Functional responsibilities of a labor protection specialist. Job responsibilities of a labor protection specialist. Job description structure



1.1. The main task of the leading occupational safety specialist of the enterprise is to organize the implementation of legal, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic, socio-economic and medical and preventive measures aimed at preventing accidents, occupational diseases and industrial accidents and monitoring their implementation.

1.2. The leading labor protection specialist is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. A specialist with a higher technical education and work experience in the field of at least 3 years or secondary specialized (technical) education, who has undergone special training in labor protection and has at least 5 years of experience in production in this position is appointed to the position of leading labor protection specialist. .

1.4. The leading occupational safety specialist reports directly to the director of the enterprise.

1.5. During the absence of the leading labor protection specialist, the performance of his duties is assigned to the deputy director or a specialist appointed by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.6. Leading specialist in labor protection of the enterprise according to job description must know:

Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection";

Regulations on the labor protection service;

Regulatory documents and acts on labor protection;

Organization of work on labor protection, fire protection and industrial sanitation;

Production and organizational structure enterprises:

Staffing table;

Basic technological processes;

Equipment of the enterprise and principles of its operation;

System of occupational safety standards;

Regulations on training of workers on labor protection issues;

Regulations on the investigation of accidents and occupational diseases that occur at work;

Rules for compensation by the owner of an enterprise for damage caused to an employee by health damage associated with the performance of his work duties;

Labor protection rules for healthcare workers;

Rules for the safe operation of consumer electrical installations;

Rules technical operation electrical installations;

Rules for design and safe operation:

Steam and hot water boilers;

Gas industry;

Load-lifting cranes;

Pressure vessels.

Law of Ukraine "On Fire Safety";

Fire safety rules;

The procedure for certification of workplaces according to working conditions;

Law of Ukraine "On Road Traffic";

Law of Ukraine "On the Protection environment";

Law of Ukraine "On Vacations";

Law of Ukraine "On Social Insurance";

Limiting the use of labor by women, adolescents, and workers transferred to light labor;

Resolutions, orders, orders, other guidance and regulatory materials on labor protection, fire safety, industrial sanitation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Gosnadzorohrandzor, Gospozhnadzor, SES, higher and other bodies;

Methods and forms of propaganda and information on labor protection;

The procedure and timing for reporting on the implementation of labor protection measures and occupational injuries;

Primary requirements state standards for organizational and administrative documentation;

Organization of office work at the enterprise;

Instructions for office work;

Office equipment and other means of mechanization and automation of managerial work;

Law of Ukraine on Civil Defense;

Notification scheme for enterprise employees;

Internal rules labor regulations;

Collective agreement;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Job description.


2.1. The area of ​​work of the leading occupational safety specialist is the organization of work and control over the creation of safe and healthy working conditions at the enterprise.

The workplace is an office equipped for work with the necessary regulatory and technical literature and equipment.

2.2. Leading occupational safety specialist according to job description:

2.2.1. Manages in accordance with the Charter of the LLC, labor legislation, inter-industry and sectoral regulations on labor protection, the Regulations on the labor protection service, work to create safe and healthy working conditions at the enterprise.

2.2.2. Resolves all issues within the limits of the rights granted to him and entrusts the performance of certain functions on labor protection issues to other officials - heads of departments.

2.2.3. Conducts operational and methodological management of labor protection work at the enterprise.

2.2.4. Monitors the creation of safe and healthy working conditions at the enterprise, carrying out activities in this area, compliance with current legislation, instructions, rules and regulations on labor protection and industrial sanitation, providing employees with established benefits and compensation for working conditions.

2.2.5. Organizes the study of working conditions at workplaces, work to carry out certification of the sanitary and technical condition of departments, workshops and areas; checking the technical condition of equipment, warning and protective devices, monitoring the efficiency of ventilation systems.

2.2.6. Issues mandatory instructions to the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise to eliminate identified deficiencies, and receives from them necessary information, documentation and explanatory notes on labor protection issues, requires the removal from work of persons who have not passed medical checkup, training, instruction, testing of knowledge on labor protection and those who do not have access to the relevant work or do not comply with labor protection standards; stops the operation of production facilities, sites, departments, equipment, machines, mechanisms, equipment and other means of production in cases of violations that pose a threat to the life or health of workers.

2.2.7. Submits proposals to the head of the enterprise to bring to justice workers who violate labor protection requirements.

2.2.8. Participates in the development and implementation of more advanced designs of fencing equipment and other means of protection, routes for the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the territory of the enterprise, measures to create safe and healthy working conditions.

2.2.9. Takes part in the development of draft long-term and annual plans to improve working conditions at the enterprise.

2.2.10. Provides instructions (training) for workers on labor protection issues, first aid medical care victims of accidents, rules of conduct in case of accidents in accordance with the current standard provision, the correctness of drawing up requests for workwear and other protective equipment, special food, safety and protective devices, etc.

2.2.11. Exercises control over the expenditure of allocations for labor protection, compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection and industrial sanitation in projects of enterprise divisions that are being built or reconstructed, new technological processes, during installation of equipment, as well as testing periods and checks for the correct operation of compressed gas cylinders, control equipment, lifts and other equipment, schedules for measuring production noise, air environment, vibration, etc., compliance with the requirements of state supervision bodies, interdepartmental and departmental monitoring compliance with current norms and standards for labor safety in the production process.

2.2.12. Provides methodological assistance to departments of the enterprise in developing new and revising outdated instructions and leaflets on labor protection, as well as drawing up a program for training workers in safe working methods.

2.2.13. Participates in the investigation and analysis of the causes of industrial injuries and occupational diseases, in the development of measures to prevent and eliminate them, as well as in the drafting of sections of the collective agreement regarding issues of improving working conditions and strengthening the health of workers.

2.2.14. Organizes the work of the labor protection office and the promotion of labor protection and industrial sanitation measures by holding lectures, conversations, stands, distributing rules, instructions, memos, showing films, etc.

2.2.15. Monitors compliance with labor safety rules and regulations during internships for students, students of vocational schools and labor training for schoolchildren.

2.2.16. Participates in the work of holding public reviews in the divisions of the enterprise in order to identify the best departments, offices, services, and also organizes competitions for the title “Best in the Profession”; works to consolidate existing traditions and create traditions that have a positive educational impact on the team

2.2.17. Ensures timely and high-quality submission of reports and other information to the safety department of higher organizations.


The leading occupational safety specialist is obliged to:

3.1. Manage, in accordance with the LLC Charter, labor legislation, inter-industry and sectoral regulations on labor protection, and the Regulations on the Labor Safety Service, the work to create safe and healthy working conditions at the enterprise.

3.2. Resolve all issues within the limits of the rights granted to him and entrust the performance of certain functions on labor protection issues to other officials - heads of departments and specialists.

3.3. Monitor the creation of safe and healthy working conditions in the divisions of the enterprise, carrying out activities in this area, compliance with current legislation, instructions, rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation, providing employees with benefits and compensation for working conditions.

3.4. Organize a study of working conditions at workplaces, work to carry out certification of the sanitary and technical condition of the enterprise, workshops, and areas.

3.5. Monitor the conduct of medical examinations and examinations of enterprise employees.

3.6. Prepare draft orders and measures on occupational safety issues for the enterprise.

3.7. Take part in operational monitoring of the state of labor protection and fire safety in the departments of the enterprise. Draw up reports on operational control.

3.8. Check the security status in structural divisions, issue mandatory instructions to the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise to eliminate discovered deficiencies, and receive from them necessary documentation, explanatory on labor safety issues, demand the removal from work of persons who have not undergone medical examinations, instructions, training and testing of knowledge on labor safety issues and who do not have access to the relevant work or do not comply with labor safety standards.

3.9. Stop the operation of production machines, mechanisms, equipment and other means of production in cases of violations that pose a threat to the life or health of workers, submit proposals to the heads of structural units to bring to justice workers who violate labor protection requirements.

3.10. Organize work to study working conditions in workplaces, carry out certification of the sanitary and technical condition of equipment, protective devices, and monitor the efficiency of ventilation systems.

3.11. Participate in the development of draft long-term and annual plans to improve working conditions.

3.12. Develop measures together with the heads of structural divisions for inclusion in the Comprehensive Activities of the collective agreement to achieve established safety standards, increase the level of labor protection, and prevent industrial injuries.

3.13. Take part in the development and implementation of more advanced designs of fencing and other protective devices, routes for the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the territory of the enterprise, measures to create safe and healthy working conditions.

3.14. Monitor the timing of technical examinations and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers, elevators, cranes and mechanisms, pressure vessels, instrumentation, implementation of testing schedules for electrical installations, etc.

3.15. Take part in the work of commissions: on labor protection, on certification of workplaces for working conditions; for the commissioning of completed construction, reconstruction or technical re-equipment of facilities, modernized or repaired equipment.

3.16. Participate in the investigation and analysis of the causes of industrial injuries, occupational diseases, accidents, road traffic accidents, as well as in the development of measures to prevent them and monitor their implementation.

3.17. Consider the facts of the presence of production situations dangerous to the life or health of workers, or to the people around them and the natural environment in cases of workers refusing to perform the work assigned to them for these reasons.

3.18. Organize the provision of workers with rules, standards, norms, regulations, instructions and other regulatory documents on labor protection.

3.19. Monitor compliance with safety requirements by employees of the enterprise, the implementation of measures, orders, regulations on labor protection issues, medical examinations of workers, the use of labor of minors, women, workers transferred to light labor, in accordance with current legislation.

3.20. Monitor compliance with requirements regulatory documents on labor protection of machines, mechanisms, equipment, vehicles, offices, technological processes, provision of workers with personal protective equipment, therapeutic and preventive nutrition, milk or equivalent food products, detergents and sanitary facilities.

3.21. Organize training and testing of workers’ knowledge on labor protection, electrical safety, fire and industrial safety, provision of first aid to accident victims, rules of behavior in the event of fires and accidents.

3.22. Provide structural units with methodological assistance in developing new and revising old labor safety instructions, as well as in drawing up training programs for enterprise employees in safe work methods.

3.23. Monitor the conduct of briefings, training and knowledge testing on labor protection issues.

3.24. Monitor the correctness of applications for workwear, safety footwear, other personal protective equipment, special food and protective equipment.

3.25. Organize the work of the office on labor protection and the promotion of labor protection measures by conducting lectures, conversations, equipping stands, and showing films.

3.26. Monitor compliance with rules and safety standards for labor protection and industrial sanitation during practical training by students, vocational school students and vocational training school students.

3.27. Prepare reports, information, certificates on the state of labor protection in the sanatorium and report at production meetings of the enterprise, meetings and meetings of the technical council of the enterprise.

3.28. Consider letters, statements and complaints from workers regarding labor safety issues.

3.29. Undergo training and periodic knowledge testing on labor protection, electrical and industrial safety, fire and safe operation of facilities increased danger, labor legislation in educational and methodological centers.

3.30. Work to improve your skills by constantly studying regulatory and technical literature.

3.31. Participate in the professional selection of performers for a certain type of work with increased danger.

3.32. Monitor the implementation of orders, activities, regulations of the State Labor Supervision Authority and other bodies for monitoring compliance with established norms and standards of labor safety in production processes.

3.33. Take part in the work of the commission to test workers’ knowledge on labor protection, industrial and fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation, Labor Code of Ukraine and other regulatory documents.

3.34. Ensure high-quality preparation of labor safety reports, industrial injuries and submit them to higher organizations in a timely manner.

3.35. Take measures to immediately eliminate the causes and conditions that could lead to an accident, occupational disease, or traffic accident.

3.36. Comply with the requirements of the collective agreement.

3.37. Comply with internal labor regulations.

3.38. Know and comply with the requirements of regulations on labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation, instructions, rules for handling equipment and other means of production, use collective and individual protective equipment.

3.40. Provide first aid to victims in case of accidents and emergencies at enterprise facilities.

3.41. Be at the workplace sober and in a satisfactory state of health.

3.42. When receiving a civil defense signal, follow the procedure according to it.

3.43. Immediately inform the head of the enterprise about the prerequisites for the occurrence or occurrence of emergency situations at the enterprise’s facilities.

3.44. Give written explanations regarding violations of labor or production discipline/absenteeism, showing up at work while drunk or other misconduct.

3.45. Ensure complete safety of the property entrusted to him. Treat property with care and take urgent measures to prevent damage.

3.46. Actively participate in the social life of the team.

4. RIGHTS The leading occupational safety specialist has the right:

4.1. To freely visit facilities, departments, services, structural units at any time, get acquainted with documents related to labor protection, receive from officials the necessary information, documentation and explanations (written or oral), suspend the operation of machines, mechanisms, equipment, facilities and other means of production in cases of violations that pose a threat to the life or health of workers.

4.2. Check compliance with labor protection legislation, the state of safety, occupational health, and the working environment in structural divisions. Issue a mandatory order to the heads of the inspected unit to eliminate identified deficiencies in labor safety issues.

4.3. Make proposals to management on issues related to its activities and related to the organization and working conditions of employees.

4.4. Demand that officials remove from work workers who have not undergone a medical examination, training, instruction, testing of knowledge on labor protection issues, who do not have access to the relevant work, or who violate the requirements of regulatory documents on labor protection.

4.5. When resolving operational issues, give orders to any employee of the enterprise, bypassing his immediate supervisor, but then inform him.

4.6. To remove from work any employee of the enterprise who was in a drunk (drug) state at work, bypassing his immediate supervisor, but then informing him.

4.7. Make proposals to the head of the enterprise and heads of structural divisions to hold workers accountable for violating the requirements of regulatory documents on labor protection.

4.8. Apply to the head of the enterprise to encourage employees who take an active part in increasing safety and improving working conditions for workers.

4.9. Improve your qualifications at courses, seminars conducted Training Centers, State Labor Supervision Authority, enterprise, etc.

4.10. Check the work on labor protection of heads of structural divisions and involve them in checking compliance with labor protection legislation in other structural divisions.

4.11. Demand that employees of the enterprise comply with internal labor regulations, collective agreements, compliance medical ethics and deontology.


5.1. The leading occupational safety specialist is responsible for:

Inconsistency of the decisions made by him with the requirements of the current legislation on labor protection;

Improper performance of your functional responsibilities provided for by the Regulations on the labor protection service and job descriptions;

The low quality of its investigation of accidents and accidents at work;

Inaccurate and untimely preparation and delivery statistical reporting on labor protection;

Failure to comply or untimely execution of orders from the director of the enterprise;

Disclosure of information constituting a commercial secret of an enterprise;

Low labor and performance discipline;

Violation of internal labor regulations;

Violation of safety regulations;

Loss or damage to equipment, furniture and other material assets issued for use;

Accidents or occupational poisoning at work, if by his order or action he violated the relevant Labor Safety Rules and did not take appropriate measures to prevent accidents;

Violation of instructions and other legislative acts on labor protection, creating obstacles to the activities of company officials;

For inaction, negligent attitude towards the performance of official duties provided for in this instruction.

5.2. The leading occupational safety specialist bears financial responsibility for:

For damage caused to the enterprise as a result of violation of the labor duties assigned to it;

For damage caused by deliberate destruction or deliberate damage to material assets issued by the enterprise for use;

For damage caused by improper storage of material assets;

For non-acceptance necessary measures to prevent theft, destruction and damage to material assets;

For damage caused by actions containing signs of criminally prosecuted acts;

In the full amount of damage caused to the enterprise through his fault, for failure to ensure the safety of property and other valuables transferred to him for storage or for other purposes in accordance with the work performed.


6.1. Ved. The enterprise's labor protection specialist receives from the director and his deputies the necessary oral and written official information and documentation to perform his official duties.

6.2. The leading labor protection specialist of the enterprise provides the necessary oral and written information about his work to the director of the enterprise.

6.3. Takes part in weekly operational meetings with the director of the enterprise.

6.4. Takes part in the work of the technical council of the enterprise; prepares materials for the technical council according to the plan.

6.5. A commission of a higher organization, with the participation of the State Supervision Authority for Labor Protection, tests his knowledge of labor protection, fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation, and the Labor Code of Ukraine.

6.6. When applying for a job, he submits an org. to the department. And personnel work work book, passport, and other documents (military ID, education document).

6.7. Promptly informs the department of organizational and personnel work about changes in registration data (family composition, home address, military registration, passport data, etc.).

6.8. Receives from the org department. and personnel work, information about length of service, availability of benefits, etc.

6.9. Receives information about his salary from the chief accountant, accountant of the financial department, economist.

The job description of a labor protection specialist is signed by the employee and the head of the enterprise.

The job description of a labor protection specialist must be agreed upon and approved.

A job description is a local document that should be in every enterprise. The absence of this document is an administrative offense, for which a fine is imposed on the employer.
Instructions are being developed by HR specialists together with employees legal department, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities in general and the performance of labor functions by the employee in particular. This document is approved by the employer personally or by a hired manager who has such authority.

Before signing an employment contract with an applicant, the employer must familiarize him with his job description. If this is not done, then involve the employee in disciplinary liability It will be very difficult for you to fail to fulfill your official duties.

In 2018, every enterprise must have an occupational safety specialist. He can combine this position with another, but he must have a job description.

Job responsibilities of a specialist

IN job responsibilities occupational safety specialist includes:

  • participation of a specialist in the development of labor protection rules at the enterprise in accordance with current legislation;
  • implementation of these rules at the enterprise;
  • control over compliance with these rules;
  • development of a labor safety management system in accordance with current regulations;
  • identification of risks in the enterprise and development of programs to minimize them, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities. Monitoring compliance with safety and labor protection rules in structural units, taking into account the specifics of the activities of each such unit;
  • informing employees about possible risks when performing their work duties;
  • testing the knowledge of workers on site regarding safety regulations;
  • control over ensuring that employees are provided with timely special clothing, shoes and other means necessary to protect against risks;
  • control over the serviceability of individual and collective protective equipment;
  • testing workers' safety knowledge;
  • identifying the need to train employees in labor safety standards;
  • organizing employee training in this area;
  • development of measures to improve the efficiency of workers’ working conditions and reduce possible risks;
  • participation in the commission to assess the working conditions of employees;
  • interaction with members of this commission;
  • eliminating deficiencies identified during the inspection;
  • participation in the development of certain provisions of the collective agreement;
  • development of methodological materials for managers;
  • participation in the investigation of industrial accidents;
  • analysis of the causes of injuries at the enterprise;
  • preparation of reports on the work done at the enterprise;
  • other responsibilities that may arise for such a specialist depending on the specifics of the enterprise’s activities.

In every enterprise and institution, employers are obliged to take care of labor protection. Sometimes a full-fledged department is created for this purpose. However, more often one specialist is appointed separately. A job description is developed for him, which states what rights and responsibilities he will have in the organization. The content of the main document for the position depends on the type of organization. For example, in a school, the occupational safety specialist focuses on training students and the issue of evacuation, while in automobile production, attention is paid to production processes.

Sample of a typical job description for a labor protection specialist

The job description for this employee must be drawn up taking into account professional standards. The development of this act and the appointment of the appropriate employee to this position are two big steps in the complex to ensure safety at the enterprise. The job description of a labor safety specialist according to professional standards adopted at the enterprise is approved by the general director.

General provisions

The first section describes the basic concepts of the job description. The correct job title is determined - in some cases it is called the chief safety engineer, in others - the leading occupational safety specialist. Average professional education considered acceptable for this position. The main thing is that the education is technical. It is desirable to have at least minimal experience. The appointment process (as well as dismissal) begins with an order from the general director. Directly from general director A labor protection specialist is subordinate to him. The employee must be guided by the following standards:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • 181st Federal Law;
  • local acts.

Among the knowledge that this employee must have are the rules for organizing occupational safety and training other employees. He takes upon himself the development of operating rules technical equipment and the procedure for medical examination of employees. The employee’s powers include standards for workwear, provisions for certification of workplaces and methods for monitoring occupational safety.

Job responsibilities

The new job description of a labor protection specialist 2018 also defines the range of responsibilities for persons holding this position. A labor protection specialist has the following job responsibilities::

  • training and testing employees' knowledge on occupational safety issues;
  • regular inspections of the condition of workplaces and personal protection of workers;
  • issuance of protective equipment.

The responsibilities of these workers include organizing the investigation of accidents, if any. Subsequently, these employees analyze the causes of the incident and develop measures to avoid similar incidents in the future. Preparation of documentation on occupational safety, preparation of information stands, participation in the organization of medical examinations - all this is also the direct responsibilities of this position.


Occupational safety specialists receive the right to conduct inspections of premises. Employees can independently or with representatives of other departments develop regulations. This work is carried out for safety reasons at the enterprise. Employees are allowed to make demands on department heads to eliminate any deficiencies found in the area of ​​occupational safety. Occupational safety specialists are given the right to propose to the head of the organization to punish persons who do not comply with occupational safety requirements.


According to the job description, the labor protection specialist is responsible for the fact that assigned duties are performed improperly. He is responsible for this in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law. For the damage material damage and there is also liability for violations. However, it is determined by the Criminal Code, the Administrative Code and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Working conditions

The job description often specifies working conditions. The work schedule of these citizens complies with the rules of the enterprise. Sending employees on business trips, although allowed, is not practiced.

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The task of a labor protection engineer at an enterprise is to ensure maximum without hazardous conditions work for each employee. In this article we will tell you about the job responsibilities and qualification requirements for this position.

From this article you will learn:

Occupational Health and Safety Engineer: Profession

The position “Occupational Safety and Health Engineer” was excluded from qualification reference books from July 1, 2013, and a new position was introduced - occupational safety specialist. Nevertheless, great amount employers still call specialists OT engineers. This is also evident from the analysis of vacancies on the largest HR portals, where this name is actively used today.

But in order not to receive a fine under part one for non-compliance, the employer should rename this position in accordance with the professional standard. An occupational safety engineer works to organize labor protection at an enterprise. All employee duties must comply with the requirements of CC No. 37.

Main job tasks is the organization:

  • timely;
  • certification of workplaces (SOUT);
  • occupational safety training in training organizations and within their permanent knowledge testing commissions;
  • issuing PPE in a timely manner and in full accordance with standard industry standards;
  • inspections of departments for compliance with occupational safety regulations for this industry;
  • interaction with management in planning these activities and implementing the occupational safety management system in the form three-stage control;
  • promoting a healthy lifestyle, zero injuries, increasing production and labor discipline, strengthening the material and technical base of the enterprise through the introduction of modern and safer types of machinery and equipment.

In addition, the duties include checking compliance with local rules and instructions on occupational safety in the organization and its divisions. The occupational safety engineer must go through each section without exception, and this requires him to have excellent knowledge of technology and work safety. Particular attention should be paid to conducting inspections of compliance with the requirements of the legislation on occupational safety in particularly hazardous premises, hazardous premises, etc.

Electrical installations, steeplejack work, work at heights, work in wells and tanks, explosive and fire hazardous work with an open fire source require increased attention to compliance with labor protection requirements.

It is impossible to ignore the disorder in the workshop, non-compliance with personal hygiene and storage procedures, etc. Each violation of labor safety standards must be recorded in an order and in a three-stage control log in each department, section, workshop, in each workshop and in each office.

Ensuring timely and high-quality certification of workplaces, correct and justified assignment social guarantees working in difficult, harmful, especially harmful, dangerous and especially hazardous working conditions - all this is within the responsibilities of an occupational safety engineer.

Violators should not be allowed to work; they should be stopped manufacturing process in case of obvious disregard by employees or work managers of safety measures, bring to the attention of your supervisor about all violations by department heads and other managers of the organization.

Such work requires not only technical knowledge, but also knowledge in medicine, economics, psychology, management, and production technology. You should be both careful and courageous, make decisions quickly and weigh all the risks.

Responsibilities of a labor safety engineer

Responsibilities are established by the job description and must correspond to those listed in.

If the additional responsibility is to carry out work to ensure fire safety, environmental protection or civil defense, such activities must be paid by agreement between the employee and the manager.

This can be done in the form of expanding the service area, combining or internal part-time job. It goes without saying that additional work can be assigned to an employee only with his written consent and not to the detriment of work responsibilities for the main job. Labor function It is prohibited to change the employee.

Start preparing for independent assessment qualifications of a labor protection specialist in advance. Aleksey Anokhin, an expert on independent assessment of qualifications, told the editor how this procedure will take place and what to prepare for.

To make it easier for you to pass the exam,

Job description of a labor protection engineer

Persons with higher or secondary vocational education in a non-technical profile cannot be allowed to work. An engineer of category I must first work in category II for at least 3 years. The same requirement applies to category II - you must work for at least 3 years as either an occupational safety engineer, a technician, or in other engineering positions for at least 5 years.

EKS of labor protection engineer

This position is listed in the Qualification Directory approved by . Qualification Handbook defines job responsibilities, scope necessary knowledge And qualification requirements to perform job duties.

If a large organization has several engineering positions on staff, it makes sense to distribute the responsibilities of employees.

For example, one may organize medical examinations and occupational safety training. This work involves concluding contracts with third parties, constant visits to healthcare institutions and training organizations. In addition, he must organize and ensure the work of the commission for testing OT knowledge.

Another should be involved in organizing the issuance of PPE and special tools; he can also be entrusted with working with the accounting department for recording and writing off PPE, drawing up a budget for the purchase of inventory items - training stands, books, magazines, posters, occupational safety corners, as well as , “Gosh” type simulators for training workers in the skills of mechanical ventilation and chest compressions.

The third can take over the implementation of the automated workplace (since 2014 - SOUT), as well as work with the Social Insurance Fund on reimbursement of funds for workwear, etc. Also, this employee must be aware of the preferential insurance pension according to lists No. 1 and No. 2 for his employees - toolmakers, gas-electric welders, assemblers-riveters, etc.

About the position "Occupational Safety and Health Specialist"

To develop a job description for an occupational safety specialist 2017, rely on professional standard“Specialist in the field of labor protection”, which was approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor by order of August 4, 2014 No. 524n. Let's find out how to specify qualification requirements for a specialist and his responsibilities in the 2017 job description.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to develop instructions for a labor protection specialist;
  • Is it possible to call the position a leading occupational safety specialist;
  • What are the job responsibilities of a labor protection specialist?

Instructions for occupational safety specialist

In chapter " General provisions » instructions for a labor protection specialist 2017, write down the qualification requirements. For the position of occupational safety specialist, you can accept a candidate who has a certain level of education:

  • higher education in the field of training “Technosphere Safety” or similar specialties in safety provision production activities or higher education and professional retraining in the field of labor protection;
  • secondary education and professional retraining in the field of labor protection.

If a specialist has a higher education, then there are no requirements for work experience. If the education is secondary, then at least three years of work experience in the field of labor protection is required.

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If the employer has dangerous production facilities, then the occupational safety specialist must have necessary preparation. In addition, he will need to pass certification in the field of industrial safety.