Internet 3 Mbit sec how to connect. What internet speed is enough? Which unlimited Internet tariff for an MTS modem is better?

Good afternoon!

Almost all novice users, having connected to the Internet at a speed of 50-100 Mbps, begin to be violently indignant when they see a download speed not exceeding several Mbps in some torrent client (how many times have I heard: “The speed is lower than advertised, as advertised...”, “We were misled...”, “The speed is low, the network is bad...”, etc.) .

The thing is that many people confuse different units of measurement: Megabit and Megabyte. In this article I want to dwell on this issue in more detail and give small calculations of how many Megabytes are in a Megabit...

All Internet providers (note: almost all, 99.9%) when connecting you to the network, the speed is indicated in Mbit/s, for example, 100 Mbit/s. Naturally, when a person connects to the network and starts downloading a file, he hopes to see such speed. But there is one big “BUT” here...

Let's take such a common program as uTorrent : when downloading files in it, the “” column shows the speed in MB/s (i.e. MB/s, or as they say Megabyte).

That is, when connecting to the network, you saw the speed in Mbit/s (Megabit), and in all downloader programs you see the speed in MB/s (Megabyte). This is where all the “salt” lies...

Torrent file download speed.

Why is network connection speed measured in bits?

A very interesting question. In my opinion, there are several reasons here, I will try to outline them.

1) Convenient network speed measurement

In general, the unit of information is Bit. A byte is 8 bits, with which you can encode any of the characters.

When you download something (i.e. data transfer occurs), not only the file itself is transferred (not only these encoded characters), but also service information ( part of which is less than a byte, i.e. it is advisable to measure it in bits).

That is why it is more logical and expedient to measure network speed in Mbit/s.

2) Marketing move

The higher the number that people are promised, the more people will “fall for” the advertisement and connect to the network. Imagine that if someone starts writing 12 MB/s, instead of 100 Mbit/s, they will obviously lose the advertising campaign to another provider.

How to convert Mbit/s to MB/s, how many megabytes are in Megabit

If you don’t go into theoretical calculations (and I think most people are not interested in them), then you can present the translation in the following format:

  • 1 byte = 8 bits;
  • 1 kByte = 1024 bytes = 1024*8 bits;
  • 1 MByte = 1024 kByte = 1024*8 kBit;
  • 1 GB = 1024 MB = 1024*8 MB.

Conclusion: that is, if you are promised a speed of 48 Mbit/s after connecting to the network, divide this figure by 8 - get 6 MB/s (This is maximum speed load that you can achieve, in theory*).

In practice, add that service information will also be transmitted, loading of the provider’s line (you are not the only one connected to it :)), loading of your PC, etc. Thus, if your download speed in the same uTorrent is around 5 MB/s, then this is a good indicator for the promised 48 Mbit/s.

Why is the download speed 1-2 MB/s when I am connected to 100 Mbit/s, because according to calculations it should be 10-12* MB/s

This is a very common question! Almost every second person asks this question, and it is not always easy to answer. I will list the main reasons below:

: if you sit down at the most popular time (when the maximum number of users are on the line), then it is not surprising that the speed will be lower. Most often, it is in the evening when everyone comes from work/school;
  • Server speed (i.e. the PC from which you download the file): may be lower than yours. Those. if the server has a speed of 50 Mb/s, then you will not be able to download from it faster than 5 MB/s;
  • Perhaps other programs on your computer are downloading something else (this is not always clearly visible, for example, your Windows OS may be updating);
  • “Weak” equipment (router for example). If the router is “weak”, then it simply cannot provide high speed, and the Internet connection itself may not be stable and often break.
  • In general, I have an article on my blog dedicated to slow download speeds, I recommend you read it:

    Note! I also recommend an article about increasing Internet speed (by fine-tuning Windows):

    How to find out your Internet connection speed

    To begin with, when you connect to the Internet, your taskbar icon becomes active (example icon: ).

    If you click on this icon with the left mouse button, a list of connections will pop up. Select the one you need, then right-click on it and go to the “Status” of this connection (screenshot below).

    How to check Internet speed using Windows 7 as an example

    How to check your connection speed

    It should be noted that the declared Internet connection speed is not always equal to the real one. These are two different concepts :). To measure your speed, there are dozens of tests on the Internet. I'll list just a couple below...

    Note! Before testing the speed, close all applications that work with the network, otherwise the results will not be objective.

    Test No. 1

    Try downloading some popular file through a torrent client (for example, uTorrent). As a rule, a few minutes after the download starts, you reach the maximum data transfer speed.

    Test No. 2

    There is such a popular service on the Internet as (in general there are many of them, but this is one of the leaders. I recommend it!).

    To check your Internet speed, just go to the website and click Begin. In a minute or two you will see your results: ping (Ping), download speed (Download), and upload speed (Upload).

    The best methods and services for determining Internet speed:

    That's all for me, high speed and low ping for everyone. Good luck!

    Question from a user


    Please tell me, I have an Internet channel of 15/30 Megabit/s, files in uTorrent are downloaded at a speed of (approximately) 2-3 MB/s. How can I compare the speed, is my Internet provider cheating me? How many Megabytes should there be at a speed of 30 Megabit/s? Confused about the quantities...

    Good day!

    This question is very popular; it is asked in different interpretations (sometimes very threateningly, as if someone had deceived someone). The bottom line is that most users confuse different units : like grams and pounds (also Megabits and Megabytes) ...

    In general, to solve this problem you will have to resort to a short excursion into a computer science course, but I will try not to be boring ☺. Also in the article, I will also discuss all the issues related to this topic (about speed in torrent clients, about MB/s and Mbit/s).


    Educational program on Internet speed

    And so, with ANY Internet provider(at least, I personally haven’t seen others) Internet connection speed is indicated in Megabit/s(and pay attention to the prefix "BEFORE"- no one guarantees that your speed will always be constant, because... this is impossible).

    In any torrent program(in the same uTorrent), by default, the download speed is displayed in MB/s (Megabytes per second). That is, I mean that Megabyte and Megabit are different quantities.

    Usually, the declared speed in your tariff is enough Internet provider in Mbit/s, divide by 8 to get the speed that uTorrent (or its analogues) will show you in MB/s (but see more about this below, there are nuances ☺).

    For example, the tariff speed of the Internet provider about which the question was asked is 15 Mbit/s. Let's try to put it in a normal way...

    Important! (from a computer science course)

    The computer does not understand numbers; only two values ​​are important to it: there is a signal or there is no signal (i.e. " 0 " or " 1 "). These are either yes or no - that is, "0" or "1" is called " Bit" (minimum unit of information).

    In order to be able to write any letter or number, one unit or zero will clearly not be enough (it will definitely not be enough for the entire alphabet). Was counted to code everything required letters, numbers, etc. - a sequence of 8 Bit.

    For example, this is what the code for the English capital "A" looks like - 01000001.

    And so the code for the number “1” is 00110001.

    These ones 8 Bits = 1 Byte(i.e. 1 Byte is the minimum data element).

    Regarding consoles (and derivatives):

    • 1 Kilobyte = 1024 Bytes (or 8*1024 Bits)
    • 1 Megabyte = 1024 Kilobytes (or KB/KB)
    • 1 Gigabyte = 1024 Megabytes (or MB/MB)
    • 1 Terabyte = 1024 Gigabytes (or GB/GB)


    1. One Megabit is equal to 0.125 Megabytes.
    2. To achieve transfer speeds of 1 Megabyte per second, you will need an 8 Megabit per second network connection.

    In practice, they usually do not resort to such calculations; everything is done simpler. The declared speed of 15 Mbit/s is simply divided by 8 (and ~5-7% is subtracted from this number for the transfer of service information, network load, etc.). The resulting number will be considered the normal speed (an approximate calculation is shown below).

    15 Mbps / 8 = 1.875 MB/s

    1.875 MB/s * 0.95 = 1.78 MB/s

    In addition, I would not discount the load on the Internet provider's network during peak hours: in the evenings or on weekends (when a large number of people use the network). This can also seriously affect access speeds.

    Thus, if you are connected to the Internet at a rate of 15 Mbit/s, and your download speed in the torrent program shows about 2 MB/s, everything is very good with your channel and Internet provider ☺. Usually, the speed is less than declared (my next question is about this, a couple of lines below)...

    Typical question. Why is the connection speed 50-100 Mbps, but the download speed is very low: 1-2 MB/s? Is the Internet provider to blame? After all, even according to rough estimates, it should be no lower than 5-6 MB/s...

    I'll try to break it down point by point:

    1. firstly, if you carefully look at the contract with the Internet provider, you will notice that you were promised access speed "UP TO 100 Mbit/s" ;
    2. secondly, in addition to your access speed, it is very important where do you download the file(s) from?. Let's say, if the computer (from which you download the file) is connected via low-speed access, say 8 Mbit/s, then your download speed from it is 1 MB/s, in fact, the maximum! Those. First, try downloading the file from other servers (torrent trackers);
    3. thirdly, perhaps you already have some kind of the program downloads something else. Yes, the same Windows can download updates (if in addition to your PC, you have a laptop, smartphone, etc. devices connected to the same network channel - look at what they are doing...). In general, check how your Internet channel is loaded;
    4. it is possible that in the evening hours (when the load on the Internet provider increases) there are “drawdowns” (you are not the only one who decided to download something interesting at this time ☺);
    5. if you are connected via a router, check that too. It often happens that inexpensive models slow down the speed (sometimes they simply reboot), in general, they simply cannot cope with the load...
    6. check driver for your network card(for example, to the same Wi-Fi adapter). I have encountered the situation several times: after on the network card (90% of the drivers for the network adapter are installed by Windows itself when installing it), access speed increased significantly! The default drivers that come with Windows are not a panacea...

    However, I do not exclude the possibility that your Internet provider (with old equipment, clearly inflated tariffs, which are only theoretically available on paper) may be the culprit for the low access speed. Simply, to begin with, I would like you to pay attention to the above points...

    Another typical question. Why then indicate the connection speed in Mbit/s, when all users are guided by MB/s (and in programs it is indicated in MB/s)?

    There are two points:

    1. When transferring information, not only the file itself is transferred, but also other service information (some of which is less than a byte). Therefore, it is logical (and in general, historically) that connection speed is measured and indicated in Mbit/s.
    2. The higher the number, the stronger the advertising! Marketing has not been canceled either. Many people are quite far from network technologies, and seeing that somewhere the number is higher, they will go there and connect to the network.

    My personal opinion: for example, it would be nice if providers indicated next to Mbit/s the real data download speed that the user will see in uTorrent. Thus, both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe ☺.

    By the way, for anyone who is dissatisfied with their Internet access speed, I recommend reading this article: .

    Additions on the topic are welcome...

    Until recently, MTS did not have any offers for subscribers who wanted to connect to a tariff or option with completely unlimited Internet. All Internet options available within the MTS Connect-4 tariff plan require a limited traffic package, after which the speed of Internet access is significantly reduced or completely lost. The maximum that subscribers could count on was night unlimited.

    This was the case until recently. Now MTS really has! An unlimited amount of traffic is now available to subscribers who have subscribed to the “Smart Unlimited” tariff or the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” Internet option. We reviewed the tariff in detail in a separate article; in this review we will find out what the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option is.

    Description of the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option

    The name of the option “Internet 4 Mbit/s” speaks for itself. The subscriber is provided unlimited Internet with an Internet speed of 4 Mbit/s. Is this too much? For some, this speed will be enough, while others will find such Internet unacceptable - it all depends on your needs. A speed of 4 Mbps is equal to 512 Kbps. In principle, this speed is enough to watch online videos in quality up to 480p.

    However, you should understand that 4 Mbit/s is the maximum speed. The actual speed depends on the technical parameters of the MTS network and other circumstances affecting the quality of communication. It is also worth noting that within the tariff option, the provision of file-sharing networks is limited to a speed of 512 Kbps. That is, downloading files from a torrent will take a very long time. To download a 2 GB movie you will have to wait 4-5 hours.

    The “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option assumes the following features:

    • Coverage area - all of Russia;
    • Maximum speed - up to 4 Mbit/s”;
    • Traffic quota - unlimited;
    • Monthly fee - 750 rubles per month (for subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region).

    The cost of the option will vary depending on the specific region. You can get information relevant to your region on the operator’s official website.

    How to connect the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option

    We cannot give a definite answer to the question whether the option will be convenient for you, since it all depends on your needs. In any case, you will have to test the option yourself. True, in order to test the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option, you need to connect it, and connecting the option using special commands is impossible. That is, you will not be able to activate the option on an existing MTS SIM card.

    The MTS “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option is connected automatically when purchasing the Connect-4 tariff plan in the MTS salon, or it can be connected on the website, two weeks after activating the kit with a 4G modem.

    That's all for us. If someone has already assessed the advantages and disadvantages of the option, share your impressions in the comments.

    In Russia there is a very good and, no less important, affordable home Internet. Seriously! In villages and very deep provinces, things are, of course, worse, but take any city, even a small one, in the European part of the country and look at the tariffs. For 300–400 rubles a month you can bring Internet to your apartment at a speed of around 25–50 megabits per second, and with some promotion even 100 megabits.

    For comparison: in “civilized” countries fast internet(both home and mobile) costs an order of magnitude more. And the concept of “monthly data limit” still lives there. We only have this left with mobile operators.

    However, being cheap is not a reason to pay for something you don’t use. Even a hundred rubles saved warms your wallet, and therefore the tariff for your home Internet must be chosen based on your real speed needs. Let's figure out how many megabits per second are required in different situations, and start with the basic concepts.

    Megabits, megabytes and real speeds

    Data size is usually measured in bytes. For example, an HD movie weighs from 700 megabytes (megabytes) to 1.4 gigabytes (gigabytes), while a Full HD movie weighs from 4 to 14 gigabytes.

    Data transfer rates are usually specified in bits (not bytes!) per second, and sometimes this causes misunderstanding.

    Byte ≠ bit.

    1 byte = 8 bits.

    1 megabyte = 8 megabits.

    1 megabyte per second = 8 megabits per second.

    If the user does not distinguish between bytes and bits, he can easily confuse them or mistake them for the same thing. In this case, it will calculate the approximate time for downloading an HD movie via torrent something like this:

    1. The film weighs 1,400 "megs".
    2. Internet speed is 30 “megas” per second.
    3. The movie will download in 1,400 / 30 = 46.6 seconds.

    In fact, the Internet speed is 30 megabits per second = 3.75 megabytes per second. Accordingly, 1,400 megabytes must be divided not by 30, but by 3.75. In this case, the download time will be 1,400 / 3.75 = 373 seconds.

    In practice, the speed will be even lower, because Internet providers indicate the speed “up to”, that is, the maximum possible, and not the working speed. In addition, interference, especially over Wi-Fi transmissions, network congestion, and limitations and characteristics of user equipment and service provider equipment also contribute. You can check your speed using, and increase it using.

    Often the bottleneck becomes the resource from which you download something. For example, your Internet speed is 100 megabits per second, and the site sends data at a speed of 10 megabits per second. In this case, the download will occur at a speed of no more than 10 megabits per second, and nothing can be done about it.

    What internet speed do you really need?

    Obviously, the above table requires clarification.

    Questions and answers

    What to do if the Internet is used on two or more devices at once?

    Let’s say you are watching Full HD streaming video on a smart TV, your wife is surfing YouTube on a laptop with an HD screen, and your child is watching something from a smartphone or tablet, also in HD quality. Does this mean that the numbers from the table need to be summed up?

    Yes, that's absolutely right. In this case, you will need about 20 megabits per second.

    Why do different sites have different speed requirements for watching videos of the same resolution?

    There is such a thing as bitrate - the amount of information with which an image is encoded per unit of time, and, accordingly, a conditional indicator of the quality of picture and sound. The higher the bitrate, the, as a rule, better picture. This is why on torrents you can find versions of the same movie with the same resolution, but different sizes.

    Additionally, there are super-smooth 60fps videos. They weigh more and require faster internet.

    Is it true that online games are so undemanding of Internet speed?

    Yes, for most games like CS, Dota 2, WoT, WoW and even GTA 5, just one megabit per second is more than enough for multiplayer, but in this case, ping becomes decisive - the time it takes for the signal to travel from you to the game server and back. The lower the ping, the lower the latency in the game.

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to know in advance even the approximate ping in a specific game through a specific provider, since its value is not constant and depends on many factors.

    Why during video calls does the picture and sound from my interlocutors go normally to me, but not from me to them?

    In this case, not only incoming, but also outgoing Internet speed becomes important. Often, providers do not indicate the outgoing speed in the tariff at all, but you can check it yourself using the same

    To broadcast via a webcam, an outgoing speed of 1 megabit per second is sufficient. In the case of HD cameras (and especially Full HD), the requirements for outgoing speed increase.

    Why do Internet service providers start at 20–30 or more megabits per second in speed tariffs?

    Because the higher the speed, the more money I can take it from you. Providers could keep the tariffs “from the past” with a speed of 2–10 megabits per second and reduce their cost to 50–100 rubles, but why? It is much more profitable to increase the minimum speeds and prices.

    A modern person can hardly imagine his life without the Internet, which is necessary for both work and entertainment. In order to access the Internet at any time and anywhere, many people prefer to use modems. They are simple and easy to use and can be taken with your laptop on a trip. MTS offers its customers the most modern modems supporting 4G and WI-FI networks. To acquire the most best option, it is worth considering some important aspects, as well as knowing the Internet tariffs for the MTS modem, which will allow you to reduce communication costs.

    What types of MTS modems are there?

    On the official website of MTS in the section “ Mobile Internet» the following modems are presented:

    1. 4G modem. The device allows you to access the Internet at a speed of 150 Mbit/sec. The kit includes a SIM card with tariff plan"MTS Connect-4", Internet traffic packages of 100 GB for 24 hours and 60 GB for two weeks. The cost of the modem is 2600 rubles.
    2. 4G WI-FI route R. The kit costs 3,300 rubles and includes a 4G router, a SIM card, free 100 GB for a day and 60 GB for 14 days. The device allows you to watch videos and listen to music at high speeds – up to 150 Mbit/sec.
    3. 4G WI-FI modem. A modern 4G-USB modem supports the Wi-Fi function and allows up to 10 devices to connect to a wireless network. The kit, which costs 2,900 rubles, includes a SIM card with a connected tariff plan and advantageous options. Data transfer speed – 150 Mbit/sec.
    4. Universal 4G kit. This device is suitable for those who need constant wireless Internet access. It is provided via a 2G/3G/4G network and an Ethernet line. The kit, which costs 4,900 rubles, includes, in addition to the main device, a SIM card with activated Internet services.
    5. 4G+ WI-FI router. This device allows you to access the Internet at the highest speed - 300 Mbit/sec. The price of the set is 5900 rubles. It includes a 4G+ router, a SIM card with a connected TV and Internet options.

    First, the traffic from the “100 GB per day” package is used, then the 60 GB provided as part of another Internet service costing 2,598 rubles is consumed. After this, you need to top up your balance in order to be charged for the “Internet-VIP” option.

    Tariff for MTS Connect 4 modem

    Before purchasing a modem or router, it is advisable to read the description of the MTS Connect 4 tariff, which is included in the package. The cost of MTS Connect 4, which is sold together with the modem, is 2,600 rubles. It is recommended to immediately select one of the options for the Internet, since without active services the subscriber pays 3 rubles for each MB of traffic.

    The tariff plan is designed for data transfer, and making calls will be less profitable. Thus, outgoing calls to MTS numbers and other operators in your home region will cost 4 rubles per minute. Calls to landline numbers - 5.5 rubles per 1 minute, to other regions of Russia on MTS per minute - 5 rubles, to numbers of other Russian operators - 14 rubles per 1 minute.

    What options can be enabled on the modem?

    Depending on the needs, each owner of an MTS modem can choose one of the most suitable Internet options. They differ in the amount of Internet traffic provided and cost.

    Unlimited Internet for MTS modem 4 Mbit/s and 3 Mbit/s

    If the client needs to constantly go online, but high speed MTS Internet for a modem is not so important for him, then the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option is best suited. The option allows you to watch movies and listen to music without traffic restrictions. The monthly service fee is 750 rubles.

    How to connect MTS unlimited internet to a modem

    Internet option for a day for a modem

    550 MB per day 50 rub/day

    The option allows customers to use 500 MB per day. If during this time the client has not used the entire quota, its balance is not transferred to another day. The option is valid throughout Russia and costs 50 rubles. The service fee is debited from the account immediately after accessing the Internet.

    In order to activate the option on your number, you need to enter the command *111*67# and press the call button.

    To disable, enter the command *111*670#.

    Internet mini

    7 GB Internet traffic 500 rub/month.

    The option provides traffic in the amount of 7 GB for 30 days for a subscription fee of 500 rubles. After the quota is exhausted, additional packages of 500 MB are available. The cost of one package is 75 rubles. It is impossible to use packages more than 15 times, and to resume access to the Internet you need to “press” the “Turbo button”.

    To activate the Internet Mini service for the modem you need to enter the command *111*160*1#, and to disable it - *111*160*2#.

    Internet Maxi

    The service provides for a fixed price (1,200 rubles) 30 GB during the day and unlimited Internet for an MTS modem at night. If the limit is exceeded, 3 GB packages are activated, each of which costs 350 rubles. If there are not enough funds in the account at the time the monthly fee is written off, then 52 rubles will be debited from the account every day.

    To activate the service, you need to log in or dial the command *111*166*1#, to disable it - *111*166*2#.

    To correctly switch from daytime to nighttime traffic, it is recommended to turn off the modem at 00:00, and then turn it on again after a few minutes.

    MTS “Turbo button” is the best way to extend the Internet on a modem

    If the traffic suddenly ends, and an MTS subscriber urgently needs to go online, you can connect one of the “Turbo buttons”. The option is activated on the website, through the My MTS application or using a short combination.

    You can select the following “Turbo buttons” that provide Internet for the MTS modem in 2018:

    Turbo button Validity Connection Cost, rub.)
    1 GB 30 days *467# 175
    2 GB 30 days *168# 250
    5 GB 30 days *169# 350
    20 GB 30 days *469# 500
    Unlimited for 3 hours 3 hours *637# 95
    Unlimited for 6 hours 6 hours *638# 150

    REFERENCE! All options, except unlimited, are valid for 30 days from the moment of connection or until the traffic is completely used up.

    What is the best unlimited Internet tariff for an MTS modem?

    Choosing the best 4g MTS unlimited internet for a modem is quite difficult. For some subscribers, 7 GB per month will be enough, while for others, even 30 GB of traffic will not be enough. Basically, most users prefer to connect the “Internet-VIP” and “Internet-Maxi” options. But thanks to what MTS offers big choice Internet options, everyone can find a suitable option based on traffic quota and price.