Yuzefovich was an actor, he willingly performed in front of children. He usually acted as Santa Claus during the winter holidays. Most often this was in Sokolniki Park. While speaking, he observed the children and easily communicated with them. Later, all this was reflected in the stories “My Friend the Bear”, “Exactly Twenty-Five Kilos”, “Puss in Boots”...
The appearance of Viktor Dragunsky’s first book, “He’s Alive and Glowing,” in 1961, very quickly made him a popular writer. The books came out one after another. These were new adventures for Deniska, who our children loved. Soon, based on the stories of Viktor Dragunsky, a film was made called “ Funny stories”, then there were several more film adaptations, including a number of television films. The books of Viktor Dragunsky were translated into many languages ​​of the peoples of the Soviet Union and into a number of foreign languages. Viktor Yuzefovich received many letters from children and their parents and tried to answer them whenever possible. Viktor Yuzefovich never refused to speak in front of a school audience. He read his stories wonderfully, and children especially loved listening to stories about Deniska when the author himself read them. Many times Viktor Yuzefovich performed at pioneer bonfires in Peredelkino. where Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky constantly lived, who organized festive pioneer bonfires for children living in villages and towns in the neighborhood. Famous children's writers and artists were invited to these bonfires. Countless times, Viktor Dragunsky appeared on the radio reading his stories, which were included in the fund of the All-Union Radio.

All the boys of 1st class "B" had pistols.

We agreed to always carry weapons. And each of us always had a nice pistol in our pocket and a supply of piston tapes to go with it. And we really liked it, but it didn’t last long. And all because of the movie...

One day Raisa Ivanovna said:

Tomorrow, guys, is Sunday. And you and I will have a holiday. Tomorrow our class, first “A” and first “B”, all three classes together, will go to the “Khudozhestvenny” cinema to watch the film “Scarlet Stars”. This is a very interesting picture about the struggle for our just cause... Bring ten kopecks with you tomorrow. Meeting near the school at ten o'clock!

I told my mother all this in the evening, and my mother put ten kopecks in my left pocket for a ticket and in my right pocket a few coins for water and syrup. And she ironed my clean collar. I went to bed early so that tomorrow would come quickly, and when I woke up, my mother was still sleeping. Then I started getting dressed. Mom opened her eyes and said:

Sleep, another night!

And what a night - as bright as day!

I said:

How not to be late!

But mom whispered:

Six o'clock. Don't wake up your father, please sleep!

I lay down again and lay there for a long, long time, the birds were already singing, and the wipers began to sweep, and a car began to hum outside the window. Now I definitely had to get up. And I started getting dressed again. Mom stirred and raised her head:

Why are you, restless soul?

I said:

We'll be late! What time is it now?

“It’s five minutes past six,” my mother said, “go to sleep, don’t worry, I’ll wake you up when necessary.”

And sure enough, she then woke me up, and I got dressed, washed, ate and went to school. Misha and I became a couple, and soon everyone, with Raisa Ivanovna in front and Elena Stepanovna behind, went to the cinema.

There our class took the best seats in the first row, then the hall began to get dark and the picture began. And we saw how red soldiers were sitting in the wide steppe, not far from the forest, how they sang songs and danced to the accordion. One soldier was sleeping in the sun, and beautiful horses were grazing not far from him; they were nibbling grass, daisies and bells with their soft lips. And a light breeze blew, and a clear river ran, and a bearded soldier by a small fire told a fairy tale about the Firebird.

And at that time, out of nowhere, white officers appeared, there were a lot of them, and they began to shoot, and the Reds began to fall and defend themselves, but there were much more of them...

And the red machine gunner began to fire back, but he saw that he had very little ammunition, and he ground his teeth and began to cry.

Then all our guys made a terrible noise, stomped and whistled, some with two fingers, and some just like that. And my heart sank, I couldn’t stand it, I pulled out my pistol and shouted with all my might:

First class "B"! Fire!!!

And we started firing with all the pistols at once. We wanted to help the Reds at all costs. I kept firing at one fat fascist, he kept running ahead, all in black crosses and various epaulets; I probably spent a hundred rounds on him, but he didn’t even look in my direction.

And the gunfire all around was unbearable. Valka fired from the elbow, Andryushka fired in short bursts, and Mishka must have been a sniper, because after each shot he shouted:

But the whites still did not pay attention to us, and everyone climbed forward. Then I looked around and shouted:

For help! Help out your own!

And all the guys from “A” and “B” took out guns with corks and started banging so hard that the ceilings shook and smelled of smoke, gunpowder and sulfur.

And there was a terrible commotion going on in the hall. Raisa Ivanovna and Elena Stepanovna ran through the rows, shouting:

Stop messing around! Stop it!

And the gray-haired controllers ran after them and kept stumbling... And then Elena Stepanovna accidentally waved her hand and touched the elbow of a citizen who was sitting on a side chair. And the citizen had a popsicle in her hand. It took off like a propeller and landed on the bald head of one guy. He jumped up and shouted in a thin voice:

Calm down your madhouse!!!

But we continued to fire with all our might, because the red machine gunner had almost fallen silent, he was wounded, and red blood was flowing down his pale face... And we, too, had almost run out of percussion caps, and it is unknown what would have happened next, but at this time, because Red cavalrymen jumped out of the forest, sabers sparkling in their hands, and they crashed into the very thick of the enemies!

And they ran wherever they looked, to distant lands, and the Reds shouted “Hurray!” And we, too, all as one, shouted “Hurray!”

And when the whites were no longer visible, I shouted:

Stop shooting!

And everyone stopped shooting, and music started playing on the screen, and one guy sat down at the table and began to eat buckwheat porridge.