Pigeons beautiful photos. Description of species and breeds of pigeons with photos. Decorative types of pigeons

Even in ancient times, the dove was considered a symbol of fertility, and subsequently peace.
Ancient people thought that the pigeon did not have a gallbladder, and bile since the time of Hippocrates was considered the cause of an angry, grumpy disposition.
Pigeons were considered sacred birds and messengers of the gods in the countries of the East.
In Christianity, the dove was considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, the dove released by Noah brought him an olive branch as a symbol of reconciliation between the elements. This is considered a sign of people's forgiveness. In the Middle Ages, the dove was an indispensable attribute of the Annunciation, Baptism, the Descent of the Holy Spirit and the Trinity.
A dove appeared on the shoulder of the Prophet Muhammad, personifying the Divine inspiration descending on him.
It was believed that the devil and witches could take any form except dove, donkey and sheep.
In Ancient Rome, the doves of Venus, which built their nest in the overturned helmet of Mars, were considered a symbol of peace.
Because of its devotion to its offspring, the dove symbolized maternal feelings. Sometimes the dove was a sign of wisdom.
The Jews called the dove “Yona” (in Greek spelling “Ionas”). The prophet sent by the Lord to Nineveh was named Jonah.
In Neoplatonism, the dove personified the force with which the lower worlds were established. In Freemasonry it is a symbol of innocence and purity, in China it is a symbol of old age and longevity.
The dove was depicted on the scepters of some rulers, symbolizing the power sent to them by God.
Kissing doves symbolize lovers. In the US and UK, politicians who lobby for military action are called hawks, and peaceful politicians are called doves.
Material from Wikipedia

Having notified people five thousand years ago of the approaching global flood, the legendary The white dove later became a symbol of peace and love. The huge pigeon family (more than 280 species) is extremely diverse. The species of these birds vary in appearance, in the place they occupy in nature, and in the functional purpose assigned to them by people.

Did you know? Muslims consider the dove to be a sacred bird, since the Prophet Muhammad received water from the dove's beak.

Wild species

It is believed that pigeons spread across the planet simultaneously with the settlement of people. These birds quickly began to be used by humans for their own needs, turned into pets and still play a significant role in human society. But there are also large numbers of wild pigeon breeds that thrive without human care. Their nests are located for the most part far from human habitations - in rocks, on steep banks, in forests and in other places. The nesting site is usually a whole colony of pigeon pairs, each of which hatches 2-3 eggs.

Rock dove, or Caesar

One of the most famous is the Russian variety of wild pigeon called sisar (or simply rock pigeon), so named because of the corresponding coloring of the feathers, against which the dark tail stands out. It must be said that the feathers of all other varieties of wild pigeons also have a bluish tint.

Sisar prefers mountainous areas and rocks for making a nest. Much less common in forests. Often seen in large cities. The lifestyle is sedentary, but quite capable of long flights. Males have a slight advantage over females in wing length (220 mm versus 215 mm). The standard breeding season for these birds is from early spring to autumn, but some pairs build nests in winter. They reproduce quickly - up to 3-5 clutches per year from one pair.

Important! Sisari brings undoubted benefits agriculture, clearing the fields of remaining grains (primarily wheat).


The rock pigeon is similar in appearance to the sizar, but still differs from it in its black beak, lighter tail feathers and smaller size. Its name corresponds in this case to its habitat - the rocky one is found in the mountains of Altai, the Himalayas, Tibet and Tien Shan.

A typical forest dweller is the clintukh, which prefers thickets of beech or linden with hollow trees. There he builds a nest from dry twigs, hiding from any outside interference.

The geographical distribution area of ​​this breed covers a significant area from Africa and Turkey to Central Asia, Siberia and China. The plumage of the cowtail shows a spectacular harmony of colors - the main bluish background turns into a malachite neck tint, matte gray wings and black stripes on the dark tail feathers.

The wood pigeon is considered a European bird, but lives in Asia Minor, the Middle East, and the Himalayan mountains. The Northern European wood pigeon, unlike sedentary representatives of this species living in other territories, is migratory bird, moving in winter to Northern Asia, Transcaucasia and Moldova.

Its other name is vityuten. Its size is one of the largest among wild wood pigeons (with a body length of up to 45 cm and a weight of up to 650 g, the wood pigeon has a 15-17 cm tail and a wingspan of over 70 cm, which clap loudly when taking off).

The bluish-gray plumage on the back acquires a brownish tint, and on the chest and neck it becomes reddish. The pink beak and cere have yellow endings. Living in forests, the wood pigeon can stay for a short time in Western European cities. Breakdown by married couples, construction of nests, laying and incubation (in turn) of eggs occurs after wintering. The chicks are fed so-called pigeon milk, which is formed in the crop of an adult bird.

Important! The wood pigeon is so careful that it does not return to the nest, having been accidentally driven out of there.

This handsome guy doesn't like the cold. Its habitat is a hot, humid climate. Widely distributed in New Guinea. Lives sedentary in the jungle, preferring mangroves. The crest on the bird's head, called the crown, consists of feathers spread out in a translucent fan, moves up and down following the changes in the mood of its owner.

The wide and long tail is slightly rounded. Having long legs, the bird's size corresponds to a small turkey weighing from 1.5 to 2 kg and a length of up to 0.7 m. The mating period is signaled by the mating of the male with sounds reminiscent of drumming. One large white egg is laid in a nest of fern leaves, which the parents incubate alternately for a month.

Important! The population is rapidly declining due to uncontrolled hunting.

Meat pigeons

The habit of considering pigeons as a means of postal communication, participants in sports competitions or home decoration is somewhat discordant with the ancient tradition of using their meat for food. Meanwhile, exactly The meat direction was the first in the selection of these birds. It led to the emergence of modern meat breeds capable of satisfying sophisticated gastronomic needs.

Back in the century before last, the king appeared as a result of crossing postal birds with the Roman pigeon breed. It is not only the four colors of feathers (white, brown, spotted and black) that attract attention to this bird. It matters a large number of meat on strong bones(the pigeon is unable to rise into the air due to its mass), which led to extraordinary modern popularity in the United States of America, and in other countries.

The British managed to modernize the Italian Modena pigeons, creating, in fact, a new breed - the English Modena. Weight of 0.7 – 0.9 kg makes it advantageous the use of individuals of this species in cooking. Outwardly, the English Modena resembles its American counterpart, the King, but, unlike it, has a vertically oriented tail and only two colors - magpie and plain. Such a bird is able to take off, but cannot fly.

Flight or racing pigeons

Despite the fact that, according to established tradition, carrier pigeons are called primarily sporting pigeons, flying pigeons are used to send letters, excellent spatial orientation over any terrain and easy return to the place permanent residence after an arbitrarily long flight. They are classified according to the characteristics of their flight style. They distinguish, in particular, high-flying birds, which, having risen in circles “to the very sky”, are able to remain there continuously for a long time (up to 10 hours), as well as racing pigeons, which accompany take-off circles by tumbling in the air, turning over their wings.

Somersaults through the tail, both vertically and horizontally, can be performed by fighting pigeons, which click their wings during flight, but do not climb to too great a height. Somersaults over the wing, which rollers (another class of flying pigeons) do during gliding, create an unusual illusion of the bird rotating around its axis, thereby emphasizing the special aesthetics of their flight technique.

The Ukrainian city of shipbuilders Nikolaev became the site of the first successful breeding experiments, the result of which was the high-flying Nikolaev pigeon breed. Birds of this species capable of rising straight vertically to the sky. They begin to flutter their long wings already at high altitudes. Short legs, a strong body, a small muscular neck allow the pigeon of the Nikolaev breed to feel confident while in the air.

Fighting group of flying pigeons The most widely represented species is the Berlin short-billed tumbler. The significantly convex forehead contrasts slightly with the small body and, as the name implies, a short beak. The color of the plumage can be either monochromatic or variegated, and the hanging of the wings below the tail makes it easy to recognize the Berlin tumbler among its relatives.

Germany, which began breeding domestic pigeons early, received the German monk breed back in the 17th century.

The pigeon keepers of that time did not disdain stealing from other people's pigeon coops, for which they used the ability of the monks to lure other pigeons to themselves. The German flies low. Most monks have a small feather hood at the back of their heads.

Sports or carrier pigeons

Stayer distances, easily overcome by the homing variety of pigeons, and their participation in actual competitions have given reason to call this breed also a sports breed. Excellent orientation of racing pigeons in space, their ability to easily find their way back, regardless of the distance, is a hereditary trait.

Having become the capital of European politics, Belgium much earlier turned into a world center for pigeon sports. It is not for nothing, apparently, that one of the best of all types of racing pigeon breeds is named after the Belgian homing pigeon.

The bird of this breed holds the record for the fastest air travel. This is also responsible for the record prices for the Belgian homing pigeon.

The flight acceleration of the postman athlete is achieved by combining a wide chest with a small tail and flowing, smooth plumage that appears silky.

Did you know? The flight speed of a pigeon can reach 65 km/h.

With the help of selection, the Asian quarry was transformed into an English one.

Due to excellent speed qualities a representative of the English quarry became widely known. Asian origin is evident in the original skin folds located near the bird's beak and eyes.

They give it their spectacular decorative features.

Decorative pigeons

Fans of feathered beauty have succeeded in breeding decorative breeds of pigeons, distinguished by unique body shapes, withers and feathers, unusual colors and posture.


Representatives of the peacock breed of the peacock breed are traditionally recognized the most aesthetically perfect among the ornamental birds of this family. They deservedly got the name because of their wide tail with lush plumage. Their colorful beauty (usually white) attracts organizers of entertainment events, so these birds are often presented in circus arenas and other entertainment venues.

Among decorative breeds, experts distinguish the so-called warty type, characterized, in particular, by skin growths bordering the bird's eyes. A very striking representative of this type is the barb, which also has a strongly convex forehead and a short beak. A rare and somewhat unexpected feature of barbs, which stand out from among all pigeon relatives, is the lack of variegation in color. White individuals are very popular, but other colors are also found.

moves along the ground on tiptoes, to use human terminology. When walking, only the toes touch the surface; there is no support on the foot. This increases the effect of slender posture and upright walking.

The Czech region has given its name to one of the most original pigeon breeds that attracts curious and professional glances checkerboard pattern of wings, as well as legs on which there is plumage(most colored pigeons do not have one).

The fairy swallow is considered a representative of the group of large pigeons.

The white forehead between the two crests distinguishes the Saxon priest from other decorative breeds of pigeons. The color of other plumage may vary.

And one more characteristic feature, decorating the appearance of the Saxon, are elongated feathers on its legs.


A very unusual breed, the representatives of which are dreamed of being added to their collection by gourmet pigeon keepers who are fed up with the monotony or spottiness of bird colors. Unique curls curl most effectively on the wings and paws

189 once already

Pigeons are one of the most famous bird species that can be found in any city. Every person at least once in his life, walking through the park, saw these beauties. But no one thinks how many species of such beautiful birds exist in the world. In the article we will take a detailed look at the types of pigeons, photos and names.

Wild birds

For many centuries, people have tried to domesticate pigeons. But it was not possible to do this completely. In the world, on almost every continent there are species of wild pigeons and doves that differ in behavior, appearance and many other features. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Rock pigeon

Caesar is one of the most popular and numerous representatives of wild pigeons. The bird has a bluish or light gray color, which is how it got its name. The sisar is very similar to the rock pigeon, but has a darker colored tail. This is its main distinguishing feature.

This breed is common in Europe, Asia and northern Africa. Rock pigeons prefer to live in mountainous areas, but sometimes they can settle near the forest. This species of wild pigeon rarely moves from place to place, as it prefers a sedentary lifestyle.

rock pigeon

When considering the types of wild pigeons (photos and names), you should stop at the rocky one, which, as mentioned above, is very similar to the sisar. The main difference is the black beak and light-colored tail. In addition, it is smaller in size than the sisar. The habitat of the rock pigeon is Altai, Tien Shan, mountains. This breed most often nests in pairs. The remaining qualities of the rock pigeon are the same as those of the sisar.


When studying the types of wild pigeons (see photo in the article), you should focus on the clintuha. The plumage of this breed has a bluish color, the neck has a greenish tint, the crop is red, the wings are gray-blue, and the tail has black stripes. The habitat of this breed is the north of Kazakhstan, the south of Siberia, Turkey, Africa, China. From cold weather they usually fly to winter period V warmer climes, and in the southern regions they prefer to settle in places where there are large rocky trees (parks, forests).

crowned pigeon

The species of wild pigeons in Russia are very diverse, but they live only in hot countries, for example, in New Guinea. It lives in humid forests, jungles, and mango thickets. The pigeon got its name because of its specific crest, which can fall and rise depending on the emotions and mood of the bird. In addition, this breed has rather long legs, and is no larger in size than a canary.

Wood Pigeon

Representatives of this breed are the largest among all wild pigeons. The tail reaches 15 centimeters in length. The coloration is not very different from the rock and rock pigeon. Neck with a bright greenish tint. The wood pigeon is common in Europe and Asia. Prefers to nest in forests or parks. Easily tolerates any climatic conditions.

Meat pigeons

So, we looked at the types of wild pigeons, photos with names. Next, we’ll take a closer look at meat breeds. US residents and Western Europe the taste qualities of these birds were appreciated, and now meat pigeons are actively bred there.


This is a favorite type of meat pigeon among people in the United States. They were first introduced back in the 19th century. Kings have a wide fleshy body, developed muscles and a strong skeleton. The plumage of representatives of this breed can be monochromatic (black, white, brown) or spotted. Kings practically cannot fly. This may be due to their large bodies.

English modena

When considering meat types of pigeons with photos and names, you should focus on Modena. This species was bred in England. Birds have a muscular, massive body. Their tail stands almost vertically. Modenas weigh quite a lot (about 1 kg). Because of this, they practically do not fly. As for the plumage, it can be either plain or dark with light wings.

flying pigeons

In addition to taste, people noticed other features in pigeons. For example, some of them are able to return to their usual place. Such birds began to be called postal birds. But it was soon noticed that each of them has its own special flight style. This group of pigeons is the most numerous among all. Depending on the manner of flying, they were divided into the following types:

  1. High-flying breed. Such pigeons, flying into the sky, describe several circles. They can be in flight from 2 to 10 hours.
  2. Racing pigeons. They are distinguished by special turns through the wing, which gives the impression that the bird is somersaulting in the air.
  3. Fighting breed. They fly low and somersault over their tail, resulting in a clicking sound that occurs when their wings hit.
  4. Rollerballs. Such birds seem to spin around their axis, performing somersaults through the wing.

Nikolaev pigeons

Considering the flying types of pigeons, it is necessary to note the Nikolaev breed. These birds are the most popular among those flying. They were first noticed in Ukraine in the city of Nikolaev. Like other representatives of flying pigeons, they have their own flight feature - they take off and rise up in a straight line, then stop in the air and flutter their wings. are the owners of very long wings, a small neck and short legs. Their color can be gray, black, white and even yellow and red.

Berlin short-billed pigeon

This breed belongs to the fighting pigeons, which in flight do a somersault over their tail and click their wings. Its representatives appeared in the 19th century in the city of Berlin (hence the name). These pigeons have a small body, a small head, a convex forehead and a short beak. The peculiarity is that their wings hang below the tail. Short-billed pigeons are very active. Their plumage can be either monochromatic or variegated.

German monk

When studying flying species of pigeons, special attention should be paid to the German monk. This is an ancient and very beautiful breed. These pigeons appeared back in the 17th century. Their homeland is Germany. The peculiarity of birds is that they are able to attract other pigeons, although they themselves fly low. Thanks to this distinctive feature, they were previously used to steal other people's birds. The German monk is small in size, has a convex forehead and a small beak. Externally it is distinguished by the presence of a specific “hood” on the back of the head.

Homing pigeons

The fact that pigeons were used as postmen is no secret. The inhabitants of Ancient Rome and Greece used these birds to convey messages. In the Middle Ages, only kings could afford to keep carrier pigeons. This type of communication was considered the most reliable and fastest. Even during World War II, the amazing ability of carrier pigeons was useful to people during a period of lack of other communication.

Time has passed, and humanity no longer needs the postal services of birds. Now this breed is called sports and their ability is used in competitions. Belgium is the world center of this bird sport. It should be noted that the ability of pigeons to navigate the terrain and overcome long distances is a hereditary trait. Other breeds do not have this gift.

Belgian homing pigeon

Considering postal types pigeons, special attention should be paid to the Belgian. This is the best representative of its breed. He flies very quickly and is well oriented in space. "Belgians" have a wide chest, a short tail, and a round head. Their plumage is usually blue, with light wings.

The Belgians are considered record holders. A bird of this breed was sold for the most high price- 328 thousand dollars.

Decorative types of pigeons

The main feature of these birds is their appearance. They have different crests, unusual length and shape of wings, growths, varied plumage colors and other characteristics. Additionally, birds may have a particular body shape or posture. Some species resemble many famous birds in feather color (larks, swallows, gulls, bullfinches). Ornamental species are bred exclusively for beauty and aesthetic pleasure.

peacock pigeon

This type of decorative pigeons is considered the most beautiful. Their feature is a bushy tail, which is very similar to a peacock. Hence the name of the breed. The plumage of such pigeons varies, but the classic color is white. No wedding, exhibition or performance is complete without these beautiful birds.


Representatives of this unusual breed are part of the group of warty pigeons. Their main distinguishing feature is special skin growths around the eyes. In addition, they have a convex forehead and a small beak. The plumage is not only monochromatic; for example, yellow or red are also found.

Saxon priest

Representatives of this breed have rich feather decoration. They have two crests on their heads, and long feathers on their legs. Regardless of color, the forehead of these pigeons will always be white. The plumage is similar to a monk's hood. Hence the name of this breed.

curly pigeon

This breed got its name because of its unusual curly feathers. They can be either solid or spotted in color. These birds are so beautiful that many connoisseurs of bird beauty want to buy them.


So, in this article we looked at the main types of pigeons, their names, external features, distinctive features flight and much more. It should be noted that there are a huge number of other unique breeds of pigeons in the world. We focused only on the most popular of them.

Pigeons are one of the most common and ancient birds on Earth, and according to many scientists, the first bird domesticated by humans was the well-known rock pigeon.

Pigeons (Columba) belong to the order Pigeonidae and the family Pigeonidae and form the genus true pigeons, which today includes 35 species. The most common is the rock pigeon, as well as its close relative, the clintukh. Other pigeons are more endemic species and have a more or less limited range.

Biological description

All pigeons are medium-sized birds, growing up to 38 - 41 cm with a body weight from 200 to 650 g. Pigeons have a small head, short neck and wide wings of a pointed shape, about 20 - 27 cm long. The tail is long, paws are four-fingered, well adapted for walking.

Pigeon: photo in flight.

The beak of pigeons is of medium length, with a pronounced wax. There is a rim of bare skin around the eyes; the iris can be red, orange or golden.

Plumage color different types pigeons are very different. For example, rock pigeons have 28 different colors, although the main color of these birds is ash-gray with a green, yellow or purple metallic tint. Black pigeons are practically black, while the speckled pigeon is distinguished by red-brown wings with white triangular markings.

The difference between the sexes is insignificant: females usually look smaller and the metallic tint of their plumage is not so pronounced.

Pigeons have excellent vision; they distinguish not only all the colors of the rainbow, but also see in the ultraviolet range. Thanks to their keen hearing and ability to perceive low frequencies, pigeons pick up sounds that are inaccessible to the human ear, which explains the manner of these birds suddenly taking off from their place for no apparent reason. And pigeons fly very quickly, reaching speeds of up to 185 km/h, which was actively used to transmit messages until the invention of the telegraph.

Habitat and lifestyle

During the Age of Great Geographical Discovery, people actively explored new lands, taking their belongings and, of course, tamed pigeons. So these birds spread almost throughout the world and today the descendants of the wild pigeon can be found on all continents except Antarctica. These birds have perfectly adapted to life in megacities and have become an integral living element of urban landscapes.

Photo: love and doves.

In the wild, pigeons are also found everywhere: rock pigeons are predominantly rock-dwellers, clintukhs prefer forests and forest-steppes, vityuten can be found in coniferous Scandinavian forests, and speckled pigeons stick to African savannahs.

Photo of a cheeky pigeon at PAUL Cafe, London.

Throughout their range, pigeons are mostly sedentary; only in winter do wild pigeons migrate from high mountain regions to warmer valleys.

Nutrition and reproduction

In the wild, pigeons feed on plant foods: seeds, leaves and fruits of plants; to a lesser extent, various insects are eaten. City dwellers enjoy eating food waste and often visit places with easily accessible food: farms, landfills, elevators.

Photo: landscape with pigeons.
Photo: child and pigeons.

Pigeons reach sexual maturity at the age of 5 - 7 months, and being monogamous birds, they form pairs for life. Pigeon breeding occurs year-round, and in temperate latitudes lasts from March to October and is always accompanied by traditional mating ceremonies and courtship. Wild pigeons set up nests in various shelters that are difficult for predators to access; their domestic relatives choose similar secluded places for nesting: attics, bridge ceilings, spaces behind beams and cornices.

Photo: a pigeon ran away from a boy.

Photo of a pigeon in Rome.

In a year, a dove can produce up to 8 clutches, each of which contains 1 - 2 eggs. The clutch is incubated by the male and female in turn, and incubation lasts about 20 days. In the first days of life, the chicks feed on “pigeon milk” - belching from the crop of their parents, and then plant seeds are added to the diet. At the age of 35 - 37 days, the chicks already look like adult birds and begin to fly.

Photo: child and pigeons.
Photo: love and doves.

In the wild, the life expectancy of pigeons is no more than 3 - 5 years, and domestic pigeons of various breeds, with good care, can live up to 15 and even 35 years.

The dove is a bird that has not only lived in close proximity to humans since ancient times, but is also one of the first to be domesticated. And not for economic purposes.

For humans, this is the most familiar bird and its habitat in the city has long been so familiar that it has simply become invisible.

Types and differences

The most famous and widespread species of pigeon in the world, the rock pigeon, is also the progenitor of all other species.

The main condition for a pigeon to master a particular territory is the presence of a person nearby, a place cultivated by him, which could be used as a food base. Regardless of whether it is a large metropolis or just agricultural land.

In total, there are more than three dozen species of this bird, completely different in size - from “sparrow” to “chicken”, but rarely weighing more than 0.5 kg - and even more different in the colors of their plumage, of which experts number up to twenty.

The most beautiful birds, white in color, are often used for photographs. The male pigeon is distinguished from the female by a denser dark, metallic shade, different from the light and bright color of the female's plumage.

Peculiarities of life of urban and wild pigeons

Often large populations of this bird in certain places are persecuted and even exterminated. The residents are too irritated by the incredible amount of droppings and fallen down, feathers that remain after their next feeding.

Many, however, love these birds, considering them very cute, and their cooing sounds melodious.

Despite their friendliness, moreover, their direct association with such concepts as “peace” and “love,” pigeons have many enemies in nature.

This applies to both city pigeons - dogs and cats are the first aggressors against birds - and those whose habitat is the forest. Foxes, owls, raccoons - they all don’t mind hunting a pigeon.

Pigeons are flocking birds. This makes it easier to survive, fight off enemies, and feed yourself. City pigeons are less careful than wild pigeons, simply because humans are a more familiar creature to them.

And if wild birds are very shy, which is generally typical for birds, then urban birds can often be seen feeding from the palm of a person.

There is another significant difference between the species of this bird due to where pigeons live. This is a relationship with trees. Wild pigeons do not know how to sit in trees, so they choose rocky shores closer to water bodies as their habitat. They, in fact, do not know what a tree is.

Pigeons that look for food near human habitation were forced to master this skill.

Flight of bird

Pigeons have special flying abilities that are different from other birds.

The speed that a pigeon is capable of reaching can reach 180 km/h, and the distance covered in one day is up to a thousand kilometers at an altitude of 3000 meters.

This explains the fact that since ancient times pigeons have been revered as good postmen.

Well, in the event of an attack in the air by a predator, the dove simply folds its wings and falls down like a stone. A sort of living fighter plane.


Pigeons are very voracious. Those watching them in squares and parks can see them “chewing” all the time, even if no one feeds them, and the area around is entirely asphalt and concrete.

A naive question involuntarily arises: what do pigeons eat? The basis of the pigeons’ diet is plant food: grains, berries, fruits. As well as a large amount of water, which these birds readily consume.

well and urban area, even in the absence of complementary foods in the spring-autumn season, it is always covered with small plant seeds.


A dove union created once is a union for life. The couple takes care of each other in every possible way and even incubates eggs together, of which the female lays 2 per clutch.

Moreover, there is no very specific time when this is done - usually from March to October.

The newly emerged chicks cannot live autonomously and independently for another month, requiring attention, care and feeding. And only after six months they become sexually mature and are able to create their own mate.

Due to their defenselessness and the danger of wildlife, pigeons rarely live more than five years. With proper care, proper nutrition and maintaining health, it will not be difficult for a bird to live 15 years. There are known cases of even greater longevity.

Photo of a pigeon