How to write a resume by email sample. How to send your resume by email? Rules of business etiquette. To grandfather's village

Recently, employers prefer to indicate only email as a method of communication in order to make an initial selection of resumes. According to statistics, more than 90% of applicants send their application by email incorrectly. To be in the remaining 10% you need to follow simple requirements.

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The first step to the desired position

  • Each vacancy -. A big mistake of all applicants is that they send the same file to different vacancies. It must be edited before each submission. The requirements specified in the position description are the main clue of what should be on the resume and what should not be there.
  • Photo. There are vacancies with the requirement “Pleasant appearance” (usually for secretaries and beauty industry specialists). This usually means having a photo on your resume. There is no need to send it separately. This is inconvenient for the employer. Also, the photo should be current (if you inserted a photo where you have long dark hair, and at the moment you are a blonde with an ultra-short haircut, then get ready for the fact that your interview will begin with a slight shock to the employer).
  • Decoration. When composing the text, use standard fonts Times New Roman or Arial (the employer may not have the rest and, as a result, the file will be unreadable). The most important things can be highlighted in italics or bold.
  • Literacy. Errors will lead to the document being closed without being read to the end.
  • Specifics and clear goals. You definitely need to apply for a specific vacancy, because the personnel officer should not be involved in guessing your desires. Even simple office vacancies involve a different nature of work. For example, a clerk is mainly engaged in monotonous work related to the registration of documents. It would seem that the vacancy of an office manager also involves working with documentation, however, as a rule, an office manager is a more multifunctional position. Most often, he must completely control everything that happens in the room, right down to cleaning it, so this work does not contain a routine. You must clearly decide what you are ready to do.
  • Control. Check your email daily so you don't miss any feedback.

Your email

  • Nickname. The first thing the employer will see when they receive your response is your nickname. It will be displayed in the From field. Therefore, there should be no “Lenochka Happy”, “Brutal from Tyumen” and other nonsense. Please provide your real details in Latin letters (for example, anna semjonova). Refrain from using Russian letters due to discrepancies in encodings (the recipient may see a set of unreadable characters).
  • Logins like " [email protected]" And " [email protected]“will allow you to make a primary opinion about you and not the best one. The email address must consist of your first and last name (just your full name is acceptable).
  • Work email. Get yourself a second email dedicated only to sending your resume and work decisions. Treat your job search like a project.

Compliance with the required format

If you send your resume to , then its format should allow it to be edited in the future, since the recruiter needs to at least delete your personal information for forwarding to the employer (so that the second one does not have the opportunity to contact you directly). Accordingly, the PDF format is no longer needed. If you conduct your own searches, then PDF is quite suitable.

The size of the sent file should not exceed 250 KB (if the resume has a photo, then up to 1 MB is allowed):

  • Required format. The best format is RTF (MS Word: in the top panel there is the “Office” button, then “Save as ...”, then “Other formats”. In the window that opens, in the “File type” field, select “Text in RTF format” ). TXT format is allowed, but there is a caveat here. This format is only suitable if it is saved in an old version of the Microsoft Word editor, since you cannot know which version the HR manager has on his PC. The new edition, unfortunately, may not open.
  • Unnecessary format. Some organizations do not consider resumes in DOC format at all (there is a risk of virus infection), and they are automatically sent to the Spam folder.
  • Read the requirements carefully. Many people ask you to insert your “samari” directly into the letter, and not send it as a separate file. Violations of the requirements for the format of submitted resumes also create a negative impression of you. According to statistics, when asked to send a resume to RTF, 80–90% of people still send it to DOC.

How to name files

The most common mistake of all applicants: they simply and “tastefully” call their document “Resume”. Now imagine how many of these “Resumes” a recruiter receives per day? He has to rename each file, i.e., make unnecessary gestures that waste the employee’s time and effort.

To avoid the dissatisfaction of the HR manager, you simply need to add your personal data (last name with initials and desired position) to the name, for example “rezume_semjonovaAN_manager”.

How to send your resume by mail

  • There is contact. The “Write a letter” button will open a new template. To avoid mistakes, it is better to copy the login directly from the advertisement (you must also copy carefully without spaces or periods at the end, otherwise the letter will not reach the recipient).

    You can also find your email login directly on the company’s website (sections “Career”, “Vacancies”, “Contacts”, etc.)

  • Attached files. Very often, personnel officers and recruiters receive responses from applicants with an empty attachment. It usually looks like this: “Good afternoon! Please consider my resume for the position of Clerk. Resume is attached”, but it turns out to be empty... The applicant simply forgot to attach the resume. It is unlikely that you will receive feedback in this case. First, the recruiter simply does not have time to answer everyone that the attachment is empty. Secondly, he will conclude that you are an inattentive person. Even if you correct your mistake and resend the document, your opinion most likely will not change. You can attach a file using the special “Attachment” button.
  • Subject of the letter It is better to write in Latin - CV (note: CV - “Curriculum vitæ”, which is translated from Latin - “course of life”) or resume + the name of the position of interest. For example: “CV: IT” or “resume: office-manager”. You should also not use Russian letters in this field.

    It may seem that a freelancer does not need a resume. If you are looking for a job on the stock exchange, you just need to learn how to leave a catchy review, and if clients already find you on their own, what kind of resume can we talk about?

    In fact, on freelance exchanges you can often find projects in which performers are asked to send a resume. As a rule, these are projects from large companies that imply long-term cooperation. Or when a company is looking for a remote employee.

    To get a job, you need to do more than just be a professional. According to statistics, 80% of candidates are eliminated precisely because of a weak, incomplete resume.

    Freelancers are busy people, and you don’t always want to rack your brains over this document. Special online services will help you quickly compose it.

    Free service for creating resumes. The process consists of five steps. At every step you are given useful tips and recommendations. If you forgot to write something, you can always go back a step and revise it without losing the information you have already entered. The smart program prevents you from making mistakes - all entered data is checked.

    You can create three versions of your resume: with a photo (you need to upload it in the fifth step), without a photo, and with a place to paste a photo (if you need to hand over the resume and not send it electronically).

    International free service for creating resumes. Your document is saved in the system, and if necessary, you can log in to your account, edit it and download it at any time.

    You can add sections to your resume and rearrange them to create a truly unique document. There is a preview function, as well as hints.

    The finished resume is available for download in PDF, HTML and TXT formats.

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    Free online resume development service. The process of creating a document is divided into 4 steps, which are interchanged. You can create a document in Russian and English.

    An example of a completed resume is provided. The service provides clear and useful instructions. It is possible to upload a photo. A preview function is available after each step.

    Using this free service, you can develop not only a resume, but also a cover letter for it. Offers more than twenty original templates with a clear structure.

    It is possible to transport your resume with HeadHunter.

    The finished document is available in PDF format. It is possible to create a resume website.

    When you register, you have a personal account, and you can log in at any time and edit your resume if necessary.

    Useful tips, labor market news, a form for creating a resume using a template - this is what Cvon offers you. The form is simple and unpretentious, there are tips.

    Creating a resume is divided into steps, and until the fields are filled in, you cannot proceed to the next step.

    It's disappointing that many sections of the site are under reconstruction or are inaccessible. And it is unknown whether they will become available soon.

    The free service allows you to create a resume with or without a photo, as you prefer. Creation takes place in three stages: selecting a template – filling out – downloading. All resumes remain in the system and are open for download to anyone - and, in my opinion, this is a huge minus.

    You can download the finished document in PDF and DOC format.

    These are the simplest free resume creation services. In addition to them, you can create and promote your resume on large ones - they have all the necessary functionality for this.

    One of the most important activities during your job search is writing a good resume. Great attention is paid to the correctness, literacy and effectiveness of this document. And that's right. However, one important step that should not be overlooked is sending your resume by email.
    Now this method of transmitting information is the fastest and most convenient. It has become an effective communication tool in the labor market. If the applicant makes a mistake when sending a resume by e-mail, the recruiter may not receive a time-consuming, meaningful document. As a result, a potential candidate, despite all his positive qualities and professionalism, may be left without a long-awaited job.
    Therefore, it is important not only to create a competent, accurate, professional resume that can make a pleasant impression on the recruiter, but also to flawlessly carry out all the steps to send it.

    Steps when sending your resume by email

    So, having in hand, you should take several correct steps to deliver it to your future boss. A few words about what you need to pay special attention to:

    1. You should have your own mailbox. When writing a postal address, you need to pay attention to its neutrality and conciseness. For example, [email protected] or [email protected]- good options. Under no circumstances should you use mailing addresses with words similar to such as: “chumpy”, “superman”, “honey”, etc. They will cause a negative reaction from the recruiter and demonstrate your narrow-mindedness and frivolity.
    2. It is not recommended to send a blank letter with a resume file attached. The fields must be filled in. For example, in the “Message Subject” field you need to write the word “Resume” and the designation of the position for which the applicant expects. In certain cases, the job code or initials of the internal recruiter are written here. This procedure for writing a letter is typical for large enterprises with many open vacancies. It is used to simplify the process of searching for personnel and sorting incoming resumes. Applicants must take these requirements seriously. Failure to comply with the recruiter’s conditions will be regarded by him as disrespect for the enterprise, inattention and frivolity of the applicant.
    3. Compilation is one of the most revealing steps in presenting an applicant, indicating the competence, persuasiveness, assertiveness and seriousness of his intentions in finding a suitable job. After reading such a letter, the recruiter will learn about the main goal of the applicant, evaluate his efforts and be able to draw appropriate conclusions. When filling out a letter, the applicant should address the hiring manager directly. If he is not aware of his name, then it is appropriate to use nameless correct formulations, for example, “Dear employees of the enterprise” or “Good afternoon.” You should indicate the vacancy that interests you and the sources of information about it. Next, you should write a little about the benefits you offer. You need to finish the story by indicating your phone number or email for feedback if your candidacy is of interest to the employer. Don't forget the signature "with respect...".
    4. At the next stage, it is recommended to check the written resume again. Perhaps after the next reading you will find grammatical or spelling errors, correct them, which will give you more confidence in a positive outcome.
    5. Most often, the resume is attached to the letter as a separate file. Required condition: it must be in doc format. This format is versatile and secure. If the resume is written in RTF format, then it must be saved in Microsoft Word. To do this, in the “File” menu, select the “Save As...” section, and in the corresponding “File Type” field, click the “doc” button. You will see a message about the possibility of losing some formatting elements, which you can safely ignore. After saving the file, it is advisable to view it again, checking it for readability.
    6. Don't clutter your resume with unnecessary information. There is no need to attach photos or examples of your work to it if the employer has not indicated this in the vacancy. Perhaps for him initially, a resume and cover letter are sufficient information. If he is interested in your candidacy, he will be able to ask you to provide him with specific information during the interview.

    Video: how to send a file by email

    Most job seekers find vacancies on specialized websites on the Internet. Many of the employers immediately indicate in the advertisement the email to which the resume should be sent. But not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Step-by-step instructions on how to email your resume to an employer can help.

    Preparatory stage

    First of all, it is important to correctly compose the specified document in electronic form. If you don’t know how best to format it, you can use the templates that our website offers and recommendations for filling it out. In them you will find the main sections that need to be completed when writing a resume. Don't deviate too much from the given standard. It is convenient for recruiters to view a clear, structured document in which all the information is arranged in the order they are accustomed to. Such a resume has a better chance of being read and evaluated.

    Please note that when sending the specified document by email, you must provide a cover letter. It is best to send your resume as an attached file. This will allow the recruiter to view the document, download and print it if necessary. You can write a cover letter directly in the body of the email. According to established rules, it must contain an appeal to a potential employer and a request to consider your resume for the proposed vacancy.

    Important nuances

    In addition to preparing a competent resume and writing a cover letter, there are a number of points to consider. Please note that the recruiter will see the name of the document under which you saved your resume. Therefore it must be neutral. It is better if it is immediately clear who sent it. This way it won’t get lost among the mass of similar downloaded documents. For example, you can call it “Resume_Starchenko_economist”.

    But that's not all. Look at your email name. It is unlikely that an employer will be able to seriously evaluate a document sent with [email protected] or [email protected]. It’s not difficult to create a new mailbox from which you can send your resume by email. Its name can be, for example, your first name and last name or a combination of your last name and date of birth. When registering a new mailbox, almost all mail systems offer several options for its name, based on the data you provide.

    After sending the letter, you can call the company whose vacancy interests you and find out if they received your message. It is better to do this only the next day. Don't think that you might seem intrusive. On the contrary, it will only emphasize that you are still interested in the proposed vacancy. In addition, after the phone call, you will be sure that the potential employer received your letter, and it did not go unnoticed, ending up in the spam folder.

    It is advisable to indicate the name of the vacancy you are interested in in the subject line of the message. But you can also do this in the body of the document. Please note that in large companies several vacancies may be open at the same time, and compliance with this rule will greatly facilitate the recruiter’s task of sorting correspondence and increase your chances.

    Step by step instructions

    Having understood the basic nuances of preparing documents and their execution, you can proceed directly to sending them.

    1. Go to your mailbox from which you will send your resume. Find the “Write a letter” button and click on it.
    2. In the “to” column, indicate the employer’s e-mail; it can be copied directly from the vacancy announcement.
    3. In the subject of the message, write the name of the position that interests you. You can do this as follows: Resume of Deputy Chief Accountant.
    4. In the body of the letter, write a short cover letter. In it, you can contact a potential employer and offer to consider your candidacy for the presented vacancy. You can also express your willingness to provide additional information during the interview.
    5. The resume itself can be sent as an attached (attached) file. Pay attention to its name. Please note that in some companies the MS Word format is considered outdated, in addition, *.doc documents may contain viruses, so some may simply ignore them. Even if you decide to create a document in Word, it is better to save it in *.txt or *.rtf format.
    6. Before sending, look at the size of the attached file. According to established rules, it should not be more than 250 KB.

    Knowing the basic nuances does not guarantee you a job. But it will help improve your chances. A competent approach to preparing a resume and sending it allows the recruiter to understand that you are interested in the proposed vacancy and that you have business communication skills. Therefore, it is better not to rush, but to look at an example of how to correctly write the specified document and a cover letter for it, and also take into account all the nuances of sending a resume.

    I am glad to welcome you, dear readers, to the pages of my blog. Today we continue to solve problems related to employment and talk about how to send your resume by email to an employer. For some, this may seem like a completely banal operation that does not deserve special attention, but do not underestimate this point, since even here you can miss and lose your chances of getting your dream job.

    From this article you will learn:

    Currently, the Internet has firmly entered our lives; more and more of our compatriots, from preschool children to pensioners, are happy to master the computer, playing online games, using online stores, ordering lunches and watching movies. Therefore, it is quite logical that the employer’s first, correspondence, acquaintance with the candidacy of a potential employee now also increasingly occurs via the Internet - via e-mail.

    This is a great way to save valuable time, because now everyone who wants to get a job at the company does not need to be interviewed - just select a few of the most suitable resumes. Despite the fact that this practice is very convenient, not everyone can appreciate its positive aspects, because someone is used to winning people over in personal communication, but cannot at all get the employer to be “hooked” by it.

    When sending a letter with your resume to an employer by email, it is important to somehow attract his attention. But how to do this if the message can simply get lost among spam and letters from other applicants? There are certain techniques that will increase the likelihood that your resume will reach its recipient and be read by him, and we will talk about this below. In fact, all this is not difficult at all, the main thing is to follow simple rules and not try to hope for a successful combination of circumstances. In such an important matter as finding a job, unfortunately, not everyone is lucky with this.

    Why send your resume by email?

    As mentioned above, there is a certain business etiquette in today's employment industry. It means that before you appear for an interview in person, the potential employer will receive your resume by email and decide whether you are a good fit based on the information received from it. To come to the office and demand that they immediately talk to you about employment is, at a minimum, incorrect, because the manager who is responsible for this issue may simply not have time for this.

    Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, and in some cases it works - the boss may like your self-confidence and you will get a vacancy. However, I repeat, this is only an exception to the rule, because, with a greater degree of probability, they will think of you that you are not a very well-mannered person, and simply will not want to deal with you. So, we've sorted out business etiquette.

    The second point is that the resume should be sent by email - this can be the mail of the head of the organization, the head of the human resources department, the manager responsible for recruiting, or a corporate mailbox.

    In any case, the subject line of the letter should indicate that this is a response to a specific vacancy. Is it possible to give the document to the secretary or send it by regular mail? It is possible, but it is not a fact that it will not get lost among other business papers and correspondence.

    By the way, sometimes it’s great to simplify the task on a website specially designed for this, sending employers only a link. This is not always a good solution, as someone may mistake your letter for a viral mailing and refuse to follow the link. It is better to duplicate your resume in a text document, formatting it according to the sample.

    What should be in the letter and what should not be there?

    Even if you get it right, it's still no guarantee of success. When sending a letter to an employer by email, you must take care of the following things:

    • a readable format of a text document (resume), which you attach to the body of the letter;
    • a cover letter, short and succinct, written in accordance with the requirements that a formal business style requires (you can indicate more detailed information in it - experience, preferences, motivation);
    • subject of the letter - this item is required, since otherwise your message may easily end up in the spam folder.

    If you have taken these points into account, your letter will follow the best traditions of business correspondence and, at least, will not cause a subconscious negative assessment from the recipient. By the way, this is a little strange, but sometimes even the mailbox address can play a role. You may have registered your email account in high school or college and used a name that you thought was funny, interesting, or meaningful. Now put yourself in the shoes of an employer who receives a letter from a person with the email address “homyak_ubiytca” who is applying for the position of Deputy General Director.

    So, if the address of your mailbox is original, it is better to get yourself another one for official correspondence, and use your last name and initials for its name.

    Don't get carried away with emoticons. An exception is if the vacancy was presented in an informal style, and the general corporate image requires communication in this format. Nowadays this is no longer uncommon, but still, if you get a job in a company that adheres to a traditional style of communication between employees, it is better to refrain from emoticons. Slang and profanity are also unacceptable.

    Step-by-step algorithm for sending a letter to an employer's email

    You may not be well versed in modern technology, and even such a routine operation as sending an email can be difficult. Especially for you - a step-by-step list of actions that you need to take.

    • log in to your email by entering your username and password;
    • select the “write a message” column in the menu and left-click on it;
    • indicate the subject of the letter;
    • type text (or copy pre-prepared text) in the dialog box that appears;
    • At the bottom, find the “attach” icon, click on it and select the desired file in the window that appears;
    • indicate the recipient;
    • click the “send” button.

    Now pay attention to some useful tips that may come in handy when you send a letter to the company where you want to work.

    • Try to send the letter in the morning or evening. Typically, this is when most people check their inbox, and your message will have a much better chance of getting noticed. If you send your resume by email during the day, after it you may receive several notifications about promotions and letters from competitors, the addressee may not reach your message.
    • Report your letter. Mail by mail, but no one canceled the phone. After submitting your resume, simply call the HR department, tell them you are interested in working for this company, and you can view your resume by checking your mailbox. If you are confident enough, ask the department staff to call you back and let you know when you can come for an interview.
    • When you write your resume, first type the text of your cover letter, check whether you did it correctly, then attach the document (of course, also carefully checked). Only after this should you write the employer’s address, because one wrong mouse movement and you risk sending him an incomprehensible piece of text, which may also contain errors. It’s very easy to ruin the first impression, so it’s safer to play it safe.
    • If the employer asks you to send some other files in addition to your resume, for example, a photograph, a copy of your work record book or education document, it is highly advisable if all this is placed in one file. This helps organize information about you and speeds up decision making.
    • If you plan to submit your resume to several companies at once, it is better to do this not by mailing, but by sending individual messages to everyone. Why? Yes, because a potential employer will not at all enter into a struggle with “competitors” for the opportunity to employ you in their company. Most likely, he will consider that you are a “random guest” who does not consider his vacancy seriously and sent your resume “for show,” and will not answer you with a positive verdict.