What are invitations to public events called? How to write an official invitation to an event? When to send a written business invitation

Dear (full name)! (Name of organization) invites you to take direct part in the work conferences , which will take place on (date) at (venue).

The Conference will include about 20 sections, as well as a number of exhibitions and round tables. The congress and registration of participants will take place (date, time and place of registration of participants).

Dear (full name)!

It is with great pleasure that we inform you that the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on (the theme of the conference) has finally decided on the place and time of its holding. As expected earlier, it will take place in Moscow (date). The official name is (name of the conference), which fully corresponds to the area of ​​your professional interests.

Taking into account your outstanding achievements in this area, I have been instructed to agree with you on the likelihood of your speaking on the first day at the plenary session with the keynote address. In addition, we invite you to also speak at the final meeting as the main speaker, for your part appreciating the work done at the Conference.

Of course, the Organizing Committee will include in the program all collective and individual messages and reports that you consider necessary at the Conference.
I will inform you more soon detailed information on the organization of the conference.

If you have any questions, call me at the phone number you know.

I really hope to receive an affirmative answer from you in the very near future.

With friendly greetings and Best wishes, (position and full name).

(Name of organization) invites progressive industrial, political and public figures to take part in (name and date of the conference), in discussions and round table discussions, evaluate the innovations presented at the master classes.

(The topics of the conference, master classes and round tables are listed).

Applications for participation are accepted (date until which applications are accepted).

(The place and time of the conference is indicated).

We invite you to come to our conference!
Please state the topic, identify trends !
There will be experts here, there will be a lot of debate
And reports are discussed in private conversations!
Please send us your applications for participation.
Accept the invitation, we will be glad to see you!

We invite you to come to the international
The conference will be held here in the city!
Participation in it, colleagues, is a noble cause!
Everyone will find a topic to their liking!
Send us an application, pay the fee,
Register and the issue is resolved!

Colleagues, we invite you
To a meeting-conference,
What will happen here with us,
Will compete
Other events!

Let's hurry up with you
Take part in it!
We will solve many issues,
Let us help you understand

The whole situation here
The region has developed.
Come, listen, weigh your opinions,
May the meeting succeed!

Dear ladies, gentlemen!
We invite you to participate
In the conference and give the answer here: (address, e-mail).
We will consider your arrival here as happiness!

We invite you to the conference!
You will get acquainted with the experience of companies!
We are increasing our competence here
And we’re talking about great success!

If all this interests you,
The information is given below.
And if there is something specifically that worries you,
Always call by phone!

If anything else is interesting
Call and ask us.
We will tell everything directly and honestly!
We will be glad to see you!

We invite you to the conference!
The best minds will be present here!
We also count you among them!
Come, friend! We invite you!

The conference will take place, the meeting will take place!
We invite you to visit it too!
Pay attention to us during the day or in the evening,
Please send your application for participation five days in advance!

An invitation letter is a type of business notification message. Why you need an invitation letter is clear from the name. If you are holding an exhibition, you need to somehow notify partners and other people involved about this, and also motivate them to attend the event. Let's figure out how to do this correctly and correctly.

What to write?

The exhibition invitation letter must invite you to the exhibition. That’s it, it doesn’t serve any other purpose. There is no need to hint that you want to change the terms of cooperation with the invitee, you should not mention any other events and generally raise any issues that are not relevant to the case.

The text of the message should be concise. Don’t talk about the exhibition in too much detail – just mention the most important points. Why is the exhibition being organized, what will happen there? When where? You can briefly mention that the event will be attended by the director of some reputable company. It is permissible to say a few words about the opportunities opening up for exhibitors. All this easily fits into 10–20 sentences (and the text itself usually takes up no more than half of a Word page).

Indicate the event program, if provided. This becomes necessary when holding, for example, an exhibition-presentation. But if at the presentation they will talk about a dozen new models, do not list them all - it is better to limit yourself to a phrase like “several new product lines will be presented.”

How to write?

A letter of invitation is a completely official message, and it is drawn up according to the principles of writing business letters. Use standard addresses and expressions:

  • we invite you (we have the honor to invite you);
  • allow me (let me) invite you;
  • we will (would be) grateful (appreciative, obliged) if you can (could) visit the exhibition;
  • We ask you not to refuse us this courtesy.

The invitation can be sent to all the necessary recipients at once, or you can get confused and write personalized letters. It will take longer, but the response will be warmer. If you are sending a letter to a specific person, use the wording of a personal address: “Dear(s)....”.

And don’t forget the rules for writing the pronoun “you”. When addressing a specific person, write it with capital letters, when mass mailing or contacting several people in one letter - with a small one.

Design and details

You can write an invitation to letterhead, but this is not at all necessary. You have the right to choose any “media” - a regular sheet for printing, a cardboard card, a colored form of a non-standard format... Feel free to use artistic design with decorative elements if you want. Patterns, drawings, ornaments - all this is acceptable. Little things like this can greatly increase the attractiveness of a letter.

The list of required details is standard:

  • the name of your organization;
  • basic information and reference data about it (address, code, etc.);
  • date of compilation and registration number;
  • name of the addressee (company name or full name of a specific person, or both);
  • manager's signature;
  • mark about the performer.

A sample invitation letter to the exhibition can be downloaded here.

Like other notification messages, the invitation is drawn up according to a standard template:

  • name and address of your company, other necessary details;
  • contact details (phone, email);
  • address (“Dear sirs!”, “Dear Vladimir Petrovich!”);
  • the invitation itself (“We invite you to take part in the exhibition “...”, which will be held at...”);
  • list of organizers (“Our company is the organizer of this event”);
  • list of presenters (“Companies “...” and “...” will present their products”);
  • basic information (what the exhibition is about, what issues will be discussed, what goals are planned to be achieved);
  • additional information (“You will benefit greatly from this activity because...”);
  • a link to a website where you can register, view more detailed information about the event, etc. (or a phone number where you can call for any clarification);
  • position, full name and signature of the manager;
  • date of.

Don't be afraid to adjust this template if necessary. Nothing terrible will happen if you use other expressions (of course, equally correct) or write a letter in easy, “informal” language. Organizers and presenters may also not be indicated. By the way, some originals even send invitations to poetic form, but not everyone will take this format for granted.

The invitation letter can be duplicated in in electronic format, but there is a high chance that it will simply get lost in the recipient’s mailbox among spam and business correspondence. It is better to use the good old “printed” version.

Letter of invitation to a product exhibition

Dear partners!

On December 20, 2015, the largest exhibition of construction equipment will be held in Moscow.

For the past five years, this event has annually brought together consumers, distributors and manufacturers of unmanned construction droids.

The Robostroy exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to establish business contacts, attract new clients, and find reliable partners. As before, the exhibition will feature stands of participants from Germany, the USA, Japan and the Netherlands, offering the most modern technical solutions.

To visit the Robostroy exhibition, you need to register on the website robostroy.rf. The procedure for issuing an electronic invitation is simple and will not take you more than two minutes.

Venue: Moscow, st. Pushkin, village Kolotushkina. Starts on December 20 at 13:00. We will be glad to see you!

Letter of invitation to the exhibition-fair

Dear Alexander Vladimirovich!

From September 20 to 21, 2015, the exhibition-fair “Achievements” will be held in St. Petersburg at the Eurasia cultural and exhibition center National economy Ingria".

More than 100 enterprises from Russia and Estonia will take part in the exhibition, representing the engineering, chemical, processing, metal and woodworking, light, printing, food industries, as well as Agriculture and the service sector. Guests of the event will be treated to a food fair from local producers.

The exhibition will be held on September 20 and 21 from 10:00 to 20:00. Free admission. We will be grateful for your attendance at this event!

Letter of invitation to a sales exhibition

Dear friends!

We invite you to visit the exhibition and sale of children's toys, which will be held from October 14 to 16, 2015 in Yekaterinburg in the Orange shopping center on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street.

Presumably from 15 to 20 Russian, Belarusian and European manufacturers of children's toys will be presented at the exhibition. Participants will demonstrate new samples of their products - from soft toys to the most complex models of helicopters. We believe that it is unnecessary to mention the benefits of participating in such an event.

Your invitations have already been sent by mail.

Exhibition opening hours:

You can find out more information on the official website of the exhibition. Waiting for you!

As you can see, everything is elementary - just use the above examples of invitation letters to the exhibition. And don’t forget to send the letter in advance so that the recipient can relate his plans to the event to which he is invited. If the exhibition will be held for one day, you can notify partners about this one to two weeks before the start. If the event is pompous, large-scale and long-lasting (2-3 days or more), the message should be sent at least a month in advance.

Between companies or different offices of the same company often appears business correspondence. In a letter you can always provide information about the order, clarify details, or invite you to a meeting. In this material we will figure out how to properly design invitation letter, a sample of which you can download at the bottom of the material in word format.

Invitation letterofficial letter, which is sent to the recipient on the occasion of an event, conference, meeting. An invitation letter can be issued to invite a person to an interview or meeting. Many companies use the oral form of transmitting text information, and an invitation letter appears as an additional means of showing attention to the addressee.

As an official document, a letter of invitation has a number of advantages; let’s consider them all in order.

  1. Thanks to such a letter, you can show respect for the recipient.
  2. The presence of such a letter indicates that the recipient is really invited to the event and must arrive on time.
  3. Such a letter can be sent to the addressee if it is not possible to contact him in any other way.
  4. The invitation letter will always be in front of the recipient, and he will not forget about the upcoming meeting, for example, if he was invited to participate as a speaker at an official event.

You can send such an invitation letter using the services of the Russian Post or e-mail.

We also invite you to download samples of a reminder request, confirmation, and request.

How to correctly write a letter of invitation to an interview, meeting or meeting?

Any official event involves active and passive participants, who must be invited in advance by sending them an invitation letter. Having such a letter in hand, participants in conferences, seminars, meetings or meetings will be able to prepare and plan their time rationally.

Such a document is drawn up on the company’s letterhead with contact details and details. In the upper corner of the letter the personal data of the addressee is indicated, and, if necessary, the name of the enterprise or company.

The address to the addressee is written in the center, then the essence of the letter is stated in a free style. It is imperative to mention the event to which you are inviting the recipient. This could be a meeting or interview, meeting or meeting, conference or tasting, etc. It is necessary to indicate the name of the event and attach the program, if available.

Next, indicate the date of the event and the exact time. The location of the events is indicated in detail. In addition to the address, you must indicate the exact number of the house, office, floor and even directions, ways to get to the meeting place. In particularly difficult cases, a plan of the building in which the company's office is located is required.

You can end the invitation letter with gratitude to the addressee for showing attentiveness to the letter and its contents, and for taking the time to study the enclosed materials. The author signs the letter and, if necessary, puts a stamp.

Having such an invitation, the addressee can respond to it, confirm his participation in the event or refuse, presenting reasonable arguments.

Download the invitation letter. Sample filling

Letter #1:
Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to become participants in the scientific conference [name].

The topic [title] has long attracted the attention of specialists. At the conference we would like to talk about [...]. And, of course, we will talk about [...].

The conference is planned to be accompanied by an exhibition of objects illustrating the topics under consideration. It is planned to publish the texts of the reports and the exhibition catalogue.

The conference will take place 12.08.2013 in business center "Delopis.ru" ().

Applications should be sent by 08/10/2013.

Petr Petrov

Letter #2:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We invite you to international conference[Name].

Main objectives of the conference:
task 1
task 2
task 3

In the conference program:
event 1
event 2
event 3

The registration fee for participation in the conference is 37000 rubles, incl. VAT 18% (transfer, lunches, coffee breaks, stationery).

Conference schedule:
Registration from 8.00 to 9.00 hours.
The conference starts at 9.00.

Conference location:

Applications for participation in the conference are accepted until 15.08.2013 year in the form to email addresses: or [mail address] or by fax: [number].

By organizational issues Contact: [last name, first name of contact person], tel.: [number], email address: [mail address].

Petr Petrov

Letter #3:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

LLC "Delopis.ru" And LLC "New Technologies" are holding an innovative scientific and practical conference [name].

During the conference, it is planned to analyze the situation in the market for the construction of individual housing, consider emerging trends in it, discuss innovative solutions proposed for implementation in the field of individual housing construction, show the prospects for using local resources for the development of low-cost individual housing construction.

Representatives of the regional executive authorities and municipalities, agricultural, construction and design organizations, authors of innovative developments.

Participation in the conference is free.

The conference will take place 12.08.2013 year in Moscow by the address: st. Lev Tolstoy, 15

Conference organizing committee: [phone].

Petr Petrov

Letter #4:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

Company "Delopis.ru" invites you to take part in the conference [name]. The conference is aimed at the participation of enterprise managers, chief engineers, chief designers and technologists, chief project engineers, heads of design automation and information technology departments.

Location: Moscow, st. Lev Tolstoy, 15. To participate, you must register on the corporate website http://www.site/.

Petr Petrov

Letter #5:
Dear Colleagues!

"Delopis.ru" I am pleased to invite you to the conference [name], which will take place 12.08.2013 at [venue].

The conference will discuss general concepts for ensuring enterprise information security. Speakers will introduce participants to solutions in the field of security systems using specialized software, solutions based on specialized equipment will also be presented.

Participation in the conference is free, with mandatory pre-registration. You can register by filling out the application (attached) and sending it to: .

We will be glad to see you at the conference!

Petr Petrov

Letter #6:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

Dear Sirs!

We invite you to attend the consulting and practical conference [name], which will be held with 12.08.2013 by 22.08.2013 in the city Moscow on the territory of [venue].

The conference is aimed at business executives, top managers, IT directors of medium and large trade and manufacturing enterprises, for everyone who is interested in methods of improving enterprise management with the help of modern information technologies.

The purpose of the conference is to show how information Technology can help improve enterprise management, increase business profitability, reduce costs, increase capital turnover, etc. All these tasks are directly related to the effective operation of the enterprise in conditions market competition.

At the conference you will be able to get acquainted with the experience of such companies as:
Company 1
Company 2
Company 3

To make information exchange more effective, each training session includes both a lecture and a discussion part. Thanks to the participation of consultants from different companies, you will be able to get several points of view on resolving enterprise management problems, evaluate them and draw conclusions about the advisability of using certain techniques.

We draw your attention to the fact that the theme of the conference is focused on issues of enterprise development, so you can get the greatest effect by sending specialists who today play a decisive role in the transformation of your enterprise.

Conditions of participation: [website page address]

Conference program: [website page address]
Brief abstracts of reports: [website page address]

You can find out more detailed information by phone: [phone numbers], or by sending a request to .

Petr Petrov

Letter #7:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

LLC "Delopis.ru" invites you to attend the international conference [name], which will be held from 12 to 18 August current year.

The conference will include a discussion current problems, related to the real estate market of large cities, and will also consider a number of issues related to the introduction of new technologies that will improve the efficiency and profitability of all participants in the real estate market.

The conference program consists of two days of plenary sessions and thematic sections. In addition, one additional day will be devoted to business tours.

The following issues will be addressed at the conference:
- development of urban planning in large cities;
- features and technologies of work of realtors in the real estate market;
- real estate and construction financing;
- land use and approval of construction documentation;
- legislative regulation real estate market;
- attraction foreign investment.

Participation in our conference will allow you to learn about the latest trends in the real estate market, get the most useful and up-to-date information. In addition, the conference will provide you with the opportunity to promote own plans and ideas, as well as expand the circle of business contacts.

More detailed information about the conference can be found on the official website http://www.site/.

Petr Petrov