Interesting entertainment for February 23. Congratulations, invitations, scripts, toasts, frames, postcards, competitions for you at the Holiday Center! Table game "Fat-cheeked Lipslap"

February 23 is a holiday for all men. Diversify the party dedicated to the Day Mobile and table competitions will help Defenders of the Fatherland. In them, representatives of the stronger half of humanity get the opportunity to show off their intelligence and intelligence, strength and dexterity, artistry, and romance. Games for February 23 at school or kindergarten They identify the most dexterous, strong, hardy, erudite boy.

    The presenter invites all interested men and explains the concept of the game. He tells them that this is a competition for the most dexterous. He suggests imagining that they need to catch all the little things scattered by the woman from the river. Tennis balls, candy, boxes, and various small objects are scattered on the floor. To create a real picture of fishing, the presenter asks the men to roll up their pants as high as possible. He gives them each a bag to collect, and the running begins. When they complete the task, the presenter announces that it was a competition for the slenderest legs. The winner is determined by the female half of the hall.

    Game "Fisherman of Fisherman"

    The game involves two men. To carry it out you will need 2 fishing rods with hooks and a box with comedy things: children's tights, family panties, a wide hat, a skirt, etc.

    Fishermen take fishing rods in their hands. A box with things is placed at a certain distance from them. When the whistle blows, the fishermen begin throwing their fishing rods into the box. The participant who pulls out the item gives it to his opponent. He must put it on. After this, the game continues.

    The task of each participant is to dress his opponent beautifully. “Fishing” lasts 5 minutes. The winner is the fisherman who managed to dress his opponent better. The winner is determined by the audience.

    2 teams of 4 boys each participate in the competition. To carry it out you need a lot of free space. Props you will need are 2 stools, 8 sheets, 8 straws, 2 liter jars, sweet water. Stools are placed in a row at a certain distance from each other. Sheets are placed below. Jars filled with sweet water are placed on stools. Place 4 tubes near each jar.

    Teams line up in 2 lines at the same distance from the stools. At the command “start”, the first participants must, with their arms spread out to the sides and imitating the roar of an airplane, run to “their” stool, make a figure eight and stand next to them. After this, the next player on the team may be eliminated. When all participants fly to the stool in this way, the “planes” will need to refuel. Boys must put the straws in their mouths and drink all the water from the jar together. After this, participants take a sheet each. They attach two edges of the sheet to their belt, and take the second two in their hands. Players must take turns jumping from the stool and returning back to where they started at the beginning of the competition. The team whose members return to the start the fastest wins.

    Men participate in the competition. Participants go to the center of the room or hall and take turns complimenting the women. Ladies at this time make sure that words are not repeated. The man who says the most compliments to women wins the competition.

    Examples of words: desirable, attentive, charming, attractive, beautiful, beautiful, successful, charming.

    Participants are divided into teams. The facilitator prepares one word for each team (the number of letters must correspond to the number of participants) and tablets with letters (letters can be written on sheets of paper). Each player receives one letter. The team's task is to form a word from the letters received and line up with the signs in the appropriate order. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

    Men are divided into 2 teams. They are given a pound weight. They take turns lifting it above their heads with one hand. Each lift gives the participant 1 point. The player can approach the projectile 1 time. After the performance of all team members, the points of its players are added up. The team that scores the most points wins.

    Game "Funny Congratulations"

    Women participate in the competition. The presenter gives each participant a congratulation from men on February 23, in which adjectives are missing, and cards with adjectives. The player's task is to choose adjectives and fill in the gaps with them to his taste (each adjective can be used 1 time). The contestant with the funniest congratulations wins.

    On this _____ and _____ day, we congratulate our _____ and _____ men on February 23. We wish you _____ health, _____ love and _____ life! May every day bring _____ impressions and _____ experience. May all _____ dreams come true.
    Your _____ women.

    Adjectives: sour, drunk, lazy, expensive, harmful, affectionate, honest, cheerful, invigorating, expensive, happy, precious, correct, funny, rich, good.

    Ready text option:
    In that funny And invigorating day we congratulate our harmful And lazy men from February 23. We wish you funny health, expensive love and honest life! May every day bring correct impressions and sour experience. Let everything be fulfilled drunk dreams.
    Yours affectionate women.

    You can come up with other texts for the congratulations and a list of adjectives.

    4 people participate in the competition. Each participant can choose his own opponent.

    The first 2 competitors sit opposite each other at one table, the second 2 - at another. 4 cream puffs are brought into the room small sizes. Each contestant is given 1 cake on a plate.

    The task of each participant is to eat the sweetness as quickly as possible without using their hands. There are 2 rounds in the competition. In the first round, 2 winners are determined, who will then compete with each other, eating the second portion of cakes.

    The participant who eats the sweet faster in the second round becomes the winner.

    Word Search Game

    Schoolchildren are divided into 2 teams. The presenter announces to each of them one word with the same number of letters, and the letters should not be repeated. The participants’ task is to find cards with letters from the announced words, hidden in advance by the leader, within 5 minutes. If a player finds a letter from his word, the team is awarded 1 point. If the opponent's letter is found, the team receives 2 points. After the time has elapsed, points are calculated. The team that scores the most points wins.

The presenter should prepare several songs on military topics and songs that mention the military or their ranks. Such songs include: “And I love the military,” “Nobody writes to the Colonel,” “Oh, what a man he was,” “A soldier is walking down the street,” “Junior Lieutenant,” and so on. The presenter turns on the song, whoever guesses what song is playing faster raises his hand and names his version. If it turns out to be correct, the guest receives a point. In the end, whoever has the most points gets his prize.

Real men

The participants are blindfolded and each one is seated at the table in turn. For each participant, certain instruments are laid out, which the participant must guess. Real men should definitely learn all or at least most of the instruments. Example of a set: screwdriver, tape measure, chisel, pliers, concrete drill, nut, plastic dowel; hand drill, bolt, wood drill, nail puller, level, caliper and so on.

Top secret

Men are divided into teams of approximately 3-4 people. One artist is selected from each team. The artists approach the presenter and receive envelopes with the same phrases, for example, “At 12 at night our people will attack” or any other. The phrase cannot be spoken, but will need to be drawn. At the command “start”, the team artists sit down at their easels (you can stick a simple sheet of paper on the wall) and begin to draw a phrase, and the teams must guess this very phrase. The team in which the artist can draw faster and more easily, and the rest can guess word for word the phrase indicated in the envelope, will be the winner.

One, two, fire!

For this competition, the presenter must prepare (download from the Internet) the sounds of firing various weapons (tank, machine gun, bazooka, hail, and so on). The presenter turns on the sound, whoever raised his hand first answers. For the correct answer you get a point, and whoever has the most points is the winner.

One can do it

Among the men, they choose the very best who can do push-ups on one arm and squat on one leg. Whichever of the men can do the most push-ups receives a prize, and a prize will also go to the one who can do the most squats.

Back to back

Men participate in pairs in a standing, back-to-back position. At the command of the leader, each participant tries to push his opponent out of the circle (drawn in chalk), and they can only act with their backs. The winner receives applause and a prize.

Army cuisine

This comic competition. The presenter places raw, unpeeled potatoes and knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that they will have to peel the potatoes. But when those who wish are selected, they are asked to take turns naming potato dishes. The winner is the one whose dish is the last.

Step march!

It’s simple: the presenter plays a song, for example, “Katyusha”, the guys line up and begin to march, but not just, but in crouches. Which of the men can hold out until the end of the song wins a prize.

Memory of a Spy

The host selects several participants who are ready to become spies. All participants take turns being tested. The presenter quickly shows each of them up to 10 pictures with various images, for example, a bottle of champagne, a tiger, a pen, a pistol, a helmet, a tank, a butterfly and so on. Then the participant must list all the objects seen from the pictures in the correct order. Whoever does this without mistakes deserves a prize.

Squeeze all the juice out of the enemy

Each participant receives half a lemon and imagines that this is his worst enemy. At the command “start”, each participant begins to squeeze “all the juices” from his opponent into a separate glass. The participant who can squeeze the most juice out of the enemy in a minute will be the winner.

It just so happens that we perceive the public holidays of February 23 and March 8 simply as men's and women's days. And they are celebrated most actively not at home, but in groups - at work, at school, in kindergarten. Congratulations to persons of the opposite sex are usually followed by festive concerts, parties with games and competitions. We suggest including fun competitions in the holiday scenario for adults: some are suitable for March 8, others for February 23, and some for both holidays.

Competitions by February 23

Exemplary soldiers. To hold this competition, men will not need the same sets of clothing—soldier’s clothing would be nice (boots, foot wraps, belts, helmets, big pants), but not necessary. To make it fun, you can place women's and children's toiletries among military clothing.

As you know, in the army you need to get dressed while the match is burning. Participants’ task: on the command “Rise!”, i.e. when a match is lit, you need to run to the chairs with clothes and put on everything that is there. The winner is the one who manages to pull on himself large quantity items. Prizes are awarded to the most extravagant and most suitable contestants for service.

"Reel in your fishing rods!" There are two participants in this competition, but there may be several such pairs. Each pair of players will need a long rope and dried fish. The fish is attached in the middle of the rope. Sticks are tied to the ends of the rope. The players take them in their hands and disperse. At the leader’s command, they begin to quickly wind the rope around the stick until they reach the fish. The one who does it first wins.

"If I were a Sultan..." This competition will help fulfill a man's desire to have his own small harem. Participants are given colored rubber bands for banknotes, each of the same color. The men’s task is to “ring” as many women present as possible while the music is playing, putting a rubber band of their own color on their wrist. You cannot put more than one elastic band on each of them.

The one with the most “wives” wins.

Stirlitz. This fun competition for adults will help determine the most observant. A girl is invited to participate, whose outfit contains several items of clothing, as well as accessories and jewelry. Male participants must look at her carefully and remember what she looks like in every detail. Then the girl goes out and changes one or more details in her appearance (for example, she takes off her earrings and pendant and puts on a bracelet, etc.). The task of men is to determine what has changed.

The one who finds the most changes first wins and is recognized as the most suitable for intelligence service.

Games and competitions for the holiday on March 8

Commanders. Several opposite-sex couples participate. The men are blindfolded and given brooms and dustpans. Crumpled pieces of paper, candy wrappers and other similar “piece” garbage are scattered on the floor in advance. The women stand a little further away. Each of them must guide “her” man, shouting to him where to go and where to take revenge. The task is to collect as much garbage as possible in a certain time. The pair with the most complete scoop wins.

Famous couples. Participants are divided into two teams. The task is to remember a famous couple (literary, acting or other) as quickly as possible. The presenter names only one “half”, and the participants name the second. The team that guesses the most pairs wins.

A list of characters (literary and historical) must be compiled in advance. Here are a few to get you started:

  • Cleopatra - Antony
  • Lilya Brik - Mayakovsky
  • Isolde - Tristan
  • Lyudmila - Ruslan
  • Akhmatova - Gumilyov
  • Juliet - Romeo
  • Scarlett - Rhett
  • Desdemona - Othello
  • Josephine - Napoleon

Wild fantasy. In advance, on sheets of A3 or larger format, you need to draw any geometric figure, for example, an oval or a triangle. The participants’ task is to complete a congratulation picture on the theme of March 8 within a certain time. The one whose drawing is more original wins.

Valuable balls. Men or women can participate in the competition. Inflated balloons are tied to participants' ankles and wrists. Thus, each participant will have four balls. The goal is to burst your opponents' balloons and save your own. Whoever has the most whole balls left wins.

Hobbled horses. Participants are divided into male-female pairs and stand shoulder to shoulder. The right leg of one partner and the left leg of the other are tied. In this position, they must “jump” to a chair that is located at a certain distance from them, take the object that lies there (any) and return back. The couple that does it faster wins.

Game “Commander, we are with you!”

Eyeliner : guys, you all know that warriors cannot do without a commander. He is the most respected person. The lives of his wards depend on his command, whether he can make the right decision, whether he can clearly and competently explain the task to his colleagues, whether he can captivate his soldiers, and whether the commander can teach soldiers to be friends with each other, there is cohesion in his team ! This is only a small part of the main qualities that a commander should have.

Attributes: 10-12 skittles, scarves (shawls) 2 less than the participants, for blindfolding.

Progress of the game : To participate in the game, 2 teams of 5-7 people are required, which line up like a train behind the commander and hold on to each other. All players, except the commander (first participant), are blindfolded. With this “train” they must run around the pins like a “snake”, without dropping or stepping on a single pin. The first team to complete the task without dropping a single pin wins.

Competition for scouts “Photography”

Three girls take different objects:

A) sitting alone, reading a book;
B) the second one looks through binoculars;
C) the third holds the steering wheel

You need to look and remember the location of the girls and the objects in their hands. Then the team or selected players from the team turn away, and the girls quickly change places and objects. The team turns around and recreates the original picture.

Competition for dads “The Strongest”

3 fathers playing. Competition options:

    who can inflate the balloon faster?

    peel the potatoes and cut them with chopsticks,

    dresses his child, and the clothes are turned inside out;


Dance “If you have fun, do it like this!”

The beginning of the verses is traditional “If you have fun, do this!”, but instead of the usual claps and clicks, children make expressive imitation movements (lift a weight, hug themselves, turn the steering wheel, shoot from a machine gun, etc.).

Horse racing "Whose horse is faster?"

Dads get on all fours and kids ride on dads. Get to a certain place.

Game “Cavalrymen” (M.Yu. Kartushina)

3 dads, 3 moms, 3 children are participating.

Dads (“horses”) stand on all fours, children sit on their backs and take a flower in one hand, mothers stand at some distance from the riders. At the signal, the “horses” take the children to their mothers. The “rider” who is the first to give mom a flower wins.

Game "Ball, fly!"

Attributes : balloons and tennis rackets according to the number of participating players.

3-4 boys participate. Everyone gets a tennis racket and a balloon. At the signal, they begin to throw balls with a racket and move to the line, which is located at a distance of 4-5 meters from the start. The child whose ball crosses the line first wins.

Game "Who will collect the most ammunition"

Attributes : baskets according to the number of participants in the game, ping-pong balls, balls, fir cones, etc.

3-4 children and 2 dads participate. Everyone is blindfolded and given baskets in their hands. At the signal, within the allotted amount of time, participants collect ping-pong balls (these are cartridges) by touch. Who will collect the most?

Competition "Sort out the ammunition"

Eyeliner : military people must be able to navigate in any difficult situation. Let our military show if they can sort ammunition at night.

Two participants (one from each team) are blindfolded and brought to basins with cubes and balls. You need to sort the items by putting the cubes in one box and the balls in another. The participant who completes the task faster wins.

Relay "Ammunition Depot"

Each team must move the pins from the hoop to the boxes at the finish line. There are as many pins in a hoop as there are players in the teams.

Warm-up “Salute to Our Army!”

Our warriors go one-two, one-two, (walking in place )

They beat the drums loudly: tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta (imitate playing the drum)

Our ships are at sea: here today, there tomorrow!(arms to the sides, sway from foot to foot)

We swam for a long time in the distance across the seas, on the waves! (circular movements with hands )

Border guard at the post: who's coming? who goes?(“hold the machine gun”, turning left and right)

Tanks are driving across the bridge: forward, forward, forward!(“motor”)

An airplane above the ground: ooh, ooh! (hands to the side )

Missiles are allowed to take off: ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh!(squat, palms folded in front of chest, stand up and raise arms up)

Our guns hit exactly: bang, bang!("boxing", throw forward either the right or the left hand)

Salute to our army! (raise their arms to the sides - up)

Hooray! Hooray!

Competition for dads “Crooked Path”

Attributes : 2 binoculars, several skittles or rope.

A curved (“zigzag”) path is laid out on the floor from rope or pins are placed. Looking at your feet all the time through inverted binoculars (there is long-range visibility, not close-up visibility), you need to walk the path from one end to the other without tripping or going around the pins.

Game "Aircraft Designer"

Participate in pairs: father and child. Any number of couples are allowed to participate. Dad makes an airplane out of a piece of paper, and the child launches it. Who will do it faster and launch it further?

Attraction for dads “Rope running”

2 dads are participating. Jump ropes for a certain distance. You can make it more difficult: jump on one leg, jump over obstacles.

Game "Deliver the Report"

The report is an envelope containing riddles, wishes-poems, questions for ingenuity, etc. Two teams of 5 people each must, with a bag on their shoulder containing envelopes with riddles, overcome the following obstacles:

Overcome the tunnel;

Crawl along the bench;

Climb under the arc;

Cross the swamp: lay out with planks or cardboards;


The first participant completes the distance, returns and passes the bag to the next relay participant, and so on until everyone has completed the distance. The last participant, after overcoming the obstacles, hands the bag to the presenter. The presenter takes out the envelopes and reads out the contents of the envelopes.

Pass the ball

2 teams of 5-7 people each participate. The teams stand in one column. On command, they begin to pass the ball over the head from the first to the last player and back. The team that completes the task first wins.

Option: Pass the ball over your head in one direction, and roll it back under the players’ feet.

Game "Combat Alert"

Attributes : helmets (peakless caps, berets, etc.) according to the number of people.

Two teams of 3-5 people line up in a column, one person at a time runs to the table on which the hats are lying, puts on one of the hats, runs back and stands last in the column, etc.

Game for team captains “What has changed?”

A true commander must be very attentive. Various items are laid out on trays in front of you. Look at them for one minute, try to remember them, and then turn away. I'll remove one item. And you have to guess what disappeared from the tray.

Relay "Swimming on boats"

Each team member takes turns sitting in the basin and, pushing off with his arms and legs, “swims” to the “buoy” (a cube or other substitute object), and then runs back. The player following him first runs to the buoy and then “swims” back.

Relay “Raise the Anchor!”

One person from each team takes part in the competition. Each participant is given a stick to which a cardboard anchor is attached to a string. You need to wind the rope around the stick as quickly as possible until the anchor collides with the stick.

"Raise Anchors"

Attributes : 2 cords 1.5-2 meters long (these are chains), 2 cardboard anchors tied to the end of the cords, 2 buckets, 2 empty spools of thread.
Progress of the game : take chains (cords) from the depths of the sea (buckets) and wind them onto spools of thread at maximum speed.

Relay "Runway"

2 teams of 5 children and 2 dads are participating, one in each team.

The first team member places a landscape sheet of paper on his outstretched arm with his palm outstretched. In this position, he must reach the designated place and leave his sheet there. You will have to move carefully, because the sheet is light and always tries to fly off your hand. The next player will place his sheet next to the first sheet. And so on. A “runway” is laid out from the sheets.

Then dads, with their eyes closed, with their arms outstretched, must “fly” along this runway.

Relay race “Refilling fuel tanks”

A large bottle with a funnel, a bucket of water and a mug are installed in a designated place - their own for each team. Each team member runs to the “filling station”, takes a cup of water from a bucket and pours it into a bottle using a funnel. The team whose bottle fills up the fastest wins.

Relay "Border"

Attributes : various small items (corks, caps, small cubes, etc.)

Each team must lay out a line of small objects. This is the "border". Objects must fit tightly to each other so that a saboteur does not sneak across the border. Whichever team lays out the longest line within a certain period of time wins.

Game "Catch the saboteurs"

The game is played in two stages. Each involves children from one team and parents from another team. Children portray scouts - border violators, parents - border guards. The order of stages for each team is determined by lot.

Children and adults sit on hop-balls. Only the adult “border guards” still have hoops in their hands. Children jump on balls, dodging adults. Adults should throw a hoop over the child being chased. Then the “saboteur” is considered caught.

Relay “Through the Swamp”

With the help of foam rubber bars or other “bumps”, each team player must get over the “swamp”. The hummocks are stored in a basket or box. The first player takes out one or two bumps, places them in front of him, steps on them and runs back to the start. The person following him takes two more bumps, moves forward along the already laid out bumps, lengthens the path and returns to the start again. This continues until the last player contributes to building a path through the swamp.

Game “Fire in the trench”

Players from each team take turns (or two people each) throw bags at a target (a hoop lying at a distance of two to three meters) from a prone position. The winning team is the one with the most successful hits.

Game "Sailors"

Sailors are cheerful people

They live well

And in free moments

They dance and sing.

All participants dance to the music of “Sailor”. The driver imitates washing the deck. When the music ends, the players get into pairs, and the one left without a pair becomes the driver.

Game “Unlucky Border Guard”

The driver is selected. He will be called the “unlucky border guard.”
There are 3 lines on the floor. Behind the first line there will be children who must cross the border, on the middle line there will be a “lucky border guard”,
who, instead of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day, catches children at the border. And the third line is the line beyond which children must pass without being caught. Whoever the border guard catches will take his place.

Competition "Sappers"

Eyeliner : Since the Great Patriotic War Our land contains terrible treasures: mines and shells. To neutralize them, you need to take them away from residential areas and blow them up. How attentive and careful sappers must be so that the shell does not explode in their hands. Guys, can you be just as careful? Let's see!

Progress of the game : 2 teams of children of 4-5 people are selected. Teams stand in 2 lines, participants stand at arm's length. Discs called “mines” are laid out on the floor around the hall. There are baskets next to the last team members. At the leader’s signal, the children (first in the ranks) run, find a “mine” on the floor, take it and pass it along the chain to the team members. The last player places the mine in the basket. The first player, after placing the “mine” in the basket, stands at the end of the line. The second player in the line goes to look for the “mine”. The team that collects the most mine disks without dropping any wins.

Competition “Bring up the ammunition”

Here's a riddle about a fighter,

Daring fellow,

The traffic light is flashing for me

He knows that I...(chauffeur )

A military driver always has something to do: he needs to supply ammunition, deliver a message to headquarters, and bring soldiers to combat exercises.

Progress of the game : Two teams of children with the same number of participants participate. They are drivers. In each team, the first member holds the steering wheel. There are pins in front of them, at a distance of 1 m from each other. Players must “snake” around the pins, come back and pass the steering wheel to the next participant. The team whose participants complete the obstacle course the fastest wins.

(Option: children stand like a train behind the driver, hold on to him and run around the pins like a snake, without dropping a single pin).

"Border Guards and Violators"

The border guard boys will hold hands and form a circle. And the rest are local residents. Border guards do their duty, they are on patrol. If the border guards raise their hands up, it means the border is open, and local residents can run in and out of these gates. But as soon as the word “Patrol” is heard, the fighters give up, and those who find themselves inside the circle will be temporarily detained. Let's see how reliably our border guards guard the border.


They climb the gymnastic stairs, ring the bell and return to their place, passing the baton to the next person on the team.

"Gather your team"

The first child runs around the flag, picking up the next one, runs around the flag again and takes another player, etc., until he picks up everyone on his team. The winner is the one who is the first to assemble his team, running around the flag each time and returning for others.

Competition "Finish the phrase"

Proverbs and sayings on an army theme.
1 Let's love our homeland...(we'll serve in the army)
2 Live -… (Serve the Motherland)
3 Difficult to learn….(easy in battle)
4 Alone in the field….(not a warrior)
5 One for all…..(all for one)
6 Cabbage soup and porridge... (our food)

Competition "Folk Wisdom" (we need to continue the proverb)

Whoever is faithful to the Motherland (he is exemplary in battle)
Fear of wolves - (don’t go into the forest)
The brave man blames himself, (the coward blames his comrade)
Cheek brings success)
Whoever comes to us with a sword (he will die by the sword)
If you are unarmed - (you are not needed in battle)
The soldier is sleeping (and the service is going on)

Relay race “Deliver the package on a lifebuoy”

(The child sits on the “ice” and holds a package in his hands, dad carries him by the string, going around a given distance and returns to his place, the baton is passed on, the last participants hand over the packages to the Leader).

Competition "Musical"

Let's check what talents our dads have. (choose musical instruments, musical genre and perform the work.).

Fun workout

How did you serve? like this! (show thumbs up)
how were you friends? like this! (hands locked)
How did you shoot at the target? like this
How did you sleep in the barracks? like this!
How did you eat the porridge? like this!
How did you sing the song in the ranks? like this!
How did you miss home? like this!
How hot did you drink your tea? like this!
How did you submit the report? like this!
marched on the parade ground? like this!
How sad were you about your friends? like this!
how did you laugh? like this!


1. Both on land and at sea
He is always on guard
And he won’t let the country down -
The intruder will not pass!
(border guard)

2. Striped shirt,
Ribbons curl behind the cap.
He's ready to argue with the wave
After all, his element is the sea.

3. Will replace the robot-machine –
He will defuse a bomb or a mine himself.
Shouldn't be wrong at all
To stay alive later.

4. Worthy of respect
Brave and courageous warrior:
It's hard to get behind enemy lines,
Remain unnoticed
Remember everything, find out
Tell me at headquarters in the morning.

5. Wide wings burn in the sun,
You see an air squad in the sky.
Circles, turns and circles again,
The miracle birds fly one after another.

6. Its crew is fearless
Protects peaceful labor
And the fighters from the round tower
All enemies will be repulsed.


1. I’ll grow up and follow my brother

I will also be a soldier

I will help him

Protect your... (country )

2. The brother said: “Take your time!

You better study at school!

You will be an excellent student -

You will become... (border guard )

3. You can become a sailor

To guard the border

And serve not on earth,

And in the military... (ship )

4. The plane soars like a bird

There is an air border there.

On duty both day and night

Our soldier is a military man... (pilot )

5. The car rushes into battle again,

Caterpillars are cutting the ground,

That car in the open field

Controlled... (tanker )

6. Can you become a soldier?

Swim, ride and fly,

And I want to walk in formation -

Waiting for you, soldier... (infantry )

7. Any military profession

You definitely need to study

To be a support for the country,

So that there is no...(wars )

8. Here's a steel bird

Aspires to heaven

And it is driven by a pilot.

What kind of bird? ( airplane )

9. You can’t see with your eyes

You can't take it with your hands.

And without him, attack

Dont go… ( hooray )

10. It takes off high without acceleration,

Reminds me of a dragonfly

Takes flight

Our Russian... (helicopter )

11. There are no clouds on the horizon,

But an umbrella opened in the sky.

In a few minutes

Got down... ( parachute )

12. Underwater iron whale,

He doesn't sleep day or night.

Walks underwater

Protects our land. (Submarine )

Game "Cunning Scouts"

Eyeliner : Which of you is ready to become a scout? What qualities do you think scouts need? (Children answer: courage, strength, cunning, patience , caution, inconspicuousness, etc.) Then let's test your skill, dexterity, and most importantly, patience. After all, in order to obtain important information, a scout sometimes has to wait whole days for the right opportunity. Now you will need to get the envelope with the report, which is located behind the barrier.

Progress of the game : rattles and bells are tied to a rope. The rope is held by two people, or it is attached to racks. Children must crawl on their bellies through enemy territory through an obstacle, without touching a single object, and take the envelope.
On the second and third attempts (each time with a different child), the rope drops a little lower.

Game "Defuse the mines"

In front of each team there is a path of squares and mines (in a checkerboard pattern). On command, the first player steps on the first square, takes the “mine” and returns to the end of the column, the second player steps on the first square, then the second, takes the “mine” lying next to the second square and returns to the team, etc. So 6 people in each team pass. The team that collects all the mines the fastest wins.

"Accurate shooter"

Children, formed into 2 teams of 4-5 people, throw soft balls at pins from a lying position, or throw them into hoops lying on the floor. Who is bigger?


Eyeliner : Today we cannot imagine the life of a business man without a car. And even if you have not yet become its lucky owner, then in your dreams you probably drive the steering wheel of a handsome Mercedes, Opel, Renault or Audi. Two dads are invited to the stage to take part in a car connoisseur competition.
Progress of the game : Participants need to take turns naming different brands of cars. If one of the players could not name the new brand and his knowledge has dried up, the game ends.

Competition "Find Dad"

The presenter suggests paying attention to an interesting photo stand, the pictures of which will tell about the infancy of fathers. The kids need to find their dad among the kids. So the search begins.

Move your family

In this competition, two families compete, who, according to the terms of the game, are relaxing on the river. The task of dads is to transport their family in a boat from one shore to another. To do this, you need to get into the boat yourself (put on a hoop) and, “swimming up” to the opposite shore, take only one passenger with you. So gradually the hoop will be filled with all passengers. The family that gets to the opposite bank faster is the winner.

To make the game more interesting, you can invite several more children to each family, thus increasing the composition of the family.

Game “Whose plane will fly farthest”

Three children from each team participate. Couples compete. Children throw paper airplanes. The participant whose plane lands next wins.

Relay race “Boil the fish soup”

There are 2 teams of several people participating. Each player has a fish in their hands, the last players have a spoon. There are pots on the stove at a distance of 5-6 meters from the teams. Players take turns running up to the stove, putting fish in the pan and returning to their team. The last participant stirs the pan with a spoon and lifts it up (“the soup is ready”). The team that completes the task first wins.

Attraction: "Who's first?"

2 chairs are placed, 2 girls sit on them, the boys each stand next to their girl. On command, the boys jump around the hall to the (large) hoops lying on the opposite side of the hall, pick up the flower in the hoop, run around the hoop, return to the girls, kneel down and hand the girls the flower. The girl takes the flower, stands next to the chair and raises her hand with the flower high.

Attraction "Exit into outer space"

2 teams of children of 5 people each. Each participant must complete 3 actions:

    The first children run up to the hoop (small), take it, raise it above their heads and lower it to the floor (put on a “spacesuit”).

    They run to the benches in front, lie down on them, raise their arms and legs and spin once on their stomach (flying in zero gravity).

    They reach big balls ( space station), run around them and return to the team, but become the last.


There is a river in front of you, and you need to cross to the other side. The first participant swims (runs) to the hoop (lies on the other side), takes it and returns to the team, grabs the next player, and runs back. The first participant remains on the shore, and the second with a hoop (ferry) runs after the third, etc.

Sample questions and encrypted words.
1. Air, aircraft destroying enemy aircraft
2. Large iron turtle on caterpillars. (tank)
3. Russian warrior guarding the borders of our Motherland. (border guard)
4. Marine shipping vessel - the flagship of the Russian fleet.
5. What is the name of a soldier’s overcoat, rolled into a tube and tied into a ring, to be worn over the shoulder?
6. What word does a serviceman use to confirm his readiness to carry out the commander’s order? (There is)

Log between your legs

Two teams of guys of 4-7 people are formed.
The guys clamp a pre-prepared thin log or pole between their knees. You cannot hold the log with your hands!
On command, they run to the opposite wall of the hall, turn around and return to the start.
Who will come first?
(In the author’s practice, the guys ran around two floors of the Palace of Culture with a log, going down and up the stairs. But this is dangerous - it’s easy to fall and get hurt.)

Shoulder straps

Two teams.
The DJ-animator puts shoulder straps on the first person's shoulders.
The task is to run the distance without dropping the shoulder straps and put them on the shoulders of the next relay participant.
You cannot hold the shoulder straps with your hands.
If the shoulder strap falls (at any stage, even in reverse), the player returns to the start, the shoulder straps are placed on his shoulders again, and he again runs his distance.

King's Musketeers

Two chess pieces are placed on the edge of the table.
In the hands of two players are swords or rapiers (possibly fake ones).
The task is to lunge (step forward) at the animator’s signal and hit the figure with a thrust.

Running around the perimeter

A bit like rugby.
A group of guys (at least the whole class) is running around the perimeter of the hall.
Girls are waiting for them in the corners: they catch the guys. (You can’t pull out too hard.)
Those who have crossed the next cordon run further.
The last one not caught wins.

Girls run, and boys catch.

Iron face

Task for two participants: in 60 seconds. attach as many clothespins to your face as possible.

The most agile

The animator invites guys to participate.
Everyone gets a bunch of rubber bands of a certain color.
Task: while the song is playing, each participant “rings” as many girls as possible, putting a rubber band on their ankle.

Thick-cheeked lip slap

We need a supply of barberry-type sucking candies.
Two people compete.
They take turns putting candy in their mouths and, looking at their opponent, say loudly and clearly into the microphone:
- "Thick-cheeked lip slap."
You can't swallow sweets.
The winner is the one who puts the most candies in his mouth and at the same time clearly pronounces the cherished phrase.


Two teams. Each person receives a handful of coins.
At a distance of 4-5 meters from the “airfield”-start, the animator sets two “goals” - a can or a hat.
Players "fly" to their "goals" holding coins between their knees.
Then they “bomb” them - they try to get coins into the jar.
The team with the fewest coins scattered on the floor wins.

Broom on forehead

Who can balance the broom on their forehead the longest?

Pull up your chair

Exercises for strong people with a chair:

  1. Grasp the bottom of the back leg of the chair with one hand. Raise it so that the seat remains horizontal.
  2. Same thing when holding a chair by the front leg (it's heavier).
  3. Grab the chair with both hands by the top of the back. Raise it above you with outstretched arms and lower it down (without placing it on the floor). Who will do this exercise the most times?

Magnet Man

The animator hands the game participants cards with letters.
Participants must attach the cards to the body parts whose names begin with the indicated letter and hold them.
The winner is the one who manages to place it on himself - and not drop it! - more cards.

William Tell

Men are playing.
An apple hangs from their belts on a string.
In front of each person there is a board with a nail on the floor.
The task is to prick the apple onto the nail as quickly as possible (“hit the apple with an arrow”).

Come in from the side! Jump higher!

Two guys are playing. Task: be the first to read what is written on your opponent’s back and not allow him to read the inscription on his own back.
You can jump and dodge, but you can’t use your hands.
The assistants attach the inscription COME IN FROM THE SIDE TO the back of one of them.
The inscription JUMP HIGHER is attached to the other's back.
The audience encourages the players with exclamations: “Come in from the side!” “Jump higher!”, but they don’t realize that these are the inscriptions.
In the author’s practice over all the years, the audience has never “split” or suggested the answer to the players!

Press in fist

Who will be the first to crumple the newspaper with one hand and gather it all into his fist? Starting position: the player holding a newspaper sheet by the tip with two fingers.

Bend figuratively

Animator addressing the guys:
- Who can bend a nail with their hands? Not just bend, but bend figuratively? The author of the most interesting nail figure will receive a prize. Bend only with bare hands!
The nails should not be too thick. :-)


- Who will sit down and straighten up on one leg, holding a full mug of water in his hand, stretching the other leg forward and without touching the floor, without leaning on anything with his free hand? Do not spill water!
It's not that simple. The prize must be good.


Who will pour sprite from a jar into a glass faster?
The glass is on the floor, and the player is holding the can,... holding it with his knees.
Don't help with your hands.
Any number of players.