Eduard Uspensky - down the magic river. Down the Magic River What is the story Down the Magic River about?

With drawings by Valery Alfeevsky, it was subsequently reprinted many times, including with illustrations by Viktor Chizhikov.

In 2017, the Kamensk-Ural Drama Theater “Drama Number Three” hosted the premiere of the play “Vacations in Lukomorye” based on the play by Ilya Gubin, based on the story by Eduard Uspensky.

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    ✪ Argumentation. Film “There, on unknown paths...”

    ✪ Personnel management (Holding meetings). Film “There, on unknown paths...”



In the summer, city schoolboy Mitya visits his grandmother Glafira Andreevna in the village. One day she sends him to visit her cousin Egorovna, who lives alone. Mitya goes to Egorovna through the forest and discovers that he has found himself in the world of fairy tales: he meets a talking Gray Wolf, sees a milk river with jelly banks flowing through the forest, and Egorovna turns out to be Baba Yaga (albeit a kind one) and lives in a hut on chicken legs.

Meanwhile, Koschey orders Makar to be given to the Serpent Gorynych to be devoured, but Mitya and Baba Yaga, who came to the rescue, trick them into giving the Serpent water from a magical lake, which turns those who drink it into kids. The snake becomes a kid, and Makar runs away to Vasilisa the Wise and her army. The boyars from the Boyar Duma refuse to go to fight on Koshchei’s side, and the cat Bayun puts them to sleep. Koschey goes to battle with his old friends and an army recruited from the peasants.

Folklore images of characters.

Dmitry Bykov, in his “One” program on Echo of Moscow, commented on the new images of heroes of Russian fairy tales by Uspensky: “In the book “Down the Magic River,” Eduard Uspensky presents the reader with familiar, familiar from childhood images of fairy tale characters in a new, easy and, perhaps, to say, a good-natured interpretation. It seems that not a single hero of “Down the Magic River” is truly evil and unpleasant. And the boy Mitya, traveling through the “kingdom”, becomes the reader’s guide to the world of a new Russian fairy tale."

There on unknown paths.

If you are not so afraid of Kashchei,
Or Barmaley and Babu Yaga,
Come visit us soon,
Where the green oak is on the shore.
The black scientist Kotishche is walking there,
He drinks milk and doesn't catch mice,
This is a real talking cat
And Gorynych the serpent sits on a chain.

Come visit us
Hurry up, come visit us,
The cat will tell you everything because he
I saw everything myself.
Oh, how quiet and dark
Oh, how wonderful and wonderful,
Oh, how scary and funny
But in the end everything will be fine.
Film "There on the Invisible Paths"

Do you like fairy tales? Are you a fan of Soviet fairy tales? I do! And I advise you)
No, honestly, it’s always wonderful. Have you noticed that Soviet fairy tales are not something from bad times, but the integration of fairy tales into the present, and even better into the future. For example, in “Journey to the Morning Star” - this is a flight to another planet, when the most beautiful things are ahead and no one is interested in returning to the times of enslavement. It's beautiful))

So Uspensky integrates familiar characters into the present. They are still in the magical forest, they are still a kingdom, but their king is already against sitting and doing nothing:

“- Ugh!” Makar sighed. “And what kind of life is this for me? You can’t work with an ax - it’s undignified! You can’t polish the floors - it’s indecent! Well, tell me, Gavrila, is there a place for me to live in this house?”

And this king dreams of going to his grandmother in the village, picking berries, chopping firewood, that is, leading a correct working lifestyle.
And here’s another thing I liked about Uspensky, as one might say masterfully the author pointed out how it was under the Tsar:

"- Flax-hemp, flax-hemp! - Makar repeated and ordered: - Hey, Gavrila, write down the words for me on a piece of paper. The song is too good!
- So I’m illiterate, Your Majesty.
“That’s right, that’s right,” Makar remembered. “Well, there is darkness in my kingdom!”

Here's a fairy tale for you, and here's a hint for you. Only for some reason now, it’s so easy to forget, for some reason everyone thinks of themselves as counts and let’s wish to be in ancient world, where the toilet is a potty under the bed, there is no electricity and the dentist is a person who pulls teeth. By the way, there are no coffee makers either, and there are also cracks in the windows and no batteries for you. And yes, still no education for those who cannot pay for it. And if it can, then first, if you are a man, you need to serve twenty-five years in the army under the tsar. But I’ve already left the fairy tale, but it would be good not to forget all this. Remember, the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it?

Do you know why Uspensky is beautiful? He has a knack for creating charming characters. Both Tsar Makar and Kashchei the Immortal have solid and strong characters. There is no stupid enmity between them. The main thing here is ideology. After all, both of them carry it. And Kashchei actually perfectly sees who he’s dealing with, and respects Makar, although he utters the phrase that Makar should drive calves, but it’s probably not about Makar, it’s more likely said for the clerk, to establish him in his camp, as it were , let’s be friends against Makar, but that’s why he and Kashchei are to seduce for his own benefit. But the hero does not stop grinning at Gavril, who went over to his side, because he is for the strong, does not stop grinning at the clerk when it is he who speaks about the tsar’s treasury, these are not the words of Kashchei, these are the subjects who agree to sell their soul and their own mother. And Kashchei will have to calm them down. And the good thing about this hero is that he sees who is next to him, so he calls on his real comrades. Well, this is understandable, there should be those nearby who think like you, who will support you, and not boasters.

Uspensky well ridiculed the stupidity of the persistent opinion that the woman is a fool and has no place on the board. Only here I would like to emphasize that Uspensky wrote about Soviet women who flew into space, and not about today’s feminists who are fighting not for equality, but for being called “authors”, such a disgrace that you want to change your gender and have nothing to do with these motherfuckers. And Uspensky’s story about Vasilisa the Wise is pleasant and beautiful to read, you want to be like her. You strive for this ideal, but you don’t want to have anything to do with the word “absolutely” to a new trend of the mind, how to climb into your arms and then from there talk about how much a man now owes for carrying her in his arms.

If we talk about the integration of the present, then this means attracting a boy from the present as an observer who helps fairy tale characters and at the same time he saves his cousin’s grandmother so that she doesn’t become Baba Yaga) This is what you agree to do, only his grandmother is strict, she doesn’t allow him to interfere in the battle against evil spirits, but the boy is great, he manages to save the situation when he has to go against Dashing One-Eyed. Reasons logically. Although here you frown a little, because you feel sorry for the good wolf, on the other hand, you are dashingly defeated and the good wolf becomes himself again.
In the film based on this fairy tale, there was another wonderful moment, finding Kashcheeva’s needle of death in a haystack with the help of tailor’s scissors. The fact itself is good. It’s remarkable in the book that they didn’t even need a needle to win, because lies always need friends, so it gathers them, and every time anew, but the truth is permanently strong and this is important and always works. And no matter how many allies a lie has, the truth is always stronger. Even in our current time, the truth is stronger, it’s just more painful.

The story, of course, is wonderful, beautiful, simple, but with such good hints. Everything is so beautifully drawn and shown. And if as a child you most likely read the adventures themselves, as an adult you can already appreciate all the elegance of the author’s words.
I highly recommend reading the book, either with your child or on your own. You will not regret)

Stranger, we advise you to read the fairy tale “Down the Magic River” by Eduard Uspensky for yourself and your children, this is a wonderful work created by our ancestors. “Good always triumphs over evil” - on this foundation will be built a creation similar to this one, with early years laying the foundation for our understanding of the world. It is amazing that with empathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. Here you can feel harmony in everything, even the negative characters seem to be an integral part of existence, although, of course, they go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable. Probably due to the inviolability human qualities in time, all moral teachings, morals and issues remain relevant at all times and eras. A small amount of detail in the surrounding world makes the depicted world more rich and believable. Charm, admiration and indescribable inner joy produce the pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. The fairy tale “Down the Magic River” by Eduard Uspensky is certainly useful to read online for free; it will instill in your child only good and useful qualities and concepts.

Chapter One MAGIC PATH

In one village, one city boy lived with one grandmother. His name was Mitya. He spent his holidays in the village.

All day long he swam in the river and sunbathed. In the evenings, he climbed onto the stove, watched his grandmother spin her yarn, and listened to her fairy tales.

“And here in Moscow everyone is knitting now,” the boy said to his grandmother.

“Nothing,” she answered, “they’ll start spinning soon.”

And she told him about Vasilisa the Wise, about Ivan Tsarevich and about the terrible Koshchei the Immortal.

And one morning his grandmother said to him:

That's what. Take some gifts and go to my cousin’s aunt Yegorovna. Stay with her and help with some housework. Otherwise she lives alone. She's become quite old. Just look, he will turn into Baba Yaga.

Okay,” said Mitya.

He took the gifts and walked along the path through the forest. Everything is straight and direct. As his grandmother explained to him.

And suddenly a big, big man ran out to meet the boy. Gray wolf. Much more than those that usually sit in the zoo.

“Hello,” he said in a human voice. -Have you by any chance seen a goat here? This gray one?

Mitya was at first confused, and then said:

No... I didn’t see the goat.

Hmmm, - the Wolf said thoughtfully, - that means I have to go without breakfast today. - He sat down on his hind legs. - But you didn’t come across a girl? So small, with a basket? In a red cap?

No,” answered Mitya, “I didn’t come across the girl either.”

Hmmm,” the Wolf drawled even more thoughtfully, “that means I’ll be without lunch today!” - He turned and ran back into the forest.

The boy felt sorry for the Wolf, and he said:

Do you want me to treat you? I have a pie with me.

The wolf stopped.

With what? With meat?

No. With cabbage.

“I don’t want to,” said the Wolf. - I would eat sausages. Do you have any sausage, boy?

“Yes,” answered Mitya. “Only I’m afraid my grandmother will scold me.”

What other grandmother? - the Wolf became interested. Because gray wolves are always interested in other people's grandmothers and granddaughters.

Grandmother Egorovna. I'm going to her.

For you, she may be a grandmother,” the Wolf grinned, “but for me... well, not even a bit.” Don't be afraid, she won't scold you. You treat me, and I’ll still be useful to you!

The path crossed a green clearing and ran down to the river.

There was a white fog hanging over the river and the smell of milk. A bridge rose above the fog.

Is this river really milky? - the boy was surprised. - And no one told me about this.

He stopped in the middle of the bridge and watched for a long time as the sunbeams ran along the light milky waves. Then he moved on. His steps resounded loudly in the silence, and multi-colored, goggle-eyed frogs jumped into the milk from the jelly banks. They were probably made from jelly.

Then the path led the boy through a dark forest and ran into a low wooden fence. Behind the fence stood a dilapidated hut on chicken legs.

Hut, hut,” said the boy, “come on, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to me!”

The hut turned around.

That's great! - Mitya was surprised. - Now turn left! One-two!

The hut turned to the left.

And now march on the spot! One-two! One-two!

One-two... One-two... - the hut marched, raising dust.

And you could hear cups and saucers rattling and rolling on the shelves inside.

But then the window opened, and some old woman leaned out of it.

Are you being a bully? Are you being a bully? - she screamed. - That’s how I’ll jump out, how I’ll jump out, how I’ll hit you with a broom!

“Hello,” Mitya told her. -Who are you, grandma? Are you Baba Yaga?

Yes,” answered the old woman. - And who are you?

I am Mitya.

Who else is Mitya?

Ordinary, Sidorov.

What should I do with you?

Like what?

And so. If you were Ivan Tsarevich, I would give you tea and put you to bed. If you were a boy Ivashka, I would boil you in a cauldron. I can’t even imagine what I should do with Mitya!

“You don’t need to cook me,” said the boy. - After all, I brought you gifts.

From whom are the gifts?

From my grandmother Glafira Andreevna. I'm her grandson.

Why didn’t you say it right away? So you are my relative! And I wanted you with a broom! Wait a minute. I'll be there in a jiffy.

And in the hut something rustled, rustled, and moved. Apparently the floor was swept, a fresh tablecloth was laid out, and clean dishes were taken out.

Finally the door swung open and the boy walked up the steps.

The house was clean and cool. Baba Yaga, with a big nose, dressed up and combed, was sitting at the table, and next to her was a small, musty and somewhat green unfamiliar old woman.

Why are you, grandma, so wet? - the boy asked her. - It’s like you crawled out of a swamp?

“And I crawled out of the swamp,” answered the old woman. - I live there, in the swamp. For a thousand years, probably!

Wow! I have never heard of people living in a swamp. Yes, another thousand years!

Of course,” the old lady was offended. - You've probably all heard about Baba Yaga. What about me? I don't fly in a mortar. I don’t feed the Ivanov princes. I just live in a swamp, that’s all!

Yes, you know her! This is the swamp Kikimora! - Baba Yaga intervened. - She lives here, next door. I went out to visit.

So you are Kikimora? Then I know about you. You and Leshiy are scaring people in the forest. Right?

What's it like together! You can get help from him! You have to do everything yourself!

She calmed down a little.

It’s still nice - a stranger, a city boy, knows something about you.

And they began to drink tea with lingonberry and cranberry jam.

And talk about this and that. About the fifth, about the tenth. About the thirteenth and fourteenth.

There was a saucer on the table, the old woman looked into it all the time. And an apple rolled on the saucer.

And what's that? - asked the boy.

“This apple is a silver lining,” answered Baba Yaga. - A gift to me from Vasilisa the Wise. She came to stay, so she left. She comes up with a lot of things!

What can you see from it, from this saucer?

Yes, whatever you want. We all now know what is going on in our kingdom! - Kikimora said.

Yes, sit closer and look. - Baba Yaga moved a stool for the boy.

Mitya looked... and this is what he saw.

Chapter Two KING MAKAR

On the banks of the wide Milk River stood the royal palace.

It was hot. Flies were buzzing. The heat caused the milk to sour in some places, and in the backwaters it turned out to be yogurt.

The palace is quiet. All the inhabitants hid somewhere from the unbearable heat of the sun.

And only in the throne room it was cool. Tsar Makar sat on the edge of the throne and watched as Gavril’s servant leisurely polished the floors.

And how do you rub? How do you rub? - the king shouted. -Who polishes floors like that? Come on, give it to me! I'll teach you right away!

“You can’t, Your Majesty,” Gavrila answered sedately. - It’s not a royal thing to polish floors. If anyone sees it, there will be no conversation. You are already sitting, relax.

Ugh! - Makar sighed. - And what kind of life is this for me? You can’t work with an ax - it’s undignified! You can't rub the floors - it's indecent! Well, tell me, Gavrila, is there room for me to live in this house?

No,” answered Gavrila, “you cannot live in this house!”

Well, tell me, Gavrila, have I seen anything good in my life?

Haven't seen it, Your Majesty. You didn't see anything.

No... if you think about it,” said the king, “there was something good.”

Well... if you think about it,” Gavrila agreed, “it was then.” It's clear. - And he shuffled the brush again.

Oh, “it was - it wasn’t”... You won’t hear a good word from you! “I’ll give up everything,” the king continued, “and go to the village to visit my grandmother.” I will catch fish with a fishing rod. Plow like other people. And in the evening I will play songs at the Zavalinka. Hey, Gavrila,” the king ordered, “give me the balalaika here!”

“You can’t, Your Majesty,” he replied. - You are not supposed to play the balalaika. This is not a royal occupation. I'll give you the harp. At least strum all day.

He took the harp from the wall and, padding his bare feet, approached the king. Makar made himself more comfortable on the throne and sang:

In a dark forest, in a dark forest,

In a dark forest, in a dark forest,

Over the forest, over the forest...

Will I open it up, will I open it up

Will I open it up, will I open it up...

Here he stopped.

Hey, Gavrila, what am I going to open up?

Pashenka, Your Majesty, pashenka.

“Oh yes,” the king agreed and finished singing:

Pashenka, pashenka,

I will sow, I will sow

I will sow, I will sow...

Hey, Gavrila, what will I sow?

Flax-hemp, Your Majesty. Flax-hemp.

Flax-hemp, flax-hemp! - Makar repeated and ordered: - Hey, Gavrila, write down the words for me on a piece of paper. The song is really good!

So I’m illiterate, Your Majesty.

That’s right, that’s right,” Makar recalled. - Well, there is darkness in my kingdom!

The royal clerk Chumichka entered the hall.

Your Majesty, the entire boyar Duma has been assembled,” he said. - They're waiting for you alone.

Ehehe! - the king sighed. - A magic mirror ready?

It's okay, Your Majesty, don't worry!

Then let's go! But you know, Chumichka,” he said importantly, putting on the crown, “being a king is just as bad as not being a king!”

Great idea! - the clerk exclaimed. - I will definitely write this down in a book!

This is stupidity, not a thought! - Makar objected.

Don't argue, Your Majesty! Don't argue! I know better. This is my job - to write down your thoughts. For grandchildren. For them, your every word is gold!

If so, write,” Makar agreed. - Yes, be careful not to make mistakes, so that I don’t blush in front of my grandchildren!

Chapter Three BOYAR DUMA

The Boyar Duma was buzzing like a beehive. The bearded boyars had not seen each other for a long time and were now sharing news.

And I was in the village! - Boyar Morozov shouted. - I swam in the river! I collected berries - viburnum, raspberries of all kinds!

Just think, a village! - answered boyar Demidov. - I went to the Blue Sea. I was roasting on the sand.

So what about your sea? - Boyar Afonin objected. - Also unprecedented! I swam along the Milk River on a raft and I’m silent! I've had enough of sour cream!

But then the heavy oak doors swung open and the king solemnly entered the hall. He held a scroll in his hand. Following him appeared the clerk Chumichka with a pen and inkwell in a bag.

Quiet! Quiet! - the king hit his staff. - Look, they're making noise!

The boyars became silent.

Everyone is here? - asked Makar. - Or is there no one?

Everything, everything! - the boyars shouted from their seats.

Let's check it now. - The king unrolled the scroll. - Boyar Afonin?

“Here,” answered boyar Afonin, the same one who sailed along the Milk River.


OK. And Morozov? Skameykin? Chubarov? Kara-Murza?


Fine. Well. - The king put down the scroll. - But somehow I don’t see Kachanov. Where is he?

And his grandmother fell ill,” explained boyar Afonin. The most bearded and therefore the most important among the boyars.

Either he has a grandmother, or he has a grandfather! - Makar got angry. - If I put him in a closet, all his grandmothers will immediately recover.

At this time, two archers brought a magic mirror into the hall and removed the cover from it. The king approached the mirror and said:

Oh, mirror, my light,

Please answer quickly:

Are we in danger of trouble?

Is the enemy coming here?

The mirror darkened and a guy in a white shirt appeared in it.

All is well in our kingdom! - he said. - And no trouble threatens us. But there are troubles, even two.

“Let’s go in order,” Chumichka ordered. - One by one.

First of all, Nightingale the Robber showed up and escaped from custody. He has already robbed two merchants.

What do we do? - asked Makar.

We need to send Streltsov,” Chumichka answered. - To catch the swindler!

Right! What he says is true! - the boyars shouted in unison.

That’s right, that’s right,” Makar agreed. - Yes, it’s expensive to send archers. You need a lot of money. And the horses will have to be pulled away. And now the work is in the field.

But what should we do? - the clerk exclaimed.

Let's ask Vasilisa the Wise.

What should I ask her? Is she smarter than us, or what? - Boyar Afonin shouted.

Know, smarter! - Makar said sternly. - Since people called her the Wise. Hey, come to me!

A boy ran in wearing brand new red ankle boots.

So, little guy, run to Vasilisa the Wise and ask her what to do with the Nightingale the Robber?

The boy nodded and ran out of the hall.

And the boyars began to wait, scratching their beards. Out of breath, the boy ran back:

She says we need to send pictures around the villages. Like, Nightingale the Robber escaped. He is that many years old. Whoever catches it will be rewarded with half a barrel of silver. The men will immediately catch him.

But it was a good idea! - said Makar. - Right, boyars?


What is there! - the boyars agreed.

And the guy in the mirror was waiting.

Well, what's the second news? - the king asked him.

Here's what it is. The merchant Syromyatnikov took the sleeve from the Molochnaya River to his gardens. Waters cabbage with milk. And dirty milk flows back into the river.

Well, I see that the sour cream was somehow different! - Boyar Afonin shouted. The same one that swam along the Milk River.

OK OK! - The king raised his hand. - What are we going to do?

I should flog him. In the square in front of the people, my dear,” Chumichka said insinuatingly.

It won't work! If you flog the merchants, you won't see any goods! - Makar objected.

Gold words! - the clerk agreed. - How come I didn’t think of it myself? This needs to be written down. This should be left for the grandchildren!

Just wait with your grandchildren! Hey kid! - the king called the walker. - Run again to Vasilisa. What would she recommend?

Uncle Tsar, why do I keep running to her? Let’s call her here,” the boy said.

Where have you seen this? Baba, let him into the Tsar's Duma! - Chumichka became worried.

It is forbidden! - the boyars shouted. - It’s not a woman’s business to sit in the Duma! Let him advise you at home!

And the boy rushed for an answer. Five minutes later he reported to the king:

She says you need to take half a barrel of silver from the merchant! The merchant will immediately become wiser.

And what? What she says is true! - Boyar Morozov shouted. - We’ll give you silver for the Nightingale the Robber. To the one who catches him.

Wow! - Chumichka was surprised. - How he makes it up! For nothing, what a woman!

The king tapped his staff.

Well then write!

“Here’s another piece of news,” the guy from the mirror suddenly said. - But I don’t know whether to say it or not? This is very unusual news. You can't do it in front of everyone.

The Duma became silent.

“Your Majesty,” said Chumichka, “order the boyars: whoever knows how to keep a secret, let him stay; whoever doesn’t know how, let him go home!”

So be it.

Makar agreed.

Now boyar Chubarov headed towards the exit.

Well, to hell with this secret! If you don't know, you won't spill the beans!

Now speak! - the clerk ordered the mirror.

“So,” said the guy, “our king is going to leave us.” Tired, he says. Tired, he says, of reigning. He wants to go to the village.

How so?! - the clerk perked up. - And I?

He fell on his knees before the king:

Do not destroy, Father Tsar! What kind of kingdom is this without a king? Whose thoughts will I write down?

So, without me there won’t be any thoughts? - Makar was surprised.

What thoughts are these! - Chumichka shouted. - If they are not royal?!

Nothing, nothing! Everything will be fine. There are boyars here, and Vasilisa the Wise,” Makar reassured him. - And my word is firm - I will leave. To Grandma. I will sunbathe like all other people. Mow hay. I'll catch bream with a fishing rod. Any questions?

Eat! Eat! - Boyar Morozov shouted. - What will you use to catch it?

How - for what? On the worm!

Please speak! Please speak! - Morozov demanded. He got forward and spoke: “Dear boyars!” Bream is a cunning fish. He won't go for a worm. You need to take it for semolina porridge!

And they started a long fishing conversation.


At this time, in Baba Yaga’s hut, the saucer suddenly became cloudy and nothing was visible.

Why? - asked Mitya.

The serpent Gorynych flew out to hunt, answered Baba Yaga. “Now he’s going to stir up all the air.” You won't see anything until evening. May he fail, the wonderful one! May everything blow up for him, the most beautiful one!

Why do you call him wonderful? And pretty? - Mitya was surprised.

But because you can’t scold him,” Baba Yaga explained. - Whoever scolds him will be eaten by him.

Will he eat you too, grandma?

“He won’t eat me,” answered the old woman. - He'll choke. But you won't end up in trouble!

Grandma, is your king Makar good? - asked Mitya.

Nothing, economic, fair. And he consults with Vasilisa the Wise.

Well, what is she like, Vasilisa the Wise?

I asked too! Yes, she is my niece! She came up with so many things - it’s impossible to count! And walking boots! And an apple - on a saucer! And a magic carpet!

Domovoy is helping her,” Kikimora put in, “her assistant.”

You know what, grandma, I like it with you,” Mitya said to Baba Yaga. - Can I stay here with you for a little while?

Live at least all summer! - answered Baba Yaga. - Just don’t go where you don’t need to, that’s all.

Evening came imperceptibly, and the saucer became clear again. Mitya leaned over and began to look. And again he saw the royal palace. Behind the palace there was a bathhouse. And steam was coming from the bathhouse.

Tsar Makar, covered in soap foam, sat on a bench, and Gavril’s servant whipped him with a broom.

Give the park a boost! Add some more to the park! - His Majesty shouted, splashing out foam. - It’s as if you’re not washing the king! Broom me, broom my dear! Woohoo!

Then the king thought:

Hey, Gavrila, do you think the army here won’t disperse without me? What if I leave?

It shouldn't, Your Majesty. Why would he run away?

And how he will take it and run away!

And what! - Gavrila agreed. - He’ll take it and run away. How long does it take to run away?

OK. How about the merchants? Will they stop trading with overseas countries?

Merchants? No, of course not. Why should they stop?

How will they stop?

And what? They may stop. Stopping is not difficult. “This can be done in no time,” the servant agreed, whipping the king with a broom.

Well, there won’t be a war here without me? How do you think?

Must not be. Who needs it, this war?

And when the enemies attack, what then?

“And when they attack, then it will be,” Gavrila said confidently. - If they hadn’t attacked, then it would be a different matter!

Oh you! - Makar got angry. - No sense from you! He'll run away, he won't run away! They will stop, they will not stop! They will attack, they will not attack! And this is how it works out your way! I should have kept quiet.

And he, steamed, plunged into his thoughts.

...Meanwhile, the clerk Chumichka, with his hands behind his back, walked around the royal palace.

So what should I do now? - he reasoned. - I'll disappear. Who needs me without a king? After all, now they will force me to work! They'll send you to the kitchen.

And he ran to look for the king’s daughter Nesmeyana.

...Nesmeyana with her servant Thekla sat on the shore of a dry pond and roared at the top of her voice:

Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh - mom! Oh-oh-oh - dad!

Nesmeyana Makarovna,” said Chumichka, “take a minute, there’s something to do.”

Which? - Nesmeyana asked, stopping crying.

The Tsar, your father, is going to abandon us. He wants to go to the village. What a disaster!

Yah?! - my daughter was surprised. - Which village?

What difference does it make? Well, what's the difference?

If we go to Marfino, that’s good. And if it’s in Pavshino, it’s so bad!

Now the clerk was surprised:

Yes, because there is a goring bull there! That's why.

Princess, we need to save the kingdom, go talk to the priest. He can only listen to you.

I can not. “I have to cry,” said Nesmeyana. - As soon as I pay for a whole pond, they will give me a carriage.

“Well, Nesmeyanochka, dear,” Chumichka begged. - I’ll pay for you here. I’ll try with Fyokla Sergeevna.

Nesmeyana went to the king, and Chumichka sat in her place and cried hot tears.

Half an hour later Nesmeyana returned.

Persuaded! - she said. - Everything is fine. We'll go to Marfino. There are no bulls butting!

You only think about bulls, dear Nesmeyana Makarovna! - Chumichka shouted.

In the hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga, Mitya and Kikimora kept an eye on what the saucer showed. Until it became cloudy again.

It was probably Zmey Gorynych returning home from hunting.

You'll see tomorrow! Now go to bed!

It was late. Kikimora said goodbye to them and went into her swamp. Mitya lay down on a bench under the window and fell asleep very quickly.

And Baba Yaga fussed around the stove for a long time. She washed the dishes and muttered something eternal, old woman-yagina, under her breath.


The next day, early in the morning, Baba Yaga woke up the boy.

Here's a bucket for you. Run to the river for milk and fill a jar with sour cream.

Mitya took a bucket, put a jug in it and jumped across the dewy grass to the river. Sun was shining. From that fabulous side, black thunderclouds floated in. But over the river they melted and turned into white pleasant clouds.

Mitya leaned over from the bridge and scooped up some sour cream and milk. And then he noticed some strange red stones on the shore.

He picked one up and saw that it was a real cheese, “Dutch”, or maybe “Yaroslavl”.

Miracles, and that’s all! - said the boy. He put the cheese under his arm and quickly ran home.

They had breakfast with Baba Yaga and went out onto the warm porch heated by the sun.

Baba Yaga began to tell:

There, far, far away, do you see a big mountain?

I see, grandma.

This mountain is cursed. No matter how many people went there, no one came home!

What fun!

“You’re having fun,” the old woman agreed. - What about the parents? They need a son, not a goat!..

Grandma,” Mitya interrupted her, “can you only look into the magic saucer in the evening?”

Why? At least watch it all day. When you have time!

Let's see then?

Come on, said Baba Yaga. She took out a saucer and placed it in the middle of the table.

Then Kikimora came, and the three of them began to see what happened next.

This time they saw the blue tower of Vasilisa the Wise. The clerk Chumichka was hovering near the tower. He stood at the porch, listened to what was happening inside, and knocked. Nobody responded. Then he pushed the door and entered. The door immediately closed behind him and the lock clicked. He must have been magical. Or English.

This was Vasilisa's workshop. There were ancient books on the shelves, and unprecedented flowers grew on the windows. Something was cooking on the stove in a cast iron pot. Some kind of healing decoction.

The clerk lifted the lid and sniffed.

A large table partitioned the workshop. Various instruments lay on it and there were two bottles with living and dead water. Hats, bags, boots and other things were neatly laid out on a bench against the wall. There was a forged chest in the corner, and next to it was a dish with red and green apples.

Chumichka kept picking it up, touching and examining it. And things behaved calmly. But as soon as he opened the chest, a heavy club jumped out and began hitting the clerk on the sides.

Are you crazy? - Chumichka shouted. - Guard! Oh oh! Mother! Oh oh! Fathers! They are killing!

A light chime was heard, and Vasilisa the Wise entered the house! Her dress was embroidered with fairy-tale flowers, and on her head was a kokoshnik with crystal pendants.

Baton, in place! - Vasilisa ordered.

The club calmed down and went into the chest.

Excuse me, mother! - the clerk began to make excuses. - I accidentally opened the chest. I didn’t want to, but he took it and opened up. And this beater will pop out!

Vasilisa grinned:

Do not be sad! But you and I have done a great job. We tried the baton. Well, answer me: how does it work? Fine?

Okay, works well! - Chumichka rubbed the bruised places. - Why is she beating her own people?

And that’s why he beats, so that they don’t meddle in other people’s business! You're lucky that you haven't tasted the old apple yet. I would have left here as a grandfather.

Vasilisa took a self-shaking purse from the bench and shook out several copper nickels.

Apply this to the bruises. It will become easier immediately.

The clerk tried the nickels on the tooth, held them a little near the bruises and discreetly put them in his pocket.

Why did you complain? - asked Vasilisa the Wise.

But with what, - answered Chumichka. - Tell me, mother, who is the strongest person in our kingdom?

Perhaps Koschey the Immortal. He is the strongest. And what?

Yes, nothing. Where is he now?

But I won’t say this. If you know a lot, you will soon grow old!

And it is not necessary! And it is not necessary! “I don’t need to know this,” Chumichka agreed. - I'm just so interested. Out of curiosity.

Oh, you're being cunning, clerk! - said Vasilisa. - And Koschey is a state secret. And not everyone is supposed to know about it.

She took a bronze bell from the table and rang it. Her assistant, the short and big-headed Uncle Domovoy, entered.

Here, uncle, take care of the guest,” Vasilisa told him. - Give him some tea. And there are things waiting for me.

And what? And I'll give you a drink. My tea has just boiled,” answered Domovoy.

She and Chumichka went into the upper room. The brownie busied himself with the cups and saucers, and the clerk sat down on the bench by the stove and began to question his uncle.

Listen, you’ve been working with Vasilisa the Wise for years, but you don’t know many things,” he said.

What is it that I don't know?

But who is our strongest person in the kingdom?

Strongest? - Uncle thought about it. - Yes, perhaps Nikita Kozhemyaka. Vasilisa Afanasyevna measured his strength with horses. So he pulled eight horses.

But no! The strongest in our kingdom will be Koschey the Immortal,” Chumichka objected.

The brownie thought about it.

It's right. But only he, Koshchei, has a secret. If he, Koschey, is alone, any boy can cope with him! But if he has friends or an army, then there is no one stronger. Then he will cut down a hundred-year-old oak with a sword at once. He is not afraid of fire, nor water, nor anything at all.

“You see, but you didn’t know this,” said Chumichka.

How did you not know? - Uncle was dumbfounded. - I knew it!

Yes?! - Chumichka exclaimed. - And tell me then, where is he, Koschey the Immortal, now?

And in the royal basement he sits chained! It has been there for two hundred years!

Then a horse's tramp was heard outside the window.

What's this? Has anyone come to see you? - asked the clerk.

No, on the contrary,” answered the uncle. - Vasilisa Afanasyevna left. To Lukomorye for living water. Our living water has come out.

Interesting, interesting,” muttered the clerk. He rose from the stool. - Well, I'm off, uncle. Good health to you!

I don't want to, uncle. No appetite.

He's up to something stupid! - Baba Yaga exclaimed when the fairy-tale city was no longer visible.

Who? - asked Mitya.

Yes, this clerk. That's who. If I were there, I would look after him, my darling!

Grandma, how far is it to get there? - asked Mitya.

Oh, you idiot! By the time you get there, you’ll have worn down five pairs of shoes.

And I figured out how to get there! Only you will take me with you?

Okay, speak up. But I will never go on foot!

And there’s no need to walk,” answered Mitya. - After all, the hut has legs?

Yes, said Baba Yaga.

So we'll go to the hut. Why should her legs disappear?

Baba Yaga was amazed:

Good job! I’ve been living in a hut for three hundred years, but it never even occurred to me! Now I’ll show this Chumichka. And I’ve become too old to fly in a mortar. And the age is not the same!

In fact, it was a neat idea! - Kikimora said. - And you’ll ride around the kingdom. And you can stay with Vasilisa the Wise!

When are we going, grandma?

Yeah right now! - answered the old woman. - There is no need for us to gather. Everything is in our house!

She went down to the cellar, picked up some potatoes for the journey, took the clothes off the line that were drying in the yard, and gave Kikimora her final orders:

Look after my garden. Field the cabbage, weed the carrots. If any prince appears, say that I am not there - I have left for the capital. Yes, and they are tired. Three people visit each day. Feed everyone, give them something to drink and put them to sleep! They've set up an inn! And when I’m gone, they’ll start respecting me.

That’s right, that’s right,” Kikimora agreed. - There is no life from them, from the princes. Don't worry about the garden. I will do everything.

Mitya and Baba Yaga went out onto the porch, and Mitya commanded:

Hut, hut, march forward step by step!

Baba Yaga's hut stomped on the spot, took a few hesitant steps and ran forward, merrily creaking the logs. Apparently, she had long wanted to stretch her chicken legs.

And they swam towards lakes, forests, fields and other all kinds of open spaces.

Chapter Six The Nightingale the Robber

The sun rose higher and higher. And the road ran further and further. It turned now to the right, now to the left between the green hills and seemed to lead anywhere, just not forward, not where it was needed.

Baba Yaga went into the hut to do some housework. And Mitya was sitting on the porch. Suddenly he saw a post along the road. A certificate was nailed to the post. Mitya jumped off the porch and read:


Our Tsar Makar Vasilyevich ordered to catch the daring criminal Nightingale the Robber. He is tall. Strong build. One-eyed. He is fifty years old. There are no special signs. Both legs are left.

For the capture of a dead or alive person, the reward is half a barrel of silver.

The year is today. It's summer now. The clerk Chumichka wrote.

“Like a king, everything gets done quickly! - thought Mitya. “Yesterday they were just talking about the robber, and today the decree is already hanging!”

He caught up with the hut and jumped onto the porch. The road descended from the hill and now went through the forest. And suddenly a huge blockage of trees appeared ahead. And a shaggy head with an eye patch immediately appeared above the rubble.

“Hey, you,” the head asked. - Who are you?

Like who?

So, what will your place of residence be?

My name is Mitya!

Are you by any chance a relative of Ilya Muromets?

No. I'm just Mitya. And what?

Otherwise... Hands up!

For what? - the boy was surprised.

And then! - The man upstairs showed a huge baton. - I'll fuck you on the head!

Mitya realized that in front of him was none other than Nightingale the Robber... He was tall and had a strong build. The reward for his capture is half a barrel of silver. But this did not make Mitya happy at all.

Well, empty your pockets! - ordered the robber. - And get everything out of the house. And furs, and jewelry, and all kinds of furniture!

No,” said Mitya, “furniture is not allowed.” Baba Yaga will swear.

Baba Yaga? - the robber became wary. - Who is she related to Ilya Muromets?

Then let him swear as much as he wants.

Baba Yaga leaned out of the window.

How dare you detain us? Yes, we have a very important matter in the capital!

The door swung open with a knock, and Baba Yaga flew out of the hut like a whirlwind in a mortar. She had a broom in her hands. Blows rained down on the unlucky robber. Baba Yaga flew from the right, then from the left, and her broom flashed so quickly that all you could hear was: boom!.. Boo-m-boom-boom-boom!.. Boom-boom!.. Boom! Fuck!

Finally, the Nightingale managed to hide in the hollow of a hundred-year-old oak tree. Baba Yaga poked it with her broom once or twice. - Here I’ll pour boiling water into your hollow! Or I’ll throw coals! You'll jump out in no time!

Apparently, her threat had an effect on the robber. He hastily put out of the hollow a stick with a piece of white rag at the end.

That's it! - said Baba Yaga. She grabbed a rag and calmly flew into the hut. - Tell him to take it all apart. Cleared the road! - she said to Mitya.

Why! - the robber leaned out of the hollow. - You leave, and I’ll have to go shopping again!

And you’ll put it together like a darling! - the old woman shouted.

Grandma, he doesn’t need to collect! - Mitya intervened. - We need to go back.

Right. You won't collect! You'll figure it out, that's all! - Baba Yaga agreed.

Looking warily at the hut, Nightingale began to pull away the trees.

Listen,” Mitya told him, “why didn’t you whistle?” After all, everyone falls dead from your whistle.

Why? - the robber sighed. - I got my teeth knocked out here. “Wow,” he showed, “what a rush!

Only then did Mitya notice that the Nightingale the Robber had a strong lisp.

And you insert new teeth for yourself.

- “Put it in, put it in”! We need gold!

Why gold? You can also insert iron ones. Like my grandmother's.

What am I, from the village or something! - the robber grinned. - Among us, among the robbers, there are only gold ones. They jashmeat with iron ones!

But the road was cleared, and the hut ran further towards the capital city. Mitya and Baba Yaga were always hurrying her up. They were very worried that Chumichka would cause some trouble in the fairy-tale capital.

Meanwhile, it began to get dark.


The royal palace and the Milk River were gradually enveloped in darkness. Everyone in the palace was asleep. Everyone except the clerk Chumichka. He lay in bed, his beard hanging out from under the blanket, and just in case he pretended to be asleep. And I listened.

Silence! The clerk threw off the blanket and, without breathing, crept to the door. It opened without the slightest noise, and Chumichka began to tiptoe down the stairs. Not a single floorboard creaked as he walked quietly through the state rooms.

Here is the exit from the palace. The clerk carefully opened the heavy oak door. Fuck-bang-boom! - rumbled behind the door. It was the archer from the night guard who was guarding the entrance to the palace who fell. He was sleeping on the porch, leaning against the door frame.

Chumichka was scared, but, it seems, in vain: no one in the palace woke up. The clerk safely got out onto the porch, he took the sword from the sheath of the sleeping archer and carefully put the guard in his place. Then he walked along the wall and found himself at a door leading into a dark basement. Brooms, brushes, cans of paint and other household items of Gavrila’s main servant were kept there.

The clerk took a steel and flint from his pocket, struck a fire and lit a candle. Lighting his way, he walked along the corridor and found himself in front of a small iron-bound door.

On it, covered in cobwebs, hung a sign:


Below the sign was a skull and two crossbones.

Ding-ding-ding... - was heard from behind the door. - Blah-blah-blah... Slap...

The clerk began to look for the key under the rug. The large rusty key was not under the rug, but on the ceiling. This means they hid it especially carefully. Chumichka took an oil can from his pocket and dripped some oil into the keyhole. After this, the key turned silently and the door opened.

By the dim flame of a candle, he saw Koshchei the Immortal chained to the wall. Koschey was hanging on chains.

From time to time he pushed off the wall with his feet and, swaying forward, again splashed against the stonework. That’s why it turned out incomprehensible: ding-ding-ding... Slap...

“Hello, Your Majesty,” the clerk said timidly.

Hello! - Koschey answered, nervously tapping his fingers on the wall. - Take this thing away, and you can see everything.

The clerk blew out the flame, and in the darkness Koshchei’s eyes glowed ominously.

So I'm listening to you.

It seemed that Koschey was very busy and could devote two minutes to Chumichka, no more.

I have come to offer you the throne of our state! - the clerk said timidly.

“Yes, yes,” Koschey tapped his fingers. - The throne is good. What about your king? Makar, it seems?

And the king is going to abandon us. Go to the village.

Well then. That's where he belongs. Makars must chase calves!

Oh, what a great thing you said! - Chumichka exclaimed. - Can I write this down in a book? So as not to forget.

“I see that you think well,” said Koschey. - What is your position?

Clerk, Your Majesty, I’m just a clerk, Chumichka.

From now on you are not a scribe! - said Koschey. - I appoint you as my friend. First friend and advisor!

Glad to try, Your Majesty!

Now take this off me! - Koschey rattled his chains. - Just lubricate me first. Otherwise, if I make such a noise, all the guards will come running!

Chumichka lubricated Koshchei and began sawing the chains on his arms and legs. As soon as he sawed through the last chain, Koschey fell down with a terrible roar.

What a disaster! - he exclaimed. - I forgot how to stand!

Chumichka tried to lift Koshchei and felt an incredible heaviness: Koschey was all made of iron.

“I need to drink twelve buckets of water,” said Koschey, “then my strength will return.”

The clerk brought an empty shopping bag, loaded the slack Koshchei and, groaning, went to the nearest well.


It was deep night, but Mitya and Baba Yaga did not sleep. They sat and watched the apple roll on the saucer. From time to time Baba Yaga jumped up and ran from corner to corner with small steps.

Oh, we didn't have time! Oh, we didn’t have time to warn you! What is the next?!

Or maybe they can cope with Koshchei? - asked Mitya.

Maybe they can handle it, maybe they won’t! - Baba Yaga answered thoughtfully and looked into the magic saucer again.

The moon was shining over the royal palace. Chumichka took water from the well and gave it to Koshchei the Immortal.

He drank and drank. And with every sip it became stronger and stronger.

Finally he straightened up to his full height and drank the last, twelfth bucket.

Well done, Chumichka! Tomorrow I will give you this tub filled to the brim with gold!

Thank you, Your Majesty! - the clerk answered, and thought to himself:

“The bag is too small! It would be necessary to replace it. Put more!”

Now go ahead! - Koschey commanded. “I can’t wait to put on the royal crown.”

They walked past the sleeping guard towards the throne room. In the darkness, Koshchei’s eyes glowed with a cheerful green light.

Chumichka tried to light the candle using a flint, but Koschey beat him to it. He snapped his fingers, sparks flew, and the candle lit up.

And now, Chumichka, bring me a pen and paper and bring the king here.

The clerk left. And Koschey sat on the throne and put on the royal crown.

Soon the sleepy king appeared in a robe and slippers.

That’s it, my dear,” Koschey said imperiously, “now you take pen and paper and write that you are yielding the throne, crown and state to me!”

No way in the world! - Makar became stubborn. - I won’t even think about it!

Your Majesty, but you were still going to leave for the village,” Chumichka intervened.

Got it together today, sorted it out tomorrow! - exclaimed the king. - And I would leave the throne to Vasilisa the Wise! Or one of the boyars who is smarter. Hey guards, come to me!

The chief of the palace guard entered.

That's it, foreman, take the healthier guys and take this one, who is on my throne! - ordered the king.

Why a foreman? - Koschey was surprised. - Who said “tenant”? Centurion, come to me!

How - centurion? Is he a centurion? - asked Makar.

No, of course,” Koschey answered. - Does he really look like a centurion? Such a brave guy! Thousander - that's who he is from now on! Thousander, here!

Thousander, here! - the king shouted.

The surprised guard turned to the king.

Millionsky, back! Why, millions, billions, come to me, step by step! - Koschey ordered.

The chief royal servant Gabriel entered. He looked in surprise first at the Tsar and then at Koshchei.

“Hey, Gavrila,” the king turned to him, “who are you for?” For him or for me?

I am for you, Your Majesty.

So you're against me? - Koschey asked sternly.

No, why? - said Gavrila. - Of course, I am for him, but I am not against you.

So tell me, Gavrila, did I feed you? - asked Makar.

Fed, Your Majesty.

Dressed, Your Majesty...

So come to me!

I obey, Your Majesty!

Wait a minute, Gavrila,” Koschey stopped him. - Do you want to continue to be fed?

I want it, Your Majesty.

Did you dress?

I want it, Your Majesty.

So come to me!

I obey, Your Majesty!

So, Gavrila, you are for him? - the king said sadly. - So you are against me?

Why? - answered Gavrila. - Of course, I am for him. But not against you, Your Majesty.

Well, what are we going to do with the king? - asked Koschey.

He should be executed, Your Majesty! - said Chumichka. - The state will be calmer.

Don't you feel sorry for him? - Koschey grinned.

It's a pity. What a pity! I loved him like my own father while he reigned. But it’s necessary for business!

What do you think, billionaire?

As you order, Your Majesty!

Smart girl, bright head! Well, here's the thing: this one goes to the basement. As it is, in slippers,” he nodded towards the king. - And everyone else should go to sleep immediately. Tomorrow it will begin in our kingdom new life!

Chapter Nine HARD TROUBLE (beginning)

The next morning Baba Yaga lamented for a long time:

What to do now? Should I go back or what?

“You can’t go back,” said Mitya. “We didn’t have time to warn the Tsar, but maybe we can at least help out Vasilisa the Wise!”

And then,” the old woman agreed. - Koschey will now kill her from the world. Go.

And then the out of breath Gray Wolf ran up to the hut.

Stop, stop! I need to consult with you!

“Consult quickly,” Baba Yaga ordered. - We need to hurry!

You see, there’s an old lady living behind the gardens,” the Wolf began. - Her goat was so small! Harmful! Either he eats cabbage, or he chews linen, or he breaks the roof with his feet. And the old woman kept wailing: “Oh, you are so and so! May the wolves eat you!” So my friend and I took one and... helped out the old lady. And she came and started crying: “Oh, my dear and gray one! How can I live without you?! I'll take it and drown myself! I’ll just find a heavier stone!” And I am a good wolf. I wanted the best. What should I do now? Please advise. I really feel sorry for grandma!

Baba Yaga thought about it.

And I don't know. “I don’t know,” she answered, “and I have no time for you now!” Our mouths are full of worries. Koschey wants to sit on the kingdom!

Can I tell you? - Mitya asked.

Here's what you do: catch a common hare or a mouse. Can you?

Can. What for?

And take it to that lake from which you cannot drink. If you drink, you'll become a little goat!

I know this.

And let him drink from the lake. He will turn into a kid. Give the kid to grandma.

Oh boy! Well, thank you,” the Wolf rejoiced. - This is the second time you've helped me out. You know what, take a tuft of fur from the scruff of my neck. I just started shedding. If you feel bad, throw it in the air. I'll come running right away. I will help you out of any trouble!

And this is what happened there.

The sun shone through the lattice windows, and the throne room was festive. Koschey the Immortal, rattling his armor, walked in the middle of the hall, and Chumichka, Gavril’s servant and the billionaire Nikita with a huge two-handed sword on his knees sat on a bench against the wall.

“Today I walked around your kingdom,” said Koschey, “I looked around and I must say that your kingdom is seedy!” Here, for example, is an army. I went into the barracks at night. He took the trumpet and sounded the alarm. What do you think came of it?

What? - asked Gavrila.

Nothing. Five archers appeared with pots and spoons. They probably thought it was going to be a training food distribution! I have no use for such an army! Such an army to my enemies! Next time I will execute every tenth one! “Come on, tell me,” Koschey continued, “what kind of army should there be in the state?”

Ours, dear, resourceful! - suggested Gavrila.

Koschey shook his head negatively.

No and no need! - the servant quickly agreed.

The army must be ruthless! And then it’s native, resourceful and all that jazz. And we must urgently call the Serpent Gorynych, the Nightingale the Robber and the Cat Bayun. They are my old friends, with them no one will be afraid of us!

Your Majesty,” Chumichka decided to insert a word, “maybe we should invite Dashing One-Eyed?”

For what? What good is it? - asked Koschey.

And we will send it to our enemies. If they have problems like this in their household, just be happy!

Good idea! - Koschey agreed. - So, we’ll call him too.

He slowly walked around the hall again.

Now here's what. I looked into your treasury and was amazed. No lock, no sentry. Not a treasury, but a passage yard. Yes, they will steal all your gold!

And our king said that people must be trusted! - Gavrila ventured to say.

Yes? - Koschey turned around. - And where is your king now?

He's sitting in the basement.

That's it!

How subtly noted! - Chumichka exclaimed. - I will definitely write this down in a book.

I order that a sentry be posted at the treasury! - Koschey continued. - And cut into the lock so that the sentry himself doesn’t get in there. Give me the key!

Let's do it, Your Majesty!

And the last thing,” Koschey said sternly. - Take Vasilisa the Wise into custody immediately! Let him make flying carpets, treasure swords and crossbows for us. With her help, we will conquer all the neighboring kingdoms!

She won’t,” said Gavrila. - I know her well, our mother.

You don't know me well! If it doesn’t happen, we’ll blow your head off!

“Your Majesty,” Chumichka intervened. - I’m afraid of this Vasilisa myself. Too smart! Well, she doesn’t exist. She went to Lukomorye for living water.

So, set up an ambush! As soon as it appears, grab it immediately! Got it, billionaire?!

Yes sir!

And you, Chumichka, write letters immediately. And send out walkers wherever needed. And gather me a boyar’s Duma. Yes, live up. I only became Immortal because I never lost a minute!

...And on the shore of the dry pond behind the cowshed, Nesmeyana and Fyokla were still roaring. And the pond gradually filled up.

Chapter Ten DANGER TROUBLE (continued)

Bearded boyars gradually filled the hall.

Why were we gathered? - they were perplexed. - Yesterday I was just thinking!

“I’ve just cracked a nut with the door,” said boyar Chubarov, “and they’re already shouting to me: “Let’s run to the Duma!” I didn’t even eat the nut! Now the chickens will peck!

But I didn’t finish the honey! - Boyar Demidov was upset. - My aunt brought it to me from the village!

The clerk Chumichka entered, and with him a billionaire armed to the teeth with archers.

“You are my dear boyars,” the clerk began, “our dear falcons! I have come to tell you important news. A new king has been sent to us! And soon a new life will begin in our kingdom! Hurray, boyars!

Hurray! - the billionaire picked up.

Hooray! - the boyars drawled hesitantly. - Where did they put the old king?

How - where? - Afonin explained to himself. - If they sent a new one, it means the old one was sent away! Am I right?

“Exactly,” agreed Chumichka. - Simple and clear.

We don't want a new king! - Chubarov suddenly shouted. - Give back the old one!

They sent it to me too! - Demidov supported him. - Who asked you? Send it back!

Quiet, boyars! - An authoritative voice suddenly rang out. And Koschey the Immortal entered the hall, rattling his armor. His green eyes blazed. - Listen to me carefully, and I will tell you the whole truth! - he began. - Your king has gone to the village! Rest. Collect flowers and berries. And before leaving, he asked me for a long time to take his place. And I agreed. I am your new king! Look at me, boyars! In your entire kingdom there is no warrior equal to me! I am the strongest! I'm the bravest! I am the most immortal of you! I'll teach you how to ride! Swim! Sword fighting! And you will shoot a bow just like me! Come on, give me a bow and arrow here!

Billiardsky hastily carried out the order.

Light a candle at the end of the hall!

The candle was lit. In complete silence, Koschey raised a heavy combat bow and, almost without aiming, fired. The arrow flew across the hall like lightning, extinguished the candle and went half into the wall.

Wow! - the boyars sighed in admiration.

Hooray! - Chumichka and Billionsky shouted.

Well? Are you taking me as king?

And what? Why not take it! - the boyars shouted.

Let's take it and take it!

Let him reign, since Makar asked!

Can I shoot? - Boyar Morozov asked.

And me too,” his friend Demidov picked up.

Please,” Koschey answered and nodded to Chumichka.

The clerk ran across the hall, pulled the arrow out of the wall and handed it to the bearded boyars.

All members of the royal council began to shoot in turn. They were noisy. They got excited. They bet. They threw their hats on the ground. But it's all in vain. The candle burned out to the end, and its flame never even fluttered.

But I don’t need a new king! - Boyar Chubarov suddenly declared. - I like the old one better!

I see I have more than just supporters! - Koschey said calmly. - I love brave people! Hey, Chumichka, bring a tray of coals from the kitchen!

Chumichka ran out and soon returned with a tray full of hot coals. Koschey took some pieces of paper from the table, broke several arrows and threw them on the tray. A bright flame flared up. He extended his hand into the fire and, in front of the astonished boyars, began to slowly turn it. The hand became hotter and hotter and finally glowed with a bright crimson light.

What if I greet you with this very hand? - he asked the boyar.

Chubarov was silent.

Don’t you understand, boyar, that I’m not allowed to stand in the way?!

He walked across the hall and placed his red-hot palm against the wall. A hiss was heard and smoke poured out. And when he took his hand away, a clear imprint of his hand remained on the wood.

Got it? - Koschey asked and left.

And everyone who was in the hall: the billionaire, and Chumichka, and the boyars, and the archers - they were all silent for a long time. And for a long time the red-hot hand of Koshchei the Immortal stood before their eyes. The fun was ruined.


The hut ran forward on chicken legs. Mitya and Baba Yaga were always hurrying her up.

Grandma,” the boy asked, “how long do we still have to go?” Soon?

Soon only a fairy tale will tell! - said Baba Yaga. - And the veal is cooking! I may be in more of a hurry than you! To help Vasilisa out! We'll be there tomorrow evening.

And suddenly the hut limped, all the logs creaked and staggered. Mitya and Baba Yaga almost fell off their stools onto the floor.

They jumped up and ran out onto the porch.

Along the road, not far from the hut, a strange human figure was wandering. In a dress and at the same time in trousers, with long gray hair - he is either a man or a woman.

Hey, you, give me a lift! - the figure said in a loud, squeaky voice. And it was also unclear from the voice whether it was a man or a woman?

I'll give you a lift! I'll give you a lift! - answered Baba Yaga. - Well, get out of the way.

Are you afraid? - the scarecrow giggled. - And you’re doing the right thing. Everyone is afraid of me! I would instantly turn your hut into pieces of logs. It’s okay, we’ll meet again. No one has ever left me! Scoundrels!

And the hut shook again. And something even rattled and rang inside her.

Who is this? - Mitya asked when the strange figure was left far behind.

This is Dashing One-Eyed. May he be crushed by a pine tree! Where it appears, do not expect good things. If he walks across the bridge, the bridge will fall apart. He'll spend the night in the house, it's all over! And fights and quarrels begin there. And the roof caves in. Even the cows are mad! From this Dashing all the troubles in our kingdom come!

Mitya rushed into the hut.

Grandma, come here!

Baba Yaga came in next and gasped - an apple was rolling from corner to corner on the floor. And after him, fragments of a broken saucer slid.

Baba Yaga and Mitya could no longer see what was happening in the capital.

And at this time the archers, led by Chumichka, approached Vasilisa’s tower.

Open it immediately! By order of Koshchei the Immortal!

Powerful fists banged on the door.

But Uncle Brownie didn’t even think about opening it. He grabbed a new invisibility hat from the bench, put it on and disappeared. Just in time! The door swung open and burly archers burst into the workshop.

Here he is! I saw it with my own eyes! - shouted the clerk Chumichka. - He's hiding here somewhere!

The Sagittarius scattered around the room. They looked into the stove, under the bench, into the closet, but found no one.

Chumichka fussed along with everyone. And if he noticed some interesting thing, he would quietly put it in his pocket. This made Domovoy more and more angry. So the clerk put a self-shaking wallet in his bosom. And the uncle could not stand it:

Hey you, literate! Put it on it's place!

Who is literate? How literate? - Chumichka spoke, looking around. But he didn’t lay out his wallet.

You are literate and literate! - said Brownie. - Put it down to whom they say. Otherwise I’ll crack!

Who will crack? Whom will I hit? - Chumichka asked. He looked into every corner of the workshop. But the archers did not pay attention to their conversation.

The clerk found himself next to Domovoy, and Uncle Domovoy hit him on the back of the head with all his might.

The archers crowded around. In the confusion, someone knocked Domovoy’s hat off. He dragged her to him - the archers did not give her up. The hat cracked and tore.

Gotcha, darling! - the clerk shouted triumphantly. - Knit him!

The uncle was tied up and put on a bench with a tasteless kitchen towel in his mouth, and then left alone.

Then a crystal chime was heard. Vasilisa the Wise rode up to the mansion on horseback. She jumped to the ground, untied two clay jugs from the saddle and whistled. The horse neighed and galloped off somewhere into the fields. And Vasilisa opened the gate.

Immediately, as if out of the ground, four archers appeared.

What kind of honor guard is this? - Vasilisa was surprised.

This is not a guard,” the elder said gloomily. - It was ordered to take you into custody.

Who ordered it?

Koshchei the Immortal.

That's how! Where is Makar? What about him? - Vasilisa asked.

“I don’t know,” said the archer. - And I’m forbidden to talk to you!

Aren’t you afraid to keep me in custody?!

Maybe I'm afraid. Yes, as soon as they cut off my head, I don’t carry out the order.

Vasilisa the Wise entered the tower and saw Domovoi tied hand and foot on a bench. She untied him and gave him living water from a jug.

Well, tell me, uncle, why did they bandage you like that? Or send it where you were assigned?

No, mother, they didn’t appoint me,” answered Domovoy. - I wanted to warn you that there is trouble. I laid out different signs. So Chumichka ordered me to be tied up.

Uncle told Vasilisa how Chumichka found out from him about Koshchei the Immortal. How Koschey spoke in the Duma with the boyars. And how he announced that King Makar had gone to the village.

“He lies everything,” said Vasilisa. - Makar didn’t go anywhere. It’s no different than someone sitting chained in the basement.

And then there was a knock on the door.

What's happened? - Vasilisa asked, going out onto the porch.

The clerk handed her a note:

The order came to you from Koshchei the Immortal.

“He’s already giving me orders,” said Vasilisa. - What does his immortal majesty want?

She unfolded the piece of paper and read:

Vasilisa the Wise from Koshchei the Immortal.

I order you, Vasilisa, to urgently invent and produce:

1. Crossbow bows - 200

2. Flying carpets - 100

3. Invisibility hats - 1

4. Treasure swords - 50

The time limit is three days and three nights. If you don’t follow the order, my sword will be your head off your shoulders.

Koschei the Deathless.

Oh yes letter! - said Vasilisa. - Well, why did he need all this?

I don’t know, mother, I don’t know,” the clerk began to fuss. - Maybe he's going hunting? Now the ducks are flying. The hunt is great! He sat down on the carpet. Fly and shoot!

And he needs swords for farming,” Vasilisa supported. - Chop the cabbage. Now it’s cabbage! Sit down and watch her chop! So tell him that I’m not his assistant. They don't use cabbages with swords, they chop off people's heads!

My business is my side! - answered the clerk. - My job is to convey the order!

And he left. And the archers with drawn swords remained to guard the blue tower.

Uncle Brownie, make me some strong tea,” Vasilisa said to her assistant. - I have to think.

And she sat and thought. And only sometimes she walked from corner to corner. And then the crystal bells rang in the house.

So Vasilisa went out onto the porch, took a handkerchief out of her pocket and waved it. A gray falcon feather fell out of the scarf and began to swirl in the air. And a falcon appeared in the sky. So he hit the ground and turned into the good fellow Finist - Yasna Falcon.

Hello, Vasilisa the Wise! Why did you call me - to drink honey or chop down enemies?

No time for honey now! - Vasilisa answered. - The hops are noisy - the mind is silent! I have an order for you.

Tell me,” Finist asked. - I’ll do anything!

Now you will fly to Lukomorye. There you will find a huge tree. The chest is hidden on the tree. There is a bear in the chest. There is a hare in the bear. And in this hare there must be the death of Koshchei. You will bring it here to me.

“Okay,” answered the young man. - Wait for me tomorrow at noon!

He turned into a falcon again and flew into the blue sky.

Vasilisa Afanasyevna, how do you know about Koshcheev’s death? - Domovoy was surprised. - Or who told you?

Nobody said. I guessed it myself.

It's very simple, uncle. After all, he, Koschey, must cherish his death as the most precious thing. Like gold and precious stones. Where are they usually stored?

In chests!

This means that Koshchei’s death is in the chest. But Koschey is cunning. He understands that they will look for the chest in the ground. And he will hide it where no one will guess.

On the tree? - the uncle realized.

“On a tree,” Vasilisa confirmed. - Everyone will think that the tree is in the forest. And Koschey will choose a tree away from the forest. Where?

At Lukomorye,” said Domovoy.

Right. Well done, uncle.

But how do you, mother, know about the bear? And about the hare?

And it's simple. Someone must guard Koshchei’s death. Koschey does not trust people. So it's a beast. Most likely a bear. He is our strongest.

But a bear is a slow and clumsy animal,” said Vasilisa. - And we need someone who, in a pinch, could run away. For example, a hare. Do you understand now?

“Now I understand,” the uncle nodded his head. - Now everything is clear.

“The only thing I’m afraid of,” Vasilisa continued, “is that there might not be some kind of bird in this hare.” Or a mouse. Well, okay. The finist will figure out what's what on the spot!

What a bright head you have, mother! - Domovoy admired. - I’ve been working with you for so many years, and I’m surprised every time!

They could only wait.


In the huge square behind the barn, fires were burning, people were crowding and music was playing. We were waiting for the arrival of the Serpent Gorynych.

“There he is flying,” Koschey said to the boyars and the clerk Chumichka. - See?

Where? Where? - the boyars began to fuss. They all had swords, because after Gorynych’s arrival military exercises were scheduled.

“Over there,” Koschey extended his hand. - Right above the forest! However, half an hour passed before the boyars noticed a small black dot in the sky.

The kite flew quickly and silently. So he put his paws forward and landed, drawing two deep black furrows across the field.

Hooray! - Koschey shouted.

But no one supported him. There were no boyars. Disappeared.

Finally, boyar Afonin emerged from some hole.

Won't he eat us?

No,” Koschey answered. - He’s kind, right, Gorynych?

The Three-Headed Serpent began to stir.

That's right, said one of his heads.

Of course,” another supported.

And the third didn’t say anything, but just smiled: how could it be otherwise?

Can I pet him? - asked Chubarov.

“It’s possible,” Koschey allowed.

The boyars gradually climbed out of the ditch.

Won't he give us a ride? - asked boyar Demidov.

I'll find out now. Will you give them a ride, Gorynushka?

“I can,” answered the Serpent.

And the boyars began to climb on his back in a crowd. They sat down more comfortably, holding each other tightly.

The snake took off, flapped its wings and slowly flew over the palace.

Hooray! - the boyars shouted in unison. - Hooray!

But then they quickly fell silent, because the Serpent flew too high.

So he made two circles over the royal lands and landed again. The silent boyars fell to the ground like peas.

“Thank you, Gorynych,” said Koschey. - Now get settled. Do you see the cowshed by the pond? You will live there... Hey, Gavrila, is everything ready in the barn?

That's it, Your Majesty.

Then feed the guest, give him something to drink and put him to bed. He was probably tired from the road. Look, feed better! It will be easier for you, understand?

How can you not understand? “I understand,” Gavrila answered sadly.

And the boyars and I will go study military affairs.

And what? Let's go to! - the boyars agreed. - If they say so!

Military exercises have begun.

It was getting dark when a cart drawn by a gray horse drove up to the royal palace. The cat was sitting in the cart. A huge black cat with a white star on his chest and terrible steel claws. Sheaves of bright yellow light came out of the Cat's eyes.

He jumped off the cart and began to climb onto the porch. Two archers blocked his way.

Well, get out of here!

The cat silently directed his yellow eyes at them. The beams of light narrowed, and the archers began to yawn. Slowly, slowly they sank onto the porch and, as if on cue, fell into a deep sleep.

The cat stepped over them and entered the palace.

Chapter Thirteen

One-Eyed Dashing wandered along the road to the fairy-tale capital. It wandered at the invitation of Koshchei the Immortal. And where it passed, the flowers withered and the weather deteriorated. Behind Likh there was a man riding in a cart.

Hey, man,” said Likho, “come on, give me a lift!”

“Sit down,” the man answered. - It's a pity, isn't it?

Dashingly sat down behind the man. Immediately something crunched below and one wheel fell off.

What a disaster! - the man groaned. - A completely new wheel!

And Likho giggled quietly.

The man jumped off the cart, took an ax out from under the hay and began tapping on the axle. He swung it once, twice, and how he fucked himself on the finger!

Dashingly laughed louder and climbed down onto the road.

Oh, damn you! - the man got angry.

He grabbed the whip, swung it, wanted to hit Likho and unexpectedly hit the horses. The horses neighed, took off and carried the three-wheeled cart straight through the oat field.

Well, I'll show you! - the man became furious. And, waving his whip, he started running after Likh.

And it, picking up the skirts of the dress, rushed off at full speed. So Dashing jumped over a small wooden bridge over the river, and it immediately fell apart. The poor man fell straight from the bank into the river.

What did you eat? Fat-bellied fool! - Likho shouted from the other bank. - I'll show you more! Village bully!

And Dashing left. And the wet man walked along the shore for a long time and spat in different sides. Then, picking up the wheel, he went in search of the runaway cart.

Half an hour later, Mitya and Baba Yaga arrived at the same bridge.

E-ge-ge! - said the old woman. - Yes, no way, Dashing has been here! The entire bridge is broken.

Grandma,” Mitya was surprised, “how could it have visited before us?” We overtook him.

It is like that - it appears wherever it wants. And in front, and behind, and in five other places,” answered the old woman. - And the hut can’t get through here!

So, we’ll go on foot,” said Mitya.

They began to take out of the house things that could be useful to them on the road. Baba Yaga rolled out the mortar and placed a blanket and a warm scarf in it. She wrapped the fragments of the saucer in a rag and put them in her bosom. And Mitya took with him only a tuft of wool that the Gray Wolf gave him. Mitya had nothing else.

They examined the hut one last time, and the boy noticed a small piece of paper on the window. The same one that Baba Yaga took from the Nightingale the Robber. Mitya began to examine him.

In the very corner was embroidered: “Tablecloth, sir...”

Grandmother! - the boy shouted. - This is a piece of a self-assembled tablecloth?

And that's true! - the old woman agreed.

Come on, tablecloth, give us something to eat! - Mitya ordered.

The shred curled up. And when he turned around, there were pieces of black bread and half a salt shaker on him.

Hey, what about the porridge? - said Baba Yaga.

But nothing else appeared.

“I’ve become lazy,” the old woman decided.

Maybe this is the corner of the tablecloth on which the bread lies,” said Mitya. - And the porridge is placed in the middle.

Where is the tea?

I don't know, grandma. But now we will try differently. “Hey, tablecloth,” he said, “we want bread and butter!”

And with sausage! - Baba Yaga inserted.

The piece of paper curled up and unfolded again. This time the bread was already buttered and there was sausage on top.

Now it's different! - said the old woman.

Then Baba Yaga hung a lock on the door of the hut and ordered her:

Go to the forest and wait for us there! Yes, look, don’t walk around doing nothing! And don't let strangers in!

The hut sighed, puffed and reluctantly headed towards the forest.

Behind the travelers was a long road, and in front of them was a bridge. Somewhere not far away, beyond the bridge, lay the capital city.

And Mitya and Baba Yaga went there.

Hey you! - a man in red boots ran up to them. -Have you seen the Nightingale the Robber?

And what? - asked Baba Yaga.

The letter was ordered to be given to him. Koschey calls him to be his assistant. Isn't he on this road?

“He’s not on this road,” Mitya answered.

And it never happened! - the old woman picked up.

Skorokhod thought:

Where should I run now?

And you run in the other direction, uncle.

Right. Run there, honey! - said Baba Yaga.

That’s all that remains,” agreed the walker. - This is how I’ve been running back and forth, here and there all my life! I haven’t seen my wife for six months!

Chapter fourteen MIND, GIVE MIND

Finist - Clear Falcon did not fulfill the instructions of Vasilisa the Wise.

“I did everything as told,” he said the next day. - I found an oak tree near Lukomorye, and on it was the chest you told me about. I turned into a good fellow and began to swing the branches. The chest fell - and to pieces! The bear jumped out of it and ran! I'm wearing a bear hat! I knocked him down, I’ll see what happens next.

And what happened? - asked Brownie.

The hare jumped out of the bear. And across the fields. I threw my mitten at the hare. Knocked him down. The duck flew out of the hare. What kind of misfortune do you think this is? I turned into a falcon - and followed her! I hit the duck and an egg fell out! I'm getting an egg. I hit him with my beak. Well, I think that’s it - I completed the assignment. But no. The needle fell out of the egg and down. Straight into a haystack. I searched and searched, but I don’t see a needle. So she remained in the haystack. Don't be angry, Vasilisa!

Vasilisa the Wise thought.

It's a shame that this happened. Well, Finist, fly around all our heroes. Tell them that trouble has come. Bad luck for all of us: Koschey sat on the throne. We must fight with him.

Let everyone take a squad. And let everyone come to Lake Pleshcheevo.

How are you, Vasilisa? - asked the hero. - Maybe I should free you first?

I'll take care of myself. Well, goodbye.

Finist again turned into a falcon and flew out the window, without being noticed by anyone from Koshcheev’s guard.

And half an hour later, an ancient, bent old woman came out of the tower of Vasilisa the Wise.

Where are you going, grandma? - the archers became worried. - Come on, go back!

So I need to go to the market! Buy vegetables for lunch. “Feed Vasilisushka,” answered the old woman.

There are no orders to let anyone out! - the archers were stubborn. - Just let him in.

It will be worse for you, as she will die of hunger! - the grandmother threatened.

The sentries scratched their heads.

Okay,” said one of them, “wait here for now, and I’ll run after Chumichka.”

At that time, Chumichka was spinning on the shore of a dry pond.

Nesmeyana and Fyokla sat there and cried.

Are you still crying, Nesmeyana Makarovna?

I'm crying. And what?

Nothing. Cry, cry for your health. I won't bother you. Your efforts are in vain!


“Yes,” answered Chumichka.

With his hands behind his back, he slowly walked around the pond.

What are you saying? - Nesmeyana shouted. - They'll give us a carriage!

Yes! - Thekla supported.

They won't give you anything! - answered Chumichka, walking around the entire pond.

How - they won’t give it? After all, the father promised!

Yes? Where is your father now?

I do not know where. That's where. Come and find out for yourself.

How will I go? I must cry.

Whatever you want!

Listen, you should cry for me. “And I’ll run to the palace,” said the princess.

No,” Chumichka objected, “I don’t want to cry now.” I used to cry. You yourself, Nesmeyana Makarovna. Without me!

Then the archer ran up to him and said something in his ear. And the clerk quickly left.

What to do? - Nesmeyana asked Thekla. - What did he say?

Don't know.

And I don't know.

Maybe we should cry some more first? There's not much left.

“Let’s pay extra,” Nesmeyana agreed.

...And Chumichka was already approaching the blue tower.

Where did you get this from, grandma? Why haven't I seen you before? - he asked impudently.

“And I always lay on the stove,” answered the old woman. - I didn’t get out of there.

Why did you come out now?

So I had to. You don’t let my granddaughter in.

What kind of bag do you have? Where did you get it?

A bag is like a bag. Ordinary, economic. Vasilisa gave it to me.

Nothing ordinary happens to Vasilisa the Wise! - Chumichka objected. - All her things are magical. Come on here!

But you're right, honey. This bag is truly magical. You tell her: “Suma, give me some sense!” - and she will give it to you, make you smarter. You'll become smarter right away!

And she walked, leaning on a heavy, gnarled stick. This stick was somehow familiar to Chumichka. Did he see her somewhere? But where - the clerk could not remember!

The old woman stepped aside, took a red apple out of her pocket and began to eat. She ate and became younger and younger.

And now, in front of the astonished archers and Chumichka, instead of the old woman, Vasilisa the Wise stood.

Hold it! - Chumichka shouted. - Grab her immediately!

Not so! Vasilisa whistled, and it was as if a horse grew out of the ground. They only saw her.

Chumichka got scared.

What to do? Tell Koshchei - he’ll kill you! Not to say - it will also kill!

He remembered about the magic bag.

Come on, madam, give me some sense! Hurry up!

Two strapping young men jumped out of the bag.

Is this what you need to give your mind? - they asked in one voice.

The fellows ran up to the clerk and began to assault him with their huge fists.

We don’t kill, we invest our minds! - the fellows answered sedately.

The clerk rushed to Koshchei the Immortal.

Who are you? - Koschey asked sternly when all three ran to him.

We are two of a bag! - the fellows answered, continuing to beat Chumichka.

Well, back to the bag! - Koschey ordered.

And the fellows carried out the order.

Father Koschey! - the clerk shouted. - Vasilisa the Wise has escaped! You deceived me, you damned one! Spent it!

Koshchei's eyes turned from green to red.

Do you know what you did, fool? Now she will gather an army against us. Yes, Makar will free him. What will you sing then?!

Or maybe we should remove Makar? - suggested the clerk. - They will have no one to free. A?

Have to. There is no other way out. Okay, clerk, for the first time I forgive you. And on the second I’ll forgive you. And don’t expect mercy on the third. I'll grind it into powder!

I'm listening, Your Majesty. Can I write this down in a book?

At least kill it on your nose! - Koschey answered.

Chapter fifteen IN THE CAPITAL

Baba Yaga and Mitya made their way around the city through back streets. It is unknown what kind of order there is in the capital. But apparently other travelers thought the same thing. And there were more people in the back streets than on the main streets.

None of the passers-by were surprised to notice Baba Yaga in the mortar. And many greeted her.

What, did you come to visit?


It's clear. And who is this? Will you have a grandson?

Great-grandson. Tribal.

Pretty boy. Ginger.

Mitya looked around with interest. The houses were low. There is a garden near each house. In general, the city was more like a large village. Only it was festive and bright. The platbands on the houses were decorated. And the sky was twice as blue. And the cows are twice as brown. And all the passers-by were beauties and handsome men.

Mitya looked at the royal palace for a very long time. Then he and Baba Yaga moved on.

And as soon as they left the palace, a cart with two broad-shouldered men drove up to him.

“Hey, guy,” the men asked the archer, “where do they receive Solovyov, robbers?”

“I’ll find out now,” said the archer and disappeared behind the door.

Soon he returned with Chumichka.

“Here,” the men said, “they have brought a robber.” Where can I take it here?

What have you done?! - the clerk shouted. - How dare you best friend carry our Koshchei tied up in carts? Come on, untie him!

Eva, how did it turn out! - one man said to another.

Who knew that he was a friend?! - agreed the second. - If he is a real bandit!

Get out while you still can! - Chumichka ordered.

He took the stunned Nightingale by the arm and solemnly led him into the palace.

Mitya and Baba Yaga were already near the blue tower at that time. They knocked for a long time until Uncle Brownie came out to them.

Who is this? Who came there? - he asked, looking at the guests through the gate.

“This is us,” Baba Yaga mimicked. - Didn’t recognize it, or what?

Now I know! - Brownie spoke joyfully. - Now I see! Come in, my dear! You've been gone for a long time. Whose boy is this?

The boy is with me. With me. Let's unlock the gate!

Uncle creaked the gate.

Now. So this will be a grandson?

Great-grandson. Tribal.

Pretty boy. Ginger.

They went into the house.

Where is Vasilisa? - asked Baba Yaga.

No Vasilisa. “Run away,” answered the uncle. - Gather an army against Koshchei. And I’m guarding the house.

So tell me, what's going on here? - the old woman demanded. - Yes, talk more!

Now. I'll just figure out some tea. Vasilisa Afanasyevna and I came up with one thing. Magical. She makes tea herself. The milk itself boils. She does everything herself. It's called a samovar.

And the uncle told what happened to them. And how the Serpent Gorynych flew in and gave the boyars a ride. And about Kot Bayun. And about how Vasilisa the Wise ran away. Meanwhile, the tea was getting cold.

Where is Aunt Vasilisa now? What is she doing? - asked Mitya.

“I don’t know,” answered Domovoy. - If only I had a magic saucer, I would see everything. But he’s not there!

“It’s there, it’s just broken,” said Baba Yaga.

So you can glue it together! - Domovoy was delighted. - We'll be there in a moment. We are trained for this. Come on here!

Baba Yaga handed him the fragments of the saucer, and Brownie got to work. He himself was small, but his hands were large and red. An entire plane could easily be hidden in them. But with these hands he could do everything. After half an hour the saucer was as good as new. Uncle dried it with a clean kitchen towel and put it on the table. Then he quietly threw a pouring apple into it.

And everyone saw fields, roads, rivers and forests. And then the huge Lake Pleshcheyevo appeared.

There was a tent where the river flowed into the lake. The heroes and their squads approached the tent one after another. Vasilisa the Wise came out to meet them and bowed to each one from the waist.

Thank you, Ivan the Cow's Son, for coming to save us from trouble. And thank you, Ivan Tsarevich.

What is there! - the heroes were embarrassed. - We have to, so we’ll do it.

The horsemen kept coming and coming.

Then Emelyushka the Fool drove up on his self-propelled stove. And everyone began to make fun of him.

Look at him! - Ivan Tsarevich grabbed his sides. - I came to fight on a stove!

Be careful not to get fried there! - shouted the laughing Tsarevich Anisim. - Turn over from side to side!

A dear friend is a cockroach! - Finist - Clear Falcon teased Emelya.

But Emelya himself was not amused. He was on one bank of a narrow river, and the whole army was on the other.

Finally, Emelya chose a shallower place and ordered the stove to go straight into the water. And then a hiss was heard, and a cloud of steam flew into the air. Water got into the firebox. Emelya began to spin around on the stove. And the heroes laughed even more.

Why are you laughing, you fools?! - shouted Ivan the Cow Son. - He came for your benefit! Wants to help you!

Help? - the heroes were surprised. - Yes, he didn’t hold a saber in his hands! Maybe a poker!

Or a grab!

Who will cook you lunch? Is it cabbage soup or porridge? Or did you take your grandmothers with you? - Ivan, the Cow's Son, scoffed.

No,” the fellows answered, “we didn’t grab the grandmothers.”

That's it!

And that’s right, good fellows! - Vasilisa the Wise noted. - Instead of laughing in vain, they would show their valiant strength! Let's pull the stove out of the river!

Immediately four heroes, four young princes: Ivan Tsarevich, Stepan Tsarevich, Afanasy Tsarevich and Tsarevich Anisim - jumped off their horses and, as they were, in armor, entered the river.

They bent down, picked up the stove and carried it to the steep bank as lightly as a feather.

Don't be offended, Emelyushka! We are not out of malice!

Well, well, what’s there! Nothing really! - Emelya was shy. - Just think!

And he began to throw dry birch logs into the stove.

Then Baba Yaga took a clean towel from the carnation and covered it with a magic saucer.

Why, grandma? - asked Mitya.

Because because. Go to sleep. “You’ll watch it tomorrow,” answered the old woman.

No matter how much Mitya begged her, she made him lie down on a bench by the window and wrapped him in a warm blanket.

Chapter Sixteen MILK RIVER

Early in the morning there was a knock on the door of the blue tower. The sleepy Brownie grumbled and went to open it.

A minute later he returned with some piece of paper.

What's there? Who complained? - asked Baba Yaga.

Gavrila has come - the royal servant,” answered Domovoy, looking at the sheet of paper in confusion. - The order was brought to him from Koshchei the Immortal. And he is illiterate. He asks to read it.

So read it to him.

I can not. I’m also not literate! I can solder whatever you want, repair it, take it apart. But I can’t keep the letter in my head. No matter how much Vasilisa suffered with me, it was all to no avail! How about you, can you read by chance?

Found the lady! - Baba Yaga said angrily. “I had nothing to do but learn letters.” Vowels consonants. A and B were sitting on the pipe.

Or maybe I'll read it? - asked Mitya.

Have you learned?

I go to school!

The brownie incredulously handed the boy a piece of paper. Mitya unfolded it and read:

Servant Gavril.

Do not feed the snake Gorynych, do not give it water, so that he will be angrier. At lunchtime we'll give him Makar to eat.

Koschei the Deathless.

Baba Yaga gasped:

Poor Makara, let him be devoured by this stuffed animal, three-headed and pop-eyed!

The brownie looked at her warningly.

The most wonderful! Swift-winged! - Baba Yaga came to her senses.

What if we take it and say it the other way around? - Mitya suggested. - That Snake Gorynych needs to be fed.

Well, what then?

And then we will help Makar out. I have a plan.

Let’s try,” said Domovoy.

He looked at the boy with respect and went to call Gavrila. Gavrila wiped his feet for a long time and bowed.

Yes, you have guests! - he said when he saw Baba Yaga. - What is this, granddaughters? - he asked about Mitya.

Great-grandson. Tribal.

Pretty boy. Ginger.

Mitya unfolded the piece of paper and read:

Feed the snake Gorynych so that he becomes kinder, so that he can neither lie down nor stand up!

Koschei the Deathless.

Is that what it says?

Well, yes,” said Baba Yaga. - What else?

Where can I get so many cows? - Gavrila groaned. - For him, for the wonderful Herod?

“But it doesn’t say here,” Mitya answered.

“Nothing,” Domovoy confirmed.

Gavrila left, wailing.

Well, what did you come up with? Tell me,” Baba Yaga asked.

Here's what. You, grandmother, sit in the mortar and fly to that lake from which they become little goats. Bring some water. We will give it to Gorynych.

I won't leave you alone! - the old woman objected. - Yes, and it’s hard for me to fly. I'm tired.

But what should we do?

Do not know how!

It’s okay, I’ll run away,” said Domovoy. - I have walking boots hidden in the attic.

So run! - Baba Yaga agreed.

That's what they decided on. And they also decided that Mitya and Baba Yaga would return to the hut and go to Lake Pleshcheevo. It's dangerous to stay here.

At noon, a sad procession appeared on the road to the cowshed where the Serpent Gorynych lived.

Makar walked ahead with his head down and in slippers. Two archers rode on horses on either side.

And behind, also on a horse, is the billionaire himself, with a naked sword in his hand. Gavril's servant was sitting on a bench near the cowshed and resting.

Open the gate! - ordered the billionaire. - Here, they brought you to be eaten!

It is forbidden! - Gavrila became worried. - No way! They've just had lunch! They ate three cows! They may burst!

I do not know anything! - answered the billionaire. - If we have lunch, we won’t have lunch! What do I care? I have orders in hand. Must eat, and that's it!

Well, if you have to,” said Gavrila, “then it’s a different matter!” If only I shouldn't have! - He went to open the gate. -Who will there be?

None of your business! Whoever is needed will be there! - answered the billionaire.

Gavrila looked carefully at the prisoner.

Yes, no way, this is the Tsar Father! - he screamed. - What is this being done? Are you really going to be eaten, my dear? This scarecrow! May he choke on you, our gilded one!

Nevertheless, he removed the hook from its socket and pulled the gate leaf towards himself.

Well how are you? How are you at least healthy, tell me?

“Thank you, I’m not complaining,” Makar replied. - One thing offends me - I ruined the kingdom! I let so many people down! And they believed me!

Come in. There's no time to waste! - ordered the billionaire. And the hefty archer pushed Makar with his sword. And the gates closed behind him.

What kind of people are we losing? What people! - said Gavrila and tightly locked the gate with a hook.

Where to now? - asked the billionaire.

How - where?

Well, where are you talking to your Serpent? The order must be given to him.

This is from above. From the attic. There is a special window there.

Well, lead the way!

The archers tied their horses and climbed up a steep ladder into the attic.

Hey, you! Take him! - the billionaire shouted to the Snake. - Koschey ordered!

The snake stirred, groaned, muttered something, but did not move from its place.

And then Brownie ran up to the barn.

Well, what do you have there? Not eating? - he shouted to the archers and Gavrila.

Not at all!

But I brought special water. For your appetite. Give it to him?

Let's! - ordered the archer.

The brownie entered the cowshed and handed a jug to Snake Gorynych.

He threw back one of his heads and drank all the water in one fell swoop. And then it began! The serpent rustled with its wings, rustled like a falling tent, moved in waves and began to shrink.

Let's run! - Brownie shouted to Makar and rushed to the gate. Makar follows him.

They jumped on their horses. A minute later dust began to swirl along the road.

A billion dollars fell head over heels from the attic. Behind him are two archers. Gavrila was the last to jump out.

Let's run to Koshchei! - Billionsky shouted. - Report immediately!

Together with the archers, he seized a cart from some man and drove it into the city. And Gavrila rushed about in the barn:

What will happen now? What will happen? Save yourself, who can!

He knew that he couldn’t expect any good from Koshchei. And he rushed into the forest.

Chapter Seventeen: THE MAGIC SHAWL

Who escaped?

The Tsar and Domovoy have escaped! We got on our horses and rode off!

Send Gorynych for them! - Koschey commanded. - Send immediately!

Billiardsky turned pale and took off his hat.

No more Gorynych!

How - no?

They made a little goat out of him.

Are you crazy?

It would be better if I went crazy, Your Majesty. They gave him something to drink, and he became a little goat.

Horse! - cried Koschey the Immortal. - Horse immediately! Bayuna to me!

The servants ran after Bayun.

And they brought the heroic Koshcheev’s horse to the porch.

And everyone who was nearby - Billionsky, Chumichka and Nightingale the Robber - also jumped on their horses.

Even One-Eyed Dashing rashly perched himself on some nag. But the horse under him crashed onto the damp ground, and Dashing didn’t go anywhere.

The last one to run out of the palace was Cat Bayun and jumped onto his gray horse. His iron claws were ominously silver.

And the chase began along the road.

For a long time, the alarming neighing of horses continued to fly in from afar.

Stop! - Makar said to Domovoy at this time. - Come down to the damp ground and listen - is anyone chasing us?

The brownie did just that.

I hear a horse neighing! This is Koschey catching up with us! But it’s okay, I have one gift. I kept it for the rainiest day. Vasilisa the Wise gave it to me.

The brownie took a handkerchief from his pocket and threw it on the ground. A huge lake immediately spilled out behind us.

And the hooves began to clatter again.

And Koschey the Immortal was already approaching the new lake.

Everyone swim! - he ordered.

What about you? - asked Chumichka. - You will drown!

Everyone swim! - Koschey repeated. - And wait for me on the other side! And take my horse. Bayun will lead him!

The retinue complied. But Koschey himself remained on the shore and slowly began to enter the water. Now it reached his shoulders. So she hid it completely. Koschey walked along the bottom.

Horses cut through the water, and people swam alongside, holding the reins. On the opposite bank they huddled together and began to wait for Koshchei. He came out of the water covered in algae and, without shaking himself, jumped onto his horse.

Immediately the lake disappeared, as if it had never existed.

And Domovoy and Makar also swam. They swam across the Milk River.

So their horses walked along the jelly bank and began to chew the grass.

Look! - Makar showed Domovoy small black dots on the opposite bank. - They again. We can't leave!

The brownie thought. Then he pulled out from his bosom half a loaf of black bread wrapped in a rag, began breaking off pieces and throwing them into the middle of the river.

How not to leave! Let's leave! Bread turns milk sour!

The bread fell into the river, and where it fell, sour milk twists immediately appeared.

There were more and more of them. The river began to boil and became more and more agitated! And finally, it happened - the curd ice began to flow!

We can't overcome this. “Gone,” said Koschey, who arrived in time. - Listen, Bayun, maybe you can put them to sleep?

The cat narrowed his eyes:

Far away!

Well, billionaire! - Koschey said coldly. - You will answer me for this! Tie him up!

And Koschey and his retinue turned back to the palace.

Well, where now? - asked Makar when Koschey and his retinue disappeared into the green fields.

Yes to Lake Pleshcheevo! - answered Brownie. - All our people gather there.


At noon, a breathless patrolman galloped to the palace of Koshchei the Immortal.

Your Majesty, the army is coming towards us!

What army? Where?

I don't know, Your Majesty. Only there are a lot of them and all on horses!

Anxiety! - Koschey shouted. - Hey, Chumichka, gather the boyars immediately!

He went into the room where the magic mirror was kept.

Come on, mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth,

Are we in danger of trouble?

Is the enemy coming here?

As always, a guy in a white shirt appeared in the mirror. He looked at Koshchei with all his eyes, but said nothing.

Answer,” Koschey ordered. - What kind of army is coming at us? Who's in charge?

“I won’t,” said the guy.

Vasilisa the Wise did not invent me for you. And for Makar the king. So that he knows what is happening in the kingdom.

For Makar the King? - Koschey grinned and hit the glass with his hand.

There was a groan, and the mirror splashed out of the frame with a thousand small sparks.

Bearded, anxious boyars were already gathering in the Duma. They were all wearing chain mail and carrying swords.

Everyone is here? - asked Koschey.

Along with him came Chumichka, Cat Bayun, One-Eyed Dashing and Nightingale the Robber with new gold teeth.

Everything, everything! - the boyars shouted in unison.

Pay in order of numbers!

First! - Boyar Afonin shouted.

Second! - Demidov shouted.

Great! - said Koschey. - Now listen to me! An enemy has appeared in our country. He wants to destroy us. He doesn't like our ways. And we like them. Right, boyars?

That's right, Your Majesty! - the members of the Tsar's Duma said in unison.

So let's destroy him. Let's smash it to smithereens! - exclaimed Koschey.

Hooray! - Chumichka shouted.

Hooray! - the boyars picked up.

What kind of enemy is this? - asked the most incredulous of the boyars - boyar Chubarov.

Yes, we have one enemy,” explained Chumichka, “Vasilisa the Wise, and Makar too!”

Koschey threw a warning glance at him. But it was already too late.

But Vasilisa is not my enemy! - said Demidov. - She gave me a magic candle. A self-candle!

But Makar is not my enemy! - Boyar Morozov shouted. - He used to ride me on a sleigh as a child!

And me! - Skameikin picked up.

And he gave me a fishing rod.

And they said that the king was in the village! It turns out they lied. Let's not go to war against him!

Ah well? - said Koschey. - You do not want! Come on, Likho, teach them a little!

Now! - Likho giggled. - I already have them!

It came closer to the boyars and began to look at them affectionately. And strange things began to happen to the boyars: boyar Afonin jumped up and, for no apparent reason, hit boyar Skameikin on the top of his head. Skameikin did not remain in debt.

He grabbed Afonin by the beard, and both of them rolled on the floor.

Boyar Morozov suddenly had a fever and a runny nose. He had never had a handkerchief, and he had absolutely no idea what to do with his runny nose.

A bench broke under boyar Kachanov, and he, in all his battle armor, fell to the floor.

There was not a single boyar to whom some misfortune did not happen. Boyar Yakovlev was careful and always stepped aside, but still one bump after another appeared, one bruise after another appeared.

So how? - Koschey said. - Will you go to war?

The boyars did not pay any attention to him.

“Excuse me,” Afonin said to Skameikin. - This is all Dashing One-Eyed.

Do you think I was going to pull you by the beard? - answered Skameikin. - It wasn’t even in my thoughts!

Are you going to fight? - Koschey asked again.

Fight yourself! - Chubarov answered him. - Vasilisa will give you bruises too!

We are not your friends! You are a deceiver! - Afonin supported.

If you don't want to, don't! - said Koschey. - Come on, Bayun, put them to sleep! Let them sleep until our victory.

Bayun came forward and looked first at one boyar, then at the other. And everyone he looked at immediately fell to the floor and fell asleep right on the spot. A minute later all the boyars were asleep. Only snoring could be heard.

Then Brownie ran into the Duma under a white flag. He handed Koshchei a letter. Koschey unrolled the scroll and read:

Koshchei the Immortal.

We invite you to turn yourself in. Then maybe we'll have mercy on you

Vasilisa the Wise, Makar and the heroes.

Well? - asked Brownie. - Will there be an answer?

“It will be,” said Koschey. - Let them appear themselves. Then maybe I’ll have mercy on them!


Mitya and Baba Yaga rode in a hut on chicken legs behind the heroic army. And the army was already approaching the city.

Baba Yaga strictly forbade Mitya to leave the hut.

But guests came to them all the time. Whisper a little and look at the strange boy. So small, but he can already read!

Here the Brownie came running in his running boots to thank Baba Yaga for the wonderful apple - a saucer at a time.

Thank you, grandmother, from Ivan the Cow Son, our boss. Now he can see everything that is going on with Koshchei. He's Koschey, isn't he?

What? - asked Baba Yaga.

After all, he, unscrupulous, gathered all the surrounding men and forced them to fight. Anyone who doesn’t go, he says, will destroy his family.

Affairs! - said Baba Yaga. - Well, what else is new?

The military council is coming. They decide who to release against Likha One-Eyed. That's what it is - it ruins everything. Any warrior becomes useless against him. And the horses begin to limp.

And then Makar came.

Boy, did you come up with this thing with the Snake?

Me, Uncle Makar.

Thank you. Yes, they say, you are still literate. Is it true?

Trained, Uncle Makar.

Come to me as a clerk instead of Chumichka. And the salary is good. And the work is not bad. Easy.

He has no business being a clerk! Still young! - Baba Yaga intervened. - Let him sit at home and help his father and mother. Why are you hanging around here? - she attacked the king. - First, control Koshchei, and then call him to work!

But Makar was no longer listening.

He watched as two blacksmiths on a traveling blacksmith cart were repairing someone's old chain mail.

And how do you hold the hammer! How are you holding it? - Makar shouted at the young blacksmith. -Who works with a hammer like that? Well, look how necessary!

He climbed into the cart as he walked and drove off with the blacksmiths.

The capital city already appeared ahead. And Koschey the Immortal with his retinue rode out of the city to meet the heroes.

Baba Yaga saw a high hill to the side and ordered the hut to stop there.

That’s it,” she said. - Now I'll watch. But I won’t fight. It's not a woman's business to fight!

And Baba Yaga and Mitya sat down on the steps of the porch.

Both troops met at the bridge over the Milk River. The first from Koshcheev’s army to enter the bridge was the terrible Nightingale the Robber. With new gold teeth.

And I will go out! - Ivan, the Cow’s Son, responded to this. - I haven’t chopped up your brother enough in my time!

The bridge creaked and swayed under the weight of the opponents.

The Nightingale the Robber put two fingers in his mouth and whistled a terrible whistle. Even the grass around withered. And all the black crows that flew to the battle fell from the sky dead. But the Cow's Son didn't even flinch. Vasilisa the Wise made him wear a winter hat under his helmet. And the nightingale’s whistle was not scary to him.

They came together like two mountains came together. Even sparks rained down in different directions. The Nightingale the Robber whistled well, but did not know how to fight a fair fight. He didn't wield a sword well. Ivan knocked the sword out of his hands, picked up the robber and threw him under the bridge, straight into the jelly bank. Sprays flew in different directions, and the Nightingale got stuck in jelly up to his ears.

Cat Bayun jumped out onto the bridge and looked at Ivan the Cow's Son with his witch's eyes. No matter how hard Ivan strengthened himself, no matter how he fought sleep, he could not resist. He fell and, defenseless, fell asleep right on the bridge. The cat jumped onto his chest and began to tear the chain mail with its steel claws.

Several horsemen from the left bank rushed to the aid of the hero. But Bayun directed his lantern eyes at them, and they fell from their horses as if they had been knocked down.

But even this was foreseen by Vasilisa the Wise. She stepped forward, and in her hands was something wrapped in a rag. A magic club jumped out of the rag and flew towards Bayun. It was in vain that he rolled his eyes. In vain he growled and showed his claws. The club flew up to him and started hitting him on the sides.

The cat left the hero and rushed under the protection of Koshchei the Immortal.

At this point Koschey decided to release Dashing One-Eyed.

It slowly passed by the baton, and the baton crumbled into small splinters. And Likho stood on the bridge and giggled.

Four young heroes - Ivan Tsarevich, Stepan Tsarevich, Afanasy Tsarevich and Tsarevich Anisim - jumped on their horses and flew forward.

But they had not even reached the middle of the bridge when the bridge beneath them began to shake and collapse. And all four, along with their horses, fell into the Milk River.

Like this! - Likho said affectionately. - You will be smarter!

Then Maryshko, Paranov’s son, stepped forward. The man looks heroic. He accomplished many feats in his lifetime. He put a lot of villains in their place.

He'll deal with Likh! - Baba Yaga said to Mitya. - He succeeds! I know him well! He came to me a hundred times!

...Maryshko took out a combat bow, inserted a heavy arrow and took aim. But the string suddenly jingled and broke. She slapped the hero in the face, so much so that a red mark remained on his face for a long time.

Maryshko became angry and wanted to throw his club at Likho. But the club escaped from the hands of the heroes and flew back to its army. And there several horsemen fell to the ground dead.

What, did you eat? - Likho said even more affectionately. - Serves you right, fat belly.

Then Finist, the Clear Falcon, flew out from Vasilisa’s army.

He flew to Likh, hit the ground and became a good fellow. But as soon as he swung his saber to cut off Likh’s head, the steep bank below him collapsed, and Finist fell into the river.

How can you, heroes, cope with me?! You are all fools!

And confusion arose in the army of Vasilisa the Wise.

And Koshcheevo’s army rejoiced.

No, Baba Yaga told Mitya. - Apparently, you can’t do without me! Now I’ll deal with this Likh! Come on, give me a heavier grip!

Wait, grandma,” the boy answered. - Let's try another remedy.

What remedy?

Do you remember: we have a friend, Wolf? Gray wolf?

I remember. And what?

You see, he is a good Wolf. And when he approaches Likh, he will become bad. After all, Likho ruins everything. And if the Wolf becomes bad, no one will be happy. Right?

That's right, that's right. But where to look for your Wolf?

There is no need to look for him. He'll come running himself now.

Mitya pulled out a tuft of wool that the Gray Wolf had given him from his pocket and threw it up. And the Wolf found himself at the porch.

Hello boy. Did you call me?

Called, Gray Wolf.

Why do you need me?

“You see,” said Mitya, “there’s a man in a dress standing on the other side?”

No,” answered the Wolf. - I see some woman there in trousers.

I'm talking about her. She needs to be bitten.

“I can’t,” the Wolf became stubborn. - Elderly woman. Not even anyone's grandmother. Inconvenient. Maybe something else can be done?

And they don’t ask you who to bite and who not to bite! Do as you're told! - Baba Yaga intervened.

The wolf hesitated.

I still can't.

“Okay, you can’t, you don’t have to,” said Mitya. - Parrot then.

“I can scare you,” the Wolf agreed and ran.

He swam across the river and began to get closer to Likh. And Likho stared at him with her only small eye.

Only this time Likho’s witchcraft turned against him. The closer the Wolf ran, the angrier he became. The fur on the back of his neck stood up and his eyes sparkled. He growled and even howled.

The wolf ran up to Likh and grabbed onto his leg with all his might.

Guard! - Likho shouted. - They're gnawing!

And it started to run. Koschey immediately realized that the time had come to intervene in the battle himself.

Forward! - he shouted and rushed at the heroes.

The archers from his army galloped after him, and the men from the surrounding villages, all as one, galloped in the opposite direction.

But before Koshchey’s horse had time to take even three steps, One-Eyed Dashing, fleeing from the Wolf, jumped into the saddle behind Koshchey.

Get lost! - Koschey shouted, drawing a huge sword.

He swung at Likho to finish him off. But the hilt of the sword broke off and the blade flew to the side.

The unarmed Koschey turned his horse to gallop away from his enemies. But now the horse has failed. He limped and fell to the ground. This is what Dashing One-Eyed meant!

Then the heroic horsemen attacked Koshchei. They scattered his retinue across an open field, and tied Koshchei himself with iron chains. And Koschey could not do anything. Because his strength disappeared along with his army.

Yours took it! - he said. - So our time has not come yet!

He didn't say anything else.

Chapter Twenty AFTER-TALE

This time it was quiet in the boyar duma. The bearded boyars were sleeping and did not see how Tsar Makar entered the hall along with Vasilisa the Wise. Gavrila trailed behind.

Hey you! Get up! - Makar ordered. - Why did you fall asleep?

No, they are not sleeping in their own sleep,” said Vasilisa the Wise. - This is all Kota Bayun’s work!

Himself,” Gavrila confirmed. - People told me.

And you keep quiet, empty head. I haven't forgiven you yet!

I am silent, I am silent, Father Tsar.

And there is no need to remain silent. Run and bring a dozen roosters here. We'll give them a wake-up call now!

Wait,” said Vasilisa. - I'll wake them up immediately.

She took out a bottle of living water and sprinkled it on the boyars.

The boyars stirred and began to open their eyes.

Ege-ge-ge! - the awakened Afonin suddenly said. - Yes, no way, the king has come!

Right! - Demidov picked up. - Both the beard and the crown are all in place.

And we had such a dream here! Such a dream! - Boyar Chubarov shouted.

What dream? - asked Makar.

And this one. That Koshchei was sent to us. That he invited Zmey Gorynych.

Yes, and Dashing One-Eyed!

And Kota Bayun.

You sleep more here, in the Duma! - said Vasilisa. - You won’t dream of anything like that!

We won't do it again! - the boyars shouted.

Enough! Have a good night's sleep!

That’s it, boyars,” said Makar. - I came to tell you the news. I'm tired of ruling the kingdom. I want to go to the village!

And we? Are we with you too? - Chubarov shouted.

And you will stay here. You will help Vasilisa. I decided to leave her instead.

Babu? - Yakovlev gasped.

But Morozov gave him such a blow that he immediately fell silent.

How will you reign, Vasilisa? - asked Makar.

“I would stay,” said Vasilisa. - But what about the harvest? I'm not very good at these things.

The king went to the window.

But it's true! Autumn is just around the corner. Only you can handle the harvest. Yes, and I’ll stay late and help you. I'll hand over the matter. I'll look after the boyars. Let them get used to you. Is it coming?

Well! You can also try.

Then a joyful Nesmeyana burst into the hall. Behind her is a smiling Thekla.

That’s it,” the princess said cheerfully. - We cried.

Why did you cry? - Makar was surprised.

The pond cried.

What other pond?

Well that one. Behind the barn.

Who asked you?

How - who asked? You yourself said how we’ll cry a whole pond, give us a carriage!

Said? - Makar asked the servant.

Of course he did. I heard it with my own ears.

“I have no time for you now,” said Makar. - I have a harvest on the horizon.

And the carriage?

What - a carriage?

I'm not giving it. Now we need horses.

Give them a carriage! - Boyar Afonin shouted. - Let them get off!

Well, that's it! - Makar said sternly. “Either you leave right now, or I’ll send you both to the village to knit sheaves.”

Ah-ah-ah! - Nesmeyana roared.

Ah-ah-ah! - Thekla picked up.

But they were no longer shouting so confidently. Then they left altogether.

The Boyar Duma began to work.

And at this time, far, far away, on the other side of the Milk River, two old women were escorting a red-haired boy to the station. One of them was Baba Yaga, and the other was just a grandmother - Glafira Andreevna.

The trees in the forest began to turn yellow. It was time for Mitya to go to school, and they walked to the train.

Well! Did you have a good rest? - asked Glafira Andreevna.

“Okay,” answered Mitya.

Did you help Yegorovna with the housework? Or did grandma have to do everything herself?

“He helped and helped,” said Baba Yaga. Now it’s no longer Baba Yaga, but Grandma Egorovna.


This fairy tale was written by the beloved children's poet and writer Eduard Uspensky. Yes, this name is widely known, because he is a public person and creates his masterpieces even now. How much do we know about him? That is the question:-)
Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born in the Moscow region in the city of Yegoryevsk on December 22, 1937.
After graduation school life E. Uspensky became a student at the Moscow Aviation Institute. During his years at the institute, his literary works began to be published.
The path to Uspensky’s creativity begins in the humorous genre together with A. Arkonov. Children's poems began to be published in Literaturnaya Gazeta and broadcast on the radio.
Eduard Uspensky was also a cartoon screenwriter. Despite the change of generations, cartoon characters remain for a long time in the hearts of all viewers.
E.N. Uspensky also wrote for such famous programs as “Ships Came into Our Harbor,” “ABVGDeyka,” and “Baby Monitor.”
The author's works were published on 25 foreign languages and are popular in Holland, France, Japan, Finland, and the USA.
Of course, everyone can easily answer the question: “Who came up with Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena and their friends, Uncle Fyodor, Postman Pechkin and Cat Matroskin, leading the investigation of Kolobkov, and also Zhabych Skovorodkin’s Toads, a great journey Down the magic river, the inheritance of Bakhram, Guarantee men, 25 professions of Masha Filippenko, the program “Ships Came into Our Harbor”, “Abewegedeyka”, “Baby Monitor”, and much, much, much more???” But this is all our beloved and deeply respected Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky!!!
And another equally significant character responsible for the birth of this wonderful book is Viktor Aleksandrovich Chizhikov. Born September 26, 1935 - People's Artist Russian Federation, author of the image of the bear cub Mishka, the mascot of the 1980 Summer Olympic Games in Moscow.
Viktor Chizhikov was born into a family of employees in Moscow. In 1953 he graduated from Moscow secondary school No. 103. In 1952 he began working for the newspaper “Housing Worker”, where he gained his first experience as a cartoonist. In 1953-1958 he studied at the Moscow Printing Institute in the art department. Since 1955 he has worked for the Krokodil magazine. Since 1956 he has worked for the magazine “Funny Pictures”. Since 1958 he has worked for the magazine “Murzilka”. Since 1959 he has worked for the magazine “Around the World”.
Member of the Union of Journalists of the RSFSR (since 1960). Member of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR (since 1968). Member of the editorial board of the magazine “Murzilka” (since 1965). Chairman of the competition jury children's drawing“Tick-tock”, conducted by the television company “Mir” (since 1994). Chairman of the Children's Book Council of Russia since 2009.
These are so talented and famous people worked hard on this wonderful book. Of course, we shouldn’t discount the AST publishing house, which gave it to us :-)
At the end of the book there is a wonderful article about the writer and artist :-) Be sure to read it, very interesting.


On the banks of the wide Milk River stood the royal palace.

It was hot. Flies were buzzing. The heat caused the milk to sour in some places, and in the backwaters it turned out to be yogurt.

The palace is quiet. All the inhabitants hid somewhere from the unbearable heat of the sun.

And only in the throne room it was cool. Tsar Makar sat on the edge of the throne and watched as Gavril’s servant leisurely polished the floors.

And how do you rub? How do you rub? - the king shouted. -Who polishes floors like that? Come on, give it to me! I'll teach you right away!

“You can’t, Your Majesty,” Gavrila answered sedately. - It’s not a royal thing to polish floors. If anyone sees it, there will be no conversation. You are already sitting, relax.

Ugh! - Makar sighed. - And what kind of life is this for me? You can’t work with an ax - it’s undignified! You can't rub the floors - it's indecent! Well, tell me, Gavrila, is there room for me to live in this house?

No,” answered Gavrila, “you cannot live in this house!”

Well, tell me, Gavrila, have I seen anything good in my life?

Haven't seen it, Your Majesty. You didn't see anything.

No... if you think about it,” said the king, “there was something good.”

Well... if you think about it,” Gavrila agreed, “it was then.” It's clear. - And he shuffled the brush again.

Oh, “it was - it wasn’t”... You won’t hear a good word from you! “I’ll give up everything,” the king continued, “and go to the village to visit my grandmother.” I will catch fish with a fishing rod. Plow like other people. And in the evening I will play songs at the Zavalinka. Hey, Gavrila,” the king ordered, “give me the balalaika here!”

“You can’t, Your Majesty,” he replied. - You are not supposed to play the balalaika. This is not a royal occupation. I'll give you the harp. At least strum all day.

He took the harp from the wall and, padding his bare feet, approached the king. Makar made himself more comfortable on the throne and sang:

In a dark forest, in a dark forest,
Over the forest, over the forest...
Will I open it up, will I open it up
Will I open it up, will I open it up...

Here he stopped.

Hey, Gavrila, what am I going to open up?

Pashenka, Your Majesty, pashenka.

“Oh yes,” the king agreed and finished singing:

Pashenka, pashenka,
I will sow, I will sow
I will sow, I will sow...

Hey, Gavrila, what will I sow?

Flax-hemp, Your Majesty. Flax-hemp.

Flax-hemp, flax-hemp! - Makar repeated and ordered: - Hey, Gavrila, write down the words for me on a piece of paper. The song is really good!

So I’m illiterate, Your Majesty.

That’s right, that’s right,” Makar recalled. - Well, there is darkness in my kingdom!

The royal clerk Chumichka entered the hall.

Your Majesty, the entire boyar Duma has been assembled,” he said. - They're waiting for you alone.

Ehehe! - the king sighed. - Is the magic mirror ready?

It's okay, Your Majesty, don't worry!

Then let's go! But you know, Chumichka,” he said importantly, putting on the crown, “being a king is just as bad as not being a king!”

Great idea! - the clerk exclaimed. - I will definitely write this down in a book!

This is stupidity, not a thought! - Makar objected.

Don't argue, Your Majesty! Don't argue! I know better. This is my job - to write down your thoughts. For grandchildren. For them, your every word is gold!

If so, write,” Makar agreed. - Yes, be careful not to make mistakes, so that I don’t blush in front of my grandchildren!

Chapter 3


The Boyar Duma was buzzing like a beehive. The bearded boyars had not seen each other for a long time and were now sharing news.

And I was in the village! - Boyar Morozov shouted. - I swam in the river! I collected berries - viburnum, raspberries of all kinds!

Just think, a village! - answered boyar Demidov. - I went to the Blue Sea. I was roasting on the sand.

So what about your sea? - Boyar Afonin objected. - Also unprecedented! I swam along the Milk River on a raft and I’m silent! I've had enough of sour cream!

But then the heavy oak doors swung open and the king solemnly entered the hall. He held a scroll in his hand. Following him appeared the clerk Chumichka with a pen and inkwell in a bag.

Quiet! Quiet! - the king hit his staff. - Look, they're making noise!

The boyars became silent.

Everyone is here? - asked Makar. - Or is there no one?

Everything, everything! - the boyars shouted from their seats.

Let's check it now. - The king unrolled the scroll. - Boyar Afonin?

“Here,” answered boyar Afonin, the same one who sailed along the Milk River.


OK. And Morozov? Skameykin? Chubarov? Kara-Murza?


Fine. Well. - The king put down the scroll. - But somehow I don’t see Kachanov. Where is he?

And his grandmother fell ill,” explained boyar Afonin. The most bearded and therefore the most important among the boyars.

Either he has a grandmother, or he has a grandfather! - Makar got angry. - If I put him in a closet, all his grandmothers will immediately recover.

At this time, two archers brought a magic mirror into the hall and removed the cover from it. The king approached the mirror and said:

Oh, mirror, my light,
Please answer quickly:
Are we in danger of trouble?
Is the enemy coming here?

The mirror darkened and a guy in a white shirt appeared in it.

All is well in our kingdom! - he said. - And no trouble threatens us. But there are troubles, even two.

“Let’s go in order,” Chumichka ordered. - One by one.

First of all, Nightingale the Robber showed up and escaped from custody. He has already robbed two merchants.

What do we do? - asked Makar.

We need to send Streltsov,” Chumichka answered. - To catch the swindler!

Right! What he says is true! - the boyars shouted in unison.

That’s right, that’s right,” Makar agreed. - Yes, it’s expensive to send archers. You need a lot of money. And the horses will have to be pulled away. And now the work is in the field.

But what should we do? - the clerk exclaimed.

Let's ask Vasilisa the Wise.

What should I ask her? Is she smarter than us, or what? - Boyar Afonin shouted.

Know, smarter! - Makar said sternly. - Since people called her the Wise. Hey, come to me!

A boy ran in wearing brand new red ankle boots.

So, little guy, run to Vasilisa the Wise and ask her what to do with the Nightingale the Robber?

The boy nodded and ran out of the hall.

And the boyars began to wait, scratching their beards. Out of breath, the boy ran back:

She says we need to send pictures around the villages. Like, Nightingale the Robber escaped. He is that many years old. Whoever catches it will be rewarded with half a barrel of silver. The men will immediately catch him.