Ecology project alpine slide. Pedagogical project “Ecological trail. Sketch "Alpine slide"

Elena Malyshkina
Project "Alpine slide"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Kamyshlovsky urban district

Social project:

« Alpine slide»

Malyshkina E. V.,

Khairetdinova O. F.


1. Information card project.... 3

2. Statement of the problem…. 4

3. Purpose project.... 5

4. Objectives project.... 5

6. Implementation plan project....11

7. Expected results project.... …12

8. Financial support project.... 12

9. Layout….13

10. Literature…14

11. Appendix 1…. 15

1. Information card project.

1. Full name project Project« Alpine slide» .

2. Purpose project Landscaping on the territory of the preschool educational institution alpine slide.

6. Participants project Educators, parents.

4. Customer Organizers project"Ecological trail" MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 4".

5. Address of the organization Sverdlovsk region, Kamyshlov,

st. Karlovy Vary, 1B.

6. Dates July 2016

2. Statement of the problem.

“If every person on a piece of land did everything,

what he can do, how beautiful our Earth would be.”

Through the joint efforts of teachers and parents, wonderful flower beds are created every year on the territory of the preschool educational institution, which are a decoration kindergarten. Children, parents and guests of our kindergarten can appreciate the beauty and fragrance of flowers.

While landscaping the area and planting flower beds, we decided to take part in preschool educational institution project"Ecological trail", chose an empty, rocky area. Digging this area is difficult. It is difficult for plants to take root in this area. We proposed to develop a alpine slide. It will give a completely new, modern look to the territory of the preschool educational institution.

3. Purpose project

Improve the territory of the kindergarten alpine slide.

4. Objectives project

To get this job done necessary:

Study the necessary literature on arrangement rock gardens

a) types and elements rock gardens;

b) selection of stone - building material for slides;

c) selection and placement of plants on alpine slide;

G) design and construction of an alpine slide;

Collect and transport stones

Equip alpine slide

Plant flowers, ensure their care and survival

1. Expected result

The result design activities will be arranged on the territory of the preschool educational institution alpine slide in accordance with construction technology, selection of recommended plants, compliance with planting schemes and rules.

2. Problem formulation

In one of the areas on the territory of the preschool educational institution, the soil is difficult to cultivate and plants do not take root well.

The design of the territory of a preschool educational institution requires new, modern solutions.

Having built alpine slide in a difficult-to-cultivate area, in the future we will significantly save effort and time on cultivating the soil before planting, and the equipped rock garden organically blending into the local landscape, it will give a new modern look to the kindergarten area and provide unlimited opportunity for creativity.

After studying the literature, we learned that alpine slide- this is a landscape style flower garden, it is a fragment of a mountain landscape. For creating alpine slide choose a natural or artificially created hill on a site with a slope to the south or southwest, well illuminated by the sun. Stones are placed on it in the form of a stepped mountain slope, and between them they grow ornamental plants. For safety reasons, the stones are slightly deeper into the soil for stability. The stones are grouped, avoiding symmetry, so that the composition seems natural.

Each site has its own characteristics. That is why it is necessary to choose the right type rock garden, which will be in harmony with the other elements and organically fit into the surrounding landscape. Taking into account all these factors, you can choose best option rock garden, which will delight the eye for many years.

3. Design and construction of an alpine slide

Construction stage alpine slide preceded by the choice of location and style rock garden. We found out that the best place for blooming alpine slide(and this is exactly what we planned to arrange)– an open, clearly visible area in a sunny place, because alpine plants prefer sun rather than shade.

And when choosing sizes slides It is recommended to adhere to the height to length ratio 1 :10, i.e. if the height is assumed to be 0.5 m, then it is preferable to make the length or diameter 5 m. It is necessary to take into account that slide should not be too high.

Having assessed the size and topography chosen for arrangement rock garden of the site, on which there is no hill or steep slope, and comparing with varieties rock gardens we came to the conclusion that the most correct solution would be to arrange "Rocky slides» (the most popular and affordable option rock garden in the garden, which is a low hill, on the surface of which stones are scattered in a chaotic manner. Rocky slide will fit harmoniously into anyone, no matter what size it is.

4. Selection of stone - building material for slides

We also found out that the dominant role in rock gardens are allotted to stones. They improve drainage and, as a rule, alkalize the soil, accumulate moisture for the roots, create coolness for the above-ground part of the plant, protect from wind and improve light. The main advantage of the stone for rock garden- its naturalness. Now we know that when choosing a stone, it is advisable to use it for all slides stones of the same type. Any stone must be carefully examined before placing it in the ground, and its most characteristic and specific feature must be selected. (shape, color). It is also recommended to use stones with at least one flat side.

Of course, planning rock garden, we were convinced that no matter how important the stones were in the structure alpine slide, but we will still create it for the sake of flowers. It is the brightness and colorfulness Alpine landscape during the period of wild flowering of plants, will give our flower garden a special look. Therefore, we spent a lot of time studying literature about plants.

5. Selection and placement of plants on slide

Now we know that plants - Alpines- these are herbs and shrubs whose homeland is mountainous areas (Alps, Himalayas, rocky mountains, etc.). Strong winds blow there, the soil is poor - in such conditions the plants are forced to hug the ground and remain stunted. In an ordinary flower bed, the plants would most likely be lost and would not make an impression. However, appropriately positioned plants Alpines reveal their discreet natural beauty. It is also necessary to select plant species for planting that will bloom almost all year round, alternately replacing each other.

It turns out that there is special value in rock gardens They represent deciduous shrubs (Japanese quince, barberry, euonymus, wolfberry, jasmine, willow, cotoneaster, rhododendron, lilac, spirea) and dwarf coniferous trees (spruce, cypress, juniper, fir, pine, Japanese thuja, thuja occidentalis). Skillfully selected, they combine perfectly with each other, maintaining their attractiveness throughout the year, and help to tie together the changing variegated palette of the landscape.

We also learned that it is necessary to select flowering plants for rock gardens. So, for example, for sunny areas slides are recommended: alyssum, mountain cornflower, iberis, cloves, kachim, lavender, fescue, young, thyme, tulips, edelweiss. For south side slides will do: anafalis, armeria, aster, cinquefoil, liatris, sunflower, obrietta, sedum, wormwood, purslane, lumbago, phlox, chist.

On the western and eastern sides you can plant colchicum, common heather, heuchera, gentian, dryad, saxifrage, bellflower muscari, primrose, scilla, prolomnik, violet, and lily.

Having thus received information about plants recommended for cultivation in alpine roller coaster, at first we were very upset - where will we get the recommended shrubs, and even more so dwarf coniferous trees? And there is a problem with the seeds of the proposed flowering plants. But we decided to choose for rock garden plants from those, the seeds of which are more accessible and the seedlings of which are grown in our region.

Kuril tea


Dwarf chamomile


Decorative garlic

Two-source reed grass

6. Preparation of stone - building material

Now you can begin preparing the building material. Thinking through the creation plan rock garden, we were thinking about where we could get the stones. We knew that for the construction alpine slide it will take quite a large number of stones, but we don’t have money to buy stones. The parents of the students kindly agreed to help us, which we were very happy about.

7. Construction alpine slide

We have started construction work slides with shape markings. To do this, it is not necessary to use pegs and construction cord; a strip of sand along the perimeter of the site is enough. After marking, we began excavation work.

1. Prepared the site for alpine slide:

We removed weeds from the soil with roots (this operation is absolutely necessary, since weeds can subsequently negate all our work)

An earthen mound was poured as it was built slide on completely flat terrain

2. Placed the stones:

The stones were placed steadily, 2/3 deepening them into the soil (placing stones is a very labor-intensive task and, so as not to have to redo everything, we first laid out the stones next to the building under construction slide.

To the base slides placed the largest stones.

3. Pour the soil mixture between the stones, water it, and compact it.

4. Plants were planted in the soil mixture between the stones in accordance with a previously drawn up diagram of plants with different flowering times.

6. Implementation plan project.

No. Actions Responsible Start End

1 Creation of an initiative group Malyshkina E. V. 07/18/16 07/18/16

2 Sketching alpine slide Malyshkina E. V. 07/18/16 07/20/16

3 Planting and growing flowers Malyshkina E. V. 04/25/16

4 Preparing the stone. Collection of stones and their transportation to the territory of the preschool educational institution Parents 07/18/16 07/21/16

5 Construction alpine slide. Planting flowers. Malyshkina E. V., Khairetdinova O. F. 07/23/16 07/23/16

6 Provide care for flowers alpine slide and survival rate Malyshkina E. V., Khairetdinova O. F. For the entire period of plant growth

7 Presentation of the site Malyshkina E. V., Khairetdinova O. F.

7. Expected results project,

its social effect.

In implementation Project educators and parents of students are involved. The result will:

a) aesthetic condition alpine slide on the territory of the preschool educational institution;

b) acquiring practical skills in planting, caring for flowers, and skills in working with building materials;

8. Financial support project.

The preschool educational institution provides equipment for gardening.

It is planned to involve parents of students in cooperation.


No. Purpose of financing Amount Sources of financing

1. Purchase of seeds and plants 0 rubles Charitable help (parents, teachers, etc.)

3. Border fencing for flower beds. 0 rubles Charitable assistance (parents, teachers, etc.)

Total: 0 rubles

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary comprehensive school No. 4 Art. Zolskaya"

Project on:

"Alpine slide in my yard"

The project was completed by: Abgaryan Anzhelika

11th grade student

MBOU secondary school No. 4 Art. Zolskaya

Head: Kuranova N.I.

biology teacher, highest category

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….1p.

1. Relevance of the project………………………………………………………………1 page.

2. Goal and objectives……………………………………………………………………………………….2 p.

3. Project idea………………………………………………………………………………………………3 pages.

4.Hypothesis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 p.

5. Research methods……………………………………………………………3 pages.

5.Plan of the alpine slide………………………………………………………………4 page.

6.Preparation of stone and building material…………………….4 p.

7.Construction of an alpine slide………………………………………………………………5-6pp.

8. Estimate…………………………………………………………………………………7 pp.

9.Results………………………………………………………………………………8 p.

10. Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………………9 p.

11. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………….9 p.

12. List of references……………………………………10 pages.

13. Appendix No. 1 assortment of plants……………………… 1 page


What is a modern alpine slide?

An alpine hill is a landscape composition that imitates a mountain landscape, in the center of which a stone (or group of stones) rises, along the slopes of which platforms like terraces with squat bushes and other plants are created.

In nature, rock gardens are formed at the site of natural fractures rocks, which are under the influence external factors“overgrown” with a fertile layer suitable for plant life. Recreating such a complex landscape on a site requires a lot of effort and imagination from a person. Nature rarely has symmetry in her creations, and it is difficult for man to create the chaos from which the beauty of spontaneity is born.

In order for an alpine slide to look advantageous on a site, it needs space, so it is almost always a large-scale structure made of stones.

The issue of creating the rock garden of your dreams must be approached with taste and a sense of proportion - the stone composition should not look foreign. There is no point in piling up cliffs and rocks in a field; an imitation of a mountain slope or valley without the conspicuous elevation of a hill would look much more appropriate there.

Your alpine hill can be a rock garden, a gently sloping rock garden, or even a rock garden with wide terraces, but its essence will remain the same - a harmonious composition of stones and plants.

Relevance :

Modern design parks, squares and garden plots requires modern approach to its design. One of the modern trends is the use of Alpine slides for their design. So in our family there arose a desire to make an alpine slide near our house in order to delight not only us, but also those around us. This will give a completely new, modern look to our flower garden.

Target : arrange an alpine slide on the territory of the flower garden.


1. Study of literature regarding information on the arrangement and methods of forming alpine slides in different climatic conditions.

A) planning

B) choice of building material

C) selection and placement of plants on an alpine hill

D) design and construction of an alpine slide

2. If possible, purchase seeds of plants recommended for growing on sunny side alpine hills

3.Grow or purchase seedlings for planting

4.Collect and transport stones

5.Establish an alpine slide

6. Choose an assortment

7. Plant flower seedlings, bulbs, shrubs - provide care

8. Make an estimate.

Project idea:

The result project activities An alpine hill will be arranged on the territory of the flower garden in accordance with the nature of the landscape, construction technology, selection of recommended plants, compliance with planting schemes and rules.For help, I turned to our biology teacher N.I. Kuranova. and we began to think that we need to know about the creation of an alpine slide. The Internet, of course, helped us with this, where we found a huge variety of material about creating alpine slides, and then developed a plan with which I introduced my mom and dad, they really liked our idea and work began.


By building an alpine slide in a flower garden area, in the future we will significantly save effort and time on cultivating the soil before planting seedlings, and the equipped rock garden, organically fitting into the local landscape, will give a new modern look to the flower garden and provide unlimited opportunity for creativity. Thanks to the rock garden, the flower garden will not lose its decorative qualities much longer, since alpine plants bloom for a long time or have decorative foliage, and sometimes combine the above-mentioned advantages.

Research methods:

    Scientific knowledge


    Practical work


    Analysis of results

Alpine slide plan.

Preparation of stone - building material:

    To purchase the material, my dad and I went to the quarry and selected boulders and large cobblestones. We purchased crushed stone and paid for delivery.

    At home, all the stones were washed to remove sand and clay.

    We began the construction of the Alpine slide with the help of workers, because... It was difficult to place heavy boulders in the right place.

    We began to form a slide and a path

Construction of an alpine slide:

1. Formed a slide

2. They laid out a convenient path, limited it with stones and covered it with light crushed stone, which made it even more possible to distinguish it from the background of the soil.

When designing the alpine hill, we tried as much as possible to preserve the plants that had previously grown in the flowerbed, and also supplemented them with those purchased at the market.

Estimate for an alpine slide:

    To come up with an estimate, you need to clearly understand the technology of work and know the main stages of creating a rock garden

    The first stage is drawing up a project, which includes a plan with the selection of assortment. I did this work together with the teacher.

    The second stage is preparing the site for an alpine hill. Using household equipment and the help of parents, this work was carried out on our own.

    The third stage is the direct construction of the alpine slide. Seeds were purchased different types flowering plants, bulbs and seedlings purchased at the market. Some of the plants were transplanted from the garden plot, some were donated by friends and neighbors.


Cost, rub)

Boulders. Cobblestone and crushed stone


Labor-intensive work








Flower and decorative seedlings





This is the Alpine slide we managed to build. Our whole family and friends really like it. Some of them thought about whether they should build something similar. If this happens, the streets of our village will become even more beautiful. But we will continue to work on improving and replenishing the diversity of plants inhabiting our building.


    At a fairly high cost at first glance, appearance, aesthetics and low costs in subsequent years allow us to recommend the use of alpine slides for the design of all types of territories. In addition, it is modern and practical.

    Every year you can add new elements.


Degtyareva S. E., Anisimova T. B. Rock garden on your site: design, choice of plants, care. - Phoenix, 2003.

Leshchinskaya V.V. Rock gardens and stones in the garden. - Adelant, 2006.

McCoy P. How to make a rock garden and a pond. - Moscow: Rosman-Press, 2006.

Markovsky Yu. B. Rocky gardens. - Fiton+, 2002.

Robinson P. Garden ponds and rock gardens: Practical guide for planning and design. - Rosman-Press, 2002.

Sergienko Yu. V. All about rock gardens. - OLMA-PRESS Grand, 2003.

Hessayon ​​D.G. All about rock gardens and ponds. - Kladez-books, 2006.

Annex 1.

Assortment of plants:

Plant name

Thuja pyramidalis





Annual dahlia




Phlox annuals








Chlorophytum decorative

Slide 1

Alpine slide

Slide 2

History of rock gardens and rockeries
Structures such as rock gardens and rockeries exist in oriental culture already three thousand years. They came to the West a couple of centuries ago from China and Japan. Possessing a special charm, rock gardens instantly won the hearts of aristocrats and wealthy people. Very soon a fashion arose to create such recreation areas. The philosophy behind creating these structures is that they are unique. There are many rock gardens in the world. However, it is impossible to find at least two similar ones. Designing an alpine slide is a creative process, similar to creating music or a painting.

Slide 3

Rock garden or rock garden
Rockery is a garden of rocks, rock garden is a garden of plants. A rock garden is, first and foremost, a rock garden. Here vegetation may not be used at all or present at a minimum. Rockeries are usually not very tall. A rock garden can be up to three meters high, which is 3 times the size of the tallest rock garden. An alpine slide is more difficult to build, it is larger in area. The main attraction of such structures is the plants.

Slide 4


Slide 5

First of all, you need to choose a place for a rock garden or rock garden. The second stage is the installation of drainage. When the site is ready, you need to pick up the stones and lay them. The next step is to prepare the soil for the vegetation. The fifth stage is planting plants.

Slide 7

Site drainage
First you need to dig a pit. The depth of the pit depends on the area of ​​the future rocky garden. So, for a rock garden measuring 2.5 by 2.5 meters, the optimal pit depth will be about 1 meter. A drainage system must be installed at the bottom. Here you can use sand, crushed stone, construction waste, and shards. Wood shavings, however, should not be used. Fertile soil is placed on top of the drainage. The last stage is compaction.

Slide 8

Stones for the slide
When selecting boulders, one must take into account that the smaller the size of the rock garden, the smaller the size of the stones should be... The only criterion that the owner of the site must follow when constructing it is the criterion of naturalness. That is, there is no need to be too zealous. Excessive randomness in the arrangement of stones is as unnatural as regularity. You should not take several different types of boulders. Usually in nature, piles of stones are found from the same rock. Preference should be given to natural materials.

Slide 9

Stones for the slide
For a rock garden to look truly amazing, it needs to look good even without any vegetation. This is precisely the secret of the masters. The slide, as a rule, has from 3 to 5-6 tiers. When laying stones, we must remember that plants will soon need to be planted here. Therefore, a layer of moist, fertile soil should be poured between the tiers. Don't pack the stones too tightly.

Slide 10

Slide 11

Soil for plants
You need to carefully prepare the soil. You can do it yourself. To do this, you need to take clay soil that is clean enough so that weeds do not appear on it later. The soil is mixed with peat. There should be three times less peat than soil. Next, you need to add a little gravel to the soil composition. The soil is poured into the places intended for planting. These can be crevices and free spaces between boulders. You can also simply sprinkle soil over the rocks.

Slide 12

Slide 13

Vegetation selection
Plants for an alpine hill are selected according to certain criteria. They must be unpretentious. This ensures that the owner does not have to constantly maintain his stone garden. After all, a rock garden should be as natural as possible. This means that human intervention in his environment should be limited. Plants should please the eye not only in summer, but even in the cold season. All vegetation must coexist peacefully. Avoid planting species that are hostile to each other on the hill

Publication date: 2016-04-23

Short description: ...

Municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary school No. 4 st. Zolskaya"

Project on:

"Alpine slide in my yard"

The project was completed by: Abgaryan Anzhelika

11th grade student

MBOU secondary school No. 4 Art. Zolskaya

Head: Kuranova N.I.

biology teacher, highest category

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….1p.

1. Relevance of the project………………………………………………………………1 page.

2. Goal and objectives……………………………………………………………………………………….2 p.

3. Project idea………………………………………………………………………………………………3 pages.

4.Hypothesis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 p.

5. Research methods……………………………………………………………3 pages.

5.Plan of the alpine slide………………………………………………………………4 page.

6.Preparation of stone and building material…………………….4 p.

7.Construction of an alpine slide………………………………………………………………5-6pp.

8. Estimate…………………………………………………………………………………7 pp.

9.Results………………………………………………………………………………8 p.

10. Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………………9 p.

11. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………….9 p.

12. List of references……………………………………10 pages.

13. Appendix No. 1 assortment of plants……………………… 1 page


What is a modern alpine slide?

An alpine hill is a landscape composition that imitates a mountain landscape, in the center of which a stone (or group of stones) rises, along the slopes of which platforms like terraces with squat bushes and other plants are created.

In nature, rock gardens are formed at the site of natural breaks in rocks, which, under the influence of external factors, “overgrow” with a fertile layer suitable for plant life. Recreating such a complex landscape on a site requires a lot of effort and imagination from a person. Nature rarely has symmetry in her creations, and it is difficult for man to create the chaos from which the beauty of spontaneity is born.

In order for an alpine slide to look advantageous on a site, it needs space, so it is almost always a large-scale structure made of stones.

The issue of creating the rock garden of your dreams must be approached with taste and a sense of proportion - the stone composition should not look foreign. There is no point in piling up cliffs and rocks in a field; an imitation of a mountain slope or valley without the conspicuous elevation of a hill would look much more appropriate there.

Your alpine hill can be a rock garden, a gently sloping rock garden, or even a rock garden with wide terraces, but its essence will remain the same - a harmonious composition of stones and plants.

Relevance :

Modern design of parks, squares and garden plots requires a modern approach to its design. One of the modern trends is the use of Alpine slides for their design. So in our family there arose a desire to make an alpine slide near our house in order to delight not only us, but also those around us. This will give a completely new, modern look to our flower garden.

Target : arrange an alpine slide on the territory of the flower garden.


1. Study of literature regarding information on the arrangement and methods of forming alpine slides in different climatic conditions.

A) planning

B) choice of building material

C) selection and placement of plants on an alpine hill

D) design and construction of an alpine slide

2. If possible, purchase seeds of plants recommended for growing on sunny side alpine hills

3.Grow or purchase seedlings for planting

4.Collect and transport stones

5.Establish an alpine slide

6. Choose an assortment

7. Plant flower seedlings, bulbs, shrubs - provide care

8. Make an estimate.

Project idea:

The result of the project activity will be the arrangement of an alpine hill on the territory of the flower garden in accordance with the nature of the landscape, construction technology, selection of recommended plants, compliance with planting schemes and rules.For help, I turned to our biology teacher N.I. Kuranova. and we began to think that we need to know about the creation of an alpine slide. The Internet, of course, helped us with this, where we found a huge variety of material about creating alpine slides, and then developed a plan with which I introduced my mom and dad, they really liked our idea and work began.


By building an alpine slide in a flower garden area, in the future we will significantly save effort and time on cultivating the soil before planting seedlings, and the equipped rock garden, organically fitting into the local landscape, will give a new modern look to the flower garden and provide unlimited opportunity for creativity. Thanks to the rock garden, the flower garden will not lose its decorative qualities much longer, since alpine plants bloom for a long time or have decorative foliage, and sometimes combine the above-mentioned advantages.

Research methods:

    Scientific knowledge


    Practical work


    Analysis of results

Alpine slide plan.

Preparation of stone - building material:

    To purchase the material, my dad and I went to the quarry and selected boulders and large cobblestones. We purchased crushed stone and paid for delivery.

    At home, all the stones were washed to remove sand and clay.

    We began the construction of the Alpine slide with the help of workers, because... It was difficult to place heavy boulders in the right place.

    We began to form a slide and a path

Construction of an alpine slide:

1. Formed a slide

2. They laid out a convenient path, limited it with stones and covered it with light crushed stone, which made it even more possible to distinguish it from the background of the soil.

When designing the alpine hill, we tried as much as possible to preserve the plants that had previously grown in the flowerbed, and also supplemented them with those purchased at the market.

Estimate for an alpine slide:

    To come up with an estimate, you need to clearly understand the technology of work and know the main stages of creating a rock garden

    The first stage is drawing up a project, which includes a plan with the selection of assortment. I did this work together with the teacher.

    The second stage is preparing the site for an alpine hill. Using household equipment and the help of parents, this work was carried out on our own.

    The third stage is the direct construction of the alpine slide. Seeds of different types of flowering plants were purchased, bulbs and seedlings were purchased at the market. Some of the plants were transplanted from the garden plot, some were donated by friends and neighbors.


Cost, rub)

Boulders. Cobblestone and crushed stone


Labor-intensive work








Flower and decorative seedlings





This is the Alpine slide we managed to build. Our whole family and friends really like it. Some of them thought about whether they should build something similar. If this happens, the streets of our village will become even more beautiful. But we will continue to work on improving and replenishing the diversity of plants inhabiting our building.


    Although quite expensive at first glance, the appearance, aesthetics and low costs in subsequent years allow us to recommend the use of alpine slides for the design of all types of territories. In addition, it is modern and practical.

    Every year you can add new elements.


Degtyareva S. E., Anisimova T. B. Rock garden on your site: design, choice of plants, care. - Phoenix, 2003.

Leshchinskaya V.V. Rock gardens and stones in the garden. - Adelant, 2006.

McCoy P. How to make a rock garden and a pond. - Moscow: Rosman-Press, 2006.

Markovsky Yu. B. Rocky gardens. - Fiton+, 2002.

Robinson P. Garden ponds and rock gardens: A practical guide to design and design. - Rosman-Press, 2002.

Sergienko Yu. V. All about rock gardens. - OLMA-PRESS Grand, 2003.

Hessayon ​​D.G. All about rock gardens and ponds. - Kladez-books, 2006.

Annex 1.

Assortment of plants:

Plant name

Thuja pyramidalis





Annual dahlia




Phlox annuals








Chlorophytum decorative

An ecological trail is a special educational route in natural conditions, where there are environmentally significant natural objects.

On these routes, children become acquainted with natural biocenoses, the diversity of plants and animals, the connections that exist between them, and introduce environmental protection activities in practice.

The ecological trail plays an important role in the savings system of each child personal experience ecologically correct interaction with the nature of the immediate environment.

In order to increase children's interest preschool age By environmental education In our kindergarten, a project has been developed - an ecological trail with various views: “Glade of Fairy Tales”, “Mushroom Kingdom”, “Mini Pond”, “Cossack Compound”, “Green Pharmacy”, “Alpine Hill”, “ Flower Garden", "Weather Station", etc.

Relevance of the project: Nowadays, little attention is paid to introducing children to living and inanimate nature. Our kindergarten is understaffed, the territory is small, and the flower beds in the garden are not sufficiently landscaped. Every year, the summer recreation company faces the problem of landscaping the territory and making maximum use of it during walks, because... most of the time children are on fresh air.

The novelty of the project lies in the content and form of organizing environmental work with children - a cycle of excursions along an ecological trail.

Teachers of preschool educational institutions actively use the ecological trail in summer period and no less active in the fall. Children show cognitive activity while working on the trail. This is noticeable in the manifestation of such a quality as curiosity; the guys began to ask a lot of questions and are waiting for answers to them.

The implementation of the project involves achieving the following results:

— landscaping the area with plants;

— equipping the children's playground with new objects suitable for play;

— creation of several zones: “village courtyard”, forest clearing, “whether in the garden or vegetable garden”, “quiet corner”, mini-stadium, flower garden.

Expected result:

1. Creation of an ecological trail with various viewpoints.

2. Enrich experience in environmental education.

3. Participation of children in activities feasible for them to care for plants, protect and protect nature.

4. Creating attributes for view points.

5. Creating a presentation on the topic: “Ecological trail on the territory of MBDOU d/s No. 38.”

Project implementation stages

Stage I: Search and research

- inspection of the territory of the kindergarten and identification of the most interesting places;

— drawing up a map-scheme of the trail with the route of all its objects;

— drawing up a passport for the “Ecological Trail”;

— prepare literature on the environmental development of children;

— outline a work plan for project implementation.

Stage II: Practical

— creation of viewpoints from available materials on group verandas and areas;

- Creation additional material on the topic of your viewpoint;

— creation of viewpoints on the territory adjacent to the kindergarten building;

— creation of a weather site, terrarium, mini-garden with medicinal herbs, species object - collection;

— drawing up a passport for your viewpoint and recommendations for using path objects to work with children of different age groups;

— creating a colorful picture to indicate your viewpoint;

Stage III: Final

Creation of an ecological trail, with various viewpoints, each of which has its own purpose, guidelines on its use.

In order to increase the interest of preschool children in environmental education, the viewpoints were given the names Station... And the children went on a journey through the stations. Vasilisa the Beautiful certainly became the owner of the trail.

The journey through the viewpoints begins from the central entrance to the kindergarten and the first station is located on the ecological trail.

Points No. 1, 4, 5 “Glade of Fairy Tales”

Purpose This viewpoint is: introducing children to a variety of fairy tales about nature.

At this station, both individual and group work is carried out with children. Children, taking into account their age characteristics, are offered reading literary works, playing out fairy tales, watching theatrical performances, independent games, and a variety of finger, didactic, board and other games.

Points No. 2, 3 “Flower beds”

Target: enrich children's understanding of flower beds, the variety of flowering plants, their names, structure, methods of care and growth conditions; teach to understand the benefits and importance of nature for Have a good mood and well-being.

Point No. 10 “Miracle Garden”

Purpose The specific point is to introduce children to vegetable crops growing on our territory; children observe the planting of grown seedlings in a group room, together with teachers they care for the plants, observe the growth and harvesting. They taste the harvest they have grown with their own labor.


There are many beds in the garden,

There are turnips and salad.

Here are the beets and peas,

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

It will feed us for a whole year.

(F. Gurinovich)

Point No. 11 “Alpine slide”

Target: encourage children to rejoice at the first spring flowers and reinforce their names; learn to identify differences in plants in the characteristics of the stem, flowers, leaves;

To instill in children a sense of beauty.

Point No. 9 “Green Pharmacy”

Target: Expand and consolidate knowledge about medicinal plants; develop skills in the rational use of medicinal plants for a healthy lifestyle; learn to collect and dry medicinal plants for recreational activities during the cold season.

Show the variety of medicinal plants, their biological characteristics (medicinal properties), teach to recognize parts of plants, examine the shape, color, size, smell of leaves and flowers, conduct tactile examinations (leaves are rough, smooth, fleecy, etc.); conduct a sensory examination of their parts and seeds, with biological and medicinal properties, rules for collecting these plants

Point No. 8 “Weather station”

Target: Formation in children of elementary ideas about the weather and its significance in human life. A weather station with special equipment placed on it is designed to teach children basic weather forecasting.

Children watch weather changes, learn to analyze and draw conclusions. The station has: a weather vane, a barometer, a thermometer, and a rain gauge.

Point No. 7 “Mini pond”

Target this viewpoint: introducing children to the inhabitants of rivers and seas, teaching them to name and distinguish between sea and river inhabitants.

Consolidate previously acquired knowledge, clarify and expand knowledge about underwater world. The boys are also offered various shapes work: fishing and educational games.

Teachers independently determine the route to the stations and conduct research at these stations. educational activities according to the goals of your age group. The teachers actively used the trail in the summer and no less actively in the fall. Children show cognitive activity while working on the trail. This is noticeable in the manifestation of such qualities as curiosity, they began to ask a lot of questions, and are waiting for answers to their questions. Our trail has been operating for six months; some viewpoints are currently a mini trail in the kindergarten building on winter period. In the summer, the ecological trail was decorated with many flower beds; in the winter, we expect it will be supplemented with snow buildings.