Stupid peasant woman Sonya a shapeshifter. Changeling game. Titles of fairy tales and books

Answer: The killer is the second, because the table on three legs could not swing.

A man walks into a store, buys sausage and asks to cut it, not across, but lengthwise. The saleswoman asks: “Are you a fireman?” - "Yes". How did she guess?

Answer: The man was in uniform.

We were traveling in the same compartment, Baba Yaga, Zmey Gorynych, a stupid ensign and a smart ensign. There was a bottle of beer on the table. The train entered the tunnel and it became dark. When the train came out of the tunnel, the bottle was empty. Who drank the beer?

Answer: The stupid ensign drank the beer, since the other creatures are unreal and do not occur in life.

One man decided to take revenge on the brass band for some personal reasons. He entered the conservatory when they were performing, sat in the front row «... the concert was cancelled. The man did not shoot at anyone, did not touch anyone. What did he do?

Answer: Ate a lemon.

Bruce won the race, but did not receive a prize.

Answer: Bruce is the horse's name.

A man received a package containing a dead mouse. He reported this to the police, and the sender of the package was prosecuted for fraud.

Answer: The poisoner was supposed to send the jewelry. He hoped that the mouse would chew a hole and escape, and that the post office could be blamed for the loss.

Two German spies attempt to enter the United States under the guise of Americans returning home in 1944. One of them passes through border control unhindered, while the other is arrested.

Answer: Americans do not write calendar dates as is customary in Europe, but do it this way: month - day - year. When filling out the entry documents, both spies wrote their dates of birth in the same way they were used to doing it - in European style. For example, July 30, 1920 was written as 07/30/20. But one of the two spies was born on the first of January, and his ego saved him.

A person who does not have a foreign passport visits thirty different countries in one day. And each of them greets him and sees him off, and he leaves each country of his own free will.

Answer: He is a courier who delivers regular mail (newspapers, magazines) to embassies and diplomatic missions. As you know, the territory of the embassy is considered the territory of a foreign power.

There are several fresh stains of human blood on the bedroom ceiling.

Answer: The owner of the bedroom killed several mosquitoes on the ceiling.


“Changes” is an intellectual and entertaining game that can be organized during holiday celebrations, as well as in any free time. The content of the game consists of a variety of shapeshifters - proverbs, books, TV shows, lines from poems, songs, etc. Participants need to select an antonym (a word with the opposite meaning) for each word of the resulting phrase, that is, decipher the shapeshifters. Two or more teams play. The teams respond in turn. For correctly guessing the shapeshifter, participants earn a point. The team that earns more points wins.


1. "Bad night."("Good afternoon")

2. “That didn’t happen at all.”("How it was")

3. "Shepherds of the Plains."("King of the Hill")

4. “It’s completely clear.”("Top secret")

5. "Bar of the Sad and Confused."(“KVN”)

6. " I am looking for you".("Wait for me")

7. "After 61 and younger."(“Under 16 and older”)

8. "Cold Twenty".("Hot Ten")

9. « Good night, world".Good morning, a country!")

10. "Your garden."("Our garden")

11. "Village". ("Town")

12. "Evening parcel."("Morning Post")

13. "S" using another operator."(“Your own director”)

14. “Be silent, you hateful balalaika.”(“Play, beloved accordion”)

15. "You with help."(“I myself”)

10. “There’s already one on the street!”(“While everyone is at home”)

11. "From the War of Men."("In the animal world")

12. "Death 03".("Rescue 911")

13. " Here-here-everything is the same as before.”("There-touch-news")

14. “Good morning, old ladies!”("GOOG night kids!")

15. "Lunar day".("Finest Hour")

Inversions of lines from songs

1. Men's grief is not happy with the nasty thing in the distance.(“Women’s happiness, if only a sweetheart were nearby”)

2. Hello Jewish Sarah!(“Farewell, Gypsy Sera!”)

3. Stranger wolf, you are my little wolf.(“My bunny, I’m your bunny”)

4. Drivers don't have to crawl gracefully through the snow.(“Let pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles”)

5. Send you away this afternoon, I'll leave.(“Call me in the night, I’ll come”)

6. But you hate young men, you will disband us separately.(“And I love girls, I’ll get them together”)

7. Melons and watermelons withered, the rains sank underground.(“Apple and pear trees blossomed, fogs floated over the river”)

8. The dance prevents me from destroying and dying.(“The song helps us build and live”)

9. So few girls are married.(“So many guys are single”)

10. A birch tree was cut down in a field.("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree")

11. Think about the weeks below.("Don't think down on seconds")

12. U grandfather, one sad chicken died.("Two merry geese lived with granny")

13. Hello, hated village! Came from the ocean yesterday.(“Farewell, beloved city, we’re leaving for the sea tomorrow”)

Reversals of lines from poems

1. You hate my cow.("I love my horse")

2. Your Vanya laughs quietly.(“Our Tanya is crying loudly”)

3. You forgot the terrible eternity.(“I remember a wonderful moment”)

4. You left me without saying goodbye.(“I came to you with greetings”)

5. A mosquito flew out of the pilaf.(“A fly sat on the jam”)

6. The big daughter ran away from her mother.(“Little son came to his father”)

7. The gardens are sown, the flower beds are dressed.(“The fields are compressed, the groves are bare”)

8. I’m standing at the wide-open window of a dry room.(“I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon”)

9. One time the devil stole a slice of sausage from the eagle.(God once sent Raven a piece of cheese)

10. Your niece of ordinary vile lawlessness.(“My uncle has the most honest rules”)

11. Louder, cats, dog in the basement!(“Hush, mice, the cat is on the roof!”)

Inversions of proverbs and sayings

1. Happiness moves in heaps.(Trouble doesn't walk alone)

2. Leave the new one washing machine. (Stay with nothing)

3. Bald - male disgrace.(Braid - maiden beauty)

4. The back of the head is small from courage.(Fear has big eyes)

6. The policeman's felt boots are getting wet.(The thief's hat is on fire)

7. You can't go lower than your heels.(You can't jump over your head)

8. Hid that algae, get out of the aquarium.(Gruzdev called himself get in the body)

9. Chicken is a boar's friend.(The goose is not a friend to the pig)

10. You can improve the borscht with sour cream.(You can’t spoil porridge with oil)

11. Persuade a smart guy to go to hell, and his leg will heal.(Make a fool pray to God, he’ll bruise his forehead)

12. A cow will occasionally hide a speck of dust.(A pig will always find dirt)

13. A teetotaler is dry to the chin.(The drunken sea is knee-deep)

14. Lies caress the ears.(The truth hurts my eyes)

15. Little happiness - many questions.(Seven troubles - one answer)

16. It's bad if it starts out bad.(All is well that ends well)

17. Idle hours - a year of tears.(Business time - fun hour)

“Changes” is an intellectual and entertaining game that can be organized during holiday celebrations, as well as in any free time with any audience. The content of the game consists of a variety of inversions - proverbs, books, TV shows, lines from poems, songs and others. Participants need to select an antonym (a word with an opposite meaning) for each word of the resulting phrase, that is, decipher the inversions. Two or more teams play. To play you need an ordinary cube with divisions from one to six. Each number combines certain “reversals”:

1. TV reversals (names of TV programs); 2. Inversions of lines from songs; 3. Inversions of lines from poems; 4. Inversions of proverbs and sayings; 5. Reversing book titles; 6. Various shifters.

There are 6 large cards hanging on the board indicating the number of the category of changelings and its content. Each of them contains 15-25 cards with inverted questions.

Rules of the game. The team rolls the dice and the changeling category number is determined. And the inverted question is chosen by the participants independently - any of the large cards of the established category. The teams respond in turn. For the correct “disassembly” with the changeling, participants also earn a changeling (what exactly - decide for yourself). So, the “Diploma of Fighters with Changelings” will go to the team that during the game gains large quantity shifters. A task in the form of a poetic reversal will help determine the right to make the first move. The lines of the poem are divided into two parts. The first words of each line in the correct sequence are written on the left, and the continuation is written on the right on separate strips. These stripes are mixed up. Each team receives such a set of changelings in a special envelope. The players' task is to destroy the jumble by arranging the strips correctly.

Angry boar Steamboat Nightingale Porcupine Cat Masha Pinocchio Tailor Hedgehog Siskin Cancer Table Teapot Boy

sat on a branch, languished in a cage, sharpened his fangs, gave beeps, taught physics, taught him to catch his tail, sewed his pants, ate everything, pancakes were set for dinner, had his mustache moved, flew under the clouds, chased mice, jumped in the yard, gurgled on the fire

After correct placement it should look like this:

The angry boar was sharpening its fangs, the steamboat was blowing its horn, the nightingale was sitting on a branch, the porcupine was languishing in a cage, the cat was catching its tail, Masha was teaching physics, Pinocchio was all eating pancakes, the tailor was sewing his own pants, the hedgehog was chasing mice, the siskin was flying under the clouds, the cancer had a mustache moved, the table was set for dinner, the kettle was gurgling on the fire, the boy was jumping in the yard.

(N. Conversations)

The team that completes the task without errors in less time gets the first move.

TV shifters 1. “Bad Night” (“Good Day”). 2. “This didn’t happen at all” (“How it happened”). 3. “Shepherd of the Plain” (“King of the Mountain”). 4. “Completely Glasno” (“Top Secret”). 5. “Bar of the Sad and Confused” (“KVN”). 6. “Looking for you” (“Wait for me”). 7. “After 61 and younger” (“Up to 16 and older”). 8. “Cold Twenty” (“Hot Ten”). 9. “Good night, world” (“Good morning, country!”). 10. “Your Garden” (“Our Garden”). 11. “Village” (“Town”). 12. “Evening parcel” (“Morning mail”). 13. “With the help of another operator” (“Your own director”). 14. “Be silent, hated balalaika” (“Play, beloved accordion”). 15. “You with help” (“I myself”). 16. “Hello! Alone on the street! (“While everyone is at home”) 17. “From the war of people” (“In the animal world”). 18. “Death 03” (“Rescue 911”). 19. “Here-here-everything-as-old” (“There-there-news”). 20. “Good morning, old ladies!” ("GOOG night kids!"). 21. “Lunar day” (“Finest hour”).

Reversals of lines from songs 1. A man’s grief is not happy with the nasty thing in the distance. (Women's happiness, if there was a cute one nearby.) 2. Hello, Jewish Sarah! (Goodbye, gypsy Sera!) 3. Strange wolf, you are my little wolf. (My bunny, I’m your bunny.) 4. Drivers don’t have to crawl beautifully in the snow. (Let pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles.) 5. Drive you away during the day, I’ll leave. (Call me in the night, I will come.) 6. But you hate young men, you will separate us separately. (And I love girls, I’ll gather them together.) 7. The melons and watermelons withered, the rains sank underground. (Apple and pear trees blossomed, fog floated over the river.) 8. The dance of destroying and dying prevents me. (The song helps us build and live.) 9. So few girls are married. (There are so many single guys.) 10. A birch tree was cut down in the field. (A Christmas tree was born in the forest.) 11. Think about the weeks below. (Don’t think down on seconds.) 12. Grandfather’s one sad chicken died. (Two cheerful geese lived with grandma.) 13. Hello, hated village! Came from the ocean yesterday. (Farewell, beloved city, we are leaving for the sea tomorrow.)

Reversing lines from poems 1. You hate my cow. (I love my horse.) 2. Your Masha laughs quietly. (Our Tanya cries loudly.) 3. You forgot the terrible eternity. (I remember a wonderful moment.) 4. You left me without saying goodbye. (I came to you with greetings.) 5. A mosquito flew out of the pilaf. (A fly sat on the jam.) 6. The big daughter ran away from her mother. (The little son came to his father.) 7. The gardens are sown, the flower beds are in clothes. (The fields are compressed, the groves are bare.) 8. I am standing at the wide-open window of a dry room filled with light. (I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon.) 9. The devil once stole a circle of sausage from an eagle. (God once sent a piece of cheese to Crow.) 10. Your niece of ordinary vile iniquities. (My uncle has the most honest rules.) 11. Louder, cats, the dog is in the basement! (Hush, mice, cat on the roof.)

Inversions of proverbs and sayings 1. Happiness travels in heaps. (Trouble does not come alone.) 2. Avoid the new washing machine. (Stay with nothing.) 3. Baldness is a male disgrace. (A braid is a girl’s beauty.) 4. The back of the head is small because of courage. (Fear has big eyes.) 5. Other people's shoes are further from their feet. (Your own shirt is closer to your body.) 6. The policeman’s felt boots are getting wet. (The thief’s hat is on fire.) 7. You can’t go lower than your heels. (You can’t jump higher than your head.) 8. Hid that algae, get out of the aquarium. (Called yourself a milk mushroom - get into the back.) 9. The chicken is a friend to the boar. (A goose is not a pig's friend.) 10. You can improve the borscht with sour cream. (You can’t spoil porridge with butter.) 11. Persuade a smart person to go to hell, and your leg will heal. (Force a fool to pray to God, he will bruise his forehead.) 12. A cow will occasionally hide a speck of dust. (A pig will always find dirt.) 13. For those who don’t drink, it’s dry up to the chin. (The drunken sea is knee-deep.) 14. Lies caress the ears. (The truth hurts the eyes.) 15. Little happiness - many questions. (Seven troubles - one answer.) 16. It’s bad if it starts out bad. (All's well that ends well.) 17. Hours of idleness equal a year of tears. (Time for business - time for fun.) 18. Don’t be afraid of dogs - walk around the city. (If you are afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest.) 19. If you start having fun, work timidly. (When you finish the job, go for a walk safely.)

Reversals of book titles 1. BLUE baseball cap (“Little Red Riding Hood”). 2. Square (“Kolobok”). 3. Mouse in sandals (“Puss in Boots”). 4. Continent of Garbage (“Treasure Island”). 5. Nailed by the calm (“Gone with the Wind”). 6. Happiness comes from stupidity (“Woe from Wit”). 7. Law and encouragement (“Crime and Punishment”). 8. Homebody Mouse (“Frog Traveler”). 9. Dog kennel (“Cat House”). 10. Sunny Prince (“The Snow Queen”). 11. Red mustache (“Bluebeard”). 12. White rooster (“Black chicken”). 13. Colorless cockerel (“Ryaba Hen”). 14. Girl with a palm (“Boy with a Thumb”). 15. Pinocchio (“Pinocchio”). 16. Manka (“Vanka”). 17. Mothers and parents (“Fathers and Sons”). 18. Tomorrow (“On the Eve”). 19. Beautiful swan (“The Ugly Duckling”).

Different shifters 1. One shoe and the one with buttons. (100 clothes and all without fasteners.) 2. Death of Mars. (Birth of Venus.) 3. Peasant Zharova. (Boyarina Morozova.) 4. When you arrive, turn on the darkness. (When leaving, turn off the light.) 5. Before your unfortunate old age, please, a foreign colony. (Thank you for our happy childhood, dear country.) 6. A small lesson. (Big change.) 7. Pedestrian wearing a cap. (Headless Horseman.) 8. Remember to turn on the radio! (Don't forget to turn off the TV!) 9. White puddle. (Black Sea.) 10. Father-and-stepfather. (Coltsfoot.) 11. Old day. (New Year.) 12. One is waiting for seven. (Seven do not wait for one thing.) 13. Overland world. (Sea battle.) 14. Znayka under the Earth. ("Dunno on the Moon".)

And here it is new competition for your fun and celebration. It will help you get a little distracted, relax and have fun. Its name is fairy tales of changelings. The competition is designed for any audience and any age. After all, everyone watches fairy tales and everyone loves them. See game rules, conditions and basic information for the competition.

How to play?
You can play in different ways, for example, in teams. Divide guests into teams along the sides of the table. Whichever team guesses the most wins. Or you can have each guest play for himself. In this case, buy or make tokens that you will give to the person who gave the correct answer. At the end of the competition, you count the tokens from the guests, and whoever has the most wins.

Rules of the game.
There is nothing complicated here either. You name the name of the fairy tale in your own way, that is, upside down, and the guests must give the correct answer. To avoid noise and confusion, hand out firecrackers or whistles for guests to signal when they know the answer. If the answer is correct, then it’s a ball; if not, then other guests can give their own answer.

What else?
In this competition you can play not only with the names of fairy tales, but also take anything you like. For example, the names of songs, books or films. Many presenters invite their guests to guess the name of the TV shows that they turned over and encrypted.
Next, we will look at all the most popular options, and you can use any of them.

By the way!
It is not necessary to take the names of fairy tales. You can use catchphrases from fairy tales or iconic things. Then you will definitely see and understand everything.

Changeling tales:
1. Chicken-ducks (in the fairy tale: Swan geese)
2. The perch ordered so (in the fairy tale: at the behest of the pike)
3. Slender pony (in the fairy tale: The Little Humpbacked Horse)
4. Communal apartment (in the fairy tale: teremok)
5. Goose - bronze foot (in the fairy tale: cockerel - golden comb)
6. Mouse in the slates (in the fairy tale: Puss in Boots)
7. Blue Panama hat (in the fairy tale: Little Red Riding Hood)
8. Red mustache (in the fairy tale: blue Beard)
9. Prince on the corn (in the fairy tale: Princess on the Pea)
10. Glass lock (in the fairy tale: Golden Key)
11. Giant-eyes (in a fairy tale: Little Longnose)
12. Grandfather's hand (in the fairy tale: Baba Yaga)
13. Delicious mayonnaise (in the fairy tale: Ryaba chicken)
14. Simple cancer (in the fairy tale: gold fish)
15. Father of many children (in a fairy tale: the wolf and the seven Young goats)
16. Zlodynya Nikolaevich (in the fairy tale: Nikitich)
17. Frost the owl (in the fairy tale: Firebird)
18. Sergei is smart (in the fairy tale: Ivan is a fool)
19. Nail soup (in the fairy tale: porridge from an ax)
20. Potatoes and tomatoes (in the fairy tale: tops and roots)

As we said, you can make anything with shifters, for example, films. Let's look at the list:

Guests will also be interested in guessing lines from famous children's poems. Everyone will laugh here, we promise.

This game can be played at any time and in any company. The essence of the game is to guess as many shifters as possible.

Changeling- this is the title of a book (film), or a line of a famous poem, or a proverb (saying), where all words are replaced by antonyms, i.e. words that are opposite in meaning (coward-brave, earth-sky, good-evil, sweet-nasty, work-rest, run-stand, hot-cold). For example, Black Moon of the Jungle is an inversion of the title of the film White Sun of the Desert.

Lines from songs

1. A birch tree was cut down in a field. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
2. There are so few unmarried girls. There are so many guys who are single
3. A grimace makes a bright night darker. A smile makes a gloomy day brighter
4. It was never a good subject without a name. I was once a strange, nameless toy
5. There someone stood up in a barrel. Someone came down the hill

Lines from poetry

6. heat without the moon!
The night is terrible... Frost and sun are a wonderful day
7. The bunny was raised under the roof,
Skis were tied to the bunny. Dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear's paw
8. He hated you! The hatred has long cooled down. I loved you! Love can still be...


9. A friend saves himself, but abandons you. Die yourself, but save your comrade
10. Keep a lot of money and don't be friends with anyone. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends
11. You ruined your job, sit at home and tremble with fear. Business before pleasure
12. You don’t have to think, you have to try twenty times to do something. Seven times measure cut once

Name the song

13. This is a song about how the poultry that lived with an elderly woman behaved. Two cheerful geese
14. This is a song about the tragic fate of a peaceful insect. In the grass Grasshopper sat
15. This is a song about how hair color can affect people's relationships. Red, red, freckled
16. This is a song about how good it is to play the harmonica in the rain, celebrating your birthday. Song of the crocodile Gena

These games can be included in scenarios for holidays and festive events.

Invite the game participants to decipher the inversions of proverbs, book titles, lines from poems and songs. You can offer to guess five flippers (one of each type), points are awarded for the correct answer. Time to think is limited (10-20 seconds).

Proverbs and sayings

1. Happiness travels in heaps. — Trouble doesn't come alone.

2. Walk away from the new washing machine. — Stay with nothing.

3. Baldness is a male disgrace. — The braid is a girl's beauty.

4. The back of the head is small because of courage. — Fear has big eyes.

6. The policeman’s felt boots are getting wet. — The thief's hat is on fire.

7. You can’t go lower than your heels. — You can't jump over your head.

8. If you hide that it’s algae, get out of the aquarium. — Gruzdev called himself get in the body.

9. Chicken is a boar's friend. — The goose is no friend to the pig.

10. You can adjust the borscht with sauce. — You can't spoil porridge with oil.

Lines from poems

1. The dance prevents me from destroying and dying. — The song helps us build and live.

2. So few girls are married - There are so many guys who are single.

3. A birch tree was cut down in a field. — The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.

4. Thought about the weeks below. — Don't think down on seconds.

5. There is no dead end anywhere for old people. — Young people love us everywhere.

6. You left me without saying goodbye. — I came to you with greetings.

7. A worm modestly crawls under a young marsh hummock. — A petrel soars proudly over the gray plain of the sea.

8. You forgot the terrible eternity. — I remember a wonderful moment.

9. Your Masha laughs quietly. — Our Tanya is crying loudly.

10. You hate my cow. — I love my horse.

Movie titles

1. Your Terrible Mrs. — My fair lady.

2. Roaring from the bushes. — Singing in the thorn bushes.

3. Hangar. — Garage.

4. African tailor. — Siberian barber.

5. Home story. — Love affair at work.

6. Bye, smart guys. — Hello, fools.

I. Young stallions. — Old nags.

8. Sad girls. — Funny boys.

9. Invigorated by the rain. — Tired of the sun.

10. We will die after Wednesday. — We'll wait until Monday.

11. Three hours of autumn. — Seventeen Moments of Spring.

12. The darkness of a small village. — City lights.

13. Jackdaws are sitting. — Cranes are Flying.

14. The hated man of the cleaning lady Sidorova. — Mechanic Gavrilov's beloved woman.

15. Crawling under a bear's den. — Flight over the cuckoo's nest.

16. Your enemy is Zhan Makaronov. — My friend Ivan Lapshin.

17. The man who dances. — The woman who sings.

18. Nailed by the wave. — Gone With the Wind.

19. The Terrible Six. — The Magnificent Seven.

Titles of fairy tales and books

1. A fox or six chickens. — The wolf and the seven Young goats.

2. The king under the beans. — Princess on the Pea.

3. Dog wreck. — Cat house.

4. Turkey ducks. — Swan geese.

5. Dressed servant. — Naked king.

6. Falling wooden general. — The Steadfast Tin Soldier.

7. Awake freak. — Sleeping Beauty.

8. Pale bush. — The Scarlet Flower.

9. Magnificent turkey. — Ugly duck.

10. Seven skinny girls. — Three fat men.

11. Dog without sandals. — Puss in Boots.

12. Iron master key. — Golden Key.

13. Squirrel fur. — Donkey skin.

14. Alexey Borisovich or two prosecutors. — Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.

15. A girl is like a house. — Thumb Boy.

16. Sandy beggar woman. — The Snow Queen.

17. Homebody turkey. — Frog traveler.

18. Nina's terrible excursion without pet cockroaches. — Nils' wonderful journey with wild geese.

19. Without a frog request. — By magic.

20. A wreck. — Teremok.

21. Ivan the Ugly. — Vasilisa the Beautiful.

22. A poem about a hunter or game. — The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.

23. Village from a box. — A town in a snuffbox.

24. An epic about a cast iron chicken. — The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.

25. Ugly horse. — The Little Humpbacked Horse.

26. Blue baseball cap. — Little Red Riding Hood.

27. Square. — Kolobok.

284. Continent of garbage. — Treasure Island.

29. Happiness comes from stupidity. — Woe from the mind.

30. Law and encouragement. — Crime and Punishment.

31. Sunny Prince. — The Snow Queen.