The Prosecutor General's Office failed to classify the slaughter case. New leaders Yuri Vladimirovich Devyatkin were introduced

Sergey Valentinovich Chelyadin has been appointed Managing Director of Universal Transshipment Complex LLC. He will begin his duties as Managing Director on March 1, 2016
In his new post, Sergey Chelyadin replaced Andrey Yaroslavtsev, who was appointed to the post of Managing Director of Tuapse Sea Commercial Port OJSC (also part of UCL Holding).
Sergei Valentinovich Chelyadin was born in 1965 in the Lipetsk region. In 1991 he graduated from Voronezh State University with a degree in jurisprudence. In 2003 he received an MBA diploma " High school corporate governance» Academies National economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.
From 1995 to 2005, Sergei Valentinovich held leadership positions at JSC Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant. In 2005, he moved to the position of General Director of OJSC Sea port Saint Petersburg". Since 2009 he - CEO LLC Civil Supplies, and since 2012 - Managing Director of LLC Management Company Rumelko-Patron.
In 2014, Sergei Valentinovich headed the autonomous non-profit organization“Sports and shooting club “Olympiets”, which he will continue to lead after starting work at LLC “Universal Transshipment Complex”.
Sergey Valentinovich was awarded the Order of I and III degrees “For Merit in Maritime Activities”, diplomas of the Governor of St. Petersburg, and the NLMK Honorary Badge of I degree.

Andrey Nikolaevich Yaroslavtsev has been appointed Managing Director of OJSC Tuapse Sea Trade Port, and will begin his duties on March 1 of this year.
In the new post, Andrey Yaroslavtsev replaced Yuri Matvienko, who left the port in November 2015. Dmitry Erkov, acting managing director of OJSC TMTP, will continue his activities in the company as deputy managing director - financial director.
Andrey Nikolaevich Yaroslavtsev was born in 1966 in Leningrad.
In 1986 he graduated from the State Maritime Academy named after S. O. Makarov with a degree in mechanical engineer of ship equipment. Since 1988 - mechanical engineer of port handling equipment at the Leningrad Sea Commercial Port. Since 1996 - senior engineer of the mechanization group of JSC Sea Port of St. Petersburg. Since 1997, he took the same position at CJSC Stevedoring Timber Company, and a year later he was appointed chief engineer of this enterprise.
Since 2007 - Deputy Director - Chief Engineer CJSC "Third Stevedoring Company" Since 2008 - Director of Operations of OJSC "Universal Transshipment Complex", and a year later - Managing Director of "UPK".
In 2013 he received the second higher education V State University sea ​​and river fleet named after Admiral S. O. Makarov, majoring in economics and management in a transport enterprise.
In 2008, he was thanked by the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, and in 2013 he was awarded the honorary title “Port Veteran”.

The Podolsk City Court of the Moscow Region refused the Prosecutor General's Office to classify the criminal case against three senior officers of the Organized Organized Crime Control Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region - the head of the 5th department Andrei Yaroslavtsev and senior detectives Stanislav Tsomaev and Alexander Milezhechkin. They are accused of organizing the preparation of robbery attacks on a confectionery enterprise and a store in the Podolsk region, as well as abuse of authority. It is noteworthy that the Prosecutor General’s Office’s petition to classify the case and transfer it from the city court to the regional court was filed a year after the start of the judicial investigation.

The senior detective officer of the 5th department of the Organized Crime Control Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region, Major Stanislav Tsomaev, and the senior detective officer of the 17th operational-zonal department of this Organized Crime Control Department, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Milezhechkin, were arrested in April 2005, and six months later, the head of the 5th department was taken into custody in the same case. UBOP Major Andrey Yaroslavtsev. Their case was investigated by senior investigator for especially important cases of the Prosecutor General’s Office Yuri Tyutyunik, known for his participation in the investigation of the sensational case of MUR officers - werewolves in uniform. Three UBOP members were charged with abuse of power, expressed in inciting a resident of Kyrgyzstan, Urseitov, to sell a detonator and other weapons (Major Tsomaev was also accused of purchasing and storing these weapons). In addition, the police were accused of organizing the preparation of robbery attacks on the Turkish confectionery enterprise NPO Anatolia and a market store in the village of Voronovo. The defendants pleaded not guilty, and their lawyers stated in court that they were going to seek a full acquittal of the policemen.

The judicial investigation was coming to an end, about 80 witnesses had already been questioned, when one of the state prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office, Svetlana Zinova, presented a surprise to the participants in the process. She filed a petition to include in the case a secret examination of documents from the Moscow Region Central Internal Affairs Directorate, to classify the entire case in connection with this and transfer it for a new consideration to the Moscow Regional Court (since the Podolsk City Court does not have a secret part and it does not have the right to consider classified cases). This motion caused indignation among the defendants' defenders, one of whom, Mr. Yaroslavtsev's defense lawyer Vladimir Kalinichenko, regarded it as a "cynical attempt to put pressure on the court." It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the trial, Kalinichenko’s lawyer himself also asked to classify the case, but judge Olga Gubareva refused him, deciding to hold part of the meetings at which information containing state secrets would be mentioned behind closed doors, which was done.

The judge also rejected the petition of prosecutor Zinova, who actually asked to conduct the entire judicial investigation anew, taking into account the fact that the results of the examination of documents, which the prosecutor proposed to include in the case, were ready six months ago, but the Prosecutor General's Office kept them in reserve. Then Svetlana Zinova announced another petition: to challenge Judge Gubareva due to her personal interest in the outcome of the case. The lawyers were again against his satisfaction, reminding Ms. Zinova that it was the judge who stood up for her when the defense asked for her recusal due to the fact that she appeared at the trial at the end of the trial and did not hear what most of the witnesses were saying at the trial.

The prosecutor's office also refused to challenge the judge by Ms. Gubareva herself. Meanwhile, the defendants’ lawyers said that prosecutor Zinova “introduced nervousness into the process” and therefore their clients would not answer her questions, but at the same time they would answer the questions of another prosecutor from the Prosecutor General’s Office, Dmitry Linsky. The next meeting will take place on April 5, where it is planned to complete the interrogation of the defendants.

Ekaterina Kommersant-Zapodinskaya


17 years 8 months

Head of the analytical group (senior investigator of the Department of Safety and Security)


4. Management of the group of operational analysis, planning and information and statistical support of the ES&P Department;
5. Preparation of analytical materials for a report to the management of the ES&I Department and the management of the Department;
6. Interaction with other services and departments law enforcement, and government agencies and governing bodies;
7. Execution of personal instructions from the heads of the Department.
8. Control over the document flow and deadlines for the execution of materials being executed by employees of the Electrical Safety and Inspectorate Department;
9. Conducting secret paperwork
10. Control over the nomenclature office work of the Electrical Safety and Inspectorate Department;
11. Conduct official checks(internal investigations against employees of the Department);
12. Monitoring the work of all department employees;
13. Material liability for property located in the Department of Economic Safety and Inspection;.

Incentives for the period of service in the internal affairs bodies:

“Certificate of Honor” from the Central Directorate for Combating Organized Crime under the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1999;
“Gratitude” from the DRO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2007;
Breastplate “Best Criminal Police Officer” of the DRO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2010;
Badge “For Service” of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, 2014;
Medals “For Impeccable Service” I, II and III degrees;
as well as other awards, certificates and encouragement.

Senior Investigative Officer for Particularly Important Cases of the Department economic security and anti-corruption

Fourth Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow

1. Agent and operational work;
2. Prompt development and identification of persons who committed economic crimes;
3. Temporary performance of duties as the head of the service of the Department of Safety and Industrial Safety;

Senior investigator of the Department for Combating Economic Crimes

Fourth Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow

1. Agent and operational work;
2. Prompt development and identification of persons who committed economic crimes;
3. Temporary performance of duties as the head of the service of the Department of Safety and Industrial Safety;
4. Preparation of analytical materials for a report to the management of the ES&I Department and the management of the Department;
5. Interaction with other services and divisions of law enforcement agencies, as well as government bodies and government bodies;
6. Execution of personal instructions from the heads of the Department.
7. Control over the document flow and deadlines for the execution of materials being executed by employees of the Electrical Safety and Inspectorate Department;
8. Conducting secret paperwork
9. Control over the nomenclature office work of the Electrical Safety and Inspectorate Department;
10. Conducting internal audits (internal investigations against employees of the Department);
11. Monitoring the work of subordinate employees of the Department;
12. Financial liability for property located in the ES&P Department.

Detective Officer of the Department for Combating Economic Crimes

The head of the 4th Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his two deputies lost confidence in connection with the criminal case of major fraud of their colleague Colonel Maxim Rybkin, detained in April, and were fired.

The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Major General Oleg Baranov, dismissed the head of the 4th Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel Yevgeny Monisov, and his two deputies, whose names were not named, due to loss of confidence. General Baranov signed the order for the resignation of three officers the day before.

As Kommersant reports, citing sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the reason for the “cleansing” of the police department, which investigates criminal cases in the space and nuclear industries and other high-security facilities, was the criminal case of another deputy head of this department. Colonel Maxim Rybkin was detained in April by FSB and Investigative Committee officers on suspicion of particularly large-scale fraud (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

It is known that the colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs offered some heads of defense sensitive enterprises for 20 million rubles to “assist the closure of criminal cases initiated against them based on materials from the 4th Directorate.” He received the money, but Rybkin did not fulfill his promises, spending most of it on purchasing an apartment in Moscow. Still promising to close the criminal cases, the colonel returned 10 million rubles and wrote a receipt for the rest. However, those involved in the investigation turned to law enforcement with this receipt and a criminal case was opened against Rybkin, he was fired from the internal affairs bodies, and an internal audit was ordered against his management.

During its course, the inspectors had doubts about the veracity of the testimony of Colonel Monisov and his two deputies. After this, Colonel Rybkin’s immediate supervisor and his deputies were asked to take a lie detector test. According to Kommersant, the officers failed the polygraph test, as a result of which they finally lost the trust of the leadership of the headquarters.

The publication writes that the personnel of the 4th Directorate have already been introduced to the acting chief Gennady Tsutskov, the only deputy of Monisov who remained in the department after the scandalous case of Colonel Rybkin. Tsutskov has served in the 4th Directorate since 2014, but most likely will not be confirmed as the head of the department, Kommersant’s source notes. Now they are looking for candidates to replace Monisov among the heads of other departments of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow.

"New broom"

Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow Oleg Baranov

In September 2016, Major General Oleg Baranov was appointed by decree of President Vladimir Putin as head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow instead of Anatoly Yakunin, who was relieved of this post, and headed the Operational Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. As The CrimeRussia wrote earlier, General Baranov immediately established himself as a tough and uncompromising leader.

In November of the same year new chapter The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the restoration of order in the Moscow police, noting that by the end of 2016, a secret check will be carried out in all 125 district departments and 10 district departments of the capital's Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was reported that units were being "purged" primarily of disreputable police officers and key appointees former boss Head office of Anatoly Yakunin.

Anatoly Yakunin

So, immediately after his appointment, Oleg Baranov dismissed the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for TINAO, Sergei Ternovykh, with whom Yakunin worked at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Voronezh and Novgorod regions, then Anatoly Yakunin’s son-in-law Mikhail Gusakov, who served as deputy head of the MUR, as well as a former press officer, also lost his position. Secretary of the Metropolitan Police Sofya Khotina, with whose husband Yakunin also worked in the Voronezh region.

In March 2017, the head of operational management the capital's headquarters, Gennady Golikov, as well as the head of all precinct and police departments in Moscow, Mikhail Pavlichuk.

Colonel Mikhail Pavlichuk

Colonel Gennady Golikov

In addition, it is known that at an internal meeting in the spring, head Oleg Baranov harshly criticized the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, noting the low efficiency of operational activities, missed deadlines in criminal cases and malfeasance of police officers. He compiled a “black list” of ineffective chiefs of the Moscow Internal Affairs Directorate, which included: Major General Sergei Veretelnikov (Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northern Administrative District), Major General Boris Pishchulin (Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-Eastern Administrative District), Colonel Boris Sheinkin (Internal Affairs Directorate for the TiNAO), Colonel Shamil Sibanov ( Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Eastern Administrative District), Major General Alexander Bukach (Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District) and Major General Roman Plugin (Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District). Top police officers received various disciplinary punishments, from severe reprimands and termination of benefits in the amount of 50 thousand rubles per month to warnings about incomplete performance.

The Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Police Lieutenant General Oleg BARANOV introduced the new leaders to the personnel structural divisions capital headquarters.

Police Major General Sergei Kuzmin has been appointed to the post of Deputy Chief of Police of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow - Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

Police Major General Yuri Devyatkin has been appointed to the post of head of the Drug Control Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

By order of the head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Colonel of the Internal Service Andrey Gluzdakov was appointed to the post of Head of the Fourth Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The head of the capital's central administration, introducing the new leaders, emphasized the professionalism, integrity and efficiency shown by them during their service in the internal affairs bodies.

Sergey Nikolaevich KUZMIN

Born in 1973 in Moscow. He began his service in the internal affairs bodies as a junior inspector of the criminal investigation department of the Special Police Department at the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate in 1994. From 2001 to December 2012, he served in the Criminal Investigation Department in Moscow at various positions. In October 2016, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Drug Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. During the period of service in the internal affairs bodies, he was awarded departmental, as well as state awards, including the Order of Courage and the Medal “For Courage”.

Yuri Vladimirovich DEVIATKIN

Born in 1976 in Trubchevsk, Bryansk region. Graduated from Bryansk special high school police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. After training, he was appointed to the position of criminal investigation officer at the Trubchevsky District Department of Internal Affairs of the Bryansk Region Internal Affairs Directorate.

In 2000 he graduated from the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and from September 2000 to 2003 served in the Department Federal service tax police of Russia in the Bryansk region. Since 2003 he served in units of the Federal Service Administration Russian Federation for drug control in the Bryansk region.

In 2013, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control in Moscow. Since July 2016, he has been acting head of the Drug Control Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

Andrey Valerievich GLUZDAKOV

Born in 1972 in Novopolotsk, Vitebsk region, Belarusian SSR. He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in 1993 as a policeman in a police platoon. special purpose Voskresensky Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region. From October 1994 to October 2002, he served in the criminal investigation units of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate and the central office of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

From 2002 to March 2005 he worked in the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. Since April 2005, he served in the units of the Department for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. From November 2010 to April 2014, he worked in the economic security and anti-corruption departments of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow.

From 2014 to 2016, he headed the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region. In April 2016, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Department for Financial and Economic Policy and Provision social guarantees Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and since 2017 - to the position of Deputy Head of the Department for Logistics and Medical Support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

He was awarded state and departmental awards, including the Order of Courage and Chest sign"Honorary employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, photo by Nikolai GORBIKOV