Diary from Yana Frank "365 days of a very creative person" (red). Diary from Yana Frank "365 days of a very creative person" (red) Other books on similar topics

,) - Polish-Jewish religious leader, founder of the Jewish Messianic group of supporters. At the end of life - .


  • Alexander Krausher: Jacob Frank: The End to the Sabbathian Heresy: Lanham: University Press of America: 2001: ISBN 0-7618-1863-4
  • Harris Lenowitz (translator) Sayings of Yakov Frank: Berkeley: Tzaddikim: 1978: ISBN 0-917246-05-5
  • Arthur Mandel: The Militant Messiah: The Story of Jacob Frank and the Frankists: Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press: 1979: ISBN 0-391-00973-7
  • Harris Lenowitz. The Jewish Messiah from the Galilee to Crown Heights 1998


  • Article " Frank, Yakov" V

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    This is a diary created specifically for those whose work is usually called creative. It was developed by successful designer Jana Frank based on her own approach, which has stood the test of time and hard trials.

    With its help you can organize your life, namely:
    - understand how your time is spent;
    - put the routine on autopilot;
    - change your attitude towards hated deeds;
    - choose the best among your many ideas;
    - outline the main goals and ways to achieve them;
    - divide strategic plans into feasible segments;
    - and ultimately complete all tasks by the scheduled deadlines.


    If you read The Muse and the Beast and liked Yana's system. This diary is for you. Bright, creative, unusual. Attracts attention. Good paper, that's just the format of the book. A little wide in my opinion. Well, don’t look for a standard diary there. This thing is not about that :-)

    A very useful diary - both complete with a book and on its own. The latter - thanks to the unusual design, there is no such academic quality as in ordinary diaries. I regretted that I didn’t buy it earlier - I was still afraid it wouldn’t fit, because there were dozens of barely opened diaries lying around, from simple ones to Moleskine, and still nothing. And here we go!

    Not the usual diary cover, but a book cover. Heavy enough to carry around in my opinion. For whom the system of business and time management described in “The Muse and the Beast” is suitable, it is just right for him, regardless of the “creativity” of the profession. For the rest - an interesting experiment with your time. I recommend it as a gift for creative individuals, including for yourself :)

    An excellent diary, a kind of “Diary for Girls”, only for adults :). Some people will like it for its usefulness, and if you don’t bother with time management techniques, it’s just nice to hold it in your hands, fill it out while sitting under a blanket with a huge cup of coffee, generate and write down your crazy ideas. And also, I began to put colored crayons nearby, for the first time opening the book (and this is exactly a book, having filled it from cover to cover, you can proudly celebrate the writing of your first masterpiece), I took the orange crayon from my son and colored the cat on the first page, now I highlight completed tasks, draw... In general, as a creative person, I really like 10 points!!!

    The diary is very pretty, the kind that you don’t want to let go of it at all.
    It is most useful, in my opinion, if taken immediately with the book “The Muse and the Beast”.

    As for the practices themselves, described for the most part in the book and implemented in the diary, the effect is immediately felt.
    Moreover, the effect sometimes appears completely unexpected. For example, I remember my first surprise when I started keeping time, and discovered that along the way my overall mood somehow even improved. But the whole point is that when you remember about time, it’s already awkward to somehow suffer for 15 minutes because of a broken nail (relatively speaking), and it’s a pity for time for this (I already know why - what useful and pleasant things - these 15 minutes are equivalent).

    Overall, a very inspiring and useful thing.
    10 points.

    A very interesting diary, although it’s still very scary to write in it :-)
    Contains brief information about its conduct, goals and desired outcomes. It also has a lot of surprises between weeks, funny questionnaires, etc. The book is a good size, a little wider than regular diaries.
    A useful thing for people who want to do everything quite seriously and purposefully!

    I liked the diary, but in principle this is a very, very amateur thing.

    Strictly speaking, the diary is an extended "handwritten" part of "The Muse and the Beast" with some explanations at the very beginning.

    I use a planner extensively, particularly for keeping track of time and recording ideas. However, pages where you need to plan your time in 45 and 15 minute chunks are not for everyone. For example, I absolutely cannot work for 45 minutes, then rest for 15, etc. - after 45 minutes I’m just getting into the rhythm of work, so I work in intervals of an hour and a half, and in 15 minutes I also don’t get anything done, I rest for half an hour. And Yana has strict planning for 15 and 45 minutes in her diary.

    Receive - sign ;)
    Everything for you, dear readers!
    I saw this diary a long time ago in a bookstore. It attracted me with its bright title and colorful cover, but the price scared me off: something like 500 rubles. I was a poor student back then, and it was half of my scholarship, so with indescribable sadness in my eyes, I put it back on the shelf. But... my boyfriend was next to me, who noticed the sadness, remembered the diary and soon gave it to me! :)

    The diary promises us that with its help:
    you can organize your life, namely:
    - understand how your time is spent;
    - put the routine on autopilot;
    - change your attitude towards hated deeds;
    - choose the best among your many ideas;
    - outline the main goals and ways to achieve them;
    - divide strategic plans into feasible segments;
    - and ultimately complete all tasks by the scheduled deadlines

    So, actually about what awaits you inside ...
    Let's start with the fact that this is an appendix to the book "The Muse and the Monster" the same author. Therefore, both the table of contents and the content as a whole are almost identical, and consist of sections "Timekeeping" , "Routines" , "I have an idea!" , "I hate it!" ,lists of small and big things, pages for strategic plans, "fields" of case planning according to the "45/15" and "reverse" system, and pages like in a regular diary.
    you can read the first chapters.

    And here's what it looks like inside:

    Photos taken from here

    And now, actually, my impressions: For me personally, this diary turned out to be of little use. In terms of distributing my time, I am a very organized person: no missed deadlines, procrastination, head in the clouds or bouts of laziness have been noticed in me, I value my time and the time of others, so I knew a lot of this diary myself and for a long time (in the baggage of reading books - time management by G. Arkhangelsky and other books on time management and goal setting).

    So I used almost all the methods described in the book for a long time myself, writing it down in a regular notebook:

    1. "Timekeeping" - I’ll be honest, I tried, but it didn’t work out. I couldn’t write down all the time, I forgot and everything faded away, although the topic is interesting, with the help of it you will immediately understand where you are spending your time and how much it brings you closer to your goals. You will find enemies - “time sinks”, and if you have enough willpower, you can get rid of them.
    2. "Routines"- what you need to do every day or once a week (for example, watering flowers). I already wrote about this - habituation according to the method of G. Arkhangelsky. I set alarms (calendar reminders) for what I need to do (even down to: drinking a glass of water in the morning) and follow through religiously. Helps!
    3. "I have an idea!"- on my old blog there is even a post about this, dated March 2012, now I write down ideas in a notebook that I always carry with me, highlight a separate page and write in a column
    4. "I hate it!" - I just sometimes write what doesn’t suit me about me or what I want to change. Here’s a good exercise for you to understand what’s wrong in your life - the wheel of life balance.
    5. Strategic plans - So this is my favorite topic from a long time ago. I wrote about this, here’s something on a similar topic, and here it is. In addition, I run the “Interim Results” section and have a vision board - I know my strategic goals by sight.
    6. Planning things according to the "45/15" system - I don’t use it, I don’t like it somehow
    7. Daily/monthly diary - A simple diary is perfect, and you can choose any format to fit into your bag.

    Also, you can see from the photo that the diary is quite large and heavy, a whole book, so carrying it with you is not very convenient.

    My advice to you! First, read the book, see how much it’s yours, and then think about buying a diary.
    If you are able to conduct all these sections yourself (or already do), then you obviously do not need it. If you are an unorganized person, you have never heard of any of the sections (or the majority, it is also considered), and you need someone to outline everything for you, suggest, and all you have to do is write - then this is for you) This The diary will put everything in your life on the shelves. But I’m more accustomed to writing it myself as it’s convenient for me, and where it’s convenient for me.

    At the end of the post, I’ll share some good news with you: a nice girl, Nadya, interviewed me for her blog about stylish people.
    You can read my answers to questions