Staffing the project and organizing its implementation. Training for project management Training of personnel for project implementation

Staffing should be planned as part of the project implementation objectives. If we're talking about about attracting highly qualified specialists, then an incentive system should be thought out in relation to them. Proper compensation is only part of the acceptable incentives. The specialist reacts to working conditions, work schedule, ensuring independence in decision-making, and relationships in the team.

Optimizing staff readiness

When working to implement a social project, staff often experience pressure from the very beginning. different sides, he has to make extraordinary decisions and take risks. Every employee should be prepared for this.

Strict control over the readiness of personnel to work in conditions of constant risk will do little if it is not carried out personnel training.

In large projects it is possible to implement the system HR consulting. In this case, the consultant organizes the process of solving professional personnel problems and trains employees to independently solve these problems.

Training. Methods: lectures, group discussion, mock situations, management games, outdoor learning, simulation, immersion learning, situational analysis.

The selection of training methods is determined by a triune task: developing the creative abilities of employees; strengthening their mental stability; developing their business skills.

Among the methods aimed at developing creative abilities and developing the business skills of employees, brainstorming, synectics, business games, creating focal objects and some others can be used especially fruitfully. In fact, they can be applied not only at the initial stage of work, since the creative and business components retain their importance at all stages life cycle social project.

Psychological stability - this is a holistic characteristic of a person in his attitude to the stressful effects of difficult situations. It is obvious that many of social projects carried out in conditions where such circumstances are inevitable.

The general attitude of the project team towards the success of the business becomes the success of the entire business.

31. Monitoring the progress of the project
The implementation of the project is influenced by many external and internal factors, which leads to changes in the calculated planned parameters of the project. Under these conditions, one of essential means implementation of project goals is control over execution calendar plans and spending of funds.

Control is carried out on three aspects of project implementation:
1) time - the project must be completed within a certain period of time;
2) cost – budget must be met;
3) quality – must meet the required standards.

Control is divided into four stages:
1) monitoring and analysis of results;
2) comparison of achieved results with planned ones and identification of deviations
3) forecasting the consequences of the current situation;
4) corrective actions.

Depending on the required accuracy, technologies for assessing project performance are distinguished:

Control at the time of completion of work (method “0-100”);
control at the moment of 50 percent readiness of work (method “50-50)”);
control at predetermined points of the project (method of control “by milestones”);
regular operational monitoring (at regular intervals);
expert assessment of the degree of completion of work and project readiness.

First, it is necessary to identify the main stages of the development and implementation of the project, then determine the implementation time frame. Project development stages

Stage 1 - “Preparatory”

Analysis of the existing training and education system at the enterprise and the level of personnel training (to formulate priority tasks for creating a corporate training center).

Justification of the feasibility of creating a corporate research center based on an analysis of the existing system of personnel training and education. Description of possible results from the creation of a corporate center: For example: on-the-job training of employees, savings in material costs for personnel training.

Calculation of material and time costs for the creation of a corporate training center.

Selecting a consulting firm and creating a team to develop a corporate center project from employees of the selected consulting firm.

Development of the draft Charter of the corporate center.

Development of the organizational structure of the training center and a system of interactions with organizational structure the entire enterprise.

Development of staffing schedule for a corporate training center.

Calculation of labor costs for training center specialists.

Calculation of optimal time and material costs for training specialists of the training center.

Development of a mentoring system as an option to minimize staff training costs.

Calculation and optimization of costs for the preparation and equipment of premises: justification of their number, size, equipment, based on their intended purpose.

Development and justification of a document flow system for a corporate training center (including forms and document forms).

Choosing the optimal shape legal registration and preparation of the necessary documentation.

Stage 3 - “Training”

Development of job descriptions.

Development of a certification system for training center employees.

Development of a recruitment system for a training center.

Training of the center manager according to an individual program.

Development of a training system taking into account the analysis of enterprise business communication systems.

Development of primary training programs and advanced training programs.

Development of internal educational and methodological materials for all programs (including the development of “handout” material for students in each program).

stage - Approval of the corporate training center project and changes in the staff training process.

stage - Acceptance of the new staff training process.

After the adoption of the TC project and changes in the training process, it will be necessary to draw up curricula for all specialties and obtain a license to conduct personnel training in professions controlled by the Gosgortechnadzor bodies of the Russian Federation. So, the achievement of strategic goals will be facilitated by the implementation of the project, that is, by improving the staff motivation system. To solve the problems formulated earlier, we will build a goal-setting pyramid.

To plan the sequence of actions when solving assigned tasks, we will build a Gantt chart (Appendix 1). The Gantt chart allows you to clearly demonstrate the sequence and duration of actions when solving assigned tasks.

To structure the project, we will build a “goal tree” in Fig. 20

Figure 3.4 - Tree of project goals

The duration of each stage in days and implementation deadlines are presented in table. 22.

Table 3.18 - Duration and timing of project stages

Stage name



Stage 1 - “Preparatory”

1.3. Calculation of material and time costs for the creation of a corporate training center.

1.4. Selecting a consulting firm and creating a team to develop a training center project from employees of the selected consulting firm

Stage 2 - “Organizational work”

2.1. Development of the draft Charter of the training center

2.3. making changes to the organizational structure of the enterprise

2.4. Calculation of labor costs for training center specialists

2.5. Calculation of optimal time and material costs for training center specialists

2.8. Development and justification of a document flow system for a corporate training center (including forms and document forms)

2.9. Selecting the optimal form of legal registration; preparing the necessary documentation

Stage 3 - “Training”

Stage 4 - “Programs and methods”

4.3.. Development of internal educational and methodological materials for all programs (including development of “handout” material for trainees in each program)

Stage 6 - Adoption of a new staff training process

The duration of project development is 121 days (4 months) (Figure 3.5).

Project cost data is presented in Table 3.19.

Table 3.19 - Costs of creating a CA project

Stage name

Costs, rub.


Stage 1 - “Preparatory”

1.1. Analysis of the existing training and education system at the enterprise and the level of personnel training

HR Manager

1.2. Justification of the feasibility of creating a corporate research center based on an analysis of the existing personnel training and education system

HR Manager;


1.3. Calculation of material and time costs for creating a corporate training center


Ch. accountant

1.4. Selecting a consulting firm and creating a team to develop a corporate center project from employees of the selected consulting firm.

HR Manager

Stage 2 - “Organizational work”

2.1. Development of a corporate center project

HR Manager;



2.2. Development of the organizational structure of the training center and a system of interactions with the organizational structure of the entire enterprise

HR Manager;


2.3. Development of staffing schedule for a corporate training center

Ch. accountant;

Human resources department inspector;

HR Manager

2.4. Calculation of labor costs for training center specialists.

HR Manager;

Accountant of the accounting department

2.5. Calculation of optimal time and material costs for training specialists of the training center


HR Manager

2.6. Development of a mentoring system as an option to minimize staff training costs

HR Manager;



2.7. Calculation and optimization of costs for the preparation and equipment of premises: justification of their number, size, equipment, based on their intended purpose

Purchasing Manager;

Head of the ACh;

HR Manager;


2.8. Development and justification of a document flow system for a corporate training center (including forms and document forms).

Director of the Training Center;

HR Manager;

Chief accountant

2.9. Selecting the optimal form of legal registration and preparing the necessary documentation

Head of Legal Department;

Legal Advisor

Stage 3 - “Training”

3.1. Development of job descriptions

HR Manager;

Human resources department inspector;

HR Director;

Ch. accountant

3.2. Development of a certification system for training center employees

HR Manager;

Head of production department;

Head of Sales Department

3.3. Development of a recruitment system for a training center

HR Director;

HR Manager;

Chief accountant

3.4. Training of the head of the center according to an individual program

HR Manager;

HR Director;

Ch. accountant;


Consulting agency "Tirs"

Stage 4 - “Programs and methods”

4.1. Development of a training system taking into account the analysis of enterprise business communication systems

HR Manager;

HR Director;

Ch. accountant;

4.2. Development of primary training programs and advanced training programs

HR Manager;

HR Director;

Ch. accountant;

4.3. Development and approval of internal educational and methodological materials for all programs (including the development of “handout” material for trainees in each program)

HR Manager;

HR Director;

Ch. accountant;


Stage 5 - Approval of the corporate training center project and changes in the staff training process


HR Director

stage b - Adoption of a new staff training process


Project costs are given taking into account the fact that on average Chelyabinsk region the work of a project group of 3-5 people costs from 7 to 10 thousand rubles per day.

The costs of the first stage are additional payments to the personnel training manager for carrying out preparatory activities. The cost of stages 2-4 is the fee for the services of the project team.

After the implementation of the CA, at least 100-180 thousand rubles will be required monthly for its existence. This amount includes:

payment for the head of the training center is about 30 thousand rubles;

payment for training center trainers (let’s assume that the center’s staff at the first stage is three

trainer) about 60 thousand rubles;

workplace costs;

various educational and other materials.

Also, in the first month of the project, 1,300,000 rubles will be needed. for equipment of classrooms.

In total, the existence of a CA will require from 1,200,000 to 2,160,000 rubles. annually.

The project is aimed at optimizing the training model professional personnel By technical specialties, to best meet business needs.






Support provided

Key system issues

  • Labor productivity in blue-collar professions in Russia is significantly lower than in the most developed countries of the world (in a number of industries, labor productivity in Russia is 15%-25% of the US level)
  • Despite enough high level education, Russian workers do not have the practical skills necessary for domestic enterprises to compete in the global market
  • At the same time, the quality is average vocational education continues to deteriorate, lack of effective vocational training
  • Investors are not ready to come to regions where there is no work force required level of training and qualifications

Expected effects from implementation

  • Increasing the investment attractiveness of Russian regions by training workers who meet the requirements of high-tech industries based on dual education
  • Redistribution of funding corporate programs retraining of personnel in favor of the public education and training system
  • A significant increase in the qualifications of workers and an increase in the prestige of blue-collar professions as a result of the development of new forms of education

Leadership projects underlying

1. Take into account the report of the director of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the direction of “Young Professionals” D.N. Peskov on the issue of the systemic project “Training of workers who meet the requirements of high-tech industries based on dual education.” 2. Approve the system project “Training of workers who meet the requirements of high-tech industries based on dual education” and the action plan for the implementation of the system project. 3. Recommend to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (A.V. Ulyukaev), the Ministry of Finance of Russia (A.G. Siluanov), the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (D.V. Livanov), the Ministry of Labor of Russia (M.A. Topilin), the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia (D.V. Manturov), Rossotrudnichestvo (K.I. Kosachev) to consider the proposals of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives on this project.

The most important role when working on a project is played by the training and retraining of project team managers and specialists. It can be carried out in two ways:

1. Increasing the general professional and qualification level of personnel As you know, knowledge acquired at a university quickly becomes outdated (for engineers - after 5 - 10 years, in high-tech fields - after 3 years). Therefore, within the framework of personnel management of the project, it is necessary to solve the problems of creating a system of advanced training.

To solve this problem, there are quite a lot of means: these are short-term (from 2 - 3 days to a week), medium-term (from a week to 2 - 3 months) and full (up to a year) retraining courses provided by universities, business schools, including foreign, advanced training institutes, etc. For the majority curricula There are federal and international standards (marketing, financial management, project management, personnel management, etc.). The market for these services is quite developed, and their quality is gradually increasing.

Abroad, the most obvious trends in the field of technical training are recognized wide application methods distance learning, advanced training, self-training (up to independent development of projects) using computer technology and changing the working methods of teachers. Thus, training using video discs in interactive mode allows students to master educational material twice as quickly as with traditional training. Memorability of the material increases by 40%, and the degree of assimilation - by 300%.

The so-called teleuniversities are recognized as a very progressive form of on-the-job training. Developed educational institutions courses are broadcast on local television networks, focusing on a specific specialization. A project team interested in improving the skills of its employees can set up a classroom where they can listen to a televised lecture or complete a practical assignment.

2. Ensuring the activity, interest and professionalism of personnel in the implementation of the project

Within the framework of this problem, the following tasks arise for the development of personnel, primarily managerial ones:

a. the ability to determine one’s place and role in the project management process, understanding the goals and strategy of the project as a whole and the functions within the project team;

b. the ability to clearly formulate key problems and tasks that must be solved by his department and personally;

c. gaining knowledge on modern approaches and methods for solving project management problems;

d. acquiring the skills to select and use these approaches and methods to effectively solve specific problems in your workplace;

e. mastering the technology of group work in the process of problem solving;

f. mastering methods and skills for effective work of subordinates and, above all, motivating their work to achieve the required results.

To solve these problems, targeted training is required, tied to real practical tasks project management and, in particular, management by human resourses project. This result can be achieved with the help of passion: consultants from specialized firms and enterprises with the necessary experience, employees of foreign companies.

The structure of a targeted personnel training program may be as follows:

1. familiarization with the basics of project management;

2. obtaining general educational knowledge to the required extent;

3. study of domestic and foreign experience on project management;

4. acquisition of practical skills in methods for solving specific problems and tasks that arise in the workplace during the implementation of the project.

6. general education courses conducted for project team specialists by teachers from universities and consulting firms;

7. thematic seminars conducted by consultants with the involvement of pilots (with relevant experience) of enterprises;

8. internships for managers and individual specialists in organizations implementing projects, with the participation of consultants;

9. “staff games” - targeted training, conducted mainly by a consultant with the participation of managers and specialists in solving specific problems;

10. training of teachers and consultants, transfer of project management training technologies.

From the point of view of directions in training, five main situations can be distinguished (Table 21.3.14):

Table 21.3.14. Options for staff training needs
Specification of training needs Teaching Method
Specialized training programs (sales training, negotiations, creativity) Behavioral training methods
2 Team building programs Active group and intergroup activities followed by reflection of the group process. Business and role-playing games
Development of interpersonal and intra-company communication, formation of conflict resolution skills Sensitivity training, role-playing games, business simulation games, internships, design corporate culture
Management training Lectures, seminars, practical classes, educational business games
Preparing for Organizational Innovation Organizational thinking games, project development, analysis of organizational situations

Training needs assessment. Planning training programs – component general planning labor resources along with calculating staffing needs, drawing up recruitment plans, and career planning.

In order to determine training needs and educational planning, it is advisable to:

1. use the results of labor and personnel assessments that identify problems faced by employees;

2. analyze the technical update plan;

3. evaluate the specifics of the general training programs that college and university students who come to work for the organization undergo;

4. diagnose average level preparedness of new employees.

A training system can be effective only if the current situation is analyzed, the prospect is assessed and an image of the desired future is formed, changes are predicted, change projects are prepared, deadlines and costs are determined.

Comparative analysis of traditional and integrated education gives table 21.3.15.

Table 21.3.15. comparative analysis of training systems
An object Individual manager Groups, intergroup connections,
Content Fundamentals of management knowledge and skills Communication skills,
Students Junior and middle managers All managers up to senior management
Continuation of the table. 21.3.15.
Options Traditional in-house training Training combined with organizational development
Educational process Based on information and rationalization Based on information, rationalization, communication and emotion
Learning style Based on subjects and characteristics of teachers Based on the characteristics of the participants, their experience, problems, relationships and skills of consultants
Learning Objectives Rationality and efficiency Adaptation, change, modification
form of conduct Local seminars, courses Free choice of forms depending on need and situation
Responsibility for behavior Teachers, organizers Participants
Program stability Stable Flexible program adapted to the situation
Training Concepts Adaptation of managers to the needs of the population Change leaders and organization at the same time
Participation in the preparation of educational and other programs Participants are not included in the compilation of training exercises Managers take part in drawing up change programs
Focus Focus on knowledge that may be acquired in the future Focus on specific change
Participants' activity Typically inactive Typically very active

Project “Training highly qualified personnel for priority areas of economic development in Karachay. Circassian Republic (agricultural sector, construction, electric power industry)" COMPETITION "PERSONNEL FOR THE REGIONS" North Caucasus State Humanitarian-Technological Academy

Relevance of the project for the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Priority directions of economic development of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Agro-industrial sector Construction Electric power industry Basic educational programs and programs of additional professional education 110900. 62 Technology of production and processing of agricultural products; 151000. 62 Technological machines and equipment; 110800. 62 Agricultural engineering; 111801. 65 Veterinary medicine. 270800. 62 Construction Highly qualified personnel 140400. 62 Electric power and electrical engineering

Goal and objectives of the project Project goal: Ø improvement educational programs higher professional education taking into account the requirements of regional industry, Agriculture and business of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic; Ø the Academy provides assistance to enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, construction and electric power industry in the training of applied personnel. Project objectives: 1. Updating the basic educational programs of higher professional education for the preparation of: a) bachelors in the areas: 110900. 62 Technology of production and processing of agricultural products; 151000. 62 Technological machines and equipment; 110800. 62 Agricultural engineering; 270800. 62 Construction; 140400. 62 Electrical power and electrical engineering: b) specialists in the field of 111801. 65 Veterinary medicine. 2. Development of new educational programs for additional professional education. 3. Providing the Project with highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel and specialists from the real sector of the economy. 4. Logistical, educational and methodological support for the Project. 5. Testing and implementation of educational programs in the educational process. 3

Projects implemented by the Academy aimed at the development of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic ü Participation in two competitions of the Federal Targeted Program “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel innovative Russia for 2009 -2013 " (on total amount 10 million rubles), patents received: No. 118658; No. 123036; No. 112921 and the decision to issue a patent for application No. 2013110865. ü Training program for specialists for the agro-industrial complex of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic: for the largest greenhouse plant in Europe, JSC Agrokombinat "Yuzhny" (total amount 289 thousand rubles); 37 specialists were trained in specialty 110201. 65 Agronomy; ü Development and implementation of the EP “Modernization of the system of primary and secondary vocational education for training specialists in the field of energy in the North Caucasus federal district"(total amount 236 thousand rubles): work was carried out to improve the qualifications of teachers of special disciplines and masters of industrial training of the network educational institutions professional education on the basis of the Interregional Industry Resource Center in the field of training “Maintenance and operation of small power plants” and “Installation, operation and Maintenance lighting systems" ; two network educational programs of professional modules have been developed: “Maintenance and operation of small power plants”, “Installation, operation and maintenance of lighting systems”; ü Professional development program for specialists construction complex Karachay-Cherkess Republic (for a total amount of 5.1 million rubles), specialists were trained in the additional vocational training programs: Construction of buildings and structures - 793 people. , Design of buildings and structures - 148 people, Engineering surveys for construction - 16 people. 4

Partner enterprises for the implementation of the Project 1. OJSC Republican Agro-Industrial Enterprise "Kavkaz-Myaso" - largest producer meat products, food by-products in the region. The format of participation in the project is co-financing (3 million 334 thousand rubles).

2. Peasant (farm) farm “Rassvet-1”. Produces and sells agricultural products. (3 million 334 thousand rubles)

3. LLC "United Production Plant "Progress" Construction hotel complex in the village of Arkhyz (3 million 334 thousand rubles) 4. LLC “Yug. Project. Build. Installation" . Performs the functions of a customer, general contractor and designer, carries out work on social, housing, industrial, civil, and road facilities (3 million 334 thousand rubles).

5. JSC "Distribution Grid Company". Carries out distribution electrical energy in the capital of the republic, Cherkessk. (2 million 222 thousand rubles). 6. CJSC "APSNY" is a motor transport enterprise serving the agro-industrial complex, construction and energy industries of the republic. (3 million 242 thousand rubles). 7. LLC "Heat Networks" is a heat supply company in the region, servicing the housing and communal services of the region. (1 million 200 thousand rubles).

Main activities of the Project To achieve the objectives of the Project, the following activities are envisaged: ü conducting a content analysis of educational programs for compliance with the requirements of employers, professional standards And qualification characteristics, requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard; ü updating teaching materials on disciplines in accordance with established requirements employers in the agro-industrial complex, construction, electric power industry to their content, conducting social and professional examination, finalization, development of educational, production and pre-graduation internship programs; ü development and implementation of advanced training and internship programs for teaching staff in leading universities of the Russian Federation, attracting highly qualified specialists from higher professional education and production to the implementation of the project, stimulating young teachers and scientists to attract them to the field higher education and science; ü acquisition of laboratory equipment, information and communication technologies for training, scientific and educational literature, creation of a training and production base for the implementation of updated and developed programs; ü organizing and conducting an examination of educational programs in order to identify their effectiveness in solving the Project’s objectives.

Expected results and impact of the project on the socio-economic development of the region 1. Improving the quality of education at the academy, increasing professionalism and demand for graduates modern market labor of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. 2. Providing highly qualified specialists to organizations and enterprises in the region and employment of academy graduates by establishing long-term relationships. 3. Improving the qualifications of professional personnel in the region on the basis of the developed educational programs of further professional education in accordance with modern requirements, the level of development of science, technology and production. 4. Phased integration of education into the region’s production sector by opening branches of departments on the territory of partner enterprises and resource centers. 5. Improving the qualifications of the academy's teaching staff, ensuring their mobility, strengthening the scientific and educational laboratory base. 6. Increasing production efficiency in priority sectors of the regional economy. 7. Increased motivation of young people to obtain higher professional education relevant to the regional economy (agro-industrial complex, construction, electric power industry).