Games and competitions for the New Year's masquerade ball. Party in the style of a Masquerade Ball: script, outfits, decoration and competitions. Scenario of a masquerade ball for the New Year New Year's competitions on the theme of masquerade

The school organizes not only parties for children, but also for high school students. However, this category requires a special approach. After all, high school students are no longer children, they are people who consider themselves adults. To interest them, you need something completely special, with a twist. That is why a masquerade ball is offered as a New Year's celebration. This will be interesting to high school students for many reasons. First of all - dances that young people love at all times.

The very principle of being at the ball is faces are covered with masks, which promotes relaxation and a free atmosphere. In addition, there will also be many good humorous competitions that will maintain the holiday atmosphere. The scenario of this New Year's masquerade ball can be successfully used for children younger age, and, conversely, for young people - students.

General plan of the event

Some points must be agreed upon in advance. This applies to both preparing the event itself and notifying guests. Even though the participants will most likely know each other (it is unlikely that the ball will involve the presence of students from different schools), all basic rules must be followed. This will help create the atmosphere of mystery of a real masquerade ball.


  • Hostess of the ball.
  • The presenter is her assistant.
  • Father Frost.
  • A group of Snowflakes-stewards.
  • High school students.

Rough plan

The entire event is divided into three blocks, the main part of which will, of course, be dancing. The first is the greeting and introductory part, without which not a single holiday is complete. The second is the main part. It lasts approximately half of the total time allotted for the ball. The third is essentially the end of the masquerade. However, there will also be games and mandatory dancing.

Decorations and accessories

Everyone present at the ball must wear a mask. Organizers need to ensure that there is a significant supply of these necessary accessories. Mandatory decorated Christmas tree in the back of the hall or stage (you can arrange a temporary podium). Also needed high-back chair designed to resemble a royal throne.

The main part of the hall is free, since the main thing in the event is dancing. Along one wall there are tables with drinks - lemonade and water. On the other hand, there are tables with chairs so that participants have the opportunity to relax.

First block

There is a way to make an event interesting before it even starts. To do this, you just need to prepare invitations and hand them to each prospective guest. The initiative group undertakes the preparation, and even teachers can do the distribution before lessons. You can also entrust this to the prefects or student committee.

Meeting with guests

At the entrance to the hall Those who come are greeted by snowflakes-stewards. Those guests whose faces are exposed will be given a mask. The girls have a special “palace scroll” - a notebook where they write down the names, titles and achievements of the guests. Of course, all this must be fictional. The guys also come up with achievements themselves. It can be anything. For example, someone remembers the fairy tale “About the Snow Queen” by heart, and someone has a medal for first place in the New Year’s sprint race. It is through this scroll that guests will be introduced to the Hostess of the ball.

Declaring the Rules

After all the guests have gathered, the presenter, the chamberlain, who is also the Queen’s assistant, or the presenter, who can be the main maid of honor, appears on the improvised stage. The presenter asks for silence and reads out the “Rules,” which everyone in this room must strictly observe. After which he expresses gratitude for coming to the holiday. The rules boil down to the fact that guests must be in a good mood, participate in all games and be sure to dance. All negative emotions, refusal to have fun and participate in the offered entertainment, and removal of masks are prohibited. Those who do not follow the rules may be punished by the Queen herself. Punishment - solo dance, song, any performance.

First dance

The host or one of the Snowflakes announces that the Queen will be delayed and invites them to finally hold the first dance. So that boys and girls do not feel embarrassed, a prepared group can perform first, performing a real waltz first, and then something youthful and fiery. It is during youth contemporary music that the lighting in the hall is dimmed and guests join in the dance. Lighting should not be too weak. It is enough to turn off only a few lamps.

Second block

The main part, which is filled with jokes, fun, music and movement. Only at certain moments will guests have the opportunity to sit down.

Arrival of the hostess of the ball - the Snow Queen

When the music fades away, the host re-enters the stage and announces that the Snow Queen herself will now arrive. This is a bit of an eccentric person. She came from a real fairy tale by Andersen, and therefore the order in her palace is a little old-fashioned. The Queen cannot be contradicted and so on. Fanfares sound and the queen enters the hall, accompanied by her retinue (the same Snowflakes). She walks through the line of guests, smiles and even nods at some. It is advisable to insert some phrases. For example, “Oh, what a wonderful Mask!” or “Knight, I don’t know you yet.” Unobtrusive music plays all this time.

Meeting the hostess

When the hostess of the ball takes her throne, she tells the assistant to introduce her to the guests with the announcement of all titles and titles, and also expresses a desire to meet the guests themselves. The Queen's performance must be magnificent and beautiful. At this time, she herself performs several steps, and her snowflake maids of honor perform a prepared dance. When it’s time to meet the participants, the host takes out the already familiar “palace scroll” and from it begins to read out all the information about each guest that was said at the entrance. When the name is announced, its owner stands and bows to the Queen.

Medley dances with competitions

After meeting, the hostess says that she is a little tired, because there are so many guests today. Therefore, they are obliged to entertain her. As entertainment, several competitions are announced in a row.

  • Medley dancing. Everyone or just a group of guys can participate. The essence of the competition is to adapt your movements as naturally as possible to the music that will be offered. To do this, they play a “cut” of very different songs - youth and fast, slow and classical dance melodies.
  • Classic. Only those who are familiar with the movements of famous dances are called upon - cancan, waltz, tango, and so on. The winner is the couple that performs best.

Performance by a visiting magician

A short respite for the guests comes when, after the competitions, the host asks everyone to sit down and respect the visiting magician from distant countries, who specially came to congratulate the Queen and her guests on the New Year's holiday, revered throughout the world. The magician demonstrates his many skills - shows tricks. He receives well-deserved applause, the approval of the Mistress and promises to come exactly a year later to the next holiday with new spells.

Dance time

When the magician leaves, the Queen reminds that the venerable public was invited not just to a masquerade, but to a real ball, so everyone must dance. The music starts playing, the lights become dim and dancing time begins. After each melody, the host announces what or who it is dedicated to. In addition, he can announce “white” or some other dance.

Third block

The holiday is gradually moving towards its end. Here everyone remembers that they have gathered on the occasion of the New Year and congratulations are heard.

Arrival of the Snow King - Father Frost

The music stops and the host says that another late guest, whom everyone has already been waiting for, is about to arrive. He talks about being called by different names depending on where exactly he comes - Santa Claus, Mikalaus, Papa Noel, Youllu-pukki and so on. In our country, everyone knows him under the name of Father Frost. The King of Winter enters the hall and loudly greets everyone. He says that he will not stay here for long, because he is expected at many more balls and holidays.

New Year's quiz

One of the final competitions is a quiz proposed by Santa Claus. There should be 13 blocks, each of which has the same number of questions. Accordingly, there will be 12 participants, and the 13th block is intended to determine the winner if someone has the same number of correct answers. The questions should be simple. For example, which month is the smallest, but not in length (May) or whether it is possible to bring water in a sieve (you can carry frozen water - ice) and so on. Ideally, there should be 12 winners who receive small souvenir gifts. It could be a horseshoe for luck, a doll, a car, mittens, etc.

Congratulations on the holiday

After the quiz, the Winter King and the Snow Queen congratulate all guests on the upcoming holidays, wish them many interesting and unusual things in the New Year, fulfillment of wishes, successful completion of their studies, and so on.

Removing masks and saying goodbye

Before the last dance at the New Year's masquerade ball, all participants will be asked to remove their masks and show their real faces.

Dance - at the choice of the public. Traditionally this is a waltz, but young people can choose something different, for example, one of the popular New Year's songs. After this, the owners of the palace thank the guests for a wonderful evening and express the hope that another such celebration will be held next year.

(Scenario for a youth ball).

The hall is festively decorated. There is a Christmas tree in the center of the hall. It stands on a large hemisphere, on the surface of which are the contours of continents and oceans. A fake, brightly painted palace has been installed. It houses the disco host.
A soundtrack of cheerful music is playing. Presenters dressed in fancy dress walk around the hall. They hand out badges with the image of Santa Claus to guests. On the badge is the number that is needed to participate in the “Merry Mail”

Description of the game “FUNNY MAIL”:
There is a table in the hall on which there are pre-prepared pieces of paper and pencils. Any participant in the ball can write a “message” to another participant and give it to the postman. Postmen only accept letters with return numbers indicated.

The guests have gathered. The music stops.

HOST: Good evening!
New Year's Eve,
Like a snowflake, light and short-lived!
They are waiting to meet you in all houses,
Rejoicing, they greet you at the door.

LEADING: Attention! The time has come
Open the New Year's ball!
The calling sound of the signal is calling
Guests in an elegant bright hall
Faces illuminated with a smile,
The light of happiness flows in the eyes -
Those who came to us to have fun
We are New Year's greetings.
The first waltz is already sounding -
The lights are shining. The ball is open!

(The disco host takes the floor. A dance program of 2 dances is underway.)

HOST: With round dances of sparkling snow, lace of frost on the branches of birches, with
blue transparent ice on the rivers, with piercingly bright short sunsets, winter has come. And along with the beautiful winter comes one of the most wonderful holidays - New Year, a holiday of hope, a celebration of dreams, the fulfillment of desires, a holiday of gifts and surprises.

LEADING: Let's start with gifts. Pay attention to the ceiling. To him
Attached is a large box with the inscription “Ball Surprise”. Whoever guesses what is in the box will receive it along with a surprise.

(The presenter helps the participants with guiding questions. A prize drawing takes place.)

HOST: Friends, from your joyful faces and cheerful mood, I see that you are well prepared for the New Year's ball. Beautiful costumes and mysterious masks are seen everywhere. Soon Santa Claus will arrive at the ball, and believe me, he is the best connoisseur of New Year's fashion. Santa Claus will determine the owner of the most elegant, most fabulous costume, making its owner unrecognizable, and will present the main prize of our masquerade ball.

(The program continues with a small dance block, during which the presenters hand out inflatable balls of 2 colors to the dancers, for example, red for boys, yellow for girls.
Proverbs and sayings are written on small pieces of paper. The beginning of the proverb is on one piece of paper, the ending is on the other... The piece of paper with the first part of the proverb is placed, say, in a red ball, and the ending - in a yellow one. When the leaves are inserted, the balls are inflated and tied. At the command of the presenter: “Salute!” Everyone simultaneously pierces their balls and takes out pieces of paper with texts.
Every young man must find among the girls the one who will have the second part of his proverb. The first couple to formulate their proverb is awarded souvenirs.
One dance composition sounds.)

LEADING: Friends! Your ability to dance is beyond doubt. I think it’s time to invite those without whom the New Year’s ball cannot happen.
Let's invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden in unison.

(Participants call Father Frost and Snow Maiden. They solemnly enter the hall.)

FATHER FROST: We welcome you joyfully today
Merry New Year's holiday.
And let everyone become closer friends
Fun, dancing, games, laughter!

Throws streamers and confetti into the hall.

SNOW MAIDEN: Put on your masks
Start dancing together.
To invite everyone to have fun
New Year's carnival!

(Dance block.)

FATHER FROST: Now we'll find out which of you
IN fun games the most dexterous!

(Two small artificial spruce trees are installed on stands in the hall. The distance between them is 1-1.5 m.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Imagine that there are only a few minutes left until the New Year, and these trees are not yet decorated. Perhaps there will be two clever people in the hall who will quickly dress them up. The one whose tree looks the most beautiful will receive a prize.

(Those who wish are there. Toys made of cardboard, papier-mâché, cotton wool are laid out on tables 5-6 steps from the Christmas trees.)

SNOW MAIDEN: But completing my task is not easy. Something happened in the room where your Christmas tree is short circuit and you will have to decorate it in the dark.

(The Snow Maiden blindfolds the participants in the competition.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Perhaps someone will hang their toys on the neighboring tree, but the competition will still be won by the one whose tree turns out to be more elegant.

(The game “DRESS THE TREE” takes place. It is followed by a dance block of 2 compositions.)

FATHER FROST: Come, come! Who wants to win a prize?

(In the hall there are scales above them with the inscription “happy weight – 96 kg.”)

FATHER FROST: Everything is very simple. Step on the scales, if your weight matches the lucky weight - 96 kg, you will become the winner of a prize.

Santa Claus is holding his own competition. The winner is awarded a prize.

SNOW MAIDEN: Now hurry up
Play the lottery
Because in the lottery
You can experience happiness!

(Several series of tickets have been prepared in advance for the lottery (twenty numbers each, their number can be adjusted depending on the number of people present at the ball). The disguised Presenter portrays an organ grinder. The organ grinder is replaced by a colorfully painted box. There is a cutout for the hand in its top cover.
The organ grinder takes lottery tickets out of the box and hands them to the guests. The Snow Maiden plays the lottery. She announces the title of the episode and takes a card from the spinning drum that says "Santa's Generosity." The cards are made of thick paper, rolled into a tube. The holder of the ticket with the named number receives the main prize, and the holders of the remaining numbers receive consolation prizes.
For example, the Snow Maiden says:
- “We are playing the series “Hello, Winter!” Ticket holders for this series approach the stage.
The Snow Maiden takes card No. 7 from the drum. The one with the same ticket receives the main prize - a Santa Claus doll, the rest - a pine cone.)

"Bon Appetit" series.
The main prize is a children's kitchen set, the rest - a drying set.

Series "Zoological".
The main prize is a toy bear, the rest - a lollipop.

Series “Love the Theater”.
The main prize is two theater tickets, the rest - theater posters.

Series “Cleanliness is the key to health.”
The main prize is a bath broom, the rest - a toothbrush.

“Everyone needs this” series.
Grand Prize - door knob, the rest - a large nail.

"Remember Me" series.
The main prize is a postal set, the rest - a pencil.

"Don't be late" series.
The main prize is an alarm clock, the rest - a toy watch.

Series “New Year at the Gates”.
The main prize is a calendar, the rest - a small calendar.

Series “So that the body and soul are young.”
The main prize is a mirror, the rest - a piece of toilet soap.

(After the lottery there is a dance block.
Beautifully decorated boxes are brought into the hall and placed in a visible place. These are gifts from the Fairy of Joy. Those wishing to receive a gift must answer one of the questions:
What is the name of Santa Claus in Germany (or some other country)?
(Santa Claus).
Since what year is New Year celebrated in Russia?
(since 1699).
When does the new millennium begin?
(since January 2001.)
Who wrote the wonderful fairy tale about the granddaughter of Santa Claus?
(A.N. Ostrovsky).
The mini-quiz is over and the gift boxes have been handed over.

FATHER FROST: Each box contains different items.
You will see them now. (For example, in one there is a toy guitar and a shawl, in another there is an accordion and a Russian shirt, in the third there is a spear and a drum, etc.) For each of these sets a corresponding soundtrack has been selected. After opening the box, you must perform a dance or musical number using the given set of items. Thus, your numbers will form the program of an impromptu concert.
While you are getting ready, we will dance.

(After the dance block, the participants in the impromptu concert show their numbers. Father Frost and Snow Maiden present them with prizes.)

SNOW MAIDEN: I think, Santa Claus, it's time to choose the owner of the best suit.

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden approach the participant in the most beautiful suit and reward him with a memorable gift. The disco host announces a dance in his honor.)

FATHER FROST: Thank you, friends! It's time for us to leave. As we say goodbye, I would like to congratulate you once again on the New Year.

SNOW MAIDEN: Congratulations on the New……. year!

FATHER FROST: We wish you a lot of happiness, joy, smiles and songs!

SNOW MAIDEN: May every month, day and hour of the New Year bring you goodness and goodness!

FATHER FROST: May spring come to you after the severe snowstorm. May great success come to you through hard work.

SNOW MAIDEN: Let a cheerful summer warm the earth with the sun! Let friendship warm you! Let love warm you!

FATHER FROST: Let there be a wonderful autumn full of golden leaves! Let your home be full of happiness, smiles and songs!

SNOW MAIDEN: And then the snowy carousel will spin again, the lights of the Christmas trees will sparkle and you will say to each other: “Happy New Year, friends! With new happiness!"

FATHER FROST: We know this will happen!

SNOW MAIDEN: We know that everything you dream of will come true. We believe it will be a happy New Year!

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave the hall. The dance block continues.)

HOST: Dear friends! Our meeting has come to an end. We say goodbye to you and wish you all the most beautiful and unique things.

LEADING: Let the star of your youth burn brighter, bring with it purity and joy of love, faith and hope in all that is best and kind. Good luck to you!

(The final waltz sounds.)


1. Good evening! Good New Year's evening!
We are pleased to welcome you to a wonderfully decorated hall on this New Year's Eve evening! The most beloved, most long-awaited, wonderful New Year holiday! So we have gathered in this hall to say goodbye to the old year and celebrate the arrival of the New Year 2013...! I hope you didn't forget to take with you good mood, your most charming smiles.

2. It's finally a holiday at school,
Finally the carnival.
And, believe me, it’s not in vain

Everyone was expecting it!
There will be competitions, jokes,
Awards, prizes.
Disco very soon
He will tell us: “Don’t slow down!

1. We are tired of studying.
So go ahead! to the masquerade!
But first, Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys!

On New Year's Eve with love
We send you our regards.
We wish you happiness and health
And new joyful victories!

2. By silver white powder
The old year is gone!

On a quiet New Year's night.

May the New Year be a magical fairy tale
He will quietly enter your house,
And happiness, joy, kindness and affection
He will bring it to you as a gift!

1. This could happen on New Year's Eve
A fairy tale will come to your house
He comes up carelessly and knocks on the door
And it will ignite hope.

2. New Year is a fairy tale!
New Year is joy!
New Year is a miracle and everyone is waiting for it. We will now show you one of these miracles.. We haven’t slept for several nights and have prepared a fairy tale for you, don’t blame me, it’s somehow out of tune, because this fairy tale is in a new way.

High school student:

ABOUT! New Year is coming! I bought some firecrackers, we’ll shoot at the New Year’s party. Let me try one.(He pulls the string and the firecracker explodes. A man appears who looks like an astrologer.)
High school student: - Who are you? Where did it come from?
Wizard: -From your firecracker, dunce! I'm actually a wizard from the 18th century, I can fulfill any of your wishes.
High school student: - Never mind, why just one wish? In fairy tales, wizards grant several wishes.
Wizard: -You understand inflation, there are not enough funds, limits have been cut, the energy potential is only enough for one desire per month.
High school student: - Yes. We need to think about what to order. No matter how much money you order, it will eventually run out. Need power. Wow, I came up with an idea, I want to be a big boss.
Wizard: -As you wish. Abracadabra, sim salonim. Now you are a king.
High school student: -How is the king? What are you doing? I asked you to become a director.
Wizard: -You see, I’m actually from the 18th century, and I don’t know who the director is, but I know the Tsar.
High school student: - Ugh, you dumbass! A director is the head of an enterprise. Let's fix it quickly.
Wizard: - I can’t, the limit is over, I can only do it next month.(leaves)
High school student: - Damn it, what should we do? I don’t have a damn clue about this royal matter. Anyway! As the song says: Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked. So, it turns out that I am the king now!
The song suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked)
Happiness is suddenly in silence
There was a knock on the door
Won't you come to me?
I believe and I don't believe
The snow was falling, the dawn was floating,
Autumn was drizzling
So many years, so many years
Where have you been?

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked
So now I'm the king
I never dreamed about this
What should I do if I knew
I learned something at school somewhere
I just forgot everything
If only it weren't in vain
Everything in the world was not in vain
It was not in vain.

Here it comes, here it comes true
Happiness without an answer
I had a chance to be a king
To me in this world
The one who waits will demolish everything,
No matter how life hits you
If only that's all, that's all
It was not in vain
(The royal servant, who is also a clerk-scribe, runs in. He falls to his knees, hits his head on the floor... The wizard has disappeared.)
The king's servant: - Oh, Tsar-Father, they didn’t order you to execute, they told you to have mercy, where have you been, Your Majesty, you don’t even have the royal clothes, the infidels stripped you in no way, Your Majesty, oh, they didn’t order you to execute.
Tsar: -Yes, okay, get up, what’s your name?
The king's servant: -Lord have mercy! I lost my memory. They call me Fedka, Tsar-Father, under your royal grace I serve as both a clerk and an assistant, they have forgotten.
Tsar: -Yes. Something happened to my memory, nothing less than sclerosis.
The king's servant: -Just order it, Father Tsar, and we will cut off this Sclerosis’s head in an instant.
Tsar: -Oh, and the darkness! Your village is not asphalted. There is no need to execute anyone.
The king's servant: “Oh, the Queen has missed you so much, Father Tsar, she’s tossing around in her little room, crying all her eyes out!”
Tsar: - Queen? Get to work! I wonder what she's like? Come on, beauty! Let's call her here!
The king's servant This minute, sir, this minute.....!(The royal servant leaves, the queen enters.)
Queen: -Oh! Glory to God, the Tsar-Father is alive. It’s been three whole days since he disappeared and not a word has been heard from us, we didn’t even know what to think.
Tsar: - Disappeared, but I did not disappear, Where then is the real king?(Addressing the queen)- I was away on government business, mother, on a business trip to exchange experiences.
Queen: -You are all in business and in worries, Tsar Father.....
Tsar: -Well, you think it’s easy for us kings. There is not enough money, Inflation, taxes, meetings, press conferences, consensuses, ugh, you must have missed something... Well, how are we doing at home?
Queen: - Yes, it’s high time for the prince’s sons to get married. The adults have arrived!
Tsar: It’s crazy, I also have adult sons! Yes, I’m still young myself. (Addressing the queen.) -Well, let's call them here.
Three princes enter, line up)
Tsar: -Yes. The king had three sons (approaches the elder, pats you on the shoulder) -The eldest was a smart kid,(approaches the average,)middle son and this way and that, ( to the youngest) - The younger one doesn't seem to be a fool. So, my sons, it’s time for you to get married, go look for brides. How is it in a fairy tale? Well, you go to the merchant's courtyard, you go to the boyar's courtyard, and you go to the swamp for a frog.
Junior Tsarevich:- I don’t want a frog, then run after it to the distant kingdom, help it out from Kashchei. I'll look for something else, more interesting.
Tsar -Well, go, go. New Year is coming soon, we need to make arrangements for the ball. Fedka, let's order there so that the New Year will be in the first category, there will be Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, order.
The king's servant: -OH, they didn’t order execution, they ordered mercy, Father Tsar, we’re in trouble. All the heralds across Rus' have galloped off to look for you, there is no one to send for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
Tsar: Oh, if I were in my time, I would now order at least two Snow Maidens with Santa Claus on the Internet.(a girl with pigtails appears, dressed very modernly)
King Who are you?
Aska: ICQ I - instant message - a product of new technologies!

The king's servant: What? What product?

Tsar: Quiet! The people are not educated! What a class! Here you are, then we’ll invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden! Well... and what are you worth?..
Aska: So you need to send me!
Tsar: Well... so... go already... get out...... in the end!

(Snow Maiden is on stage, preening, Aska appears)
Snow Maidens: And who are you going to be?! Where did it come from?!
Aska: ICQ, I am an instant message - a product of new technologies! Snow Maiden has a message for you.
Snow Maidens: (hesitantly) What product?
Aska: Product new technology! You and Santa Claus are urgently awaited in a fairy tale to celebrate the New Year.

Snow Maidens; What? Both? Oh, we've been waiting for this message for a long time!
Aska: The message has been delivered, I will hasten to inform you about the delivery...
Snow Maidens: So, why are you standing? Run!

ICQ. So, you need to send me!

Snow Maidens: Well, get out of here!

ICQ Another thing, I’m already running!(Asuka runs away)
(There is a conversation between the snow maidens Snegurochka 1 and Snegurochka 2.)
Snow Maiden 1: Where are you dressing up? A!
Snow Maiden 2: How to where? New Years is soon. Let's go with Santa Claus to congratulate the children on the holiday and give gifts.
Snow Maiden 1: Why did you decide that it was you who would go to the holiday? We are both granddaughters of Father Frost, both Snow Maidens!
Snow Maiden 2: I'm younger. I have to go. Why do we need a junk like you at a party?
Snow Maiden 1: Better look at yourself, you’ll also get me a present for the holiday! It would be better if there was snow!
Snow Maiden 2: Am I worse than snow? The snow will melt, but I will stay!
Snow Maiden 1: Yes, you can’t erase a gift like you, no matter how you draw it, you can’t turn it around with a bulldozer, you can’t ride it around on a crooked mare!
Snow Maiden 2: You know what, my eldest sister, Snow Maiden veteran! Don't turn up your nose. Grandfather Frost will come and he will judge us. Let him say who he wants to take to the holiday!
Snow Maiden 1: Listen! Let's call him! Grandfather Frost we are waiting for you!(3 times)
Snow Maiden 2. Well, why are you a fool, you work the old fashioned way. According to modern times it is necessary. Learn!(knocks on the door) Listen. Grandpa, snoring is good! The corporate party is waiting!

Snow Maiden 1. Wow! It worked!(A sleepy Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts behind his back.)
Father Frost: I slept for almost a whole year, although there was a lot to do. It's time to go to work: go and congratulate them on the holiday, give gifts.

Snow Maiden 2. Grandfather, everything is fine, we’ve heard about it a hundred times.

Father Frost. Why are you so rude and gloomy today, what happened, what happened?
Snow Maiden 1: Well, Grandfather, some here believe that they can make any holiday happy with their presence. To be, so to speak, an utter gift!
Father Frost: What for? They have already given me gifts. Look - a whole bag!(Puts the bag in a visible place).
Snow Maiden 2: Grandfather, don't worry! The fact is that I believe that the youngest, most blooming of us should go to the holiday with you.
Snow Maiden 1: And you don’t take my centuries-old experience and experience into account at all? Just imagine, you come, a new, unfamiliar face, the children won’t even recognize you, they’ll be scared. But I’m a completely different matter!
Father Frost: Granddaughters, don't quarrel!
Snow Maiden 2: Well, of course, Grandfather! It's a shame. I waited a whole year, prepared congratulations for a whole month, dressed up...
Snow Maiden 1: I've been on a diet all day...
Snow Maiden 2: And you spent the whole day doing makeup, covering up wrinkles...
Snow Maiden 1: It was I who covered up the wrinkles, it was me... Yes, I...(Santa Claus grabs the bag and runs away, and the Snow Maidens rush after him)

Snow Maidens 1. 2 . Grandpa, wait for us!
(The king and queen are sitting, flirting)
(Asuka appears with a comical step)
Aska: I would like to inform you that the message you sent was read... read... read...
Tsar: I hear you! Not deaf! Class! The process has begun, we will be waiting for our dear guests!
Queen (walking around ICQ)She's still kind of weird!
Tsar: Don't worry, it's not real, it's electronic. Well, go away! Don't interfere with government affairs!

Tsar Hey Fedka, come here!.. Listen. Do we have a wizard in our state? Oh, did I forget something?
The king's servant: But what about, Father Tsar, there is!.... only he is very stingy?
Tsar. So what are you standing for? Bring the stingy one here!(An old familiar wizard appears)
Tsar: Yeah, I see, you're an old friend again.

We have already summoned Santa Claus and the Snow Maidens ourselves, so let us organize something fun, festive, and magical!

Wizard: -I can’t, I told you the limit is over.
Tsar - That’s bad luck, well, come up with something.
Wizard: -I don’t know, only next year!
Tsar: -What!!! I'm not going to babysit you all. I give you 20 minutes, think about what to do, if you can’t figure it out, I’ll have you executed. (The wizard bows and leaves, his sons and brides appear,
The eldest and middle son-bride have modern ones in fashionable clothes. And the youngest has a whole harem from the East, all in burqas.)

Tsar: Wow! So the sons and their brides have arrived!
Senior Tsarevich
Meet the Tsar Father, this is Zemfira. Singer!

(Zemfira bows and sings.)

I was looking for you
for years and years
I was looking for you
dark courtyards
in magazines, in movies
among friends
the day I found it
lost her mind

I was looking for you
Tsar - Yes, of course, somewhat extravagant, but how do you know how to live.
Middle son: (introduces his bride)Here is my Tsar-Father Allochka, he took it from Kirkorov or from Galkin, well, oh well, in general it doesn’t matter... from whom. (Tsarevich and Alla Borisovna also sing)
Be with me a boy, a fluffy bunny,
Fragile baby or don't be with me.
Be a master with me, be a gangster with me
I'll be a girl, or don't be with me.

Whether or not to be, do something.
To be or not to be, to be or not to be. (2 times.)
Tsar - Well, come on, son, she’s already good enough to be your grandmother.
Alla Borisovna: (Indignantly) But even though you are a king, I ask you to be more polite with the prima donna, by the way, I look younger than your queen.
Tsar: -Well, God be with you, live as you want. (Addresses the third.)What kind of team is yours?
Younger son: - Yes, the Tsar-Father, I want to start a harem, come on, Gyulchatay, Zulfiya, and the rest, Lord, I’ve already forgotten how, open your faces and show yourself to the Tsar-Father.
Harem dance belly dance)
Tsar: -Well, are you really a fool or not a fool? What the hell, you have so many of them! - I suppose there are as many mothers-in-law?
Younger son: Well, the mothers-in-law and nannies are still on the road, they will arrive tomorrow.
Tsar: -Well then, deal with them yourself, don’t come to me to complain.(Father Frost and Snow Maidens appear)

Tsar: Oh, here comes Santa Claus! and even two Snow Maidens?
Father Frost: Forgive me, Tsar Father, I raised my granddaughters poorly, and I don’t want to tell you how they fought. They don’t want to give in to each other!
Tsar. God bless them, let them both be at the holiday rather than neither.(The wizard returns)
Tsar: Well, the underfunded magician-sorcerer has come up with something?
Wizard: -Yes, sure! Here she is, she knows what needs to be done next.
Well, everything has worked out for the Tsar, the Queen is nearby, the sons have found their chosen ones, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, even with two of them, showed up on time! But the holiday doesn’t end there, it continues! Let us, dear artists, all in unison congratulate the people on the upcoming New Year! And you, dear viewers, applaud our artists, they played great! And let's continue our entertainment program!


The time has come
which all the children are waiting for.
Invite the Snow Maiden and Father Frost here!

We will tell poems for them,

Let's sing songs to grandpa,

Now let's get together

We will call them together!

Let's shout together, together, loudly:


Father Frost:

Congratulations to all the children.

Happy New Year to all guests.

I'm ready to dance

Together with you even now.

Stand up, guys.

Hurry up to the round dance,

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Snow Maiden

It’s not in vain that we rushed to you...
To congratulate you, friends!
To your holiday tree
We came from afar.
The two of us walked for quite a long time
Through the ice, through the snow.
All the days passed without knowing laziness,
We didn't go astray.
Father Frost

Let's celebrate the New Year, friends.
We can't live without a song,
Now we’ll sing about the Christmas tree,
And we'll go around it.
Come, honest people!
The Christmas tree is calling us to itself.
Join the round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year with songs!

Snow Maiden

The 9th grade will congratulate _____________________________________ with a song.

Father Frost:

Today is a wonderful December day.

And I don’t care about the frost, and the snowflakes are circling

In a whirlwind kind smiles and songs.

Snow Maiden:

Came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This holiday is New Year's

We waited impatiently!

The old year is ending

Good good year.

We will not be sad -

After all, a new one is coming to us.

COMPETITION (2 participants, m. and d. from each class)"Fork"

You will need: FORKS (one for each participant), thread. Each participant is tied to a fork belt (to increase difficulty, it is better to tie from behind). The difficulty of completing the task depends on how long the thread is. In any case, all players must have their forks tied at the same level. To the sound of cheerful music, the players (whoever is faster) should face each other and hook their forks. The pair that completes the task wins



Father Frost

Guys, I'm Santa Claus,

Your New Year's guest.

Don't hide your nose from me,

I'm good today.

And it’s not in vain that they call me

Grandfather of the children,

I bring gifts:

Dolls, sleds, books.

My beard is gray

And eyelashes in the snow.

If I came here -

Let's have fun.

Snow Maiden: We invite everyone to a quick dance.

Father Frost:

A dense forest, a blizzard field

This holiday is coming to us.

So let's say it together:

“Hello, hello, New Year!”

Happy New Year

And with all our hearts we wish

Much health to you all:

Both big and little ones.

Snow Maiden:

Our holiday will be wonderful,

We brought you again

Lots of dancing, lots of songs -

You can’t sing and dance everyone!

And now it’s time to congratulate the 11th grade. 11th grade performs from ________________________

Father Frost

The New Year is in a hurry to go around the entire planet.

Cheerful tramp, he is always on the move!

Snow Maiden

You turn away a little, and then he’s gone,

But believe me, he must come to you again!

Competition (2 people each - m. and d.) “Dance with a ball”

Each couple is given one ball, which they place between themselves and, holding it with their bodies, perform a dance. You cannot touch the ball with your hands. It will be a lot of fun if you prepare the music in advance, “cutting” it from different styles and tempos. It is advisable to start the competition with a slow melody, then replace it with rock and roll, polka, lambada, folk dances, making the task more difficult for the participants. Those who drop the ball leave the game.



Snow Maiden: 9th grade performs with _____________

A fast dance is announced.

Father Frost

New Year! Happy New Year!

May happiness smile on you many times!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden

And this wonderful mysterious holiday.

He pours out gifts from generous handfuls.

He explodes firecrackers loudly, the prankster,

And gives us new friends and guests.

Competition (1 person each) “Sledding”Tie a piece of cardboard to a string and place a balloon on it. Run, dragging this improvised “sleigh” behind you so that the ball does not fly off the cardboard.

Competition (1 person each). “Snowflakes”You need to blow on a flying feather, which will symbolize the first snowflakes falling to the ground. Within 30 seconds the feather should not fall to the ground.

Contest . (1 person each) The presenter asks the competition participants to put an empty matchbox on their nose. It is necessary, solely with the help of facial expressions, without helping with your hands, to remove the boxes.
Princess and the Pea Competition

Fast dance

11th grade performing_____________________________________________________
Father Frost

On New Year's Eve with love

We send you our regards.

We wish you happiness and health,

And new joyful victories!

Snow Maiden:

By silver white powder
The old year is gone!
Let everything anyone wants come true
On a quiet New Year's night.

The time has come to say: “Until we meet again”

The New Year's carnival is over.

We visited cordial guests,

Everyone has been in a wonderful fairy tale.

D.M . See you soon in the next New

(Snow and D.M. leave, and they are seen off with firecrackers and fireworks)

And now the New Year's disco

year 2014

Presenters: Danilenko Olga

Shcherba Denis

Filipenko Nikita

Glot Ruslan

Pogulyaev Evgeniy

Fairies: Gorbunova Lyubov and Gorbunova Maria

Baba Yaga: Vigorous Anastasia

Santa Claus: Evgeniy Krasnobay

Snow Maiden: Anastasia Mamchenko

Fairies greet you at the entrance

Guests take their places in groups

Denis: (off stage)

New Year's ball - what a miracle!
Let's hurry to the ball
Let's get into the carriage and rush off
Along the streets at night for the carnival.
The moment of the desired meeting is getting closer,
Our magic hall shines,
A wonderful waltz and candles, candles...
We are starting the New Year's ball!

Waltz (1-4 courses)

First fairy:
Welcome, we have been waiting for you,
A little more and they'll start playing a waltz

Second fairy:
And the Christmas tree will light up, the candles will burn -
A magical New Year's Eve awaits you!

And now the floor is given to the Deputy Director for Educational Work, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Podvoiskaya.

First fairy: The floor is given to Nikolai Vasilyevich Kozhemyako.

Denis: Good evening, ladies, gentlemen!
Let me welcome you today
At everyone's New Year's Eve party!

Zhenya: Everyone's favorite holiday - New Year,

He's already on his way, he'll come to us soon.

Well, for now, I’m glad to offer you

Merry New Year's masquerade!

Nikita: Put on your masks and let's play

The host himself puts on a carnival mask

We will recognize each other in the game!

Zhenya: Let the New Year's sparkle and tinsel,

Will remind us of childhood, where the game is,

Was real and alive for us...

Gaining experience in the game

We learned about life, learned to live,

We learned to believe in miracles and love...

Denis: But closer to the point - a wonderful masquerade,

And Alice the fox and Basilio the cat have been waiting for their turn for a long time. We ask you to come on stage.

Zhenya: We watched the performance of 12 couples and it's time to sum up. We ask all participants to come up to the stage. The floor is given to His Majesty King Belochon III.

King: This year was not easy for us, there were ups and downs, there was also the Autumn Ball, but despite all this we found the strength to put an end to the passing year. And now we will announce our decision. So, the first place was shared by three groups: 11, 22, 32, we will continue our awarding, groups 31, 12, 42 take an honorable first place, and as you already understood 13,21, 23, 33, 41, and 43 so take the honorable first place. But seriously, in the nomination... the couple wins:

There is an award ceremony, presentation of frames and diplomas

Olya: Today we have Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Beautiful, and the King and Queen, and Emelya. And who is not?

Denis: All here. And Ivan, and Aladdin, and Lyubava and Zabava. Who are you missing?

Olya: We have a classic situation - New Year's Eve is in full swing, but there is no Santa Claus!

Nikita: So let's all call him together! (name of Santa Claus)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall.

Congratulations to Father Frost and Snow Maiden

D.M. Hello my dear,
Small and big.
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy.

SN. We came to visit today

For the holiday at this hour.
Please, Happy New Year,
Friends congratulate you.
And wish you success in all good deeds,
More songs, laughter, smiles on the lips.

D.M. Look, Snow Maiden, the Christmas tree is amazing!
And everything around is so beautiful!
I brought you news
That the New Year is on the way
And soon it will be on the doorstep!
Are you waiting for a miracle? There will be a miracle!
After all, Santa Claus will not forget:
Everyone gets a gift,
Carefully packed in a bag,
Tied up, packed brightly,
After all, everyone is now waiting for a gift,
Miracles and fairy tales for January.
And I give all this to you!

The chimes are striking. Waltz 22 groups

Firecrackers explode.


ball - masquerade

"In New Year's rhythms"

Target : organizing and holding a New Year's masquerade ball for students in grades 9-11 based on competitive competitions.

Tasks: develop creative independence, expressiveness of speech and pantomime actions, communicative qualities in the child; improve artistic and figurative performing skills; cultivate restraint, attention, feelings of friendliness and mutual assistance, develop the artistic abilities of children.

Event plan:

    meeting guests at the entrance;

    dance competition program;

    rewarding the participants.

Goals and objectives:

    organization of holiday leisure for students;

    development of creativity and aesthetic taste;

    broadening the horizons of students;

    developing the ability to work in a team.

Preparation for the event:

    release of a New Year's poster;

    participation in the competition for the best New Year's toy;

    decoration of the hall;

    preparing costumes.

The progress of the holiday


HELLO everyone! I don't know whether you're glad to see me or not, but I really would like you to be glad. Therefore, if you don’t mind, I will say “Hello everyone!” again, and you will pretend to be very happy!


Well, that's a completely different matter! We will be with you all evening.


You probably think that you have gathered to just dance on New Year's Eve? Naive! There will be a super competition here todayXXIcentury. This competition is filmed on 10 hidden cameras, and then it will be shown on all world television channels! You will go down in history.


And the following will take place here. We will revive traditions and find ourselves at a real ball.


Listen! All my life I have dreamed of attending a real ball, well, at least for 5 minutes, so that there would be real beauties, princes and a “waltz”.


On New Year's Eve - all dreams come true!


Look how many wonderful and mysterious masks and costumes are around you, and what “famous personalities” are hidden behind these masks!


We are pleased to welcome you to New Year's ball. Let us greet everyone who arrived at this ball with applause.

New Year is a special holiday




Yes because! On this day, a fairy tale walks across our planet in the most legitimate way. She makes a trip to the decorated Christmas trees, thunders with fireworks, and shines with multi-colored lanterns. Today, as in a fairy tale, our lovely ladies will briefly turn into fairy-tale heroines, try to work miracles and get the opportunity to compete for the title of “Prom Queen”.


We are opening the ball.

But who will start the fun is the question.

After all, we don’t see the long-awaited guests.

Where is the Snow Maiden? Where is Santa Claus?


Well, what kind of New Year is there without the main characters - Father Frost and Snow Maiden? For some reason they are in no hurry to come to us. Maybe they won't come at all? How do you think? Have you forgotten what they look like? We'll check this now.

A game:

Answer the questions “Yes” or “No”.

    Does Santa Claus walk?

    With a dusty old bag?

    Is Santa Claus a good old man?

    Does he wear a hat and galoshes?

    Will Santa Claus come soon and bring beetroot soup?

    Previously, he brought us a Christmas tree with one small needle?

    Does your grandfather have a beard?

    Is she very black?

    He wears a robe over his shoulders, is it too small for him?

    Does Santa Claus live in the forest?

    Does he eat sausage for breakfast?

    Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold?

    Is he friends with Snegurochka?

Musical screensaver "The sleigh is coming"

Presenter :
We have an amazing guest. In different countries he is known under different names - Pere Noel, Gaspard, Melchior and Walthazar in one guise, Santa Claus - in general, His Majesty - Father Frost! And his beautiful companion...

Father Frost:

Hello, dear children!
I had a text here somewhere... (searches):

I am the real Santa Claus
I brought you news
That the New Year is on the way
And soon it will be on the doorstep!

I enjoy reading
Congratulations for guests:
Happy New Year
Everyone - both adults and children!


Santa Claus, are you without the Snow Maiden?

Father Frost

- Yes, she’s sick, and the kids are waiting for us (sighs).

Presenter :

Don’t be sad, we will find you the Snow Maiden! Look how many candidates for the role of the Snow Maiden are in the hall (they are seated on the prepared chair for the jury)


- Dear guests, dance, show off your outfit, take part in theatrical productions, comic competitions, sweepstakes and just smile - and then you will not go unnoticed and will definitely receive your reward...

Presenter :

Masquerade ball is wonderful fairy tale, embodied in reality, where everyone can become whoever they want. And for this you need to choose an evening masquerade outfit and, hiding the image you have planned under a mysterious mask, go to a real ball!

1 competition (for

Presenter :

Guys, at today's celebration we will choose the “Prom Queen”. They will compete for this title... and we will see them now. Contenders for the title “Prom Queen” are invited to the stage.

The first competition for our contenders for the title “Prom Queen” -"Fashion peak 2019" - present and defend your outfit. All spectators will get to know our guests.


Number: what’s fashionable this year will be shown to us by class 10 “B”.

Presenter :

- And now we ask you to go on stage5 contenders for the Snow Maiden.

2 competition (for Snow Maidens)


The next competition is called “Dress up the Snow Maiden”. The applicants need 1 assistant each, who will, upon a signal, dress her up so that his Snow Maiden looks the most modern. The following items can be used: Christmas tree decorations, additional clothing. Well, Santa Claus will choose the most original Snow Maiden in this competition.

Number ____________________________________________________________

3. Competition (for spectators)


The competition is called "New Year's Fireworks". We ask for 4 couples (a boy and a girl) on stage. Each pair is given a large balloon, which you place between each other. While the music is playing, the couples are dancing, as soon as the music stops, you need to quickly and tightly hug each other so that the balloon bursts. The couple whose fireworks fires first will win.

Number ____________________________________________________

4. “Gemini” competition (for contenders for the title “Prom Queen”).


- We invite you to the stage. Every contender in this competition needs a pair. You come up to each other and hold hands. It turns out that each of them has one free hand. Then you are given a task that you must complete as if it were two hands of one person.

You will need to cut out the snowflake. Santa Claus will choose the most beautiful snowflake.

5. Competition “Musical vinaigrette” (for Snow Maidens)

Presenter :

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden can be invited to different countries and the Real Snow Maiden must be able to perform different styles of dances. The Snow Maidens participate in the game. To the music, the applicants need to dance “gypsy”, “lezginka”, “tango”, “lady”, “club music”. The best Snow Maiden is chosen to the applause of the audience.

6. Competition "New Year's Masquerade" (for spectators)

Five people are needed to play. You must stand in a circle, and you will be handed a bag of clothes alone. To cheerful music, you must move in a circle, passing the bag to each other. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the bag in his hands at that moment must randomly take something out of it and put it on himself. When all the clothes are gone, you can sum it up. Whoever looks funniest wins!


    Contest "New Year's Garland"

(For contenders for the title “Prom Queen”).


Different colors are written on the leaves: red, blue, black, white, silver. Each candidate draws a piece of paper from the bag with the name of the color. If you come across a red one, for example, then you need to remove red items from the fans. It could be a scarf or decoration. Tie a garland.

Number: song “When the clock strikes 12” (points are being counted at this time)


Guys, the most awaited moment of the ball has arrived - the announcement of the winners.

The floor is given to Santa Claus!


Father Frost:

“Happy, cheerful holidays,

But don’t forget about school!”

With new happiness! Happy New Year!

See you next year!
