Dual oppression. Most students first hear about speech errors only in high school. Incorrect use of prepositions

The word is used in a meaning that is unusual for it.

Wrong choice of word or phraseology

One cannot but agree with the main pathos of the book. A thousand tanks fought hand-to-hand. He handled the Cyrillic alphabet with ease; there was no master more masterful at composing messages. Yesterday it rained a lot. His heart was pounding, his lips were dry, and he licked them with his tongue. We received great amount calls, but not all of them could be read. The indigenous people of North America - the Indians - are significantly disadvantaged in their rights. I spent most of the summer months at the dacha. The next day, a discussion of current affairs began. The monument amazes with its bizarre dimensions. The country was divided into three unequal halves. The students listened intently to the teacher's story. Leskov describes a satirical depiction of Russian life in “The Flea.” Evgeny Onegin differed from other landowners in his exaltation: it was not without reason that “he replaced the ancient corvée with a light quitrent with a yoke.” If you take a closer look at these people in person, their unpleasant features will become noticeable. The images of the main characters are expressively depicted in the novel. The president's words fill us with optimism. Exams require difficult efforts from us. New law will make changes primarily in the atmosphere of entrepreneurship. The dance of Russian ballet dancers shocked the judges. The audience inspires confidence in me that I will still do a lot as an actor. There are many negative aspects to the image of this politician. The authority of our elders should follow us throughout our lives. Yesenin's image is personified in our minds with a white birch tree. Chatsky identifies himself with the future Decembrists. I know perfectly well all his advantages and disadvantages, because we have known each other for almost a week.

Wrong choice of function word,
leading to the destruction of the meaning of the sentence

I've only met the professor twice, so we're on short terms.

Deputies gain nationwide fame thanks to scandals. Thanks to the fire, a large area of ​​the forest was destroyed.

Error in choosing a password

Among the generals there was a militant mood towards the enemy. The floor for the report was presented to the director of the plant. The writer portrayed the hero truthfully and emotionally. Tatyana was raised as a romantic and sensual young lady. Under feudalism, the people suffered dual oppression. We were transferred to work in a backward brigade. Everyone is well aware of Gorky's early romantic works. The graduate student submitted the dissertation abstract on time. The poet's early works are understandable and accessible to everyone. We missed the train for reasons beyond our control. The director signed a statement granting me leave. Mayakovsky stood at the sources of new poetry. All employees wear Ekko shoes.

4. The norms of word combinations are violated

Rumors began in the Duma that a change of government was imminent. When the artist appeared, the audience's applause increased even more. Improvement in the level of service in stores will have to wait a long time. Don't be late to buy bonds at the cheapest price! This tradition has been revived again in our country. His ambition to become a pilot came true. We managed to solve these difficult problems. We need to increase our spiritual development. After the revolution, eyewitnesses of that time came forward with their memories. The journalist asked the actress a tricky question. It was clear that the question was about changing the head of the bank. The only technical university in our city has announced a reduction in student enrollment for next year.

5. Errors in the use of stable combinations of words

The murder takes Raskolnikov out of the norm for a long time. His words did the trick. People don't believe politicians who sprinkle beads beautiful phrases. The story of the photocopier box has become the talk of the town. No one is in a hurry to sing incense to us. The guys broke their heads and rushed to run to the village. The speaker spoke general phrases and moved from empty to empty. The opponent panicked from such an onslaught. The lion's share of deposits was not returned to citizens. The unexpected news presented me with an insoluble dead end. I agreed to this with a squeaky heart. The military plays an important role in these events. Your offer is not worth a dime. I didn’t lose face and passed the exams brilliantly. The teacher's gaze instilled fear and fear in the children. Our athletes are no strangers to achieving success at world championships. I assign a very important role to this meeting, since it can have indelible consequences for the life of our enterprise. Our comments had no impact on our colleague. This man made a great impact on me. Always and in everything you need to understand moderation. Nowadays, goodness, unfortunately, has no place to exist. This nomination is of great and important importance. These two concepts are extremely close to each other. The family plays a big role in a child's life. The governor made the most categorical statements about political opponents. In a tense situation, the military decided to flex their muscles. The criminals tricked the guards like they were children. No matter how hard I tried to gild the pill, the boss was very offended. Of all the qualities of a person, honesty and decency are in the main place.

6. Tautology (repetition of identical or similar words)

This incredible incident happened to me in my youth. For an unprepared student, the lesson lasts longer. These lines by Leskov are addressed not to the policeman, but to the police officer. The level of service to the population will be raised by more high level. The hotel project was designed by a young architect. The gentle bank of the river is overgrown with dense thickets. Usage mineral fertilizers brings great benefits to plants. A weakness of her book is that the questions are not well developed. We are chasing after fame and money. On the occasion of the New Year holiday, the President addressed the people with a welcoming televised address. Upon closer examination, a cultural crisis is evident.

7. Pleonasm (verbosity, use of words that are unnecessary for semantic completeness)

In Tolstoy, each character has its own individual traits. He told me the autobiography of his life. Modern songs cannot compare with the beauty of folklore. Veterans were presented with memorable souvenirs and gifts. The parties signed an agreement on mutual cooperation. The production of the play became possible with the help and thanks to sponsors. At the end of the speech, the speaker summarized his proposals. We need to mutually help each other, mutually support each other. I memorized these verses very well. Everyone was talking about the scandal, but, nevertheless, there were people who had not heard about it. Racer number 5 is in the lead. The first premiere of the ballet took place in Riga. Everyone was talking about the scandal, but, nevertheless, there were people who had not heard about it. Racer number 5 is in the lead. The first premiere of the ballet took place in Riga. Goodness, conscience, truth seem today to be archaisms that have become obsolete a long time ago. My comrades did me a disservice. Upon closer examination, a cultural crisis is evident. The great Russian ballerina Ekaterina Geltser danced on the stage almost until she was seventy years old.

8. Mixing different style elements

In anticipation of the upcoming battle, the soldiers checked their ammunition and cleaned their weapons. For lack of a red rose, my life will be ruined. At the very edge of the pier you stand with your head up. The Rostov family lived in Otradnoye. Answering a question about the content of the dissertation, the applicant was insolent to his opponent. Pechorin was not a self-controlled person; he could lose his temper and unfairly quarrel with Bela.

Grammar is one of the branches of linguistics, which is divided into morphology and syntax. Morphological norms require the correct formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech (forms of gender, number of nouns, short forms and degrees of comparison of adjectives, etc.). Syntactic norms prescribe the correct construction of the basic syntactic units of phrases and sentences.


1) Select the adjectives, matching them correctly with the nouns. What factors influence the gender form of indeclinable nouns?

Avenue, sconce, meringue, euro, jury, kangaroo, kiwi, kohlrabi, communique, coffee, penalty, salami, sirocco, taboo, tsetse, tsunami, Batumi, Kalahari, Mississippi. Answer: wide avenue, crystal sconce, light meringue, collectible euro, strict jury, fast kangaroo, delicious kiwi, unripe kohlrabi, informative communiqué, black coffee, repeated penalty, delicious salami, sultry sirocco, primitive taboo, African tsetse, dangerous tsunami, sunny Batumi , sultry Kalahari, wide Mississippi.

2) Form the nominative plural form of these nouns:

Corps... (of a building, military unit) – corps... (torso); image... (icons) – image... (artistic and literary); order... (insignia) - order... (knightly and monastic societies); reason... (reins) – reason... (motivation).

Answer: Corps (building, military unit) - hulls (torso); images (icons) – images (artistic and literary); orders (insignia) – orders (knightly and monastic societies); reasons (reins) – reasons (motivations).

3) Open the brackets and choose the appropriate option:

1. Qualified lecturers (lecturers) were selected to conduct discussions and reports. 2. Large (rags, shreds) of multi-colored leather lay in the corner of the shoemaker's workshop. 4. A boy in a tattered jacket and trousers ran forward, (rags, shreds) of his clothes fluttering in the wind. 5. The shepherd put his pipe to his lips, and quiet, iridescent (tones, tones) slowly began to be heard. 6. The bright moon rose above the horizon, the sky and sea turned soft dark blue (tones, tones). 7. Only experienced drivers (chauffeurs, chauffeurs) can drive buses on mountain roads. 8. Numerous (searchlights, floodlights) brightly illuminated the squares and streets of the city. 9. Representatives of a wide variety of professions found themselves in the holiday home: doctors, (teachers, teachers), (accountants, bookkeepers), (engineers, engineers), (conductors, conductors) railway trains. 11. The most important (sectors, sectors) of the institute were reorganized. 12. Five-ton trucks drove out of the gate; their bodies were filled to the brim with bags and boxes. Answer: 1. Qualified lecturers were selected to conduct conversations and reports. 2. Large scraps of multi-colored leather lay in the corner of the shoemaker's workshop. 4. A boy in a tattered jacket and trousers ran forward, shreds of his clothes fluttering in the wind. 5. The shepherd put his pipe to his lips, and quiet, iridescent tones slowly began to be heard. 6. The bright moon rose above the horizon, the sky and sea turned soft dark blue tones. 7. Only experienced drivers can drive buses on mountain roads. 8. Numerous spotlights brightly illuminated the squares and streets of the city. 9. Representatives of a wide variety of professions found themselves in the holiday home: doctors, teachers, accountants, engineers, railway conductors. 11. The most important sectors and institutions were reorganized. 12. Five-ton trucks drove out of the gate, their bodies filled to the brim with bags and boxes.

4) From these nouns, form the forms Imp. plural and R.p. plural Highlight the nouns that have variants.

Orange, accountant, hectare, year, hussar, doctor, boat, kilogram, tangerine, vacation, towel, rail, tomato, cake, Englishman, eggplant, Buryat, wafer, grenadier, poker, sock, stocking, boot, candle, shoes, heron, manger.

Answer: them. n. plural r.p. pl. h.





hussars-hussars, hussars

doctors doctors












waffles waffles










nouns with variants: year-years

5) Which of the two designs: The surgeon performed the operation or The surgeon performed the operation - If we're talking about about a woman, you would prefer: a) in a strict business speech; b) in scientific speech; c) in an oral conversation with friends? Answer: The surgeon performed the operation (a, b) or The surgeon performed the operation (c)

6) Underline the adjectives from which the comparative degree can be formed. Form simple and complex comparative forms from them, if possible.

Big, lively, loud, feisty, checkered, dexterous, bad, striped, timid, brave, nasty, super-powerful, ultra-right, purple. Answer: big-more, more/less big

lively, more/less lively

voiced-more voiced, more/less voiced

feisty is already simple. degree comparison


dexterous - more dexterous, more dexterous, more dexterous


tabby is an exception, no degree

timid-timider, more timid

bolder, bolder, more daring

nasty - more nasty

super-powerful - superior. degree

far-right-superior. degree

purple - more purple

7) Open the brackets and select the desired case form. Specify possible options: Wait (bus, bus), wait (meeting, meetings), wait (decision, solutions), seek (support, support), seek (road, roads), seek (salvation, salvation), seek (glory, glory). Answer: Wait for the bus, wait for the meeting, wait for the decision, look for support, look for the road, look for salvation, look for glory.

8) Correct the mistakes made in the following sentences.
Explain what regulations they relate to.

1. Their performances showed confidence in victory. 2. He was driven by a thirst for activity. 3. Great attention should be paid to spelling. 4. First graders already distinguish between sounds and letters. 5. The mother was worried about the child. 6. A review of a book briefly outlines its contents. 7. Nowadays, women should take an important role in politics. 8. We say what we have achieved in the Duma. 9. Many scientists took part in the discussion. 10. After watching the film, work began on a review about it. 11. Ridiculous, but sometimes insurmountable obstacles to fathers in raising children, especially when they know and love them, cripple the child’s psyche. 12. We carry the law from beginning to end. Answer: 1. Their performances showed confidence in victory (pp.). 2. He was driven by a thirst for activity (r.p.). 3. More attention should be paid to spelling. 4. First graders already distinguish sounds from letters. 5. The mother was worried about the child. 6. A review of a book briefly outlines its contents. 7. Nowadays, women should take an important place in politics. 8. In the Duma we talked about what we had achieved. 9. Many scientists took part in the discussion. 10. After watching the film, work began on a review about it. 11. Ridiculous, but sometimes difficult to overcome obstacles in upbringing, especially when children know and love their father, cripple the child’s psyche. 12. We carry out the law from beginning to end.

9) Select one of the options:

1. The roof was covered (tar paper). 2. The dressmaker sewed a cuff to the sleeve (cuff). 3. From the vase (stuck - stuck out) (fresh - fresh) (dahlia - dahlia). 4. On the finger (grew - grown) (thick - thick) callus. 5. The carpenter repaired (the enclosure to the enclosure). 6. From severe frost (rail - rail) (burst - burst). 7. The wind slammed (shutters - shutters). Answer: 1. The roof was covered with roofing felt. 2. The dressmaker sewed a cuff to the sleeve. 3. A fresh dahlia was sticking out of the vase. 4. A thick callus has grown on my finger. 5. The carpenter repaired the enclosure. 6. The rail burst due to severe frost. 7. The wind slammed the shutters.

10) Put the words in brackets in the correct form:

1. Both applicants (Petrov) successfully passed the entrance exams to the university. 2. The experience of football coach Oleg (Wolf) is being widely introduced. 3. The couple (Sutherland) visited the Russian writer Nikolaev. 5. In the works of a Japanese scientist (Nikamura). 6. The Cuban chess player (Capablanca) had a unique playing style. 7. Sisters Emma and Katharina (Stolz) recently returned from a trip to Australia. 8. Our supervisor corresponds with the English researcher Barbara (Travers). 9. The Siberian local historian (Belykh) has interesting documents about history native land. 10. The journalist talked with the director of the metallurgical plant, Sergei (Maslo), for about an hour. Answer: 1. Both Petrov applicants successfully passed the entrance exams to the university. 2. The experience of football coach Oleg Volk is being widely introduced. 3. The Sutherland couple visited the Russian writer Nikolaev. 5. In the works of the Japanese scientist Nikamura. 6. Cuban chess player Capablanca had a unique playing style. 7. Sisters Emma and Katharina Stolz recently returned from a trip to Australia. 8. Our supervisor corresponds with the English researcher Barbara Travers. 9. Siberian local historian Belykh has interesting documents about the history of his native land. 10. The journalist talked with the director of the metallurgical plant, Sergei Maslo, for about an hour.

11) Correct the sentences, taking into account the norms for the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives:

1. This is the most the simplest way solving the problem. 2. This example is better. 3. This discovery is the greatest. 4. A worse scenario for the development of events cannot be imagined. Answer: 1. This is the simplest way to solve the problem. 2. This example is the best. 3. This discovery is the greatest. 4. A worse scenario could not be imagined.

12) Open the brackets, choose the appropriate option, eliminate the incorrect forms:

1. We met joyfully after a long separation (two friends - two friends). 2. She painfully fought for her life, fearing to be left without any help (four orphans - four orphans - four orphans). 3. There were (three sons - three sons) in the family, all (three - three) were excellent hunters. 4. The older brothers left, the younger ones waited for their mother to come for them (three of them). 5. There were (three servants - three servants) constantly with the sick person. 6. The seminar was conducted (two associate professors - two associate professors). Answer: 1. Two friends joyfully met after a long separation. 2. She painfully fought for her life, afraid to leave four orphans without any help. 3. The family had three sons, all three were excellent hunters. 4. The older brothers left, the younger brothers were waiting for their mother to come for the three of them. 5. Three servants were constantly with the sick man. 6. The seminar was conducted by two associate professors.

Topic 3. Lexical norms.

Lexical norms are the rules for the use of words in speech: 1) the correct choice of words from a number of units that are close to it in meaning or form; 2) using it in the meanings that it has in the language; 3) the appropriateness of its use in a particular communicative situation in combinations generally accepted in the language. Compliance with lexical norms is the most important condition for the accuracy of speech and its correctness.

1) Find sentences in which the words do not correspond to the objects, signs and phenomena that they denote. Correct
errors associated with violation of lexical norms.

1. The election fiesta has begun. 2. He became acquainted with a galaxy of new computers. 3. The deputies made a decision that helps improve the noted shortcomings. 4. Grandmother gently nods with her kind, wrinkled face. 5. This struggle is being waged under the thesis of protecting human rights. 6. On next meeting Club of Book Lovers held a presentation of the first issues of the almanac “Vladikavkaz”.

Answer: 1. The election campaign has begun. 2. He got acquainted with several models of the latest computers. 3. The deputies made an important decision that will help eliminate existing shortcomings. 4. Grandmother gently nods her face. 5. This struggle is being waged under the auspices of human rights. 6. At the next meeting of the Book Lovers Club, a presentation of the first issue of the almanac “Vladikavkaz” took place.

2) Using explanatory dictionaries, determine the meanings of the following synonyms, their stylistic coloring, as well as their origin in the Russian language: in what direct and figurative meanings and stable contexts of use they can replace each other, and in which they cannot and why (provide to confirm your answer examples of phrases and sentences with these words):

Restoration - restoration, agitation - propaganda, accident - catastrophe, master - settle, cooperation - interaction, impulse - push, region - district, reform - change . Answer: Restoration - restoration (Late Lat.). Restoration/restoration of the building. Recovery(special)

Agitation (lat.) - propaganda (lat.). Anti-state propaganda/agitation. Promotion of healthy lifestyles. Propaganda is the dissemination of a mood in favor of an idea. Propaganda - dissemination of ideas.

Accident (French) - catastrophe (Greek). Accident - damage. Catastrophe-1) an unexpected event in novels, dramas, serving as intelligence. 2) a terrible incident. It has greater expression and tragedy than an accident. Car accident/catastrophe. The strained relationship between the spouses was finally about to resolve into some kind of catastrophe.

To master - to settle. Master - learn to use something. Settle in and explore new places. Master a new computer. Settling in a new home.

Collaboration-interaction. Cooperation is participation in some common cause. Interaction (book) - mutual connection; (psychol.) - the process of direct influence of objects on each other, giving rise to their mutual conditionality and everything. Our company cooperates/interacts with the editorial office of the newspaper "K". After the advent of quantum. field theory, the idea of ​​interaction has changed significantly.

Impulse-push (lat.). Impulse-1) measure mechanical movement 2) suggestion, motivation. A push is a sharp short blow made by moving away from oneself. Give someone a boost. Send electrical impulses.

Region (Latin) - district (French). Region-1) region, district, part of the country, distinguished from other regions by a set of natural or historically established features. 2) a group of nearby countries. Economic-geographical or similar region of the world. The area is a well-known district. A certain part of the area.

Reform-change (lat.). Reform is a transformation introduced by legislation. Change is turning into something else. Education reform. Changing meter readings.

3) Find errors in the use of paronymic words, correct them by determining the meanings of the incorrectly used and necessary words in this case using an explanatory dictionary:

A militant mood reigned in the regiment. The people suffered dual oppression. Predatory destruction of forests led to the formation of ravines. At the end of the meeting, the floor was presented to Professor Dyakonov. Many facts: climatic and temperature conditions, processing times, the nature of lighting - affect the development of plants. Answer: A warlike mood reigned in the regiment. The people suffered double oppression. Predatory destruction of forests led to the formation of ravines. At the end of the meeting, Professor Dyakonov was given the floor. Many facts: climatic and temperature conditions, processing times, the nature of lighting - affect the development of plants.

4) Find violations of lexical norms in the following sentences and correct them, determine what types of lexical norms are violated in each case, determine the meanings of incorrectly used words using an explanatory dictionary:

He recorded songs of the indigenous aborigines of the North. Born in the schools of Syktyvkar new tradition. The life of the old peasant woman gradually became intolerable. Today we have guests from Madrid. The hunters' nerves are tense: a finger is on the target. On Saturday, the Jaguar boutique will host a fashion show. Answer: He recorded songs of the indigenous people of the North. A new tradition has appeared in Syktyvkar schools. The life of the old peasant woman gradually became unbearable. Today we have guests from Madrid. The hunters' nerves are tense: the finger is on the trigger. On Saturday, the Jaguar boutique will host a fashion show.

An aborigine is a native inhabitant.

1. On Monday there will be a fashion show (model show) by fashion designer Yaroslav Kurylenko called “Flowers of the East”. 2. With her ballet charisma, Plisetskaya overshadows those who should dance next. 3. The new thriller creates an atmosphere of suspense (tension) in the auditorium. 4. An important role in modern society plays the creation of advanced technologies and know-how. 5. What's the point of keeping us in front of the silver screen for eight evenings waiting for a happy ending?

Answer: 1. On Monday there will be a (model show) by fashion designer Yaroslav Kurylenko called “Flowers of the East”. 2. With her charisma, Plisetskaya overshadows those who should dance next. 3. The new thriller creates an atmosphere of suspense (tension) in the auditorium. 4. The creation of advanced technologies plays an important role in modern society. 5. What's the point of keeping us in front of the silver screen for eight evenings waiting for a happy ending?

1) Inappropriate - "models-fashion designer" - tautology.

4) Know-how is a production secret.

6) Find and eliminate errors associated with inaccurate word choice and violation of lexical compatibility norms:

1. The company used more advanced equipment. 2. People now have faith in private property and the opportunity to achieve success purely on their own. 3. Now every citizen has the opportunity to own property. 4. The Decree of Emperor Paul I had a beneficial effect on industrialists. 5. Now these functions are consolidated in the person of one person. 6. It’s time to sum up the results of the meeting.. 7. For thirty years, Afanasyev played the role of storekeeper and forwarder.

Answer: 1. Equipment was used at the enterprise. 2. People gained confidence in the ability to own private property and achieve success on their own. 3. Now every citizen has the opportunity to own property. 4. The Decree of Emperor Paul I had a beneficial effect on industrialists. 5. Now these functions are possible for one person. 6. It’s time to sum up the results of the meeting.. 7. For thirty years, Afanasyev served as a storekeeper and forwarder.

7) Eliminate speech redundancy and tautology:

1. Federal units went deep into the republic. 2. The press has a highly positive assessment of the election results. 3. If this is hypothetically assumed, then the situation is seen in a different light. 4. The reform is carried out with the simultaneous coexistence of old and new management structures. 5. The initiator and originator of the movement is the economic association.

Answer: 1. Federal units advanced deeper into the republic. 2. The press praises the election results. 3. If we assume this, then the situation is seen in a different light. 4. The reform is carried out with the simultaneous existence of old and new management structures. 5. The initiator of the movement is an economic association.

8) Explain why the following usage is incorrect:

More sophisticated; in the month of May; in the very near future; mutual cooperation, have a full quorum; see with your own eyes; meet for the first time; hospitalize; publish in print; step back; patriot of the motherland; full house; price list; the most optimal; interior decoration; folklore; a huge colossus.

Answer: More sophisticated; in May; in the near future; cooperation, have a full quorum; firsthand; познакомиться; hospitalize; publish; retreat; retreat patriot; full house; price-list; optimal; interior design; folklore; colossus.

9). Choose the appropriate paronym from the words given in brackets:

1. He is used to working without strain (methodically, methodically), clearly following all (methodically, methodically) recommendations. 2. You and I must get together and (specify, discuss) those issues that were not (specified, discussed) in the agreement. 3. The (critical, critical) analysis of this study was not very (critical, critical). 4. Be careful, there is a (angry, malicious) dog in the yard. 5. Everyone who goes with us on the boat must wear (life-saving, life-saving) vests. 6. I looked at your (factual, factual) material and find it not very (factual, factual). 7. He showed (economic, economic) interest in resolving these (economic, economic) issues.

Answer: 1. He is used to working methodically without strain, doing everything clearly methodological recommendations. 2. You and I must get together and discuss those issues that were not covered in the agreement. 3. The critical analysis of this study was not very critical.4. Be careful, there is an angry dog ​​in the yard. 5. Everyone who goes with us on the boat must wear life jackets. 6. I looked at your factual material and find it not very factual. 7. He showed a proprietary interest in solving these economic issues.

10). Find and correct errors related to the incorrect use of synonyms, antonyms and paronyms:

1. Old orders and former organizational structures have already been discarded. 2. Beet growers are confident that the final effect will be significant. 3. This unit allows you to significantly reduce the temperature of the connection of materials. 4. He openly admitted what was hidden from us. 5. Unreliable facts should alert us. 6. Troekurov had racing dogs at his kennel. 7. Polar explorers were drifting on an ice floe. 8. Natasha screamed, speechless with fear. 9. Dubrovsky was born into a poor, but quite wealthy family. 10. A strong tuxedo stood over the city - the result of harmful emissions.

Answer: 1. The old order organizational structures have already been discarded. 2. Beet growers are confident that the final effect will be significant. 3. This unit can significantly reduce the temperature of materials joining. 4. He admitted what was hidden from us. 5. Unreliable facts should alert us. 6. At Troekurov’s kennel there were hounds. 7. Polar explorers were drifting on an ice floe. 8. Natasha screamed in fear. 9. Dubrovsky was born into a fairly wealthy family. 10. There was a strong smoke over the city - the result of harmful emissions.

eleven). Match the following words with pairs with opposite meanings:

Dull, noise, silence, wind, darkens, blooms, spring, mind.

Answer: dumb-smart



wind calm

gets darker and brighter

blooms and fades



12) Indicate the reasons for the ambiguity in these sentences and eliminate it:

1. After re-analysis, excellent data were obtained. 2. As an editor, you can leave this term.


1. After re-analysis, other data were obtained. 2. As an editor, you can leave this term.

*excellent 1) meaning good 2) different

13). Eliminate speech insufficiency in sentences:

1. The language of Shukshin’s characters differs sharply from the characters of other authors. 2. The center-left bloc does not yet have and is in dire need of a leader.

Answer: 1. The language of Shukshin’s heroes differs sharply from the language of the characters of other authors. 2. The center-left bloc does not yet have a leader, but it really needs one.

Lesson plan for speech development in 9th grade. (2 hours)

Let them talk?.( Speech and grammatical errors).

Lesson type: combined lesson with elements of educational technology as research, differentiated learning.

Lesson objectives:

Systematize knowledge on finding and preventing language errors;

Develop skills and abilities to correct language errors;

Get acquainted with the classification of language errors made in essays and presentations;

Expand students' vocabulary;

To achieve active mastery of the riches of Russian oral and written speech;

Learn to be more thoughtful about the right choice words and their forms, to the construction of syntactic structures;

Development of the ability to observe, analyze, generalize, and self-control skills;

Cultivating a caring attitude towards the native language.

Create conditions for acquiring new knowledge about language errors using elements of research;

To develop the ability to apply acquired theoretical knowledge when working with language material;

Equipment: computer, projector, slide presentation, handouts.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

Today's lesson is called "Let them talk?" At the end of the lesson we will look at this sentence again. How do we answer this question? Should we change this sign?

2. Activation of knowledge.

Russia is a great country. What, in your opinion, can be attributed to the national heritage of our people?

Minerals, natural resources, history... Russian language.

Indeed, the Russian language is a national treasure. Can we consider that the riches of our language are inexhaustible? Can we consider that the speech of the majority of our compatriots reflects the richness and greatness of the national language?

You pointed to the influence of the media on speech culture. Can the speech of media workers serve as an example of literary language?

Without a doubt, pop culture also has a certain influence on the speech culture of modern teenagers?

Why is the use of jargon words becoming the norm in communication? Of course, these questions are the material of more than one lesson.

Speak and write correctly, avoid mistakes. Why is it important? (Understanding)

How could these jokes come about?

Soap bubbles always complain that they are being blown.

There are only a few zeros that know their place.

It's a pity that loved ones can sometimes be so distant.

Of course, you are a wolf, but what a gray one.

We can conclude that language errors affect mutual understanding.

3.Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

The topic of our lesson is Speech and grammatical errors.

Based on the topic, try to set lesson goals. What should you and I do to prevent these mistakes?

systematize knowledge on finding and preventing language errors;

develop skills and abilities to correct language errors;

get acquainted with the classification of language errors made in essays and presentations;

expand your vocabulary;

to achieve active mastery of the riches of Russian oral and written speech;

learn to take a more meaningful approach to the correct choice of words and their forms, to the construction of syntactic structures.

A. Pushkin, V. Dahl spoke about the culture of speech... In order for you and me to choose the “right road,” let's repeat the classification of language errors.

4. Generalization and systematization of theoretical knowledge. Working with a table.

Speech errors and shortcomings

Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it

Failure to distinguish shades of meaning introduced into a word by prefix and suffix

My attitude towards this problem has not changed. Effective measures were taken.

Failure to distinguish synonymous words

The use of words of a different stylistic coloring

Widespread use observed mobile phones. We admire nature, but we see the preconditions for loneliness

Inappropriate use of emotionally charged words and phraseological units

It’s hard for him to see how the birch grove is being destroyed by the hands of a concrete highway. Time is rapidly rushing forward, but we have the power to use it to the fullest.

Unjustified use of colloquial words

Such people always manage to outdo others.

Violation of lexical compatibility

Deep spring. Work creates joy. His article does some good.

Use of unnecessary words, including pleonasm

Using nearby or closely related words (tautology)

People completely go through a path full of suffering. The poet cannot poetically express what is new...

Unjustified repetition of a word

The hero of the story does not think about his actions. The hero does not even understand the full depth of what he has done.

Poverty and monotony of syntactic structures

Poor use of pronouns

This text was written by V. Belov. It refers to an artistic style. I immediately had a picture in my mind.

Incoherence of presentation

5. Fastening.

Correct errors. (chain by chain)

1. For one moment the boys forgot.

2. Pechorin has the talent of creative trust.

3. Chatsky has no accomplices.

4. Peter saw Sasha as a compatriot in wrestling.

5. Griboyedov gives us a good look at the image of Chatsky.

6. They began to treat Onegin with respect.

7. A bourgeois family appears before us.

Words for reference: confused, talent, like-minded people, ally, reveals, relate, appears

Independent work with self-test.

Handout. Correct mistakes directly on the card.

Card 1.

Pushkin expressed the characters of the people of that time.

Fonvizin portrays his views in critical articles.

Prostakova is rude to her courtiers.

Upon learning that the serf-woman Palashka fell ill, she becomes furious.

Korobochka's mental limitation reaches the point of absurdity.

The people endured dual oppression.

Turgenev won worldwide recognition.

She overcame fear and anxiety

Manilov thought and reflected for a long time.

Soon he returned back.

Tatyana fell in love with Onegin with great love.

He was indignant with indignation.

The sun shone fiery like fire.

They showed their initiative.

Gerasim went to the river. Gerasim saw a puppy in the water. Gerasim took it and brought it home.

The guys woke up early. The guys decided to go into the forest to pick mushrooms. The guys walked along the field path. The guys picked a lot of mushrooms and berries.

When he began to leave, he began to ask about the incident.

The trees are bare, the days are cloudy.

Then he went to the river. Then I saw the raft.

Buds began to bloom on the trees. The days have become longer. The snow began to melt.

The grammatical norms include:

word formation (word formation rules),

morphological (formation of word forms of different parts of speech),

syntactic (rules for constructing phrases and sentences).

Find grammatical errors.

Yesterday there were about four hundred cameras here (in Severomorsk).

The operation will be carried out with fifty percent of the holding's shares.

More than eight hundred thousand pensioners can now live with dignity

Find errors in the formation of noun forms.


Everyday life






5. Consolidation.

Doing exercises with self-test

Card 2

Underline your chosen answer with a pencil.

Exercise 1.

1. Experienced (lecturers - lecturers) were selected to conduct conversations and reports.

2. Many (shops - workshops) of the plant have been reoriented to produce new products.

3. The shepherd put his pipe to his lips, and gentle (tones - tones) pipes floated over the meadow.

4. On Levitan’s canvas, the gentle blue (tones - tones) of the sky convey the transparency of the morning air.

5. Only experienced drivers (drivers - chauffeurs) can drive buses on mountain roads.

6. (Elections - election) of the regional governor show that many political opponents are concluding (agreements - agreements) on cooperation.

7. A commercial bank issued long-term bills (bills of exchange) to some successful firms.

8. L.N. Tolstoy managed to create unique artistic (images - images).

9. B summer time Many people are starting (vacations - holidays).

10. Our confectionery department always has fresh (cakes - cakes)

Exercise 2

Use the required form short adjectives

1. This method of treatment is effective... and painless....

2. The actor was natural... in his behavior.

3. Your arrival is very timely….

4. The region was deserted, deserted... and lifeless... .

5. The view of the mountains with snowy peaks, colored by the sunset, was majestic... and triumphal... .

6. The moment was for all the celebrations… .

7. The school director was responsible... for every student.

8. The feuilleton, according to Koltsov, is to some extent related... to correspondence.

Exercise 3.

Correct the mistakes in the sentences

1. The main accounting department currently serves thirty-two nurseries. -

2. Twenty-three days have passed since the dispatch of the next scientific expedition to the Mir station.

3. Three defective pliers were sold at a reduced price.

4.Per day shopping mall sold thirty-three trousers.

5. Twenty-four sleds took part in the dog sled race.

1. By the fifteenth of April one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, an exhibition of a famous artist in our city is scheduled to open.

2. There are more than one and a half hundred amateur school orchestras in our region.

3. The amazingly beautiful cathedral with three thousand six hundred and eighty-five frescoes, built in the 16th century, is one of the most striking attractions of Rome.

4. In 2006, energy consumption by enterprises in the region will increase 1.3 times.

6. The teacher's word.

Our language has existed for centuries. Would he have become so great and powerful if he had been treated so irresponsibly?

This language is not something frozen. He is in perpetual motion. It is influenced by many factors. One of them is the speech of announcers and journalists, which should be an example. Is this so?

7. Find mistakes in the speech of journalists and announcers.

“The standard of living of the people is deteriorating...” (NTV. Alexey Pivovarov)

“To improve the crime situation in the city, law enforcement agencies working in enhanced mode..." (NTV. Marat Setdikov)

“Contrary to the current situation that has developed now in Russia...” (“Time”, Pyotr Tolstoy)

“A child is an individual personality...” (“Let them talk.” Andrey Malakhov)

“Rizhsky Station needs to be renamed back…”

“Subsequently Balanchine gave her (the ballerina) this role back...”

“In the finale of The Cranes Are Flying, Tatyana Samoilova played the title role...”

“The fire broke out at a high altitude...”

“Speaking about the conversation with Putin, the deputy noted...”

8. Pop culture influence. Discussion of errors.

Potap and Nastya

“In our area they don’t call, but they call...”

("In the area")

"...Vasya, why are you driving..."

("In the area")

Natasha Ionova (GlukoZa)

“I’m very sick, I have fever, I’m standing and waiting for you like a fool...”

“Cool evening, nothing better to do...”

"Snow" …

9.Find and correct errors. (along the chain)

“You don’t need to make such amazing eyes...” (I. Nikolaev “Let’s drink. Natasha, dry wine”)

“The Russian nightingale, a glorious bird, sings its song with a whistle...” (Lev Leshchenko “Nightingale Grove”)

“There is no need to spur you. You rush at your pace and do not recognize the reins...” (Oleg Gazmanov...)

“And her emerald eyebrows spike under the sign of the moon...” (“Roots”)

“Heat-shock ecstasy fell like a shower. I’ll sit astride a white stork, the one who brings a gift to the beauty...” (Group “Brothers Grimm”)

The non-normative use of linguistic means by songwriters is very common and negatively affects the speech culture of not only teenagers, but also the older generation. Therefore, the problem, the solution of which is associated with increasing the level of speech culture in our society, is very relevant. In such conditions, the education of the younger generation takes on special importance, since the future of the language directly depends on it.


Dimka, what, did you read it?

I read it.

Cool or creepy?

Cool. Listen. In short, one smart guy got fed up with Life. I'm fine. Green up to the eyebrows. And he doesn’t care, he dumped him in the village. Became a type of collective farmer. I found my friend Lensky. They sit in the evening, fighting for their lives. A village girl fell for the boy. That's okay, it's cool. But Onegin is not happy. He politely told her: “Learn, girl, to control yourself.” Not everyone, like me, will understand you.

And here, damn it’s a holiday. Well, Onegin drove up to his friend’s friend. The one behind the trunk.

It didn't turn out well. Blood was spilled. The boy is in trouble.

What do you say? Test yourself.

11.Independent work with cards.

1) “The parents were confident that their child would continue the family business.”

2) “He always puts his elbows on the table.”

3) “Young people working at the factory decided to go out on a cleanup day.”

4) “Of two evils, choose the lesser.”

5) “There is no movement all around, only the old mill flaps its wings.”

1) “Having solved the problem, I just need to check the result.”

2) “Onegin’s day began with the fact that, lying in bed, various invitations were brought to him.”

3) “When buying bread, they gave me change.”

4) “After thinking, Chatsky’s legs themselves headed towards Sophia.”

5) “Living in a cramped closet, Raskolnikov developed a crime plan.”

1) “To be literate and with a lot of slang words, you need to read a lot.”

2) “The entire Famus society likes to take a nap in front of each other.”

3) “They gave me a concert subscription for the whole month.”

4) “For this feat, pilot Maresyev was awarded.”

5) “That memorable conversation worried Raskolnikov for a long time.”

1) “We asked the local aborigines for directions.”

2) “The team of our athletes is in the lead.”

3) “The participial phrase is always separated by commas.”

4) “She looked at him sadly with sad eyes.”

5) “His eyes shone with the imperturbable happiness of bliss.”

1) “By example specific examples show the originality of Chekhov’s landscape.”

2) “The train whistle sounded, and the mourners got out of the cars.”

3) “At the end of the novel, Bazarov is no longer so firmly convinced of his beliefs.”

4) “Writer F.M. Dostoevsky wrote the novel Crime and Punishment.

5) “With a loud thunder, the cat Barsik flew into the room.”

Group II.

Correct errors in the formation of forms of adjectives, pronouns, verbs, participles.

1) “They wanted to create a better life.”

2) “Father goes to work in the city every day.”

3) “Not far from here there is a sanatorium, near it there is a swimming pool.”

4) “The Volga is wider than the Don.”

5) “Almost all year round the kingdom was immersed in cold twilight.”

2. Correct errors associated with the incorrect use of participial phrases.

1) “The skating rink is always fun and interesting, although after skating your legs hurt.”

2) “Continuing the traditions of Radishchev, Pushkin created the ode “Liberty.”

3) “Fighting for his happiness, Savelich was sent to hard labor.”

4) “As he saw me off, his face expressed regret.”

5) “After watching the film, I was left with a strong impression.”

3. Correct errors associated with inaccurate use of words:

1) “And I remember Yesenin’s colt, carefully trying to overtake the locomotive.”

2) “The illustrations well imitate the main episodes of the story.”

3) “A sigh of regret escaped her lips.”

4) “During the years of study at the Art School, he learned to draw artificially.”

5) “Leo Tolstoy had a brilliant composing gift.”

4. Correct errors caused by the use of an extra word.

1) “On the square he saw a huge mass of people.”

2) “The book for extracurricular reading is opened by works of folklore.”

3) “The artist donated his self-portrait to the museum.”

4) “The young man successfully passed the exam.”

5) “Artist I.E. Repin painted his self-portrait."

5. Eliminate errors caused by using nearby or closely related words.

1) “With difficulty making their way through the icy mess, the skiers made it to the shore.”

2) “In relation to Chatsky, Sophia’s attitude has changed not for the better.”

3) “The ideal of a Russian woman was poetically reproduced in the image of Tatyana by the poet Pushkin.”

4) “The paths in the garden were dusted with powder.”

5) “While piloting the plane, the pilots gained the required altitude.”

III group.

Correct errors in the formation of forms of adjectives, pronouns, verbs, participles.

1) “The boy has developed worse habits.”

2) “The sky today is blue and full of amazing transparency.”

3) “Behind him was a cart loaded with things.”

4) “On the advice of a doctor, the patient gargles with a solution of baking soda.”

5) “A man waving his arms vigorously attracted our attention.”

2. Correct errors associated with the incorrect use of participial phrases.

1) “Back home, it quickly got dark.”

2) “Having read the work a second time, I think that the main ideas in it are expressed correctly.”

3) “Using a slide rule, calculations are made quickly and easily.”

4) “The use of these expressions and phrases can be shown with illustrative examples, taking examples of fiction as illustrations.”

5) “Science requires such advice that, if applied, would be beneficial in practical work.”

3. Correct errors associated with inaccurate use of words:

1) “The university has announced the selection of students.”

2) “Industry and Agriculture are steadily developing in the country.”

3) “The student’s report was distinguished by its deep erudition.”

4) “It was proposed to assign horses and inventory to the brigade for sowing.”

5) “The approaching thunderstorm caused a terrible stir in Katerina’s soul.”

4. Correct errors caused by the use of an extra word.

1) “Katerina’s language is the most striking in the gallery of positive female images of A.N. Ostrovsky."

2) “It is necessary to ensure the supply of educational literature to the district school.”

3) “The story tells about the labor exploits of young people during the years of development of the untouched virgin lands of the Orenburg region.”

4) “Vasily Terkin was a cheerful joker.”

5) “A huge crowd of people was approaching the square.”

5. Eliminate errors caused by using nearby or closely related words.

1) “The homework assignment turned out to be easy.”

2) “In the near future, a new production of A.P.’s play will be staged by members of the drama club. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard".

3) “Hardly overcoming the difficulties of the climb, the climbers overcame the mountain pass.”

4) “The famous critic V.G. Belinsky created a large number of the most interesting critical articles."

5) “It was decided to take an immediate decision regarding the frequent absences from classes by careless students.”

11. Conclusion. “Our language has earned the right to be treated with care, to be loved by all the people,” stated Boris Vasiliev. It's time to think about whether we have the right to treat our native speech so mediocrely.

Robert Rozhdestvensky.

Look how this night breathes.

The star, tired of shining, fell and burned his shoulder.

Look how insinuating the fog is

I pressed myself against the young water.

He completely swore to her,

He took the moon as a witness.

They will now go into the sand,

There, where there is no sign.

And feeling the river running,

The ruff will clog in unconsciousness...

No, I'm telling you

That the earth keeps so many secrets,

Birches, willows, and alders!

And how much music there is in the steppes,

In the pre-dawn trembling I grew...

Oh wait! Feel the night

The creeping flight of an owl, the sniffling of slow moose cows...

Listen, is it possible to do this?

To live and not know spring?

12. Reflection. Complete the sentences.

I think we need to talk...

Correct speech shows...

Correct speech speaks of...

Correct speech helps...

And let's go back to the beginning of the lesson. What do you think LET THEM TALK?


One cannot but agree with the main pathos books. (Pathos - passionate inspiration, rise. In this sentence you should use the word idea). A thousand tanks caught up hand to hand. (Hand to hand - (fight, grapple) with hands or hand weapons). He handled it with ease Cyrillic, there was no master more masterful at composing messages. (Cyrillic is the Slavic alphabet that underlies the modern Russian alphabet. In this sentence you should use the word pen(wielding a pen)).Yesterday I walked huge rain. (The word should be used strong). His heart was beating, his lips shriveled up, and he licked them with his tongue. (Shrink - having dried out, shrink, warp. In this sentence you should use the word dry out). We received a huge number of calls, but not all of them were successful read. (The sentence should be corrected as follows: not all calls could be answered). Native people of North America - Indians– significantly infringed on their rights. (Indians are the inhabitants of India, the indigenous people of North America are called Indians).Majority I spent the summer months at the dacha. (The sentence should be corrected as follows: I spent most of the summer at the dacha). On future day, a discussion of current affairs began. (On next day the discussion of current affairs began). The monument amazes with its bizarre dimensions. (Dimensions are the maximum external outlines, sizes of objects. The word should be used in the sentence forms: The monument amazes with its bizarre shapes). The country was divided into three unequal half. (The sentence should be corrected to read: The country was divided into three unequal parts). Students closely listened to the teacher's story. (You can watch closely, you should listen attentively). A satirical depiction of Russian life describes Leskov in "The Flea". (The sentence should be corrected as follows: Leskov’s “The Flea” contains a satirical depiction of Russian life). Evgeny Onegin differed from other landowners in his exaltation: It’s not for nothing that “he replaced the ancient corvée with a light quitrent with a yoke.” (Exaltation - enthusiasm, painful liveliness). If live take a closer look at these people, they will become noticeable hard-hitting traits. (It is forbidden live take a closer look at people; impartial - impartial). Expressively depicted in the novel there are images of the main characters. (The sentence should be corrected as follows: The images of the main characters in the novel are expressive). Words from the President blow optimism on us. (The sentence should be corrected to read: The President's words give us optimism.) Exams require of us difficult effort. (The word should be used large or labor-intensive). The new law will make changes primarily to atmosphere entrepreneurship. (Atmosphere (singular only) – surrounding conditions, setting. The word should be used area ( entrepreneurship)). Russian dance ballerinas shocked the judges. (The word ballerina is not in Russian, you should use the word dancer). Spectators inspire me confidence that I will still do a lot as an actor. (You should use the expression give me hope). On image This policy has many negative aspects. (Image is a consciously created image. The word should be used in the sentence reputation- public assessment of someone). The authority of elders must chase us throughout our lives. (The sentence should be corrected as follows: The authority of elders should remain unshakable for us throughout our lives). Yeseninsky image personified in our minds with a white birch tree. (The sentence should be corrected as follows: Yesenin’s image is associated (correlated) in our minds with a white birch tree.) Chatsky identifiesyourself future Decembrists. (The sentence should be corrected as follows: Chatsky is prototype future Decembrists). I know perfectly well all its advantages and disadvantages, because we already know each other without a year a week.(Without a year, a week is very short. The sentence should use the expression for ages).

    Incorrect choice of function word, leading to destruction of the meaning of the sentence

I only met the professor twice, That's why We're on friendly terms with him. (Need to: … But We’re on short terms with him or... nevertheless We are on short terms with him).

Deputies gain nationwide fame thanks to scandals. (The preposition is used incorrectly. Preposition thanks to indicates a favorable reason for the current state (thanks to strength and endurance, the athlete won the competition); prepositions indicate an unfavorable reason from-behind, because of(due to injury he could not perform. You need: because of scandals or because of scandals). Thanks to The fire destroyed a large area of ​​the forest. (Need to: because of fire or because of fire).

    Error in choosing a password

Among the generals there reigned militant mood towards the enemy (Need: militant mood). The word for the report was presented to the director of the plant. (Need: word provided). Writer displayed hero truthfully and emotionally. (Need to: depicted hero). Tatiana was raised romantic and sensual young lady. (Need to: sensitive young lady) Under feudalism, the people endured dual oppression. (Need to: double oppression). We were transferred to work in lagging behind brigade. (Need: in lagging behind brigade). Everyone is well aware of the early romantic works of Gorky. (Need to: romantic works). Graduate student has provided dissertation abstract on time. (Need to: introduced abstract). The poet's early works understandable and are available to everyone. (Need: works understandable) We missed the train by independent from us reasons. (Need: by independent reasons from us). The director signed a statement presentation I'm on vacation. (Need: o providing vacation). Mayakovsky stood at sources new poetry. (Need: stood at origins new poetry). Shoes from Ekko dressed on all employees. (Need to: put on on all employees).

A scene familiar to all of you: having received your essay, you are incredibly surprised: the commas seem to be placed correctly, there are one or two spelling errors, and the grade is low.

Most students first hear about speech errors only in high school. Meanwhile, the “weight” of speech errors in the overall assessment of work is very significant.

Let's take a look at the norms for grading essays. Here are the criteria that a work rated “4” must satisfy (we quote only what concerns the style of presentation): the lexical and grammatical structure of speech is varied, the style of work is unified and expressive, no more than 3-4 speech defects and 2 grammatical errors are allowed.

Don’t be surprised if a relatively competent piece of work gets a grade reduced for “poor speech.”

What is a good speech? Good, skillful speech is speech that is both laconic and rich, precise and bright, stylistically consistent and individual, expressive. Such speech is a reflection of the general level of culture and erudition of a person, an important condition for his professional success. It is very important to know literary norms, to be able to see their violation and to know how to correct such errors.

First of all, about the norms. They cover all areas of the language: phonetics, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, grammar, stylistics.


Lexical errors

1. Inaccuracy of word usage

1.1. Errors associated with the use of a particular word in a meaning that is not characteristic of it or that is not suitable for the given context are explained by the fact that the writer either incorrectly understands the meaning of the given word, or indifferently selects a word from a synonymous series, the members of which differ in shades of their common meaning , or mistakenly uses foreign words: Chatsky is especially deeply opposed to the serf owners (instead passionately); Chatsky is not alone, he has many accomplices (instead like-minded people); Famusov acts according to the slogan: it’s signed, then off your shoulders (instead of according to principle).

1.2. Errors caused by confusion in the use of paronyms (words similar in sound but different in meaning): Onegin leads festive lifestyle (instead of idle).

1.3. Using unnecessary words (pleonasm). The most common errors encountered are:

  • combination of two synonymous words: Heard swearing And swear words.

  • a combination of words in which the meaning of one word duplicates the meaning of the second: Came dark darkness.
2. Violation of lexical compatibility of words

To use words correctly in speech, it is necessary to know not only their exact meaning, but also to take into account the peculiarities of the lexical compatibility of words. Combining words may be impossible for the following reasons:

  • due to semantic incompatibility ( notorious aristocrat);

  • due to their grammatical nature (for example, adjectives do not interact with verbs or adverbs, do not connect with numerals, etc.);

  • due to lexical features ( deep youth - one might say old age);

  • the combination of words in a phrase may encounter restrictions regulated by stylistic laws (for example, in the phrase fight in vain bookish and colloquial words were used).
^ 3. Errors in the use of phraseological units

Errors consist in distorting the composition of phraseological units, stable combinations: The whole country from small before great rose to fight the enemy (instead of from small to large). He never put things off long box (instead of long box).


Grammatical errors

The grammatical correctness of speech is the observance of basic grammatical norms, most of which are formulated in the form of grammar rules. These are the norms of word formation of parts of speech, declension and conjugation of words, coordination, construction of sentences of a particular structure, as well as management norms that are learned practically. Deviations from these norms are classified as grammatical errors, which are divided into morphological and syntactic.


Morphological errors

Morphological errors are deviations from the norms of formation and use of word forms.

errors in the gender of nouns

These errors are caused by the influence of a person’s native dialect or vernacular: Mom learned to do jam(jam).

errors in the use of number of nouns

Such errors occur when using plural forms instead of singular, singular forms instead of plural: Streams ran through the city asphalt(instead of asphalt). Housing condition the workers had a very hard time (instead of living conditions).

errors in the use of case forms

Errors of this kind occur when using nouns, both singular and plural: We do not have time (time). Choice showed...( elections).

Indeclinable nouns are used as indeclinable: Came with kina(movie); drove up to depo (depot).

errors in the use of adjective forms

There are errors in the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs. Remember, degrees of comparison are formed in two ways:

a) more

b) more beautiful

less + beautiful



Remember: One way excludes the other!

This book is still more interesting(instead of more interesting). Nina Ivanovna - the most the best teacher in school ( the most- superfluous word).

mistakes in the use of pronouns

These include:

  • cases of incorrect use of the third person personal demonstrative pronoun in indirect cases with prepositions (without initial –N): Let's go to to him to the house.

  • incorrect formation of the genitive form of the interrogative pronoun How many: U how many people took fingerprints, no one knows (instead of how many).

  • cases of incorrect use of the possessive pronoun their: Theirs we don't like the views (instead of their).

  • the use of some pronouns instead of others, which leads to ambiguity and ambiguity: Petya dropped his hat (instead of my).

  • violation of agreement in number and gender when using third person pronouns instead of nouns: The class team has many difficulties ahead. Them still have to prepare for exams (instead of to him).

  • ambiguity when using personal pronouns of the 3rd person, which in the genitive case can also be used in the meaning of possessives: Ermolova was sometimes compared with Mochalov in terms of the strength of her temperament, calling his daughter (instead of her).

  • When using pronouns, it is necessary to clarify that a pronoun usually replaces the nearest noun in the form of the same gender and number. If this is not taken into account, errors such as the following are possible: The hares changed their white coats so that they were not visible ( fur coats? hares?)
errors in the use of numeral forms

  1. errors in declension of numerals: With two hundred rubles; in one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven.

  2. errors when using the collective numeral: ^ Three female workers were unable to go to work (instead of three female workers).
errors in the use of verb forms

The most common mistakes include the use of dialectal vernacular verb forms: From the hole come out rodents (instead of come out).

Dialectal origin of the form on –xia, absent in the literary language: We played in the forest for a very long time (instead of were playing).

Some reflexive verbs are mistakenly used as non-reflexive: Mom that day was waiting for a long, long time and didn’t wait (instead of I was waiting).

Verb forms are also used incorrectly run, want, go, burn, bake, gather etc.: Mom tells me “ Drive, son, alone in the city" (instead of go).

Common errors include violation of the types of tense relations of verb forms: We watched TV and we think about a disco (instead of watched And thought or look And we think).

There is also an incorrect formation of special verbal forms - participles and gerunds: playing children (instead of playing); formation of gerunds from those verbs from which they are not formed: waiting, writing, sewing.


Syntax errors

Syntax errors are violations of the rules for constructing sentences.

errors in constructing simple sentences

1. Unmotivated duplication of pronouns, members of a sentence (the pronoun is located immediately after the noun or is separated from the subject-noun by an adverbial phrase): Nekrasov, having learned about the death of Dobrolyubov, He dedicated a poem to him.

2. Unreasonable omission of sentence members: There are green trees on them ( Who?) sing songs cheerfully.

3. Violation of agreement between members of the proposal:

A) lack of agreement in gender between subject and predicate: Herman is very liked it military service (instead of liked it). Incorrect agreement in the gender of the predicate with the application or qualifying words: The novel “The Master and Margarita” became my favorite book (instead of became). Cherry Orchard, Ranevsky estate, must go under the hammer (instead of must).

B) violation of agreement in number: the predicate verb is used in the plural instead of singular, when the subject is expressed by a noun denoting a set of objects: Peasantry performed against landowners (instead of spoke).

C) incorrect agreement in the plural of the third person pronoun with the singular nouns it replaces (usually having a collective meaning): The younger generation has shown that They a worthy replacement for the old guard (instead of it). The possessive pronoun is also used incorrectly - an inconsistent definition in the plural instead of the singular, replacing a collective noun: Chekhov shows philistinism with their petty interests (instead of his).

D) applications enclosed in quotation marks and used in literary language only in the form of the nominative case are incorrectly coordinated in case with the members of the sentence to which they relate: In the story "Taras Bulbe" Gogol talked about the past of the Ukrainian people (instead of "Taras Bulba").

E) errors in the coordination of definitions expressed by participial phrases after the word being defined: Along the paths, leading people walked to the lake (instead of leading).

4. Errors that consist in breaking the connection between pronouns and the words to which they indicate: Pechorin’s meeting with Maxim Maksimych and his departure.

Incorrect use of prepositions

Errors involving the use of prepositions are quite common. from And With, V And on. In some of their meanings, these prepositions form synonymous constructions: come from school, come from the post office, go to the city, go to the station. He was walking with a friend with schools (instead of from).

Other prepositions are used erroneously: at instead of V, during(His selfishness manifested itself during the battle with fascist machine gunners); from instead of at, with, from(From morning to evening she makes cranes); because of instead of from, from under(Feathered friends have arrived from behind the warm regions); through instead of because of ( The screams of the children could not be heard over the noise of the engine).

Before words starting with vowels, a preposition O should appear in the variant about: ABOUT these people...; and the opposite phenomenon: He tore about board the car a new shirt.


Incorrect word management

Under the influence of prepositional verbal control, prepositional phrases appear instead of non-prepositional phrases accepted in the literary language: Gogol describes about adventures Chichikova ( adventures). There are cases of unprepositional control instead of prepositional control: Tikhon was subordinate mothers (at the mother's).

With prepositional control, the controlled word is placed in the wrong case: according to order (order).

Incorrect prepositional-case control is observed: Kabanikha treated Katerina very bad ( related to Katerina).

It is not uncommon for two or more homogeneous members to require various forms controlled word, while one is given: Davydov wanted to delve into and learn all the secrets of Gremyachey Log ( delve into all the secrets of Gremyachey Log and learn them).

Sometimes the main word is combined simultaneously with a controlled noun and an adjacent infinitive or subordinate clause: Gorky called for a fight against the “leaden abominations” of life and not to put up with them ( fight with... and not put up with...).

errors associated with violation of the order of words in a sentence

They consist in the gap (distance from each other) of words that are closely related to each other: the predicate and the subject, the definition and the words being defined, the complement and the word that controls it; in the gap between homogeneous members of a sentence:

  1. The subject or object takes a place that does not correspond to the generally accepted word order: Pushkin showed secular society in the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

  2. The definition in the sentence occupies an unusual place:
a) an inconsistent definition is separated from the word being defined by other members: Onegin spent his childhood in St. Petersburg ( ^ Onegin spent his childhood in St. Petersburg );

B) the agreed definition is separated from the word being defined by other members of the sentence: Large and beautiful buildings grew quickly in the city center ( Large and beautiful buildings quickly grew up in the city center).

  1. The circumstance occupies a place in the sentence that does not correspond to the generally accepted word order: The whole class went to the forest to pick flowers in the spring ( In the spring, the whole class went to the forest to pick flowers.).

  2. Wrong arrangement of particles: Their childhood is so gray ( Their childhood is just as gray).

  3. Incorrect placement of prepositions: Ten minutes later the teacher came ( Ten minutes later the teacher came).

  4. Incorrect placement of parts of a composite alliance: The scout set fire not only to the German headquarters, but also saved a wounded officer ( ^ The scout not only set fire to a German warehouse, but also saved a wounded officer ).
Violation of word order in a complex sentence is observed in cases where:

A) the noun it defines is included in the subordinate attributive: Which boys played volleyball well, got into the district team ( Boys who played volleyball well were selected to the district team).

B) setting a conjunction word which does not correspond to the generally accepted word order: He committed an offense, subsequently because of which he had to suffer a lot ( He committed an offense for which he subsequently had to suffer a lot).

errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members

Such errors occur when:

  1. in homogeneous compound predicates, the nominal part expressed by adjectives is placed in the instrumental and nominative cases: Grinev was honest, truthful, but sometimes gullible ( gullible);

  2. the nominal part of homogeneous compound predicates is expressed by adjectives (or participles) in full and short form: Petrov is rude and weak-willed ( weak-willed);

  3. used with one subject, two types of predicates - verbal and nominal: Davydov loves people, is kind, fair ( ^ Davydov loves people, he is kind and fair );

  4. conjunction is used incorrectly And, showing the completeness of the enumeration (it is placed either before the last homogeneous member of the sentence, or before each homogeneous member): The driver quickly got out of the car and threw himself into the water in his clothes, saving the boy ( The driver quickly got out of the car, threw himself into the water with his clothes on and saved the boy.);

  5. parcellation is used unjustifiably: K.F. Yuon loves Russian nature very much. And he describes it in his paintings ( ^ K.F. Yuon loves Russian nature very much and describes it in his paintings );

  6. relations of homogeneity are established between the members of a simple sentence and parts of a complex one: The partisan waited for darkness and for everyone to fall asleep ( The partisan waited for darkness to fall and everyone to fall asleep).

errors in constructing sentences with isolated phrases

  1. mixing of active and passive participles: Stools were brought to the workshop, done carpenters ( done);

  2. the use of a participial phrase instead of a subordinate clause: From this book we learned about the horrors experienced by our people in the war ( From this book we learned about the horrors that our people experienced during the war.);

  3. the participial phrase occupies the wrong position in relation to the word being defined: He did a lot for his people, giving his life to serving him ( He, who gave his life to serving the people, did a lot for them);

  4. actions expressed by a predicate verb and a gerund refer to different persons and objects: After watching the film, the writer became even closer and dearer to me. Looking at such injustice, Radishchev’s heart bleeds;

  5. the participial phrase is used in impersonal sentences: Without finishing school, Sergei had to work ( ^ Without finishing school. Sergey went to work );

  6. The imperfect participle is used to denote an action that occurs before the main action: Finding himself in a shelter, Tick mobilizes all his strength to get out of it ( Once in the shelter, Tick mobilizes all his strength to get out of it);

  7. connection of a participial phrase with a predicate by a conjunction: He returned to Russia and devoted himself to science ( ^ Returning to Russia, he devoted himself to science ).

errors in the use of direct and indirect speech

They usually appear:

  1. when mixing direct and indirect speech: Yuri said that I would be a pilot ( ^ Yuri said that he would be a pilot ).
The same error is observed when using quotations as subordinate explanatory clauses with personal (and possessive) pronouns of the first person singular and plural and corresponding verbal forms: Tatyana tells Onegin that “I love you...” ( Tatiana tells Onegin that she loves him);

  1. in excessive use of the conjunction What in indirect interrogative sentences: The judge asked who ordered to stop the train ( The judge asked who ordered the train to be stopped);

  2. in the inappropriate use of particles and addresses in indirect speech: Father told us that it’s in vain, guys, that you’re going fishing: the weather has turned bad ( Father told us that it was in vain that we were going fishing: the weather had turned bad.);

  3. when missing a particle in an indirect question whether, acting as a union: We still don’t know, everyone is still alive ( We still don’t know if everyone is still alive).

errors in constructing complex sentences

The following errors occur:

  1. when unsuccessfully combining disparate simple sentences into one complex sentence: Bazarov is a doctor, but he is a strong and strong-willed person;

  2. in the use of adversative conjunctions instead of a connecting conjunction And: Winter has come, but we started skiing;

  3. with the tautological use of coordinating conjunctions: We went into the forest without permission, and my mother was very upset, and she scolded us greatly for this.

errors in constructing complex sentences

They occur when:

  1. subordinating and coordinating conjunctions are used simultaneously in a complex sentence (one of these conjunctions is superfluous): When the night was calm, but people did not sleep;

  2. an extra conjunction is used: I have one great desire, to quickly become useful to my homeland;

  3. an extra subordinate clause is used: When on a sunny day, you can see cobwebs floating across the sky;

  4. in the main sentence there is no correlative (indicative) word to which the subordinate clause refers: I love my Motherland, that we live under a peaceful sky ( I love my Motherland because we live under a peaceful sky);

  5. the conjunction is skipped: Consider such works as “Eugene Onegin”, “Hero of Our Time”, then we will see...;

  6. conjunctions and allied words are used incorrectly: We went in the direction where the sounds were heard ( where);

  7. the conjunction or allied word is unjustifiably repeated: Andrei compares his life with an old oak tree that grew in the forest through which he was driving...;

  8. subordinate clauses without main or unfinished main clauses are used: When the partisans returned, whom our scouts were waiting for;

  9. a subordinate attributive and a participial phrase are combined in one sentence: Plyushkin lived in a house that had a neglected appearance and in which almost all the windows were boarded up or closed with shutters.

The proposed educational tasks on speech culture will help students master the norms of the modern Russian literary language and improve speech culture. They will help develop a sense of language, expand your vocabulary, teach you to independently analyze linguistic phenomena, and help you master the lexical and grammatical norms of the modern Russian language.

Test 3. Find errors in sentences. Correct them.

  1. She overcame fear and fear.

  2. Manilov thought and reflected a lot.

  3. Soon he returned back.

  4. She fell in love with Boris with great love.

  5. He was indignant with indignation.

  6. The sun shone fiery like fire.

  7. They showed their initiative.

Test 4. Find and correct errors in sentences.

  1. When Igor gets ready to go on a campaign, other princes also gather.

  2. A big role in showing the image of Prince Andrei is played by showing his love for Natasha.

  3. Even among Goncharov’s outstanding novels, Oblomov occupies an outstanding place.

  4. Famusov adheres to public opinion. Famusov sticks to the old ways in everything.

  5. Approaching the estate, he saw a collapsed gate. Entering the house, Chichikov saw a man fiddling with some rags.

Test 5. Find and correct errors in the use of phraseological units.

  1. The wounded man only regained consciousness in the morning.

  2. He kept the fog out of his eyes.

  3. But here lies the secret of self-education in a team.

  4. Bazarov worked tirelessly.

  5. He didn't put things off in a long box.

  6. Walked back and forth through my country.

Test 6. Correct errors in verb-noun combinations.

To give help, to make an impression, to cause harm, to take action, to make a feat, to give a proposal, to have a major role, to pay great attention, to contribute a huge role to the development of literature.

Test 7. In the given sentences, find violations of word combinations. Correct the mistakes.

  1. The play “At the Bottom” had a great resonance among readers.

  2. Molchalin set himself the task of creating a career.

  3. The production of the play “At the Bottom” was a great success among the audience.

  4. The Nazis cleared the forest.

  5. The ode “Liberty” was of great importance.

Test 8. Find words that do not correspond to the era described in the text. Choose words that correspond to the content of the statement.

  1. Akaki Akakievich worked as an official in the department. He received a meager salary.

  2. Vladimir persuaded Marya Gavrilovna to secretly sign.

  3. Bazarov graduated from university.

  4. Vronsky signed up for horse racing, bought an English horse and began attending equestrian classes.

Test 9. Match the adjectives with the nouns.

(Boiled) vermicelli, (potato) mashed potatoes, (colored) tulle, (legible) signature, (sweet) cocoa, (long) journey, (custom) parcel post, (new) piano, (gray) mouse, (small) shot, (new) studio, (small) tiles.

Test 10.Find errors in the use of numerals. Write down the sentences in corrected form.

  1. Two schoolgirls went on duty.

  2. Three buckets of water were enough to water the flowers.

  3. Fifty students took an excursion to the planetarium.

  4. The snowstorm did not subside for three days.

  5. 89.5 percent of 6th grade students study well or excellently.

Test 11. Correct mistakes in the use of pronouns.

  1. Vasya gave Marusa a doll, but she soon died, and Pan Tyburtsy took it to Vasya’s father.

  2. Gerasim brought Mumu a cup of milk and put her on the bed, but she did not know how to sing.

  3. Petit's father went to the front when he was three years old.

  4. We have a lake with an island. Jasmine grows on the island. In the summer we swim in it.

Test 12. Rearrange the sentences to avoid repetition of pronouns.

  1. Strange boys surrounded me and invited me to swim.

  2. I read this book “Seventeen Years” this year.

  3. This is the most interesting book. This book tells about the life of a 10th grade graduate.

  4. My friend gave me this book. In this book, the author talks about the first tractor brigade.

  5. I woke up at 6 o'clock. I quickly had breakfast and went to school. On the way I met my friend.

Test 13. Find errors and explain them. Write down the sentences in corrected form.

  1. We later got used to the strong noise that woke us up.

  2. It is pleasant to walk through the forest, penetrated by the first rays of the sun.

  3. In the thick fog that covered the shore, we recognized each other only by our voices.

  4. Cattle roamed along the wooded slopes overgrown with bushes.

  5. The neighboring village, shrouded in a bluish haze, was very beautiful.

  6. Thick fog, surging in waves from the gorge, covered the entire valley.

Test 14. Use prepositions that make sensein, on .

  1. On Sunday we went... to a concert, and they... to a movie.

  2. I have tickets... circus... matinee.

  3. Sister works... in a factory, brother... in a factory, mother... in a workshop...

  4. My brother was ... Ukraine, ... Belarus, ... Urals, ... Crimea.

Test 15. Find 11 stylistic errors in the text, edit it, and rewrite it in a corrected form.

In the works of Pushkin and Lermontov, two main characters play an important role in the history of Russian literature. After reading them, it became clear to us how, thanks to the reaction that occurred after the defeat of the December uprising of the Decembrists and which forced young people to abandon active political activity, and they, feeling superior to others, became selfish involuntarily almost more than one hundred and fifty years ago.

^ Exercise. Check your essay:

Initial version

"I loved you …"(lyrics of love by A.S. Pushkin)

Every person probably has books that they want to return to again and again. For me, volumes of Pushkin’s poems are such. Like everyone else, at the beginning I became acquainted with his fairy tales, then at school I studied his poems. When bright feelings of love began to invade my life, wittingly or unwittingly, I realized that only a person who had experienced it himself could write so soulfully about love .

However, in one of the books about Pushkin, I was surprised to read that the director of the lyceum where he studied spoke of him as a person “defiled by all the erotic works of French literature.” Meticulous literary scholars believed that he dedicated his poems to one hundred and thirty-seven women, and many of them loved the poet. They just don’t understand that a genius is sometimes allowed more than others, that without inspiration, which is caused by love, beautiful works about love are not possible. They arise from the fact that the poet is in love and wants to express and express his feelings.

But the most dear and valuable thing for me is not that the poet had many hobbies, but that, after marrying Natalya, Pushkin loved only her and dedicated his poems only to his wife:

“No, no, I shouldn’t, I don’t dare, I can’t

It’s crazy to give in to the excitement of love;

I strictly protect my peace of mind,

And I don’t let my heart burn and forget..."

It's hard to be the wife of a genius if you're young and beautiful. In their family life there was everything: joy, high love, four children, but there were, of course, omissions and quarrels. And also separations. But no matter how difficult it was for them, nothing could overshadow their sincere love. Pushkin’s heart could not help but love Natalya Nikolaevna, so Pushkin decided to fight with Dantes and stood up for his wife’s honor and his own honor. Fighting death for two days after the fatal duel, it was not easy for him to think about the fact that he had left his family without funds. But maybe he remembered his lines, referring them now to Natalya:

“I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How may God grant you, beloved, to be different.”

Leafing through the poet’s poems, I think about what amazing people lived and how they knew how to love. Will I encounter anything similar in my life?

^ Proven option

"I loved you …"(lyrics of love by A.S. Pushkin)

Every person probably has books that they want to return to again and again. For me like this are volumes of Pushkin's poems. Like everyone else, I at first I got acquainted with his fairy tales, then studied his poems at school. When love came into my life, I realized that I could only write about it so heartfelt Human, myself experienced a real feeling.

However, in one of the books about Pushkin, I was surprised to read that the director of the lyceum where he studied poet , spoke of him as a person “defiled by all the erotic works of French literature.” Meticulous literary scholars believed that Pushkin dedicated poems to one hundred and thirty-seven women_ and many of them loved the poet. I think that a genius is sometimes allowed more than others, because without inspiration born love,_impossible_beautiful works that arise precisely that's why that poet wants to express his feeling .

But, on my look, interesting Not That, What atPushkin I had a lot of hobbies, but the fact that after marrying Natalya Nikolaevna _he loved only her and dedicated I I only shared my poems to her :

No, no, I shouldn't, I don't dare, I can't

The excitement of love is crazy e to give,

I strictly protect my peace of mind

And I don’t let my heart burn and forget...

It's hard to be the wife of a genius if you're young and at Tom is beautiful. In family life Pushkin there was everything: joy Andsorrows, holidays and everyday life, the birth of four children; there were, of course, omissions and quarrels . And also separation. But how neither it was difficult,_ nothing could darken them sincere mutual love. It is out of love for Natalia Nikolaevna Pushkin decided to duel with Dantes - stood up for the honor of his wife and my own. After the fatal duel, the poet struggled with death for two days. Perhaps he was thinking that leaves family without funds ,_ A maybe he was remembering his lines, rel. O send them now_ to Natalya Nikolaevna :

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God grant you, your beloved, to be different.

Reading Pushkin's poems, I think about what amazing people lived earlier how they knew how to love! Will I encounter something in my life? - someday similar?

NOTE: The content of the essays is not edited.

Finally, here are some tips for checking your written work.

Read the work at least three times. The first time, pay attention to the content, logic, and argumentation of your thought. Already during the first reading, edit speech redundancy, length, repetitions.

The second reading is a painstaking rough work on spelling, punctuation, and speech culture. And the third reading is a polishing one. Only after this can the work be rewritten.

Do you remember? Well, good luck to you!