Annual cargo turnover. What is cargo turnover and its types. Methods for calculating cargo turnover

Freight turnover is an economic indicator of transport operation (an indicator of the volume of cargo transportation), equal to the product of the mass of cargo transported over a certain time by the transportation distance.

Structural discrepancies often arise between consolidated budgets of the same level.

Freight turnover is measured in ton-kilometers. For example, if different ships transported 5 million tons of cargo over an average distance of 150 km during the year, then the annual cargo turnover is 5 H 150 = 750 million ton-kilometers.

To determine cargo turnover, the mass of transported cargo in tons (separately for each political shipment) is multiplied by the transportation distance and the resulting products are summed up.

The freight turnover indicator is used in planning and statistics to measure labor efficiency in transport (the number of ton-kilometers per worker); the initial cost of transportation is also determined per 1 km, since transportation costs depend on its distance and the weight of the cargo.

To assess the activities of transport enterprises, the freight turnover indicator is not used, since society is interested in the best satisfaction of transportation needs while minimizing transport costs; for these purposes, the indicator of transportation (dispatch) of goods in tons, transportation revenue, etc. is used.

The dissemination of best practices, including those of Belarusian railway workers, makes it possible to increase the volume of useful transport work without increasing the number of employees.

To characterize the cargo turnover of a state, a certain territory, a certain direction, a river, etc. Both units of measurement are used. And to characterize the cargo turnover of any transport hub, station or other transport facility, only tonnage is used as a meter.

Freight turnover determines the level of development of relations, the development of trade, the degree of economic activity in a certain period, etc.

The unit of observation in freight transport statistics is dispatch, i.e. political consignment of cargo, the transportation of which is documented by the appropriate document (contract of carriage). Primary documents for different types transport have different names:

· road manifest - for railway and river transport;

· bill of lading and manifest - in maritime transport;

· waybill and invoice for goods - in road transport;

· accompanying statement - for air transport.

Statistics of cargo transportation has developed a system of indicators that provide the opportunity to comprehensively characterize the work of each enterprise and the country’s unified transport network. These indicators are divided into two groups:

1. volumetric (total);

2. high quality.

Volumetric indicators of cargo transportation statistics include: cargo shipped (departure); arrived (arrival) of goods; transported (transportation) of goods;

transported in direct mixed traffic; volume of transport work performed - cargo turnover.

Freight turnover represents the volume of work during the transportation of goods, calculated by summing the products of the mass of transported goods and the transportation distance in kilometers (miles). It is one of the main indicators when assessing the performance of a transport enterprise.

Qualitative indicators of cargo transportation statistics include:

· average transportation distance of 1 ton of cargo;

· average traffic density of 1t of cargo;

· average duration of transportation of 1 ton of cargo;

· average speed of movement of 1 ton of cargo.

Distribution freight transport between certain types transport depends on their characteristics and economic advantages. For example, rail transport is used to transport large volumes of goods over long distances; automobile transport- in cities and regions for short as well as longer distances when transporting valuable and perishable goods; sea ​​transport- when transporting bulk cargo in areas gravitating towards inland water and sea basins; trunk pipelines serve to pump gas and crude black gold from fields to processing plants and to transport finished petroleum products from plants to consumption areas and terminals; Air transport is used to transport goods over very long distances.

Table 4 shows freight turnover by mode of transport in the Tyumen region (billions ton-kilometers).

Table 4.

Freight turnover by mode of transport for 2009-2013.

Figure 5 shows a graph of the dynamics of freight turnover by mode of transport for 2009-2013.

Fig 5.

From Figure 5 it can be seen that railway and pipeline transport have the largest share in cargo turnover.

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Freight turnover

Freight turnover- an indicator of the volume of work performed by freight transport. It is measured in ton-kilometers (tkm) (the work of transport to transport 1 ton of cargo over a distance of 1 km).

To determine cargo turnover, the mass of transported cargo in tons (separately for each shipment) is multiplied by the transportation distance and the resulting products are summed up.

The freight turnover indicator is used in planning and statistics to measure labor productivity in transport (the number of ton-kilometers per worker); the cost of transportation is also determined per 1 ton-km, since transportation costs depend on the distance and weight of the cargo.

To assess the activities of transport enterprises, the freight turnover indicator is not used, since society is interested in the best satisfaction of transportation needs while minimizing transport costs; for these purposes, the indicator of transportation (dispatch) of goods in tons, transportation revenue, etc. is used.

The dissemination of best practices, including those of Belarusian railway workers, makes it possible to increase the volume of useful transport work without increasing the number of employees.

Course project assignment

The course project consists of interrelated sections that require:

– draw up a plan for loading and unloading, receiving and handing over wagons;

– build a diagram of car flows of loaded cars, calculate the density of traffic and the mileage of loaded cars along the road;

– determine the balance of empty cars and draw up a diagram of car flows of empty cars;

Based on the initial data (see appendices 1–3) and data obtained by calculation, it is necessary to determine:

– volume of ton-kilometer work (net), locomotive and train runs, gross ton-kilometers;

– the required fleet of locomotives and quality indicators of their use;

– working fleet of cars and quality indicators of their use.

Take the assignment for options from Appendices 1, 2 - according to the student number in the teacher’s journal, and for distance learning students - according to the last digit of the code; from Appendix 3 - by the first letter of the last name.


1.1 Freight transportation planning methodology

The main indicators of freight transportation are:

– the number of tons of cargo transported (volume of transportation);

– cargo turnover;

– number of shipments;

– traffic density;

– average transportation distance;

– unevenness of transportation.

In this course project, certain simplifications have been introduced to reduce the volume of calculations. Thus, operational performance indicators (number of shipments, unevenness of transportation, etc.) are not calculated; into the given conditional railway Only two sections are included (A-B and B-C), and individual railway operational parameters are given as initial freight traffic values ​​(see Appendix 1-3). But these simplifications do not affect the methodology for developing a freight transportation plan.

Freight transportation planning is of great practical importance, as it is the starting point for the development of other sections of the railway production and economic activity plan (labor and wage; fixed and working capital; operating costs and production costs, etc.). It must be emphasized that freight transportation provides over 2/3 of all income from all rail transportation.

Number of tons of cargo transported (traffic volume) is usually measured at the time of departure. On the road, the volume of traffic is determined as the sum of departures (loading) from all stations of the road and receipt of goods from neighboring roads, that is:

The volume of transportation by road is divided into the arrival of cargo within a given unit and delivery to other units, that is:

Then the total volume of traffic on the road is distributed by type of communication (Fig. 1.1).

IN local traffic transportation is carried out within the same road, and directly - transportation on sections of two or more roads.

IN direct message highlight:

Direct message

Import Export

Local service

Rice. 1.1 Distribution of traffic volume by type of communication

– in v o z, i.e. arrival of cargo from stations on other roads to this road;

– in you in about z, i.e. sending cargo from stations on this road to other roads in the network;

– t r a n z i t, i.e. transportation of goods arriving from other roads and traveling through this road to other roads in the network.

Thus, the volume of traffic on the road is equal to:

Reception of cargo can be considered as the sum of import and transit:

and delivery of cargo - as the sum of export and transit:

The departure of cargo, in turn, is equal to the sum of exported cargo and cargo transported locally:

and arrival – the sum of imported goods and goods transported locally:

Freight turnover – this is the work of moving cargo, defined as the product of the mass of the cargo and the transportation distance. Freight turnover is measured in ton-kilometers. Distinguish net cargo turnover– this is the work of transport, taking into account only the movement of cargo, and gross turnover, taking into account the movement of cargo along with the tare weight of the rolling stock.

Net cargo turnover can be tariff and operational.

Tariff freight turnover is calculated based on the so-called tariff distances in transportation documents (waybill and road manifest).

Operational cargo turnover is determined by the actual mileage of the cargo from the driver’s route.

The ratio of net freight turnover to gross freight turnover can be characterized by the efficiency factor of railway transport:

Number of submissions – a specific indicator of transport. A shipment is a consignment of goods documented by one transportation document (road manifest). One shipment can be a whole train, moving from one sender to one recipient (route); there may be one or more wagons (carriage) or a container (container), or there may be one box in a wagon (small). In a course project, the number of submissions is not calculated.

The transportation plan determines traffic density – the number of tons of cargo transported through 1 km of the transport network per unit of time. The density of traffic is established overall and in the following directions: cargo (even) and empty (odd).

The unevenness of transportation over time is determined by the coefficient, which is calculated as the ratio of the maximum monthly volume of traffic to the average monthly volume for the year.

The unevenness of transportation in direction is characterized by the return coefficient, which is defined as the ratio of the volume of cargo transportation in an empty direction to the volume of cargo transportation in a cargo (loaded) direction:

In this case, the cargo (loaded) direction is usually called the direction with the predominant cargo flow, while the opposite direction is called empty.

Unevenness coefficients are not calculated in the course project.

1.2 Calculation of transportation plan indicators

The initial data for calculating the transportation plan indicators for a conditional road are the size of freight flows, which are given in Appendix 1. The diagram of a conditional railway is presented in Fig. 1.2.

Section 1. Basic characteristics of cargo turnover.

Section 2. Calculation methods freight turnover.

Freight turnover is an economic indicator of transport performance (an indicator of the volume of cargo transportation), equal to the product of the mass of cargo transported over a certain time by the transportation distance.

Freight turnover is

Main characteristics of cargo turnover

Freight turnover is measured in ton-kilometers. For example, if different ships transported 5 million tons of cargo over an average distance of 150 km during the year, then the annual cargo turnover is 5 H 150 = 750 million ton-kilometers.

To determine cargo turnover, the mass of transported cargo in tons (separately for each political shipment) is multiplied by the transportation distance and the resulting products are summed up.

The freight turnover indicator is used in planning and statistics to measure labor efficiency in transport (the number of ton-kilometers per worker); the initial cost of transportation is also determined per 1 km, since transportation depends on its distance and the weight of the cargo.

To assess the activities of transport enterprises, the freight turnover indicator is not used, since society is interested in the best satisfaction of transportation needs while minimizing transport costs; for these purposes, the indicator of transportation (dispatch) of goods in tons, from transportation, etc. is used.

The dissemination of best practices, including those of Belarusian railway workers, makes it possible to increase the volume of useful work transport without increasing the number of employees.

To characterize the cargo turnover of a state, a certain territory, a certain direction, a river, etc. Both units of measurement are used. And to characterize the cargo turnover of any transport hub, station or other transport facility, only tonnage is used as a meter.

Freight turnover determines the level of development of relations, the development of trade, the degree of economic activity at a certain time, etc.

Unit of observation in statistics transportation of goods is dispatch, i.e. Political Party cargo, the transportation of which is documented by the appropriate document (contract of carriage). Primary documents on different types of transport have different names:

road manifest - for railway and river transport;

And the manifesto - on maritime transport;

waybill and commodity-money invoice for goods- on road transport;

accompanying statement - for air transport.

Statistics cargo transportation has developed a system of indicators that provide the possibility of comprehensive characterization work everyone enterprises and a unified transport network of the country. These indicators are divided into two groups:

volumetric (total);


Volume indicators of cargo transportation statistics include:

goods have been dispatched;

arrived (arrival) of goods;

transported (transportation) of goods;

transported in direct mixed traffic;

volume of transport work performed - cargo turnover.

Freight turnover represents the volume of work during the transportation of goods, calculated by summing the products of the mass of transported goods and the transportation distance in kilometers (miles). It is one of the main indicators when assessing the efficiency of transport enterprises.

Qualitative indicators of cargo transportation statistics include:

average transportation distance of 1t of cargo;

average transportation density of 1t of cargo;

average duration of transportation of 1 ton of cargo;

average speed of advancement of 1 ton of cargo.

The distribution of freight traffic between individual modes of transport depends on their characteristics and economic advantages. For example,

railway transport is used to transport large volumes of goods over long distances;

road transport - in cities and regions for short as well as longer distances when transporting valuable and perishable goods;

maritime transport - when transporting bulk cargo in areas gravitating towards inland water and sea basins;

trunk pipelines serve to pump gas and crude black gold from fields to processing plants and to transport finished petroleum products from plants to consumption areas and terminals;

Air transport is used to transport goods over very long distances.

Railway transport.

IN period navigation stops on rivers, rail transport successfully replaces water transport. A large volume of trade turnover with other countries is carried out precisely by rail. It also ranks first among other mainline modes of transport.

Automobile transport.

Road transport is the most mobile of all modes of transport. It is capable of transporting cargo, both long and short. Disadvantages - big initial cost and labor intensity, high level environmental pollution.

Pipeline transport.

Diversity pipeline transport depending on the types of transported products, it becomes necessary to use grouping (classification). Trunk pipelines are divided into oil pipelines, product pipelines and gas pipelines. The former are used for pumping raw black gold from fields to processing plants. The second is for transporting finished petroleum products from factories to areas of consumption. Still others are for gas transportation. If a product pipeline is strictly specialized for transporting any one type of petroleum product, it is called accordingly: kerosene pipeline, wire, oil pipeline, wire. The advantage of pipeline transportThe advantage is that it has continuous transportation and does not depend on natural conditions. The big disadvantage is environmental pollution.

Sea transport.

Sea transport is capable of transporting any cargo, of any type and size. Unlike other modes of transport, sea transport transports mainly export (46%) and import (70%) cargo. Disadvantages: dependence on weather conditions, need for expensive port facilities and high share costs for initial and final operations.

Inland waterways.

These include: rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals suitable for navigation. On inland waterways, the movement of vessels is not allowed along the entire width, but only on routes that are prepared for navigation and which are marked with navigational signs.

Statistical accounting of cargo transportation on inland water transport is carried out by inland water transport enterprises: ports, shipping companies, ship companies, as well as enterprises from other sectors of the economy that carry out transportation work on a commercial basis.

Air Transport.

By air, goods are transported over very long distances, but this type of transport is used for the transportation of cargo much less than others. As a rule, they transport the most expensive cargo: precious furs, expensive clothes, weapons, medicines, etc. The main difference between aviation and other modes of transport is its high ground speed and long non-stop flight range.

Methods for calculating cargo turnover

All calculations are entered into a statistical table called statistical grouping.

Statistical grouping - allows you to characterize the size, structure and relationship of the phenomena being studied, and identify their patterns.

Methods for calculation:

Dynamic series (absolute and relative indicators, chain and basic and average values);

Selective observation;

Indicators of variation (dispersion);

Graphic construction (graphics).

Absolute indicators are named numbers that have a certain dimension and units of measurement. They characterize indicators at a point in time or for period. Depending on the various reasons and purposes of analysis, natural, conditionally natural, monetary and labor units of measurement are used.

Absolute growth is the difference between the research level of the series and the incremental (or basic) level.

Relative indicators.

They characterize changes in the level of development of a phenomenon over time. Otherwise relative values speakers called the rate of growth and gain.


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Freight turnover is the work of transport to transport goods for an enterprise, industry, state, calculated in ton-kilometers, sometimes the tonnage indicator is used. To characterize the cargo turnover of a state, a territory, a specific direction, a river, etc. Both units of measurement are used.

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Remember that to characterize the cargo turnover of any station, transport facility, or transport hub, only tonnage is used as a meter.

Freight turnover shows the volume of economic connections between states, regions, enterprises, economic entities, and it also indicates the throughput capabilities of transport facilities.