Instructions on the organization of business trips for employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation. Instructions for organizing business trips for cells

By decision of the President of the Russian Federation, police officers may participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and safety.

Protection of property and facilities, including on a contractual basis;

Monitoring compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of private detective (detective) and security activities;

Monitoring compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of arms trafficking;

Ensuring road safety;

Ensuring law and order in public places;

Proceedings in cases of administrative offenses, execution of administrative penalties;

Search for persons;

Identification and detection of crimes, conducting inquiries in criminal cases;

Prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses;

Protection of the individual, society, state from illegal attacks;

To read reviews about it official activities and other documents before adding them to the personal file, with the materials of the personal file, as well as to attach his written explanations and other documents and materials to the personal file;

To familiarize yourself with the official regulations ( job description) and other documents defining his rights and responsibilities for the position being filled, with criteria for assessing the effectiveness of implementation official duties, performance indicators and conditions for promotion in the police;

34. In what order do citizens of the Russian Federation who are recruited to serve in the police undergo initial training? Article 38 clause 1

1. Citizens Russian Federation, recruited to serve in the police, pass initial training in the manner determined federal body executive power in the sphere of internal affairs.

35. In what departments is professional training carried out for police service? Article 38 clause 2

Article 38. Professional training police officers

2. Professional training of personnel for police service is carried out in educational institutions of higher education vocational education and research institutions of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs .

36. How much is a lump sum benefit paid in the event of the death of a police officer due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of his official duties? Article 43 clause 3

Article 43. Insurance guarantees for a police officer and payments for the purpose of compensation for damage caused in connection with the performance of official duties

3. A one-time benefit in an amount equal to 120 times the salary of a police officer established on the day the benefit is paid is paid to family members and dependent persons in equal shares in the case of:

37. For what period of time is a police officer filling the position of a local police commissioner and who does not have residential premises on the territory of the relevant municipality provided with official living quarters? Article 44 clause 3

Article 44. The right of a police officer to housing

3 . A police officer holding the position of local police commissioner who does not have residential premises on the territory of the relevant municipality, no later than six months from the date of taking office provided with service living quarters

38. What document establishes the standards for the provision of police units: weapons, ammunition, special means, food, clothing?

.Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 5, 2014 No. 135 “On the organization of logistics in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.” On approval of the Instructions for organizing logistics in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Government Decree No. 876 - 39 of 10/04/13 secret “Standards for the provision of weapons, ammunition, special equipment…….”

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 046 dated August 21, 2013. “Some issues of providing the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with separate material and technical equipment. means"

Article 48. Logistical support for police activities

3. Providing the police with weapons, ammunition, special means, food and providing police officers with clothing is carried out in accordance with the standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Standards for other types of logistical support for the police are established by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.

39. Until what time will employees of internal affairs bodies be subject to the Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, approved by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 23, 1992 No. 4202-I “On approval of the Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the text of the Oath of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”, insofar as it does not contradict this Federal Law? Article 54 clause 2

Article 54. Final provisions

2. Until the adoption of a federal law defining the procedure and conditions for service by employees of internal affairs bodies, employees of internal affairs bodies are subject to the Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation, approved by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 23, 1992 No. 4202-I “On approval of the Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the text of the Oath of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation), to the extent that does not contradict this Federal Law.

40 Is the list of areas of police activity specified in paragraphs exhaustive? 12?

Article 2. Main directions of police activity

1. Police activities are carried out in the following main areas:

11) state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings, judges, prosecutors, investigators, officials of law enforcement and regulatory authorities, as well as other protected persons;
12) carrying out expert and forensic activities.

41. Frequency, reporting procedure, as well as categories of police officials authorized to report to legislative (representative) government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representative bodies municipalities and before citizens it is determined: Art.8 p.3sch

3 . The police regularly inform state and municipal authorities and citizens about their activities through mass media, information and telecommunications network Internet, as well as through reports of officials (at least once a year) before legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representative bodies of municipalities and before citizens. Frequency, reporting procedure, as well as categories of officials authorized to report to the specified bodies and citizens, determined by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs .

42 What responsibilities are assigned to the police in relation to detained and (or) detained persons in temporary detention centers for suspects and accused persons of internal affairs bodies? Article 12 paragraph 14

Article 12. Duties of the police.

1.3. Licensing of weapons production includes activities related to the issuance of licenses, re-issuance of documents confirming the availability of licenses, suspension and cancellation of licenses and supervision of licensing authorities over compliance by licensees with established regulations. legal acts requirements and conditions, the fulfillment of which is mandatory when performing a licensed type of activity.

1.4. Licensing of weapons production is aimed at:

a) exercising control over the production of weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) creation by the weapons manufacturer of production conditions that ensure:

high-quality production of weapons that are safe during their operation;

control and safety of the weapons production process;

safety and accounting of weapons in the process of manufacturing, storage and sale.

1.5. Subjects of licensing are legal entities, regardless of their organizational - legal form(with the exception of state paramilitary organizations) carrying out or intending to carry out the production of civilian and (or) service weapons, main parts for firearms, cartridges and (or) their components(cases, capsules, gunpowder, bullets, shot and buckshot).

1.6. The issuance, re-issuance and extension of the validity period of a license is carried out by the Russian Agency for Conventional Weapons (RAV) or the Russian Agency for Ammunition (Rosboepripasy) within their competence (hereinafter referred to as the “agencies”) in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the basis of a written application from the head of the organization - the license applicant (Annex 1).

The application shall indicate:

name, organizational and legal form of the legal entity, its location and actual address location of its production, name of the bank and bank account number;

types of weapons or main parts for firearms planned for production, cartridges and (or) their components and the period during which this type of activity will be carried out;

licensed types of work planned for implementation;

the applicant's guarantee of compliance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents to ensure product quality, work safety, full accounting and safety of weapons during the manufacturing, storage and sale process.

The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the right to obtain a license:

a) copies constituent documents and a copy of the state registration certificate;

b) certificate of registration with the tax authority;

V) explanatory note about the structure and nature of organized production;

d) a copy of the lease agreement for the property necessary for the implementation of the relevant type of activity (in the absence or insufficiency of own production capacity);

e) conclusion of local authorities of state sanitary and fire supervision on the possibility of carrying out the declared type of activity;

f) conclusions of specialized expert organizations for the production of weapons and ammunition that require compliance special conditions(production of firearms, cartridges, capsules, gunpowder, electroshock devices);

g) a copy of the safety certificate for explosive production facilities falling within the competence of the relevant agency (when explosives and gunpowders are used in the technological process);

h) an inspection report on the conditions of safety and accounting of manufactured weapons, approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the head of the corresponding Internal Affairs Directorate 8 of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Appendix 2);

i) declared (planned) annual production volume in thousand rubles.

1.7. According to this Regulation, the following production is subject to licensing:

civilian weapons;

service weapons;

main parts of firearms (civilian and service);

cartridges for civilian and service weapons, including test and model ones;

components of cartridges: cartridges, primers, gunpowder, bullets, shot, buckshot;

cans and capsules with irritants for gas self-defense weapons;

bullets for air guns;

arrows for throwing weapons.

1.8. Legal entities can obtain licenses for the production of weapons with the implementation of the entire range of production work or individual types, namely:

a) research related to the creation of new models of weapons or types of cartridges;

b) the development of prototypes of new models of weapons or types of cartridges in the process of carrying out experimental design work, as well as the development and examination of scientific - technical documentation for the production of weapons or ammunition;

c) testing weapons or cartridges to determine their technical characteristics or properties (including tests for bulletproofness and bullet resistance various materials, traumatic effects, etc.), establishing service life limits and safe use of weapons or cartridges;

d) manufacturing of weapons (including the conversion of combat hand-held small arms into hunting, training or quenched ones), main parts of firearms, cartridges and their components (cases, capsules, gunpowder, bullets, shot, buckshot), capsules and cans with irritants, bullets for pneumatic weapons, arrows for throwing weapons, as well as the destruction of weapons, cartridges and cans equipped with irritants;

e) artistic finishing of weapon samples without making design changes to its main parts while maintaining the technical and forensic characteristics of the weapon;

f) repair of weapons, including bringing them into working condition by eliminating faulty parts or replacing them, as well as restoring appearance and elements of artistic decoration of weapons.

II. Procedure for reviewing documents and issuing licenses

2.1. The decision to issue or refuse to issue a license is made by the RAV or Rosboepripasami in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia within no more than 30 days from the date of receipt of an application from the licensing entities with the necessary documents attached. When considering applications for licensed types of work that require compliance with special requirements and conditions (production of firearms, cartridges, capsules, the presence of technological processes using explosives, gunpowder), an additional examination is carried out. For this purpose, RAV or Rosboepripasy sends an expert commission to the applicant enterprise. In this case specified period may be extended up to 45 days.

Payment of expenses for the duration of the work of the expert commission is carried out in accordance with the agreements concluded with it.

2.2. The presence of the applicant with the necessary conditions to ensure the safety and full accounting of the weapons produced is verified accordingly by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic, the Department (Main Directorate) of Internal Affairs of the territory, region, city of Moscow, the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, autonomous region, autonomous region within the Russian Federation Federation. In this case, a “Act of inspection of the conditions of safety and accounting of manufactured weapons and (or) cartridges” is drawn up, which is approved by the leadership of the specified internal affairs bodies.

For organizations served by internal affairs bodies subordinate to the 8th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, inspection reports are approved by the heads of the relevant Department of Internal Affairs of the 8th Main Directorate.

2.3. Consideration of an application for a license to produce civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them is carried out in the following order:

a) to carry out licensing work in the RAV and Rosboepripasy, commissions are created from agency specialists, the composition of which is approved by the agency’s management. To carry out the examination of technical documentation and inspection of production sites when carrying out licensed types of work that require compliance with special requirements and conditions (see clause 2.1 of the Regulations), specialists from specialized expert organizations that have licenses for the relevant type of activity (work) are involved in the work of the commissions. issuing an expert opinion;

b) the commission of the RAV or Rosboepripasov reviews the submitted materials and makes a decision on sending them for approval to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or refusing to issue a license. When sending materials for approval, a document form confirming the availability of a license is filled out (Appendix 3).

The specified document is endorsed by the head of the agency department responsible for the relevant area of ​​work, and, together with the materials submitted by the applicant, is sent in a covering letter to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

c) approval of licenses for the production of weapons (cartridges) for legal entities that are in the operational service of the 8th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out by the specified structural unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and for all other legal entities - by the Main Directorate of Special Operations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

d) The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia reviews the specified materials within 15 days from the date of their receipt. If the documents are approved, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia signs the form of the document confirming the presence of the license, puts a stamp and, together with the materials attached to it, returns it to the RAV or Rosboepripasy. In case of a negative decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a reasoned conclusion on refusal to issue a license is attached to the returned materials;

e) the commission of the RAV or Rosboepripasov reviews the results of approval (non-approval) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of documents on the issuance of a license and prepares an agency decision on issuing or refusing to issue a license (Appendix 4).

Based on the agency’s decision to issue licenses, a document is issued confirming the availability of a license, which is approved by the management of the RAV or Rosboepripasov.

The document confirming the presence of a license is a form on 2 sheets with the same content, in which the following information is entered:

license registration number according to the license register;

name and legal address the applicant;

type of weapon or type of ammunition (or list thereof) permitted for production;

licensed type of activity (indicating the list of works in accordance with clause 1.8 of the Regulations);

number of the decision of the agency commission to issue a license for the production of weapons (cartridges) and the date of this decision;

license validity period.

The document is sealed:

signature and seal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (indicating the position, surname of the signatory and date);

signature and seal from the RAV or Rosboepripasov (indicating the position, surname of the signatory and date).

The date of approval by the agency management of the decision to issue a license for the production of weapons (cartridges) is the beginning of the validity period of the license.

2.4. RAV or Rosboepripasy, within three days from the date of approval by the agency management of the decision to issue or refuse to issue a license, sends the applicant a notification of the decision.

Notification of the issuance of a license is sent (delivered) to the license applicant in writing, indicating the bank account details and the deadline for payment of the license fee.

The amount of the fee for issuing (re-issuing, extending) a license is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 8, 1998 No. 574 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 39, Art. 4857).

A notice of refusal to issue a license is sent (delivered) to the license applicant in writing, indicating the reasons for the refusal.

The first sheet of the document confirming the availability of a license, within three days after the submission of the document confirming payment of the license fee, is sent (handed over) to the applicant.

If the license fee is not paid within three months, the agencies have the right to cancel the license.

2.5. The original decision of the agency commission to issue a license, a photocopy of the first sheet and the original of the second sheet of the document confirming the availability of the license, together with a set of documents submitted by the applicant to obtain the license, are stored in the RAV or Rosboepripasy.

2.6. The validity period of a license for the production of weapons is three years and can be extended at the request of the licensee for five years.

2.7. An application for license renewal is submitted to the RAV or Rosboepripasy three months before the license expires. The documents specified in clause 1.6 of the Regulations are attached to the application. Coordination with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of a license for its renewal is carried out in the manner prescribed for its issuance.

2.8. The grounds for refusal to issue a license are:

failure by the applicant to provide information necessary to obtain a license or provision of incorrect information;

the applicant lacks production conditions that ensure high-quality manufacturing of products, production safety, safety and accounting of weapons produced.

2.9. The grounds for refusal to renew a license are:

failure by the applicant to provide information necessary to renew the license or provision of false information;

systematic violation of the requirements of norms and rules, the implementation of which is mandatory for the functioning of production (presence of at least two orders from regulatory authorities to eliminate identified violations within a year or failure to eliminate identified violations within the established time frame);

change in the direction of worsening the conditions for carrying out licensed activities (failure to ensure conditions for high-quality manufacturing of products, production safety, safety and accounting of weapons).

2.10. Refusal to issue a license or extend its validity period, violation of the deadline for consideration of an application, as well as a decision to suspend or cancel a license may be appealed by the applicant in court.

2.11. If a license is cancelled, re-applying for it is possible only after three years from the date of cancellation.

2.12. If there is a change in the organizational and legal form of the licensee, its name, a change of director, or legal address that is not related to the conditions for carrying out the licensed activity, the license holder must, within a week, submit to the RAV or Rosboepripasy an application and copies of documents confirming the changes that have occurred.

Re-issuance of license documents in this case is carried out in the following order:

RAV or Rosboepripasy reviews the received documents and, when making a decision on re-registration, makes changes to the register of licenses;

within 10 days, sends the licensee a letter signed by the agency’s management about making changes to the register of licenses and the licensee’s right to continue licensed activities on the basis of a previously issued document confirming the presence of a license and this letter.

The previously established license validity period is retained upon renewal.

In case of loss of a document confirming the presence of a license, the licensee must submit an application for re-issuance of the document to the RAV or Rosboepripasy within a week. Before the document confirming the presence of a license is reissued, the licensee carries out activities on the basis of a receipt from the licensing authority on the acceptance of documents for reissuance.

2.13. Legal entities intending to start producing weapons for the first time and presenting Required documents to obtain a license, receive a license to manufacture a pilot batch of products of the weapon model(s) planned for release or type of cartridges in the quantity necessary for testing and certification of the weapon model or type of cartridges.

2.14. A license to manufacture a pilot batch of products at the request of a legal entity is issued for the period of manufacture of the pilot batch and its testing, but not more than 3 years. If the work is not completed within this period, at the request of the licensee, it can be extended by the RAV or Rosboepripasami by a separate decision in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

2.15. The register of licenses is maintained by recording information in the journal “Register of licenses for the production of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them” and entering them into the PC data bank.

serial and registration number of the license;

date of approval of the decision to issue a license;

information about licensees (name, legal address, full name of the head, telephone, fax);

type of work for which licenses have been issued;

the date of the decision on suspension and renewal of licenses;

the date of the decision to revoke the license.

For ease of use, the register of licenses is divided into the following groups of similar products and works:

A. For the Russian Conventional Arms Agency:

1) civilian and service weapons;

2) civilian weapons;

3) service weapon;

4) cartridges for civilian and service weapons;

5) cartridges for civilian and service rifled weapons;

6) cartridges for civilian smooth-bore weapons;

7) gas self-defense weapons, cartridges for them and aerosol spray devices;

8) components of cartridges (except gunpowder);

9) edged bladed weapons;

10) pneumatic weapons and bullets for them;

11) throwing weapons and throwing elements for them;

12) electric shock devices and spark gaps;

13) artistic decoration of weapons;

14) repair of civilian and service weapons.

B. For the Russian Munitions Agency:

1) cartridges for civilian smooth-bore weapons;

2) cartridges for gas self-defense weapons;

3) aerosol spray devices;

4) components of cartridges for smooth-bore weapons;

5) means of initiation for cartridges (caps);

6) gunpowder.

III. Basic licensing requirements for the production of weapons

3.1. Development project documentation for new construction, expansion or reconstruction of the production of civilian and service firearms, as well as ammunition for them, should be carried out by design organizations who have licenses for these types of work, as well as for technological design of production using explosives and materials or products based on them.

3.2. Research related to the creation of new types or models of weapons and cartridges can be carried out if the licensing subject has:

specialists - researchers and developers of weapons and (or) cartridges;

scientific base in the form of a set of regulatory - technical and scientific - technical documents on the research, development and production of weapons and (or) cartridges;

research base in the form of testing stations, equipment and instruments for research and testing.

3.3. The development of prototypes of new models of weapons or types of cartridges in the process of carrying out experimental design work can be carried out if the licensing subject has:

specialists - developers and testers of weapons and (or) cartridges;

scientific base in the form of a set of regulatory and technical documents and design documentation for the main (basic) models of weapons and (or) types of cartridges;

production facilities or the possibility of renting them for the manufacture and testing of prototype weapons or cartridges.

3.4. Civilian and service weapons, cartridges for them and components of cartridges must be manufactured according to technological processes approved in the prescribed manner and comply with the requirements of design documentation, technical specifications for products and control samples (standards) of products that have been certified in the prescribed manner.

3.5. In accordance with the requirements of the system of labor safety standards, organizations must develop the necessary technological instructions that establish the procedure for the safe performance of work, safety instructions that take into account the specifics of the work of the enterprise, workshop, site and other documents.

3.6. Each organization that manufactures firearms and ammunition must have a documented product quality management system.

3.7. Machining shops (sites) for the production of the main parts of firearms (barrels, bolts, drums, frames, receivers) are located, as a rule, in isolated rooms, ensuring the requirements for accounting and safety of parts and assembly units.

3.8. The technological process for the mechanical processing of the main parts of a firearm before their heat treatment should establish the main forming operation, before which the part is taken for number registration, i.e. The marking operation is performed. The tracking number must be retained until the finished part is received.

3.9. The application of protective and decorative coatings to the main parts of firearms and their heat treatment may be carried out in general plant workshops in compliance with accounting and safety requirements.

3.10. It is allowed to manufacture parts that are not related to the main parts of firearms in general factory workshops or in other organizations that do not have a license, under an appropriate agreement.

The production of components of cartridges (cases, bullets, shot and buckshot), bullets for pneumatic weapons and arrows for throwing weapons is carried out legal entities who have licenses for their production. The storage of these products is carried out in relation to the storage of ordinary material assets and depends on the volume and cost of the stored products. Their delivery to consumers is carried out in accordance with concluded contracts.

The supply of gunpowder and caps to consumers (equipping enterprises and stores) is carried out in accordance with concluded agreements (contracts) and permits from internal affairs bodies for their transportation.

3.11. Assembly shops (areas) for civilian and service weapons must be located in isolated premises, equipped with fire and security alarm systems that meet the requirements for technical strength, ensuring conditions for accounting and safety of parts, assembly units and weapons.

3.12. Storage of finished weapons, as well as ammunition, should be carried out in specialized warehouses and storerooms. The latter must be located in isolated premises that meet the requirements for technical strength and are equipped with fire and security alarms. Shared storage of weapons and ammunition is not permitted.

3.13. Major parts of firearms, as well as weapons, rejected during the production process must be stored in a reject isolation room. The operating procedure of the defect isolator is determined by the instructions.

3.14. During the technological preparation of weapons production in weapons manufacturing organizations, the following mandatory instructions are developed and approved by managers:

instructions on the procedure for using technical (design and technological) documentation for weapons;

instructions for recording and storing special technological equipment, the use of which is necessary when fulfilling the dimensions that determine the functional purpose of the main parts of the firearm and the equipment of cartridges, and the procedure for using the specified equipment;

instructions for recording parts, assembly units and finished weapons in the process of their manufacture, transportation and storage, maintaining a log of receipts and expenditures, including:

a) numerical registration of the main parts of firearms and weapons;

b) quantitative accounting of cartridges, bladed weapons, mechanical sprayers, aerosol and other devices filled with tear or irritant substances;

c) quantitative or weight accounting of blanks and parts of weapons, components of cartridges - cartridges, shot, bullets, buckshot;

instructions on the operating procedure of the defect insulator for sorting products classified as defective;

instructions on the procedure for destroying defective main parts of firearms registered by number during the manufacturing process;

instructions on the procedure for destroying weapons (disassembling them, sorting out their parts);

instructions on the procedure for marking and branding weapons;

instructions for conducting weapons tests indicating the content and sequence of actions of the personnel involved in the tests, as well as safety measures during their conduct;

instructions on the procedure for using rifle ballistic machines necessary for testing cartridges;

instructions on conducting control shooting of firearms and sending bullets and cartridges to the Federal Bullet Case Library of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

instructions on the procedure for recording, storing and transporting weapons during the weapon repair process.

3.15. Testing of firearms by shooting is carried out in specially equipped testing (control - testing) stations.

3.16. Testing of pneumatic weapons is carried out in premises (shooting ranges) that exclude the possibility of bullets flying outside the shooting range and people accidentally appearing in the shooting area.

3.17. Testing of gas weapons using cartridges filled with irritants is carried out in isolated rooms using special sealed chambers equipped with filters to capture gaseous products.

3.18. Testing of other types of weapons is carried out in accordance with technological process to test weapons.

3.19. Artistic finishing of weapons must be carried out in specially equipped isolated rooms that meet the conditions for the safety of weapons, precious metals and other materials used for decoration.

3.20. Repair of civilian and service weapons.

Current (minor) repairs are carried out to maintain the working condition of the weapon and can be carried out by the owner of the weapon (legal or an individual) in the rooms Maintenance. During the process of weapon maintenance, identified malfunctions are eliminated by replacing individual parts, usually wearable ones, as well as by performing adjustment work on the weapon without the use of technological equipment and devices;

Average repairs (including warranty repairs) are carried out in specialized workshops (weapons repair shops) or in organizations that manufacture weapons.

Conducting medium repairs requires the availability of specialists in weapon repair, repair documentation and relevant devices and equipment;

Overhaul is aimed at restoring the functionality of the weapon by replacing failed main parts of the weapon and then testing it. Overhaul of firearms is carried out only in organizations that manufacture weapons using their production facilities.

3.21. In organizations engaged in the production of civilian and service weapons, a set of security measures must be carried out, including design, construction, engineering, technical and organizational solutions aimed at increasing technical strength (mechanical protection) and equipping the territory, buildings, structures and premises with technical means of protection enterprises.

The list of buildings and premises to be equipped with technical security equipment, indicating the number of lines, is approved by the head of the organization and agreed upon with the territorial internal affairs body exercising supervision or security of the organization.

3.22. The technical strength and organization of security for the production of civilian firearms and service weapons and the loading of ammunition for them must meet the established requirements.

3.23. Requirements for the strengthening and organization of security for the production of other weapons purchased by citizens without permission from internal affairs bodies are adopted based on the condition of creating one alarm line to ensure the protection of material assets. Security conditions are determined by the head of the organization in agreement with local authorities internal affairs.

IV. Basic rights and obligations of the licensee

4.1. The licensee has the right:

produce weapons or ammunition specified in the license and perform the types of work provided for by the license;

produce for export the models of weapons or types of cartridges specified in the license, in accordance with technical specifications importing countries only to the extent of the concluded contract;

when conducting research or developing new models of weapons (types of cartridges) in the process of carrying out development work, produce prototypes of weapons or batches of cartridges of their own design to the extent necessary for certification tests.

4.2. The licensee is obliged:

comply with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Weapons", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814 "On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation", other acts of legislation, as well as existing regulations - technical and organizational - administrative documents on the production and control of the circulation of weapons and these Regulations;

when conducting inspections, provide documents relating to activities subject to licensing, ensure unhindered access to production and other premises and create the necessary conditions for the work of representatives of regulatory authorities;

upon receipt from regulatory authorities of a warning, order or other document requiring the elimination of violations, no later than 10 days after the expiration of the established period for their elimination, submit to the agency or regulatory authority information about the work done to eliminate the violations;

when changing the organizational and legal form, name or legal address, or changing the manager, notify the agency in writing about this with the submission of the relevant documents;

submit annually by April 1 to the RAV or Rosboepripasy a report on the volume of manufactured products provided for by the license, in the form given in Appendix 5.

4.3. Licensees are responsible for violation of rights and failure to fulfill obligations set forth in this section in the manner prescribed current legislation.

V. Supervision of the use of licenses for the production of weapons

5.1. Supervision (control) over the licensee's compliance with licensing requirements and conditions for the production of weapons is carried out by the RAV, Rosboepripasami, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, territorial internal affairs bodies, state supervisory and control bodies within their competence.

5.2. RAV, Rosboepripasy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and territorial internal affairs bodies have the right:

a) conduct inspections of the licensee’s activities to ensure compliance of the activities carried out by the licensee with licensing requirements and conditions. The regularity and timing of inspections are established by regulatory authorities;

b) request and receive from the licensee the necessary explanations and certificates on issues arising during inspections;

c) draw up reports (protocols) based on the results of inspections, indicating specific violations;

d) issue orders to eliminate identified violations in the weapons production process, indicating the deadlines for their implementation.

5.3. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, territorial internal affairs bodies, state supervisory and control bodies, as well as other government bodies, within their competence, when identifying violations of licensing requirements and conditions for the production of weapons that allow the suspension of a license, are required to report this to the RAV or Rosboepripasy.

5.4. The license may be suspended by RAV or Rosboepripasami in the following cases:

a) identification by RAV, Rosboepripasami, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, territorial internal affairs bodies, state supervisory and control bodies, other government bodies within their competence of violations by the licensee of licensing requirements and conditions for the production of weapons, which may entail damage to the rights, legitimate interests and health of citizens;

b) failure by the licensee to comply with decisions obliging him to eliminate identified violations within the time period specified in the order.

5.5. From the moment the licensee receives an order to suspend the license, the production of weapons ceases.

5.6. RAV or Rosboepripasy, in the event of a decision to suspend the license, sets a period for the licensee to eliminate the violations that led to the suspension of the license, which should not exceed six months.

If the licensee eliminates the circumstances that led to the suspension of the license, RAV or Rosboepripasy within 5 days makes a decision to renew the said license.

5.7. RAV or Rosboepripasy revokes the license for the production of weapons (cartridges) in the following cases:

a) voluntary renunciation of a license or liquidation of a legal entity;

b) systematic (at least twice a year) violation of the requirements and conditions for the production of weapons or failure by the licensee to comply with the requirements stipulated Federal law“On Weapons” and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the circulation of weapons;

c) the occurrence of circumstances provided for by the Federal Law “On Weapons” that preclude the possibility of obtaining a license;

d) detection of inaccurate or distorted data in documents submitted to obtain a license;

e) illegality of the decision to issue a license.

A decision to cancel a license in the cases specified in subclause “b” of clause 5.7 must be preceded by a preliminary written warning from RAV or Rosboepripasami indicating which legal norms and rules have been violated or not fulfilled, and setting a deadline for eliminating the violations.

5.8. The decision of the RAV or Rosboepripasov to suspend the license for the production of weapons or to cancel it is communicated to the licensee in writing with a reasoned justification no later than three days from the date of the decision in accordance with the forms specified in Appendices 6 and 7. Copies of these documents are simultaneously sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

5.9. The decision to suspend or cancel a weapons production license can be appealed in court.

Director General of the Russian Agency (for conventional weapons or ammunition) I.O.F. _____________________________________________________ mailing address In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on licensing the production of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them, I ask you to review the submitted documents and issue a license for the production of ______________________ __________________________________________________________________ (civilian and (or) service weapons, main parts of firearms, repair of civilian and (or) service weapons, cartridges for civilian and (or) service weapons, components of cartridges) with the performance of the following licensed types of work: ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ guarantees the performance of work with (licensing subject) compliance with the requirements of current regulatory documents to ensure product quality, work safety, full accounting and the safety of weapons during the manufacturing, storage and sale process. Details: name, organizational and legal form, bank details, legal address of the licensing entity and the actual address of its production location, full name. manager, telephone numbers, fax. I guarantee the authenticity of the documents submitted for consideration. Applications: 1. __________ 2. __________, etc. in accordance with clause 1.6 of the Regulations Manager (signature, seal)

Appendix 2
to the Order of the RAV,
Rosboepripasov, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

APPROVED by the Head of the internal affairs body, I.O.F. "__" __________________ 200_ ACT OF INVESTIGATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF SAFETY AND ACCOUNTING OF PRODUCED WEAPONS AND (OR) CARTRIDGES on ________________________________________________________________ name of the subject of licensing dated "__" ________________ 200_ Commission consisting of: (indicate the positions and names of employees of internal affairs bodies, the administration of the organization being surveyed , security services, state fire supervision and other officials) conducted a survey of the conditions of safety and accounting of weapons and (or) cartridges in the production process (the types of weapons, cartridges produced, and, if necessary, licensed types of work are indicated). During the survey it was established (reflect data on the following areas of the survey): - a brief description of the territory of the organization, buildings and structures involved in the production of weapons and (or) ammunition, the address of its location; - availability and characteristics of engineering means for protecting the organization’s territory (fencing, restricted zone, perimeter security alarm, checkpoints, etc.); - technical strength of premises for the production of weapons and (or) cartridges (isolation of premises, characteristics of walls, ceilings, windows, doors, presence of fire and security alarms); - ensuring accounting and safety of the main parts of firearms, assembly units and finished products when transporting them across the territory of the enterprise and between production departments; - compliance with the procedure for accounting and safety of the main parts of firearms, assembly units and finished products in the production process (the availability of instructions for organizing accounting and safety, approved by the management of the organization, the presence of a list of persons responsible for accounting, maintaining accounting logs in departments and carrying out other activities) ; - ensuring accounting and safety of finished products (technical strength of the premises for their storage, the presence of fire and security alarms, etc.); - characteristics of the organization’s security units, methods of security personnel, the presence of direct communication with internal affairs bodies; - compliance with the rules for the sale of weapons and (or) ammunition (compliance with the procedure for maintaining accounting documentation). Survey results Depending on the state of preservation and accounting during the production of weapons and (or) cartridges and its compliance with established requirements, the commission can make one of the following conclusions: 1. The organization (indicate the name of the organization) has the necessary conditions to ensure the safety and full accounting of weapons and (or) cartridges during production (indicate the types of weapons produced, cartridges, and, if necessary, licensed types of work). The Commission recommends issuing (renewing) to the organization (indicate the name of the organization, the address of the production location) a production license (indicate the types of weapons produced, ammunition, and, if necessary, the types of work licensed). 2. The organization (indicate the name of the organization) has the basic conditions for ensuring the safety and accounting of weapons and (or) ammunition during production (indicate the types of weapons and ammunition produced, and, if necessary, licensed types of work). Full compliance with the requirements for the safety and accounting of weapons and (or) cartridges can be ensured by implementing the following measures: (state in tabular or free form the content of comments or deviations from the requirements of regulatory documents, measures for their implementation, deadlines, etc. ). The commission recommends issuing (renewing) to an organization (indicate the name of the organization, address of the production location) a production license (indicate the types of weapons produced, ammunition, and, if necessary, licensed types of work) subject to the implementation of measures to eliminate the deviations noted by the commission from the requirements of current regulatory documents. Advertisement __________________________________________________________________ by decision of the commission of the Russian Agency (for conventional weapons or ammunition) dated "__" ___________ ____ N ____ for a period of _____________________ The license is valid until "__" ___________ ____ Agreed by the Russian Agency (by the Ministry of Internal Conventional Weapons or Ammunition Affairs) Russian Federation _________________________ _________________________ position position M.P. ____________________ M.P. ____________________ signature signature _________________________ _________________________ Full name FULL NAME. "__" ____________ ____ "__" ____________ ____

second sheet of Appendix 3
to the Order of the RAV,
Rosboepripasov and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
dated June 3, 2000 N 128/135/601

Duplicate M.P. ____________________ M.P. ____________________ signature signature _________________________ _________________________ Full name FULL NAME. "__" ____________ ____ "__" ____________ ____

Appendix 4
to the Order of the RAV,
Rosboepripasov, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
dated June 3, 2000 N 128/135/601

APPROVED by the Director General of the Russian Agency (for conventional weapons or ammunition) I.O.F. "__" ____________ ____ DECISION N _________ FROM "__" _________ _____ COMMISSION OF RAV OR ROSBOMEPRIPASY FOR REVIEW OF MATERIALS FOR ISSUANCE OF PRODUCTION LICENSES _____________________________________________ (name of types of weapons and types of cartridges) _____________________________________________ (name of licensing subject) Commission composed of (indicated names and positions of the commission members who took part in the preparation of the decision) reviewed the following documents: 1. Application of the applicant on l. 2. Charter on l. 3. etc. (a list of documents is provided in accordance with clause 1.6 of these Regulations). Having examined the submitted documents, the commission notes: 1. (the basic provisions for organizing the production of weapons by the license applicant are given. Compliance with the licensing requirements for the production of weapons is stated - location of production, availability of design and technological documentation and other requirements in accordance with clause 3 of the Regulations ). 2. (the main conclusions of the expert commission are given in the event of an additional examination). 3. (reflects the conclusions of the State Fire Inspectorate and the State Sanitary Epidemiological Inspection on ensuring the requirements of these services when carrying out the declared type of activity). 4. (the results of the conclusion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of a subject of the Federation or the corresponding Internal Affairs Directorate 8 of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are presented on the report on the inspection of the conditions of safety and accounting of manufactured weapons and (or) cartridges). DECIDED: To recommend the issuance of a license for the right to produce ____________________________ for a period of ______ years, agreed with the GUOOOP or the 8th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Signatures of the commission members: or (option): Refuse to issue a license: __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Registration number of the document confirming the availability of the license, N ________________________ dated "__" _____________ ____ ___________________________________________________________________ (full name of the enterprise, its legal address) ___________________________________________________________________ for production ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ The license is suspended until "__" _________________ ____ Reasons for suspension of the license: ___________________________________________________________________ (violated legal norms and regulations are indicated) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ organization _______________________________________________________ (short name of the organization, address, full name of the head) production of __________________________________________ is prohibited until the above violations are eliminated. First Deputy Director General of the Russian Agency (for conventional weapons or ammunition) _________ _______________ (signature) (I.O.F.)

(short name of the organization, address, full name of the head) it is proposed to return to the RAV or Rosboepripasy a document confirming the existence of a canceled license, registration N ________________ dated "__" _____________ ____ First Deputy General Director of the Russian Agency (for conventional weapons or ammunition) _________ _______________ (signature) (I.O.F.)

Russian Federation


In order to streamline the organization business trips in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation<1>, to increase their effectiveness, I order:

1. Approve the attached Instructions on the organization of business trips for employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Deputy Ministers - heads of services, Deputy Minister - Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Deputy Minister - Head of the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, heads of main departments, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, head of the Financial and Economic Department, heads of main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for federal districts <1>, Ministers of Internal Affairs, heads of main departments, departments of internal affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, departments of internal affairs in transport, departments (departments) of internal affairs of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs at sensitive facilities of the Public Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, district departments of material, technical and military supply, educational, scientific research, medical, health institutions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, commanders of district troops, commanders of formations, military units, military chiefs educational institutions higher professional education<2>and institutions of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

2.1. Organize a study by employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel of internal troops<1>The instructions approved by this Order ensure the implementation of their provisions.

2.2. Analyze the organization of business trips, their impact on the state of operational-service, service-combat, production-economic and financial activities headed bodies, divisions and institutions of internal affairs, governing bodies of districts (formations, military units, military educational institutions and institutions) of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Develop a set of measures aimed at increasing their efficiency, eliminating duplication of trips, and ensuring control over the elimination of deficiencies identified during business trips.

2.3. Consider at boards, military councils, operational meetings, command meetings at least once a year the issues of organization and efficiency of work on business trips, their impact on the results of the activities of internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

2.4. Increase the personal responsibility of each manager for organizing business trips, training personnel in the forms and methods of work on business trips, and monitoring the elimination of deficiencies.

2.5. Business trips are carried out, as a rule, in accordance with the travel plan, subject to the volumes of allocations for the payment of travel expenses provided for in the estimate.

Reduce unscheduled business trips. Carry out such trips only with the permission of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and his deputies, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Federal District, the head of the internal affairs body (unit) and his deputies, the commander of the district troops, the commander of the formation (military unit), the head of the military - educational institution, institutions of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on a motivated report from the head of a structural unit, a military personnel belonging to the command staff who initiated the departure, agreed with the head of the corresponding headquarters unit.

2.6. Based on the priority areas of operational-service (service-combat, production-economic, financial) activities in this year, determine a list of the most important issues, subject to mandatory study during business trips.

2.7. Carry out personal selection of employees (military personnel) for business trips.

2.8. Strengthen control over the validity of calls to employees (military personnel) to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

3. To the Main Organizational and Inspectorate Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (A.V. Bokov):

3.1. Organize the development of a schedule for inspections and control checks of internal affairs bodies.

3.2. Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of official business trips for six months and a year in units of the central apparatus of the Ministry and units directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, reporting the results and proposals for improving them to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

3.3. Ensure control over the organization of official business trips in the services, main departments and directorates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Federal District, structural divisions bodies (divisions) of internal affairs during inspections and control checks, comprehensive visits and targeted checks.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2002 N 135
"On improving the organization of business trips in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"

With changes and additions from:

In order to streamline the organization of business trips in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation * (1), to increase their efficiency, I order:

1. Approve the attached Instruction on the organization of business trips for employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Deputy Ministers - heads of services, Deputy Minister - Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Deputy Minister - Head of the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, heads of main departments, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, head of the Financial and Economic Department, heads of main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in federal districts * (2) , ministers of internal affairs, heads of main departments, departments of internal affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, departments of internal affairs in transport, departments (departments) of internal affairs of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs at sensitive facilities of the Public Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, district departments of material and technical and military supplies, educational, research, medical, health institutions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, commanders of district troops, commanders of formations, military units, heads of military educational institutions of higher professional education * (3) and institutions of internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs:

2.1. Organize the study by employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel of internal troops *(4) of the Instructions approved by this order, to ensure the implementation of their provisions.

2.2. Analyze the organization of official business trips, their impact on the state of operational-service, service-combat, production, economic and financial activities of the headed bodies, divisions and institutions of internal affairs, governing bodies of districts (formations, military units, military educational institutions and institutions) of internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Develop a set of measures aimed at increasing their efficiency, eliminating duplication of trips, and ensuring control over the elimination of deficiencies identified during business trips.

2.3. Consider at boards, military councils, operational meetings, command meetings at least once a year the issues of organization and efficiency of work on business trips, their impact on the results of the activities of internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

2.4. Increase the personal responsibility of each manager for organizing business trips, training personnel in the forms and methods of work on business trips, and monitoring the elimination of deficiencies.

2.5. Business trips are carried out, as a rule, in accordance with the travel plan, subject to the volumes of allocations for the payment of travel expenses provided for in the estimate.

Reduce unscheduled business trips. Carry out such trips only with the permission of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and his deputies, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Federal District, the head of the internal affairs body (unit) and his deputies, the commander of the district troops, the commander of a formation (military unit), the head of a military educational institution, institutions of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on a motivated report from the head of a structural unit, a military personnel belonging to the command staff who initiated the departure, agreed with the head of the corresponding headquarters unit.

2.6. Based on the priority areas of operational and service (combat, production, economic, financial) activities for the current year, determine a list of the most important issues that are subject to mandatory study during business trips.

2.7. Carry out personal selection of employees (military personnel) for business trips.

2.8. Strengthen control over the validity of calls to employees (military personnel) to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

3. To the Main Organizational Inspectorate Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (A.V. Bokov):

3.1. Organize the development of a schedule for inspections and control checks of internal affairs bodies.

3.2. Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of official business trips for six months and a year in units of the central apparatus of the Ministry and units directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, reporting the results and proposals for improving them to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

3.3. Ensure control over the organization of official business trips in the services, main departments and directorates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Federal District, structural divisions of internal affairs bodies (divisions) during inspections and control checks, comprehensive visits and targeted checks.

4. Ensure the production of travel certificate forms and logs:

4.1. HOZU ST of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (A.Yu. Romanov), economic divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - on orders of the State Inspectorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the coordination, analysis and control departments of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Federal District, the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation .