A 3rd category milling operator must be able to. Milling operator job description

1.1. A miller of the 3rd category is a worker and reports directly to ……… (name of position/profession of the manager)

1.2. To work as a milling operator of the 3rd category, the following person is accepted:

1) mastered the basic programs vocational training- programs vocational training by professions of workers, positions of employees, retraining programs for workers, employees, advanced training programs for workers, employees (from two months to one year);

2) having experience practical work in accordance with current legislation And regulatory documents enterprises/industries.

1.3. A person is allowed to perform the work specified in paragraph 1.2 of these instructions:

1) training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instruction in labor protection (introductory and in the workplace), on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;

2) completed mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic medical examinations(examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the order established by law Russian Federation;

3) authorized to work in accordance with current legislation and regulatory documents of the enterprise/industry.

1.4. A 3rd category milling operator must know:

1) requirements for the layout and equipment of the milling operator’s workplace;

2) the procedure for daily maintenance of the machine;

3) basic properties and marking of processed and tool materials;

4) reading rules technical documentation;

5) symbols for symbols of tolerances, qualifications, roughness parameters, basing methods;

6) tolerances and fits, qualities and roughness parameters within the scope of the work performed;

7) design, purpose, rules and conditions for the use of universal and special devices;

8) device, purpose and rules for using cutting and measuring tools;

9) device, purpose, rules for using an established milling machine;

10) rules for setting the optimal milling processing mode according to the technological map;

11) rules, sequence and methods:

Cutting and slitting workpieces, simple details from various materials;

Milling planes of workpieces, simple parts made of various materials;

Milling shoulders of workpieces, simple parts made of various materials;

Milling grooves, grooves, bevels and radii of workpieces, simple parts and tools;

Milling single-start threads and spirals of simple parts and tools from various materials;

Teeth parts of gear joints made of various materials;

12) device, purpose, rules for current adjustment of a milling machine;

13) the main types and causes of defects when milling surfaces, methods of prevention and elimination;

14) labor protection, fire and industrial safety rules when carrying out work;

15) rules for the use of individual and collective protective equipment;

16) requirements for the quality of work performed;

17) types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them;

18) the procedure for notifying the manager of all deficiencies discovered during work;

19) Internal rules labor regulations;

20) rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

21) ……… (other requirements for necessary knowledge)

1.5. A 3rd category milling operator must be able to:

1) maintain the condition of the workplace in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, fire, industrial and environmental safety, the rules for organizing the milling operator’s workplace;

3) perform calculations of quantities size limits and tolerance according to the drawing/sketch and determine the suitability of the given actual dimensions;

4) select, prepare for work and use universal, special devices, cutting and control and measuring tools;

5) set the optimal milling mode in accordance with technological map;

6) operate an established milling machine;

7) carry out milling processing in accordance with the technological route;

8) measure the treated surfaces with universal and specialized measuring instruments in accordance with the technological process;

9) prevent and eliminate possible defects when performing work;

10) carry out daily maintenance machine;

11) carry out routine adjustment of the milling machine;

12) comply with labor protection, fire and industrial safety rules when carrying out work;

13) ……… (other requirements for necessary skills)

1.6. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. The labor functions of a 3rd category milling operator are:

2.1.1. Processing of workpieces, simple parts and tools from various materials on universal and special machines of the milling group:

1) cutting and cutting blanks, simple parts from various materials with dimensional accuracy of 16 quality;

2) milling the planes of workpieces, simple parts from various materials with dimensional accuracy of 14 quality;

3) milling of shoulders of workpieces, simple parts from various materials with dimensional accuracy of 14 quality;

4) milling of grooves, grooves, bevels and radii of workpieces, simple parts and tools from various materials with dimensional accuracy of 14-12 quality;

5) milling of single-start threads and spirals of simple parts and tools from various materials with dimensional accuracy of 14-12 quality;

6) milling of teeth of gear joint parts from various materials to 10-11 degrees of accuracy.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Before the start of the working day (shift), a 3rd category milling operator:

1) undergoes a pre-shift (preventive) medical examination in accordance with the established procedure;

2) receives a production task;

3) if necessary, undergoes training on labor protection;

4) takes over the shift;

5) checks the serviceability of devices, tools, equipment, etc., personal protective equipment;

6) ……… (other duties)

3.2. During work, a 3rd category milling operator:

1) performs the work for which he has been instructed and authorized to work;

2) uses special clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment;

3) receives instructions from the immediate supervisor on the performance of the task, safe techniques and methods of work;

4) complies with the rules for using technological equipment, devices and tools, methods and techniques for performing work safely;

5) immediately notify the immediate supervisor of all deficiencies discovered during work;

6) complies with the requirements of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

7) ……… (other duties)

3.3. During the working day (shift), a 3rd category milling operator performs the following duties within the framework of labor functions:

3.3.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2.1.1 of these instructions:

2) analyzes the initial data (technical documentation, blanks, simple parts) to conduct the technological process of cutting and cutting blanks, simple parts from various materials;

3) prepares the milling machine for conducting the technological process of cutting and cutting blanks, simple parts made of various materials;

4) leads process cutting and cutting blanks, simple parts made of various materials in accordance with technical documentation;

5) carries out quality control of cutting and cutting blanks, simple parts made of various materials.

3.3.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2.1.1 of these instructions:

1) carries out preparation and maintenance of the milling operator’s workplace;

2) analyzes the initial data (technical documentation, workpieces, simple parts) to conduct the technological process of milling the planes of workpieces, simple parts from various materials;

3) prepares the milling machine for conducting the technological process of milling planes of workpieces, simple parts made of various materials;

4) conducts the technological process of milling planes of workpieces, simple parts made of various materials in accordance with technical documentation;

5) carries out quality control of milling planes of workpieces, simple parts made of various materials.

3.3.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this instruction:

1) carries out preparation and maintenance of the milling operator’s workplace;

2) analyzes the initial data (technical documentation, workpieces, simple parts) to conduct the technological process of milling shoulders of workpieces, simple parts from various materials;

3) prepares the milling machine for conducting the technological process of milling shoulders of workpieces, simple parts made of various materials;

4) conducts the technological process of milling shoulders of workpieces, simple parts made of various materials in accordance with technical documentation;

5) carries out quality control of milling of shoulders of workpieces, simple parts made of various materials.

3.3.4. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 2.1.1 of these instructions:

1) carries out preparation and maintenance of the milling operator’s workplace;

2) analyzes the initial data (technical documentation, workpieces, simple parts) to conduct the technological process of milling grooves, grooves, bevels and radii of workpieces, simple parts and tools from various materials;

3) prepares the milling machine for the technological process of milling grooves, grooves, bevels and radii of workpieces, simple parts and tools from various materials;

4) conducts the technological process of milling grooves, grooves, bevels and radii of workpieces, simple parts and tools from various materials in accordance with technical documentation;

5) carries out quality control of milling grooves, grooves, bevels and radii of workpieces, simple parts and tools made of various materials.

3.3.5. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subclause 5 of clause 2.1.1 of these instructions:

1) carries out preparation and maintenance of the milling operator’s workplace;

2) analyzes the initial data (technical documentation, blanks, simple parts) to conduct the technological process of milling single-start threads and spirals of simple parts and tools from various materials;

3) prepares the milling machine for conducting the technological process of milling single-start threads and spirals of simple parts and tools from various materials;

4) conducts the technological process of milling single-start threads and spirals of simple parts and tools from various materials in accordance with technical documentation;

5) carries out quality control of milling single-start threads and spirals of simple parts and tools made of various materials.

3.3.6. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 6 of paragraph 2.1.1 of these instructions:

1) carries out preparation and maintenance of the milling operator’s workplace;

2) analyzes the initial data (technical documentation, blanks, simple parts) to conduct the technological process of milling teeth of gear joint parts made of various materials;

3) prepares the milling machine for conducting the technological process of milling teeth of gear joint parts made of various materials;

4) conducts the technological process of milling teeth of gear joint parts made of various materials in accordance with technical documentation;

5) carries out quality control of milling teeth of gear joint parts made of various materials.

3.4. At the end of the working day (shift), a 3rd category milling operator:

1) puts devices and tools in proper condition and transfers them for storage;

2) removes dirt from workwear and safety shoes, if necessary, places them for drying and storage;

3) submits established reports;

4) performs an inspection (self-examination);

5) hands over a shift;

6) ……… (other duties)

3.5. As part of the performance of his labor functions, a 3rd category milling operator:

1) carries out the instructions of his immediate supervisor, the recommendations of a milling operator of a higher rank;

2) undergoes periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) ……… (other duties)

3.6. ……… (other provisions on responsibilities)

4. Rights

4.1. When performing his job functions and duties, a 3rd category milling operator has labor rights provided for by the agreement concluded with the employee employment contract, Internal labor regulations, local regulations, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other acts of labor legislation.

4.2. ……… (other provisions on employee rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. A milling operator of the 3rd category is involved in disciplinary liability in accordance with Art. 192 Labor Code Russian Federation for improper performance through his fault of the duties listed in this instruction.

5.2. A milling operator of the 3rd category carries financial liability for ensuring the safety of inventory items entrusted to him.

5.3. A 3rd category milling operator for committing offenses in the course of his activities, depending on their nature and consequences, is subject to civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.

5.4. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This manual has been developed based on Professional standard" ", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated April 17, 2014 N 265n, taking into account……… (details of local regulations of the organization)

6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description upon hiring (before signing the employment contract).

The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this job description is confirmed by ……… (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; in another way)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions).

I approve

[position, signature, full name.

Manager or other

Official authorized


[organizational and legal form, job description]

name of organization, [day, month, year]

enterprises] M.P.

Job description

3rd category milling operator [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, Issue 2, Sections: “Foundry Works”, “Welding Works”, “Boiler Houses, Cold Forging, Drawing and Pressing Works”, “Forging and Pressing and Thermal Works”, “Mechanical Processing of Metals and other materials”, “Metal coating and painting”, “Enameling”, “Mechanism and metalwork-assembly work”, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1999 N 45; order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated August 11, 2011 N 906n “On approval Model standards free issuance special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment for chemical industry workers engaged in work with hazardous and (or) hazardous conditions labor, as well as work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution."

1. General provisions

1.1. A miller of the 3rd category belongs to the category of workers and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. A person who has special skills and has at least [value] years of experience as a 2nd category milling operator is hired for the position of 3rd category milling operator.

1.3. A 3rd category milling operator must know:

Name, marking and basic properties of processed materials;

Purpose and properties of coolants and oils;

The device and rules for adjustment of the same type of horizontal and vertical universal milling machines, simple longitudinal milling, copying and keying machines;

Rules for controlling multi-spindle longitudinal milling machines serviced together with a milling operator for more than highly qualified;

Design and rules for using common universal devices, design and conditions for using a plasma torch;

Purpose and rules for using control and measuring instruments;

Purpose and conditions of use of cutting tools;

Basic angles, rules for sharpening and installing cutters;

System of admissions and landings;

Roughness qualities and parameters;

Rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

Rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

Requirements for the quality of work (services) performed;

Types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them;

Production alarm;

Requirements for rational organization labor in the workplace.

2. Job responsibilities

A 3rd category milling operator is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Milling of parts of medium complexity and tools of 8-11 qualifications on the same type of horizontal and vertical universal milling machines, on simple longitudinal milling, copying and keying machines using cutting tools and universal devices.

2.2. Setting the processing sequence and cutting modes according to the technological map.

2.3. Processing of parts of medium complexity and needle-platinum products of 8-10 grades on specialized machines set up for processing certain parts and for performing individual operations, or on universal equipment using measuring cutting tools and special devices.

2.4. Milling of rectangular and radius external and internal surfaces, shoulders, grooves, grooves, single-start threads and spirals.

2.5. Installation of parts in vices of various designs, on turntables, universal dividing heads and on rotary squares.

2.6. Milling of gear teeth and racks to 10-11 degrees of accuracy.

2.7. Performing milling work using the method of combined plasma-mechanical processing under the guidance of a more highly qualified milling operator.

2.8. Control of multi-spindle longitudinal milling machines with a table length of 10,000 mm and above under the guidance of a more highly qualified milling operator.

2.9. Control of lifting and transport equipment from the floor.

2.10. Slinging and lashing of loads for lifting, moving, installation and storage.

2.11. Receiving and handing over shifts.

2.12. Cleaning the workplace, equipment, tools, and maintaining them in proper condition.

2.13. Maintaining established technical documentation.

2.14. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

A miller of the 3rd category has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

3.3. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in fulfilling its professional responsibilities and exercise of rights.

3.4. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision necessary equipment, equipment, workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

3.5. Submit proposals for improvement of the organization and methods of work performed by the enterprise management for consideration.

3.6. To receive special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment.

Kingston and valve plates - milling a groove for the rod. 54. Woodworking cutters, slotted, filleted, molded, for smooth planing, for processing rebates - milling cavities between teeth. 55. Disc cutters - milling teeth. 56. End mills with a spiral tooth and shaped - milling of teeth. 57. Fiberglass foundations for auxiliary mechanisms with dimensions exceeding 1000 x 1000 mm sq. - milling. 58. Templates of complex configuration - milling the contour according to the markings. 59. Spherical and angular cutters - milling. 60. Cylindrical and spiral gears with a module of up to 10 - milling of teeth. 61. Forging dies of complex configuration - milling of streams. 62. Pins, contact sockets, plugs, housings and cups of sealed connectors - milling.


Cleaning the workplace, equipment, tools, and maintaining them in proper condition. 2.13. Maintaining established technical documentation. 2.14.

[Other job responsibilities]. 3. Rights A miller of the 3rd category has the right: 3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.



Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities. 3.3. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.



Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, a workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc. 3.5. Submit proposals for improvement of the organization and methods of work performed by the enterprise management for consideration.


Job description for 3rd category milling operator

Job responsibilities of the milling operator: 3.1. Milling of complex experimental and expensive parts and tools according to 1-5 qualifications, having several mating curved cylindrical surfaces, with places difficult to access for processing and measurements, using universal and special cutting tools and optical devices. 3.2. Milling of complex large-sized parts, assemblies, thin-walled long parts subject to warping and deformation, on unique milling machines of various designs. 3.3.
Installation of large parts that require combined fastening and precise alignment in various planes, including the implementation of the specified work on processing parts made of difficult-to-process high-alloy and heat-resistant materials using the method of combined plasma-mechanical processing. IV. The milling operator has the right: 4.1.

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Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2017 Part No. 2 of Issue No. 2 ETKS Issue approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 1999 N 45 (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2008 N 645) Section ETKS “Mechanical processing of metals and other materials" § 134. Milling operator of the 2nd category. Characteristics of work. Milling on horizontal, vertical and copy milling machines of simple parts of 12 - 14 grades using cutting tools and universal devices and following the processing sequence and cutting modes in accordance with the technological map or the instructions of the foreman.
Perform operations for milling edges, slots, tenons, radii and planes.

Milling operator

Control of lifting and transport equipment from the floor. Slinging and lashing of loads for lifting, moving, installation and storage.

Must know: the structure and rules of adjustment of the same type of horizontal and vertical universal milling machines, simple longitudinal milling, copying and keying machines; rules for controlling multi-spindle longitudinal milling machines, serviced together with a milling operator of a higher qualification; device and rules for using common universal devices, device and conditions for using a plasma torch; purpose and rules for using control and measuring instruments; purpose and conditions of use of cutting tools; basic angles, rules for sharpening and installing cutters; system of admissions and landings; qualities and roughness parameters. Examples of work 1.

Etc. milling operator (3rd category)

Housings, frames, bases of highly sensitive navigation devices - milling. 4. Matrices, inserts and punches of complex configuration with recessed radii and multi-cavity - milling.

5. Iron die matrices for high-precision stators and rotors - calculation, installation of optical devices on the machine and final milling of grooves without and with the use of plasma heating. 6. Rotors of turbogenerators - milling grooves for windings on rotary milling machines.

Stators of turbogenerators with hydrogen and forced cooling - milling grooves, boring holes and grinding journals. Comments on the profession The given tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession “Milling operator” serve for the tariffication of work and assignment tariff categories according to Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Etc. milling operator 2 - 6 categories (§ 134 - § 138)

I approve [position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve [organizational and legal form, job description] name of the organization, [day, month, year] of the enterprise] M.P. Job description of milling operator 3- 1st category [name of organization, enterprise, etc.
p.] This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers, Issue 2, Sections: “Foundry Works”, “Welding Works”, “Boiler Houses, Cold Forging, Drawing and Pressing Works”, “Forging and Pressing and Thermal Works”, “Mechanical Processing of Metals and other materials”, “Metal coating and painting”, “Enameling”, “Mechanism and metalwork-assembly works”, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1999.

Milling operator job description

  • The milling operator has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • The milling operator has the right to get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
  • The milling operator has the right to submit for consideration to the manager proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description.
  • The milling operator has the right to submit proposals for consideration by the manager on encouraging distinguished workers and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The milling operator has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.

What should a 3rd category milling operator be able to do?

ETKS Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers Issue 2 Mechanical processing of metals and other materials § 135 MILLING OPERATOR (2nd category, 3rd category, 4th category, 5th category, 6th category) Characteristics of work. Milling of parts of medium complexity and tools of 8 - 11 qualifications on the same type of horizontal and vertical universal milling machines, on simple longitudinal milling, copying and keying machines using cutting tools and universal devices.

Setting the processing sequence and cutting modes according to the technological map.

A 3rd category milling operator must be able to

Clinker gate valve wedges - guide milling. 19. Watch case rings - milling of edges, legs, corners.

20. Piston oil scraper rings for engines - groove milling. 21. Piston rings - cutting, milling the lock. 22. Horizontal walk-through flap bodies with a nominal bore of up to 150 mm - milling the window contour and the plane of the flange for the cover. 23. Bearing housings and caps - milling of locks. 24. Car gearbox housings - milling of planes on a special milling machine. 25. Bearing housings - milling grooves for lubrication. 26. Cranks - milling the outer surface according to the copier. 27. Backstage - milling a groove for a stone according to a copier. 28. Working blades steam turbines with variable profile - preliminary milling. 29. Welded guides of non-rigid structures up to 1500 mm long - milling. 30.

  • The milling operator is responsible for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job responsibilities provided for by this job description - within the limits specified labor legislation Russian Federation.
  • The milling operator is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or being released from a position, the Milling Operator is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the current position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.

What should a 1st category milling operator be able to do?

Clips (thrust brackets) of ship bearings - milling of the throat in compliance with angles, obliques and perpendicularity of the sides. 31. Mandrels, bushings - window milling. 32. T-slots - final milling.

33. Three-jaw chucks - milling grooves. 34. Submodel slabs - milling. 35. USP slabs up to 500 mm long - fine milling of grooves for grinding and over 500 mm, preliminary milling. 36. Separable bearings - milling bevels, lubrication grooves. 37. Rail pads and linings - stripping using a stripping machine. 38. Frame belts - milling. 39. Gaskets - milling planes onto a wedge according to measurements from the assembly site. 40. Broaches - window milling. 41. Punch holders with two or more windows - milling. 42. Strip-bulb profile - milling of ends with grooves for welding. 43.

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\Typical job description for 3rd category milling operator

Job description of 3rd category milling operator

Job title: Milling operator 3rd category
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General provisions:

  • Milling operator of the 3rd category is directly subordinate......................
  • Milling operator of the 3rd category follows instructions.................................................... .........

  • (the instructions of these employees are followed only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Milling operator of the 3rd category replaces................................... ....................................
  • Replaces milling operator of the 3rd category................................................. ...................................
  • Hiring and dismissal:
    The milling operator is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • device and rules for adjustment of the same type of horizontal and vertical universal milling machines, simple longitudinal milling, copying and keying machines
  • rules for controlling multi-spindle longitudinal milling machines, serviced together with a milling operator of a higher qualification
  • device and rules for using common universal devices, device and conditions for using a plasma torch
  • purpose and rules for using control and measuring instruments
  • purpose and conditions of use of cutting tools
  • basic angles, rules for sharpening and installing cutters
  • system of admissions and landings
  • qualities and roughness parameters.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Milling of parts of medium complexity and tools of 8-11 qualifications on the same type of horizontal and vertical universal milling machines, on simple longitudinal milling, copying and keying machines using cutting tools and universal devices.
  • Setting the processing sequence and cutting modes according to the technological map.
  • Processing of parts of medium complexity and needle-platinum products of 8-10 grades on specialized machines set up for processing certain parts and for performing individual operations, or on universal equipment using measuring cutting tools and special devices.
  • Milling of rectangular and radius external and internal surfaces, shoulders, grooves, grooves, single-start threads and spirals.
  • Installation of parts in vices of various designs, on turntables, universal dividing heads and on rotary squares.
  • Milling of gear teeth and racks to 10-11 degrees of accuracy.
  • Performing milling work using the method of combined plasma-mechanical processing under the guidance of a more highly qualified milling operator.
  • Control of multi-spindle longitudinal milling machines with a table length of 10,000 mm and above under the guidance of a more highly qualified milling operator.
  • Control of lifting and transport equipment from the floor.
  • Slinging and lashing of loads for lifting, moving, installation and storage.
page 1 Job description Milling operator
page 2 Job description Milling operator

4. Rights

  • The milling operator has the right to give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • The milling operator has the right to control the implementation of production tasks and the timely execution of individual orders by employees subordinate to him.
  • The milling operator has the right to request and receive necessary materials and documents related to issues of his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • The milling operator has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • The milling operator has the right to get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
  • The milling operator has the right to submit for consideration to the manager proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description.
  • The milling operator has the right to submit proposals for consideration by the manager on encouraging distinguished workers and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The milling operator has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The milling operator is responsible for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The milling operator is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or being released from a position, the Milling Operator is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the current position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • The milling operator is responsible for offenses committed in the course of carrying out his activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The milling operator is responsible for causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The milling operator is responsible for compliance with current instructions, orders and regulations regarding the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The milling operator is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description has been developed in accordance with (name, number and date of document)

Head of structural