What are baby pets called? Duck in baby food What is a baby drake called?

A duck is a bird from the order Anseriformes, family Anatidae.

Description of the duck

For all the numerous representatives of ducks, one can name characteristic features that distinguish them from other birds:

  • flattened and streamlined body;
  • rather short neck;
  • small head;
  • a wide and flat beak with horny plates or teeth on the sides;
  • the presence of a subcutaneous layer of fat;
  • powerful paws equipped with membranes that resemble flippers.

Biological features of the duck

Another characteristic feature that distinguishes ducks from other bird species is the significant difference in the coloring of males and females. The male duck, the drake, in addition to being much larger than the female, has more variegated plumage. All representatives of ducks have a contrasting and bright spot on their wings, which is called the “mirror”. It serves so that birds of the same species can identify each other among other birds.

Due to the fatty lubricant secreted by the coccygeal gland, the outer plumage of the duck is waterproof. Thanks to this, waterfowl can take off even after prolonged “water procedures.”

Types of ducks

Ducks can be divided into two main groups: wild and domestic. In turn, wild ducks are divided into diving ducks, which obtain their food at the bottom of reservoirs, and river ducks, which obtain their food in shallow water. It is believed that domestic ducks had one common ancestor - the mallard.

All the variety of duck breeds bred by man can be divided into four classes: meat, meat-egg, egg and decorative.

The weight of meat breed drakes can reach four kilograms, and the average egg production of egg-class ducks exceeds 250 eggs per year.

Where do ducks live?

The distribution range of ducks is very wide. You will not find them only in the harsh conditions of Antarctica. The main condition for the existence of wild ducks is the presence of a pond, since it is a source of food for these birds.

In addition, an obligatory factor is coastal vegetation (shrubs, reeds, wind-fallen trees, etc.), which hides the nest with masonry from prying eyes. It’s easier with representatives of poultry - they live where conditions have been created for them.

What does a duck eat?

When it comes to nutrition, representatives of the duck family are absolutely unpretentious and can easily adapt to circumstances. In early spring, when reservoirs are still covered with a crust of ice, ducks find food in polynyas. Later, when the water is freed from winter shackles, duckweed, small fish and tadpoles, crustaceans and adult frogs, and mosquito larvae are added to the ducks’ diet. The latter helps to curb the uncontrolled reproduction of these insects.

Duck breeding

In spring, ducks begin to lay eggs. During April and May, the female duck lays one egg every day. When there are about 13 of them, she sits on the nest and begins to incubate the clutch. Due to the fact that many ducks prefer to throw their eggs into other people's nests, a hen can be observed hatching up to 20 eggs. After a month, small ducklings are born, which become sexually mature after a year.

Breeding ducks at home

Domestic ducks breed easily in captivity. Moreover, they do not require special difficult conditions of detention. It is enough to build a spacious pen that will be locked at night, dry straw bedding and a small artificial pond. To limit freedom, domestic ducks need to have their wings clipped.

What do domestic ducks eat?

Domestic ducks are not picky about food. They eat feed and wheat, household waste and algae, apples and sunflower seeds well. But you should remember that you need to add sand or fine gravel to your food to improve digestion.

For our youngest readers

Dear friends! If there are small children in your family, then let them learn more about animals.

Children are especially interested in observing parent-child relationships in animals. This will allow the child to more fully understand the order of distribution of social roles in any community. Young children actively absorb everything new, and interesting information about the family life of animals helps them more correctly determine their place in their family and in the team.

So, first of all about pets.

Dog, dog and puppy

The dog is the very first animal domesticated by man. This happened 14 thousand years ago. Now there are hundreds of different breeds of dogs, and not only decorative ones. Dogs can be hunting, guard, herding, service, etc. Dog cubs are called puppies. The puppy's dad is called a dog.

Cat, cat and kitten

Cats, like dogs, have been domesticated by humans for a very long time. Even now, they not only delight their owners, but also protect their homes from mice and other rodents. The kitten's dad's name is cat.

Bull, cow and calf

The cow is a very useful animal. She gives people milk. Her baby's name is calf. The calf's father is a bull.

Goat, goat and kid

Goats provide people with very healthy milk and wool. Her baby is a kid, and the kid's dad is a buck.

Ram, sheep and lamb

The sheep gives people warm wool. A baby sheep's name is lamb. The lamb's father is a ram.

Horse, horse (mare) and foal

The horse is used as a vehicle for riding and transporting goods. A baby horse is called a foal. The foal's father is a horse.

Donkey, donkey and foal (baby donkey)

Donkeys in the southern and mountainous regions are used as a means of transportation.

Camel, she-camel and baby camel

The camel is a very hardy animal, which is indispensable in the deserts for transporting goods. In addition, camels produce very good wool.

Rabbit, mother rabbit and baby rabbits

Rooster, hen and chicks

The chicken lays eggs. The eggs hatch into chickens, and their father is a rooster.

Drake, duck and ducklings

This is the daddy drake, his head is green, unlike the gray mother duck.

Goose, goose and goslings

Turkey, turkey and poults

And now a little about wild animals.

Elephant, mother elephant and baby elephant

Lion, lioness, lion cub

Tiger, tigress and tiger cub

Bear, she-bear and cub

Polar bear, polar bear, bear cub

Panda, baby panda

Cheetah and cheetah cubs (kittens)

Leopard and leopard cub (kitten)

Wolf, she-wolf and cubs

Elk, elk, calf

This is Papa Moose. He, unlike a moose cow, has huge horns.

Deer, doe, fawn

Hippopotamus, hippopotamus and baby hippopotamus

Rhinoceros, female rhinoceros and baby rhinoceros

Giraffe, giraffe, baby giraffe

Buffalo, buffalo and buffalo

Bison, bison mother and bison calf

Gorilla, female gorilla, baby gorilla

Zebra and zebra cubs

Walrus, walrus and baby walrus

Seal, mother seal and baby seal (squirrel)

Penguin, penguin and baby penguin

Swan white and black, baby swans

Long-eared owl and little owlet

Turtle and baby turtle (turtle)

Hedgehog, hedgehog and hedgehog

That's all our examples. Did you remember everything and repeat it?

We also suggest watching the video to reinforce it.

Here is a video with the names of the animals:

There are also baby animals here:

And here the animals “say”:

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For a homestead or for sale, breeding ducks is quite a profitable business. They produce three types of main products: meat, eggs, fluff, as well as an additional one - litter.

In order to start a business, you need to purchase eggs or chicks. You can constantly buy the latter, or you can breed them yourself in your own yard. A duck chick is called a duckling.

It is distinguished by good vitality, early ripening and unpretentiousness.

Popular breeds for breeding

  • musky;
  • Beijing;
  • black white-breasted;
  • clayey;
  • cayuga (coral);
  • mirror;
  • white allier;
  • gray Ukrainian.

If a farmer has purchased eggs, he will need a brood hen(s) or an incubator. It is very convenient for those who plan to raise poultry for meat on a medium or large scale. The best eggs for incubation will be those that have lain for no more than 10 days after laying, have an even shape, and are of medium size for the breed.

How to remove a chick from hatching to slaughter

The duration of the incubation period is 27-28 days. The time interval of approximately one day before hatching is called pipping. At this time, the duck chick is trying to break through the shell with its beak. It is very important to be close to the ducklings when they are born, as they hatch wet and the slightest draft can be fatal to them. Duck babies need to be dried artificially or left to the hen.

It can be done under an adult bird - a brood hen - or separately. Of course, the first method is better, but the incubator duck chick is no worse in terms of productive qualities. You just need to take into account some subtleties:

  • The poultry room must have a constant temperature and humidity, even though ducks are waterfowl, there should be no dampness in the poultry house. The air temperature before the 6th day is 22-28 o C, after that it is 16-18. The bedding for ducklings should be dry and warm; use straw, peat, and sawdust.
  • A duck chick, like any other poultry, is extremely sensitive to hypothermia. It is necessary to use special drinking bowls for ducklings so that they do not get wet.
  • Accustoming to water is carried out later than for a brood reared under a brood hen: usually from 18-25 days.
  • It is necessary to calculate the size of the room and not place a large number of chicks together: ducks do not tolerate crowded conditions. The norm is 7-8 heads per square meter.

Slaughter for meat is carried out at two months, the weight of the young animals is 2200-2500 g. After two months, the birds begin to molt, the ducks lose weight, the weight at slaughter will be higher, but the meat yield is less.

Feeding ducklings

Duck babies are quite voracious; you need to add food to the feeders after 3-4 hours. Their diet consists of mashed grains, porridges (oatmeal, millet, barley) with the addition of milk, cottage cheese, vegetables, and green grass. A mineral supplement in the form of crushed shells, chalk, and from three weeks - salt - is required. For ducklings in the first days of life, add a finely chopped boiled egg.

Determining the sex of ducklings

In order to find out what sex a duck chick is, you need to look into the cloaca; in the drake, a small tubercle is visible in its lower section. Ducks can be gendered almost immediately after birth. In some breeds, females and males differ in color.

Peculiarity: Quite fatty, not included in the diet of young children.

The meat of both domestic and wild ducks is consumed.

In 100 g ducklings(without skin) 135 kcal.

Duck meat is a dark type of meat (dark brown, brown-red). Therefore, it is considered not as dietary as white meat, but it contains many useful substances and has excellent taste.

Composition and nutritional properties of duck

100 g of duck contains:

Water - 73.77 g

Proteins - 18.28 g

Fat - 5.95 g

Carbohydrates - 0.94 g

Ash - 1.06 g

Useful properties of duck meat

Despite the fact that duck is rich in cholesterol, it also contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Choline, contained in duck meat, takes part in fat metabolism and is very important for the formation of cell membranes.

The concentration of vitamin A in duck meat is much higher than, say, in chicken, which is why duck meat is beneficial for people with poor eyesight.

Duck meat is quite fatty, so duck is not suitable for dietary nutrition. In addition, people prone to allergic diseases should take into account that duck meat can trigger allergies.

Contraindications for use

Duck is considered a fatty meat and contains a large amount of cholesterol, so it is not used in dietary nutrition and is not recommended for consumption by patients suffering from obesity, diabetes, or children under 3 years of age.

In addition, duck contains refractory fats and is relatively poorly digested by the gastrointestinal tract, so it is not recommended for use by patients with diseases of the liver, pancreas, or stomach.

Duck meat in children's diet

Duck can be introduced into a child’s diet no earlier than when he or she reaches three years of age, because it difficult to digest. This will put a lot of stress on the stomach and pancreas, which are not yet fully strengthened at an early age.

Preparation and consistency

The duck can be fried, boiled, stewed, baked, whole or in parts. A very popular holiday dish is duck with apples, baked in the oven or oven. Domestic ducks are quite fatty and a lot of fat is rendered out of them when cooked. Therefore, it is better to cut off some of the fat in advance. Sometimes the smell of duck can be quite pungent, then when cooking you need to put halves or quarters of fragrant apples in it.

Duck recipes for children

Stuffed duck


  • Duck (2-2.5 kg) - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Mushrooms (champignons) - 400 g
  • greens - 100 g
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


  1. We pre-wash the duck, gut it (if required), rub the inside with salt and black pepper and leave to marinate for 15-30 minutes.
  2. Boil the potatoes, drain, add chopped herbs and garlic.
  3. Chop the mushrooms and fry them in butter until golden brown, then mix with boiled potatoes and stir.
  4. We wash the marinated duck and rub it again with salt and pepper, and put the potato and mushroom mixture inside.
  5. Sew up the duck using a large needle, grease the top with vegetable oil and place on a baking sheet in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees for 1.5-2 hours.
  6. When serving, place the duck on a dish, cut it and remove the threads at the seam,
  7. decorate with greenery.

Duck breast in honey with cherry sauce


  • Duck breast - 4 pcs.
  • Honey - 4 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife
  • Salt - to taste
  • Nutmeg - on the tip of a knife
  • For the sauce:
  • Canned cherries - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Starch - 1.5 tsp.


  1. Rinse the duck breasts thoroughly and make small cuts. Then add a little salt, grease with cinnamon, nutmeg and honey, and leave to marinate for at least 2 hours.
  2. After 2-3 hours, you need to drain the juice that appears.
  3. Place the breasts on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.
  4. At this time you need to cook the cherry sauce.
  5. Add the drained marinade from the breasts to the canned cherries and boil for 2-3 minutes, then add starch and the sauce is ready.
  6. Place the finished duck on a plate and pour the sauce over it.

Monastery style duck


  • Duck - 1 pc.
  • Rice - 2 tbsp.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Duck broth - 4 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


  1. Rinse the duck and boil in salted water until tender.
  2. Fry dry rice in vegetable oil until golden brown and place in a baking tray with high sides and lightly salt.
  3. Finely chop the onion and fry until golden brown and place in a baking tray on top of the rice.
  4. Cut the duck into pieces and place on the onion.
  5. Pour duck broth over everything, add salt and pepper.
  6. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 25-30 minutes until all the liquid is absorbed.
  7. Place the finished duck with rice on plates and enjoy the taste.

Bon appetit!