History of cultural development presentation. Culture of Rus' in the 16th century Development of Russian culture. Culture of the Eastern Slavs and Kievan Rus in the VI-XI centuries

Culture is a historically developing, multi-layered system of material and spiritual values ​​created by man, sociocultural norms and methods of their dissemination and perception. Culture acts both as an external expression of the collective memory of a people, and as a way of human existence in the world, and as a world created by man.

The history of culture, understood as an integral system, involves a comprehensive study of its various fields (science, technology and education, everyday life and folklore, social thought and literature, art, etc.) and acts as a synthesizing discipline in relation to numerous sciences and branches of science that study individual aspects of the historical and cultural process

The concept of “culture” is very capacious. It includes moral norms, the whole range of ideas that determine the life of society, the creativity of an individual, and much more. In the research literature one can find several basic concepts of “culture” that determine the approaches of scientists to the history of Russian culture proper. Supporters of the first approach view culture as a set of material and spiritual values ​​created by man. Supporters of the second approach, on the contrary, view culture as a creative human activity

In the 70s XX century, another interpretation of culture is emerging. Its very appearance is connected with the processes that took place in the humanities. Its appearance is associated with the processes that took place in the humanities. By this time, it became obvious that the disunity of the humanities was detrimental to humanities as a whole. In research circles it was realized that the separation of the sphere of material and spiritual culture often makes it difficult to understand the meaning, firstly, of culture itself and, secondly, the role that culture plays in the life of society and individuals

As a result, a definition of culture took shape, which is closely connected with the functioning of society, with its social life. Culture is a way of human existence, a set of pictures of the world that are clearly or latently present in the minds of members of society and determine them social behavior. Culture is the phenomenon of a person in history or the way in which he reveals himself and sees himself in history.

Any attempt to present Russian culture as a holistic, historically continuously developing phenomenon, possessing its own logic and expressed national identity, encounters great internal difficulties and contradictions. Each time it turns out that at any stage of its formation and historical development, Russian culture seems to double, revealing at the same time two faces that are different from each other. European and Asian, sedentary and nomadic, Christian and pagan, secular and spiritual, official and oppositional, collective and individual - these and similar “pairs” of opposites have been characteristic of Russian culture since ancient times and have actually been preserved to this day.

The first stage in the development of Russian culture Slavic culture During the era of paganism, Russian culture was quite developed. There was a special writing, similar to knot writing, which had a sacred meaning; a system of signs was created to record economic information. At the same time, the Russian culture of the pagan era was characterized by the existence of polygamy, orgiastic festivals, blood feud and sacrifices, both animal and human, common among the Rus, Ugrians and some other peoples of the Russian Plain

Features of cultural development in at this stage: -openness geographical location(invasions of nomadic peoples); -natural conditions(the abundance of river routes predetermined the features and diversity economic activity); -creation of mixed settlements (northern Black Sea coast); -the decline of Greek cities and some rise in the culture of the Scythian ploughmen; -the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the mass movement of the Slavs across the Danube lead to the emergence of large Slavic tribes (two branches of Slavic tribes - the Antes and the Slavs themselves) - the emergence of a culture that developed during the Kiev era

The first period of development of Russian culture is associated with the Rurik dynasty (IX-XVI centuries). It is divided into two important stages - Kiev and Moscow. This period is called pre-Petrine. The main cultural dominant is the orientation of Russian art to the East, primarily to Byzantium. Main area where creative thought was formed and where the national genius showed itself most powerfully, was religious art

The second period is associated with the Romanov dynasty (). The two main cultural centers that determined the general direction and stylistic identity of Russian culture during this period were Moscow and St. Petersburg. The period is called Peter's, since it was the reforms of Peter I that turned the culture of our country towards the West. The main source of cultural borrowing and imitation at this time became Western Europe. The main sphere where creative thought was formed and where the national genius manifested itself with the greatest force was secular art.

The third period begins after the Great October Revolution, when tsarism was overthrown. Moscow becomes the main and only cultural center of Soviet art. The cultural reference point is neither the West nor the East. The main orientation is to search for one’s own reserves, to create an original socialist culture based on Marxist ideology, which cannot be called in the strict sense either religious or secular, since it combines both and is not similar to either one or the other. Defining moment of cultural development Soviet society we must consider the division of the common cultural space into official culture and unofficial culture, a significant part of which is represented by dissidence and nonconformism. Outside the state, scattered throughout the countries of Europe and America, a powerful culture of the Russian diaspora was formed, which, like unofficial art within the USSR, was in antagonism with the official culture 18

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Hello! My name is Anna Shchadrina, I am the author of this presentation. It is intended for studying the history of Russian culture and preparing for the Unified State Exam. All material is organized into sections, which contain only the necessary information for successfully passing the exams. To create the presentation, I used the book by R.V. Pazin “The History of the Development of Russian Culture.” A very convenient guide, I recommend purchasing it. It also contains a set of tests to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Good luck!

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Culture of the Eastern Slavs and Kievan Rus in the VI-XI centuries. Culture of Russian lands of the 12th – first half of the 13th centuries. Russian culture of the second half of the 13th – 15th centuries. Culture of Russia in the 16th century. Russian culture of the 17th century. Culture of Russia in the first half of the 18th century. Culture of Russia in the second half of the 18th century. Culture of Russia in the first half of the 19th century. Russian culture of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. END SHOW

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Cultural transformations of Russia in the 1920s. Cultural development of the USSR in the 1930s. Culture of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period (1945-1953) Culture during the “Thaw” (1953-1964) Culture of the USSR in 1964-1985. Social and cultural life in the USSR in 1985-1991. Russian culture in the 1990s. – beginning of the 21st century. END SHOW

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Culture of the Eastern Slavs and Kievan Rus in the VI-XI centuries.

The main point in the development of Russian culture is the formation of statehood. It was from this moment that Rus' began to have: Religion Literature Architecture Painting: frescoes, mosaics, icons. TO CONTENTS

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Religion in the VI-XI centuries.

The ancient Slavs were pagans. The most important gods were: Perun - the god of thunder and war Veles - the patron of cattle breeding Mokosh, who protected the economy Simargl - the god of the underworld Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich tried to strengthen the pagan faith, and with it his princely power. But his measures changed little. In 988, he introduced Christianity, which laid the foundation for the unity of the state.

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Literature in the VI-XI centuries.

The first Cyrillic alphabet in Rus' was invented by the brothers Cyril and Methodius. Along with writing came translations of Greek works, like the Bible, Metropolitan Hilarion wrote “The Word of Law and Grace.” The first library appeared under Yaroslav the Wise at the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral The very first chronicle - The Ancient Code

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Architecture in the VI-XI centuries.

Church of the Tithes (Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), 996 St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, 1037 Golden Gate in Kyiv cross-domed type of temple Vladimir I Yaroslav the Wise Yaroslav the Wise

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Culture of Russian lands of the 12th – first half of the 13th centuries.

In the 12th century, the development of new cultural centers began due to the separation of the most developed lands from Kyiv, which became independent volosts. Literature: 1113 – “The Tale of Bygone Years” by Nestor; “Charter” and “Teaching to Children” by Vladimir Monomakh; 1185 – “The Tale of Igor’s Host”; “The Word” by Daniil Zatochnik Architecture TO CONTENTS

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Architecture of the XII - first half of the XIII centuries.

St. George's Cathedral of the Yuryev Monastery (master Peter) Church of the Savior-Nereditsa near Novgorod Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, 1160 Golden Gate in Vladimir Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, 1165 Dmitrovsky Cathedral in Vladimir churches were built from local stone - limestone Mstislav the Great Andrei Bogolyubsky Vsevolod Big Nest Andrei Bogolyubsky Andrey Bogolyubsky

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Russian culture of the second half of the 13th – 15th centuries.

The Mongol-Tatar invasion caused serious damage to Russian culture. However, the tradition did not stop. It is hardly possible to talk about any influence of Mongolian culture on Russian. Religion Literature Architecture Iconography TO CONTENTS

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Religion of the second half of the XIII - XV centuries.

In the 15th century, heresies spread and religious disputes became fierce. Ideological confrontation Josephites (Joseph of Volotsky) - monasteries and churches should have large estates and use the labor of peasants working on the land Non-covetous (Nil of Sorsky) - monks should live by their labor, their main task is spiritual self-improvement

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Literature of the second half of the XIII - XV centuries.

“The Word about the Destruction of the Russian Land” - a short preface to “The Life of Alexander Nevsky” “Zadonshchina” - a poetic work, a response to the Battle of Kulikovo, created by the Ryazan boyar Sophony “Walking beyond the three seas” by the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin

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Architecture of the second half of the XIII - XV centuries.

Assumption Cathedral in Moscow (Firovanti) Archangel Cathedral in Moscow (Aleviz Novy) Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow Bell Tower of Ivan the Great/John Climacus (Bon Fryazin) Chamber of Facets (Mark Ruffo, P. Solari) first monumental buildings Ivan III Vasily III Ivan III Ivan III Vasily III

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Iconography of the second half of the 13th – 15th centuries.

Savior Pantocrator - painting of the dome of the Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyin Street in Novgorod (Theophanes the Greek) Trinity (Andrei Rublev) Intercession of the Virgin - painting in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary of the Ferapontov Monastery (Dionysius)

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Culture of Russia in the 16th century.

The unification of lands around Moscow was completed, which caused transformations in the social, political and cultural structure of Russian society. Literature: 1553 - the first printing house in Moscow 1563 - Printing Yard (I. Fedorov) 1564 - the first book “Apostle” (I. Fedorov, P. Mstislavets) Facial arch of the “Cheti-Minea” (Archbishop Macarius) “Domostroy” (priest Sylvester ) Architecture TO CONTENTS

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16th century architecture

Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery (lavra) Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye Intercession Cathedral on the Moat (St. Basil's Cathedral) (Barmai Postnik) Tsar Cannon (A. Chokhov) new design of the temple - a tent Vasily III Ivan IV Fyodor Ivanovich

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Russian culture of the 17th century.

The 7th century, being a period of rapid development of ancient Russian culture, was at the same time the century of its completion. Russia stood on the threshold of the New Age. Trends stand out in culture: the influence of the West and liberation from the domination of the church. Religion Literature: “The Tale of Shemyakin’s Court”, poems by Simeon of Polotsk, “The Life of Archpriest Avaakum” Architecture Iconography Education: the first higher education was opened in 1687 educational institution in Moscow - the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy (Likhud brothers), where they studied Greek grammar, poetics, rhetoric and philosophy. TO CONTENTS

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Religion of the 17th century

The schism is one of the significant events in the life of the Russian church. Ideological confrontation Circle of zealots of piety/Nikonians (Patriarch Nikon) - Greek texts should be taken as a model for correcting deviations from the orthodox model Old Believers (Archpriest Avaakum) - not Greek, but Old Russian books should be taken as a model

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Architecture of the 17th century

Church of the Intercession in Fili Ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin Terem Palace (Ogurtsov, Ushakov, Konstantinov) Wooden Palace in Kolomenskoye new style - Naryshkin Baroque Peter I Mikhail Fedorovich Alexey Mikhailovich

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Iconography of the 17th century.

Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands (Simon Ushakov) Parsun with the image of M.V. Skopin-Shuisky Parsun with the image of Ivan the Terrible, the emergence of a portrait - parsuns

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Culture of Russia in the first half of the 18th century.

The era of Peter I (1672-1725) was a turning point in the history of Russia. Sympathy for the Western way of life and way of life had a great influence on the nature of Peter's reforms. Literature Architecture Painting Sculpture Education: School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences; Artillery School; Medical Academy; School of Engineering; 1716 - Digital schools; 1725 - Academy of Sciences TO CONTENTS

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Literature of the first half of the 18th century.

From the end of 1702, the first printed newspaper began to be published - “Vedomosti” 1703 – “Arithmetika” -L. Magnitsky In 1717, a special manual was published, a collection of rules of conduct in society and at home called “The Honest Mirror of Youth” by Peter I “Spiritual Regulations” - Feofan Prokopovich “Book of Scarcity and Wealth” - I.T. Pososhkov

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Architecture of the first half of the 18th century.

Peter and Paul Cathedral (Trezzini) The building of the Twelve Colleges (Trezzini, Domenico) Menshikov Palace in St. Petersburg (G. Fontana) the emergence of regular urban development Peter I Peter I Peter I

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by Anna Shchadrina 05/08/1998 Painting of the first half of the 18th century. Portrait of Chancellor G.I. Golovkina (I.N. Nikitin) Self-portrait with his wife (A.M. Matveev) Panorama of St. Petersburg (A. Zubov) popular engravings

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Sculpture of the first half of the 18th century. Bust of Peter I (K. Rastrelli) Empress Anna Ioannovna with a little black (K. Rastrelli)

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Culture of Russia in the second half of the 18th century.

By the middle of the century, Peter's innovations had already taken root on Russian soil. Literature Architecture Painting Sculpture Education: main schools with four classes were established in each provincial city; 1764 – Smolny Institute noble maidens; 1755 – Moscow University (through the efforts of M.V. Lomonosov, I.I. Shuvalov) Science of the Age of Enlightenment TO CONTENTS

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Literature of the second half of the 18th century.

The humorous magazine “All sorts of things” of Catherine II, dedicated to wastefulness, female inconstancy, etc. Magazine “Truten” N. Novikov, where the author mocks the Empress’s magazine -> closed -> “Painter” magazine, ten volumes of “Ancient Russian Vivliofika” Three directions: classicism: ode to “Liberty”, “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by A. Radishchev; A. Kantemir, V. Trediakovsky, M.V. Lomonosov, G. Derzhavin, A.P. Sumarokov is the creator of tragedy and comedy; artistic-realistic: the comedies “The Brigadier” and “The Minor” by D. Fonvizin; sentimentalism: “Poor Liza” by N.M. Karamzin

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Architecture of the second half of the 18th century.

the formation of Russian Baroque, the flourishing of classicism Grand Peterhof Palace (F. Rastrelli) Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo (F. Rastrelli) Winter Palace (F. Rastrelli) Elizaveta Petrovna Catherine II Elizaveta Petrovna

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the formation of Russian Baroque, the flourishing of classicism Smolny Cathedral (F. Rastrelli) Bell tower of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra (D. Ukhtomsky) St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral in St. Petersburg (S. Chevakinsky) Elizaveta Petrovna Catherine II Catherine II

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the formation of Russian Baroque, the flourishing of classicism St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (A. Kokorinov, J. Vallin-Delamot) Pashkov House (A. Bazhenov) Senate building in the Kremlin (M. Kazakov) Golitsyn Hospital (M. Kazakov) Smolny Institute (D. Quarenghi) Elizaveta Petrovna Catherine II

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the formation of Russian Baroque, the flourishing of classicism Marble Palace (A. Rinaldi) Tauride Palace (I. Starov) Academy of Sciences (D. Quarenghi) Catherine II Catherine II

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Painting of the second half of the 18th century.

the formation of Russian Baroque, the flowering of classicism Portrait of Catherine II (F. Rokotov) Portrait of A.P. Struyskoy (F. Rokotov) Portrait of D.G. Demidova (D. Levitsky) Catherine II the Lawgiver (D. Levitsky)

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the formation of Russian Baroque, the flourishing of classicism Portrait of Prince A. Kurakin (V. Borovikovsky) Portrait of M. Lopukhina (V. Borovikovsky) Vladimir and Rogneda (A. Losenko) View in the vicinity of Staraya Russa (S. Shchedrin)

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Sculpture of the second half of the 18th century.

Bust of Prince Golitsyn (F. Shubin) Bust of M.V. Lomonosov (F. Shubin) Monument to A. Suvorov (M. Kozlovsky) Samson tearing the mouth of a lion (M. Kozlovsky) Bronze Horseman (E. Falconet)

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Science of the second half of the 18th century.

M.V. Lomonosov in a variety of fields: physics, chemistry, astronomy, history, philology Among foreign scientists who worked in Russia, L. Euler stands out at the Academy of Sciences. research papers in different industries I.I. Polzunov – universal steam engine I.P. Kulibin is the author of numerous inventions

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Culture of Russia in the first half of the 19th century.

The 19th century was characterized by the expansion of cultural interaction with other countries and peoples, and the general democratization of the creative process. Literature Architecture Painting Sculpture Education Science Music: “A Life for the Tsar” and “Ruslan and Lyudmila” M.I. Glinka; opera “Rusalka” A. Dargomyzhsky TO CONTENTS

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Literature of the first half of the 19th century.

“Woe from Wit” A.S. Griboedov Ballads V.A. Zhukovsky Decembrist poets: K. Ryleev, V. Kuchelbecker, A. Bestuzhev, A. Odoevsky A.S. Pushkin M.Yu. Lermontov N.V. Gogol Criticism of V. Belinsky the formation of romanticism

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Architecture of the first half of the 19th century.

by Shchadrina Anna 05/08/1998 Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg (A. Voronikhin) Admiralty (A. Zakharov) St. Isaac's Cathedral (A. Montferrand) Triumphal Gate (A. Beauvais) Empire style - high classicism Exchange Building (de Thomon) Alexander I Alexander I Alexander I Nicholas I Nicholas I

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Empire style - high classicism St. Michael's Castle (C. Rossi) Alexandria Theater (C. Rossi) Senate and Synod Building (C. Rossi) Bolshoi Theater in Moscow (O. Beauvais) Alexander I Nicholas I

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Sculpture of the first half of the 19th century.

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky (I. Martos) “Horse Tamers” on Anichkov Bridge (P. Klodt) Equestrian monument to Nicholas I (P. Klodt)

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Painting of the first half of the 19th century.

by Anna Shchadrina 05/08/1998 Portrait of V.A. Zhukovsky (O. Kiprensky) Portrait of A.S. Pushkin (O. Kiprensky) Portrait of A.S. Pushkin (V. Tropinin) Portrait of Countess Samoilova (K. Bryullov) dominance of romanticism, portrait, everyday genre

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Morning of the landowner (A. Venetsianov) Threshing floor (A. Venetsianov) On the arable land. Spring (A. Venetsianov) The Appearance of Christ to the People (A. Ivanov) the dominance of romanticism, portraiture, everyday genre

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The Major's Matchmaking (P. Fedotov) Fresh Cavalier (P. Fedotov) The Ninth Wave (I. Aivazovsky) the dominance of romanticism, portraiture, everyday genre

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The last day of Pompeii (K. Bryullov) Horsewoman (K. Bryullov) Self-portrait (K. Bryullov) dominance of romanticism, portrait, everyday genre

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Education of the first half of the 19th century.

1803 – decree on the creation of 6 educational districts Opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum 1827 – decree banning the admission of peasants to universities 1833– S.S. Uvarov “Theory of official nationality” (Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality) Imperial Military Academy 1835 – universities are deprived of the status of internal autonomy Artillery Academy

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Science of the first half of the 19th century.

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    Russian culture of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

    Literature Architecture Painting Sculpture Theatrical art Cinematography Music Opera and ballet Education Science TO CONTENTS The abolition of serfdom and liberal reforms carried out during the 60-70s of the 19th century significantly accelerated the formation of capitalist relations in Russia and intensified the processes social development generally.

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    Literature of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

    Critical realism: I.S. Turgenev I.A. Goncharov L.N. Tolstoy F.M. Dostoevsky A.P. Chekhov V.G. Korolenko A.I. Kuprin I.A. Bunin M. Gorky Dramaturgy: A.N. Ostrovsky A.V. Sukhovo-Kobylin Satire: M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin Poetry: N.A. Nekrasov F.I. Tyutchev A.A. Fet

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    Symbolism: D. Merezhkovsky Z. Gippius K. Balmont V. Bryusov A. Blok A. Bely V. Ivanov Acmeism: N. Gumilyov Mandelstam A. Akhmatova Futurism: V. Mayakovsky A. Kruchenykh brothers Burliuk I. Severyanin V. Khlebnikov B. Pasternak Imagism: S. Yesenin

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    Architecture of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

    Cathedral of Christ the Savior (K. Ton) Main styles: pseudo-Byzantine, pseudo-Russian, Art Nouveau Grand Kremlin Palace (K. Ton) Moscow station in St. Petersburg (K. Ton) Nicholas I Nicholas I

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    by Anna Shchadrina 05/08/1998 Main styles: pseudo-Byzantine, pseudo-Russian, modern Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg (A. Parland) Historical Museum in Moscow (A. Semenov, O. Sherwood) Ryabushinsky Mansion (F. Shekhtel) Alexander III Alexander II Nicholas II

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    Painting of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

    In 1863, a group of graduate students from the Academy of Arts refused to paint programmatic paintings based on the subjects of the Scandinavian epic, proposing instead to choose a topic related to the problems modern society. As a sign of protest, the artists, led by I. Kramskoy, left the Academy without completing the official course, forming the “St. Petersburg Artel of Artists.” In 1870, already in Moscow, I. Kramskoy, V. Perov, N. Ge, G. Myasoedov organized the “Partnership of Mobile art exhibitions" It included I. Repin, V. Surikov, A. Savrasov, I. Shishkin, A. Kuinzhi, I. Levitan, M. Vasnetsov, N. Yaroshenko and others.

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    In 1898, a new artistic association “World of Art” was founded in St. Petersburg. It was headed by the artist A. Benois and the philanthropist S. Diaghilev. The main core consisted of L. Bakst, E. Lanceray, K. Somov. Also included were such artists as: M. Vrubel, V. Serov, I. Levitan, M. Nesterov, A. Ryabushkin, N. Roerich, B. Kustodiev, Z. Serebryakov, K. Petrov-Vodkin. “World of Art” published its own magazine under the same name. Artists worked a lot for the theater. L. Bakst created outstanding theatrical scenery for the “Russian seasons” in Paris.

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    A significant role in the development of Russian Art Nouveau was played by the “Abramtsevo Art Circle,” which united representatives of the Moscow creative intelligentsia. The patron of the circle was S. Mamontov. The members were the sculptor M. Antokolsky, V. Vasnetsov, K. Korovin, I. Levitan, V. Nesterov, V. Polenov, V. Serov. The meeting place for artists was Mamontov's Abramtsevo estate near Moscow.

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    by Anna Shchadrina 05/08/1998 Rural religious procession at Easter (V. Perov) Seeing off the deceased (V. Perov) Troika (V. Perov) Portrait of A.N. Ostrovsky (V. Perov) Portrait of F.M. Dostoevsky (V. Perov) critical realism, landscape, modern

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    Christ in the Desert (I. Kramskoy) Portrait of L.N. Tolstoy (I. Kramskoy) The Stranger (I. Kramskoy) critical realism, landscape, modern

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    Apotheosis of war (V. Vereshchagin) The rooks have arrived (A. Savrasov) Moscow courtyard (V. Polenov) critical realism, landscape, modern

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    Rye (I. Shishkin) Morning in a pine forest (I. Shishkin) Evening ringing (I. Levitan) critical realism, landscape, modern

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    They didn’t expect (I. Repin) Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan (I. Repin) Ceremonial meeting of the State Council (I. Repin) critical realism, landscape, modern

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    The morning of the Streltsy execution (V. Surikov) Menshikov in Berezovo (V. Surikov) critical realism, landscape, modern Boyarina Morozova (V. Surikov)

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    critical realism, landscape, modern Conquest of Siberia by Ermak (V. Surikov) A. Suvorov's crossing of the Alps (V. Surikov) Stepan Razin (V. Surikov)

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    critical realism, landscape, modern After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians (V. Vasnetsov) Alyonushka (V. Vasnetsov) Bogatyrs (V. Vasnetsov)

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    critical realism, landscape, modern Girl with peaches (V. Serov) Portrait of M. Ermolova (V. Serov) The Rape of Europe (V. Serov)

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    critical realism, landscape, modern Peter I (V. Serov) The King's Walk (A. Benois) Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in Tsarskoe Selo (E. Lansere) Winter. Skating rink (K. Somov)

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    critical realism, landscape, modern Moscow street of the 17th century on a holiday (A. Ryabushkin) Overseas guests (N. Roerich) In Rus' (M. Nesterov) Great tonsure (M. Nesterov)

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    critical realism, landscape, modern Demon (M. Vrubel) Swan Princess (M. Vrubel)

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    new movements: Fauvism, Futurism, Cubism, Suprematism, etc. Improvisation No. 7 (V. Kandinsky) Troubles (V. Kandinsky)

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    new movements: Fauvism, Futurism, Cubism, Suprematism, etc. Self-portrait with seven fingers (M. Chagall) Above the city (M. Chagall)

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    new movements: Fauvism, Futurism, Cubism, Suprematism, etc. Feast of Kings (P. Filonov) Peasant Family (P. Filonov) Black Square (K. Malevich)

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    Sculpture of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

    Ivan the Terrible (M. Antokolsky) Peter I (M. Antokolsky) The Dying Socrates (M. Antokolsky)

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    Monument to A.S. Pushkin (A. Opekushin) Monument to Alexander III (P. Trubetskoy) Old Field Man and Stribog (S. Konenkov) Monument to the Millennium of Russia (M. Mikeshin)

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    Theater of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

    1898 - creation of the Moscow Art Theater (K. Stanislavsky and V. Nemirovich-Danchenko) Famous actors: M. Ermolova (Maly Theater) P. Strepetova (Alexandrinsky Theater) V. Kachalov (Moscow Art Theater)

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    Cinema of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

    The first film shows in St. Petersburg and Moscow took place in 1896. In 1908, the first Russian fiction film “Stenka Razin” was released. Famous actors: I. Mozzhukhin V. Kholodnaya A. Koonen

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    Music of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

    1862 – creative union “The Mighty Handful” M. Glinka – founder M. Balakirev Ts. Cui M. Mussorgsky – “Boris Godunov” A. Borodin – “Prince Igor” N. Rimsky-Korsakov – “The Snow Maiden” P. Tchaikovsky – operas “ Eugene Onegin”, “The Queen of Spades”, ballets “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker” A. Glazunov A. Scriabin S. Rachmaninov

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    Opera and ballet of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

    The leading positions were occupied by the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater and the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. M. Fokin – choreographer V. Nijinsky – choreographer F. Chaliapin – opera bass A. Pavlova – ballerina “Russian Seasons” – tours of opera and ballet troupes in Paris and London.

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    Education of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

    1864 - “Regulations on primary public schools”: zemstvo schools church schools public schools of the Ministry of Public Education 1864 - charter of secondary educational institutions: classical gymnasiums, in which humanitarian subjects were studied real schools, in which great attention was paid to natural science subjects 1872 - Higher courses for women (V. Guerrier) Bestuzhev courses (K. Bestuzhev-Ryumin) K. Ushinsky - the idea of ​​educational training L. N. Tolstoy - the development of pedagogy

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    Science of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

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    Cultural transformations of Russia in the 1920s.

    The October Revolution had a huge impact on the development of culture. There was a sharp break in traditions. Literature Architecture: the reign of constructivism Painting Sculpture: 1918 – Lenin's plan for monumental propaganda of revolutionary values ​​Theater arts Cinema Education Science TO CONTENTS

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    Literature in the 1920s

    1917 – “Proletkult” 1921 – “Serapion’s Brothers” 1925 – RAPP ( Russian Association proletarian writers) “Pass” (All-Union Association of Workers' and Peasants' Writers) - leader A. Voronsky LEF (Left Front of the Arts) - V. Mayakovsky The flowering of the creativity of M. Tsvetaeva, E. Zamyatin, M. Zoshchenko, M. Bulgakov, M. Sholokhov , E. Petrova.

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    Painting in the 1920s

    1922 – AHRR (Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia). IN AND. Lenin in Smolny (I. Brodsky) Tachanka (M. Grekov) Trumpeters of the First Cavalry Army (M. Grekov) Domes and swallows (K. Yuon) Before entering the Kremlin (K. Yuon)

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    1924 – creative group “4 arts” Bathing of the red horse (K. Petrov-Vodkin) Mother (K. Petrov-Vodkin) 1918 in Petrograd (K. Petrov-Vodkin) Death of the commissar (K. Petrov-Vodkin)

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    Defense of Petrograd (A. Deineka) 1925 – “Society of Easel Painters” (OST) “Windows of Satire ROSTA” (Russian Telegraph Agency) – artists V. Mayakovsky and D. Moor) Have you signed up as a volunteer? (D. Moore) Help (D. Moore) poster graphics

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    Theater in the 1920s

    Actors of the older generation: M. Ermolova, A. Yuzhin, A. Ostuzhev, V. Kachalov Director V. Meyerhold staged numerous plays in theaters E. Vakhtangov’s major contribution to the development of the Moscow Art Theater V. Meyerhold

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    Cinema in the 1920s

    An important milestone in the development of feature films was S. Eisenstein’s film “Battleship Potemkin,” released in 1925 and received the status of a world masterpiece. Poster for the film “Battleship Potemkin”

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    Education in the 1920s

    1917-1918 - decrees on the separation of church and school 1918 - spelling reform 1919 - “workers' faculties” (workers' faculties) are created The leadership of public education is entrusted to the State Education Commission headed by A. Lunacharsky Creation of a system of universal primary education Decrees on compulsory literacy training 1923 – voluntary society “Down with illiteracy!”

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    Science in the 1920s

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    P. Milyukov - historian P. Struve - economics P. Sorokin - sociology and philosophy N. Berdyaev - philosophy M. Pokrovsky - historian In the early 1920s, when the NEP was gaining momentum in Russia, a movement of change of ideas arose among the emigrants, which received its the name comes from the literary and political collection “Change of Milestones,” published in Paris in 1921-1922. The ideologists of Smenovekhism (N. Ustryalov and others) called for a transition from confrontation with the Bolsheviks to cooperation with them.

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    Cultural development of the USSR in the 1930s.

    In the 30s, architectural monuments were destroyed. But still, significant progress has been achieved in many areas of culture. Literature Architecture Painting Sculpture Cinematography Science a period of uniformity was beginning, the “Stalinist Empire” style prevailed in architecture. Worker and Collective Farm Woman (V. Mukhina) Mausoleum of V. Lenin (A. Shchusev) TO CONTENTS

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    Literature in the 1930s

    1934 - “Union of Writers” - M. Gorky, A. Fadeev I. Bunin: “The Life of Arsenyev” - awarded the Nobel Prize in 1933 M. Sholokhov: “Quiet Don”, “Virgin Soil Upturned” - awarded the Nobel Prize in 1965 N. Ostrovsky : “How the steel was tempered” A. Tolstoy: “Peter I” M. Bulgakov: “The Master and Margarita” A. Platonov: “Pit” socialist realism

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    Painting in the 1930s

    Interrogation of communists (B. Ioganson) socialist realism At the old Ural plant (B. Ioganson) Speech by V.I. Lenin at the III Komsomol Congress (B. Ioganson)

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    Cinema in the 1930s

    “Alexander Nevsky” – dir. S. Eisenstein, starring N. Cherkasov; “Lenin in October” – dir. M. Romm; “The Man with a Gun” – dir. S. Yutkevich; “Maxim’s Youth”, “Maxim’s Return”, “Vyborg Side” - dir. G. Kozintsev; “Jolly Guys”, “Volga-Volga” - dir. S. Gerasimov; “The Pig Farmer and the Shepherd” - I. Pyryev; “Chapaev” – G. and S. Vasiliev.

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    Still from the film “Alexander Nevsky” Poster for the film “Jolly Fellows” Poster for the film “Chapaev”

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    Science in the 1930s

    Physics Institute named after P. Lebedev (S. Vavilov) Institute of Physical Problems (P. Kapitsa) Work of I. Michurin in the field of selection Research Institute of History at the USSR Academy of Sciences Works on the history of B. Grekov (history of Rus'), E. Tarle (history European countries) Elimination of the autonomy of the Academy of Sciences 1938 – “ Short course history of the CPSU (b)” edited by I.V. Stalin

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    Culture of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period (1945-1953)

    The Great Patriotic War is one of the brightest and most tragic pages in the history of Russia. Scientists and artists played a significant role in raising the patriotic spirit and achieving Victory. Literature Architecture Painting Cinema Science Music: “Seventh Symphony” D. Shostakovich Main building of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov TO CONTENTS

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    Literature in 1945-1953.

    Many writers went to the front as war correspondents: K. Simonov, A. Fadeev; many died: A. Gaidar, E. Petrov and others. K. Simonov – “Wait for me” A. Tvardovsky – “Vasily Terkin” K. Simonov – “Days and Nights” A. Fadeev – “Young Guard”

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    Painting in 1945-1953

    Poster graphics, theme of the Great Patriotic War The Motherland is calling! (I. Toidze) Kukryniksy - a creative team of Soviet graphic artists and painters (M. Kupriyanov, P. Krylov and N. Sokolov). “We will ruthlessly defeat and destroy the enemy!”, Kukryniksy’s first military poster, 1941 (Hitler tore up the Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union)

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    Science in 1945-1953

    The brutal dictatorship of the bureaucracy continued to dominate in the attitude of the authorities towards science. In the 30s, the position of president of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences was taken by T. Lysenko, who was an ardent opponent of genetics, as a result of which it was declared a “bourgeois pseudoscience.” The state exploited the labor of scientists convicted of “anti-Soviet activities.” They were kept in special zones (“sharashkas”), where they served their sentences.

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    Culture during the “Thaw” period (1953-1964)

    The exposure of Stalin's personality cult, which occurred at the 20th Congress of the CPSU in 1956, marked the beginning of a new period - the period of the “thaw” (the era of Khrushchev). Literature Painting Sculpture Theatrical art: 1957 – Sovremennik Theater (chief director O. Efremov); 1964 – Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater (chief director Yu. Lyubimov) Cinema Education: 1958 – Law “On strengthening the connection between school and life and on the further development of the public education system in the USSR” Science TO CONTENTS

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    Literature during the “Thaw”

    Poets of the sixties: E. Yevtushenko, A. Voznesensky, B. Akhmadulina, R. Rozhdestvensky Bards: B. Okudzhava, A. Galich, V. Vysotsky Writers of the sixties: D. Granin, Yu. Nagibin, Yu. German, V. Aksyonov, I. Efremov, Strugatsky brothers, Yu. Bondarev, K. Simonov 1955 – the magazine “Youth” is published; In 1962, A. Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” was published in the magazine “New World” (editor-in-chief - A. Tvardovsky); In the 1950s, “samizdat” arose - this was the name of typewritten magazines, for example, “Syntax” (founded by the young poet A. Ginzburg). 1958 – Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The Soviet authorities demanded that it be abandoned. He was accused of being anti-national and contemptuous of the “common man.”

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    Painting during the “Thaw” period

    “severe style” Young sculptors (D. Zhilinsky) Builders of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station (V. Popkov)

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    Sculpture during the “Thaw” period

    Tombstone monument to N. Khrushchev (E. Neizvestny) Monument-ensemble to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad (E. Vuchetich) The Motherland is calling! (E. Vuchetich) Monument “Motherland” at the Piskarevsky cemetery (V. Isaeva, R. Taurit) memorial complexes dedicated to V.O.V.

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    Cinema during the “thaw” period

    “The Cranes Are Flying” – dir. M. Kalatozov “The Ballad of a Soldier” – dir. G. Chukhrai “Ilyich's Outpost” - dir. M. Khutsiev “I am walking around Moscow” - dir. G. Danelia military theme, youth problems, light romantic films Still from the film “I’m Walking Around Moscow”

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    Science during the “thaw”

    Nobel laureates: 1956 – N. Semenov – research of chemical chain reactions 1962 – L. Landau – theory of liquid helium 1964 – N. Basov, A. Prokhorov – creation of a laser (the first quantum generator) 1954 – first in the world nuclear power plant in Obninsk 1957 - the most powerful proton accelerator - synchrophasotron 1957 - launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite 1961 (April 12) - Yu. Gagarin made the first flight into space in the history of mankind

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    Culture of the USSR in 1964-1985.

    Stagnation, which gradually covered the socio-political and economic life in the USSR after the end of Khrushchev’s brief “thaw”, it also affected culture. Soviet culture under L. Brezhnev developed largely according to the inertia set by its previous period. Literature Painting Cinema Music Education TO CONTENTS

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    Literature in 1964-1985.

    Y. Trifonov – “Exchange” V. Rasputin – “Live and Remember” V. Astafiev – “Tsar Fish” Y. Bondarev – “Hot Snow” B. Vasiliev – “And the dawns here are quiet...” Almanac “Metropol” (A Bitov, V. Aksenov, F. Iskander, V. Erofeev) 1970 – Nobel Prize to A. Solzhenitsyn for the novel “The Gulag Archipelago” Feuilleton “Near-Literary Drone” countryside writers military theme

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    Painting in 1964-1985

    On September 15, 1974, an exhibition of 24 avant-garde artists (“bulldozer exhibition”) was destroyed in Moscow. “photographic realism” Portrait of an Afghan (A. Shilov)

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    Cinema in 1964-1985

    “War and Peace” – dir. S. Bondarchuk “Operation Y”, “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “The Diamond Arm”, “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession” - dir. L. Gaidai Still from the film “War and Peace” Still from the film “Operation Y” A. Demyanenko Yu. Nikulin films based on the plot of literary works and comedies

    Social and cultural life in the USSR in 1985-1991.

    The era of perestroika refers to those periods of national history for which the significance of the processes taking place in culture is especially great. M.S. Gorbachev began his reforms precisely in the sphere of social and cultural life. Literature Painting Cinema TV programs: “The View”, “The Twelfth Floor”, “Before and After Midnight”, “600 Seconds” glasnost - free discussion of the country’s shortcomings in any area TO CONTENTS

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    Literature in 1985-1991

    Literary magazines previously unknown works were published (magazines “Neva”, “New World”, “Youth”). Journalistic articles were published in the magazines “Znamya”, “Ogonyok”, “Literaturnaya Gazeta”, and the weekly “Arguments and Facts”. Ch. Aitmatov – “The Scaffold” A. Rybakov – “Children of Arbat” V. Dudintsev – “White Clothes” (about the fate of genetic scientists) analysis of the phenomenon of Stalinism, journalism

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    Painting in 1985-1991

    the popular poster genre is Eternal Russia (I. Glazunov) Poster from the era of perestroika

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    Cinema in 1985-1991

    “Repentance” – dir. T. Abuladze “Is it easy to be young” – dir. J. Podnieks “You Can’t Live Like This” – dir. S. Govorukhin “Tomorrow there was a war” - dir. Y. Kara “Cold Summer of '53” – dir. A. Proshkin films in tune with the era

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    Russian culture in the 1990s. – beginning of the 21st century.

    Distinctive feature culture modern Russia lies in the variety of manifestations of creativity in all areas of public life. Literature: (detectives, science fiction, “women’s novels”) “Mad” - V. Dotsenko; “Turkish March” - F. Neznansky; A series of novels about investigator Anastasia Kamenskaya - A. Marinina Sculpture Cinematography Music: “Chapaev and Emptiness” - V. Pelevin Science: 2000 - Nobel Prize awarded to physicist Zh. Alferov TO CONTENTS

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    Sculpture in the 1990s – beginning of the 21st century.

    monumental sculpture Monument to Peter I (Z. Tsereteli) Monument to Peter I in the Peter and Paul Fortress (M. Shemyakin)

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    Cinema in the 1990s – beginning of the 21st century.

    “Burnt by the Sun”, “The Barber of Siberia” - dir. N. Mikhalkov “Brother”, “Brother-2” - dir. A. Balabanov

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    Presentations about Russian culture for MHC lessons

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    Presentations about Russian culture

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    Presentations about Russian culture

    Russian culture

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    Introducing preschool children to Russian national culture. Problematic issues. National holidays. Christmas. Kolyada. "Christmas Night". Christmas time. Maslenitsa. Monday – “Meeting”, Tuesday – “Flirting”, Wednesday – “Gourmet”. The first sign of Maslenitsa is pancakes. Pancake mania. Ay, Maslenitsa, you liar. Larks are stoneflies. Lark, lark. Potato larks. Easter. History of Russian folk clothing. Men's clothing. Russian shirt. - Russian culture.ppt

    European North in Russian culture

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    The role of the European North. Migrants from the Novgorod lands. Architectural “pearls” of Russia. Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery. Monastery. Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery. Solovetsky Monastery. Arts and crafts. Start of fishing. Kargopolskaya clay toy. Feature of the Kargopol toy. Shemogodskaya birch bark carving. Traditional floral motif. Bone carving. Bone shape. Pride of the North. A miracle of wooden architecture. Transfiguration Cathedral. The church was built without a single nail. European North. - European North in Russian culture.pptx

    Development of culture in Russia

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    Economics of sociocultural activity. Fundamentals of the development of culture in modern Russia. Property relations in the sphere of culture. The emergence of various forms of ownership. Claims of various classes. Manifestation of ownership. Groups cultural values. Satisfying guaranteed standards of service consumption. Cultural values. May be divided. Group of cultural values. Privatization of state property. Creation of new enterprises. - Development of culture in Russia.ppt

    Spiritual values ​​of Russia

    Slides: 48 Words: 287 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

    LESSON No. 1 Topic: “Russia is our MOTHERLAND” Lesson type: learning new material. Russia is our homeland. Goal: to promote interest in the new subject “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Lesson objectives. Development of interest in Russian history. Consider the religious composition of the population of Russia, the main religions professed by the inhabitants of the country. Raising worthy citizens of our country. Venue: classroom. Lesson progress: WORKING WITH WORDS: - traditions - spiritual traditions - values. Spiritual traditions are values, ideals, life experiences passed on from one generation to another. - Spiritual values ​​of Russia.ppt

    Russian decorative art

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    Decorative art of Russia 9th - early 20th centuries. Art of the 9th - first half of the 13th century. Art of the XIV - XV centuries. Wood carving. Yakov Firsov. Ludogoschensky cross. 1359 Fragment. Novgorod. Cover of the Gospel of boyar Fyodor Andreevich Koshka, 1392. The rise of culture after the overthrow of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. They sewed mainly using satin stitch, reproducing the works of icon painters. Art of the late XV - XVI centuries. Moscow becomes the capital of a mighty power. The flourishing of Russian architecture. Construction of Moscow, churches. The highest flowering of the art of ornamental wood and stone carving. - Russian decorative art.ppt

    Russian fair

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    Russian fair. Russian people. We welcome guests. We will welcome guests with bread and salt. Fair. Fair entertainment. Fair and party. Fun towns. They boasted about their craft. Stalls with goods. Music. Carousel "grandfather". Buffoons. Parsley. Trade barker. Jokes. Paintings. -

    Golden Age of Russian Culture (first half of the 19th century)

    The presentation was prepared by: - ​​student Valeria Romashkina, group PK-17, GAPOU MO PC "Moscovia" OSP Kashirskoye

    Teacher of history and social studies Kostin A.V.

    • Enlightenment and education
    • Development of science
    • Literature
    • Theater, ballet, music
    • Painting and sculpture
    • Architecture and urban planning


    • The level of education of a society is one of the indicators of the cultural state of the country.
    • Schooling was not provided for serfs.
    • The home education system was widespread. It focused on studying foreign languages, literature, music, painting, rules of behavior in society.
    • In the first half of the 19th century, there was no system of female education in Russia. Several closed institutes (secondary educational institutions) were opened only for noblewomen.


    • New universities were opened in Dorpat (now Tartu), St. Petersburg (on the basis of the Pedagogical Institute), Kazan, and Kharkov. The legal status of universities was determined by the Charters of 1804 and 1835.
    • An important task in the process of developing a national culture was the development of rules and norms for the Russian literary and spoken language.


    • The publication of books played a special role in educating the people. At the beginning of the 19th century, only state printing houses existed; in the 30s and 40s, private book publishing spread.
    • In the first half of the 19th century, the newspaper and magazine business noticeably revived. In addition to the St. Petersburg and Moskovskie Vedomosti, many private newspapers appeared (Northern Bee, Literary Newspaper, Vestnik Evropy, Son of the Fatherland).

    Development of science

    • In the first half of the 19th century, the differentiation of sciences began, the identification of independent scientific disciplines: natural and humanities. The development of technical thought was facilitated by the growth of industry. In applied sciences, particularly important discoveries were made in the fields of electrical engineering, mechanics, biology and medicine.
    • Russian science in the first half of the 19th century had significant successes in the development of medicine, in particular in surgery.

    Development of science

    • Social sciences in the first half of the 19th century, despite their dependence on official ideology and politics, reflected in their development the socio-economic contradictions before the reform era.
    • The humanities became a special branch and developed successfully. At the beginning of the 19th century, and especially after the Patriotic War of 1812, the desire to understand Russian history as an important element of national culture intensified.


    • Literature became the most vibrant, interesting, advanced area of ​​Russian culture in the 19th century. Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century is characterized by a rapid change of artistic trends.
    • In literary salons and on the pages of magazines there was a struggle between supporters of various literary movements: classicism and sentimentalism, the educational movement and the emerging romanticism.


    A.S. Pushkin romantic

    A.S. Griboyedov classicist

    M.Yu. Lermontov romantic


    • The development of literature took place in difficult socio-political conditions. Her constant contact with the advanced trends of social thought forced the government to apply prohibitive and repressive measures to writers. In 1826, the censorship charter, called “cast iron” by contemporaries, replaced the previous charter of 1804, which was more liberal. Now the censor could shred the text at his discretion, removing from it everything that seemed offensive to the autocracy and the church

    • In the first half of the 19th century, theatrical life in Russia entered a new phase.
    • There were few state theaters: Alexandrinsky and Mariinsky in St. Petersburg, Bolshoi and Maly in Moscow. They were under the petty tutelage of the administration, which constantly interfered with the repertoire and selection of actors. This slowed down theatrical creativity. Private theaters began to appear, which were either allowed or prohibited by the authorities.

    • Dramatic theater developed under the influence of the same trends as literature.
    • N.V. was especially popular. Puppeteer who wrote a number of historical plays. The satirical comedies of D.I. enjoyed great success. Fonvizin and I.A. Krylova.

    P.S. Mochalov

    M.S. Shchepkin

    V.A. Karatygin

    • Ballet theater art occupied a special place in the cultural life of Russia. It developed in close connection and under the influence of Russian literature.
    • Ballet in Russia owes its success to the choreographer, teacher and playwright C. Didelot.

    A.S. Novitskaya

    A.I. Istomina

    • A special place in the history of Russian musical art was occupied by the composer M. I. Glinka, who went down in history as the first Russian composer of world significance.
    • The development of the national theme in music was continued by Glinka’s younger contemporary, Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky (1813–1869).
    • A major representative of the romantic trend in music was the composer A.N. Verstovsky (opera "Askold's Grave").

    M.I. Glinka

    A.S. Dargomyzhsky

    A.N. Verstovsky


    • The greatest master of romantic painting was Karl Pavlovich Bryullov (1799–1852).
    • The realistic style was reflected in the works of V.A. Tropinina.
    • In the first half of the 19th century, everyday subjects entered Russian painting. A.G. was one of the first to contact him. Venetsianov.


    Painting “The Barnyard” by A.G. Venetsianova

    K.P. Bryullov

    Painting “The Lacemaker” by V.A. Tropinina


    • I.P. Martos created the first monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky in Moscow on Red Square. According to the project by A.A. Montferrand, a 47-meter column was erected on Palace Square in front of the Winter Palace as a monument to Alexander I and a monument in honor of the victory in the war of 1812 by B.I. Orlovsky owns monuments to M.I. Kutuzov and M.B. Barclay de Tolly in St. Petersburg. F.P. Tolstoy created a series of wonderful bas-reliefs and medals dedicated to Patriotic War 1812.
    • There are especially many works organically included in various architectural ensembles, was created by sculptors S. S. Pimenov and V. I. Demut-Malinovsky (Chariot of Glory on the Arc de Triomphe of Russia, sculptural groups at the Voronikhin Mining Institute). Also interesting is the work of sculptors I. P. Vitali (bust of Pushkin, 1837; angels at the lamps on the corners of St. Isaac's Cathedral), P. K. Klodt (“Horse Tamers” on the Anichkov Bridge in St. Petersburg, the equestrian monument to Nicholas I, installed on the square in front of St. Isaac's Cathedral).

    Architecture and urban planning

    • The largest architect of this time was Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin (1759–1814). Characteristic in the architecture of this time - the creation of large ensembles. This was especially evident in St. Petersburg, where many neighborhoods amaze with their unity and harmony.
    • The highest achievement of Empire architecture in St. Petersburg was the work of the famous architect Karl Ivanovich Rossi (1775–1849).

    Architecture and urban planning

    • In the 30s, classicism in architecture, with its laconicism, severity of lines and forms, began to be replaced by the “Russian-Byzantine style.” K.A. Thon transformed the Kremlin territory by building the Grand Kremlin Palace and the Armory Chamber building. According to his project, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was founded in 1839 as a symbol of deliverance from the French invasion in 1812. Its construction was completed only in 1883.

    Architecture and urban planning

    • Imitating both capitals, provincial cities were also transformed. Talented architects Ya.N. worked there. Popov, V.P. Stasov and others. According to the project by V.P. Stasov, the St. Nicholas Cossack Cathedral was erected in Omsk. In Odessa, according to the project of A.I. Melnikov created an ensemble of Primorsky Boulevard with semicircular buildings facing the sea, and in the center with a monument to Duke Richelieu, the creator and first governor of Odessa. The ensemble was completed by a majestic staircase leading to the sea.


    • Based on the above, we can conclude that in the first half of the 19th century, social and cultural life was most diverse and full-blooded only in the capitals. The province, according to one modern researcher, “was still in a state of deep mental hibernation.” In general, during this period of the century Russia achieved impressive achievements in the field of culture. The world fund will forever include the works of many Russian writers, artists, sculptors, architects and composers. The process of the formation of the Russian literary language and, in general, the formation of a national culture has been completed. And the traditions established in the first half of the 19th century developed and multiplied in subsequent times.