Photo report of the autumn holiday in the middle group “Blue Cloud. Scenario for the autumn holiday "Sun and Cloud" material (middle group) on the topic The song "Kids and the Rain" is performed

Characters (roles played by adults):

Cheerful music sounds, the children enter the hall together with the presenter.

Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall today! There are so many colorful leaves all around! What kind of holiday came to visit us? Of course, a holiday of autumn!
The leaves were filled with sunshine,
The leaves are soaked in the sun,
Filled up, heavy
And they flew with the wind...
They rustled through the bushes...
You can see them here and there.
The wind swirls gold,
Sounds like golden rain!
So the breeze brought some leaves to us here! Oh, there are so many of them (points to leaves scattered around the room), look!

All the leaves on an autumn day
So beautiful
Let's sing a song
About golden leaves!

The song “Golden Leaves” is performed, lyrics by N. Naydenova, music by T. Popatenko. The presenter invites the children to sit on chairs.

Autumn is a very beautiful time of year! All the trees in the garden, in the yard, and in the forest stand festively dressed!

1st child.
In the morning we go to the yard,
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...

2nd child.
Admire the masquerade!
The forest changes its outfit,
I took off the green one and tried on a new one -
Yellow, red and purple!

3rd child.
Autumn drops gold,
Autumn drives away the birds. -
Goodbye, forest and meadow,
We are flying to the warm south!
Presenter (listens).
Someone is running towards us here,
Someone is rushing here to us...
Let's clap, we'll stomp together,
Let him find us quickly!

Music sounds, children clap their hands, stomp, and Cloud runs into the hall, holding two plumes from the New Year's "rain" in her hands.

I am an autumn cloud, blue, blue,
It may be small, but very strong!
If only I want -
I'll wet you all with rain!

Music sounds, Cloud runs near the guys and “splashes” them with a plume of rain.

Cloud, Cloud, wait,
Take away your rains!
We know a song about rain
And we will give it to you!

The song "Rain" is performed, lyrics by N. Solovyova, music by M. Partskhaladze.

What a beautiful, interesting song! Thank you guys!
Rain, rain all day
Drumming on the glass.
All the earth, all the earth
Got wet from the rain.
And we'll take umbrellas
Let's go for a walk in the rain!

The presenter takes out 2 umbrellas and plays the game "Umbrellas". Children are divided into 2 teams, each team is given an umbrella. The first players, with an umbrella in their hands, run to the Christmas trees standing at the other end of the hall, run around them and come back, passing the umbrella to the next player. The whole team must run this way.

We played a lot of fun
Show off your dexterity!
But as always happens -
We are missing someone...

We have no sun, friends!

Music sounds and Sunny enters the hall.

Hello! Here I am!
All the guys know the sun
The sun is highly respected
The sun is shining brightly,
And it's very hot under the sun!
The sun is more important than everyone else
The sun is the most needed!

Sun, Sun, wait
Look at me... (Spins).
There's water inside me
And you always need water!
So I'm more important
That means I’m more needed!

Sunny and Cloud argue, stamping their feet, which of them is more needed, more important.

Calm down, calm down
And please don't quarrel!
Better start dancing
Have fun with us!
Dance, if you're not lazy,
It will help you make peace!

The dance “We Quarreled and Made Up” is performed, music by T. Vilkoreiskaya.

Well, thanks, kids!
We danced with all our hearts!

They danced merrily,
We became very close friends! |

Well, if everything is in order, then you can continue the holiday!
The harvest in the forest has ripened,
Everyone takes baskets.
What will they collect?
On forest paths?
What will they collect?
You'll have to guess!
Both on the hill and under the hill,
Under the birch and under the fir tree,
Round dances and in a row
Well done guys wearing hats!
What is this?


Let's take each basket in our hands,
Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms.
The stumps and paths smell
Delicious autumn fungus!

The song “Picking Mushrooms” is performed, words and music by L. Abelyan. Cloud and Sunny take toy mushrooms from baskets and place them among the Christmas trees.

Look at this, guys.
Here are honey mushrooms, here are butter mushrooms...

And here it is in the clearing
Poisonous toadstools!
(Points to fly agarics).
Who knows what they are called? (Children answer).

Well, everything is ready! Here are the clearings, here are the mushrooms, the baskets are also here.

It's time to go mushroom hunting!

The game "Collect mushrooms" is played. Children (4-5 people), blindfolded, collect mushrooms in baskets while music plays. As soon as the music stops, mushroom picking stops. The winner is the player who collects the most mushrooms, whose basket does not contain a single fly agaric or the number of them is the smallest.

It's interesting we played
All the mushrooms were collected quickly!

But now it's time to say goodbye
We must return to heaven.



Cloud and Sunny run away to the music.

Oh, guys, hush, hush,
I hear something strange...
Some guest is rushing to us
And it seems to be shaking.
Whoever you are, come in
Have fun guys!

Music sounds and the Hare runs into the hall.

Oh, yes, this Little Bunny has come to visit us!

Hello guys!
I was in such a hurry, I was running so fast,
That I almost got to the wolf!
I was scared, oh-oh-oh...
I'm almost alive from fear!

You, Bunny, calm down,
Don't be afraid of anything anymore!
The boys and I will go
We'll sing you a song!

The song “Cochany” is performed, words by I. Maznin, music by D. Lvov-Kompaneets.

Oh, what a delicious song! Perhaps you left a head of cabbage for me too?

Of course, Bunny!

But where is the cabbage?
Here's the secret!
No on the right... and no on the left.
(Looks around).
Who can tell me
How to find cabbage?

We'll give you advice
If you want, listen, if you want, no...

Of course I want! Give us your advice quickly! I really want cabbage!

Fine! Listen carefully! If the guys and I clap loudly, loudly, like this (they clap loudly), then the cabbage is somewhere nearby! Well, if we clap quietly, quietly, like this (they show), then there is no cabbage nearby! Do you understand everything, Bunny?

Hare (delighted).
Of course of course! Everything is very simple! So, so... (Closes his eyes and says the rules of the game out loud. And at this time, the presenter hides the head of cabbage so that the children can see where it is). Wow! Now I can quickly find my cabbage!

The game "Quiet-loud" is played. Music at the discretion of the music director.

Hare (looking at a head of cabbage).
Oh, what a beautiful head of cabbage,
Both heavy and crunchy!
Not a head of cabbage, but just a miracle,
You can immediately see that it’s real! (Chews a cabbage leaf).

I found a head of cabbage, Bunny! Well, now it's yours!

Thank you guys!
I'll run home quickly
I'll show everyone my head of cabbage
And I'll tell you about you!


To the music, the Hare runs away with a head of cabbage in his hands.

Guys, what is this? Cloud, Sunshine, and Bunny came to visit us for the holiday! But Autumn is still not there... Let's read poems about her, invite her to visit, so that she can find us soon!

1st child.
The cranes are flying south,
Hello, hello, autumn!
Come to our holiday,
We really, really ask!

2nd child.
Here we are a joyful holiday
Have fun,
Come, we are waiting for you,
Autumn is golden!

Music sounds and Autumn enters the hall.

Are you talking about me? Here I am!
Hello my friends!
I came to your party
Sing and have fun
I want to be with everyone here
Make strong friends!

We're all on holiday together
Let's have a great time!
To make it more fun,
Let's start our dance!

"Dance of the Little Ducklings" is performed.

Here are the kids
Danced from the heart!

Music sounds and the Mouse runs into the hall.

Hello guys,
Girls and boys!
I was running past here
I heard merry laughter!
And I decided in earnest
Take a look at least for a minute,
See what kind of people
Lives in this kindergarten!

Well, Mouse, come in,
Look at the guys!

I'll tell you from my heart -
All the guys are good!
But I'm interested to know
do you like to play?
Then I invite you to play an interesting game!

The game "Turnip" is being played, adapted by M. Iordansky. Children stand in a circle, in the middle of the circle is a “turnip”, behind the circle is a “mouse”. Children, holding hands and moving in a circle, sing:
- Turnip, turnip, grow strong,
Neither small nor large, up to a mouse's tail. Yes!
The “turnip” is “growing” at this time, and the “mouse” is moving in the opposite direction. At the end of singing, the children raise their clasped hands up, the “turnip” runs away, and the “mouse” tries to catch it. At the end of the game, the “mouse” and the caught “turnip” dance to any dance tune.

Now close your eyes and stand quietly... (At this time, adults bring into the hall a large papier-mâché turnip with apples inside). Once! Two! Three! Four! Five! You can open your eyes!

Oh yeah turnip! Simply amazing!
How round and how beautiful!
I'm telling you the truth -
I love turnips very much!
(Patches himself on the stomach.)

Wait, wait, Mouse! The kids love turnips too! Is it true?
But this turnip is not easy,
The middle is not empty...
Let's stand behind each other,
We'll pull the turnip now!

The children stand up one after another, Autumn takes up the turnip, the Mouse stands aside, not wanting to help.

Autumn and children.
We pull and pull, but we can’t pull it out! We pull and pull, but we can’t pull it out!

Something is not working out for us! (Notices the Mouse standing to the side). Why doesn't the Mouse help us? Come on guys, call Mouse for help! (The mouse joins the guys).

Pull-pull, pull-pull...
They pulled out a turnip!

Oh yes we are! Ay, well done!

Cheerful music is playing, everyone is clapping their hands. At this time, the Mouse “opens” the turnip and takes out several apples.

Oh guys! Just a miracle!
Where are these apples from?

From a turnip!

The host hands Autumn a tray. Autumn and Mouse put turnip apples on it.

This is our turnip -
Gives apples to all children!

Music plays, adults hand out apples to children.

We had a lot of fun
We became very close friends!
We danced, played,
Everyone around has become friends!

It's time for us to say goodbye
Get ready for the return journey!


Music sounds, Autumn and Mouse leave the hall, taking the turnip with them.

Comprehensive notes

Autumn holiday for children of the middle group “Sorceress-Autumn”

    Characters (all roles played by adults):
  • Leading
  • Tuchka
  • Sun
  • Autumn
  • Mouse

Cheerful music sounds, the children enter the hall together with the presenter.

Leading. Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall today! There are so many colorful leaves all around! What kind of holiday has come to visit us? Of course, a holiday of autumn!
The leaves were filled with sunshine,
The leaves are soaked in the sun,
Filled up, heavy
And they flew with the wind...
They rustled through the bushes...
You can see them here and there.
The wind swirls gold,
Sounds like golden rain!

So the breeze brought the leaves to us here! Oh, there are so many of them (points to leaves scattered around the room), look!

Child. All the leaves on an autumn day
So beautiful
Let's sing a song
About golden leaves!

The song “Golden Leaves” is performed, lyrics by N. Naydenova, music by T. Popatenko. The presenter invites the children to sit on chairs.

Leading. Autumn is a very beautiful time of year! All the trees in the garden, in the yard, and in the forest stand festively dressed!

1st child. In the morning we go to the yard,
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...

2nd child. Admire the masquerade!
The forest changes its outfit,
I took off the green one and tried on a new one -
Yellow, red and purple!

3rd child. Autumn drops gold,
Autumn drives away the birds.
- Goodbye forest and meadow,
We are flying to the warm south!

Leading. (Listens)
Someone is running towards us here,
Someone is rushing here to us...
Let's clap, we'll stomp together,
Let him find us quickly!

Music sounds, children clap their hands, stomp, and Cloud runs into the hall, in her hands are two plumes from the New Year’s “rain”

Cloud. I am an autumn cloud, blue, blue,
It may be small, but very strong!
If only I want -
I'll wet everyone with rain!

Music sounds, Cloud runs near the guys and “splashes” them with a plume of rain.

Leading. Cloud, cloud, wait,
Take away your rains!
We know a song about rain
And we will give it to you!

The song “Rain” is performed, lyrics by N. Solovyova, music by M. Partskhaladze.

Cloud. What a beautiful, interesting song! Thank you guys!
Rain, rain all day
Drumming on the glass.
All the earth, all the earth
Got wet from the rain.
Leading. And we'll take umbrellas,
Let's go for a walk in the rain!

The presenter takes out two umbrellas and plays the Umbrella Game.

Children are divided into 2 teams, each team is given an umbrella. The first players, with an umbrella in their hands, run to the Christmas trees standing at the other end of the hall, run around them and come back, passing the umbrella to the next player. The whole team must run this way.

Cloud. We played a lot of fun
Show off your dexterity!
But as always happens -
We are missing someone...

Leading. We have no sun, friends!

Music sounds and Sunny enters the hall.

Sun. Hello, here I am!
All the guys know the sun
The sun is highly respected
The sun is shining brightly,
And it's very hot under the sun!
The sun is more important than everyone else
The sun is the most needed!
Cloud. Sun, sun, wait
Look at me... (Spins)
There's water inside me
And you always need water!
So I'm more important
That means I’m more needed!

The sun and the cloud argue, stamping their feet, which of them is more needed, more important.

Leading. Calm down, calm down
And please don't quarrel!
Better start dancing
Have fun with us!
Dance, if you're not lazy.
It will help you make peace!

The dance “We Quarreled and Made Up” is performed, music by T. Vilkoreiskaya.

Sun. Well, thanks, kids!
We danced with all our hearts!
Cloud. They danced merrily,
We became very close friends!
Leading. Well, if everything is in order, then you can continue the holiday!
The harvest in the forest is ripe.
Everyone takes baskets.
What will they collect?
On forest paths?
What will they collect?
You'll have to guess!
Both on the hill and under the hill,
Under the birch and under the Christmas tree,
Round dances and in a row
Well done guys wearing hats!
What is this?
Children. Mushrooms!
Child. Let's take each basket in our hands,
Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms.
The stumps and paths smell
Delicious autumn fungus!

The song “Picking Mushrooms” is performed, words and music by L. Abelyan. Cloud and Sunny take toy mushrooms from baskets and place them among the Christmas trees.

Cloud. Look at this, guys.
Here are honey mushrooms, here are butter mushrooms...
Sun. And here it is in the clearing
Poisonous toadstools! (Points to fly agarics)
Who knows what they are called? (Children answer)
Cloud. Well, everything is ready! Here are the clearings, here are the mushrooms, the baskets are also here.
Sun. It's time to go mushroom hunting!

The game “Collect mushrooms” is being played

Children (4-5 people), blindfolded, collect mushrooms in baskets while music plays. As soon as the music stops, mushroom picking stops. The winner is the player who collects the most mushrooms, whose basket does not contain a single fly agaric or the number of them is the smallest.

Cloud. It's interesting we played
All the mushrooms were collected quickly!

Sun. But now it's time to say goodbye
We must return to heaven.

Cloud and Sunny run away to the music.

Leading. Oh, guys, hush, hush,
I hear something strange...
Some guest is rushing to us
And it seems to be shaking.
Whoever you are, come in
Have fun guys!

Music sounds and the Hare runs into the hall.

Leading. Oh, yes, this Little Bunny has come to visit us!
Hare. Hello guys!
I was in such a hurry, I was running so fast.
That I almost got to the wolf!
I was scared, oh-oh-oh...
I'm almost alive from fear!
Leading. You, Bunny, calm down,
Don't be afraid of anything anymore!
The boys and I will go
We'll sing you a song!

The song “Cochany” is performed, words by I. Maznin, music by D. Lvov-Kompaneets.

Hare. Oh, what a delicious song! Perhaps you left a head of cabbage for me too?

Leading. Of course, Bunny!

Hare. But where is the cabbage?
Here's the secret!
No on the right... and no on the left.
(Looks around)
Who can tell me
How to find cabbage?

Leading. We'll give you advice
If you want, listen, if you want, no...

Hare. Of course I want! Give us your advice quickly! I really want cabbage!

Leading. Fine! Listen carefully! If the boys and I clap loudly, loudly, like this (clap loudly), then the cabbage is somewhere nearby! Well, if we clap quietly, like this (show), then there is no cabbage nearby! Do you understand everything, Bunny?

Hare (delighted). Of course of course! Everything is very simple. Now I’ll quickly find my cabbage. (Closes eyes, presenter hides)

The game “Quiet and Loud” is being played. Music at the discretion of the music director.

Hare (looking at a head of cabbage).
Oh, what a beautiful head of cabbage,
Both heavy and crunchy!
Not a head of cabbage, but just a miracle,
It’s immediately obvious that it’s real!

Chews a cabbage leaf.

Leading. I found a head of cabbage, Bunny! Well, now he's yours!

Hare. Thank you guys!
I'll run home quickly
I'll show everyone my head of cabbage
And I'll tell you about you!

Children. Goodbye!

To the music, the Hare runs away with a head of cabbage in his hands.

Leading. Guys, what is this? So, Cloud came to visit us for the holiday, and Sunshine, and Bunny! But Autumn is still not there... Let's read poems about it, invite us to visit so that it will find us soon!

1st child. The cranes are flying south,
Hello, hello, autumn!
Come to our holiday,
We really, really ask!

2nd child. Here we are a joyful holiday
Have fun,
Come, we are waiting for you.
Autumn is golden!

Music sounds and Autumn enters the hall.

Autumn. Are you talking about me? Here I am!
Hello my friends!
I came to your party
Sing and have fun
I want to be with everyone here
Make strong friends!

Leading. We're all on holiday together
Let's have a great time!
To make it more fun,
Let's start our dance!

Performing "Dance of the Little Ducklings"

Autumn. Here are the kids
Danced from the heart!

Music sounds and the Mouse runs into the hall.

Mouse. Hello guys,
Girls and boys!
I was running past here
I heard merry laughter!
And I decided in earnest
Take a look at least for a minute,
See what kind of people
Lives in this kindergarten!

Autumn. Well, Mouse, come in.
Look at the guys!

Mouse. I'll tell you from my heart -
All the guys are good!
But I'm interested to know if you like to play? Then I invite you to play an interesting game!

The game "Turnip" is played processing by M. Iordansky.

Children stand in a circle, in the middle of the circle is a “turnip”, behind the circle is a “mouse”. Children, holding hands and moving in a circle, sing:
- Turnip, turnip, grow strong,
Neither small nor large, up to a mouse's tail. Yes!

The “turnip” is “growing” at this time, and the “mouse” is moving in the opposite direction. At the end of singing, the children raise their clasped hands up, the “turnip” runs away, and the “mouse” tries to catch it. At the end of the game, the “mouse” and the caught “turnip” dance to their favorite dance tune.

Autumn. Now close your eyes and stand quietly...

At this time, adults bring into the hall a large papier-mâché turnip with apples inside.

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!
You can open your eyes!

Mouse. Oh yeah turnip! Simply amazing!
How round and how beautiful!
I'm telling you the truth -
I love turnips very much!
(Patches his stomach)

Autumn. Wait, wait, Mouse! The kids love turnips too! Is it true?
But this turnip is not easy,
This turnip is not empty...
Let's stand behind each other,
We'll pull the turnip now!

Children stand up one after another, Autumn takes hold of the turnip. The mouse stands aside, not wanting to help.

Autumn and children. We pull and pull, but we can’t pull it out!
We pull and pull, but we can’t pull it out!

Autumn. Something is not working out for us! (Notices Mouse standing aside). Why doesn't the Mouse help us? Come on guys, call Mouse for help! (The mouse joins the guys)
Together. Pull-pull, pull-pull...
They pulled out a turnip!

Autumn. Oh yes we are! Well done!

Cheerful music is playing, everyone is clapping their hands. At this time, the Mouse “opens” the turnip and takes out several apples.

Mouse. Oh guys! Just a miracle!
Where are these apples from?

Children. From a turnip!

Autumn. This is our turnip -
Gives apples to all children!

Music plays, adults hand out apples to children.

Mouse. We had a lot of fun
We became very close friends!
We danced, played,
Everyone around has become friends!
Autumn. It's time for us to say goodbye
Get ready for the return journey!

Children. Goodbye!

Music sounds, Autumn and Mouse leave the hall, taking the turnip with them.

Autumn fun for the middle group. Scenario "Sorceress Autumn"

1. Dominant OO: artistic and aesthetic; Integrated OO: speech.
2. Target:
Educational: expand your understanding of the season - autumn;
developing: develop emotional responsiveness, speech, singing and dancing skills.
educational: cultivate goodwill.
4. Form: entertainment.
5. Form of organization: frontal.
6. Equipment: masks: cloud, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, little mice; umbrellas, autumn costume, wooden mushrooms.
7. Preliminary work: learning poems, songs, dances. Presenter: Guys! Today I invite you to autumn forest! But the way there is long, and
so that our legs don't get tired, let's go by train!
Exercise “Stomp step”
Presenter: Here we are. And now let's all go along the forest path.
Exercise "Simple Step"
Kalinnikov's "Sad Song" is playing.
Presenter: In the morning we go to the woods
Leaves are falling like rain.
They rustle underfoot.
And they fly, fly, fly.
Now let's perform the song.
Song “This autumn is coming to us” (Bell No. 26-02)
And now the children will read poems about autumn to us.
1. Admire the masquerade.
The forest changes its outfit,
I took off the green one and tried on a new one -
Yellow, red and purple.
2. Autumn drops gold,
Autumn drives away the birds.
- goodbye forest and meadow,
We are flying to the warm south.
3. Autumn holiday in the forest,
And light and fun!
These are the decorations
Autumn is here!
4. The wind plays with the leaves
Leaves are torn off from branches
Yellow leaves are flying
Right under the guys' feet.

Presenter: Look, guys, how many leaves there are here. But the breeze blew.
Let's make some noise with the wind.
"Dance of autumn leaves"
Someone is running towards us here,
Someone is rushing here to us.
Let's clap, we'll stomp together
Let him find us quickly.
(Children clap and stomp to the music. Cloud runs in and runs around the children).
]Tuchka: I'm an autumn cloud
Blue - blue.
It may be small, but very strong.
If only I want -
I'll wet you all with rain.

Guys, do you know what kind of rain it is?
Yes, the rain can be small, quiet - quiet. And sometimes it rains a lot,
strong - strong.
Listen to the music “Rain” by Lyubarsky.
Children imitate rain according to the dynamics.
Cloud, cloud, wait
Remove your rain!
We know a song about rain
And we will give it to you.
Song "Rain".
(“Bell” Autumn – not laughed at No. 15 – 1999)
Rain, rain all day
Drumming on the glass.
All the earth, all the earth
Got wet from the rain.
And we'll take umbrellas
Let's go for a walk in the rain.
Game "Umbrellas".
The harvest in the forest has ripened,
Everyone takes baskets.
What will they collect?
On forest paths?
What will they collect?
You'll have to guess.
Both on the hill and under the hill.
Under the birch and under the fir tree.
Round dances and in a row
Well done guys wearing hats!
Dance "Mushrooms".
Hello my friends!
I came to you for the holiday!
I dressed everything up,
The dark forest has been enriched!
It became as bright as day,
The leaves there are burning with fire!
Presenter: Come on, come on, Autumn! Be our guest, we are very glad to see you!
Listen to what poems the guys have prepared for you!
1st child. Summer flew away quickly
migratory bird into the distance
Autumn has spread wonderfully
A fading shawl!
2nd child. Gifted by the guest - Autumn
Fruit harvests,
drizzling rains,
A body of forest mushrooms!
3rd child. So let's praise Autumn
Song, dance and games!
Autumn, this is your holiday!
Autumn. Well, quickly get into the circle,
Sing a song together!

The song “Gather the Harvest!” is performed, lyrics by T. Volgina,
music by A. Filippenko.
Autumn. Well you sang the song
It’s immediately obvious that everything was done in time!
You didn't waste your time,
The harvest was quickly collected!
But I want to hear
And I want to check
How to prepare for winter
All forest animals!
Music sounds, children wearing Bear, Hedgehog, Squirrel, and Mouse hats run into the hall.
Bear. I'm digging a den for winter,
I'll sleep in it in winter!
I like to sleep in winter
Delicious paw sucking!
Hedgehog. I also sleep in winter,
I don't like cold weather!
You see, I'm collecting leaves,
I pile them up and then rake them up.
Hedgehog stays warm in winter
Under the golden foliage!
Autumn, Autumn! Listen to us
And eat our nuts!
We dried them all summer,
And then they put it in a hollow.
There are still mushrooms there,
You can’t even count all the supplies!
Little mice.
And the Mice didn’t yawn,
They brought the grain into the hole.
If there is food in winter,
You and I won't freeze!
Well now I praise you
You worked hard, I see!
Get into the circle quickly
Start the dance!
“Autumn Round Dance” Bell No. 30- 2003 page 26

Autumn: I had a lot of fun
I loved all the guys.
But it's time for us to say goodbye
What to do? Things are waiting
Goodbye friends!

Autumn holiday scenario for middle group.

"Sun and Cloud"

Heroes: Cloud, Sun, Autumn.

Attributes: two plumes (for Tuchka); a basket with vegetables and fruits of red and yellow colors, an empty basket; dance leaves (yellow, green and red); three umbrellas (red, green and yellow); umbrella with treats.
Children enter the hall to cheerful music,

They stop and look at the decoration of the hall.

Ved: Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall! There are so many colorful leaves all around!...

What an artist he is!
Everything around was gilded.
Even the heaviest rain
I didn't wash this paint off.
We ask you to guess the riddle:
Who is this artist?
Children: Autumn!
1st child: In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly...

2nd child: Admire the masquerade!

The forest changes its outfit,

I took off the green one and tried on a new one -

Yellow, red and purple!

3rd child: Autumn drops gold,

Autumn drives away the birds.

Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south!

Ved: Autumn is outside the window again, the rain is falling like peas,
The leaves are falling, rustling like you, autumn is beautiful!
♫ “Simple Song”

(Music and lyrics by E. Shalamonova)

We sat down on the chairs.

There are low sounds of footsteps.

Ved: Someone is running towards us here,
Someone is rushing here to us...
Clap, clap, have fun!

We are looking forward to your long-awaited guests!

Children clap their hands.

To the music Cloud runs in, holding two shiny plumes in her hands.

Tuchka: I am an autumn cloud, blue and blue.
It may not be big, but it is very strong!
If only I want -
I'll kill all the guys!

To the music, Cloud runs around the hall and “splashes” at children and adults.

Ved: Cloud, cloud, wait,
Take away your rains!
We know a song about rain
And we will give it to you!

♫ Song “Rain”

(music by M. Partskhaladze, lyrics by N. Solovyova)

Tuchka: What a beautiful, interesting song! Thank you!
And now, quickly, guys, guess the riddles!

1. Who beats on the roof all night,
Yes he knocks
And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep?
2. The clouds are gathering, howling, blowing.
Prowls the world, sings and whistles.
3. I grow in the soil in a garden bed,
Red, long, sweet.
4. Makes everyone around you cry
Although he is not a fighter, but...
Tuchka: Well done my boys

We solved all the riddles!

But as always happens -

We are missing someone...

And you will find out who it is by guessing my last riddle:

5. It warms the whole world

And he doesn’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls him...(Sun)

Ved: That's right, we miss Sunshine!

Music sounds and Sunny enters the hall.

Sun : Hello! Here I am!

All the guys know the sun

The sun is highly respected

The sun is shining brightly,

And it's very hot under the sun!

The sun is more important than everyone else

The sun is the most needed!

Tuchka : Sun, sun, wait,

Look at me...(spinning)

There's water inside me

And you always need water!

So I'm more important

That means I’m more needed!

Sunny and Cloud argue, stamping their feet, over who is more important and more necessary.

Ved: Calm down, calm down

And please don't quarrel!

Better start dancing

Have fun with us!

♫♀Dance “Guilty Cloud”

(D. Tukhmanova)

The cloud rises in the middle,

and Sunny with the children in a circle.

At the end, the children sit down on chairs.

Tuchka: What a great dance we had!

Sun: Yes! Such a fun dance! You guys are great!

Tuchka: And it's all thanks to me! A song about me! So, after all, I am more important! Means I'm more needed!

They start arguing.

Ved: Cloud and Sunny had a fight - they don’t want to make peace! What to do? Who will help us?...Let's call Autumn! And so that she finds us sooner, we’ll read poems about her.
4th child: The cranes are flying south -
Hello, hello autumn!
Come to our holiday
We really, really ask!
5th child: Here we are a joyful holiday
Have fun,
Come, we are waiting for you,
Autumn is golden!

To the music, Autumn enters the hall, spinning.

In her hands she has a basket of vegetables and fruits.

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am!
Hello my friends!
I came to your holiday,
Sing and have fun.
And I want to be with everyone here

Make strong friends!
I am deciduous, golden, rainy autumn. They also call me fruitful, because in the fall they harvest a rich harvest of bread, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits. Here, I brought them for you.

The sun takes the basket from Autumn and looks into it.

He goes out to the center of the hall, tilts the basket so that the children can see what is there.

Sun: What a rich harvest! This is because I warmed him with my rays all summer.

Tuchka: (He wants to take it away.) No, the harvest is so rich because I watered it with rain!

The basket falls and the entire harvest wakes up.

Ved: (To the Sun and Cloud.) You see what your argument has led to!

Autumn: Guys, can you help me collect vegetables and fruits?

Children: Yes!

Ved: And at the same time let's play! I have another basket! You will need to collect fruits in one basket, and vegetables in the other.

The presenter chooses the children. Reminds who gets which basket

the fruits need to be collected. “We’ll check later. One, two, three – start!”

The children are sorting it out.

The presenter and Autumn check the work. They thank and praise the children.

Ved : Now let's sing a funny song about vegetables!

The presenter puts vegetable masks on the children.

"We have a vegetable garden"

(E. Morozova)

All the heroes also dance in a circle.

Sit on chairs.

The presenter takes off her masks.

Tuchka: (after the children have sat down)Well done boys! If it weren’t for me, such a good harvest would not have grown! That means I’m more needed!

Sun: The main thing for the harvest is warmth! Means I'm more important!

Ved: Well, here they are quarreling again! Cloud, Sunshine and you, Autumn, let’s better listen to the autumn poems that the guys have prepared for you!

Tuchka: We'd love to hear it!

6th child: Covering the ground with a lush sundress,
Golden Autumn is coming to visit us!
7th child: It's time for the leaves to fall,

It's time for the birds to fly away.
Mushroom pickers wander in the fog,

The wind is howling in the pipes,

8th child: The wind plays with the leaves,

Tears off leaves from branches,
Yellow leaves are flying

Straight into the hands of the guys.

Ved: The wind tore the leaves from the tree,

Scattered them far away.
We will collect leaves

Let's go dance with them!

The presenter and Autumn hand out two pieces of paper to the children.

Autumn: And you, Cloud and Sunny, also come out and dance with us! (the presenter gives them pieces of paper)

Dance, if you're not lazy,

It will help you make peace!

♫♀ Dance "Falling Leaves"

After the dance, children and adults remain standing in their places.

Autumn: Well done! What a beautiful dance we had! Let's play with these beautiful multi-colored leaves!? We will walk, and the Sun will shine on us. But as soon as Cloud peeks out, you need to hide under an umbrella of the same color as the leaves in your hands. So that the rain doesn't get us wet.

Meanwhile, the presenter gives the yellow umbrella to Sunny,

red - Autumn, and leaves for himself - green.

"Umbrella Game"

The cloud moves to the side. The sun rises in the middle.

Children walk to cheerful music.

Then Tuchka runs out and tries to “kill” everyone with her plumes.

Children run under umbrellas of the same color as their leaves.

The presenter and Autumn praise the children. “Did the rain get anyone wet?”

Tuchka: Which fun game! Guys, give me your leaves as a souvenir!

The children give the leaves to Tuchka and sit on the chairs.

Tuchka: The Sun and I, guys, are now friends,
At first they were angry, then they were happy.
I'll give you an umbrella as a souvenir,
And thank you for the fun.

Sun: Thank you, guys, for reconciling us with your dancing and fun games. It's time for us to go to heaven! Goodbye!

They leave.

Ved: Let's see what kind of umbrella this is?

He opens his umbrella and there are candies hanging inside.

Ved: Guys, the umbrella is not simple, it is very sweet, that's what it is!
Shows it to the children. They clap their hands.
Autumn: And I also brought you my autumn gifts: plump apples, fragrant pears. Help yourself to your health!

Ved: Thank you, Autumn!

Autumn: Goodbye, my dears, see you in the park, in the forest or just on the street.
We will definitely see you again. See you. (Leaves.)
Ved: Our holiday is over. Did you guys like him?

Children: Yes!

Ved: Well, now it’s time for us to join the group!